dustdancer | hi | 00:11 |
dustdancer | kann mir evtl jemand weiter helfen | 00:11 |
dustdancer | ich will bei mythbuntu nen epg installieren | 00:12 |
dustdancer | bin aber ein anfänger und komme net so recht klar | 00:12 |
tgm4883 | english? | 00:12 |
dustdancer | k | 00:12 |
dustdancer | sorry | 00:12 |
dustdancer | maybe so can help me | 00:12 |
dustdancer | i need a epg for the german television | 00:13 |
dustdancer | but im kind of a bloody noob | 00:13 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 00:13 |
tgm4883 | the only thing I know of for you is EIT | 00:13 |
dustdancer | k | 00:13 |
tgm4883 | are you using a digital tuner? | 00:13 |
dustdancer | analog | 00:14 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 00:14 |
tgm4883 | sorry, I don't know then | 00:14 |
tgm4883 | maybe someone else will take a look | 00:14 |
dustdancer | k no prob | 00:14 |
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doodz | hey peeps | 02:25 |
doodz | has anyone had experience getting a remote to work in mplayer ? im running mythbuntu 8.10 remote works fine in mythtv but when I go to mplayer the remote doesnt work...I have the appropriate mplayer key mappings for the remote but still nothing | 02:26 |
superm1 | doodz, try running your conf with ircat | 02:29 |
superm1 | make sure things match up in it | 02:29 |
doodz | ok do u mind explaining how to do it with ircat ? | 02:29 |
superm1 | i haven't used it in some time, but more or less it's "ircat lircrc" where lircrc is your lircrc for mplayer | 02:29 |
superm1 | generally it's ~/.lircrc which will include the mplayer conf from ~/.lirc/mplayer | 02:30 |
superm1 | er maybe its ircat mplayer lircrc | 02:30 |
superm1 | double check the manpage for syntax | 02:30 |
doodz | ok thanks ill check it out | 02:30 |
superm1 | anyhow whenever you get it opened, it will blurt out errors in your lircrc if they exist, otherwise press buttons and it should tell you the appropriate mplayer commands it would be doing | 02:30 |
doodz | ok getting somewhere... I've got ircat working with Mythtv | 02:36 |
doodz | but when using it with mplayer ircat displays no output when pressing buttons on remote | 02:36 |
doodz | ahh | 02:37 |
doodz | just had a look in ~/.lircrc | 02:38 |
doodz | and no mention of mplayer in it...... | 02:38 |
doodz | bingo | 02:39 |
doodz | thanks superml | 02:39 |
tgm4883 | superm1 or anyone, i'm going to eat, but i'm going to leave my question for everyone to ponder. Using XFS on 2 500GB sata drives, i'm getting major fragmentation (around 50000 per day). I've set the extra free space to 15GB, and each drive has around 30GB free. I'm not sure what else I should be looking at. It is probably worth noting that one of these drives was added later (after the first drive was full and had been ru | 03:27 |
tgm4883 | nning for around a year) | 03:27 |
tgm4883 | just looking for some ideas on what to dry | 03:27 |
tgm4883 | s/dry/try | 03:27 |
tgm4883 | anyway, gonna grab some pizza now | 03:27 |
superm1 | tgm4883, after a defrag run do the numbers improve? i'd suspect not | 03:28 |
superm1 | if not, then i think your only option is to clear out a lot of recordings, do a defrag run | 03:29 |
superm1 | and hope for the bestest | 03:29 |
wombo2 | how do you run a defrag on ubuntu? | 03:29 |
superm1 | wombo2, depends on the partition type | 03:29 |
wombo2 | EXT3 | 03:29 |
superm1 | wombo2, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Defragmentation | 03:31 |
superm1 | xfs supports online defrag. looks like ext3 doesn't. | 03:31 |
wombo2 | thanks ill have a read now, I dont think ive ever done it on a linux system | 03:31 |
wombo2 | ahh thats good EXT4 will include a defragger | 03:33 |
wombo2 | Im going to be doing my rebuild then with mythbuntu 9.04 hopefully with .22 | 03:33 |
tgm4883 | superm1, yea after a defrag they are much better | 03:45 |
tgm4883 | I have to do it every few hours though | 03:45 |
