ActionParsnip | gordon_: check the appdb for compatibility | 00:00 |
ActionParsnip | !appdb | gordon_ | 00:00 |
ubottu | gordon_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 00:00 |
ActionParsnip | gordon_: make sure you have full video drivers installed for 3d accelleration | 00:00 |
gordon_ | ok...thanks | 00:01 |
fyn | i keep losing my plasma settings unless i log out. how do i force-write? | 00:09 |
ActionParsnip | fyn: make sure you have full access ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc | 00:11 |
ActionParsnip | fyn: or it may be ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc | 00:11 |
ActionParsnip | fyn: that file stores the settings, you could always kill plasma, delete it and it will be remade when you relaunch plasma | 00:12 |
kubuntu_ | HOLA | 00:14 |
charles__ | ola paraselene | 00:15 |
charles__ | vc e do estado do Pará Brasil? | 00:16 |
p_quarles | !br | charles__ | 00:16 |
ubottu | charles__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 00:16 |
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fyn | aha. eventually managed to google it: you can force quit a kde app, including plasma, with kquitapp and that way i don't have to log out to save settings | 00:44 |
xanax` | hello | 01:03 |
bittin | hi | 01:04 |
xanax` | is there a repository for kubuntu 8.10 to update koffice to the latest version (even the dev one) ? | 01:07 |
cyberponix | is there another way to download and install nvidia drivers other than the device driver tool? | 01:24 |
Zorix | envy tool | 01:27 |
transponder | can anyone hep im tring to patch the mac80211 stack.. new to linux have the patch on desktop | 01:51 |
transponder | hello? | 01:53 |
shadowhywind | !pastebin | 02:13 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:13 |
daniel24 | bottu | 02:30 |
daniel24 | ubottu | 02:30 |
bek_ | whats uppppppppppppp | 02:31 |
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aezaerth | hi here ! | 02:45 |
aezaerth | lo sparr | 02:45 |
sparr | hi | 02:45 |
aezaerth | why your nickname is in red ? | 02:46 |
rudolf | hi | 02:48 |
rudolf | mal ne frage | 02:48 |
JontheEchidna | konversation puts nicks of different lengths in different colors so that they are more readable | 02:48 |
aezaerth | hi rudolf | 02:48 |
aezaerth | Okay ;) | 02:48 |
rudolf | habe gerade den nvidia treiber installiert. dazu musste ich den x server verlassen und hatte kein internet mehr. habe wlan und da gibts n kde tool dass die verbindung herstellt. damit mir das nicht nochmal passiert, wie stelle ich eine internetverbindung über die konsole her? | 02:49 |
aezaerth | excuse me, but i don't speak german ... I don't speak english very well :° | 02:50 |
rudolf | oh sry | 02:50 |
aezaerth | rudolf: I'm french : | 02:50 |
aezaerth | :p | 02:51 |
rudolf | i had to learn french at school | 02:51 |
rudolf | and i hated it | 02:51 |
aezaerth | is very dificult for me :( i don't understand everything :° | 02:51 |
aezaerth | it's so hard to learn french ? | 02:52 |
aezaerth | german is not easy ! | 02:52 |
rudolf | yes german is not easy too | 02:52 |
aezaerth | ;) | 02:52 |
rudolf | do u have to learn german? | 02:52 |
aezaerth | but i like german langage | 02:52 |
aezaerth | i listen a music group from germany | 02:52 |
rudolf | which? | 02:53 |
aezaerth | no, i know little word | 02:53 |
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aezaerth | hi every people ! | 02:54 |
raphre | i am on an acer aspire one netbook and just installed kde4.1 on an ubuntu 8.10 installation but my resolution is wrong, how can i change that? | 02:54 |
rudolf | in your xorg.conf for example | 02:55 |
aezaerth | i don't know because i'm new with linux kubuntu, but i thing you con find that on the website, no ? | 02:55 |
aezaerth | *can | 02:56 |
rudolf | Systemeinstellungen -> Monitor & Display | 02:56 |
Raylz | any idea where i can configure flash in konqueror 3.5.9 | 02:58 |
rudolf | apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 02:59 |
Raylz | rudolf: i want to manually configure it | 03:00 |
Raylz | newest flash amd64 plugin | 03:00 |
Raylz | all tutorials say settings -> configure konqueror -> plugins but im missing this part | 03:01 |
aezaerth | i have question: i've donwload the kubuntu on CD 700Mo. But when install finish, my langage is half on english and half in french. And "Adept" say to me: i'm hav'nt finish to all install, click OK for download again or type kdesudo -dpkg --config -a | 03:01 |
Raylz | ok, nsplugins was missing | 03:03 |
Scummer | how 2 get network manager to remember manual settings? | 03:05 |
Scummer | evertime i reboot i lose all settings, i.e. ip, gateway, submask, etc. | 03:06 |
Scummer | have to manually re-enter | 03:06 |
jsunio | You using the GUI? | 03:06 |
Scummer | yes | 03:07 |
jsunio | Hmm mine gets remembered | 03:07 |
jsunio | You using wireless or wired? | 03:07 |
Scummer | wired | 03:07 |
Scummer | etho | 03:08 |
jsunio | I seem to remember messing with saving something in the "Network Profiles" tab when I was trying to get my wireless to work | 03:08 |
jsunio | Oh there is another way to change it, though... | 03:08 |
jsunio | sudo kate /etc/network/interfaces | 03:09 |
remu | Hello everyone, I have been running Ubuntu for a little over a year now as my primary OS, and I have decided that I'm going to take Kubuntu for a spin and see how I like it. My question was, could some body please explain to me what the different components are that make up the visuals of KD4? | 03:17 |
remu | Like for example, in Gnome, Metacity or Emerald supply the window borders and such, and the GTK themes are the controls and colors. What about KDE4? | 03:18 |
Raylz | remu: qt and kwin | 03:19 |
Raylz | kwin handles the effects too so you wont need compiz | 03:20 |
Raylz | remu: i hihgly recommend getting 4.2 sources :) | 03:20 |
remu | How do I do that? I am currently downloading the Kubuntu LiveCD | 03:20 |
Raylz | remu: i bet theres a repository | 03:21 |
remu | Also, regarding qt and kwin....if I wanted to change the look, what should I download from, like from which categories? | 03:21 |
remu | Raylz, have they added bluetooth support in 4.2? or is it still absent? | 03:22 |
JontheEchidna | bluetooth has been fixed and will be available for 4.2 final | 03:22 |
JontheEchidna | remu: it's a bit light in the realm of window decorations and Qt/KDE widget styles | 03:23 |
Raylz | remu: | 03:23 |
JontheEchidna | you can search for kde4-style-* via adept or synaptic or whatever | 03:24 |
JontheEchidna | and kwin-style-* for window decorations | 03:24 |
Raylz | remu: or visit | 03:24 |
remu | JontheEchidna, thats cool, will definately take a look at that. So you guys recommend finding a repo and using it to upgrade to 4.2rc? | 03:24 |
remu | or should i wait untill the 27th for the final? | 03:24 |
remu | what category should i look under at | 03:25 |
Raylz | remu: colorschemes | 03:25 |
Ying | hi. i am looking for the drive to my ZTE modem, model MF622 HSDPA USB MODEM. can i have some help? | 03:25 |
Raylz | remu: you wont miss the 4.2 features ;) | 03:25 |
Raylz | i use gnome btw xD | 03:25 |
remu | Oh, okay. | 03:26 |
Raylz | i tried 4.1 back then | 03:26 |
Raylz | wasnt bad :) | 03:26 |
Raylz | but the panel sucked | 03:26 |
Raylz | in 4.2 its greatly enhanced | 03:26 |
remu | hmmm, so I'll definately use that PPA to upgrade it to 4.2 | 03:27 |
remu | I've dipped my toes into Kubuntu before (like around when Intrepid came out), but I'm excited about trying it again. Hopefully it will be a better experience than last time. | 03:29 |
astromme | remu: Coming from ubuntu? | 03:30 |
remu | yes | 03:30 |
Raylz | remu: i detested kde 3.5 series | 03:31 |
Raylz | but 4.1+ seems fine | 03:31 |
Raylz | defenitely worth a look | 03:31 |
astromme | out of curiosity, what did you detest about 3.5? | 03:32 |
remu | Raylz, Agreed, I wasn't a fan. 4.1 last I tried didn't sit well with me....but I never really gave it a fair shot it was on my system for less than a day. For some reason though it seemed considerablly slower than Gnome. | 03:32 |
Raylz | astromme: it was buggy as hell, ugly, hard to configure and the programs werent well configured | 03:33 |
astromme | remu: There are some issues with repainting windows. During normal window operations you don't notice it but during resizing there is a slight (but noticible) delay in my experience. That may be what you were feeling | 03:33 |
astromme | Raylz: ok | 03:33 |
Raylz | astromme: ^^ | 03:33 |
Raylz | astromme: used it in 7.10 | 03:34 |
astromme | Raylz: I toyed with, but never extensively used, the kde3 series | 03:34 |
astromme | But from 4.0 (actually pre-4.0) I | 03:34 |
astromme | I've been using it full time (sorry, pressed return) | 03:34 |
astromme | But then again I wouldn't consider myself an 'average' user. And yes, things were very very broken in many ways back in the early 4.0 days. | 03:35 |
remu | I think this may be the first time I've come into this seems a lot more sane and quiet than #ubuntu, or is it just that time of day? | 03:36 |
Raylz | astromme: plasma was not usable during that time | 03:36 |
astromme | Ragol: Yeah, pretty much. | 03:37 |
astromme | remu: It's often like this, only a handful (at most) of people chatting at once | 03:37 |
remu | Fair enough. | 03:37 |
astromme | I no longer frequent the ubuntu chat room | 03:37 |
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Raylz | when im bored in #gentoo i like helping in #ubuntu | 03:38 |
remu | Well folks, thanks for the info. I'm going to do some backup, and then try this clean install. | 03:38 |
Raylz | easy problems :) | 03:39 |
remu | Haha, like mine! | 03:39 |
astromme | 2 gentoo folks in here? | 03:39 |
remu | Have a nice night everyone. | 03:39 |
=== St__ is now known as St`` | ||
astromme | I still run gentoo on one of my servers | 03:39 |
Raylz | astromme: im running gentoo right now | 03:39 |
St`` | hi | 03:39 |
Raylz | :) | 03:39 |
gnuton | astromme: doest gentoo still exists? | 03:40 |
astromme | It's been a while since I've it full-time on a desktop | 03:40 |
astromme | gnuton: of course | 03:40 |
Raylz | gnuton: alive and kickin^^ | 03:40 |
gnuton | I just kidding :D | 03:40 |
* astromme chuckles | 03:40 | |
Raylz | i need a system which keeps me busy :) | 03:40 |
Raylz | no work in buntu | 03:40 |
khalidmian | hi reuest answer to a question i have | 03:41 |
astromme | Raylz: The work for me turned to compiling kde early in the year | 03:41 |
astromme | Raylz: Now it's turned to playing around developing with kde | 03:42 |
Raylz | astromme: ^^ | 03:42 |
khalidmian | i need to know what is the simplest yet effective firewall prog for kubuntu | 03:42 |
St`` | if you want to be alive you have to be busy | 03:42 |
astromme | Raylz: As fun as gentoo is, having a system that lets me install, install dev tools, develop really helps. | 03:42 |
St`` | :)))) | 03:42 |
astromme | khalidmian: There is a simple firewall app that comes with kubuntu, although it's command line. I would google "ubuntu firewall gui" if you want a gui | 03:43 |
Raylz | astromme: the dev stuff comes with a normal installation^^ | 03:43 |
astromme | Raylz: Well of course, there isn't a separation between -dev packages and the normal binaries. However, it's a lot quicker to download some megabytes rather than do that then compile | 03:43 |
astromme | Raylz: And I kept having to take a lot of time to effectively update my system. emerge world (with flags) seemed to break far too often. | 03:44 |
astromme | Which isn't a problem if that's all I have to do | 03:44 |
Raylz | khalidmian: guarddog or iptables :) | 03:44 |
astromme | But when I really was wanting to play around with say libplasma or libqt4, I wanted things to work in the background. | 03:45 |
khalidmian | what do you have to comment on ufw | 03:45 |
Raylz | astromme: updates never broke my system | 03:45 |
Raylz | but there was an issue with e2fsprogs this year | 03:46 |
Raylz | after some time you wont break your system | 03:46 |
khalidmian | Raylz: nothing too complicate pls im a newbie to kubuntu | 03:46 |
Raylz | khalidmian: guarddog is qt, firestarter is gtk | 03:47 |
Raylz | astromme: and i like my gentoo as a developement platform | 03:47 |
Raylz | its much easier to get testing packages | 03:47 |
khalidmian | Raylz: what is qt i have never heard of that term | 03:48 |
Raylz | khalidmian: you pronounce it cute and its the framework of kde | 03:48 |
Raylz | developed by trolltech | 03:48 |
* astromme reminds Raylz that trolltech->qt software now | 03:49 | |
khalidmian | Raylz: user friendly newbie safe? | 03:49 |
Raylz | khalidmian: hm, when you run kubuntu you run qt^^ | 03:49 |
khalidmian | when kubuntu runs it says ufw firewall disabled | 03:50 |
Raylz | khalidmian: guarddog looks prettier^^ | 03:50 |
Raylz | khalidmian: try sudo ufw enable | 03:51 |
St`` | all ports are closed at ubuntu if you fo not open any manual ... if you know..... so why i need a firewall ? | 03:53 |
St`` | fo=do | 03:53 |
St`` | ufw its a nice firewall also | 03:54 |
St`` | and simple | 03:55 |
khalidmian | masquerading | 03:55 |
Raylz | my firewall is my router :) | 03:55 |
St`` | how i will setup my router? | 03:55 |
Raylz | St``: its automatically configured | 03:55 |
khalidmian | personally i dont think il be able to understand firewall let alone set up my router as one | 03:55 |
St`` | nice Raylz :))) | 03:56 |
Raylz | khalidmian: if you didnt change router settings you normally dont need a firewall | 03:56 |
Dr_willis | time to start reading about iptables and how linux and its firewalling features work. | 03:56 |
Dr_willis | right - windows has people trained to think they 'need' a firewall on every pc. | 03:56 |
khalidmian | do u recoomend enabling ufw ? | 03:57 |
Raylz | plus antivir | 03:57 |
Dr_willis | I let my router block the stuff | 03:57 |
Raylz | khalidmian: if you have a router leave it disabled ;) | 03:57 |
St`` | i have ufw enable also | 03:57 |
Dr_willis | big point to rember. windows firewalls tend to block based on application, while linux bocks based on port. | 03:57 |
khalidmian | Raylz: i do have a router but i dont beleive its setup toact as a firewall | 03:58 |
Dr_willis | It makes me feel sooo safe when i play a new game under windows.. then quit the game/multiplayer stuff - and then 3 hrs later.. I see the windows firewall warning/dialog :) | 03:58 |
Dr_willis | Most routers can be set to block specific incomming. Go to a scanning web site and see what your router allows | 03:59 |
Raylz | Dr_willis: hm, safety is an illusion in win | 03:59 |
St`` | but even without firewall all ports are closed as i saw the test in ... Ubuntu its safe ... i do not know about router if have any firewall | 04:01 |
Raylz | khalidmian: | 04:01 |
St`` | all router have firewall? | 04:01 |
Raylz | haha: We scanned the ports you requested, looking for any services or viruses that might be running on them, and did not find anything. | 04:01 |
St`` | routers | 04:02 |
Raylz | St``: normally yes | 04:02 |
Raylz | i cant think of anyone without hardware firewall | 04:02 |
St`` | and are enable? | 04:02 |
Raylz | St``: yep | 04:02 |
astromme | Well that's not quite true | 04:02 |
Raylz | St``: you have to open ports for portforwarding manually | 04:02 |
astromme | Routers by default usually don't forward connections to the internal network | 04:02 |
khalidmian | need to know how to do ip masquerading in ufw | 04:02 |
astromme | but that isn't what a hardware firewall is | 04:02 |
Dr_willis | !ics | 04:03 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 04:03 |
St`` | and waht about antivirus for ubuntu ? | 04:04 |
Raylz | St``: god no | 04:04 |
Raylz | :) | 04:04 |
St`` | there is not? | 04:05 |
Raylz | St``: dont use an antivirus | 04:05 |
Dr_willis | The AV apps for linux.. scan windows files for windows viruses :) | 04:05 |
Raylz | jup | 04:05 |
Raylz | plus they are security leaks | 04:05 |
Dr_willis | I have several linux-based Antivirus Live cd's | 04:05 |
St`` | do i need realy an antivirus for ubuntu ? | 04:07 |
St`` | are ther many virus? | 04:07 |
Dr_willis | St``, if you want to scan your WINDOWS SYSTEMS... you can install one.. but its not going to do much for linux security | 04:07 |
St`` | there | 04:07 |
St`` | are ther virus for linux ? | 04:08 |
Taladan | St``: there are currently less than 100 known viruses that affect linux. | 04:08 |
St`` | wowww | 04:08 |
Raylz | and about a billion for ms | 04:08 |
St`` | hahahaha | 04:08 |
Taladan | And afaik, they've all been patched out of validity. | 04:08 |
Taladan | in the time it took me to answer your question, that many new viruses for windows has been spawned. | 04:09 |
Dr_willis | or they were for super-specific-server bugs on spefici disrtos... | 04:09 |
* Taladan nod | 04:09 | |
St`` | so i am secure without an antivirus for ubuntu?/ | 04:09 |
khalidmian | what is a proxy server | 04:09 |
Raylz | St``: even securer than mac os^^ | 04:10 |
Taladan | a proxy server is a box that acts as a 'translator' of sorts for your internal lan. It goes out and gets webpages at the request of the clients and caches them locally so that if you need to access them again, it responds faster. It also allows you to filter websites etc. for content. | 04:10 |
Dr_willis | if you want to scan your WINDOWS SYSTEMS... you can install one.. but its not going to do much for linux security | 04:10 |
Raylz | St``: believe me, using the internet in windows is not possible | 04:11 |
Raylz | +properly | 04:11 |
Raylz | i like it how my ram explodes from 300 to 1900 when watching videos on myvideo | 04:12 |
St`` | how i can hide my os for an nmap trace | 04:13 |
St`` | OS | 04:13 |
St`` | how i can hide my OS from an operating system dedection bye nmap trace ? | 04:15 |
Raylz | St``: seriously, i dont know^^ | 04:15 |
St`` | anyone? | 04:15 |
Dr_willis | nmap looks for specifif replies and guesses... | 04:15 |
Dr_willis | make the os not reply to anytying :) | 04:15 |
Raylz | silence it wiht a hammer^^ | 04:15 |
Dr_willis | theres being 'secure' then theres being 'paranoid' then tehres being 'tinfoil hat paranoid' | 04:15 |
Raylz | St``: most security issues are provoked by the user | 04:16 |
Raylz | in case of linux | 04:16 |
Raylz | dont use external programs or repos | 04:17 |
Raylz | dont use skype | 04:17 |
Raylz | dont use closed source in general^^ | 04:17 |
St`` | there are Umit and Knmap that can trace OS | 04:17 |
Raylz | skype breaks you firewall btw | 04:17 |
Raylz | bypasses* | 04:17 |
Raylz | ok | 04:17 |
Raylz | 5:19 am | 04:18 |
Raylz | gnite | 04:18 |
Raylz | :P | 04:18 |
St`` | a proxyserver could be the solution but not for irc or other programs etc... | 04:20 |
=== justin__ is now known as carmony | ||
St`` | not for all programs | 04:20 |
carmony | Okay, I'm trying to install my nvidia drivers, but its giving me an error when trying to run it: "You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing" | 04:21 |
Dr_willis | carmony, you have tried the nvidia drivers in the hardware-manager tool FIRST? | 04:22 |
St`` | try to close all other programs | 04:23 |
Dr_willis | !find jockey | 04:23 |
ubottu | Found: jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde | 04:23 |
carmony | Dr_willis: nope, how do I get to the hardware-manager tool? | 04:23 |
Dr_willis | carmony, should been a icon right there in the panel whenyou frst logged in. that mentioned it.. or run the jockey-kde tool | 04:23 |
* Dr_willis really thinks there needs tobe a BIG ICON in the middle of the desktop for 'first time wizard' type tool | 04:24 | |
Dr_willis | under gnome its system -> admin -> hardware drivers | 04:24 |
carmony | I agree with you Dr_willis | 04:25 |
Dr_willis | but then again.. I notice the popup dialog wheni first log in.. | 04:26 |
Dr_willis | Windows has peopel trained to ignore infomation bubbles. since they are constantly popping up useless info | 04:26 |
St`` | bye byeeee ... many kisses :)))))) | 04:26 |
carmony | lol, hrm | 04:30 |
carmony | thanks Dr_willis | 04:32 |
carmony_mac | arg, okay, after installing the drivers, when I boot my kubuntu partion, it just goes to the command prompt | 04:44 |
carmony_mac | how can I get kubuntu to launch the desktop again? | 04:45 |
=== k4v is now known as m4v | ||
Dr_willis | after rebooting it goes to the command line eh? that sucks. try 'startx' command carmony_mac | 04:52 |
Dr_willis | some nvidia-cards have issues with some driver versions. | 04:52 |
carmony_mac | k, I'll try that | 04:53 |
carmony_mac | Fatal server error: no screens found | 04:56 |
Dr_willis | bummer. Not sure of the proper way to trouble shoot that - since on my 4 nvidia systems the Hardware-manager tool worked properly | 04:57 |
Dr_willis | the !nvidia factoid may have some info on trouble shooting in its url | 04:57 |
Dr_willis | !nvidia | 04:57 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 04:57 |
Dr_willis | I normally do a 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig ' then 'sudo nvidia-xconfig -a' to make a xorg.conf . YOU proberly should backup your existing /etc/X11/xorg.conf file BEFOR trying nvidia-xconfig | 05:00 |
carmony_mac | I'm just going to re-install | 05:02 |
carmony_mac | see what happens :P | 05:02 |
BrianH | howdy | 05:02 |
Dr_willis | carmony_mac, proberly the exact same thing.. this is linux. not windows | 05:03 |
Dr_willis | carmony_mac, reinstalling vs. 'learning to fix the problem' | 05:03 |
carmony_mac | well, I think I fubared my xorg.conf | 05:03 |
Dr_willis | I would expect the Exact same process would result in the exact same results | 05:04 |
carmony_mac | so this time around I'm going to pay more attention to what I do :P | 05:04 |
