bazhang | StealthCP, ?? | 00:00 |
StealthCP | that's one of the worst scripts ever | 00:00 |
StealthCP | so dangerous and crude | 00:00 |
the_g3rm | so would anyone know why when i reboot i have to run in low graphics mode | 00:00 |
kcarden | anyone that can help installing and using synCE for my WM6.1 device? | 00:00 |
rww | StealthCP: what on earth are you talking about? | 00:00 |
JohnPhys | for compiz, go to the settings manager, click "General", and hten it's in the Display Settings tab. | 00:00 |
StealthCP | that script he gave me | 00:00 |
Skiessi | how can I convert ext3 partition to ext4? | 00:01 |
Chlorate | JohnPhys: Alright.. I'll just mess with it. | 00:01 |
ActionParsnip | !ext4 | 00:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ext4 | 00:01 |
StealthCP | no error or sanity checking, no nothing | 00:01 |
StealthCP | just crude automation :P | 00:01 |
sketch2002 | anyone know what would cause my resolution to be 800x600 on my laptop display without a monitor attached, with one attached it uses the max res for that monitor (1024x768). How do I get it to realize that without a monitor it should be 1920x1200? | 00:01 |
Skiessi | okay I found it | 00:01 |
StealthCP | it's screwed a lot of things up, for some reason it tried to unmount every device on my running system | 00:01 |
ActionParsnip | Skiessi: | 00:02 |
mib_6357a9 | does ubuntu have like a system restore? | 00:02 |
IndyGunFreak | sketch2002: are you using nvidia? | 00:02 |
Chlorate | JohnPhys: Any place I can look to check the refresh rate for my graphics card? | 00:02 |
kcarden | anyone that can help installing and using synCE for my WM6.1 device? | 00:02 |
ActionParsnip | Skiessi: make sure you have a decent backup of your important data | 00:02 |
edenroz | hello,i have a sony viao vgn-cs11z, how can i use the touchbutton? (play/foward and sound control) | 00:02 |
bazhang | mib_6357a9, not really no | 00:02 |
StealthCP | I give up - can someone here provide guidance on installing Ubuntu from a USB drive? from the first, bootable partition on it too? | 00:02 |
bazhang | mib_6357a9, though you can rsync backups progressively | 00:02 |
ari_stress | good morning all :) | 00:03 |
kcarden | stealth: are you on an ubuntu box right now? | 00:03 |
bazhang | StealthCP, using intrepid or other | 00:03 |
JohnPhys | Chlorate: I don't know how to do it for ATI, only really know for nvidia | 00:03 |
StealthCP | intrepid bazhang | 00:03 |
Chlorate | JohnPhys: Maybe it's similar, how do you do it for nvidia? | 00:03 |
bazhang | StealthCP, what about the usb-creator builtin to intrepid | 00:04 |
JohnPhys | Chlorate: lol, I load up "nvidia-settings" and check | 00:04 |
StealthCP | is this on the ubuntu forums? | 00:04 |
kcarden | SteathCP: the USB creator is located under system>admin>USB creator | 00:04 |
Cyber_Hades | It's hard to create a cluster ?? I have 2 ubuntu linux pc in lan ???? | 00:04 |
bazhang | StealthCP, no, its in the drop down menu in intrepid | 00:04 |
Chlorate | JohnPhys: Hah. Crap. | 00:05 |
BigMike | Hi! whats the best port to use to hide ftp from scanners? anything???? | 00:05 |
StealthCP | I can't see intrepid because I haven't installed it yet | 00:05 |
Cyber_Hades | How i can create CLUSTER betwen 2 pc in lan ? Some tutorial ?? | 00:05 |
Mickmeister | BigMike, any port number above 1024 would be a safe bet. | 00:05 |
kcarden | anyone that can help installing and using synCE for my WM6.1 device? | 00:06 |
BigMike | ok tyvm | 00:06 |
sketch2002 | IndyGunFreak... not sure how to respond the way you sent that message to me... see private chat please (or educate me, that'd be better) | 00:06 |
DVA5912 | anyone familiar with moto4lin | 00:06 |
fosco__ | DVA5912: a few | 00:06 |
Cyber_Hades | How i can create CLUSTER betwen 2 pc in lan ? Some tutorial ?? | 00:06 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
IndyGunFreak | sketch2002: i don't respond to PMs unless i solicit them, but that card should work fine w/ the restricted driver, i have it on my main PC. | 00:06 |
bazhang | Cyber_Hades, please dont repeat so often | 00:06 |
Mickmeister | BigMike, no problem. | 00:06 |
Cyber_Hades | Oki | 00:06 |
StealthCP | bazhang, I'm currently running a messy Slax installation, on an EeePc with no cd-rom drive, wishing to boot the install from USB for intrepid | 00:06 |
DVA5912 | fosco_know how to make it work with my Motorola I335 | 00:07 |
=== Fizban is now known as Steelflint | ||
bazhang | StealthCP, okay; you want the netbook remix then? | 00:07 |
JohnPhys | Chlorate: yeah, sorry | 00:07 |
sketch2002 | IndyGunFreak: ... understandable, how do I respond like you sent the message? It shows up with your name in yellow on my side... is it just because you put my name followed by a colon? | 00:07 |
StealthCP | bazhang, yes, however I thought that was post install | 00:07 |
fosco__ | DVA5912: i've used it with SLVR L7, just make sure you know the right device | 00:07 |
IndyGunFreak | sketch2002: you just did, just prefix anything you say w/ my name. | 00:08 |
bazhang | StealthCP, nope, that is the install :) | 00:08 |
IndyGunFreak | sketch2002: or whoever you happen to be talking to. | 00:08 |
edenroz | hello,i have a sony viao vgn-cs11z, how can i use the touchbutton? (play/foward and sound control). am under ubuntu 8.10 | 00:08 |
DVA5912 | fosco__: how do i know the right device? | 00:08 |
cinco29 | ubuntu i luv this os | 00:08 |
fosco__ | DVA5912: plig in the phone and run dmesg command | 00:08 |
fosco__ | plug* | 00:08 |
DVA5912 | ahh!!! | 00:08 |
Abed | guys i have a question, i made a c code and gcc -o code code.c and i want only the root to run it so i did sudo chown root code && sudo chmod +s code but when i try it by any other users it runs noramlly | 00:08 |
DVA5912 | aww man i got to sift through all that | 00:09 |
DVA5912 | :( | 00:09 |
fosco__ | DVA5912: mine is /dev/ttyACM0, look for someting similar | 00:09 |
sketch2002 | IndyGunFreak: Ok, thought it was something that only I saw, not the rest of the room, cool. XChat doesn't tell you that anywhere I could find. Back to my problem, I've tried the nv and nvidia drivers (96, 173, 177, 180.11, 180.22) none work, I'm stuck using the vesa driver. But it doesn't make sense that I get 1024x768 with the monitor connected and only 800x600 without it? | 00:09 |
nvrpunk | how do I check if someoen else is SSH'd into a box? | 00:09 |
IndyGunFreak | sketch2002: i honestly can't explain that | 00:10 |
DVA5912 | fosco__: [30649.609885] cdc_acm 1-7:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device i guess mine would be too? | 00:10 |
rww | nvrpunk: The "who" terminal command shows a list of everyone logged into a system. | 00:10 |
bazhang | sketch2002, with dual monitors? | 00:10 |
fosco__ | DVA5912: yes, it is | 00:10 |
sketch2002 | IndyGunFreak: lol... thanks, at least I don't feel so noobish if I'm not alone | 00:10 |
nvrpunk | ok, thanks | 00:10 |
StealthCP | bazhang, according to it is simply packages to install on top of a regular installation | 00:10 |
StealthCP | "You can download the packages for Ubuntu Netbook Remix at so and so..." | 00:11 |
sketch2002 | bazhang: the laptop display and a connected monitor | 00:11 |
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bazhang | StealthCP, eeebuntu is what I was referring to; /msg ubottu usb or | 00:11 |
edenroz | hello,i have a sony viao vgn-cs11z, how can i use the touchbutton? (play/foward and sound control). am under ubuntu 8.10. sorry if i repeat again | 00:11 |
bazhang | StealthCP, if you have any questions then give a shout | 00:11 |
mynameismud | is there anything wrong with putting labels on my partitions? | 00:11 |
rww | mynameismud: works fine for me | 00:12 |
Abed | guys i have a question, i made a c code and gcc -o code code.c and i want only the root to run it so i did sudo chown root code && sudo chmod +s code but when i try it by any other users it runs noramlly | 00:12 |
mynameismud | rww cool | 00:12 |
ActionParsnip | !label | mynameismud | 00:12 |
ubottu | mynameismud: To rename the labels of your partitions, see | 00:12 |
DVA5912 | fosco__ i have this at ive posted the output of moto4lin if you can decifer it | 00:12 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
bazhang | sketch2002, that would be limited to the total allowable resolution for the two displays combined | 00:12 |
StealthCP | hmm, I steered away from eeebuntu as in the past it provided me with serious headaches with stuff built and installed from source and system breakages when updating packages | 00:12 |
bazhang | sketch2002, ie in your video card | 00:12 |
sketch2002 | bazhang, not sure I follow. without the monitor I'm stuck at a lower res than with it. Both the internal display and the external one show the same thing when it's connected | 00:13 |
mithro | on intrepid where I can put scripts to be run after a resume from ram? | 00:13 |
bazhang | StealthCP, just installed it the other day without worries, you may also go for straight ubuntu but takes a bit o tweaking to get all the fn etc keys wifi working | 00:13 |
IndyGunFreak | StealthCP: so install regular ubuntu 8.10.. do you have an SSD or hard drive? | 00:13 |
vock | Upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10: Will i lose all my programs/things installed under wine, etc? | 00:13 |
Skiessi | no | 00:14 |
boscoslife | can somene please help me install phpbb3 in ubuntu | 00:14 |
mynameismud | ok, /dev/sda7 is equivalent to hd(0,6) yes? | 00:14 |
bazhang | vock, net upgrade? | 00:14 |
vock | bazhang: From the update manager | 00:14 |
mithro | it use to be /etc/acpi-support - but they never seem to be run anymore | 00:14 |
StealthCP | hmm, got you then, perhaps it's improved in time, I'll give it a shot, what a waste of time this has been, the past 3 hours :P | 00:14 |
Skiessi | yock, at least then no | 00:14 |
bazhang | vock, via the net and not a fresh install should keep them | 00:14 |
serengeti | JohnPhys, success ;) I have forced the original version of NetworkManager, removed the line regarding eth0 from /etc/network/interfaces (now why was the line there? I had never edited this file before), and after a reboot ran sudo nm-connection-editor. And the Auto profile now remembers my static ip even between reboots. | 00:14 |
StealthCP | and I need to get up for college in 5 :/ | 00:14 |
vock | bazhang: thanks | 00:15 |
sketch2002 | bazhang, I've done a lot of playing around with xorg.conf and not gotten very far. At least I've learned how to edit it from the prompt (sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf) and from within X (terminal > sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf)... and I've tried all sorts of combinations trying to get both to work and not be identical. | 00:15 |
bazhang | StealthCP, well come back when or if you have questions :) | 00:15 |
serengeti | JohnPhys, thanks for your help :) | 00:15 |
JohnPhys | serengeti: glad to hear it! No problem | 00:15 |
BigMike | Mickmeister I changed the port and now cant connect to my ftp by cell phone does the phone use port 80 only or should it matter? | 00:15 |
mynameismud | ok, /dev/sda7 is equivalent to hd(0,6) yes? | 00:16 |
mynameismud | er, (hd0,6) rather | 00:16 |
ezerhoden | mynameismud: yes | 00:16 |
sketch2002 | BigMike, getting in the middle of your conversation and I don't see the start, but if you changed the port you may need to specify it, put :PortNumber after the server name | 00:16 |
mynameismud | SCORE! | 00:17 |
mynameismud | thanks | 00:17 |
StealthCP | bazhang, there was no mention of install size, do you know if the netbook remix will still fit on my 4GB SSD? | 00:17 |
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bazhang | StealthCP, with ease :) | 00:17 |
EtFb | Planning to upgrade my laptop. Any advice on what to choose, or NOT to choose? Price range is under AUD$1000, and I've already decided to avoid Dell and ASUS due to their poor customer service. | 00:17 |
StealthCP | ok, cool thanks :) | 00:17 |
EtFb | (Oh, I should add: I'll be using Kubuntu 8.10.) | 00:18 |
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LetterRip | hi all - i've mounted an os x shared folder (sharing using smb) and trying to copy files to it but it always times out (a single text file transfers ok - but trying to do larger stuff it times out/never seems to start) | 00:18 |
LetterRip | any suggestions | 00:18 |
sketch2002 | EtFb, customer service is a poor reason to choose (or not choose) a company. Usually you're better off with Google than any customer service department, lol | 00:18 |
tsunami | I migrated from kubuntu to ubuntu to use boxee and with a fresh install of boxee it fails without error (i blame the move from kubuntu > ubuntu, is that reasonable?). I am trying to reinstall ubuntu but booting off flash isnt working and i have no cd drive. What are my options...? | 00:19 |
Steelflint | EtFb, I have a Toshiba, AMD64 dual core/ATI graphics, Ubuntu runs fine on it. | 00:19 |
Abed | guys i have a question, i made a c code and gcc -o code code.c and i want only the root to run it so i did sudo chown root code && sudo chmod +s code but when i try it by any other users it runs noramlly | 00:19 |
ic3fr0g | Hello,, im new to ubuntu today i have installed it.. im wondering if its any mIRC Scripts for linux, and where i can find it.. or a base code to make remotes/addons by myself. thanks. | 00:19 |
bazhang | ic3fr0g, mirc? there is a linux version | 00:20 |
dsnyders | Hi all! | 00:20 |
tsunami | dsnyders: hi! | 00:20 |
Rocking-W | no linux mirc | 00:20 |
ic3fr0g | bazhang Script... protect channel self automated commands.. flood prots etc.. | 00:20 |
ic3fr0g | irc* | 00:20 |
bazhang | ic3fr0g, mirc via wine? | 00:20 |
ic3fr0g | irc scripts exist on linux or not ? | 00:21 |
gleaken | question regarding bluetooth mighty mouse left clicking issue. I cannot left click. Scroll and movement works, left and right click don't work | 00:21 |
bazhang | ic3fr0g, via wine? | 00:21 |
gleaken | any ideas? | 00:21 |
sketch2002 | bazhang, what did you mean by "that would be limited to the total allowable..." ? my problem is that with a monitor connected my displays are both 1024x768, without it I can get a max of 800x600 on the internal display. It should easily get 1920x1200, which it uses in Windows. | 00:21 |
Rocking-W | konversation is good irc | 00:21 |
fosco__ | ic3fr0g: yes, take a look on | 00:21 |
ic3fr0g | bazhang dont undesteand what you talking abount m8. :/ | 00:21 |
squirt33_ | How do I find what graphics drivers I am using? | 00:21 |
tsunami | i don't like mirc as a client | 00:21 |
bazhang | ic3fr0g, mirc is windows app | 00:21 |
ActionParsnip | gleaken: do you use compiz? | 00:21 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: yes | 00:22 |
ic3fr0g | microsoft internet relay chat.. | 00:22 |
EtFb | sketch2002: In Dell's case, however, the poor attitude to single users combines with their habit of using even more non-standard components than usual. | 00:22 |
ic3fr0g | ok then.. | 00:22 |
BigMike | yes but mirc does work in wine | 00:22 |
ic3fr0g | any IRC = internet relay chat Script ? | 00:22 |
bazhang | ic3fr0g, yes, so it needs wine to run | 00:22 |
Bodsda | ic3fr0g, emphasis on 'microsoft' why would you wont it on linux? | 00:22 |
ActionParsnip | gleaken: its a compiz thing, I've seen compiz break mouse clicks loads | 00:22 |
BigMike | yes I ran it in wine | 00:22 |
Brack10 | mount without arguments will display all mounted filesystems. What displays all devices available for mounting? | 00:22 |
Rencx | how to install Cinelerra | 00:23 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: my internal trackpad works | 00:23 |
bazhang | !info cinelerra | 00:23 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: let me turn off compiz | 00:23 |
ubottu | Package cinelerra does not exist in intrepid | 00:23 |
Bodsda | Brack10, no, it displays mounted volumes, use sudo fdisk -l to see your drives | 00:23 |
Brack10 | bodsda: mounted volumes, sorry | 00:23 |
Bodsda | Brack10, no worries, same thing basically -- sudo fdisk -l is what your looking for though :) | 00:23 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: nope, no luck | 00:24 |
Rencx | does anyone now how i can install cinelerra | 00:24 |
tsunami | are there known problems from migrating to ubuntu from kubuntu? | 00:24 |
Brack10 | Bodsda: So if I wanted to mount /dev/sda3 to a folder, I could do "mount /dev/sda3 /hdd2"? | 00:24 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: this is not the clicking issue I have seen in firefox, no mouse click is recognized at all | 00:24 |
bazhang | Rencx | 00:24 |
edenroz | hello,i have a sony viao vgn-cs11z, how can i use the touchbutton? (play/foward and sound control). am under ubuntu 8.10. sorry if i repeat again | 00:24 |
Bodsda | Rencx, | 00:24 |
Bodsda | Brack10, yes, but you would need to use sudo -- sudo mount /dev/sda3 /hdd2 | 00:25 |
Brack10 | ok cool | 00:25 |
Brack10 | thanks | 00:25 |
Bodsda | Brack10, assuming you have a /hdd2 folder | 00:25 |
Brack10 | the folder needs to exist first? | 00:25 |
deea | hi all. what's the name for gnome-mag application? And generally how can I find out program names from installed packages? | 00:25 |
sketch2002 | EtFb, valid. I ran across a few comparisons of netbooks a while back that seemed pretty informative. I think the put the Eee in first place, but then I think it was listed like 4 times for the various versions. The netbook business is still too new to have any really good options though. | 00:25 |
Bodsda | Brack10, just a quick fyi, its common to put mounted devices in /media/filename | 00:25 |
ActionParsnip | gleaken: does the mouse click create an event in xev | 00:26 |
inman | edenroz there maybe a fix i dont know but i have a acer and cant use the same buttons but no great loss to me i prefer linux | 00:26 |
linuxman410 | rencx use this link it tells you | 00:26 |
Bodsda | Brack10, yes -- although i think pmount will make it on the fly for you | 00:26 |
jasonWagstaff | i am trying to boot a linux live cd 8.10 x_64 and am getting comreset errror.... is there a way to get around this? | 00:26 |
EtFb | sketch2002: Not looking for a netbook, though; they're too tiny for serious use as a main machine. | 00:26 |
Brack10 | ok sweet | 00:26 |
Brack10 | thanks a bunch | 00:26 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: haven't checked yet, what would the best way to do that be? | 00:26 |
edenroz | inman, :) | 00:26 |
ActionParsnip | gleaken: run xev in terminal and click in the lil box, it will react | 00:26 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: got it, nope, no events registered | 00:27 |
sketch2002 | EtFb, ah, somehow I translated your initial question to asking about netbooks specifically. :-) my bad | 00:27 |
chris_83 | anyone knows if the ati hd3300 on amd 790gx mainboards is working fine with fglrx? | 00:27 |
=== emma_ is now known as emma | ||
gleaken | ActionParsnip: the motion, scrolling register, but not left or right click | 00:27 |
ActionParsnip | gleaken: ok then you need to reconfigure the driver or link between as the mouse click is not being detected | 00:28 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: ok, well, I tried plain jane setup with the new gui config, and I tried using the older change to xorg.conf which I used before, both the same issue | 00:29 |
EtFb | sketch2002: np. | 00:29 |
ActionParsnip | gleaken: what make / model is the mouse? | 00:29 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: it uses the evdev driver | 00:30 |
brett | Hey, I'm getting a FATAL: unrecognized configuration parameter "redirect_stderr" when starting postgresql 8.3 | 00:30 |
ActionParsnip | gleaken: gleaken: what make / model is the mouse? | 00:30 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: Bluetooth Mighty Mouse | 00:30 |
mithro | so anyone know? on intrepid where I can put scripts to be run after a resume from ram? | 00:31 |
Trel | When using loadkeys, if I wanna bind something to Alt+Left what do I set it = to? | 00:31 |
squirt33_ | Is there a tool for reconfiguring GTK themes in the next release of Ubuntu? | 00:31 |
mithro | searching the web has not reveled much, just the old locations which no longer work | 00:31 |
ActionParsnip | gleaken: | 00:31 |
Rencx | cant install it | 00:32 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: yep, I used a different xorg.conf section because I don't want the mighty mouse to be my main mouse, so I changed corepointer to option sendcoreevents true, but this site also says left clicks are issues, but the main article has no problems | 00:33 |
dsnyders | Hi all! Is there an active kpovmodeler irc channel anywhere? | 00:33 |
squirt33_ | Is there a tool for reconfiguring GTK themes in the next release of Ubuntu? | 00:33 |
quiksilver | i'm an official ubuntu user now | 00:33 |
ActionParsnip | gleaken: i'd try it as the main mouse to see if it makes it work | 00:33 |
quiksilver | i'm wondering where the heck to get all the drivers i need for my dell though | 00:33 |
Cyber_Hades | Please someone ! I true make a cluster... i must install Kerriquhed on oth computer ? | 00:33 |
quiksilver | such as graphics, sound drivers, etc | 00:33 |
squirt33_ | quiksilver: didn't they come on your system when you installed Ubuntu? | 00:34 |
Cyber_Hades | or just one... | 00:34 |
Cyber_Hades | i have to install kerriqhed on all computer or just one if i wanna cluster ? | 00:35 |
Cyber_Hades | ok tnx i going to kill myself... | 00:36 |
Cyber_Hades | :( | 00:36 |
squirt33_ | quiksilver: What drivers are you missing? What version ubuntu (I'm assuming 8.10 Intrepid, right?) ? | 00:36 |
inman | back | 00:36 |
sketch2002 | ok, so maybe I just need to try 1920x1080 instead of 1920x1200... going to try that, later all. | 00:37 |
quiksilver | squirt33_: yes | 00:37 |
quiksilver | thanks | 00:37 |
gleaken | ActionParsnip: considering the way input devices are automatically recognized, what way would be best to stop the touchpad from being enumerated as the corepointer, just change the entry in xorg.conf? | 00:37 |
quiksilver | it auto prompted me to enable my geforce drivers but it says something about being locked when i try and install | 00:38 |
squirt33_ | quiksilver: which ones, though? sound, wifi? What cards, chips do you have? No one can help you if you don't post that. | 00:38 |
the_squircle | Does anybody know how to change the mirror in ubuntu server (command line)? | 00:38 |
JohnPhys | quiksilver: do you have synaptic or the add/remove programs program open? | 00:38 |
Gerinych | im using a usb adapter to connect my ps2 controller to my computer. somehow i need to map it to /dev/js0. how? | 00:38 |
quiksilver | syanptic is updating my system right now | 00:38 |
quiksilver | 220 some odd updates | 00:39 |
quiksilver | i just converted to ubuntu today | 00:39 |
quiksilver | no more microsoft | 00:39 |
JohnPhys | quiksilver: that's why, only one program can install/update packges at a time. wait until synaptic is done, then you should be able to get the geforce stuff | 00:39 |
the_squircle | quiksilver: congrats! | 00:39 |
ConstantineXVI | the_squircle, edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 00:39 |
quiksilver | thanks | 00:39 |
gmm46 | I am running a script for my new game console I made (Ubuntu Linux Based) and I need that script to run in fullscreen without me pressing F11. Is this possible? | 00:39 |
squirt33_ | quicksilver: what other drivers do you need? | 00:40 |
the_squircle | ConstantineXVI: I know I can do that... but it'll take me an hour to change every single entry... is there any way to do it with apt-config or something? | 00:40 |
quiksilver | JohnPhys: this was before i tried installing the mass updates | 00:40 |
quiksilver | squirt33_: i don't know, my system is pretty old | 00:40 |
=== Guest21742 is now known as lykfe | ||
JohnPhys | quiksilver: something else might have been using it, just try it when synaptic is done, and close all other programs just to make sure | 00:40 |
ConstantineXVI | the_squircle, it's called find/replace :) | 00:40 |
codename | Hey | 00:40 |
quiksilver | im pretty sure i need a creative blaster driver though for sound | 00:40 |
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__mikem | berot3, would you please not ctcp me | 00:40 |
the_squircle | ConstantineXVI: using nano or vi or what? | 00:41 |
Enverex | I just install Ubuntu onto a USB device, that had issues becayse it enabled composite by default, turned that off and it's at least viewable now, but al the icons from the gnome menu are missing | 00:41 |
=== Agent is now known as Guest22945 | ||
Scunizi | What's ctcp __mikem | 00:41 |
__mikem | Scunizi, something you don't need to do to me | 00:41 |
squirt33_ | Quicksilver: Is your sound card on the list of them on this page? | 00:41 |
quiksilver | i am incredibly impressed by the power of ubuntu for web development | 00:41 |
ConstantineXVI | the_squircle, editor of choice. in vim, i think you use ":s/old/new/g" | 00:42 |
=== Fizban is now known as Steelflint | ||
Scunizi | __mikem: I wouldn't just curious what it is.. I don't like bothering people with needless stuff. | 00:42 |
the_squircle | ConstantineXVI: Thanks! | 00:42 |
gmm46 | How do I make my linux scipt run in fullscreen automaticly? | 00:42 |
LetsGo67 | How do I mount a Kodak Easyshare C340 as a USB mass storage device (as opposed to camera)? Vista supports both. | 00:42 |
quiksilver | squirt33_: i dont think so | 00:43 |
Scunizi | __mikem: another name for irc?.. | 00:43 |
__mikem | Scunizi, no, its something you do to get information about another user on IRC | 00:44 |
rww | Scunizi: has a pretty good summary | 00:44 |
Brack10 | Hi | 00:44 |
gmm46 | hmm | 00:44 |
quiksilver | is there a great book out there for understanding the architecture of linux? | 00:44 |
quiksilver | im brand new to this and i want to investigate more | 00:44 |
broly_ | whats a good webcam program for ubuntu? | 00:44 |
the_squircle | quiksilver: Linux for Dummies? | 00:45 |
Scunizi | Thanks rww.. so it's used for pm, dcc.. | 00:45 |
j_nwb | hi, I installed ubuntu 8.10 using netinstall on my /dev/sdb2. When it asked me for loading grub, I told it to install it on /dev/sdb2 instead of changing my mbr. I usually do this.. and then go and update my grub file manually. I did that for Ubuntu, but its not booting.. telling ..Bad File descriptor... , I can mount the /dev/sdb2 to a /tmp/x and contents looks good.. any ideas .. | 00:45 |
squirt33_ | quiksilver: Try to find out what sound card you have, then we can find a driver for it. | 00:45 |
the_squircle | j_nwb: re-install grub | 00:45 |
=== broly_ is now known as broly | ||
Brack10 | I'm trying to mount my extra hdd but it says "must specify filesystem type" so then when I do -t ext3 it says "CANNOT FIND EXT3 PARTITION" I'm going "mount /dev/hda /extrahdd" | 00:45 |
squirt33_ | quiksilver: If you have to, reboot into Windows and find out that way. | 00:46 |
gmm46 | actually quiksilver i remember seeing Ubuntu Linux For Dummies online in the walmart catalog. i am sure you could find it somewhere online | 00:46 |
j_nwb | the_squircle: re-install grub where ? /dev/sdb2? | 00:46 |
runderwo | j_nwb: So if I hear you correctly, you did not actually install grub in the MBR? | 00:46 |
tsunami | are there known problems from migrating to ubuntu from kubuntu? | 00:46 |
ConstantineXVI | tsunami, shouldnt be | 00:46 |
Brack10 | also why am I banned from #Debian? | 00:47 |
runderwo | j_nwb: Also, is "Bad File descriptor" really the error you are getting? | 00:47 |
Brack10 | is it because I ask noob questions all the time? | 00:47 |
gmm46 | is there anyway to run a linux script in fullscreen automatically? | 00:47 |
rww | Brack10: you'd need to ask them. We don't control #debian. | 00:47 |
j_nwb | yes.. I do not do that for other oses... my MBR boots in to fedora.. I have other operating systems.. like suse...etc... I go and manully change the grub file in fedora installation to point to other installations. | 00:47 |
runderwo | gmm46: A fullscreen terminal? | 00:47 |
Brack10 | rww: how can I do that when I'm banned? | 00:47 |
j_nwb | mount their partitions.. and copy menu.lst snippet. | 00:48 |
rww | Brack10: /msg chanserv access #debian list to get a list of operators, find one that's online, and ask them. | 00:48 |
j_nwb | Irunderwo: I will reboot and get u the exact description.. in a min. | 00:48 |
gmm46 | ya when i run my script i want it to run in terminal but in fullscreen without me pressing F11 | 00:48 |
runderwo | j_nwb: So, you do get GRUB, and then when you select Ubuntu, it fails? | 00:48 |
OneClickB | <- best producer online right now, Awesome music check it out | 00:48 |
OneClickB | <- best producer online right now, Awesome music check it out | 00:48 |
FloodBot1 | OneClickB: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:48 |
Ward1983_ | i have this script in which i use ddclient, i want to make a cron job out of it but ddclient must be run with sudo | 00:48 |
Ward1983_ | so whats the best way to do this? | 00:48 |
Brack10 | ok let me re-ask this...How can I mount /dev/hda to a folder on my filesystem? | 00:49 |
DasEi | Brack10:open a terinal.. | 00:49 |
netsurf3 | has anyone actually been able to remove the popping etc from pulse audio in hardy? | 00:49 |
runderwo | Brack10: /dev/hda is not likely to actually have a filesystem on it. It should be /dev/hda1 or something like that. | 00:49 |
Brack10 | DasEi: done | 00:49 |
MK13 | hey, is there a way to take a driver (nvidia) off of a Mandriva install cd, for use with ubuntu or will it not work cause of the different distro? | 00:49 |
Brack10 | runderwo: fdisk -l tells me it's /dev/hda | 00:49 |
DasEi | Brack10:sudo mkdir /mnt/mydisk | 00:49 |
Enverex | I have no icons on my Applications, Places or System menu, anyone encountered that before? | 00:49 |
j_nwb | runderwo: yes | 00:49 |
runderwo | Ward1983_: sudo crontab -e should put it in root's crontab. | 00:50 |
Rencx | I cant install Cinelerra cold i get some help here? | 00:50 |
DasEi | Brack10:sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 00:50 |
Ward1983_ | runderwo, ah thanx man :) | 00:50 |
Brack10 | runderwo: fdisk -l oh wait nevermind you're right | 00:50 |
j_nwb | The errors is "File Not found." (sorry.. it was bad file descriptor... few hrs back.) | 00:50 |
Brack10 | sorry I'm not used to bitchx | 00:50 |
quiksilver | is there a way to see what kind of sound card i have? | 00:50 |
DasEi | Brack10:correct device name ? | 00:50 |
linuxman410 | did you try the link Rencx | 00:50 |
ConstantineXVI | Brack10, then why are you using it? | 00:50 |
Rencx | yes | 00:50 |
runderwo | j_nwb: Is it the kernel that is not found? | 00:51 |
j_nwb | runderwo: yes. I tried putting root (hd1,1) but is not helping. | 00:51 |
linuxman410 | what does it do when you try to install | 00:51 |
gmm46 | hmm | 00:51 |
Brack10 | ok nevermind I found it, you were right it was /dev/hda1 | 00:51 |
DasEi | !who | brack10 | 00:51 |
ubottu | brack10: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 00:51 |
Brack10 | DasEi: several people were tying to help, sorry | 00:52 |
linuxman410 | what does it do when you try to install Rencx | 00:52 |
quiksilver | how can i locate my sound card drivers? | 00:52 |
quiksilver | i have no way of knowing what they are | 00:52 |
runderwo | j_nwb: Do you have a separate /boot partition? | 00:52 |
edenroz | hello,i have a sony viao vgn-cs11z, how can i use the touchbutton? (play/foward and sound control). am under ubuntu 8.10. sorry if i repeat again | 00:52 |
Brack10 | now I need to know how to use cp to copy a directory and all subdirectories to another location :P | 00:52 |
DasEi | Brack10:filesystem of hda1 ? | 00:52 |
j_nwb | runderwo: ok.. I tried to set root (hd1,1) and then use find from the grub command prompt.. thats when it gives me bad file or directory type. | 00:53 |
gmm46 | Brack10: use cp -r | 00:53 |
runderwo | quiksilver: cat /proc/asound/cards | 00:53 |
MK13 | is there a way to download nvidia driver then install it? my internet connection breaks alot and I don't want it to break while installing it. | 00:53 |
Rencx | linuxman410: from your lik it asks for key | 00:53 |
Brack10 | cp -r ok | 00:53 |
gmm46 | cp -r is for directories and just cp is for files | 00:53 |
ConstantineXVI | MK13, no need to worry | 00:53 |
Brack10 | thanks everyone | 00:54 |
quiksilver | runderwo you are awesome | 00:54 |
MK13 | why's that? | 00:54 |
ConstantineXVI | MK13, it won't install till it's fully downloaded | 00:54 |
quiksilver | 1 [Live ]: EMU10K1X - Dell Sound Blaster Live! | 00:54 |
quiksilver | Dell Sound Blaster Live! at 0xdda0 irq 17 | 00:54 |
runderwo | gmm46: gnome-terminal --full-screen appears to work. You may file a bug so that the manual page includes this. | 00:54 |
runderwo | quiksilver: yw :) | 00:54 |
Brack10 | so to copy all the subdirectories of the one I'm currently in: cp -r * /location ? | 00:54 |
quiksilver | ruderwo: where do i get those now? | 00:55 |
ConstantineXVI | MK13, and if your connection drops, it'll pick back up next time you try to install it | 00:55 |
gmm46 | yes | 00:55 |
MK13 | kk, that is what i needed to hear thnx. | 00:55 |
Rencx | linuxman410: from your lik it asks for key | 00:55 |
runderwo | quiksilver: They are included with the kernel and loaded. If you are not hearing sound, maybe it is muted or volume is down. | 00:55 |
MK13 | i have had a bad experience trying to do it before, it wouldn't resume | 00:55 |
quiksilver | oh wow | 00:55 |
runderwo | j_nwb: So /boot is inside /dev/sdb2 and not on a separate partition? | 00:55 |
Brack10 | is it possible to get cp to show some kind of information like an ETA? | 00:56 |
j_nwb | runderwo:yes | 00:56 |
gmm46 | Brack10: if you type info cp it will show you the info on the cp command | 00:57 |
Appl3Kork | is there a command to stop the X Server? | 00:57 |
quiksilver | runderwo: check private messages please | 00:57 |
edenroz | hello, when i use acpi_listen for hit super+F5 it say: ^[[15~ whicj combination i have to put in event=sony/hotkey SNC??? | 00:57 |
ConstantineXVI | Appl3Kork, as in to restart it? | 00:57 |
gmm46 | yes Appl3Kork try killall xserv | 00:58 |
squirt33_ | is there a gtk theming channel around? | 00:58 |
Appl3Kork | well like i'm tryin to install a driver, and when i load up the driver it says that i'm running xserv | 00:58 |
Appl3Kork | tried that gmm46 but it says xserv: no process killed | 00:59 |
ConstantineXVI | Appl3Kork, try sudo killall | 00:59 |
the_squircle | Does anybody know how to make apt compatible with RSync? | 00:59 |
DVA5912 | Any software out that will gps based on the NEMA out on my phone? | 00:59 |
runderwo | j_nwb: What happens when you try to use tab completion to find the kernel when you're in the grub loader? | 01:00 |
Appl3Kork | Constantine I've tried bout hwith and without sudo | 01:00 |
Rencx | Do anyone can help me install cinelerra?? | 01:00 |
bittin | Rencx: sudo apt-get install cinelerra | 01:01 |
Rencx | bittin E: Broken packages | 01:01 |
bittin | :< | 01:01 |
bittin | check if u added the stuff in synaptic | 01:02 |
Rencx | i did | 01:02 |
gmm46 | Rencx: use sudo apt-get update | 01:02 |
whoDat | how do i find out what module handling a particular device in /dev ? | 01:02 |
darth_grantius | daedalusx64 beta 2 released soon | 01:02 |
the-wes | hello all. I am having an issue with pulseaudio hanging hard when I try to get it to point to bluetooth. is there a room more focused on that sort of issue? | 01:02 |
ludmilmm | hi. ubuntu 8.10 + nvidia (propr drivers). the nvidia config tool does not list my monitor's 1680x1050 mode, but only 1600x1024 and 1600x1200. i found 2 threads on ubuntu forums, but non of the suggestions there helped. any idea how to enable 1680x1050 mode? | 01:02 |
gmm46 | Rencx: then try sudo apt-get install cinelerra | 01:02 |
Bi_Bottom_Taipe | hi | 01:02 |
the-wes | I also have strace output if anyone is interested. | 01:02 |
bittin | hi | 01:02 |
Rencx | gmm46 dont work the same | 01:03 |
gmm46 | hmm | 01:03 |
runderwo | whoDat: Try /proc/devices and ls -l to see the major and minor of the one you're interested in. | 01:03 |
mx-tvt | hey... Is ext4 supposed to be slower or faster than ntfs (under windows). I am copying the same files from my home partition to an ext4 parition in an external drive, and from windows to another ntfs parition on the same external drive. Windows seems to copy files at 14mb/s while ext4 in lnux goes between 5-9 | 01:03 |
Rencx | gmm46 maybe i have add wrong stuff in synaptic | 01:03 |
whoDat | runder: thanks man | 01:03 |
j_nwb | runderwo: When I try file completion.. it is trying to get to my fedora partition ... as root is set to (hd0,0) | 01:03 |
runderwo | j_nwb: :-) Something's wrong there. | 01:04 |
afroken | hi, how do i update from the command line ? | 01:04 |
j_nwb | runderwo: The ubuntu is using uuid to set root | 01:04 |
MK13 | how good is the JFS filing system? | 01:04 |
Knysliux001 | afroken: sudo apt-get update | 01:04 |
whoDat | runder: it looks like lshw gave me what i needed too | 01:04 |
Jorophose | Hi, I'm trying to help a friend install ubuntu, but for some reason GRUB won't install, and when it does, it won't allow her to boot. It just says that there's no operating system (or something along those lines) | 01:04 |
Knysliux001 | afroken: sudo apt-get upgrade | 01:04 |
Jorophose | Any idea on what to do? I tried installing grub manually, but it won't find the OS. | 01:05 |
j_nwb | runderwo: And there is no root directive... so it is not finding it. | 01:05 |
runderwo | j_nwb: That is okay when it comes to the kernel. When it comes to grub, it needs to know the BIOS disk and partition number. | 01:05 |
grayson | Hi all. | 01:05 |
runderwo | j_nwb: that's why grub uses the (hdX,Y) stuff. | 01:05 |
j_nwb | runderwo: I added root (hd1,1) | 01:05 |
afroken | Knysliux001, upgrade -will download the latest versions of the software i'm running plus security updates? | 01:05 |
Knysliux001 | afroken: exactly | 01:05 |
afroken | Knysliux001, thanks | 01:06 |
Knysliux001 | afroken: and not only download, it will install them | 01:06 |
Rencx | Do anyone can help me install cinelerra?? | 01:06 |
runderwo | afroken: Unless the newer version of the software requires a new package that it didn't require before. In that case, you'd have to use dist-upgrade. | 01:06 |
grayson | aptoncd refuses to find more than 3 packages?? Where iare the packages please I will have to save them manually. thank you | 01:06 |
moldy_ | hi | 01:06 |
LetsGo67 | How do I mount a Kodak Easyshare C340 as a USB mass storage device (as opposed to camera)? Vista supports both. PM please. | 01:06 |
moldy_ | what package should i install to get the nvidia driver? | 01:06 |
=== moldy_ is now known as moldy | ||
afroken | runderwo, will apt tell me i need to use that? | 01:06 |
runderwo | Jorophose: What kind of computer is it? | 01:06 |
Rencx | how can i install this file??? cinelerra-4-ubuntu-i686.tar.bz2 | 01:07 |
grayson | moldy, depends on your card | 01:07 |
runderwo | afroken: If you see packages "held back", then that tells you that dist-upgrade is required to be fully up-to-date. | 01:07 |
TheFunkbomb | So, what's the next step? I have a pretty good feel of Ubuntu now but feel stupid having a swiss army knife of OSes and only using the tweezers | 01:07 |
j_nwb | runderwo: And it gives Bad File or directory type | 01:07 |
afroken | runderwo, thanks | 01:07 |
TheFunkbomb | pretty good metaphor, right? | 01:07 |
moldy | grayson: i cannot check which card right now... what is the general recommendation? | 01:07 |
Brack10 | I have 18 gigs of music, thousands of files to copy, is it faster to tar, copy and extract, or just copy the files? | 01:08 |
Rencx | Do anyone can help me install cinelerra?? I need step by step because of erors.. | 01:08 |
runderwo | Brack10: Just copy them, unless it's over a slow link. | 01:08 |
moldy | grayson: i ran aptitude search nvidia, but i am confused now. what is the correct version to install? | 01:08 |
j_nwb | I tried file completion with (hd0,0)/ ... it works .. with (hd1,1), it does not!! But if I boot in fedora, I can mount /dev/sd2 and see the contents.!!! | 01:08 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: What is your problem? | 01:08 |
Brack10 | rimderwo: No, it's 2 IDE hdds | 01:08 |
Rencx | gnubuntu cant instal video editing soft | 01:08 |
runderwo | j_nwb: Is it possibly switching the two disks on you? | 01:09 |
Knysliux001 | gnubuntu: for some reason cinelerra is not in repositories anymore | 01:09 |
gnubuntu | Knysliux001: ah really? i had install it in hardy and had no problems | 01:09 |
Rencx | gnubuntu is drops eror mesage E: Broken packages | 01:09 |
Jorophose | runderwo: Intel Core 2 Duo, built by HP | 01:09 |
runderwo | Jorophose: Laptop? | 01:10 |
Knysliux001 | interpid can't find it | 01:10 |
Knysliux001 | *intrepid | 01:10 |
grayson | moldy, system, preferences, appearance check the level you want the choice should be found for you "Recommended" | 01:10 |
j_nwb | runderwo : how do I know if that is the case ? (though I do not personally think..) | 01:10 |
runderwo | Jorophose: What error does grub give you? | 01:10 |
moldy | grayson: i don't have a gui | 01:10 |
treats | I want to reinstall as much as possible in ubuntu without reformatting, what should i do | 01:10 |
moldy | grayson: i need to setup a chroot environment for an ltsp client to which i currently have no access | 01:10 |
kyrmne | hi | 01:11 |
Comet | can anyone tell me what the actual command is for the gnome terminal server client? | 01:11 |
grayson | moldy, sorry I am only good with gui :( | 01:11 |
moldy | grayson: ok. thanks anyway :) | 01:11 |
runderwo | j_nwb: Well, check the BIOS and see which drive is which according to it. Sometimes grub is set up to monkey with that (usually to deal with windows) which would mislead you into thinking /dev/sdb is the second disk, in that case. | 01:11 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: Sorry. i cant help you with that. | 01:11 |
=== binarymutt_ is now known as binarymutt | ||
Rencx | gnubuntu can you help me with input sound? | 01:12 |
Jorophose | runderwo: it just says it failed to find (but I believe this is the BIOS) or load the OS | 01:12 |
linuxman410 | Rencx just extract file to folder and run it i just did and it works fine | 01:12 |
TheFunkbomb | Damn. Ubuntu is already releasing 9.04? | 01:12 |
runderwo | Jorophose: What error does grub give you when you try to install it? | 01:12 |
Mr_Bunny_ | How do I see what driver xorg is using? | 01:12 |
rww | TheFunkbomb: not until April... | 01:12 |
j_nwb | runderwo: I just checked I have an old fedora installation on (hd1,4) and grub is correctly finding it..!!! | 01:12 |
badfish69 | Knysliux001, it's probably in a respository you haven't added | 01:13 |
Rencx | linuxman410 but there are not any setup file | 01:13 |
TheFunkbomb | rww, I just installed 8.10! | 01:13 |
Jorophose | She installed grub when I wasn't there, it seems grub installed fine when it was done manually. | 01:13 |
rww | TheFunkbomb: Ubuntu releases every six months. 8.10 will be supported until April 2010. | 01:13 |
Knysliux001 | badfish69: yes, I see in their site that i have to add one. Thank's | 01:13 |
badfish69 | np | 01:13 |
TheFunkbomb | rww, well, I'll have to upgrade | 01:13 |
grayson | gone digging, chow | 01:14 |
runderwo | j_nwb: Makes no sense to me. grub could swap the drives but it can't mix up partitions. | 01:14 |
HustlinTomTurkey | hi, I'm using the live cd right now and I'm trying to install it onto a partition I made earlier | 01:14 |
gmm46 | i gtg | 01:14 |
gmm46 | bye | 01:14 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: i have this link for you: | 01:14 |
j_nwb | runderwo: May be I will try once more .. (tried it few times).. and not install grub this time. | 01:14 |
HustlinTomTurkey | I'm at step 4 where it says 'prepare partitions', and there's nothing there | 01:14 |
Rencx | yes | 01:14 |
Jorophose | | 01:14 |
runderwo | Jorophose: How did you partition the drive? | 01:15 |
quiksilver | how do i see what django is pointing to? | 01:15 |
quiksilver | on my system | 01:15 |
linuxman410 | just execute cinelerra that file got into folder double click it and program will run | 01:15 |
Jorophose | the "entire disk" option | 01:15 |
linuxman410 | Rencx | 01:15 |
Rencx | gnubuntu when i put stuff in snapic it ask for some key | 01:15 |
runderwo | Jorophose: I have no idea what the problem is. | 01:15 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: just accepted the keys. should ok | 01:15 |
quiksilver | any idea? | 01:16 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: or get the keys from the site | 01:16 |
Jorophose | Where could we pick a failure point at? Is it during grub's installation, or is it because we might be missing swap? Could the BIOS itself cause the problem? | 01:16 |
DVA5912 | how do i install google earth? | 01:16 |
DVA5912 | am i able too? | 01:16 |
misteralexander | I'm trying to learn how to output the contents of a directory to a file (text file - name, size, date). | 01:17 |
bazhang | !googleearth | 01:17 |
Rencx | gnubuntu i will se now | 01:17 |
ubottu | Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository | 01:17 |
runderwo | Jorophose: The only thing I can see interfering is some lame BIOS antivirus. | 01:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | DVA5912, Add medibuntu. it is in there | 01:17 |
rww | DVA5912: add the medibuntu repository and install it from there | 01:17 |
rww | !medibuntu | DVA5912 | 01:17 |
ubottu | DVA5912: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 01:17 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: good luck. | 01:17 |
badfish69 | DVA5912, it's in the repositories | 01:17 |
=== omgwtfbbq is now known as afton | ||
runderwo | misteralexander: ls -l > output.txt ? | 01:17 |
TheFunkbomb | so, if I wanted to build a good Ubuntu machine, is there a guide? | 01:17 |
unop | misteralexander, what's this for? | 01:17 |
afton | where is the grub.conf file located in ubuntu? | 01:17 |
runderwo | misteralexander: If you need to pick fields out of it, use awk. | 01:17 |
seraphin_ | hey | 01:18 |
misteralexander | Lots of great ideas, is there a web resource I can look up to learn more about this? | 01:18 |
bazhang | !rute | 01:18 |
ubottu | documentation is to be found at and - General linux documentation: - | 01:18 |
Knysliux001 | afton: there is no grub.conf in my system | 01:18 |
Jorophose | runderwo: It's a phoenix bios... and although it might have been sensationalism, I heard about them having problems with linux... do you think it could be that? | 01:18 |
runderwo | misteralexander: Anything on log processing with awk should help. | 01:18 |
gnubuntu | afton: /boot/grub | 01:19 |
SuperDefenderX | Hey, if I wanted to write "Ubuntu" in binary code on my forehead, how would I do it? | 01:19 |
unop | misteralexander, | 01:19 |
misteralexander | runderwo: thanks! | 01:19 |
bazhang | !ot | SuperDefenderX | 01:19 |
ubottu | SuperDefenderX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 01:19 |
SuperDefenderX | I mean, I know I would use a pen or something. | 01:19 |
=== exodus_m1 is now known as exodus_ms | ||
rww | SuperDefenderX: 010101010110001001110101011011100111010001110101 | 01:19 |
SuperDefenderX | Thanks. | 01:19 |
unop | is that big or small endian ? :) | 01:20 |
afton | ok. I'm trying to get my computer to boot up with the plymouth graphical boot loader. I have it installed, but I'm not sure how to ... enable it. | 01:20 |
Rencx | it wrorks now with 2 metods :) | 01:20 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: nice to hear that | 01:20 |
Rencx | gnubuntu can you help me also with input sound? | 01:20 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: just ask your real question. i will see | 01:21 |
IndyGunFreak | TheFunkbomb: what do you mean a good guide.. what i've done in the past, is i get a list of things i'd like to use, then use Google and the part name and "Ubuntu", and see if i get hits on problems w/ that devie... Its never let me down | 01:21 |
seraphin_ | i have a problem with ubuntu sound shortcuts and Fn keys on my laptop. the keys are recognised as XF86AudioLowerVolume and simillar and simillar, the icon is appearing on the desktop, but the sound is not getting louder/quiet/muted. alsa 1.0.18, snd-hda-intel | 01:21 |
runderwo | Jorophose: Have you looked for any kind of antivirus or MBR protection in the BIOS? | 01:21 |
Jorophose | runderwo: I will right now | 01:21 |
TheFunkbomb | IndyGunFreak, I mean something beyond compatibility lists. | 01:21 |
IndyGunFreak | TheFunkbomb: like...? | 01:22 |
Rencx | gnubuntu I need fix sound for skype and also when i record on Audacity it is very low.. | 01:22 |
IndyGunFreak | TheFunkbomb: like a build how-to? | 01:22 |
TheFunkbomb | IndyGunFreak, yeah something like that | 01:22 |
TheFunkbomb | IndyGunFreak, like recommended hardware | 01:22 |
Comet | does anyone know what the command for the gnome terminal server client is? | 01:22 |
gerob | I just installed ubuntu 8.10, should I install all of the available updates? | 01:23 |
IndyGunFreak | TheFunkbomb: well, i don't know about recommended hardware for a linux machine, you might find one.. but usually MaximumPC, builds a computer each issue... if you're wondering about the build process | 01:23 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: ah ok. i had this problems too with hardy. i had fix it now. do you have ubuntu 8.10? | 01:23 |
Rencx | yes | 01:23 |
unop | Comet, tsclient perhaps? | 01:23 |
DaveW | gerob, yes you should | 01:24 |
TheFunkbomb | IndyGunFreak, I can build a Windows based computer. I guess I should just do that and do your thing of googling each part. I'm wondering if Ubuntu would support Intel's new i7 processor and stuff like that | 01:24 |
IndyGunFreak | TheFunkbomb: just remember.. motherboards- Asus/MSI, Harddrives- WD/Seagate, Optical Drives- Lite ON, GPU- Nvidia.. and you'll probably be OK | 01:24 |
Rencx | gnubuntu: can we talk in private chat? | 01:24 |
Comet | unop: thanks :D | 01:24 |
DaveW | comet, have you tried tsclient? | 01:24 |
TheFunkbomb | Does anyone run Ubuntu on a quadcore? | 01:24 |
IndyGunFreak | TheFunkbomb: well, yeah, you're not gonna find a guide to building a pc specifically for linux(at least i don't think so) | 01:24 |
badfish69 | gerob, it would do you well to install all of the updates | 01:24 |
gnubuntu | Rencx: sorry. but i have to go sleep now. just search your problems in | 01:25 |
TheFunkbomb | IndyGunFreak, I might do it and document my results. It could be an untapped area where a new guy could help the process | 01:25 |
Comet | DaveW: yea, no luck.. but i noticed it is an actual program | 01:25 |
IndyGunFreak | TheFunkbomb: eh, ubuntu's hardware recognition is pretty solid, so really you're probably not gonna have many hardware issues, unless you buy really odd, or really new hardware | 01:26 |
Rencx | I need fix sound for skype and also when i record on Audacity it is very low.. | 01:26 |
TheFunkbomb | Okay | 01:26 |
Comet | i'm asking in the wrong place, but i'm using freebsd.. i know ubuntu comes with the terminal server by default, so i figured someone would have a quick answer.. i compiled gnome and wasnt sure if it comes with it by default | 01:26 |
TheFunkbomb | Rencx, double click on the speaker and go to preferences | 01:27 |
Rencx | TheFunkbomb ty :) | 01:27 |
gerob | I am also wondering how I get my video card working? I am running 2 geforce 8600 GT in SLI mode on a 20.5" LG with a native resolution of 1680x1050. How do I get all that working? Video card and Monitor support? | 01:27 |
DaveW | comet, it sounds like youre not sure if its installed then? if so, try installing/reinstalling | 01:27 |
TheFunkbomb | Rencx, no problem. There are a lot of playback and recording features in there | 01:27 |
Comet | DaveW: well if i knew the command, then i could search the HD to see if its installed.. | 01:28 |
Rencx | TheFunkbomb do you also now how to set skype devices? | 01:28 |
Yokatai | hello | 01:28 |
Comet | but i dont, so i'm compiling some program called tsclient now | 01:28 |
quiksilver | (05:28:15 PM) quiksilver: how do i see what all my directories are pointing to | 01:28 |
quiksilver | (05:28:20 PM) quiksilver: symbolic | 01:28 |
docmur | I just compiled the kernel from source but when I install the ati drive from the ati site and add fglrx into xorg.conf my screen doesn't work it kicks into gdm but then all that happens it white artifacts and it restarts and putting ati for the device driver in xorg.conf doesn't work because the ati drier doesn't exist. All I can use it vesa | 01:28 |
quiksilver | ln -l? | 01:28 |
Yokatai | i don't speak french | 01:28 |
DasEi | gerob:8.10 ? | 01:28 |
Rencx | TheFunkbomb: i mean inputs and outputs | 01:28 |
Yokatai | i don't speak english | 01:28 |
hansel | quicksilver_ readlink | 01:28 |
TheFunkbomb | Rencx, that I do not know. I don't have enough friends to warrant installing skype :( | 01:28 |
gerob | DasEi: Yes in 8.10 | 01:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | gerob, I dont think you will get two cards in sli mode working correctly from what I hear | 01:28 |
rww | Yokatai: what do you speak? | 01:28 |
Yokatai | i speak french | 01:29 |
quiksilver | hanse | 01:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fr | 01:29 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 01:29 |
_slax_ | Comet: If not you can always find something like tightvncserver which is in the ports, no need to compile anything | 01:29 |
rww | !fr | Yokatai | 01:29 |
ubottu | Yokatai: please see above | 01:29 |
=== burkmat0 is now known as burkmat | ||
quiksilver | i need to see where my django is pointed to specifically | 01:29 |
DasEi | gerob:I own no 8600, but might run in probs with firmware, additional see: | 01:29 |
DasEi | !nvidia | 01:29 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 01:29 |
hansel | quicksilver_ which django if you have a link then you can ls -alh and readlink softlinkname | 01:29 |
DasEi | !dualhead | 01:29 |
Yokatai | ubottu one mintue please, translate | 01:29 |
ubottu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on - See also !Xinerama | 01:29 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:29 |
DasEi | !resulution | 01:29 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about resulution | 01:29 |
Yokatai | !fr | 01:29 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 01:29 |
DasEi | !resolution | 01:29 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 01:29 |
badfish69 | gerob, my 8800gt worked excellent | 01:29 |
BobDolet | anyone know how i can give the www-data permission to read users home directories | 01:30 |
quiksilver | how do i see everything ive created symbolically | 01:30 |
badfish69 | works i should say | 01:30 |
quiksilver | with the ln -s | 01:30 |
BobDolet | im trying to make a php script that searches through a users directory | 01:30 |
quiksilver | command | 01:30 |
hansel | BobDolet - you JUST want to read? | 01:30 |
tsunami | I want to "reformat" my ubuntu box but i don't have a cd player and my usb boot disks don't work. It is running ubuntu now, what is the best way to achieve this? | 01:30 |
Yokatai | bye bye | 01:30 |
roroo | my nvidiafx5200 can't worked in excellent | 01:30 |
j_nwb | runderwo: | 01:30 |
Yokatai | au revoir | 01:30 |
BobDolet | hansel, well im having a php script run find * -name ... | 01:30 |
BobDolet | in the users directory | 01:30 |
Yokatai | bonne appetie | 01:30 |
hansel | BobDolet - you can do it a few ways... set the group ownership of /home to SOMEGROUP and recursively give it read perms. Or you can chmod o+r /home/ recursively... | 01:30 |
badfish69 | i replaced my sound card and video card at the same time and just did a fresh install of ubuntu | 01:31 |
Yokatai | atchoum | 01:31 |
prince | hi eo all | 01:31 |
roroo | 有知道说中文的吗 | 01:31 |
Yokatai | popopopopoker face | 01:31 |
badfish69 | come on | 01:31 |
hansel | BobDolet - locate is more efficient if you updatedb on a regular basis. | 01:31 |
badfish69 | this is english | 01:31 |
BobDolet | is it possible to add www-data to some general user group | 01:31 |
Yokatai | super nous avons un chinois maintenant =) | 01:31 |
BobDolet | i dont really want to o+rwx all users directories | 01:31 |
roroo | i just know a little english | 01:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Yokatai, STOP | 01:31 |
Yokatai | Jack_Sparrow quoi ? | 01:31 |
hansel | BobDolet - dont rwx just r. | 01:31 |
j_nwb | runderwo: Is there any way for me to have multiple grub chained together... i.e. my fedora grub to simply hand it over to /dev/sdb2 grub ? | 01:31 |
hansel | BobDolet - I think by default they are that way anyhow... | 01:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | roroo, chinese, japan hk or ? | 01:32 |
rww | Yokatai: /join #ubuntu-fr. Ne parlez pas francais ici. | 01:32 |
prince | when ardour3.0in comming out for linux? | 01:32 |
Yokatai | rww je te remercie | 01:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | Yokatai, /join #Ubuntu-fr | 01:32 |
vock | In the middle of updating from 8.04 to 8.10, but the downloading speed dropped from 310 kb/s to about 20-30 kb/s. Can i just switch software sources and it'll all work out or am i stuck with the current server? | 01:32 |
Yokatai | merci | 01:32 |
Yokatai | gracias | 01:32 |
Yokatai | atchoum | 01:32 |
bazhang | bye | 01:32 |
rww | roroo: what language do you speak best? | 01:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | !cn | 01:33 |
ubottu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 01:33 |
bazhang | roroo, /join #ubuntu-cn | 01:33 |
BobDolet | hansel, i su www-data and try to run find in the users diretory | 01:33 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
runderwo | j_nwb: Yes, of course that's possible. | 01:33 |
BobDolet | but i get a permission denied | 01:33 |
roroo | thank u | 01:33 |
K410 | roroo☺ 你好 | 01:33 |
bazhang | K410, english here please | 01:33 |
j_nwb | runderwo: how do I do it ? chainloader ... what param? | 01:33 |
_slax_ | i hate "language trolls" the kind that KNOW exactly that they're being a pest and refuse to leave, ty bazhang :) | 01:33 |
K410 | bazhang☺ sure | 01:33 |
JoshPilcer | i need a lot of help. | 01:34 |
hansel | !ask | 01:34 |
=== K410 is now known as Kaio | ||
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:34 |
TheFunkbomb | Here is a question. I'm running 8.10. When 9.04 gets released, will I have to do a fresh install or will I be able to update? | 01:34 |
hansel | TheFunkbomb you can just update. | 01:34 |
=== luc_ is now known as utopiauca | ||
TheFunkbomb | hansel, does it update like all of the other updates with the little red down arrow? | 01:34 |
JoshPilcer | well I installed ubuntu on my hp pavilion dv6000 and i need to get wifi. I'm not sure how to turn on the wifi. | 01:34 |
rww | TheFunkbomb: You can just update. The GUI Update Manager will prompt you about it. | 01:34 |
TheFunkbomb | rww cool, thanks | 01:35 |
hansel | System - Administration - Software Sources - under the Updates tab you can select the release types you want in the bottom... | 01:35 |
runderwo | j_nwb: Right, give it the correct root, and then chainloader +1. | 01:35 |
hansel | TheFunkbomb - I think by default it only gets long term support releases... | 01:35 |
roroo | thank u i jouin the ubutnu-cn | 01:35 |
j_nwb | runderwo: oh! let me try that. | 01:35 |
JoshPilcer | well I installed ubuntu on my hp pavilion dv6000 and i need to get wifi. I'm not sure how to turn on the wifi. | 01:35 |
TheFunkbomb | JoshPilcer, I had the same issue. Try plugging in with a ethernet cable and typing this in terminal "sudo get-apt update" | 01:35 |
hansel | get-apt? | 01:36 |
JoshPilcer | i have no plug though | 01:36 |
TheFunkbomb | err | 01:36 |
utopiauca | ist | 01:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoshPilcer, Please hold down the repeating, every few minutes is enough | 01:36 |
TheFunkbomb | scratch that | 01:36 |
utopiauca | list | 01:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | utopiauca, We dont serve files | 01:36 |
JoshPilcer | i'm trying to connect to a wifi "my neighbors" | 01:36 |
JoshPilcer | and i'm not sure how | 01:36 |
_slax_ | lol this isnt a warez channel utopiauca | 01:36 |
badfish69 | lol | 01:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoshPilcer, Please hold down the repeating, every few minutes is enough. Tell us what wifi card, what version of ubuntu and have patience | 01:37 |
hansel | JoshPilcer sudo iwconfig do you have a wireless interface that is enabled? | 01:37 |
TheFunkbomb | now I'm trying to remember the command I used | 01:37 |
TheFunkbomb | :( | 01:37 |
JoshPilcer | it says "lo no wireless extensions. eth0 no wireless extensions." | 01:38 |
JoshPilcer | but my computer has built in wifi | 01:38 |
Dalila_ | i've just installed ubuntu 8.10, it's cool | 01:38 |
TheFunkbomb | what wireless card do you have JoshPilcer ? | 01:38 |
JoshPilcer | how do i check that? | 01:38 |
hansel | JoshPilcer - well maybe you need to toggle it on. Is there a button on the front of your laptop that you can slide back and forth? | 01:38 |
hansel | JoshPilcer - sudo lshw -C network | 01:38 |
JoshPilcer | ya, it's on hansel | 01:38 |
j_nwb | runderwo: Brilliant!!! it worked!!!! I should change the scheme to use this all the time. Thanks | 01:38 |
TheFunkbomb | I think the command is lshw -c network | 01:38 |
disappearedng_ | Hey everyone | 01:38 |
JoshPilcer | umm | 01:39 |
runderwo | j_nwb: great! | 01:39 |
JoshPilcer | it says a bunch of stuff | 01:39 |
hansel | JoshPilcer - you can also sudo lspci and see if there is a wireless card detected. It's possible the wireless driver just doesnt work. Depending on the card there are a few ways to get it up and running easily. | 01:39 |
j_nwb | runderwo: now it is not finding ubuntu-server package! is there a way to look for it in apt-get (similar to yum list or yum search) | 01:39 |
MK13 | how do you set a broadcom 43xx card to master mode? | 01:39 |
slashzul | how can u tell if the magazine version of 8.04 ubuntu is the same as 8.04 LTS ? | 01:39 |
JoshPilcer | hansel, what would the thing be named under? | 01:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | slashzul, USe md5 | 01:40 |
runderwo | !broadcom | MK13 | 01:40 |
ubottu | MK13: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 01:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | !md5 | 01:40 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 01:40 |
hansel | JoshPilcer - just pastebin the output of those commands so we can read it. | 01:40 |
Gerinych | how do you change background in grub2 | 01:40 |
slashzul | Jack_Sparrow: on the cdrom.iso image ? | 01:40 |
sceo | I'm trying to install pidgin-facebookchat from a .deb but in the .deb the prefix is wrong; is there a way to install a .deb with a different prefix? | 01:40 |
runderwo | j_nwb: What exactly isn't finding ubuntu-server? | 01:40 |
sceo | (that is, it's installing to /usr/ instead of /usr/local) | 01:41 |
b_ | Does VLC record video streams? | 01:41 |
kindnation | Is there a way to get Desktop Effects working while running Ubuntu in VMWare? | 01:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | slashzul, Please see the link for md5 | 01:41 |
j_nwb | runderwo: apt-get install ubuntu-server | 01:41 |
DasEi | b_:no | 01:41 |
runderwo | j_nwb: I don't know of that package. | 01:41 |
hansel | sceo - dpkg -i thepackage.deb | 01:41 |
runderwo | !info ubuntu-server | j_nwb | 01:41 |
ubottu | Package ubuntu-server does not exist in intrepid | 01:41 |
kindnation | does compiz work in VMWare? Anyone know? | 01:41 |
linux_newbie | hi, urgent my x-windows constantly shutdown automatically | 01:41 |
bazhang | !lamp | 01:42 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 01:42 |
b_ | DasEi: do you know of a program that does? | 01:42 |
bazhang | kindnation, no | 01:42 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Check /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 01:42 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: how do I do that ? | 01:42 |
jorgerosa | hi | 01:42 |
DasEi | b_:what kind of stream you want to record ? | 01:42 |
kindnation | bazhang: thanks. | 01:43 |
runderwo | sceo: You can't usually change the paths since they are compiled in at compile time. | 01:43 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 01:43 |
b_ | DasEi: It's from a dreambox which is a linux based DVB | 01:43 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Scroll to the end and see what error is shutting it down. | 01:43 |
TheFunkbomb | What does "Tracker Search Tool" do? | 01:44 |
DasEi | b_:there are solutions to use pc as a videarecorder and you can have addons in browser to record flash | 01:44 |
JoshPilcer | hansel | 01:44 |
JoshPilcer | this is what i got | 01:44 |
JoshPilcer | | 01:44 |
jorgerosa | would anyone make/share some photos for a (free download in PDF) ubuntu magazine? (African themes and other stuff, e.g. an user with a joystick in his hand, etc, etc), all the credits will be published, also a link in our site, etc. Thanks in advance | 01:44 |
j_nwb | ubottu: I wanted to install ubuntu server amd64 8.10 .. ran into some weired problem via installation from CD, so tried netboot using minimal cd, as suggested here in this forum.. now I want to get the installation similar to ubuntu server amd64 8.10 .. so what packages need to be installed... (from my understanding.. I have core / base system installed) | 01:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | jorgerosa, Please dont ask in here | 01:44 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:44 |
BobDolet | hansel, if i want www-data to ls a users directory what permissions do i need | 01:45 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
TheFunkbomb | JoshPilcer, h, you have a Broadcom BCM94311MCG | 01:45 |
JoshPilcer | what should i do then? | 01:45 |
hansel | BobDolet - o+r and anybody can. man chmod and look for -R recursive option and realize what this will do... | 01:45 |
disappearedng_ | Hey after I did this sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r) where do I find my kernel source files? | 01:45 |
TheFunkbomb | JoshPilcer, I would google "BCM94311MCG +Ubuntu" | 01:46 |
hansel | BobDolet - also you can give www-data perms in sudoers file with the NOPASSWD option for ls command ONLY. | 01:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | !bcm43xx | 01:46 |
ubottu | Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 01:46 |
hansel | JoshPilcer - I have an easy how-to... lemme dig up the link... | 01:46 |
disappearedng_ | I followed this documentation | 01:46 |
disappearedng_ |,%20or%20from%20apt-get%20source) | 01:46 |
jorgerosa | Jack_Sparrow: ok, sorry | 01:46 |
BobDolet | hansel, chmod o+r . -R then ls -al | 01:47 |
BobDolet | drwx---r-x 6 propub propub 4096 2009-01-18 20:22 . | 01:47 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: the list is very long I have no idea where to look for the error | 01:47 |
hansel | BobDolet - . is just the current directory... hopefully you are in /home. Also you will need to sudo for that. | 01:47 |
DasEi | disappearedng_:why do you do that if you're very new to linux ?? | 01:47 |
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dano_ | hey all, I'm confused how to modify my X settings, I currently have intrepid ibex, and when i nano my xorg.conf file, I don't even see a driver being loaded, does X work differently now. | 01:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | !kernel | 01:48 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 01:48 |
BobDolet | hansel, yes debian:/home# chmod o+r propub -R | 01:48 |
BobDolet | propub is the user | 01:48 |
sceo | hansel; thanks, but that didn't do it -- again, it didn't install to the correct path. the deb when I view it extracts/installs files to /usr/lib/purple-2 -- but it needs to extract all to /usr/local/lib/purple-2 for pidgin to pick it up... is there a way to reconfigure a .deb or will I have to install from source? | 01:48 |
disappearedng_ | DasEi 1) I am not very new, 2) I need to recompile with CONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE=y so that I can access my FFS systems | 01:48 |
hansel | dano_ lsmod | grep agp | 01:48 |
BobDolet | drwx---r-x 6 propub propub 4096 2009-01-18 20:22 propub | 01:48 |
DasEi | dano_: yes, xorg has changd but still 'listens' to xorg.conf | 01:49 |
runderwo | !paste | linux_newbie | 01:49 |
ubottu | linux_newbie: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 01:49 |
dano_ | DasEi, agpgart 42184 2 intel_agp | 01:49 |
ludmilmm | hi. ubuntu 8.10. how do i change the Xorg log level, so i have more detailed information in the X log? | 01:49 |
dano_ | i want to be using i915 | 01:49 |
hansel | dano_ then modprobe -r that intel_agp one to remove it and modprobe i915 to load the i915 one | 01:49 |
DasEi | disappearedng_:ok then, thought so because of your request for partis | 01:50 |
arooni-mobile | is there a way of getting latest open office on ubuntu hardy? i believe there is 2.6 and hardy only has 2.4 | 01:50 |
dano_ | hansel, ok, is there anyway to tell it to use that one everytime | 01:50 |
hansel | dano - realize you will need to cycle X | 01:50 |
disappearedng_ | yeah | 01:50 |
BobDolet | hansel, nm im retarded | 01:50 |
disappearedng_ | DasEi well when I recompiled my kernel in FreeBSD, there's a config file for me to pick options from | 01:50 |
Jorophose | There was nothing on protection or about the MBR or antivirus or something similar. | 01:50 |
disappearedng_ | when I read the documentation it didn't say much, it just says it's located in debian/config/ARCH/ | 01:50 |
j_nwb | is there anyway to find what packages are installed on a ubuntu server 8.10 ? or after doing minimal install how to get to Ubuntu server 8.10 state. | 01:51 |
runderwo | Jorophose: Strange. It usually installs without a problem when you do a whole disk install. | 01:51 |
=== gnubuntu is now known as H0rA | ||
bzaks | When trying to run split, I say this: "split --line-bytes=8G foo-backup.tar.gz foo-backup_" however its giving me 'invalid number of byes' ---- what should I change about my command line? | 01:51 |
Jorophose | runderwo: Very strange. Do you think there's a Jmicron controller or another problematic controller like that in there? | 01:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | Out of Date? !latest: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. | 01:51 |
j_nwb | can some one please confirm, that Ubuntu server 8.10 by default is character only.. and does not install X. | 01:51 |
runderwo | arooni-mobile: Perhaps in backports. | 01:51 |
disappearedng_ | DasEi Oh nvm | 01:51 |
bzaks | j_nwb - that is confirmed | 01:52 |
arooni-mobile | runderwo, how do i check | 01:52 |
j_nwb | tx. | 01:52 |
runderwo | Jorophose: The only way to know would be to go to a terminal while installing and lspci. | 01:52 |
DasEi | disappearedng_: | 01:52 |
runderwo | Jorophose: But I can't see how everything else would install correctly and only writing to the MBR would be a problem. | 01:52 |
runderwo | arooni-mobile: You'd have to search the backports repository for hardy and see. | 01:53 |
j_nwb | bzaks: would u know what packages constitute ubuntu server 8.10 ? | 01:53 |
arooni-mobile | runderwo, how do i do that; do i need it enabled in sources.list | 01:53 |
tsunami | I want to "reformat" my ubuntu box but i don't have a cd player and my usb boot disks don't work. It is running ubuntu now, what is the best way to achieve this? | 01:53 |
Jorophose | runderwo: should I double-check and make sure the entire system installed correctly? the machine is no longer here, but I can get the friend to check it. | 01:53 |
MK131 | is there a way to delete an mbr on a flash drive that isn't needed anymore? | 01:53 |
runderwo | arooni-mobile: Yes, you would need it enabled. | 01:53 |
jorvis | how do you list the files installed by a package? | 01:53 |
Rencx | why my skype sound is only in pne side? | 01:53 |
barbarella | MK131:yes | 01:54 |
bzaks | j_nwb - that's a HUGE amount of packages that I can't guaranty... may I suggest downloading virtual box and just running dpkg on a vm of server 8.10? | 01:54 |
ldlework | Ubuntu rocks! | 01:54 |
gerob | !nvidia | gerob | 01:54 |
ubottu | gerob, please see my private message | 01:54 |
j_nwb | k tx. | 01:54 |
MK131 | how would I go about deleting the MBR? | 01:54 |
hansel | fdisk mbr | 01:54 |
hansel | !mbr | 01:55 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 01:55 |
nkei0 | Anyone here have any experience with installing that acer hotkeys thing? | 01:55 |
runderwo | Jorophose: That would be a good place to start. | 01:55 |
DasEi | MK131:you could use fdisk or dd, see man for the cmd's | 01:55 |
runderwo | Jorophose: You could also try going to the terminal and grub-install hd0, and see what the matter is. | 01:55 |
n8tuser | MK131 usage of dd also | 01:55 |
jorvis | help. how do you list the files in a package installed by a apt-get? | 01:55 |
Jorophose | runderwo: what about recovery partitions? and I don't want to send them through a "check-every-file-manually" (or even with a script...) ascapade; what key files should we look for? | 01:55 |
runderwo | !backports | arooni-mobile | 01:55 |
ubottu | arooni-mobile: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See - See also !packaging | 01:55 |
runderwo | jorvis: dpkg -S <package> | 01:56 |
MK131 | kk, thnx | 01:56 |
runderwo | jorvis: or dpkg -L <package> for the file list | 01:56 |
bzaks | When trying to run split, I say this: "split --line-bytes=8G foo-backup.tar.gz foo-backup_" however its giving me 'invalid number of byes' ---- what should I change about my command line? | 01:56 |
a | I'm considering making my workstation the firewall. mail server, and webserver for our small lan. Is this a bad idea? | 01:56 |
dorgan | so I am planning on making a linux appliance...I have the "appliance" part but now I am trying to figure out the CF card stuff | 01:56 |
dorgan | a: yes thats a bad idea | 01:57 |
runderwo | a: Shouldn't be a problem. | 01:57 |
MK131 | i have an acer, what buttons aren't working? | 01:57 |
runderwo | a: But you have to pay attention to security. | 01:57 |
jorvis | thanks runderwo | 01:57 |
nkei0 | Anyone want to help me turn my wireless radio back on and keep it on? I've tried all sorts of things and it works, but then some random file gets updated and my wifi killswitch no longer works. | 01:57 |
josephnexus | hi there | 01:57 |
dorgan | when you want to use a CF card as a hard drive for an appliance what are some consideration i should consider when looking for CF Cards | 01:57 |
ludmilmm | hi. ubuntu 8.10. how do i change the Xorg log level, so i have more detailed information in the X log? | 01:57 |
Gerinych | im trying to change grub2's background following this tutorial:, but when I type update-grub, it doesn't say that it found Debian background, like in the tutorial | 01:58 |
josephnexus | i've got an interesting issue | 01:58 |
josephnexus | i was using my laptop | 01:58 |
josephnexus | went to dual monitor | 01:58 |
josephnexus | and it all worked great during the presentation | 01:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | !enter | 01:58 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:58 |
exodus_ms | !enter josephnexus | 01:58 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:58 |
jorvis | anyone know a command-line way to convert 4 jpg images to a 4-page PDF? | 01:59 |
=== rachel is now known as Guest92344 | ||
daniel24 | hello | 01:59 |
disappearedng_ | DasEi: Where do I find debian/config/i386/ then ? | 01:59 |
josephnexus | (I used the ati control center to do so) now whenever I reboot it defaults to dual screen, and I have to go in and change my resolution and then back again and it goes to my one screen | 01:59 |
tsunami | there must be a command line way to reinstall ubuntu... hopefully sacrificing all my data. any ideas? | 01:59 |
daniel24 | hi | 01:59 |
josephnexus | anyone have any ideas how I can resolve that (thanks for the enter reminder... I get a little carried away) | 01:59 |
=== luc_ is now known as lucautopia | ||
__jaschon__ | i'm getting a "Could not open location" error when i open a link in the Places menu | 01:59 |
josephnexus | tsunami... what exactly are you trying to do? | 01:59 |
DasEi | disappearedng_:no idea, but you can read ffs , nor ? try from live cd | 02:00 |
gerob | Does anyone here have experience installing a GeForce 8600 GT? I have read the tutorials but need some clarification. | 02:00 |
runderwo | !clone |tsunami | 02:00 |
ubottu | tsunami: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 02:00 |
barbarella | jorvis:you can use a pdf printer | 02:00 |
a | doran, why do you say it is a bad idea? | 02:00 |
disappearedng_ | DasEi I can read but not write | 02:00 |
daniel24 | im using chat zilla | 02:00 |
tsunami | josephnexus: boxee won't work and I blame it on my transition from kubuntu to ubuntu. I can't use a cd to reinstall and booting off flash doesnt work for me. I want boxee | 02:00 |
disappearedng_ | it's on | 02:00 |
nkei0 | How about this one? I am on an acer aspire 1680 running 8.10, however the only way I can boot and do anything is to add acpi=off in the menu.lst. The only problem with that is that my wifi killswitch has something to do with an acpi event and it stops working all the time... | 02:00 |
disappearedng_ | it's actually pretty annoying | 02:00 |
dorgan | a: well think of it this way would you use your workstation as a dev station? | 02:00 |
tanjir | can any one tell what is the minimum memory requirement for ubuntu 8.10? | 02:01 |
jorvis | barbarella: got it with imagemagick - thanks | 02:01 |
josephnexus | and u are trying to do so while preserving all o fyour information? | 02:01 |
dorgan | **i mean firewall as a dev station | 02:01 |
gerob | Does anyone here have experience installing a GeForce 8600 GT? I have read the tutorials but need some clarification. | 02:01 |
dorgan | a: a workstation is a place to test/try things a firewall is an important thing on the network | 02:01 |
daniel24 | 64 MB of system memory (RAM) | 02:01 |
josephnexus | gerob: what version of ubuntu? usually you can just use jockey | 02:01 |
MK131 | josephnexus: when you change it back from dual screen, do you have two screens attached? | 02:02 |
josephnexus | no | 02:02 |
gerob | jospehnexus: 8.10 | 02:02 |
dano_ | hey all, im trying to get compiz to work, and I think it's because X is not using the right driver. lsmod |grep agp says agpgart 42184 3 drm,intel_agp. But whenever I try to rmmod intel_agp it fails, even when I log out of X and go straight from the console. Any ideas? | 02:02 |
josephnexus | i only have one monitor... this was just for a demonstration | 02:02 |
tanjir | daniel24: thanks. | 02:02 |
gerob | jospehnexus: what is jockey? | 02:02 |
firebird619 | I just got a new Creative Labs sound card that has the breakout box with remote control. I installed gnome-lirc-properties, which has my remote listed, but not the receiver. Could someone help me get this working? | 02:02 |
josephnexus | gerob: if you have the card installed, go to system -> administration -> hardware drivers | 02:02 |
dorgan | when you want to use a CF card as a hard drive for an appliance what are some consideration i should consider when looking for CF Cards | 02:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu | 02:03 |
DasEi | disappearedng_:you could mount it ? | 02:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | tanjir, See above | 02:03 |
dorgan | !Xubuntu | 02:03 |
runderwo | dano_: Why are you trying to rmmod intel_agp ? | 02:03 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 02:03 |
disappearedng_ | yeah | 02:03 |
distinctblur | I | 02:03 |
a | doran and runderwo, thanks for your imput. | 02:03 |
dano_ | runderwo, because I have an intel i915gm card. I don't care which driver Im using I want to use the best one so I can get compiz working | 02:04 |
DasEi | disappearedng_:chown the directory it's mounted to to the regular user | 02:04 |
gerob | jospehnexus: ok so I have the options of 173 and 177 | 02:04 |
distinctblur | I'm running kernel 2.6.27-9-generic; why is update manager recommending 2.6.27-7-generic? | 02:04 |
runderwo | dano_: The drivers included with Ubuntu should enable compiz on intel chips. | 02:04 |
josephnexus | gerob: 177 should work wonderfully for you | 02:04 |
MK131 | josephnexus: then try setting it back to one monitor while connected to two monitors, that works for me most of the time | 02:04 |
dano_ | runderwo, whenevever I try to enable it, it's says it failed to set desktop options | 02:04 |
josephnexus | ok... i guess I'll have to try that | 02:05 |
gerob | jospehnexus: how do i get back in if it crashes my X server? | 02:05 |
* josephnexus will ha ve to go dig up a monitor somewhere... | 02:05 | |
Gobby | Quick question, when i minimize my windows in ubuntu studio i cannot see them on the bottom bar, but i can alt tab to them, can anyone please help me? Regards Gobby | 02:05 |
runderwo | dano_: What version of ubuntu? | 02:05 |
josephnexus | gerob: since you are on a newer version of ubuntu, if it fails, it should offer to revert to failsafes | 02:05 |
dano_ | runderwo, intrepid ibex | 02:05 |
runderwo | dano_: I'm using intrepid with an intel chip and didn't need to do anything special to enable compiz. | 02:06 |
DasEi | disappearedng_:assuming it's mounted /media/disk, will be : sudo chown -R disappearedng /media/disk (correct username, course) | 02:06 |
Gerinych | how do i change grub 2's background? | 02:06 |
disappearedng_ | DasEi read only file system | 02:06 |
dano_ | runderwo, I'm happy for you ;) I just wish I could get mine working. | 02:06 |
Gobby | Quick question, when i minimize my windows in ubuntu studio i cannot see them on the bottom bar, but i can alt tab to them, can anyone please help me? Regards Gobby | 02:06 |
DasEi | disappearedng_:was it set up like this ? | 02:07 |
dano_ | Gobby, you need to install window switcher application from pannel | 02:07 |
distinctblur | I'm running kernel 2.6.27-9-generic; why is update manager recommending 2.6.27-7-generic? | 02:07 |
disappearedng_ | DasEi I guess, I followed the guide completely | 02:07 |
Gobby | Where do i do this dano_, im farily new to ubuntu linux | 02:07 |
