billisnice | where are the instructions on how to install ext4 on an installed 9.04 alpha 3? | 00:04 |
RAOF | billisnice, Skiessi: | 00:06 |
billisnice | when i click on the link it is broken | 00:07 |
Skiessi | it's not for me | 00:07 |
linuxman410 | link works fine for me too | 00:08 |
billisnice | for some reason i click on it and it does not for me | 00:09 |
linuxman410 | copy and paste it billisnice | 00:11 |
billisnice | that worked | 00:11 |
billisnice | Converting an ext3 filesystem to ext4 | 00:12 |
=== emma_ is now known as emma | ||
Melik | can gParted create ext4 partitions? | 00:29 |
RAOF | No, I don't think so. | 00:30 |
x1250 | I read that no somewhere. | 00:30 |
Naddiseo | Is it possible to have a display stretch across three monitors and two (different) video cards? I've been trying most of the day and can't get a third monitor. | 01:27 |
shadowhywind | hay all I am having problems login in, when i log in i get a kdm error, looking at the logs i believe it is [config/dbus] couldn't take over org.x.config: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied (Connection ":1.15" is not allowed to own the service "org.x.config.display0" due to security policies in the configuration file) | 01:28 |
DanaG | Naddiseo: what sort of video cards? | 01:29 |
DanaG | Note that fglrx and nvidia are each incompatible with anything else. | 01:29 |
Naddiseo | Radeon HD4850 (which I can get working), and a Nvidia GT7300 | 01:29 |
Naddiseo | Yeah, using free drivers | 01:29 |
DanaG | For both? | 01:29 |
Naddiseo | radeon and nv | 01:29 |
DanaG | ah, then that's not the issue. | 01:29 |
DanaG | Hmm, try xrandr --verbose (in console); look for anything interesting. | 01:30 |
RAOF | Naddiseo: No; you can't currently do that. | 01:30 |
Naddiseo | OK, that answers that. | 01:30 |
Naddiseo | What if I used onboard video instead of the nvidia? | 01:30 |
DanaG | Hmm. screen-resolution-extra can't help? | 01:30 |
Naddiseo | The onboard is some kind of ati | 01:30 |
RAOF | XRandR 1.2 doesn't support multi-card multi-head. | 01:31 |
RAOF | Hm. It _might_ be possible using the fglrx drivers, assuming that they support your onboard ati thingy. | 01:31 |
Naddiseo | Ah k. | 01:31 |
DanaG | You might be able to roll back to Intrepid xserver-xorg-core and libdri2, and then use fglrx. | 01:31 |
DanaG | I'm using fglrx 8.543; anything newer gives a panic. | 01:31 |
RAOF | Also, last I checked, the nv driver didn't actually handle dual head at all :) | 01:31 |
DanaG | | 01:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 01:32 |
Naddiseo | The nv just needed to support 1 monitor | 01:32 |
Naddiseo | the ati had the duel | 01:32 |
Naddiseo | I was trying to have multiple Screen sections in my xorg.conf, one for each card. | 01:32 |
RAOF | That _might_ work, possibly. | 01:33 |
Naddiseo | it detects them, but doesn't use the nv one | 01:33 |
RAOF | More than simple one-card dual-head sucks quite a lot in current X, methinks. | 01:33 |
Naddiseo | This is what I was trying: | 01:34 |
RAOF | I'm unlikely to be any help. I've only ever played with one-card dual head on nvidia (which, incidentally, is a large pool of icecream filled with fluffy kittens lapping at the edges on nouveau) | 01:37 |
Naddiseo | Yeah, I was nvidia up until two weeks ago, got annoyed at the drivers :P | 01:38 |
RAOF | nouveau != nvidia. | 01:44 |
RAOF | Even better, I believe it'll play nicely with your free ati drivers. | 01:44 |
Naddiseo | Hm, yeah, I could try that | 01:44 |
Naddiseo | Do I still have to use your PPA? | 01:44 |
RAOF | (For example, nouveau's 2d performance for me is much, much better than nvidia's) | 01:44 |
RAOF | No; xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is in Universe, and nouveau-kernel-source is either there too, or is still sitting in NEW. | 01:45 |
RAOF | Oh, yeah. There it is | 01:46 |
Naddiseo | Still have to use module-assistant I see. | 01:48 |
RAOF | No; just install the nouveau-kernel-source package; it's DKMS'd to the nines. | 01:49 |
Naddiseo | Hm, I think my mirror is out of date | 01:50 |
RAOF | It's not in the mirror yet; it's sitting in the NEW queue. | 01:51 |
RAOF | (That's what the link was). | 01:52 |