Dr_willis | move the xorg.conf to some other name.. and try 'startx' again. | 05:04 |
carmony_mac | okay | 05:04 |
Dr_willis | there maybe backups in /etc/X11/xorg.conf also | 05:04 |
Dr_willis | I alwyas keep archives of my old xorg.conf files | 05:04 |
ubuntu | victory is mine | 05:05 |
BrianH | i got a little problem, I have a 8.0x livecd version for powerpc (I forget exact release number), and when it boots it gets to a point where it idles at a blank screen | 05:05 |
ubuntu | Im really digging the new kde | 05:06 |
BrianH | here's the weird part about it, I have a PowerMac G5 (Dual 2.7GHz) and I let it set for a bit thinking maybe it'll work out a kink. I started hearing my fans kicking into overdrive | 05:07 |
BrianH | it got to the point where my system sounded like a 747 about to take off before I decided it was enough and shut it off | 05:07 |
BrianH | anyone know of a working livecd for PowerPC? preferably the 8.10 release | 05:09 |
Dr_willis | ive neer had much luck with PPC linux :( | 05:17 |
BrianH | I cant even install Kubuntu on my PowerMac with the PowerPC install DVD either, it sets my monitor into a state where it goes black and then the power light keeps flashing 3 times in a repeating sequence | 05:19 |
BrianH | I have a 30" HD Apple Cinema Display with a Radeon 9650 card | 05:19 |
Dr_willis | ive only got an old iMACDV | 05:23 |
BrianH | aha, found it, 8.04.1 is the release number for the LiveCD | 05:23 |
Dr_willis | its basically a DoorStop :) | 05:23 |
BrianH | heh nice | 05:23 |
Dr_willis | 256mb ram | 05:23 |
BrianH | I had a customer come in the other day with an emachine running Vista with 512MB RAM wondering why his games were draggin . . . *sigh* | 05:25 |
BrianH | he bought the computer brand new from Wal Mart . . . I laughed | 05:26 |
Dr_willis | I imagne it had minimal cpu also | 05:30 |
Dr_willis | I put 2gb in wifes pc.. and it drags with vista. it needs a reinstall badly | 05:30 |
BrianH | Vista itself hogs up 1GB | 05:30 |
BrianH | muchlike XP hogged up 512MB | 05:30 |
SolidLiq | celeron proc? | 05:33 |
BrianH | the PC? | 05:36 |
BrianH | or the Mac? | 05:36 |
BrianH | I dont remember what he had, I hate emachines anyways | 05:37 |
Tidus | BrianH: here's the sad part... acer, gateway, and emachines are all the same company | 05:38 |
Tidus | gateway bought emachines, then acer bought gateway | 05:38 |
Dr_willis | Sort of like Chrysler/Dodge/Plymoth :) | 05:39 |
BrianH | yep | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | Poor gateway... was such a big name for a while | 05:39 |
BrianH | and HP owns Compaq (another trash computer) | 05:39 |
Tidus | had really good machines too | 05:39 |
Tidus | BrianH: hey, my laptop's an hp | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | I own a gateway desktop machine now.. :) and a few acer laptops now | 05:39 |
Tidus | my desktop's a compaq :P | 05:39 |
Dr_willis | they are all trash I think now a days | 05:39 |
BrianH | HPs are nice, Compaq's suck | 05:39 |
BrianH | I thought it would change once HP bought them out | 05:40 |
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Tidus | if they'd stop stuffing the compaq line with bare minimum hardware, it wouldn't be so bad | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | its all about the $$$ | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | must get Under the $500 mark.. or whatever | 05:42 |
Tidus | ok, get this. | 05:42 |
Tidus | my desktop is a compaq. celeron-D 3.4ghz... 512mb ram | 05:42 |
Tidus | half decent single core, minimal ram | 05:42 |
BrianH | we sell Compaq'a at work for $350 from time to time | 05:42 |
Tidus | BrianH: i got mine for 100 bucks due to blown PSU | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | Well the Windows Hard drivge died in my main machine over the weekend.. so its going to be Linux for a while. :) so i can make due with low end machines heh | 05:43 |
BrianH | Tidus, heh nice | 05:43 |
Tidus | got my laptop free :) | 05:44 |
Tidus | long story short, repair job, lady didn't like the price tag | 05:45 |
Tidus | told me to keep it | 05:45 |
BrianH | we get those at work too, several abandoned PC's in the warehouse ;) | 05:45 |
* BrianH works at Staples | 05:46 | |
Tidus | cool | 05:46 |
Tidus | i work for a local computer repair store | 05:46 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | gettng where you can buy them by the pound. :) | 05:46 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I wouldent want to work at a repair store.. you have to deal with IDIOTS that think they KNOW things.. :P | 05:46 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | the worst kind of idiots. | 05:46 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | 'ive had this pc for 8 years - i dont see why i need to upgrade! its worked fine for me' | 05:46 |
Tidus | Dr_Willis_ZNC: oh, lemme tell ya... i've */facedesk*'d so many times it's not funny | 05:47 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | 'yes sir.. and it looks like theres been a rats nest in there for the last 2 years.....' | 05:47 |
Tidus | Dr_Willis_ZNC: one time i had one come in (was a buddy of mine's no less)... there was (no joke) at least 4 inches of solid dust in it | 05:47 |
Tidus | and he brought it to me because it was overheating | 05:47 |
BrianH | ahaha, try working for a retail store where they hire based on your sales experience over technical knowledge | 05:48 |
BrianH | I got lucky due to my military background | 05:48 |
Tidus | i threatened him a bit... next time he brought it to me like that i was takin it to the car wash instead of just out back and hosing it out with an air hose | 05:48 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Tidus, i had 4 Pomerianians - and you do not want to put the PC on the floor.. it had sucked up a lot of fluff :) | 05:48 |
BrianH | we get systems in all the time for PC Tuneup's, mostly just need the rest of the dog and cat removed and the system runs much faster | 05:49 |
Tidus | he's actually kept the dirt out of it this time... i pull the cover off and check when i'm over there. | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I got a lot of blue-foam-filter stuff i can wrap mine in :) | 05:50 |
Tidus | my desktop may be a compaq, but i've transplanted it into a slightly more decent case that has air filters on the intake | 05:50 |
BrianH | my G5's liquid cooled, but the fans build up a bit of dust over time | 05:51 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | You dont hear much about Liquid coolng these days.. :) or else im out of the loop.. | 05:51 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | guess the CPU's have gotten where they are not giant red furnaces any more | 05:51 |
Tidus | Dr_Willis_ZNC: oh they're still furnances | 05:52 |
Tidus | furna.c.e.s | 05:52 |
BrianH | heh | 05:52 |
Tidus | just heatsink material's advanced to the point that you can still run em on air | 05:53 |
BrianH | my G5 came stock liquid cooled :) | 05:53 |
Tidus | most of the stock coolers now have a copper slug in them, for instance. | 05:53 |
Tidus | instead of being all cheap aluminum you can bend by looking at it | 05:53 |
BrianH | any way to install Kubuntu on a PowerBook G4 with a broken CD drive? I would boot it as a firewire drive and install from my G5, but with the problems I get with my display it wont work. | 05:55 |
BrianH | I cant do a network install either, my router is being used elsewhere at the moment | 05:56 |
darkdelusions | Whats a good bittorrent client for linux | 05:57 |
darkdelusions | and please god don't say azuera :) | 05:58 |
BrianH | qBittorrent ? | 05:58 |
BrianH | or Transmission | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | ktorrent for kde | 05:59 |
darkdelusions | it been forever since i acutally used a client. I had torrent flux setup on my server but I still have set it back up since i moved | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | wine utorrent.exe | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | :) | 05:59 |
BrianH | er I think Transmission is OSX only, I forget | 05:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !find transmission | 05:59 |
ubottu | Found: transmission-common, transmission-gtk, transmission, transmission-cli | 05:59 |
BrianH | ah, nvm | 06:00 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !info transmission | 06:00 |
ubottu | transmission (source: transmission): free, lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.34-0ubuntu2.2 (intrepid), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB | 06:00 |
BrianH | | 06:00 |
darkdelusions | I think last time I used an acutal client I I utorrent under wine :) rofl | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Yep. :) it just saves a lot of hassles | 06:03 |
BrianH | can ubottu find port ISOs? | 06:04 |
darkdelusions | I need to set the server back up so I have my upnp server back :) | 06:04 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | port ISOs ?? | 06:05 |
BrianH | yeah, kubuntu ports | 06:05 |
BrianH | like . . . | 06:05 |
BrianH | | 06:06 |
BrianH | the community builds | 06:06 |
BrianH | ah nvm, it's getting late, need sleep | 06:07 |
BrianH | later | 06:07 |
darkdelusions | Hahaha they released a the Transmission client for BeOS :) | 06:08 |
darkdelusions | I remember when that was sposed to be the next big thing and TechTV back in the day used to go on and on about it | 06:09 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | and Now where is it.. :) | 06:20 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Hiku is BeOS revisited :) | 06:20 |
darkdelusions | The sad thing is I think I installed it for 10 minutes | 06:21 |
darkdelusions | and was oh god no :) | 06:21 |
darkdelusions | and went back to redhat or something :) | 06:21 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | BeOs? I used it for better part of a year on some machines | 06:21 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | then the company went brain dead. | 06:21 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Lots of neat features.. with lots of missing features | 06:21 |
darkdelusions | There was a rumor at my work we where looking into installing linux machines in the company and I was WOOT! | 06:22 |
darkdelusions | then never heard another word about it | 06:22 |
darkdelusions | which makes me very sad :) | 06:22 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | A lot of the time you catch glimps's of linux being used.. but its hushed over. :P | 06:24 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | 'the stealth os' | 06:24 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | but every so often a TuX image/icon appears somewhere. | 06:25 |
darkdelusions | Ok i think 810 hates my latop | 06:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | laptops can be problematic | 06:27 |
darkdelusions | my keyboard randomly locks up for no reason | 06:28 |
darkdelusions | and I log out of KDE it back to a login screen it fixes it | 06:28 |
darkdelusions | Sigh | 06:39 |
darkdelusions | I was hoping that would fix my sound issue but it didnt | 06:39 |
darkdelusions | Stupid HDA-Intel card | 06:40 |
darkdelusions | If i make changes to the alsa base I should beable to do a sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart for it to take effect correct? | 06:43 |
nippz | darkdelusions just compile alsa | 07:01 |
darkdelusions | OMFG woot | 07:26 |
darkdelusions | I got my stupid sound issues fixed :) | 07:26 |
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Dr_Willis_ZNC | zomg you hear tunes! | 07:31 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | :) | 07:31 |
darkdelusions | Dr_Willis_ZNC: You dont understand I have been working on it for like 2 weeks :) | 07:35 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | :) | 07:35 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | what took you so lonG! it was so trivial! i bet ya could fix it now in 4 min! | 07:35 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | :P | 07:35 |
darkdelusions | rofl | 07:35 |
darkdelusions | It just knowing which option to put in the alsabase file | 07:35 |
darkdelusions | cause auto wasnt working | 07:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | all your 'alsabase' are belong to us! | 07:36 |
darkdelusions | rofl | 07:36 |
darkdelusions | This is a really good post for users who use asus laptops | 07:37 |
darkdelusions | and for some reason the ubuntu forums hate me and wont let me mark my thread as solved | 07:38 |
darkdelusions | sigh | 07:38 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | post a big post at the end with 10000 happy faces. :) | 07:39 |
darkdelusions | rofl | 07:40 |
darkdelusions | Na I just edited the Title and added [Solved] | 07:40 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Title [Solved] {Woopiee!} | 07:41 |
darkdelusions | Normally I dont post my issues on there because 9 times outta 10 I can find the answer before anyone can post a reply | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Its late and im silly.. i know | 07:41 |
darkdelusions | I see that | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Yep. I find that the case also.. | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | people hate to search befor the y post | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | but ti Instant you post somthing.. it guarentees the next message you see.. you will find the answer. :) | 07:42 |
darkdelusions | rofl I used to have my sig set to you can solve any problem by searching google | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | | 07:43 |
darkdelusions | One of my friends use to say most of your answers your gonna get from the forums are something along the lines I just moved the toaster by the microwave and it fixed it for me | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Thats in the Windows Forums... | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | :) | 07:44 |
darkdelusions | rofl | 07:44 |
darkdelusions | So i put my sig as The fix to all ubuntu problems: Is to Bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish | 07:45 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | 'reverse the polarity!' | 07:46 |
darkdelusions | Dr_Willis_ZNC: that is a quote from a song by voltaire called USS Make shit up | 07:48 |
* Dr_Willis_ZNC jams to Kenny G. | 07:48 | |
darkdelusions | rofl | 07:48 |
* darkdelusions patts Dr_Willis_ZNC on the head and ensures him everything will be ok | 07:49 | |
darkdelusions | You know you have been playing to much wow when you try and type /em instead of /me | 07:50 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | you have been playing to much WoW when you load up the Game. :) | 07:53 |
darkdelusions | rofl | 07:53 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | heh.. I Had to reinstall LordOfTheRings Online onmy other pc.. it took about 2 hrs just to get the updates... | 07:54 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | and it was installed from the MinesOfMoria Expansion Boxed set... so the disks were just released like last month. | 07:54 |
darkdelusions | Dr_Willis_ZNC: do you know a program I can test my webcam in | 07:55 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Still cant get it to work with Wine. However. :( | 07:55 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | cheese is fun for webcam testing | 07:55 |
darkdelusions | ick | 07:55 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Grandson loves to play with Cheese | 07:55 |
darkdelusions | I <3 my bashscript of lazyness :) | 07:55 |
darkdelusions | apt i programname | 07:56 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | All i do on LOTOR lately is fish.... | 07:56 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | :P | 07:56 |
darkdelusions | rofl thats all I been doing in wow | 07:56 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I fished in IronForge for a week when they first added fishing.. then the next patch came out and you couldnet fish In town any more :) | 07:57 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | We need a Fishing MMORPG! | 07:57 |
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leo | hello,anybody would help me? how should i install a chinese input on kubuntu by using terminal command? | 07:58 |
darkdelusions | leo: one sec | 07:58 |
levi_ | how do i re-configure my keyboard? | 07:58 |
leo | ok | 07:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I know very little about chinease sorry | 07:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !ch | 07:59 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ch | 07:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !cn | 07:59 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 07:59 |
levi_ | when i hit the apostrophy it makes the letter have an accent on it | 07:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | They may know more. :) | 07:59 |
levi_ | i need help with this | 07:59 |
darkdelusions | I am hittin up google | 07:59 |
darkdelusions | the one stop shop for all things I do not know :) | 07:59 |
darkdelusions | BLAM | 08:00 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish again! | 08:01 |
darkdelusions | Yep | 08:01 |
* darkdelusions ponders if he should install the drivers for his finger print reader | 08:01 | |
darkdelusions | leo: if you need to do it from terminal | 08:02 |
leo | yep | 08:02 |
darkdelusions | leo: do a sudo apt-get install language-support-zh | 08:02 |
leo | i already did that | 08:03 |
leo | then i type :sudo apt-get install fcitx im-switch, but it can not work | 08:03 |
darkdelusions | leo: Ok you stumped me there :) | 08:05 |
darkdelusions | I blame Dr_Willis_ZNC | 08:05 |
darkdelusions | leo: what happens when u do a im-switch | 08:07 |
* darkdelusions is happy IT Crowd Season 3 is done downloading | 08:08 | |
leo | here is the message: | 08:08 |
leo | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:08 |
leo | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:08 |
darkdelusions | oh | 08:09 |
darkdelusions | easy enough | 08:09 |
darkdelusions | oh u did type sudo | 08:09 |
darkdelusions | I lied | 08:09 |
leo | what else command can i use if it couldn't find package fcitx to get? | 08:09 |
darkdelusions | | 08:10 |
darkdelusions | try that | 08:10 |
leo | ok | 08:10 |
n1ck | im trying to install jre, i run the command sudo aptitude search jre, and it asks for the sudo password of the username with which i have logged in | 08:10 |
n1ck | when i enter the password, i get the message, that the username is not the sudoers file and the incident will be reported | 08:10 |
leo | okay ,i see. thank you very much | 08:10 |
n1ck | i dont remember the sudo password for the username with which i have logged in | 08:11 |
n1ck | is it possible to reset that to a different one or remove it ? | 08:11 |
darkdelusions | n1ck: it should be the same password that you used to login to kde with | 08:12 |
n1ck | i tried the same password but it gives that error that the user is not in the sudoers list | 08:12 |
n1ck | but i have been able to login to the system | 08:13 |
n1ck | any way i can reset or remove that sudo password of my current login ? | 08:15 |
JohnFlux | n1ck: you only have one user on the system? | 08:16 |
n1ck | yes..currently only one user | 08:17 |
JohnFlux | what do you mean currently? | 08:17 |
JohnFlux | what about before? :) | 08:17 |
n1ck | i mean there was only one user account at the login screen, | 08:17 |
n1ck | :) | 08:17 |
JohnFlux | n1ck: and that was the user account created when you installed kubuntu? | 08:17 |
JohnFlux | or you created it manually later or something? | 08:17 |
JohnFlux | n1ck: ubuntu creates a user account when you first install kubuntu. this user is added to the 'admin' group | 08:18 |
JohnFlux | n1ck: for whatever reason, the user account that you are using is not in this admin group | 08:18 |
n1ck | ok...actually, i havent installed kubuntu on the system , im simply using it | 08:18 |
JohnFlux | ah hmm | 08:19 |
n1ck | is there a way to add my current login to the admin group ? | 08:19 |
JohnFlux | n1ck: well you have no way of becoming root? | 08:19 |
MikeH | Morning guys, DNS fail, could someone kindly grab me the ip's from the bottom of the page? :) | 08:19 |
n1ck | johnflux:i dont know the root password too :) | 08:20 |
JohnFlux | MikeH: | 08:20 |
JohnFlux | urgh | 08:20 |
JohnFlux | MikeH: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 08:20 |
JohnFlux | | 08:21 |
JohnFlux | | 08:21 |
JohnFlux | MikeH: use those, sorry | 08:21 |
JohnFlux | MikeH: according to their webpage | 08:21 |
JohnFlux | n1ck: | 08:22 |
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n1ck | johnflux:thanks for the link, ill try that :) | 08:23 |
MikeH | thanks JohnFlux | 08:24 |
moi | lu all | 08:28 |
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darkdelusions | Rofl god I love the IT Crowd | 08:39 |
peterz | darkdelusions: have you tried turning it off and on again? :-) | 08:42 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | 'are you sure its plugged in' | 08:52 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | 'you never told me i needed a special cd drive to use this cd burning software!' | 08:52 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | (over heard in a store once) | 08:52 |
lab | Hi. I'm trying to install plasmoids downloaded from the website, but there's no way to do it with the installer provided by this version of kubuntu (8.10) what should I do ? | 09:01 |
