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Megiddo | Hi | 02:07 |
Megiddo | I am Lord Xeb | 02:07 |
Megiddo | I got a question about getting unbanned? | 02:07 |
Megiddo | I was looking over all my posts and noticed how many stupid, sensless ones I made | 02:08 |
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: IRC Council Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | | ||
boredandblogging | jussi01: hi | 21:51 |
jussi01 | boredandblogging: hey | 21:51 |
jpds | Evening. | 21:57 |
boredandblogging | hello jpds | 21:57 |
boredandblogging | @now | 21:57 |
ubottu | Current time in Etc/UTC: January 19 2009, 21:57:57 - Current meeting: IRC Council | 21:58 |
jussi01 | so, elkbuntu cant make it afaik, waiting on pricey, nal, and Pici | 21:58 |
boredandblogging | hmmm | 22:02 |
jussi01 | pricey seems to be offline... | 22:03 |
boredandblogging | Pici was talking earlier in -news | 22:05 |
boredandblogging | jussi01: I don't mind waiting for a while | 22:06 |
boredandblogging | I'm trying to avoid rush hour traffic anyway | 22:07 |
jussi01 | well given its midnight here... | 22:07 |
boredandblogging | yeah | 22:07 |
boredandblogging | 10 more minutes? | 22:08 |
jussi01 | yeah, maybe more... well see | 22:09 |
jussi01 | boredandblogging: so can you give me your understanding of this irc contributors team should be? | 22:17 |
boredandblogging | jussi01: sure... | 22:17 |
jussi01 | boredandblogging: we may as well do something constructive | 22:17 |
boredandblogging | basically, its a way of giving Ubuntu membership to people who have contributed mainly through IRC | 22:18 |
boredandblogging | hah, right | 22:18 |
boredandblogging | so instead of going through the regional boards | 22:18 |
boredandblogging | to get approved, membership can be handled within the Irc Team | 22:19 |
boredandblogging | this doesn't mean contributors join the operators team or anything | 22:19 |
boredandblogging | its simply recognition | 22:20 |
jussi01 | yeah, Im getting it | 22:20 |
boredandblogging | which is still a bit bizarre to me... | 22:20 |
boredandblogging | I understand it, but I don't think we do it like that on most teams | 22:20 |
jussi01 | so the irc council would vote at our meetings for these peoples memberships? | 22:20 |
boredandblogging | correct | 22:21 |
boredandblogging | we have to come up with a process | 22:21 |
boredandblogging | which should be an adventure in itself | 22:21 |
jussi01 | and these people would apply for membership in the normal way? | 22:21 |
boredandblogging | thats for us to determine | 22:21 |
jussi01 | hrm. | 22:21 |
boredandblogging | so if they were going to go up for regular membership, they would write up a wiki page | 22:22 |
boredandblogging | thats a bit more difficult with irc | 22:22 |
boredandblogging | documenting irc contributions in general | 22:23 |
jussi01 | why? | 22:23 |
jussi01 | I dont see it like that | 22:23 |
jussi01 | you still get testimonials | 22:23 |
boredandblogging | right | 22:23 |
jussi01 | you still write up what youve done. | 22:23 |
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boredandblogging | its a bit harder to pin down in a wiki (not that it can't be done), like a potential forum moderator can say "look at post xyz and thread foo to see who helped..." | 22:25 |
jussi01 | true | 22:25 |
boredandblogging | do we have doc outlining how someone becomes an operator | 22:27 |
jussi01 | boredandblogging: no. dont think so. | 22:28 |
boredandblogging | do you think we need one? | 22:28 |
boredandblogging | don't think forums have one either for selecting moderators | 22:28 |
jussi01 | no, not at all | 22:29 |
jussi01 | operators are selected from good contributors in channels. there is an unwritten rule that if you ask, youll likely not get it. | 22:29 |
boredandblogging | right, I meant the criteria that gets them selected | 22:30 |
jussi01 | I just ask, why do they need that? | 22:30 |
boredandblogging | i'm just wondering from a transparency point of view | 22:31 |
boredandblogging | if the discussion is public | 22:32 |
boredandblogging | or should be public, etc, etc | 22:32 |
jussi01 | boredandblogging: I can see from your questions youve not been on the ubuntu-irc list long ;) | 22:33 |
boredandblogging | i have started reading through it | 22:34 |
boredandblogging | jussi01: my bad, I see it now | 22:35 |
boredandblogging | hi nalioth | 22:38 |
jussi01 | boredandblogging: everything a user needs to know about becoming an op is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 22:38 |
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nalioth | hi | 22:39 |
jussi01 | hi nalioth | 22:39 |
boredandblogging | nalioth: any opinions on the Irc Contributors team? | 22:42 |
nalioth | boredandblogging: i just got here :( | 22:45 |
boredandblogging | nalioth: jussi01 and I were talking about what we thought it was supposed to be | 22:45 |
jussi01 | well im off to bed. nini all. | 22:48 |
boredandblogging | jussi01: later | 22:48 |
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | No meetings scheduled |
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