klb_ | hi, I can't start watch tv. When I check the logs I see that it is looking for 1016_2009118162152.mpg in the live directory I set up. I looked in the directory and it is not there, I don't know where it went or why but is there a way for me to regenerate it or have it start a new one? | 00:33 |
crodrigues_ | Hi. Can someone please tell me how can I use an already xmltv format file available on-line? | 00:50 |
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perilousapricot | is it possible to use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot to boot the mythbuntu testing ISOs? | 01:20 |
tgm4883 | perilousapricot, I don't know if anyone has tried | 01:29 |
perilousapricot | tgm4883, I'm finding a lot of tutorials for booting an initrd image, but not a simple iso | 01:30 |
lobolife | I'm looking for front-end to watch torrents and dvds. Would mythbuntu be a good solution for this? | 01:38 |
perilousapricot | tgm4883, unetbootin is the answer to my previous question | 01:52 |
MythbuntuGuest16 | Hi Ii'm intrested in RSS feeds from MythWeb. I've read a couple of sites that said I should have that capability with 7.04, but I can't seem to find it... | 01:54 |
perilousapricot | what do you mean rss feeds? | 01:54 |
MythbuntuGuest16 | I'm trying to setup my Zune to download the latest episode of a show when its recoreded through an RSS video feed. | 01:56 |
MythbuntuGuest16 | Here is what I'm trying to use: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythWebRSS | 01:58 |
perilousapricot | one sec, my browser just decided to lock up | 02:00 |
perilousapricot | firefox has been doing this a bunch recently :( | 02:00 |
MythbuntuGuest16 | I've had the same issue, have to tried Google Chrome? | 02:00 |
perilousapricot | well, I have firefox plugins that I like | 02:01 |
perilousapricot | there's some other plugins | 02:02 |
rhpot1991 | MythbuntuGuest16: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythExport | 02:02 |
perilousapricot | (getting back to the RSS) | 02:02 |
rhpot1991 | poke at that some | 02:02 |
perilousapricot | grrrrr, I wish nvidia would get off their asses and recompile their drivers against the new xorg | 02:21 |
perilousapricot | do the open source nv- drivers have XV support? | 02:24 |
phunyguy | hello? | 06:04 |
ioky | hello, I just get a Hauppauge Wintv HVR 1600 PCI card | 06:16 |
ioky | I don't know how to get the remote to work | 06:16 |
ioky | it mean be related to the IR receiver | 06:16 |
ioky | I am not sure , any idea? | 06:16 |
ioky | Thanks | 06:16 |
phunyguy | have you looked at any lirc docs? | 06:22 |
phunyguy | it would be a good idea to start there, ioky. | 06:22 |
ioky | yes, however, I don't really get how it actually work with my remote | 06:24 |
phunyguy | then you should format and install windows. | 06:25 |
ioky | I don't even know is the IR receiver is supported or not. haha | 06:25 |
phunyguy | :) | 06:25 |
phunyguy | are you using the reciever that came with the remote? | 06:25 |
phunyguy | and you are on mythbuntu? | 06:25 |
ioky | yes | 06:25 |
phunyguy | well you have to find the correct driver for the reciever | 06:26 |
phunyguy | and put it in /etc/lircd/hardware.conf | 06:26 |
phunyguy | then find a lircd.conf to match the remote (codes) | 06:26 |
ioky | well, the receiver come with the Card, it is like on board | 06:27 |
phunyguy | http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/ | 06:27 |
phunyguy | if you cant find codes, you need to record your own | 06:28 |
ioky | http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/hauppauge/PVR-350.jpg | 06:28 |
ioky | this is the remote I have | 06:28 |
phunyguy | and if you can't take the time to learn how to do it, then you shouldnt be using linux. | 06:28 |
phunyguy | ok. | 06:28 |
phunyguy | http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/hauppauge/lircd.conf.hauppauge | 06:28 |
ioky | I just not sure the receiver come with the card is actually supported | 06:28 |
phunyguy | that is the config file you need | 06:28 |
phunyguy | save that as /etc/lirc/lircd.conf | 06:29 |
phunyguy | then you have to set up mythtv to use that remote | 06:29 |
phunyguy | the config for that is ~/.lirc/mythtv | 06:29 |
ioky | Thank you so much | 06:29 |
ioky | just one little question | 06:30 |
phunyguy | ... | 06:31 |
ioky | if the TV turner part of the TV card is supported, is that mean the IR receiver are also supported too? | 06:31 |
phunyguy | no. | 06:31 |
phunyguy | they may be supported, but it is not insinuated | 06:31 |
ioky | thanks for you help | 06:32 |
phunyguy | you are welcome. | 06:33 |
ioky | Just wondering. How can you tell, is the onboard receiver is working or not? | 06:45 |
ioky | *ir receiver | 06:46 |
phunyguy | http://www.lirc.org/html/install.html#testing | 06:50 |
ioky | I run sudo mode2, as the page said, it output "error opening /dev/lirc" "No Such file or directory" | 06:57 |
phunyguy | ok. | 06:58 |
phunyguy | try sudo mode2 -d /dev/lirc0 | 06:59 |
phunyguy | you have to point it to the right device | 06:59 |
ioky | same thing happen | 07:00 |
phunyguy | then lirc isnt running | 07:01 |
phunyguy | sudo service lirc start | 07:01 |
phunyguy | ps axf | grep lirc - to check and see if process is running | 07:02 |
ioky | it said "loading Lirc modules [OK]" and then Starting remote control daemon LIRC [Fail] | 07:04 |
ioky | it is loaded now | 07:13 |
ioky | however, it still say No Such file or directory | 07:17 |
ioky | ps axf | grep lirc return | 07:34 |
ioky | 6440 pts /0 s+ 0:00 | \_grep lirc | 07:35 |