lab | I don't obtain any error but the plasmoids don't get installed | 09:01 |
techbw | Hi all | 09:04 |
techbw | I need help setting up flash player for both firefox, as well as konqueror, I have downloaded the .deb file, as well as source, and both say installed successfully, but browsing flash sites, doesn't work | 09:05 |
techbw | youtube is implossible | 09:05 |
zer0o | is there anyone really able to use GIMP? i asked on #gimp but no replies... i need to copy several layers from a file and paste em into another but it wouldnt let me copy more than one at time, i searched it up on google and found nothing... could someone help? thanks (ans sorry if i asked here but im pretty much desperate :D ) | 09:11 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | several layers.. Hmmm | 09:14 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | cant say that ive really done that. | 09:14 |
techbw | if someone can help, where do I copy the file to...I want flash working on firefox, and konqueror | 09:14 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | techbw, i just install the 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' package and it installs flash player for me | 09:14 |
zer0o | Dr_Willis_ZNC: i even tried to chain the layers together cuz ive found some site saying "if u chain em together whatever u do to one happens to all" but coping and pasting... | 09:15 |
zer0o | | 09:16 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | thers used to be some books online onusing gimp.. but ive never done any of that more advanced stuff | 09:16 |
techbw | i take it you did that from adept, I have downloaded .deb, as well as source installer, with no success, going to check in adept for that package | 09:16 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | techbw, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 09:17 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I never download flash by itself.. never heeded to | 09:17 |
techbw | alread busy with install...thanx | 09:17 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | theyneed to make a big "first time-common things you proberly want to do" wizard for the desktop :) | 09:18 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Install kubuntu-restricted-extras is a top 10 thing i always install first off. | 09:18 |
techbw | That is the only thing about the opensoure stuff, to get a system the way you want, it takes time, but once it is up and running it is cool | 09:18 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | just imagine to get flash for would have to either go to the flash the .exe.. run the exe... click the UAC dialog about 10 times... to ok it.... | 09:19 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | or run the browser.. and let it get it.. and watch that fail most of the time... | 09:19 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | :) | 09:19 |
techbw | i agree, especially for first time users, things like this make people turn away, I have been using on and off for a long time, because I have never been able to get the system to be supported either by video, flash or somthing | 09:19 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Flash works fine here in Firefox/Opera/and Konqueror | 09:20 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Your Mileage may vary :) | 09:20 |
techbw | I still have windows, and I have never had to go and download flash, web pages that I visit, have install flash on them you click agree, and its installed, but kubuntu has same option then you get to a page that says download manually | 09:20 |
techbw | and from there no ways it is working | 09:20 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | You DONT use the browser to download manually under linux | 09:21 |
techbw | will check, hopefully it'll work | 09:21 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | the apt-get way will install it for ALL users. | 09:21 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | the browser way would install it for one user. | 09:21 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | people are trained to think it should work that way..because under windows - a single user can download/install somthing and it will get installed for all users.. wether they want it or not. | 09:21 |
techbw | I tried installing apt by sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin, and other ways that are on websites, with no success...will let you know of the outcome when your meathod is done | 09:22 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !flash | 09:22 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 09:22 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !find flash | 09:22 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | thats not the right package name i belive | 09:22 |
ubottu | Found: flashblock, flashrom, flashybrid, libroxen-flash2, m16c-flash (and 4 others) | 09:22 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | flashplugin-nonfree - Adobe Flash Player plugin installer | 09:24 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I dont know wher ya got the name 'adobe-flashplugin' :) | 09:24 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | unless it was from some older releases/docs/guides package names | 09:24 |
techbw | the thing is, flash players should be installed by default, why the hell not....or at least have an option in installer to ask to accept the agreement....alot of windows users that want to try linux, turn away due to these licence issues, which makes it difficult for users to use the internet properly. I will take the time and find things, but many won't | 09:24 |
techbw | things that need to be support out of box, video, audio and flash at least should be supported. I must say things are getting better, as 6.06 was a nightmare to get certain video files to work. now I just installed VLC and hey presto video is working, also now kafiene is asking you do you want to download codec :) | 09:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | techbw, LEGAL reasons | 09:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | adobe wont allow it. | 09:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | and thats the bottom line. | 09:27 |
techbw | I know about the legality, but if you don't agree to licence during install, then it does not install, it's that simple | 09:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | thats not a legal option i belive... | 09:28 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | the ubuntu company has to take a 'keep things as legally clean as we can' stand... | 09:28 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I can get videos working easier/faster/better under Linux/ubuntu then i can in windows. | 09:29 |
buckethead | Personally, I like the idea of a meta package in medibuntu 'big audio/video bandaid'. | 09:29 |
techbw | yeah, conical wants to keep things legal, but once you have it installed then you can apt-get the packages ...whats the diffirence?? | 09:29 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | thats sort of what kubuntu-restricted-extras is | 09:29 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | techbw, from a Court of law point of view.. everything. | 09:29 |
techbw | lol | 09:29 |
buckethead | I want to take it further. | 09:29 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | and MS and Apple and Otehrs.. have lawyers so embedded in the Computer world.. its scary | 09:30 |
dwidmann | At least part of their goal/revenue is to build a large "patent portfolio" that they can use to pressure money out of others and sue if they refuse ... | 09:31 |
techbw | why can apple have these on thier os, but linux can't, apple uses many opensource apps the only diff is the OS is closed source, | 09:31 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | apple made a deal | 09:31 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | and i imagine paid adobe $$ | 09:31 |
buckethead | apple has a huge eula that tells you what you will and wont do, etc. | 09:31 |
buckethead | dwidmann: Have you been following eff.orgs patent busting project? I've been following that with interest. | 09:32 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | EULA = evil ugly legal anarchy | 09:32 |
dwidmann | EULA = just click no. | 09:32 |
techbw | well can't linux have that eula for propietery software like the codecs, and adabe included on the installer, if you don't agree to eula then it does not install the packages | 09:32 |
dwidmann | buckethead: I look in on it from time to time | 09:32 |
dwidmann | buckethead: been a while though | 09:32 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Adobe may not be satified with that. | 09:33 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | and they are the one that has to agree | 09:33 |
buckethead | ubuntu rules = no EULA past 'no implied warranty' | 09:33 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Im pretty sure you cant even legally hand out adobe's flash player binaries.. you have to get them from the adobe sites. | 09:33 |
techbw | ok, so then they cutting thier own nose to spite thier own many users turn away because of these difficulties. When you an d | 09:34 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | of course then thers the 'it aint goign to all fit on the cd any more' issue. | 09:34 |
dwidmann | I know the script in the repository (flashplay-nonfree or whatnot) is just a script to download it from Adobe's site | 09:34 |
techbw | I have problems we just look for solution | 09:34 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | right.. You can not legally even put the actual flash binaries on a cd and give it away.. blame adobe. | 09:34 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | i wonder how much $$$ they get from apple and MS to keep it that way | 09:35 |
techbw | does m$ have a share in Adobe or something? | 09:35 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I imagien they got a vested intrest in about every large software company in onw way or another. | 09:35 |
techbw | I mean if Linux users use thier product, would that not mean more income for them? | 09:35 |
dwidmann | techbw: m$ has enough money that they can pay for the privilege to do things | 09:35 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Adobe i imagone does not want to make MS mad. | 09:35 |
buckethead | Why not? MS is trying to make adobe made (silverlight) | 09:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I imagien adobe makes very little $$ fr4om the flash player. its from people buying other flash related products | 09:36 |
dwidmann | Given that most of Adobe's probably use Windows | 09:36 |
dwidmann | **Adobe's customers | 09:36 |
techbw | I wish more ppl would take a stand against them, I like the attitude the EU has on microsoft business tactics | 09:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | ADOBE is in many ways its own worse enemy. They cause most of the problems it seems. | 09:36 |
techbw | well at the rate people are moving to linux, and windows 7 is a hashup, it sux just like vista | 09:37 |
dwidmann | !offtopic | Dr_Willis_ZNC dwidmann buckethead techbw | 09:37 |
ubottu | Dr_Willis_ZNC dwidmann buckethead techbw: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 09:37 |
buckethead | Yeah, Tell yourself your offtopic! Lol. | 09:38 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | But Daddy! He Started it! :) | 09:38 |
techbw | lol | 09:38 |
dwidmann | gotta remind myself from time to time :) | 09:38 |
dwidmann | techbw: read the XKCD on that one if you haven't already (it's recent), you'll die laughing | 09:39 |
buckethead | I walked in half way.. Its definately that guys fault. .me puts over there! | 09:39 |
techbw | installation of kubuntu-restricted-extras failed | 09:41 |
dwidmann | techbw: it did? | 09:41 |
techbw | yep, the installation itself, not the outcome | 09:42 |
techbw | trying again | 09:42 |
techbw | now can't even open adept | 09:42 |
dwidmann | !adeptfix | 09:43 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 09:43 |
techbw | trying now. | 09:43 |
buckethead | What version of adept? The one in intrepid isn't worth the code its written on. | 09:43 |
techbw | ah got to redownload....must have been a download issue | 09:45 |
techbw | I am using 8.04 so don't know what it's codename is | 09:45 |
dwidmann | buckethead: cruel ... though I don't see myself turning to it, umm, at all | 09:45 |
techbw | fiest fawn i think | 09:45 |
dwidmann | hardy heron | 09:45 |
techbw | i don't know much command line...still learning. I prefer to use command line when I can. except when looking for software then browse through the list is adept | 09:46 |
buckethead | I think Heron still had the useful one. | 09:46 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I alwyas install Synaptic first thing :) | 09:47 |
buckethead | kpackagekit is supposed to come in april, I believe. | 09:47 |
dwidmann | I just use apt-get and a handful of aliases | 09:47 |
buckethead | What do you guys think about kmail vs thunderbird? | 09:48 |
techbw | still no luck with kubuntu-restricted-extras | 09:49 |
techbw | oh but wait i need to restart firefox | 09:49 |
dwidmann | kmail seems goofy/slow with IMAP last I checked, so I use thunderbird | 09:49 |
buckethead | thunderbird on kde seems unfinished to me. | 09:50 |
techbw | still have get the latest flash player thingy on youtube | 09:50 |
buckethead | I was thinking about switching, especially with akonadi coming to mainstream next week. | 09:50 |
dwidmann | buckethead: sticks out like a sore thumb | 09:50 |
dwidmann | buckethead: I'll have to check it out then, and perhaps Mailody also | 09:51 |
dwidmann | buckethead: or maybe I'll just do it now, I've got most of RC1 built | 09:51 |
techbw | what is the command to remove the package, to re-download it, to purge installation | 09:52 |
dwidmann | sudo apt-get remove --purge package; sudo apt-get install package | 09:52 |
techbw | thanks | 09:52 |
dwidmann | erm, oops, second part isn't needed, I saw the word installation and through that in there . | 09:53 |
buckethead | Yeah, I'm not that early of an adopter. | 09:53 |
buckethead | I'll wait until about a week after the big day. | 09:53 |
dwidmann | buckethead: the RC is mostly stable ... plasma is extra crashy though, but it is fairly good at recovering itself | 09:53 |
buckethead | I'm too linux-stupid to take big risks. | 09:54 |
techbw | the first time it came up with a window to accept eula, and that does not come up any more | 09:54 |
dwidmann | buckethead: well, I'm compiling it and putting it in /usr/local, so it doesn't get in the way | 09:54 |
techbw | it's also not re-downloading, it runns streight from disk | 09:54 |
dwidmann | buckethead: safe too | 09:54 |
dwidmann | techbw: ah, purge the cache, that's different, apt-get clean | 09:55 |
techbw | k thanks | 09:56 |
techbw | that has now got sun java installed, but still nothing on flash player | 09:58 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | how are you testing flash player? | 09:58 |
techbw | both adobe plugins and flashplugin-nonfree is installed? and yet firefox not detecting the installation | 10:00 |
techbw | ?? | 10:00 |
techbw | aah! seems to be downloading the packages again eventually | 10:02 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | you are doing this from the command line? | 10:09 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | be sure firefox is closed. :0 for one thing. | 10:09 |
buckethead | <- Some idiot wants KDE to use GNOME colors. Lets all 'no' that right now! | 10:11 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | thats why we have color themes...... | 10:12 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | use what you want. | 10:12 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | i want very clear/simple themes.. | 10:14 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I dont need fancy rounded buttons or gradients or stuff that makes it harder for me to see where the buttons are. :) | 10:14 |
buckethead | Lol. I' | 10:18 |
buckethead | m a pretty simple guy. I don't know where the enter button came from right there either. | 10:18 |
buckethead | Can I make the little popup not popup when I mouse over a certain window? | 10:20 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | the little Popup? | 10:21 |
buckethead | When I mouse over an application on the panel, it comes up with a preview of the window. | 10:21 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I think thats a disabeable setting.. | 10:22 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | but i dont use kde4 enough to know where. | 10:22 |
buckethead | Need it to go away for VLC to fullscreen correctly. If I don't wait for the popup to go away, the vle will reminimize. | 10:22 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | if you are using COMPIZ i know its in ccsm somwerhe. ;) | 10:22 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I cant say that vie noticed the issue with vlc.. guess i could check - but id have to logout and go back to kde :) | 10:23 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | lets see if znc can handle this.. :) brb | 10:24 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Hmm :) | 10:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | znc seemed to work | 10:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | You can disable the taskbar thumbnails -> any window titlebar -> configure window behiavor -> All Effects Tab. | 10:29 |
mike_ | hi all | 10:34 |
=== mike_ is now known as Guest31360 | ||
Guest31360 | ???? how can I set kde to its default settings? | 10:34 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | delete all the .kde* direcories is one hard core way | 10:35 |
Guest31360 | ok | 10:35 |
Guest31360 | can do this and replace kde ??? rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity | 10:36 |
Guest31360 | use kde instead of gnome | 10:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Huh? | 10:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | those dirs would reset/remove the various gnome settings | 10:36 |
Guest31360 | I set gnome to defualt | 10:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | look in your home dir | 10:36 |
Guest31360 | it got screwed up | 10:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | look for .kde* directories | 10:36 |
Guest31360 | ok | 10:37 |
Guest31360 | under user? | 10:37 |
Guest31360 | I cant get back my window buttons is the problem and window switcher doesnt work | 10:37 |
josh_ | hello? | 10:38 |
=== Gnut[OFF] is now known as gnuton | ||
Guest31360 | Dr Willis are the .kde directories under home? | 10:39 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | of course they are. :) | 10:42 |
Guest31360 | ok found them then tyvm | 10:42 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | echo .k* | 10:42 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | .kbluetooth4 .kde .kderc | 10:42 |
Guest31360 | ok | 10:42 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | not sure what .kderc does.. it has some font settings it seems | 10:43 |
Guest31360 | ok | 10:43 |
Guest31360 | .kpackage too | 10:43 |
Guest31360 | all of them I guess | 10:43 |
noaXess | hi all | 10:45 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | howdy | 10:45 |
noaXess | in system settings / keyboard / keyboard shortcuts i have a lot of entries, same entries.. is there a way to clean that entries? | 10:46 |
noaXess | jey Dr_Willis_ZNC | 10:46 |
noaXess | wasup? | 10:46 |
noaXess | the shortcut entries are in "KDE Menu Editor" | 10:46 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | testing out ZNC right now. :) | 10:47 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | its sort of handy | 10:48 |
Guest31360 | whats ZNC? | 10:49 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | a IRC bouncer thing/service. :) | 10:49 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | all the irc clients i got on the lan can connect to it.. and it forwards them all here. | 10:50 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | so if i close them all out. i still appear to be here.. and it logs whats going on | 10:50 |
Guest31360 | ohhhh | 10:50 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | | 10:51 |
noaXess | any idea, tip about my keyboard shortcut problem? | 10:52 |
noaXess | where are they stored? is there a config file to manually edit and delete all the entries that i don't want? | 10:53 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | The menus are normally generated from various .desktop files in places across the system | 10:55 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Not sure why you would have redundatn ones.. | 10:55 |
lab | I'm really getting mad with these plasmoids.. I can't install them at all with the widgets manager and I don't find any instruction for doing that. I have a xxx.skz file: what should I do with it ? me! | 11:00 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | #kde may have some info. or - I dont use kde4 enough to even know | 11:02 |
BigMike | well I am up and running again on kde yehaw!! ty Dr willis | 11:03 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Kubphil | ||
The-Compiler | How can I do a "for i in <all numbers from 1 to 999>" in bash? | 11:22 |
ActionParsnip | The-Compiler: let me search | 11:24 |
