* charlie-tca picks head up off desk again! | 00:01 | |
charlie-tca | fbc: does something have a file/folder open on that volume? | 00:02 |
fbc | charlie-tca, no, it umounts just fine, it just automatically remounts before i can remove it.. | 00:19 |
fbc | charlie-tca, as soon as I click unmount, it reopens again | 00:20 |
fbc | charlie-tca, reopen = remounts and opens a again | 00:20 |
charlie-tca | That remount is why I asked. Normally a quick remount is caused by something having a file open. | 00:21 |
charlie-tca | Is it an external drive? | 00:21 |
Spind | Anybody can help me? I'm trying to install the VIA Savage drivers in Xubuntu. I downloaded the file savage_drv.o and I must move it to the Drivers folder (maybe /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers or /etc/X11/XF86Config ) but I can't find any XF86Config file or folder. | 00:21 |
Spind | I'm using Xubuntu 8.10 | 00:21 |
charlie-tca | fbc: It's not an NFS drive or Samba? | 00:22 |
fbc | Spind, so am I wat's your problem? | 00:22 |
fbc | charlie-tca, nope just a CF flash in a pcmcia adapter | 00:22 |
Spind | Xubuntu don't recogniced my ideo card | 00:22 |
fbc | Spind, what kinda video card do you have? | 00:23 |
Spind | video card, and the graphics are poor (I think is in 16 colors now) | 00:23 |
fbc | Spind, usually a modprobe at the name of your driver will fix that, but have you tried the DISPLAY option the settings manager? | 00:24 |
Spind | the lspci give this: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266 | 00:24 |
* cody-somerville wonders why anyone things they need to "install" drivers for old video cards. | 00:24 | |
cody-somerville | *thinks | 00:24 |
charlie-tca | fbc: May be a bug? You might want to file a bug report on it. | 00:24 |
Spind | fbc, the max resolution that xub allows me now is 1024 | 00:25 |
fbc | charlie-tca, hmm.. I guess it is then.. | 00:25 |
Spind | this sucks because I have a 17' monitor | 00:25 |
charlie-tca | fbc: Make sure you give the make and model, if you can | 00:25 |
fbc | charlie-tca, ok... | 00:25 |
Spind | I readed a posible solution in https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=1841457#post1841457 | 00:26 |
fbc | Spind, I used to know where everythig was in ubuntu, but in Xubuntu I'm a little lost. I know there is a utility that you can select which driver the X.conf uses, but I don't know how to bring it up in xubuntu. Maybe someone else here in the channel does. | 00:28 |
Spind | Thanks fbc, I'll still investigating | 00:28 |
fbc | Spind, try tryig S3 into the synaptics search box and see if you can find a driver compatible with your card. | 00:29 |
charlie-tca | Spind: I think the file will be xf86conf ; I am unable to find it. OTOH, I am in Jaunty | 00:29 |
fbc | Spind, that's how I foud my logitech webcam driver. In synaptics, there is a search box that you ca try "S3" into. | 00:30 |
Spind | s3switch - Manage the output device on S3 Savage chips :D Yeah! I'll try with this one. | 00:31 |
Spind | Thanks fbc and harlie-tca | 00:31 |
fbc | Spind, I do't think that will work, I think that is for switching you "composite out" on the video card on. | 00:32 |
Spind | fbc, you're right. It just a addon something else | 00:34 |
Spind | Come on guys! Don't bind me get back Windows | 00:35 |
charlie-tca | Open a terminal and try "locate xf86" without the quotes | 00:36 |
Spind | nop, just libxxf86*** files | 00:37 |
charlie-tca | Could it be it is an obsolete configurat | 00:39 |
charlie-tca | try man xf86config for information about the file | 00:39 |
charlie-tca | It was part of the old Xorg files that have been replaced by the automatic xorg configurator | 00:41 |
Spind | Yes, I see. "Well you might want to look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Ubuntu doesn't use XFree86 it uses Xorg." | 00:41 |
Spind | :P | 00:41 |
Spind | But what supose to do with the savage_drv.o file and that xorg.conf? | 00:42 |
fbc | Spind, I think you have the right driver, however it's not detecting the right amount of video memory to give you better graphics. | 00:42 |
fbc | Spind, you may have to search and discover how to specify the amount of memory you card has. | 00:43 |