dano_ | gobby right click on the pannel and select add to pannel | 02:07 |
daniel24 | how do i get ubuntu if i have dialup and live in victoria melbourne australia | 02:08 |
Gobby | I am pretty sure it was working earlier, i must of accidentally switched something because it showed up before | 02:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | daniel24, By mail for free | 02:08 |
arooni-mobile | i always forget; is it better to use - in filenames, databases, directories, or _ | 02:08 |
__jaschon__ | distinctblur - i got that in update manager too | 02:08 |
josephnexus | daniel24: does shipit reach you? | 02:08 |
daniel24 | i dont know | 02:08 |
josephnexus | is the site I believe | 02:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | !shipit | 02:08 |
ubottu | shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See and and - Shipit will send Intrepid (8.10) CDs | 02:08 |
distinctblur | jaschon - tough part is it won't actually install | 02:08 |
MK131 | Gobby: add window list to taskbar; right click -> add -> window list | 02:08 |
runderwo | distinctblur: dpkg -l linux-image-generic | 02:09 |
DasEi | disappearedng_:ufs is supported by mount (default) | 02:09 |
distinctblur | runderwo: what'll that do? | 02:09 |
TheFunkbomb | Can Ubuntu run as 64bit? | 02:09 |
runderwo | danopia: How are you trying to enable compiz specifically? | 02:09 |
Gobby | Okay MK131, thanks, and may i ask, how are you directly speaking to me is there a setting, or do you manually type Gobby:,regards | 02:09 |
sheep | TheFunkbomb: the amd64 edition does | 02:09 |
danopia | runderwo, by not attempting to | 02:09 |
danopia | lol | 02:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | TheFunkbomb, YEs | 02:10 |
disappearedng_ | DasEi I am using FFS | 02:10 |
distinctblur | runderwo: nevermind I can read MAN | 02:10 |
MK131 | i manually type it, dunno about other people | 02:10 |
daniel24 | ubottu | 02:10 |
runderwo | distinctblur: It will tell you what version of the kernel is tied to the kernel virtual package. If that does not match your running kernel, that is why it is trying to downgrade your kernel. | 02:10 |
TheFunkbomb | sheep, what about the Intel 64 bit processors? | 02:10 |
=== kc8tad is now known as rrittenhouse | ||
daniel24 | who is ubottu | 02:10 |
runderwo | dano_: How are you trying to enable compiz specifically? | 02:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | TheFunkbomb, THey use the amd64 version | 02:10 |
TheFunkbomb | ubottu is a bot | 02:10 |
ubottu | Yes, I can confirm that I am a bot. for all information. | 02:10 |
DasEi | !brain > daniel24 | 02:10 |
runderwo | danopia: sorry, tab completion :) | 02:10 |
ubottu | daniel24, please see my private message | 02:10 |
sheep | TheFunkbomb: amd64 and intel's emt64 are both compatible with each other | 02:10 |
TheFunkbomb | Cool Jack_Sparrow | 02:11 |
TheFunkbomb | and when you're running Ubuntu 64 bit, is there a ram limit? | 02:11 |
MK131 | it is just called AMD64 cause they were the first (i believe) but intel uses it too now | 02:11 |
Gobby | How do you switch from the GUI to CLI? I'm full of questions, sorry :) | 02:11 |
TheFunkbomb | other than the mobo limit | 02:11 |
Gobby | Like in the terminal? | 02:11 |
daniel24 | kubotto | 02:12 |
DasEi | Gobby:alt+F2, gnome terminal (one possib) | 02:12 |
DasEi | Gobby:alt+F2, gnome-terminal (one possib) | 02:12 |
Gobby | Thank you , and has that how you also switch out? | 02:12 |
ldlework | DasEi, is that a toggle? | 02:12 |
MK131 | gobby: when you start a new session (login) select the appropriate session then too | 02:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | F7 to get out | 02:12 |
linux_newbie | hi,help my X-window contantly shuts down automatically | 02:12 |
DasEi | Idlework: what's a toggle ? | 02:13 |
linuxman410 | has anyone ever used dropbox for ubuntu | 02:13 |
Gobby | Thank, you MK131, and also DasEI. | 02:13 |
distinctblur | runderwo: that command returns | 02:13 |
runderwo | distinctblur: Doesn't help. Hmm. | 02:14 |
DasEi | Gobby: also the menu has an option > console | 02:14 |
=== albech^ is now known as albech | ||
Gobby | In the terminal, what is the command so i can just look at everything text based?.. Unless this is the same thing as my CLI question | 02:14 |
Gobby | So i can like browse the internet etc from there | 02:14 |
tyoons | I believe ubuntu has shortened the life of my laptop. I wish to sue. Who shall I sue? | 02:15 |
MK131 | tyoons: what makes you say that? | 02:15 |
quaal | you can sue me | 02:15 |
quaal | i got about $8 | 02:15 |
dorgan | when you want to use a CF card as a hard drive for an appliance what are some consideration i should consider when looking for CF Cards | 02:15 |
quaal | by suing i mean you will have to fight me for it | 02:15 |
quaal | its only fair | 02:15 |
runderwo | Gobby: elinks is a terminal based web browser. | 02:15 |
danopia | runderwo, fix your tab complete | 02:15 |
daniel24 | does shipit ship to aus | 02:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 02:16 |
danopia | runderwo, make it go in order of who spoke, not alphabetical | 02:16 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 02:16 |
sheep | tyoons: ubuntu 9.04 will have that issue fixed when it is released in april | 02:16 |
tyoons | MK131 this makes me say that --> | 02:16 |
tyoons | sheep yes, but I would like compensation for ubuntu ruining the life of my machine. I am wondering who to sue. | 02:16 |
Jorophose | ahh! possible breakthrough | 02:16 |
daniel24 | does shipit ship to aus | 02:16 |
linux_newbie | can someone please help me... my x-window shut down automatically ~10-20mins | 02:16 |
runderwo | tyoons: Sue your BIOS manufacturer. | 02:16 |
Gobby | Yes, yes that is exactly what im talking about runderwo, can you also like for example run xchat through the terminal, for the oldschool look? | 02:16 |
sheep | tyoons: iirc, that is licensed in such a way that you cannot sue for damages | 02:16 |
Jorophose | sudo grub-install hd0 returns "Could not find device for /boot: not found or not a block device" | 02:16 |
tyoons | daniel24 yes | 02:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyoons, This is support, please try a different place to express your opinion. | 02:17 |
firebird619 | Could someone please help me to get my sound card's remote control working? I have lirc and gnome-lirc-properties installed and have the right remote selected in gnome-lirc-properties, but I don't know what to set the receiver to, mine isn't listed? | 02:17 |
tyoons | daniel24 takes about 4 weeks | 02:17 |
daniel24 | how many can i order | 02:17 |
runderwo | Gobby: Use irssi for irc, imcom for IM, etc. | 02:17 |
Jorophose | Is that supposed to happen? Was I supposed to change it for sdc1 or something? | 02:17 |
tyoons | Jack_Sparrow this is not an opinion. I was looking for support. I understand that nobody associated with ubuntu wants to answer this question | 02:17 |
tyoons | Jack_Sparrow are you aware of who I can bring a class-action suit against? | 02:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyoons, You are not asking a support question.. this is support | 02:17 |
runderwo | tyoons: Don't be an idiot. It's the BIOS manufacturer's fault. | 02:18 |
daniel24 | this irc is community | 02:18 |
tyoons | runderwo no windows install had the same effect. It only occurred with ubuntu. | 02:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyoons, Feel free to ask somewhere else | 02:18 |
runderwo | tyoons: | 02:18 |
linux_newbie | can someone please help me... my x-window shut down automatically ~10-20mins. | 02:18 |
disappearedng_ | any1 here got good resource on how to build my kernel? | 02:18 |
runderwo | tyoons: Windows may work-around the broken BIOS. Ubuntu doesn't. | 02:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | danlose the caps and go look at the link | 02:19 |
vince___ | hello? | 02:19 |
runderwo | tyoons: Mainly because BIOS manufacturers refuse to talk to Linux programmers. | 02:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | daniel24, the caps and go look at the link | 02:19 |
tyoons | I would just warn everyone here about ubuntu then. It shortened the life of many of my companies laptops. There is no way to seek compensation for that. I would be very careful about installing ubuntu on any machine as a result | 02:19 |
daniel24 | what link | 02:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 02:19 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 02:19 |
tyoons | ubuntu is just too dangerous | 02:19 |
vince___ | Hi, im in a tui IRC client, and its a pain to navigate | 02:19 |
badfish69 | tyoons, you can sue me too, between me and quaal you might get 20 bucks | 02:19 |
DasEi | !hi | vince___: | 02:19 |
ubottu | vince___:: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:19 |
linux_newbie | can someone please help me... my x-window shut down automatically ~10-20mins | 02:20 |
danopia | he just left, CodeBlock[vista] | 02:20 |
daniel24 | hello ubottu | 02:20 |
Gerinych | can someone help me with grub2? | 02:20 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: You need to copy your X log into pastebin like I told you. | 02:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | !shipit | 02:20 |
ubottu | shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See and and - Shipit will send Intrepid (8.10) CDs | 02:20 |
runderwo | Jorophose: What does /boot/grub/ say? | 02:20 |
CodeBlock[vista] | danopia, i saw | 02:20 |
daniel24 | paste bin here | 02:20 |
linuxman410 | i have used ubuntu since it came out with no problems to all my computers at all | 02:20 |
Gobby | Is there a ¨correct¨ way to install Photoshop cs2, using wine... all i did was .. install the trial from, and ran it.. but its having issues when starting up... its very buggy... nothing major just bothers me.. also it is sorta slow, thanks again you ubuntu helpers :) | 02:20 |
vince___ | I just installed and updated ubuntu 8.10 on a p4 based, ATI 200 series(onbord) computer, and dispite my usual "nosplash noacpi" append, it stops booting when it hits the X11 bootups | 02:20 |
daniel24 | !shipit | 02:21 |
MK131 | tyoons: read further in that article "This problem has been confirmed in Ubuntu as well as in other distributions and on MacOS X and Windows." | 02:21 |
vince___ | can anyone direct me to some help :D | 02:21 |
DasEi | linux_newbie: check your /var/log/syslog and /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:21 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: how do I select all the info in the long list to copy it out ? | 02:21 |
MK131 | you can't get away from it :P | 02:21 |
hommeentete | hey I'm very new to shell scripting -- I need to know how to get the result of a command to be stored in a variable... see for what I'm trying to do... how do I fix that? | 02:21 |
DasEi | vince___: can you boot to safe mode ? | 02:21 |
daniel24 | ubuntu paste bin here | 02:21 |
sdkmvx | hommeentete, `command` | 02:21 |
sdkmvx | hommeentete, VARIABLE=`command` | 02:22 |
hommeentete | oooh ````` gotcha | 02:22 |
Jorophose | runderwo: do I cat it? | 02:22 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Open it in a text editor, and select all, and copy. | 02:22 |
daniel24 | EVERYONE Listion Paste bin HERE | 02:22 |
runderwo | Jorophose: Yeah, it's a text file. | 02:22 |
hommeentete | i was using all the different quotes and didn't try that one | 02:22 |
vince___ | DasEi, I booted with the recovery mode, but it said "Trace complete" or something, then it just stopped doing anything. | 02:22 |
hommeentete | sdkmvx: thanks | 02:22 |
slew | hi im currently using hardy, is there an easy way to upgrade to intrepid, or do i need to? i'm on a sony vaio with a broken cd drive. | 02:22 |
Gerob | Hi, I just installed Ubunut, updated and then installed the 1.77 nvidia drivers through the hardware manager. When I reset my system it dropped me at a text login with something about tty1? How do I get back into the GUI? | 02:23 |
DasEi | vince___:on a standard p4 ? sounds like a bad installation (burn/cd-drive) | 02:23 |
Jorophose | Gerob: Try "startx" and see what it tells you | 02:23 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: how to display the log with txt editor ? | 02:23 |
hml | how do I change the size of my X11/desktop ? | 02:23 |
vince___ | DasEi, it booted fine before i updated the software in update manager. | 02:23 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: my name says it all | 02:23 |
daniel24 | slew: upgrade info here | 02:23 |
Gerob | Jorophose ok be back in 5 mins | 02:23 |
Jorophose | hml: Check your settings manager. | 02:24 |
hml | Jorophose: where? | 02:24 |
hml | Jorophose: what to typpe at the command line? | 02:24 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: gnome-text-editor <logfile> | 02:24 |
slew | daniel24, thanks | 02:24 |
linuxman410 | use update manager slew and upgrade that way | 02:24 |
DasEi | vince___:when going to safe mode, no error (trace?) is displayed ? | 02:24 |
edju | kernel 2.6.24-22-generic. at boot, each message scrolling by repeats - shows up twice. any clue as to why appreciated. | 02:24 |
daniel24 | slew: its ok | 02:24 |
Jorophose | hml: You don't need the command line for this one. It should be in the Settings, Display Settings or similar. | 02:24 |
vince___ | I am accutally using irssi, in CUI | 02:24 |
daniel24 | slew: if any more probs ask | 02:24 |
Jorophose | You could try "xrandr -s 1024x768" but it's only temporary, until you reboot | 02:24 |
DasEi | vince___:was it a dist-upgrade ? | 02:24 |
slew | daniel24, thanks, will do | 02:25 |
linux_newbie | !pastebin | 02:25 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 02:25 |
vince___ | DasEi, no sir, it was simply a normal update | 02:25 |
hommeentete | okay next question - what's the shell script syntax for comparing a number to a variable -- eg, $E < 7 | 02:25 |
daniel24 | !pastebin | 02:25 |
daniel24 | >!pastebin | 02:25 |
daniel24 | !pastebin | 02:25 |
daniel24 | ubottu !pastebin | 02:25 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 02:25 |
daniel24 | ubottu !pastebin | 02:25 |
linux_newbie | | 02:25 |
runderwo | hommeentete: man test | 02:26 |
DasEi | vince___:so I'd first run a e2fsck from live, then chroot from live into the fs and update/grade again | 02:26 |
daniel24 | any one have probs | 02:26 |
vince___ | DasEi, Ill try it. but i think it has something to do with the video more like | 02:26 |
vince___ | ill be back | 02:26 |
vince___ | exit | 02:26 |
hommeentete | runderwo: well i'm doing it in an if clause, so i was looking for something a little more straightforward | 02:27 |
daniel24 | ubottu | 02:27 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: | 02:27 |
daniel24 | kbottu | 02:27 |
runderwo | hommeentete: it's exactly what you need. Just look at it. | 02:28 |
MK131 | is there anyway to copy current computer config (including drivers) to an install cd for later install on the same system? | 02:28 |
MK131 | or atleast export current drivers? | 02:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !aptoncd | 02:29 |
ubottu | APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 02:29 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Looks like no problems there. But the X server crashes as soon as it starts up? (Not once you login) | 02:29 |
BigMike | i just tried to install compiz plugins and it wrecked my system there are no window buttons anymore what should I do? | 02:31 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: actually, the shutdown box automatically prompts for like lightening second then it will shutdown | 02:31 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: But this is as soon as X starts up without you touching anything? | 02:31 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: nope it will shut down my computer ... | 02:31 |
MK131 | BigMike, that happened when I tested out Mandriva (i know...) try restarting, or set up window decorations in CCSM | 02:32 |
Gerob | Jorophose: It said: Fatal Server error: no screens found, giving up. xinit:Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to Xserver ... xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error | 02:32 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Did it ever work correctly, and what changed since it did? | 02:32 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: this only happened today | 02:32 |
csana | im trying to formant a floppy with fdformat /dev/fd0 on ubuntu,says /dev/fd0 no such file or directory | 02:32 |
hommeentete | runderwo: yea you were right lol thanks | 02:32 |
BigMike | i deleted compiz | 02:33 |
runderwo | hommeentete: y/w | 02:33 |
ghone | Anyone know how to get a Linksys WRT54G2 working with wireless without MS-Windows? | 02:33 |
JoshPilcer | does ubuntu support java? | 02:33 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: I didn't touch anything and the shutdown box will pops up and shut down my computer | 02:33 |
Jorophose | nVidia drivers are sadly beyond my level of expertise... But do you have a failsafe xorg.conf? or a backup of it? | 02:33 |
csana | ghone:hookup two routers or as a wireless adapter? | 02:33 |
nightrid3r | ghone: | 02:33 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Did you upgrade anything? | 02:33 |
Jorophose | Though I sadly can't do much for you, I know some of the guys here are brilliant and can help you out... right? D= | 02:33 |
Gerob | I dont know | 02:33 |
Gerob | Jorophose: I dont know | 02:34 |
csana | ghone:misunderstood your question | 02:34 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: not really | 02:34 |
ghone | csna: I wanted to use it to connect a notebook running ubuntu to a PPPoE modem | 02:34 |
JoshPilcer | does ubuntu support java? | 02:34 |
ghone | nightrid3r: doesn't exist | 02:34 |
Gerob | JoshPilcer: yes | 02:34 |
csana | via wireless? | 02:35 |
ghone | csna:yes. | 02:35 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Is it a laptop? | 02:35 |
dean | !help | 02:35 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 02:35 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: a desktop | 02:35 |
nightrid3r | ghone: use wired first to setup your linksys | 02:35 |
Jorophose | Oyoyoy... Is there an older but more stable version of the nvidia drivers in the repos? | 02:35 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: I'm out of ideas. You could try purging and reinstalling gdm. | 02:36 |
Jorophose | Do you think you could get it running in VESA mode? | 02:36 |
Gerob | Can anyone help me with getting my GUI back up and running after installing my nvidia drivers and getting stuck at a tty1? | 02:36 |
ghone | nightrid3r: sing a wired connection, the router works as a hub. | 02:36 |
Steelflint | Gerob, what graphics card do you have, and what resolution are you aiming for? | 02:36 |
runderwo | Gerob: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace 'nvidia' with 'nv' | 02:36 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: what could trigger the shutdown box to pop up automatically ? | 02:36 |
csana | uh so like this? laptop-(router)~(wireless)~(ppoe modem)--internet? | 02:37 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: The only thing I can think of is ACPI thinks your battery is dead, but it's not a laptop. | 02:37 |
nightrid3r | ghone: reset the router first, puvh a pen in the small hole in the back | 02:37 |
Gerob | Steelflint: A geforce 8600 GT and my monitors optimum resolution is 1680X1050 | 02:37 |
dean | !botsnack | 02:37 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 02:37 |
marine | nightrid3r, what's good | 02:37 |
csana | i eat packets... | 02:37 |
MK131 | how can i set up my wifi card so I can connect to it via ps3 (create a wireless access point) | 02:38 |
ghone | csna: Near as I can tell, the thing works just fine so long as I don't try to use wireless functionality or access http: | 02:38 |
csana | !botsnack | 02:38 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 02:38 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: where to check this acpi setting in ubuntu ? | 02:38 |
csana | ... | 02:38 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Just go to a command line and type acpi. | 02:38 |
marine | does anyone here know how to merge an unallocated partition | 02:38 |
runderwo | But you won't have a battery. | 02:38 |
ghone | nightrid3r: Yeah, tried that around lunchtime or so. Any other ideas? | 02:38 |
csana | ghone:im a noob and also i dont really get what your saying,try | 02:38 |
dean | marine: use gparted to expand the partiton | 02:39 |
runderwo | !gparted | marine | 02:39 |
ubottu | marine: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 02:39 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: it returns nothing | 02:39 |
ghone | csna: also a no-go | 02:39 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Right, because you don't have a battery. | 02:39 |
csana | uhh...are you connected to it? | 02:39 |
ghone | csna: yes, using a cable | 02:39 |
marine | that's how i got the unallocated partition from gparted | 02:39 |
nightrid3r | ghone: for a full reset you need to press the butten for 20 sec | 02:39 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Try sudo dpkg --purge gdm; sudo apt-get install gdm | 02:39 |
csana | as in does ubuntu say you are?btw its written csana | 02:40 |
marine | dean, i used gparted to free up the remaining hardrive space from the windows side and got an unallocated partition | 02:40 |
ghone | nightridr: tried for about 40 seconds or so. is it possible that th192.168.a.b (where a and b are between 0 and 5) is incorrect? | 02:41 |
marine | runderwo, i used gparted to free up the remaining hardrive space from the windows side and got an unallocated partition | 02:41 |
dean | marine; click on the linux partition, hit resize and then make it take up the free space | 02:41 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: gdm is the lastest ... diffstat quilt libfribidi-dev is no longer needed... apt-get autoremove... to remove it | 02:42 |
marine | dean let me try that | 02:42 |
nightrid3r | ghone: it should be unless they changed it in your model all other linksys use that adress | 02:42 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: shut I do as instructed ? | 02:42 |
csana | ghone:right click on the little computer connection icon and click on connection information | 02:42 |
marine | dean i don't think it gave me that choice the first time. | 02:42 |
ghone | linksys tech support also said the same address | 02:42 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: should I do as insturcted ? | 02:42 |
dean | ghone: try if that doesn't work | 02:42 |
csana | ghone:right click on the little computer connection icon and click on connection information | 02:42 |
ghone | maybe I just got a broken one | 02:43 |
csana | ghone:right click on the little computer connection icon and click on connection information | 02:43 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: I was just suggesting to reinstall it in case it's gotten screwed up somehow, but I don't think it'll make a difference. | 02:43 |
hellhound_ | how can i downgrade my flash plugin from 10.x to 9.x??? I have 9.x downloaded but i cannot find any resolution in google just people advising other downgrade to 9.x | 02:43 |
dean | marine: you can't resize a partition while you're using it | 02:43 |
marine | dean | 02:43 |
dean | marine: you'll have to boot from the live cd | 02:43 |
marine | dean, it won't give me that option | 02:44 |
homeskillet | im tryin to connect to my wireless router and ubuntu is asking me to create a default keyring by choosing a password. is this necessary? | 02:44 |
dean | marine: are you in the live CD or booting from hard drive | 02:44 |
ghone | Is there anyone who's definitely got a WRT54G2 working? | 02:44 |
marine | dean, and do what | 02:44 |
marine | dean, booting form the hard drive | 02:44 |
csana | ghone:right click on the little computer connection icon and click on connection information should say some ip adreses | 02:44 |
linuxman410 | me gphone using it right now | 02:44 |
dean | marine: open gparted from the live cd | 02:45 |
dean | marine: instead of from the hard drive | 02:45 |
dean | marine: since ubuntu is using the partition, you cannot access it | 02:45 |
dean | marine: it has a lock next to it, right | 02:45 |
marine | dean and then what i don't want to wipe out what i already have | 02:45 |
dean | marine: post a screenshot | 02:45 |
ghone | csana: no, it doesn't. I think that might only work when the wifi is actually working. | 02:45 |
csana | does it say youre connected? | 02:46 |
marine | how is that done | 02:46 |
ghone | csna: nope | 02:46 |
mewshi | can someone help me with vuze? | 02:46 |
csana | ok then no wonder | 02:46 |
dean | marine: Alt-printscreen and then use | 02:46 |
marine | dean, yes it does a set of keys | 02:46 |
csana | how are you on the internet? | 02:47 |
mewshi | <- this is the output when I try to run vuze, what can I do? | 02:47 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: it might be the spring engine game I 've install the before that | 02:47 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: I doubt it, but you could try removing it. | 02:47 |
ghone | csna: ethernet cable | 02:47 |
marine | dean see pm | 02:47 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: how do i uninstall it ? I couldn't find it in add/remove | 02:47 |
dean | !help | 02:47 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 02:47 |
csana | ghone: i mean how are you using this irc | 02:48 |
ghone | Yeah, I | 02:48 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: How did you install it? | 02:48 |
ghone | 'csna: I'm using an ethernet cable to the router which is connected to a PPPoE modem also vie ethernet cable. | 02:48 |
ghone | csna: I'm using an ethernet cable to the router which is connected to a PPPoE modem also vie ethernet cable. | 02:49 |
csana | you said internet doesnt work | 02:49 |
MK13 | !help | 02:49 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 02:49 |
marine | dean i can resize and use the unallocated space frm the livecd | 02:49 |
ghone | csna: it doesn't work over wireless | 02:49 |
=== Agent is now known as Guest63889 | ||
csana | oh | 02:49 |
csana | uh.. | 02:49 |
csana | *sigh* i cant help | 02:49 |
ghone | csna: wired it works except that there's no | 02:49 |
jon_high9000 | hi. is there a way to adjust text color to make text visable in dark background gtk themes? | 02:50 |
csana | are you sure the connection info doesnt say anything? | 02:50 |
ghone | Yeah, I think I might just have to do something drastic at the point of sale. | 02:50 |
Tyrath | would anyone know how to add indicators on QTStalker | 02:50 |
Tyrath | ? | 02:50 |
marine | dean did you get that | 02:51 |
csana | click on it normal then | 02:51 |
csana | what are the optins | 02:51 |
dean | marine: yes | 02:51 |
marine | dean, so is that right | 02:52 |
Tyrath | !QtStalker | 02:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about QtStalker | 02:52 |
Tyrath | :( | 02:52 |
Tyrath | !stocks > Tyrath | 02:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about stocks | 02:52 |
caveman26 | I installed ubuntu inside windows, how do I access my user folder in ubuntu from windows? I need some game files out of there for windows | 02:52 |
marine | dean, i don't want to lose the info i have so far | 02:52 |
csana | !QTStalker | 02:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about QTStalker | 02:52 |
Tyrath | csana: do you have it? | 02:53 |
csana | no | 02:53 |
Tyrath | :/ | 02:53 |
csana | what is it? | 02:53 |
Tyrath | Technical Analysis program for the sharemarket | 02:53 |
MK13 | wow, just found out you could opt out of the grub install on the regular cd. I've been using the alternate cd for that, lol | 02:53 |
hellhound_ | how can i downgrade my flash plugin from 10.x to 9.x??? I have 9.x downloaded but i cannot find any resolution in google just people advising other downgrade to 9.x | 02:53 |
Tyrath | does graphs and stuff | 02:53 |
=== FireFox is now known as b-man | ||
marine | dean, i don't want to lose the info i have so far | 02:53 |
marine | dean, will rebooting from cd do that | 02:54 |
Tyrath | csana: there's just nowhere on the internet or so it seems where it explains in effective english how to configure indices to graph formulas that you're interested in | 02:54 |
=== b-man is now known as FireFox | ||
wayne__ | hi guys i have an issue when i type this sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras i get this eror i am a noob to ubuntu and could do with some help | 02:56 |
Raylz | where do i find the plugins configuration in konqueror? | 02:56 |
phix | ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen | 02:56 |
phix | ata1.00: cmd c8/00:80:35:79:19/00:00:00:00:00/e6 tag 0 dma 65536 in res 40/00:1f:76:10:0f/00:00:00:00:00/e6 Emask 0x4 (timeout) | 02:56 |
phix | why? | 02:56 |
wayne__ | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 02:57 |
Raylz | wayne__: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 02:57 |
wayne__ | kk | 02:57 |
wayne__ | ty | 02:57 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: thanks for ur time I guess I will just format my hd | 02:57 |
phix | LjL: Any ideas why that message would appear? | 02:57 |
Tyrath | has anyone on ubuntu managed to get the hibernate program working? | 02:59 |
dreamy | why whould anyone have any reason to come here and help» | 02:59 |
dreamy | ? | 02:59 |
dreamy | why whould anyone have any reason to come here and help»? | 02:59 |
treats | i wonder that when i come here for help myself | 02:59 |
Tyrath | dreamy: because we like to help | 02:59 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: I wish it was always an easy fix. | 02:59 |
nightrid3r | dreamy: extreme sm ? | 02:59 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: You could first do this: | 02:59 |
Tyrath | dreamy: and if you ask people questions you should give something back in return | 02:59 |
treats | you need to hope someone has a more technical problem than yourself and they see your problem | 03:00 |
runderwo | !clone | linux_newbie | 03:00 |
ubottu | linux_newbie: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 03:00 |
dreamy | Tyrath: ok thats a great quality | 03:00 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: Reinstall the packages that way and see if it helps. | 03:00 |
phix | any ideas guys / gurls? | 03:00 |
phix | or do I need to bang my head against the table a few more times? | 03:00 |
Jorophose | it seems grub installed just fine... | 03:00 |
Tyrath | dreamy: you're using a product that people have produced for free, putting hours into it, and some of us feel obliged to give something back to the community because we're freeloading | 03:00 |
dreamy | helping ppl is a great quality... ok .. i like to help too | 03:00 |
=== jgoguen_ is now known as jgoguen | ||
=== Octoroks_ is now known as Octoroks | ||
phix | dreamy: help me then :P | 03:01 |
dreamy | :) | 03:01 |
Tyrath | dreamy: so when you're in from time to time just help people with their problems | 03:01 |
phix | dreamy: put some action behind those words :P | 03:01 |
dreamy | :) | 03:01 |
nightrid3r | !automate | 03:02 |
ubottu | Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at - See also !cloning | 03:02 |
Rencx | how run skype in Ubuntu startup? | 03:02 |
Gobby | !photoshop | 03:02 |
ubottu | A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at and - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot | 03:02 |
phix | Rencx: why use skype for? | 03:02 |
Gobby | Any photoshop users? | 03:03 |
phix | Rencx: when you can run your own skype like service which uses open standards | 03:03 |
Tyrath | Gobby: I used to use it | 03:03 |
phix | Rencx: asterisk for the win | 03:03 |
Gobby | Tyrath, did you use it with Ubuntu studio? | 03:03 |
Gobby | Using wine | 03:03 |
MK13 | photoshop user here :) | 03:03 |
Rencx | phix i need all my skype contacts | 03:03 |
DivineOmega | Rencx, you can run Skype at start up by going to System -> Preferences -> Session | 03:03 |
phix | Rencx: fail :) | 03:04 |
Tyrath | Gobby: nope. never. have you tried gimp? gimp's good! | 03:04 |
homeskillet | anyone know if verizon fios supports ubuntu linux and if they'll give tech support for it? | 03:04 |
DivineOmega | Then adding a new item under the 'Startup programs' tab. | 03:04 |
Tyrath | Gobby: I have photoshop on my mum's mac tho CS3 I think it is | 03:04 |
Luka | lucasito | 03:04 |
Gobby | All photoshop users, i am using photoshop cs2 with wine.. but its very buggy.. and wondering if there is a much more stable way of using it? | 03:04 |
Tyrath | Gobby: and it's mac os x so uses the unix kernel | 03:04 |
phix | I wonder if there is a SIP -> Skype / Skype -> SIP gatewaye module for asterisk | 03:04 |
nickrud | Gobby, running it in windows in virtualbox | 03:04 |
DivineOmega | phix, I doubt it. Skype's protocol is secret and encrypted. | 03:05 |
Gobby | Hmm, im going to try GIMPShop, so i get the feel of photoshop, i've been using photoshop cs2 for a year, its wonderful | 03:05 |
Rencx | DivineOmega yes but what comad i need write there? | 03:05 |
MK13 | i use Photoshop CS4 on windows... but GIMP is a very close rival | 03:05 |
DivineOmega | Providing you have the Linux version of skype installed, just Skype. | 03:05 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: ok thanks I will try that when I come back | 03:05 |
Gobby | Nickrud, i have no idea how to setup virtualbox... my dad used it , (we are both ubuntu users) and he coul'nt setup right, rather not | 03:05 |
DivineOmega | Sorry 'skype' - lowercase | 03:05 |
Tyrath | phix: you need to get past what is knows as the skype obfuscion layer - or something like that. should be on wiki... | 03:06 |
linux_newbie | runderwo: thanks alot cya | 03:06 |
DivineOmega | Rencx, that worked for you? | 03:06 |
Rencx | DivineOmega is there on linux beter program than skype? | 03:06 |
runderwo | linux_newbie: y/w | 03:06 |
BigMike | how do I get my windows buttons back they disappeard | 03:07 |
Tyrath | anyone got any idea of how to get hibernate (the linux app) to work? | 03:07 |
Rencx | DivineOmega: i add it.. | 03:07 |
daniel24 | hi | 03:07 |
daniel24 | im back] | 03:07 |
treats | many of my apps, after making the jump from kubuntu to ubuntu quit before they have a chance to start up. is there a way to fix this? | 03:07 |
Tyrath | because I read the ubuntu tutorial on it and modified all the settings and it still doesn't do anything other than kill my network connection temporarily | 03:08 |
DivineOmega | Rencx, cool. I usually only use Skype for my voice communicates. | 03:08 |
zacktu | hibernate worked for me until I resized and moved swap -- now it doesn't | 03:08 |
GBGames | I'm running 7.04, and I can't update anytime soon, so it's what I have to work with right now. I found that when I switch to a different wifi network, /etc/hosts reverts back to the default, so anything I set in there disappears. Is there a different place I'm expected to set a hostname for a remote IP? | 03:08 |
Tyrath | zacktu: hibernate as in the script for linux? or the gnome hibernate thing? | 03:08 |
Rencx | DivineOmega i had problem with sound i uninstalled pulseaudio thet was write? | 03:08 |
=== distinctblur_ is now known as distinctblur | ||
fulat2k | hi folks, i just installed ubuntu-desktop from a kubuntu installation. however, there's no sound once the gnome desktop loads. any ideas? there's sound in gdm as well as in kde. | 03:09 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: allocation of memory problem ? | 03:09 |
DivineOmega | Rencx, you shouldn't have needed to uninstall Pulseaudio. What was the nature of the sound problem? Was it specific to Skype? | 03:09 |
zacktu | tyrath -- i tried both -- can see that the commands to hibernate are all executed, but not the ones to wake up | 03:09 |
Tyrath | GBGames: have you tried configuring the details in /etc/network/interfaces ? | 03:09 |
Rencx | DivineOmega yes i hear only with left side | 03:10 |
GBGames | Tyrath: Nope. I'll take a look. | 03:10 |
Tyrath | GBGames: that's probably not the solution you want | 03:10 |
Jorophose | So guys, any chance one of you would know how grub could fail, even though it's been installed properly and appears to know about all the hard drives?... maybe the BIOS is ignoring grub? | 03:10 |
Rencx | DivineOmega now i fix it and i can hear both sides i installed esound | 03:10 |
zacktu | robert - don't think so there's plenty of swap -- the forums show how to make certain the uuid is correct, etc, but none of that works | 03:10 |
hansel | I am trying to get my WinXP vmware image working but it keeps saying operating system not found. This vmware image worked just fine on my vista box. ideas or does somebody have a .vmx file I could try? | 03:10 |
Tyrath | GBGames: but you can set your wifi settings to auto connect on boot | 03:10 |
hansel | I am using vmware btw... just dl'd it. | 03:11 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: you have a log something error messages ? | 03:11 |
vison | - - | 03:11 |
GBGames | Well, they already autoconnect. The problem is when I take my laptop to a different wifi connection, it seems to remove my customizations. | 03:11 |
DivineOmega | Rencx, you've fixed it? Great stuff. | 03:11 |
marine | does anyone know how to engage the autorun software | 03:11 |
Rencx | DivineOmega do you now how to startup 2 skype accounts on one pc? | 03:12 |
Tyrath | GBGames: unless you see something like auto wlan0 in that file it may not be auto connecting to the wireless network | 03:12 |
zacktu | robert - i read the man pages and found out where the logs are kept - this was before christmas, so i don't remember where the log is | 03:12 |
ardchoille | marine: in nautilus: Edit > Preferences > Media tab ? | 03:12 |
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log | ||
pyro2927 | using gnome, when i open firefox it seems to be located in a different position on my screen. is there a way to make it remember the last location i placed it and have it open there? | 03:12 |
GBGames | Tyrath: When I am able to use the network connection, it is clear that it is working. My concern isn't the wireless connection. My concern is that I named an IP address in /etc/hosts so it is easy to ssh to it, but when I switch wifi networks, it seems that /etc/hosts is getting overwritten. | 03:13 |
Rencx | Can anyone explain how to run Windows program on Ubuntu.. I have Wine instaled.. | 03:13 |
Gobby | Can you get a windows virus, from installing a windows program with wine? | 03:13 |
DivineOmega | Rencx, you can start two instances of Skype in Linux. | 03:13 |
ardchoille | pyro2927: Been looking for that for months, haven't found anything for it | 03:13 |
Tyrath | GBGames: you should also allocate instructions such as wireless-mode managed wireless-channel <channel> wireless-essid <your wireless networks name> | 03:13 |
runderwo | Gobby: It's possible | 03:13 |
marine | ardchoille, i don't see nautilus | 03:13 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: | 03:13 |
Rencx | <DivineOmega> yes but they will launch in the same account | 03:13 |
Gobby | runderwo: what are the chances? | 03:13 |
pyro2927 | ardchoille: :( | 03:14 |
runderwo | Gobby: 42.6971% | 03:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gobby, Highly unlike;y, but dont use root access and dont map /root as drive Z | 03:14 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: the most common problem is your fstab, but you cleared the UUID you siad right ? | 03:14 |
ardchoille | marine: Places > Home | 03:14 |
Rencx | <DivineOmega> or one of them i need write by hand | 03:14 |
marine | ardchoille, i'm trying to boot up form livecd and it won't run automatically | 03:14 |
Tyrath | GBGames: sudo ifup -a will make it reread the interfaces file | 03:14 |
Rencx | Can anyone explain how to run Windows program on Ubuntu.. I have Wine instaled.. | 03:14 |
Brendan_Johnson | does anyone know how to change the startup screen on ubuntu? | 03:14 |
runderwo | Gobby: Seriously, the worst that can usually happen is that it deletes all your user's files and starts some network service. | 03:14 |
DivineOmega | Rencx, you can sign out of one and sign into another account manually, but you can not make it auto login to two different accounts. | 03:14 |
runderwo | Gobby: Which is pretty bad. | 03:14 |
Brendan_Johnson | please pm me | 03:14 |
nightrid3r | marine: check your bios, set it to boot from cdrom | 03:14 |
Gobby | i see, is there a built in ubuntu scanner? | 03:15 |
Tyrath | Rencx: type wine <path to file>/<filename>.exe in terminal | 03:15 |
runderwo | !wine | Rencx | 03:15 |
ubottu | Rencx: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help | 03:15 |
GBGames | Tyrath: Ok, but what does that have to do with /etc/hosts getting overwritten? | 03:15 |
Gobby | that will detect those types of things? | 03:15 |
runderwo | !clamav | Gobby | 03:15 |
zacktu | robert: yes, i've checked fstab, and the UUIDs match -- i did a copy and paste -- and have checked that swap works | 03:15 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about clamav | 03:15 |
runderwo | !info clamav | Gobby | 03:15 |
ubottu | clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.94.dfsg.2-1ubuntu0.1 (intrepid), package size 227 kB, installed size 416 kB | 03:15 |
marine | ard | 03:15 |
treats | my ubuntu is acting rediculous. Can I bring it back to a "out of the box" state without using a boot cd or thumb stick? | 03:15 |
nightrid3r | treats: no | 03:15 |
ardchoille | marine: my bad, what I recommended isn't what you want, sorry about that | 03:15 |
runderwo | treats: Try creating a new user account and seeing if it has the same problems. | 03:15 |
Tyrath | GBGames: well I think it reads the interfaces file first. so any settings in there prob override the others. i'm not 100% sure tho | 03:15 |
Gerinych | how do i uninstall grub2? | 03:16 |
Gobby | how can i download clamav runderwo? and thanks for all the help | 03:16 |
Brendan_Johnson | does anyone know how to change the startup screen on ubuntu? please pm me. | 03:16 |
franki^ | usplash? | 03:16 |
Gobby | just want to be safe always :) | 03:16 |
marine | ardchoille, i found it and it looks like it says ask what to do and it di nothing when i poped the cd in | 03:16 |
linxeh | treats: sometimes you can delete most of the stuff in your home dir (all the .directories) and it will be ok, other times you need to reinstall unless you know what you are doing | 03:16 |
runderwo | Gobby: sudo apt-get install clamav. But remember it's not a resident scanner, so you'll have to invoke it manually to scan a windows file. | 03:16 |
Brendan_Johnson | I guess it is the usplash | 03:16 |
marine | nightrid3r, check bios from the desktop how is that done | 03:16 |
Brendan_Johnson | it is the one with the progress bar when booting ubuntu | 03:17 |
Ying | hi. i need a driver for my ZET modem to run under ubuntu. model: MF622 HSDPA USB MODEM. Can anyone help me? | 03:17 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: you mind if we check again ? | 03:17 |
zacktu | robert: okay | 03:17 |
Gobby | Alright runderwo... thanks very much hope theres not a limit on questions because im going to ask alot :) | 03:17 |
nightrid3r | marine: when booting pc press "del" or "f1" or something like that | 03:17 |
runderwo | Gobby: If I'm around :) | 03:17 |
Brendan_Johnson | marine: i think it is f8 | 03:17 |
Brendan_Johnson | when booting | 03:18 |
Destinatus | how do i install ubuntu from a usb flash drive? | 03:18 |
macman | guys .. i feel like going straight console mode .. is this good or bad ? | 03:18 |
marine | all right thanks but the cd is in now and it won't play | 03:18 |
Brendan_Johnson | you need to mount ubuntu to the flash and then it will act like a cd | 03:18 |
Descention | I need help with wireless: I have a Realtek 8185 - I am running ubuntu 8.04 - kernel 2.6.24-23-generic - I installed the linux-backports-modules and still do not have wireless. | 03:18 |
Gobby | If i deleted a file.. that was not a like uninstallable program.. its not installed just downloaded and used it no setup what so ever.. if i just delete this will it permanently go away? sorry i cant think of any better way to put it | 03:18 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: (please use tab to complete my Nick because I could miss your reply) do a ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid | 03:18 |
nightrid3r | marine: open the cd in windows and see if theres more than 1 file | 03:19 |
GBGames | Tyrath: Found it. | 03:19 |
Brendan_Johnson | Descention: check your hardware settings in the upper right hand corner | 03:19 |
gerber | i got new monitor, where can i go to change resolution ? | 03:19 |
Brendan_Johnson | does anyone know how to change the startup screen on ubuntu? | 03:19 |
Destinatus | can i just copy unbuntu cd over to flash drive after partitioning the flash drive and making the primary partition active? | 03:19 |
Tyrath | GBGames: nice :). sorry i couldn't be of more help | 03:19 |
marine | nightrid3r, yes there is about 10 files | 03:19 |
MK13 | gerber: system -> preferences -> resolution | 03:19 |
Descention | Brendan_Johnson: I see nothing about hardware settings. | 03:19 |
zacktu | Robert_Surcouf: wanna see the output? | 03:19 |
marine | nightrid3r, maye more | 03:19 |
DivineOmega | gerber, System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution | 03:19 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: then compare it with you /etc/fstab if you could paste them in | 03:20 |
Rencx | Ouuuch nice i can run some windows programs :) | 03:20 |
nightrid3r | marine: have more than 1 cd/dvd | 03:20 |
Ying | hi. where can i find a driver for my ZET modem to run under ubuntu. model: MF622 HSDPA USB MODEM? | 03:20 |
Chlorate | When I run Compiz Fusion, videos I watch through vlc, totem, etc will flash black on Ubuntu 8.10. Any ideas? | 03:20 |
Descention | Brendan_Johnson: i see hardware drivers, the wireless driver is checked, but not in use | 03:20 |
Brendan_Johnson | Destinatus: check this out: | 03:20 |
Destinatus | thank you | 03:20 |
marine | nightrid3r, what | 03:21 |
Gobby | If i deleted a file.. that was not a like uninstallable program.. its not installed just downloaded and used it no setup what so ever.. if i just delete this will it permanently go away? sorry i cant think of any better way to put it | 03:21 |
OmiKrOn | hi, what's the latest available kernel version in the repositories? | 03:21 |
nightrid3r | marine: have more than 1 cd/dvd drive ? | 03:21 |
marine | nightrid3r, don't follow you | 03:21 |
marine | nightrid3r, no just this one | 03:21 |
Rencx | ouh nice :) | 03:21 |
RORgasm | hey guys i had installed vmware server on my laptop before | 03:21 |
marine | nightrid3r, the cd/dvd drive works fine | 03:21 |
RORgasm | i was wondering how i could totally remove it | 03:21 |
Rencx | i love it... lol | 03:22 |
Destinatus | maybe i wasn't clear. i want to boot and install ubuntu off a usb flash drive | 03:22 |
nightrid3r | marine: let me check something | 03:22 |
zacktu | Robert_Surcouf: pasted | 03:22 |
RORgasm | i wanna delete everything i had once windows installed on it but i want to remove it now | 03:22 |
Rencx | !virtualbox | 03:22 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: you need to give us the url | 03:22 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at | 03:22 |
Robert_Surcouf | !paste | zacktu | 03:22 |
ubottu | zacktu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 03:22 |
marine | nightrid3r, i'm getting an error cannot find autorun software | 03:23 |
marine | nightrid3r, cannot find autorun program | 03:23 |
nightrid3r | marine: is one of the files on the cd named casper | 03:23 |
zacktu | Robert_Surcouf: | 03:24 |
marine | nightrid3r, yes | 03:24 |
Jaffarkelshac | i installed netmeter with wine, it work, but when it starts up startup from sessions, it does not dock in the system tray. it docks in the wine system tray which floats on the desktop. #winehq no help. any ideas | 03:24 |
Tyrath | does the python program have a dictionary? and how good is it if it does? | 03:24 |
nightrid3r | marine: it could be either a burning error or a bad download | 03:24 |
Chlorate | When I play videos from my hard drive through totem, vlc, etc they flash black like the refresh rate is wrong. This only occurs when I have compiz running, any ideas how to fix it? I'm on ubuntu 8.10 32bit. | 03:25 |
marine | nightrid3r, is that what a casper file means | 03:25 |
jrib | Tyrath: what do you mean exactly? | 03:25 |
nightrid3r | marine: no the file has to be there but if it doesn't boot and your bios is ok then you have a bad disk | 03:25 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: looks good quick question it was sda2 before ? | 03:25 |
Ultraputz | in nautilus, where are the icons in the sidebar (shortcuts) defined? is there a reference that documents it? | 03:25 |
Tyrath | jrib: well is there any python command that looks up words in a dictionary? like >>> lookup <word> ? | 03:26 |
jrib | Tyrath: #python | 03:26 |
Tyrath | jrib: I guess i'll just check in the man then | 03:26 |
grayson | Hi all, what is the command in terminal to update clamav, please and thank you. | 03:26 |
marine | nightrid3r, the error mesage is cannot find autorun program | 03:26 |
Tyrath | jrib: but if you want to send me to a channel for something would you know of a channel that could help me with QTStalker? | 03:27 |
jrib | Tyrath: ask #python, that's the proper place to ask question about python programming | 03:27 |
jrib | Tyrath: I don't know what qtstalker is | 03:27 |
MK13 | grayson: not sure, but isn't it 'sudo apt-get update clamav' or similar? | 03:27 |
nightrid3r | marine: is there a file "umenu.exe" | 03:27 |
Tyrath | jrib: it's not python programming related, just python command related. I don't know python and don't care to learn it - i only use the program for it's calculator but thanks for the tip anyhow | 03:27 |
zacktu | Robert_Surcouf: dunno about sda2 -- now i have sda1 & sda3 as windows partitions and sda2 is an extended partition containint /boot /home / and swap | 03:27 |
jrib | Tyrath: what you are asking is a python programming question | 03:28 |
linuxman410 | grayson it is gksudo clamtk | 03:28 |
marine | nightrid3r, yes it's a blue diamond shaped | 03:28 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: could you issue a sudo swapon -a | 03:28 |
grayson | MK13, I tried "sudo apt-get clamfresh" and sudo freshclam | 03:28 |
grayson | linuxman410, Thankl you! | 03:28 |
Tyrath | jrib: I don't understand. it doesn't involve programming anything | 03:28 |
jrib | Tyrath: use 'dict' if you just want a command to use in the terminal (not in the python shell) | 03:28 |
linuxman410 | your welcome | 03:28 |
Tyrath | jrib: i do use dict, i was just curious | 03:28 |
Tyrath | jrib: the thing is dict is a little bit annoying because it just dumps an output, the program doesn't enter any interactive mode or anything | 03:29 |
OmiKrOn | can someone tell me what is the latest stable kernel version available in repos for Ubuntu 8.04? | 03:29 |
jrib | Tyrath: dict WORD | less | 03:29 |
Tyrath | jrib: that would merely enable me to scroll, it wouldn't enable me to input additional searches | 03:30 |
Rencx | cold somone explain how wor vbox? | 03:30 |
zacktu | Robert_Surcouf: done -- swap doesn't normally get used - one time i was running a memory-hungry app and kept opening others until I finally saw some of swap get used | 03:30 |
Tyrath | jrib: piping isn't what i mean | 03:30 |
Rencx | What is better VirtualBox or Wine? | 03:30 |
dmsuperman | Trying to boot the alternate installer I get this: ACPI: Invalid PBLK length [0] | 03:30 |
jrib | Tyrath: if that's what you want, ask that | 03:30 |
jrib | Rencx: they are completely different things | 03:30 |
doublewulf | rencx they do different things | 03:30 |
Gobby | If i deleted a file.. that was not a like uninstallable program.. its not installed just downloaded and used it no setup what so ever.. if i just delete this will it permanently go away? sorry i cant think of any better way to put it | 03:30 |
nightrid3r | marine: did you check the md5sum before burning | 03:31 |
grayson | linuxman410, Thank you | 03:31 |
Rencx | cold you explain me difference? | 03:31 |
marine | nightrid3r, yes i did and everything was fine the sytem works soild | 03:31 |
Tyrath | jrib: in which case would you know of a low resource dictionary program that has a running mode and doesn't simply quit upon execution? | 03:31 |
jrib | Gobby: if you delete a file, it goes away, yes... | 03:31 |
doublewulf | Rencx: wine allows for running windows applications. Virtual box allows you to run multiple instances of virtual machines for whichever OS you have images | 03:31 |
weltpopeltag | Flips a coin: TAILS | 03:31 |
jrib | Tyrath: not for a shell, no | 03:31 |
jrib | weltpopeltag: please don't do that | 03:31 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: hum what I would like to try is to do a to do a hibernation is it possible ? or not, in order to test the hibernation process you have to issue two commands $ echo reboot > /sys/power/disk and $ echo disk > /sys/power/state | 03:31 |
Tyrath | jrib: ahh k. thanks anyhow | 03:32 |
xSlack | can someone help me get the title bars back on my windows | 03:32 |
Gobby | no matter what? its not like windows where it stays in the registry etc? im farily new.. the program was used in wine.. and i think it had a virus... so i deleted it | 03:32 |
Rencx | <doublewulf> VirtualBox will instal xp and only then i can run program? | 03:32 |
nightrid3r | marine: try to burn another disk and use that one, write it at a lower speed | 03:32 |
jrib | Gobby: well the program could have done whatever it wanted to when you ran it... | 03:32 |
MK13 | Gobby: yes, it should go away if it was standalone. It may have made files outside of its directory but it is not common for standalone programs to do that | 03:32 |
The_Rebel | how do i get gfxboot working? | 03:32 |
The_Rebel | grub-gfxboot* | 03:32 |
Tyrath | Robert_Surcouf: have you tried /etc/acpi/ ? | 03:32 |
doublewulf | rencx virtualbox will allow you to install xp in a virtual environment which you define, as long as you have an image for XP, or an install disk. | 03:32 |
doublewulf | rencx: wine will allow you to run individual windows programs | 03:33 |
Gobby | i used it for about 3 mins and found out about the virus, it would not have enough time right? | 03:33 |
MK13 | Gobby: it only takes the time to run it :( | 03:33 |
marine | nightrid3r, basically i want to import the remaining hardrive space that i made with gparted that is unallocated right now | 03:33 |
MK13 | Gobby: once stated that is it | 03:33 |
marine | nightrid3r, any suggestions | 03:33 |
jrib | Gobby: if it's a windows virus than it probably would not do much more than affect your ~/.wine/drive_c/ | 03:33 |
Gobby | Hmm, well i deleted it , have'nt found any other instances of it | 03:34 |
MK13 | was it in wine? | 03:34 |
MoLoot | Gobby 180 seconds is a lot of time for ANY application to run and complete several times over. | 03:34 |
Rencx | ok ty for your help :) | 03:34 |
nightrid3r | marine: gparted | 03:34 |
Gobby | How would i know? | 03:34 |
MK13 | what was the file? | 03:34 |
Gobby | Should i go in there and check?... im so paranoid.. i love ubuntu and dont wont to reinstall lol. | 03:34 |
zacktu | Robert_Surcouf: what are these commands going to do? | 03:34 |
kiosk | naughty_chloe | 03:34 |
marine | nightrid3r, yes that's how i got the unallocated part | 03:34 |
linuxman410 | dmsuperman are u using asus board | 03:34 |
Tyrath | you can use linux command to evade the necessity to use gparted btw folks | 03:34 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: create the image reboot resume | 03:34 |
dmsuperman | linuxman410: Not sure, it's an Acer Aspire laptop | 03:35 |
marine | nightrid3r, can't unlock the drive when i'm using it | 03:35 |
Tyrath | like partition stuff is doable with simple linux commands | 03:35 |
linuxman410 | what model dmsuperman | 03:35 |
nightrid3r | marine: there is a gparted iso on sourceforge | 03:35 |
zacktu | Robert_Surcouf: but also shutdown & reboot? | 03:35 |
Rencx | <doublewulf> can i ask more ? | 03:35 |
dmsuperman | linuxman410: 4530 | 03:35 |
Robert_Surcouf | no | 03:35 |
Ademan | is there a way to get the lambda symbol using the compose key? (without messing with my ~/.Xmodmap if possible, if it's necessary, that's fine) | 03:35 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: no | 03:35 |
gustavo | my computer is slow how can i make it faster | 03:35 |
oholiab | Tyrath: well you'd hope so considering that GUIs are just interactive frontends for the progras | 03:35 |
marine | go to that page an make one | 03:36 |
zacktu | echo reboot > /sys/power/disk | 03:36 |
marine | nightrid3r, andd/l and urn that one | 03:36 |
Robert_Surcouf | zacktu: it will resume to where you are | 03:36 |
nightrid3r | marine: yes | 03:36 |
Tyrath | oholiab: are you suggesting that someone could simply bypass linux commands and code something in C++ which the compiler simply converts to machine language and interfaces directly with partition related matters ? | 03:37 |
Tyrath | oholiab: there was supposed to be a not between you and suggesting | 03:37 |
Gobby | what is the command for the terminal so you can browse the internet through it ? i forgot sorry :) | 03:37 |
crashsystems | I have a friend who I've recently switched to Ubuntu, who is trying to play a music CD (codecs installed), but it is not working. Thing is, I've never tried to play a CD. Anyone know how to make this work? | 03:37 |
The_Rebel | how do i get gfxboot working? | 03:38 |
Jazzy_J | Gobby: links, lynx | 03:38 |
linuxman410 | did u try it with no acp dmsuperman | 03:38 |
runderwo | crashsystems: Does it pretend to play but no sound comes out, or does it not even start to play or give an error? | 03:38 |
hellhound_ | can someone help me figure out why my usb mouse or my usb keyboard will freeze sporadically?? I have tried setting the defoptions in /boot/grub/menu.lst to add acpi-force and irqpoll as I found on google but that did not help. | 03:38 |
dmsuperman | linuxman410: Yeah, same deal, however I let it sit there and the installer started -_- | 03:38 |
Rencx | I want here peoples opinon.. Whic OS ar better Ubuntu, Elive..... etc..? | 03:38 |
gustavo | my computer is slow how can i make it faster | 03:38 |
Tyrath | oholiab: that wasn't really clear. but what i'm saying suggesting is that GUI progs may not necessarily have to use linux commands to handle system things | 03:38 |
dmsuperman | linuxman410: The issue now is, after booting from the CD-ROM, it can't detect teh CD-ROM -_- | 03:38 |
Gobby | how do i run programs through the terminal so i get the CLI ? | 03:38 |
zacktu | Robert_Surcouf: even sudo doesn't allow echo reboot -- the files are 644 | 03:38 |
crashsystems | @runderwo with the autorun I choose to open rhythmbox. the cd spins up, but nothing happens. | 03:39 |
runderwo | hellhound_: Check /proc/interrupts and see if there is a card sharing IRQ with it. Otherwise, try 'noacpi noapic' on the kernel arguments. | 03:39 |
Tyrath | oholiab: you could produce a more resource intensive program that bypassed the commands | 03:39 |
marine | nightrid3r, you there | 03:39 |
nightrid3r | marine: yes | 03:39 |
Jazzy_J | Rencx: depends on what you want out of the OS. | 03:39 |
Tyrath | oholiab: at least so I would believe | 03:39 |
Gerinych | im trying to uninstall grub2, but for some reason, it always boots, no matter what | 03:39 |
runderwo | !offtopic | Rencx | 03:39 |
ubottu | Rencx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 03:39 |
BlueEagle | gerinych: What are you replacing it with? | 03:40 |
linuxman410 | did u try regular version instead of alternative one dmsuperman | 03:40 |
marine | nightrid3r, which one | 03:40 |
homeskillet | ubuntu is only asking me for a WEP 40/128-bit key but i only have a 40/64-bit. what should i do? | 03:40 |
Gerinych | blueeagle: grub-gfxboot | 03:40 |
Brack10 | lockd: yeah but google does so much more than unit conversions though | 03:40 |
=== fernando is now known as Guest35265 | ||
dmsuperman | linuxman410: No, typically the alternative works better than the livecd for me but I don't even have a livecd | 03:40 |
nightrid3r | marine: | 03:40 |
Brack10 | there's a yahoo widget that does that | 03:40 |
oholiab | Tyrath: but that wouldn't be particularly sensible when you consider resource usage and also the development of the software... The only reason I picked up on it btw was because I thought you were just announcing random facts to the channel because I wasn't reading what was being said properly... sorry | 03:40 |
=== Guest35265 is now known as FernandoF | ||
BlueEagle | gerinych: And did you reinstall grub to the boot record of the booting device? | 03:40 |
FernandoF | Hello! Is there a specific channel firefox? | 03:41 |
Tyrath | oholiab: ah k. no worries. | 03:41 |
marine | nightrid3r, ok it's finishing d/l | 03:41 |
Gerinych | blueeagle: you mean setup (hd#) in grub? yes | 03:41 |
Jazzy_J | ferdostar: #firefox | 03:41 |
BlueEagle | fernandof: did you try #firefox ? | 03:41 |
hellhound_ | runderwo, should i take out my acpi-force and irqpoll arguements? | 03:41 |
Tyrath | oholiab: but i did state that it would be more resource intensive above aswell ;) | 03:41 |
FernandoF | #firefox | 03:41 |
BlueEagle | gerinych: Do you have a separate /boot partition? | 03:41 |
marine | nightrid3r, extract it | 03:41 |
oholiab | Tyrath: yeah, I was typing it at the same time as you I think :P | 03:42 |
nightrid3r | marine: yes | 03:42 |
runderwo | hellhound_: probably doesn't matter. | 03:42 |
BlueEagle | fernandof: That would be /join #firefox | 03:42 |
gustavo | my computer is running slow what can i do to make faster | 03:42 |
FernandoF | Thx all | 03:42 |
Tyrath | oholiab: haha | 03:42 |
marine | nightrid3r, done now burn to disk | 03:42 |
nightrid3r | marine: yes | 03:42 |
Gerinych | blueeagle: i have a linux-swap partition if that's what you mean | 03:42 |
marine | nightrid3r, dvd or cd | 03:42 |
homeskillet | dang it's hard to get a question ansered in here with this many people | 03:43 |
oholiab | Tyrath: I should probably stop nitpicking at what people are saying and start trying to be useful instead *facepalm* | 03:43 |
Jazzy_J | gustavo: add RAM | 03:43 |
BlueEagle | gerinych: No, a partition mounted on the folder /boot. Did you create one spesifically for that purpous and is it mounted when you attempt to re-install grub? | 03:43 |
Tyrath | actually, there's a thought... how would you burn to disk through shell? | 03:43 |
crashsystems | @runderwo When rhythmbox opens the music does not play. | 03:43 |
runderwo | homeskillet: It's possible no one knows the answer to your question. | 03:43 |
gustavo | i have 2GB | 03:43 |
runderwo | crashsystems: Does it pretend to play? Does the counter advance? | 03:43 |
Gerinych | blueeagle: no | 03:43 |
csana | anyone up for a game of ? | 03:43 |
nightrid3r | marine: cd | 03:44 |
crashsystems | @runderwo it does not advance | 03:44 |
Jazzy_J | gustavo: check the running processes | 03:44 |
BlueEagle | gerinych: Have you confirmed that /boot/grub/menu.lst contains what you expect it to contain? | 03:44 |
marine | ok writing now | 03:44 |
Tyrath | oholiab: hehe. it's good to ensure people stay on topic though. generally i prefer to pick the ones that leave off names, etc to pick at. and I let ubottu handle the talk | 03:44 |
marine | nightrid3r, writing now | 03:44 |
FernandoF | Using FIREFOX I can not type text in my windows under hotmail to send messages ... I can type addreses and all other stuff, but not into the tex window ... Anyone knows what could i do? | 03:44 |
runderwo | crashsystems: Try using something like amarok or grip to "rip" the cd. Since that uses the same mechanism, that may tell you if amarok is the problem. | 03:44 |
Tyrath | !burn | 03:44 |
ubottu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 03:44 |
Tyrath | gah useless! | 03:45 |
Tyrath | actually | 03:45 |
runderwo | crashsystems: amarok/rhythmbox | 03:45 |
Tyrath | !wodim | 03:45 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wodim | 03:45 |
Baz__ | in openoffice spreadsheet, if i have a cell =B11+B12 and i want to duplicate that all the way down - NOT have it adjust them for each row - what do i do? Copy/paste and dragging the values is trying to be too smart... | 03:45 |
nightrid3r | FernandoF: enable javascript | 03:45 |
runderwo | !info wodim | Tyrath | 03:45 |
ubottu | wodim (source: cdrkit): command line CD/DVD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.8-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 429 kB, installed size 876 kB | 03:45 |
linuxman410 | dmsuperman i found a website where i guy got it to install using live cd on that laptop | 03:45 |
Gerinych | blueeagle: there's a line at the beginning "default saved" im not sure what it's for | 03:45 |
Tyrath | runderwo: thanks. is wodim good? | 03:45 |
BlueEagle | homeskillet: Did you attempt to supply your 40/64-bit key when asked for the 40/128-bit key? | 03:45 |
dmsuperman | linuxman410: Alrighty, I'll try that then | 03:45 |
dmsuperman | linuxman410: Thankies for your help :d | 03:45 |
Gerinych | blueeagle: other than that, nothing suspicious | 03:45 |
=== aa is now known as Guest4930 | ||
marine | nightrid3r, done ro | 03:46 |
runderwo | Tyrath: It's very basic. You need some frontend like k3b to make it easier to use. | 03:46 |
crashsystems | @runderwo When I open sound juicer, the audio preview works | 03:46 |
linuxman410 | your welcome | 03:46 |
BlueEagle | gerinych: Then I am afraid that I don't know. :/ | 03:46 |
nightrid3r | marine: boot from the cd | 03:46 |
oholiab | Tyrath: I used to use cdrecord I think | 03:46 |
Tyrath | runderwo: and from a I'm trying to conserve resources perspective? | 03:46 |
runderwo | crashsystems: But it's the CD playback that you want to know works in some other program. | 03:46 |
crashsystems | yep | 03:46 |
marine | nightrid3r, that cd is for parted magic | 03:46 |
BlueEagle | !wep | 03:46 |
ubottu | WEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at: | 03:46 |
BlueEagle | hmm.. | 03:46 |
Tyrath | oholiab: is that gnome related tho or shell related? | 03:47 |
nightrid3r | marine: yes | 03:47 |
oholiab | Tyrath: shell | 03:47 |
gustavo | Jazzy_J: only one program running and the other ones sleeping | 03:47 |
runderwo | Tyrath: If you're trying to conserve resources, the best thing to do is use wodim at a command line. | 03:47 |
mindwarp__ | I need to set hotkeys (Super-*) to show desktop, lock computer, open Nautilus, and so on, can anyone help me? The Show desktop hotkey i set isn't working | 03:47 |
Rencx | what drive format i shold chose when install ubuntu? | 03:47 |
Tyrath | oholiab: ah cool. | 03:47 |
marine | nightrid3r, a file ox just poped up | 03:47 |
crashsystems | @runderwo I can tell playback works (because of the soundjuicer test), but I want it to play in rhythmbox | 03:47 |
superkuh | Is there any reason why an arbitrary program could not bind to a TCP port (10010) when run as a normal user, but can do so when run as root? (ubuntu 8.04.1) | 03:47 |
BlueEagle | homeskillet: If I understand it correctly you are attempting to use WPA, right? | 03:47 |
runderwo | Tyrath: A more basic package is X-CDRoast that will give you a GUI but is less "fat" than k3b. | 03:47 |
runderwo | !info xcdroast | Tyrath | 03:47 |
ubottu | xcdroast (source: xcdroast): X based CD-writer software. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.98+0alpha15-11.2 (intrepid), package size 1821 kB, installed size 4684 kB | 03:48 |
Tyrath | runderwo: is there anything already installed on ubuntu that does the trick? | 03:48 |
marine | nightrid3r, click on the ot file | 03:48 |
marine | nightrid3r, boot file | 03:48 |
runderwo | crashsystems: So the CD playback works in soundjuicer? If that's the case, I have no idea why rhythmbox is not behaving. | 03:48 |
crashsystems | yep | 03:48 |
Rencx | what drive format i shold chose when install ubuntu? | 03:48 |
crashsystems | @runderwo thanks for your help | 03:48 |
Tyrath | runderwo: i'm aiming for something really low resource. prefereably no gui | 03:48 |
nightrid3r | marine: reboot the pc and start from the pmagic cd | 03:48 |
homeskillet | BlueEagle wep | 03:49 |
dsevigny | hello. I'm trying to set up an email server using Webmin. I tried ebox but it killed my server. | 03:49 |
Tyrath | runderwo: i hate the speed difference between GUI progs and shell progs | 03:49 |
oholiab | Tyrath: cdrecord appears to be part of my install | 03:49 |
homeskillet | i guess i wont use wep then | 03:49 |
runderwo | Tyrath: xcdroast is pretty fast. | 03:49 |
marine | nightrid3r, then i could use gparted or parrted magic | 03:49 |
runderwo | Tyrath: But the fastest is to use mkisofs and wodim/cdrecord yourself, obviously. :-) | 03:49 |
nightrid3r | marine: yes | 03:49 |
Tyrath | oholiab: mine too. just tried man. thanks! | 03:49 |
dsevigny | hello. I'm trying to set up an email server using Webmin. I tried ebox but it killed my server. Could someone walk me through configuring the necessary pieces? | 03:50 |
ardchoille | dsevigny: webmin isn't supported | 03:50 |
ardchoille | !webmin | dsevigny | 03:50 |
ubottu | dsevigny: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 03:50 |
JoshPilcer | where do i Install ndiswrapper from source? | 03:50 |
BlueEagle | rencx: ext3 is the most popular file system. It is quite robust and backwards compatible with ext2. Since you're asking this question you would most likely not benifit much from choosing a different filesystem as the benifits of each are very uasge related. Ie. some perform much better on large but few files while others excell at handling many small ones. | 03:50 |
dsevigny | well ebox killed my server. so I'd rather stick with it | 03:50 |
marine | nightrid3r, all right thanks foe the help is there anything i should know???? | 03:50 |
Tyrath | runderwo: I'm more worried about the ROM than RAM. ie, the space it takes up on the disk | 03:50 |
pentaside | Does anyone have any suggestions (besides gparted) on partitioning applications? | 03:50 |
BlueEagle | homeskillet: You are aware of the inherent security flaw that using wep entails, right? | 03:50 |
nightrid3r | marine: no | 03:50 |
Lostchild | Can anyone help me determine why my display takes anywhere from 30 secs to 5 min to wake up? | 03:50 |
JoshPilcer | where do i Install ndiswrapper from source? | 03:51 |
clarks | anyone can help me about my wireless?i dont remember how to pastebin | 03:51 |
JoshPilcer | iit says Install ndiswrapper from source. but i'm not sure how | 03:51 |
BlueEagle | !pastebin | clarks | 03:51 |
ubottu | clarks: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 03:51 |
marine | nightrid3r, no as in everything is straight forard | 03:51 |
docmur | my automounting just stopped working | 03:51 |
BlueEagle | !wireless | clarks | 03:51 |
Tyrath | actually there's a thought | 03:51 |
ubottu | clarks: Wireless documentation can be found at | 03:51 |
docmur | I don't know why | 03:51 |
docmur | I didn't change anything | 03:51 |
pandaking | Hello - trying to use xchat (IRC) - it's not connecting to any servers | 03:51 |
runderwo | Tyrath: xcdroast only depends on GTK and xlibs, in case you already have those. | 03:51 |
Tyrath | would anyone know how to set up sendmail | 03:51 |
JoshPilcer | someone help me dang it... | 03:51 |
rd_ | ha | 03:51 |
homeskillet | BlueEagle how much harder is it to set up wpa in linux than wep? | 03:51 |
nightrid3r | marine: yes | 03:52 |
JoshPilcer | iit says Install ndiswrapper from source. but i'm not sure how! | 03:52 |
oholiab | JoshPilcer: | 03:52 |
evowill | homeskillet, It's just as easy | 03:52 |
BlueEagle | homeskillet: Well it entails installing wpa-supplicant and adding one line to /etc/network/interfaces | 03:52 |
BlueEagle | !wpa | 03:52 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 03:52 |
marine | nightrid3r, allright bro i owe you | 03:52 |
Tyrath | runderwo: i like the challenge of remembering the shell commands for programs. also if i use the commands a lot i tend to things a lot faster than on the gnome apps | 03:52 |
BlueEagle | homeskillet: It should be described in the wifidocs iirc. | 03:53 |
nightrid3r | marine: np | 03:53 |
Lostchild | Can anyone help me determine why my display takes anywhere from 30 secs to 5 min to wake up? | 03:53 |
homeskillet | should i do wpa or wpa2? | 03:53 |
oholiab | Tyrath: gives you a better understanding of how the system works too | 03:53 |
Tyrath | runderwo: i think i have the GTK libs, not too sure about the xlibs | 03:53 |
BlueEagle | homeskillet: Anything that's not wep and unsecured will do. | 03:53 |
runderwo | Tyrath: GTK depends on xlibs :-) | 03:53 |
Tyrath | oholiab: well. yeah I'm borrowing a book on C++ for that sort of stuff ;) | 03:54 |
BlueEagle | homeskillet: It may boil down to what your wireless access point supports but I would imagine that wpa2 would be better than wpa | 03:54 |
oopla | I have a question. What does Grub's "Error 2" refer to, normally? | 03:54 |
Gerinych | blueeagle: is it of any difference that when i uninstalled grub2 from synaptic, i did a removal, not a complete removal? | 03:54 |
Tyrath | runderwo: which i guess means i have both then ;) | 03:54 |
evowill | homeskillet, either wpa or wpa2 will work, but be sure to use a long random key. | 03:54 |
BlueEagle | gerinych: I do not know. | 03:54 |
Tyrath | runderwo: how do you know this stuff btw? | 03:54 |
Gerinych | blueeagle: okay then, thanks | 03:54 |
runderwo | Tyrath: Like a pair of pants accumulates lint. | 03:55 |
Tyrath | runderwo: so how long have you been using unix/linux ? | 03:55 |
BlueEagle | evowill: I may be wrong but isn't the key hashed in any case? | 03:55 |
Lostchild | Can anyone help me determine why my display takes anywhere from 30 secs to 5 min to wake up? | 03:55 |
runderwo | Tyrath: offtopic, but I first installed slack in 96. | 03:55 |
pentaside | Does anyone have any suggestions (besides gparted) on partitioning applications? | 03:56 |
BlueEagle | lostchild: It would be helpfull to know how well it sleeps. | 03:56 |
xxCody | I was always told Gparted | 03:56 |
oholiab | runderwo: I started with slack as well :) I found dependencies to be a problem that made me want to shoot myself though | 03:56 |
xxCody | And to burn it to a live Cd and not run it in a OS | 03:56 |
evowill | BlueEagle, wpa can still be brute forced, offline even, so it has to be long enough and random enough to make sure that it wouldn't happen in the time that you keep the key | 03:56 |
Tyrath | runderwo: ahh cool. sorry to go offtopic :/ | 03:56 |
BlueEagle | pentaside: Are you running any form of raid? | 03:56 |
Lostchild | BlueEagle, thanks just trying to get a response. It doesn't sleep. Only the monitor is put to sleep. I can't seem to get suspend or hibernate to work properly. | 03:57 |
dsevigny | Can someone PLEASE help me set up an email server | 03:57 |
signpost | Is anybody successfully using Jack without PulseAudio? | 03:57 |
pentaside | BlueEagle: No. | 03:57 |
runderwo | oholiab: When I found Debian, I never went back, except for when I need a stripped down linux system for embedded/diag use. | 03:57 |
nightrid3r | pentaside: partedmagic | 03:57 |
Tyrath | !PulseAudio | signpost | 03:57 |
signpost | I'm trying to make my USB MIDI keyboard make noise. | 03:57 |
ubottu | signpost: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See for information and installation instructions | 03:57 |
slipp3d | I have to do some screen casting that requires me to talk as I'm capturing the my screens ... any ideas on what to use | 03:57 |
pentaside | Yea that's all anyone will suggest to me is gparted, but it just doesn't work (for me). | 03:57 |
BlueEagle | pentaside: Then GParted is the most robust partition manager in my experience. There is a QT-frontend but I've found it to be less stable. | 03:58 |
xxCody | pentraside , no idea sorry. Im still a novice. | 03:58 |
rconan | is there a command I can run which is roughly equivalent to "shutdown -h 30" but which will suspend instead of halt? | 03:58 |
superkuh | Every time I use sudo I get the warning "sudo: unable to resolve host epimetheus" where epimetheus is my hostname. This doesn't break things, but I am wondering why it is happening. | 03:58 |
Hikeractive | !restricted | Hikeractive | 03:58 |
ubottu | Hikeractive, please see my private message | 03:58 |
Tyrath | rconan: /etc/acpi/ ? | 03:58 |
runderwo | superkuh: It is getting epimetheus from /etc/hostname, but /etc/hosts doesn't seem to contain it. | 03:58 |
BlueEagle | lostchild: And it is put to sleep using acpi? | 03:58 |
dsevigny | can someone please help me set up a mail server? | 03:59 |
superkuh | Thank you, runderwo. | 03:59 |
Tyrath | is anyone else having trouble with su ? | 03:59 |
pentaside | Gotcha. Yea, gparted apparently just isn't an option for me. It take about an hour and a half to load (from boot cd), once it finally loads and I tell it what I want it to do, it starts but never gets past 0%. | 03:59 |
xxCody | dsevigny , what do you need help with. | 03:59 |
Dr_willis | !hostname | SuPeRhAm | 03:59 |
ubottu | SuPeRhAm: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab | 03:59 |
Lostchild | BlueEagle, That would be my guess, but I can't seem to find any obvious errors in the logs. | 03:59 |
rconan | Tyrath, can that be used for suspend-to-RAM and can I introduce the same delay that is possible with shutdown? | 03:59 |
oholiab | Tyrath: what in particular are you having prolems with? | 03:59 |
Ultraputz | is there a way to set the size of a preview icon on the desktop -- they seem to be larger than actual icons... | 03:59 |
pentaside | I saw someone said PartedMagic though, I'll give that a try. | 03:59 |
Tyrath | oholiab: I can't log into su | 03:59 |
dsevigny | I can't seem to get this configured and these danged tutorials are confusing me.... I keep getting told by evolution that the connection was refused when i try to check the pop3 for mail. | 04:00 |
oholiab | Tyrath: are you doing su or sudo su? | 04:00 |
Tyrath | oholiab: as in, my pass fails | 04:00 |
BlueEagle | dsevigny: There is ALOT of reading you need to do before attempting to set up a mail server. One of the most important things you should read up on before even installing the software is how to secure it so you do not set up an open relay. | 04:00 |
oholiab | oh | 04:00 |
Tyrath | oholiab: su | 04:00 |
oholiab | Tyrath: do sudo su | 04:00 |
Dr_willis | do NOT use 'sudo su' use 'sudo -s' | 04:00 |
Dr_willis | :) | 04:00 |
Tyrath | oholiab: ahh cool thanks | 04:00 |
xxCody | dsevigny , no sorry. | 04:00 |
Tyrath | su why was that? | 04:00 |
BlueEagle | 04:01 | |
ubottu | mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at | 04:01 |
BlueEagle | !postfix | 04:01 |
ubottu | postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read and - See also !MailServer | 04:01 |
atom^x | dsevigny: | 04:01 |
Phebus | !MTA | 04:01 |
ubottu | A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA | 04:01 |
poseidon | Is there a way to su into root in ubuntu? | 04:01 |
Phebus | :D | 04:01 |
oholiab | Tyrath: that confused the hell out of me when I first used ubuntu... I think it's just because the distro is supposed to be aimed at desktop users so generally speaking they won't actually create a root account but should be able to perform things with root permissions | 04:01 |
BlueEagle | !su | poseidon | 04:01 |
ubottu | poseidon: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 04:01 |
Dr_willis | Tyrath, | 04:02 |
Phebus | poseidon, sudo su | 04:02 |
Dr_willis | poseidon, use 'sudo -s' not 'sudo su' | 04:02 |
nightrid3r | dsevigny: did you install a pop3 server or only an mta | 04:02 |
Tyrath | rconan: i just checked the code on it doesn't appear to accept any command line input from shell. but i'm no expert on shell script code... | 04:02 |
Dr_willis | poseidon, | 04:02 |
treats | .most every program does "Starting Program" then nothing happens | 04:02 |
treats | anyone have any ideas? | 04:02 |
xxCody | After burning an ISO to a CD using an ISO BURNER and to install it from startup you change the boot sequence to CDROM. Thats all rite. And it should start? | 04:02 |
codingnew | Question: How can I enable / add repositories so I can access software like xchat? | 04:03 |
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rconan | Tyrath, I got a way now I think | 04:03 |
nightrid3r | xxCody: yes | 04:03 |
Cpudan80 | Dr_willis: should use -i | 04:03 |
xxCody | Thanks. | 04:03 |
BlueEagle | poseidon: By default the root account is disabled in Ubuntu. This is argued as being a security measure. The effectiveness of this is debatable but my view is that not having a root account gives any potential attackers one less known target to attempt to exploit. | 04:03 |
Dr_willis | Cpudan80, depends. :) at least dont use sudo su :) | 04:03 |
rconan | just gonna do a command-line wait then the command here: | 04:03 |
dsevigny | Currently REREADING documents. I have all the modules installed. It's the configuration that's loopin me | 04:03 |
Tyrath | rconan: just curious. why do you want to put a delay on suspend? | 04:03 |
Cpudan80 | Dr_willis: I guess it does depened yeah | 04:03 |
Cpudan80 | Dr_willis: but right - anything but sudo su! Anything but that! | 04:04 |
=== pentaside is now known as Sudo | ||
runderwo | BlueEagle: On the other hand, user account passwords tend to be much weaker than root passwords. | 04:04 |
clarks | My problem is my wireless is detech..some time not using intell chipset...anyoen know how to configure it? | 04:04 |
xxCody | nightrid3r , when the ISO is burnt should it include a checksum on the UBUNTU ISO but after burning it , the cd had a second file on it call | 04:04 |
Sudo | lol | 04:04 |
Dr_willis | Cpudan80, i got my root user with their own customiuzed .bashrc and stuff.. so i often dont want them to be usign the users settings.. but it depends. :) | 04:04 |
rconan | Tyrath, so I can watch a video, get in bed and the computer will sleep when it finishes | 04:04 |
