myrtlebeachbums | FYI - In The Press section pasted into UWN 125. | 02:46 |
tyche | kennymc0: Let me know when you're out, and I'll add the last of the Launchpad stuff. | 03:54 |
kennymc0 | i'm out | 03:54 |
tyche | kk. Thanks | 03:54 |
kennymc0 | np | 03:55 |
tyche | kennymc0: See what you think of that writeup: | 04:29 |
kennymc0 | looks good | 04:32 |
tyche | I know I laid it on rather thick, but I'd really like their help as well as their participation. | 04:32 |
tyche | Remember, I was having to enter the information in 2 calendars for a while. | 04:33 |
kennymc0 | who's the one complaining now | 04:35 |
kennymc0 | lol | 04:35 |
tyche | Nope. I'm not complaining. Just stating a fact. A fact that YOU have now taken over. HEH HEH HEH | 04:35 |
johnc4510 | morning | 17:02 |
tyche | Is it? You have evidence of that? | 17:05 |
johnc4510 | well, my eyes are in the upright position | 17:05 |
tyche | BTW, I authorized a pay raise for kennymc0. I doubled his pay. He had 35 Upcoming Meetings to enter, this week. | 17:06 |
johnc4510-laptop | lo | 17:06 |
johnc4510-laptop | lol | 17:06 |
tyche | See also: | 17:06 |
johnc4510-laptop | looking | 17:06 |
johnc4510-laptop | yep | 17:09 |
johnc4510-laptop | what about the updates, have they just not started pages for 6.06 and 7.10? | 17:09 |
tyche | Think I covered it well enough? | 17:09 |
tyche | kennymc0 looked. No January entry page at all. | 17:10 |
johnc4510-laptop | yeah looked like it, ofcourse there will be questions and those that don't follow it | 17:10 |
tyche | I'm wondering if they're just not reporting them. | 17:10 |
johnc4510-laptop | did liraz contribute this wk? | 17:11 |
johnc4510-laptop | his name is in the credits | 17:11 |
tyche | He put in the Security and Updates. kennymc0 checked them, and added a couple and edited some. | 17:11 |
johnc4510-laptop | k | 17:11 |
tyche | He did NOT do the Stats. kennymc0 put them in. | 17:11 |
johnc4510-laptop | something looks wrong with the Glossary of terms too, no beginning == i think | 17:12 |
tyche | I'll fix that when I get there. I've been going through the UWN looking for terms. I'm not done yet. | 17:12 |
johnc4510-laptop | kk | 17:13 |
johnc4510-laptop | thx | 17:13 |
tyche | Glossary is in. | 17:19 |
johnc4510-laptop | k | 17:20 |
johnc4510-laptop | thx | 17:20 |
johnc4510-laptop | did dave do ITP this wk? | 17:20 |
tyche | Yep | 17:21 |
tyche | And you were right about the Glossary. It was unequal. Hee hee | 17:22 |
johnc4510-laptop | ah | 17:22 |
johnc4510-laptop | dave is really getting the hang of it i think | 17:22 |
johnc4510-laptop | still a little wordy, but much better | 17:23 |
johnc4510-laptop | :) | 17:23 |
tyche | Yea, he did good. I made a couple of corrections (REALLY minor). | 17:23 |
johnc4510-laptop | great | 17:23 |
tyche | He also dropped a couple of links that you'd put in. They were dupes from last week. | 17:23 |
tyche | He commented them out in the edit page | 17:24 |
johnc4510-laptop | kk | 17:24 |
johnc4510-laptop | np | 17:24 |
johnc4510-laptop | the woman with the dell summary | 17:24 |
johnc4510-laptop | we should add a "note:" at the bottom about some in the community and their answers don't you think? | 17:25 |
LaserJock | anybody around? I'm confused about the calendaring situation | 17:25 |
johnc4510-laptop | LaserJock: yeah, tyche is here | 17:25 |
johnc4510-laptop | ask away | 17:25 |
tyche | LaserJock: What's up? | 17:25 |
LaserJock | basically, what the heck is going on? :-) | 17:26 |
LaserJock | i go to the fridge calendar and it's totally not in sync with this new google calendar | 17:26 |
boredandblogging | LaserJock: ignore, it will not be maintained in the future | 17:27 |
johnc4510-laptop | we've had to switch to a google calendar because it's become un-adaptable | 17:27 |
johnc4510-laptop | the fridge calendar that is | 17:27 |
LaserJock | boredandblogging: well that's kinda dumb, don't put it on fridge then | 17:27 |
boredandblogging | nuzum just hasn't gotten around to pulling it | 17:27 |
boredandblogging | pulling | 17:27 |
boredandblogging | actually | 17:27 |