Naddiseo | ah | 01:52 |
RAOF | You'd want to download that source package and build it. | 01:52 |
RAOF | It doesn't have any silly dependencies; basically all it does is copy stuff to /usr/src/nouveau and run dkms. | 01:52 |
l3iggs | can anyone get the "ati" driver working on their system? | 01:56 |
l3iggs | the release notes say it should work, but i've had no luck | 01:57 |
l3iggs | is there some fancy xorg.config line i'm missing? | 01:57 |
DanaG | Last time I tried nouveau, it didn't work nicely. | 01:57 |
DanaG | IT massively devoured my CPU, just drawing the desktop. | 01:58 |
DanaG | My fglrx bug: | 01:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 01:59 |
shadowhywind | Ok, so now I have KDM issues and no sound issues, can anyone help? | 02:01 |
l3iggs | does anyone in this room have the "ati" driver working on their alpha 3 system? | 02:04 |
Naddiseo | Can't say I do.. I'm using the radeon driver though. | 02:06 |
* RAOF notes that the "ati" driver _is_ the "radeon" driver. | 02:07 | |
x1250 | l3iggs, working here | 02:07 |
Naddiseo | It's just an alias? | 02:07 |
Naddiseo | and nouveau installed. | 02:08 |
RAOF | Naddiseo: Indeed. "ati" is "radeon" on all but the oldest ATi cards. | 02:08 |
x1250 | l3iggs, whats your problem? did you look Xorg.0.log ? | 02:08 |
RAOF | DanaG: Yeah, but Naddiseo has a nv4x chip, and that will _fly_ with nouveau. | 02:09 |
DanaG | Ah. Mine was an NV17. | 02:09 |
Naddiseo | ok, let's see if this nouveau/radeon thing will work | 02:09 |
Naddiseo | brb | 02:09 |
l3iggs | x1250 yeah, i looked at the log file | 02:09 |
l3iggs | you can look at it here: | 02:09 |
l3iggs | i don't know much, but the only thing that really jumps out at me is this line: | 02:10 |
l3iggs | [config/dbus] couldn't take over org.x.config: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied (Connection ":1.73" is not allowed to own the service "org.x.config.display0" due to security policies in the configuration file) | 02:10 |
RAOF | Ooooh, cool. We've turned on xorg-config-as-dbus-service, I see. | 02:11 |
x1250 | l3iggs, don't know about that line, first time I see something like that. Are you having any noticeable problems? | 02:13 |
x1250 | l3iggs, here's my xorg.conf, as you asked: | 02:14 |
l3iggs | yes, i am having problems, when the login screen is being drawn the cpu goes through the roof, the entire screen is corrupted, i can't log in | 02:15 |
linuxman410 | has anyone here used dropbox with ubuntu | 02:15 |
l3iggs | linuxman410, i do | 02:15 |
linuxman410 | does it work good with it | 02:16 |
l3iggs | works perfectly | 02:17 |
x1250 | l3iggs, what does LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo gives you? | 02:17 |
linuxman410 | thanks i was getting ready to sign up now | 02:17 |
l3iggs | don't know yet, where does that show up? in the xorg log file? | 02:17 |
Naddiseo | hm, X dies with Xinerama | 02:19 |
Naddiseo | Least it didn't lock up like with nv. | 02:19 |
x1250 | l3iggs, open up a terminal | 02:20 |
l3iggs | x1250, one sec, i don't think your xorg.conf file works on my system | 02:21 |
l3iggs | no, it doesn't work | 02:22 |
l3iggs | same issue | 02:22 |
raof | Naddiseo: Nothing's going to support Xinerama :(. | 02:22 |
Naddiseo | Yeah, didn't think so. | 02:22 |
x1250 | l3iggs, open up a terminal and enter: LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo | 02:22 |
x1250 | paste that on pastebin | 02:22 |
l3iggs | ok | 02:22 |
Naddiseo | I disabled it. but I can't find much in the Xorg.0.log that mentions nouveau | 02:23 |
raof | Everyone broke Xinerama to get XRandR 1.2 working, and now XRandR 1.3/1.4 is filling in the things that Xinerama used to do. | 02:23 |
shadowhywind | what are the default groups that a user should have ? | 02:23 |
Naddiseo | hm, it loads nouveau... then doesn't nothing with it | 02:23 |
l3iggs | i can only ssh to the box (can't login locally), when i issue that command i get: "Error: unable to open display" | 02:24 |
raof | Naddiseo: Oooooh. I think I remember this. | 02:24 |
raof | Naddiseo: I think what you need is called "drm multi-master support". IE: both your ATI and nVidia cards need to be able to mess with drm, but currently only one can. | 02:24 |