Sudo | Quick, someone tell me to do something... | 04:04 |
Dr_willis | sudo get me a beer | 04:04 |
dsevigny | sudo apt-get install humour | 04:04 |
nightrid3r | xxCody: you burnt a data cd, not an iso image | 04:04 |
unomi | hi, is there something like 'nettop' for ubuntu? im looking for a small prog that shows open network connections and their bandwidth usage | 04:04 |
Tyrath | rconan: you know i never thought about it but that is an awesome idea! might try it one of these days | 04:04 |
oholiab | Dr_willis: so sudo su doesn't change to root environment variables? | 04:05 |
runderwo | unomi: iftop | 04:05 |
unomi | ty | 04:05 |
runderwo | !info iftop | unomi | 04:05 |
ubottu | iftop (source: iftop): displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-8 (intrepid), package size 30 kB, installed size 104 kB | 04:05 |
BlueEagle | runderwo: Still a user account is not a set target as root is. Still I agree on the fact that servers by default disallow login as root. | 04:05 |
Dr_willis | !info ntop | 04:05 |
ubottu | ntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-11 (intrepid), package size 4442 kB, installed size 14904 kB | 04:05 |
xxCody | nightrid3r can i Private Message? Too much trafic. | 04:05 |
nightrid3r | !iso | xxCody | 04:05 |
ubottu | xxCody: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 04:05 |
oopla | I have a question. What does Grub's "Error 2" refer to, normally? | 04:05 |
Lostchild | I need to determine where my problem with acpi lies. Can anyone give me a place to start. I need to find out if my restricted Nvidia drivers are the source of my suspend woes. | 04:05 |
Tyrath | rconan: i would personally advise a shutdown when you go to sleep because it's more environmentally friendly but that's just me | 04:05 |
nightrid3r | !burning | xxCody | 04:05 |
ubottu | xxCody: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 04:05 |
xxCody | ubottu , can i PM ? | 04:06 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about can i PM ? | 04:06 |
xxCody | Private Message ;) | 04:06 |
nightrid3r | xxCody: ubottu is a bot | 04:06 |
Tyrath | xxCody: ubottu is a bot | 04:06 |
BlueEagle | runderwo: However if you have the super user as something that is not a default (ie. root) and employ a strong password to every account that does have sudo access then your system is safer than if you have a known user with root privileges (ie. root) even with the same measures. | 04:06 |
xxCody | Oh lol | 04:06 |
JoshPilcer | i got the file ndiswrapper. how do i install it? | 04:06 |
evowill | xxCody, Please see | 04:06 |
poseidon | ubottu | 04:06 |
xxCody | Okay | 04:06 |
Dr_willis | !hug | 04:06 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hug | 04:06 |
pandaking | Anyone know how to set up a BNC? | 04:06 |
codingnew | Question: How can I change permissions on an internal partition so that it is automatically mounted with write permissions? | 04:06 |
Dr_willis | codingnew, totally depends on the filesystem of the partition - for one thing | 04:07 |
JoshPilcer | i got the file ndiswrapper. how do i install it? | 04:07 |
Tyrath | xxCody: try mount -o -loop -t iso9660 <file>.iso <directory for outputted files> | 04:07 |
evowill | xxCody, and there are links there for verifying that the burn was successful, and also on booting from the CD | 04:07 |
BlueEagle | runderwo: Think of the sudo-enabled users as salt in an encryption string. The salt itself does not provide any cryptographic advantage, but instead of just having the password you also need to have the salt. In this case a correct user name. | 04:07 |
temppy | JoshPilcer: did you install ndiswrapper with apt-get? | 04:07 |
Taladan | codingnew: put the rw option in the fstab entry for that mount point. | 04:07 |
JoshPilcer | no | 04:07 |
BlueEagle | !anyone | pandaking | 04:07 |
xxCody | Sorry im not using ubuntu now.. Im using windows.. i Wubi'd ubuntu for a week. Like it and am now Fulluy installing. | 04:07 |
ubottu | pandaking: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:07 |
codingnew | Dr_willis: Its an ext3 paritition which I want to use as my "multimedia" partition. As it is currently set up, it automatically mounts, but I can not write to it without being root | 04:07 |
BlueEagle | !bnc | 04:07 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bnc | 04:08 |
temppy | JoshPilcer: how did you install it? | 04:08 |
JoshPilcer | i downloaded it off my computer, then used it on a flash drive to the computer with ubuntu | 04:08 |
JoshPilcer | how do i install it? | 04:08 |
pandaking | !bnc | 04:08 |
Tyrath | !windows | xxCody | 04:08 |
ubottu | xxCody: For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubottu equivalents | 04:08 |
temppy | JoshPilcer: its on the cd, but usually, you can just double click it, if you are gui | 04:08 |
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Dr_willis | codingnew, you need to set the proper owner/group for the files on the device.. Or set the permissions to allow others to access them - if you want more then 1 user to access them all. see 'man chmod' and 'man chown' | 04:08 |
BlueEagle | !ndiswrapper | 04:08 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: you need to compile it, but better connect the ubuntu box with a wire and apt-get it | 04:08 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 04:08 |
clarks | anyone can help me on wireless..?i dont remember about the comand -- sudo modprobe iwglan ? <--i this right? | 04:08 |
xxCody | Tyrath , didnt need that. | 04:08 |
JoshPilcer | what's the code i need to type to get it? | 04:09 |
BlueEagle | joshpilcer: It should be in the wifidocs afaik. | 04:09 |
Tyrath | xxCody: you're using windows, correct? | 04:09 |
clarks | anyone can help me on wireless..?i dont remember about the comand -- sudo modprobe iwglan ? <--i this right? | 04:09 |
Tyrath | xxCody: if you're using ubuntu we can help you | 04:09 |
temppy | JoshPilcer: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper I think | 04:09 |
Tyrath | xxCody: for windows we can't | 04:09 |
pandaking | I am trying to set up a BNC using ZNC, looking for someone who can help | 04:09 |
xxCody | But for the ISO part you did. | 04:09 |
xxCody | lol | 04:09 |
codingnew | Dr_willis: so I just need to change the permission on the files? I don't need to worry about making changes in fstab? | 04:09 |
Dr_willis | pandaking, you have checked the program homepages and docs? | 04:09 |
BlueEagle | clarks: That depends on which module you attempt to load. | 04:09 |
Tyrath | xxCody: that won't work on windows probably | 04:09 |
Tyrath | xxCody: but you could always through it in MSDOS and see what happens I guess... | 04:10 |
clarks | BlueEagle, wait i pastebin 1st dmesg about iwl | 04:10 |
xxCody | Windows | 04:10 |
xxCody | 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Server 2003 / Vista: Infra Recorder | 04:10 |
clarks | !pastebin | 04:10 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 04:10 |
Dr_willis | codingnew, fstab wont override the ext3/2 filesystem permissions.. it cant... (that i know of) IF it was NTFS/vfat - then yes - you would mess with fstab.. since for those filesystems you MUST set the permissions when they mount | 04:10 |
xxCody | | 04:10 |
evowill | xxcody, I will send you a PM | 04:10 |
xxCody | Queastion was about burning ISOS. | 04:10 |
Dr_willis | Infra Recorder is nice. :) | 04:10 |
xxCody | OKay. | 04:10 |
codingnew | Dr_willis thank you | 04:10 |
xxCody | YEs Dr_willis | 04:10 |
nbeebo | i get this when i try to install something with a .sh file: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL | 04:10 |
nbeebo | If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. | 04:10 |
nbeebo | See the Autoconf documentation. | 04:10 |
pandaking | Dr_willis - yes, , I would like to use ssl support and am a little confused what it says | 04:10 |
nbeebo | sorry | 04:10 |
Tyrath | xxCody: and the way in which you burn isos in windows and ubuntu is probablly different | 04:10 |
FloodBot1 | nbeebo: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:10 |
speedy | hi, I burned a live CD Ubuntu... it boots well but when x-windows is about to open, all I see is a bunch of lines on the screen like if the resolution or refresh screen was not good, how do i fix that ? | 04:11 |
nbeebo | i meant this: | 04:11 |
xxCody | Tyrath , answered my question. Im good now. Thanks. | 04:11 |
Tyrath | xxCody: just take into account the way in interfaces with the memory and periferals is different | 04:11 |
BlueEagle | clarks: It would help if you provided the link to your post. | 04:11 |
evowill | speedy, what video card are you using? | 04:11 |
Tyrath | xxCody: hope it works | 04:11 |
speedy | evowill geforce 6600 LE but I saw the CD recognizing it | 04:12 |
Tyrath | thanks for the help people | 04:12 |
Tyrath | i've got to get going | 04:12 |
clarks | | 04:12 |
clarks | anyone can check for me | 04:12 |
FernandoF | > Using FIREFOX I can not type text in my windows under hotmail to send messages ... I can type addreses and all other stuff, but not into the tex window ... Anyone knows what could i do? | 04:13 |
speedy | evowill if that helps, the live CD is KNOPPIX 5.3 | 04:13 |
nightrid3r | clarks: whats the problem | 04:13 |
clarks | | 04:13 |
clarks | read the paste bin.. | 04:13 |
Cpudan80 | Ok all | 04:13 |
Cpudan80 | Got a hard problem here | 04:14 |
clarks | nightrid3r, sometime my wireless can detech..sometime it not | 04:14 |
JoshPilcer | blue egal | 04:14 |
JoshPilcer | eagle | 04:14 |
JoshPilcer | why do i get the E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper | 04:14 |
Cpudan80 | I have a laptop with an ATI Mobility 7000 -- the panel is fixed at 1024x768. I've got an external monitor hooked to it, I want the res on the external to be 1280x1024 | 04:14 |
Gobby | Okey, more questions guys :), once i deleted the file i thought was trojan, its permanently deleted correct?, it was used with wine, how could i check and see if it messed with my wine config? and how do i get the scanner for linux its somthing simmilar to sudo get-apt amvscan?thanks guys | 04:14 |
nightrid3r | clarks: there is a swith on your laptop to disable the wifi, thats of atm. | 04:14 |
JoshPilcer | when i type sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper | 04:14 |
Cpudan80 | Is that possible? | 04:14 |
BlueEagle | joshpilcer: When you attempt to install a package and you get an error saying that the package cannot be found it is most likely a spelling error or you're attempting to install a package that is not in any repositories you have enabled., | 04:15 |
FernandoF | nightrid3r, Thank you for your suggestion to turn on JavaScript, but it was already on | 04:15 |
marine | nightrid3r, you there | 04:15 |
clarks | nightrid3r, i dont understand.. | 04:15 |
temppy | !tab | JoshPilcer | 04:15 |
ubottu | JoshPilcer: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 04:15 |
clarks | can i solve it from terminal nightrid3r ? | 04:15 |
JoshPilcer | blueeagle what should i do. it says i need to install it? | 04:15 |
jrattner1 | Question: Where can I find a Thunderbird package with SSL enabled? | 04:15 |
nightrid3r | clarks: no its hardware switch | 04:15 |
BlueEagle | joshpilcer: aptitude search ndiswrapper | 04:15 |
Gobby | Okey, more questions guys :), once i deleted the file i thought was trojan, its permanently deleted correct?, it was used with wine, how could i check and see if it messed with my wine config? and how do i get the scanner for linux its somthing simmilar to sudo get-apt amvscan?thanks guys | 04:15 |
clarks | nightrid3r, you mean the wireless button on my laptop.? | 04:15 |
pandaking | could someone please explain the ssl steps it mentions here - | 04:15 |
BlueEagle | joshpilcer: That will show you a list of packages containing "ndiswrapper" that you may install from your currently enabled repositories. | 04:16 |
nightrid3r | clarks: yes | 04:16 |
JoshPilcer | it says v ndiswrapper-modules-1.9 - | 04:16 |
clarks | nightrid3r, already.. | 04:16 |
clarks | but this light is not non | 04:16 |
clarks | *oon | 04:16 |
evowill | speedy, this is the help forum for Ubuntu, knoppix is a different distro | 04:16 |
marine | nightrid3r, how do ichange my settings to allow boot up in cd | 04:16 |
eseven73 | Does Ubuntu allow encrypted disk like fedora does? I Didnt see an encryption option on the install of Xubuntu 8.04 | 04:16 |
BlueEagle | joshpilcer: Then I would suggest you install ndiswrapper-modules-1.9 if that is the package you want. | 04:16 |
BlueEagle | joshpilcer: (odds are that it is) | 04:16 |
dontyoujusthatem | hey guys how do i find out which Tor port is open that i can connect to ? i keep getting Trying * Failed to connect to No buffer space available | 04:16 |
clarks | nightrid3r, if you ask me to tick enable from network manage i cant tick because it cannot.. | 04:17 |
nightrid3r | marine: depends on the bios, look for boot or advanced | 04:17 |
Dr_willis | pandaking, that specific url just tives the 3 packages you need toinstall on ubuntu. to compile the thing from source. | 04:17 |
HollywoodJumper | it has been many moons since i last chatted with this channel | 04:17 |
clarks | nightrid3r, my wireless is still not on.. | 04:17 |
FernandoF | Using FIREFOX I can not type text in my windows under hotmail to send messages ... I can type addreses and all other stuff, but not into the tex window ... Anyone knows what could i do? | 04:17 |
BlueEagle | joshpilcer: Also remember to update you repositories regularly. | 04:17 |
linuxman410 | Gobby sudo apt-get clamav | 04:17 |
evowill | Speedy, you may want to join the #knoppix channel and see if they can help you | 04:17 |
speedy | evowill ok well where can I get a ubuntu live CD :P and is it same/better than knoppix ? | 04:17 |
pandaking | Dr-willis - yes sorry, try this | 04:17 |
nightrid3r | clarks: its a swith or button, hardware, not software | 04:17 |
marine | nightrid3r, ecause rebooting with the cd in place doesn't work, how to access bios setrtings | 04:17 |
Dr_willis | pandaking, install the 3 packages it says.. then follow the steps starting with 1) Download the latest source tarball | 04:17 |
oholiab | FernandoF: are you sure the text isn't just going in the same colour as the box so you can't see it? | 04:17 |
Gobby | Okey, more questions guys :), once i deleted the file i thought was trojan, its permanently deleted correct?, it was used with wine, how could i check and see if it messed with my wine config? and how do i get the scanner for linux its somthing simmilar to sudo get-apt amvscan?thanks guys | 04:17 |
eseven73 | linuxman410: you forgot 'install' | 04:17 |
linuxman410 | sorry | 04:18 |
nightrid3r | marine: while booting keep "delete" pressed | 04:18 |
clarks | nightrid3r, i already switch it | 04:18 |
evowill | speedy, well it is different :-) but you can get it at | 04:18 |
jrattner1 | Question: How can I copy my firefox profile from windows to ubuntu? | 04:18 |
pandaking | Dr_willis, it's step 4 that I am a little confused about | 04:18 |
HollywoodJumper | can some one tell me if they have hacked the 8gb ipod touch yet? | 04:18 |
BlueEagle | gobby: clamav has been suggested and it is what I recomend aswell. | 04:18 |
marine | nightrid3r, constanltly | 04:18 |
clarks | nightrid3r, can i pm you? | 04:18 |
jimdandy | Hello, beautiful people! Can anyone help me find my "System-->Administration-->Network" dialog? | 04:18 |
nightrid3r | marine: yes | 04:18 |
Gobby | what the command in the terminal? and will it scan like avg? | 04:18 |
Gobby | im so new to linux mate, | 04:19 |
marine | nightrid3r, all right i'll try again | 04:19 |
evowill | HollywoodJumper, This is a support channel for Ubuntu, google may be able to help you with that answer though | 04:19 |
BlueEagle | gobby: man clamav | 04:19 |
speedy | evowill how different ? easier? I just want to be able to boot on it and try a game to test my videocard lol | 04:19 |
BlueEagle | gobby: That will give you the manual for clamav | 04:19 |
brian-laptop | hey guys i have a question everytime i try to get online i always have to sudo mobprobe -a and sudo moprobe ndiswrapper.or something in those lines i was wondering on how i can make the laptop auto do that.cause as u see i keep forget the command :P | 04:19 |
FernandoF | oholiab, Yes I am sure, I can not get cursor blinking inside text window, despite I am in editing mode (new message, or replying or forward modes) | 04:19 |
eseven73 | There is an Avast for Linux too | 04:19 |
BlueEagle | gobby: strike that.. clamav apperantly hasn't got a manual page. :/ | 04:19 |
nightrid3r | clarks: check dmesg to see if its switched on now | 04:19 |
Dr_willis | pandaking, since i dont think any of the special cirmstances apply.. use './configure' | 04:19 |
Gobby | :( | 04:19 |
eseven73 | Gobby: there's an Avast for Linux too | 04:19 |
clarks | nightrid3r, still disable.. | 04:20 |
pandaking | Dr-willis - thank you ever so much for your help :) | 04:20 |
evowill | speedy, they are both very easy | 04:20 |
dontyoujusthatem | which port do i connect my application to ? i am trying to use Tor. i tried 8118 and 9050. they dont work | 04:20 |
eseven73 | Does Ubuntu allow encrypted disk like fedora does? I Didnt see an encryption option on the install of Xubuntu 8.04 | 04:20 |
oholiab | FernandoF: that's bizarre... is it a recent install, and have you done any updates lately? | 04:20 |
Gobby | well, i heard that the file was a trojan, but i had it on windows xp, avg didnt turn up anything... but on the internet i here good things and bad things about the file | 04:20 |
tsrk | what does kill $! do ? | 04:20 |
Gobby | dont remember what file, but was thinking about it lol | 04:20 |
nightrid3r | clarks: i don't know your wifi so i'm unable to help any further, sorry | 04:20 |
Gobby | and hoped i did not screw up. | 04:20 |
speedy | evowill well Im getting no help on #knoppix :S does the live CD of ubuntu comes with 3d games ? | 04:20 |
tsrk | as in the command "foo & sleep 8 ; kill $!" what is it killing? | 04:21 |
jimdandy | Ahh, I have Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop 64-bit, and I have no Network dialog. Can someone help? | 04:21 |
evowill | eseven73, Yes, but I believe that you have to install using the alternate cd, but don't quote me on that | 04:21 |
nightrid3r | tsrk: its killing foo | 04:21 |
HollywoodJumper | how can i get a driver for a sony camcorder? | 04:21 |
tsrk | nightrid3r, but if i have commands after it they will still run? | 04:21 |
eseven73 | evowill: ah it's too bad they dont just add it to the install GUI like Fedora does | 04:21 |
temppy | speedy: the cd itself doesn't come with games, but you can download games fairly easy | 04:21 |
nightrid3r | tsrk: yes | 04:21 |
phixxor | is there a command to tell what other users are on my network? | 04:22 |
Gobby | how do i run things through the terminal for example.. if i wanted to run xchat | 04:22 |
tsrk | nightrid3r, ok, thank you very much! | 04:22 |
Gobby | like the CLI | 04:22 |
phixxor | Gobby: it depends on the program | 04:22 |
phixxor | for firefox, the command is "firefox" | 04:23 |
cj | phixxor: *psst* firefox-bin | 04:23 |
Gobby | what if i wanted to run the program through terminal | 04:23 |
Gobby | ? | 04:23 |
FernandoF | oholiab, my system reports Firefox 3.0.5 | 04:23 |
nbeebo | how can i fix this? | 04:23 |
BlueEagle | gobby: clamdscan --help | 04:23 |
evowill | eseven73, I agree, but then again after helping people with issues, I think for the average user it may cause more issues :-) | 04:23 |
cj | Gobby: what do you want to run? | 04:23 |
phixxor | cj: heh really? I just did firefox and it worked :P | 04:23 |
FernandoF | shd I update? | 04:23 |
kbrosnan | cj: no just firefox, firefox-bin should not be run directly | 04:23 |
phanleson | hi | 04:23 |
* cj hides | 04:23 | |
oholiab | FernandoF: did you install it recently or download any updates? | 04:24 |
user_3 | looking for a graphical diff view, any suggestion? (Beyond Compare like) | 04:24 |
evowill | speedy, 3d games, not by default, but you can install | 04:24 |
=== binarymutt_ is now known as binarymutt | ||
F4RREL | WHAT | 04:24 |
sheep | nbeebo: you need the libx11-dev package | 04:24 |
speedy | evowill :S but its not to install ubuntu I want , just live cd | 04:24 |
cj | user_3: diff -u? :) | 04:24 |
JoshPilcer | how do i install a .deb file from my home documents with terminal?? | 04:25 |
phanleson | hi, every people | 04:25 |
phanleson | i am on an acer aspire one netbook and just installed kde4.1 on an ubuntu 8.10 installation but my resolution is wrong, how can i change that? | 04:25 |
oholiab | FernandoF: what I usually do in a situation like that is uninstall the package and then re-install it, but I can't guarantee that will solve your problem | 04:25 |
FernandoF | I had a version ok some 6 months ago, and it occured after updates and it only happens under hotmail and not other email providers | 04:25 |
marine | nightrid3r, hey bro did exactly as you said found it in the advance mode set to noot up in cd pressed enter f10 to save and it still didn;t boot up in cd | 04:25 |
evowill | Yes, but you can still install software on the live system, granted it will only be for that session, and you are limited by swap space if you have it and RAM | 04:25 |
nbeebo | sheep, thank you very much | 04:25 |
phixxor | JoshPilcer: would that be the dpkg command? however i'm not sure it's always a good idea; what are you trying to accomplish? | 04:25 |
FernandoF | oholiab, I can try that | 04:26 |
marine | nightrid3r, iam missing something | 04:26 |
evowill | marine, take a look at | 04:26 |
user_3 | cj: Looking for Graphical, Beond Compare highlights colors, recognizes important and unimportant changes | 04:26 |
FernandoF | oholiab, what could be console sequence to make that? | 04:26 |
hellhound_ | how can I downgrade flash player ? I have the file but I do not know where it goes? | 04:26 |
oholiab | FernandoF: other than that I'm out of ideas, because it could be any number of conflicts... I had one with Java a while ago, and it killed my firefox back button | 04:26 |
eseven73 | evowill: Hmmm when I had full disk encryption I had no problems with anything and I'm a noob. :) | 04:26 |
JoshPilcer | phixxor it said i needed to install build-essential. and i found a .deb file from ubuntu. and i have to install it that way since sudo apt-get doesn't work | 04:27 |
oholiab | FernandoF: sudo apt-get remove firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox | 04:27 |
oholiab | should do it | 04:27 |
FernandoF | I read somewhere it could be a fight against software free ... to avoid the use of Firefox | 04:27 |
Gobby | how do i get applications through the terminal | 04:27 |
FernandoF | But I think it is not | 04:27 |
evowill | eseven73, ah yes, but you are only 1 of billions of people on this planet :-) | 04:27 |
Gobby | is it sudo get-apt program goes here? | 04:27 |
JoshPilcer | ya | 04:27 |
cj | FernandoF: and god will smite thee for touching a windows machine, too. | 04:27 |
JoshPilcer | sudo apt-get program | 04:28 |
eseven73 | Gobby: 'sudo apt-get install program' | 04:28 |
cj | Gobby: sudo apt-get install <program> | 04:28 |
JoshPilcer | whoops forgot the install | 04:28 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: build-essential.deb deppends on other debs, use apt-get install build-essentials | 04:28 |
brian-laptop_ | and also it keeps droping my signal so if u told me the solution i didnt get it cause my conntion drop | 04:28 |
brian-laptop_ | could someone help | 04:28 |
The-Kernel | what's the command to see what's using the sound card? For some reason my sound doesn't work | 04:28 |
eseven73 | everyone forgets the 'install' part of 'sudo apt-get install program' haha | 04:28 |
FernandoF | hum ...unable to resolve host | 04:28 |
oholiab | eseven73: more often than you'd believe ;) | 04:28 |
Gobby | thank you all very much for your support, i'm really trying to learn anything, its a night and day difference from linux to windows | 04:29 |
ic3fr0g | anyone knows any nice multi player game for ubuntu ?????? | 04:29 |
JoshPilcer | nightrid3r it always says E: couldn't find the package build-essentials | 04:29 |
BlueEagle | gobby: clamscan -ri /path/to/scan | 04:29 |
oholiab | FernandoF: what, when you do apt-get? | 04:29 |
BlueEagle | gobby: that should do it. | 04:29 |
eseven73 | JoshPilcer: no 's' at the end of that | 04:29 |
Gobby | alright first i have to get the program | 04:29 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: lemme check | 04:29 |
oholiab | FernandoF: you should probably ask the rest of the channel now because I need to go to bed | 04:29 |
nephlim | you can hotswap a monitor without frying the graphics card or the monitor right? | 04:29 |
user_3 | fyi: meld | 04:29 |
cj | JoshPilcer: tab completion FTW | 04:29 |
JoshPilcer | i know it doesn't work with a 's' or without | 04:30 |
ic3fr0g | any multiplayer game for linux ? | 04:30 |
FernandoF | oholiab I have a message from system saying "unable to resolve host (my computer name) | 04:30 |
BlueEagle | nephlim: It has been done, but it has also damaged monitors and gfx-cards. | 04:30 |
nephlim | ah, thanks BlueEagle | 04:30 |
BlueEagle | nephlim: I do not recomend doing it as it _may_ lead to damage. | 04:30 |
jrattner1 | Question: Where can I find a firefox 3.1 package? | 04:30 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 04:30 |
Gobby | whats the exact name of the program? | 04:30 |
nephlim | yeah i don't think i will, new monitor and all | 04:30 |
nephlim | thanks for the help | 04:30 |
FernandoF | ok ...I go to bed as well and will solve it another day ...It is not the first time I come for help about this ... | 04:30 |
Gobby | so i can get it through sudo apt-get install thing | 04:30 |
Stinky_ | im using ubuntu studio. what package do i install for the gnome shared folders app? | 04:31 |
JoshPilcer | nightrid3r i keep getting E: couldn't find package build-essential | 04:31 |
brian-laptop_ | hey everyone im haveing connection problems..i notice that when i get connected after so long i lose my connection is that my laptop problem or my router problem or is something wrong with my ubuntu | 04:31 |
BlueEagle | jrattner1: It will be in the repositories once it has been determined that it doesn't break anything else. | 04:31 |
hellhound_ | how can I downgrade flash player ? I have the file but I do not know where it goes? | 04:31 |
BlueEagle | jrattner1: Until then you can compile from source or see if there is one on the firefox home page. | 04:31 |
Berzerker | Hi, I accidentally removed my icons (Network, bluetooth, battery, etc.) how do I add them back? | 04:32 |
Berzerker | to the top toolbar | 04:32 |
jrattner1 | BlueEagle, how about an SSL enabled version of Thunderbird? | 04:32 |
BlueEagle | jrattner1: I do not recomend compiling from source unless you know how to recover a broken system. However you'll never learn how to recover a broken system if you never break one. So it all comes down to one question: Do you feel lucky? | 04:32 |
disappearedng_ | hey how do I install the php spl? | 04:32 |
evowill | Berzerker, right click, add to panel | 04:32 |
JoshPilcer | nightrid3r i keep getting E: couldn't find package build-essential | 04:32 |
RPS | 100gb HDD, 55gb set up for Ubuntu 8.10, 45gb for windows ....It's been almost 3 weeks since it was partitioned this way.. The drive was fresh with an install of Win XP and now I really have almost no need to have XP Pro it simple to just make a little more room for Ubuntu and leave a smaller partition for Winblows? | 04:32 |
nightrid3r | !info build-essential | 04:32 |
ubottu | build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB | 04:32 |
Stinky_ | im using ubuntu studio. what package do i install for the gnome shared folders app? | 04:32 |
Berzerker | evowill: I can't find all of them, and they don't look the same as the original ones | 04:33 |
seydar | I tried installing mysql-sever-5.0 through apt-get, but it failed, and now it tries to run a post-install script every time i use apt-get. how can I remove a package that hasn't been completely installed?> | 04:33 |
BlueEagle | joshpilcer: Check your repositories and make sure they are updated. | 04:33 |
Berzerker | evowill: I got it, it's the "Notification Area" | 04:33 |
JoshPilcer | i can't update since i have no internet | 04:33 |
Berzerker | thanks | 04:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Stinky_, /join #Ubuntu-studio | 04:33 |
JoshPilcer | i've been doing all this for internet | 04:33 |
RPS | oh and by the way Ubuntu ROCKS!!! | 04:33 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: do you want to build ubuntu packages, thats what u use that for | 04:33 |
evowill | Berzerker, glad you found it :-) | 04:33 |
RPS | Whats up Jack_Sparrow? | 04:33 |
JoshPilcer | i need to get internet for my pavilion dv6000 | 04:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | RPS, JUst booted up to get my mail | 04:34 |
RPS | too bad for you LOL | 04:34 |
Gobby | Whats the recommended virus scanner in ubuntu? | 04:34 |
JoshPilcer | my internet card is BCM94311MCG | 04:34 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: apt-get needs a net connection to work, use a wired connection | 04:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gobby, Not needed | 04:34 |
eseven73 | !virus | 04:34 |
ubottu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 04:34 |
FernandoF | oholiab It did not solve | 04:35 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: you will then be able to just install ndiswrapper | 04:35 |
JoshPilcer | i don't have a wired connect thouh. that's the problem | 04:35 |
FernandoF | oholiab have a nice sleep | 04:35 |
Gobby | well, im scared a program i used on wine has a virus | 04:35 |
RPS | Lmao need for virus protection!!!! | 04:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoshPilcer, Is there a hard line you can plug into to get your updates | 04:35 |
Gobby | I'm new to ubuntu just got it yesterday. | 04:35 |
hellhound_ | how can I downgrade flash player ? I have the file but I do not know where it goes? | 04:35 |
JoshPilcer | actually | 04:35 |
FernandoF | oholiab Thanks for having tryed to help | 04:35 |
JoshPilcer | i'll check it out | 04:35 |
JoshPilcer | how do i connect from a wired line? | 04:35 |
pentaside | How do you make a USB Bootable? | 04:35 |
JoshPilcer | plug in the cord, then what? | 04:35 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: plug in the cable, thats it | 04:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoshPilcer, For most people it just connects | 04:36 |
JoshPilcer | okay i'll try have to go afk on this computer | 04:36 |
JoshPilcer | if i need help i'll ask | 04:36 |
hellhound_ | how can I downgrade flash player ? I have the file but I do not know where it goes? | 04:36 |
brian-laptop_ | hey everyone im haveing connection problems..i notice that when i get connected after so long i lose my connection is that my laptop problem or my router problem or is something wrong with my ubuntu | 04:36 |
FernandoF | Using FIREFOX I can not type text in my windows under hotmail to send messages ... I can type addreses and all other stuff, but not into the tex window ... Anyone knows what could i do? | 04:37 |
pandaking | I am trying to automatically log in on startup. I tried "System -> Adminisration -> Login Window" but I am connecting via an NX client so I get an error about GDM not running | 04:37 |
FernandoF | any ideas? | 04:37 |
Stinky_ | brian-laptop; same thing happens to me when i play my wii | 04:37 |
marine | evowill, i tried everything stated and still can not boot from cd\] | 04:37 |
brian-laptop_ | stinky_: what kind of router do u have? | 04:37 |
Stinky | wrt54gs | 04:38 |
RPS | anybody got an opinion about my partition question? | 04:38 |
brian-laptop_ | stinky_: cause im thinkin its a routerr problem | 04:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | marine To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" | 04:38 |
brian-laptop_ | yea blue box right? | 04:38 |
nightrid3r | brian-laptop_: could be a wifi problem also (range, metal objects between router and laptop, concrete walls ......) | 04:38 |
JulioNeto | does anybody here sync RTM (Remember the milk) on Evolution? | 04:38 |
Stinky | brian-laptop; probably. i cant figure it out. goes away after a while | 04:38 |
CoJaBo-HB | .join firefox | 04:38 |
brian-laptop_ | nightrid3r: cant be that have straight shot to router | 04:38 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, at start where exactly | 04:38 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, at boot up | 04:39 |
brian-laptop_ | stinky_: its a linksys blue router right? | 04:39 |
Stinky | brian-laptop; yeah | 04:39 |
nightrid3r | brian-laptop_: try change channel | 04:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | marine, Yes, at the first screen where it says install or run without installing etc | 04:39 |
evowill | marine, do you get the boot menu at all? | 04:39 |
brian-laptop_ | night: how do we do that? | 04:39 |
brian-laptop_ | śtinky: yea ive heard that was bad for them | 04:39 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, i changed the boot menu successfully | 04:40 |
FernandoF | Does anyone know why Hotmail does not allow to write messages using firefox? | 04:40 |
brian-laptop_ | piss me off lol | 04:40 |
Stinky | brian-laptop; oh well, | 04:40 |
nightrid3r | brian-laptop_: open firefox and point it to | 04:40 |
brian-laptop_ | yea go to my settings in the router right? | 04:40 |
marine | jack that screen insn't popping up it gives me the choices to pick from but none of those you mentionedd | 04:40 |
pentaside | Anyone know how to make a USB Drive bootable? | 04:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | marine To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" | 04:41 |
nightrid3r | brian-laptop_: yes, under wireless you can change the channel | 04:41 |
brian-laptop_ | k trying that right now | 04:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | marine If you press F6 on our live cd you can make those changes | 04:41 |
brian-laptop_ | will tell u the outcome | 04:41 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, yes ut i can't hget my live cd to run | 04:41 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, yes but i can't get my live cd to run | 04:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | Can you read the cd in another os or machine | 04:42 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, yes i can see all the files | 04:42 |
Gobby | does anyone no where i can get a printable version of the commands on ubuntu? :) i want to get super familar with linux.. so it will be my base system | 04:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | marine, Did you md5 your download? | 04:42 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, yes that's the first thing it tells you to do | 04:43 |
nightrid3r | Gobby: you'll need a truck to move that book | 04:43 |
mark____ | !bash | Gobby | 04:43 |
ubottu | Gobby: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 04:43 |
tsrk | where is a user's crontab file? | 04:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | marine, What os did you use to get the md5 | 04:43 |
nightrid3r | tsrk: man crontab | 04:44 |
brian-laptop_ | nightrid3r: noticed when i changed the channel my signal changed atlittle | 04:44 |
brian-laptop_ | what is a good ghz | 04:44 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, windows xp | 04:44 |
tsrk | nightrid3r, thank you | 04:44 |
FernandoF | I quit! | 04:44 |
FernandoF | Goodnight all | 04:44 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, sp3 | 04:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | marine, What tool did you use to get the md5 | 04:44 |
nightrid3r | brian-laptop_: keep playing till you find a stable channel | 04:44 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, not sure anymore | 04:44 |
mark____ | Flannel: yep.. | 04:45 |
n8tuser | tsrk its somewhere in /var/spool/cron/crontab | 04:45 |
poseidon | Where are the ubuntu default wallpapers kept? I want to put the ones I download there to decrease clutter | 04:45 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, whatever it specified | 04:45 |
nickrud | tsrk, /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ (but use crontab -e to edit) | 04:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | marine, Sorry cant help but you might be stuck using the alternate cd | 04:45 |
tsrk | n8tuser, yeah, crontab looks better to edit | 04:45 |
nightrid3r | brian-laptop_: most wifi users just plug in the box and connect, if everyone uses channel 6 its like drinking from a fire hydrant | 04:45 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, let me try your first suggestion f6 | 04:46 |
JoshPilcer | i plugged in the phone line into the laptop and nothing happened... | 04:46 |
brian-laptop_ | nightrid3r: not understanding what u mean | 04:46 |
marine | Jack_Sparrow, which screen do i activate f6 | 04:46 |
tsrk | nickrud, why is the crontab command better to use to edit than just editing directly? | 04:46 |
wastrel | tsrk: it checks that you didn't mess up the syntax in the file | 04:47 |
JoshPilcer | help | 04:47 |
JoshPilcer | i plugged in the phone line into the laptop and nothing happened... | 04:47 |
tsrk | wastrel, ok, thanks | 04:47 |
n8tuser | tsrk -> its like a Makefile, it has certain format that if you screw up, you are hosed | 04:47 |
nightrid3r | brian-laptop_: there is to much data from diffrent wifi's going on the same channel, sometimes your card loses track of your router | 04:47 |
nickrud | tsrk, because the crontab dir is not normally readable by a usedr | 04:47 |
JoshPilcer | nightrid3r can you help me out | 04:47 |
Kymaera | Hey all, got a quick question. With an 8.10 server, is there a command I can run sudo or su - that will allow me to disconnect other users? Looks like someone's connection got hung from earlier. | 04:48 |
evowill | JoshPilcer, I will send you a PM | 04:48 |
JoshPilcer | okay | 04:48 |
evowill | JoshPilcer, just give me a min or 2 | 04:48 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: you need an utp cable to connect your laptop to the router | 04:48 |
JoshPilcer | okay | 04:48 |
JoshPilcer | i don't have a router | 04:48 |
JoshPilcer | i just have a wifi from my neighbors | 04:48 |
eseven73 | How do I install custom fonts? I stuck them in my .fonts folder but I dont see them even after rebooting | 04:49 |
HunterRequiem | I have an asus f3k, and I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu, but when I try (with 8.10), the live CD fails to boot the gui. can anyone help me? | 04:49 |
brian-laptop_ | nightrid3r: should i toy with Wireless Network Mode too? | 04:49 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: go to the neighbours with the laptop | 04:49 |
marabout | does anyone know if the Hardy alternate install has drivers for netopia wireless USB cards? | 04:49 |
nightrid3r | brian-laptop_: no | 04:49 |
JoshPilcer | lol is that the only way... cause they don't know i'm using their internet | 04:49 |
eseven73 | JoshPilcer: maybe they do know and just dont care | 04:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoshPilcer, Silly as it may seem, we dont support or condone Piracy | 04:50 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: leeching off they neighbours wifi is not supported by the ubuntu community | 04:50 |
nickrud | eseven73, that should do it; it was a ttf/otf font? | 04:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoshPilcer, Please come back when you have your own internet or a legal connection | 04:50 |
The-Kernel | OK I give up, I followed the whole sound debugging thing and the sound troubleshooting page, and I cannot get my sound to work. It doesn't even work at the login page. | 04:50 |
eseven73 | nickrud: yep | 04:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fonts | 04:51 |
ubottu | Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 04:51 |
nickrud | eseven73, what doesn't see it? | 04:51 |
Rocking-W | does computer have to be set to boot from cd to boot ubuntu 8.10 live? | 04:51 |
The-Kernel | What else should i check? | 04:51 |
grayhane | after reinstalling windows on my dual boot, how do I reconfigure grub | 04:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | Rocking-W, Yes | 04:51 |
nightrid3r | Rocking-W: yes | 04:51 |
Rocking-W | ok | 04:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | !grub | 04:51 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 04:51 |
eseven73 | nickrud: Terminal (i installed custom fonts in Fedora using the same method of sticking them in .fonts) and it worked | 04:51 |
Rocking-W | HunterRequiem: did you see that? | 04:51 |
eseven73 | nickrud: i even installed medibuntu and ubuntu-restricted-extras | 04:52 |
nickrud | eseven73, do you see it in appearances->fonts? | 04:52 |
eseven73 | nickrud: no that's the problem | 04:52 |
HunterRequiem | <Rocking> sorry, I couldn't see it was to me | 04:52 |
brian-laptop_ | k | 04:52 |
ic3fr0g | anyone can tell me any online multiplayer game free for linux.?? | 04:52 |
Paddy_EIRE | !games | 04:52 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 04:52 |
nickrud | eseven73, try running fc-cache -f , to force rereading the font cache | 04:53 |
HunterRequiem | <Rocking-W> and sort of. my computer has been set to boot from CD first for awhile. | 04:53 |
ic3fr0g | !softweares | 04:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about softweares | 04:53 |
SquareHimself | ic3fr0g: Wesnoth | 04:53 |
Rocking-W | ok | 04:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | !repos | 04:53 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 04:53 |
Gautam | hello, how can i install IE ...can you please help me ? | 04:53 |
Dr_willis | ic3fr0g, also it depends on what kiond of game ya want :) | 04:53 |
Dr_willis | Gautam, why do you need 'ie' ? | 04:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gautam, HAve you installed wine? | 04:53 |
nightrid3r | Gautam: not | 04:53 |
Gautam | to test sites on IE | 04:53 |
Gautam | i am web developer | 04:54 |
grndslm | how do the repos work?? | 04:54 |
Dr_willis | !ies4linux | 04:54 |
ubottu | ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox! | 04:54 |
Gautam | no i dont know about WINE | 04:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gautam, Install wine and /join #Winehq on how to get IE working | 04:54 |
eseven73 | nickrud: still no luck | 04:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gautam, sudo apt-get install wine | 04:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | !wine | 04:54 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help | 04:54 |
Gautam | #Winehq ? | 04:54 |
xxCody | !ubottu ? | 04:54 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gautam, It is a channel that supports wine and windows apps under winne | 04:55 |
mib_x2qjkmb2 | hi | 04:55 |
nickrud | eseven73, same fonts you used in fedora, right? I want to be sure it's not a faulty font | 04:55 |
Gautam | o.k Jack ..thanks | 04:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 04:55 |
eseven73 | nickrud: ok its' working in Firefox, donno why its not working in Terminal | 04:55 |
eseven73 | nickrud: they worked great in Terminal on Fedora so it's not the fonts that i know for sure | 04:55 |
stooj | Could I ask for some advice about setting up an apt-mirror? I'm not really wanting a full mirror, but just save downloading updates four times for each of my machines | 04:57 |
nickrud | eseven73, that's why I asked about system->prefs->appearance. | 04:57 |
marabout | after the install on ubuntu what command do I issue to move from GRUB to the GUI? I thought it was "startx" but it says "command not found"... | 04:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | !aptoncd | 04:57 |
ubottu | APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers | 04:57 |
mib_x2qjkmb2 | how to completely remove apps using apt-get ( i think sudo apt-get autoremove does not remove all the files) | 04:57 |
gadu33 | #join lanuevarepublica | 04:57 |
nickrud | eseven73, to see if it's a terminal issue or font subsystem problem | 04:57 |
wastrel | mib_x2qjkmb2: apt-get remove --purge <package name> | 04:57 |
mib_x2qjkmb2 | thanx wastrel | 04:57 |
HunterRequiem | I have an asus f3k, and I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu, but when I try (with 8.10), the live CD fails to boot the gui. can anyone help me? | 04:58 |
stooj | Jack_Sparrow, that looks pretty good - but any chance of skipping the CD and just updating over the lan?\ | 04:58 |
nickrud | wastrel, bet you didn't know apt-get now has purge and remove, like aptitude :) | 04:58 |
nightrid3r | HunterRequiem: did you set your bios to boot from cd | 04:58 |
eseven73 | nickrud: i dont have that , I'm on Xubuntu | 04:58 |
wastrel | apt-get purge mmm saves keystrokes | 04:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | HunterRequiem, When it crashes try ctrl-alt F1 and see if you get a terminal screen | 04:58 |
nickrud | eseven73, ah, then I don't know your terminal program | 04:58 |
wastrel | nickrud: i guess i missed the memo | 04:59 |
poseidon | I'm using the emrald theme manager, and I can get it to work if I use emerald --replace inthe command line, but If I close the terminal all my windows bars disappear. | 04:59 |
grndslm | how do the three different repos work (reg, -updates, & -security) if an update is made to -security... the code in the other 2 are also updated? or if an update's made to -updates... the code in -security isn't updated, right? | 04:59 |
HunterRequiem | nightrid3r: the issue has nothing to do with ubuntu not booting at all, I get a command prompt and I've found that x isn't working properly | 04:59 |
nickrud | wastrel, they've been sliding all kinds of goodies in. | 04:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | stooj, if the cd is on your lan it should work fine | 04:59 |
eseven73 | nickrud: i beleive Xubuntu uses Xterm for Terminal | 04:59 |
Paddy_EIRE | poseidon, use fusion-icon its the recommended method | 04:59 |
eseven73 | ill try xterm, one sec | 04:59 |
nickrud | eseven73, could be. Last time I used xterm it could only use bitmapped fonts. I don't know if that's changed | 04:59 |
Paddy_EIRE | !info fusion-icon intrepid | poseidon | 04:59 |
ubottu | fusion-icon (source: fusion-icon): tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-1 (intrepid), package size 29 kB, installed size 264 kB | 04:59 |
eseven73 | nickrud: hmmm I'll have to figure out howt o customize xterm, ill let you know if i find anything, thanks :) | 05:00 |
marabout | !xinit | 05:00 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xinit | 05:00 |
nickrud | eseven73, look for info on Xresources | 05:00 |
eseven73 | ok | 05:00 |
ic3fr0g | anyone can tell me any online multiplayer game free for linux that more than 2 persons play ??? Thanks. | 05:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | !games | ic3fr0g | 05:01 |
ubottu | ic3fr0g: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 05:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | ic3fr0g, World of Padman WOP | 05:01 |
HunterRequiem | Jack_Sparrow: from what I can tell, it's a problem with my graphics card. I tried going into the xserver (or was it xorg) config file and setting the driver to the generic one, but I still have the same issue | 05:01 |
wastrel | ic3fr0g: IRC | 05:01 |
nightrid3r | ic3fr0g: | 05:01 |
marabout | I need help getting from GRUB to gui on Hardy | 05:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | nightrid3r, why did you give him that siet | 05:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | *site | 05:02 |
digitalnorm | join channel #ubuntu | 05:03 |
distinctblur | you already joined... | 05:03 |
digitalnorm | he heh | 05:03 |
nightrid3r | Paddy_EIRE: hmm old link, my bad, should have checked first | 05:03 |
digitalnorm | how do i mount a partition from the cli? | 05:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | nightrid3r, ah no worries.. I thought I was missing out on something :p | 05:04 |
sexcopter2 | hi, what is the easiest way for me to see where a server is located (trying to pick a server closest to me) | 05:04 |
tokyoahead | hi guys.... how do I change the locale of the system? | 05:04 |
eseven73 | ic3fr0g: runescape maybe? They have full screen high def now so it's better than before :P | 05:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | sexcopter, go to "System > Administration > Software Sources | 05:05 |
wastrel | !locale | tokyoahead | 05:05 |
ubottu | tokyoahead: To set up and configure your locales, see | 05:05 |
tokyoahead | thanks wastrel | 05:05 |
Rencx | what does encrytion and keyrings option it show up when i start ubuntu | 05:06 |
sexcopter2 | Paddy_EIRE: yeah, and under Canada, there are a few to choose from. Canada's kinda big, and it might make some difference | 05:06 |
Brendan_Johnson | who here is running 8.10? | 05:06 |
cj | anyone here installed hardy or intrepid on an eee using debootstrap? | 05:06 |
Paddy_EIRE | sexcopter, yeah but it has an option to find the nearest/fastest | 05:06 |
sexcopter2 | Paddy_EIRE: just spotted it! Thanks. | 05:06 |
Paddy_EIRE | :) | 05:07 |
HunterRequiem | I'm getting an xorg error: "vesa, no modes found" when I try to boot from ubuntu 8.10 on my asus f3k notebook. anyone have some insight into this? | 05:07 |
cj | HunterRequiem: sounds like you have a bad resolution in your xorg.conf (or whatever it's called) | 05:07 |
weltpopeltag | Rolls 15 6-sided dice: 4 4 5 4 3 5 4 3 5 3 4 3 2 4 2 | 05:07 |
cj | HunterRequiem: can you run xf86config? | 05:07 |
HunterRequiem | cj: I'd have to reboot, but sure, I can write that down. | 05:07 |
Gautam | Jack i could not find that room for wine...its not in my list | 05:08 |
nickrud | weltpopeltag, wrong channel I think | 05:08 |
cj | HunterRequiem: not that... let me find the correct command | 05:08 |
HunterRequiem | cj: All right. | 05:08 |
sheep | Gautam: try #winehq | 05:08 |
=== Semidios_ is now known as Semidios | ||
Gobby | where can i find a list of printable commands for the terminal? | 05:08 |
Gobby | so i can know what commands do what ,etc | 05:08 |
Gautam | #wnehq is not showing in my list when i connect | 05:08 |
hellhound_ | how can i find out if i have a 64 bit system and if ubuntu is running in 64 bit mode | 05:08 |
sheep | Gautam: man command-name | 05:08 |
wastrel | !cli | Gautam | 05:09 |
ubottu | Gautam: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 05:09 |
sheep | Gautam: it can still be there even if it doesn't get listed | 05:09 |
sheep | Gautam: /join #winehq | 05:09 |
temppy | hellhound_: uname -a look for i686 or x86_64 | 05:09 |
nightrid3r | HunterRequiem: add vga=0x317 to your boot parameters | 05:09 |
datakid | hey you know when you are in the terminal and you write something like $less /var/spool/vmail/lists/ and you realise that tab completeion fails because you aren't root, so you decided to sudo /bin/bash do you clear the command line without hit delete until you hit the start of the line? | 05:09 |
wastrel | ack totally missed that | 05:09 |
cj | HunterRequiem: I don't know what the auto-config tool is called these days, but look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf and ... yeah, what nightrid3r said | 05:09 |
HunterRequiem | nightrid3r: all right then. I'll be back in a few minutes. | 05:10 |
wastrel | Gobby: | 05:10 |
jkoltner | Hi guys... I connected my digital camera to my Ubuntu PC, and I can open and import photos using F-Spot, but nowhere in F-Spot do I see the tools for, e.g., cropping the image or changing brightness, etc. (as show, e.g., here: I've tried looking through the menus, but there's nowhere obvious to enable these additional tools (I | 05:10 |
jkoltner | do have View->Components->Toolbar checked). What do I have to do to get the tools to appear? | 05:10 |
FloodBot1 | jkoltner: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:10 |
Gautam | Lee i want to install IE ...i have installed wine | 05:10 |
cj | datakid: ^a echo `^e` > /tmp/foo | 05:10 |
cj | datakid: sudo -s | 05:10 |
hellhound_ | temppy, i get 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP | 05:10 |
sdlwof | where's trash stored at? /home/$user/.trash? | 05:10 |
cj | datakid: `cat /tmp/foo` | 05:10 |
sheep | Gautam: ever heard of ies4linux? | 05:10 |
Gobby | thanks wastrel | 05:10 |
wastrel | sdlwof: if only it were so simple | 05:11 |
cj | datakid: if you get my meaning | 05:11 |
temppy | hellhound_: thats it? | 05:11 |
datakid | cj - eh? I have a full command line with commands...and I want to delete them all...I gjuess I dont :) | 05:11 |
ic3fr0g | how i get install this think??? | 05:11 |
sdlwof | wastrel, there's something i can't delete with the gui, gotta commandline it.. | 05:11 |
sdlwof | i can't sudo rm with the gui like i can with the command line. | 05:11 |
wastrel | sdlwof: /home/username/.local/share/Trash/ i believe nowadays | 05:11 |
hellhound_ | temppy, here is a direct cut and paste "Linux two-of-borg 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 20 21:57:00 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux" | 05:12 |
sdlwof | apprecaite the /username/, i couldn't figure that out myself. | 05:12 |
marabout | stuck at grub after hardy install How can I get into the GUI? | 05:12 |
nightrid3r | ic3fr0g: chmod +x then ./ | 05:12 |
cj | datakid: if you want to run a command that you've typed in to your unpriv'd account in a root shell, echo that command line to /tmp/foo (or something) and then sudo -s | 05:12 |
datakid | I was thinking of something more like "CTRL-HOME-RIGHT ARROW" sorry caps | 05:12 |
datakid | sorry, left arrow | 05:12 |
cj | datakid: to run the command, run `cat /tmp/foo` | 05:12 |
datakid | ah | 05:12 |
cj | backticks take the output of one command and stick it into the current prompt | 05:12 |
datakid | cj nice one cheers | 05:12 |
temppy | hellhound_: thats 32bit, notice the i686 | 05:12 |
wastrel | sdlwof: i just don't like giving mine out :] | 05:12 |
tokyoahead | 8.10 is what version? Intrepid Ibex? | 05:12 |
cj | tokyoahead: ja | 05:13 |
hellhound_ | temppy, ok thank you!! | 05:13 |
wastrel | 8.10 is intrepix yes | 05:13 |
sdlwof | .local/share/Trash would of been plenty useful. | 05:13 |
temppy | np | 05:13 |
sdlwof | and less to type. | 05:13 |
cj | sdlwof: luckily, you have ln -s :) | 05:13 |
sdlwof | cj, i don't get it? | 05:14 |
tokyoahead | good. I think its kinda stupid that the help sections ferer to the codename if its not visible in the OS as cleasr as the version number. Iven the software download does not mention that codename | 05:14 |
SparkyFlary | so um hows windows 7 compared to ubuntu? | 05:14 |
confusedbylinux | costs more | 05:14 |
Paddy_EIRE | !ot | SparkyFlary | 05:14 |
ubottu | SparkyFlary: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 05:14 |
Scubidus | Ha Windows seven | 05:14 |
Scubidus | c'mon now | 05:14 |
Scubidus | your in an open source irc | 05:14 |
SparkyFlary | ok off topic sorry | 05:14 |
cj | SparkyFlary: apples vs oranges. but Paddy_EIRE's right. let's not start a flamewar | 05:15 |
jkoltner | How do I get f-spot to display its tools icons for, e.g., cropping? Under the Edit menu I only have Rotate Left/Right, but nothing for cropping/brightness adjustment/etc. | 05:15 |
tokyoahead | wastrel: the page you told me is about a package that does not seem to exist (localeconf) | 05:15 |
energY | Hello | 05:15 |
energY | How can I see the avrage upload download of a system? | 05:15 |
marabout | How do I move from GRUB to GUI after install if Terminal says "startx" not installed? | 05:16 |
cj | energY: you mean the rate? | 05:16 |
mrspinx | hi everyone, i'm trying to backup my virtualbox vm, can i just cp it over or is there a way to do it in vbox? | 05:16 |
cj | energY: you have to continuously poll | 05:16 |
energY | cj: The speed kbps | 05:16 |
wastrel | tokyoahead: eew . maybe the doc is out of date | 05:16 |
confusedbylinux | could anyone suggest a comprehensive website for a begginer linux user, not new to computers | 05:16 |
cj | energY: over what period? a second? a week? year? | 05:16 |
energY | cj: Or kB/s, K/s | 05:16 |
mrspinx | i have already asked in #vbox, but everything is a bit quiet there atm :) | 05:16 |
energY | cj: 10 minutes? | 05:16 |
confusedbylinux | to test your connection speed | 05:16 |
cj | confusedbylinux: what do you want to know? | 05:16 |
tokyoahead | wastrel it says there that the package did not exist in gutsy, so seems to be quite old | 05:17 |
ic3fr0g | have servers all over the world for test your speed. results are real. | 05:17 |
energY | confusedbylinux: I need to know how much it average actually consumes at bittorrent. | 05:17 |
cj | energY: try iptraf | 05:17 |
confusedbylinux | I can pretty much fumble around the GUI but wanna know some begginer command line stuff to take full advantage of linux | 05:17 |
mrspinx | found it :) (clonevdi) | 05:18 |
mrspinx | see you guys later :) | 05:18 |
xxCody | confusedbylinux , thats a nice name i should of thought of that ;) | 05:18 |
Gautam | ies4linux ...what it is .. | 05:18 |
cj | confusedbylinux: it's taken me 15 years and I still learn something new every day. choose a project and learn what you need to know to complete it. why did you decide to try linux? | 05:18 |
Scubidus | hey I got a problem with the native ubuntu games they crash my system whenever I run them for over 10 minutes in fullscreen it will crash the OS | 05:18 |
sheep | !ies4linux > Gautam | 05:18 |
ubottu | Gautam, please see my private message | 05:18 |
mashtdi | Has anyone found a solution to the Flash 10 Sound issue in Intrepid? | 05:18 |
cj | Scubidus: what's your kernel log say about the crash? | 05:19 |
atom^x | jkoltner: double click image to enter edit mode | 05:19 |
cj | Scubidus: /var/log/kern.log, IIRC | 05:19 |
sdlwof | i still think vmware is better then wine.... | 05:19 |
felixsulla | (Running Ubuntu as a guest VM, under Windows Vista) If I can get to a website by IP only, but not by name (ie. wont come up) Does that mean I have a DNS problem? How do I configure my DNS to work by name also? | 05:19 |
Paddy_EIRE | mashtdi, "the flash 10 sound issue" never heard of it | 05:19 |
cj | Scubidus: use less - sudo less /var/log/kern.log | 05:19 |
cj | Scubidus: then you can look for the time of your last crash and look for messages related to it | 05:19 |
cj | Scubidus: /var/log/syslog is also useful | 05:19 |
confusedbylinux | love computers, started on TRS80 color computer, and I am learning macs for job and wanna know linux, knowledge is power | 05:19 |
Scubidus | k let me get back to you | 05:19 |
cj | confusedbylinux: okay. routing? development? graphic design? | 05:20 |
mashtdi | Paddy_Eire, I have found a lot of threads on ubutnu forums about Flash 10 not piping through audio | 05:20 |
mashtdi | I am also having this proble, | 05:20 |
marabout | Can anyone help me my computer seems to be stuck at GRUB (typing this on alternate machine). | 05:20 |
cj | marabout: perhaps. what does GRUB tell you? | 05:21 |
jkoltner | atom^x: Thanks, I did that but it doesn't display the tool icons. :-( (The "edit image" button at the top of the window is shown as depressed.) | 05:21 |
cj | marabout: are you at a '>' prompt or a text console with a line selected? | 05:21 |
cj | mashtdi: kill firefox and start it from a command prompt. you'll get some debugging information that way | 05:22 |
wastrel | !cli | confusedbylinux | 05:22 |
ubottu | confusedbylinux: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 05:22 |
grndslm | join #buttsex | 05:22 |
shin | Can someone tell me what is wrong with these two lines in /etc/fstab? /home is not mounting and the device name is right. | 05:22 |
marabout | cj: I am at <username> ~$ | 05:22 |
cj | marabout: doesn't sound like GRUB to me? | 05:22 |
veloc1ty | !ops | grndslm | 05:22 |
Paddy_EIRE | mashtdi, this might help you | 05:22 |
ubottu | grndslm: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 05:22 |
Scubidus | Hey cj Im going to recreate the problem So i will be back on once i get cut off | 05:22 |
mashtdi | Paddy_eire, Thanks | 05:22 |
cj | quick work, nickrud | 05:23 |
Paddy_EIRE | mashtdi, sure get back to me if you have any difficulty :) | 05:23 |
CoJaBo-HB | What was that? | 05:23 |
marabout | cj: rebooted after the install and landed here... I assumed it was/is GRUB | 05:23 |
nickrud | cj, scripts | 05:23 |
confusedbylinux | i am a jack of all trades, I wanna know ip tables, routing, hardware, graphics, programming, general knowledge,,, I went over a house for a job, guy knew linux and computers to the point I felt stupid, now I am gonna join local linux club for help,,,, I have about 4 days experience with linux | 05:23 |
copantl | hi guys | 05:23 |
cj | the $ prompt is bash :) | 05:23 |
atom^x | jkoltner: have not used f-spot, try here | 05:23 |
copantl | any body know howto fix the flashing hang of intrepid? | 05:23 |
eli__ | What gnome project controls the appearance of wallpapers? | 05:23 |
scunizi_ | confusedbylinux: I use to sell the computers you cut your teeth on.. trs-80 mod 1 etc | 05:24 |
cj | confusedbylinux: doesn't sound like you've got a particular project in mind. Pick one. Want to help me write a 3d modeler? | 05:24 |
jkoltner | OK, different problem... if I leave my PC on for a few days, starting Firefox will completely lock up the GUI (Gnome). I can still telnet in from another machine and access shared drives, etc., but Gnome (and X11, I guess) seem completely dead... Ctrl+Alt+Backspace is ignored, Ctrl+Alt+F2 does nothing, etc. | 05:24 |
marabout | cj: is it normally to be in Bash immediately after installing Ubuntu (hardy alt disc)? | 05:24 |
marabout | cj: *normal | 05:24 |
jkoltner | I've tried selectively killing off various processes from a telnet session, but I can't get X11 to re-start (the closest I've come is getting the display to just turn to garbage after killing X11). | 05:24 |
cj | marabout: depends :) | 05:24 |
jkoltner | Any idea what the problem might be? | 05:24 |
cj | marabout: probably not, though. Did you have to log in? | 05:25 |
HunterRequiem | hello, I'm back. I have the following error in xorg's log when I Try to boot ubuntu: (EE) RADEON(0) ParseTable said: CD_INVALID_OPCODE, (II) RADEON(0) Query for AtomBIOS failed, Output DIO2 setup failed | 05:25 |
cj | jkoltner: /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 05:25 |
wastrel | jkoltner: /etc/init.d/gdm restart ? | 05:25 |
marabout | cj: on whether on is a neewb or not :) Yes I did have to log in | 05:25 |
confusedbylinux | thanks for all the help ppl,,, UH cj i have 4 days experience | 05:25 |
jkoltner | Thanks guys, I'll try that next time it happens | 05:25 |
cj | jkoltner: sudo less /var/log/X*.log | 05:25 |
marabout | *one | 05:26 |
jkoltner | From Googling it seems that Firefox, at least in older versions, was known to cause this problem... apparently it's been a difficult problem to fix. | 05:26 |
karthik | hey help me where can i get info on how to create a workspace | 05:26 |
atom^x | jkoltner: does it only do that when firefox is running? | 05:26 |
copantl | any body know howto fix the flashing hang of intrepid? | 05:26 |
wastrel | karthik: right-click the workspace switcher, click preferences | 05:27 |
confusedbylinux | btw this guy gave me a book from 1997 "linux in a nutshell" is this thing still useful after so many years? | 05:27 |
copantl | any body know howto fix the flashing hang of intrepid? | 05:27 |
karthik | wastrel: hey i need to write a program for creating a new workspace.. not using right click stuff | 05:27 |
jkoltner | atom^x: As far as I can tell, yes... although probably at least 90% of the time when I sit back down at the PC, FireFox is the first thing I run. I did leave FireFox running for awhile indefinitely (rather than starting it new) once and then the desktop locked up after I clicked a link. | 05:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | !repeat | copantl | 05:27 |
cj | marabout: okay. sudo apt-get install tasksel && sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop # IIRC | 05:27 |
ubottu | copantl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 05:27 |
nightrid3r | confusedbylinux: yes it will give you some basics | 05:28 |
joeb3_ | confusedbylinux, good reading material, but alot has changed. | 05:28 |
wastrel | karthik: probably need to twiddle with the gconf tool | 05:28 |
confusedbylinux | is it worth reading or just get newer book? | 05:28 |
cj | confusedbylinux: doesn't matter. pick a project. I need some help with a modeler, and a jack of all trades comes in handy. If you don't want to help, you should really pick a project of your own :) | 05:28 |
kevdog | Where in the .gconf settings is the font information stored? | 05:28 |
runderwo | HunterRequiem: What version of ubuntu are you using? | 05:28 |
Roland- | hey, any ways to install ubuntu debian like? like base system and then add NEEDED packages | 05:29 |
HunterRequiem | runderwo: 8.10. | 05:29 |
Roland- | keeping the system light | 05:29 |
runderwo | HunterRequiem: Which ATI card? | 05:29 |
atom^x | jkoltner: i have had same experience attributed itto firefoxbloat/memory leak? | 05:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | Roland-, try and form a complete question/sentence all on one line so we can understand you | 05:29 |
eseven73 | nickrud my fonts work now :) I restarted X and I guess that fixed things | 05:29 |
cj | kevdog: check the man pages | 05:30 |
nightrid3r | confusedbylinux: Ubuntu Unleashed 2008 Edition from sams publishing | 05:30 |
kevdog | cj: under what entry? | 05:30 |
cj | kevdog: checking | 05:30 |
confusedbylinux | I think it wAS cj who asked why i want to try Linux,,, I have Vista installed on this laptop,,,,,, nuff said :) | 05:30 |
marabout | cj: answer: "couldnt find package taskel" | 05:30 |
cj | marabout: did you run the first part? sudo apt-get install tasksel? | 05:30 |
jkoltner | atom^x: Yeah, I could certainly believe that. I'm just surprised it can lock up the entire desktop even to the extent of Ctrl+Alt+Backspace not working! | 05:30 |
Roland- | ok is there a way to custom install ubuntu ? I mean installl only things I need not the whole ubuntu stuff .. | 05:31 |
Paddy_EIRE | !install | 05:31 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? Try - see also !automate | 05:31 |
marabout | cj: yes | 05:31 |
eseven73 | !minimal | Roland- | 05:31 |
ubottu | Roland-: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See | 05:31 |
jkoltner | Still, in general Firefox is great... I switched to it on the Windows machines I use as well. | 05:31 |
Flannel | Roland-: Grab an alternate CD, install a "command line" system, then add to it. | 05:31 |
HunterRequiem | runderwo: I believe it is a ATI Mobility HD 2600 | 05:31 |
cj | kevdog: gconftool-2 recommends | 05:31 |
keithclark | What is the best way to have all of my computers in my house boot off of one main computer? And have everything run from there, and stored on there? | 05:31 |
cj | marabout: did you run 'sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop' ? | 05:31 |
Cpudan80 | keithclark: that isn't 100% possible | 05:32 |
nightrid3r | keith__: LTSP linux terminal server project | 05:32 |
cj | keithclark: how good are you with DHCP and TFTP? | 05:32 |
nickrud | !ltsp | keithclark (a way) | 05:32 |
ubottu | keithclark (a way): LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, and/or | 05:32 |
Cpudan80 | keithclark: at the lowest level, you have to some stuff on the client machines | 05:32 |
xxCody | Im in the installation process of installing Ubuntu on another machine. Rite now im trying to partition it and save my other OS. How do i do that? | 05:32 |
nightrid3r | !dualboot | xxCody | 05:33 |
xxCody | i only see 3 partitions under manual. dev/sda1-3 | 05:33 |
ubottu | xxCody: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 05:33 |
Dr_willis | keithclark, or As a quick and dirty way.. put a minimal linux on each client.. and use the XDMCP feature of X to get them to be a 'thin client' :) | 05:33 |
keithclark | Cpudan80: some stuff can exist on the clients, I just want to minimize it. | 05:33 |
Cpudan80 | then that ltsp is the way to go | 05:33 |
marabout | cj: yes | 05:33 |
Cpudan80 | keithclark: another way would be a whole mess of NFS | 05:34 |
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi | ||
Cpudan80 | (Network file shares) | 05:34 |
Cpudan80 | but that would get slow and complicated I think | 05:34 |
nickrud | Dr_willis, that by no stretch of the imagination approaches best :) | 05:34 |
Dr_willis | nickrud, depends on the tasks :) | 05:34 |
tokyoahead | guys my firefox is messed up because of an add-on, how can I start it without loading the addon? | 05:34 |
confusedbylinux | this Linux stuff is fun, everything I read about it is so confusing (grub, pidgin, tgz, blah blah blah) everything is so cryptic,,, and like speaking a foreign language | 05:34 |
keithclark | Cpudan80: I just want the clients to boot from the server automatically upon power up | 05:34 |
runderwo | HunterRequiem: Looks like this is the bug for you. | 05:35 |
Dr_willis | confusedbylinux, if you had never seen a windows machine and had to learn what C: D: and mouse ment.. the same would apply | 05:35 |
wastrel | tokyoahead: firefox -safe-mode | 05:35 |
atom^x | jkoltner: i like ff as well. thereis a series of keystrokes to trcover control of pc when X is locked up | 05:35 |
kevdog | cj: That helps, but now what? Tells me nothing about fonts -- I want to change the system,window,etc fonts via a script rather than going through the GUI. | 05:35 |
nightrid3r | keithclark: then ltsp is the way to go | 05:35 |
Gobby | Agreed confusedbylinux.. i just downloaded and printed a refference sheet | 05:35 |
Gobby | would you like it? | 05:35 |
confusedbylinux | oh i know, like i said its fun,,,.like learning new stuff | 05:35 |
marabout | cj: I did the (hardy text-based) install got message saying remove disc reboot. Did that. Was given option of which OS at startup chose Ubuntu and landed here. Seems odd to me... | 05:35 |
HunterRequiem | runderwo: thank you, I'll take a look at this | 05:35 |
Gobby | it shows commands/ and reference | 05:35 |
confusedbylinux | cody what os you want to dual boot with | 05:36 |
kevdog | atom^x: There is a post by PMDemogada (I think that is how you spell it) -- it was a Tutorial of the Week that explained the keystrokes you need to enter to do this | 05:36 |
Rencx | Do anyone can help me Keyrings they started show up after restart. | 05:36 |
kevdog | atom^x: Id search the forums for this post | 05:36 |
Gobby | confusedbylinux here click on the sheet to download it.. its very nice for reference | 05:37 |
jkoltner | confusedbylinux: Sobell's "A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux" is a good book, if you're looking... it's quite thick, but if you go through it slowly but surely, within 3-6 months you'll be quite experienced. "Ubuntu Kung Fu" by Keir Thomas is also quite good if you're just looking for tricks to "get things done" rather than becoming a Linux expert. | 05:37 |
distinctblur | 2 | 05:37 |
kevdog | Dont waste money buying a book -- Just begin playing with the system | 05:38 |
cj | kevdog: why can't you use the standard tools to change font? | 05:38 |
Rencx | Do anyone can help me Keyrings they started show up after restart. | 05:38 |
kevdog | Use the forums and the IRS | 05:38 |
Tekumel | Books at least provide a guided starting point kevdog | 05:38 |
wastrel | books are for people who can read : | 05:38 |
cj | marabout: did you go through the tasksel prompts? | 05:38 |
Tekumel | You can't write a novel without knowing the alphabet. | 05:38 |
CoJaBo-HB | I learned Linux almost entirely from tings found on Google lol | 05:38 |
jkoltner | kevdog: Nothing wrong with playing, but I think it can be a slowly way to really understand a system than to use a more methodical approach than a book provides. Certainly different methods of learning work best for different people, of course. | 05:38 |
wastrel | what about us illiterates | 05:38 |
nickrud | wastrel, ++1 | 05:38 |
wastrel | if you go through a book you'll have a better overall view | 05:39 |
marabout | cj: entering those commands only produces the "command not found" message | 05:39 |
confusedbylinux | thanks jkoltner and gobby | 05:39 |
wastrel | if you self-teach you can miss huge chunks of useful stuff | 05:39 |
distinctblur | ;3B | 05:39 |
kevdog | cj: Im using enlightenment now -- however prior to that metacity,gnome. I found that all gnome apps on my very old machine (it worked with the Feisty kernel) the fonts become corrupted to the point of non-readability about every 10 minutes. if I change the fonts, they suddenly become readable | 05:39 |
CoJaBo-HB | Theres plenty of guides and even many free Linux books on the internet. | 05:40 |
jkoltner | kevdog: I do agree that forums and IRC are some of the best resources out there for getting help... that's the downside of a book and, e.g., the "man" pages... you can't ask them questions and have them give you a response. :-) | 05:40 |
cj | marabout: uhrm... what happens when you 'sudo apt-get install tasksel'? | 05:40 |
cj | kevdog: try control-panel from the command prompt? | 05:40 |
Rencx | please snyone help me with encrition and keyring | 05:40 |
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked | ||
* cj needs to go to sleep :) | 05:40 | |
win7usr | !pastebinit | 05:40 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit | 05:40 |
nightrid3r | !gpg | Rencx | 05:40 |
ubottu | Rencx: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See and class #8 on | 05:40 |
cj | Rencx: yes, but I've got to go to sleep. sudo apt-get install keychain ssh gunpg | 05:41 |
nickrud | If you buy only one book, I'd suggest a good bash one | 05:41 |
Gobby | yep confusedbylinx, glad to help.. im a day old at linux... i geuss you could call me a old pro :) | 05:41 |
cj | g'night, all :) | 05:41 |
Gobby | GNight cj | 05:41 |
Rencx | i need remove it | 05:41 |
Rencx | it starts show up | 05:41 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, that would be a very silly idea indeed | 05:41 |
confusedbylinux | just like i dont go to one news site for my info (or even one country's side of things), I dont learn from one source either, ill use google, you tube, books, irc, email, web etc. to learn linux | 05:42 |
marabout | cj: sorry was typing 'taskel' instead of 'tasksel" Message reads: " tasksel is already the newest version" | 05:42 |
win7usr | quick question: how do you save the output of a command in a file?] | 05:42 |
Rencx | Paddy_EIRE why it started to show up? | 05:42 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, why not? | 05:42 |
win7usr | command > test.file ? | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | win7usr, bash basics --> command > logfile.txt | 05:42 |
wastrel | is keyring required for network-manager nowadays? | 05:42 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, read the webpages nightrid3r already showed you | 05:42 |
kevdog | cj: control-panel gives me nothing!!! | 05:42 |
mib_xuaqs7 | By mistake I removed via apt-get remove the top right section of the screen's functionality. It now says Users, instead of my username, and when I click on it, instead of getting Shut Down, Reboot etc., I get nothing. Can someone please tell me the name of it, so I can apt-get install it? | 05:42 |
win7usr | Dr_willis: thanks! I'm helping someone else, and don't want to give miskaken instructions | 05:42 |
scunizi_ | confusedbylinux: you might also check out where you can download pdf's of some ubuntu books.. just search for ubuntu | 05:43 |
wastrel | Rencx: if you want to disable that when you log in you can remove it from your session | 05:43 |
Gobby | In the Terminal, how do you for example run mozilla firefox straight through the terminal so it has the CLI and not the GUI i want to look at the oldschool side of things | 05:43 |
confusedbylinux | cool thx | 05:43 |
wastrel | Rencx: System > Preferences > Sessions find the keyring item and uncheck | 05:43 |
nickrud | Gobby, you mean use a text browser? | 05:43 |
Paddy_EIRE | wastrel, that would not be a very good idea | 05:43 |
arvind_khadri | Gobby, firefox & | 05:43 |
Gobby | yes nick | 05:43 |
wastrel | Paddy_EIRE: what will it break? | 05:44 |
arvind_khadri | Gobby, thats lynx | 05:44 |
bullgard4 | What programs evaluate the /etc/default/acpi-support file's content? | 05:44 |
nickrud | Gobby, links elinks links2 lynx are all text browsers you can install | 05:44 |
Gobby | whats the command? | 05:44 |
Gobby | oh. | 05:44 |
arvind_khadri | Gobby, sudo apt-get install lynx | 05:44 |
Gobby | I see, thanks guys :), love this community | 05:44 |
kevdog | lynx is really hard to use | 05:44 |
Paddy_EIRE | wastrel, I typically stick with recommended defaults.. especially when its security related.. removing it from start up just because it "shows up" is like shooting a fly with a rocket | 05:45 |
wastrel | kevdog: what do you recommend instead? | 05:45 |
kevdog | If there were no flash or jpegs it would be a lot easier | 05:45 |
Rencx | the problem is thet it asks my ld password | 05:45 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, how is that a problem | 05:45 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | links -g -> can show images in the framebuffer :) | 05:45 |
Gobby | Wait another question isnt possible to run like xchat through the terminal?. | 05:45 |
Gobby | where it also has the CLI | 05:45 |
kevdog | wastrel: I wish I knew -- what do you want to do? wget is good for downloading links directly | 05:45 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Gobby, irssi -> text based irc client | 05:45 |
nickrud | Gobby, that would be irssi , the most comon one | 05:45 |
Gobby | Okey, thanks again! | 05:46 |
helo | hello? | 05:46 |
nickrud | Gobby, and if you really wanna get old school, get mutt and read your mail there. | 05:46 |
wastrel | lynx, links, w3m 3 text browsers. | 05:46 |
helo | does this chat room talk about ubuntu? | 05:46 |
jonri | fuck you | 05:46 |
kevdog | How about pine? | 05:46 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, this is the support channel | 05:46 |
Rencx | <Paddy_EIRE> i log in ubuntu and then show up keyring asking for older password and for wireles wpa | 05:46 |
wastrel | pine is email oui? mutt is better <3 | 05:46 |
jrib | !id | jonri | 05:46 |
ubottu | jonri: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 05:46 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, everytime? | 05:46 |
helo | i need to monitor my CPU temps and I can't figure out how to install any programs. maybe i'm trying the wrong ones | 05:46 |
jrib | jonri: please keep it family-friendly here | 05:47 |
Rencx | almoust | 05:47 |
Gobby | Where is like ¨general discussion for ubuntu¨ ? | 05:47 |
xxCody | The website for ubuntu dual boot does not explain what i need it to. | 05:47 |
jrib | !ot | Gobby | 05:47 |
ubottu | Gobby: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 05:47 |
kevdog | pine is kickin' it old school! | 05:47 |
Rencx | every time after restart | 05:47 |
xxCody | Im installing ubuntu on another machine. | 05:47 |
eseven73 | CLI xchat... hmmm that is a good idea actually *me emails xchat's dev(team)* | 05:47 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, hmm.. and when you enter the details normally does it connect without issue? | 05:47 |
jonri | fuck you | 05:47 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | xxCody, install ubuntu, let the installer install grub.. it makes a menu you use to boot... | 05:47 |
pr0fXavier | any Virtualbox users? Is there an 'addon' pack, so the mouse controls, etc... are more manageable ? | 05:47 |
wastrel | kevdog: alpine is a fancier version apparently. i haven't tried it since i switched to mutt and all my pine-fu is forgotten | 05:47 |
helo | anyone know how i can check my CPU temps? please! | 05:47 |
Rencx | <Paddy_EIRE> before it was ok | 05:48 |
xxCody | Im at the prepare partitions screen in manual. And im trying to see what partitions are what | 05:48 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | pr0fXavier, you did install the virtualbox guest additions ? | 05:48 |
xxCody | but it only says sda1-3 | 05:48 |
scunizi_ | pr0fXavier: you have to install the vboxadditions to get better mouse control | 05:48 |
pr0fXavier | Dr_Willis_ZNC wont install | 05:48 |
marabout | !tasksel | 05:48 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tasksel | 05:48 |
Rencx | <Paddy_EIRE> i just restarted log in and i can work | 05:48 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, can you tell me what you have perhaps done in between it working an not working? | 05:48 |
kevdog | never heard of alpine -- might have to look at it -- face it I use gmail period | 05:48 |
Rencx | i changed password | 05:48 |
Paddy_EIRE | ah | 05:48 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, that would be it | 05:48 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, on moment please | 05:48 |
pr0fXavier | Dr_Willis_ZNC seems the 'CD' has only OS2/Windows installation files on it | 05:48 |
wastrel | kevdog: alpine supports imap, so you can use it with your gmail box :] | 05:49 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, dont shout.. have patience also | 05:49 |
scunizi_ | pr0fXavier: what is the guest that you need to install the additions on? | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | pr0fXavier, its installed here fine for me with Ubuntu running in virtualbox under windows... | 05:49 |
iShock | !info hddtemp > helo | 05:49 |
ubottu | hddtemp (source: hddtemp): hard drive temperature monitoring utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-beta15-44 (intrepid), package size 53 kB, installed size 284 kB | 05:49 |
nightrid3r | helo: lmsensors | 05:49 |
xxCody | Okay the guy who was previously helping me a quit. I need help partitioning my drives. Can anybody help me? | 05:49 |
kevdog | I just need to setup an outgoing smtp server to relay outgoing mail so I can use Mixmaster | 05:49 |
atom^x | helo: have you tried lmsensors?? | 05:49 |
helo | i tried that | 05:49 |
TheFunkbomb | does anyone know of a safe repository for kismet? | 05:49 |
helo | using x sensors | 05:49 |