The-Compiler | it was {1..999} | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | yeah that makes sense, have yo utried it with brackets? | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | [1..999] | 11:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I though brackets ment somthing else... But id have to double check that Advanced-bash-scripting guide to be sure. :) | 11:31 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | its late | 11:31 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | and i may be gettting bash stuff confused with regular expressions again | 11:31 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !abs | 11:31 |
ubottu | Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at | 11:31 |
n1ck | im having trouble saving javascript files and opening in firefox | 11:31 |
n1ck | firefox not executing scripts | 11:31 |
n1ck | i think editor is not saving the right characters | 11:31 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis_ZNC: () are parenthesis | 11:31 |
n1ck | some encoding problem ? | 11:31 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis_ZNC: {} are braces | 11:31 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis_ZNC: [] are brackets | 11:32 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | yes.. and bash uses them one way.. and regular expressions often use them the other way :) | 11:32 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I stared at a bash script for an hr once.. and reaized i got them confused.. now im coufused as to how i got confused about beign confused | 11:33 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I do think thers proerly a dozen ways to do the for 1 to 999 thing in bash | 11:33 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | example 10-12 | 11:35 |
ActionParsnip | if agent_bob or _2 were here he'd tell you in a second | 11:35 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | or a in `seq 999` | 11:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | id never even seen the seq command befor.. :) | 11:36 |
ActionParsnip | !info seq | 11:39 |
ubottu | Package seq does not exist in intrepid | 11:39 |
ActionParsnip | bah | 11:39 |
ActionParsnip | | 11:39 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | :) | 11:40 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !find seq | 11:40 |
ubottu | Found: cl-split-sequence, libdbix-sequence-perl, libsequel-core-ruby, libsequel-core-ruby1.8, libsequel-ruby (and 3 others) | 11:40 |
ActionParsnip | i think ubottu only shows packages and not kernel commands (couldnt think of a better way to put it) | 11:43 |
n1ck | im getting illegal characters when i edit a file in any editor | 11:44 |
=== navid_ is now known as nahy | ||
ActionParsnip | n1ck: jail for you then boy | 11:57 |
n1ck | actionparsnip: :D | 11:58 |
raj | Hi everyone | 11:58 |
n1ck | the file saves correctly, but when i open it in firefox, the javascript in the file does not execute, so i think the file is not saving characters like quotes in the right m,anner | 11:59 |
Eutychus | hello room | 11:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | find the url to the file.. use wget to download it perhaps | 12:00 |
Eutychus | should it take over 2 hours for the kubuntu install cd to partition a laptop hd with vista on it? | 12:00 |
ActionParsnip | n1ck: check your regional setting and keyboard layout is correct | 12:00 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | vista can resize the vista parittions MUCH faster then ubuntu/kubuntu did for me. | 12:00 |
Eutychus | it looks stuck | 12:01 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Eutychus, if its resizing the hard might.. but i never did that from the livecd. | 12:01 |
n1ck | actionparsnip : ok | 12:01 |
Eutychus | how long should i wait. or do i have a choice? | 12:01 |
nahy | hey guy. it's been a while whenever i want to install something this message appears "archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing | 12:01 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Eutychus, it is resizing?or are you at some other step? | 12:01 |
Eutychus | step 3 creating two partitions | 12:02 |
Eutychus | guided partition. | 12:02 |
nahy | how can i restore this archive "partial"? | 12:02 |
Eutychus | i cant tell what it is doing because i resized the window and nothing has refreshed. the cursor is two spinning circles, but everything else is whited out. | 12:03 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Eutychus, seeif you can hit alt-ctrl-f1 through f7 to see any log/info on whats going on. | 12:03 |
Eutychus | alt-ctrl-f1 rebooted the computer.... | 12:04 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Hmm... | 12:04 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | that shouldnet of done it.. | 12:04 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | sounds like somthing else crashed as ya did that.. | 12:04 |
Eutychus | now ihave a black screen that reads loading, please wait... | 12:04 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I woudl boot to vista.. have it check/defrag the windows drive.. and then use the vista toosl to resize the windows drive.. and leave a section at the back of the drive 'unallocated' let the installer use that. | 12:05 |
Eutychus | k. | 12:05 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | the vista tools can resize a vista parittion in amazing speeds. :) not sure how its able to do it so fast | 12:06 |
Eutychus | alt-ctrl f2 gives me a curser | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis_ZNC: can it resize the system drive? | 12:07 |
Eutychus | ubuntu@ubunto~$ | 12:07 |
nahy | how can i restore this archive "partial"? | 12:07 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | ActionParsnip, yes.. no idea how.. but it can | 12:07 |
n1ck | arsnip:thanks buddy, that solved my problem :) | 12:07 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | ActionParsnip, thats what i did onmy laptops :) first thing | 12:07 |
n1ck | i mean ActionParsnip :D | 12:08 |
Eutychus | my bad... it didnt reboot, that was just the disk spinning the screen blanking... | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis_ZNC: weird, i dont have any intention of poluting my system with vista | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | n1ck: np bro | 12:09 |
n1ck | :) | 12:09 |
Eutychus | how do i get out of it safely? | 12:09 |
Eutychus | or can i? | 12:10 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | hit some keys -- see if ya can see ani info /mseeages on the alt-ctrl-f1 throguh f6 consoles | 12:13 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | it may give a clue | 12:13 |
Aison | I tried to apt-get kubuntu-desktop, but now I get some conflict with | 12:13 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I hate to just say reboot.. while its in the middle of disk resizing.. thats NOT a good thing to do | 12:13 |
Aison | dolphin and kde-icons-oxygen :( | 12:13 |
Aison | apt-get cant install dolphin because of some existing icon in both packets | 12:14 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Aison, tryign to isntall the 4.2 rc1 stuff? or just 4.1 ? | 12:15 |
Aison | it's 4.1 | 12:15 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | sounds like a confused package/update | 12:16 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | try a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then try installing them again. | 12:16 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | alternatively see the topic.. and try kde 4.2 rc1 - its Much improved over 4.1 | 12:17 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I will note that i rarely use kde4 - i just dont care much for it | 12:17 |
Aison | the point is, I cant do anything now with apt-get | 12:17 |
Aison | there's allways an error now | 12:17 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | update/upgrade dont even work eh? | 12:17 |
navid_ | how can i restore this archive "partial"? | 12:17 |
Eutychus | f1 = black screen with words "loading please wait..." and a cursor. f2 ubuntu insturciton for root and sudo commands with a cursor: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$. f3 display all 2109 possibilites (y or n)? f7 takes me back to the wihited out gui of the guided partition with the two cirlced cursor moving in circles. f8 error messages. f10 blank black screen w cursor. f11 the rest5 dont do anyting as... | 12:17 |
Eutychus | ...far as i can tell. | 12:17 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | navid_, that statement makes little sence. | 12:17 |
navid_ | hey guy. it's been a while whenever i want to install something this message appears "archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing | 12:17 |
Aison | Dr_Willis_ZNC, update works, but upgrade not, because of broken dep error | 12:18 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Aison, id remove one of the offending packages perhaps.. and get apt working again | 12:18 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Eutychus, f3 says that becaus you hit the escape key :) | 12:18 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Eutychus, well.. you could get to a shell on the F1 or F2 console and try the top command and see whats running... | 12:19 |
Eutychus | ah. | 12:19 |
navid_ | i erased my archive to free up some disk space | 12:19 |
Eutychus | what should i do? | 12:19 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Eutychus, i forget the name of the insatller.. IF the thing is done resizing the drives.. you could reboot.. but if you reboot while its resizeing = possible to lose all data on the drive | 12:19 |
Eutychus | juist type in top? | 12:19 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | top commandis safe :) | 12:20 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | it shows whats running | 12:20 |
Aison | Dr_Willis_ZNC, I cant remove anything ;) | 12:20 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Aison, thers some apt-get -f option. but ive not used it in ages | 12:20 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | -f for fix | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | sudo apt-get -f install | 12:21 |
Eutychus | iit shows things running... like an old batch schedule | 12:21 |
Aison | ActionParsnip, sudo apt-get -f install simply tries to reinstall dolphin, but this dont work | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: what are you trying to achieve? | 12:22 |
Eutychus | root, haldeamo, ubuntu, etc | 12:22 |
navid_ | Dr_Willis_ZNC: what should i do? | 12:22 |
Aison | I tried to install kubuntu-desktop | 12:22 |
navid_ | how can i fix it? | 12:23 |
Aison | now dolphin package have got same icons als kde-icons-oxygen | 12:23 |
Aison | is there no force? | 12:23 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | navid_, im not sclear on what you are doing - or are trying to do. you deleted an archive... | 12:23 |
navid_ | yes | 12:23 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | kubuntu-desktop is a meta-package it just depends onthe other packages.. those are conflicting.. thats the issue | 12:24 |
navid_ | someone told me to free up some space it is the way | 12:24 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | you could try to force the install of those 2 packages.. then try to reinstall kubuntu-desktop | 12:24 |
Aison | Dr_Willis_ZNC, yes, how do I force installing a package ;) | 12:24 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | navid_, 'an archive' what archive? | 12:24 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !apt-get | 12:24 |
ubottu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 12:24 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Aison, i think -f is mistakenly thought to be for force..or there may be some other option. Id have to double check that apt-get docs | 12:25 |
Eutychus | ubiquity, zorg, hald, ... i dont know what all that means... does that mean it is partitioning and i should just be patient? | 12:25 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | ubiquity is the installer. | 12:25 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop | 12:25 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I think.. | 12:25 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Eutychus, how big a hard drive was this anyway> | 12:26 |
Eutychus | 60gigs | 12:26 |
Eutychus | but i dont think vista was using over 30. | 12:27 |
Eutychus | *but i think vista was using over 30. | 12:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Eutychus, that shoudlent take much time at all to resize... its been 2 hrs? | 12:27 |
navid_ | i erased anything i found in this folder: /var/cache/apt/archives | 12:27 |
Aison | ActionParsnip, that's the error: | 12:27 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | navid_, so whats the problem exactly? the package manager will redownload the files to that location as needed. | 12:27 |
Eutychus | going on the 2nd hour. | 12:27 |
colomar | Hi @all | 12:28 |
Eutychus | it is using 99-100% of the cpu and abouty 4% of the memory | 12:28 |
navid_ | i don't know why it says that this file "partial" is missing????? | 12:28 |
navid_ | i got to go | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | navid_, partial is a DIRECTORY thats in /var/cache/apt/archives/partial | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | sudo mkdir -p /var/cache/apt/archives/partial | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | and try again | 12:29 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: sudo apt-get install --reinstall dolphin; sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop | 12:30 |
navid_ | ok so you suggest that i make that directory? | 12:30 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | navid_, thas what the command i just gave does | 12:30 |
colomar | Just a (hopefully) quick question: I switched on the effect "Sharpen" in KDE4 and it somehow broke kwin/plasma/whatever) because now everything is too slow to just do anything (when only the standard effect set is turned on, everything works fine). Now how do I reset the effects without using the settings GUI? | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | colomar, it crashed kde4 here also..i couldnet tell what it did. | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | No idea how to reset it. :) | 12:32 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | im in gnome at the moment | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | hey all, what can a user do if lspci and lshw are not commands on the system? | 12:32 |
navid_ | OK thank you very much | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis_ZNC: rename ~/.kde4 and / or ~/.kde | 12:32 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | check that they are in the normal path? /usr/bin/lspci | 12:32 |
navid_ | it works\ | 12:32 |
navid_ | i want to know something else | 12:33 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | navid_, thers specific commands deisgned to clean out that 'cache' other then just removeind the directrory | 12:33 |
Eutychus | i need to go to bed. if i shut the lid of the laptop witll it continue, and should i leave it showing the dos looking stuff or change it back to the gui? | 12:33 |
Aison | ActionParsnip, you see, cant work: | 12:34 |
Aison | I also can't remove kde-icons-oxygen | 12:34 |
navid_ | i have three (3) kernels that i think it have messed up my disk space how can i remove two olders? | 12:34 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: perfect | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: sudo dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/dolphin_4%3a4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1_amd64.deb | 12:35 |
Eutychus | how do i get out of the top command? | 12:35 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | 3 kenrels dont take up much space.. Unless you are real real real tight on space. | 12:35 |
navid_ | i have 4GB for my root | 12:36 |
navid_ | isn't that enough | 12:37 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | that wouldnent hold my wallpaper collection. :) | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | navid_: yeah, ive installed a system on 2.5Gb | 12:37 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | 4gb would barely be enough.. if you keep /var/cache/apt clean and stuff | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | Eutychus: run konsole, type top, hit enter | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: better? | 12:38 |
navid_ | i know and i'm using windows and linux together | 12:38 |
Eutychus | it reads PID to Kill. when i type in run console it beeps and reads "not valid" | 12:39 |
navid_ | and what is the reason that my disk is getting full so quickly | 12:39 |
navid_ | ? | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | Eutychus: try: ps -ef | grep <command> | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | Eutychus: e.g. ps -ef | grep firefox | 12:40 |
Eutychus | this wont hurt the ubiquity isntaller>? | 12:40 |
Aison | ActionParsnip, yes, for now ;) | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | Eutychus: depends what ap you are killing | 12:41 |
Eutychus | i want to get out of the top thing and go back to the gui where ubiquity is supposed to be partitioning the hard drive (but it has been two hours) | 12:41 |
navid_ | and what is the reason that my disk is getting full so quickly? | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: try keeping your forces to the absolute minimum | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: you cn REALLY damage your system if you use it incorrectly | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: like forcing an app when you dont have the deps will make your system think you have those deps when it doesnt | 12:43 |
Aison | k, brb in 2min | 12:44 |
Eutychus | crap. now i am in something called "current fields" how do i get out of this thing without destroying the data? | 12:45 |
Eutychus | aha! Q for quit. | 12:46 |
Eutychus | err... little q. | 12:46 |
colomar | (ha, solved my problem. Since I don | 12:46 |
Eutychus | if ubiquity is still stuck when i wake up, what should i do? | 12:46 |
colomar | Since I don't seem to be the only one who had the problem with a certain effect effectively killing kwin, where should I best post the solution? | 12:47 |
Aison | re | 12:48 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: better? | 12:48 |
Aison | when i removed some packages by apt-get remove --purge and now another package comes and would like to install it, because it needs it. why is it blocked? | 12:49 |
Aison | almost | 12:49 |
Aison | ActionParsnip, what means "Depends: ... but is not going to be installed" | 12:50 |
Aison | | 12:50 |
Aison | why is it not going to be installed?!? | 12:51 |
noaXess | in system settings / keyboard / keyboard shortcuts / KDE Menu Editor i have a lot of entries, same entries.. is there a way to clean that entries? | 12:53 |
Aison | ActionParsnip, hehe, I added now kde-4.2-rc1 to source.list | 12:59 |
Aison | after apt-get update, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop works | 12:59 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: sweet | 13:00 |
ActionParsnip | Aison: yeah sometimes the packages just need telling its ok to install | 13:00 |
ActionParsnip | as there are file crossovers, but force fixes it | 13:01 |
Aison | brb, restart and show what happens :) | 13:02 |
Aison | ActionParsnip, nice one, it works | 13:07 |
master | hi | 13:10 |
master | n e 1 there? | 13:11 |
Eutychus | bbl. | 13:12 |
master | what? | 13:12 |
master | i need some help abt kde | 13:13 |
Pici | !ask | 13:13 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 13:13 |
master | i have removed the bottom panel in kde, how can i get it back with all the icons that were there originally? | 13:14 |
aftertaf | er hi :) | 13:14 |
aftertaf | i'm making a custom live cd from an official iso.... i wanted to know if theres a way to bypass the 'choose your language' and the menu at boot time... | 13:14 |
aftertaf | and at the same time to make tty1 have the boot stuff (and the script I run via /etc/init.d/ also) . . . . | 13:14 |
aftertaf | bcos it runs my script, but have to Alt F8 to see it :( | 13:15 |
master | is there a way to reinstall kde? | 13:15 |
aftertaf | master kde3 or 4 ? | 13:15 |
master | latest | 13:16 |
master | kde 4 | 13:16 |
bob__ | sudo apt-get remove kde4? | 13:16 |
aftertaf | :) | 13:17 |
aftertaf | master: no need to reinstall to add the panel | 13:17 |
aftertaf | just add a panel. | 13:17 |
master | i have kde 4 installed but now as i have removed the bottom panel accidently i want to reinstall it or bring it back to default | 13:17 |
aftertaf | and remake it from plasma | 13:17 |
master | ok | 13:17 |
master | how to access plasma? | 13:17 |
master | u see there are no icons on my desktop | 13:18 |
bob__ | right click on your desktop | 13:18 |
=== rohan is now known as shadeslayer | ||
bob__ | add panel | 13:18 |
shadeslayer | hey i have a small problem with GRUB | 13:19 |
master | bob__ i have done that but i can't get K icon, it was like a start menu | 13:19 |
aftertaf | master: add a panel first | 13:19 |
master | done | 13:19 |
aftertaf | then right click the panel and add the launcher | 13:19 |
master | ok | 13:19 |
shadeslayer | my freind formatted his kubuntu partion and lost his GRUB | 13:20 |
master | it will ask me a command i think | 13:20 |
shadeslayer | *friend | 13:20 |
bob__ | did he have /boot on a different partition? | 13:20 |
shadeslayer | yeah vista | 13:20 |
shadeslayer | :P | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | !grub | shadeslayer | 13:21 |