Naddiseo | I see, so it's conflicting ? | 02:25 |
x1250 | shadowhywind, no groups other than the user group by default, as in user:user | 02:25 |
Naddiseo | maybe there's something I'm missing in the log file: | 02:25 |
x1250 | Naddiseo, what does LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo gives? | 02:31 |
x1250 | you don't have direct rendering, you should fix that. | 02:31 |
Naddiseo | | 02:32 |
l3iggs | x1250, i switch back to vesa driver (only way i can log in locally), run LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo and i get | 02:32 |
raof | Naddiseo: Hm. It looks like X doesn't think nouveau should be driving any screens. That said, I don't think what you want is currently possible. | 02:33 |
raof | x1250: His RV770 isn't going to get 3d acceleration from any driver currently in the archives. :) | 02:33 |
Naddiseo | From what I've read today, it might be possible with xrandr 1.3 ? | 02:34 |
x1250 | raof, didn't know that was his video card :) thanks | 02:34 |
raof | Naddiseo: I _think_ that xrandr 1.3 will support what you want (possibly requiring changes in drm, but I'm not sure now). | 02:34 |
Naddiseo | Hm, ok. I don't mind waiting; I don't desperately need a third monitor. | 02:36 |
x1250 | l3iggs, whats your video card? | 02:36 |
l3iggs | SAPPHIRE X1950 GT | 02:37 |
x1250 | l3iggs, things to check: from an ati driver Xorg session, LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo. Also check that you have ubuntu-desktop and xserver-xorg-video-all installed. Also make sure you're running the latest kernel. | 02:41 |
x1250 | I don't think you're missing xserver-xorg-video-all though, doesn't show any related error on the log. | 02:43 |
l3iggs | i can't run an ati driver xorg session, that's my whole problem. i can't get past the login screen with "ati" or "radeon" | 02:43 |
l3iggs | i'll check the other stuff | 02:43 |
l3iggs | is 2.6.28-4 the right kernel? | 02:50 |
x1250 | l3iggs, yep | 02:51 |
l3iggs | well everything checks out | 02:51 |
l3iggs | the only thing that stands out here is that dbus permissions error | 02:52 |
l3iggs | i bet you don't get that in your xorg log file | 02:53 |
x1250 | l3iggs, i'll check | 02:54 |
x1250 | l3iggs, i do have it =) | 02:55 |
x1250 | l3iggs, try #radeon | 02:56 |
x1250 | maybe they can help you more | 02:56 |
l3iggs | ok thanks | 03:07 |
Jaffarkelshac | !wine | 03:21 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help | 03:21 |
shadowhywind | hay all very odd problem, If i say turn on my computer and let kdm start, i can log in and all i get a single terminal screen. However if i switch to a console view (altF2), I have to killall kdm and when i do startx i get kde correctly, any ideas? | 03:31 |
Volkodav | anybody has problems with samba shares ? I have it configured same as in hardy - but it won't work in jaunty - | 04:04 |
Volkodav | maybe apparmour or something else ? | 04:05 |
raof | I just set up a shared directory with a macbook; that worked fine from installing samba to restarting the session to assigning permissions. | 04:05 |
Volkodav | in ibex the shares are visible but not accessible -in jaunty not even visible | 04:15 |
Volkodav | /etc/init.d/samba restart does not work neither | 04:15 |
Volkodav | I will try samba4 | 04:15 |
Volkodav | it is alpha but it might work | 04:16 |
naught101 | anyone else finding that open office is not opening at all? | 04:16 |
naught101 | I've tried it from the command line, and I get no output what so ever | 04:16 |
l3iggs | open office works for me | 04:21 |
naught101 | I tried running it in gdb, it says: "/usr/bin/oocalc": not in executable format: File format not recognized | 04:22 |
billisnice | on my amd system, this ver is more stable | 04:31 |
billisnice | alpha 3 | 04:31 |
naught101 | hrmm.. downloads shaped... I don't think I'll be able to upgrade for a week | 04:35 |
naught101 | I mean, downgrade... | 04:36 |
* Volkodav fixed samba | 04:44 | |