confusedbylinux | cody what os you using | 05:49 |
kevdog | What is easiest - postfix? | 05:49 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | pr0fXavier, i would update yoru version of virtualbox if you are not using the latest. the cd DOES have a file on it. | 05:49 |
xxCody | I'd rather talk in a Private Message.. Too much traffic. | 05:49 |
pr0fXavier | hmmm, I wonder, Ill let the updates finish first, then I will try it again | 05:49 |
xxCody | Windows now. | 05:50 |
xxCody | On that other ocmputer Vista | 05:50 |
confusedbylinux | which version | 05:50 |
confusedbylinux | k | 05:50 |
helo | I don't know how to reply to people specifically in red. | 05:50 |
xxCody | helo , red | 05:50 |
xxCody | type their name. | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | helo, you just put the nick at the front | 05:50 |
* Dr_Willis_ZNC says this is an action however helo :) not the same | 05:50 | |
marabout | Can anyone help me get from bash shell into ubuntu desktop? | 05:51 |
kevdog | marabout: startx | 05:51 |
wastrel | kevdog: postfix is pretty easy but i moved my domain to google apps so i don't have to mess with that sort of thing anymore. mail nowadays is really best done by professionals. | 05:51 |
helo | nightrid3r i tried lm sensrs but its hard to figure out this install process | 05:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, could you please try this first | 05:51 |
wastrel | IMHO, of course | 05:51 |
scunizi_ | marabout: ctrl+alt+F7 if gdm is running | 05:51 |
marabout | kevdog: "startx" not found | 05:51 |
distinctblur | distinctblur red | 05:51 |
nightrid3r | helo: try sudo apt-get install lmsensors | 05:52 |
kevdog | wastrel: I need to send mixmaster messages from my computer and relay them through google's smtp server. I just need a relay | 05:52 |
Rencx | Paddy_EIRE it also make my wireles not work | 05:52 |
pr0fXavier | thanks again Dr_Willis_ZNC | 05:52 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | marabout, you did install ubuntu? or just the server edition? | 05:52 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, it would not be wise to remove the keyring for something so trivial.. yet it is annoying | 05:52 |
helo | nightrid3r i have done that already | 05:52 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, try that first | 05:52 |
marabout | scunizi_: not sure if gdm is running as I just install (hardy text-based) and after reboot I landed at Bash | 05:52 |
wastrel | kevdog: postfix is pretty simple yeah, and easy to configure smarthost | 05:52 |
pr0fXavier | Dr_Willis_ZNC: I just had to su and install from the media | 05:52 |
marabout | Dr_Willis_ZNC: Ubuntu (hardy alt CD text-based) | 05:52 |
kevdog | wastrel: You'd recommend postfix or something else? | 05:53 |
nightrid3r | helo: i have never used lmsensors so thats as far as my help goes | 05:53 |
Gobby | confusedbylinux | 05:53 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, you see by default the keyring associates your user password along with the keyring password.. as far as I know that has been depreciated but it seems to be what you are suffering with | 05:53 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | pr0fXavier, yes. the install script needs tobe ran with root privilages. :) I always copy the installer files to the virtualmachine. so i dont need the cd later.. if i have to reinsatll the addons | 05:53 |
helo | it says "E: Couldn't find package lmsensors" | 05:53 |
wastrel | kevdog: postfix is what i use by default normally, unless sendmail is required (mostly at work this happens) | 05:53 |
Gobby | You know that book, that guy was talking to you about? heres the pdf . :) | 05:53 |
helo | nightrid3r "E: Couldn't find package lmsensors" is the error i get | 05:53 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, if that method fails we will try something else | 05:54 |
Tekumel | Now Gobby, pirating that would be dishonest. *hides a copy in his jacket* | 05:54 |
Rencx | <Paddy_EIRE> i need method with diferent passwords | 05:54 |
Gobby | Oh, i geuss it would be illegal, sorry hehe | 05:54 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Tekumel, that sites a legal way to publish books i think. :) | 05:54 |
Tekumel | Oh, I'm not familiar with it. | 05:55 |
Gobby | Some guy suggested it, thought i would check it out | 05:55 |
scunizi_ | Tekumel: it is legal.. no piriates there. | 05:55 |
BLKDVL | Can anyone help me please? I set an encrypted password for Ubuntu that requires it to be typed in right at the very start. The only problem is I cannot for the life of me remember what it was. Is there anyway to get around that password or to reset it? | 05:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | Rencx, you are not making much sense.. also look here | 05:55 |
marabout | scunizi_: gdm must not be running as " ctrl+alt+F7" did not produce anything | 05:55 |
chronographer | anyone good with MPD and pulseaudio fixes? all the ones I found with google don't work! | 05:55 |
joeb3_ | BLKDVL, was that a grub password? | 05:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | BLKDVL, | 05:55 |
helo | does anyone have lots of experience with checking cpu temps in Ubuntu? | 05:55 |
scunizi_ | marabout: that typically means that your vid card isn't set up properly. Sorry can't diagnose that one. | 05:56 |
BLKDVL | Paddy_EIRE: Thank you. | 05:56 |
Paddy_EIRE | :) | 05:56 |
kevdog | wastrel: Ive setup exim before ; Have you used this? | 05:56 |
wastrel | marabout: dpkg -l | grep ubuntu-desktop | 05:56 |
wastrel | kevdog: a long time ago - it was debian's default when i was using debian. | 05:56 |
tritium | helo: yes, with lm-sensors | 05:56 |
TheFunkbomb | can anyone help me with kismet? | 05:56 |
wastrel | iirc.... exim is perfectly good but i seem to recall having trouble getting rewrites working from when i was handling my own domain mail. | 05:56 |
xxCody | Can anybody help me to resize or creat ( i dont know) a partition so i can dual boot ubuntu and vista rite now im at the ubuntu installation under prepare partitions in manual. | 05:56 |
kevdog | wastrel: Just wondering where to waste my time: postfix or exim | 05:57 |
wastrel | for something as simple as a smarthost relay it should be fine. | 05:57 |
helo | tritium: i can't get it to work for me it says it can't find the package | 05:57 |
tritium | !info lm-sensors | 05:57 |
ubottu | lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors-3): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:3.0.2-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 121 kB, installed size 564 kB | 05:57 |
chronographer | xxCody: yeah sure. | 05:57 |
tritium | helo: it's in main, as you can see. | 05:57 |
helo | tritium: what does that mean it is in main? | 05:57 |
xxCody | I see dev/sda1 dev/sda2 dev/sda3 all three are type ntfs | 05:57 |
confusedbylinux | cody im in seperate chat trying to help u now | 05:58 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, by the way lm-sensors is a cli app | 05:58 |
atom^x | helo: | 05:58 |
helo | Reading package lists... Done | 05:58 |
helo | Building dependency tree | 05:58 |
helo | Reading state information... Done | 05:58 |
helo | lm-sensors is already the newest version. | 05:58 |
helo | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 215 not upgraded. | 05:58 |
FloodBot1 | helo: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:58 |
frankS2 | good morning all | 05:58 |
tritium | helo: you've already got it installed, then. type "sensors" at the command line | 05:58 |
Myll | good... morning | 05:58 |
wastrel | kevdog: i would learn postfix if i were you i see it more often than exim and not just on my own machines | 05:58 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, now run "sensors-detect" | 05:58 |
atom^x | helo: | 05:58 |
BLKDVL | Paddy_EIRE: I can't even get to the GUI. I need a password for even that, which I forgot. I tried what it says for the Command Line Version but it said there was no such file for directory. | 05:58 |
frankS2 | Myll, not morning at your place? :o | 05:58 |
Myll | well technically it is, lol | 05:59 |
chronographer | go system: admin: partition tools, resize existing partition and leave ~ 20 gig free, then make the same size as your ram and call it 'swap' then make the rest 'ext3' . Then call that '/' (root) in the manual option in Ubuntu installer, call windows something like '/media/windows' (DO NOT FORMAT IT)... you're set to go | 05:59 |
marabout | wastrel: entered that ( as all 1 command?) no messages error or otherwise | 05:59 |
kameron | what is proper syntax to login to a remote machine through openssh? | 05:59 |
frankS2 | Myll, hehe ok | 05:59 |
Paddy_EIRE | BLKDVL, where exactly are you when you are being asked for this password | 05:59 |
helo | tritium: "sensors" works!!! but it displays in terminal is their a more graphical way? | 05:59 |
confusedbylinux | maybe the downturn in the economy will make more ppl think about linux for money reasons | 05:59 |
kevdog | wastrel: Cool!! Just got to get the mixmaster component setup after that!! Guess I should go one step at a time!! | 05:59 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, you where suggested many ways before | 05:59 |
chronographer | kameron: ssh -X <username>@<ip address> | 05:59 |
chronographer | (i think) | 05:59 |
wastrel | marabout: that means you don't have it installed. you have a base system but no GUI installed currently. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and wait while it downloads a bunch of stuff | 05:59 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, scroll back and read the responses | 05:59 |
xxCody | Did anyone get what i said. I got disconnected. | 05:59 |
kameron | chronographer, thx will try | 05:59 |
sumixs | I have found a rather serious issue | 06:00 |
wastrel | marabout: hrm or maybe it'll install it off the CD i dunno | 06:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | !lp | sumixs | 06:00 |
ubottu | sumixs: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see | 06:00 |
tritium | helo: yes, many ways. Looks like Paddy_EIRE already answered with info on that earlier. Please refer to that. | 06:00 |
disappearedng_ | how do I see my free spaces in all my partitions? | 06:00 |
kameron | chronographer, not working.. i keep getting "connection refused".. | 06:00 |
BLKDVL | Paddy_EIRE, about 10 seconds after I start the computer. It displays the Gateway logo, then the Ubuntu logo with a loading bar and "Enter password to unlock the disk (sda5_crypt):" | 06:00 |
Samizdat | this channel's as alive as EFnet #ubuntu's dead, dead, dead | 06:00 |
frankS2 | disappearedng, df -H | 06:00 |
xxCody | disappearedng_ you asking? | 06:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | BLKDVL, ah | 06:00 |
sumixs | I was wondering if someone had a way to fix SysRQ keys' function in X11 | 06:00 |
wastrel | Samizdat: that's because this one is the official channel :] | 06:01 |
helo | tritium: when he said its a cli app? | 06:01 |
disappearedng_ | how do I list all the freespaces in my computer | 06:01 |
chronographer | kameron: you got the right ip address? | 06:01 |
disappearedng_ | like all the partitions | 06:01 |
Samizdat | ahah | 06:01 |
disappearedng_ | i wanna find out how much space is left in /boot | 06:01 |
helo | Paddy_EIRE: what is a cli app? | 06:01 |
jkoltner | confusedbylinux: Probably not your average home user -- they buy their PCs with the OS pre-installed, in the vast majority of cases -- but for some businesses it might | 06:01 |
kameron | chronographer, i'm pretty sure. i emailed myself the ip just an hour ago from that machine. | 06:01 |
kevdog | du -h | 06:01 |
kameron | chronographer, ugh, maybe ssh daemon isn't up. | 06:01 |
kevdog | cli app = command line application | 06:01 |
chronographer | disappearedng_: try : baobab | 06:01 |
Paddy_EIRE | BLKDVL, ah.. have you seen this | 06:01 |
=== mitch_ is now known as Guest21975 | ||
Paddy_EIRE | helo, command-line interface | 06:01 |
helo | oh i see so its not graphical any how | 06:02 |
jkoltner | confusedbylinux: The real problem is that even at ~$50-$150, the cost of something like Windows is nothing compared to the cost of hiring an employee in the first place. You have to look at "total cost of ownership" for Linux vs. everything else, and there's endless arguments there over what's really cheaper to support. | 06:02 |
chronographer | kameron: if you install openssh server it should be always up | 06:02 |
helo | thanks guys!!!!! | 06:02 |
chronographer | dont forget port forwarding etc... | 06:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, one moment there are many graphical | 06:02 |
jkoltner | confusedbylinux: It generally boils down to, "the lowest TCO is achieved by using the OS that your employees are already trained on" :-) | 06:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, and no problem :) | 06:02 |
helo | Paddy_EIRE: i'm still here | 06:02 |
chronographer | oh and try firestarter to open ports on the system you are getting on to. | 06:02 |
* Dr_Willis_ZNC adds 'knows linux' to his resume. | 06:02 | |
Samizdat | does default WinFF installation apply align on sector boundaries, replay gain, or normalization? | 06:03 |
BLKDVL | Paddy_EIRE, I have and cannot get anything from it. | 06:03 |
confusedbylinux | yeah but im in a 5 man company, maybe i can convince them to switch :) | 06:03 |
xxCody | disappearedng_ its in system>admin>partition editor | 06:03 |
Tekumel | It wasn't on there already Dr_Willis_ZNC? :P | 06:03 |
marabout | wastrel: thinking it wa two seperate commands I entered "dpkg -l" and got a list starting with " ubunti-minimal 1.102" and ending with "zlibig 1: compression library - runtime" and a lot of other descriptions of stuff in between | 06:03 |
kevdog | all ports are open by default | 06:03 |
wastrel | sigh our windows users get so confused about openoffice that we just buy them ms office anyway | 06:03 |
marabout | *was | 06:03 |
kevdog | No need to open ports by default with firestarter | 06:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, | 06:03 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Tekumel, i dont even use a computer at where i work.. other then to watch my own videos on :P | 06:03 |
Tekumel | Ah | 06:03 |
chronographer | disappearedng_: use baobab ... it is 'disk usage analyser'... pretty pie charts! | 06:03 |
Samizdat | hmm, no WinFF tribesmen here | 06:03 |
atom^x | helo: i use conky and lmsensors for a graphical view of many things | 06:03 |
wastrel | marabout: ah! so what do you see when you do dpkg -l | grep ubuntu-desktop as one command? | 06:04 |
kameron | chronographer, openssh-server is already the newest version. | 06:04 |
kameron | openssh-server set to manually installed. | 06:04 |
Steelflint | confusedbylinux, Also, even with more PC makers building Linux systems, they're NOT pushing those systems, so the average joe looking to buy a new computer won't see nonWindows PCs unless he is specifically looking for them. | 06:04 |
jkoltner | wastrel: Yeah, tell me about it. I think it's a real shame that schools don't standardize on OO... while MSO certainly it nice and does have some advanced features that OO doesn't, I'm quite convinced that >90% of all work down in Word/Excel would just as readily be done in Write/Calc. | 06:04 |
kameron | chronographer, soo it's downloaded but not installed i guess. | 06:04 |
chronographer | areyou on that machine? you can try connecting to yourself: ssh <user>@localhost | 06:04 |
wastrel | much less abiword and gnumeric | 06:04 |
helo | Paddy_EIRE: will there be any time soon where installing in linux will be as easy as windows? a lot of this stuff is way complicated for me | 06:04 |
chronographer | if it is a local network, use ifconfig to find ip | 06:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | !lnw | helo | 06:05 |
ubottu | helo: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- | 06:05 |
bullgard4 | What programs evaluate the /etc/default/acpi-support file's content? | 06:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, stick with what you know | 06:05 |
kevdog | Installing ubuntu IMO is easier than a WinXP install | 06:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | yeah it is | 06:05 |
chronographer | kevdog: also takes 1/5 of the time | 06:05 |
Samizdat | helo: that sheriff's already in town, and his name's Wine | 06:05 |
confusedbylinux | got to thinking about trying linux again after reading on slashdot, how some lady got a dell computer with linux on it, instead of getting windows ,she cancelled 2 semesters of school :) | 06:05 |
kevdog | Maybe b/c Ive done it a lot | 06:05 |
marabout | wastrel: nothing just a blinking cursor... | 06:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | Samizdat, wrong answer :P | 06:05 |
darkdelusions | confusedbylinux: I loved that article | 06:05 |
chronographer | confusedbylinux: linux is easy, once you understand synaptic and can do google searches | 06:06 |
Samizdat | Eh. | 06:06 |
helo | Paddy_EIRE: well i have to have ubuntu on this computer since i don't have another copy of windows. plus Linux runs SMP F@H better then Windows | 06:06 |
wastrel | marabout: that's a proper result if you don't have ubuntu-desktop installed. which means that you haven't got the GUI packages. | 06:06 |
Samizdat | Right for me, my friend, right for me. | 06:06 |
jkoltner | helo: Probably not. There is "one Linux," so while package managers tend to make it as easy to install applications as Windows does, if the software you're after hasn't been packaged yet, there's no trivial way for the programmers to hand you a "setup.exe" file. | 06:06 |
darkdelusions | chronographer: Google is hard... :) | 06:06 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, read that link I gave | 06:06 |
kameron | chronographer, no i dont have physical access to the machine, it's across town | 06:06 |
jkoltner | helo: Oops, that should say there is NO "one linux" | 06:06 |
kevdog | Its not just a winxp install that takes time --- then you have to download all the service pack updates, register or get around the registration, antivirus, firewall crap with windows | 06:06 |
jkoltner | helo: E.g., general software is re-compiled on each distribution | 06:06 |
Paddy_EIRE | helo, we certainly dont want linux to become as dumbed down as windows.. that would be a nightmare and I would quickly abandon ship | 06:06 |
mlalkaka | hi everyone | 06:07 |
marabout | wastrel: man how is that possible when I did the install off the (alt) CD and at boot up it gave me a choice of which OS to chose, Ubuntu being one of them...? | 06:07 |
Samizdat | What turns off Winfolk about Linfolk is the priesthood pretense. | 06:07 |
confusedbylinux | best part about that article was that it was a TECHNICAL school she was attending | 06:07 |
chronographer | kameron: I'm no expert... there are a few variables, like I said to getting ssh access: ip of its router (isp connection to internet) then port forwardingto the machine from router, then the machine letting you in, then your username password. | 06:07 |
Samizdat | Wine is the great bridge. | 06:07 |
helo | Paddy_EIRE: will read. i think i'll need both | 06:07 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | marabout, thats the grub boot loader/menu. | 06:07 |
helo | because Linux is free | 06:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | Samizdat, naa.. that is normally just people who cant do things for themselves | 06:07 |
wastrel | marabout: the gui is an extra component to the linux system it's not necessary for a fully functioning system | 06:08 |
kevdog | Wine sux IMO | 06:08 |
phunyguy | hello folks | 06:08 |
wastrel | marabout: so you can boot the computer and run the command line programs | 06:08 |
scunizi_ | Paddy_EIRE: it won't ever become dumbed down.. Maybe made easier for those that need it simpler but for the pwr user, access will always be there.. to many hackers to let a locked system stay that way :) | 06:08 |
phunyguy | is there a package for kernel 2.6.28 out yet? | 06:08 |
jkoltner | Samizdat: That's becoming less of a problem/challenge over time... there are plenty of Linux people who don't feel that knowing which command-line options aren't used by 'ls' is requisite before you're given a login name on a Linux box. :-) | 06:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | Samizdat, like dealing with their own inadequacies.. I read and learn just like everyone else | 06:08 |
chronographer | speaking of wine, what is the best version of ms office to use in wine? (I need to open a spreadsheet and OO.o doesn't display it right...) | 06:08 |
Samizdat | Aye, Father Paddy McEire, aye | 06:08 |
kameron | chronographer, yeah i know what you're saying. i didn't really check out the deal before i left. might be behind a router and need port forwarding. | 06:08 |
wastrel | marabout: but sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop should get all the normal GUI stuff installed for you. | 06:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | Scunizi, :) | 06:08 |
helo | thanks again too all | 06:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | Samizdat, careful | 06:09 |
helo | i'm out for now | 06:09 |
Paddy_EIRE | :) | 06:09 |
kevdog | chronographer: get a windows machine :) | 06:09 |
marabout | wastrel: chalk up a big DUH for marabout. ok let me try that | 06:09 |
jkoltner | chronographer: Running Windows under a virtual machine might be your best bet. VMware is good, although not free. | 06:09 |
win7usr | if you install new drivers and they mess up, how do you go back to the default config and get the gui again/ | 06:10 |
chronographer | yeah. I have a XP VM in virtualbox its fine | 06:10 |
eseven73 | there is a free Vmware server | 06:10 |
wastrel | i need to test oulook for work so i've been meaning to set up an xp vm | 06:10 |
win7usr | new *video drivers | 06:10 |
chronographer | I highly recommend Virtualbox | 06:10 |
eseven73 | I'd go with SUNS VirtualBox myself | 06:10 |
kevdog | I thought VMware and Virtualbox were free | 06:10 |
chronographer | its a 20mbdownload, open source and free (most of it is open source) | 06:11 |
eseven73 | Some vmware is free, some versions are not | 06:11 |
jkoltner | kevdog: The VMware "player" is free, but to create a *new* virtual machine requires the non-free version | 06:11 |
mib_xuaqs7 | hi | 06:11 |
mib_xuaqs7 | By mistake I removed via apt-get remove the top right section of the screen's functionality. It now says Users, instead of my username, and when I click on it, instead of getting Shut Down, Reboot etc., I get nothing. Can someone please tell me the name of it, so I can apt-get install it? | 06:11 |
marabout | wastrel: after typing : "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-deskttop" command is repeated and then just a blinking cursor | 06:11 |
kevdog | jkoltner: Oh did not know that! | 06:11 |
phunyguy | what? VMWare is free. | 06:11 |
chronographer | just get virtualbox! I have win7 in one now, it has coo lthings like seamless mode (run app in window like its native )etc. | 06:11 |
phunyguy | Vmware server 2.0 | 06:11 |
phunyguy | and now VMWare ESXi | 06:11 |
confusedbylinux | big question, i just installed linux yesterday, read that a standard ubuntu install does not need a firewall, but when i look at available updates, there is 220 of i install all of them or pick and choose.? will installing all make my system less stable/secure? ..... and if i do pick and choose, do i really have to look over 220 items with cryptic names, to choose ones I might need? | 06:12 |
Flannel | mib_xuaqs7: You can look in /var/log/dpkg.log to see what you recently removed | 06:12 |
mlalkaka | i just installed the 64-bit version of intrepid ibex on my new machine, that has 4 gb of ram. but still, i still only see 3707 mb when i run `free -m` (also in the system monitor). what else do i have to do before i can see the whole 4 gb? | 06:12 |
phunyguy | you just sing up on the site for a license | 06:12 |
phunyguy | sign | 06:12 |
wastrel | marabout: that's weird. what does your prompt look like? | 06:12 |
eseven73 | VirtualBox's seamless mode is priceless | 06:12 |
wastrel | (the part before the cursor) | 06:12 |
chronographer | confusedbylinux: install them all | 06:12 |
Flannel | confusedbylinux: You should just do all of them | 06:12 |
jkoltner | kevdog: Granted, finding a VMware image of any popular OS that you can use with the free player is probably not at all difficult. | 06:12 |
kevdog | confusedblinux: Install all | 06:12 |
chronographer | yep | 06:12 |
doublewulf | mlalkaka: does your motherboard have an onboard video card? | 06:12 |
mib_xuaqs7 | Flannel: I've been going through my whole distribution (sorted the packages by size) deleting everything I don't need | 06:13 |
marabout | wastrel: before now it was "~$ " now it is just " _ " blinking | 06:13 |
mib_xuaqs7 | Flannel: So the log wouldn't be helpful | 06:13 |
mlalkaka | doublewulf: yes it does, but i'm using a separate pci express graphics card | 06:13 |
phunyguy | noob./ | 06:13 |
kevdog | wastel: You have an internet connection? | 06:13 |
win7usr | confusedbylinux: install all -- most are small in size and all make your system better | 06:13 |
confusedbylinux | oh thank GOD, having to look over 220 items with no idea what there names imply would be a *itch | 06:13 |
doublewulf | mlalkaka: did you turn the onboard video off? | 06:13 |
dmsuperman | I'm getting terrible flash performance, both 32bit and 64bit | 06:13 |
dmsuperman | lockups, 60% CPU, etc. | 06:13 |
wastrel | marabout: hit control-c a couple of times until you get back to ~$ | 06:13 |
F4RREL | how to play devil may cry 4 bro.. | 06:13 |
F4RREL | can anyone can doit | 06:14 |
win7usr | F4RREL: try wine's appdb | 06:14 |
win7usr | if anyone can do it, it'll be there | 06:14 |
mlalkaka | doublewulf: from the bios? i don't think so. doesn't that happen automatically when i use a separate graphics card? | 06:14 |
chronographer | confusedbylinux: also if you haven't already... look up medibuntu and add the repository to install all codecs (dvd, mp3 etc.) | 06:14 |
marabout | wastrel: thanks reverted back | 06:14 |
kevdog | win7 anygood on first glance | 06:14 |
doublewulf | mlalkaka: no, generally it does not. | 06:14 |
dmsuperman | !flash | 06:14 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 06:14 |
chronographer | win7 looks nice, seems to run nice, uses 1/2 the ram of vista... haven't used it much tho | 06:14 |
kevdog | win7 native or vm | 06:15 |
chronographer | vm | 06:15 |
wastrel | kevdog: insofar as i can connect to the internet yes :] | 06:15 |
mib_xuaqs7 | By mistake I removed via 'apt-get remove' the top right section of my Ubuntu (GNOME) screen's functionality. It now says Users, instead of my username, and when I click on it, instead of getting Shut Down, Reboot etc., I get only a tiny bit of the window, with no text or icons. Can someone please tell me the name of it, so I can 'apt-get install' the package I accidentally removed? | 06:15 |
wastrel | what else might you mean by that? | 06:15 |
chronographer | so I didn't get all the eye candy! | 06:15 |
doublewulf | dmsuperman: | 06:15 |
gvsa123 | hi. There seems to be a problem with my system tray. the applications that normally have an icon there aren't visible anymore... can anyone help please... | 06:15 |
dmsuperman | doublewulf: that's what I currently have | 06:15 |
kevdog | wastrel: and that command is failing? Weird | 06:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | chronographer, it looks like team barney and friends created the UI | 06:15 |
dmsuperman | doublewulf: It's not working | 06:15 |
wat | this channel makes me laugh really hard | 06:15 |
mlalkaka | doublewulf: ok i'll try that and see how it goes | 06:15 |
marabout | wastrel: so should i just insert the disc again and start over or is their an "easier" way? | 06:15 |
chronographer | =) or they copied kde 4.2 ??? | 06:16 |
Paddy_EIRE | kde looks better | 06:16 |
Paddy_EIRE | IMO | 06:16 |
wastrel | marabout: from the $ prompt, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 06:16 |
doublewulf | dmsuperman: did you uninstall nspluginwrapper and your earlier libflashplayer? | 06:16 |
=== mib_xuaqs7 is now known as elipsis | ||
wastrel | kevdog: ?? | 06:16 |
BLKDVL | Paddy_EIRE: is not working for me at all. | 06:16 |
kevdog | marabout: you have an internet connection active? | 06:16 |
doublewulf | dmsuperman: as well as any other flash players you might have installed? | 06:16 |
chronographer | kde and compiz don't work well together though right? | 06:16 |
wastrel | ah | 06:16 |
dmsuperman | doublewulf: I never installed any | 06:16 |
Paddy_EIRE | chronographer, they work fine | 06:16 |
kevdog | wastrel: seriously I confused | 06:16 |
JimmyDee | compiz is poo, as a rule | 06:16 |
phunyguy | [01:16] <kevdog> marabout: you have an internet connection active? <---- quote of the day | 06:16 |
Paddy_EIRE | chronographer, although no point when you have kwin :) | 06:16 |
dmsuperman | doublewulf: This is a vanilla Intrepid install, all I've done is update my repos, download package upgrades, then install flas | 06:16 |
kevdog | Hey he could be using a different machine? | 06:17 |
phunyguy | :) | 06:17 |
chronographer | oh! I did install kde to take a look, but I have some scripts which run at startup and they made kde unhappy... haven't been back... I like gnomepersonally | 06:17 |
Paddy_EIRE | BLKDVL, which part exactly? | 06:17 |
kevdog | Ive got like 3 computers all running next to me right now! | 06:17 |
doublewulf | dmsuperman: intrepid has the nspluginwrapper in it by default I believe | 06:17 |
marabout | kevdog: can't tell for sure as I'm using a netopia wireless usb card and not sure if the driver(s) were installed. | 06:17 |
phunyguy | well teh way you asked... | 06:17 |
chronographer | anyone help me get mpd using pulseaudio please? | 06:17 |
doublewulf | dmsuperman: purge your system of flash, then get the installer and run it again. | 06:17 |
phunyguy | it sounded like an internet connection altogether | 06:17 |
kevdog | marabout: ifconfig -- | 06:18 |
phunyguy | like... he didnt get it shut off ;) | 06:18 |
JimmyDee | kevdog: build yourself a data center, then call back, next caller | 06:18 |
doublewulf | dmsuperman: | 06:18 |
kevdog | Im open for business | 06:18 |
BLKDVL | Paddy_EIRE, I can get into the GRUB and I did all the edits how it said and then booted, but it still says "Enter password to unlock the disk (sda5_crypt):" when it boots | 06:18 |
marabout | kevdog: yes I am using a different machine to access this channel (G4Tower) | 06:18 |
cinco29 | hey if i have a ddr2 5300 1 gig stick samsung can i use another stick same specs but kingston maker? | 06:18 |
kevdog | AHHHHHH I knew it!!!!!! See I wasn't so stupid!!! :) | 06:18 |
chronographer | cinco29: of course | 06:19 |
Paddy_EIRE | BLKDVL, I would keep trying here if I where you.. I am not so sure as to where to go from here | 06:19 |
helo | does anyone here fold in ubuntu and know of any good folding monitors? | 06:19 |
kevdog | marabout: What does ifconfig show -- a local ip address! | 06:19 |
chronographer | fold? like protein folding? | 06:19 |
BLKDVL | Paddy_EIRE, OK, thank you for your help. | 06:19 |
helo | chronographer: yes | 06:19 |
cinco29 | thanku | 06:19 |
dmsuperman | doublewulf: It had no nspluginwrapper installed, checking ou the link | 06:20 |
marabout | kevdog: not to hip on networking lingo but the response was: inet addr: Mask | 06:20 |
cinco29 | now what if one is 5300 and the other is 6400... will my system run the 6400 at 5300? | 06:20 |
Baz__ | how do i check how much drive space i have left on my software raid5 /home partition | 06:20 |
Brack10 | Inkscape on Windows can import EPS, how come I can't on Ubuntu? | 06:20 |
JoshPilcer | what's the thing to install a .tar file? | 06:21 |
marabout | kevdog: bit different than all the other machines addresses on my home network as they are all a variation of 192.x.x.x ... | 06:21 |
JoshPilcer | like the code | 06:21 |
kevdog | marabout: You have no internet conection on that machine that is only the loopback address? All you have is a wireless device for internet access and no wired or pci based card? | 06:21 |
dmsuperman | doublewulf: Those instructions don't apply, I don't have those files or that package installed :( | 06:21 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !compile | JoshPilcer | 06:21 |
ubottu | JoshPilcer: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 06:21 |
Paddy_EIRE | Brack10, perhaps because ubuntu is not windows | 06:21 |
BLKDVL | Can someone help me please? I set a password for my GRUB but forgot what it was. It still displays "Enter password to unlock the disk (sda5_crypt):" and I even followed all the instructions on but to no avail. | 06:21 |
Brack10 | Paddy_EIRE, but inkscape is still inkscape | 06:21 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: I recommend compiling but that is my own opinion! | 06:21 |
marabout | kevdog: yes that is correct no wired or pci based card | 06:21 |
chronographer | helo: | 06:21 |
Paddy_EIRE | Brack10, still irrelevant | 06:22 |
wastrel | kevdog: i assume he can install ubuntu-desktop from the CD | 06:22 |
wastrel | marabout: did you try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop again? | 06:22 |
win7usr | what's that command that tells you if you have a 64bit capable processor? | 06:22 |
Brack10 | Paddy_EIRE: ok..sorry? | 06:22 |
kevdog | marabout: I could help you get that set up, but as wastrel recommended you have the ubuntu-desktop CD burned and ready to go? | 06:22 |
Paddy_EIRE | Brack10, just a moment | 06:22 |
dmsuperman | doublewulf: Any other ideas? | 06:22 |
dmsuperman | doublewulf: System is entirely purged of flash | 06:23 |
marabout | wastrel: just a sec will do, but last time resulted in blinking cursor... | 06:23 |
kevdog | marabout: you need to add the cdrom to your repository list: sudo apt-cdrom add | 06:23 |
wastrel | marabout: make sure you're starting at a $ prompt. | 06:23 |
doublewulf | dmsuperman: kill all instances of firefox, and get the alpha flashplayer installer again | 06:23 |
Paddy_EIRE | Brack10, manually doing so seems to be the most plausible method | 06:23 |
Brack10 | Paddy_EIRE: I figured it out sudo apt-get install imagemagick pstoedit | 06:23 |
Paddy_EIRE | ah | 06:23 |
kevdog | wastrel: check your /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure the cdrom is listed as one of the repository choices | 06:23 |
JoshPilcer | well | 06:24 |
Brack10 | Paddy_EIRE: if you do that, inkscape opens PDF and EPS natively | 06:24 |
Scubidus | hey cj | 06:24 |
marabout | kevdog: yes have the hardy (alt) CD right here, as it is an OLDER machine (compaq presario 5000us... | 06:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | yeah that was also recommended Brack10 although I am not sure.. try and see | 06:24 |
Brack10 | it works | 06:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | Brack10, oh cool | 06:24 |
wastrel | kevdog: i have my cdrom lines commented out ;] | 06:24 |
Xavier | How are the drivers for the GeForce 9800 cards in ubuntu 8.10? | 06:24 |
dmsuperman | doublewulf: That's what I did initially | 06:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | Brack10, I must take note of that | 06:24 |
Brack10 | Paddy_EIRE: put that in your pipe and smoke it :P | 06:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | Brack10, hehe | 06:24 |
kevdog | marabout: You have the desktop or server CD available? | 06:24 |
doublewulf | dmsuperman: if it doesn't work this time, then I do not know. that plugin works great on mys ystem | 06:25 |
grindking | dmsuperman: im using 64bit flash, it works fine, but crashes randomly cuz i have an older proc | 06:25 |
=== Aryan is now known as Guest80167 | ||
Scubidus | Hey cj are you there? | 06:25 |
kevdog | wastrel: so do I, however if he is going to install ubuntu-desktop from cdrom shouldn't these lines be active only for now? | 06:25 |
atm0sph | I accidentaly clicked "Ignore Conflict" when I selected the Compiz Magnify plugin, and now X repeatedly crashes. Is there a qay to disable th eplugin before I log in, without using a window manageR? | 06:25 |
marabout | wastrel: "couldnt find package ubuntu-desktop" | 06:25 |
marabout | kevdog: desktop | 06:25 |
kevdog | marabout: good -- your have the cdrom mentioned in your /etc/apt/sources.list? | 06:25 |
Scubidus | can any help me with a small problem? | 06:26 |
dmsuperman | I'm getting _terrible_ performance with flash, both 32bit and 64bit (now running 64bit OS). The video gets very laggy, and firefox locks up during play back | 06:26 |
atm0sph | dmsuperman: which flash are you using? The legit adobe one? | 06:26 |
Gautam | how can i know that which ubuntu is installed on my machine | 06:26 |
wastrel | Gautam: cat /etc/issue | 06:26 |
dmsuperman | atm0sph: Yeah | 06:26 |
atm0sph | dmsuperman hmm I'm not sure then.. sorry :( | 06:27 |
kevdog | Gautam - uname -r will give you the kernel verison | 06:27 |
kevdog | marabout: You disappeared? | 06:27 |
Brack10 | ok now anyone know if you can display .svgz thumbnails in nautilus? Mine just shows the MIME icon and not a preview | 06:27 |
marabout | kevdog: i imagine so as it is the same CD that I used a hour or two ago. I typed in sudo apt-cdrom add got " insert disc" | 06:28 |
BLKDVL | Can someone help me please? I set a password for my GRUB but forgot what it was. It still displays "Enter password to unlock the disk (sda5_crypt):" and I even followed all the instructions on but to no avail. | 06:28 |
kevdog | marabout: insert the disc then!! | 06:28 |
marabout | kevdog: i'm a slow typist plus moving from machine to machine | 06:28 |
Scubidus | Hey can anyone help me out if they aren't to busy | 06:28 |
atm0sph | I accidentally clicked "Ignore conflict" when enabled a compiz plugin called magnify, which caused X to imemdiately crash and boot me out to the login screen (it restarted). Now whenever I login it repeatedly just crashes then boots me out to the login again. Does anyone know how I can either disable / delete the magnify plugin so I can get back into the gui? | 06:29 |
kevdog | BLKDVL: You may be hosed: I don't know! | 06:29 |
nightrid3r | !ask | Scubidus | 06:29 |
ubottu | Scubidus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 06:29 |
chronographer | BLKDVL: can't you just reinstall grub? | 06:29 |
Scubidus | !ask | 06:29 |
JoshPilcer | okay, wait how do i compile something. I want to install wifi-radar-1.9.8.tar.tar | 06:29 |
wastrel | Scubidus: what he means is, just ask your question - you don't need permission | 06:29 |
marabout | kevdog: will do it is the ALT desktop CD ( same as before should be fine right? | 06:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | atm0sph, this may no longer be valid but give it a go | 06:29 |
Flannel | JoshPilcer: wifi-radar is in the repositories. Just install the "wifi-radar" package | 06:29 |
JoshPilcer | how | 06:30 |
JoshPilcer | i don't have internet | 06:30 |
kevdog | marabout: I think so!! | 06:30 |
BLKDVL | chronographer: I would if I had a blank CD with me and were not flying out of town tomorrow to go back to college. =\ | 06:30 |
Gautam | like Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) ..what is Dapper Drake and how can i find which is mine ? | 06:30 |
bullgard4 | What programs evaluate the /etc/default/acpi-support file's content? | 06:30 |
Flannel | Gautam: lsb_release -a | 06:30 |
JoshPilcer | i downloaded it (.tar) and i have it in my home directory. What do i have to type in terminal to install it | 06:30 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: why you want wifi-radar -- Isn't Network Manager or WICD preferrable? | 06:30 |
Scubidus | Whenever I play warzone 2100 for like 20 minutes, then my OS kills the game and any other processes and logs me out | 06:30 |
Flannel | JoshPilcer: You don't want the tar, use the one in the repos. | 06:30 |
pha3z | can anyone tell me what resolution the timer has in the ubuntu kernel. I'm not referring to multi-tasking resolution (as in pre-emptive switching between applications). I'm actually referring to the system timer which is used by games to do all their computation in real-time. | 06:31 |
pha3z | [00:23] <pha3zhome> i seem to have trouble finding any information that is not about the multi-tasking management. | 06:31 |
wastrel | Gautam: lsb_release -a will give you info about what version you are running. | 06:31 |
pha3z | as an example, the windows system timer has has a resolution of 1 millisecond | 06:31 |
JoshPilcer | omg, how can i get wifi on ubuntu on my hp pavilion dv6000. I don't have any internet. but i can download from my other computer and transfer. can someone pm me and help | 06:31 |
kevdog | lsb_release -- yet another command I've never heard of!! Very Nice!! | 06:32 |
wastrel | Gautam: "dapper" is the code name for the 6.06 release the current 8.10 release code name is intrepid | 06:32 |
kevdog | What's a LSB Module? | 06:32 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | lsb -> linux softeare base. :) i think.. o forget where/who they are | 06:32 |
Paddy_EIRE | linux standard base | 06:32 |
nickrud | JoshPilcer, can't you just plug this computer into the net long enough to get wireless set up? | 06:32 |
JoshPilcer | no i can't | 06:32 |
kevdog | No LSB Modules are available? Seems wierd!! | 06:32 |
Flannel | pha3z: in the -server kernel, the timer is 100Hz, in the generic kernel its 250Hz | 06:32 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | | 06:32 |
JoshPilcer | i just have my neighbors wifi | 06:32 |
JoshPilcer | and dial-up | 06:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | JoshPilcer, that is theft | 06:33 |
wastrel | kevdog: fyi /etc/lsb-release | 06:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | we can not support that JoshPilcer | 06:33 |
JoshPilcer | it's not theft. or else they should've put a password on it | 06:33 |
marabout | kevdog: i believe it is complete as It has returned me to ~& prompt. What is next? | 06:33 |
JoshPilcer | and they said i can use it... | 06:33 |
Flannel | JoshPilcer: You'll need to download the deb, from | 06:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | JoshPilcer, its still the same no matter which way you cut it | 06:33 |
nickrud | unless you get permission of course | 06:33 |
jkoltner | JoshPilcer: If you think it's not theft, go ask them if you can use it. Come back if they say, "yes." | 06:33 |
kevdog | marabout: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop | 06:34 |
JoshPilcer | i have their permission to use it.... | 06:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | nickrud, you take it at face value | 06:34 |
JoshPilcer | that's why they bought it | 06:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | ;) | 06:34 |
pha3z | Flannel: I read that, and its 1000Hz in the rt kernel. But it looked like that was specific to task-switching. Is that also the resolution of the timer that an application would use for tracking system time and doing calculations ?? Honestly, maybe I need to learn more about programming games on Linux to ask this better. | 06:34 |
nickrud | Paddy_EIRE, what reason do I have not to? | 06:34 |
JoshPilcer | but i don't have time to go over there | 06:34 |
atm0sph | JoshPilcer: I just did the sudo dpkg --purge compiz and it seems to have worked. thanks | 06:34 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Just connect using a manual connection : You don't need special software | 06:34 |
marabout | kevdog: all one command Yes? | 06:34 |
kevdog | YES!! | 06:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | nickrud, I dont know.. I guess the CoC and the like would say otherwise though :) | 06:34 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Is the wireless encrypted? WEP or WPA? | 06:35 |
wastrel | i am thirsty | 06:35 |
JoshPilcer | how can i tell? | 06:35 |
Paddy_EIRE | JoshPilcer, ask your neighbour for the information | 06:35 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Have you used it before? | 06:35 |
marabout | kevdog: Yes I am a neewb... brb | 06:35 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: iwlist scan | 06:35 |
atom^x | JoshPilcer: download the deb package t o machine on internet, thendl to machine w/o inet | 06:35 |
mlalkaka | doublewulf: hey thanks for the help. you were right; in my bios, i had 'hybrid sli' enabled, which was causing my onboard graphics chip to still reserve memory for graphics | 06:35 |
nickrud | JoshPilcer, you're caught in that place where you need net to get net. I had the same problem with a vanilla windows install, until l got the right driver. That's probably your problem. What wifi chip do you have? | 06:35 |
JoshPilcer | atom^x can you pm me? | 06:35 |
doublewulf | mlalkaka: glad to hear it | 06:35 |
win7usr | why won't apt-get download food work? I'm hungryy | 06:36 |
shear | hi guys. I'm trying to figure out how to turn off tor as a service so I can run it using another management program, vidalia. | 06:36 |
jblp | Hmm | 06:36 |
nickrud | Paddy_EIRE, I don't see anywhere in the coc where I have to assume someone is a liar until proven otherwise | 06:36 |
jblp | Nice | 06:36 |
ynoj | hello guyz ! I'm looking for Christopher James Halse Rogers. | 06:36 |
JoshPilcer | i have internet on my other computer, so i was thinking if i could download what i need and transfer to ubuntu | 06:36 |
Paddy_EIRE | nickrud, I guess so.. but its a bit dodgy all the same | 06:36 |
Gautam | i ran lsb_release -a and it gives | 06:36 |
Gautam | No LSB modules are available. | 06:36 |
nickrud | Paddy_EIRE, I have leeches where I live | 06:36 |
Gautam | Distributor ID:Ubuntu | 06:36 |
Gautam | Description:Ubuntu 8.04 | 06:36 |
Gautam | Release:8.04 | 06:36 |
Gautam | Codename:hardy | 06:36 |
FloodBot1 | Gautam: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:36 |
atom^x | JoshPilcer: go for it | 06:37 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Ok lets back up -- what kind of wireless device do you have? | 06:37 |
Paddy_EIRE | nickrud, that sounds wonderful | 06:37 |
JoshPilcer | what's my wireless card name? | 06:37 |
trollboy | bob | 06:37 |
nickrud | Paddy_EIRE, yep, an extra $10/month :) But, we're off topic here | 06:37 |
Paddy_EIRE | nickrud, hehe | 06:38 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Ok lets back up -- Is your wireless device internal, an external card or USB device? | 06:38 |
JoshPilcer | Broadcom BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI... on my HP Pavilion dv6000 | 06:38 |
JoshPilcer | it's internal | 06:38 |
bullgard4 | What programs evaluate the /etc/default/acpi-support file's content? | 06:38 |
Paddy_EIRE | JoshPilcer, why not use the internet from your other comp? | 06:38 |
JoshPilcer | it's on that wifi network | 06:38 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Have you installed any drivers for it? | 06:38 |
JoshPilcer | ya i installed the driver | 06:39 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Does typing iwlist scan show you anything? | 06:39 |
gerber | any free point of sales up there ? | 06:39 |
jblp | Test | 06:39 |
JoshPilcer | it says interface doesn't support scanning for eth0 and lo | 06:39 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Does lshw -C network show you unclaimed? And as far as a driver -- I don't get it -- What did you install -- Are you using the STA or b43 module? | 06:40 |
crdlb | ynoj: that's RAOF, but he doesn't appear to be on irc at the moment | 06:40 |
marabout | kevdog: if you wouldn't mind while I am waiting on the install. Can you tell me where I might have gone wrong on the install? Perhaps I did not specify I wanted the GUI or the text-based ALT CD leaves it off by default? | 06:40 |
Gautam | i have run lsb_release -a and it says No LSB modules are available | 06:40 |
Flannel | gerber: there are. Try lemonpos | 06:40 |
gerber | thank you | 06:41 |
nickrud | Gautam, it says more | 06:41 |
Flannel | Gautam: Yes, but then it gives you your version info. You're on Hardy, Ubuntu 8.04 | 06:41 |
wastrel | Gautam: how about cat /etc/issue | 06:41 |
wastrel | ah | 06:41 |
kevdog | marabout: Its been a while since I've installed from the Alt-Cd but most likely you just chose the wrong option. Don't worry about it too much!!! | 06:41 |
JoshPilcer | well when i typed lshw -C network it said my wifi card details | 06:41 |
Gautam | yes it gives hardy | 06:41 |
gerber | this lemon work with ubuntu ? | 06:41 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: What driver? | 06:41 |
Paddy_EIRE | JoshPilcer, that does not mean it is installed though | 06:42 |
Gautam | cat etc/issues gives ubuntu 8.04 \n\l | 06:42 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: driver is listed with lshw -C network | 06:42 |
Flannel | marabout: The default alternate CD will install a GUI. Perhaps you have the server CD instead? | 06:42 |
ynoj | crdlb: oh .. thanks .. wanted to consult him on one of his patches for evolution-sharp .. any idea when he usually comes online ? | 06:42 |
Styx993 | hello | 06:42 |
marabout | kevdog: sounds good. Also since I have a wireless card do you think the drivers will be installed or will I need to do something 'extra'? | 06:43 |
useruseruseruser | Styx993: hi | 06:43 |
Styx993 | how do i use multiple monitors with ubuntu? | 06:43 |
Gautam | If i am hardy then what is ubunutu is categorized more ? | 06:43 |
crdlb | ynoj: not sure, but he's in AU | 06:43 |
pha3z | [00:43] <Styx993> how do i use multiple monitors with ubuntu? <== That's the question on my plate too!! | 06:43 |
JoshPilcer | umm says product, vendor, physical id: 0, bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0, version: 02, width 64 bits, clock: 33MHz, capabilities: bus_master cap_list, configuration: driver=b43-pci-bridge latency=0 module=ssb | 06:43 |
ynoj | crdlb: thanks again . | 06:43 |
kevdog | marabout: USB devices are the bane of the linux existance. It really depends on the chipset. If its a Ra chipset it will work out of the box. If not like an atheros or broadcom, you will have to download and install drivers -- it depends | 06:44 |
dmsuperman | Gautam: That's it, you're either on hardy, or intrepid, or whatever | 06:44 |
dmsuperman | Gautam: You could use the specific release, 8.04.1, but that doesn't really matter | 06:44 |
marabout | Flannel: I am 99.9% sure I have the desktop. It is installing right now so I'll double check it when its done by putting it in another computer and looking at it | 06:44 |
wastrel | Gautam: ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. every release has a version number and a code name. your version number is 8.04 (the year and month of release) and code name for that version is "hardy" | 06:44 |
pha3z | what version is "hardy" ? | 06:44 |
Flannel | pha3z: 8.04 | 06:44 |
Styx993 | lol until recently i was on 6.10 | 06:44 |
pha3z | ok | 06:44 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Ok b43 is the driver you are using -- did you install the separate firmware of the driver (which is the closed source binary code)! | 06:45 |
marabout | kevdog: it is a netopia 3D Reach. I tried researching prior to the install but didnt get too much. I 'll throw my net out again and see what I get... | 06:45 |
JoshPilcer | ya i installed it through gksudo ndisgtk. and installed the inf file for the driver | 06:45 |
Gautam | thanks Wastrel for this version info | 06:45 |
pha3z | Can anyone tell me if Codeweavers Crossover software should work just as well on Ubuntu as it does on other Linux distros ( I'm pretty new to Linux) | 06:46 |
Paddy_EIRE | oh you used the windows driver JoshPilcer | 06:46 |
Paddy_EIRE | pha3z, yes it does | 06:46 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Didn't install it right!!! If you did, the driver would be saying ndiswrapper and not b43-xxxxxxx | 06:46 |
pha3z | thanks, paddy | 06:46 |
JoshPilcer | well how would i install it right? | 06:46 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: I dont mean to be a smartass - but did you search the forums? This cover is topic in detail about 1 million times -- personally I've covered it well over 500 times | 06:47 |
bullgard4 | Does GNOME dodge the term 'file type association' and uses anther term instead? | 06:47 |
Styx993 | looks like xinerama might do the trick | 06:47 |
Xavier | Where can I find information on which Nvidia cards are supported with ubuntu 8.10? | 06:47 |
Flannel | kevdog: Please ditch the attitude. | 06:48 |
Styx993 | he is right, im a linux newb and ive heard of that problem a million times | 06:48 |
JoshPilcer | well i was talking to evowill and he told me to do it that way | 06:48 |
kevdog | Flannel: The truth hurts!! And its not rude to ask if a search was performed!! | 06:48 |
JoshPilcer | so i was just following his directions | 06:48 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Who's directions? | 06:49 |
JoshPilcer | evowill | 06:49 |
=== JamesMowery is now known as JamesMowery|away | ||
Styx993 | i have another question | 06:50 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | bullgard4, i cant recall it ever mentiongint hat term.. it uses ' open with' from what i can tell :) | 06:50 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Type the following on separate line: sudo rmmod ssb sudo rmmod b43 sudo modprobe ndiswrapper Then tell me if lshw -C network gives you a driver | 06:50 |
bullgard4 | Dr_Willis_ZNC: I see. | 06:50 |
Styx993 | does x control the ttys (the alt+f1 through f9)? | 06:50 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | bullgard4, it also is a bit odd how you set the default 'open with' stuff.. compared to other desktops/OS's :) | 06:50 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Styx993, No. it does not.. it normally takes the frst free one . which is F7 normally | 06:51 |
Styx993 | k, thanks | 06:51 |
Styx993 | i just want to have a backup in case x goes asplode | 06:51 |
JoshPilcer | it changed the configuration to: latency=0 | 06:51 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Not following -- is a driver listed? | 06:52 |
JoshPilcer | ya | 06:52 |
bullgard4 | Dr_Willis_ZNC: GNOME has made a start with System > Preferences > Preferred Applications. But this program is limited yet in its scope. | 06:52 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: WHAT driver? Its like pulling teeth!! | 06:52 |
* Big_blue go | 06:53 | |
JoshPilcer | Description: Network controller, product: BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI, vendor: Broadcom Corporation, physical id: 0, bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0, version: 2, width: 64 bits, clock: 33mhz, capabilities: cap_list, config: latency=0 | 06:54 |
JoshPilcer | is that enough? | 06:54 |
JoshPilcer | and it also said *-network UNCLAIMED | 06:54 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: No driver is mentioned. What does ndiswrapper -l show? | 06:55 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: UNCLAIMED is a bad sign | 06:56 |
Styx993 | crap | 06:57 |
Styx993 | my xorg.conf is liek empty | 06:57 |
=== JamesMowery|away is now known as JamesMowery | ||
JoshPilcer | it says: -i inffile insteall driver described by 'inffile' -a devid driver use installed 'driver' for 'devid' (dangerous) -r driver remove 'driver' -l list installed drivers -m write configuration for modprobe -ma write module alias configuration for all deviced -mi write module install configuration for all deviced -v report version information. where 'devid' is either PCIID or USBID of the form XXXX:XX | 06:58 |
JoshPilcer | o and it said install/manage windows drivers for ndiswrapper. usage: ndiswrapper OPTION | 06:59 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: No driver is mentioned. What does ndiswrapper -l show? | 07:00 |
JoshPilcer | that's what ndiswrapper -l shoed | 07:00 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: No driver is mentioned. What does ndiswrapper -l <--- this is the letter l | 07:00 |
JoshPilcer | showed* | 07:00 |
JoshPilcer | that's why i typed lower case L | 07:00 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: So did you wrap the window's driver inside ndiswrapper? | 07:00 |
JoshPilcer | o | 07:00 |
kevdog | Something like | 07:01 |
kevdog | ndiswrapper -i XXXXXX.inf | 07:01 |
kevdog | sudo ndiswrapper -i XXXXXX.inf | 07:01 |
JoshPilcer | bcmwl5 : driver installed device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: bcm43XX) | 07:01 |
JoshPilcer | is that right? | 07:01 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | bullgard4, - whats wrong with the listing in 'pick a file' -rigth click -> properties -> open with Tab. :) | 07:01 |
kevdog | Yes | 07:01 |
kevdog | Also do this sudo rmmod bcm43xxx | 07:01 |
kevdog | Then do a sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 07:02 |
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo | ||
kevdog | Then check lshw -C network | 07:02 |
nightrid3r | kevdog: probably also has to blacklist bcm43xx module to prevent conflicts | 07:02 |
wastrel | something about blacklist | 07:03 |
JoshPilcer | for rmmod bcm43xxx i got : ERROR: Module bcm43xxx does not exist in /proc/modules. and sudo modprobe ndiswrapper didn't do anything. | 07:03 |
JoshPilcer | so lshw -C network was the same. | 07:03 |
gerber | i have static ip where is property protocol ? | 07:03 |
marabout | kevdog: it does appear that the netopia w/less card "is based on the Ralink 2500 chipset" so there is a chance it may work 'automatically' I'll keep you posted. ( machine is at "rebuilding the database" of the install right now...) | 07:04 |
kevdog | You only need to blacklist modules once everything is up and running. The blacklist file is read at boot and with particular modprobe invocations -- however not with bcm43xx by default -- all the blacklist stuff is window dressing | 07:04 |
JoshPilcer | kev was that towards me? | 07:04 |
srx2002 | anyone here? | 07:04 |
kevdog | marabout: you might be lucky | 07:04 |
gerber | i have static ip where is property protocol ? | 07:05 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Yes, but its still unclaimed right? | 07:05 |
JoshPilcer | yes | 07:05 |
JoshPilcer | *-network UNCLAIMED | 07:05 |
Brack10 | can I ask an inkscape question here since #inkscape is so dead? | 07:06 |
gerber | local area connetion | 07:06 |
Flannel | Brack10: Try #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:06 |
miranda_psi | srx2002: just ask your questions and if someone can help then they will | 07:06 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Take a look at this page: | 07:06 |
srx2002 | what a good program ( gui interface ) for hard disk management: I'm bought some western digital 320's and an external enclosure ( usb 2. 0) I would like to format them using various formats ( fat32, fat...etc..... ) | 07:07 |
gerber | need help setup my ip address | 07:07 |
miranda_psi | srx2002: try qparted | 07:07 |
miranda_psi | *gparted | 07:07 |
srx2002 | ok | 07:07 |
srx2002 | synaptic? | 07:07 |
miranda_psi | srx2002: yes | 07:07 |
Snipermaster002 | can anyone help me | 07:07 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: You have a 4311. What does lspci -nnm show in regards to the chipset revision number? | 07:07 |
srx2002 | k, thanks | 07:08 |
miranda_psi | !ask | 07:08 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 07:08 |
elipsis | hi | 07:08 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog where does it say anything? | 07:09 |
srx2002 | nothing comin up | 07:09 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: You have a 4311 rev 02 card | 07:09 |
gerber | how can i put my static ip address | 07:09 |
kevdog | You want the b43 driver and firmware. | 07:09 |
srx2002 | no package | 07:09 |
Paddy_EIRE | gerber, please form a complete question | 07:10 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: sudo rmmod ndiswrapper | 07:10 |
srx2002 | qtparted? | 07:10 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Intrepid or Hardy? | 07:10 |
JoshPilcer | hardy | 07:10 |
elipsis | On the top GNOME panel, to the far right, where it says the name of the user that's logged in, with a shutdown icon next to it, that when clicked gives you a list of things (such as Shutdown, Reboot & Logoff), what is it called? As I seem to of [mistakenly] 'apt-get remove' it. Because it now says Users instead of my username, and when I click it, I don't get the list of Shutdown, Reboot, Logoff etc. | 07:10 |
elipsis | Is there a way to get it back? Such as sudo apt-get install *.* | 07:11 |
srx2002 | it's qtparted | 07:11 |
miranda_psi | srx2002: there is also a gparted | 07:11 |
evowill | elipsis it is the fast user switch applet | 07:11 |
Paddy_EIRE | elipsis, its the user switch applet.. you should find it when you go to a panel right click and choose add to panel | 07:11 |
gerber | how can i put my static IP in my computer ? | 07:12 |
elipsis | ah | 07:12 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: See this thread with option #2: When you get done; re-edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to remove your cd-rom from the repository list (just put a # sign at the front of the line) | 07:12 |
elipsis | fast-user-switch - is that the name of the applet? | 07:12 |
srx2002 | ooops | 07:12 |
JoshPilcer | kev this is what i got for -nnm | 07:12 |
evowill | right click, add to panel, user switcher | 07:12 |
JoshPilcer | | 07:12 |
miranda_psi | srx2002: qtparted is a similar product - they are both based on parted, but from my experience gparted has worked better and has supported more filesystems (though both should be fine for most tasks) | 07:13 |
elipsis | fast-user-switch-applet - I think that's the name, I'll try removing it then adding it again | 07:13 |
Gautam | hi,i have installed mysql,But can not find the way to run it | 07:13 |
crdlb | elipsis: if you want to make sure you have everything installed from the default install, just make sure you have ubuntu-desktop | 07:14 |
miranda_psi | Gautam: try running "mysql -u root -p" from the shell | 07:14 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Yes its a 4311 revision 02 as you told me with this line: BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI [4311]" -r02 | 07:14 |
evowill | elipsis, yes that is the name of the applet | 07:15 |
elipsis | yay | 07:15 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog: i'm doing the things on the link. | 07:15 |
elipsis | well rebooting now | 07:15 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Ayuthia in the ubuntu forums is the main resource for Broadcom cards (he is the man) -- don't be afraid to post in the forums asking for his help. He is very knowledgeable about broadcom stuff!! | 07:17 |
srx2002 | I installed gparted from the synaptic...can't find it my menus | 07:18 |
miranda_psi | srx2002: it should be under System -> administration | 07:18 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | srx2002, try running it from command line. 'gparted' :) | 07:18 |
elipsis | Yippie: It works now | 07:18 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: What does uname -r show | 07:18 |
srx2002 | requires root | 07:19 |
srx2002 | nevermind..found it | 07:19 |
chet | <srx2002> did you reboot your system? sometimes installed program appear in menu after reboot | 07:19 |
miranda_psi | srx2002: it does because you are accessing the computer hardware - wouldn't be a good idea to let anyone format the drives... | 07:19 |
miranda_psi | chet: restarting X should be enough | 07:20 |
chet | ctrl-alt-bksp | 07:20 |
srx2002 | will gparted find a usb Hd? | 07:20 |
miranda_psi | srx2002: it will | 07:20 |
evowill | srx2002, yes | 07:20 |
chet | srx2002: in my case it found it but took some time. I usually give a device name | 07:21 |
BigMike | help compiz on my gnome desktop wont save settings and there are window button to max or min | 07:21 |
trollboy | What's a good dns server besides mydns that has a sql backend, I'd prefer mysql and sqlite... my problem with mydns is it doesn't do rdns | 07:21 |
miranda_psi | srx2002: gparted does usually take a long time to scan for drives, so if you know the device name that will be faster | 07:22 |
chet | is there a different channel for xubuntu desktop? | 07:22 |
Bodsda | trollboy, i dunno about mysql side of it but opendns is good | 07:22 |
Bodsda | chet, #xubuntu | 07:22 |
chet | thanks. | 07:22 |
Bodsda | np :) | 07:22 |
miranda_psi | trollboy: looked at bind? i know its meant to be a good dns server, but i dont know whats its backend is... | 07:23 |
trollboy | Bodsda, is it OSS? | 07:23 |
trollboy | miranda_psi, I know bind inside and out, but want the sql backend | 07:23 |
Bodsda | trollboy, no idea | 07:23 |
atom^x | trollboy:powerdns ? maybe, it used to be active... | 07:23 |
vegombrei | movie player / totem doesnt play wmv files .. hangs and stuff ... how do i fix this ? | 07:24 |
srx2002 | ok | 07:24 |
trollboy | powerdns isn't OSS | 07:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | !codecs | vegombrei | 07:24 |
ubottu | vegombrei: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 07:24 |
atom^x | trollboy:it was mysql based | 07:24 |
atom^x | hmmm | 07:25 |
trollboy | It is, but I need OSS | 07:25 |
BigMike | what is xgl? | 07:25 |
Commie_Cary | how do I spawn a GDM on another x season | 07:25 |
Paddy_EIRE | !xgl | BigMike google is your friend | 07:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xgl | 07:25 |
BigMike | ok | 07:25 |
Paddy_EIRE | hmm | 07:25 |
Paddy_EIRE | its depreciated now anyway I believe | 07:26 |
BigMike | compiz wont save any settings | 07:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | so you keep saying | 07:26 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog i did them. nothing on the last part really worked | 07:26 |
JoshPilcer | when i got to this part it didn't work: Copy those files to your home directory. In the Terminal/Konsole/xterm window do the following: | 07:26 |
nite_johnboy | Hi - is there a way I can format an 8gb USB thumb drive I have plugged into my box ? ? | 07:26 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: do the following: ????? | 07:27 |
nite_johnboy | Running Ibex | 07:27 |
bullgard4 | Dr_Willis_ZNC: I am familiar with Nautilus > highlight a particular filename > right click > Open With Other Application... But what do you mean by 'pick a file'? | 07:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | !gparted | nite_johnboy | 07:28 |
ubottu | nite_johnboy: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 07:28 |
decomp | if I want to rebuild a package with different parameters that already exists as a package, can i simply do that vi debconf or dpkg or do i need to manually download the source and compile it ? i figured when you get -devel packages that was what they were for | 07:28 |
decomp | vi = with | 07:28 |
Gautam | plz tell me i have to need install php every time from terminal whenever i need to run it ? | 07:28 |
JoshPilcer | kev. it wasn't working. it said download 2 items and do the following codes. i downloaded and the things didn't work. | 07:28 |
marabout | kevdog: i guess I should have researched how "not" to install the 'other languages. Seems like an awful long time for the install... | 07:28 |
atom^x | trollboy:powerdns site says open source | 07:28 |
nite_johnboy | Paddy_EIRE; Thanks - keep fogetting about using ubottu for answers - Would not known to use word "gparted" though - | 07:29 |
decomp | disregard, ill look at the man page ;) | 07:29 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: What part didn't work exactly | 07:30 |
kevdog | marabout: Yea it takes a while particularly if you have an older machine!!! | 07:30 |
srx2002 | I got this program on my applications menu I'm trying to get rid of " qsopcast ) where and howabouts do I get rid of that | 07:30 |
JoshPilcer | tar xfvj broadcom-wl- | 07:30 |
JoshPilcer | that didn't work | 07:30 |
thanhtuyen | thanhtuyen | 07:31 |
JoshPilcer | i got a cannot open: no such file or directory | 07:31 |
decomp | my my im lazy | 07:31 |
srx2002 | I cant remember how i put it there...but I know i did to watch streaming tv...anyway...the junk don;t work...abd Id like to remove it | 07:31 |
marabout | kevdog: oh yeah I forgot about the age of this brontosaurus :) | 07:31 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Where did you download and put the file -- you probably are not in the same directory as where the file is located | 07:31 |
ckonestroh | WIRELESS CARD WONT WORK | 07:31 |
ckonestroh | ACER 5520 | 07:32 |
Paddy_EIRE | kevdog, I normally like the "wontwork" factoid for that | 07:32 |
ckonestroh | HELP | 07:32 |
Paddy_EIRE | :) | 07:32 |
kevdog | ckonestroh: Did you say something? Because I can't hear you! | 07:32 |
ckonestroh | WIRELESS CARD WONT WORK | 07:32 |
Paddy_EIRE | !wontwork | ckonestroh | 07:32 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wontwork | 07:32 |
Paddy_EIRE | hmm | 07:32 |
Gotu | plz tell me i have to need install php every time from terminal whenever i need to run it ? | 07:33 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | dont work :) | 07:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | Dr_Willis_ZNC, :) | 07:33 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog they both are in my home directory. they should be right | 07:33 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Gotu, i wouldent think so | 07:33 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: I have no idea? Where did you put them? | 07:33 |
nite_johnboy | ! wifi | 07:33 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 07:33 |
Gotu | then how can i see mysql database | 07:33 |
kevdog | will not work = proper terminology | 07:33 |
ckonestroh | LATER THIS IS LAME | 07:34 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | ckonestroh, stop with the UPPER CASE and people might not ignore you | 07:34 |
JoshPilcer | it's a .tar.tar file. the code says tar xfvj broadcom-wl- is it right? | 07:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | ckonestroh, I will remember to ignore you in future | 07:34 |
* kevdog If I could only boot someone from the channel! | 07:34 | |
nite_johnboy | a little impatient | 07:34 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | ckonestroh, you have proberly triggered most peoples auto-ignore features... so i dont care about it either. | 07:34 |
kevdog | Its a .tar.bz2 file | 07:34 |
atom^x | HA | 07:34 |
JoshPilcer | why isn't it booting it them. it's in my home/josh/ folder | 07:35 |
JoshPilcer | then* | 07:35 |
Paddy_EIRE | two college educations and he still cant spell who | 07:35 |
* kevdog wonders if they were in English :) | 07:35 | |
atom^x | HA | 07:35 |
evowill | or find the capslock key :-) | 07:35 |
Paddy_EIRE | hehe | 07:35 |
=== five_ is now known as Guest22567 | ||
Roland- | something happened with readahead-watch | 07:35 |
Roland- | it watches nothing, it doesn't create the file, etc | 07:35 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: When you transferred them to the computer -- Where did you put the files? If you put them in ~, then thats your home directory. You may have put them on the Desktop. I really dont know! | 07:36 |
nite_johnboy | Dr_Willis_ZNC; get much off this in here - you are great big help to me - have had many questions answered and helped out several times.... | 07:36 |
gonewestcoast | kevdog: Clown College and Schneck Tech most likely. | 07:36 |
nite_johnboy | this whole forum | 07:36 |
* kevdog I CANT FIND THE CAPS LOCK WHERE IS IT??? | 07:36 | |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | nite_johnboy, :) | 07:37 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | kevdog, right next to the ANY key | 07:37 |
Flannel | kevdog: That's not necessary. | 07:37 |
kevdog | Sorry | 07:37 |
kevdog | That may have been over the line! | 07:37 |
gonewestcoast | Flannel: True, but it IS humorous. :-p | 07:37 |
* Aurax is back. | 07:37 | |
JoshPilcer | kevdog they both are in my home folder. | 07:38 |
JoshPilcer | and that's where my terminal is at | 07:38 |
kevdog | Ok cd ~ tar zvxf <filename> | 07:38 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | JoshPilcer, you hae been using the TAB key to complete file names? it helps a lot | 07:38 |
JoshPilcer | ya i normally do | 07:38 |
wastrel | tar.tar eh | 07:38 |
wastrel | and didn't we decide it's bzip2 ? | 07:39 |
kevdog | Oh ok | 07:39 |
wastrel | use file on it to see i guess | 07:39 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I cheat and use the 'unp' command to uncompress archives :) im so lazy | 07:39 |
kevdog | tar jvxf <filename> | 07:39 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | !info unp | 07:39 |
ubottu | unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (intrepid), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB | 07:39 |
srx2002 | anyone? | 07:39 |
Paddy_EIRE | !anyone | 07:40 |
ubottu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:40 |
kevdog | unp --- wow that's another one I never heard about -- cool! | 07:40 |
srx2002 | I have qsopcast do I unistall it | 07:40 |
Gotu | how can i run mysql gui based like in windows ? | 07:40 |
Paddy_EIRE | srx2002, how did you install it | 07:40 |
srx2002 | can't remember | 07:41 |
Paddy_EIRE | :/ | 07:41 |
kevdog | src2002: sudo aptitude purge qsopcast | 07:41 |
Paddy_EIRE | well that is hardly any help | 07:41 |
Paddy_EIRE | or that | 07:41 |
Gotu | plz tell me how to run mysql gui based ? | 07:41 |
JoshPilcer | I get this error: Tar: broadcom-wl- Cannot open: No such file or directory Tar: error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: child returned status 2 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors | 07:41 |
Paddy_EIRE | !patience | Gotu | 07:41 |
ubottu | Gotu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 07:41 |
kevdog | mysqladmin | 07:42 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog any idea? | 07:43 |
Gotu | o.k sorry | 07:43 |
kevdog | If you are in ~, does ls show the files? | 07:43 |
Paddy_EIRE | Gotu, just to let you know that you are not being intentionally ignored.. although you could potentially be if you repeat so quickly | 07:43 |
JoshPilcer | umm ls? | 07:44 |
miranda_psi | Goto: you could try phpmyadmin which is a web based gui to mysql... | 07:44 |
kevdog | Ive used phpMyAdmin before -- it was good! | 07:44 |
=== cary__ is now known as Commie_Cary | ||
kevdog | Oops someone beat me to it! | 07:44 |
marabout | kevdog: just so you know I'm still here. just waiting on the install to finish ( it's at "Setting up f-spot..." right now | 07:44 |
kevdog | ls = list | 07:45 |
JoshPilcer | ya it does show it on ls kevdog | 07:45 |
Gotu | i was using this on windows but i can not run here like i used to | 07:45 |
JoshPilcer | it just doesn't want to run it | 07:45 |
Paddy_EIRE | Gotu, linux is not windows | 07:45 |
kevdog | Is there a file size associated with it? | 07:45 |
srx2002 | it removed something | 07:45 |
srx2002 | but still listed under the applications menu | 07:45 |
JoshPilcer | no | 07:45 |
kevdog | ls -la | 07:46 |
atom^x | Gotu: install phpmyadmin for web-based admin | 07:46 |
Gotu | o.k atom | 07:46 |
nickrud | Gotu, install mysql-admin and mysql-browser, it'll end up in your menu under programming | 07:46 |
* kevdog wonders if phpmyadmin was mentioned before? | 07:46 | |
Gotu | o.k | 07:47 |
nickrud | pfft phpmyadmin, use the real thing :) | 07:47 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: what is going on | 07:47 |
JoshPilcer | it says -rwx------ 1 josh josh 903426 2009-01-18 12:40 broadcom-wl- | 07:47 |
Gotu | i'll try mysql-admin from net | 07:47 |
kevdog | What is a tar.tar | 07:47 |
JoshPilcer | you should try it. it's just not working | 07:47 |
JoshPilcer | i don't know | 07:47 |
nickrud | Gotu, you can go to system->admin->synaptic package manager, and install it from there | 07:47 |
Paddy_EIRE | kevdog, badly named file | 07:47 |
JoshPilcer | should i change it? | 07:48 |
nickrud | Gotu, _always_ look there for stuff first | 07:48 |
JoshPilcer | cause that's what it was when i downloaded it | 07:48 |
JoshPilcer | broadcom-wl- exact name | 07:48 |
Paddy_EIRE | JoshPilcer, yeah remove the file extension.. the extra one that is | 07:48 |
kevdog | rename it | 07:48 |
jeffreyalan | i have an issue with ssl-explorer and apache2 any one care to help | 07:48 |
JoshPilcer | okay one sec | 07:49 |
Paddy_EIRE | !anyone | jeffreyalan | 07:49 |
stopie | link to a good howto for unix terminal? | 07:49 |
ubottu | jeffreyalan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:49 |
kevdog | Its the mv command | 07:49 |
Paddy_EIRE | stopie, google | 07:49 |
kevdog | mv broadcom-wl- broadcom-wl- | 07:49 |
stopie | Paddy: kthx | 07:49 |
Chickers | hello, how do I open a specified port on ubuntu? | 07:49 |
Paddy_EIRE | stopie, google for linux command | 07:49 |
=== eric is now known as talntid | ||
kevdog | Chickers: most likely its already open -- all ports open by default! | 07:50 |
Chickers | hmm | 07:50 |
Chickers | oh okay! | 07:50 |
Chickers | thanks | 07:50 |
jeffreyalan | i am running ssl-explorer and apach2 -- when the server reboots ssl-explorer runs but my *80 services do not.. i have to stop ssl-explorer then start apache then start ssl0explorer this works untill the next reboot when i have to do it again | 07:50 |
kevdog | Chickers: just as long as you are not running firestarter | 07:50 |
atom^x | Chickers: firewall/router? | 07:51 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog: it says: mv: cannot stat 'broadcom-wl4.80.53.0.tar.tar': no such file or directory | 07:51 |
kevdog | mv broadcom-wl- broadcom-wl- | 07:51 |
useruseruseruser | hello everyone | 07:51 |
JoshPilcer | look the file url says but when you download it says .tar.tar ??? | 07:52 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: mv broadcom-wl- broadcom-wl- | 07:52 |
wastrel | it shouldn't matter what the filename is | 07:52 |
wastrel | do file <filename> see what that says | 07:52 |
JoshPilcer | why isn't it working then? | 07:52 |
=== talia is now known as Talia | ||
wastrel | iono, try file broadcom-wl-blah-blah-lots-of-numbers.tar.tar | 07:53 |
wastrel | file command = teh aw3s0m3n355 | 07:53 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: windows bug | 07:53 |
JoshPilcer | is it? | 07:53 |
nightrid3r | JoshPilcer: rename the file in ubuntu | 07:53 |
JoshPilcer | i downloaded from windows to flashdrive. then uploaded on ubuntu | 07:53 |
JoshPilcer | rename it to what? | 07:53 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: mv broadcom-wl- broadcom-wl- | 07:53 |
JoshPilcer | o | 07:53 |
kevdog | Cut and paste that command | 07:53 |
kevdog | ? | 07:54 |
kevdog | Flannel: you the admin? | 07:54 |
Flannel | kevdog: Theres a good number of us. | 07:54 |
JoshPilcer | still does not want to work | 07:55 |
wastrel | they're horrible horrible people | 07:55 |
kevdog | Flannel: Cool -- Kind of like the CIA lurking about or KGB! | 07:55 |
useruseruseruser | !kr | useruseruseruser | 07:55 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kr | 07:55 |
kevdog | Redownload the file then | 07:55 |
useruseruseruser | !ch | useruseruseruser | 07:55 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ch | 07:55 |
eseven73 | !fishing | useruseruseruser | 07:55 |
ubottu | useruseruseruser: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 07:55 |
kevdog | Flannel: I guess you didn't find that funny! sorry! | 07:56 |
* kevdog is wrapping it up in 5 | 07:57 | |
eseven73 | kevdog: they're kinda like those english guards, you cannot make them smile for nothing ;) | 07:57 |
Flannel | kevdog: something like that, sure. | 07:57 |
JoshPilcer | it still doesn't want to work. are you able to try it? | 07:57 |
samax | o,wrong door | 07:57 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
JoshPilcer | kevdog can you try it for me? | 07:58 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: I using cygwin on windows machine and was able to grab the source and decompress it like nothing | 07:58 |
JoshPilcer | lol why isn't it working for me... | 07:58 |
JoshPilcer | what was the command you typed? | 07:59 |
marabout | kevdog: install finally finished back to ~$ What now? | 07:59 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: You probably dont have cygwin installated but it was: wget | 08:00 |
kevdog | marabout: Either reboot or startx | 08:00 |
JoshPilcer | how can i fix that? | 08:00 |
wastrel | oh dear me. | 08:00 |
wastrel | JoshPilcer: run the file command file <filename> where <filename> is the ungodly long name of that .tar.tar file | 08:01 |
wastrel | JoshPilcer: what does it say? | 08:01 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Download the archive on windows - extract the archive in windows using 7zip and then just copy the directory structure over to ubuntu -- might be the easiest | 08:01 |
JoshPilcer | 7zip? | 08:02 |
JoshPilcer | does winrar work? | 08:02 |
kevdog | Flannel: tough crowd in here tonight! | 08:02 |
kevdog | YES | 08:02 |
kevdog | but 7zip is better (off topic) | 08:02 |
kevdog | + | 08:02 |
wastrel | 7zip confuses users because they want to use 7zip format | 08:03 |
kevdog | 7zip as far as compressibility is a superior format to gz and bz2. However you don't have to use the 7z format if you dont want to! | 08:03 |
kevdog | I believe its also a more efficient algorithm also in terms of speed | 08:04 |
marabout | kevdog: okay had to fix screen res but so far so good. Thanks so much! any tips on getting the wireless card running as I believe it is the RA that you mentioned | 08:04 |
kevdog | Is it running now? | 08:04 |
talntid | ralink ftw :) | 08:05 |
=== mike is now known as Guest55264 | ||
kevdog | ftw? | 08:05 |
JoshPilcer | there we go | 08:05 |
JoshPilcer | haha | 08:05 |
JoshPilcer | lol | 08:05 |
talntid | ftw = for the win :P | 08:05 |
kevdog | yea I just googled that -- I'm new to the IRC thing in the last week -- give me a break Im an old man | 08:06 |
talntid | meh it's no problem :) | 08:06 |
talntid | welcome to irc | 08:06 |
kevdog | I loved mirc on windows | 08:06 |
rebel_kid | is there a package in apt to install python 2.6 or do i need to download it from the python site | 08:06 |
talntid | me too. i was an expert at the scripting part | 08:07 |
lars_bauer | can't print anything. Printer config does not show up ? | 08:07 |