ubottu | shadeslayer: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 13:21 |
shadeslayer | thanks | 13:21 |
bob__ | ActionParsnip: you anygood with nvidia | 13:21 |
Aison | damn, I switched my desktop to show a folder. but now I can't switch it back ;) nor it's possible to change the apperiance settings | 13:21 |
ActionParsnip | bob__: in what way? | 13:21 |
Aison | on the popup menu I have got Refresh-Desktop instead of Appereance Settings ;) | 13:21 |
bob__ | well i install the ones off the web site and my monitor goes into power saving mode | 13:22 |
bob__ | ive added a modeline for the resolution | 13:22 |
ActionParsnip | bob__: have you set the res / refresh in nvidia-settings? | 13:22 |
fjellrev1 | Anyone had any experience with movie players cutting movies short ? | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | bob__: try changing the refresh rate for the monitor | 13:23 |
shadeslayer | ok i get stuck at step 2 | 13:24 |
=== homepc is now known as homepc_ | ||
=== homepc_ is now known as H3rBz | ||
shadeslayer | it says file not found after find /grub/stage1 | 13:24 |
H3rBz | What media player are your using? | 13:24 |
=== milian-laptop is now known as milian | ||
=== milian is now known as milian-laptop | ||
=== milian-laptop is now known as milian_ | ||
bob__ | thing is ActionParsnip i dont think its a problem with my refresh rate because when i reload X i cant even ctrl alt to another teminal | 13:26 |
master | what is the command to remove KDE 4? | 13:26 |
=== milian_ is now known as milian-laptop_ | ||
ActionParsnip | bob__: kdesudo nvidia-settings should help you config the video | 13:26 |
=== milian-laptop_ is now known as milian-laptop | ||
homepc | Can't you do ti in the GUI? | 13:27 |
homepc | it* | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | master: dpkg -l | grep nightly | 13:27 |
tobor | master: apt-get remove <package name> | 13:27 |
Mai | Is some imagemagick-expert here? I'm searching for a way, to move the content of a picture down, without resizing it. | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | master: sudo apt-get --purge remove <whatever> | 13:27 |
tobor | Mai - explain "down" | 13:28 |
master | thanks actionparsnip | 13:28 |
tobor | Mai: do you mean you want the picture "lower" within its border? | 13:28 |
ActionParsnip | master: that removes kde 4.2 | 13:28 |
shadeslayer | ok im trying to repair to GRUB editor | 13:28 |
shadeslayer | installing a new GRUB | 13:29 |
homepc | Is Wubi a good long term option? | 13:29 |
tobor | Mai: I suspect a language barrier/problem here | 13:29 |
shadeslayer | it says install on | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | master: is that what you wanted? | 13:29 |
=== homepc is now known as H3rBz | ||
master | i am trying to remove kde 4 | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | homepc: not really, its more a try it app | 13:29 |
Mai | tobor: Well, mainly, move anything from one point to another | 13:30 |
shadeslayer | and when i write /dev/scd ,the scd part cannot be typed | 13:30 |
master | so i typed apt-get remove kde | 13:30 |
ActionParsnip | H3rBz: i'd recommend a full install | 13:30 |
aftertaf | how can I change the boot options on a live CD i'm customising? | 13:30 |
aftertaf | i want to remove the splash | 13:30 |
ActionParsnip | !puregnome | master | 13:30 |
tobor | Mai: so you want to cut a part of the image out and paste it down in diffeent part of the picture? | 13:30 |
aftertaf | but no /boot/grub/menu.lst on the live cd . | 13:30 |
ubottu | master: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » | 13:30 |
H3rBz | Thanks, I'm just a bit worried... I sadly depend on windows 4 work related stuff | 13:30 |
master | no no | 13:31 |
Mai | tobot: I think something like add a retangle on one side, an remove a port on the other side could work, if imagemagick can do this. | 13:31 |
Mai | tobor: yes. | 13:31 |
master | well is there a way to repair kde | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | master: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop | 13:31 |
tobor | Mai: hmm - I know that can be done in gimp. I don'tknow if it can be done in imagemagick. (Note: Gimp can run scripts ) | 13:32 |
aftertaf | repair aint the god word. | 13:32 |
master | what will happen with that command | 13:32 |
shadeslayer | actionparsnip:any idea | 13:32 |
valerio | ciao | 13:32 |
valerio | !list | 13:32 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 13:32 |
aftertaf | master. added the panel yet? | 13:32 |
master | i am sorry to say but no i didn't | 13:32 |
aftertaf | master: dont uninstall kde etc . . . | 13:32 |
aftertaf | just for a panel . . . | 13:32 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: all i can recommend is the factoid, if you run sudo fdisk -l you wall see the disks as well as the partitions on them | 13:33 |
aftertaf | master, can you right click your sektop and add a panel or not? Does it work? | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: you can then use it to help install grub to | 13:33 |
shadeslayer | im was gonna run that | 13:33 |
shadeslayer | which one??? | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | master: kubuntu-desktop is a meta package | 13:33 |
master | yes it works | 13:33 |
shadeslayer | im trying to install it to /dev/sdc | 13:33 |
aftertaf | master, ok so you have a panel? | 13:33 |
master | i have installed it earlier | 13:33 |
Mai | tobor: Hm, where can i find an example-script for Gimp? An can Gimp handle pdf's? | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | master: its like a package of packages and it will install everythng to give you kubuntu | 13:33 |
master | i know | 13:34 |
master | but i don't want kubutu | 13:34 |
aftertaf | ok. right ckick the panel, choose panel options, add plasmoid | 13:34 |
master | i just want kde | 13:34 |
ActionParsnip | master: it will reinstall over the top, all the stuff that makes kubuntu be kubuntu, like kate and kdesudo and other such packages | 13:34 |
aftertaf | kubuntu is a distribution with kde thats all | 13:34 |
master | ok lt me explain what i didi | 13:35 |
shadeslayer | actionparsnip:can you tell me the command for terminal installation of grub using fdisk | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | master: how are you distinguishing the difference, kubuntu is ubuntu but instead of gnome + metacity, it uses kde + kwin | 13:35 |
master | *did | 13:35 |
tobor | Mai: example scripts are (AFAIK) in the Gimp package. I don't know if Gimp handles PDF's. PDF's can be converted to html, which produces JPEGs of the images in the PDF (and sometimes JPEGS of the pages too!) | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: fdisk doesnt install grub | 13:35 |
tobor | once you have a JPEG you can Gimp it. | 13:35 |
tobor | Mai: see the "pdftohtml" command. | 13:36 |
shadeslayer | ok then what installs it?? | 13:36 |
ActionParsnip | tobor: you have a cups pdf printer by default | 13:37 |
shadeslayer | cant i use the grub editor to restore GRUB | 13:37 |
shadeslayer | i just need the path to install it | 13:37 |
aftertaf | /boot/grub/menu.lst | 13:37 |
shadeslayer | it wont let me type that path | 13:38 |
vmt | hello all .) i have ubuntu 8.04 and Im looking for chkconfig. It isnt there and its also not installable. How can I now configure the init scripts? And where is chkconfig gone? | 13:38 |
vmt | can someone help? | 13:38 |
Pici | !upstart | 13:38 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 13:38 |
vmt | !chkconfig | 13:39 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chkconfig | 13:39 |
vmt | ahh, okay thanks! | 13:39 |
=== homepc is now known as H3rBz | ||
H3rBz | best ubuntu torrent cilent please ? | 13:39 |
shadeslayer | i have /sda/dev1 as my boot partition | 13:39 |
Pici | !best | H3rBz | 13:40 |
ubottu | H3rBz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 13:40 |
shadeslayer | but it gives some error | 13:40 |
shadeslayer | occured | 13:40 |
ActionParsnip | !torrents | H3rBz | 13:40 |
ubottu | H3rBz: Kubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) torrents can be obtained at (KDE 3.5.9) or (KDE 4.0.3) | 13:40 |
ActionParsnip | !torrent | H3rBz | 13:40 |
ubottu | H3rBz: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: - See also !P2P | 13:40 |
ActionParsnip | H3rBz: try some of those, see which you like | 13:40 |
H3rBz | Which would you reccomend please? | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | H3rBz: i use ktorrent personally but that doesnt make it the best, there is no best anything otherwise we'd all use that and nothing else | 13:41 |
H3rBz | I;m looking for something uTorrent like | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | H3rBz: and the other teams would fizzle out as their product wouldnt be used | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | H3rBz: ktorrent is quite utorrent like afaik | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | H3rBz: try something new, you might suprise yourself | 13:42 |
H3rBz | Thanks | 13:42 |
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter | ||
H3rBz | Any Australian linux users in here? | 13:43 |
vmt | hmm, I had a look upstart page, but there is nothing explained how I can prevent a service starting during bootup. How can I do this now? Can someone help? | 13:44 |
wesley__ | Jaunty alpha 3 wasnt that released already ? | 13:50 |
wesley__ | Why is Kubuntu not making news post about it anymore ? | 13:51 |
wesley__ | 19 Jan, 15 jan they released alpha 3, but no release news on Kubuntu website | 13:52 |
wesley__ | | 13:52 |
robin0800 | wesley: perhaps 27th of january for alpha3 and kde 4.2 | 13:55 |
shadeslayer | will reinstalling Kubuntu work??? | 13:55 |
riorio | I just upgraded to 8.10 and everything is just fine; except the desktop is slightly larger than my window. Where can I change this? | 13:56 |
master | i think u should check hardware drivers | 13:57 |
master | riorio | 13:57 |
riorio | yes, ok, I'm searching for them | 13:57 |
master | system-administration-hardware drivers | 13:58 |
riorio | yes, it's just that my desktop speaks Swedish and I have to use some imagination and tanslation to find things | 13:58 |
ActionParsnip | !puregnome > master | 13:58 |
ubottu | master, please see my private message | 13:58 |
riorio | master, "no propietary drivers on this system" -- thx for the tip | 14:00 |
riorio | I'll have to install that NVIDIA thing again | 14:01 |
riorio | or is there a package for it now? | 14:01 |
master | k riorio | 14:01 |
riorio | I used to run ENVY | 14:01 |
master | envy is good | 14:01 |
ActionParsnip | envy is nasty | 14:02 |
riorio | ok, I'll have a look. Thanks anyways | 14:02 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: what gfx card do you run? | 14:02 |
master | i have seen people recommending it for nvidia | 14:02 |
Tm_T | !envy | 14:02 |
ubottu | envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk | 14:02 |
Tm_T | envy is not supported, so... | 14:02 |
bob__ | envyng is tho | 14:02 |
bob__ | :P | 14:03 |
riorio | ActionParsnip, dunno, but my computer i from 2002, its old stuff | 14:03 |
ActionParsnip | master: the large majority of nvidia cards are supported by nvidia-glx-188 | 14:03 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: run: lspci | grep -i vga | 14:03 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: whats it say? | 14:03 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: whats the output say? | 14:04 |
riorio | two screen of information | 14:04 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: should only be 1 line | 14:05 |
riorio | oh, wrong command, moment... | 14:05 |
riorio | VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV15DDR [GeForce2 Ti] (rev a4) | 14:06 |
bob__ | heh according to the latest nvidia drivers and a Xorg -configure i have a 9800gx2 which i do and nvidia tesla s870 gfx cards which i dont :S | 14:06 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: i used to have one of those, tis are sweet | 14:08 |
riorio | :) dunno, I never had a look at it | 14:09 |
bukharin | hello all | 14:09 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: remove all the envy garbage, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-71 nvidia-settings | 14:10 |
riorio | oh, I just opened Adept | 14:10 |
* riorio is opening a terminal instead | 14:10 | |
ActionParsnip | riorio: make sure yuo close adept or it wont work | 14:11 |
bukharin | i have a tricky one: i got a dvd recorded with a mac os x computer. it contains one file, a mov video. The filename includes a spanish tilde (í), and aparently, mac os x uses some weird char enconding, and in linux and windows, the file produces I/O error when accessed. How can i copy it to hd ignoring the file name? i am of the idea that there's a command to do low level copy, but wouldn't know how... | 14:11 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: you could use mencode as long as the video is playable | 14:12 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: you should stick to the standard formats to avoid issues | 14:12 |
riorio | ActionParsnip, thanks, is installing packages now | 14:12 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: i know, i hat macs :P and quicktime and movs but is all i got, i didn't record it... | 14:12 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: mencode is the encoder in mplayer, right? | 14:14 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: once its installed: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 14:15 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: i don't think that will work, since the file itself is not readable. i tried copying it with cp, but it did not work. dolphin bailsout on it too, and either vlc and kaffeine fail to paly it... | 14:15 |
riorio | installed now, ok... | 14:15 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: yeah, as long as mplayer can play it, it can reencode it | 14:15 |
master | bye guys........see u all soon...... | 14:15 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: then press ctrl+alt+del, but not yet | 14:15 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: let em chck if maplyer can deal with it. | 14:15 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: then when you are back in, run kdesudo nvidia-settings | 14:15 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: you will be told to run a command as root | 14:16 |
riorio | ActionParsnip, it is asking if I want to use an interface for frame buffers | 14:17 |
ActionParsnip | just sud <that command. restart x again then rerun kdesudo nvidia-settings | 14:17 |
riorio | *core's fram buffers | 14:17 |
ActionParsnip | riorio: use whatever is advised | 14:17 |
jarodrig | joujoujou | 14:18 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: no deal. bash doesn't recognize the file name, it fails to complete with tab, and the foreign char appears as a ? | 14:18 |
bukharin | so mplayer fails with filenot found :( | 14:18 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: try: mv *.<whatever extension> file.<whatever extension> | 14:19 |
master | i am back | 14:20 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: or rename in a file browser | 14:22 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: dolphin crashes when i try to acces it. and i can't rename it, as it is in a ro filesystem (a dvd). | 14:23 |
bukharin | mv just finished, let me see what it did. | 14:23 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: mv: reading `Camilo y Roc\241o 1': Input/output error | 14:23 |
bukharin | cp did the same thing just before. | 14:23 |
bukharin | that \241 should be an í | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: is the file on a removable media? you could maybe mount iti with options to handle the special caracters | 14:25 |
ActionParsnip | or rename it on the mac | 14:25 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: i don't have a mac, i got this disc from someone else... what mount options should i use? | 14:26 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip or how can i find out what they need to be? | 14:26 |
shadeslayer | can i remove GRUB?? | 14:27 |
JohnFlux | shadeslayer: and replace it with what? | 14:27 |
shadeslayer | well my friend formatted the Kubuntu partion thus causing grub to be fromatted too | 14:28 |
shadeslayer | i was thinking of removing GRUB to directly load the vista boot loader | 14:28 |
JohnFlux | you don't really remove grub, but rather reinstall the vista boot loader | 14:29 |
BluesKaj | Howdy | 14:29 |
JohnFlux | so you need to look at how to install the vista boot loader | 14:29 |
shadeslayer | i am currently reinstalling Kubuntu to reinstall GRUB | 14:29 |
etech | hi, is there 64bit kubuntu faster than the 32bit kubuntu? | 14:29 |
bob__ | can anyone tell me why lspci | grep -i nvidia outputs this | 14:30 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: try adding iocharset=utf8 to the mount options | 14:32 |
BluesKaj | shadeslayer, I think the prob with vista might be the same as what i encountered with Windows 7. Upon rebooting from Windows to linux windows automatically reflags it's partition as the boot partition thereby bypassing grub altogether ...I havent solved this prob permannently but use gparted to reflag kubuntu as the boot partiton , then grub will reappear | 14:32 |
ActionParsnip | bob__: the 9800 GX2 is supported by nvidia-glx-177 in intrepid | 14:33 |
ActionParsnip | bob__: | 14:33 |
shadeslayer | BluesKaJ:actually the GRUB partition has been formatted altogether | 14:34 |
ActionParsnip | bob__: it also supports all those named there | 14:34 |
BluesKaj | err ,Upon rebooting from Windows to linux , windows automatically reflags | 14:34 |
shadeslayer | so no GRUB | 14:34 |
shadeslayer | only 3 partitions with no bootloader | 14:34 |
shadeslayer | :P | 14:34 |
BluesKaj | grub is wiped ..are you sure ? | 14:34 |
shadeslayer | yes | 14:34 |
shadeslayer | it shows loading GRUB 1.5 | 14:34 |
shadeslayer | then cannot load grub | 14:34 |
BluesKaj | have you tried reflagging kubuntu as the boot partition ? | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: you may have to boot to livecd then chroot to the system on one other the partitions | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: then reinstall grub | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | ok wait a sec | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | one at a time | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | im reinstalling Kubuntu | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | 97pc | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | maybe thatll reinstall grub | 14:36 |
gilles_ | hi | 14:36 |
shadeslayer | !hi | 14:37 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | BluesKaj: what do you reckon to the chroot? | 14:38 |
bob__ | ActionParsnip: sorry my missus came in and distracted me | 14:38 |
gilles_ | i've got sometimes a graphic bug | 14:38 |
ActionParsnip | bob__: np, its all above | 14:38 |
bob__ | but what i wanted to say to you is i dont have tesla cards | 14:38 |
ActionParsnip | bob__: then ignore them, the geforce is your video card, its massively support | 14:38 |
ActionParsnip | ed | 14:38 |
gilles_ | i've got horizontal lines on the screen then it disappears | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | ActionParsnip , dunno about that , I'm not familiar with what chroot really does in this case | 14:39 |
=== The-Compiler is now known as Marguerida | ||
ActionParsnip | BluesKaj: would make him be on his partition using the cd to boot but then moving into the unbootable partition, he can then install junk to his system | 14:40 |
shadeslayer | SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 14:41 |
shadeslayer | reinstalling did the job | 14:41 |
BluesKaj | I'm going to investigate this further | 14:42 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: reinstall of what? | 14:42 |
shadeslayer | Kubuntu | 14:42 |
BluesKaj | shadeslayer , let's hope it holds ...wait til you reboot from windows before you celebrate :P | 14:42 |
shadeslayer | ah well we will see about that | 14:43 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: do you mean entirely new install? | 14:43 |
shadeslayer | will do that in sec | 14:43 |
ipac | holas coo estan | 14:43 |
ActionParsnip | !es | ipac | 14:43 |
ubottu | ipac: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 14:43 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: didn't work. | 14:44 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: utf8 enables bash to see the file, and now tab completion recognizes it, and the í prints ok in konsole, but cp bails out with I/O error after trying to copy for ages (it's a 3.8 gb file :S) | 14:45 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: you need a special mount option to handle the characters | 14:45 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: is the media ok? any scratches etc? | 14:45 |
shadeslayer | BTW i have a partition missing in windows | 14:46 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: i tried with iocharset=utf8 | 14:46 |
shadeslayer | its detected in disk manager | 14:46 |
shadeslayer | HP recovery partition | 14:46 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: find different ones so the character appears | 14:47 |
shadeslayer | and it works by rebooting in windows :P | 14:47 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: watch your partition manipulation duder | 14:47 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: the disc looks alright to me. didn't get your last line... | 14:47 |