ojwb | under "Known Issues" says "* While the user-space component of the EXPERIMENTAL nouveau X driver is available in Alpha 2 universe, the kernel modules this driver requires to work are not yet available. The kernel modules should be uploaded soon after Alpha 2." which looks like it's just been cut-and-pasted from the alpha2 page | 05:58 |
* bluesmoke thought 2.6.28 was released already | 06:13 | |
ojwb | bluesmoke: was that in response to me? | 06:28 |
ojwb | alpha3 has 2.6.28 | 06:28 |
ojwb | does that mean the item I quoted is no longer relevant? | 06:29 |
* ojwb guesses it either should be removed, or updated to say "alpha3" not "alpha2", but I don't know which | 06:29 | |
bluesmoke | I dunno | 06:32 |
bluesmoke | ojwb: That page says we're using a 2.6.28 rc though | 06:32 |
ojwb | bluesmoke: that seems to be wrong - I don't have alpha3 here, but a jaunty kernel I installed last week is 2.6.28-4.10 | 06:42 |
ojwb | not 2.6.28-3.4 | 06:42 |
ojwb | that's what alpha2 had - more copy-and-paste I guess | 06:42 |
Volkodav | anybody has this bug with skype ? workaround 1 worked for me | 07:08 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 273693 in alsa-lib "biarch alsa-lib path problem with Skype" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 07:08 |
Volkodav | yeah - it was a bitch | 07:09 |
Volkodav | now it works ok | 07:09 |
lucent | I just completed an Alpha3 x86 alternate installer, it's 2.6.28-4-generic | 07:38 |
DanaG | Argh, since I can't ctrl-alt-backspace Xorg, I instead had to SAK it. | 07:39 |
lucent | heh | 07:43 |
lucent | DanaG: I disapprove of that change personally, but hey it's making the most sense for the most users, so yeah | 07:43 |
lucent | it's not like we can't go in and re-enable it | 07:43 |
* ojwb has actually managed to accidentally hit that key combo | 07:43 | |
lucent | though I'd rather there be a GUI option to re-enable it | 07:44 |
ojwb | but only once in many years | 07:44 |
DanaG | I've never hit it by missing my aim on a key; I've instead accidentally hit it by _thinking_ the wrong key. | 07:44 |
DanaG | Wanted ctrl-alt-backslash. | 07:44 |
lucent | ojwb: some games map ctrl+backspace, and people hit alt by mistake too | 07:45 |
lucent | I understand that | 07:45 |
DanaG | I've never used ctrl-backspace for games. | 07:45 |
DanaG | And Alt is TWO keys away. | 07:45 |
lucent | I opin that it would be a smoother transition if the GUI option to enable serverkill was already present before changing the default behavior | 07:46 |
lucent | I'd run to re-enable it. I'm too lazy if I have to go and edit files | 07:46 |
lucent | anyways ext4 is buggy, I mean it bit me in the ass and I lost some data | 07:46 |
DanaG | Or do what SuSE does: | 07:46 |
lucent | going to wait until 2.6.30ish before making a switch to a new fs again | 07:47 |
DanaG | NOt just ctrl-alt-backspace.... you have to hit it twice for it to work. | 07:47 |
lucent | ha | 07:47 |
lucent | I'd like there to be some kind of sysrq hook | 07:47 |
lucent | but I don't understand the underlying problem well enough to actually request this | 07:47 |
lucent | encrypted home dir works well enough from alternate installer btw | 07:48 |
lucent | I'm using this now, it's speedier than whole-block encryption thankfully | 07:48 |
dholbach | hiya | 08:07 |
=== tritium changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (alpha) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways. Jaunty Alpha 3 CD Images Available at | Join #ubuntu for Intrepid Ibex (8.10) and previous versions support | "This week: - get involved! | ||
=== tritium changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (alpha) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways. Jaunty Alpha 3 CD Images Available at | Join #ubuntu for Intrepid Ibex (8.10) and previous versions support | This week: - get involved! | ||
ScriptRipper | i got ubuntu 9.04 on my beagleboard (ARM arch) running. | 09:35 |
ScriptRipper | i got keyboard, mouse and a network adapter connected via USB | 09:36 |
ScriptRipper | i could even start up gdm | 09:36 |
ScriptRipper | how do i get networking via USB ethernet adapter configured now? | 09:37 |
lucent | yay! | 09:38 |
lucent | ScriptRipper: I want to hear more about your experience with beagleboard | 09:38 |