JoshPilcer | what's wrong with this command? sudo chmod o+rx /lib/firmware/b43 /lib/firmware/b43legacy it just doesn't do anything | 08:07 |
mattias | Hi, I need Help with .dmrc file. System said it is being ignored because of some 664 error/only current user should have access to $HOME | 08:07 |
kevdog | ? | 08:08 |
lars_bauer | "Jan 19 09:07:49 ubuntu gsgcmd[5066]: Listening the network on port 11201... " is this a virus ? | 08:08 |
kevdog | there was a mirc download program for music -- cant remember the name -- it was awesome | 08:09 |
Flannel | kevdog: That belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for support only (not general chit-chat); thanks. | 08:09 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog now it says sudo chmod o+rx /lib/firmware/b43 /lib/firmware/b43legacy it doesn't do anything. and the next command: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up it says wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device | 08:09 |
mattias | Im having issues with $HOME/.dmrc file | 08:10 |
Flannel | JoshPilcer: "doesn't do anything" doesn't output anything? or there's no change to those files? | 08:10 |
JoshPilcer | it just goes to a new command line | 08:10 |
kevdog | sudo modprobe b43 | 08:10 |
marabout | kevdog: can I install these drivers: "rt2x00 driver or the rt2570 drivers" using the package manager. (for wireless card) | 08:11 |
Flannel | JoshPilcer: Then that's good. In Linux, no news is good news. | 08:11 |
kevdog | Then check lshw -C network | 08:11 |
ardchoille | lars_bauer: | 08:11 |
kevdog | marabout: I suppose -- are you getting prompted to do this? | 08:11 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog it's the same, but for configuration it says: driver=b43-pci-bridge latency=0 module=ssb | 08:12 |
JoshPilcer | and it says *-network | 08:12 |
JoshPilcer | nothing after that so that's good? | 08:12 |
marabout | kevdog: no, no prompts those are just the names of drivers that came up when I searched for my wireless card drivers. is there a app to set up the usb card built into hardy? | 08:12 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: Is it assigned a logical name of wlan0? | 08:13 |
mattias | Upon system startup i get $HOME//dmrc error | 08:13 |
homeskillet | i changed to wpa2, using an ascii pre-shared key. but i cant get my laptop running ubuntu livecd to connect to it. and it converts my password from ascii to a long hex string. any ideas? | 08:13 |
Paddy_EIRE | kevdog, having fun :) | 08:14 |
Bossmanbeta | Using mplayer, is there a way to play a video file to the network, so that another instance of mplayer could receive it (like VLC does when it streams) ? | 08:14 |
kevdog | marabout: not an expert with ra cards | 08:14 |
lars_bauer | ardchoille: is it my mail system cheking for incoming mail ? | 08:14 |
kevdog | Paddy_EIRE: Mod doesn't lke me! | 08:14 |
Gobby89 | GObby | 08:14 |
Paddy_EIRE | kevdog, :( | 08:14 |
Gobby89 | who stole my name | 08:15 |
marabout | kevdog: OK | 08:15 |
narco | holla | 08:15 |
marabout | Can anyone help me set up a wireless USB card? | 08:15 |
lars_bauer | printing system does not print | 08:15 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog: *-network descript: network controller, product: BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI, vendor: Broadcom Corporation, physical id: 0, bus info: pci@0000.03:00.0, version: 02, width: 64 bits, clock:33mhz, capabil: bus_master cap_list, configuration: driver=b43-pci-bridge latency=0 module=ssb | 08:16 |
talntid | for ralink cards... | 08:16 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, What is the wireless chipset you are using? | 08:16 |
talntid | just get the rt73 drivers... | 08:16 |
kevdog | iwlist scan? | 08:16 |
JoshPilcer | lo & eth0 interface doesn't support scanning. | 08:17 |
kevdog | reboot for a minute | 08:17 |
JoshPilcer | oaky | 08:17 |
JoshPilcer | okay* | 08:17 |
sparr | is there a bittorrent client that can prioritize specific chunks of a file? | 08:18 |
* Aurax is away: Gone away for now | 08:18 | |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: it is supposed to be the rt2x00 or rt2570 drivers (Ra) for a Netopia 3D Reach [TER/GUSB2-N] | 08:18 |
JoshPilcer | kevdog still the same | 08:19 |
kevdog | JoshPilcer: I'm signing off for tonight -- post a link in the networking section on the ubuntu forums. Catch up with you there | 08:19 |
JoshPilcer | fuck | 08:20 |
white-sheep | Firefox? <_< | 08:20 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: "Ralink 2500 chipset" to be exact. { } | 08:20 |
wastrel | i say this to you: omg | 08:21 |
Paddy_EIRE | !language | JoshPilcer | 08:21 |
ubottu | JoshPilcer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 08:21 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, reading now | 08:21 |
jeffreyalan | I am having an issue with ssl-explorer and apache -- when the system reboots only ssl-explorer starts. I have to stop the service, start apache then restart ssl-explorer -- any thoughts | 08:21 |
lars_bauer | printer fails with "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed" ? | 08:22 |
white-sheep | jeffreyalan: My thought --> cloud --> cloud --> small cloud --> "Make a script." | 08:22 |
shear | Where does Privoxy store the config file? | 08:24 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: OK | 08:24 |
elatio | dear #ubuntu | 08:26 |
elatio | i am big in japan | 08:26 |
useruseruseruser | elatio: yes? | 08:26 |
elatio | mostly because japanese people are tiny | 08:26 |
tritium | elatio: none of that | 08:26 |
elatio | none of what | 08:26 |
tritium | elatio: you know exactly what. Don't go there. | 08:27 |
elipsis | HI | 08:27 |
elipsis | Found a bug | 08:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, okay.. well it seems that using the windows drivers via ndiswrapper will be one of your best bets | 08:27 |
* elatio snaps fingers | 08:27 | |
Paddy_EIRE | !lp | elipsis | 08:27 |
ubottu | elipsis: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see | 08:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | file your bug there | 08:27 |
elipsis | Here's the bug (pastebin) | 08:27 |
elipsis | Please fix it | 08:27 |
* elipsis leaves | 08:28 | |
Paddy_EIRE | elipsis, not here | 08:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | heh.. no thanks | 08:28 |
white-sheep | Lazy bird. :\ | 08:28 |
codename | How do I change the background in Pidgin? | 08:28 |
sigur | hello, does Nvidia's fancy new GTX 295 work in ubuntu? | 08:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | white-sheep, I doubt anyone should help someone with an attitude like that :/ | 08:29 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: ok. I am not familiar with ndiswrapper ( among other things) What is the best way to accomplish this? | 08:29 |
codename | How do I change the background in Pidgin? | 08:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, ok.. just a moment till I line this up :) | 08:29 |
codename | How do I change the background in Pidgin? | 08:30 |
Paddy_EIRE | codename, no need to repeat try and have patience or use google while you wait | 08:30 |
codename | Ok. | 08:30 |
white-sheep | codename: Try GTk2 Plugin. And customize your own theme. | 08:30 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: yes that is fine take your time as I am trying to improve the contrast/sharpness on the monitor which ubuntu is on ( i am accessing this channel via another machine) | 08:31 |
atom^x | codename: | 08:31 |
sisto | sigur: no | 08:31 |
zohreh | hi | 08:31 |
zohreh | how to find network connection status in ubuntu, command line? | 08:32 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, okay so these instructions are for another distribution but I will amend where required | 08:32 |
aboSamoor | I have the following problem my ubuntu wireless driver works fine but not with all the APs, I am using kernel 2.6.27 . Now I have vista laptop which gives me 100% signal while my ubuntu can not even detect the signals, I tried to load the latest drivers and did not get any improvement ! Please, I want your help | 08:32 |
sigur | sisto, thanks | 08:32 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: sounds like a plan... | 08:33 |
lars_bauer | printing fails see syslog here | 08:33 |
wildrooke | kde pwns gnome | 08:33 |
atom^x | ha | 08:33 |
wildrooke | dude, i wasted like, 4 hours just editting my theme | 08:34 |
sisto | sigterm: you can check again here in a couple of weeks to see if support was added: | 08:34 |
white-sheep | wildrooke: 4 hours? Send us the SS so I can laugh at the theme. :) | 08:34 |
atom^x | wow | 08:34 |
ziroday | wildrooke: do you have a question we can help you with? Chats in #ubuntu-offtopic :) | 08:34 |
wildrooke | naw | 08:35 |
aboSamoor | Hi, please if you don't know how to solve my problem, please just tell me how can I monitor wireless status so I can search for the related problem | 08:35 |
* Aurax is back. | 08:36 | |
useruseruseruser | aboSamoor: what do you want to know? | 08:36 |
Paddy_EIRE | useruseruseruser, scroll back | 08:36 |
bullgard4 | Nautilus > highlight some file > right-click > Open with Other Applications... will open a dialog window 'Open With'. What is the filename of this 'Open With' program? | 08:36 |
sparr | bullgard4: i dont think it is a program, i think it is part of nautilus | 08:37 |
ziroday | !away > Aurax | 08:37 |
ubottu | Aurax, please see my private message | 08:37 |
useruseruseruser | aboSamoor: try iwlist command... i dunno... | 08:37 |
sparr | bullgard4: to be sure, open the 'open with' window, then run 'xkill' and click that window, see if nautilus gets killed | 08:37 |
bullgard4 | sparr: What is its filename? | 08:37 |
sparr | bullgard4: it probably does not have a filename | 08:37 |
bullgard4 | sparr: A window does not have a filename? How come? | 08:38 |
sparr | bullgard4: uhm, why would a window have a filename? | 08:38 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, be right back.. I need to run to the shop :) wont be longer than 5 mins | 08:38 |
aboSamoor | useruseruseruser: I think the problem is not with the AP, because the behaviour of the problem differs depending on the place I am trying to connect from, {office,library ...}. How can I monitor the scanning results and the association process | 08:38 |
bullgard4 | sparr: Never heard that everything in Unix and Ubuntu is a file? | 08:38 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: yes I am here np | 08:39 |
useruseruseruser | aboSamoor: i don't know | 08:39 |
snowrei | Got a question for somebody, I'm having issues with accessing certain websites (MIT's PGP server, my schools Peoplesoft system), I checked the kernel logs and its informing me that its blocking that particular connection attempt, I'm assuming there's some iptables issue, how do I completely disable the kernel firewall? (I have a pretty powerful network firewall so I'm not too concerned) | 08:39 |
sparr | bullgard4: yes, but one program can make a thousand windows | 08:39 |
useruseruseruser | aboSamoor: try iwlist <interface> scanning | 08:40 |
bullgard4 | Your statement does not answer my question: "What is the filename of this window?" | 08:40 |
white-sheep | Night world. | 08:40 |
sparr | windows do not have filenames | 08:40 |
sparr | at all | 08:40 |
sparr | ever | 08:40 |
bullgard4 | sparr: Your statement does not answer my question: "What is the filename of this window?" | 08:40 |
useruseruseruser | white-sheep: bye | 08:40 |
sparr | windows do not have filenames | 08:40 |
aboSamoor | Hi, please if you don't know how to solve my problem, please just tell me how can I monitor wireless status so I can search for the related problem | 08:40 |
ardchoille | lars_bauer: SMTP - outgoing mail | 08:40 |
aboSamoor | I think the problem is with the AP, because the behaviour of the problem differs depending on the place I am trying to connect from, {office,library ...}. How can I monitor the scanning results and the association process | 08:41 |
bullgard4 | sparr: Thank you for commenting. | 08:41 |
ardchoille | lars_bauer: Did you setup a mail server? | 08:41 |
useruseruseruser | aboSamoor: ok... | 08:42 |
snowrei | Nevermind, figured it out. sudo iptables -F | 08:42 |
ValentineX | hello how to install these drivers? | 08:44 |
lars_bauer | ardchoille: thanks just need to now what the program did :o) | 08:44 |
snowrei | ValentineX: Those are experimental drivers, do you have any specific reason for those specifically? | 08:44 |
ardchoille | lars_bauer: ok :) | 08:44 |
ValentineX | snowrei: my intel vga is not installed correctly | 08:45 |
Samizdat | ValentineX I strictly stay away from PPAs | 08:45 |
ValentineX | Samizdat: :-s | 08:45 |
snowrei | ValentineX: Is it just because they're not functioning or just because they're not installed properly? If they're not loading or something its better to get the stable drivers working | 08:46 |
ValentineX | so how to install my vga? i am unable to play movies, office documents, games correctlt | 08:46 |
Samizdat | color me lazy, but with the .deb package, all you have to do is click-and-play | 08:46 |
Samizdat | (that's for you, ValentineX) | 08:46 |
lars_bauer | ardchoille: but i can't get my printer up and running :o( . see paste -> | 08:46 |
ardchoille | lars_bauer: Can't help with that, I've never owned a printer | 08:46 |
lars_bauer | ardchoille: save the forest don't print :oD | 08:47 |
ardchoille | lars_bauer: nah, just never needed one | 08:47 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout ok.. just back.. upon further reading it seems that the rt2500 is very well supported | 08:47 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: yes... | 08:47 |
snowrei | ValentineX: There is a project of drivers from Intel but you have to compile them yourself as well as install, I'm not turning up a simple DEB | 08:48 |
ValentineX | snowrei: where is that? | 08:48 |
ValentineX | Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics | 08:49 |
snowrei | ValentineX: | 08:49 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, have you tried this | 08:49 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, it is for gutsy but is just as relevant | 08:50 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: Hadn't found that. By "working network" are they referring to a internet connection? | 08:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, yes | 08:51 |
Samizdat | ValentineX : you'd be surprised how much grief you can avoid by simply clicking "Reinstall" (a particular package) in Synaptic Package Manager | 08:51 |
snowrei | ValentineX: <-- Install Doc | 08:51 |
Samizdat | (or you can go on some fifteen-page wild goose chase that ultimately results in a complete O/S reinstall) | 08:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, specifically to address problems with wpa not working with other methods.. I am just trying to get you the best option possible | 08:51 |
ValentineX | Samizdat: i dont know which document is for my graphics new to linux | 08:52 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: Well that may kill it for me as I can only connect to internet with that machine if I get the usb card configured... | 08:52 |
kraut | moin | 08:52 |
Samizdat | did you have video working, then it broke, or has it not worked at all in Linux? | 08:52 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, oh.. catch 22 | 08:53 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, Cant you plug it in via ethernet cable for a moment | 08:53 |
* Samizdat has a date with KGO in about 13 minutes | 08:54 | |
* Aurax is away: Gone away for now | 08:54 | |
* Aurax is back. | 08:54 | |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: no that machine for some reason was not made with Ethernet port (compaq presario 5000us) I can see that the card is there via terminal when I typed in "lsusb" though | 08:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | !away | Aurax | 08:55 |
ubottu | Aurax: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 08:55 |
ValentineX | Samizdat: they are working but when i maximize them they run with bad quality with pauses | 08:56 |
mmcji | howdee | 08:57 |
spaceshuttle | I am new to Ubuntu and just can't figure out how to make flash work in Firefox. I have version 8.04 installed. Did anyone had similar problems? any ideas? | 08:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, hmm.. I dont know mate there seems to be a large need for an active net connection for resolving dependencies properly | 08:57 |
mmcji | are you using 64bit or 32 bit ubuntu | 08:57 |
spaceshuttle | 64bit | 08:58 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, otherwise you are talking about quite the struggle | 08:58 |
snowrei | spaceshuttle: Might want to be on 32-bit for compatibility reasons, however Adobe launched a 64-bit flash beta not too long ago | 08:58 |
mmcji | with firefox you can install the non free flashplugin in synaptic or apt-get it to install it | 08:58 |
mmcji | if however you are trying to install flash for opera, it is a bit more difficult | 08:58 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Hmm | 08:59 |
mmcji | I am running 64 bit w/firefox and flash and it works fine | 08:59 |
spaceshuttle | nope, trying to install it for FF. haven't been able to make it work properly. | 08:59 |
snowrei | spaceshuttle: | 08:59 |
mmcji | which flash packge are you trying to install? | 08:59 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: I see. Well I could try (tomorrow, later etc.) connected the machine to my Mac via internet sharing using the telephone modem port. Do you have a link or a set of commands that I should input at that point if I can get it to connect that way? | 09:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | !ics | 09:00 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 09:00 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: *connecting | 09:00 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | All i did to get flash going.. was install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' then installed Opera.. and Opera is using the flash. | 09:00 |
Samizdat | ValentineX one of these years we'll come up with a truly smart Linux, one that previews each and every scrap of new code you add to your system, to ensure it works with every other piece. | 09:01 |
spaceshuttle | I've downloaded adobe version for 64 bit but it still didn't work | 09:01 |
william_ | how do i transfer files from an old harddrive to a new one in ubuntu? | 09:01 |
Samizdat | Eventually we'll get tired of "lurching for the future." | 09:02 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I will admit - i dont think im using the 64bit flash.. but i am watching youtube in opera right now. | 09:02 |
ValentineX | Samizdat: so i have to wait for new? | 09:02 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | william_, what filesystem is the other drive? just mount it and copy files over is what you normally do. | 09:02 |
Samizdat | ValentineX I'm just not convinced there's anything wrong with your Intel VGA. | 09:02 |
william_ | It comes with an install cd with a program that is only written for windows. do i need to format it at all? | 09:03 |
ValentineX | Samizdat: can i upgrade to jaunty alpha? | 09:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | Samizdat, your back I see | 09:03 |
william_ | ive tried running said cd in wine with no success | 09:03 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | install program? what sort of drive has an insstall oprogram? or needs a cd drive? Heh | 09:03 |
Samizdat | Intel has a toll free telephone number with folks just waiting on the end of the line to help you fix this problem ValentineX. | 09:03 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | william_, what Kind of drive is this? | 09:03 |
Samizdat | I would call Intel first. | 09:03 |
spaceshuttle | and chose the .deb version for ubuntu | 09:04 |
william_ | seaqgate 500BG | 09:04 |
mmcji | How to i get an ethernet interface to come UP on boot w/out having an IP Address assigned to the interface AND w/o the interface being set for DHCP? This is a vmwareish question. My WAN connection needs to user eth1. I have vmnet2 bound to eth1 with a static IP. and eth0 is my LAN side interface. | 09:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | Samizdat, lets hope you are a little better behaved this time ;) | 09:04 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | william_, you mean to say its just a normal SATA hard drive? | 09:04 |
william_ | yep | 09:04 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: in my case the Mac would be the host... Anyway I think I have a slight understanding of what I need to do if I can get the Ubuntu machine to connect to the Net via the mac. If I see an extra-long telephone cord laying around in the next few minutes I may try it tonight. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the assist :) | 09:04 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | william_, so plug it in.. fdisk it make linux parittion, format it.. mount it via fstab :) | 09:04 |
joma | lets say i get a virus on my windows computer and it crashes and i cant get in. is it always possible to install linux from USB then? because the bootloader of the computer will always work anyway? | 09:04 |
ValentineX | Samizdat: i dont know english :D | 09:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, any time mate :) | 09:04 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | william_, or plug it in and use gparted on it to set it up.. then edit fstab as needed to mount it | 09:05 |
mmcji | when I reboot the box, everything comes up, but the eth1 interface is no a down/down status. If I do a ifconfig eth1 up, I am in business, but not until then. | 09:05 |
joma | wired internet, ie just plugging a cable, does that always work by default in Linux? | 09:05 |
Samizdat | They have folks who speak your language ValentineX. | 09:05 |
william_ | will that work if im trying to get all the contents of my old harddrive onto the new one? | 09:05 |
ValentineX | Samizdat: they shall know linux? | 09:05 |
Samizdat | yes | 09:05 |
ValentineX | Samizdat: my problem is same | 09:06 |
inertial | sup | 09:06 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: By the way, is there a setting/app in Ubuntu that will automatically configure the settings for the monitor. My display seems it should be sharper, etc...? | 09:06 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | william_, you mean from an existing hard drive thats in the system? to a new hard drive you got sitting on the table? | 09:06 |
inertial | what's the best program for graphing 1 or 2 variable functions | 09:06 |
william_ | ive al;ready plugged the new hard drive into the motherboard, but yes | 09:06 |
tritium | inertial: gnuplot is very powerful, but has a bit of a learning curve | 09:07 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, you probably dont have your gfx card installed properly... there is also sub-pixel smoothing for fonts under "System > Preferences > Appearance" | 09:07 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | william_, do you want to use linux filesystem or windows on the new drive? You basicallyjust mount the new one some place and copy files over to it.. UNLESS you are actually wanting to clone the whole System from the old drive to the new one and have a bootable system with the new drive only. | 09:07 |
captain_ | hello, I did a new install of ubuntu today and for some reason it is not putting the nvidia driver in restricted hardware but the monitor is hooked up to the card? | 09:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, what is your resolution? | 09:08 |
inertial | thanks tritium... don't know how i'll do with learning curve.. i've been trying to build linux for a usip board all day... | 09:08 |
william_ | the end goal is to give linux free reign of the new harddrive and use the older one for windows only. windows is not currently installed on either | 09:08 |
joma | wired internet, ie just plugging a cable, does that always work by default in Linux? | 09:09 |
mmcji | william_: if you want the new drive to be a secondary drive, add it to fstab and creat a mount point for it, say /media/newdrive. that way each time you reboot, the drive will be mounted for you | 09:09 |
mmcji | if you need an example for what you "might" put in fstab, let me know | 09:09 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: it is set to 1280x960 What is the gfx card? hardware or ubuntu software? | 09:09 |
ValentineX | joma: mine works just like that | 09:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, oh hardware (Graphics Card) | 09:10 |
joma | lets say i get a virus on my windows computer and it crashes and i cant get in. is it always possible to install linux from USB then? because the bootloader of the computer will always work anyway? | 09:10 |
william_ | no i want it to be the primary drive with linux only and be able to dual boot windows from the older drive | 09:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, also would be something that would require a net connection | 09:10 |
ValentineX | Samizdat: my intel driver is set to software, how to correct it? | 09:10 |
mmcji | then you have to fiddle with fstab and grub | 09:11 |
mmcji | BUT I think if you have it as your slave the installer might set that up for you in the wizard too. | 09:11 |
william_ | what is fstab? | 09:11 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I normallty have windows on the first hard drive.. then linux on the 2nd hard drive... | 09:11 |
Paddy_EIRE | !fstab | william_ | 09:12 |
ubottu | william_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 09:12 |
BigMike | I lost the buttons on my windows to max and min what do I do? | 09:12 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | william_, but you have data on the old drive that you want to access NOW? or save for now? | 09:12 |
c_korn | what does one change when pressing alt+number in a terminal? (arg: 56) appears for example | 09:12 |
Paddy_EIRE | BigMike, open a terminal and type "gtk-window-decorator --replace& exit" without the quotes | 09:12 |
william_ | access now. I want to be able to run ubuntu as i have it now from the new drive | 09:12 |
quibbler | BigMike, are you using compiz | 09:12 |
mmcji | /dev/sdb1/media/archiveext3defaults02 | 09:13 |
BigMike | i took it all out - cause after installing the non support plugins it went all crazy | 09:13 |
marabout | Paddy_EIRE: ok I'll let Ubuntu win the battle tonight. I better rest up for tomorrow's encounter. Thanks again... | 09:13 |
mmcji | /dev/sdc1/media/storageext3defaults03 | 09:13 |
Paddy_EIRE | marabout, no problem | 09:13 |
marabout | • Ciao | 09:13 |
mmcji | there are two examples of what you "might" have in fstab | 09:13 |
maeher | @c_korn: what a dumb question | 09:13 |
pozic | How can I change the keyboard layout that's assumed by gdm? The console keymap is already configured correctly, as is the keymap for X. | 09:14 |
joma | lets say i get a virus on my windows computer and it crashes and i cant get in. is it always possible to install linux from USB then? because the bootloader of the computer will always work anyway? | 09:14 |
mmcji | but as much as I dislike it when flolks say read the manual, with fstab, It really is a very very good idea to do a bit of reading Before doing anything with it. | 09:14 |
BigMike | turning off window decorations and back on worked only temporarily | 09:14 |
Paddy_EIRE | joma, please dont repeat the same broken question over and over please | 09:15 |
talntid | joma: the bootloader can be corrupted by a virus. | 09:15 |
Paddy_EIRE | BigMike, did you do what I said | 09:15 |
quibbler | BigMike, that was going to be my suggestion | 09:15 |
talntid | but Ubuntu will rewrite the bootloader when it installs. | 09:15 |
BigMike | didnt help | 09:15 |
william_ | ill look into fstab, thanks for the help | 09:15 |
quibbler | !who | BigMike | 09:16 |
ubottu | BigMike: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 09:16 |
=== Abracadabr4 is now known as Abracadabra | ||
hangel | hello | 09:16 |
BigMike | ok | 09:16 |
BigMike | not a problen | 09:17 |
mmcji | william_: look at grub too, you will need them both, also as was said above. It is always a good idea to have windows be your primary drive. you really do not have to, But it can make your life allot easier. | 09:17 |
hangel | bootproblems nvidia hoho :) | 09:17 |
GibbaTheHutt | BigMike, I've had that problem before, I ended up switching to emerald which seemed to work better | 09:17 |
BigMike | ok | 09:17 |
hangel | How can i connect xwindow again | 09:17 |
BigMike | Gibba I took out compiz and I have the same problem | 09:18 |
hangel | anybody knows a good site for help | 09:18 |
elipsis | How do I install a .deb via command line? | 09:18 |
Gautam | hello, will it be safe if i install any antivirus ? or ubuntu dont need itself safe enough ? | 09:18 |
GibbaTheHutt | you're not on ubuntu and using human theme are you ? | 09:18 |
* [gnubie] waves | 09:18 | |
BigMike | no | 09:18 |
Paddy_EIRE | GibbaTheHutt, actually the opposite is true.. gtk window decorator is much more stable than emerald will ever be... also emerald is now in the process of being depreciated | 09:18 |
elipsis | How do I install a .deb via command line, and how do I make it install the .deb to a certain location? | 09:18 |
william_ | why is it better to have windows as primary? | 09:18 |
GibbaTheHutt | yep, it may be more stable, but it does fix some issues for me, so I'll switch over when there's no problems | 09:19 |
BigMike | maybe if I switch back to a gnome theme I might be using something from my kde desktop Gibba | 09:19 |
elipsis | Is there a way I can configure apt's setting so it only installs to a certain location of my choosing? | 09:19 |
mmcji | honestly, iduno, I from experience, I have tried it both ways and I have always had more success with it as either the primary driver or partition. | 09:19 |
[gnubie] | i don't have a gui and i am running ubuntu server 8.04 lts.. is there a detailed documentation about the upstart since sysv initscript is gone? | 09:19 |
s1ma0 | hin | 09:20 |
s1ma0 | hi all | 09:20 |
GibbaTheHutt | BigMike, maybe, I've never used kde so can't really advise with that | 09:20 |
mmcji | howdee s1ma0 | 09:20 |
william_ | k thanks | 09:20 |
BigMike | ok I have both desktops installed | 09:20 |
BigMike | but I do have the buttons on the kde desktop but not on gnome | 09:21 |
BigMike | its a little wierd lol | 09:21 |
BigMike | but maybe the prob is in themes like you mentioned Gibba | 09:22 |
mmcji | anyone know how to make a ethernet interface come UP w/o it being assigned a static IP or having it use DHCP? Besides typing ipconfig eth1 up. | 09:22 |
Gautam | can any body tell me, will it be safe if i install any antivirus ? or ubuntu dont need itself safe enough ? | 09:22 |
BigMike | I will give it a shot thanks | 09:22 |
GibbaTheHutt | mmcji, what are you excpecting it to come up with ? | 09:22 |
elipsis | How do I install a .deb via command line, and how do I make it install the .deb to a certain location? | 09:22 |
Paddy_EIRE | !virus | Gautam | 09:22 |
ubottu | Gautam: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 09:22 |
GibbaTheHutt | elipsis, dpkg -i <debfile> | 09:23 |
elipsis | GibbaTheHutt: Then how do I make it install to a directory of my choosing | 09:23 |
Myx0x3 | Hello, i realy need help fast! X) i installed Ubuntu on my USB hd, and when i rebooted grub sayd error 21... i have 2 partitions one whit XP and ubuntu, the otherone has no OS... but how to i remove grub whitout my windows cd? | 09:23 |
GibbaTheHutt | elipsis, I doubt you can in most debs | 09:23 |
Paddy_EIRE | elipsis, why would you want to... | 09:24 |
kke_ | is there some way to reset the audio device? i get some strange noise in headphones occasionally, especially if screensaver is active, maybe some power saving thing. audio plays normally through the noise even when the problem is active. | 09:24 |
kke_ | rebooting works but i'm getting tired of that | 09:25 |
mmcji | GibbaTheHutt: I have eth1 bound to vmnet2 which is eth1 on a vm I am using for a router. When my server comes up, eth0 is my LAN side and is statically assigned. Eth1 is my WAN side and needs to resolve via DHCP. When the server is booted as there is no IP assigned to the interface and it is not using DHCP, the interface goes to a DOWN status. When the VM is up it does not see the interface. If I do a ifconfig eth1 up, the vm can then | 09:26 |
mmcji | see the interface, successfully resolves my WAN address and the packets start flowing fine. But only after I do ifconfig eth1 up. | 09:26 |
mmcji | guess I could create a kron job to check that status is up and if not run ifconfig eth1 up, but I was hoping there was a better way to do it. | 09:27 |
GibbaTheHutt | or do it on startup in one of the rc files | 09:27 |
DwightShroot | 8.04 user here, so i got an iphone and im trying to set up Remotepad, it needs an ip and port, ive tried various ones found in the terminal but the most that happens is 5 second connection then a disconnect. got any info for my prob?? | 09:27 |
mmcji | hmmm | 09:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | DwightShroot, would you like us to guess the phone ;) | 09:28 |
Myx0x3 | i cant mount a partition, it has not valid NTFS? :S | 09:28 |
DwightShroot | ??? | 09:28 |
DwightShroot | its an iphone 3g | 09:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | !ntfs | Myx0x3 | 09:29 |
ubottu | Myx0x3: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 09:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | DwightShroot, okay | 09:29 |
mmcji | which one would I do that in? rc3.d? | 09:29 |
majnoon | !FUSE | 09:29 |
ubottu | FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: | 09:29 |
mmcji | i'm rusty on my runlevels | 09:29 |
devex | Myx0x3: maybe boot windows, remove all usb devices safely and do a clean shutdown | 09:29 |
GibbaTheHutt | mmcji, at least that, later the better, but at least networking should have come up then I think | 09:30 |
GibbaTheHutt | depends if anything else is relying on it that starts before or after | 09:30 |
Myx0x3 | devex, i cant boot windows, grub is wierd... | 09:30 |
mmcji | thanks, i go a googlin on that :-) | 09:30 |
mmcji | nite all! | 09:30 |
GibbaTheHutt | nn | 09:30 |
DwightShroot | Paddy_EIRE: you familiar with it | 09:31 |
Jimm^ | hi all | 09:33 |
Jimm^ | what window manager does ubuntu use? | 09:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | DwightShroot, ah I have seen that actually.. but I am not sure if it runs on anything other than windows and mac at the moment | 09:33 |
Myx0x3 | ubottu, i does not understand... im realy new whit linux | 09:34 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | DwightShroot, oh it is out on linux bsd solaris | 09:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | DwightShroot, I would not be so sure.. you would probably be best to go to a more specialised channel or forum | 09:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | or continue to try here | 09:34 |
GibbaTheHutt | Jimm^, gnome by default, but you can use others | 09:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | :) | 09:34 |
mmcji | GibbaTheHutt: hehe, I found the answer, and it was so simple, I feel like a real dummy for not seeing it. | 09:35 |
Jimm^ | yes I know but I missing the window manger configuration tool | 09:35 |
DwightShroot | Paddy_EIRE: ok | 09:35 |
mmcji | | 09:35 |
Jimm^ | there seems to be more than one | 09:35 |
silv3r_m00n | hi there ... i made some selection on an image in gimp... how can i create a new file with that particular selection ? | 09:35 |
mmcji | auto eth1 | 09:35 |
Myx0x3 | i realy need help to mount my ntfs system X) | 09:35 |
Paddy_EIRE | Myx0x3, people have already offered you advice | 09:36 |
Jimm^ | ok well I will download them all from synaptic | 09:36 |
mmcji | The first line specifies that the ethernet interface should come up automatically at boot. | 09:36 |
mmcji | no ip address info is needed | 09:37 |
Myx0x3 | Paddy_EIRE, i know, but i does not understand :S i am realy tired and very pissed off... i got like 40 hours of work on my system that i cant get... | 09:37 |
klsf3 | does anyone know which package perlcc is in | 09:37 |
mmcji | so in my case I see allot of packets traversing eth1, but from the host OS i have no IP Address associated with that Interface. Neato! | 09:37 |
Paddy_EIRE | Myx0x3, well I would suggest you come back when you have more time to take the advice you have been given | 09:37 |
klsf3 | mmcji what are you trying to do | 09:37 |
klsf3 | mmcji are you trying to pull an address from a dhcp server | 09:38 |
Myx0x3 | Paddy_EIRE, i have tryd what they said, i checked: did not understand, and someone sayd "!ntfs" and how do i use that? | 09:38 |
Paddy_EIRE | Myx0x3, you read it | 09:39 |
mmcji | klsf3: I have a vm on my ubuntu server that is my router. I replaced my dedicated router and virtualized it to save electricity and reduce cooling costs. | 09:39 |
Paddy_EIRE | :) | 09:39 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, what exactly are you trying to do, just mount a drive in ntfs from ubuntu ? | 09:39 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, yes. it has mount my other partiton but not my "C:" | 09:39 |
siropio | sorry but i have a problem.when i give "cd ~/Desktop" nothing happens | 09:40 |
GibbaTheHutt | what physical device is it ? | 09:40 |
klsf3 | does anyone know which package perlcc is in | 09:40 |
siropio | can anyone tell me y? | 09:40 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, im running on live cd atm also, becuse i cant get XP to work.. :/ | 09:41 |
klsf3 | siropio you shouldnt get any output from a cd | 09:41 |
Paddy_EIRE | !grub | 09:41 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: | 09:41 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, do you know what physical device it is ? | 09:41 |
GibbaTheHutt | is it an IDE/SDA/USB device and what partition on which one? | 09:42 |
GibbaTheHutt | sudo fdisk -l may help | 09:42 |
klsf3 | id you do a pwd you should get the path to your home directory followed by Desktop | 09:42 |
NET||abuse | So the weekend was fun, but i had a thought, is there an accessible way for someone such as a manager(non technical) to read the django application.log? I had an idea about setting up a desktop application(wxpython based) to run as a desktop app that allowed you to load the latest system logs, user listings by join date, and retrieve the latest webstats from the server in one handy tabbed window? | 09:42 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, i am realy realy noob at this xD but, do you mean like /dev/sda1? | 09:42 |
siropio | klsf3 it gives me "no such directoey" | 09:42 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, yes, thats the type of thing I mean | 09:42 |
klsf3 | thats odd | 09:42 |
luffy | yos | 09:42 |
NET||abuse | Is there such an applicaiton out there in the django space? | 09:42 |
GibbaTheHutt | so you could try mkdir /media/windows | 09:43 |
siropio | yes | 09:43 |
GibbaTheHutt | and then mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows | 09:43 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, the one i cant mount is: /dev/sda1 but it mounts /dev/sda2 :S | 09:43 |
Paddy_EIRE | !who | GibbaTheHutt | 09:43 |
ubottu | GibbaTheHutt: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 09:43 |
klsf3 | if you do an ls $HOME do you see desktop in there | 09:43 |
baz | how can i know what version of a software i will get if i use "add/remove"? | 09:43 |
Pyru | Hello, I am a new Ubuntu user. I have installed wine so i can emulate a 2d game I really like to play. Anyways the game is a java based game and seems to be running really choppy. What can I do to improve the performance? | 09:44 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | it would be 'Desktop' not 'desktop' most likely | 09:44 |
siropio | yes i know i am not noodie | 09:45 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, i typed: "mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows" in the console, but it says: mount: mount point /media/windows does not exist | 09:45 |
baz | Pyru, if its java it may be able to work without wine | 09:45 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Pyru, some reason the java game cant work with the normal java? thats sort of the point of java | 09:45 |
miranda_psi | pyru: is its a java based game then you dont need wine | 09:45 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | :) | 09:45 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, did you do the mkdir before to create that directory ? | 09:45 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | IF its written right | 09:45 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, so mkdir /media/windows | 09:45 |
siropio | no | 09:45 |
Pyru | it's written in java but there is a client installer, packed with dll's and crap. | 09:46 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, okej, now i did that | 09:46 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Pyru, what game is this anyway? | 09:46 |
Pyru | Darkquest. It's a runescape classic remake :P (dunno if you ever heard of it) | 09:47 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, now try mounting it again | 09:47 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, it says now: you must specify the filesystem type | 09:47 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I belvie ive gotten runescape working in my browser.. but perhaps that was a diffrent variant. | 09:47 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, try sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/windows | 09:47 |
=== init is now known as Guest19945 | ||
klsf3 | does anybody in here know if there is a package that has perlcc in it? | 09:47 |
Pyru | Dr_Willis_ZNC, yes, it was different. This has an installer, which installs the client. | 09:48 |
sindre | question: im running intrepid - can i edit a command trigged from clicking on a desktop shortcut? im running xbmc and when i click on the xbmc icon i also wants the pulse audio prosses to be killed.. | 09:48 |
Pyru | No clue why it's so choppy | 09:48 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | running java in wine sounds like a good reason to be choppy | 09:48 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, i got an error, w8 2sec... | 09:49 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | hmm the runescape web site sent working for me now either.. it used to.. months ago | 09:49 |
Pyru | Dr_Willis_ZNC, | 09:49 |
Pyru | if you are interested | 09:50 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, it says: the device '/dev/sda1: invalid argument the device '/dev/sda1 dosent have a valid NTFS maybe you selected the wrong device....... | 09:50 |
klsf3 | any perl developers in here? | 09:50 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, if you type in sudo fdisk -l does it show /dev/sda1 to be hpfs/ntfs ? | 09:50 |
Samizdat | wait a minute -- "exe" implies the evil Wine | 09:51 |
sauvin | What do you want a perl developer for? | 09:51 |
baz | I find wine too buggy - I am really happy with my VM of XP for exactly those types of things | 09:51 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, yes | 09:51 |
baz | it is fast and sits on a separate workspace out of the way in full screen mode | 09:51 |
Samizdat | yeah if you don't mind the slow as molasses in January performance of VM | 09:52 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, is it possible for you somehow to put the output of fdisk -l and the output of that command on a nopaste site somewhere ? | 09:52 |
sauvin | Samizdat, ain't all that slow. | 09:52 |
xxCody | Im having a problem picking up a wireless network. I've activated the device driver but still no responce. Is there a package that needs to be updated? | 09:52 |
=== init is now known as Guest64017 | ||
baz | Samizdat, my VM of XP is no slower than it ever was for me | 09:52 |
baz | Samizdat, i do have a sick system tho :) | 09:52 |
klsf3 | i just want to see if there is a ubuntu package with perlcc in it | 09:53 |
Flannel | klsf3: I don't see one | 09:53 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, im sorry its not possible :/ i can take a photo and upload it hehe:P... | 09:53 |
* Samizdat weighs two things in the balance -- let's see, fifteen pages of Linux instructions on one hand... | 09:53 | |
klsf3 | id rather install it through ubuntu if i can rather than get it from CPAN | 09:53 |
Samizdat | in the other hand, "double-click the exe and run it in Wine, and watch the blazing fast speed" | 09:53 |
Samizdat | whichever hand will I choose? | 09:54 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Pyru, i got the web runescape going.. and i rember why i never played it.. :P | 09:54 |
sindre | question: im running intrepid - can i edit a command trigged from clicking on a desktop shortcut? im running xbmc and when i click on the xbmc icon i also wants the pulse audio prosses to be killed.. | 09:54 |
baz | Samizdat, you must be the luckiest guy in the world | 09:54 |
Pyru | Dr_Willis_ZNC, yes I agree hehe. I just have alot of old friends that play, I help them develop graphics for this "re-make" game so to say | 09:54 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, it may help I guess if you do. I'm wondering if its corrupt or something | 09:54 |
baz | Samizdat, to have hit the small minority of exe's that work properly | 09:55 |
Pyru | Dr_Willis_ZNC, when I play it's really choppy, but this isn't the web based. This is a client that is installed. | 09:55 |
Samizdat | baz I'm sure there's some bum apps in Wine, but I haven't met any yet | 09:55 |
* Aurax is away: Gone away for now | 09:55 | |
Samizdat | There's right ways and wrong ways to run Wine too | 09:56 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, hmm, is it okej if i upload it on a swedish site? | 09:56 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, doesn't matter | 09:56 |
Samizdat | a bit of thought applied to a given Wine application goes a long way | 09:56 |
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Dr_Willis_ZNC | pyru yes. i see that.. i cant even login because i got no account :) it seems to be using 'jet' some sort of comercial Java-add-on-thinggie.. so good luck | 09:57 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, | 09:57 |
Samizdat | Staying away from the horror known as Wine-doors is a giant leap forward. | 09:57 |
Pyru | Dr_Willis_ZNC, i can create you an account very quickly if you would like? | 09:58 |
* Aurax is back. | 09:58 | |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Pyru i just uninstalled the game. :) | 09:58 |
mrdudle | I can't get my pidgin to login. it just says there is a read error. Any thoughts on fixing? | 09:59 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, do you find anything hehe? | 09:59 |
luna | cn | 09:59 |
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klsf3 | does anybody know anything about perl in here | 09:59 |
Pyru | Dr_Willis_ZNC, awe =( heh just made a test account | 09:59 |
Guest51065 | some one speak chinese? | 09:59 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, just wondering what that exclamation mark is next to the drive in gparted | 09:59 |
Guest51065 | cn | 09:59 |
mrdudle | I can't get my pidgin to login. it just says there is a read error. Any thoughts on fixing?? | 10:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | !cn | Guest51065 | 10:00 |
ubottu | Guest51065: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 10:00 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, its a warning, when i double click on the mark it says the same as the mount thing did :S | 10:00 |
=== Guest51065 is now known as luna | ||
mrdudle | this is the error i get when trying to connect to msn on pidgin - Connection error from Notification server: | 10:01 |
mrdudle | Reading error | 10:01 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, had you done anything to that partition beforehand, or maybe some other application did ? | 10:01 |
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Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, i have not done anything :/ | 10:01 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, not what i know, heh | 10:01 |
Nom- | Howdy. Can anyone suggest any other DNS solutions for managing a large scale DNS host, other than pdns-backend-mysql + frontend on the datbase? I'm just looking for at least one alternate solution to write up in a proposal | 10:02 |
mrdudle | i take it no one knows about a read error? | 10:02 |
aeosynth | i deleted my ~/.dmrc file, then created a new one with nothing in it, now I can't log in | 10:06 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, is it possible to remove to HDD from the laptop and connect it to this computer? hehe :P | 10:06 |
n2diy | Nom, if you don't get an answer here you can try in #Ubuntu_marketing., GL | 10:07 |
GibbaTheHutt | Myx0x3, depends on the device, may be possible. Sounds like it needs a repair though (software) | 10:07 |
karooga | Hi, i want to do hardy->intrepid upgrade on a server. Can I mount the intrepid ISO and then do a dist-upgrade? Details of server upgrade on the ubuntu website deal with the alternate iso (+gui) or just internet based do-release-upgrade, not quite the same as what I want to do. Any ideas? | 10:07 |
mrdudle | I can't get my pidgin to login. it just says there is a read error. Any thoughts on fixing?? | 10:07 |
aeosynth | what should be in my .dmrc file? | 10:08 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, damn... its my school computer :/ so i have to give it to the school, and they are realy slow to fix it, and im loosing everything altso... | 10:08 |
* Aurax is away: Gone away for now | 10:08 | |
jxander | soreau: hi, still there? i googled this, but couldn't find anything... i started using a dual head config, but when i unplug the external monitor, the lappy won't let me login (black screen if it boots without an external lcd). do i need another layout in xorg.conf? (i use fglrx, because i tried radeon yesterday and didn't boot with dualhead) | 10:08 |
BigMike | holy I got it!!!! by resetting gnome to default, yehaa!!! | 10:09 |
aeosynth | can someone just copy and paste their ~/.dmrc file? I deleted mine.... | 10:10 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | aeosynth, no need.. it gets remade if its gone | 10:10 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | aeosynth, next time you log in via gdm it will get remade | 10:11 |
deany | i can guess what its doin, but anyone know how often and why apt-update-xapian-index runs ? | 10:11 |
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deany | first time ive seen it | 10:11 |
aeosynth | when I log in, I just get a blank screen | 10:11 |
jxander | anyone? :-s | 10:11 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | aeosynth, plus its just 2 lines - that shoudlnt be causeing that. | 10:11 |
aeosynth | dr_willis_znc: could you just tell me those two lines? | 10:11 |
Myx0x3 | damn im lucky, its a SATA, ill try to connect it to my computer hehe :P... | 10:11 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | aeosynth, 2 lines --> [Desktop] Session=gnome | 10:12 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | aeosynth, it just saves the session you selected int eh GDM menus | 10:12 |
aeosynth | 1st line: [Desktop], 2nd line: Session=gnome? | 10:12 |
Myx0x3 | GibbaTheHutt, thnx for the help anyway :) | 10:12 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | aeosynth, yes | 10:12 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | aeosynth, i imagine its COMPIZ causing your problems | 10:13 |
aeosynth | lemme try that, i'll be back here if it doesn't work | 10:13 |
=== mike_ is now known as Guest50565 | ||
aeosynth | i disabled visual effects, so i don't think i'm using compiz that much | 10:13 |
michel__ | bonjour | 10:13 |
aeosynth | i followed the instructions at because i was having a .dmrc permission error | 10:13 |
mrdudle | I can't get my pidgin to login. it just says there is a read error. Any thoughts on fixing?? | 10:13 |
* Aurax is back. | 10:13 | |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | aeosynth, for some reaon i had s similer issue.. i disabled then reenabled compuiz and it workled then | 10:14 |
oCean_ | deany: it's run from cron.weekly | 10:14 |
michel__ | qui peut me répondre?je fais un essai | 10:14 |
aeosynth | but because i deleted my .dmrc file to try to solve it, i think i messed something up | 10:14 |
Slart | !fr | michel__ | 10:14 |
ubottu | michel__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 10:14 |
michel__ | merci | 10:14 |
aeosynth | Dr_Willis_ZNC: ok, so how would i disable compiz from the terminal? | 10:14 |
aeosynth | nevermind, googling that | 10:15 |
deany | hmm, what if i have atd and cron disabled | 10:15 |
deany | i have whatever scheduling services disabled. | 10:16 |
=== thomas is now known as ThoMe | ||
michel__ | | 10:17 |
michel__ | comment rejoindre | 10:17 |
Slart | michel__: type /join #ubuntu-fr | 10:17 |
michel__ | merci | 10:18 |
michel__ | type/ | 10:18 |
mrdudle | I can't get my pidgin to login. it just says there is a read error. Any thoughts on fixing?? | 10:18 |
Edico | hello | 10:18 |
michel__ | bonjour | 10:18 |
Slart | michel__: /join #ubuntu-fr | 10:19 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | bonjour? dosent apple have that word pattented now.. ;) | 10:19 |
michel__ | suis-je sur | 10:19 |
Slart | michel__: non | 10:19 |
michel__ | comment me connecter? | 10:19 |
Slart | michel__: /join #ubuntu-fr | 10:19 |
evowill | !fr > michel__ | 10:19 |
ubottu | michel__, please see my private message | 10:19 |
michel__ | ou taper cette information | 10:20 |
Slart | michel__: ici | 10:20 |
michel__ | | 10:20 |
Slart | michel__: /join #ubuntu-fr | 10:20 |
michel__ | il faut taper: / | 10:20 |
quibbler | michel__, oui | 10:21 |
Slart | michel__: non, /join #ubuntu-fr | 10:21 |
Edico | I'm new to ubuntu. What package is for the gkrellm themes? | 10:21 |
michel__ | ca marche? | 10:21 |
michel__ | tu es la? slart? | 10:22 |
=== Guest77055 is now known as init | ||
quibbler | michel__, taper seulement /join #ubuntu-fr | 10:22 |
ziroday | Edico: I don't think there is one | 10:22 |
michel__ | c'est ce que je fais , mais ca ne marche pas! | 10:22 |
Edico | ziroday, how do you install them? | 10:23 |
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lars_bauer | ardchoille: but i can't get my printer up and running :o( . see paste -> | 10:24 |
lars_bauer | ardchoille: ups sorry | 10:25 |
baz | has anyone noticed that it take firefox much longer to load if u type, for example "hello" in the address bar rather than "hello;" | 10:25 |
* Aurax is away: Gone away for now | 10:25 | |
evowill | lars_bauer, what kind of printer | 10:26 |
init | be awful | 10:26 |
marcelkoopman | baz, you have got to be kidding, what the hell? | 10:26 |
=== init is now known as Guest15730 | ||
baz | marcelkoopman, too off topic? | 10:26 |
lars_bauer | evowill: but i can't get my printer up and running :o( . see paste -> | 10:26 |
Slart | baz: it's about the same for me | 10:26 |
marcelkoopman | baz, its a great topic for next time | 10:26 |
baz | Slart, i'm sorry i meant "hello\" | 10:27 |
Slart | baz: but I guess both ways goes to google.. perhaps googling for hello is faster than hello; | 10:27 |
evowill | is Lars Bauer a bot | 10:27 |
Slart | baz: still about the same speed.. and I end up at "Hello magazine" either way | 10:27 |
baz | Slart - the bottleneck isn't google, its firefox taking 10 SECONDS! to figure out that it is not a url... | 10:27 |
baz | Slart, oh really... maybe its a ubuntu problem then and i am not off topic! | 10:28 |
Slart | baz: it doesn't on my machine | 10:28 |
shoroi | hi...can anyone help me? I cant extract files from all the compressed formats,be it zip or rar or tar | 10:28 |
baz | Slart, are u by any chance on 64bit? | 10:28 |
shoroi | the extraction is not complete, only 1 file can be extracted... | 10:28 |
stmartin | I suddenly removed /etc/network/interfaces, how to recover it? | 10:28 |
shoroi | i tried using the command line, but there seems to be some problems... | 10:28 |
Slart | baz: yup, 8.10 64 bit | 10:28 |
=== sean is now known as Guest77325 | ||
deany | have you got ipv6 enabled in FF? | 10:28 |
baz | deany, how can i check | 10:29 |
deany | about:config | 10:29 |
deany | | 10:29 |
Slart | nope.. disableipv6dns is disabled | 10:29 |
* mrdudle decides to become a devout microsoft supporter | 10:29 | |
=== init_ is now known as deny | ||
Slart | mrdudle: whatever makes you happy | 10:29 |
oCean_ | shoroi: what flags (options) do you use extracting? | 10:30 |
mrdudle | well vista never just shit out on me Slart | 10:30 |
baz | mrdudle, seriously! you must have the winning copy!!! | 10:30 |
deany | mrdudle: well, you cant let ubuntu speak for all linux distros..its just 1 of many | 10:31 |
Gobby | Hey im having a problem, my sound seems VERY low, please tell me how to maybe up the sound levels? | 10:31 |
Slart | mrdudle: I wasn't joking.. if using vista makes you a happier person, by all means use it... this isn't really the place to discuss it though.. if you have a question about ubuntu, this is the plae | 10:31 |
Gobby | everything is max | 10:31 |
marcelkoopman | Gobby, try using a mixer control application | 10:31 |
mrdudle | slart i've already asked several times man | 10:31 |
Gobby | where is this? | 10:31 |
baz | mrdudle, lets hear the question again and stop whining | 10:31 |
mrdudle | baz i'm not whining | 10:32 |
mrdudle | I can't get my pidgin to login. it just says there is a read error. Any thoughts on fixing?? | 10:32 |
Slart | mrdudle: not all questions can be answered right away.. sometimes the question itself doesn't have enough information.. sometimes noone knows the answer | 10:32 |
marcelkoopman | Gobby, try alsamixer | 10:32 |
mrdudle | i understand this Slart | 10:32 |
deany | mrdudle: remove and compile the newer version from pidgin. ubuntu repos are 2 versions asleep | 10:32 |
mrdudle | k deany | 10:32 |
Slart | mrdudle: look at your question.. is that all the information you have? | 10:32 |
baz | mrdudle, are u at work? behind a proxy, firewall etc.? or just hooked to your router/cable modem at home? | 10:32 |
marcelkoopman | Gobby, type in the console alsamixer | 10:33 |
mrdudle | Slart, yes that is, | 10:33 |
Slart | mrdudle: are you running ubuntu 6.10 on an powerpc based laptop? | 10:33 |
mrdudle | and baz nope and i | 10:33 |
Gobby | alsamixer? | 10:33 |
evowill | don't worry, the tactic worked, he has attention now | 10:33 |
mrdudle | no slart | 10:33 |
Gobby | how can i get here? | 10:33 |
mrdudle | i'm using 8.10 | 10:33 |
deany | mrdudle: saying that, i never had a problem with the repo version | 10:33 |
Slart | mrdudle: oh.. and we are supposed to know that? | 10:33 |
mrdudle | Slart, I didn't realize it mattered. | 10:33 |
oCean_ | !brokenmsn | mrdudle | 10:34 |
ubottu | mrdudle: MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 10:34 |
Slart | mrdudle: that's one thing you should include in the question.. another thing.. do you get a dialog box saying "read error" and that's it? | 10:34 |
marcelkoopman | Gobby open a terminal | 10:34 |
evowill | gobby applications>Accessories>terminal | 10:34 |
quibbler | !alsamixer | 10:34 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer | 10:34 |
=== mike_ is now known as Guest31360 | ||
H0rA | mrdudle: you can get the newest pidgin version from | 10:34 |
evowill | Gobby, Then enter the command alsamixer | 10:34 |
Gobby | its all max | 10:34 |
mrdudle | Slart, that's all the information i get Connection error from Notification server: | 10:34 |
mrdudle | Reading error | 10:34 |
mrdudle | that's all i get | 10:34 |
baz | can he also get it by enabling the backports?? | 10:34 |
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evowill | Gobby, do you have multiple devices? | 10:35 |
Gobby | ? | 10:35 |
bullgard4 | What programs evaluate the /etc/default/acpi-support file's content? | 10:35 |
Gobby | im sorry, i dont know what this is | 10:35 |
marcelkoopman | Gobby, you are a virgin to Ubuntu right? | 10:36 |
Gobby | yes | 10:36 |
H0rA | :) | 10:36 |
=== Guest83856 is now known as deny | ||
Slart | mrdudle: ok, as you know pidgin can be used to connect to icq, msn, jabber, aim etc etc.. each of these protocols have different error messages and may work a bit differently.. you might want to include which protocol you're using | 10:36 |
mrdudle | msn | 10:36 |
mrdudle | i believe i said that ? | 10:36 |
mrdudle | i installed msn-pecan | 10:37 |
bullgard4 | Welche Programme greifen auf den Inhalt der Datei /etc/default/acpi-support zu? | 10:37 |
H0rA | mrdudle: you have to update to the newest pidgin version. msn protocol has changed. | 10:37 |
kl0x | Hello ubunters* | 10:37 |
Flannel | !de | bullgard4 | 10:37 |
ubottu | bullgard4: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 10:37 |
Slart | mrdudle: ahh.. yet another piece of information you should have mentioned.. now put all that into one question on one line | 10:37 |
H0rA | mrdudle: i mean msn protocol. | 10:37 |
baz | mrdudle, yeah have u tried this suggestion yet: " mrdudle: MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials" | 10:37 |
mrdudle | yes | 10:38 |
Slart | mrdudle: and you've increased your chances of getting answered tenfold.. if not more | 10:38 |
kl0x | Can anyone help me about grub stuff? | 10:38 |
valdiks | hello! can someone help me with partition size? fdisk -l && df -h shows different information. fdisk: /dev/sda6 6404 9014 20972826 83 Linux... df: /dev/sda6 10G | 10:38 |
oCean_ | bullgard4: probably /etc/init.d/acpi-support script | 10:38 |
baz | Slart, definitely more | 10:38 |
H0rA | hello kl0x | 10:38 |
germen | hola? | 10:39 |
Slart | mrdudle: have you tried going back to the old msn module? that one works for me now | 10:39 |
kl0x | Oh hi | 10:39 |
Gobby | can anyone fix my sound issue? everything is on max, alsamixer etc. | 10:39 |
Slart | Gobby: using an onboard sound card? ICH model? | 10:39 |
mrdudle | Slart, | 10:39 |
mrdudle | i'm installing pidgin | 10:39 |
mrdudle | after uninstalling | 10:39 |
kl0x | I've tried to install gfx grub, but I found a problem. When i try to install it and I choose the Linux partition it just do nothing | 10:40 |
Reezan | hello. any1 2 help me there? | 10:40 |
Slart | mrdudle: ok | 10:40 |
baz | mrdudle, this is not really a solution, but a lot of people like using aMSN for msn, even when they have pidgin - its just a lot more MSNy... if nothing works out install it, i'm sure u'll like it | 10:40 |
shoroi | oCean_, what do you mean by flags? sorry, im a ubuntu newbie | 10:40 |
Slart | Reezan: I'll give it a try.. if you promise me one thing.. | 10:40 |
kl0x | i just realized using gparted, that I have installed Ubuntu in 3 partitions inside one extended | 10:40 |
Reezan | yeah what is it? | 10:40 |
marcelkoopman | Gobby, adjust the volume control on your speakers | 10:40 |
Slart | Reezan: never ever use words like any1 or 2 again | 10:41 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | lol. | 10:41 |
mrdudle | baz i have it installed | 10:41 |
Reezan | sure. I promise. | 10:41 |
oCean_ | valdiks: fdisk shows output for partition (layout), while df shows filesystem layout. In theory it is possible to create a filesystem which is smaller than the actual partition. | 10:41 |
Slart | Reezan: good.. what is your problem then? | 10:41 |
deany | you dont charged for each letter you use on here :) | 10:41 |
baz | mrdudle, not a fan? or u just want them all in one? | 10:41 |
Gobby | marcel everything is adjusted | 10:41 |
Gobby | everythings blasted to the max | 10:41 |
Reezan | I have installed the latest version of Ubuntu. | 10:41 |
mrdudle | baz i can't get any of them to work | 10:41 |
Reezan | but cant | 10:41 |
Reezan | get into the internet. | 10:42 |
Nom- | So aMSN has tendency do randomly drop messages too? | 10:42 |
baz | hmm... another interesting piece of info mrdudle | 10:42 |
kl0x | I guess I can't install graphic grub | 10:42 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Please type questions on one line, its easier for people to understand. | 10:42 |
Slart | Reezan: ok, what kind of network connection do you use? | 10:42 |
oCean_ | shoroi: well, just make sure that you use the right options to the command. Examples: ("tar xvf file.tar" file extract all of the contents of the file.tar, as wil "unrar file.rar") | 10:42 |
Martin_vW | hello, I'm having trouble with my seahorse-agent... a few releases ago, it worked fine and stored my gpg passphrase for the whole session when using the seahorse applet. Now I have to type my passphrase for every single operation with that applet. Any suggestions? I already found out that I had the gnupg-agent running too, but i purged it and rebooted; nothing changed. | 10:42 |
baz | mrdudle, can u connect to anything else like aol, yahoo? | 10:43 |
H0rA | kl0x: it's not easy to install grub2. i had problems too. but it's working now. | 10:43 |
wdc | hi | 10:43 |
mrdudle | baz i don't have accounts with them | 10:43 |
mrdudle | this all just started today | 10:43 |
mrdudle | which is why i'm even more confused | 10:43 |
baz | mrdudle, yesterday it was working? | 10:44 |
wdc | I was wondering if someone could help me setting up dual monitors on an nvidia card in ubuntu 8.10 | 10:44 |
mrdudle | yes baz | 10:44 |
mrdudle | and i haven't installed anything :S | 10:44 |
baz | mrdudle, what does the error msg say EXACTYL from aMSN | 10:44 |
mrdudle | i don't get an error message on msn | 10:44 |
mrdudle | it just never connects | 10:44 |
Slart | mrdudle: I'm not sure if it's relevant.. but none of my msn contacts are online at the moment... it could just be a normal "oops we poured beer into the server" error | 10:44 |
kl0x | H0rA: in the previous version of Ubuntu, Hardy, I could do it very well and fast, but now I can't. I don't really know the reasons, maybe it's the extended partition containing these Linux partitions, but I tried to install it some months ago, when I had Linux partitions as primary and I couldn't anyway | 10:45 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | my pidgin is working fine., | 10:45 |
mrdudle | slart this has been happening for like nearly 12 hours | 10:45 |
baz | lets see if my msn is working | 10:45 |
deany | half reason i switched to yahoo was msn was always goin down. | 10:45 |
Reezan | Sorry. Slart are you there? | 10:45 |
wdc | I was wondering if someone could help me setting up dual monitors on an nvidia card in ubuntu 8.10? | 10:45 |
Slart | CoUrPsE|DeAd: oh.. ok.. the I guess my buddies are just offline | 10:45 |
deany | can have msn contacts on yahoo account..its all good. | 10:45 |
Slart | Reezan: sure | 10:45 |
H0rA | kl0x: i cant tell you now. how i had do it. please search some howtos to do that on intrepid. | 10:46 |
* tbaxter got a new laptop. I've had vista going for an hour and it has crashed twice. | 10:46 | |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | My pidgin is online and has contacts. i havent msg'd anyone thou, but thats coz i dont wnt to, no faults here as far as im aware. | 10:46 |
Slart | !twinview | wdc | 10:46 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Slart, I'd say so. | 10:46 |
ubottu | wdc: twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings | 10:46 |
Pyru | new ubuntu user here, how would I tell if my ati card is installed? | 10:46 |
evowill | tbaxter, ouch | 10:46 |
bullgard4 | oCean_: I checked what you said but could not find a confirmation. | 10:46 |
Reezan | My problem is I can't get into the internet. I have installed the latest version of Ubuntu and Im new to it. | 10:46 |
wdc | well, here's the thing, it's slightly more complicated | 10:46 |
germen | #<canal> | 10:46 |
Slart | Pyru: glxgears -info.. look at the top of the output | 10:46 |
wdc | one of my monitors is landscape, the other is portrait | 10:46 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Into the interent? | 10:46 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | can you ping | 10:47 |
Slart | Reezan: ok, what kind of internet connection do you use? | 10:47 |
mrdudle | Slart, it started like 12 hours | 10:47 |
kl0x | H0Ra: I've tried, but I didn't find anything, I don't really mind, I just wanted it to look better for my sister, I won't use it until I need Windows so..thx anyway | 10:47 |
tbaxter | evowill: I'm just twiddling my thumbs waiting for an 8.10 iso to download | 10:47 |
baz | none of my contacts are online either | 10:47 |
Reezan | ADSL. my router is DSL 2640T | 10:47 |
germen | hola | 10:47 |
torefactor | bonjour | 10:47 |
kl0x | Si alguien no entiende inglés que me lo diga xD | 10:47 |
tbaxter | I will be rid of this disease in moments. | 10:47 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Reezan, Can you ping ? | 10:47 |
Slart | !es | kl0x | 10:47 |
ubottu | kl0x: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 10:47 |
germen | hi | 10:47 |
evowill | tbaxter, let us know how it goes for you | 10:47 |
oCean_ | bullgard4: sorry, what was it about again? | 10:48 |
Reezan | can't..but i can ping the router. | 10:48 |
shoroi | oCean_ : yea, i used unrar for .rar type files | 10:48 |
shoroi | and the next thing that pop out in the terminal was > | 10:48 |
shoroi | i mean "> " | 10:48 |
kl0x | wow | 10:48 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Reezan, Try setting your nameservers manually in /etc/resolv.conf | 10:48 |
Slart | Reezan: hmm.. and you're not using wireless connection? | 10:48 |
H0rA | kl0x: it's only a boot loader. so the default one is ok too :) better you customize your ubuntu nicer... | 10:48 |
kl0x | I was saying If anyone doesn't know english, theycould tell me so I can help them | 10:48 |
Pyru | Slart, tells me a list of stuff. GL_renderer = Mesa... bla bla | 10:48 |
aprilhare | hello | 10:49 |
Reezan | is wierd connection I use. | 10:49 |
torefactor | j'ai un p'tit probleme, le flashplayer bug quand je vait au chat de ce site | 10:49 |
bullgard4 | oCean_: "11:38 < oCean_> bullgard4: probably /etc/init.d/acpi-support script" | 10:49 |
tbaxter | One quick question. In order to do a dual boot ubuntu/XP, do I still need to install XP first like used to be necessary? | 10:49 |
oCean_ | shoroi: it seems then, that you used a quote somewhere like ' or ", because this means that your command was not finished properly | 10:49 |
Reezan | same router works fine in Windows. | 10:49 |
aprilhare | I want to download a file that is offered via rtsp protocol (video). is there a way to download it under ubuntu? | 10:49 |
torefactor | sur le chat on voit pas ce qui est ecrit ni les personnes presentes | 10:49 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | tbaxter, yes, its easier to do it that way. | 10:49 |
Slart | mrdudle: I don't know of anything else to check.. but since both amsn, pidgin and that other msn module refused to work I would guess it's a server error | 10:49 |
valdiks | oCean_: thanks! now it's all ok! | 10:49 |
kl0x | H0rA: yeah I know, I've already customized gnome and all tht stuff.. what reminds me.. | 10:49 |
kl0x | Has anyone tried to install Mezzo in Ubuntu? | 10:49 |
kl0x | Mezzo desktop I mean | 10:50 |
Slart | mrdudle: if you can survive a day or two without msn I guess we'll see if we get a gazillion people in here asking the same thing | 10:50 |
tbaxter | CoUrPsE|DeAd: thanks. | 10:50 |
mrdudle | slart | 10:50 |
mrdudle | i'm trying with another account | 10:50 |
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mrdudle | to see if it's just that account | 10:50 |
Slart | Pyru: Mesa is a software renderer afaik so I think your ati drivers are not installed | 10:50 |
torefactor | ah, mais cet anglais! | 10:50 |
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germen | hola necesito ayuda | 10:51 |
oCean_ | bullgard4: oh well, yeah. I just figured. That *is* the startup script for checking several acpi events on laptops.. | 10:51 |
valdiks | nothing special... just crysis.. | 10:51 |
wdc | can someone please help me with the Nvidia X Server Settings control panel, and setting up multiple monitors in either landscape or portrait? | 10:51 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Pyru, Try lsmod | grep radeon | 10:51 |
Flannel | !ar | germen | 10:51 |
ubottu | germen: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe | 10:51 |
Reezan | no answer for me? | 10:51 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | I answered... | 10:51 |
bullgard4 | oCean_: Yes it is. | 10:51 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Reezan, Try setting your nameservers manually in /etc/resolv.conf | 10:52 |
kl0x | germen: dime | 10:52 |
Slart | Reezan: oh.. didn't see your answer there... can you pastebin the output from "ifconfig" ? | 10:52 |
Pyru | CoUrPsE|DeAd, I'm very new with using the terminal but yes, comes up with radeon and drm | 10:52 |
Reezan | ops sorry..Im not very good in Ubuntu Still. | 10:52 |
Slart | !pastebin | Reezan | 10:52 |
ubottu | Reezan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 10:52 |
germen | no pueo ver videos online | 10:52 |
germen | con ubuntu | 10:52 |
kl0x | germen: check you mp | 10:53 |
Slart | Reezan: or wait.. open a terminal, applications, accessories, terminal, and write this "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" | 10:53 |
kl0x | germen: vamos, que te estoy hablando por privado | 10:53 |
Flannel | !english | germen | 10:53 |
ubottu | germen: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 10:53 |
mrdudle | Slart, my only real issue with not having msn is i don't have my contact list anywhere else >.< | 10:54 |
Slart | Reezan: it will download and install a small program called pastebinit that will help you copy things to a pastebin.. so we can diagnose what is wrong with your connection | 10:54 |
H0rA | pastebin is nice tool | 10:55 |
Pyru | CoUrPsE|DeAd, <-- if curious | 10:55 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Pyru, Look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 10:55 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | keeping in mind Linux is case senitve. | 10:56 |
bashca | hi there | 10:56 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Pyru, That looks alright. | 10:56 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | I'm taking a guess your using radeon drivers. | 10:56 |
Pyru | my card is an ati radeon x600, but seems lacking alot of performance. | 10:56 |
bashca | how can make gnome-ppp dailup with simple user ??? | 10:56 |
wdc | help with an nvidia 260 in ubuntu 8.10 please | 10:57 |
CoUrPsE|DeAd | Um, dont think linux is really good for any gfx card for performance. | 10:57 |
wdc | trying to set up second display as portrait | 10:57 |
evowill | !dialup | bashca | 10:57 |
ubottu | bashca: You want to connect via dial-up? Read - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 10:57 |
wdc | not sure how to go about doing it | 10:57 |
ezerhoden | Pyru: you are using the open source driver, that is not a bad thing, but the closed source binary driver would give better performace | 10:58 |
bashca | evowill, thanks i was there but i missed how to set an permission to gnome-pp | 10:58 |
Pyru | ezerhoden, would there be a way you could help me in installing it, or point me in the right direction. I am very new, sorry. | 10:59 |
ezerhoden | Pyru: you probably have an icon in the top bar showing that a restricted driver can be installed | 11:00 |
bashca | evowill, am in group dip and dialout but i can't connect it ask me permission ?? | 11:01 |
Pyru | ezerhoden, no. That already popped up and I enabled it, says it's activated but not in use. I checked system > administration > hardware drivers | 11:01 |
ezerhoden | Pyru: did you reboot? | 11:01 |
ezerhoden | Pyru: or possibly just restart X | 11:01 |
danielsouza | sunrise | 11:02 |
ezerhoden | i am not sure which is required. i would restart X first | 11:02 |
Pyru | ezerhoden, yes. I did however navigate to ati's site and downloaded ati-driver-installer which says it's compatible with my card. | 11:02 |
gamla_kossan | hi guys, what MTA does ubuntu ship with? | 11:02 |
ezerhoden | gamla_kossan: what is MTA? | 11:03 |
ezerhoden | apt-show-versions mta | 11:03 |
ezerhoden | mta not installed (even not available) | 11:03 |
gamla_kossan | ezerhoden: Mail Transfer Agent | 11:03 |
Pyru | eep, sorry | 11:04 |
kaja | hello, can someone tell me how to get "theme" option in system--> preferences, dont have it? | 11:06 |
Slart | kaja: there is a theme tab in system, preferences, appearance | 11:06 |
Slart | kaja: don't know if that's what you're looking for | 11:06 |
Pyru | hmm, now my game which I use with wine doesn't wanna run =/ | 11:07 |
bashca | what is the default permission of pppd ?? please | 11:07 |
kaja | Slart: tnx | 11:07 |
Pyru | one more question which I couldn't get answered earlier. I have installed wine windows emulator just to run a little 2d game I am testing/playing/develop. It seems to be running really choppy, it uses an installer but the game is java based. | 11:09 |
erUSUL | Pyru: if its java you do not need wine... | 11:12 |
erUSUL | Pyru: java "runs everywhere" | 11:12 |
erUSUL | !java | Pyru | 11:12 |
ubottu | Pyru: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 11:12 |
Pyru | erUSUL, it uses an exe installer, it's hard to explain but it's packed with dlls. When you launch the game it opens up a java client... | 11:12 |
erUSUL | Pyru: not pure java then | 11:13 |
maia | alguem ja instalou cluster openmosix no Ubuntu | 11:13 |
erUSUL | !pt | maia | 11:13 |
ubottu | maia: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 11:13 |
erUSUL | Pyru: ask in #winehq | 11:13 |
Pyru | erUSUL, thanks. | 11:13 |
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sleepy_cat | got a question.. i got a ,flv file which does not open anywhere in ubuntu.. i tried in windows it opened in realplayer 11 but not working in ubuntu can u help me | 11:16 |
sleepy_cat | got realplayer 11 for ubuntu | 11:16 |
sleepy_cat | also tried VLC | 11:17 |
sleepy_cat | not working there 2 | 11:17 |
kl0x | mplayer | 11:17 |
kl0x | maybe | 11:17 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: nope not working in tht too | 11:17 |
Dranik | hi all | 11:17 |
sleepy_cat | hi dranik | 11:18 |
bashca | what is the default permission of pppd ?? please any help i am part of dip group + dialout stile not connect | 11:18 |
Dranik | does anyone know how to install a ttf font in Ubuntu 8.10 ? | 11:18 |
obf213 | hello, i used to mount my schools afs folder no problem. all of a sudden ubuntu always says timed out. why is this? | 11:18 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: you could convert them | 11:18 |
JimmyDee | mornin | 11:18 |
sleepy_cat | hmm | 11:18 |
sleepy_cat | how should i | 11:18 |
kl0x | ffmpeg | 11:19 |
bashca | The PPP daemon has died: No root priv error (exit code = 3) | 11:19 |
sleepy_cat | how should i get it | 11:19 |
sleepy_cat | is it for Ubuntu | 11:19 |
kl0x | yeah | 11:19 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: well actually search in google for winFF, that's the gui program | 11:19 |
sleepy_cat | can u give me the path to install directly from terminal | 11:19 |
Slart | Dranik: copy it to the folder ~/.fonts | 11:20 |
kl0x | sudo aptitude install winff | 11:20 |
kl0x | xD | 11:20 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | winff is a handy tool :) | 11:20 |
Dranik | Slart, bu after that it isn't shown in the xfontsel | 11:20 |
kl0x | yeah it's easy | 11:21 |
Dranik | seems like it's a tricky thing | 11:21 |
qqx | how do i check the gnupg keys of a package anyone pls | 11:21 |
Slart | Dranik: does it work in openoffice? | 11:21 |
Dranik | Slart, nope, that's what I'm talking about | 11:21 |
oCean_ | bashca: I'm not familiair with ppp, however, my /usr/sbin/pppd has setuid root, group dip (/usr/sbin/pppd) that what you looking for? | 11:22 |
Slart | !fonts | 11:22 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: Anyways I'd swear I can watch flv files in totem | 11:22 |
ubottu | Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 11:22 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: i want to install from terminal | 11:22 |
sleepy_cat | i tried didnt work | 11:22 |
Slart | Dranik: have you looked at those links ubottu wrote? | 11:22 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: yeah, sudo aptitude install winff | 11:22 |
sleepy_cat | it works for some | 11:22 |
kl0x | weird.. | 11:22 |
The-Compiler | How can I do a "for i in <all numbers from 1 to 999>" in bash? | 11:22 |
Dranik | Slart, ubottu, 1 moment | 11:22 |
obf213 | hi i keep getting timed out for ssh tunneling in nautilus. any ideas? | 11:23 |
bashca | oCean_, | 11:23 |
bashca | check it | 11:23 |
oCean_ | The-Compiler: {1..999} | 11:23 |
JimmyDee | ok the #asterisk* people are no help | 11:23 |
qqx | where do i find a gnupg key in a package anyone PLease | 11:24 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "winff" | 11:24 |
sleepy_cat | i get this message | 11:24 |
Rioting_pacifist | im on 8.04 x86_64 and there i cant make prepare to compile modules for my kernel | 11:25 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: ¿? Weird, maybe I have some repositories.. type sudo aptitude update, sudo aptitude upgrade and sudo aptitude install winff then.. | 11:25 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: I'll check it out | 11:25 |
sleepy_cat | o | 11:25 |
sleepy_cat | k | 11:25 |
Rioting_pacifist | i think this bug is the relevant one but i cant really understand the fixes, i installed all the packages recomended but still get the same error | 11:25 |
Rioting_pacifist | | 11:25 |
qqx | where do i find a gnupg key in a package anyone PLease | 11:26 |
qqx | whoops sorry that was too fast a repeat | 11:26 |
kl0x | Ohh maybe that's because I installed it from deb package i had stored | 11:26 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: i am updating my machine now | 11:26 |
