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JohnPhys | I'm having trouble connecting to WPA Enterprise with intel3945ABG with the latest hardy kernel (-23), -22 works fine. Has this been noticed? | 03:16 |
dholbach | good morning | 05:07 |
hggdh | good evening, dholbach | 05:10 |
dholbach | hiya hggdh | 05:10 |
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thekorn | hey bugsquad! | 10:24 |
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afflux | bug 318499 - where should that go? | 13:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 318499 in ubuntu "The Splash logo mistake!!" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/318499 | 13:52 |
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thekorn | hi afflux, | 13:56 |
thekorn | I think usplash-theme-ubuntu | 13:57 |
afflux | thekorn: so there isn't any special handling for artwork related stuff? | 14:04 |
afflux | hi ;) | 14:04 |
thekorn | afflux: hmm, I don't know of any special process for artwork related bugs | 14:07 |
afflux | alright | 14:07 |
bddebian | Boo | 15:38 |
dholbach | hiya bddebian | 15:38 |
bddebian | Hi dholbach | 15:38 |
MrKanister | pedro_: Hi. For thursday a bug day about firefox-3.0 is planned. Is this just a proposal or do we stay with that? | 15:42 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: we'll stick with that, wanna help to prepare the page? | 15:43 |
dholbach | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starts in 16 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom :-) | 15:44 |
MrKanister | pedro_: Thats what I wanted to ask :). I don't know which stock responses we need, but I can make the bug list | 15:44 |
MrKanister | pedro_: we have around 300 incomplete bugs in firefox-3.0. Shall I take every third? | 15:45 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: I'd put the oldest ~150 into the hug day page, if people think isn't enough we can always point them to the whole list | 15:46 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: almost the same for the new ones, there's ~750, ~200 would be nice to have | 15:47 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: we create the lists of bugs with bugnumbers, do you know how to use it? | 15:47 |
MrKanister | pedro_: yes. I have already read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Organizing ;) | 15:48 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: rock on ;-) | 15:48 |
MrKanister | shall I add https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs?action=show&redirect=DebuggingFirefox to the stock reply? | 15:48 |
MrKanister | pedro_: shall I add https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs?action=show&redirect=DebuggingFirefox to the stock reply? | 15:51 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: yes please, MozillaTeam/Bugs | 15:51 |
MrKanister | pedro_: ok. thanks | 15:51 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: thanks you for helping ;-) | 15:52 |
MrKanister | pedro_: with pleasure | 15:52 |
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bcurtiswx | Bug_Squad: please set bug #277924 to triage and importance of low. | 17:34 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 277924 in linux "kernel cannot find map file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/277924 | 17:34 |
bcurtiswx | (12:31:14 PM) smb_tp: About this bug. I think it can be counted as triaged. Importance is low I would say since it does not really affect usability of the systems | 17:35 |
bcurtiswx | thats my verification from convos in ubuntu-kernel | 17:35 |
MrKanister | pedro_: Does it look alright: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20090122 ? | 17:54 |
MrKanister | pedro_: just don't know why the plots don't appear | 17:54 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: yup, looks awesome, just reviewed it a few mins ago, added the plots | 17:55 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: it was because you need to put the url rather than the attachment: | 17:55 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: reload the page | 17:55 |
MrKanister | ah...i see. It was an attachment in the bugday before because it only covers 1 day | 17:56 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: we add those attachment: manually when the hug day is over | 17:56 |
pedro_ | you know the typical : save as and later add that image to the wiki | 17:56 |
MrKanister | pedro_: hm, ok. Do I have to write an announcement? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Organizing#Announcement%20E-mail) | 17:57 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: feel free to do it ;-) | 17:57 |
MrKanister | pedro_: ok :) | 17:58 |
pedro_ | MrKanister: I'll add the event to the fridge calendar right now | 17:59 |
* pedro_ having a good feeling about next hug day | 18:00 | |
bcurtiswx | im still anxious for this years bugjam.. DC_LoCo is gelling some plans to get together | 18:00 |
* MrKanister afrees | 18:00 | |
MrKanister | * agrees | 18:00 |
pedro_ | bcurtiswx: you can do some practice before at a bug day ;-) | 18:01 |
bcurtiswx | i try to participate in bug days. its hard to balance college and bug triage :P | 18:01 |
pedro_ | quit school! | 18:02 |
pedro_ | no no don't do it | 18:02 |
MrKanister | loool | 18:02 |
bcurtiswx | haha | 18:02 |