tgm4883 | wtf, I just finished a defrag and now it's worse :/ | 03:46 |
Bucket | hey everyone, any chance any of you would be able to tell me where to find x64 vista drivers for a conexant bt878 tuner card? | 05:30 |
mishehu | Bucket: I'd try google. of course, this channel is about mythbuntu, not about windows vista x64... | 05:48 |
mishehu | so i'd not expect anybody to really know that. | 05:48 |
Bucket | i know. just found ##windows. sorry | 05:48 |
tgm4883 | wtf | 05:53 |
tmetro | > gm4883: wtf, I just finished a defrag and now it's worse :/ | 06:23 |
tmetro | I have a cron job that runs this daily: | 06:23 |
tmetro | /usr/sbin/xfs_fsr -v /dev/video_vg/video_lv | 06:23 |
tmetro | on an XFS file system, which used to work, but when I checked it sometime after updating to 8.04 it no longer seemed to be effective on a perpetually full 1TB RAID array. I dropped the argument that was limiting the run time to an hour and I wrapped the defrag with calls to "/usr/sbin/xfs_db -c frag -r /dev/video_vg/video_lv" to get before and after stats, which seemed to help, but still it was going from mid to low 90% fragmente | 06:23 |
tgm4883 | tmetro, i'm getting decent results from doing the defrag command, but I have to do it every few hours then it sucks again soon. I'm going to do a massive RR and see if that helps | 06:51 |
MythbuntuGuest04 | Can anyone tell me how I configure mythbuntu to display on a tv via scart via a Pinnacle 300i tv card? | 08:27 |
wombo2 | !help chunky chicken? | 10:31 |
Zinn | !help chunky chicken? Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi | 10:31 |
doodz | hey peoples | 12:41 |
doodz | has anyone managed to get their remote control to work with things other than MythTV and mplayer etc..such as firefox and amarok ? | 12:42 |
Chaorain | I have static at the top of my screen when I watch tv is this a known problem? | 14:07 |
Chaorain | Also This system is so much better than windows. Now if only I could do with out my windows only programs. | 14:09 |
wombo2 | Checkout Wine | 14:09 |
wombo2 | www.winehq.org | 14:09 |
Chaorain | I'm talking high end games | 14:10 |
Chaorain | I'm to cheap to buy a progam like cegia | 14:10 |
Chaorain | yet | 14:10 |
Chaorain | But wine is awsome | 14:10 |
jduggan | hey guys | 14:24 |
jduggan | mythtv crashes playing various .iso's which are dvd images | 14:24 |
jduggan | segfault | 14:24 |
jduggan | im using .21-fixes | 14:24 |
jduggan | whats the best step for debugging? file a bug report? | 14:25 |
jduggan | starting with -v all, here is the log output http://sigkill.noffle.net/~jduggan/mythcrash.txt | 14:25 |
jduggan | looks like a dvdnav bug to me | 14:26 |
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d0netsFN | hey could someone help me | 17:52 |
d0netsFN | im having problems with my usb media | 17:52 |
d0netsFN | http://pastebin.com/m4fe584fc | 17:52 |
d0netsFN | thats my dmesg | 17:52 |
d0netsFN | but it doesnt show up in places or /media/ | 17:53 |
Jake1 | I'm having a problem with "Optical Discs -> Import DVD". Disc play is fine, mtd is running and recognizes disks and events, the only clue I'm going on is that I get eight entry lines (all identical) in /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log on entering the rip screen (which displays the familiar "No Jobs. Checking and/or waiting for DVD.". The line is "dvdripbox.o: Asked to add an audio track for a title that doesn't exist". | 19:19 |
BCampbell | Getting green video artifacts when viewing mythtv. was mentioned to me that I may not be running at the default screen resoution for mythtv. I have my screen set for 1280x1024. What should the resoultion be? | 19:19 |
Jake1 | Oh, sorry... somewhat relevant: I was getting the above problem under my MythTV installation, and thought it might be related to some customization. After a MythBuntu complete reinstall, I'm still getting the error. | 19:31 |
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