fbc | Spind, that will probably be the only way to enable higher resolutions and better color depth | 00:43 |
Spind | fbc, I read in a spanish post that savage drivers has problems and you need install the nevers drivers from http://www.probo.com/timr/savage40.html | 00:46 |
Spind | Well, I'm investigating in some pages about savage and xorg. I'll back with news later. Thx a lot | 00:49 |
fbc | Spind, sounds like your on the right track.. | 00:49 |
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla | ||
pronto | hey, just installed xubuntu, and my CPU clock speed is wrong | 01:43 |
pronto | cpuinfo shows it @ 2800 MHz, when it should be 3800 Mhz | 01:44 |
pronto | just installed xubuntu 8.10 | 01:45 |
charding | If I have the ubuntu_server.iso on one harddrive, is it possible to mount that iso to install ubuntu on another drive on the same computer? | 02:07 |
batcoder-7 | what does xubuntu use for playing mp3 files ? | 02:20 |
pincush | ez all testing connects | 02:44 |
pincush | sum1 say sumthing plz | 02:45 |
tajlero | volume plugin is not working | 03:38 |
tajlero | it is not being added to the panel | 03:38 |
tajlero | it is not showing up | 03:38 |
tajlero | what should I do? | 03:38 |
tajlero | fixed the problem :D | 03:45 |
tajlero | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=375118 | 03:45 |
pronto | for sensors it shows AUX temp at 117C | 05:18 |
pronto | and since nothing is breaking... i assume just to ignore it | 05:18 |
batcoder-7 | what music player do you gys use ? | 05:32 |
Look4Help | hi guys ... is anyone around? | 06:10 |
pronto | hi | 06:19 |
Look4Help | pronto: sorry.. my kid came in all covered in dirt had to get him to go wash.. sorry | 06:23 |
Look4Help | yea anyways... I am thinking of putting Xunbuntu on my laptop.... I was just woundering... what would i do for an antivirus system and is there a way to install it as duel boot with otu destroying the current install? I was 1/2 though the setup but i coudln't tell if it is was adding to the boot list or if it was going to formate and partition the hdrives | 06:25 |
pronto | for antivirus i have no idea | 06:28 |
pronto | and yes you can install xubuntu with out deleting the current install | 06:28 |
pronto | you would need to resize your current partition, or use another harddrive | 06:29 |
pronto | but before you do anything back up your data | 06:29 |
Look4Help | how do you stop all the junk from getting on your system whrn you surf the net with out a antivirus / firewall solution? | 06:30 |
pronto | i havent used windows in years | 06:31 |
pronto | and i've never had problems with things | 06:31 |
Look4Help | is there somthing like visual C++ or somthing for it? | 06:31 |
pronto | what would you use visual c++ for? | 06:32 |
Look4Help | I'm doing a C++ course learning programming in my spare time | 06:33 |
pronto | i assume there is, not sure what though | 06:34 |
pronto | take a look at http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialC++.html | 06:34 |
Look4Help | Thanks pronto. | 06:36 |
pronto | i've never dont c++ dev, so if that does not help, check the ubuntu forums | 06:36 |
Look4Help | So, when i do the duel boot .. all data that xunbuntu uses needs to be on the partition.. like can it read the windows partition at all? or see network drives on windows systems on betwork? | 06:36 |
pronto | yes you can mount ntfs partitions with ntfs-3g | 06:37 |
Look4Help | so the "os" partition can be small and I can install ay apps i wish onto the other windows partition? | 06:37 |
pronto | i wouldnt reccomend installing apps for linux on a windows partition | 06:38 |
Look4Help | fair enough | 06:38 |
Look4Help | I am not ready to abandon windows... I guess I am worried about not havng acess to some apps I have come to know .... | 06:39 |
pronto | heh | 06:39 |
Look4Help | out of a 300g Hdrive on my laptop what % would you recommend is needed for xunbunti? | 06:39 |
pronto | right now my partition is 100GB | 06:39 |
pronto | but you can go alot lower then that | 06:39 |
Look4Help | I was using the install iso caleld "desktop".. what is "alterniotive"? | 06:40 |
pronto | xubuntu sites reccomends 1.5GB | 06:40 |
pronto | for min | 06:40 |