shadeslayer | huh? | 14:47 |
bukharin | shadeslayer: that partition is not regular. | 14:48 |
ActionParsnip | bukharin: there are a tonne of mount options to make the system display chars correctly | 14:48 |
bukharin | shadeslayer: it's used by a recovery cd | 14:48 |
shadeslayer | ok | 14:48 |
shadeslayer | but my friend does not have a recovery CD | 14:48 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: if you accidentally removed a partition you sound like you arent being too careful | 14:48 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: oh, you mean different charset options... i guess i'll have to find out what freakin charset mac os x uses for its cd burnin' | 14:48 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip thanks a lot | 14:49 |
shadeslayer | i didnt remove a partition,i installed everything on top of the original Kubuntu | 14:49 |
shadeslayer | the same swap area and same kubuntu ext 3 partition | 14:49 |
bukharin | shadeslayer. your hp partition is a partition used by a recovery media provided by the manufacturer of the computer. unless you intend on using said recovery media (and igf you don't have it then you won't be able to :P) you don't need it. if tyou are wondering, it contains an image of the sysetm as it came from the factory. | 14:50 |
ActionParsnip | shadeslayer: the swap partition isnt ext3 | 14:50 |
bukharin | shadeslayer and chances are that if you mdified the disc layout, it will no longer work. all major manufacturers provide said partition, usually in unusual sectors of disc (the beggining or the endm etc). | 14:50 |
shadeslayer | i meant an ext 3 partition and swap partition | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | ok i see a HP recovery manager | 14:51 |
ActionParsnip | ok just checkin | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | trying that out | 14:51 |
bukharin | shadeslayer: may i ask, what is it exctly that you are trying to do? missed you before... | 14:53 |
shadeslayer | ok i tried the HP recovery disc creation but it says cannot detect recovery partition | 14:53 |
shadeslayer | im trying to get my recovery partitionback | 14:53 |
shadeslayer | *partition back | 14:55 |
shadeslayer | BTW cant i do this thing:download a recovery disc(available free of cost) and burn it to a disc to create a recovery partition | 14:56 |
bukharin | shadeslayer: what for? | 14:56 |
shadeslayer | my freind wants the recovery partition back | 14:56 |
shadeslayer | *friend | 14:57 |
JohnFlux | shadeslayer: I don't think the hp recovery disk can recover without the recovery partition | 14:57 |
JohnFlux | I mean, doesn't it use the data that was in the recovery partition? | 14:57 |
JohnFlux | I don't know if just creating a blank partition will work | 14:58 |
shadeslayer | hmmm | 14:58 |
bukharin | shadeslayer... the hp recovery partition is intented to be used in a system that is NOT going to be modified. to "rcover" anything, it asumes that you have just made minor changes within a partition, not remppaed the disc. | 14:58 |
shadeslayer | ahhh get the point thanks | 14:58 |
shadeslayer | ok im off bye | 14:58 |
bukharin | shadeslayer: even more, if you are trying to repartition the disc to install a boot loader and a different os, the recovery partition program or whatever will freak out when you try to use, it will not recognize the disc and point you to HP for "suport" | 14:59 |
luiz | hi | 14:59 |
luiz | lista completa | 14:59 |
bukharin | lista completa? | 14:59 |
BluesKaj | bukharin , most HP's have asmall app that aids owners to back up the recovery partiton on dvd, thereby saving money on recovery disks wife's new pc had a dialog that would popup every session to backup the recovery partition until i did so . | 15:03 |
bukharin | BluesKaj: i don't have a recent hp, but i had a compaq that came with a recovery partition, and once you changed the layout of the disjk, it ceased to work. if you don't make the backup before changing the layout, it stops working. at least taht is my experience with compaq and dell... | 15:05 |
ActionParsnip | dont get why they cant just ship a genune cd with a cd to autoinstall drivers and apps | 15:05 |
Aison | strange kde4.2 | 15:06 |
bukharin | they asume users will not attempt to change the ow level config of the box, and they dispose of the dis as they see fit. the problem is that is incredibly undocumented... | 15:06 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: i mounted as hfsplus, and now mplayer plays it. no video, though :( | 15:07 |
BluesKaj | bukharin yes I'm fasmiliar with that , but I'm wondering if there aren't some backup dvds somewhere that help him reinstall windows or the mbr | 15:07 |
bukharin | ActionPArsnip: and dolphin still crashes when i try to read it... | 15:07 |
wesley | What a good program to record video with my webcam ? | 15:08 |
pcullum | I've installed (upgraded to) 4.2 RC1 and the akonadi server is having trouble starting. It looks like | 15:08 |
wesley | kdenlive doesnt seem to reconigze my cam | 15:08 |
bukharin | BluesKaj: mmm, yes, he could try to do that. but the point was that he was trying to preserve the recovery partition, and there's no point to that if you intend to mess with the mbr and disc layout... | 15:08 |
pcullum | Is this a merge issue? | 15:08 |
bukharin | BluesKaj: that's why i asked what wwas it that he was trying to do :P | 15:08 |
wesley | Does someone know what the best program is to record video with my webcam ? | 15:10 |
wpion | how to reinstall KDE 4? | 15:11 |
ActionParsnip | wpion: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall kubuntu-desktop | 15:14 |
wpion | wesley, how about software with your web cam? | 15:14 |
wesley | Linux XD | 15:14 |
ActionParsnip | wesley: cheese maybe | 15:14 |
ActionParsnip | !webcam | wesley | 15:15 |
ubottu | wesley: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 15:15 |
wpion | ActionParsnip: will try | 15:15 |
=== lab is now known as faLUCE | ||
wesley | Uh i am using now my Iphone to record does well to, kind of hard recording your sorry message | 15:15 |
wesley | Thanks the jailbreak i can record with my iPhone | 15:16 |
kod | re2all | 15:17 |
wpion | ActionParsnip: + | 15:20 |
wpion | how to add date at the panel ubuntu, KDE 4. just right click-didn't help | 15:21 |
Tm_T | wpion: rightclick in clock? | 15:21 |
wpion | no at panel | 15:21 |
wpion | i don't see the clock | 15:22 |
Tm_T | wpion: date is shown only in clock | 15:22 |
Tm_T | wpion: so if you don't have one, add one | 15:22 |
wpion | HOW? | 15:22 |
wpion | without widgets | 15:22 |
wesley | holding your iphone before your and recording, its hard | 15:23 |
robin0800 | Jusst found out that on the alpha 2 download is now pointing to alpha 3 | 15:24 |
wpion | allright thanks... will work | 15:25 |
wpion | buy everyone | 15:25 |
wesley | robin0800 thats because the alpha is released | 15:26 |
robin0800 | I know but they could have changed the desciption | 15:29 |
bukharin | ActionParsnip: just for the record, i mounted the disc with -t hfsplus, and was able to open it with mplayer, howefver, my box seems to be too slow to handle the file. thanks for the advice on charsets, though, pointed me in the right direction. | 15:31 |
=== nikos is now known as gde | ||
Aison | how can I change the color of the control bar | 15:56 |
wesley | Does someone know how to connect my iphone via shh with my notebook ? | 15:57 |
rocky_ | ciao | 16:08 |
=== blackwaltz_ is now known as dwidmann | ||
rocky_ | hello somebody know how to update bios | 16:09 |
rocky_ | helppp me | 16:09 |
dwidmann | rocky_: You'll need to flash it ... how to do so probably varies from one manufacturer to another, so follow the instructions for the one you have on their website | 16:10 |
Brad777 | Hi everyone... my problem is an error that says kinit: name_to_dev_t(dev/disk/by-uuid/d524e729-ea67-4060-af97-8702cbd9b64c) = dev(8,2) kinit: trying to resume from dev/disk/by-uuid/d524e729-ea67-4060-af97-8702cbd9b64c kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot... | 16:12 |
shutdown | hello | 16:12 |
shutdown | Jest ktos z polski? | 16:12 |
Pici | !pl | shutdown | 16:13 |
Brad777 | I can't get to the gui part of kubuntu and if i go into a tty and do startx then everything freeze | 16:13 |
ubottu | shutdown: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 16:13 |
shutdown | thx | 16:13 |
rjb | Brad777: what you gave is not an error message, it's normal | 16:15 |
Brad777 | Okay but after I see that it doesn't boot it just sits there it's been like that for an hour and I've tried holding down the power button | 16:16 |
Brad777 | when it restarts it just goes back to that and sits there | 16:16 |
=== Marguerida is now known as The-Compiler | ||
=== The-Compiler is now known as Marguerida | ||
rjb | Brad777: but you are able to log in on a VT? | 16:17 |
Brad777 | rjb: I can loginto tty consoles 2-6 | 16:18 |
rjb | Brad777: try 'less /var/log/Xorg.0.log' and skip to the end | 16:20 |
Brad777 | rjb: Okay now what? | 16:21 |
rjb | what do the last lines say? | 16:21 |
Brad777 | rjb: (II) UnloadModule: "evdev" (II) Gaming Keyboard: Close | 16:22 |
rjb | uh that doesn't tell me much | 16:22 |
rjb | look for lines that start with (EE) | 16:23 |
ame | hello... i have changed screen on my kubuntu.... but in setting>>monitor i can't find the exact model of monitor that a got... my monitor is a SyncMaster 710v | 16:24 |
ame | that I got | 16:24 |
Brad777 | rjb: this is the only EE line i see (EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0) | 16:25 |
ame | what can i do? | 16:25 |
Brad777 | ame: Is it lcd or crt? | 16:25 |
ame | !monitor | 16:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about monitor | 16:25 |
ame | lcd | 16:25 |
rjb | Brad777: ok than try, at the command line, '/etc/init.d/kdm restart' and see what happens | 16:25 |
Brad777 | ame: what i did was put that it is a generic lcd or w/e its called in there and then pick the resolution | 16:25 |
rjb | Brad777: sorry start that with a 'sudo' | 16:26 |
Brad777 | ame: what is your video card? | 16:27 |
Brad777 | rjb: nothing happened it's just sitting there | 16:28 |
rjb | no output at all? | 16:29 |
Brad777 | rjb: no output or anything | 16:30 |
=== erwin_ is now known as vaiursch | ||
ame | b0nn_: | 16:33 |
Brad777 | rjb: any ideas? | 16:33 |
ame | Brad777: I've canged monitor in Generic PnP, but now it show immage in so many big way... | 16:34 |
The_ManU_212 | how to egt in ahrdy heron without upgrading vlc 9 | 16:34 |
The_ManU_212 | is tehre a source? | 16:34 |
ame | impossible to canghe this from setting... | 16:35 |
rjb | Brad777: sorry out of ideas atm | 16:35 |
Brad777 | ame: u didn't save the settings did u? | 16:35 |
Aison | is there a package for nvidia 180.22 driver? | 16:35 |
amerigo | !monitor lcd | 16:36 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about monitor lcd | 16:36 |
amerigo | ! monitor | 16:36 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about monitor | 16:36 |
amerigo | !lcd | 16:36 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lcd | 16:36 |
amerigo | azz | 16:36 |
Brad777 | amerigo = ame? | 16:36 |
ame | yes | 16:36 |
ame | 2 pc | 16:36 |
ame | i don't know what should i do | 16:37 |
Brad777 | u can't change the resolution? | 16:37 |
ame | from setting no | 16:38 |
ame | now i find several configuration in generic: Lcd | 16:38 |
ame | but i don't know for this one | 16:38 |
ame | Samsung Syncmaster 710V | 16:39 |
ame | LCd | 16:39 |
Brad777 | one sec dun break anything :-P | 16:39 |
Brad777 | 1280 x 1024 / 75 Hz should be your resolution /refresh rate | 16:40 |
ame | ok i'll try.... | 16:41 |
ame | Brad777: | 16:42 |
ame | this in Xorg.conf? | 16:42 |
Brad777 | that depends | 16:42 |
Brad777 | ame: what is the video card/driver you are using? | 16:43 |
ame | nvidia FX 5200 | 16:43 |
peterzal | does anyone know why my pageup/pagedown keys randomly stopped working (in a console) as intended? pageup does nothing pagedown displays a '~' | 16:44 |
Brad777 | ame: if you are using the proprietary driver u can go into the nvidia x server settings and set everything then it will add it to ur xorg file | 16:44 |
Brad777 | peterzal: try google i know nothing | 16:45 |
=== guedressel__ is now known as guedressel | ||
ame | Brad777: server disply conf max 600x480 | 16:47 |
ame | Brad777: in nvidia Server settings | 16:47 |
Brad777 | hmmm... | 16:48 |
Brad777 | ame: try changing to different lcd monitors to find one with the right resolution/refresh rate | 16:48 |
riorio | when I try to run nvidia-settings as root I get the message "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. [...]". Any suggestions? Everything looks OK, I'm just wondering if i should do something. | 16:55 |
riorio | when I try to run nvidia-xconfig I get the message the command doesn't exist | 16:56 |
corinna | hello | 16:57 |
ame | azz | 16:57 |
corinna | i have an problem with on hardy (kde3) | 16:57 |
ame | !openoffice | corina | 16:58 |
ubottu | corina: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install". User help available in | 16:58 |
corinna | if i enable kde dialogs it wont work anymore | 16:58 |
irmidallie | moin moin | 16:58 |
corinna | if i disable kde dialogs in oo it works | 16:59 |
corinna | whats broken there and how it can be fixed? | 16:59 |
riorio | corinna, try instead | 16:59 |
corinna | on debian it works | 17:00 |
RurouniJones | Anyone know when Hardy is gonna have this workaround to the "Laptop killing" bug fixed in acpi-support | 17:01 |
ame | Brad777: i have changed conf for a similar monitor ... but nvidia server show it like a crt | 17:01 |
_moro_bana_ | kopete tells me :I cannot find the jasper image convert program.jasper is required to render the yahoo webcam images., help | 17:06 |
cuznt | !jasper | 17:07 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jasper | 17:07 |
_moro_bana_ | the robot doesn't know! | 17:08 |
=== eric is now known as Guest30636 | ||
cuznt | i think it is a bug mono sometimes it works for me....... other times i get the error message too | 17:11 |
genii-around | _moro_bana_: install package called libjasper-runtime | 17:14 |
=== panete is now known as PANETE | ||
=== PANETE is now known as PANETE1982 | ||
PANETE1982 | questions?? were do i post? | 17:15 |
PANETE1982 | :) | 17:15 |
PANETE1982 | exit | 17:17 |
=== panete is now known as PANETE1982 | ||
=== PANETE1982 is now known as panete53 | ||
_moro_bana_ | genii-around: it worked thanks a lot, did you aptitude search it? | 17:21 |
panete1982 | i have a question about vaio. can anyone help me? | 17:22 |
_moro_bana_ | panete1982: dont ask to ask | 17:22 |
xerosis | 4 | 17:23 |
panete1982 | i have an Mobile Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 on my vaio and it doesnt appear any driver to install in Restricted Drivers | 17:23 |
panete1982 | do i need install of Intel graphic driver | 17:24 |
panete1982 | ? | 17:24 |
panete1982 | howdo i do it? | 17:24 |
cuznt | !intel | 17:28 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about intel | 17:28 |
amerigo_ | anybody can give me HorizSync and VertRefresh for Samsung SyncMaster 710v | 17:28 |
amerigo_ | ? | 17:28 |
cuznt | maybe you do not need it then | 17:28 |
cuznt | try using google amerigo. | 17:29 |
panete1982 | cuznt, that was what i was thinking, but i want to have sure | 17:29 |
mitsarionas | there isn't a restricted driver for intel chips, intel's official driver is open source | 17:30 |
amerigo_ | !ubuntu | 17:31 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Ubuntu comes with the GNOME interface. To install that from Kubuntu install the ubuntu-desktop package. | 17:31 |
panete1982 | thankx ppl | 17:32 |
cuznt | | 17:32 |
mitsarionas | does anyone know if any of the leaked fglrx betas work with jaunty? | 17:33 |
dudu2256 | mudança de visual como faço? | 17:36 |
dudu2256 | mudança de visual como faço? | 17:37 |
Tm_T | !br | dudu2256 | 17:37 |
ubottu | dudu2256: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 17:37 |
mitsarionas | lol is "use" a portuguese word too? :) | 17:39 |
shadeslayer | russ:no need for caps | 17:48 |
shadeslayer | maybe through adept,which add ons BTW | 17:49 |
hyper_ch | huhu | 17:53 |
=== julian is now known as _Ju|ian | ||
mimmo | ciao a tutti | 18:09 |
Pici | !it | mimmo | 18:10 |
ubottu | mimmo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 18:10 |
mimmo | grazie a te | 18:10 |
=== DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Away | ||
zicada | been doing quite a bit of looking around on the issue of ati fglrx proprietary drivers and the KDE4 desktop effect when playing movies | 18:12 |
zicada | has there been any workarounds or patches to solve this ? | 18:12 |
zicada | using xv is not an option | 18:13 |
weirdgoo | alt+tab doesn't work for fullscreen opengl application??? | 18:13 |
ghostcube | no | 18:14 |
zicada | weirdgoo: just run it on another display | 18:15 |
ghostcube | doesnt work onmacosx or windows too | 18:15 |
zicada | eg ctrl+alt+f8 | 18:15 |
zicada | you can just make a simple bash script to launch it to out it there | 18:15 |
zicada | s/out/put | 18:15 |
weirdgoo | umm it works on windows gnoome kde4.1.something and kde3 | 18:15 |
zicada | then go file a bug | 18:16 |
zicada | :D | 18:16 |
weirdgoo | ctrl+alt+f8 is empty | 18:16 |
weirdgoo | how to login there? | 18:16 |
zicada | russ: please stop yelling sir | 18:17 |
mefisto__ | sudo apt-get install wine | 18:17 |
zicada | weirdgoo: you dont log in | 18:17 |
zicada | weirdgoo: you launch whatever glapp you wanted on it | 18:17 |
weirdgoo | so how to start something in there? | 18:17 |
russ | apologies i have bad eye sight | 18:17 |
zicada | weirdgoo: export DISPLAY, i dont remember exactly off the top of my head | 18:18 |
zicada | weirdgoo: google it, fairly simple | 18:18 |
weirdgoo | k | 18:18 |
zicada | russ: wine is installed like any other package, there's no hocus pokus | 18:19 |
zicada | i dont suppose anyone has gotten their mitts on a opera x86_64 with qt4 libs ? | 18:19 |
zicada | or dynamically linked | 18:20 |
russ | im new to linux platform and no idea how to install things on here | 18:20 |
zicada | russ: ah, open up a terminal | 18:20 |
weirdgoo | just use adept installer | 18:20 |
zicada | yeah or that | 18:21 |
weirdgoo | or system->adept manager | 18:21 |
russ | ok terminal opened | 18:21 |
mefisto__ | russ: in terminal, type: sudo apt-get install wine | 18:21 |
russ | ok thats doing something | 18:22 |
Wulong | Can somoene recommend a «gnome-do»-like application for me? | 18:23 |
Wulong | We had katapult back in the days. | 18:23 |
zicada | Wulong: what's gnome-do ? :) | 18:23 |
weirdgoo | what is it? | 18:23 |
mefisto__ | I think it's like katapult | 18:24 |
mefisto__ | so, katapult, Wulong | 18:24 |
Wulong | No hits in the ubuntu repositories. | 18:25 |
russ | now got this | 18:25 |
russ | Processing triggers for libc6 ... | 18:25 |
russ | ldconfig deferred processing now taking place | 18:25 |
russ | russ@Laptop:~$ | 18:25 |
Wulong | zicada: like quicksilver. | 18:25 |
mefisto__ | oh, is katapult not in intrepid repos? | 18:25 |
Wulong | apt-cache search gives zero. | 18:25 |
ghostcube | russ, thats ok | 18:25 |
Wulong | mefisto__: otherwise I wouldn't ask. | 18:26 |
Wulong | Maybe KDE4 has a new way.. | 18:26 |
russ | thank you for your help guys :D | 18:26 |
abb | hi | 18:27 |
mefisto__ | Wulong: I think if you just hit alt-F2 it does (almost) the same thing | 18:27 |
zicada | yeah, kde4 has a new way | 18:27 |
abb | can someone help me with bcm4311 | 18:27 |
zicada | yup | 18:27 |
* Haza1 pokes mefisto__ | 18:27 | |
Haza1 | mefisto__: You about by any chance? | 18:27 |
zicada | you wanna like, save a search as a launchable item and such yeah ? | 18:28 |
mefisto__ | hey Haza1 | 18:28 |
Haza1 | mefisto__: Hey there! | 18:28 |
Haza1 | Quick question... | 18:28 |
Haza1 | Sound related again im afraid | 18:28 |
Wulong | mefisto__: aha, let's hope it is «smart». | 18:28 |
abb | is better install kde on ubuntu or kubuntu??? | 18:29 |
ghostcube | kommander-kde4 - visual dialog builder and executor tool | 18:29 |
ghostcube | :-? | 18:29 |
ghostcube | thids maybe | 18:29 |
mefisto__ | so what's the question Haza1 | 18:29 |
Wulong | abb: kubuntu already has KDE, so there is no hassle. | 18:29 |
Haza1 | We got the 5.1 sound card working and i went to KMix and turned up one of the wave controls (this turned up speakers three and four (rear). Everything was working fine. But today (without rebooting) ive noticed that speakers 3 and 4 are not playing anymore | 18:30 |
Haza1 | I check out all the output controls and turned each one up to test with no luck | 18:30 |
JohnFlux | are they plugged in? | 18:30 |
ghostcube | Haza1, check if kmix muted them otr any opther tool reduced the gain | 18:30 |
Haza1 | What could it be? | 18:30 |
zicada | Haza1: which soundcard is this ? | 18:30 |
ghostcube | Haza1, hmmm | 18:30 |
Haza1 | Its odd but if it helps i can provide vids ect :) | 18:30 |
abb | my ploblem is on wireless it works on ubuntu but no in kubuntu | 18:31 |
Haza1 | zicada: Its some sound blaster but the card works okay | 18:31 |
Haza1 | It was working away yesterday | 18:31 |
zicada | Haza1: xfi ? | 18:31 |
Haza1 | I think i may have chosen an option to turn off the 5.1 =/ | 18:32 |
Haza1 | zicada: Im afraid i don't know what that means mate | 18:32 |
zicada | Haza1: it really helps to know what sort of hardware you have if you're gonna run linux | 18:32 |
zicada | Haza1: especially when running rather immature software like kde4 | 18:32 |
zicada | :D | 18:33 |