boredandblogging | I might be able to redirect it | 17:28 |
LaserJock | I've been trying to make schedules based on fridge only to find out it's not right :( | 17:28 |
johnc4510-laptop | we won't in the future but this is a transition period | 17:28 |
tyche | LaserJock: Use | 17:28 |
LaserJock | so can i still submit events via mailing list? | 17:28 |
boredandblogging | LaserJock: you can do it yourself now | 17:28 |
boredandblogging | look at | 17:28 |
LaserJock | boredandblogging: I don't want to do it myself | 17:29 |
boredandblogging | why? | 17:29 |
tyche | LaserJock: Submit it, and I'll put it on for you. | 17:29 |
johnc4510-laptop | you have to type an email with the same info you would put in | 17:29 |
LaserJock | tyche: that's an awful calendar, how do we know where stuff is when Open Week's mixed in there | 17:29 |
LaserJock | ? | 17:29 |
boredandblogging | open week is being held in irc as well | 17:30 |
boredandblogging | just like any other meeting you would schedule | 17:30 |
LaserJock | I just want #ubuntu-meeting stuff | 17:30 |
LaserJock | it's hard to figure out a schedule when *everything* is on there | 17:30 |
boredandblogging | the original fridge calendar was never only #ubuntu-meeting | 17:30 |
boredandblogging | it was mostly, but not completely | 17:31 |
LaserJock | yeah, but it wasn't usually things like the open week schedule | 17:31 |
tyche | It's just that, with the original, not too many people used it. So it was mostly the recurring events. | 17:31 |
LaserJock | anyway, if I can still email in news I guess it'll be ok | 17:31 |
tyche | I'm still here. And I can still put them up for you. | 17:31 |
LaserJock | is there any way to get the google calendar to do 24hr time? | 17:32 |
tyche | Not that I've seen. It IS using UTC (GMT - NO daylight) | 17:33 |
LaserJock | yeah, but UTC isn't very helpful when I've got am/pm to contend with ;-) | 17:34 |
nizarus | boredandblogging, it's a little bit confusing | 17:34 |
nizarus | "The Fridge calendar is used to organize meetings around the community, specifically ones that take place in #ubuntu-meeting. " | 17:34 |
johnc4510-laptop | LaserJock: you can go into settings and under time format change it | 17:34 |
tyche | LaserJock: PM is just the time + 12 | 17:35 |
nizarus | i added an event meeting for u-tn LoCo after that i remove it | 17:35 |
tyche | After a while, it becomes second nature. Like 4:00 PM is 16:00 | 17:35 |
LaserJock | tyche: right, but that means I have to add 12 then do the right ofsets, gets confusing :-) | 17:35 |
LaserJock | johnc4510-laptop: where is the settings? | 17:35 |
tyche | there are also tables for time zones. | 17:35 |
johnc4510-laptop | LaserJock: top right of page | 17:36 |
johnc4510-laptop | for settings | 17:36 |
johnc4510-laptop | next to your email address | 17:36 |
tyche | On the Google calendar page, not the Fridge version. | 17:36 |
johnc4510-laptop | right | 17:36 |
LaserJock | hmm | 17:37 |
LaserJock | I'm sorry guys, this is just really frustrating to me. I'll try not to take it out on you. | 17:38 |
johnc4510-laptop | if you don't see it you may have to set up an account | 17:38 |
johnc4510-laptop | np | 17:38 |
tyche | Hey, you're not taking it out on us. We understand. | 17:38 |
tyche | Change is always disruptive. But sometimes change is necessary. | 17:39 |
LaserJock | this google calendar thing is going to a big step back for me, though I certainly know the recuring events pain (been there, done that) | 17:39 |
tyche | Hee hee. You weren't the one keeping 2 calendars in sync. | 17:40 |
tyche | THAT was a pain. | 17:40 |
johnc4510-laptop | yep, and we had no way to do recurring events in the fridge calendar | 17:40 |
LaserJock | right, I did the Fridge events for a bit, it is a pain | 17:40 |
johnc4510-laptop | ah so you know the problems | 17:40 |
johnc4510-laptop | hee hee | 17:40 |
LaserJock | but the pain was supposed to movtivate CIS, not a move to Google Calendar :-) | 17:40 |
tyche | If it helps, see also | 17:41 |