pronto | ". To install Xubuntu, you need 1.5 GB of free space on your hard disk" | 06:40 |
Look4Help | anyway when i was installing it recommended 26g.. seams small ? | 06:40 |
Look4Help | oh really.. crazy :) | 06:40 |
pronto | that should be good enough | 06:40 |
Look4Help | I think my windows dll dir is larger than that | 06:40 |
pronto | lol | 06:41 |
pronto | >.< can't think of whats it called but you should do it in windows everyso often... | 06:41 |
pronto | something with the harddrive | 06:41 |
Look4Help | OK... so basicly i can install th duel boto directly onto the computer with out destroyign the os that is there.... and i shoudl say have 50g for the unbuntu drive... and there is no firewall or antivirus? | 06:42 |
pronto | there is antivirus , i've never used it | 06:42 |
pronto | and for years i have been okay with only my router | 06:43 |
pronto | lots of people disagree with me , with out haveing a firewall | 06:43 |
Look4Help | ok.. well thansk pronto you have been a big hekp | 06:43 |
pronto | remember to back up importent data | 06:43 |
Look4Help | yea... i have already stripped it down to just the OS and installed apps on the windows system already | 06:44 |
pronto | awesome | 06:44 |
Look4Help | All my mates have been going on about unbuntu for a while and I have started seeing little unbuntu and xunbuntu tags all over the nbet in peoples sigs so i thought i would give it a try | 06:45 |
pronto | yeah, its nice | 06:45 |
pronto | i been using ubuntu since 2005 | 06:45 |
Look4Help | anyway... thanks again... I might be back now and then over the next day or so.. basicly untill i get the network sorted and replace miranda IM and stuff like that.... still once i get in there shoudl be cool... | 06:46 |
Look4Help | Is there a new user style FAQ around you know of i can read? | 06:46 |
pronto | use pidgin for AIM/msn | 06:46 |
pronto | http://www.xubuntu.org/help | 06:46 |
Look4Help | I think that comes already in the iso packadge if i remeber right | 06:46 |
Look4Help | ahh... fair enough "http://www.xubuntu.org/help" heh heh | 06:47 |
pronto | also http://ubuntuforums.org/ use the search | 06:47 |
pronto | great resource | 06:47 |
Look4Help | great.. i like forums as a help desk. MOst of the time the question is already there andanswered... for some reason i find them a lot easyer than knoladgebases | 06:48 |
pronto | yeah, thats the great thing about ubuntu | 06:48 |
Look4Help | assuming people use decent topics :) | 06:48 |
pronto | chances are , someone has already had the same problem as you | 06:48 |
Look4Help | ok LETS DO THIS!!! bbl | 06:49 |
pronto | kk, llater | 06:49 |
pronto | o.o | 06:52 |
* chickens hides | 06:52 | |
* pronto pokes chickens | 06:52 | |
batcoder-7 | what is that process manager used in xubuntu ? | 07:23 |
batcoder-7 | i cant remember its name | 07:23 |
jarnos | Does a session know, if it is started by automatic or timed login? | 08:28 |
nikolam | I see that screen session is not locked when I am switching users With Ctrl+Alt+Fx | 10:00 |
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla | ||
Look4Help | hi there.. anyoe about | 10:48 |
Look4Help | I hjave just done a new install (first time) on my laptop and everythign went well but i am not sure how to eg tthe wierless networking working? | 10:48 |
Look4Help | any ideas? | 10:49 |
Look4Help | I am loking at the xbuntu help docs but it bounced me to unbuntu and it seams to be diffrent as i can not fnd the same iconsand things in the wiki | 10:49 |
TheSheep | it's the same as in ubuntu, just the icon theme is different | 10:53 |
Look4Help | um... ok... hang on I'll try again | 10:55 |
Look4Help | wiki says "System-->Administration-->Networking" and that is not there though in the menu thing | 10:56 |
Look4Help | so i have been right clicking and going "edit connections" on the icon of the network at top right of screen is that correct? | 10:56 |
TheSheep | which version are you using? | 10:56 |
Look4Help | 8.10 Xfce Desktop | 10:57 |
TheSheep | and which version is the documentation for? | 10:57 |
TheSheep | Look4Help: right-click on the network icon next to the clock, it's all there | 10:57 |
Look4Help | um | 10:57 |