lucent | what part of the world are you located in? how much did it cost you to get all needed materials to develop and use the beagleboard? | 09:38 |
ScriptRipper | i used debootstrap and QEMU to set this up. | 09:38 |
ScriptRipper | i am in munich | 09:39 |
ScriptRipper | it cost me ca. 30-40 Euro in addtion to get it working | 09:40 |
lucent | thanks for that information | 09:40 |
ScriptRipper | I had a USB hub already... | 09:40 |
lucent | ScriptRipper: if you can see Network Manager icon, right click, and either Preferences or Settings | 09:40 |
ScriptRipper | self powered | 09:40 |
ScriptRipper | sorry, i am command line. | 09:41 |
lucent | oh okay | 09:41 |
lucent | no Network Manager desired? | 09:41 |
ScriptRipper | gnome display manager i started to see if X11/frame buffer and keyboard / mouse works | 09:41 |
ScriptRipper | now i got the problem that 128 MB RAM is too small to run a full desktop like gnome or kde. | 09:42 |
lucent | you can do this from commandline, but then it conflicts with Network Manager | 09:42 |
lucent | so, if you don't need Network Manager it's okay to do it the other way using /etc/network/interfaces configuration file | 09:42 |
lucent | the manual page for interfaces(8) has more information about the file format | 09:43 |
lucent | use ifup (name) and ifdown (name) to invoke | 09:43 |
lucent | it is the same way Debian configures networking normally | 09:44 |
lucent | ScriptRipper: if you only want a one-shot configuration, use the standard commands to configure your interface | 09:44 |
lucent | ifconfig eth1 up | 09:45 |
lucent | ifconfig eth1 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX netmask YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY | 09:45 |
ScriptRipper | but its usb connected | 09:45 |
lucent | route add default gw ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ | 09:45 |
lucent | like that | 09:45 |
lucent | ScriptRipper: "ifconfig -a" will show you all connected interfaces | 09:45 |
lucent | maybe it will be named usb0? maybe it will just be another ethN like eth1 or eth2 | 09:46 |
ScriptRipper | how far have you been wrt to a "ready to run" release of jaunty 9.04 ? how "alpha" is it on arm? thats more general questions, to get a feeling about what i can expect | 10:45 |
lucent | it's developed mostly for x86 I thought | 10:51 |
lucent | that's what I run on | 10:51 |
ScriptRipper | what i have now seen is that the udev rules are missing. this can be root of that my network adapter gets not detected | 11:10 |
ScriptRipper | are these completely missing for jaunty on arm? | 11:10 |
naught101 | Open office isn't working for me (no starting), and isn't giving me any indication of why not, even when run from the console. | 12:09 |
naught101 | I don't know whether I should report a bug or not, since I have no useful information... | 12:12 |
ojwb | naught101: perhaps try running it under strace? | 12:16 |
xyz | whats new in Jaunty? | 12:51 |
fosco__ | xyz | 12:53 |
xyz | fosco_, sounds way cool | 12:57 |
xyz | looks cool also | 13:02 |
xyz | have you tried yet? | 13:02 |
fosco__ | yes, i'm on it | 13:05 |
fosco__ | Description: Ubuntu jaunty (development branch) | 13:05 |
zniavre | hello | 13:25 |
bullgard4 | Does GNOME dodge the term 'file type association' and uses another term instead? | 13:40 |
fosco__ | mime types? | 13:44 |
x1250 | naught101, try deleting (or moving) ~/.openoffice | 13:44 |
naught101 | x1250: did that, no joy | 13:44 |
x1250 | naught101, what happens if you run openoffice in a terminal? | 13:45 |
x1250 | is there any output? | 13:45 |
naught101 | x1250: no, absolutely none, which is why I haven't submitted a bug yet | 13:45 |
naught101 | not for oocalc or any other of the oo apps | 13:46 |
x1250 | naught101, what does aptitude search ~iopenoffice -F "%p" gives you? (pastebin it) | 13:47 |
naught101 | x1250: | 13:48 |
naught101 | whoa! x1250 I just had the idea to run "sudo oocalc", to see if ti was my user having issues, and it is. | 13:50 |
naught101 | ie. it runs | 13:50 |
naught101 | only commandline thing is "illegal flag specified to db_create" | 13:51 |
x1250 | uhm, odd, it sounds like a permission problem, but no idea where it could be | 13:52 |