LaserJock | tyche: that's what got me here. I had no idea the google calendar existed until this morning | 17:41 |
johnc4510-laptop | that was probably ok at first, but the number of events has increased dynamically recently too | 17:42 |
tyche | Hmm. I thought it had been published as being out there. | 17:42 |
LaserJock | so why not use openid and enlarge the group of people who can add events? | 17:42 |
LaserJock | tyche: could have been but I never saw it | 17:42 |
LaserJock | I don't remember if you can have drupal lock down a specific content category/type, but creating an event_contributor role and allowing say ~ubuntumembers access would seem reasonable | 17:43 |
LaserJock | is it possible to do tagging in Google Calendar? | 17:45 |
tyche | I thought it had been opened up for a while. But very few people used the Fridge/Drupal calendar | 17:45 |
johnc4510-laptop | not sure, the biggest problem with the fridge drupal is that it is a customized (hacked) drupal that won't accept new plugins without them being altered | 17:45 |
LaserJock | johnc4510-laptop: of course, but that's why we have an army of smart Canonical hackers ;-) | 17:46 |
johnc4510-laptop | lol | 17:46 |
johnc4510-laptop | yes but... | 17:46 |
tyche | They all told us that they couldn't do it, because of security holes. | 17:47 |
johnc4510-laptop | they don't always have the time to redo things | 17:47 |
LaserJock | tyche: yes, security has become a very handy excuse for "Won't Fix" | 17:47 |
tyche | I don't know about that. I'm just a "Dumb User". LOL | 17:47 |
LaserJock | somehow just about every other organization manages to do this | 17:48 |
LaserJock | it's just flat out unacceptable and inexusable that Ubuntu doesn't have a decent even calendaring system | 17:51 |
LaserJock | *event | 17:51 |
LaserJock | have you guys brought the calendaring up to the CC or TB? | 17:52 |
tyche | Yea. Mark said "do it" | 17:53 |
LaserJock | do what? | 17:53 |
tyche | Go to Google | 17:54 |
LaserJock | I was thinking more of lodging a complaint against Canonical (CIS) to either/both CC & TB | 17:54 |
LaserJock | this is years of pretty awful "service", I think the community should be able to lodge a complaint | 17:55 |
tyche | That had been done prior. And someone had been put on investigating the situation. The outcome was that "it couldn't be done". There is also the possibility that the entire Fridge may change in the future, but that's still in the planning stages. | 17:56 |
LaserJock | doubtful it'd go anywhere since CC/TB == Canonical but it's worth putting out there | 17:56 |
johnc4510-laptop | LaserJock: have you seen this?: | 17:56 |
LaserJock | sure, I've heard that a news system was coming for well over a year | 17:57 |
johnc4510-laptop | with a new news page we may be able to use a drupal plugin with a calendar | 17:57 |
johnc4510-laptop | we're not sure yet | 17:57 |
LaserJock | well, I'm glad nand has put his website magic to it, it doesn't look half bad | 17:58 |
LaserJock | but we've had mockups forever and it's always bottlenecked on CIS | 17:58 |
LaserJock | anyway, I'm starting to sound like a scratchy broken record | 17:59 |
LaserJock | :-) | 17:59 |
tyche | Not as bad as 78RPMs. LOL | 17:59 |
johnc4510-laptop | this is something mark is interested in so we shouldn't have that kind of problem | 17:59 |
LaserJock | frankly I don't see how Mark can say he's interested | 17:59 |
LaserJock | this has been a consistent and know problem for years and yet he's done very little towards it that I've ever seen | 18:00 |
tyche | I've seen some of the logs from the past 6 months or so, and believe me, he's interested. | 18:00 |
LaserJock | well, "shows interest" perhaps and I hope he really is interested | 18:01 |
LaserJock | but like I said, you can say you're interested and all, but if you don't deliver anything it's kinda hard to make that claim | 18:02 |
tyche | Well, he does have other things on his plate. And he's passed things off to others to do (this is called "delegation"). And he's kept up with what the situation is. | 18:03 |
tyche | That's the best that one can hope for, really | 18:04 |