bcurtiswx | i should have after undergrad :-X | 18:02 |
pedro_ | done, the calendar is updated -> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | 18:06 |
MrKanister | pedro_: Thanks | 18:08 |
afflux | MrKanister: looks like you forgot to add some numbers to the email :) | 18:43 |
MrKanister | afflux: Damn it, your are right :/ | 18:44 |
MrKanister | afflux: it looked like a simple listing symbol :P | 18:44 |
afflux | that's what I thought | 18:44 |
afflux | but then I read the text (I do read my mails once a year :P) | 18:44 |
afflux | no worries though, we can imagine that the numbers are huge enoguh | 18:45 |
MrKanister | afflux: maybe it's better that way. Because noone want to see "750 new bugs" :D | 18:45 |
afflux | yep | 18:45 |
afflux | that would probably give me a heart attack ;) | 18:46 |
MrKanister | afflux: hehe. I was my first mail about a new bug day. Thanks for telling me what I forgot to replace the ### | 18:46 |
MrKanister | * that | 18:47 |
afflux | you're welcome! You were approved to -bugcontrol lately, weren't you? | 18:47 |
MrKanister | yes | 18:47 |
afflux | Congratulations then ;) | 18:47 |
MrKanister | Thanks you :) | 18:47 |
MrKanister | The last bugday about networkmanager was great | 18:48 |
MrKanister | we triaged 120 bugs | 18:48 |
afflux | and it hurts me everytime I see the announcements and I know... "owww, I guess I wont be able to help today..." | 18:49 |
afflux | school and stuff takes more time then it should, lately ;) | 18:49 |
MrKanister | I am also still going to school, but I am lucky not to have that much to do | 18:51 |
chrisccoulson | yes, congrats is in order for MrKanister | 18:56 |
MrKanister | chrisccoulson: thanks :) | 18:56 |
CarlFK1 | im trying to make a simpler repo for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/317227 | 18:57 |
chrisccoulson | i might have lots of time to help out with bug days soon ;) | 18:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 317227 in linux "skb_over_panic skbuff.c:128 invalid opcode: 0000 [1] SMP " [High,Triaged] | 18:57 |
CarlFK1 | a comment pointed to some code. I am not sure what to apt-get to satisfy "emerge -av boost" | 18:58 |
jmarsden|work | CarlFK1: emerge is, AFAIK, a Gentoo tool not a Ubuntu one... are you *sure* you want to use emerge in Ubuntu? | 19:00 |
danage | i wish to report a bug in the "create usb startup disk" thingy, but i don't know the package name. the bug is that it's "starting up", but nothing ever happens | 19:03 |
BUGabundo | danage: usb-creator | 19:04 |
BUGabundo | black screen is a know bug of older versions | 19:04 |
BUGabundo | already reported | 19:04 |
BUGabundo | or do you mean when you run it for the 1st time? | 19:04 |
BUGabundo | for me, it some times takes a while until the progress window show up! | 19:05 |
danage | i select the iso (works fine), i format the stick (works fine), i press create the thing, and then a window with a progress bar opens "installing" and "starting up", but nothing ever happens | 19:07 |
afflux | CarlFK1: I guess you are talking about the forcedethPanic_testcode_2007-08-13.txt? | 19:08 |
danage | BUGabundo: | 19:09 |
BUGabundo | danage: nothing? | 19:09 |
BUGabundo | never saw that! | 19:09 |
afflux | CarlFK1: this means you should install at least libboost-program-options-dev and libboost-thread-dev, maybe you need more. | 19:09 |
BUGabundo | and if you ran it a second time? | 19:09 |
danage | same thing, just did | 19:09 |
BUGabundo | file a bug then | 19:12 |
danage | okie | 19:13 |
afflux | bdrung_: you just commented on bug 317215... I'm afraid I don't really get what you wanted to say ;) | 19:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 317215 in matplotlib "matpotlib FTBFS in jaunty" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/317215 | 19:58 |
bdrung_ | afflux: i have filed an sync request for version, but the newer version also needs python-traits, see: bug #301172 | 20:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 301172 in matplotlib "Please sync matplotlib (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301172 | 20:02 |
afflux | bdrung_: ah I see. Could you add a note to it that it shouldn't be synced until 317215 is fixed then?` | 20:03 |
afflux | (ie. the three other packages are synced, which currently blocks on python-setupdocs) | 20:04 |
bdrung_ | afflux: see second sentence starting with WARNING | 20:04 |
afflux | ... I'm blind, sorry. | 20:04 |
afflux | bdrung_: great then, thanks! | 20:04 |
bdrung_ | afflux: so many dependencies... | 20:05 |
afflux | bdrung_: I wonder why we have so many packages missing... must have had DIF in the middle of that debian-side transition or something like that. | 20:07 |
bdrung_ | afflux: DIF? | 20:07 |
afflux | DebianImportFreeze | 20:07 |
afflux | I think before Dec 24th these three packages would've been synced automatically, shouldn't they? | 20:08 |
bdrung_ | afflux: for setupdoc and sphinx, yes. but for matplotlib there were differences in intrepid | 20:12 |
james_w | bdrung_: the sponsors aren't subscribed to the matplotlib sync request. That's because it's not ready yet, and you will subscribe them when it is? | 20:12 |
bdrung_ | james_w: yes | 20:12 |
james_w | cool, thanks | 20:12 |
afflux | bdrung_: yes, I meant the new packages (setupdocs, traits,..) | 20:13 |
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