naught101 | yeah, I would expect it to give me a permissions error then | 13:56 |
naught101 | grrr... did I miss anything? | 13:56 |
x1250 | try using find ~/ -user root | 13:56 |
naught101 | x1250: sorry, I missed that find command, had to close my client | 14:00 |
x1250 | naught101, find ~/ -user root | 14:01 |
naught101 | x: a heap of stuff in the firectory I moved the directory to | 14:04 |
naught101 | ( | 14:04 |
naught101 | x1250: chowned my whole ~ to me, no change... | 14:05 |
naught101 | damn, this connection is annoying | 14:05 |
x1250 | naught101, what about id you create a new user? does it work ok? | 14:05 |
x1250 | id/if | 14:05 |
naught101 | back in a sec, I'll try it... | 14:05 |
x1250 | brb | 14:15 |
naught102 | x1250: ok, I think I needed to restart after deleting perhaps I had a zombie process or something... | 14:17 |
naught102 | anyway, it's working now, thanks a lot for your help | 14:17 |
naught102 | although, the "open" dialogue isn't... | 14:21 |
naught102 | looks like it's corrupting something in the dir, and refusing to open until after a reboot, even when that dir has been removed | 14:28 |
naught102 | oh no, zombie soffice processes | 14:29 |
x1250 | naught102, did you find the problem? | 14:49 |
zniavre | how did you passed the ABI stuff on nvidia drivers ? | 14:58 |
x1250 | zniavre, Section "ServerFlags", Option "IgnoreABI" "True" | 15:19 |
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth | ||
dholbach | to start in #ubuntu-classroom in 17 minutes | 15:43 |
zniavre | x1250: thank you but it does not work | 16:02 |
=== ZehRique_ is now known as ZehRique | ||
tigreton | wola | 17:05 |
BUGabundo | where do I place that -ignoreABI ? | 18:15 |
x1250 | BUGabundo, Section "ServerFlags", Option "IgnoreABI" "True" | 18:17 |
BUGabundo | thanks | 18:17 |
BUGabundo | does it help? | 18:17 |
BUGabundo | or will I still end up with this ugly screen? | 18:17 |
x1250 | it has helped some, it works. | 18:18 |
x1250 | BUGabundo, what driver? | 18:18 |
BUGabundo | Nvidia | 18:19 |
BUGabundo | 180 | 18:19 |
BUGabundo | | 18:19 |
BUGabundo | every font is too big, no theme, lots of crashs with a few applets | 18:19 |
BUGabundo | to many changes in a single day | 18:19 |
BUGabundo | I've seem to have lost the user switch applet again | 18:20 |
x1250 | BUGabundo, | 18:21 |
x1250 | BUGabundo, are you running gdm? I have problems with the user switch applet if I don't use gdm. | 18:22 |
BUGabundo | x1250: yes, gdm has started... I think | 18:22 |
x1250 | BUGabundo, are you sure your xorg.conf is ok? it seems that "ServerFlags" is in its own line. | 18:23 |
BUGabundo | humm | 18:24 |
BUGabundo | I run dpkg reconfigure | 18:24 |
BUGabundo | and it made a new one | 18:24 |
BUGabundo | I added that seccion after you told me too | 18:24 |
BUGabundo | is it on the wrong place? | 18:25 |
x1250 | then paste this: | 18:25 |
BUGabundo | I did | 18:25 |
BUGabundo | ahh I see | 18:25 |
BUGabundo | the line break | 18:25 |
BUGabundo | I did insert it wrong | 18:26 |
BUGabundo | fixed | 18:26 |
x1250 | yep, but I don't know if that could do any trouble | 18:26 |
BUGabundo | will know better on next reboot | 18:26 |
x1250 | BUGabundo, if there are problems, /var/log/Xorg.0.log should say something. Is your 3D hardware accel working? | 18:27 |
BUGabundo | humm don't think so | 18:28 |
BUGabundo | at least nvidia-settings doesn't | 18:28 |
BUGabundo | plus, dualmonitor with bryce tool also fails to enable the 2nd nonitor | 18:28 |
x1250 | and whar driver says /var/log/Xorg.0.log you're using? | 18:29 |
x1250 | what* | 18:29 |
BUGabundo | Method "ApplyConfiguration" with signature "" on interface "org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.XRANDR" doesn't exist | 18:29 |
BUGabundo | | 18:29 |
x1250 | BUGabundo, you're using driver nv right now | 18:30 |
BUGabundo | I never know | 18:30 |
BUGabundo | nv is the prop or OSS? | 18:31 |
x1250 | try using Driver "nvidia" inside Section Device | 18:31 |
x1250 | "nv" -> opensource | 18:31 |
x1250 | nv is the default driver for nvidia | 18:32 |
BUGabundo | x1250: | 18:39 |
BUGabundo | is this correct? | 18:39 |