sleepy_cat | lets see if it works | 11:26 |
Dranik | ubottu, Slart, thanks, that's an interesting guide | 11:26 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:27 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: Ok, you need to install ffmpeg before, sudo aptitude install ffmpeg and then download .deb package for winff =/ | 11:27 |
sleepy_cat | can u give me proper .deb cmd | 11:27 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: That could be this | 11:27 |
sleepy_cat | what i should type | 11:27 |
Heliodor | I just noticed, there are much more apps for KDE than for GNOME. How come? | 11:27 |
kl0x | i guess wget would work | 11:27 |
bashca | any help | 11:28 |
oCean_ | bashca: you start gnome-ppp from menu? Maybe try start it from cli and start as "sudo gnome-ppp" | 11:28 |
Heliodor | Why is GNOME standard for ubuntu when KDE has more apps? | 11:28 |
pkundu | hi, if I am logged in one ubuntu system how can I get my desktop in other ubuntu system | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: depends where you look to if there are "more' | 11:28 |
Heliodor | Desktop apps | 11:28 |
bashca | oCean_, it's work with sudo but i need to run as simple user ?? | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: its standard for ubuntu, kubuntu has kde as standard | 11:28 |
kl0x | Heliodor: That and Kubuntu is for KDE | 11:28 |
Heliodor | Aight. | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: xubuntu uses xfce as standard | 11:28 |
Heliodor | What is the best dist? | 11:29 |
Heliodor | :-) | 11:29 |
kl0x | Talking about desktops... Has anyone installed Mezzo desktop for Ubuntu? | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: fluxbuntu uses fluxbox as standard | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | !best | Heliodor | 11:29 |
ubottu | Heliodor: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 11:29 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: can u give me the terminal command for winff | 11:29 |
kl0x | I want it and I couldn't find it | 11:29 |
sleepy_cat | i already installed mpeg | 11:29 |
sleepy_cat | ffmpeg | 11:29 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: i'd saymandriva but millions would disagree, its also offtopic | 11:29 |
Heliodor | Dont worry, im not a "poller" | 11:30 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Mandriva? Why? | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: its what ive used longest so i'm most comfortable with it | 11:30 |
Heliodor | Oh :) | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: there is no single "best distro" | 11:30 |
Heliodor | But the apps are the same? | 11:30 |
qqx | could anyone PLEASE tell me how to find a GnuPG key in a package | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: its a kde based linux system | 11:30 |
Heliodor | Aah.. :) | 11:30 |
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Rioting_pacifist | that said it was unanimously decided that vi is better than emacs | 11:31 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: puppy linux is also one of my top distros | 11:31 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: page not found | 11:31 |
sleepy_cat | now how should i get winff | 11:31 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Under what criterias are they better in your opinion? | 11:31 |
Rioting_pacifist | Heliodor: when you say kde has more apps be aware that they are not all ported to kde4 yet, but that all kde3/4 apps work in gnome and visa versa | 11:31 |
qqx | actually could anyone tell me how to find the cinelerra package period? i just installed the deb but cant find it anywhere | 11:32 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: so sorry got dced | 11:32 |
sleepy_cat | can u im me again | 11:32 |
Heliodor | Rioting_pacifist: Yes, i noticed that they work, but not that good. Flaky graphics and slow, when using them in gnome | 11:32 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: also do i have to type in the entire code.. cut..copy..paste | 11:32 |
erUSUL | qqx: tried just launching "cinelerra &" from a terminal | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: puppy is small and gives a tonne of functionality, its also mega friendly with setting up graphics and other stuff imho | 11:33 |
qqx | doh | 11:33 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: each line | 11:33 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: can u send me again | 11:33 |
kl0x | sleepy_cat: adds repositories , key and winff | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: try a few different distros, you may like them better than ubuntu | 11:33 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: hmm ok.. plz ping me again | 11:33 |
Rioting_pacifist | Heliodor: they shouldnt be any slower (unless you have very little ram) perhaps if you need to reprofile your boot so it catches kde libs aswell as gnome, the looks can be fixed by using a similar theme in both | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: most people start with ubuntu as it the one making most noise right now but theres thousands of distros | 11:33 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Id rather stick to the most supported distro with the biggest user base:) | 11:33 |
tuntun_ | Hi, whats the best video editor for .avi? | 11:33 |
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Rioting_pacifist | Heliodor: | 11:34 |
Rioting_pacifist | Heliodor: debain? | 11:34 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: BSD is also hugely awesome | 11:34 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you'll probably find redhat is more used due to its industrial use | 11:34 |
qqx | i cant launch it "command not found" | 11:34 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Ive used freebsd for 5 years on servers, not desktop though, most packages and apps are so old. | 11:34 |
qqx | erUSUL | 11:34 |
oCean_ | qqx: "sudo updatedb && locate cinel" ? | 11:34 |
steveccc | hi all - does anyone know if i add a bookmark within a pdf document and then save it and this is done quite a few times reading through the pdf - does this lower the quality like constant saves to a jpg does? | 11:35 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: gentoo is great if you want to watch your system grow | 11:35 |
Heliodor | Rioting_pacifist: Debian has the biggest user base?? | 11:35 |
erUSUL | qqx: dpkg -L cinelerrapackagename | grep bin <<< paste the output of this on pastebin please | 11:35 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Gentoo is sourcecode based right? | 11:35 |
lugia | cn | 11:35 |
Letter_Z | I'm trying to copy a .ttf to /user/share/fonts/truetype/freefont but it keeps saying "Permission Denied". I am admin and I tried using sudo copy but apparently there is no such command as "copy" idk. how do I copy truetype to /usr/share/fonts? | 11:35 |
OllyM | hi chaps. Can anyone tell me how to run a command (grep "string" myfile.log) from the command line every second, so i see a constant update as to the results of the command ? | 11:35 |
oCean_ | qqx: or run dpkg -c <cinelwhatever.deb> to see what is the actual contents of the deb | 11:36 |
viktorkAZ | hello, well.. my question is.. i stop using ubuntu for about 8 months.. now im using xfce and i remember i delete the gui loging somehow and i dont remember how i do it.. i need it back because i want to log in as gnome.. any idea? | 11:36 |
qqx | erUSUL, it just has some packages and a gpg key | 11:36 |
Rioting_pacifist | technically speaking yet, because ubuntu, xandros, etc are all debian based, but generally most desktop users are on ubuntu or kubuntu | 11:36 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you use emerge like you do apt but you download and compile source code instead of prebuilt binary, it can be optomised to get better speed / resource use | 11:36 |
lugia | My QQ cannot login ,does someone knows how to solve? | 11:36 |
oCean_ | OllyM: could you use "tail -f /path/to/log" ? | 11:36 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: as i say, there is more than ubuntu and the other are worth a try | 11:36 |
Heliodor | Ah. | 11:37 |
Rioting_pacifist | viktorkAZ: youll need to install xdm i think | 11:37 |
Rioting_pacifist | anybody able to make prepare on x86_64 systems i cant find a fix for | 11:37 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Hehe, im sure there is. But i think il be fine with Ubuntu, im using an OS to work on it, not mess around with it. | 11:37 |
oCean_ | OllyM: otherwise you'll have to loop (while true; do grep string logfile; sleep 1; done) | 11:38 |
Heliodor | Anyone got Java plugin working on 64 bit system? | 11:38 |
new_to_ubunu | hi, how to start graphical desktop for ubuntu server? | 11:38 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Heliodor, yes.. and all i did was install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' | 11:38 |
erUSUL | qqx: you installed more than a single deb file ? | 11:38 |
Gautam | hi, can you please tell me how can i test that mysql and apache are running ? | 11:38 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: ok, just saying you may find something better. You probably used windows before but changd to ubuntu, same kinda step | 11:38 |
qqx | no theres one package and one gpg key | 11:38 |
ActionParsnip | Gautam: test apache: http://localhost | 11:38 |
Heliodor | Dr_Willis_ZNC: What?? | 11:38 |
RizR | I cant seem to save sessions. When I logout and re-login all opened programs need to be re-opened again. Is there a way to open those automatically upon re-login/reboot? | 11:38 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Started with windows yes, ive used linux a lot though, but mostly servers. | 11:39 |
Heliodor | Dr_Willis_ZNC: So unrestricted extras have java 64 bit for intrepid? | 11:39 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Heliodor, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras installs java and flash and some other bits for me.. thats all i did to get java working on my 64bit install | 11:39 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: same kinda deal, just with an x server | 11:39 |
oCean_ | Gautam: or cli: "/etc/init.d/apache2 status" | 11:40 |
new_to_ubunu | does anyone know how to start graphical desktop environment on text-based ubuntu server? | 11:40 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Heliodor, no idea if it was 64 or 32bit java.. but it works. | 11:40 |
erUSUL | qqx: from what i can see from the manual the executable filename is "cinelerra" so there must have been some error installing it | 11:40 |
devex | new_to_ubunu: u dont want to start a desktop env on a server system :p | 11:40 |
Heliodor | Dr_Willis_ZNC: Thanks for the help! | 11:40 |
lvlefisto | Dr_Willis_ZNC: but java plugin for mozilla doesn't work on 64 bit | 11:40 |
simplexio | RizR: does system->prefs->sessions-> session options help | 11:40 |
qqx | i think i just installed the key rings | 11:40 |
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubunu: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 11:40 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | lvlefisto, its working here it seems.. dont ask me how. | 11:40 |
new_to_ubunu | i want to, coz i'm new to it | 11:41 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | lvlefisto, i was playing runequest earlier with it | 11:41 |
RizR | simplexio: no :-) It seemed an obvious choice but doesnt have any effect. | 11:41 |
new_to_ubunu | ok thanks :) i'm testing it | 11:41 |
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubunu: if you are new to ubuntu why did you get the server iso/ | 11:41 |
qqx | thanks erUSUL | 11:41 |
Heliodor | Ah, itś openJDK that wont work.... | 11:41 |
erUSUL | qqx: no problem | 11:41 |
new_to_ubunu | coz i need samba server and apache | 11:41 |
lvlefisto | Dr_Willis_ZNC: maybe you are using icedtea or something else, 'cause sun's java just don't work | 11:41 |
new_to_ubunu | i used to run apache on win32 | 11:41 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Heliodor, yes.. the non-sun javas can cause problems | 11:41 |
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubunu: you can install those on the desktop system | 11:41 |
EhsenSiraj | would you please recommend a software which allow me to cut scenes from DVD | 11:42 |
Heliodor | Dr_Willis_ZNC: Indeed. the removedesk software wont work on anything else | 11:42 |
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubunu: as a new user I'd strongly recommend the desktop system then install the apps you need | 11:42 |
new_to_ubunu | i thought the server will get me more reliable system | 11:42 |
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubunu: they are both equally reliable | 11:42 |
Heliodor | LoLs | 11:42 |
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubunu: i think you should have looked at what you were actually downloading and what the real difference really is | 11:43 |
Heliodor | new_to_ubunu: | 11:43 |
new_to_ubunu | i tested : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, but i get an error result that the package is not foun | 11:43 |
sleepy_cat | can you tell me the where is the destination folder of sound converter | 11:43 |
=== new_to_ubunu is now known as new_to_ubuntu | ||
Heliodor | Any idea what backup software is the best for ubuntu? Imageing that is. | 11:44 |
=== new_to_ubuntu is now known as new_to_ubuntu- | ||
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubuntu: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you need to lose the "best" mentality dude | 11:44 |
new_to_ubuntu- | hm, i do both of them? | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: there is no best, otherwise no one would use anything else and the other projects ould die | 11:44 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Sorry about that. | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | !backup | Heliodor | 11:44 |
ubottu | Heliodor: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 11:44 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | lvlefisto, it does seem to be using icedtea for firefox. in about:plugins . but sun java for the other parts of the system | 11:44 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Perhaps that is a good thing? | 11:45 |
lugia | Did someone knows how to jump into the Chinese'group | 11:45 |
Peleus | Hello all | 11:45 |
lugia | someone chinese here? | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: no its not, different apps provide different capabilities, which will make one app best for one user but worst for another | 11:45 |
achadwick | !zh | lugia | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | !ch | lugia | 11:45 |
ubottu | lugia: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 11:45 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ch | 11:45 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: If there was a superior app, then the developers interrested in it could make it even better. Now every developer is scattered around many projects making the users confused. | 11:45 |
lugia | thanks | 11:45 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: I belive in cooperative superiority, not scattered diversity | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: not all users are equal, just like windows is not the best operating system, neither is linux, neither is bsd | 11:46 |
Peleus | Linux newbie - I'm playing with c compiling and to run my programs I need to put "./" at the start of each execution. This is apparently because it is not part of the "PATH" at the moment, can someone please tell me how I can add it to the "PATH" variable so I don't need to type ./ all the time? Thank you | 11:46 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | 'specilization is for insects' :) | 11:46 |
oCean_ | Peleus: sure | 11:47 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | computers and software and os's are just tools.. I have a variaty of saws in my wood shop..and a varity of hammers. | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: its never going to happen. another good example is kde, gnome, xfce, fluxbox etc.... | 11:47 |
Chousuke | Peleus: if you're just playing with the file, adding it to $PATH is overkill. | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: all are DEs but not one is best, its only best for the job for the individual user | 11:47 |
oCean_ | Peleus: if your new executables are in /home/yourdir/bin, you can modify the PATH variable by "export PATH=$PATH:/home/yourdir/bin" | 11:47 |
DavidVWallin | hi, qucik question. how do i turn off suspend entirely in ubuntu? everytime my laptop goes down in suspend-mode it refuses to start back up | 11:48 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Perhaps thats why OS X has much more users even though its not free. | 11:48 |
bashca | where i can get public key of mediubuntu ?? | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you'll find more users on windows | 11:48 |
Nom- | Before I drive myself mad... there's a simple way to make apache2 serve php5 scripts as scripts instead of sending the script back to the browser... i have this trouble every time I install php :( | 11:48 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Peleus, if you put binaries in your users /home/user/bin dir.. the default .bashrc/scripts WILL see that directroy and add that bin to the default path anyway. | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: doesnt make it best though | 11:48 |
Peleus | "export PATH=$PATH:/home/yourdir/bin" something I simply type into the terminal? Chousuke, any particular downside to doing it? | 11:48 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Yeah, but we all know thats because the common user have never seen any alternative. | 11:48 |
oCean_ | Peleus: see your ~/.profile - edit that file to make the change permanent, otherwise you'll have to re-enter the command every time after login | 11:48 |
simplexio | Peleus: export PATH=$PATH:./ or something like that.. and and usually its considered bad way to do it | 11:48 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Peleus, the default .bashrc basicially does that. allready | 11:48 |
Heliodor | Cite "working alternative" | 11:48 |
Chousuke | simplexio: no. | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: now many have, but still prefer windows as its best for their needs, but millions disagree | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: but they will use whats best for them | 11:49 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Thatś because linux do not have the same application market, there is no money to be made. | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: wanna bet? | 11:49 |
Chousuke | simplexio: ah, right, you noted that's no good. :) Sorry, reflex :P | 11:49 |
oCean_ | Peleus: yes, type it in terminal. Use "echo $PATH" to see which directories are currently in your path. Remember, this will not make the executable available to other users on the system.. | 11:49 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Sure :) | 11:49 |
bashca | where i can get public key of mediubuntu ?? | 11:49 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: If there was money to be made, why is there no pay-for-apps? | 11:50 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Peleus, or at least it used to..i cant seem to find it now. :) | 11:50 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: No accounting, no photoshop even though the users hunger for it. | 11:50 |
Peleus | So if I want to permanently add it to the path I need to edit the .profile so I don't need to repeat it each time I login. Otherwise alternatives can be to simply run my files in my /home/user/bin folder which is already located there. Seem about correct? | 11:50 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: gnucash and gimp | 11:50 |
oCean_ | Peleus: Indeed | 11:51 |
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quibbler | bashca, | 11:51 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: I think where i am heading is, there is not commercial support and training for the apps. | 11:51 |
Chousuke | Peleus: also, adding stuff to the path is fine (as long as it's not .) but you'll still have to move the things you compile into it. if you compile often that's no better than using ./ | 11:51 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Peleus, the last 4 lines of the .profile file add the bin dir to the path if it exists wehn you first login. that file gets read/used ONLY on the initial login i think. | 11:51 |
Heliodor | No marketing | 11:51 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: If no one sees it, it does not exist. | 11:51 |
Chousuke | Peleus: of course, it's good when you have your program *done* and want to actually use it for stuff later. | 11:52 |
Peleus | No problem. Thank you very much for your help folks | 11:52 |
S4nD3r | Hi there. My system give me this message: You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user: "Carlos Alex Sander J. Gulo <>"1024-bit DSA key, ID 00ECFA93, created 2008-10-02 | 11:52 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Look at where Haiku is heading, and youl see a unity in developing that i have never seen before in an open source community. | 11:52 |
DavidVWallin | Why does suspend and/or hibernate bug in ubuntu?! | 11:52 |
S4nD3r | I dont know what is it | 11:52 |
S4nD3r | What to do? | 11:53 |
aeosynth | DavidVWallin: make sure swap is enabled | 11:53 |
aeosynth | google hibernate swap | 11:53 |
Goku | what does it mean when I get a message saying I have a DCC pending and I have to set the client to accept a file transfer | 11:53 |
Peleus | I'm fairly sure there is no fix for this, but I'll ask anyway just in case. My bluetooth mouse drops out after each restart / hibernation. I have to delete it from the profile and re-search for it to get it working again. Any ideas? | 11:53 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Though, Wine might "save" any desktop. I think itś the most important app of all time. | 11:53 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Goku, someone tried to send you a file... i wouldent accept files like that.. unless you knew y the guy sending them | 11:54 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: Mandrakesoft recorded its first quarterly profit since 1999 of €270,000 on €1.42 million of revenue during the period between October 2003 and December 2003. | 11:54 |
Goku | i requested it, but it gave me the message | 11:54 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: its just people are so use to PS so they think they have to use it, there are a lot of alterntives | 11:54 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Goku, dcc file transfers often have issues these days with routers and firewalls.. | 11:54 |
Goku | ahhh... that makes sense then, I'm using a router | 11:55 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: But mandriva has a corp server software. thats where they make the money, not the desktop | 11:55 |
aeosynth | i just get a blank screen when I log in; when i do /etc/init.d/gdm start it says [Fail] | 11:55 |
Goku | thanks, brb | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: they can also charge for phone support | 11:55 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: I dont care what app i use, ive tried using only GIMP for 2 years, but still prefer Photoshop. | 11:55 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: the OS is free, the phone support isnt | 11:56 |
bashca | thanks | 11:56 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Yes, that is one way. | 11:56 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | I cant afford to buy Photoshop. | 11:56 |
Cyber_Hades | It is possible to build a cluster under Ubuntu 8.10 ? | 11:56 |
Dylan__ | Does gnome have an application that tracks the market? | 11:56 |
S4nD3r | Its looks encripted | 11:56 |
Heliodor | Dr_Willis_ZNC: Ive spent over 5000euro on adobe software alone. I know what you mean :) | 11:56 |
Dylan__ | Does Ubuntu have a market tracker application? | 11:56 |
Heliodor | Dylan__: market tracker? | 11:57 |
Cyber_Hades | Some... please... can i build a Cluster under Ubuntu 8.10 ??? | 11:57 |
new_to_ubuntu- | oh my god, i have to fetch 400MB+ from sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dekstop | 11:57 |
Dylan__ | Heliodor: Yea, for example, if I want to track the value of stocks, or the market, gold, etc. | 11:57 |
Heliodor | new_to_ubuntu-: be glad you dont have to build it from source ;) | 11:57 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | new_to_ubuntu-, so? | 11:57 |
Heliodor | Dylan__: Ah, now, there is none. | 11:58 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | new_to_ubuntu-, ivehad printer drivers under windows that were 200+mb downloads. | 11:58 |
Heliodor | Dylan__: | 11:58 |
ActionParsnip | Cyberi know of clustering linux distros but i dont think you can run ubuntu as the head system | 11:58 |
Dylan__ | Heliodor: That is too bad | 11:58 |
new_to_ubuntu- | so, should i get the desktop iso? instead of doing this? | 11:58 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | new_to_ubuntu-, i would. | 11:58 |
new_to_ubuntu- | ok | 11:58 |
new_to_ubuntu- | :(\ | 11:58 |
Heliodor | new_to_ubuntu-: result would be the same :) | 11:58 |
oCean_ | new_to_ubuntu-: just curious. You want to run server, for server purposes, right. Why do you need the desktop? | 11:59 |
Cyber_Hades | ... some other system for clustering ? | 11:59 |
Cyber_Hades | RedHat ??? | 11:59 |
new_to_ubuntu- | except that i will be able to burn the iso and have a backup CD later | 11:59 |
Heliodor | Cyber_Hades: freebsd with webmin is good for clustering. | 11:59 |
Goku | Hey Dr_Willis, Just wanted to let you know that it turned out it was cuz the DCC was set to auto accept file transfers and it wouldn't go through that way | 11:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Cyber_Hades, i recall some disrto-variants focused on clustering... but ive never used them.. | 11:59 |
Goku | Weird but iono | 11:59 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Goku, it stayed there to tell you it was done.. | 12:00 |
Cyber_Hades | My plan is to create cluster betwen 2 pc.... both Ubuntu 8.10 ! It's that possible ? | 12:00 |
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubuntu-: i'd recommend it as a new ubuntu user | 12:00 |
new_to_ubuntu- | i'm planning to install wine too, that needs desktop right? | 12:00 |
Tonio_ | any reviewer for this please ? | 12:00 |
Tonio_ | thanks in advance :) | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubuntu-: it needs X libs so yes | 12:01 |
Heliodor | new_to_ubuntu-: yes | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | peace out | 12:01 |
Zelut | anyone very fdamiliar with tinydns? | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | !info tinydns | 12:01 |
ubottu | Package tinydns does not exist in intrepid | 12:01 |
Heliodor | new_to_ubuntu-: im not sure you can just install the desktop on the server, you would probably neew the x-server and stuff to | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | new_to_ubuntu-: you can install all the smaba goodness you like after you install the desktop | 12:02 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | installing the desktop stuiff to the 'server install' can cause some issues. | 12:02 |
sleepy_cat | kl0x: | 12:02 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | from what ive seen asked in here about it. | 12:02 |
Heliodor | BAAH | 12:02 |
Zelut | i've got a bind server that is forwarding to a tinydns server but i never get responses back.. can't figure out why. | 12:02 |
Heliodor | There should be a big notice somewhere that Xinerama DOES NOT WORK. | 12:02 |
Heliodor | with compiz. | 12:02 |
S4nD3r | What to do? | 12:03 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Heliodor, Hmm.. it works here.. well actually imusing twinview... that has xinerama features built in | 12:03 |
howtoo | any Swedish users here? how can I produce a | with a swedish xkblayout? | 12:03 |
howtoo | ALT-GR + < gives me ½ | 12:03 |
Heliodor | Dr_Willis_ZNC: Not exacly, i have dual screens and when i activate xinerama it disables compositing. | 12:03 |
Cyber_Hades | lol... i look FreBsd... it's just shell. | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: copiz sucks anyways | 12:04 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: I think itś very good. Fast to. | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | Cyber_Hades: install an xserver any you are golden | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: i find fluxbox is waaay faster | 12:04 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: But compatible? | 12:04 |
S4nD3r | Which is the default passphrase of Ubuntu to my user? | 12:04 |
Wolverin3 | hi | 12:05 |
xess | como va | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: its fully compatible, why would it not be? | 12:05 |
Wolverin3 | how i can enable DMIX on spdif ALC882? | 12:05 |
xess | alguien habla español | 12:05 |
xess | ?? | 12:05 |
Wolverin3 | yo | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: whats it going to be incompatible with exactly? | 12:05 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: I remember compiz had problems with apps like wine and video. | 12:06 |
Wolverin3 | xess, entra a #ubuntu-es | 12:06 |
lvlefisto | !sp | xess | 12:06 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp | 12:06 |
lvlefisto | !es | xess | 12:06 |
ubottu | xess: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 12:06 |
S4nD3r | I never created any passphrase | 12:06 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: thats because its a bit flakey and uses 3d to draw the desktop, fluxbox doesnt have all that sort of stuff | 12:06 |
xess | ok gracias | 12:06 |
S4nD3r | Why Ubuntu is asking me this ? | 12:06 |
Wolverin3 | de nada | 12:06 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Hum... never heard of fluxbox does it have window grouping and tabbing to? | 12:07 |
Wolverin3 | because he dont know :s | 12:07 |
Cyber_Hades | nop... :)) I tryng to install cluster on Ubuntu 8.10... it's my favorite OS :)) | 12:07 |
kl0x | xess: lol | 12:07 |
Ghone | I bought a netbook today and all seemed well with the Ubuntu installation until networkmanager broke after a reboot. Clicking on the natwork-manager notification icon shows "device is unmanaged" but the wifi is working anyway. Any ideas on how to get network-manager working again? | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: try it: sudo apt-get install fluxbox | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: log off, change session to fluxbox and log on | 12:07 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Um.. wont that mess things up? | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: no, you are simply logging on to a different desktop environment, it won't "mess anything up" | 12:08 |
Heliodor | Okay, il try :) | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you can freely switch between desktop environments as you wish | 12:08 |
kl0x | How was called the app that could show you your gdm without logging out' | 12:08 |
rich | guys, how do i tell which usb device is connected to a usb port? | 12:09 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: KDE to?? | 12:09 |
rich | sorry, which block device is associated with which usb port? | 12:09 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: what? | 12:09 |
savvas | kl0x: System > Administration > Login window | 12:09 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Can i change to KDE aswell? | 12:09 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you need to log off and change it to fluxbox | 12:09 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you could install xfce too and select that at logon | 12:09 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Yes, i know, but can i have gnome, kde, flyxbox etc at the same time? | 12:10 |
kl0x | savvas: Thx, but I meant an app that could open a new session in a window, so you dont' need to log out to log in with other user | 12:10 |
savvas | Heliodor: yes | 12:10 |
Heliodor | Super. :) | 12:10 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you can only RUN one in the foreground for each X server, you can USE the libs of the other DEs for the other apps | 12:10 |
Cyber_Hades | I read something about Linux clustering over Kerrighed... Latest version is Kerrighed 2.3.0. It is based on Linux 2.6.20. Working on Ubuntu 8.10 yes or no ???? | 12:10 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Yes, that i understand. | 12:10 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: like you can run KDE but run gedit if you have GTK libs installed | 12:10 |
savvas | kl0x: ah you mean Fast user switch applet? Right click on your gnome panel ("taskbar") and select "Add to panel" | 12:11 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: What will happen to the apps, do i have to install them on each desktop? | 12:11 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: no its the same system so the apps are all available | 12:11 |
rich | guys how can i tell which usb port is assocaited with a particular block device? | 12:11 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: i personally run fluxbox but use kde apps | 12:11 |
Heliodor | Oh... thats perfect :D | 12:11 |
Cyber_Hades | enyone.... | 12:11 |
oCean_ | Cyber_Hades: see | 12:12 |
savvas | kl0x: sorry, the app is called "User switcher" | 12:12 |
kl0x | savvas: nope, it's not it, i'll find out thx | 12:12 |
ActionParsnip | oCean_: nice find bro | 12:12 |
Cyber_Hades | tnx 4 link | 12:12 |
Heliodor | Bah, why do all fluxbox screenshots use nerdy wierd apps and no standard ones. | 12:12 |
lvlefisto | kl0x: maybe you want to try out FreeNX | 12:12 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: there are no standard apps | 12:13 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: all users are different | 12:13 |
Heliodor | Indeed. | 12:13 |
savvas | I think there's a fluxbuntu floating around somewhere | 12:13 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | standard app = xterm and vi :) | 12:14 |
savvas | Heliodor: | 12:14 |
kl0x | lvlfisto: It's not it either but thx, didn0't know that app, sounds cool | 12:14 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: here's mine: | 12:14 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | crunchbang linux = ubuntu with openbox instead of fluxbox i think also. | 12:14 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: standard enough apps for you? | 12:14 |
poncio | hi! how do i remove older kernel versions from my /boot ? | 12:14 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Thats fluxbox? | 12:15 |
poncio | should i just type rm *version* ? | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: yeah all the apps in the tray are kde apps (amarok, ktorrent etc) | 12:15 |
hateball | poncio: you can apt-get remove them, or just comment them out in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:15 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: No, thats a graveyard ;) | 12:15 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | poncio, i would just leave them alone. just in case | 12:15 |
Dahiss | hey | 12:15 |
Dahiss | anyone can help me ?:p | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: its slick and lightweight, my system can run compiz with ease, I just dont like all the clutter | 12:16 |
Dahiss | im new to ubuntu, i changed resolution and now i have 256 colors, instead of 32 bits | 12:16 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Thanks for all the info, il try some out :) | 12:16 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | poncio, thers a setting in menu.lst to only show a set # of them. i always have it at least keep 2 | 12:16 |
Dahiss | and i can't change the refresh rate, its 0 all time | 12:16 |
evowill | !ask | Dahiss | 12:16 |
ubottu | Dahiss: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:16 |
poncio | i actualy deleted them the other day because i had no space in the boot drive... | 12:16 |
savvas | poncio: how many linux kernels do you see? | 12:16 |
Dahiss | okay, ive changed resolution to 1024 x 768, and now i have 256 instead of 32 and 0 refresh rate :P | 12:16 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: I thought compiz was module based? Remove the clutter and use the functions that improve the user experience? | 12:16 |
Solixa | Hey, when I do xrandr it says my rez will only go to 1024*768 - How can I make it higher? | 12:16 |
poncio | the other problem is i deleted the last version by mistake.. so i have to boot an older one... | 12:17 |
aeosynth | my gdm won't start. help? | 12:17 |
poncio | how do i restore the last version? | 12:17 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Oh... this was a bad idea, compiz benchmark. | 12:17 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: i want my DE so when I hit minimise its gone, not a song and dance. 3d naff just looks tacky | 12:17 |
Heliodor | Got 1785FPS atleast :) | 12:17 |
Solixa | Hey, when I do xrandr it says my rez will only go to 1024*768 - How can I make it higher? | 12:18 |
Dahiss | why i got 256 colors, instead of 32 bits ?:P, i just changed resolution | 12:18 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Yes, i dont like waiting for animations either, so i speed them up very much | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: means nothing unless you say your settings too | 12:18 |
savvas | poncio: go to System > Administration > Synaptic package manager. Click on "Status" on the lower left corner. See inside "Installed (local or obsolete)" - Select a package you what you want to remove, right-click on it and press "Mark for Complete Removal". Also in Status, check out "Not Installed (residual config)" | 12:18 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: I noticed that, when changing to expose like thingie, i get 1443FPS | 12:19 |
aeosynth | will dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg repair gdm? | 12:19 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | When I installed IceWM, I installed the thinblack2 theme. Now there is a weird X windows in the top left corner that wont go away. | 12:19 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: its enough either way, dont sweat it | 12:19 |
Dahiss | can i change someway, my resoultion back to the 1980 x .... (but my old 17, is not good for it), to get normal colors back? | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you cat even see that many frames | 12:20 |
Solixa | Can anyone tell me how to make my resolution higher than 1024*768? | 12:20 |
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ActionParsnip | Solixa: what video card? | 12:20 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Last time i used ubuntu, i got 65FPS max even without limiting | 12:20 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, nVidia 8700M GT | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: TV film runs at 24FPS and looks fine | 12:20 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | When I installed IceWM, I installed the thinblack2 theme. Now there is a weird X window in the top left corner that wont go away. Help, it's preventing me from logging off! | 12:20 |
poncio | savvas, wich packages should i change then? | 12:20 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: yes, i know :) | 12:21 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: so anything above is fine | 12:21 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | When I installed IceWM, I installed the thinblack2 theme. Now there is a weird X window in the top left corner that wont go away. Help, it's preventing me from logging off! I need to go back to GNOME! | 12:21 |
savvas | poncio: the "Not installed (residual config)" are all safe to mark for complete removal. it's packages you removed and have leftover configuration files (removes stuff from root system files/folders, NOT your home directory configuration files) | 12:21 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Yeah. | 12:21 |
toader | Hi, under ubuntu, which file browser is better? thanks | 12:21 |
Ghone | Solixia: are you using the proprietary drivers? | 12:21 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | Nautilus | 12:21 |
Solixa | Ghone, no idea. | 12:22 |
Heliodor | toader: i use firefox | 12:22 |
Solixa | Ghone, new to linux. | 12:22 |
savvas | poncio: in "Installed (local or obsolete)" lists packages that YOU installed (with a .deb file) or packages that are NOT supported anymore. All linux-image* packages in there are safe to remove. | 12:22 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | When I installed IceWM, I installed the thinblack2 theme. Now there is a weird X window in the top left corner that wont go away. Help, it's preventing me from logging off! I need to go back to GNOME! Please help me! I am new! | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | toader: try a few, see which you like, | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: he wants a file browser | 12:22 |
Lordveda | I need to know why isn't gdm-2.24 included by default in ubuntu? | 12:22 |
Dahiss | so, its isn't possible to get my old resolution back? | 12:23 |
Lordveda | is it a security issue with gdm 2.24? | 12:23 |
Ghone | Solixia: for best performance with an nVidia card you'll need the proprietary drivers. | 12:23 |
Heliodor | Haha, lol, sorry about that :) | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | toader: konqueror, thunar, rox, nautilus | 12:23 |
Heliodor | toader: dolphin | 12:23 |
Solixa | Ghone, Where can I get them? | 12:23 |
toader | ActionParsnip: thanks, which is better | 12:23 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | When I installed IceWM, I installed the thinblack2 theme. Now there is a weird X window in the top left corner that wont go away. Help, it's preventing me from logging off! I need to go back to GNOME! Please help me! I am new! | 12:23 |
Heliodor | toader: i prefere nautlius, it has tabs | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | toader: none is better, try each one for a while, see which you like | 12:23 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | Some one plese help! | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | toader: I use dolphin personally | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: run: lspci | grep -i vga | 12:24 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: do dolphin support tabs? | 12:24 |
DWITA_99 | hello | 12:24 |
Lordveda | Heliodor: yes | 12:24 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | Anyone? | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: dunno, I dont use it enough really, I usually use command line | 12:24 |
Heliodor | What is the tool for changing compiz themes? | 12:24 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | When I installed IceWM, I installed the thinblack2 theme. Now there is a weird X window in the top left corner that wont go away. Help, it's preventing me from logging off! I need to go back to GNOME! Please help me! I am new! | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: head over to the dolphon site and see | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: or install it and see | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: you can always uninstall | 12:25 |
Ghone | Solixia: You can use the restricted drivers manager or EnvyNG to get nVidia drivers. | 12:25 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, xeon@xeonx:~$ lspci | grep -i vga | 12:25 |
Solixa | -bash: lspci: command not found | 12:25 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | When I installed IceWM, I installed the thinblack2 theme. Now there is a weird X window in the top left corner that wont go away. Help, it's preventing me from logging off! I need to go back to GNOME! Please help me! I am new! Someone or anyone? | 12:25 |
riz0n | Hi, i have a machine with Ubuntu 8.10 that locks up on startup (At one time it did boot fine). When I do recovery mode, it hangs at EMU10K1_Audigy 0000:02:04.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17 ... what do I need to do on this machine to get back into Ubuntu? | 12:25 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: About uninstalling, i saw that when i remove apackage, it only removes the main package not the libs and other files! | 12:25 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: its ell ess pee see eye | 12:26 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | The X window has the normal red x as it's icon, is black, nd won't close! | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: sudo apt-get autoremove | 12:26 |
steveccc | hi all - does anyone know if i add a bookmark within a pdf document and then save it and this is done quite a few times reading through the pdf - does this lower the quality like constant saves to a jpg does? | 12:26 |
Lordveda | Heliodor: synaptic uses the same attitude you are talking about | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: even better is | 12:26 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, i did that | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove | 12:26 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: autoremove? | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: man apt-get | 12:26 |
toddoon | hi everybody, i would know how do i do to disable or delete the close button in gnome window? | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: theres also deborphan | 12:27 |
Heliodor | Lordveda: Obviously not a problem. | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: its a standard command | 12:27 |
Solixa | It didn't work | 12:27 |
riz0n | I'm afraid I may have to reinstall Ubuntu on this machine, which I really don't want to do. | 12:27 |
Ghone | Solixia: do you have something called "Hardware Drivers" under System > Administration menu? | 12:27 |
Heliodor | Nothing on the compiz themer? | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: close the terminal and open a new one | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: lspci | 12:28 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, I tried it with Konsole and xterm | 12:28 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | When I installed IceWM, I installed the thinblack2 theme. Now there is a weird X window in the top left corner that wont go away. Help, it's preventing me from logging off! I need to go back to GNOME! Please help me! I am new! Someone or anyone? | 12:28 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | The X window has the normal red x as it's icon, is black, nd won't close! | 12:28 |
aeosynth | how do i reinstall packages? I might need to reinstall gdm from the command line | 12:29 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: can you try tab completing it. this is most unusual | 12:29 |
ActionParsnip | aeosynth: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm | 12:29 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | Please help! | 12:29 |
riz0n | Hi, i have a machine with Ubuntu 8.10 (kernel 2.6.27-7-generic) that locks up on startup (At one time it did boot fine). When I do recovery mode, it hangs at EMU10K1_Audigy 0000:02:04.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17 ... what should I do on this machine to get back into Ubuntu? I am afraid I may have to reinstall the OS, which I really don't want to do if I don't absolutely have to. | 12:29 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, is not in the list | 12:30 |
poncio | savvas, how do i get my "2.6.24-23" kernel back? i only have "2.6.24-22" now... | 12:30 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, any other alternatives? | 12:30 |
savvas | poncio: which ubuntu release are you using? | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: lshw -C display | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: i think you have a problem if lspci is not a command | 12:31 |
Solixa | Probably | 12:31 |
Solixa | neither is lshw | 12:31 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | When I installed IceWM, I installed the thinblack2 theme. Now there is a weird X window in the top left corner that wont go away. Help, it's preventing me from logging off! I need to go back to GNOME! Please help me! I am new! Someone or anyone? | 12:31 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | The X window has the normal red x as it's icon, is black, nd won't close! | 12:31 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | The X window has the normal red x as it's icon, is black, nd won't close! | 12:31 |
savvas | poncio: go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal and paste the output of this command: uname -a | 12:31 |
mib_gzbeyy9u | Please help! | 12:31 |
FloodBot1 | mib_gzbeyy9u: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:31 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, What should I do? | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: gimme a sec, let me see what i can find | 12:32 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, kk | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | does anyone else have a solution to missing lspci and lshw commands | 12:33 |
poncio | savvas, here it is: "Linux multivac 2.6.24-22-generic #1 SMP Mon Nov 24 18:32:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux" | 12:33 |
su1tan | Hi, anyone has working hybernate on Toshiba notebook with Ubuntu 8.10? | 12:33 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: are you fully up to date? | 12:34 |
ActionParsnip | !hibernate | su1tan | 12:34 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hibernate | 12:34 |
savvas | poncio: ok now the output of this command: lsb_release -r | 12:34 |
Ghone | Solixa: I'm very curious to know what the result of: ls /usr/bin/ls* | 12:34 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, should be. Slackware 12.2 | 12:34 |
su1tan | ActionParsnip, thanks for correction | 12:35 |
poncio | savvas, 8.04 | 12:35 |
oCean_ | ActionParsnip: lshw can be installed separately, I'm not sure in which package lspci is | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: this is ubuntu support, not slackware | 12:35 |
Solixa | ActionParsnip, someone sent me here. Linux is linux, right? | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: no otherwise there would be one BIG room labeled #linux | 12:36 |
OxDeadC0de | Linux is pronounced as Linux. | 12:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Solixa, thers is a big rool called #linux :) | 12:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | room | 12:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | and one for #slackware i imagine | 12:36 |
Solixa | oh, right. /fail. This is a pretty huge room though | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: those commands are standard in ubuntu, obviously not in slackware, go head to #slackware | 12:36 |
savvas | poncio: can you paste at (and give me the link) the output of: apt-cache policy linux-generic linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic | 12:36 |
Solixa | #Slackware is on this server? | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis_ZNC: and all linux users would be in it, inc us | 12:36 |
poncio | ok | 12:36 |
Dr_Willis_ZNC | Solixa, join it and see? | 12:37 |
Solixa | Just did | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | Solixa: yes theres 250 people in there | 12:37 |
Solixa | ;P | 12:37 |
Solixa | Well, thanks guys. | 12:37 |
kl0x | I'm going, when I find the app I tell ya, I had installed it before formating, but I found it casually.. | 12:38 |
karooga | i'm trying to use the packages on intrepid.alternative but apt-get update keeps ignoring it. I used apt-cdrom to add to my source.list. Any ideas what is wrong? | 12:38 |
kl0x | C ya guys | 12:38 |
Heliodor | Holy shit, there is a jungle of backup apps out there for linux! | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: yep and all work slightly different | 12:39 |
savvas | OxDeadC0de: linux is pronounced as /ˈlɪnəks/ (IPA), but there are variations: | 12:39 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: so i noticed. | 12:39 |
poncio | savvas, it is like i told you... i just deleted the wrong files on my /boot ... | 12:40 |
thunder_ | hi | 12:40 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: rsync seem to fit my needs best | 12:40 |
OxDeadC0de | hahahaha savvas | 12:40 |
toader | HI, how to make a file browser as the default browser? | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: then install it, it is the best (for you) | 12:40 |
savvas | :) | 12:40 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Indeed :) | 12:40 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: I see what you are trying to do ;) | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: it just makes you look smarter and less ignorant to other apps | 12:41 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: It does, maybe diversity is good afterall | 12:41 |
XaeroOne | i have this strange problem with ubuntu, i installed it yesterday in a partition after formatting it as ext3 but was not able to install grub, so i manually added the entry to menu.lst but was not able to boot into it | 12:41 |
savvas | poncio: execute this (all in one line): sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-generic linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic; sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.24-23-generic | 12:41 |
savvas | poncio: if asked something, press "Y" and hit enter :) | 12:42 |
XaeroOne | when i checked from pclinux os i see that the partition is fat16 | 12:42 |
poncio | ok | 12:42 |
poncio | i'll try it now... | 12:42 |
poncio | th | 12:42 |
poncio | thx | 12:42 |
FloodBot1 | poncio: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:42 |
poncio | savvas, i had already tried the "reinstall linux-generic" part... :) | 12:43 |
poncio | savvas, seems to have worked. | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: i only show and demonstrate, I cannt change minds, that is for you to decide | 12:44 |
poncio | savvas, thx | 12:44 |
jpatota | how can i tell when a file was *created* | 12:45 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: You really try to have an open mind, dont you? :) | 12:45 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: Well, i appriciate it, a lot | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: just like trying ubuntu, you may have hated it and ran back to windows | 12:45 |
nzz | Hi. I accidentally deleted the /dev/hdb device node. Rebooting does not bring it back. Recreating it with mknod leads to mount saying 'mount: /dev/hdb is not a valid block device'. How should I get my cdrom to be usable under this installation of ubuntu again? | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | Heliodor: but its good to try | 12:45 |
Heliodor | ActionParsnip: It is. :) | 12:46 |
savvas | poncio: ok, glad to hear it :) | 12:46 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: how did you delete the node? | 12:46 |
* ActionParsnip is a big hippy with dreads | 12:47 | |
nzz | howlingmadhowie: uhm... rm. I'd made a symlink to it, then was too tired and made a symlink the other way, then removed both since they were circular and unusuable at that point. | 12:47 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: the way i understood it, the nodes are created when linux boots. is the cd drive recognised when you boot? (cat /var/log/messages | grep -i cd) | 12:48 |
nzz | all of the lines matching that are ioport/iomem ranges or usb hcd related | 12:49 |
Peleus | Anyone able to get bluetooth consistently working at the moment? | 12:50 |
nzz | the cdrom drive was working for more than a year, though | 12:50 |
S4nD3r | How to discover which is my passphrase?? I never created this passphrase, but the system is asking me this | 12:50 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: that's strange. is it still recognised in bios? | 12:50 |
nzz | any way to check without rebooting? | 12:50 |
riz0n | My Ubuntu machine is locking up on startup, when doing a recovery mode it was locking up when trying to load my sound blaster live card. I took the card out and ubuntu booted just fine.. however the card seems to be working fine in XP (I dont have any speakers to verify). What could be causing ubuntu to lock up when it tries to load the drivers for the sound blaster live card? | 12:50 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: i don't think so :( | 12:51 |
oCean_ | nzz: what does command "eject" output? (use no options) | 12:51 |
riz0n | could my live card have bit the dust? | 12:52 |
nzz | eject: unable to open `/dev/hdb' | 12:52 |
_moro_bana_ | it there a thesaurus or electronic dictionary available under linux? | 12:52 |
oCean_ | nzz: ok, how does ls -al /dev/hdb look? | 12:52 |
oCean_ | nzz: just to make sure the block device is created correctly | 12:53 |
Heliodor | Wtf, my firefox is going black now and then! | 12:53 |
nzz | ls -al /dev/hdb | 12:53 |
nzz | brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 3, 64 2009-01-19 13:37 /dev/hdb | 12:53 |
nzz | ........ but it only shows up that way because I did mknod, chmod, and chgrp; it doesn't show up on boot | 12:54 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: can you eject it as root? | 12:54 |
nzz | # eject | 12:54 |
nzz | eject: unable to open `/dev/hdb' | 12:54 |
S4nD3r | nobody understand about gpg | 12:54 |
riz0n | hello, anyone getting this? am i on mute on this chan..?? | 12:55 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: what command did you use to create the node? | 12:55 |
dundel | i got a really slow performance on a Dell Vostro 1000 | 12:55 |
Ghone | Heliodor: mine does that too, mostly when it's on a page with Flash. If you fix it please let me know how. | 12:55 |
nzz | mknod -m 660 hdb b 3 64 | 12:55 |
oCean_ | nzz: you're sure of the major/minor ? | 12:56 |
riz0n | Guess I am having an issue with my IRC if nobody is able to read my messages. | 12:56 |
Heliodor | Ghone: Ive never had that problem on windows or os x. This might be a linux killer for me :-( | 12:56 |
lvlefisto | riz0n: we can see you, just ask your question | 12:56 |
riz0n | ok thanks. | 12:56 |
nzz | oCean_: it's what seems to be documented everywhere for hdb, and it's what my ubuntu machine has; what does ls -la /dev/hdb say for you? | 12:56 |
riz0n | just making sure i dont have an IRC issue. | 12:56 |
guu | riz0n: ur msg are ok | 12:56 |
riz0n | My Ubuntu machine is locking up on startup, when doing a recovery mode it was locking up when trying to load my sound blaster live card. I took the card out and ubuntu booted just fine.. however the card seems to be working fine in XP (I dont have any speakers to verify). What could be causing ubuntu to lock up when it tries to load the drivers for the sound blaster live card? could my live card have finally bit the dust? | 12:56 |
oCean_ | nzz: I have a scsi drive, so it's /dev/sdc0 | 12:57 |
=== chuck_ is now known as zul | ||
nzz2 | ahh | 12:57 |
nzz2 | anyone else? | 12:57 |
bender304 | does anyone know if there is a IRC client that would play a audio (wav) when your name is entered in the chat room to get your attention? | 12:57 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: where did you get the numbers 3 and 64 from? | 12:57 |
Pici | bender304: I believe that xchat can do that. | 12:57 |
lvlefisto | bender304: pidgin also does that | 12:58 |
bender304 | thanks Pici | 12:58 |
nzz2 | howlingmadhowie: my ubuntu install, google, and some documentation file under the kernel sources that I'm now forgetting the name of | 12:58 |
riz0n | i am not sure if mIRC does that or not, if it does then you might can try mIRC through Wine | 12:58 |
nzz2 | erm, my debian install, even | 12:58 |
jxander | help! i cannot start gnome-session and i get the error: Failed to acquire org.gnome.SessionManager . Any ideas? | 12:58 |
nzz2 | howlingmadhowie: what does ls -l /dev/hdb say for you? | 12:58 |
Ghone | Heliodor: Are you on an x86_64 machine? Flash can be a bit craptastic on 64-bit. | 12:59 |
bender304 | lvlefisto I'll check that out Im using Pidgin now | 12:59 |
jynks | hi guys.... woudl i please be able to get some help in getting fusesmb to work so i can acess my windows netwrok shares? | 12:59 |
Heliodor | Ghone: Im on 64-bit yes, but there is no flash on any of the pages i have open right now | 12:59 |
lvlefisto | bender304: look at the plugins to enable that behavior | 12:59 |
Heliodor | Ghone: Still, it goes black | 12:59 |
=== nzz2 is now known as nzz | ||
howlingmadhowie | nzz2: the numbers are allocated dynamically when the kernel boots. on my system: stefan-laptop% ls -l /dev/scd0 | 12:59 |
howlingmadhowie | brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2009-01-19 10:22 /dev/scd0 | 12:59 |
lvlefisto | bender304: and also at the preferences | 13:00 |
karooga | anyone used apt-cdrom? | 13:00 |
karooga | anyone used it successfully I mean? | 13:00 |
mib_kbfmgqbv | hi | 13:00 |
jynks | i have fusesmb installed and enabled for my usr... now what... i tried makign a dir in media and then mounting it but it says i have no permition to cd into it? | 13:00 |
FrauHansen | can somebody look at this init.d script and tell me why the language setting are ignored? like LC_MESSAGES is still english for this program when it loads via this script at boot -> | 13:01 |
Heliodor | Ghone: Seem to be a drawing bug with compiz..... typical! | 13:01 |
Ghone | Heliodor: try running the command "killall npviewer.bin" and see if it behaves for a while. | 13:01 |
nzz | ok, yes, my bios seems my cdrom drive; it's the primary IDE slave | 13:01 |
oCean_ | nzz: the major #3 = ide hdd or cd indeed. 64 is slave | 13:01 |
S4nD3r | help | 13:02 |
nzz | oCean_: exactly :/ | 13:02 |
=== geo__ is now known as geo05 | ||
xyz | have anyone tried Jaunty? | 13:03 |
jynks | i've tried it using the eact cammands in the faq but it dosn't work? | 13:03 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: have a look in /sys/block | 13:03 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: there you'll find the current devices with major and minor device nodes | 13:04 |
jelly12gen | xyz why don't you try jaunty in virtualbox? | 13:04 |
nzz | ram[0-9] and sda; that's all | 13:04 |
xyz | jelly12gen, omg explain that to me please?! | 13:04 |
xyz | I didnt realize this idea... | 13:05 |
xyz | sorry for my bad english | 13:05 |
nzz | actually, raw1[0-5] , but that doesn't change much | 13:05 |
nzz | erm, ram, not raw | 13:05 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: mm. then i think that means that you won't be able to create a cd node | 13:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | xyz, Please talk all on one line and not broken up with the enter ley | 13:05 |
* nzz spends a moment pining for the pre-udev days | 13:05 | |
mib_kbfmgqbv | hi | 13:06 |
digitalfallacy | \ns identify | 13:06 |
Peleus | anyone know how we can fix up bluetooth in ubuntu? Every restart or hibernate my mouse stops working | 13:06 |
xyz | Jack_Sparrow, Im sorry ok... How Can i make this work in virtualbox? | 13:06 |
jelly12gen | xyz: you just sound a bit like a noob now | 13:06 |
xyz | jelly12gen, sorry im noobish....... | 13:06 |
quake | hello this is irc client 1.0 | 13:06 |
jrib | Peleus: a workaround is usually to remove the kernel module responsible and load it again | 13:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | xyz, Install virtualbox from the repos and install your choice of os inside it | 13:06 |
mib_kbfmgqbv | anybody here interested to atten UDW? | 13:07 |
jrib | !ot | mib_kbfmgqbv | 13:07 |
ubottu | mib_kbfmgqbv: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 13:07 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: you could try inserting the cdrom module again | 13:07 |
jelly12gen | xyz: everyone has been a noob, so it's not a problem :) , but just instal virtualbox and google for a howto | 13:07 |
mib_kbfmgqbv | thanx ubottu | 13:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | xyz, You may also /join #vbox | 13:08 |
jelly12gen | !google virtualbox ubuntu | 13:08 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:08 |
mib_kbfmgqbv | jrib:didnt understand | 13:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info virtualbox-ose | 13:08 |
ubottu | virtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-dfsg-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 6137 kB, installed size 20720 kB | 13:08 |
xyz | Jack_Sparrow, jelly12gen many thanks | 13:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | xyz sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose | 13:09 |
jxander | anyone having problems starting gnome-session? | 13:09 |
nzz | howlingmadhowie: hm..... ok, dumb question, what's the module named? | 13:09 |
xyz | Okay ! | 13:09 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: cdrom :) | 13:09 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: try an 'lsmod | grep cdrom' to start with | 13:10 |
nzz | it hadn't been loaded | 13:10 |
jelly12gen | jxander: does it give errors, so yes google it:) | 13:10 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: 'sudo modprobe cdrom' | 13:10 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: but you may want to delete the nodes you made before you do that | 13:10 |
nzz | yeah; that's what i'd done first; on not finding it, I thought it must have an odd name | 13:10 |
nzz | loaded | 13:10 |
nzz | nothing new in /sys/block, though | 13:10 |
nzz | they were deleted when i rebooted (to check the bios) anyhow | 13:11 |
jxander | jelly12gen: i already googled it, but haven't found a solution :(... it says: "Failed to acquire org.gnome.SessionManager" | 13:11 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: what does /var/log/messages have to say? | 13:11 |
jelly12gen | jxander: so you can't start gnome? | 13:11 |
nzz | nothing in the last 8 minutes | 13:11 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: can you put a 'tail -f /var/log/messages' in one shell window and then remove and insert the module again? | 13:11 |
=== kamelancien458 is now known as Guest38548 | ||
Heliodor | Hum, this is odd, torrents are a lot faster in ubuntu than in windows or os x | 13:11 |
nzz | Uniform CD-ROM driver unloaded | 13:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Heliodor, I would suspect poor support for your network chipset | 13:12 |
nzz | (nothing appeared when i reloaded it) | 13:12 |
howlingmadhowie | Heliodor: i suspect that many isps block certain clients. which torrent software are you using? | 13:12 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: mm. this sounds strange :( | 13:12 |
jxander | jelly12gen: thanks, nvm... works now... | 13:12 |
Heliodor | howlingmadhowie: That might be completely true. | 13:12 |
jelly12gen | lol ok | 13:12 |
Heliodor | howlingmadhowie: since im using deluge now. | 13:13 |
nzz | howlingmadhowie: tell me about it :/ | 13:13 |
Heliodor | howlingmadhowie: and utorrent on both os x and windows | 13:13 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: can you boot from the cdrom drive? | 13:13 |
nzz | i've been using linux for a decade :/ | 13:13 |
Heliodor | howlingmadhowie: but transmission was terribly slow in both ubuntu and os x so... | 13:13 |
nzz | will check | 13:13 |
howlingmadhowie | Heliodor: my isp kicks me out if i start vuze :( | 13:13 |
Heliodor | howlingmadhowie: What?!! thats terrible! | 13:13 |
savvas | Heliodor: I've witnessed even faster speeds with aria2c command (aria downloader, command line) and much more stable internet browsing while downloading from torrents | 13:14 |
howlingmadhowie | Heliodor: yeah :( rtorrent is better anyway, but i should have the choice :( | 13:14 |
Heliodor | howlingmadhowie: Indeed! I commonly use a VPN to avoid those problems. | 13:15 |
Heliodor | Heliodor: is a really good one, always good speeds. | 13:15 |
Chilired | anyone know whats the problem when an ftp server brings up Refused Port (address mismatch)? | 13:17 |
howlingmadhowie | Heliodor: i'll have a look :) thanks for the tip | 13:17 |
herr_fisk | port forward problem in router? | 13:18 |
Chilired | its inside the lan | 13:18 |
herr_fisk | ah ok | 13:18 |
Itaku | what would be a chmod code for people can view in the folder but not its subfolders? | 13:19 |
Chilired | herr_fisk, I am trying to transfer some huge files from one nas to another via fxp on this workstation | 13:19 |
nzz | Itaku: you need to make sure all the subfolders don't have read permissions for those people | 13:19 |
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herr_fisk | ok. Shure ip-tables not configured to block port 21? | 13:19 |
lokekiero | alguien en español | 13:19 |
Peleus | is there any way to view your vista partition (and run a video from it) from linux? | 13:20 |
Itaku | is there any quick way nzz? because thats 1276 folders your talking about | 13:20 |
nzz | find your_dir -type d -exec chmod o-r {} \; | 13:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | !es | 13:20 |
Chilired | no I can connect to both the ftp servers | 13:20 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 13:20 |
Itaku | nzz? what? | 13:20 |
nzz | howlingmadhowie: yes, I can boot from cd | 13:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | Peleus, It should not be a problem | 13:21 |
lokekiero | alguien en español | 13:21 |
pablo__ | [lokekiero] , #ubuntu-es | 13:21 |
nzz | Itaku: ok, so, the directory you want is called 'your_dir' in my example; substitute it with /path/to/whatever/it/is/really/called | 13:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | lokekiero, /join #Ubuntu-es | 13:21 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: mm. that means the drive exists and works. i have no idea why it isn't being seen by ubuntu. could you try installing the kernel again? | 13:21 |
herr_fisk | ok. then it beats me :( sry | 13:22 |
Itaku | would i just type like chmod 0664 /cygdrive/c/Abyss Web Server/htdocs/foldername/*? | 13:22 |
nzz | the above command finds all of the directories under that directory, and then says, for each of those directories, to run chmod o-r on that directory, which sets the 'others' permission to no longer be able to read | 13:22 |
Gobby | question when im out youtube the video sometimes turns out gray and i cant fix it i can sometimes by refreshing what should i do? | 13:22 |
lokekiero | alguien en español | 13:22 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: have you tried a makedev -n ? | 13:22 |
nzz | Itaku: that would make *all the files* and directories user-readable/writable, group-readable/writable, and other-readable; it's not what you want | 13:23 |
nzz | howlingmadhowie: yes, doesn't work with udev | 13:23 |
Cyber_Hades | Swap partition should be logical or primary ? | 13:23 |
Itaku | nzz: i know im not good with the chmod codes | 13:23 |
nzz | Cyber_Hades: doesn't matter | 13:23 |
Gobby | question when im out youtube the video sometimes turns out gray and i cant fix it i can sometimes by refreshing what should i do? | 13:23 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: oh :( | 13:23 |
nzz | Itaku: uhm, presumably you want the files in the directory to be readable, right? | 13:24 |
Cyber_Hades | What is the diffrence betwen logical and primary partiton ??? | 13:24 |
aftertaf | 4 logical maxi | 13:24 |
aftertaf | or 3 + 1 extended | 13:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Cyber_Hades, Logicals are inside extended to increase the limit of 4 primary | 13:24 |
nzz | Cyber_Hades: ugly history; you can only have 4 primary partitions, so extended partitions are a hack to let you have more | 13:24 |
aftertaf | and an extended can have many logical disks in it | 13:24 |
Itaku | nzz: i just want them to see the many folders, but not be able to go in them | 13:24 |
Gobby | question when im out youtube the video sometimes turns out gray and i cant fix it i can sometimes by refreshing what should i do? | 13:25 |
mib_kbfmgqbv | see | 13:25 |
Itaku | because im putting this on a webserver | 13:25 |
aftertaf | msdos partition table | 13:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gobby, Hold down the repeats, every few minutes is plenty | 13:25 |
nzz | Itaku: ah, and there are no files that you care about? | 13:25 |
Itaku | nzz: theres no files in the folder at all | 13:25 |
Gobby | Sorry didnt understand hold down the repeats? | 13:25 |
Cyber_Hades | ok i understand now BIG THANKS | 13:25 |
Itaku | just 1276 folders | 13:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gobby, Stop repeating so often | 13:25 |
nzz | Itaku: then what you said is ok, as long as you do 660 and not 664 | 13:25 |
Gobby | sorry | 13:26 |
howlingmadhowie | nzz: then i really don't know why a cdrom device node isn't being created during boot :( | 13:26 |
nzz | howlingmadhowie: me neither | 13:26 |
Itaku | how do you paste into cygwin? | 13:26 |
epscylonb | hey anyone know if i can use three monitors, two on a graphics card and one plugged into the motherboards vga ? | 13:26 |
nzz | step 1: use a decent shell, not the default one :-P | 13:26 |
Itaku | meh i just used the lazy way | 13:27 |
Itaku | nzz: im on windows :) | 13:27 |
nzz | epscylonb: in theory, I think you can | 13:27 |
nzz | Itaku: I realize; the cygwin was a sort of big clue ;-) | 13:27 |
aftertaf | hey :) | 13:27 |
aftertaf | how can I change the boot options on a live CD i'm customising? | 13:27 |
digitalfallacy | can somebody telll me the cahnnel for kde plz ?? | 13:27 |
aftertaf | i want to remove the splash | 13:27 |
sambagirl | wow what a big big day :) a new president!!! :) | 13:27 |
Itaku | nzz: i did 0660 and theyre still go inable(cant think of a better word) | 13:27 |
pozic | How do I enable tmpfs for /tmp (and why isn't this done by default on laptops)? | 13:27 |
JMS32 | Hello. HAve some trubles with Sony Vaio SZ7RVN/x > | 13:28 |
JMS32 | ? | 13:28 |
Itaku | sec ill try 0700 | 13:28 |
nzz | Itaku: confirm for me: are you shelled into a unix machine somewhere, or are you running chmod on your files on windows? | 13:28 |
Itaku | nope, still go inable | 13:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | aftertaf, On a regular install you would remove splash from the grub menu | 13:28 |
marko-_- | digitalfallacy, did you tried #kde ? o_0 | 13:28 |
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epscylonb | yeh, i think its possible, problem is the only videocard hardy can see at the moment is the graphics card, i think i need to add the motherboard as a second videocard in my xorg.conf | 13:28 |
aftertaf | Itaku: consultable ? | 13:28 |
aftertaf | Jack_Sparrow: yep, but no /boot/grub/menu.lst on the live cd . | 13:28 |
epscylonb | anyone have any ideas ? | 13:28 |
Itaku | nzz: im running my files on windows but no difference | 13:29 |
nzz | Itaku: uhm, yes, it does make a difference | 13:29 |
sambagirl | i was told that president obama is going to make an executive order requiring everyone to use Ubuntu ;) | 13:29 |
Itaku | the access codes are still the same right? | 13:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | aftertaf, Understood, but you need to work on remastering it yourself.. this is ubuntu support | 13:29 |
epscylonb | i think thats unlikely sambagirl | 13:29 |
Itaku | !offtopic > sambagirl | 13:29 |
ubottu | sambagirl, please see my private message | 13:29 |
aftertaf | i know :=) | 13:29 |
nzz | Itaku: uhm. No, use a tool for managing windows file permissions | 13:29 |
howlingmadhowie | sambagirl: i doubt he'll go that far :) but he is interested in file format standards | 13:29 |
Itaku | d(-_-)b | 13:30 |
sambagirl | thank god we have a real president! | 13:30 |
nzz | the whole system of permissions is extremely different between unix and windows | 13:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot > sambagirl But I agree | 13:30 |
howlingmadhowie | sambagirl: have a look here: | 13:30 |
marko-_- | just another puppet | 13:30 |
eolo999 | hi, i had a partially broken hd with freebsd on it, i then installed ubuntu on a fresh HD. ubu is on a sata bus while bsd is on ide1. I think i installed grub on the bsd disk so if i remove it i get a "boot disk failure"...someone can guide me to resolve this issue? | 13:30 |
ubottu | sambagirl, please see my private message | 13:30 |
digitalfallacy | and whats the best irc client in your oopinion ?? i am using leadchat adn not very satisfied with it ... plz tell me some other than xchat | 13:30 |
jxander | i tried the awn faq method of editing gconf to remove gnome-panel, but gnome-panel keeps restarting (intrepid). how could i stop gnome-panel from starting? | 13:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !polls | 13:30 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 13:30 |
Heliodor | I get no fucking sound on the video players!! but in any other app, what now!! | 13:31 |
sambagirl | thank god we have a new world president :D | 13:31 |
marko-_- | !language > Heliodor | 13:31 |
ubottu | Heliodor, please see my private message | 13:31 |
nzz | howlingmadhowie: by the way - on the livecd, /dev/hdb looks identical with ls as to how it did after i did mknod and chgrp under my normal install :( | 13:31 |
nemesissss | hi | 13:31 |
sambagirl | obama will make linux easier! it is part of his platform! :) | 13:32 |
marko-_- | dreamer | 13:32 |
Itaku | lol | 13:32 |
nzz | hm - for anyone who has an ide cdrom and is running 2.6.27-9-generic, is ide-cd loaded according to lsmod? | 13:36 |
Eutychus | hello again. | 13:39 |
bullgard4 | Does GNOME dodge the term 'file type association' and uses anther term instead? | 13:39 |
mib_kbfmgqbv | Eutychus: hi | 13:39 |
Eutychus | the ubiquity failed and now i just have a black screen with a red X for a cursor. what do i do to get out? | 13:39 |
Aberration | Hey! I need some help to reduce my jack's XRUNS in ubuntu Intrepid with an USB soundcard. I did all the thing I knew (jack's in realtime, I forces 16 bit, I choosed the 48000Hz/3 period setting).... Any help would be very appreciated! | 13:42 |
churl | help! i was running compiz, i deleted it, now my windows dont have borders anymore, (this was fixed by reloading compiz) im not sure what to manually run to bring this back up. (happy birthday to me!!) | 13:42 |
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter | ||
CaMason | Anyone know how to disable line-wrap with the 'less' command? | 13:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | churl, To Reset your Compiz Settings to default: Open a terminal and type compiz --replace cpp & | 13:43 |
Kalamot | hello, I need help with my sound card | 13:44 |
Kalamot | I have a Intel ICH5 but no sound output, can anyone help me ? | 13:44 |
alexb2283 | i'm trying to reinstall a kernel on a chrooted server (finnix livecd) with a crypted rootfs, theoretically everything looks good, but cryptsetup bails with "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab -" and won't do it's magic to get the fs decrypted on boot | 13:44 |
Aberration | Kalamotdid you try to type "alsamixer" in a terminal? | 13:44 |
Aberration | Kalamotor : more simply double click the gnome sound applet | 13:45 |
Kalamot | yes I did | 13:45 |
Aberration | Kalamotyou put all the stuff up? | 13:45 |
Kalamot | everythin ix maxed out and not mutted | 13:45 |
churl | Jack_Sparrow: ive uninstalled compiz, should i reinstall it to fix this issue? | 13:45 |
churl | Jack_Sparrow: (compiz not found) | 13:46 |
Aberration | Kalamot oki doki... try to install "pavucontrol" thanks to synaptic | 13:46 |
Kalamot | most of it was already up i just tryed other possibilities too | 13:46 |
alexb2283 | i just realized that wasn't really a question.... anyway. does anyone know how to make cryptsetup recognize the crypttab (which looks good by the way) | 13:46 |
Aberration | Kalamot it'll show you all the audio streams and where they lead | 13:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | churl, Sounds like you lost window decorations. you can try metacity --replace | 13:47 |
Kalamot | ok will do that and get back to you | 13:47 |
naelphin5 | Sound has stopped working. Ubuntu 8.10 amd64. IT is shown as HDA Intel ALC888. | 13:47 |
ja660k | <Kalamot>: just type in alsamixer into terminal | 13:47 |
naelphin5 | System/pref/sound test just results in random static being played. | 13:47 |
Aberration | ja660khe did that already ^^ | 13:47 |
ja660k | oh, my mistake | 13:48 |
churl | Jack_Sparrow: didnt work (just ran metacity --replace in terminal) | 13:48 |
ataeyan | @ataeyan | 13:48 |
zoobab | test | 13:48 |
nzz | Jack_Sparrow: Do you have an IDE cdrom drive? | 13:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | churl, install compiz and try again | 13:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | nzz, NOt on this box but others ..yes | 13:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | brb busy | 13:48 |
naelphin5 | If I turn it to OSS I get sound, but only from one app a time :/ | 13:49 |
churl | Jack_Sparrow: on my way, wish me luck! | 13:49 |
naelphin5 | card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog] | 13:50 |
naelphin5 | what aplay-l shows up | 13:51 |
leon_ | anyone know, how to clone a terminal session? | 13:51 |
nzz | define clone, and which terminal? | 13:51 |
leon_ | I ssh to a server, i want to clone a term window with same session | 13:52 |
nzz | again: what do you mean? have another terminal that shows the same thing, updating at the same time, etc? | 13:53 |
ja660k | i think he wants 2 ssh open | 13:53 |
leon_ | nzz, you have used SecureCRT on windows? | 13:53 |
leon_ | ja660k, you r right. | 13:53 |
nzz | howlingmadhowie: you were right, it was a kernel thing; there's no ide-cd.ko for 2.6.27-9-generic on my machine; with 2.6.24-21-generic, there is, and I get a /dev/hdb accordingly | 13:54 |
nzz | leon_: uhm, yeah, briefly, about 9 years ago | 13:54 |
SlimeyPete | leon_: just open another terminal and another ssh session... | 13:54 |
Kalamot | Aberration I am back everything is installed | 13:54 |
Kalamot | also might help ? | 13:55 |
