SealV | how do I learn how to post to the mailing list? | 17:05 |
thorwil | SealV: well, there's surely something about that in the wiki, but i might be able to help you | 17:07 |
thorwil | SealV: what is the problem? are you subscribed? | 17:07 |
SealV | I am subscribed, and I get the list compact, I just dont really know how to post | 17:08 |
thorwil | SealV: you post by maling to <> | 17:09 |
SealV | does that start a new topic? if so how can I reply to a topic in progress? | 17:10 |
thorwil | SealV: i strongly suggest that you switch off the digest mode, as you can't reply properly in threads with it | 17:10 |
thorwil | SealV: that would start a new topic, yes | 17:11 |
SealV | turned off digest | 17:12 |
thorwil | SealV: which mail client do you use? | 17:12 |
SealV | just gmail | 17:12 |
SealV | I was thinking about setting up thunderbird though | 17:13 |
_MMA_ | SealV: If you use Gmail, *please* don't top-post. I use Gmail with Thunderbird just fine. | 17:16 |
SealV | I am guessing top-posting is creating useless new topics right? Setting up t-bird... | 17:17 |
thorwil | _MMA_: a while ago i saw someone in the forum stating how hard to read mailing lists are due to all the again-and-again-quoted text :} | 17:17 |
thorwil | SealV: no, top posting means putting your answer above the text you refer to | 17:18 |
_MMA_ | | 17:18 |
SealV | ah | 17:18 |
_MMA_ | thorwil: That's to do with people not editing things down to the text they are replying to. | 17:18 |
* _MMA_ shrugs. | 17:18 | |
thorwil | _MMA_: really? my point was rather how a bad example leads to a bad impression for a user who never saw how it should be | 17:19 |
SealV | jaunty final should have color changing wall. | 17:21 |
_MMA_ | Call me an old grouchy guy, but it's up to them to get with how things are. If they don't like ML formatting, use the forums. I know Studio maintains a presence on all 3 for this reason. (ML, forum, IRC) | 17:22 |
thorwil | yah, because it's too easy to make a good static wallpaper enough people like | 17:22 |
_MMA_ | SealV: In my experiments, it's been pretty CPU intensive. | 17:23 |
_MMA_ | (while the fade happens) | 17:23 |
SealV | I have always wondered about that thorwil, why cant we just put up a poll in the forum and have everyone vote | 17:26 |
SealV | top 2 make it in or whatever | 17:26 |
_MMA_ | SealV: On what? Final wallpaper? Because it's a Canonical decision. | 17:26 |
SealV | ah. didn't know that | 17:26 |
_MMA_ | It could however work for what goes into the community package. | 17:27 |
thorwil | i have zero faith in the sum of people subscribed to the art mailing list | 17:27 |
SealV | I think it would be a good idea for the community package. | 17:27 |
_MMA_ | thorwil: It's a shame for sure, but I think all the people who have a clue know each other and give weight to those opinions. | 17:29 |
kwwii | from now on I am only responding to any question with "me too!" | 18:15 |
SealV | me too! | 18:17 |
kwwii | *exactly* | 18:21 |
thorwil | kwwii: why is that, me too? | 18:39 |
Nece228 | hi | 18:42 |
Nece228 | im using arch linux now, but i like ubuntu theme so i copied ubuntu theme to arch linux | 18:43 |
Nece228 | everythink is almost great, except some icons are still missing like sound file icon, or appearance icon | 18:43 |
Nece228 | is there any way to have these icons on my arch linux? | 18:44 |
SealV | huh? isnt a gnome theme a gnome theme? what are you using for a DE? | 18:45 |
_MMA_ | Nece228: Human icons depend on GNOME set. | 18:45 |
Nece228 | i copied icons from ubuntu intrepid, and i have 2.24 version in arch too | 18:45 |
Nece228 | thats quite strange | 18:46 |
SealV | copy over the gnome set as well | 18:46 |
Nece228 | ok, i will try | 18:46 |
Nece228 | because now i cant restart my pc | 18:47 |
SealV | do REISUB | 18:48 |
SealV | or ctrl alt backspace | 18:48 |
Nece228 | well, i need to boot ubuntu 8.10 live cd and copy icons from live cd to arch linux partition | 18:49 |
SealV | wait hold on I can up it for you | 18:49 |
Nece228 | thanks but my connection is slow | 18:50 |
SealV | k then | 18:50 |
Nece228 | 128 kbps | 18:52 |
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