Look4Help | TheSheep: yea thanks i thougt that.. is there no way to "scan" like in windows... or od i have to enter everythign manualy? | 10:58 |
Relam | good morning | 11:00 |
Relam | im trying to find a live cd for ppc (powerbook g4), can someone give me an hint where to find? | 11:01 |
gabkdlly | Look4Help: i think the applet scans automatically | 11:01 |
Look4Help | um how do i do that? | 11:01 |
gabkdlly | should give you the options as to the networks it found be left-clicking | 11:01 |
TheSheep | Look4Help: if you left-click on the icon, it should show you a list of networks | 11:01 |
TheSheep | Relam: I think pps is no longer supported | 11:01 |
Look4Help | If i left click I only see a wirednetwork... (greyed out) an dVPN conection thing | 11:02 |
Look4Help | If i right click and go edit connections there is a tab called wierless but I can nto seea scan .. or know what i am mentot put into it.. | 11:03 |
Look4Help | I can get it to say OK.. but then wat | 11:03 |
Relam | TheSheep: oh, i see | 11:04 |
Look4Help | and once i "add" it then left click still dose not show it | 11:04 |
Look4Help | Is ther some instructions somone that tell me how to do this? | 11:04 |
Look4Help | An auto scan would be nice | 11:04 |
Relam | TheSheep: so i have to look out for a different distrtibution | 11:04 |
TheSheep | Relam: I think you can install ubuntu base and then install xubuntu-desktop on it, but I'm not sure | 11:05 |
Look4Help | ? | 11:09 |
Look4Help | Once i add a wireless network into that box.. ho do i get it to try to connect to it? | 11:11 |
Look4Help | is there a forum i can ask in then if you gys do not hav tme to help? | 11:13 |
TheSheep | !forums | 11:14 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. | 11:14 |
TheSheep | Look4Help: but it does autoscan and you just click on the entry to connect to it | 11:14 |
Look4Help | where is this entry | 11:14 |
TheSheep | in the left-click menu on that network icon | 11:15 |
Look4Help | yea i left click on the network icon and only one thign shoiws.. it says "WIRED NETWORK and has a greyd out option then "VPN conections" that is it | 11:16 |
TheSheep | http://files.fosswire.com/2008/07/networkmanager.png | 11:16 |
TheSheep | apparently your system doesn't see your wireless network card | 11:17 |
Look4Help | .. TheSheep how do you get that winsow? | 11:17 |
Look4Help | windo | 11:17 |
kj4 | hello all | 11:17 |
TheSheep | make sure it's enabled -- some laptops have a button for disabling wireless networking | 11:17 |
TheSheep | Look4Help: by left-clicking on the network icon | 11:17 |
Look4Help | In settings/hardware drivers it says the "support for atheros 802.11 wireless LAN card" is enabled | 11:18 |
Look4Help | um left clickign on the network icon just opens a smal drop down | 11:18 |
Look4Help | Says "wierd network" and under that greayed out is "auto eth0" and then a div line and VPN connections option | 11:19 |
TheSheep | when you right-click, do you have the checkbpx next to 'enable wireless'? | 11:20 |
TheSheep | checkbox | 11:20 |
Look4Help | Just enable networking | 11:20 |
Look4Help | and there is "edit connections" but nothign in in the wierless area | 11:20 |
kj4 | how do I add a 'shortcut' to the panel easily? | 11:20 |
TheSheep | kj4: right-click on the panel, select add new item, select launcher, drag and drop a shortcut to the list in the launcher settings | 11:21 |
Look4Help | so if i click on ""edit connections" there us a network connection window.. there is a "wireless" tab.. with nothign in it | 11:22 |
Look4Help | I hit ADD and fill it in... then OK.. and the ne network apers in the tab but then I still dose not sure in left click or i not see how i would get it to connect (next to it is written never) | 11:23 |
kj4 | TheSheep, drap it from where? | 11:23 |
TheSheep | kj4: from desktop, for example, or /usr/share/applications | 11:23 |
kj4 | drag | 11:23 |
kj4 | ah, ok. its easier to create the launcher on the desktop, using only the prog name and not the full path | 11:26 |
kj4 | then drag drop. thanks! | 11:26 |
=== jynks_ is now known as Look4Help | ||
Look4Help | Hi.. I have plugged in the network via lan so i cna get on the net... | 11:28 |