SlimeyPete | you can't just clone an SSH session in the same way as CRT lets you, because gnome-terminal is a general terminal i.e. it isn't focussed on SSH. | 13:55 |
leon_ | SlimeyPete, but another need to me logon again, it is complex... | 13:55 |
SlimeyPete | so use an ssh key file | 13:55 |
jrib | leon_: why don't you use screen? | 13:56 |
SlimeyPete | leon_: | 13:56 |
leon_ | SlimeyPete, i have a dyamic password. a new logon operate is very complex | 13:56 |
SlimeyPete | 's a good alternative | 13:56 |
SlimeyPete | just install screen on the server if you can, then SSH in once and run screen, then manage your terminal sessions using screen. | 13:57 |
dapratsta | hey | 13:57 |
Kalamot | Hmm I guess aberration is gone, anyone else can help me ? | 13:57 |
jrib | Kalamot: best to just ask the channel your question. If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you | 13:57 |
leon_ | SlimeyPete, is very complex for me..... | 13:57 |
dapratsta | i need a hand installing Ubunut desktop? | 13:57 |
jrib | leon_: screen is not complex... have you tried it? | 13:57 |
nzz | wb, Jack_Sparrow - my problem ended up being that the newest kernel, 2.6.27-9-generic, doesn't have an ide-cd.ko module; I booted into .24 and it works. | 13:57 |
jrib | dapratsta: be more specific | 13:57 |
leon_ | yes , i try it , i puzzle it | 13:58 |
erUSUL | !details | dapratsta | 13:58 |
ubottu | dapratsta: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 13:58 |
jrib | !screen | leon_ | 13:58 |
ubottu | leon_: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See and | 13:58 |
jrib | leon_: those are good intros | 13:58 |
Kalamot | hello, I need help with my sound card,I have a Intel ICH5 but no sound output, can anyone help me ? also this might help | 13:58 |
dapratsta | i get to the Ubuntu menu, with Try Ubuntu, Install, etc, i enter on Install and it loads up to a brown/orange screen and stops | 13:58 |
jrib | dapratsta: did you run "verify the integrity of the cd" from the cd's boot menu? | 13:59 |
dapratsta | no, its a factory disc from, a physcial disc delivered this morning | 13:59 |
leon_ | jrgp, i can not use screen on server , It is security control server. i can not access it. | 13:59 |
D0minus | dapratsta ... use alternate image of ubuntu | 13:59 |
dapratsta | DOminus: ive tried | 14:00 |
nzz | leon_: you use screen on *your* computer | 14:00 |
jrib | nzz: no, he needs to use it on the server | 14:00 |
alexb2283 | i'm trying to reinstall a kernel on a chrooted server (finnix livecd) with a crypted rootfs, theoretically everything looks good, but cryptsetup bails with "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab -" and won't do it's magic to get the fs decrypted on boot. any ideas ? | 14:00 |
nzz | jrib: ah | 14:00 |
nzz | alexb2283: confirm that the line actually isn't invalid? | 14:01 |
leon_ | nzz, there is a x terminal can be cloned? | 14:01 |
alexb2283 | nzz: no whitespaces, two lines, all clean | 14:01 |
nzz | leon_: I genuinely do not know | 14:01 |
alexb2283 | nzz: that came out wrong. whitespaces where appropriate. no blank lines i mean | 14:01 |
ja660k | maybe xterm | 14:01 |
nzz | alexb2283: does it work on another machine/setup? | 14:02 |
Ghone | dapratsta: what happens if you try the alternate install? | 14:02 |
leon_ | nzz, i got a critical problem. | 14:02 |
ja660k | leon_: actually im pretty sure its xterm... i just dont know how | 14:02 |
nzz | leon_: unfortunately, I neither understand your problem, nor have a solution | 14:02 |
dapratsta | Ghone: same thing | 14:02 |
leon_ | nzz, thank you. | 14:03 |
nzz | leon_: sorry :( | 14:03 |
alexb2283 | nzz: everything worked on this machine until i "accidentally" purged the running kernel and installed another one which wasn't bootable. nothing has changed from the configuration perspective, but i'm forced to reinstall the proper kernel through a livecd (since the installed system won't boot anymore) | 14:04 |
ronny | hi | 14:04 |
tr3nd | How do I install nvidia drivers for my 8600 GT for Ubuntu 8.10 (x64)? | 14:04 |
jrib | tr3nd: system -> administration -> hardware drivers | 14:04 |
erUSUL | tr3nd: Systrem>Admin>Hardware Drivers | 14:04 |
ronny | i got a weitd issue with gstreamer based apps, they stop playback of mp3 streams after each song with a error | 14:04 |
alexb2283 | nzz: i'm chrooted in the installed system and have the basics mounted (/proc /sys /dev /boot) -- the apt-get install for the new kernel works, except for cryptsetup | 14:04 |
D0minus | install system / administrator / driver hardware | 14:05 |
nzz | alexb2283 - hm. Odd :/ | 14:05 |
D0minus | use last release of driver | 14:05 |
schubby | gellen | 14:05 |
schubby | gellen | 14:05 |
ormecuro | can somebody help me about installing ati graphic card on ubuntu 8.10 | 14:05 |
tr3nd | Those drivers doesn't seem to work. | 14:05 |
jrib | !doesn't work | tr3nd | 14:05 |
ubottu | tr3nd: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 14:05 |
D0minus | tr3nd .... get driver | 14:06 |
ronny | anyone got an idea? | 14:06 |
D0minus | last driver for linux | 14:06 |
tr3nd | i tried | 14:06 |
alexb2283 | nzz: | 14:06 |
robert85 | tr3nd which driver version are you trying to use with this card as mine works fine | 14:06 |
squirt33 | Is there a GTK theming channel around anywhere? | 14:06 |
tr3nd | robert85, this one | 14:06 |
robert85 | with either driver and i have the same card but one did give me some issues that the other didn't | 14:07 |
H0rA | ronny: do you have problems with pulseuadio? | 14:07 |
ronny | H0rA: seems to work fine, any way to test to be sure i dont have some weird issue? | 14:07 |
tr3nd | robert85, how do i install that? | 14:07 |
H0rA | ronny: please run: gstreamer-properties and test if your audio setting is ok. | 14:08 |
nzz | alexb2283: hm - can you use boot the server without a livecd after, or not? | 14:08 |
dmsuperm1n | I can't connect to any wireless networks. My Acer Aspire 4530 has an "Atheros AR928X Wireless adapter", and I'm running 64bit. Any ideas? Wired works. | 14:09 |
* oCean_ finally got sound working on gf new laptop :) | 14:09 | |
H0rA | ronny: sometimes pulseaudio hangs. and you dont have sounds. you can switch to alsa to test. | 14:09 |
robert85 | tr3nd why are you trying to install it this way --> use the already disscussed method System menu, Administration, Hardware Drivers | 14:09 |
ronny | H0rA: works fine with both, pulse and alsa | 14:09 |
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robert85 | tr3nd then select the newer driver version 177 | 14:10 |
H0rA | ronny: with apps do you use? | 14:10 |
ronny | tried with rythmbox, totem | 14:10 |
alexb2283 | nzz: humm ? the kernel won't boot if i leave it like that | 14:11 |
tr3nd | robert85, i did, but apps are still slow when i open them | 14:11 |
ronny | works fine with audacious (wich afair does not use gst) | 14:11 |
alexb2283 | nzz: it complains about a missing root device (the rootfs never gets decrypted and therefore never shows up) | 14:11 |
H0rA | ronny: we need some logs. without it's not easy to help you. | 14:11 |
robert85 | tr3nd what do you mean apps are slow when starting, which apps etc, | 14:12 |
H0rA | ronny: usually it should work on a clean ubuntu installation. | 14:12 |
tr3nd | robert85, firefox, terminal, everything... i dont think those drivers are working in hardware drivers. i want to install the one from the nvidia website but have no idea how to run that file | 14:13 |
robert85 | tr3nd - have you enabled Compiz at all this is mainly only candy though | 14:13 |
churl | Jack_Sparrow: had to rm * my .cache/session | 14:13 |
dapratsta | anyone know why my Ubuntu doesnt finish installing? gets to brown/orange screen; stops, then reboots after a couple hours | 14:13 |
tr3nd | robert85, no i haven't | 14:13 |
ronny | H0rA: how can i log that stuff? | 14:13 |
H0rA | ronny: example. run rhythmbox in the console. and you will see the errors. | 14:14 |
yakuz | !brokenmsn | 14:15 |
ubottu | MS upgraded their MSN Messenger servers, causing newest 3rd party clients unable to connect. Workaround for pidgin 2.5.2 users is « sudo apt-get install msn-pecan » Restart pidgin, create an account of type wlm and supply your MSN credentials | 14:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | yakuz, Are you having issues with msn | 14:15 |
robert85 | tr3nd - open term and change directory to the directory where you have saved the downloaded driver | 14:16 |
yakuz | I just installed ubuntu and before I created an account in pidgin i did "sudo apt-get install msn-pecan" but I don't have type wlm in the list. Why? | 14:16 |
tr3nd | robert85, ok | 14:16 |
robert85 | tr3nd once there Sudo su and ur admin password | 14:16 |
su1tan | !hibernate | su1tan | 14:16 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hibernate | 14:16 |
ronny | H0rA: <- whats what i get on startup, very weird | 14:16 |
robert85 | so you will execute the following as root | 14:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | robert85, Please dont suggest sudo su | 14:16 |
tr3nd | robert85, ok | 14:17 |
yakuz | Jack_Sparrow: on another computer I used msn before it broke and then did the msn-pecan thing and It added WLM but not on the fresh install. | 14:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | robert85, Sudo SU: Instead of Sudo SU... Please use sudo -i it properly sets up the environment variable in the resulting shell. | 14:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | tr3nd, See above please | 14:17 |
tr3nd | whats the difference | 14:17 |
robert85 | "sh" or you can get away with "sh NVIDIA*.run" | 14:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | yakuz, WHat version numbers, the newer one will have an issue from what I remember | 14:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | tr3nd, Sudo SU: Instead of Sudo SU... Please use sudo -i it properly sets up the environment variable in the resulting shell. | 14:18 |
yakuz | Jack_Sparrow: 2.5.2 , not the newest | 14:18 |
squirt33 | #winehq | 14:19 |
robert85 | tr3nd the difference has to do with security issues and dangers to the rest of your system and jack is correct it is not the suggested method | 14:19 |
H0rA | ronny: i just google a bit and got some pages with this error message. maybe kernel problem. | 14:19 |
dublpaws | given a text file listing a _slew_ of packages in the form pack1\npack2\n... is there apt-get switch to read the file and install them all? | 14:19 |
tr3nd | robert85, You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at | 14:19 |
tr3nd | i get this error | 14:19 |
FloodBot1 | tr3nd: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:19 |
robert85 | His method is a better one all together | 14:19 |
ronny | H0rA: twisted is a weird python lib (on my peronal hate list) | 14:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | yakuz, were you able to install pecan? | 14:19 |
H0rA | ronny: i search with this string: Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Could not open device /dev/radio0 | 14:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | robert85, ty | 14:20 |
yakuz | Jack_Sparrow: maybe I need to make apt-get update first? | 14:20 |
ronny | H0rA: i have no tuners, so that looks ok | 14:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | yakuz, cant hurt | 14:20 |
tr3nd | robert85, i got error about x server | 14:20 |
H0rA | ronny: it seems a big problem. i can't help you now. good luck. | 14:20 |
squirt33 | Package installer is frozen in the middle of an install! | 14:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info msn-pecan | 14:21 |
ubottu | msn-pecan (source: msn-pecan): Alternative MSN protocol plugin for libpurple. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.16-1 (intrepid), package size 112 kB, installed size 416 kB | 14:21 |
yakuz | Jack_Sparrow: it worked out.. | 14:21 |
yakuz | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 14:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | yakuz, no problem | 14:21 |
silv3r_m00n | hi there .. i am looking for some graphics software for linx | 14:21 |
sdfjhjk | !list | 14:22 |
silv3r_m00n | apart from gimp and krita | 14:22 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 14:22 |
tr3nd | robert85, what should i do next? | 14:22 |
erUSUL | silv3r_m00n: image retouching ? | 14:22 |
dublpaws | silv3r_m00n: inkscape | 14:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | sdfjhjk, We dont have files for you | 14:22 |
erUSUL | silv3r_m00n: you know graphic software is a broad term | 14:22 |
squirt33 | Package installer is frozen in the middle of an install! What do I do? | 14:22 |
dublpaws | a nice vector prog in the vein of adobe illustrator | 14:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, Wait | 14:22 |
silv3r_m00n | erUSUL: a photoshop alternative or may be something like gimp which allows for drawing shapes and resizing them easily | 14:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | silv3r_m00n, gimpshop but you will need to find that on your own | 14:23 |
erUSUL | silv3r_m00n: well a vector graphics software con do that inkscape or xaraxl | 14:23 |
robert85 | tr3nd - have you downloaded | 14:23 |
tr3nd | robert85, yes | 14:24 |
silv3r_m00n | Jack_Sparrow: gimshop is not there or i didnt get the right version for ubuntu 8.04 ... | 14:24 |
paul68 | hi I when connecting my laptop at work I'm behind a proxy however when I am at home I work without a proxy, is there a way to create a script that connect my laptop at work through the proxy and when working at home without proxy? | 14:24 |
robin0800 | dublpaws: Blender is a 3d modeling program in the vein of 3D Studio Max and Maya but ... that rivals Adobe Illustrator in terms of both functionality and features. ... | 14:24 |
dublpaws | robin0800: not sure what you're getting at | 14:24 |
H0rA | ronny: i just read, that some guys had this problem after upgrade to kernel 2.6.27-9. One guy installed intrepid completely new and it worked again. | 14:25 |
marta_ | hello | 14:25 |
paul68 | !hi|marta_ | 14:26 |
ubottu | marta_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 14:26 |
marta_ | thanks | 14:26 |
ubuntu__ | hello | 14:26 |
robin0800 | dublpaws: Blender is a linux application ......this from a google search using your phrase | 14:26 |
marta_ | Hi paul | 14:26 |
H0rA | !hi|H0rA | 14:26 |
ubottu | H0rA, please see my private message | 14:26 |
paul68 | BlueEagle: happy new year my friend how are you? | 14:27 |
ronny | H0rA: hmk, backup nightmare for me ;P | 14:27 |
dublpaws | robin0800: using blender for 2D illustration would be like amputating an arm and eating it for lunch. | 14:27 |
H0rA | ronny: why? i always backup with partimage before i upgrade my system. it is easy. | 14:28 |
paul68 | hi when connecting my laptop at work I'm behind a proxy however when I am at home I work without a proxy, is there a way to create a script that connect my laptop at work through the proxy and when working at home without proxy? | 14:28 |
tr3nd | Anyone know how to install Nvidia drivers for Ubuntu 8.10 x64 | 14:29 |
ronny | H0rA: dell factory partitoning, ie root + home on the same partition | 14:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | !home | 14:29 |
ubottu | Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: | 14:29 |
jrib | tr3nd: I told you, use System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers... | 14:29 |
etech | hi, is there 64bit ubuntu faster than the 32bit ubuntu? | 14:29 |
tr3nd | jrib, i want to install from the website | 14:30 |
jrib | tr3nd: why? It's better to use the repositories | 14:30 |
etech | in system respon(when clicking ...) | 14:30 |
ronny | Jack_Sparrow: i grew to a few hundred gigabytes | 14:30 |
Heliodor | etech: not faster, but it can handle more memory. | 14:30 |
H0rA | ronny: ah. ok. it's a good idea to sepperate your home folder to a new partition. | 14:30 |
squirt33 | Package installer had been rozen for multiple minutes now, and I can't force quit. What now? | 14:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | etech, Not by much, easier for you to use 32 unless you need to use more than 4 gigs of ram | 14:30 |
tr3nd | jrib: because its better | 14:30 |
jrib | squirt33: what is it installing? | 14:30 |
etech | so the working feeling is the same? | 14:30 |
jrib | tr3nd: correct, repositories are better, so use them | 14:30 |
etech | i have 2gb ram | 14:31 |
Heliodor | etech: yes, but things are missing, like java plugin | 14:31 |
tr3nd | jrib: no, i want to run the file on the website | 14:31 |
jrib | tr3nd: better and *easier* | 14:31 |
ronny | H0rA: i know, i just was in a rush when i got the laptop | 14:31 |
etech | ok | 14:31 |
jrib | !nvidia > tr3nd | 14:31 |
ubottu | tr3nd, please see my private message | 14:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | etech, 32 bit | 14:31 |
failfailtroll | kick me i is a troll | 14:31 |
ronny | and once the mess is done migration is HELL | 14:31 |
jrib | tr3nd: read what ubottu sent you then | 14:31 |
failfailtroll | kick kick kick kick | 14:31 |
ronny | hmm | 14:31 |
H0rA | ronny: i know this problem :) we are always in rush ;-) | 14:31 |
squirt33 | jrib: A wine package (older - there is a regression) and the system doesn't even see it. This also happened while trying to install gnomenu (they have current complied packages). | 14:32 |
paul68 | is it possible to create a script that connects me automaticly to the proxy server at work and to my normal internet connection at home (without proxy) and if so how to do it | 14:32 |
jrib | squirt33: what do you mean "the system doesn't even see it"? | 14:32 |
silv3r_m00n | will a .deb debian package run fine in ubuntu ? | 14:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | paul68, Writing custom scripts for things like that are beyond the scope of this support channel.. perhaps /join #bash | 14:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | !debian | 14:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 14:33 |
jrib | silv3r_m00n: not necessarily. Use the ubuntu repositories | 14:33 |
paul68 | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 14:33 |
squirt33 | jrib: Not showing up using ps aux or the system manager (package installer running as a process). | 14:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 14:33 |
burkmat | !cluster | 14:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cluster | 14:33 |
jrib | squirt33: what do you see on your screen now? | 14:33 |
squirt33 | A greyed out packe installer and a ungrayed out 'installing package file" that has it's progress bar frozen and is totally unresponsive. | 14:34 |
CyL | I can't type local characters on Ubunt, how do I make this work? | 14:34 |
Peleus | Hi all, I've installed scrible but decided I don't like it, what's the command to uninstall it? (used sudo aptitude install scribble to get it on) | 14:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, Is this a fresh install | 14:35 |
squirt33 | Cyl: Try language support in the adminstration menu | 14:35 |
jrib | Peleus: sudo aptitude remove scribble | 14:35 |
=== dummy is now known as Handsome35 | ||
jrib | !apt > Peleus | 14:35 |
ubottu | Peleus, please see my private message | 14:35 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: Nope, upgraded from 8.04 a couple of days ago. | 14:35 |
Peleus | Thank you | 14:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, Were there any unsupported repos in your sources.list | 14:36 |
CyL | squirt33: I guess that will help a lot, I was looking for such an option in the preferences menu, thanks | 14:36 |
burkmat | Does anyone have any suggestions, links or resources when it comes to clustering a couple of Ubuntu-boxes? | 14:36 |
kak | ciao | 14:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, They can hurt you when you upgrade | 14:36 |
kak | !list | 14:36 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 14:36 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: Only the wine repo, and it was disabled first. | 14:36 |
BlueEagle | paul68: Happy new year to you to. I'm good, thanks. How about yourself? Please join me in #ubuntu-offtopic to continue this discussion. :) | 14:36 |
Peleus | Night all, thanks for your help | 14:37 |
silv3r_m00n | Jack_Sparrow: using gimpshop its easy to draw shapes ? | 14:37 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: Just launched software sources to look for more and now it's frozen too. | 14:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | silv3r_m00n, I think it is just more of a skin for gim that puts the commands where photoshop people are used to seeing them | 14:38 |
silv3r_m00n | Jack_Sparrow: yes | 14:38 |
squirt33 | silv3r_m00n: It's a hack, personally one that I find doesn't work | 14:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, That sounds like your problem area.. do it from a term gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 14:39 |
=== The-Compiler is now known as Marguerida | ||
lyricaldogg | HI everyone: anyone using StudioUbuntu | 14:39 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: It's HUGE! Want a pastebin? | 14:39 |
daredevilthere | Hey i installed usplash and changed it from update-alternatives but when i reboot its not working ? | 14:40 |
energY | How do I get dyndns on ubuntu? | 14:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, Not really.. clean it up :) Im a bit busy | 14:40 |
jrib | energY: not sure what you mean by that.... ddclient is a program that will update your ip with the dns service if that's what you want | 14:40 |
erUSUL | energY: apt-cache search dyndns | 14:40 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: What should come out? | 14:41 |
energY | jrib: I want to be able to acess my ubuntu even know it uses an dynamic ip. | 14:41 |
sipior | energY: have a look at ez-ipupdate. supports most dyndns providers. | 14:41 |
jrib | energY: then setup an account with dyndns and use ddclient or the other programs suggested | 14:41 |
energY | solid_liq: A lot of setup? | 14:41 |
energY | I need the least amount of effort thing. | 14:42 |
jrib | energY: you're asked for you account and password info and that's it... | 14:42 |
zlatangoal | hi | 14:42 |
VilasBoas | Hy i have a laptop Fujitsu-Siemens V5515 where i put ubuntu 8.10 with the Modem ZTE MF620. | 14:42 |
VilasBoas | My problem is that the Modem ZTE MF620 is working perfectly but when i update my ubuntu 8.10 it's stop working, the ubuntu can find the modem but can't establish the connection to the internet :( | 14:42 |
VilasBoas | Does anyone know how to restore the inicial configuration of the connection to internet???? | 14:42 |
energY | jrib: It will just continue to run forever? | 14:42 |
FloodBot1 | VilasBoas: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:42 |
jrib | energY: ddclient will update your ip when it needs to | 14:43 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: Everything is commented out except for the current repos already. | 14:43 |
VilasBoas | can anyone help me please ;) | 14:43 |
zlatangoal | i have 1 problem with installation of WRATH OF THE LICH KING expansion of WOW please help me | 14:43 |
energY | jrib: For ever? | 14:43 |
sipior | energY: no, eventually the Sun will die. | 14:44 |
=== lmr_ is now known as lmr[lunch] | ||
Heliodor | What is the name of the wine exta tools package? | 14:44 |
Heliodor | Cant remember. | 14:44 |
zlatangoal | can you help me? | 14:45 |
mgolisch | what extra tools? | 14:45 |
Heliodor | The help thingie. | 14:45 |
Heliodor | With fonts and stuff | 14:45 |
mgolisch | Heliodor: oh, winedoors? | 14:46 |
mgolisch | playonlinux? | 14:46 |
CyL | I've just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my system and is says me I have to install almost 250 mbytes of security updates, is this correct? | 14:46 |
mapreduce | Hi. gnome-terminal appears to be swallowing Ctrl-s rather than sending it to applications. Any suggestions? | 14:46 |
fosco__ | CyL: yes, maybe | 14:47 |
sipior | zlatangoal: this isn't really a forum for blizzard games. you might try the forums run by the Cedega folks. | 14:47 |
Heliodor | mgolisch: thanks!! | 14:47 |
CyL | fosco_: does ubuntu lists only the updates needed by my system? | 14:47 |
dmsuperm1n | I can't connect to any wireless networks. My Acer Aspire 4530 has an "Atheros AR928X Wireless adapter", and I'm running 64bit. Any ideas? Wired works. | 14:47 |
zlatangoal | ok but i want install with wine and i cant | 14:47 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: yes | 14:47 |
CyL | lyricaldogg: thanks | 14:48 |
daredevilthere | Hey i installed usplash and changed it from update-alternatives but when i reboot its not working ? | 14:48 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: mos of your apt-get will do everything for you, such as autoclean, autoremove and purge | 14:49 |
Heliodor | Hum, python seem to be installed but i cant run the python file anyway. | 14:50 |
Heliodor | do it need specific permission? | 14:51 |
lseeo1 | how did you run it? | 14:51 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
Heliodor | ./ | 14:51 |
fosco__ | python | 14:51 |
ja660k | heliodor: chmod +a | 14:51 |
ja660k | i think | 14:51 |
dou213 | Hi, my linux distro isn’t recognising the wlan0… what do to? | 14:51 |
lseeo1 | python | 14:51 |
Heliodor | Ah :) | 14:51 |
Heliodor | Thank you !! | 14:51 |
lseeo1 | or you need chmod. | 14:51 |
ja660k | or you need #!/usr/bin/python to tell ./ what its compiling | 14:52 |
VilasBoas | can anyone tell me how to put the network manager with the original configuration of the ubuntu 8.10? | 14:52 |
simplexio | Heliodor: chmod +x file; then you cant execute it ./file else bash/python/perl/whatever is needed to front | 14:52 |
ja660k | how can i get iptables to list all open ports? | 14:53 |
Heliodor | simplexio: Thank you, that is good to know! | 14:53 |
dmsuperm1n | I can't connect to any wireless networks. My Acer Aspire 4530 has an "Atheros AR928X Wireless adapter", and I'm running 64bit. Any ideas? Wired works. | 14:53 |
lyricaldogg | dmsupermln: sounds like alot of hand work | 14:54 |
Heliodor | Hum, i installed winedoors from the file but there is no shortcut to start it | 14:55 |
Heliodor | perhaps there is none? | 14:55 |
sipior | ja660k: running "sudo netstat -antup" will show all open ports on your system, and the responsible processes. | 14:55 |
=== dmsuperm1n is now known as dmsuperman | ||
exoticorn | dmsuperman: have you seen which points to ? | 14:56 |
ja660k | ah thanks | 14:56 |
whitedox | What's that one program that configures your X file? | 14:57 |
n0r | !usage | 14:57 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 14:57 |
n0r | !help | 14:57 |
ja660k | whitedox, edit .xdefaults | 14:57 |
naxeh | ? ubuntu | 14:58 |
naxeh | :/ | 14:58 |
whitedox | ja660k, is that the program name? | 14:58 |
baz | hey what sql client do u guys use? I want to connect to a remote MSSQL db - usually i used management studio... | 14:58 |
naxeh | !ubuntu | 14:58 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 14:58 |
n0r | Hello averybody | 14:58 |
naxeh | !windows | 14:59 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubottu equivalents | 14:59 |
n0r | I need help who can help me? | 14:59 |
n0r | :) | 14:59 |
naxeh | !ballmer | 14:59 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ballmer | 14:59 |
baz | n0r, what do u need | 14:59 |
ja660k | n0r: just ask question | 14:59 |
dmsuperman | exoticorn: I'd prefer to avoid ndiswrapper if possible | 14:59 |
n0r | 1 sec | 15:00 |
mwagner_ | dmsuperman: apparently it's working in 8.10 | 15:00 |
lyricaldogg | !sex | 15:00 |
mwagner_ | | 15:00 |
ubottu | Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) | 15:00 |
dayo_ | ubottu: don't be such a prude :P | 15:00 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:00 |
Heliodor | LoLs | 15:00 |
n0r | baz ja660k [~] # uname -a | 15:01 |
n0r | Linux NAS-Teacher #2 Thu Nov 1 03:31:14 CST 2007 armv5tejl unknown | 15:01 |
n0r | [~] # cat /etc/issue | 15:01 |
n0r | Welcome to QNAP Systems Inc,. Marvell( development environment. | 15:01 |
n0r | [~] # | 15:01 |
FloodBot1 | n0r: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:01 |
n0r | i need to adduser | 15:01 |
mwagner_ | dmsuperman: 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) improved WLAN support a lot. Also managed to get my UMTS card working | 15:01 |
ormecuro | i can not get sound from my rear speakers ,need help | 15:01 |
evowill | !adduser | n0r | 15:02 |
ubottu | n0r: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 15:02 |
dmsuperman | mwagner_: I'm using Intrepid | 15:02 |
Heliodor | Ah... needed to be root of course | 15:02 |
dmsuperman | I can't connect to or see any wireless networks. My Acer Aspire 4530 has an "Atheros AR928X Wireless adapter", and I'm running 64bit. Any ideas? Wired works. | 15:02 |
Heliodor | There should be a warning about that in wine-doors i think | 15:02 |
n0r | :> | 15:03 |
evowill | dmsuperman, what release | 15:03 |
root___ | hjf | 15:03 |
trancefat | hi all. how do i install a deb package? | 15:03 |
dmsuperman | evowill: 8.10 | 15:03 |
maxbaldwin | trancefat: dpkg -i <package> | 15:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | trancefat, Hopefully not a deb from the Debian repos.. but normally just double clickit | 15:03 |
lseeo1 | dpkg -i | 15:03 |
evowill | dmsuperman, hmm, let me check, that might be the same one I did not too long ago | 15:04 |
mwagner_ | You can check using "sudo hwlist" if it claims a driver | 15:04 |
root___ | , | 15:04 |
root___ | , | 15:04 |
trancefat | Jack_Sparrow: It is a program I downloaded called mydiary | 15:04 |
root___ | , | 15:04 |
FloodBot1 | root___: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:04 |
Ward1983 | !vpn | 15:04 |
ubottu | From more information on vpn please refer to | 15:04 |
Ward1983 | gaming vpn? :s | 15:05 |
FloodBot1 | root___: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:05 |
whitedox | What's the program that helps you configure your xorg.conf? | 15:05 |
sarmisak | hi all | 15:05 |
FloodBot1 | root___: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:05 |
mwagner_ | whitedox: dpkg-reconfigure-xorg-server or something like this | 15:05 |
Ward1983 | jesus christ | 15:05 |
shubbar | i have a process thats consuming 50% of CPU and when i try to kill it, System Monitor closes | 15:05 |
naxeh | !flood | 15:05 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 15:05 |
dmsuperman | mwagner_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 15:06 |
Ward1983 | is there anything about a normal VPN that NOT uses IPX....? | 15:06 |
maxbaldwin | Ward1983: language. :| | 15:06 |
Ghone | shubbar is that process the system monitor? | 15:06 |
Ward1983 | hahaha since when is that a bad word??? | 15:06 |
mwagner_ | ah okay | 15:06 |
dmsuperman | evowill: Any ideas? | 15:06 |
dmsuperman | maxbaldwin: He use any foul language | 15:06 |
naxeh | !sex | 15:07 |
ubottu | Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) | 15:07 |
=== jmworx_ is now known as jmworx | ||
Jack_Sparrow | Ward1983, taken in vain.. always | 15:07 |
shubbar | Ghone, its ccpd, i think its for the printer "cups common ... | 15:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | naxeh, Stop | 15:07 |
naxeh | jack ;) | 15:07 |
Ward1983 | Jack_Sparrow, lol its just very funny with this word (relegious word starting with j and ending with s lol) | 15:07 |
n0r | !adduser | 15:07 |
ubottu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 15:07 |
Ward1983 | Jack_Sparrow, no offense meant but its just funny | 15:08 |
maxbaldwin | Ward1983: I'm sure there christians that take offense to that. | 15:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 15:08 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 15:08 |
shubbar | Ghone, when i try to close or kill any process, System Monitor closes | 15:08 |
sipior | Ward1983: just do what i do, and swear by Arioch the Thrice-Damned. No one's ever heard of him... | 15:08 |
Delvien | m | 15:08 |
The_ManU_212 | hi | 15:08 |
maxbaldwin | Ward1983: it's a support channel, not for offtopic chitchat. It drags away from the help. | 15:08 |
dmsuperman | sipior: Take it to -offtopic | 15:08 |
maxbaldwin | hello The_ManU_212 | 15:09 |
Ward1983 | is there anything about a normal VPN that NOT uses IPX....? | 15:09 |
sipior | dmsuperman: i'll thank you not to waste my time, friend. | 15:09 |
maxbaldwin | do you need some help with anything, The_ManU_212 | 15:09 |
Ward1983 | !vpn is about IPC | 15:09 |
dmsuperman | sipior: And I'll thank you not to waste the time of those in here | 15:09 |
dmsuperman | sipior: So again, take it to offtopic | 15:09 |
Jeruvy | Ward1983: what vpn are you using? | 15:09 |
The_ManU_212 | i use hardy heron, i want to view a video signal from composite of my tv card and the soudn with spdif, sound works, but i have no videooutput, the vdieo output works with xawtv, the sound doesnt | 15:09 |
Ward1983 | Jeruvy, none im trying to find out my options | 15:10 |
The_ManU_212 | anyone can help? | 15:10 |
evowill | dmsuperman, not the same one, thank goodness as it was a nightmare | 15:10 |
The_ManU_212 | maxbaldwin: yeah | 15:10 |
evowill | dmsuperman, give me a few min, and I will PM you | 15:10 |
frostburn | Ward1983, use openvpn or ipsec | 15:10 |
trancefat | Hi, i installed a deb package and it installed successfully.. it shows in the applications menu but when i click it, it doesnt start... | 15:11 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, any major difference between them that can be important? | 15:11 |
Ward1983 | in choosing | 15:11 |
frostburn | many | 15:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | trancefat, Doesnt sound like a successful install to me | 15:11 |
evowill | trancefat, try running it from the terminal | 15:11 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, damn i was hoping for one :p | 15:11 |
* Ward1983 googles | 15:11 | |
trancefat | evowill: ok | 15:11 |
Ward1983 | oh oops i didnt mean to say that | 15:11 |
Ward1983 | entered before i noticed | 15:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | trancefat, What is the name of the package and where did you get it | 15:12 |
frostburn | Ward1983, see | 15:12 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, thanx | 15:12 |
maxbaldwin | The_ManU_212:, I can't help you, I've never worked with that. You could probably try and come across someone who can help | 15:12 |
trancefat | Jack_Sparrow: it is the same thing I was installing some time ago... mydiary and i got it from its site | 15:12 |
Kartagis | how to reinstall package after applying a patch? | 15:12 |
trancefat | Jack_Sparrow: it is a python app and python seems to be installed on this machine | 15:12 |
The_ManU_212 | is there a vlc channel? | 15:13 |
gonewestcoast | The_ManU_212: #videolan | 15:14 |
dmsuperman | evowill: Thanks :) | 15:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | trancefat, The site says for ubuntu, but it does not work in ubuntu, so there must be some dependency issue etc | 15:15 |
trancefat | evowill: i tried running the app from the terminal and it said File "/usr/share/myDiary/", line 17, in <module> | 15:15 |
trancefat | import gtkspell | 15:15 |
Kai_Itaho | hello, how can I disable the keyring from keep asking me for a password for my wireless connection? | 15:15 |
=== archivator is now known as Guest73098 | ||
eric2323223 | :) | 15:15 |
trancefat | Jack_Sparrow: yeah, it said it is some ImportError of gtkspell | 15:15 |
trancefat | Jack_Sparrow: File "/usr/share/myDiary/", line 17, in <module> | 15:15 |
trancefat | import gtkspell | 15:15 |
whitedox | When trying to file > save my xorg.conf, it says I don't haver permission. How to do this? | 15:16 |
Kai_Itaho | can the wireless connection remember my password instead of asking for it everytime I relog? | 15:16 |
=== Guest73098 is now known as archivator | ||
methods | how do i block a package from being selected for updating in update manager ? | 15:17 |
Kartagis | whitedox, what program are you using to edit it? | 15:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | trancefat, SO there are unsatisfied dependencies in that deb you got from an unsupported source. Please let them know it does not work | 15:17 |
The_ManU_212 | thx gonewestcoast | 15:17 |
whitedox | Kartagis, gedit | 15:17 |
Dean | methods: if using update-manager then just uncheck it | 15:17 |
Heliodor | Euum... | 15:17 |
Dean | methods: otherwisee look at | 15:18 |
Heliodor | Is Wine-Doors _supposed_ to install Dreamweaver 8 free??? | 15:18 |
methods | Dean: how do i make it stop showing up forever | 15:18 |
Kartagis | whitedox, use sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 15:18 |
whitedox | mmk | 15:18 |
Heliodor | Ah... | 15:18 |
Heliodor | Now it asks :) | 15:18 |
sipior | Kai_Itaho: this might prove useful to you: | 15:18 |
Dean | methods: | 15:19 |
=== Maharaja2 is now known as Maharaja | ||
Dean | dean: use apt pinning | 15:19 |
baz | I am looking for a replacement to microsoft management studio - basically any *good* client to connect to an MS-SQL Server... | 15:19 |
Kartagis | how to reinstall package after applying a patch? dpkg-reconfigure? | 15:19 |
Dean | methods: edit /etc/apt/preferences | 15:19 |
Dean | methods: then add these lines | 15:20 |
Dean | methods: Package: <package> | 15:20 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, any idea if there are options when we cannot port-forward? | 15:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | !lamp | 15:20 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 15:20 |
evowill | dmsuperman, trancefat I sent you messages | 15:20 |
Dean | Pin: version <current version> | 15:20 |
frostburn | Ward1983, what's that? Can I get some context | 15:20 |
etech | what is the best way to install nvidia 180.22 on intrepid? | 15:21 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, my friend is a bit stupid and he cannot forward ports... | 15:21 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, so i need to findout what is going on | 15:21 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, hamachi maybe? | 15:21 |
Ward1983 | (used that once a long time ago) | 15:21 |
DarkKnight | can anyone tell me how to convert a png file to a jpg file | 15:21 |
Dean | methods: see man apt_preferences for more information | 15:21 |
Dean | !man | 15:21 |
ubottu | The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see | 15:21 |
Dean | !apt | 15:22 |
ubottu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 15:22 |
frostburn | Ward1983, I don't know what's going on, is ubuntu being used as a firewall? | 15:22 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, nono i mean on his router :) | 15:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | DarkKnight, I would think gimp could do that | 15:22 |
methods | Dean: I'm reading it | 15:22 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, ca cannot manage to forward ports, but he did it right i saw a screenie, but i need to findout what is going on over VNC | 15:22 |
etech | shouldi use the nvidia installer or is there a deb for nvidia driver 180.22? | 15:23 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, so i was hoping to use a VPN to bypass hes router to find out whats wrong | 15:23 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, but openVPN needs a UDP port forwarded i see | 15:23 |
jrib | etech: 180.11 is in the repositories | 15:23 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, i hope its clear now? | 15:23 |
Flynsarmy | I have an NTFS partition. when i do a sudo chown $USER webpage/ the folder doesn't change from being owned by 'root'. how do i fix this? | 15:23 |
Kai_Itaho | thank you sipior =] | 15:23 |
etech | jrib: but i search 180.22 :) | 15:24 |
DarkKnight | Jack_Sparrow; hey worked... | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ward1983, Understood, but the questions are common from a person that is using a connection that is not his | 15:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | DarkKnight, great | 15:24 |
superdump | when using nautilus to connect to a samba share, where is it mounted? | 15:24 |
Ward1983 | Jack_Sparrow, how can i setup a VPN on his computer??? thats impossible.... | 15:24 |
Dean | Flynsarmy: ntfs does not use UNIX permissions | 15:25 |
Ward1983 | Jack_Sparrow, im talking to him on IM and he will setup his part of the VPN and i will do mine | 15:25 |
Cernunnos | #wesnoth | 15:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ward1983, You will need port forwarding | 15:25 |
Flynsarmy | Dean, so i can't share any folders on that partition? | 15:25 |
Ward1983 | Jack_Sparrow, damn | 15:25 |
CyL | How can I get input for local symbols in ubuntu? | 15:25 |
Rioting_pacifist | where do you edit toolbars in gnome/gnumeric? (is there a better place to ask about gnumeric?) | 15:25 |
Ward1983 | Jack_Sparrow, its his conenction his stupid router just wont work, and apperantly hes unable to solve it himself | 15:26 |
tangfulin | what you guys talking about? | 15:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ward1983, Very simple to setup. if you have the admin account password on the router | 15:26 |
frostburn | Ward1983, you can create a VPN tunnel with only one side that forwards ports | 15:26 |
lyricaldogg | Hi everyone: what is the best server for Ubutnu Hardy Heron? | 15:26 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, aha thats nice | 15:26 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, with openvpn i presume? | 15:26 |
frostburn | uyes | 15:26 |
sipior | lyricaldogg: server for what, exactly? | 15:26 |
Flynsarmy | Is there any way to share a folder in an NTFS partition? | 15:27 |
lyricaldogg | sipior: general ...... | 15:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Flynsarmy, share in what way with ubuntu.. yes | 15:27 |
lyricaldogg | sipior: files as well as a mail server and web pages host | 15:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !lamp | 15:27 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 15:27 |
Flynsarmy | Jack_Sparrow, i have an NTFS partition on my ubuntu machine. i want to make it so ppl on other PCs (running windows) can view certain folders on that partition | 15:27 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, aha thanx again ill read on then :) | 15:27 |
CyL | How do I type accents in ubuntu without changing it's default language from englich? | 15:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Flynsarmy, Samba | 15:28 |
CyL | *english | 15:28 |
Flynsarmy | Jack_Sparrow, that's what i'm using. i right clicked - properties on one of the ntfs folders and tried to share it. said i didnt own the folder. i cant chown it either | 15:28 |
kitche | CyL: change your keyboard layout to En-intel if your keyboard supports international or you know the keys that you need to press to get said accent | 15:29 |
sipior | CyL: try enabling deadkeys in your Keyboard preference dialogue. there are a number of keystroke combinations that allow you to construct a wide variety of accents. | 15:29 |
Dean | Flynsarmy: you can set the owner on mount | 15:29 |
CyL | kitche: already tried this, but still no accents at alll | 15:29 |
Flynsarmy | Dean they're auto-mounted on boot i think. i used ntfs-config to do it | 15:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Flynsarmy, Im a bit busy but, you should be able to set the permission on the mount point or in fstab depending on how all you have it mounting up | 15:29 |
uni4dfx | how do i get EHCI to recognize my external hdd? | 15:30 |
methods | Dean what do i have to do to put it into affect ? | 15:31 |
CyL | sipior: there isn't such an option in my keyboard preferences windows. | 15:32 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, im looking at this: | 15:32 |
squirt33 | Every time I try to install or remove a package the window freezes and I get error messages. | 15:32 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, but it doesnt speak of where to safve the configurations? | 15:32 |
Dean | Flynsarmy: in /etc/fstab you put this: | 15:32 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, do you have any idea? | 15:32 |
frostburn | Ward1983, i've never used openvpn on ubuntu, i've only used it on freebsd | 15:33 |
frostburn | im assuming /etc/ =p | 15:33 |
squirt33 | Every time I try to install or remove a package the window freezes and I get error messages. What do I do? | 15:33 |
Ward1983 | frostburn, theres only a script in there lol | 15:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | !aptfix | 15:33 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 15:33 |
Dean | Flyn's army: <windows_part> <mount/point> ntfs-3g, uid=<your uid>,umask=0022 | 15:33 |
sipior | CyL: System->Preferences->Keyboard Preferences. Try Layout Options, and set up a compose key. it's possible the names are slightly off--i'm not sitting at a linux box at the moment. | 15:34 |
lyricaldogg | Cyl: what Os are you using ? | 15:34 |
Dean | Flynsarmy: except change it to the real name of the partition | 15:34 |
CyL | lyricaldogg: ubuntu 8.10 | 15:34 |
Heliodor | What now! My international keyboard keys just stoped working! | 15:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, One of those things you installed manually or from the extra repos that were added probably came back to bite you as often happens when you upgrade your release | 15:34 |
Heliodor | äöå | 15:34 |
Heliodor | What the! | 15:34 |
Heliodor | Now its working again | 15:34 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: press Alt Gr the the @ the the a .. what's the output? | 15:35 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: Well what happened is that I kept trying to install wine, but then it froze, and I had to reboot. Now it won't uninstall. | 15:35 |
CyL | ² | 15:35 |
caboose-sm | can someone tell me how to format drives in ubuntu, i need to format an external hd | 15:35 |
CyL | á | 15:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, I assume the latest wine and not the one from our repos.. | 15:35 |
lyricaldogg | Cyl: is that what you wanted? | 15:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, gparted | 15:36 |
caboose-sm | how do i launch that ? | 15:36 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: yeah, the people over at wine told me to. Actually, the last wine, then took that off, and then tried to do various older ones, which is where I had an issue. | 15:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, verify that it is installed | 15:36 |
CyL | lyricaldogg: not exactly, to get an á I would like to type an acute, then an "a", and only then get the á displayed | 15:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, Time to restore from backup. THe people in wine always say you need the latest. | 15:37 |
Yann6 | How can I reinstall all pakages? | 15:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | !clone | 15:37 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 15:37 |
CyL | sipior: I'm here you said to, but it doesn't seems to have an option to get composed keys | 15:37 |
rakesh | i hav prblm in net connection everytime it disconnected due to modem hangup ?how can i fix this? | 15:38 |
jrib | Yann6: why? There isn't usually much point | 15:38 |
Dean | methods: install apt-show-versions; then do apt-show-versions -p <package-name> | 15:38 |
caboose-sm | is there any linux support for RAZER mouse ? | 15:38 |
rakesh | is there support in net connection? | 15:39 |
Yann6 | jrib: I changed a lot of things and now I wan the progs to be as they were... | 15:39 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: what i do myself because i write in Portuguese is, get them from the combination that i gave you like Alt Gr + : the e= é then you can get all the others around it with the same combination from the other keys around it äãáâà | 15:39 |
The_ManU_212 | how to get a vlc 9.x version in hardy heron? | 15:39 |
sipior | CyL: might be labelled a bit differently. play around, it should be in there somewhere. i wish i could be a bit more specific, but i have no access to gnome just right now :-) | 15:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | Yann6, reinstall or restore from a backup | 15:39 |
rakesh | i hav prblm in net connection everytime it disconnected due to modem hangup ?how can i fix this? | 15:40 |
caboose-sm | i am looking for drivers for my Razer mouse, can someone help | 15:40 |
=== tyfoo2 is now known as tyfoo | ||
methods | Dean: yea but the little download icon is still in my systray trying to upgrade it | 15:40 |
shankhs | hi | 15:40 |
caboose-sm | Jack_Sparrow, i installed gparted, how do i use it now | 15:41 |
Dean | methods: then put this in your /etc/apt/preferences | 15:41 |
Dean | | 15:41 |
methods | Dean i have it i nthere | 15:41 |
Dean | methods: using the information you got | 15:41 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: any good? | 15:41 |
Dean | methods: OK then sudo apt-get update | 15:41 |
CyL | sipior, lyricaldogg: thanks guys, I got what I wanted to, the problem is that I was using layout "US International (Alt GR dead keys" instead of "US International (with dead keys)" | 15:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, system..admin..partition editor | 15:41 |
Dean | methods: that should fix it | 15:41 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: WHat backup? I upgraded two days ago - I don't have one | 15:41 |
caboose-sm | okay thks | 15:41 |
methods | :] ! | 15:41 |
CyL | lyricaldogg: have you this this layout? I also type in portuguese and I think it is much simpler this way | 15:42 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: you are welcome | 15:42 |
methods | stupid v4l | 15:42 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: No one ever told me to backup...Is there any way to fix this? | 15:42 |
methods | broke my camera | 15:42 |
Flynsarmy | How do i get my uid? | 15:42 |
oCean_ | Flynsarmy: type "id" | 15:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, save /var/cache/apt/archives then restore your last backup in old release and upgrade again | 15:43 |
caboose-sm | Jack_Sparrow, the format option is grayed out for my external hd, what should i do ? | 15:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, Unmount it | 15:43 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: i never tryed that one but i guess i am used to the one i use, but hey, one day i will have a go | 15:43 |
caboose-sm | Jack_Sparrow, ntfs is grayed out should i do fat32 then ntfs ? | 15:44 |
CyL | lyricaldogg: where are your from? this input method I prefer to use is what is used for most OSes when you type in portuguese.. | 15:44 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: I don't have one - I've been wicked busy and have't had time. | 15:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, delete the existing partition and let it actually do it, then see if you can ntfs the drive | 15:45 |
uni4dfx | nvm, found the problem... my mobo doesn't support usb2.0 | 15:45 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: i'm from Portugal, BCV, i guess you know where that is. and you ? | 15:45 |
stix_ | Have any of you experienced that you num-lock keys doesn't work at all anymore? | 15:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, Wicked busy is not an excuse for not having any backup what so ever | 15:45 |
caboose-sm | Jack_Sparrow, i deleted it, ntfs is still grey | 15:45 |
pieces | I have quicksynergy installed on my laptop and desktop both which are 8.10 but I cannot seem to get it to work. Is synergy compatible with 8.10? | 15:45 |
whoDat | when i upgraded to 8.10, my multimedia volume keys no longer report key codes to xev, however they do raise and lower the volume.. ?? | 15:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, make it fat32 | 15:46 |
Kai_Itaho | how do I install an .inf file? | 15:46 |
rubydiamond | guys see this | 15:46 |
rubydiamond | | 15:46 |
rubydiamond | I am not able to view in nmap results | 15:46 |
rubydiamond | what sis wrong | 15:46 |
jopn | stix: i had that problem , but i install new updates and i no longer have that problem | 15:46 |
bojtel | hello neep help how to play a dvd disc | 15:46 |
evowill | Jack_Sparrow, 'wicked busy is not an excuse for not having any backup' Very well said | 15:46 |
Ward1983 | great no docs about vpn anywhere | 15:46 |
Ward1983 | nice | 15:46 |
caboose-sm | Jack_Sparrow, its still greyed out ! wtf | 15:47 |
stix_ | jopn, there doesn't seem to be any new updates | 15:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | rubydiamond, Please post a description of the problem along with the link and all on one line | 15:47 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: There's prolly one......somewhere...If there isn't, is there nothing I can do? | 15:47 |
andrea89roma | salve a tutti...c'è qualche italiano ? | 15:47 |
stix_ | but I did this just recently | 15:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, please lose the wtx.. it isnt going to help us help you. | 15:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | !it | 15:47 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 15:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | !dvd | 15:47 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 15:47 |
andrea89roma | tnx 1000 | 15:47 |
caboose-sm | Jack_Sparrow, sry just frustrated lol | 15:47 |
jopn | stix ,i just install 5 today | 15:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, try gpartedlivecd | 15:47 |
junior_ | salut | 15:47 |
shroud | german server | 15:47 |
rubydiamond | guys.. nmap is not showing ip with "nmap -ST" see ? | 15:47 |
caboose-sm | Jack_Sparrow, should i try and do it in windows ? | 15:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | !gparted | 15:48 |
ubottu | gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 15:48 |
pieces | does anyone know if synergy is supported in intrepid? | 15:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, sure.. it is their format after all | 15:48 |
caboose-sm | Jack_Sparrow, yeah i have the live cd ill try that | 15:48 |
rubydiamond | "nmap -sT" actually | 15:48 |
junior_ | bonsoir à tous | 15:48 |
caboose-sm | okay windows first then | 15:48 |
rubydiamond | Jack_Sparrow: I watched pirates, I am your fan.. | 15:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | !hi > junior_ | 15:48 |
ubottu | junior_, please see my private message | 15:48 |
rubydiamond | could you please help me | 15:48 |
junior_ | ok | 15:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | rubydiamond, Please do as I asked earlier | 15:48 |
caboose-sm | does anyone know where i can find drivers for Razer mice ? | 15:48 |
rubydiamond | Jack_Sparrow: no. | 15:49 |
junior_ | I'm not speack english sorry | 15:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | rubydiamond, Please post a description of the problem along with the link and all on one line | 15:49 |
rubydiamond | Jack_Sparrow: I did | 15:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fr > junior_ | 15:49 |
ubottu | junior_, please see my private message | 15:49 |
junior_ | thanks | 15:49 |
whoDat | anyone know what happened to the multimedia keys in 8.10? | 15:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 15:49 |
junior_ | !fr | 15:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | !keys | 15:49 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 15:49 |
ubottu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 15:49 |
pieces | anyone know how to get compiz effects working with dual monitors? | 15:49 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: ? | 15:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | junior_, /join #ubuntu-fr | 15:49 |
caboose-sm | does anyone know where i can find drivers for Razer mice ? | 15:50 |
evowill | !details | rubydiamond | 15:50 |
ubottu | rubydiamond: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 15:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, Have you looked at the supported hardware page.. and what are you trying to do with the mouse | 15:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | !buttons | 15:50 |
ubottu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: - Enabling serial mouse: | 15:50 |
Kai_Itaho | how can I get a GUI working for another monitor | 15:51 |
rubydiamond | I have problem with "nmap -sT" command which doesn't print one of my network comp.. | 15:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | pieces, /join #compiz | 15:51 |
caboose-sm | Jack_Sparrow, i dont care about the extra buttons, i need to control the sensitivtiy | 15:51 |
pieces | Jack_Sparrow, ty | 15:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 15:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, I assume some sort of wireless | 15:52 |
caboose-sm | huh ? | 15:52 |
caboose-sm | oh no its a wired mouse | 15:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, is the mouse wired or woreless | 15:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 15:52 |
caboose-sm | in windows there is a razer program that allows me to control sensitivity | 15:52 |
lyricaldogg | !windows | 15:52 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubottu equivalents | 15:52 |
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CyL | lyricaldogg: Sorry, I was looking for my wife that is ill, Iḿ from Brazil, but I'm moving from a place to another | 15:53 |
lyricaldogg | CyL: cool... are you coming over to Portugal ? | 15:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | caboose-sm, look at post #6 | 15:54 |
Kai_Itaho | is there another way for 8.10 Ibex to use displayconfig-gtk? | 15:54 |
CyL | lyricaldogg: I would really appreciate to know Portugal some day, since my family has portuguese origins... | 15:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ot | 15:55 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 15:55 |
CyL | lyricaldogg: I must go now my friend, we meet around, okay? | 15:55 |
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lyricaldogg | CyL: i'll see you soon | 15:56 |
Armada651 | I've installed the official linux drivers for my Creative X-Fi soundcard. But so far, only OSS works. But according to Creative it should support ALSA. | 15:56 |
Kai_Itaho | is there a GUI for installing another LCD screen? | 15:57 |
Kai_Itaho | on Ibex | 15:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | !dualhead | 15:57 |
ubottu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on - See also !Xinerama | 15:57 |
bojtel | How do I open a dvd disc? vlc n mplayer doesnt work ?! | 16:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | !dvd | 16:00 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 16:00 |
toddoon | does somebody know a good program to store password exept fpm | 16:00 |
disappearedng_ | Hey everyone do I have to have a UUID in my /etc/fstab? | 16:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | disappearedng_, no | 16:00 |
kitche | disappearedng_: no | 16:00 |
sipior | toddoon: i like keepassx, multi-platform, easy to use. | 16:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | disappearedng_, /dev sdx woorks too | 16:01 |
disappearedng_ | k | 16:01 |
toddoon | i will look at it thx sipior | 16:01 |
space_case | i have a question, on event save i wanted to send an sms msg to my phone. i tried using smssend but the scripts seem to be out of date a little... any ideas? | 16:01 |
space_case | using motion .....i have a question, on event save i wanted to send an sms msg to my phone. i tried using smssend but the scripts seem to be out of date a little... any ideas? | 16:01 |
disappearedng_ | Hey where will this download mldonkey to ? sudo apt-get build-dep mldonkey-server | 16:03 |
nickrud | *!* | 16:04 |
disappearedng_ | WHen I do an apt-get where does the files download to ? | 16:04 |
jxander | is there a good launcher that supports multiple screens? something similar to gnome-do, but that could be run on :0.0 and :0.1. | 16:05 |
superdump | disappearedng: /var/apt/cache or something like that iirc | 16:05 |
oCean_ | space_case: sms_client (package smsclient) worked for me. Don't use it nowadays. | 16:05 |
sipior | disappearedng: to my understanding, it won't. you'll simply grab those packages needed satisfy the build dependencies. there is a cache in /var/cache/apt/archives as well. | 16:05 |
space_case | mine go to /var/cache/apt/archives | 16:05 |
grndslm | is it posssible to upgrade only one package thru apt?? | 16:05 |
superdump | that's the one | 16:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | disappearedng_, If you go into synaptic it will show you where everyting will be installed | 16:06 |
piolo | can anyone recommend me any app that would diff the content of 2 directories? | 16:06 |
sipior | grndslm: sure | 16:06 |
Slart | grndslm: I think that's what "sudo apt-get install" does.. not sure though but try it | 16:06 |
Slart | piolo: I think diff can do that | 16:06 |
disappearedng_ | Jack_Sparrow I have to compile it | 16:06 |
sipior | grndslm: unless the upgrade requires that something else be upgraded... ") | 16:06 |
disappearedng_ | with different options | 16:06 |
Xamusk | so, what's the good desktop search engine now? it appears many have cropped up, but most suck like Tracker | 16:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | disappearedng, The *.debs are in /var/ as stated above, but I didnt think that is what you really were asking | 16:06 |
oCean_ | piolo: difference between directories as in.. ? Whether they differ in size, or..? | 16:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Xamusk, ask the bot, we discourage polls in this channel | 16:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | !bot | 16:08 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 16:08 |
oCean_ | Slart: piolo: diff only works for (content) of files | 16:08 |
piolo | oCean_, well there are big directories, so I would be happy with something fast | 16:08 |
piolo | oCean_, even if it is not accurate | 16:08 |
Slart | oCean_: are you sure about that? | 16:08 |
oCean_ | Slart: not anymore, now :) | 16:09 |
Slart | oCean_: good | 16:09 |
Slart | piolo: diff will do folders.. just do "diff folder1 folder2" and it will reports differences and so on | 16:09 |
oCean_ | piolo: but what are you looking for.. the difference as in sizes? Of the difference as in content of the directories? | 16:09 |
oCean_ | Slart: I stand corrected | 16:10 |
piolo | oCean_, I am looking for the difference as in the content. But since two files with the same name should be the same file, I would be happy about something a bit faster | 16:10 |
oCean_ | piolo: see what Slart said. "diff /dir1 /dir2" will work. | 16:10 |
piolo | Slart, thanks but that is not very readable. | 16:11 |
stufkan | hello | 16:11 |
piolo | oCean_, I did that.. is there soemthing a bit more readable | 16:11 |
oCean_ | piolo: is not? | 16:11 |
Slart | piolo: huh? what kind of output do you want? | 16:11 |
piolo | well e.g. just the list of files which differ | 16:11 |
ardchoille | piolo: diff does exactly that | 16:12 |
Slart | piolo: ehm... that's what I get when I run that command.. are you getting weird output? | 16:12 |
ye | Ive got a bad problem with a screencard driver, It just doesnt work. I have tryed everything. It's a nvidia 8500GT card using driver 177 | 16:12 |
piolo | ardchoille, how? diff folder1 folder2 would show everything | 16:12 |
piolo | Slart, yes, weird output here | 16:12 |
ardchoille | piolo: it shows the differences in the two folders | 16:12 |
stufkan | i'm trying to set up at statip ip on my ubuntu system | 16:12 |
Slart | piolo: can you pastebin it? | 16:12 |
n8tuser | piolo learn to use the redirection of its output to /dev/null | 16:12 |
Slart | !pastebin | piolo | 16:12 |
ubottu | piolo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 16:12 |
oCean_ | piolo: wait, you mean that you want to see if /dir1/file1.txt differs from /dir2/file1.txt ? | 16:13 |
Xamusk | !desktopsearch | 16:13 |
ubottu | Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI) | 16:13 |
piolo | oCean_, if it does, I just want to know the filename not the difference | 16:13 |
ye | Ive got a bad problem with a screencard driver, It just doesnt work. I have tryed everything. It's a nvidia 8500GT card using driver 177 | 16:13 |
squirt33 | Jack_Sparrow: I got my dad the linux guru to fix it. Thanks for being patient! | 16:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | squirt33, np | 16:13 |
piolo | /dev/null seems to help... thanks n8tuser | 16:14 |
Slart | piolo: of course you have already read the man page.. haven't you? | 16:14 |
quaal | why do shared videos play audio on windows but not on ubuntu | 16:14 |
quaal | in vlc | 16:14 |
piolo | hmm or maybe not | 16:14 |
Slart | piolo: there are all kinds of switches you can use to change the output.. ignoring certain things. etc etc | 16:14 |
stufkan | how do I force ubuntu to use the settings to use the /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf instead of the gui?? | 16:15 |
nickrud | stufkan, network manager should respect any entry there; dhcp may alter resolv.conf anyway | 16:15 |
stufkan | how do i kill dhcp then? | 16:16 |
piolo | Slart, do you know how to just show the filename | 16:16 |
stufkan | i want static ip and opendns | 16:16 |
Slart | piolo: you just want a list of filenames that differ? | 16:16 |
stufkan | but the gui flushes my settings | 16:16 |
rconan | does gnome-screensaver have any way to change the screensaver settings? | 16:16 |
piolo | Slart, yes | 16:16 |
jrib | rconan: no | 16:16 |
nickrud | stufkan, install resolvconf and add a line to the iface stanza like dns-servers ip ip (what I use, including opendns) | 16:16 |
ardchoille | piolo: I don't see how that information would be of much help | 16:16 |
nickrud | stufkan, erm, dns-nameservers ip ip that is | 16:17 |
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javamexico5371 | hello | 16:17 |
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rconan | jrib, do i just need to install xscreensaver to use the screensaver settings? | 16:17 |
rconan | or do I need to change something to manage which one gets started | 16:17 |
piolo | ardchoille, why not? | 16:17 |
DarkKnight | i have installed drupal....can anyone tell me how to start using it | 16:18 |
javamexico5371 | i have a question, how can i modify the PATH enviroment variable in Ubuntu 8.04? | 16:18 |
jrib | javamexico5371: for what purpose? | 16:18 |
ardchoille | piolo: The output I am seeing is "Only in /path1/dir1: filename" if you remove the path and dir there's no way to see what the diff is | 16:18 |
piolo | find dir1 file1; find dir2 file2l diff file1 file2? | 16:18 |
sipior | DarkKnight: lots of documentation available at the drupal web site... | 16:19 |
oCean_ | javamexico5371: "export PATH=$PATH:/dir/to/bin" | 16:19 |
ardchoille | piolo: how do you know what the "dir" bit is if diff doesn't list it? | 16:19 |
javamexico5371 | mmmm ... i am developing in JavaFX and i found teh SDK for linux, but i have to modify this variable | 16:19 |
javamexico5371 | ok thanks | 16:19 |
oCean_ | javamexico5371: and/or edit your ~/.profile to modify PATH variable also for the next time you login | 16:19 |
piolo | ardchoille, what do you mean? | 16:20 |
ardchoille | piolo: nevermind, this is getting ot | 16:20 |
ValentineX | hi there was some command to auto remove/install remaining installations/removals, i was installing and removing some files ther electric power went off. | 16:20 |
bojtel | any1 know how to play a dvd disc in utuntu? | 16:20 |
javamexico5371 | thanks .. but this file is in the root directory or in the personal directory? | 16:21 |
ton1 | i am using cyrus-imap is there another program better? | 16:21 |
Slart | piolo: try this ... diff -r ./etc /etc 2>/dev/null | sed 's/Only in .*: //' - | 16:21 |
evowill | !dvd | bojtel | 16:21 |
ubottu | bojtel: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 16:21 |
oCean_ | piolo: see the man page. The -q switch is maybe what you want? "diff -q dir1/ dir2/" | 16:21 |
stufkan | im not sure I understand resolvconf | 16:22 |
javamexico5371 | can i modify another variables with export comand? | 16:22 |
stufkan | resolvconf dns-nameservers ip ip | 16:22 |
stufkan | is wrong | 16:22 |
oCean_ | javamexico5371: yes, but not permanently. Only during your session (as long as your shell exists) | 16:22 |
piolo | oCean_, yes, thanks.. that helps | 16:22 |
stufkan | how then nickrud? | 16:23 |
oCean_ | javamexico5371: echo $PATH (for example) will show the current value | 16:23 |
javamexico5371 | ok | 16:23 |
joosep | hi, does anyone have any experience in connecting ubuntu&winxp over 1394(firewire) | 16:23 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> insert this near the top of your dhclient.conf prepend domain-name-servers; change acordingly to your ns ip | 16:24 |
stufkan | okay n8user that confused me a bit | 16:24 |
oCean_ | javamexico5371: the "export" will actually make sure that the (modified) value of the variable is also known in spawned shells. Try it a bit, and see what happens. | 16:24 |
nickrud | stufkan, my line exactly: dns-nameserver | 16:24 |
stufkan | thats instead of using resolvcong? | 16:24 |
n8tuser | stufkan-> it confuses you, kindly man dhclient.conf | 16:25 |
nickrud | stufkan, no, he's talking about using dhcp rather than a static ip | 16:25 |
javamexico5371 | ok thanks | 16:25 |
Slart | piolo: of course you'll have to change the folders ./etc and /etc to something a bit more suitables.. | 16:25 |
stufkan | okay n8user, i want to disable dhcp | 16:25 |
ye | Damnit how can I enable something that doesnt pop in under hardware drivers ? | 16:25 |
nickrud | stufkan, man resolvconf , my advice (given for the same reason n8tuser mentioned man dhclient.conf :) | 16:26 |
jrib | ye: be more specific | 16:26 |
jrib | rconan: afaik, yeah | 16:26 |
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ye | id just installed the latest nvidia drivers, and it doesnt get in under hardware drivers | 16:26 |
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n8tuser | stufkan -> you have several ways i guess, you can set a static ip within dhclient.conf or interfaces with a corresponding resolv.conf entries.. so take you pick | 16:27 |
ye | :/ | 16:27 |
=== xtr-II is now known as xtr | ||
ye | ill just go back to windows xp then... | 16:28 |
franki^ | your loss :) | 16:28 |
joma | is sudo a root pw? | 16:28 |
joma | or root account? | 16:28 |
stufkan | i'll try resolf.conf and interface first | 16:28 |
ardchoille | !sudo | joma | 16:28 |
n8tuser | nope nope | 16:28 |
ubottu | joma: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 16:28 |
sipior | joma: not exactly , no. | 16:28 |
jrib | ye: how did you install it? | 16:29 |
mick02 | Alright, a bit OT here but I was wondering if anyone knew how to change the default mirror that Google searches in Firefox search bar? I'm in work (in Ireland) and I access the web through a proxy server in Belgium. Whenever I type a search query into the search bar in Firefox it automatically defaults to ... I'd like it to go to .... anyone able to help me with this? | 16:29 |
ye | jrgp, I downloaded the latest driver from the nvidia webpage and then ran sudo sh drivername and well thats pretty much it.. | 16:29 |
=== osfameron is now known as _osfameron | ||
=== _osfameron is now known as osfameron | ||
jrib | ye: Hardware Drivers is only for when you use the repositories. You're installing software outside the repositories | 16:30 |
kizedek | Is it possible to boot ubuntu over a network? | 16:30 |
ye | jrgp, ok, so do you have any clue why the drivers wont work? do i need to uninstall earlier drivers? | 16:30 |
n8tuser | kizedek-> yes, via tftp using your pxe on your nic | 16:30 |
jrib | ye: what card? Why didn't you use Hardware Drivers originally? | 16:31 |
OpaH | Q: anybody here know how to install "console-setup" over an ssh connection - apt-get upgrade hangs on the post-install at "Setting up console and keymap". Target is an ubuntu-server without X11, and several timezones away. ??? | 16:31 |
ye | jrgp, because it didnt work, well i'm using NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT | 16:31 |
jrib | !doesn't work | ye | 16:31 |
ubottu | ye: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 16:31 |
jrib | (ie be specific) | 16:31 |
kizedek | n8tuser, do you know of a guide to do this? how does the server part work, can i use a machine that currently runs ubuntu? | 16:32 |
KingWilliam | ye: There is this tool named "envy". It installs the best current drivers for nvidia/ATI | 16:32 |
evowill | kizedek, do you want to install over the network? | 16:32 |
h00k | kizedek, try | 16:32 |
ardchoille | !envy | 16:32 |
ubottu | envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk | 16:32 |
h00k | !pxe | 16:32 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pxe | 16:32 |
ye | KingWilliam, will it uninstall the earlier drivers? | 16:32 |
KingWilliam | ye: I can not tell | 16:32 |
mick02 | Anyone able to help me with that Firefox query? Google ain't helping much | 16:32 |
n8tuser | kizedek -> yes, i dont have one immediately, but if you google for tftp + pxe +boot +ubuntu you will find many guides | 16:32 |
evowill | kizedek, and network installations | 16:33 |
Slart | mick02: have you searched for "google" in about:conf? | 16:33 |
KingWilliam | ye: I think it is available thru the repos these days... | 16:33 |
kizedek | I am trying to repair my laptop, it cannot see the HDD or disk drive so i would like to try upgrade the bios from withon ubuntu | 16:33 |
ye | aiit | 16:33 |
kizedek | thanks for all the links :) | 16:33 |
evowill | kizedek, ouch, what kind of laptop? | 16:33 |
n8tuser | kizedek -> bios upgrade, now thats totally difficult | 16:33 |
mick02 | Slart, yeah I've done that and I've changed all URL's to but it's still defaulting to | 16:33 |
sipior | mick02: does simply setting your search preferences through Google's site not work? | 16:33 |
kizedek | It is a Sony VAIO VGN-FS550 | 16:34 |
P4C0 | !webmin | 16:34 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 16:34 |
ye | envy-qt, what does the qt stand for ? | 16:34 |
kizedek | I can get to the bios but it just cant see the hdd or disk :( | 16:34 |
junior | !fr | 16:34 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 16:34 |
jrib | ye: I recommend you just use the repositories | 16:34 |
n8tuser | kizedek -> btw, if you happen to find out how to change the bios (am interested in changing the language into spanish) -- kindly pass the info to me please | 16:34 |
ardchoille | ye: it uses the qt toolset | 16:34 |
junior | 16:34 | |
mick02 | sipior, how do you do that through Google's site? I've looked in the .mozilla folder and looked through the prefs.js file but nothing seems to be working for me | 16:35 |
kizedek | n8tuser will do | 16:35 |
sipior | mick02: there's a "Preferences" link on the right side of the search field on the web site | 16:35 |
Kai_Itaho | does Ibex have a GUI for configuring another screen? | 16:35 |
KingWilliam | ye: envyng is the latest one. Dont know what the qt is. | 16:35 |
n8tuser | mick02 -> you can cheat and put an entry in your /etc/hosts file for specific hostname with a mapped ip address | 16:35 |
DarkKnight | can anyone tell me how to execute a sh file | 16:36 |
jrib | DarkKnight: what file? | 16:36 |
KenBW2 | DarkKnight: in Terminal "sh /path/to/file" | 16:36 |
peterzal | does anyone know why my pageup/pagedown keys randomly stopped working (in a console) as intended? pageup does nothing pagedown displays a '~' | 16:36 |
ye | SystemError: installArchives() failed | 16:36 |
n8tuser | DarkKnight -> if it was me, i would not just execute any sh file, look at how the script works or study it first :P | 16:36 |
OpaH | no takers - I'll try on | 16:36 |
howlingmadhowie | DarkKnight: the file must be executable too | 16:36 |
KingWilliam | DarkKnight: ./<filename> | 16:36 |
mick02 | I might go down the /etc/hosts route although I'm going to keep searching for a while before I do that. There has to be a way to set it in the program configs | 16:37 |
Armada651 | I've installed the official linux drivers for my Creative X-Fi soundcard. But so far, only OSS works. But according to Creative it should support ALSA. Do I need to update to a more recent version of ALSA? | 16:37 |
KenBW2 | n8tuser: not all of us are blessed with sh script knowledge :D | 16:37 |
ye | damn im pressing to activate the 173 driver, but it just doesnt. | 16:37 |
Kai_Itaho | how can I setup another monitor in Ibex? the GUI is gone :'( | 16:37 |
Slart | peterzal: it does that for me sometimes too.. I haven't been able to figure out why I just go into keyboard properties and mess around a little then restart the terminal and it works again | 16:37 |
DarkKnight | n8tuser; i had created the file...but didnt know how to execute it | 16:38 |
n8tuser | KenBW2 -> true, but just executing an unknown script is inviting | 16:38 |
KenBW2 | Kai_Itaho: "the GUI is gone" <-- explain :) | 16:38 |
KenBW2 | n8tuser: yup, i fully agree | 16:38 |
DarkKnight | n8tuser, howlingmadhowie, KingWilliam; thanq | 16:38 |
Kai_Itaho | NOOOESS, but is there another method? | 16:38 |
ton1 | i have dedined mail_transport=cyrus, but i havent read my email yet, could someone help me | 16:38 |
n8tuser | DarkKnight -> in that case man chmod you'll learn about executable perms | 16:38 |
peterzal | Slart: do you change things in keyboard properties? what do you change | 16:39 |
evowill | kizedek, I think you might be into deeper trouble if you can't see any drives in the bios | 16:39 |
Slart | peterzal: there is a button to reset keymaps or something like that.. I just basically change something then change it back... | 16:39 |
Kai_Itaho | KenBW2: can I bring the GUI back? :O | 16:39 |
KenBW2 | Kai_Itaho: do you mean you don't see the login screen? | 16:40 |
Jacobbs | Hi, is it possible to create/edit a text file if I'm on SSH? | 16:40 |
kizedek | evowill, ya :( | 16:40 |
jrib | Jacobbs: same as usual | 16:40 |
Slart | Jacobbs: yes.. you've got lots of command line editors to use | 16:40 |
KingWilliam | Jacobbs: type "nano <filename>" | 16:40 |
Kai_Itaho | KenBW2: I do, its just that I want the displayconfig-gtk GUI back so I can use my monitor -.- | 16:40 |
Jacobbs | And how would I go about doing that? >.> | 16:40 |
Jacobbs | oh okay | 16:40 |
stefan__ | nickrud you there? | 16:40 |
=== stefan__ is now known as stufkan | ||
stufkan | nickrud you there? | 16:40 |
evowill | kizedek, this is probably going to require removing the chip to have it re-written, I don't see how booting ubuntu over the network will help you there. | 16:41 |
KenBW2 | i believe it's hidden in the menus - it might be under Applications > Others | 16:41 |
stufkan | or n8user? | 16:41 |
Jacobbs | that was fun | 16:41 |
n8tuser | arrrgh, my kid pressed the sleep button on a laptop, now i dont know how to awaken it... i dont use windows that much.. | 16:41 |
Jacobbs | thanks KingWilliam | 16:41 |
Kai_Itaho | KenBW2: im sorry, imeant my 2nd monitor | 16:41 |
KingWilliam | Jacobbs: welcome ;) | 16:41 |
jrib | n8tuser: try tapping the power button | 16:41 |
stufkan | n8user just press the start button again | 16:41 |
Slart | n8tuser: space sometimes work | 16:41 |
KenBW2 | Kai_Itaho: i believe it's hidden in the menus - it might be under Applications > Others | 16:41 |
n8tuser | jrib -> oh okay thanks. thanks all | 16:42 |
peterzal | Slart: are you using kde or gnome? | 16:42 |
Slart | peterzal: gnome | 16:42 |
Lokiase | hello all, my ubuntu seems to be in 2 languages (english and dutch), how can I make it be only dutch? | 16:42 |
stufkan | n8user where is the dhclient.conf? | 16:42 |
=== Niamor7 is now known as Niamor | ||
peterzal | Slart: oh ok. im on kde. ill look to see if theres a similar thing in kde | 16:42 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> /etc/dhcp3/ | 16:42 |
stufkan | okay, i think that sucks pretty much | 16:42 |
evowill | Lokiase, it is possible that not all programs have been translated | 16:42 |
Slart | peterzal: ahh.. perhaps you could ask in #kubuntu then.. | 16:42 |
KingWilliam | Lokiase: I guess by uninstalling the dutch lanhuage packages. Maar ben nie zeker ;) | 16:43 |
kizedek | evowill, any idea what could cause something like this? | 16:43 |
stufkan | The file /etc/dhcp3/dhclient could not be loaded, as it was not possible to read from it | 16:43 |
Waaaou | Hi | 16:43 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> dhclient.conf ? | 16:43 |
Lokiase | evowill: but even my taskbar is in english | 16:43 |
Waaaou | does exist a french irc for ubuntu ? | 16:43 |
stufkan | yea saw the mistake^^ | 16:43 |
Slart | !fr | Waaaou | 16:43 |
ubottu | Waaaou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 16:43 |
ConstantineXVI | Waaaou, #ubuntu-fr | 16:43 |
stufkan | quite stupid | 16:43 |
peterzal | Slart: ahh good idea :) | 16:43 |
Azazel-AZ | Question: I found a bug in utils-linux fdisk, wrote a patch, submitted a patch to which I guess they say was wrong. Anyone kown where I should submit this patch? | 16:44 |
lieuwe | hi there, i'm kinoff new to ubuntu, but on startup from the lifecd i get a buffer error, anyone knows how to solve that? | 16:44 |
_alpha | sorry, i'm new of linux world. can you help me? | 16:44 |
dom_ | yo, i tried to install gimme, made the deb from source and everything went good, but i cant find gimme...any solutions? | 16:44 |
n8tuser | lieuwe -> reboot the livecd again, | 16:44 |
evowill | kizedek, If you have tried to flash the bios, could have been a bad flash/bad chip, or it could be something as simple as a hardware failure. | 16:44 |
lieuwe | and then? | 16:44 |
ardchoille | _alpha: help with what? | 16:44 |
stufkan | does this look right n8user?prepend 208.67.2220.220; | 16:45 |
n8tuser | !who | 16:45 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 16:45 |
mick02 | OK folks I figured out the problem in case anyone else is having a problem. To change the default mirror of the Google search site through the searchbar you need to edit the :/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.5/searchplugins/google.xml file. In here change the to or restart Firefox and then when you search using the searchbar you will be redirected through or instead of | 16:45 |
KingWilliam | _alpha: Fire away. Community will be glad to help ;) | 16:45 |