x1250 | BUGabundo, looks good to me. When restarting X, if it doesn't work, save a copy of the failed Xorg.0.log | 18:41 |
BUGabundo | okay | 18:41 |
BUGabundo | by the way does totem play audio for you? | 18:42 |
BUGabundo | every other player works! | 18:42 |
x1250 | it works fine here. Odd... | 18:43 |
BUGabundo | yeah | 18:43 |
BUGabundo | need to instal debug symbols | 18:43 |
BUGabundo | and file a bug to it then | 18:43 |
andresmh | what version of compiz comes with jaunty? | 19:01 |
BUGabundo | $ apt-cache policy compiz Installed: 1:0.7.8-0ubuntu6 | 19:02 |
BUGabundo | andresmh: ^^^^^^ | 19:02 |
BUGabundo | or use | 19:02 |
* x1250 is installing kubuntu | 19:05 | |
andresmh | thanks BUGabundo | 19:06 |
mrintegrity | hello! | 19:10 |
mrintegrity | Using 9.04 alpha 3 on an eee 901 and the touch pad is really choppy, unconfigurable (required SHMconfig but cant enable that) and the wifi driver is not included in the kernel :) | 19:10 |
mrintegrity | otherwise, it's significantly faster than 8.10 | 19:11 |
mrintegrity | I am using ext4, it's great | 19:11 |
mrintegrity | could anyone help me sort out the touchpad or wifi? | 19:11 |
BUGabundo | mrintegrity: wifi is in the wiki | 19:11 |
BUGabundo | touchpad usually works okay | 19:11 |
BUGabundo | | 19:12 |
mrintegrity | BUGabundo: yeah, dont know whats wrong with it. but i know a lot of people have issues with eee c 901 and touchpad | 19:12 |
mrintegrity | tyhanks for the link! | 19:12 |
BUGabundo | I saw a 1000h that was quite eradic | 19:13 |
BUGabundo | really anoying | 19:13 |
BUGabundo | wit 8.10 | 19:13 |
mrintegrity | yeah, they have a lot of new hardware.. | 19:13 |
mrintegrity | peformance on 8.10 was totaly unusable though with 901 | 19:13 |
BUGabundo | too much to kept track of | 19:14 |
mrintegrity | yup | 19:14 |
BUGabundo | I instaled a couple of ubuntuumpc (ex-mobile) and it worked great | 19:14 |
BUGabundo | not as fast as xandros | 19:14 |
BUGabundo | but it booted in 20 secs after a kernel profile | 19:14 |
mrintegrity | cool | 19:15 |
tretle | anyone have any idea where you can test the new notifications that were shown on marks blog? | 19:15 |
BUGabundo | tretle: AFAIK still hasn't hit the repos | 19:16 |
tretle | is the source available anywhere or an svn repo? | 19:16 |
tretle | this blog post was a bit misleading - | 19:18 |
Pici | The notifcations on sabdfl's blog were a mockup. | 19:19 |
tretle | yes but in that blog post about alpha 3 andre says the new notifications are in alpha 3 | 19:20 |
EagleScreen | is there any possibility of having linux 2.6.29 on Jaunty? | 19:27 |
andresmh | I remember seeing a video from Shuttleworth about the new notification system for Ubuntu. Is that already in Jaunty alpha 3? | 19:32 |
BUGabundo | andresmh: AFAIK no | 19:34 |
BUGabundo | I don't have anything yet | 19:34 |
andresmh | ok :) | 19:34 |
andresmh | i'm still excited to try jaunty, i'm curious to see if audio works out of the box for my laptop | 19:35 |
BUGabundo | andresmh: what's up with the audio? do you have a bug id for it? | 19:43 |
andresmh | at some point i opened one i think | 19:43 |
andresmh | but it has evolved | 19:43 |
andresmh | basically the sound quality is slow | 19:44 |
andresmh | and using the mic is difficult | 19:44 |
andresmh | i find pulse very complicated | 19:44 |
charlie-tca | Anyone else seeing xchat close intermittently when switching channels? | 20:08 |
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG | ||
hggdh | charlie-tca, yes, I do -- it gets a SIGABRT, and apport does not trigger on aborts... | 20:46 |
charlie-tca | Thanks. Should I report a bug? | 20:47 |
DanaG | Ugh, stupid Hamachi.... hasn't been updated in over a year. | 20:48 |
hggdh | I guess so, but we will need a stacktrace to know what happened. I personally think it is libc6 on memory allocation | 20:48 |
DanaG | And it crashes nm-system-settings by returning info.driver = (NULL). | 20:49 |
hggdh | here's what I will do: I will close xchat & reopen it under gdb. Then I will wait for the error again | 20:49 |
hggdh | brb | 20:49 |
* DanaG ponders ndisswrapping the hamachi Windows driver. | 20:50 | |
hggdh | charlie-tca, I am not running under GDB. Now we just wait... | 20:50 |