Look4Help | TheSheep, would you like me to show you screenshots of my system so you cna understand what i am saying? | 11:29 |
TheSheep | Look4Help: I think I understand. Your network manager doesn't know about your wireless card, so it doesn't display the wireless options | 11:30 |
Look4Help | I guess so... can i add it manualy or somthing? | 11:30 |
TheSheep | Look4Help: can you open the terminal, type 'ifconfig' in it and see if your wireless card is showing up? | 11:31 |
TheSheep | just don't paste it into the channel :) | 11:31 |
Look4Help | ok... how do i open the termainal | 11:32 |
TheSheep | it's in the menu, in accessories I thinnk | 11:32 |
Look4Help | Look4Help, heh thats wat pastebin is for :P | 11:32 |
TheSheep | yeah | 11:32 |
TheSheep | you should see at least three entries: eth0, lo and something like wlan0 | 11:33 |
Look4Help | http://pastebin.com/d8d530bc | 11:33 |
Look4Help | yea there is no wlan0 | 11:33 |
TheSheep | ok, so your computer doesn't see the card | 11:33 |
Look4Help | ahh | 11:34 |
Look4Help | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=798485&highlight=atheros+compatibility - Should i try this? | 11:34 |
TheSheep | not sure, it says the new drivers in Intrepid should work... | 11:36 |
Look4Help | it is wierd... the light on mylaptop is yellow for wireless.. it is normaly blue but pressing it dose nothign either | 11:36 |
Look4Help | yea | 11:36 |
Look4Help | this is what i though... and why i have not done that script thing | 11:36 |
TheSheep | you might try it, it says it has an uninstall option... | 11:38 |
Look4Help | guess as this is a fresh isntall it isn't hard to just restart form scratch at any time | 11:38 |
Look4Help | TheSheep, so in "netwrok conenctions" under the wireless tab.. I can add somthign tehre... what dose that do? | 11:41 |
TheSheep | adds a new network | 11:41 |
Look4Help | but the card still needs to be seen to so that? | 11:42 |
TheSheep | well, you can add networks without the card, but to use them the card has to be seen | 11:43 |
Look4Help | well script dose not work.... saus there is no subversion.. so i guess i am screwed | 11:43 |
Look4Help | http://linux.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=linux&cdn=compute&tm=22&f=00&su=p284.9.336.ip_p504.1.336.ip_&tt=2&bt=1&bts=1&zu=https%3A//wiki.ubuntu.com/WirelessTroubleshootingGuide | 11:48 |
Look4Help | is that what i shoudl be doing? | 11:48 |
Nadal80 | goodevening | 11:49 |
Look4Help | brb rebooting | 11:50 |
=== jynks is now known as Look4Help | ||
Look4Help | back | 11:55 |
Look4Help | dose nayone know if this woudl work? | 11:57 |
Look4Help | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/my-wireless-internet-wont-work.-680842/ | 11:57 |
Look4Help | I can not find this pack to install called "linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic" | 11:58 |
Look4Help | linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic the same thing as linux-restricted-modules-generic ? | 12:00 |
Look4Help | what was the help forum again? i think i will need to post tehre... as even with the herlp of a few I seam to be gettign nowhere | 12:01 |
TheSheep | !forums | 12:04 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. | 12:04 |
TheSheep | !repos | 12:04 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 12:04 |
Look4Help | tea i do not know what else to tyr so i am getting that pack io said as the one in the thread was not tehre | 12:05 |
Look4Help | so furustrating... that it didn't just install :( | 12:05 |
ron_o | how can I grab a window that's above my screen? in fluxbux you hold down "Alt" and can grab it with your mouse. But in Xubuntu I see no such option. | 13:09 |
TheSheep | same | 13:09 |
TheSheep | you can set which key to use in window manager tweaks in settings | 13:09 |
ron_o | funny, it's not working on a virtualbox window. :( | 13:10 |
ron_o | damn. | 13:11 |
TheSheep | ron_o: try changing it to a different key, for example I'm using the windows key for that | 13:13 |
ron_o | alright. | 13:13 |
ron_o | where *are* the key definitions? I can't find them. I see where you can change them in keyboard shortcuts... | 13:14 |