LaserJock | but honestly the problem is that he delegates *to* the problem :-) | 18:04 |
tyche | Yes, but there's a certain amount of expectation there that doesn't happen when someone lower makes a request. One does not tell the boss that you don't want to do it. You've got to have some pretty good reasons for it not getting done. | 18:05 |
tyche | We've also had discussions with some of the SysAdmins concerning this, so we have some idea of what they're up against. | 18:06 |
LaserJock | and that's where the "interest" part comes in. Mark's gotta really show that he believes in the Fridge or Ubuntu infrastructure in general | 18:06 |
tyche | This was a "last ditch" attempt to at least put something workable in place. | 18:06 |
tyche | I believe he does. | 18:06 |
LaserJock | I hopes so | 18:07 |
johnc4511-laptop | new issue of UWN available: available at: | 22:13 |
johnc4511-laptop | available at: | 22:13 |
* johnc4511-laptop says thanks for all the team for another great issue of the UWN :) | 22:49 | |
johnc4511-laptop | great job folks | 22:49 |
=== johnc4511-laptop is now known as johnc4510-laptop | ||
greg-g | heya johnc4510, a couple of quick comments: | 23:21 |
greg-g | on the fridge article the phrase "Except where otherwise noted, content in this issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License BY SA Creative Commons License" should probably be: | 23:21 |
greg-g | "Except where otherwise noted, content in this issue is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License" with everything starting with "Creative" and ending with "License" being linkified to | 23:21 |
greg-g | and your personal blog (which goes to planet.ubuntu) the text should also be what is above. There is a descripency between what you say it is licensed under (attribution only) and what you link to (by-sa). | 23:21 |
greg-g | s/descripency/discrepancy/ | 23:22 |
tyche | greg-g: There's no discrepancy, really. The Fridge is controlled by the Community. johnc4510's blog is personal. He can make it whatever he wants. The planet doesn't control what an individual copyrights. See also my blog | 23:42 |
greg-g | tyche: not what I meant. | 23:48 |
greg-g | the text says it is licensed under a CC:BY license when it links to the CC:BY-SA license | 23:48 |
tyche | Note your first - It say BY SA | 23:51 |
greg-g | tyche: go to his blog post: | 23:52 |
greg-g | at the bottom, it says only BY | 23:52 |
greg-g | but links to BY-SA | 23:52 |
greg-g | I told him about the discrepancy before on the wiki (had the same problem) and he acknowledged it, it just must have fell through the cracks of the template. | 23:54 |
tyche | Maybe. But I think, because of the link, that it still counts. | 23:54 |
greg-g | tyche: what still counts? and counts as what? | 23:54 |
tyche | It still counts as a BY SA. Especially since it isn't called out in the preceeding text. | 23:55 |
greg-g | it is called out | 23:55 |
greg-g | "Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 LicenseCreative Commons License | 23:55 |
greg-g | " | 23:55 |
greg-g | that is a direct quote from his blog | 23:55 |
tyche | I know. I'm reading it. | 23:56 |
greg-g | the last 3 words are linked to the by-sa license, though | 23:56 |
tyche | Yep. That's the version that it's released under | 23:56 |
greg-g | so, what I'm saying is change it to: Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Creative Commons License | 23:56 |
tyche | Well, I'm not a copyright lawyer, but I think you'll find that it's still covered, since a link is provided for the actual license. | 23:57 |
greg-g | there is a difference in saying "Creative Commons Attribution" and linking to Attribution-ShareALike | 23:57 |
tyche | It might be nice if he changed it, but it's not vital | 23:58 |
greg-g | I don't understand why you don't want what you say to match what you link to. | 23:58 |
greg-g | it is AS DIFFERENT as saying "I use Linux" and having the word "linux" link to | 23:59 |
greg-g | but, do what you want | 23:59 |
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