hggdh | s/not/now/ | 20:50 |
charlie-tca | Okay. I'll confirm when it happens then. | 20:51 |
* charlie-tca happy not to be going nuts! | 20:52 | |
hggdh | if you opened the bug, please give me the #; otherwise I will open it | 20:52 |
charlie-tca | I have not opened it. I thought I could confirm when you do. | 20:52 |
hggdh | k, np | 20:53 |
* user___ thinks would be great if jaunty could do real fullscreen in virtualbox, even gparted live cd does it, which is is based on debian IIRC | 21:20 | |
DanaG | (nm-system-settings:17953): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: instance of invalid non-instantiatable type `(null)' | 21:22 |
DanaG | Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 21:22 |
DanaG | in nm-system-settings. | 21:22 |
Tekno | should fstab be empty in 9.04 ? | 21:23 |
Tekno | system works with empty fstab o_O | 21:23 |
gletob | Hey I am running jaunty, does anyone here know how to convert EXT3 to EXT4? | 21:28 |
Tekno | i did it 5mins ago | 21:28 |
gletob | Tekno: How? | 21:29 |
Tekno | with this howto: | 21:29 |
x1250 | gletob, take a look at bug #317781 first | 21:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 317781 in linux "Ext4 data loss" [High,Triaged] | 21:30 |
charlie-tca | Tekno: not empty here. | 21:32 |
Tekno | strange | 21:32 |
Tekno | i really have empty fstab and still everything works | 21:33 |
Tekno | sda1 mounts as ext4 to / | 21:33 |
* charlie-tca thinks that is different, anyway | 21:34 | |
x1250 | what about aptitude's miserable failure removing automatic dependencies? I installed kubuntu-desktop just to see how it was now a days, and I was amazed after purging... only kubuntu-desktop package, and nothing more. | 21:50 |
raof | That's odd. It should work. | 21:51 |
x1250 | then I tried apt-get autoremove, but nothing else was removed. So I had to uninstall some kde libraries to make kubuntu go away. | 21:52 |
Melik | hi everyone | 22:25 |
evan_ | hello how i the new beta? | 22:29 |
evan_ | alpha*\ | 22:30 |
bazhang | evan_, see the topic | 22:30 |
evan_ | bazhang: your pointing on: it will most certainly break your system in bad ways? | 22:30 |
bazhang | | 22:31 |
bazhang | evan_, ^^ | 22:31 |
evan_ | bazhang: isnt that put there by default? | 22:31 |
bazhang | <evan_> hello how i the new beta? | 22:32 |
evan_ | bazhang: see the next message by me | 22:33 |
bazhang | evan_, what is your question. | 22:33 |
bazhang | evan_, I gave you the link, did you need something else; if so please specify with some exactitude | 22:34 |
x1250 | what are the blacklist.DSA-1024 and blacklist.RSA-2048 files inside /etc/ssh suppose to do? | 22:34 |
evan_ | bazhang: well my question is how it is, will it break your system, will it overrule intrpid etc etc | 22:35 |
bazhang | evan_, this is not a chat channel; if you wish you may try jaunty, though it is ill-advised as the topic states. | 22:35 |
bazhang | evan_, this is a support channel for folks who are actively using jaunty. | 22:35 |
x1250 | aaa wrong channel, sorry | 22:36 |
evan_ | bazhang: i'd like to help but if my first question about the state of the project is rejected like this... i can better leave.. | 22:38 |
bazhang | ?? | 22:38 |
calc | how do i get to the real volume control in jaunty? | 22:49 |
calc | its very quiet on my system probably because the new volume control applet is crap | 22:49 |
calc | and the sound configurator is missing also :\ | 22:53 |
raof | alsamixer from the commandline? | 22:53 |
calc | raof: ugh ok, still doesn't resolve my headset issue (well i need to verify if it is an issue yet | 22:54 |
* calc goes to plug it in | 22:54 | |
linuxman410 | is 1min 29 seconds good for boot time on ubuntu | 23:20 |
DanaG | If I posted my bootchart, would somebody be able to suggest ways to improve my boot time? | 23:25 |
DanaG | Argh: | 23:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 300443 in ntfs-3g "hal rejects to mount ntfs-3g partition" [Medium,Triaged] | 23:55 |
DanaG | Don't you love how launchpad returns this sort of file? | 23:57 |
DanaG | | 23:57 |
DanaG | All I see is this: ntfs-3g ntfs-3g locale= | 23:57 |
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