ioky | 6430 ? s+ 0:00 /usr/sbin/lircd --device =/dev/lirc0 | 07:36 |
ioky | and mode2 still saying error opening /dev/lirc0, no such file or directory | 07:36 |
doodz | Hey peeps... I've running Mythbuntu (surprise) and got a simple question ... I installed it on a 500gig drive and I'm just wondering where the majority of my hard drive space is so that I can copy larger files to there...I just did default install nothing fancy | 14:34 |
bogus- | df -h? | 14:37 |
doodz | thanks | 14:38 |
doodz | so when i type 'df -h' it lists everything.. except the listing only accounts for 150gig of my 500gig..so not sure where the other 350gig is ? | 14:41 |
rhpot1991 | is that 150g free or total? | 14:41 |
doodz | 150gig total .. about 143gig free | 14:42 |
superm1 | doodz, possible that your BIOS doesnt allow drives past that 147gb barrier? | 14:43 |
superm1 | doodz, you can check in fdisk what it's recognized as | 14:44 |
superm1 | or gparted | 14:44 |
rhpot1991 | could fire up gparted and see what it says | 14:44 |
rhpot1991 | superm1 beat me to it | 14:44 |
superm1 | gparted is probably a little easier to use | 14:44 |
doodz | I've got a terrabyte drive plugged in via USb and it recognises that | 14:44 |
doodz | ok checking out gparted | 14:44 |
superm1 | well the barrier exists for ide drives normally, i'm not sure about sata - but i'm sure it doesnt exist on USB | 14:44 |
doodz | ok gparted lists sda2 as 'extended' and is hoarding all my drive space | 14:45 |
doodz | actually.. sda6 (sub tree of sda2) has a size of 453gig with 317gig used and 135gig unused... which doesn't make sense cos the drive basically has a fresh install of everything only | 14:47 |
doodz | and 'df -h' says that sda6 is only using up 1.1gig where gparted says it is using 317gig | 14:51 |
* doodz cries they stole my hard drive space | 14:52 | |
doodz | ahh I think I may know why I have a problem | 14:59 |
doodz | I installed my system from a backed up image file... the original disk was only 150gig | 15:00 |
doodz | is there a way to tell Ubuntu that I have a 500gig instead ? | 15:02 |
superm1 | doodz, boot into gparted from the live disk. you may be able to adjust that | 15:04 |
doodz | ooh ok | 15:05 |
doodz | thanks | 15:05 |
doodz | ill check it out | 15:05 |
superm1 | if you can't, then what you'll have to do is recreate your partition table, but i have a bad feeling that won't work properly and maintain you data | 15:05 |
superm1 | so what you would want to do at that point is create the partitions as normal, and format them. loop mount your backup image and rsync the files out of it | 15:05 |
doodz | ok im not bothered if I lose my data cos i have them backed up in the image file | 15:06 |
doodz | is there a way to start from scratch and apply the image file in a smarter way ? | 15:06 |
rhpot1991 | what data do you have? Might be easier to just backup the mythtv db do a fresh install then import the db | 15:12 |
doodz | well i have other stuff installed other than mythtv...what's the best image program these days ? | 15:13 |
doodz | actually think i might be going good... I followed superml's instructioins and have deleted/created partitions to how I want them..and now I will restore xfs image | 15:15 |
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uriol | hi | 21:46 |
uriol | i just installed mythtv and the hard disk is working very hard allways, and i don't know how to stop it | 21:47 |
uriol | i have a tdt decoder on an usb stick | 21:47 |
uriol | i installed it in order to record tdt channels on the hard disk | 21:48 |
aegis | Hey guys, can you install mythbuntu onto an existing ubuntu server? In other words, can an existing ubuntu server become a mythbuntu server without losing all the custom settings already worked. | 23:21 |
tgm4883_laptop | aegis, not sure how well it would work on the server kernel | 23:21 |
rhpot1991 | IIRC the server kernel is a bad idea | 23:21 |
aegis | ugggh... that sucks. | 23:22 |
aegis | I put a lot of work into this server... | 23:22 |
hads | Changing kernel isn't hard. | 23:23 |
aegis | hads: you mean I could just change the existing kernel and keep my current settings? | 23:24 |
hads | Sure, just install linux-image-generic or whatever it's called. | 23:25 |
hads | But if you're installing on a server beware that all of X etc. will probably be pulled in. | 23:26 |
aegis | so you mean backup xorg.conf | 23:29 |
hads | Oh if you're already got X installed etc. then it won't matter. A normal server install wouldn't have X. | 23:30 |
aegis | yeah, I have gnome desktop installed and vnc into it... | 23:31 |
hads | So just a desktop with a server kernal then :) | 23:31 |
aegis | so any recommendations on how I should start going about that? Burning a mythbuntu CD and trying to install over the existing server? | 23:32 |
hads | No, install the generic kernel, reboot into it, remove the server kernel, install mythbuntu-control-centre, and the use that to configure your mythtv stuff. | 23:33 |
aegis | hads: sweet... I saw mythbuntu-control-centre in synaptic. thank you very much. | 23:34 |
hads | no probs. | 23:34 |
* hads moves conference rooms | 23:35 | |
aegis | hads: uname -r shows 2.6.26-23-generic | 23:36 |
aegis | so am I correct in assuming I am good to go? | 23:36 |
hads | aegis: Yes. | 23:48 |
hads | So it's not a server at all, just a desktop :) | 23:48 |
Batshua | Could someone be so kind as to assist me? I'm currently fighting with my graphics card, after which I'm going to have to fight with the tv tuner card. | 23:55 |
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