ron_o | I got it. You had to grab it when the machine was starting up. Some things can be such a pain when dealing with these 'simple' things. :) | 13:17 |
slow-motion | hi | 13:31 |
=== MisterFlibble is now known as JesusX | ||
=== JesusX is now known as Jesus_X | ||
=== Jesus_X is now known as MisterFlibble | ||
rgnr | hi all | 14:46 |
rgnr | where can i find visual effects? | 14:46 |
cybrhuman | what is the command for setting up monitor and such? I think it is dpkg-reconfigure but I don' remember the rest... | 15:42 |
gabkdlly | cybrhuman: xorg configuration is now done by hal, I think | 15:43 |
gabkdlly | for the most part at least | 15:43 |
cybrhuman | very possible, but I am used to fix things when I screw up through a dpkg-reconfigure command. | 15:45 |
cybrhuman | I should screw up more often so I didn't forget... | 15:49 |
=== primary is now known as BttleStarJesus | ||
=== BttleStarJesus is now known as BattleStarJesus | ||
|BaUmEr | hi all | 16:53 |
|BaUmEr | i was hoping someone might be able to help out with some ps3 issues | 16:53 |
|BaUmEr | anyone? please, this is so frustrating | 16:55 |
gabkdlly | |BaUmEr: hi | 16:58 |
|BaUmEr | hi gab | 16:58 |
gabkdlly | |BaUmEr: you must have some patience on IRC, sometimes the person with your answer is busy at the moment, but checks in every once in a while | 16:58 |
|BaUmEr | i know, i haven't been on in years | 16:58 |
|BaUmEr | i remember the waiting heh | 16:58 |
|BaUmEr | ok, so I have xubuntu installed on my ps3 | 16:59 |
|BaUmEr | but I can't get it to acknwoledge that there's a frickin disc drive | 16:59 |
|BaUmEr | says unable to mount | 16:59 |
|BaUmEr | even with nothing in it | 16:59 |
gabkdlly | I am pretty sure that you can't mount a drive that is empty | 16:59 |
gabkdlly | there has to be some medium in there in order for it to mount | 17:00 |
gabkdlly | on xubuntu, inserted media should be mounted automatically | 17:00 |
|BaUmEr | ok well I have a blu ray in there | 17:00 |
|BaUmEr | but it doesn't recognize it | 17:00 |
gabkdlly | oh | 17:00 |
|BaUmEr | it just shows "cd-rom" | 17:00 |
gabkdlly | I don't have any experience with blu-ray, sorry | 17:01 |
gabkdlly | but perhaps someone with more knowledge than I will come around | 17:01 |
charlie-tca | !psp | 17:01 |
ubottu | For information on using the PlayStation Portable with Ubuntu, please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PSP | 17:01 |
|BaUmEr | mount: block device /dev/scd0 is werite protected, mounting read0only | 17:01 |
|BaUmEr | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0 | 17:01 |
|BaUmEr | missing codepage or helper program | 17:01 |
charlie-tca | |BaUmEr: I think there is a channel specific to the ps3, maybe #ubuntu-ps3 ? | 17:02 |
|BaUmEr | yeah i'm trying that | 17:03 |
|BaUmEr | no one seems to be alive | 17:05 |
charlie-tca | Also, here is a link to blu-ray playing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD | 17:07 |
charlie-tca | Seems to be an entire website here: http://psubuntu.com/ | 17:08 |
[biabia] | help please. i have one pc on xp with filesharing for a few folders, on same network with a linux (xubuntu) pc. im not sure what steps on the linux machine to access the shared files | 17:17 |
gabkdlly | [biabia]: nautilus is quite good at discovering windows network shares | 17:21 |
gabkdlly | it is not installed by default though | 17:21 |
[biabia] | ok ill try that | 17:33 |
rgnr | where do i get edid? | 17:49 |
charlie-tca | edid itself is not an application, it is information | 17:53 |
charlie-tca | Extended Display Information Data | 17:54 |
charlie-tca | What are you trying to do? | 17:54 |
rgnr | xorg doesn't see my monitor | 17:57 |
rgnr | so i wanna make'em see | 17:57 |
charlie-tca | I see. Maybe this helps: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting | 17:57 |
rgnr | http://paste.ubuntu.com/106555/ | 18:02 |
[biabia] | gabkdlly: i see where nautilus could do it but im not sure how to properly fill in the info. reading the help file now | 18:05 |
[biabia] | it looks like i'd need samba also? | 18:07 |
=== primary is now known as BattleStarJesus | ||
slow-motion | hi | 18:31 |
[biabia] | so i can access windows machine shares with nautilus, but i need samba to provide sharing from linux to the windows machine? if i understand this correctly | 18:41 |