zicada | Haza1: i know there was a bug with a few of them not long ago where you'd just have to bring up kmix and touch the master slider, and the sound would come back | 18:33 |
Haza1 | Aye probably. The last PC i built was an AMD k62. Only a couple of months ago i learnt that modern graphics cards require thier own power :-O | 18:33 |
zicada | but im guessing you did that | 18:33 |
zicada | ah :D | 18:33 |
Haza1 | Im a bit behind when it comes to hardware =./ | 18:34 |
ghostcube | Haza1, lspci for the soundkard | 18:34 |
abb | problem with my wireless | 18:34 |
ghostcube | abb, hmm you can try gnome network manager even on kde afaik | 18:34 |
abb | no i dont | 18:35 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Hehe, you want all the info? Want me to pastebin it? | 18:35 |
ghostcube | no only the line with the sound card | 18:35 |
ghostcube | it should only 1 | 18:35 |
abb | i wll try | 18:35 |
Haza1 | zicada: It might also be worth noting that if i click my sound icon in the taskbar and mit the little green light (mute) the sound is not muted | 18:35 |
=== DS-Away is now known as DarkSmoke | ||
Haza1 | 04:03.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07) <--- looks like it | 18:36 |
abb | ghostcube i have to unistall knetwork manager | 18:36 |
ghostcube | Haza1, this one should work like charm | 18:36 |
zicada | Haza1: green means on | 18:37 |
ghostcube | soundblaster 1024 live 5.1 | 18:37 |
ghostcube | i have this too in my old machine great card | 18:37 |
Haza1 | zicada: Indeed maye but if i click it off... it does not mute! :D | 18:37 |
zicada | yeah, emu10k1 is one of the best drivers ive ever come across for sound in linux | 18:37 |
zicada | it is excellent | 18:37 |
ghostcube | yep | 18:37 |
Haza1 | Well like i said lads. The sound was working just yesterday on 5.1 | 18:37 |
zicada | the xfi one isnt too bad now though | 18:37 |
Haza1 | mefisto__ gave me a hand and we got it sorted | 18:37 |
ghostcube | Haza1, you changed any switch inside kmix | 18:38 |
Haza1 | its just... stooped again recently | 18:38 |
ghostcube | iam shure | 18:38 |
Haza1 | Although the card is functioning =/ | 18:38 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: There are a load of switches. Any one in particular? | 18:38 |
ghostcube | check them all red is capture green is working | 18:38 |
ghostcube | be sure in alsamixer all is unmuted too | 18:39 |
mefisto__ | for those helping Haza1, I helped him set this card as default and the onboard audio as the second soundcard | 18:39 |
zicada | btw, likely a stupid question, but ive never been that much into the fancy compiz stuff; is compiz what kde4 uses for their desktop stuff aswell ? or are they doing their own from scratch | 18:39 |
zicada | ? | 18:39 |
ghostcube | zicada, not the same | 18:39 |
ghostcube | zicada, compiz works better | 18:39 |
zicada | none of the libs ? | 18:39 |
ghostcube | :D | 18:39 |
ghostcube | no idea they ripped it rofl | 18:39 |
zicada | i dunno, i kinda enjoy the kde4 stuff | 18:39 |
ghostcube | iam still enjoing compiz | 18:40 |
zicada | just wouldnt mind video playback to work with it on | 18:40 |
zicada | with my damn ati proprietary driver | 18:40 |
ghostcube | oh | 18:40 |
=== administrator is now known as Squirrel | ||
ghostcube | Haza1, can u turn off obnbord sk | 18:40 |
mefisto__ | zicada: you get no video with compiz? or bad video? | 18:40 |
=== Squirrel is now known as Squirrell | ||
wesley | how do i change the permisions of a file system ( logged in from live cd and want to backup some files | 18:40 |
zicada | mefisto__: not compiz, i use the kde4 stuff | 18:40 |
zicada | but yeah its the same in compiz | 18:40 |
ghostcube | zicada, change the video output | 18:41 |
zicada | and its like, flickering | 18:41 |
ghostcube | to X11 or xhsm | 18:41 |
ghostcube | no xv for u | 18:41 |
=== Squirrell is now known as aee | ||
Haza1 | ghostcube: I didn't turn it off no but like mefisto__ said he helped me reorder the default card | 18:41 |
zicada | no way | 18:41 |
mefisto__ | zicada: yeah that's the best I could get too | 18:41 |
Haza1 | so the 5.1 is default | 18:41 |
wesley | #kubuntu-offtopic | 18:41 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: <--- | 18:41 |
ghostcube | Haza1, nah you should turn it off | 18:41 |
zicada | well, its clearly a bug | 18:41 |
zicada | or a lack of features | 18:41 |
aee | d | 18:41 |
ghostcube | wesley, ?? | 18:42 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: I agree and im sure mefisto__ does too. iirc my motherboard is a wee bit dodgy :) | 18:42 |
zicada | i saw some talk of leaked beta 9.1 fglrx drivers that have solved it | 18:42 |
zicada | but they have other issues so | 18:42 |
aee | hi all can anyone help me with DHCP ? | 18:42 |
zicada | guess in a couple weeks we'll see | 18:42 |
ghostcube | dri2 is needed | 18:42 |
wesley | i wanna copy some files to a root file system ( its logged because the live cd | 18:42 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Does that image about help at all? | 18:42 |
ghostcube | then all will be fine | 18:42 |
wesley | so how do i mount /dev/sdc2 as ubuntu ? | 18:42 |
zicada | ghostcube: nvidia has this implemented in their latest prop drivers ? | 18:43 |
zicada | cause i seem to remember them having the same issue | 18:43 |
ghostcube | afaik not | 18:43 |
ghostcube | Haza1, nope can u may show me the other two tabs too ? | 18:43 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Sure. 2 minutes :) | 18:43 |
* ghostcube hates the intel hda driver if he looks at the emu one | 18:44 | |
zicada | hehe | 18:44 |
zicada | yeah man i remember the first versions of that driver | 18:44 |
zicada | MAN | 18:44 |
ghostcube | i know :D it needs love | 18:44 |
ghostcube | very much love | 18:44 |
aee | can anyone help me with DHCP ? | 18:44 |
zicada | yeah | 18:44 |
zicada | and module loadtime options | 18:44 |
ghostcube | aee, whats he prob for dhcp ? | 18:44 |
ghostcube | zicada, yeah and more switches to capture what i hear and such stuff | 18:45 |
zicada | yeah, they have like a gazillion pinout versions right | 18:45 |
zicada | so for laptops etc it was a nightmare | 18:45 |
zicada | intel are nice and cosy people these days tho | 18:46 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: zicada: | 18:46 |
Haza1 | and | 18:46 |
aee | huh i installed ltsp-server-standalone and when i run sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart it fails | 18:46 |
ghostcube | Haza1, ac97 to off | 18:46 |
ghostcube | zero level | 18:46 |
wesley | I wonder sometime how people get my mobile number | 18:47 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Done | 18:47 |
przemek_ | what package should i install to have the proprietary drivers for my radeon on ubuntu? | 18:47 |
zicada | wesley: own any domains ? :D | 18:47 |
abb | i cannot use the gnome network manager | 18:47 |
wesley | no | 18:47 |
Haza1 | przemek_: You can probably add the proprietary drivers location to your package manager | 18:47 |
Haza1 | worth checking out the radeon site maybe | 18:47 |
wesley | its kind off new number, it needed money, gues the dialed the wrong number, because they hang up | 18:47 |
zicada | wesley: easiest way is usually to get your ip, socialengineer your isp to get the adress, and do a phonebook search | 18:48 |
zicada | :D | 18:48 |
zicada | oh you mean for like salespeople etc | 18:48 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Anything else look out of the ordinary? | 18:48 |
ghostcube | Haza1, ehm you have all red luights activated in input for capturing | 18:48 |
ghostcube | this isnt needed as long as you are not recording | 18:48 |
ghostcube | maybe the echo is limiting the output | 18:49 |
wesley | no werent salespeople, some guys, I though they where trying to pull a joke | 18:49 |
zicada | im off playing with some sshfs automount shit, later guys | 18:49 |
ghostcube | Haza1, and pls disable the onbo soundcard | 18:49 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Okay mate. Next chance i get to reboot i will disable the onboard sound although im still dubious about its direct affect on this 5.1 sound problem =/ | 18:50 |
abb | i how use gnome network in kubuntu | 18:51 |
ghostcube | abb, why not | 18:51 |
abb | how i a widget or in terminal how | 18:52 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Aww well its not massively important. Its just nice to have decent sound if you have to work infront of the computer all day :) | 18:52 |
Haza1 | Im sure you understand! :D | 18:52 |
ghostcube | yeah | 18:53 |
ghostcube | :D | 18:53 |
mefisto__ | Haza1: what happens if you restart alsa? do all channels work? | 18:53 |
ghostcube | i will reattach my emuk cause for my music its not well to use the intel one | 18:53 |
ghostcube | to less options | 18:53 |
Haza1 | mefisto__: hmm, i could give it a try | 18:53 |
abb | How can you use gnome network in kubuntu | 18:53 |
Haza1 | lol | 18:54 |
Haza1 | Something bad happened =/ | 18:54 |
Haza1 | I went to restart alsa-utils in /etc/init.d and | 18:55 |
Haza1 | My music stopped playing to be replaced by a single never ending tone | 18:55 |
mefisto__ | Haza1: sudo alsa force-reload (might stop that tone) | 18:56 |
Haza1 | Granted i forgot to sudo it but i never expected this evil noise! :D | 18:56 |
Haza1 | dang.. mefisto__ for a second it did | 18:57 |
Haza1 | Any other suggestions before i restart my machine? | 18:58 |
mefisto__ | any sound apps still running? | 18:58 |
ghostcube | abb, just start it from termional | 18:59 |
Haza1 | mefisto__: Not that i can see. It looks like Amarok closed down | 18:59 |
mefisto__ | Haza1: yeah the "force-reload" would have killed anything using sound | 18:59 |
Haza1 | mefisto__: Ahh | 19:00 |
Haza1 | Heheheh, why did i have to start messing with this? :D | 19:00 |
wesley | I going make ext4 file systems | 19:00 |
Haza1 | Right, this tone is driving me nuts | 19:01 |
Haza1 | Gonna restart (and disable the onboard sound just in case) | 19:01 |
Haza1 | brb | 19:01 |
Haza1 | Hmm | 19:12 |
=== sparklingshrew is now known as shinygerbil | ||
Haza1 | ghostcube: Ping | 19:15 |
ghostcube | Haza1, pong | 19:15 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Can you post the switches imagebin link for me? | 19:16 |
Haza1 | The one i posted before? | 19:16 |
Haza1 | I think i might have a new option | 19:16 |
ghostcube | | 19:17 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Cheers | 19:17 |
Haza1 | ghostcube: Any idea what the last 4 switch options actually are? | 19:18 |
ghostcube | the sigmatel switches? | 19:19 |
ghostcube | seems like the OB sk | 19:19 |
dmmainou | Hi I'm having problems installing kubuntu in one machine. after booting the pc with the live cd and pressing start or install I loose the video | 19:26 |
warran | Hello all I am running Kubuntu 8.10 and I am trying to connect to my external HDD via the network Using SMB. I get the error the process for the SMB://Kenny protocol died unexpectedly. Can anyone assist? | 19:26 |
dmmainou | Hi can anyone help me please... | 19:28 |
hyper_ch | dmmainou: mind-reading over the internet is an art not many people master | 19:28 |
dmmainou | mate I've been looking for 2 days... if you pint me to the right keywords happy to research | 19:30 |
warran | anyone able to assist? | 19:31 |
hyper_ch | what os is on the external disk? | 19:32 |
hyper_ch | dmmainou: tried alternate cd? | 19:32 |
warran | It is an icybox External NAS drive | 19:33 |
warran | setup as a samba server. | 19:33 |
warran | never had a issue 8.04 ubuntu Gnome, | 19:33 |
dmmainou | nop I havent...I'll try that next thanks. | 19:34 |
hyper_ch | warran: did you install samba? | 19:34 |
warran | yip | 19:34 |
dmmainou | thanks by the way | 19:34 |
warran | sudo apt-get install samba smbfs | 19:35 |
warran | used that command. | 19:35 |
hyper_ch | samba sux :)= | 19:36 |
warran | great | 19:37 |
warran | guess I am going to go back to ubuntu if i dont get this sorted today | 19:37 |
ghostcube | use swat for samba to get it working | 19:37 |
ghostcube | :) | 19:37 |
warran | sorry not heard of swat what is that? | 19:38 |
ghostcube | samba web adminstration tool | 19:38 |
hyper_ch | ghostcube: he can't connect to his samba share on the external hd | 19:38 |
ghostcube | oh sorry | 19:38 |
ghostcube | :) | 19:39 |
ghostcube | nm | 19:39 |
warran | yeah get the error the process for the SMB://Kenny protocol died unexpectedly | 19:39 |
hyper_ch | RIP | 19:39 |
hyper_ch | you tried: smb ? | 19:39 |
ghostcube | oh no they killed kenny | 19:39 |
warran | Gnome it is then... | 19:39 |
warran | yeah same thing | 19:39 |
ghostcube | hmm you tried smb4k for kubuntu | 19:40 |
warran | not yet let me try that | 19:40 |
ghostcube | it should be fine it mutns the hdd to an folder on youre home with cifs or smbfs | 19:40 |
ghostcube | *mounts | 19:41 |
ghostcube | maybe you cant access the hdd inside the smb4k gui seems a little bug but u can open the home folder smb4k folder inside is the mounted folder | 19:41 |
ghostcube | if it works | 19:41 |
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luiferares | hola hola | 19:44 |
=== jj_ is now known as m_tadeu | ||
mefisto__ | warran: are there any non-ascii characters in the filenames on the ext disk? | 19:44 |
luiferares | bueeenas, alguien con experiencia en kubuntu?? | 19:44 |
martijn81 | fr! | 19:44 |
martijn81 | !fr | 19:44 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 19:44 |
martijn81 | or | 19:45 |
martijn81 | !it | 19:45 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 19:45 |
Nomexous | !es | 19:45 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 19:45 |
warran | mefisto, no don't think so. common filename is dsc0001.jpg | 19:46 |
wesley | so all filesystems are now ext4 | 19:47 |
wesley | it can be done with alpha3 | 19:48 |
hyper_ch | wesley: it can be done :) | 19:48 |
etech | will the nvidia driver 180.22 be in the repo? | 19:48 |
martijn81 | wesley: can one convert the filesystem from ext3 to ext4 without formatting? | 19:48 |
hyper_ch | etech: I ahve doubts and the .22 driver sux | 19:49 |
etech | hyper_ch: for me it worked better than any other driver with kde4 | 19:49 |
wesley | martijn81 yes bit thats pain in the ass, i just maked new partitions, but that cool ext4 and kde4 | 19:49 |
hyper_ch | etech: .18 is a good one | 19:49 |
etech | what.18 | 19:50 |
hyper_ch | 180.18 | 19:50 |
weirdgoo | !ch | 19:50 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ch | 19:50 |
weirdgoo | !prc | 19:50 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about prc | 19:50 |
weirdgoo | !jp | 19:51 |
ubottu | 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい | 19:51 |
wesley | With upcoming kubuntu release you can chose ext4, but not convert | 19:51 |
hyper_ch | weirdgoo: you don't know what ch is? | 19:51 |
weirdgoo | no | 19:51 |
wesley | mis spelling ? | 19:51 |
hyper_ch | weirdgoo: why don't you know it? :( | 19:52 |
weirdgoo | dunno | 19:54 |
hyper_ch | oh :( | 19:56 |
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weirdgoo | hyper_ch, what is it? | 19:58 |
hyper_ch | it's a country abbreviation | 19:59 |
Pici | Cheeseland | 19:59 |
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
Pici | Oh. I thought this was #ubuntuforums :o | 19:59 |
weirdgoo | but which one? | 19:59 |
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=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
PhilRod | does kopete in 4.2rc1 in intrepid have msn support? | 20:01 |
astratto | PhilRod: it worked when I tried it a couple of weeks ago | 20:02 |
astratto | so I suppose yes, it does | 20:02 |
PhilRod | astratto: hm, I don't have an msn account option, and "dpkg -L kopete" doesn't show any files that look like they're the msn plugin | 20:03 |
PhilRod | do you still have the rc installed? could you take a look at "dpkg -L kopete"? | 20:03 |
astratto | PhilRod: you ought to look for something like "WML" or something like that | 20:04 |
astratto | I have a 4.1.4 now, sorry | 20:04 |
astratto | it's name has been changed though | 20:04 |
astratto | *its | 20:06 |
PhilRod | astratto: ah, that seems to be it, although it crashes when I connect. Will try to get it working - thanks! | 20:09 |
astratto | PhilRod: you're welcome | 20:10 |
Snoopy_Corloene | ello all | 20:15 |
shay_ | hi guys | 20:18 |
shay_ | can someone give me a quick tip? | 20:18 |
shay_ | i installed kde on my ubuntu | 20:19 |
shay_ | and later the whole kubuntu package | 20:19 |
Borg^Zap | shay_: what do you need? | 20:20 |
shay_ | how do i hide the gnome applications in the menu? | 20:20 |
Borg^Zap | i dont know that | 20:20 |
Rioting_pacifist | what calls NetworkManager during boot? i want to keep it around for configuring other networks but dont want it on by default | 20:21 |
Rioting_pacifist | !netowrk | 20:21 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about netowrk | 20:21 |
Rioting_pacifist | !network | 20:21 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 20:21 |
PhilRod | are there debug packages for 4.2rc1? | 20:26 |
Snoopy_Corleone | hey guys | 20:28 |
Snoopy_Corleone | i am having some issues | 20:28 |
Snoopy_Corleone | was wondering if anyone knows why I am brought to terminal on boot, startx doesn't work, apt-get install doesn't work, | 20:29 |
Snoopy_Corleone | and I can't seem to boot a gui to save my life 0.o | 20:29 |
PhilRod | Snoopy_Corleone: terminal on boot sounds like X isn't starting up properly | 20:29 |
Snoopy_Corleone | any ideas on how to fix that? | 20:29 |
PhilRod | I get that happening periodically when my graphics drivers are broken. Are you using accelerated drivers? (nvidia or fglrx) | 20:30 |
Snoopy_Corleone | I have an ati x1600 moble | 20:30 |
Snoopy_Corleone | w/e the default drivers are I haven't toyed with them | 20:31 |
PhilRod | Snoopy_Corleone: X's output when it tries to start up is in /var/log/Xorg.0.log - take a look at that and see if there's anything suspicious there | 20:33 |
PhilRod | (I'd read it backwards from the end) | 20:33 |
Snoopy_Corleone | how would i access that just type it in at start up? | 20:34 |
PhilRod | use "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log" at the terminal to view that file in the less viewer (up and down keys do what you expect, 'q' quits) | 20:35 |
Snoopy_Corleone | alright be right back | 20:36 |
EagleScreen | PhilRod what about kdebase-dbg package? | 20:37 |
Rioting_pacifist | what calls NetworkManager during boot? i want to keep it around for configuring other networks but dont want it on by default | 20:37 |
EagleScreen | Rioting_pacifist may be you can disable it with rcconf package | 20:38 |
EagleScreen | yes it has networkmanager in the list | 20:38 |
PhilRod | phil@thlayli:~> dpkg -l kdebase-dbg | 20:39 |
PhilRod | No packages found matching kdebase-dbg. | 20:39 |
PhilRod | EagleScreen: ^^^ | 20:39 |
EagleScreen | PhilRod you must have ppa repository enabled | 20:39 |
loic_ | Hi ! | 20:40 |
PhilRod | EagleScreen: I have "deb intrepid main" in my sources.list. Do I need something else? | 20:40 |
EagleScreen | deb intrepid main | 20:40 |
Rioting_pacifist | EagleScreen: it does im still on 8.04 and i dont see it in rcconf or sysv-rc-conf | 20:40 |
Rioting_pacifist | *it does? | 20:40 |
EagleScreen | Rioting_pacifist you have rcconf in universe section | 20:41 |
EagleScreen | PhilRod have you got the repository comented? | 20:41 |
PhilRod | EagleScreen: nope - it's there without a # | 20:42 |
EagleScreen | then reload package list | 20:42 |
Rioting_pacifist | yeah ive installed it but i cant see NetworkManager or anything similar :S | 20:42 |
EagleScreen | sudo aptitude update | 20:42 |
EagleScreen | sudo aptitude install kdebase-dbg | 20:42 |
mustafa | hallo | 20:42 |
EagleScreen | Rioting_pacifist i am on 8.10, and if I run rcconf froma console, NetworkManager is listed to disable it | 20:43 |
neoTheCat | has anybody had trouble with audio cd's being recognized in 8.10? i want to rip some CDs, but i am getting buffer i/o errors. i have vista on the same machine, and it works fine there, so i do not think it is the hardware | 20:43 |
etech | i use kde4 | 20:43 |
etech | firefox is really ugly | 20:44 |
HappySmileMan | Yes it is | 20:44 |
etech | is there a package to make it look like a gq app? | 20:44 |
etech | qt | 20:44 |
EagleScreen | etech yes it is | 20:44 |
Rioting_pacifist | yeah that makes sense but for some reson im not seeing it on 8.04, yet it definatly does start up | 20:44 |
EagleScreen | it is called gtk-qt-engine | 20:44 |
etech | thanks | 20:44 |
HappySmileMan | I use gtk-qt-engine or something, think it's installed by default, it's in System Settings | 20:44 |
Thomas-desktop | But it's still ugly after that | 20:44 |
Thomas-desktop | So install a good theme | 20:44 |
HappySmileMan | All the styles for it except clearlooks are ugly | 20:45 |
HappySmileMan | Clearlooks looks good but doesn't fit in with KDE theme | 20:45 |
EagleScreen | gtk-qt-engine has a dependency bug in 8.10 | 20:45 |
etech | the engine desn't work? | 20:45 |
weirdgoo | no amarok for kde4? | 20:46 |
EagleScreen | it is also necessary to install libbonobo2-0 to gtk-qt-engine works, but install it in a special way, use: sudo aptitude -R install libbonobo2-0 | 20:46 |
neoTheCat | yeah, there is an amarok. amarok-kde4, but you need to add the repository | 20:46 |
etech | i use apt usually | 20:47 |
weirdgoo | neoTheCat, which repo? | 20:47 |
PhilRod | EagleScreen: thanks - that gives me the packages I want. But I don't understand why it still doesn't show up as available in the output of "dpkg -l". Do you know somewhere where all the lower-level stuff is documented? | 20:48 |
