
sergeykishhello, is it a channel about http://upstart.ubuntu.com ?23:01
sergeykishsee it :-)23:01
sergeykishI've created a python daemon and run it using upstart. It runs good - I can see it using `ps ax | grep name`, but `status name` shows (stop)23:04
sergeykishI run script using exec: $ cat /etc/event.d/tamagotchi 23:06
sergeykishexec /usr/local/sbin/tamagotchi.py23:06
sadmacsergeykish: does your python daemon fork?23:10
sergeykishsadmac, yes23:10
sergeykishit use standart daemonize method23:11
=== sadmac_ is now known as sadmac
sergeykishsadmac, thanks - googled the `upstart daemon fork` and found decision https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/9996223:33

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