[biabia] | and on that note, installing samba created a samba guest user account, which was highlighted but i logged into my usual user account | 18:45 |
=== primary is now known as BattleStarJesus | ||
nikolam | hi. | 18:55 |
nikolam | I have interesting thing to report. My klogd is usim 100% cpu time | 18:55 |
nikolam | How do I investigate that thing to make some valuable report or bug report about is? | 18:56 |
nikolam | it | 18:56 |
nikolam | Oh, I see now that tracker is doing something | 18:56 |
nikolam | nope klogd is still 100% even after killing tracker | 18:57 |
jarnos | Can regular users protect some of their files so that they can't change them without giving their password? | 20:16 |
charlie-tca | If you change them to read only, you would have to change them back to do anything, wouldn't you? | 20:17 |
vinnl | jarnos, you can set the permissions and change the group to 'admin' (that does require the user to be in admin) | 20:17 |
jarnos | charlie-tca: yes, but no password is asked. | 20:21 |
charlie-tca | try vinnl 's suggestion? | 20:21 |
jarnos | vinnl: I changed a file's group to admin, but I can modify the file; no password asked. | 20:24 |
vinnl | jarnos, have you also set the user permissions to "None" or "Read Only"? | 20:24 |
jarnos | vinnl: but user can set "chmod u+w" later without password. | 20:25 |
charlie-tca | You have to wait 5 minutes after using sudo to have it ask again | 20:26 |
vinnl | jarnos, hmm, you're right | 20:26 |
vinnl | jarnos, perhaps you could try to encrypt it with some software that needs a passphrase to decrypt it, but that *is* a hassle | 20:26 |
jarnos | vinnl: true. | 20:27 |
charlie-tca | Or change owner/group to root | 20:28 |
jarnos | charlie-tca: true, but I was thinking about users that do not have administrative rights. | 20:29 |
charlie-tca | If they have no rights, why does the file have to be passworded? Doesn't read only block changes? | 20:30 |
jarnos | charlie-tca: It might not be enough, if a user is fooled to run an evil script. | 20:33 |
charlie-tca | You could create a new group just for that. Add the users you want to that group, and that would let you do want you want. | 20:34 |
jarnos | charlie-tca: I don't understand how adding a user to a group would help. | 20:35 |
charlie-tca | Create the group to do what you want. If that group owns the file, the user has to be a member of it to change the file | 20:36 |
charlie-tca | You can create any group you want, as long as it is not a system group already. | 20:37 |
charlie-tca | check /etc/groups to see what exists for certain. Then create a new group and add those users to it. | 20:37 |
jarnos | charlie-tca: but if user is fooled to run an evil script, then the script can change the file anyway. | 20:38 |
charlie-tca | If the script belongs to the created group, no one but the group can change it. | 20:38 |
charlie-tca | Permissions: owner root; group [new group] others none; users in [new group] only can make changes and run it | 20:39 |
* rgnr is fed up and pissed with xorg | 20:41 | |
jarnos | charlie-tca: But I want to stop user making changes without giving password. | 20:42 |
rgnr | http://paste.ubuntu.com/106628/ hlp ppl | 20:42 |
charlie-tca | You have users that are evil on your computer? I don't have any other suggestions, sorry. | 20:43 |
vinnl | As I understand it, he's just afraid that some scripts will be executed without the user knowing it | 20:43 |
jarnos | charlie-tca: I don't know; I was playing with the thought of it. Thanks for trying anyway. | 20:46 |
charlie-tca | you're welcome | 20:46 |
charlie-tca | I think you could create a group with very limited admin privileges to do that | 20:47 |
jarnos | charlie-tca: : To be more specific, I was thinking about how to protect from troijan horses. | 20:53 |
charlie-tca | get rid of windows... ;) | 20:53 |
jarnos | charlie-tca: done. | 20:54 |
antonehenry | Hello. I need someone to look my fstab or something. http://pastebin.com/m1f1ca038 I am unable to drag and drop files or create folders on my second hard drive. If you could help, please let me know. Thank you so much. | 20:55 |