EagleScreen | etech uso sudo aptitude -R install libbonobo2-0 to do not install much Gnome stuff | 20:48 |
etech | weirdgoo: take a look at | 20:48 |
neoTheCat | deb intrepid main | 20:48 |
weirdgoo | thanks | 20:48 |
EagleScreen | PhilRod may be Adept problem, adept does not reload xapian index often enought | 20:49 |
Snoopy_Corleone | when i entered it it cam up with /bin/sh/ :not found | 20:50 |
EagleScreen | PhilRod can't you install them with aptitude? | 20:50 |
Rioting_pacifist | EagleScreen: in 8.04 NetowrkManager isnt even in /etc/init.d/ , i think thats why its not showing in rcconf and sysv-rc-conf for me | 20:51 |
PhilRod | EagleScreen: yes, it's installing with aptitude now. But I thought "dpkg -l <glob>" will show all available packages matching <glob>, and it doesn't seem to | 20:51 |
Rioting_pacifist | PhilRod: i think your looking for apt-cache search,AFAIK dpkg deals with the actual packages but not so much the collection | 20:52 |
EagleScreen | PhilRod did you reloaded package list with Adept or aptitude? | 20:52 |
PhilRod | Rioting_pacifist: that might be it - I'm a little confused about how all of this ties together | 20:53 |
PhilRod | EagleScreen: aptitude as you suggested | 20:53 |
EagleScreen | okay | 20:53 |
EagleScreen | apt-cache search kdebase | 20:54 |
yoritomo | hello all, anybidy knows about a chan about linux MAO ? | 20:54 |
EagleScreen | apt-cache search dbg | 20:54 |
yoritomo | because i experience problems to use wineasio | 20:55 |
yoritomo | to install it | 20:55 |
Rioting_pacifist | PhilRod: apt-get, apt-cache OR the more convienient aptitude are generally what you use to search and install stuff from repos, dpkg is called by them (or manually if youve downloaded a deb/udeb) to actually install the file | 20:55 |
PhilRod | Rioting_pacifist: ah, that makes sense - thanks for the explanation | 20:56 |
mrdigital | anyone alive? | 20:59 |
Snoopy_Corleone | yo | 20:59 |
mrdigital | snoopy: you running kubuntu 8.10? | 20:59 |
Snoopy_Corleone | ubuntu 8.10 | 20:59 |
mrdigital | ahhh can ya help me out ? | 20:59 |
Snoopy_Corleone | i can try in truth i'm a newb | 21:00 |
mrdigital | im moving from windows to buntu 8.10 | 21:00 |
mrdigital | any pointers? | 21:00 |
Snoopy_Corleone | i haven't managed to get a gui working | 21:00 |
mrdigital | a gui huh? | 21:00 |
mrdigital | you can't get gnome? | 21:00 |
kpenrose | Anyone using kubuntu on an Acer Aspire One? | 21:00 |
Snoopy_Corleone | nope | 21:00 |
Snoopy_Corleone | startx doesn't work ect ect | 21:00 |
PhilRod | Snoopy_Corleone: did you get anything useful from the Xorg log file? | 21:01 |
Snoopy_Corleone | it just said /bin/sh :not found | 21:01 |
PhilRod | mrdigital: burn the cd from, pop it in your cd drive, restart and follow the instructions | 21:01 |
PhilRod | Snoopy_Corleone: where/when does it say that? when you log in at the terminal, or another time? | 21:02 |
Snoopy_Corleone | when it boots in terminal | 21:03 |
lefaremosapere | #kubumtu-it | 21:03 |
lefaremosapere | #kubuntu-it | 21:03 |
philsf | hi, I need debugging symbols for kpilot in hardy, can anyone tell me which package do I need to install? I can't find a kpilot-dbg, or anything similar | 21:03 |
mrdigital | PhilRod i know .. im saying is there a wiki with a list of linux version of popular windows apps | 21:03 |
Snoopy_Corleone | philsf you can download the iso | 21:04 |
philsf | Snoopy_Corleone: what iso? | 21:04 |
Snoopy_Corleone | and use infra recorder to burn it to a cd | 21:04 |
JontheEchidna | philsf: kdepim-dbg is the package you need | 21:04 |
PhilRod | Snoopy_Corleone: can you log in? | 21:05 |
Snoopy_Corleone | no | 21:05 |
mefisto__ | philsf: have you added the debug repos? | 21:05 |
philsf | JontheEchidna: thanks, I'll install that | 21:05 |
Snoopy_Corleone | it just gives me a command prompt style interface | 21:05 |
Snoopy_Corleone | busybox | 21:05 |
philsf | mefisto__: what debug repos? | 21:06 |
mefisto__ | philsf: look here: | 21:06 |
philsf | mefisto__: I'll do that as well, thanks for the hint | 21:07 |
PhilRod | Snoopy_Corleone: I'm trying to understand that error - if it means that /bin/sh really doesn't exist, something is very wrong | 21:09 |
nashk | Hi, for some reason, k3b cannot find my cd burning drive | 21:09 |
nashk | Any idea why this is happening | 21:09 |
Snoopy_Corleone | well it said /bin/sh then the command you gave me :not found | 21:10 |
nashk | I've read many complaints online, but solutions | 21:10 |
=== max_ is now known as moncrey | ||
PhilRod | Snoopy_Corleone: so: "/bin/sh: less: command not found"? | 21:10 |
Snoopy_Corleone | right | 21:11 |
=== jj_ is now known as m_tadeu | ||
Snoopy_Corleone | brb | 21:14 |
nashk | guys, k3b keeps giving k3b No CD/DVD writer found. Any idea why? | 21:30 |
nashk | I do have a burner | 21:30 |
=== egon__ is now known as beaug | ||
slow-motion | hi | 21:35 |
etech | isn't there a better package manager for kde4 than adept? | 21:36 |
TraceRoute | is it safe to upgrade to kde4.2? | 21:37 |
etech | worked googd for me | 21:38 |
TraceRoute | etech no issues at all? | 21:38 |
etech | no | 21:38 |
TraceRoute | And how did you upgrade through synaptic? | 21:39 |
etech | do you use gnome actually? | 21:39 |
TraceRoute | etech I switched to kde a few days ago | 21:39 |
etech | then use this | 21:39 |
etech | | 21:40 |
astromme | etech: in jaunty KPackageKit will be used | 21:40 |
etech | astromme: can i install it intrepid | 21:41 |
astromme | etech: I don't think so | 21:41 |
Dr_willis | I just install synaptic on my kde4 systems :) | 21:41 |
Dr_willis | I had issues when i upgraded/installed kde 4.2-rc1 - had some package conflcts | 21:42 |
etech | the gtk apps are just ugly on my system (windows 95 style) | 21:42 |
etech | for firefox or wxmaxima | 21:42 |
Dr_willis | kde4 has a setting some where to make gtk/nonkde apps use the kde theme/decorations I recall. | 21:43 |
etech | doesn't work | 21:43 |
TraceRoute | when I upgrade to KDE 4.2 Release Candidate when the final realease comes out will i have to do it all over again? | 21:44 |
Dr_willis | as far as i knwo it does here. I may of instaleld some extra bits. I dont recall | 21:44 |
Dr_willis | TraceRoute, you should be able to upgrade to final of course. | 21:44 |
Dr_willis | thats sort of a main point of the whole package manager. :) to let you easially upgrade | 21:44 |
etech | TraceRoute: just apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade ;) | 21:45 |
TraceRoute | got cha | 21:45 |
Wampyre | Hello. I'm trying to compile my lan drivers, but I'm getting a message about missing header files. I've checked in aptitude, the kernel header files are there. PLease help. | 21:53 |
TraceRoute | Got this error why trying to upgrade: Errors were encountered wgile processing" kdebase-workspace-bin kdelibs5-dev libplasma-dev | 21:59 |
TraceRoute | bah humbug | 22:03 |
TraceRoute | brb | 22:03 |
TraceRoute | oh my kde4.2 | 22:06 |
TraceRoute | yum | 22:06 |
wesley | !libsensors | 22:12 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libsensors | 22:12 |
wesley | how does that call where you can activate heat senors with | 22:13 |
wesley | found it already l,-sensors does it call | 22:18 |
wesley | !lm-sensors | 22:18 |
ubottu | You might find something useful at: | 22:18 |
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor | ||
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
nighty_ | hi | 22:26 |
nighty_ | is it possible to use some gtk2-engines in kde 4.2 from the kde-nightly builds? | 22:27 |
JvM_Gelon | Hi there | 22:27 |
JvM_Gelon | i'm having a slight problem, how can i set evolution mail to copy more Calendars to my PDA besides the Personal (default) using Synce | 22:27 |
JvM_Gelon | i'm at the synce chatbox but they are inactive | 22:28 |
gizmobay | Does anyone know how I can upgrade KDE to 4.1.3? | 22:28 |
nighty_ | gizmobay: 8.10? | 22:28 |
gizmobay | Hardy | 22:29 |
gizmobay | 8.04 | 22:29 |
nighty_ | i did this with update-manager when i used 8.04 for the last time. But IIRC it updated to 8.10 | 22:30 |
nighty_ | development branch | 22:30 |
nighty_ | when it was devel | 22:30 |
gizmobay | is it still devel? | 22:31 |
nighty_ | no | 22:31 |
nighty_ | 8.10 is released | 22:31 |
nighty_ | already | 22:31 |
nighty_ | devel is now 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope | 22:32 |
nighty_ | but i wouldn't suggest it now | 22:33 |
gizmobay | My graphics card is very old | 22:33 |
gizmobay | Upgrading to 8.1 gave me warnings and I backed out | 22:34 |
gizmobay | can I stay 8.04 and still upgrade to 4.1.3? | 22:34 |
nighty_ | gizmobay: i am not sure sorry | 22:36 |
gizmobay | okay, I'll try google | 22:36 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
JvM_Gelon | anyone knows how to sync multiple calendars from evolution with Hardy? | 22:39 |
=== Brad777_ is now known as Brad777 | ||
* JvM_Gelon needs help, please | 22:45 | |
weirdgoo | I checked the apply kde4 colors to non kde4 apps but it doesn't work | 22:45 |
weirdgoo | :( | 22:45 |
david_ | JvM_Gelon: evolution is a gnome related program you can probably get more help in #gnome | 22:46 |
JvM_Gelon | ok, i'll try there | 22:46 |
JvM_Gelon | thanks | 22:46 |
kirasirrr | а где русский irc& | 22:47 |
bazhang | !ru | 22:47 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 22:47 |
bazhang | kirasirrr, /join #ubuntu-ru | 22:48 |
CodeGuru | !ping | 22:49 |
ubottu | ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore | 22:49 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
cuznt | !pong | 23:00 |
ubottu | pong is an old atari game. It's fun! | 23:00 |
TraceRoute | wheres this update to plasma pong? | 23:01 |
ptroke | Hi everyone. I've been using Ubuntu and have installed Kubuntu as well. How can I make sure Kubuntu uses the KDE default prgrammes? | 23:02 |
mefisto__ | ptroke: you mean double clicking files? you want them to open in kde programs? | 23:03 |
PSiL0 | !cashew | 23:04 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cashew | 23:04 |
PSiL0 | lol | 23:04 |
ptroke | mefisto_: Not quite. I seem to be still using Nautilus, but was expecting Konqueror. | 23:05 |
=== GodFather_ is now known as GodFather | ||
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir | ||
ptroke | mefisto_ sorry that would probably be Dolphin which is listed as the File Manager | 23:06 |
mefisto__ | ptroke: I think you can set file associations in konqueror's settings | 23:06 |
jpedroza | Hey all. I enabled unsupported updates to beta test Jaunty and the update fails. when trying to replace index.cache.bz2 Is anyone else seeing this? | 23:08 |
mefisto__ | ptroke: in konqueror, go to settings, file associations, inode, directory. then in "application preference order" put your preferred file manager at the top. konqueror or dolphin or whatever | 23:08 |
mefisto__ | ptroke: I'm still on hardy, so I'm assuming konqueror hasn't changed too much in kde4 | 23:09 |
jpedroza | Since the failure I can't install anything either | 23:09 |
jakeandannie | salut | 23:09 |
jpedroza | and I am afraid to restart. =) | 23:09 |
mefisto__ | ptroke: I think you can find file associations settings in systemsettings too | 23:10 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
mefisto__ | ptroke: did that work? | 23:18 |
ptroke | mefisto: that has worked, thanks. | 23:21 |
epiphanie | fsd | 23:23 |
zicada | so im defragging this god damn 320gig vista drive, to attempt to resize it *sigh* | 23:26 |
zicada | from this stupid bootable win cd | 23:26 |
zicada | think its been 3 hours now | 23:26 |
jpedroza | I just rebooted and now have no KDE at all. It seems to be failing because of some silly documentation file that is part of both kde-window-manager as well as kdebase-workspace-data | 23:26 |
zicada | watching paint dry is way more fun than this | 23:27 |
zicada | :D | 23:27 |
jpedroza | It wants to overwrite it | 23:27 |
zicada | did you dist-upgrade to 2.6.27-11 ? | 23:27 |
JontheEchidna | jpedroza: which file? | 23:27 |
jpedroza | /usr/share/doc/kde4/HTML/en/kcontrol/windowbehaviour/index/cache.bz2 | 23:28 |
JontheEchidna | what version of Kubuntu/KDE? | 23:28 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: I tried mving the file, but still no luck | 23:28 |
jpedroza | it is the Jaunty update, from Unsupported | 23:29 |
JontheEchidna | jaunty doesn't have anythign in -backports | 23:29 |
jpedroza | Development branch | 23:29 |
JontheEchidna | if you were in intrepid and enabled unsupported updates you still have intrepid, but with intrepid-backports enabled | 23:30 |
JontheEchidna | if you had a jaunty install and enabled unsupported updates it doesn't really matter, because jaunty-backports doesn't exist yet :P | 23:30 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: All I can tell you is that I came in and there were a grundle of updates available, i ran adept and it failed at this point. Login screen shows Ubuntu Jaunty (development branch) MSI-Laptop tty1 | 23:31 |
JontheEchidna | hmm | 23:31 |
jpedroza | kde is not available as wm at login screen | 23:31 |
JontheEchidna | probably is jaunty then | 23:31 |
jpedroza | I can cat my adept sources, if that helps | 23:31 |
JontheEchidna | anyway, could you tell me the installed version of kde-window-manager and kdebase-workspace-data from the output of "apt-cache policy packagenamegoeshere"? | 23:32 |
jpedroza | kdebase-workspace-data Installed=(None) Candidate=4:4.1.96-0ubuntu3 | 23:33 |
jpedroza | kde-window-manager Installed=4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 Candidate=4:4.1.96-0ubuntu3 | 23:35 |
JontheEchidna | ok, cool | 23:35 |
JontheEchidna | jpedroza: so which package is the one that fails? | 23:36 |
JontheEchidna | the one that tries to overwrite | 23:36 |
jpedroza | kdebase-workspace-data | 23:36 |
EtFb | Just trying out the 8.10 Live CD, I couldn't help noticing a few things: it's slow; the wifi couldn't tell that I needed a WPA key, but didn't tell me it couldn't connect; the Dragon Player doesn't work but (unlike whatever I'm using in 8.04) doesn't try to find codecs for me. In short: it's not looking good. Any experiences to the contrary? | 23:36 |
jpedroza | EtFb: I have been using 8.10 for 3 months as my primary OS and have had no issues... until today =) | 23:37 |
JontheEchidna | jpedroza: ok, for now you can "sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/apt/archives/pathtokdebase-workspace-deb", replacing pathtokdebase-workspace-deb with the actual deb name | 23:37 |
jpedroza | EtFb: But I don't use Dragon player | 23:37 |
JontheEchidna | then do a sudo apt-get install -f for good measure | 23:38 |
EtFb | jpedroza: What player do you use? I've found the one that Konq chooses by default in Hardy is pretty bad. Though at least it works... | 23:39 |
JontheEchidna | I'll fix this so that nobody else updating from KDE 4.1.4 has this problem in the future | 23:39 |
EtFb | So should I expect a live CD to boot and run more slowly? MUCH more slowly? As in, half the speed of a hard disk install? I expected it to be using a RAM disk. | 23:39 |
EtFb | (Ah - that's right; I'm using Kaffeine in Hardy.) | 23:40 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: I get an error that libplasma3 conflicts with kdebase-workspace-data (<< 4:4.1.73-0ubuntu1) | 23:41 |
jpedroza | EtFb: I fond that it still reads from the CD from time to time, and can be considerably slower. | 23:41 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: Conflicting packages - not installing kdebase-workspace-data | 23:42 |
EtFb | jpedroza: That's OK then; I won't blame KDE4 for my CD drive being slow then. | 23:42 |
Dr_willis | I recall having to remove one package.. then installed the other.. then installed the first one back... | 23:42 |
JontheEchidna | jpedroza: this is when you do sudo apt-get install -f? | 23:43 |
jpedroza | no this is when I do the dpkf -i --force-overwrite | 23:43 |
jpedroza | */dpkg | 23:43 |
JontheEchidna | oh | 23:43 |
EtFb | Funny that the Help file lists Kaffeine as the standard tool for videos in Intrepid, but the Live CD only provides Dragon Player. Ah well. | 23:43 |
Dr_willis | old docs and old guides and old help | 23:44 |
JontheEchidna | jpedroza: try a sudo apt-get install -f | 23:44 |
EtFb | I like the way it fades the background when it pops up a modal dialog box. The eye candy is definitely improved. | 23:45 |
jpedroza | same error as during the upgrade -f | 23:45 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: It fails on the index.cache.bz2 | 23:45 |
JontheEchidna | ugh | 23:45 |
jpedroza | Dr_willis: What package did you have to remove? | 23:45 |
Dr_willis | i forget. it was a week+ ago | 23:45 |
JontheEchidna | jpedroza: could you paste the dpkg command you're using? | 23:45 |
Dr_willis | 2 packages were conflicting.. I recall removing them both. and then the install worked.. I think one new package conflicted with files from an older different package | 23:46 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: I am running dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-data4%3a4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1_all.deb | 23:47 |
JontheEchidna | yeah, that's the old deb | 23:47 |
zzillezz | well ... this is weird | 23:47 |
zzillezz | quassel i mean :-) | 23:48 |
JontheEchidna | there should be a file something like /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-data4%3a4.1.96-0ubuntu3_all.deb | 23:48 |
jpedroza | JontheEchthere is, sorry, I missed that | 23:49 |
JontheEchidna | :-) | 23:49 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: Looks like that installed ok | 23:50 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: running apt-get upgrade -f | 23:50 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: Much happiness in the land! | 23:51 |
JontheEchidna | ^_^ | 23:51 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: If you are ever in Utah I owe you the beverage of your choice! | 23:51 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: MAybe even 2 of the beverage of your choice! | 23:52 |
jpedroza | :) | 23:52 |
JontheEchidna | :) | 23:53 |
BluesKaj | is it normal to have 2 instances of the same daemon show up in htop ? | 23:53 |
Dr_willis | some can have 5+ instances | 23:54 |
jpedroza | BluesKaj: Depends on the daemon | 23:54 |
EtFb | Ah, installed Kaffeine. It really is one of the most magnificently user-focused pieces of software I've used. If any of the Kaffeine devs are lurking, let me just say: thank you. You deserve great riches and fame. | 23:54 |
JontheEchidna | jpedroza: I must thank you too. Testing like this is crucial to prevent these types of errors from happening when a distro is released | 23:54 |
jpedroza | EtFb: I concur with that | 23:54 |
semistud2354_ | anyone use ibex... | 23:54 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: I take it you are a dev? | 23:54 |
JontheEchidna | jpedroza: yup | 23:54 |
semistud2354_ | is it just as buggy for you guys as it is/was for me | 23:54 |
semistud2354_ | im hearing all over the place to just go ahead and skip ibex | 23:55 |
jpedroza | JontheEchidna: I am thinking on getting my C++ back up to speed and working on kdewebdev, specifically Quanta | 23:55 |
semistud2354_ | wait for jaunty | 23:55 |
JontheEchidna | I'm sure they'd appreciate all the help they could get with Quanta | 23:55 |
jpedroza | semistud2354_: I love Intrepid. I had no issues with anything except the NVIDIA deiver | 23:55 |
jpedroza | and the beta fixed those issues | 23:55 |
EtFb | semistud2354_: I'm on Hardy and about to upgrade hardware and OS in the next week or two. What problems have you heard of or experienced? | 23:55 |
semistud2354_ | my suspend resume broke again | 23:55 |
semistud2354_ | in ibex | 23:55 |
semistud2354_ | hardy it works great | 23:56 |
jpedroza | Well the last time I did any C++ was 1995, so here is hoping it hasn't changed much :) | 23:56 |
semistud2354_ | also my wireless card...broadcom 4318 doesnt play nice with ibex | 23:56 |
EtFb | semistud2354_: Let | 23:56 |
semistud2354_ | i HAVE to use fwcutter | 23:56 |
semistud2354_ | i cant use ndiswrapper...which for some reason gives me a stronger signal | 23:56 |
EtFb | semistud2354_: Let's see - I'm using a Live CD now on a 2-year-old Toshiba. Let's see what happens... | 23:56 |
jpedroza | semistud2354_: I have a broadcom chipset, but I think it is a different one. | 23:57 |
EtFb | Hrrrm. "Suspend to RAM" or "Suspend to Disk". Which is which? | 23:57 |
alonea | my friend is vming kubuntu which is working ok except the kicker bar is always shrunk when he signs in. he always has to manually make it the length of the screen. is there a way to force it to a certain size on startup? | 23:57 |
EtFb | Picked "Suspend to RAM". Wow - it was quick! A second or two, compared to maybe 5 in Hardy. | 23:58 |
EtFb | Now to resume... | 23:58 |
semistud2354_ | suspend to ram | 23:58 |
alonea | or is it called plasma bar now... | 23:58 |
JontheEchidna | it's hibernate and suspend, though I don't know which is which | 23:58 |
jpedroza | alonea: I ran into something like that when using multiple monitors in Ibex, but I just resized the panel and all went well after that | 23:58 |
EtFb | Pow! No probs! My wife used to have trouble with Hibernate (ie Suspend to Disk) in Gutsy -- it scrambled her keyboard. But it works fine for me (and for her in Hardy). | 23:59 |
alonea | jpedroza: but he has to resize it every single time he logs on which gets annoying after a while. Can't you config it somehow? | 23:59 |
semistud2354_ | i have my buddy talking here...and he said when he would resume his wireless wouldnt work | 23:59 |
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