jarnos | charlie-tca: Think of a case where you would be fooled to run a keylogger that sends what you type to an evil person. If the keylogger could add itself as autostarted application, it would be running on your next session, too. But if you use saved sessions, it would run anyway, right? | 21:07 |
charlie-tca | That almost puts you in the position of having to run a virtual session, when you are done, erase it, store nothing on drives. | 21:09 |
antonehenry | Hello. I need someone to look my fstab or something. http://pastebin.com/m1f1ca038 I am unable to drag and drop files or create folders on my second hard drive. If you could help, please let me know. Thank you so much. | 21:10 |
charlie-tca | I don't know, antonehenry | 21:12 |
jarnos | antonehenry: What is your second hd? I don't recommend using vfat for linux. | 21:13 |
antonehenry | sda1 | 21:13 |
antonehenry | and i'm not using it for linux | 21:13 |
antonehenry | i am making a file server for my home and i need the second drive to be windows compatable | 21:13 |
antonehenry | thanks anyway charlie-tca: and again for you help a few days ago | 21:14 |
jarnos | antonehenry: but its mount point is / | 21:14 |
charlie-tca | no problem. That's why I'm here. | 21:14 |
antonehenry | jarnos: okay, so i'm not sure what to do about it then | 21:15 |
antonehenry | i'm a linux noob, so i'm trying to learn | 21:15 |
antonehenry | jarnos: so that I have a fat32 drive mounting in the /media folder... that's a problem? | 21:16 |
jarnos | antonehenry: I suppose you mount sda1 twise in fstab. | 21:17 |
jarnos | antonehenry: once by UUID and once by name /dev/sda1. | 21:18 |
jarnos | antonehenry: You should not, I think. | 21:19 |
antonehenry | jarnos: so what do you reccommend i do? | 21:20 |
jarnos | antonehenry: Do you want to install linux on sda1 or sdb1? | 21:20 |
antonehenry | linux is installed on scd0 | 21:21 |
jarnos | antonehenry: so you run a live cd session? | 21:22 |
jarnos | antonehenry: btw. you can use ext2/ext3 from windows: http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 21:23 |
antonehenry | jarnos: i'm sorry. linux is run on sdb | 21:26 |
antonehenry | jarnos: oh the ubuntu website said i couldn't! | 21:27 |
jarnos | antonehenry: not without the given driver. | 21:27 |
antonehenry | jarnos: so do you think the easier option would be to make it ext3 and then run that driver? | 21:31 |
jarnos | antonehenry: It depends. Why do you want it windows compatible? | 21:32 |
antonehenry | i am going to store music and video on it, then via my lan, stream it to my media center | 21:33 |
jarnos | antonehenry: I would recommend trying to use ext3 for the disk and the driver in media center. I am not sure, if you can use it via LAN, though. | 21:36 |
antonehenry | okay! thanks for the advice. i'll try it out | 21:36 |
jarnos | antonehenry: You are welcome. The fstab does not look good, if you want to have linux on /dev/sdb1. And /media hirarchy is meant for removable drives. | 21:40 |
jarnos | antonehenry: maybe better to mount the storage to /data (which you have to create.) | 21:43 |
antonehenry | jarnos: yea i do not like mounting in media. i'd rather mount to the desktop really | 21:44 |
jarnos | antonehenry: Sorry, I am in hurry. Maybe some other people can help you further. | 21:45 |
antonehenry | it's cool. thanks for everything | 21:45 |
MisterFlibble | http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/209/screenshot5ka7.jpg | 21:50 |
retour | Claws Mail ALWAYS starts in OFF-LINE mode!? Why and how to change it to be ONLINE by default? | 22:00 |
jarnos | I guess, I should have told <antonehenry> to use ntfs file system. I suppose it has journaling when used from windows and linux. | 22:13 |
ball | If I install Xubuntu to a disk in a USB enclosure, can I then transfer the drive to the internal bay on a desktop PC and reasonably expect it to boot? | 22:40 |
ball | (I'm trying to prepare a disk for a system that has no CD-ROM drive) | 22:42 |
knome | ball, that should work, yes. | 22:45 |
ball | knome: thanks, that's good to hear. | 22:48 |
ball | I'll give that a try this evening hopefully. | 22:48 |
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