stufkan | haven't read the man , so just call me an idiot and i will do it | 16:45 |
dom_ | any suggestions for finding gimme? | 16:45 |
lieuwe | n8user->rebooting doesn't help, i tried... | 16:45 |
_alpha | wich distribution? i don't understand differences | 16:45 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> man dhclient.conf please | 16:45 |
stufkan | yea i will | 16:45 |
lieuwe | what does !tab do? | 16:46 |
sipior | mick02: be sure to write that down, for the next time you upgrade firefox ;-) | 16:46 |
n8tuser | lieuwe -> you may have had a bad burn cdrom, verify it first if you get to choose from the menu | 16:46 |
KingWilliam | !tab | 16:46 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 16:46 |
dom_ | guys...does anyone know how to help? | 16:46 |
ardchoille | _alpha: | 16:46 |
mick02 | sipior .... yeah I know, I bet I'll be rooting around looking for that hack again! | 16:46 |
Rocking-W | my fire fox in ubuntu 8.04 is not working right can I uninstall it and reinstall it or is it embeded into ubunto? | 16:47 |
_alpha | ardchoille: tanks! | 16:47 |
dom_ | get 8.10 | 16:47 |
sipior | dom_: it's spelled gimmie, isn't it? perhaps you're simply looking under the wrong name? | 16:47 |
KingWilliam | _alpha, Distribution is: ubuntu / kubuntu / xubuntu / edubuntu ... | 16:47 |
lieuwe | n8user->if i do that, i get the same eroor, it can't boot into ubunto, it gives the error right after loading... | 16:47 |
dom_ | try recovery mode thing | 16:47 |
evowill | Lokiase, you may want to search in Synaptic for all of the dutch language files, and install | 16:47 |
stufkan | that didn't explain very much about the prepend option? | 16:48 |
Nagar | i have a SVN setup on remote host how do i sync it with ubuntu | 16:48 |
dom_ | can anyone tell me why an installed program isnt showing up where it should? | 16:48 |
n8tuser | lieuwe -> perhaps you really do have a bad burn, during burning - isnt there like a md5sum check to see if the iso is okay? | 16:48 |
ardchoille | dom_: You mean the menus? | 16:48 |
sipior | dom_: where do you expect it to show up? | 16:49 |
=== Mud|afk is now known as Mud|lunch | ||
KingWilliam | Nagar, "svn co <url>" | 16:49 |
lieuwe | n8user->i ordered a free cd from the site, i hope thos don't have errors in them | 16:49 |
KingWilliam | Nagar, In the folder where you want to check out | 16:50 |
sipior | dom_: by the way, dpkg -L <packagename> will show the full path of all installed files from the manifest. might be useful for you. | 16:50 |
checco | ciao | 16:50 |
checco | !list | 16:50 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 16:50 |
maverick340 | i accidenlty alloted 34gb to /boot instead of /home | 16:50 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> #prepend domain-name-servers; something like this | 16:50 |
evan_ | hello, how do i find my gateway address? | 16:50 |
n8tuser | !who | stufkan | 16:50 |
maverick340 | anyway i can change this ? | 16:50 |
ubottu | stufkan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 16:50 |
dom_ | sipior: thx | 16:50 |
dom_ | im not sure how to do a whisper thing | 16:50 |
evowill | !svn | Nagar | 16:50 |
ubottu | Nagar: svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See | 16:50 |
n8tuser | evan_ -> you have many? or just one? | 16:50 |
stufkan | yea ubottu i'm trying to remember it | 16:50 |
n8tuser | evan_ route -n | 16:51 |
evan_ | n8tuser: just one | 16:51 |
* OpaH going home - I'll try again from there | 16:51 | |
dury | hi there channel :) | 16:51 |
stufkan | n8tuser, and what about the ip's? | 16:51 |
mohan1 | could you please tell me how to install postgres server and client in ubuntu | 16:51 |
dom_ | how do i talk to someone individually? | 16:51 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> try having multiple lines of those? | 16:51 |
Lokiase | n8tuser: shutdownprob of yesterday is solved ;) | 16:52 |
sipior | dom_: "/msg <nick>" | 16:52 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> btw, if you carefully read the man pages , the sample is there, read them please | 16:52 |
Rocking-W | can I remove firefox and not harm ubuntu? | 16:52 |
KingWilliam | mohan1, I gues by typing "apt-get install postgresal" in the terminal | 16:52 |
DVA5912 | Im trying to #include <mysql.h> into one of my projects. but unfortunently the mysql.h isnt found in the system. what do i install to make it? | 16:52 |
evowill | Rocking-W, yes | 16:52 |
n8tuser | Lokiase -> what was holding it from completion? | 16:52 |
stufkan | n8tuser: guide me then, i cant find it. Just give me a headline | 16:52 |
Rocking-W | thank you evowill | 16:53 |
sipior | dom_: it's generally considered poor etiquette to send blind msgs in this channel though; bear that in mind. | 16:53 |
dury | I've got a *.vob file that I want to convert in .avi file... I've opened with Avidemux can it convert this file into .avi | 16:53 |
stufkan | n8tuser: the prepend option is described in 3 lines. Can't really use that. No examples | 16:53 |
evowill | Rocking-W, you are welcome | 16:53 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> i will help you help yourself, man dhclient.conf and look for the sample near the end | 16:53 |
evan_ | n8tuser: ahhh ok thanx im setting up a crossed connection but the other computer wont find it :( | 16:53 |
Lokiase | n8tuser: acpi=force was the solution | 16:53 |
evowill | dury, I like using handbrake, even has a very nice GUI on Linux now | 16:54 |
n8tuser | Lokiase -> am sure it was a device hanging up, ie the driver for it not unloading, its just difficult to find out which device driver causes the issue | 16:54 |
maverick340 | is there any way i can move the /boot to the / subdir | 16:54 |
evowill | dury, They have a .deb file that you can install in Ubuntu, save it to your desktop, double click on it. | 16:54 |
maverick340 | by mistake /boot is ont 34gb volume | 16:55 |
n8tuser | evan_ -> cross connection? umm explain the network layout please | 16:55 |
mandani | Hello, I have done a df and I see that my first hard disk is full. /dev/hda1 37152364 37145920 0 100% / . I am hoping someone can tell me how to establish what part is full so I can clean it up without manually checking each directory at the command line. | 16:55 |
DVA5912 | Im trying to #include <mysql.h> into one of my projects. but unfortunently the mysql.h isnt found in the system. what do i install to make it? | 16:55 |
Lokiase | n8tuser: now I have my last prob, my ubuntu is in 2 languages, dutch and englsch and it should be only in dutch | 16:55 |
Slart | I'm thinking of getting an external harddrive with a firewire interface.. is firewire support on ubuntu ok? | 16:55 |
dury | evowill: all right | 16:55 |
Brack101 | Hi I'm trying to use mocp as an init.d script to start playing music when my computer starts up. Normally when you launch mocp you can quit out of the GUI and it will run in the background, then start "mocp" to get the GUI back. When I try and run mocp to interact with the process launched by init.d, however it's launching a whole new process alltogether, even if I run it as root. How can i logon to my computer in such a way that I can interac | 16:56 |
n8tuser | Lokiase -> i also have similar issue, my end user wants in espanyol :P including the bios | 16:56 |
eltese | Hi ! I want to install ubuntu and are currently on the LiveCD... Im wondering 2 things mainly.. Firstly if its easy to do a manual selection over which hard drives will be doing what and secondly if Envy will work with 8.10 _ | 16:56 |
petllama | hey evowill, for handbrake do i need to grab the files for CLI and the gtk gui? | 16:56 |
petllama | nm | 16:57 |
mandani | eltese: I know you can specify your disks in the partition editor but I don't know about envy | 16:57 |
n8tuser | eltese doing what? install? yes you can select which partition to install, dont know about envy | 16:57 |
KingWilliam | eltese, Is it easy? Depends on your experience and on what you want to do | 16:57 |
Lokiase | n8tuser: damn, i know ubuntu offered me the solution the first time it booted, but without network connection at that point it failed and now I dont find back | 16:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | eltese, why would envy suddenly not work now | 16:57 |
evowill | petllama, Just the one deb, for the GUI. | 16:57 |
DVA5912 | what is the mysql C++ development file called? | 16:57 |
petllama | yea i got it, thnx tho | 16:58 |
petllama | noticed the other was tgz | 16:58 |
evan_ | n8tuser: a wireless inet connection and a crossed utp cable between the wireless computer and another one | 16:58 |
Paddy_EIRE | eltese, has worked fine for many.. a little more info would be handy | 16:58 |
horstle | hi | 16:58 |
dury | evowill: I got HandBrake-0.9.3-Ubuntu_GUI_i386.deb package on desktop | 16:58 |
stufkan | n8tuser: does ubuntu find out that I use dhclient.conf instead of interfaces or what? | 16:58 |
Slart | DVA5912: you've searched in synaptic? | 16:58 |
mike12 | mike | 16:58 |
n8tuser | Lokiase -> not a total loss, if you had your /home in a separate partition maybe you can re-install? | 16:58 |
stufkan | n8tuser: why are there to different system doing the same thing? | 16:58 |
mike12 | hey can someone help me my computer wont work cause i updated it | 16:58 |
DVA5912 | Slart: yes and installed everything that looked relevent | 16:58 |
evowill | dury, then you can double click on it, or open with the package installer. Click install | 16:58 |
mike12 | and some dk something wont work | 16:58 |
Lokiase | n8tuser: I dont start with reinstallatin:p | 16:58 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> not two different things, it depends on what is set in interfaces file | 16:59 |
christian | | 16:59 |
Slart | !info libmysql++-dev | 16:59 |
ubottu | libmysql++-dev (source: mysql++): MySQL C++ library bindings (development). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0-1 (intrepid), package size 2208 kB, installed size 7596 kB | 16:59 |
vigo | eltease: I was waiting for someone else to say that also, I do not know Envy, part2. Yes, the install is rather easy and allows selection of drives, partition and size. | 16:59 |
dury | evowill: right | 16:59 |
n8tuser | Lokiase -> its not been that long since you installed it right? | 16:59 |
DVA5912 | Slart: i belive i installed that | 16:59 |
Lokiase | 2 days | 16:59 |
eltese | wow, lots of answers =) I dont know why Envy wouldnt work, maybe it hasnt upgraded ? Or maybe it doesnt hold the latest drivers.. And can I just grab the drivers from Nvidias homepage? Obviously Im pretty noobish at linux and I got 2 harddrives... one 160GB and one 320GB... I would like for the 160 GB to work as "OS disk" and the 320GB as indepedent storage disk :) | 16:59 |
evowill | dury, when finished there is a menu option for handbrake under sound and video | 16:59 |
stufkan | n8tuser: currently my eth0 interface is defined in interfaces, but ubuntu doesn't seem to hear what interfaces says, so do I want to empty interfaces and then use dhclient.conf instead? | 17:00 |
mike12 | hey my computer keeps saying that an eror occured under in update | 17:00 |
mick02 | Has anyone used bacula in Ubuntu server across a LAN? | 17:00 |
n8tuser | evan_ -> time to learn networking, use the route tools to insert the route | 17:00 |
mike12 | but it wont let me do anything | 17:00 |
stufkan | n8tuser: sorry if its a stupid question, I see it as two files doing the same thing | 17:00 |
Lokiase | n8tuser: 2 days | 17:00 |
evowill | !details | mike12 | 17:00 |
ubottu | mike12: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 17:00 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> post in pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file and your dhclient.conf file | 17:01 |
DVA5912 | Slart: yeah thats been installed | 17:01 |
mandani | Is there a wayt to show directories over a certain size from the command line | 17:01 |
Draiden | Hey, does somebody know where I can find a good tutorial about openvpn on linux 8.04/8.10 | 17:01 |
Slart | DVA5912: well.. that would be it, afaik | 17:01 |
DVA5912 | afaik? | 17:01 |
Slart | mandani: take a look at "du" | 17:01 |
n8tuser | Lokiase -> thats nothing, you may learn more by re-installing, little quirks, and perhaps meet your goal of all dutch locality | 17:01 |
Slart | DVA5912: as far as I know | 17:01 |
mike12 | ok i have a problem with update when i try to fix it it shuts down. i think it staarted after i last updated 5 days ago | 17:01 |
mick02 | !openvpn | Draiden | 17:01 |
ubottu | Draiden: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks! | 17:01 |
evan_ | n8tuser: if i understand i have to make the second computer a manual ip, the netmask the gateway and the same address of the gateway for the dns mask? | 17:01 |
Lokiase | n8tuser: really, no install again :p | 17:01 |
vigo | eltease: pop it on either disk, I would use a boot partition, you can select which OS at boot, you will be deleting one after a few weeks. | 17:01 |
Slart | mandani: also "find" might be able to do it | 17:02 |
n8tuser | evan_ -> okay yeah those are needed | 17:02 |
mandani | ok i will try those out | 17:02 |
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n8tuser | Lokiase -> okay, then struggle a bit more to switch the locality..i dont know it offhand..takes a bit of tweaking | 17:02 |
Draiden | mick02: Thanks do you also know if things have to be configured specifically for that server? | 17:02 |
tx0_ | hallo | 17:02 |
evan_ | n8tuser: does the manual need to have the same ip as the to the internet connected computer? | 17:03 |
stufkan | n8tuser: | 17:03 |
tx0_ | ji | 17:03 |
whoDat | why dont volume keys give key codes in xev? | 17:03 |
hajmola | when connected via wireless, i can never scp anything, it always stalls. Happens on any network... | 17:03 |
stufkan | n8tuser: the alias section was also commented btw | 17:03 |
n8tuser | evan_ -> nope, customize it to your needs, dont let the host get confused in which route to take | 17:04 |
dury | evowill: how do I launch it now | 17:04 |
stufkan | n8tuser: as you see its almost only commented | 17:04 |
Brack101 | I'm trying to use mocp as an init.d script to start playing music when my computer starts up. Normally when you launch mocp you can quit out of the GUI and it will run in the background, then start "mocp" to get the GUI back. When I try and run mocp to interact with the process launched by init.d, however it's launching a whole new process alltogether, even if I run it as root. How can i logon to my computer in such a way that I can interact | 17:04 |
petllama | evowill, thnx for mentioning handbrake, was about to start lookin for a decent mp4 converter for my ipod :) | 17:04 |
evowill | dury, look up :-) | 17:04 |
mick02 | Draiden, Every Server will be different (IP address, nardware etc) so you will have to customise the server for your needs. You should also check out UnTangle, it's based on Ubuntu and installs the same | 17:04 |
mike12 | i have a problem with update it keeps shutting down after it says it doesnt meet dependencies. also i cant run add remove or synaptic package because of it | 17:04 |
dury | got it | 17:05 |
evowill | petllama, np, I have been very happy with it, now that they have the GUI it is so much easier to use. | 17:05 |
kizedek | evowill, Thanks for your help, was afk | 17:05 |
mick02 | mikel2 have you added any new repositories? | 17:05 |
Kai_Itaho | how can I install a .inf file for an external monitor | 17:05 |
evowill | kizedek, did it just die at random, or was it a bad flash? | 17:05 |
petllama | yea, i tried avidemux and it didnt work as well as i hoped | 17:05 |
mike12 | yea i just updated two days ago | 17:05 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> id change line 7 to dynamic, remove lines 8-10, then comment out lines 32 and insert correct nameserver ip | 17:05 |
Slart | Kai_Itaho: install an .inf file? what operating system are you using? | 17:05 |
Kai_Itaho | 8.1 Ibex for ubuntu | 17:06 |
Kai_Itaho | its a driver file that I wanna instal | 17:06 |
mike12 | wait whats a repository | 17:06 |
Slart | Kai_Itaho: a driver file for windows, afaik | 17:06 |
dury | evowill: doesn't launch it | 17:06 |
stufkan | n8tuser: firstly i need static ip | 17:06 |
Slart | Kai_Itaho: I don't think ubuntu can use that | 17:06 |
vigo | Opinions needed: GoogleEarth or WW2D, which is supported and which is preferred? | 17:06 |
Kai_Itaho | I've installed it before using a GUI, but in Ibex the GUI is gone :S | 17:06 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> again for the nth time, please read man dhclient.conf there is a sample line there | 17:07 |
mick02 | What's the full error that you're receiving mikel2? | 17:07 |
prower | Hello :> I have a blackberry storm, is there any way that i can copy files like music, videos etc. onto it using Ubuntu? | 17:07 |
hajmola | anyone got an ideas as to why it keep stalling only when SCP'ing a file over wifi? | 17:07 |
evowill | dury, then something is obviously wrong, try running it from the command line, and see if there are any errors | 17:07 |
Kai_Itaho | displayconfig-gtk is gone in Ibex, is there another path I can use? | 17:07 |
Slart | Kai_Itaho: hmm.. what did that gui look like? do you rememeber what it was called? | 17:07 |
DVA5912 | I installed the mysql++-dev where is this stored? I need to know for code::blocks | 17:07 |
tx0_ | hello | 17:07 |
Kai_Itaho | displayconfig-gtk | 17:07 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> carefully looked for fixed address | 17:07 |
eltese | why cant I get any sound on the livecd ? | 17:07 |
vladc | Hi, I can't update packages on my Ubuntu Feisty (7.04) because Sofware Sources says "Could not download all repository indexes". Do I need to change the repository URL or something? | 17:07 |
dury | evowill: what should I type | 17:07 |
kizedek | evowill, it is a relative's PC. They brought it to me because it would not boot. It turned out the filesystem was messed up. I managed to recover it and install all the software along with bios upgrades. Everything works fine for about 3 weeks. Now all of a sudden this problem came up | 17:08 |
tx0_ | eh | 17:08 |
stufkan | n8tuser: okay - why do you want to make the eth0 dynamic then? | 17:08 |
IndyGunFreak | vladc: probably because feisty is past its end of life date... | 17:08 |
grndslm | is there any reason to use png over svg for my icon set? | 17:08 |
Kai_Itaho | also, everytime I open a window it goes full screen | 17:09 |
stufkan | n8tuser: in the interfaces file | 17:09 |
Photoguy | I have the Compiz manager, and I enabled 3d windows, how do I use it now? | 17:09 |
stufkan | n8tuser: that doesn't make any sense | 17:09 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> in interfaces it says dynamic but in the dhclient.conf it will say fixed, get the flow? | 17:09 |
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Kai_Itaho | I have to press F11 twice to get it back between the task bars | 17:09 |
ldlework | What is the utility that the installer uses to resize a partition? I have just formatted my Vista partition and would like to add that size to my Ubuntu partition. | 17:09 |
vladc | IndyGunFreak: So I'm out of luck if I want to install packages for it? | 17:09 |
hellues | hey | 17:09 |
IndyGunFreak | vladc: i'd say its a good possibility... | 17:09 |
evowill | kizedek, you might want to check with the mfg, or it might be cheaper from a company that specializes in that. | 17:09 |
hellues | i cannot check my reiserfs partition | 17:09 |
mike12 | an error occured please run package manager from the right click menu or apt get in a terminal to see what is wrongthe error message was error brfoken count> 0 this ussually means the installed aplications have unmet dependencies | 17:09 |
evowill | dury, ghb | 17:09 |
Slart | Kai_Itaho: hmm.. not sure if this functionality has been moved somewhere else.. but displayconfig-gtk was last seen in .. 7.04 or something like that | 17:09 |
DVA5912 | I installed the mysql++-dev where is this stored? I need to know for code::blocks | 17:09 |
IndyGunFreak | !eol | vladc look here... | 17:09 |
ubottu | vladc look here...: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See | 17:09 |
hellues | fsck.reiserfs -fix--fixable /dev/sda1 doesnt work | 17:10 |
n8tuser | Kai_Itaho -> yes I can confirm thats been removed, dont what the replacement is, you may have to manually configure xorg.conf | 17:10 |
stufkan | n8tuser: that's very contradicting to me | 17:10 |
Kai_Itaho | Slart: it was in 8.04 | 17:10 |
IndyGunFreak | vladc: but a lot of the repositories for those distros close also... in support of the newer ones | 17:10 |
eltese | My sound fails on the LiveCD will it also do this once I install ? | 17:10 |
DVA5912 | eltese: doubtful | 17:10 |
Kai_Itaho | n8tuser: unfortunately, I have no idea what im doing when configuring xorg.conf | 17:10 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> for you yes, if you understand the flow of things, then it is not | 17:10 |
IndyGunFreak | eltese: does it work, and then fail, or never work at all? | 17:10 |
vladc | IndyGunFreak, ubottu: OK, thanks for your help! | 17:10 |
stufkan | n8tuser: I have to go afk now, i hope you want to help me afterwards | 17:11 |
n8tuser | Kai_Itaho -> then may I suggest installing 8.04 and dish the 8.10 | 17:11 |
IndyGunFreak | DVA5912: lol, if it fails on the live cd, there's a very good chance it will fail on the install. | 17:11 |
=== Mud|lunch is now known as Mud | ||
n8tuser | stufkan -> if not I, someone else will | 17:11 |
mick02 | mikel2 it would make it easier for me to see when you post if you put my name at the start of your question. Open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install update | 17:11 |
Kai_Itaho | I just installed 8.1 too lazy to go back | 17:11 |
Kai_Itaho | D: | 17:11 |
Photoguy | I have the Compiz manager, and I enabled 3d windows, how do I use it now? | 17:11 |
eltese | IndyGunFreak: It doesnt work at all... I went in to System -> Preferences -> Sound and tried it there, nothing happened | 17:11 |
kizedek | evowill, yup I think thats what will happen | 17:11 |
n8tuser | man these people are too lazy to work on the solutions...hehe | 17:11 |
DVA5912 | IndyGunFreak: thats what i said :D | 17:12 |
mick02 | mikel2 If that doesn't work type the following in the Terminal ... sudo apt-get install -f | 17:12 |
IndyGunFreak | eltese: open a terminal, and type "lspci" (lower case L) hit enter, and see how it identifies your sound device... | 17:12 |
IndyGunFreak | DVA5912: well it didn't come across that | 17:12 |
vigo | n8tuser: That is what I had to do, 8,10 was goofy on this setup, so I reverted to 8.04,,works great | 17:12 |
eltese | IndyGunFreak: Thanks but I got it to work now :P All I had to do was a minor change :) | 17:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | deb feisty-updates main restricted universe multiverse | 17:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | deb feisty-security main restricted universe multiverse | 17:12 |
evowill | kizedek, Also, if it was paid for with a credit card, you can check with them also, some have protection plans, etc | 17:13 |
IndyGunFreak | eltese: ok | 17:13 |
n8tuser | vigo -> am glad it worked for you, way too many issues on the latest upgrade i noticed from sound to x to networking | 17:13 |
evowill | kizedek, Best of luck | 17:13 |
kizedek | evowill, thanks again for your advice :) | 17:13 |
Kai_Itaho | all of a sudden, firefox opens in a weird way: it covers the whole screen and you can't see the title bar | 17:13 |
scampbell | Kai_Itaho: hit F11 | 17:14 |
Kai_Itaho | did I do something weird o.O? | 17:14 |
Kai_Itaho | its not that | 17:14 |
Kai_Itaho | its different from F11, I have to hit it twice to see the task bar | 17:14 |
matteo_ | hi all, if i connect my amilo PII 1505 to my new screen with RGB/VGA i can't get any signal but the screen manager seems to detect the new screen... Any tips thx alot | 17:14 |
mick02 | Kai_Itaho that happened to me on my Netbook, when I hit F11 twice the taskbar appears again | 17:14 |
Kai_Itaho | imeant title bar | 17:14 |
Kai_Itaho | mick02: do you always have to hit f11? | 17:14 |
mick02 | Kai_Itaho, I've the same problem but haven't gotten around to fixing it yet | 17:15 |
eltese | Someone who can help me with partitioning my hdd's? | 17:15 |
n8tuser | eltese -> show some efforts of what you have done so far? | 17:15 |
Kai_Itaho | ok I just fixed it | 17:15 |
mick02 | Kai_Itaho, what version of Ubuntu are you running? | 17:15 |
Kai_Itaho | :D, its "minimize" is HUGE (larger that maximize) | 17:16 |
mick02 | Kai_Itaho, what did you do? | 17:16 |
Kai_Itaho | oops | 17:16 |
Kai_Itaho | imean | 17:16 |
Slart | Kai_Itaho: here's some info about why it isn't available anymore | 17:16 |
evowill | kizedek, you are welcome | 17:16 |
Kai_Itaho | the unmaximize window is adjustable, it was just adjusted to bigger than the screen | 17:16 |
Edico | after I define an alias I must restart the system? | 17:16 |
petllama | quick question, when i boot up my PC i got a TV attached and need it to stay at 1024x768 resolution. I got ATI cat control center, but need to change it everytime i boot. how can i make it default to 1024x768? | 17:16 |
eltese | n8tuser: Im in the installing software and chosed guided on on partitions... But I cant see my 160 GB there.. I got 2 hdd's , 1 160gb , 1 320gb | 17:16 |
Kai_Itaho | ok never mind mick02, it didn't do anything | 17:17 |
Kai_Itaho | -.- | 17:17 |
n8tuser | eltese -> cancel that and select manual instead of guided | 17:17 |
CaMason_ | Anyone know of a tool like wget that uses multiple connections? | 17:17 |
mick02 | petllama You may need to change the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to change the resolution, remember to back up first! | 17:17 |
Tekno | CaMason_: filezilla | 17:18 |
jrib | CaMason_: axel | 17:18 |
mike12 | mick02 what iss my password if i have never set one for sudo | 17:18 |
petllama | thnx | 17:18 |
CaMason_ | axel, I think that's what I'm thinking of. | 17:18 |
CaMason_ | Thanks guys | 17:18 |
eltese | n8tuser: mk... have done that now.. But I dont recognize this :S Im not that good at partitioning | 17:18 |
n8tuser | eltese -> btw, also tell us how did you boot? where is the iso? | 17:18 |
burkmat | Let's say I'm storing crypto keys in ~/.ssh/id_rsa. Would `dd if=/dev/urandom of=~/.ssh/id_rsa` actually overwrite the actual keys on the disk or would they still be retrievable through simple disc analysis? | 17:18 |
mick02 | mikel2 it should be the password that you use to log on to your laptop or if you log in automatically then it's the password that you put in when you set up the PC | 17:19 |
mike12 | ok thanks | 17:19 |
tx0_ | hello | 17:19 |
eltese | n8tuser: I burned the iso on cd | 17:19 |
=== denstark_ is now known as Denstark | ||
n8tuser | eltese -> and what did you do next? | 17:19 |
eltese | n8tuser: rebooted my system and choosed "try ubuntu without any change..." | 17:20 |
=== stufkan is now known as Stufkan-afk | ||
mike12 | mick02 E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. it said this | 17:21 |
mick02 | mikel then run sudo dpkg --configure -a in the terminal to fix it! | 17:21 |
mike12 | mcko2 thanks | 17:21 |
mick02 | mikel2 then run sudo dpkg --configure -a in the terminal to fix it! | 17:21 |
n8tuser | eltese -> then maybe it is incompatible with your system, try the older 8.04 livecd | 17:22 |
mick02 | mikel2, no worries. I'm out. Best of luck with that | 17:22 |
tx0_ | Laughing Out Loud | 17:22 |
n8tuser | eltese -> btw, your bios do detect all your hdd right? | 17:22 |
tx0_ | Be Right Back | 17:22 |
eltese | n8tuser: yes it does, and ubuntu can see it 2. | 17:22 |
tx0_ | hu | 17:22 |
eltese | n8tuser: only not in the installing software | 17:22 |
quni | Hey there. After an update I am no longer getting any sound with Alsa or OSS. Pulseaudio is working fine though. This means I get no sound when running some games through Wine. Any pointers or ideas as to what is causing this or how it is fixed? | 17:23 |
n8tuser | eltese -> without clicking on the install and opening up the terminal, you see all your hdd partitions when you do sudo fdisk -l | 17:23 |
tx0_ | Ok | 17:23 |
tx0_ | hi | 17:23 |
eltese | n8tuser: yes | 17:23 |
tr3nd | anybody know why my Ubuntu is sucking 10% -> 15% CPU usage? | 17:24 |
n8tuser | eltese now sudo gparted and does it also show all your hdd partitions? | 17:24 |
sipior | tr3nd: what does top say? | 17:24 |
ardchoille | eltese: no, gksudo gparted | 17:24 |
sipior | tr3nd: (my guess would be a web browser) | 17:24 |
ardchoille | !gksudo | n8tuser | 17:24 |
ubottu | n8tuser: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 17:24 |
tr3nd | sipior: it's when idle | 17:24 |
sipior | tr3nd: well, it's obviously not idle :-) what does "top" report? | 17:25 |
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n8tuser | ardchoille -> am log in as root, so i tend to forget the people am assisting | 17:25 |
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ardchoille | n8tuser: you IRC as root user? | 17:25 |
tx0_ | ja | 17:25 |
n8tuser | ardchoille -> nope, in my cli | 17:26 |
sipior | tx0_: something we can help you with, friend? | 17:26 |
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ardchoille | ok | 17:26 |
Kai_Itaho | mick02: I restored my xorg.conf from my old one and it fixed the problem | 17:26 |
Kai_Itaho | =] | 17:26 |
tr3nd | sipior: what do you mean? | 17:26 |
sipior | tr3nd: type "top" in a terminal and see what it reports regarding cpu usage by various processes. | 17:26 |
Kai_Itaho | now, I need someone to teach me how to use xorg.conf for setting up another monitor >_< | 17:26 |
ardchoille | !dualhead | 17:27 |
ubottu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on - See also !Xinerama | 17:27 |
matteo_ | Quote KAi | 17:27 |
tr3nd | sipior: root is 11 % cpu usage :( | 17:27 |
BlueEagle | So I'm trying to set up a link with two wireless network cards to connect to the same access point. I get the link up on both of them but when I do I'm unable to connect to the access point for some unapparant reason. | 17:27 |
sipior | tr3nd: that's the user, check the "command" column | 17:27 |
tr3nd | sipior: Xsorg | 17:27 |
tr3nd | -s | 17:28 |
Kai_Itaho | ardchoille: I don't get that, sorry | 17:28 |
n8tuser | BlueEagle -> if you were the packet, which nic would you use to get to the AP ? | 17:28 |
profXavier | anyone have an idea of what size Ubuntu's (latest) size is, after a fresh install + update? | 17:28 |
BlueEagle | I am using wpa for encryption and that may be the cause of the ailments as wpa-supplicant might be confused, but I'm not sure that this is the cause of the problem. Has anyone found a way to do this? Do I need to bridge these nics and create a simple round-robin algorithm for it? | 17:28 |
matteo_ | i have an amilo PI 1505 anyone can help me with dual screening with it? Thx alot! (also connect to ext screen is good for me ) | 17:28 |
hajmola | is there anyway i can play a different region dvd without having to change the drive setting? Or if I could rip it | 17:28 |
n8tuser | BlueEagle -> if you were the packet, which nic would you use to get to the AP ? <--answer this | 17:28 |
mike12 | mick02 now it says The default action is to keep your current version. | 17:29 |
mike12 | *** config-modules (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? | 17:29 |
BlueEagle | n8tuser: Well the object here is to make a round-robin load balancing to effectively double the transfer rate. | 17:29 |
sipior | tr3nd: you're accessing the X server now, aren't you? | 17:29 |
BlueEagle | n8tuser: So I would use either. Most likely I need a virtual interface on top of the two nicks. | 17:29 |
tr3nd | sipior: no? what is xorg anyway | 17:29 |
BlueEagle | !xorg | 17:30 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 17:30 |
=== Stufkan-afk is now known as stufkan | ||
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n8tuser | BlueEagle -> but it is not as simple as that, enabling two nics and then expect it to select to correct route, there is more to it | 17:30 |
sipior | tr3nd: the X server which is showing you your desktop :-) | 17:30 |
tr3nd | sipior: is it connected to internet? | 17:30 |
Kai_Itaho | also another question, im using a Rocketfish Bluetooth Mouse with multimedia buttons, how do I get scrolling to work | 17:30 |
BlueEagle | n8tuser: I know, the question is, where do I go from here. :) | 17:30 |
Commie_Cary | sipior, no thtas gnome/kde/etc | 17:30 |
mike12 | hey anybody kno what to do when terminal says The default action is to keep your current version. | 17:30 |
mike12 | *** config-modules (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? | 17:30 |
stufkan | n8tuser: okay I'm back | 17:30 |
sipior | Commie_Cary: you meant that for the other guy, i think. | 17:31 |
n8tuser | BlueEagle -> google for having two nic card and load balancing | 17:31 |
hajmola | scp keeps stalling with wifi.. on any network, any ideas? | 17:31 |
hajmola | (only since I upgraded to ibex) | 17:31 |
BlueEagle | n8tuser: Sure. I'll just have to install X first. :) | 17:31 |
tr3nd | sipior: when i open firefox cpu usage jumps to 60 % sometimes. is it possible that i have forgot to install drivers? | 17:32 |
sipior | tr3nd: no, that's normal. | 17:32 |
ValentineX | how to locate trash in nautilus? | 17:32 |
mib_8y86rx | How do I run the GUI frontend to partman the partition resizer used in the ubuntu live install? | 17:32 |
tr3nd | sipior: when i had windows the cpu usage was much lower | 17:32 |
sipior | tr3nd: as long as it doesn't remain at 60%... | 17:32 |
sipior | tr3nd: i don't know what to tell you. | 17:33 |
stufkan | n8tuser: if I just want to use my routers DNS adresses, what do I do then? | 17:33 |
tr3nd | it remain at 19 % to 25 % | 17:33 |
hajmola | ValentineX, there's a trash folder on the left panel, or you can press CTRL-H to show hidden folders and it will be .trashes | 17:33 |
stufkan | n8tuser: nothing I assume, isn't it default? | 17:33 |
ValentineX | hajmola: thank u | 17:33 |
sipior | tr3nd: remember that your linux box is doing a fair amount in the background, even if you're not directly interacting with it. | 17:33 |
mib_8y86rx | Anyone? | 17:33 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> nothing, let your dhclient handle it, and remove that append we talked about earler | 17:33 |
ValentineX | hajmola: Sorry, could not display all the contents of "trash": Operation not supported | 17:33 |
mike12 | mick02 | 17:34 |
ye | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-180_180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1_amd64.deb: | 17:34 |
ye | returns error state 2 | 17:34 |
matteo_ | anyone is using an Amilo pi 1505? I am not able to connect it to my sxternal screen any tips? drivers? thx alot!!! | 17:34 |
stufkan | n8tuser: prepend right? | 17:34 |
ye | clues? | 17:34 |
ValentineX | hajmola: there are some files in my trash i am trying to delete them but i am unable to, before someone here told me procedure to delete them with gksudo nautilus ... then located some folders to empty trash in file system | 17:34 |
n8tuser | stufkan -> yeah that one | 17:35 |
tr3nd | anyone know wich directory i can see the source code of ubuntu? | 17:35 |
mike12 | hey i just ran sudo apt configure and now it says The default action is to keep your current version. | 17:35 |
mike12 | *** config-modules (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? | 17:35 |
mike12 | what should i do | 17:35 |
ye | jrib, i got this problem nowE: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-180_180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1_amd64.deb: | 17:35 |
sipior | tr3nd: do you mean the linux kernel? "source code of ubuntu" is pretty general... | 17:35 |
jrib | mike12: did you make modifications to that file? | 17:35 |
tr3nd | sipior: yes | 17:36 |
tr3nd | kernel | 17:36 |
jrib | ye: pastebin the whole error | 17:36 |
ye | sure | 17:36 |
ye | !pastebin | 17:36 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 17:36 |
jrib | !kernel > tr3nd | 17:36 |
ubottu | tr3nd, please see my private message | 17:36 |
jrib | !source > tr3nd | 17:36 |
sipior | tr3nd: you can grab the "linux-source" package. | 17:36 |
mike12 | jrib somebody told me to run that because i was having problems with an update. now this is asking me what to do and i do not know what to do | 17:36 |
tr3nd | !source > ye | 17:37 |
ubottu | ye, please see my private message | 17:37 |
stufkan | n8tuser: - thats my settings now, the rest in dhclient.conf is commented. Does that seem right to make a static ip? | 17:37 |
jrib | mike12: use the maintainer's version then | 17:37 |
tr3nd | sipior: where? | 17:37 |
squirt33 | anyone tried thunar instead of nautilus? | 17:37 |
sipior | tr3nd: "sudo apt-get install linux-source" | 17:37 |
tr3nd | ok | 17:37 |
mike12 | jrib so what do i do to do that | 17:37 |
ye | jrgp, i cant paste the log i got from synaptic | 17:37 |
squirt33 | ye : !pastebot | 17:38 |
squirt33 | !pastbot | 17:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastbot | 17:38 |
squirt33 | !pastebin | 17:38 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 17:38 |
jrib | mike12: pastebin the whole message | 17:38 |
mib_8y86rx | Does anyone know how to start the GUI for partman? | 17:38 |
jrib | ye: huh? | 17:38 |
Lokiase | everybody, why is my ubuntu half in dutch, half in english?? | 17:38 |
ye | jrgp, I cant copy the log into pastebin. | 17:38 |
mike12 | jrib sorry but what does that mean im really not good at this | 17:39 |
jrib | !pastebin | mike12 | 17:39 |
ubottu | mike12: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 17:39 |
squirt33 | Lokiase: go down to system --> admin ---> language. What does it say? | 17:39 |
Duk_work | when starting ssh, it can't find the rsa/dsa keys | 17:39 |
jrib | mike12: I need to see the whole message to tell you what to do | 17:39 |
bigfam | t3rdn usually its in /usr/src/ | 17:39 |
mike12 | ok | 17:39 |
fivetwentysix | Does mod_rewrite come with the apache2 package? | 17:39 |
nightrid3r | Lokiase: maybe some progs have no translation | 17:39 |
Duk_work | when reinstalling the openssh-server package, it fails when creating them saying invalid option -f | 17:39 |
mike12 | mike@mike:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a | 17:40 |
mike12 | Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ... | 17:40 |
mike12 | update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-lpia | 17:40 |
mike12 | Setting up rhythmbox (0.11.5-0ubuntu8netbook1belmont3) ... | 17:40 |
mike12 | Setting up cheese (2.22.3-0ubuntu1usg7) ... | 17:40 |
FloodBot1 | mike12: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:40 |
mike12 | Setting up webfav (1.0ubuntu5) ... | 17:40 |
Lokiase | nightrid3r: even my taskbar is in 2 languages... | 17:40 |
Duk_work | anyone know how to get ssh back up and running? | 17:40 |
Lokiase | squirt33: dutch | 17:40 |
squirt33 | select english. | 17:40 |
Lokiase | squirt33: but i want dutch...? | 17:40 |
squirt33 | Ok. Then select english, then dutch. | 17:40 |
evowill | Lokiase, Did you check the packages like I mentioned earlier? | 17:41 |
squirt33 | Lokiase: Make sure to check dutch and uncheck english. If somehow there is two checked you might have issues. Other than that, I dunno. | 17:41 |
Lokiase | evowill: where do i find it? | 17:42 |
evowill | System>Admin>Synaptic package manager | 17:42 |
jrib | ye: I don't understand why you can't copy and paste and please use "jrib" to trigger my highlight. Use apt-get to do whatever you were trying to do | 17:43 |
ye | jrib, well, it's not possible in that application to copy and paste.. | 17:43 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
satrix | hi to all | 17:44 |
MaxDrAkyla | re | 17:45 |
whoDat | /last whodat | 17:45 |
ye | jrib, dang, its stand something about it needs to have something installed. Like a package | 17:45 |
stufkan | n8tuser: you there? | 17:45 |
satrix | guys any sugest ts to mpg2 convert tool | 17:45 |
stufkan | from what to what? | 17:46 |
jrib | ye: what are you doing exactly? Use apt-get so you can copy and paste | 17:46 |
|neon| | why can't i configure dual monitors as "separate x screens", i have searched and it seems to be a know issue, i do not want to use twin view any suggestions | 17:46 |
ye | ait | 17:46 |
satrix | from ts to mpeg2 | 17:46 |
ye | jrib, sorry ill try now :) | 17:46 |
stufkan | satrix: with ts you mean dvd? | 17:46 |
evowill | Lokiase, I sent you a PM | 17:47 |
satrix | yes stufkan | 17:47 |
ye | jrib, | 17:48 |
satrix | guys HD ts file convert to mpg2 any suggest? | 17:48 |
stufkan | satrix: i think handbrake can handle that | 17:48 |
gonewestcoast | satrix: I think mmencode can as well. | 17:49 |
satrix | hanbrake? | 17:49 |
stufkan | yes | 17:49 |
satrix | is name of tool? | 17:49 |
stufkan | | 17:49 |
satrix | thanks very much stufkan | 17:49 |
satrix | I try it | 17:49 |
evowill | satrix what version of Ubuntu are you running | 17:50 |
stufkan | you're welcome | 17:50 |
evowill | ? | 17:50 |
stufkan | haven't tried it on linux btw | 17:50 |
satrix | 8.10 | 17:50 |
stufkan | it works on windows | 17:50 |
evowill | satrix, ok because the package they have on the site is for 8.10 | 17:50 |
evowill | and it does work great, I love it | 17:50 |
ye | jrib, did u see anything in that? | 17:50 |
satrix | guys you are the best | 17:51 |
satrix | the bes comunity | 17:51 |
|neon| | why can't i configure dual monitors as "separate x screens", i have searched and it seems to be a know issue, i do not want to use twin view any suggestions | 17:52 |
evowill | |neon| did your search offer solutions? | 17:52 |
tx0__ | ko | 17:53 |
|neon| | none that worked, something to do with randr, i can use twin view but it just stretches the screen across a 1440x900 and a 1920x1200 screen it looks funny | 17:54 |
=== lotia_ is now known as lotia | ||
kiki1 | hola | 17:55 |
kiki1 | hello | 17:55 |
MaxDrAkyla | re | 17:55 |
kiki1 | i have a problem with installation of ubuntu.. | 17:55 |
matteo_ | anyone is using an Amilo pi 1505? I am not able to connect it to my sxternal screen any tips? drivers? thx alot!!! | 17:55 |
kiki1 | and for run a live cd | 17:55 |
Raspberry | Is there a known issue with Intel Wireless NICs and 8.10? Using wireless with 8.10 has been painful at best... my connections (even when web surfing) timeout and the behvaior is just odd -- my other systems connected to wifi (winxp and Ubuntu 8.04) don't have this issue, but they're different hardware as well. | 17:56 |
KDB9000 | I need some help. I am trying to install 8.10 on a Dell Optiplex and it install fine but when I try booting it up, I just get a mouse and that is it. stops before I get to the desktop. any thoughts? | 17:56 |
jerrr | Hello everyone! Good morning! | 17:57 |
matteo_ | hi all, if i connect my amilo PII 1505 to my new screen with RGB/VGA i can't get any signal but the screen manager seems to detect the new screen... Any tips thx alot | 17:57 |
Raspberry | KDB9000: is your BIOS up to date? | 17:57 |
disappearedng_ | hey any1 here uses ubuntu? IS the spl inc files built in when I install php 5? | 17:57 |
KDB9000 | Raspberry, Not sure. | 17:58 |
sl8r | hi | 17:58 |
stufkan | someone know what to insert in the gateway field in the network manager? | 17:58 |
=== Niamor7 is now known as Niamor | ||
Raspberry | KDB9000: is your network working? if you ALT+F1 and do a ifconfig (after logging in) do you see an IP address? | 17:58 |
stufkan | i thought it was the ip of my router | 17:58 |
satrix | | 17:58 |
tx0__ | hu | 17:58 |
stufkan | my router is | 17:59 |
suselin | Ies |kikil | 17:59 |
suselin | !es | kikil | 17:59 |
ubottu | kikil: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 17:59 |
nightrid3r | stufkan: then | 17:59 |
sl8r | how can I play wavpack (wv) audio files? | 17:59 |
stufkan | okay, but then it automatically changes it to and i cannot connect | 17:59 |
stufkan | why? | 17:59 |
KDB9000 | Raspberry, Yes, it is working. but the text is massive on my other TTY | 17:59 |
satrix | try hard reset to factory position | 18:00 |
benjamin_ | hi | 18:00 |
stufkan | nightrid3r: it just alters to and then i cannot connect | 18:00 |
benjamin_ | I usually mount some network fs (cifs) at startup. When I shutdown my pc it never works. | 18:01 |
nightrid3r | stufkan: can'r you just use dhcp to setup the connection | 18:01 |
benjamin_ | That is because somehow first the network connection is terminated and then it tries to umount the network file systems | 18:01 |
stufkan | nightrid3r: then i can't have a static network ip | 18:02 |
benjamin_ | ie. /etc/init.d/sendsigs is stopped first and then /etc/init.d/ | 18:02 |
stufkan | nightrid3r: and I need that to have my ftp working | 18:02 |
evowill | stufkan, well, you might be able to still, using static leases from your router | 18:02 |
benjamin_ | what is the cleanest way to let ubuntu first umount the network filesystems before killing everything (and terminating the network in the process)? | 18:02 |
stufkan | hmm | 18:03 |
tx0__ | mm | 18:03 |
tx0__ | Ok | 18:03 |
nightrid3r | stufkan: can you have your router give a "static" ip to your box | 18:03 |
stufkan | evowill: synonyms for "lease" i don't think thats an option on my router | 18:03 |
stufkan | nightrid3r: suggestions how? | 18:03 |
benjamin_ | eg. in sendsigs it even says: | 18:03 |
benjamin_ | # Required-Stop: umountnfs | 18:03 |
benjamin_ | but it doesnt run before sendsigs | 18:04 |
evowill | stufkan, ok, just an option :-) | 18:04 |
tx0__ | ki | 18:04 |
benjamin_ | anyone? | 18:04 |
nightrid3r | stufkan: dhcp server option in your router | 18:04 |
Tek_ | hi | 18:04 |
kaeferadept | hi guys ... is it possible to ignore certain packages when doing an apt-get dist-upgrade? | 18:04 |
=== benjamin_ is now known as benja | ||
tx0__ | jk | 18:05 |
tx0__ | BBS | 18:05 |
evowill | kaeferadept, yes, you can 'pin' the package or I think it's called lock in synaptic | 18:05 |
tx0__ | 18:06 | |
tx0__ | kölk | 18:06 |
=== benja is now known as bjermann | ||
stufkan | nightrid3r + evowill: does "static route" sound like it? | 18:06 |
evowill | stufkan, no, that is not it | 18:06 |
bjermann | so anyone? | 18:06 |
evowill | stufkan, what router? | 18:07 |
bjermann | what is the cleanest way to let ubuntu first umount the network filesystems before killing everything (and terminating the network in the process)? | 18:07 |
nightrid3r | stufkan: no | 18:07 |
stufkan | its a netgear | 18:07 |
stufkan | wgr614v6 | 18:07 |
evowill | stufkan, I will send you a PM in a couple of min | 18:07 |
stufkan | thank you very much :D | 18:08 |
BlastuR | if I have dynamic libraries (*.so) in a custom path, how can I make my system use them? Shouldn't there be a LD_LIBRARY_PATH defined in my system? there isn't :( | 18:08 |
unomi | hi, im sitting here with a couple of machines all running intrepid, im wondering if there is a way i can set one to be the 'master repository' for the others | 18:09 |
unomi | ie for updates and installed programs | 18:09 |
=== bjermann is now known as g0th | ||
stufkan | evowill: i think I found it! | 18:09 |
Pici | !aptproxy | unomi | 18:09 |
ubottu | unomi: apt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see | 18:09 |
stufkan | evowill: it was called LAN IP setup | 18:09 |
Pici | unomi: Thats one way of doing it ^ | 18:09 |
unomi | cheers | 18:10 |
LinuxHack3r | So when listening to Amarok and using doesn't play noises as long as amarok is playing. Pause amarok, sounds work, is it the whole alsa doesn't let you play more than one thing at once or something? | 18:10 |
g0th | hi | 18:10 |
g0th | can you hear me now? | 18:10 |
g0th | what is the cleanest way to let ubuntu first umount the network filesystems before killing everything (and terminating the network in the process)? | 18:10 |
disappearedng_ | what' s the difference between purge and uninstall ? | 18:10 |
stufkan | ou | 18:10 |
Cpudan80 | Can anybody help me with creating a xrandr mode? | 18:10 |
oCean_ | BlastuR: you can manually | 18:10 |
stufkan | that didn't work very well | 18:10 |
BlastuR | oCean_, how? | 18:10 |
Cpudan80 | I just need to know the syntax of the modeline.... | 18:11 |
stufkan | evowill: you're welcome to send some info if you find some | 18:11 |
oCean_ | BlastuR: set LD_LIBRARY_PATH: "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lib_dir" | 18:11 |
g0th | disappearedng_: purge deletes more (config etc) | 18:11 |
LinuxHack3r | disappearedng i BELIEVE purge deletes settings as well? | 18:11 |
evowill | stufkan, page 64 of the user manual | 18:11 |
LinuxHack3r | someone say something to me? LinuxHack3r? | 18:11 |
oCean_ | BlastuR: there might be some caveats, think this link is helpful | 18:12 |
g0th | disappearedng_: you can eg remove a package and then reinstall it and you won't lose your configurations. But if you purge it you will | 18:12 |
=== Niamor7 is now known as Niamor | ||
=== izibi__ is now known as izibi | ||
g0th | so what should I do to change the order of rc0.d ? | 18:13 |
tx0__ | hello | 18:13 |
x1250 | what would be THE library to uninstall so te remove all gnome related programs? All of them. | 18:13 |
g0th | is the cleanest way to simply renome to something that comes before sendsigs? | 18:13 |
g0th | or sendsigs to something later? | 18:13 |
g0th | I would prefer a way that survives later upgrades | 18:13 |
evowill | tx0_, Please stop being a troll | 18:13 |
Pici | !de | tx0__ | 18:14 |
ubottu | tx0__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 18:14 |
g0th | please does anyone hear me? it seems as if I am completely ignored, I just want confirmation that I can be heard | 18:14 |
KingWilliam | Hi g0th | 18:14 |
=== Dompie is now known as Do-m-pie | ||
g0th | what is the cleanest way to let ubuntu first umount the network filesystems before killing everything (and terminating the network in the process)? | 18:15 |
g0th | hi | 18:15 |
KingWilliam | no idea g0th | 18:15 |
g0th | I usually have a lot of cifs mounted shares and when I shutdown my pc it hangs forever because it can't umount them because it doesnt find the server | 18:15 |
Pici | g0th: The way you mentioned with renaming would work fine. | 18:15 |
g0th | with updates also? | 18:16 |
g0th | hmm btw, I think this is a bug | 18:16 |
g0th | can someone maybe forward this | 18:16 |
Pici | g0th: You can log it yourself :) | 18:16 |
Pici | !bugs | g0th | 18:16 |
ubottu | g0th: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 18:16 |
g0th | should be stopped before sendsigs it is even mentioned in the file | 18:16 |
g0th | no time | 18:16 |
g0th | my brother comes to this pc in about 5 minutes | 18:16 |
a931bw | Hi all Why my desctop effects don't work ("The Composite extension is not avaible") | 18:20 |
tx0__ | fsdfsf | 18:21 |
nightrid3r | a931bw: maybe your video card doesn't support it | 18:21 |
a931bw | it 100% support it | 18:21 |
a931bw | I maked compiz fushion 1 year ago | 18:22 |
vexue | anyone know of any pandora screenlets for d/L? | 18:22 |
tx0__ | /rb fsdf | 18:23 |
tx0__ | g | 18:23 |
patricrawley | no but a pandora screenlet would be awesome | 18:24 |
ConstantineXVI | Is C-Span probably the best option for watching the inauguration from Ubuntu? | 18:24 |
vexue | i had it working on ubuntu and then reninstalled a new os and forgot to backup where i got it from! | 18:24 |
tx0__ | dsfsf | 18:25 |
ormecuro | how can i get sound from my rear speakers,my surround system's rear speakers do not work | 18:25 |
Photoguy | If I have a computer with a 1.6 ghz atom, 1.5gb ram, integrated graphics, would I be better with Xubuntu? | 18:25 |
oCean_ | tx0__: dude, you're annoying | 18:25 |
tbrock_ | guys, got disconnected and didn't see if there was a response to my question | 18:26 |
wilfrid | Hello every body ! | 18:26 |
Photoguy | Hi | 18:26 |
a931bw | Hi all Why my desctop effects don't work ("The Composite extension is not avaible") | 18:26 |
ConstantineXVI | Photoguy, I have a 630MHz celeron with 2GB of ram, gma 900, and I run ubuntu+compiz just fine | 18:26 |
Photoguy | Hm, ok | 18:26 |
Photoguy | Does Xubuntu make a lot of diffrence in performance? | 18:27 |
ConstantineXVI | Photoguy, netbook i assume? | 18:27 |
jonrafkind | anyone know what package gets me the man pages for memcpy? I tried glibc-doc but it wasn't there | 18:27 |
Cpudan80 | jonrafkind: dev-help probably | 18:28 |
node357 | or maybe "info memcpy" | 18:28 |
puremichael | can i get 32bit libs on a 64bit system? e.g. 32bit SDL libraries ? | 18:28 |
jonrafkind | whats "dev-help", an irc channel? its not in aptitude | 18:28 |
Cpudan80 | jonrafkind: sorry it's memcpy | 18:29 |
maxxist | puremichael yes | 18:29 |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
puremichael | how to do it ? | 18:29 |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
FloodBot1 | tx0__: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:29 |
jonrafkind | Cpudan80, what? | 18:29 |
Cpudan80 | jonrafkind: err - I cant type today -- sudo apt-get install devhelp | 18:29 |
blbrown | has anyone been able to get Microsoft's remote-desktop/terminal services to work on Ubuntu? | 18:29 |
Cpudan80 | The docs are in the devhelp package (there is no -) | 18:29 |
maxxist | puremichael i believe just installing ubuntu-restricted-extras will install the 32 bit libraries | 18:29 |
jonrafkind | a gnome help program? this doesnt look like it.. | 18:29 |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
tx0__ | 18:29 | |
FloodBot1 | tx0__: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:29 |
ConstantineXVI | blbrown, as in the client? works fine for me | 18:29 |
Cpudan80 | jonrafkind: it includes the developer man pages | 18:29 |
patricrawley | tx0_: stop\ | 18:30 |
jonrafkind | ok | 18:30 |
Cpudan80 | blbrown: sure | 18:30 |
Cpudan80 | blbrown: whats giving you trouble? | 18:30 |
=== Mud is now known as Mud|afk | ||
blbrown | ConstantineXVI, I can connect to a termanal service through windows but I wonder if it will work on Ubuntu... what tool is that? | 18:30 |
jonrafkind | Cpudan80, 'man memcpy' still doesnt work | 18:31 |
ConstantineXVI | blbrown, "Terminal Server Client", it's in the stock install | 18:31 |
jonrafkind | where does it put the man pages? | 18:31 |
monokrome | Hi... My new webcam has an integrated webcam... When I take a picture with Cheese, the light for the cam turns on but no picture comes up! Also, if I try to record video cheese freezes. Also, CamStream just shows a black screen with the top 15% or so made of random colored pixels. | 18:31 |
monokrome | new laptop* | 18:31 |
Cpudan80 | jonrafkind: hrm...... | 18:31 |
blbrown | ConstantineXVI, OK, I see it. | 18:31 |
monokrome | Does anyone know how to fix this? I tried to compile gspca, but it wont compile because of asm/semaphores.h doesn't exist =] | 18:31 |
functionofxy | anyone willing to help debug my mysql server? | 18:32 |
barisha | can someone help mi with configuring virtualbox? | 18:33 |
patricrawley | can some one hgelp me with the pandora screenlet | 18:33 |
Cpudan80 | jonrafkind: manpages-dev | 18:33 |
monokrome | functionofxy: It looks like mysql is already running. | 18:33 |
Cpudan80 | Thats the one | 18:33 |
Cpudan80 | barisha: sure | 18:34 |
oCean_ | jonrafkind: google "man memcpy" - it's there | 18:34 |
patricrawley | I installed it and everything but it says I need GtkMozEmbed | 18:34 |
functionofxy | monokrome, ps says it isn't | 18:34 |
Cpudan80 | barisha: whats up? | 18:34 |
monokrome | functionofxy: Does `pgrep mysqld` show any output? | 18:34 |
jonrafkind | oCean_, I need it on my local computer.. | 18:34 |
jonrafkind | Cpudan80, ok | 18:34 |
patricrawley | But GtkMozEmbed isnt in the repo's | 18:34 |
=== guille_ is now known as tuning | ||
functionofxy | monokrome, no. is there some kind of lockfile that might be in place? | 18:34 |
x1250 | what would be THE library to uninstall, so te remove all gnome related programs? I don't want to just remove ubuntu-desktop related stuff, but all gtk based programs. | 18:34 |
jonrafkind | Cpudan80, there wasn't manpages-dev, but there was manpages-posix-dev | 18:35 |
jonrafkind | now I have it | 18:35 |
Pici | x1250: The ubuntu-desktop related stuff are all gnome related. | 18:35 |
monokrome | functionofxy: Try running /etc/init.d/mysql stop | 18:35 |
x1250 | Pici, but all gnome apps are not ubuntu-desktop related. | 18:35 |
mehall | hi all, qq: wondering if bug #202959 was fixed in 8.10? (64MB RAM install issue from Hardy) | 18:35 |
Pici | !purekde | x1250 this may help | 18:35 |
Cpudan80 | jonrafkind: hrmm they must have moved some packages | 18:35 |
ubottu | x1250 this may help: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « » | 18:35 |
x1250 | k, thanks | 18:35 |
monokrome | functionofxy: After that, see if the server starts. | 18:36 |
jonrafkind | Cpudan80, thanks again | 18:36 |
Cpudan80 | np | 18:36 |
mercutio22 | Hi, how is GRUB2 working on intrepid ibex? | 18:37 |
Fezzler | Anyone have their Palm connected to Ubuntu? Should I use "network" or "USB" | 18:37 |
functionofxy | monokrome, nothing changed | 18:38 |
functionofxy | same syslog output | 18:38 |
mib_1daedc | Hello. If my video card has that yellow video port, is that for import, export, or both? | 18:38 |
mib_1daedc | I'm trying to see if comp could display my PS3's signal | 18:38 |
monokrome | functionofxy: Weird. | 18:39 |
al-_-Gir | i am searching for asoftware for windows , that checks md5 sum , its open source ( that is the reason im asking here ) and it has a lock picture in the tray , written in java , some know the name ? | 18:39 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: check out /var/run/mysqld directory. Lockfile might be there | 18:39 |
functionofxy | oCean_, monokrome that dir is empty | 18:40 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: however, it says it cannot connect through port 3306 | 18:40 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: see if anything is running on 3306? | 18:40 |
functionofxy | oCean_, how do I check? sorry | 18:41 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: "sudo netstat -anp | grep 3306" | 18:41 |
exmachina2 | how do i set up a bash so that it also reads bins from my ~/bins/ and not just /usr/bin | 18:41 |
oCean_ | exmachina2: edit ~/.profile to add that to the PATH variable | 18:42 |
functionofxy | oCean_, that didn't return anything | 18:42 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: gets weirder | 18:42 |
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche | ||
oCean_ | exmachina2: "export PATH=$PATH:/home/myhome/bin" for example | 18:43 |
al-_-Gir | i am searching for asoftware for windows , that checks md5 sum , its open source ( that is the reason im asking here ) and it has a lock picture in the tray , written in java , some know the name ? | 18:43 |
functionofxy | oCean_, I agree. Should I back up my /var/lib/mysql, run aptitude purge and then reinstall? | 18:43 |
przemek_ | hi | 18:43 |
nbeebo | is this command safe? find / -wholename /e/src/modules/illume -prune -o -exec grep -H illume {} \; | 18:43 |
pavel_ | Hi, pls how to install php4 together width php5 on 8.10? | 18:43 |
przemek_ | what package are the proprietary drivers for radeon on ubuntu? | 18:43 |
suselin | md5summer | 18:43 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: it really states "cannot bind to requested address", so don't think reinstall will solve. It did run earlier? | 18:44 |
khelll | when doing eject nothing happens, actually for some reason the whole dvd is not being accessible, it was not like that before few days .... | 18:44 |
suselin | md5summer | al-_-Gir | 18:44 |
functionofxy | oCean_, I've run it dozens of times. It hosts my amarok db, among other things | 18:44 |
flodin | anyone else seen this problem? | 18:44 |
flodin | % helix-player | 18:44 |
flodin | Segmentation fault | 18:44 |
functionofxy | oCean_, I've posted the contents of /var/lib/mysql | 18:45 |
flodin | it crashes really early, i've run strace and it's only about 20-30 syscalls before the lights go out | 18:45 |
al-_-Gir | suselin , thanks but this is not this one im looking for | 18:45 |
khelll | when doing eject nothing happens, actually for some reason the whole dvd is not being accessible, it was not like that before few days .... | 18:45 |
al-_-Gir | what i had has a lock picture in the tray when it runs | 18:46 |
tx0__ | cmd | 18:46 |
oCean_ | nbeebo: the option to -exec does nothing that isn't safe (only a grep) but it can be done easier. | 18:46 |
tx0__ | jj | 18:46 |
=== patrick is now known as Guest41906 | ||
tx0__ | op | 18:47 |
nbeebo | oCean_, ok thanks | 18:47 |
Photoguy | ConstantineXV: sorry, yeah netbook. Acer aspire one. | 18:47 |
tx0__ | po | 18:47 |
nbeebo | oCean_, ok just to be 100% sure, it is safe? yes or no? .. lol | 18:47 |
ormecuro | could somebody help me about my sorround system | 18:48 |
oCean_ | nbeebo: best way to learn is to try your command on a directory where you know it can't hurt. | 18:49 |
nbeebo | oCean_, yeah but still it can crap the system up i guess.. | 18:49 |
IndyGunFreak | Photoguy: whats the prob w/ your aspire one? | 18:50 |
functionofxy | oCean_, does the dir listing help? | 18:50 |
rj_ | does anyone know how to install lame codec to make audacity work? | 18:50 |
oCean_ | nbeebo: well, the command is a bit weird, since you start at '/' to look for a file /e/src/... | 18:50 |
rj_ | because i've already tried downloading/installing it from the terminal | 18:50 |
maikk130494 | Enter text here... | 18:50 |
rj_ | and it didn'tt work | 18:51 |
maikk130494 | wi a do world | 18:51 |
nbeebo | oCean_, yep.. but to be sure ill continue my quest ! solong and thanks! lol bb | 18:51 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: i saw the output. It does not give any more info than that it cannot bind to 3306 :/ | 18:51 |
maikk130494 | heyo welcome | 18:51 |
=== squiddy is now known as Guest93407 | ||
maikk130494 | holas como estasn q me ctan | 18:51 |
maikk130494 | soy maikk | 18:51 |
tx0__ | hu | 18:51 |
rj_ | so i was just wondering if anyone else had this problem and knows how to correctly install i | 18:51 |
functionofxy | no, the ls -l /var/lib/mysql oCean_ | 18:52 |
andresmh | can I run XP-32bit on top VirtualBox running on Ubuntu 64-bit ? | 18:52 |
maxxist | ormecuro how are your speakers hooked up? through spdif port? digital? | 18:52 |
x1250 | Pici, this seems to work: sudo aptitude purge ~nlibgnome2-* ~nlibbonobo2-* ~nliborbit2* ~nlibgnomeui* ~nlibgnomevfs2-* | 18:52 |
keres | my mic won't work even when turned all the way up in alsamixer, and on the system's tray sliders. | 18:52 |
oCean_ | Isn't there any Op around to kick tx0_ a little? | 18:52 |
keres | can someone help? | 18:52 |
maxxist | andresmh yes you sure can. | 18:52 |
rj_ | can anyone help? much appreciated | 18:53 |
ormecuro | maxxist: my rear speakers do not work,i can not get sound from them,but front speakers are working | 18:53 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: seems to be another subdirectory mysql? Below /var/lib/mysql? What is in there | 18:53 |
maxxist | ormecuro how are they hooked up? with digital or analog? | 18:53 |
mewmew | lessons learned in this room don't fall a sleep with your hand by the keybad symbol | 18:53 |
maikk130494 | HOLs | 18:53 |
andresmh | maxxist, is it like "yes, you can after spending some time reading special instructions" or like "yes, you can, it's nothing special"? | 18:54 |
maikk130494 | no hay nadie con q n | 18:54 |
maikk130494 | platicar | 18:54 |
maikk130494 | bye | 18:54 |
maxxist | andresmh yes you can it works with no problems... | 18:54 |
maikk130494 | xau | 18:54 |
svat | hi, is it true that non-administrator accounts don't have "Shut down" in the panel at the top right corner? | 18:54 |
fsufitch | Hi. i can't read or write any CDs or DVDs on my computer. This has only been happening recently, and the problem is that no CD or DVD is ever detected as being inserted, even though the CD drive sounds like it's making several attempts to detect. related (or maybe not) is that USB storage drives only sometimes work, and my webcam only works for about 15 minutes after a fresh boot. any ideas about what's going on here? | 18:54 |
ormecuro | maxxist: analog | 18:54 |
khelll | That what happned to me also! | 18:55 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: ah wait, that subdir gets us nowhere, i see it now here (my machine) also | 18:55 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: what does "/etc/init.d/mysqld status" output?? | 18:56 |
functionofxy | oCean_, i'm pretty sure its the db of db | 18:56 |
maxxist | ormecuro can you open the volume app(speaker icon on your menu bar. | 18:56 |
ormecuro | maxxist: yes,i opened | 18:56 |
functionofxy | oCean_, * MySQL is stopped. | 18:56 |
khelll | fsufitch same goes here | 18:56 |
maxxist | ormecuro try the preference pane in there. sometimes you need to enable them in there. | 18:57 |
keres | I need help setting up Teamspeak for ubuntu. I have a mic plugged in, and it is turned up in alsamixer and in the systems tray slider. However, teamspeak won't detect any sound at all. | 18:57 |
fsufitch | khelll: so you're experiencing the same issues? what's your machine? mine is a dell xps m1330 | 18:57 |
ganbat | how to config squid download limit? | 18:57 |
DkySven | /j ubuntu-artwork | 18:57 |
ormecuro | maxxist: i tried ,but i could not find any settings about 4 or more channels | 18:57 |
khelll | mine is hp compaq nc6400 | 18:57 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: ok. And then "/etc/init.d/mysqld start" outputs the same errors as before...? | 18:57 |
khelll | it seems that happened after some update to the system. | 18:58 |
fsufitch | khelll: yeah, that's what i'm thinking too. however, the webcam wouldnt work at all until an update to the linux-image and linux-modules a week or so ago | 18:58 |
maxxist | ormecuro so there is multiple outputs on your sound card for rear speakers and LFE and such? and they are analog? what kind of source are you using, DVD? | 18:58 |
functionofxy | oCean_, yes. | 18:58 |
functionofxy | thanks for sticking with me | 18:59 |
jonny_ | Hi all - has anyone had problems with the latest version of NoMachine's nxserver? I get segfaults on Ubuntu 8.04/8.10 :/ | 18:59 |
petitprince | hi | 18:59 |
mewmew | is there a diffrence in sudo and root? | 18:59 |
mewmew | if so what | 18:59 |
ardchoille | !sudo | mewmew Read the info here | 18:59 |
ubottu | mewmew Read the info here: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 18:59 |
al-_-Gir | i am searching for asoftware for windows , that checks md5 sum , its open source ( that is the reason im asking here ) and it has a lock picture in the tray , written in java , some know the name ? | 18:59 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: what does "ping localhost" do? | 19:00 |
ardchoille | mewmew: Some important warnings on that webpage | 19:00 |
temppy | oCean_: it pings your own computer | 19:00 |
andresmh | is there a way I can do a backup of everything system as it is now into a DVD so I could easily recover from that DVD? | 19:00 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: I mean, it can also be in the network config that it cannot connect through 3306 | 19:00 |
mewmew | !cron > mewmew | 19:00 |
Baughn | Is there an installation cd that uses the 2.6.28 kernel around? | 19:00 |
ubottu | mewmew, please see my private message | 19:00 |
petitprince | ^petitprince | 19:00 |
jrib | !cli > mewmew | 19:00 |
temppy | !jaunty > Baughn i think jaunty does but it is alpha so careful | 19:01 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:01 |
ormecuro | maxxist: i just wanna listen mp3s with my sound system,in windows all my speakers work flawless,but in ubuntu only two front speakers and subwoofer are working | 19:01 |
functionofxy | oCean_, that returns the pings to | 19:01 |
ardchoille | !sysreccs | andresmh use partimage to back up the whole system. | 19:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sysreccs | 19:01 |
ardchoille | !sysreccd | andresmh use partimage to back up the whole system. | 19:01 |
temppy | !jaunty > Baughn | 19:01 |
ubottu | Baughn, please see my private message | 19:01 |
mewmew | !cron | 19:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sysreccd | 19:01 |
ubottu | cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See - There is also a decent Howto at | 19:01 |
maxxist | ormecuro which program are you playing your mp3s from? | 19:01 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: ah well. No problem there then. | 19:01 |
Baughn | ubottu: Ah. Well, I'm not really interested in a broken system. | 19:01 |
ardchoille | !sysresccd > andresmh use partimage to back up the whole system. | 19:01 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:01 |
ubottu | andresmh, please see my private message | 19:01 |
ormecuro | maxxist: amarok | 19:01 |
Baughn | I'd just like to be able to install ubuntu at all.. | 19:01 |
temppy | Baughn: did intrepid fail you? | 19:02 |
maxxist | ormecuro check the settings in there maybe there is an option to output to all speakers? sorry i dont know amarok well.. | 19:02 |
Baughn | temppy: More or less. Only 2.6.28 functions well enough on this hardware, so.. | 19:02 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: just to be sure.. "ps axuww | grep -i mysql" returns nothing? | 19:02 |
ormecuro | maxxist: yes i checked it too,but no luck | 19:02 |
maxxist | ormecuro what kind of sound card? | 19:03 |
Picassotamus | ormecuro... If you are using pulse it defaults to 2 channels... | 19:03 |
Baughn | temppy: Last I tried to install ubuntu, I never even got HD shock protection to work | 19:03 |
functionofxy | oCean_, nothing besides the grep | 19:03 |
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oCean_ | functionofxy: I'm getting out of options here :/ | 19:04 |
ormecuro | maxxist: i have HDA VIA VT82xx on my motherboard | 19:04 |
al-_-Gir | someone knows about linux dist for flash memory that haave built int compiz ? | 19:04 |
ormecuro | and i have an integrated sound card on my ati graphic card either | 19:04 |
maxxist | ormecuro open a terminal. and run alsamixer and check settings in there. | 19:04 |
functionofxy | oCean_, can you think of anyone/anyplace that might know what to do? | 19:04 |
svat | Hello. Since I upgraded my home computer to Intrepid Ibex, my mother says she can no longer Shut Down or Restart through the applet at the top-right corner in the panel. Does anyone know a reason for this? | 19:04 |
ormecuro | Picassotamus: i don't know exactly what i am using | 19:04 |
al-_-Gir | someone knows about linux dist for flash memory that haave built int compiz ? | 19:05 |
Baughn | svat: Well, what happens if you try? | 19:05 |
svat | Baughn: the Shut Down and Restart options don't exist in the (user-switcher?) menu, only Log Out does | 19:05 |
Baughn | al-_-Gir: Compiz is just a window manager. It doesn't need to be built-in; you can install it anywhere. | 19:05 |
ormecuro | maxxist: i did it,but there is no option about multichannle settings in alsamixer | 19:05 |
svat | Baughn: could this be because it's not an "administrator" account? | 19:05 |
KingWilliam | Svat, what happens when you click it? | 19:05 |
temppy | Baughn: well, that kernel is in jaunty. I don't think I can help beyond telling you that. Sorry. Its kinda the curse of Linux: that very new hardware isn't supported right away. | 19:05 |
smo_PenguinStyle | Hey all. Can someone recommend to me a tutorial, howto, or just explain briefly how to program the windows key functionality in ubuntu >> gnome, and windows key+E for opening explorer window, etc? | 19:06 |
fsufitch | is launchpad down for anyone else? viewing or trying to submit any bug gives me timeout errors | 19:06 |
al-_-Gir | Baughn ok but i want it to be the default windows manager | 19:06 |
KingWilliam | svat, I had the same problem | 19:06 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: not sure. One more thing: try "/bin/nc localhost 3306" | 19:06 |
lasivian | Any suggestions on what music app to use? I'm a former Winamp user, thanks | 19:06 |
DIFH-iceroot | lasivian: amarok | 19:06 |
Baughn | svat: Oh, very possible. THough I'm not actually on ubuntu at the moment, shutting down the computer isn't something that arbitrary users should be able to do. | 19:06 |
KingWilliam | svat, you should go to system > administration > login window | 19:06 |
nightrid3r | lasivian: amarok | 19:06 |
smo_PenguinStyle | Also, how to program windows-key opens primary menu in panel? | 19:06 |
lasivian | thanks | 19:06 |
Picassotamus | ormecuro: pulseaudio is used by default, so unless you changed something you are | 19:06 |
Baughn | al-_-Gir: You can make it the default by editing .xsession appropriately | 19:07 |
Baughn | al-_-Gir: Or a variety of other ways, but I'm a bit old-fashioned.. if you start compiz before running gnome-session, it'll override whatever gnome is set up with. | 19:07 |
andresmh | can I have Gnome, can I install XFCE via Synaptic without worrying about messing up my system? | 19:07 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: btw, there isn't any firewall started, that might be blocking 3306? | 19:07 |
Baughn | andresmh: No problem. Install as many WMs/DEs as you like. :P | 19:07 |
evilx | I want to install an something but apt-get want to remove stuff because it no longer required and I dont want it to remove that stuff | 19:07 |
KingWilliam | svat, under the tab actions menu, the "show actions menu" checkbox MUST be checked | 19:07 |
Baughn | evilx: Why not? | 19:08 |
svat | KingWilliam: ok, thanks... I'll try that. | 19:08 |
functionofxy | oCean_, localhost [] 3306 (mysql) : Connection refused | 19:08 |
andresmh | thanks Bass10 | 19:08 |
mefisto__ | lasivian: if you like winamp, try audacious. similar interface | 19:08 |
smo_PenguinStyle | Hey all. Can someone recommend to me a tutorial, howto, or just explain briefly how to program the windows key functionality in ubuntu >> gnome to open primary menu in panel, and windows key+E for opening explorer window, etc? | 19:08 |
andresmh | thanks Baughn | 19:08 |
al-_-Gir | Baughn maybe there is a linux dist that have compiz as default ? | 19:08 |
KingWilliam | svat, sorry I meant the tab local | 19:08 |
Baughn | al-_-Gir: Maybe, but picking one would be a bit like scrapping your car because you don't like the radio channel. | 19:08 |
Formode | Anyone know if theres anything like For Linux? | 19:08 |
mewmew | anyone familiar with dvdrip? | 19:08 |
Baughn | al-_-Gir: It's really trivial to switch. | 19:08 |
functionofxy | oCean_, I don't think I ever started one. grep for ifw, iptables is negative | 19:09 |
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PUNISHER | hi everyone | 19:09 |
KingWilliam | hi | 19:09 |
PUNISHER | how are you here?) | 19:09 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: weee that's weird, it returns mysql? If nothing is running, then how nc knows that it's a mysql connection. | 19:09 |
Baughn | Formode: Latex? | 19:09 |
KingWilliam | I'm OK PUNISHER how about you :P | 19:09 |
Formode | Baughn, I'll look, thanks. | 19:09 |
Baughn | Formode: Perhaps using LyX as a frontend if you're infected with GUIitis | 19:09 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: something *is* either running or blocking 3306 | 19:10 |
functionofxy | oCean_, I agree. Is there some way I can reset my entire networking routine? | 19:10 |
PUNISHER | KingWilliam: I'm fine, thanks! =) | 19:10 |
Baughn | Formode: Oh, wait, I misunderstood how it works. Hmm. No, nothing I know of. | 19:10 |
PUNISHER | KingWilliam: how long do you using Ubuntu? | 19:11 |
PUNISHER | KingWilliam: do you use* | 19:11 |
evilx | im going to kill openchrome, i had it w orking fine and now it not working and saying somethign about fbdebv | 19:12 |
evilx | fbdev | 19:12 |
oCean_ | functionofxy: not really | 19:12 |
functionofxy | oCean_, /etc/init.d/networking restart? | 19:12 |
yospirito | how do you install the compiz fuzion manager | 19:12 |
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oCean_ | functionofxy: yes, that would do the trick, however if something is blocking 3306 (firewall) than that probably won't work. However, it's worth a shot | 19:13 |
functionofxy | oCean_, if grep for ifw, iptables come up with nothing, any other firewalls I can check for? | 19:13 |
johannix | hi, was wondering if there's any setting to modify the sensitivity on how much space is given to resizing a window. for example when i try and click on the side of a window to resize it, the window of "grab" room is very very small. any way to increase that? | 19:13 |
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functionofxy | oCean_, restarting net. brb | 19:14 |
Brack101 | I'm trying to configure a link for use with mpd. This is what happens > ln -s /home/music /usr/share/mpd/music | 19:14 |
Brack101 | ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/share/mpd/music' to `/home/music': No such file or directory ---but I know it exists. What gives? | 19:14 |
Baughn | johannix: Well, there's always the option of using another window manager, but.. | 19:14 |
petitprince | poo | 19:14 |
johannix | Baughn: ya, but that's not fun | 19:14 |
Baughn | johannix: Umh. Those bits are handled by the window manager, anyhow; the one shipping with gnome is very low-end, and compiz isn't much better | 19:14 |
DVA5912 | Trying to compile a C++ source with mysql support. Using Code::Blocks. followed but on build get this: cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-fcflags" anyideas? | 19:14 |
Baughn | johannix: OTOH, something like xmonad might be too alien, though the problem would be nonexistent there | 19:15 |
petitprince | poo | 19:15 |
Baughn | johannix: ..I can't answer you, but go look up xmonad. Might find it interesting. ;) | 19:15 |
Commie_Cary | why do I have no sound on Enemy Territory or Quake 3? | 19:15 |
johannix | Baughn: ok, thanks | 19:15 |
Baughn | Commie_Cary: Have you compiled your own kernel? | 19:15 |
johannix | hardest part is i dont even know what people call that | 19:16 |
petitprince | poo? | 19:16 |
Commie_Cary | Baughn, no | 19:16 |
Baughn | Commie_Cary: Eh, never mind then. It should work.. | 19:16 |
Commie_Cary | Baughn, well its not | 19:16 |
Baughn | Commie_Cary: Well, although if those use OSS output, you'd probably need a separate mixer. Or maybe not. I don't really know. ^^; | 19:16 |
Baughn | Commie_Cary: It might just be muted | 19:16 |
a931bw | Can anyone help me? | 19:18 |
KingWilliam | a931bw, what is the problem? | 19:18 |
fosco_ | a931bw, ask | 19:18 |
a931bw | i Disable display driver and Ubuntu launches only with command prompt | 19:19 |
a931bw | now i'm with live CD | 19:19 |
functionofxy_ | oCean_, no change to /bin/nc | 19:19 |
a931bw | How i'm can turn ondriver with liveCD? | 19:19 |
functionofxy_ | oCean_, all outputs are the same | 19:20 |
oCean_ | functionofxy_: too bad. I don't know how to figure out what is blocking 3306 | 19:20 |
CarlFK | I am trying to repo on a ubuntu box. page says "emerge -av boost" what is the ubuntu package name for that? | 19:20 |
functionofxy_ | ok, thanks | 19:21 |
oCean_ | functionofxy_: I'm not a firewall guru, but is there something like iptables in /etc/init.d? | 19:21 |
vigo | oCean: Yes,,that is what I was going to suggest,,, | 19:22 |
OsamaK | Hello, how can I build up-to-date language package? | 19:22 |
a931bw | How i'm can turn ondriver with liveCD? | 19:22 |
vigo | a931bw: In terminal mode? | 19:22 |
functionofxy_ | oCean_, nope. | 19:22 |
matteo_ | hi all, if i connect my amilo PII 1505 to my new screen with RGB/VGA i can't get any signal but the screen manager seems to detect the new screen... Any tips? thx alot | 19:22 |
Pici | CarlFK: Looks like packages startign with libboost | 19:23 |
a931bw | How? | 19:23 |
vigo | functionfoxy: look at UFW? | 19:23 |
KingWilliam | PUNISHER, I use ubuntu for about 2 years now | 19:23 |
matteo_ | hi all, if i connect my amilo PII 1505 to my new screen with RGB/VGA i can't get any signal but the screen manager seems to detect the new screen... Any tips? thx alot | 19:24 |
bibilebib | #u-classroom | 19:24 |
oberubu | #u-classroom | 19:24 |
oCean_ | functionofxy_: So you could try and change port number in /etc/mysql/my.cnf (3306, change it to another unused port, maybe 3307) | 19:25 |
CarlFK | Pici: thanks for making me look again - I mised libboost-dev, which looks like it has most of them as deps | 19:25 |
yospirito | how can you install compiz by command line | 19:25 |
oCean_ | functionofxy_: and then start mysqld / server. However, you also might try (hate to say this) to go and reboot the machine. Changing to port 3307 probably renders all your clients not able to connect (since they expect to connect on 3306) | 19:26 |
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profXavier | anyone have an idea of what size Ubuntu's (latest) size is, after a fresh install + update? | 19:26 |
ASULutzy | yospirito: sudo apt-get install compiz would probably work, though I would do sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 19:26 |
freq18hz | yospirito: sudo apt-get install compiz | 19:27 |
weboide | Hi, is there a way to have a software bell/beep instead of hardware? (the alert sound in preferences/sound doesnt seem to work) | 19:27 |
vigo | a931bw: That may help | 19:27 |
oCean_ | profXavier: a little over 2G I think | 19:27 |
spacepluk | hi | 19:27 |
profXavier | oCean, really, after u run a standard update, apres a new install ? | 19:28 |
functionofxy_ | oCean_, could it be an issue with apparmor? | 19:28 |
spacepluk | Can I install lpia packages on a i386 installation? | 19:28 |
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Iced133 | Hello , does anyone use Compiz Fusion Icon ? | 19:28 |
oCean_ | profXavier: somewhere about 2G, yes | 19:28 |
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redvamp128 | anyone got time to pm - and run through an issue before I submit a bug report | 19:29 |
kaeferadept | is it possible to get hal to mount devices using a specific user? (uid= & gid= mount options) | 19:29 |
oCean_ | functionofxy_: not familiair with that, but if it's blocking anything, it might. Having said that, I almost have to leave... :/ | 19:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | redvamp128, Please keep it in the channel.. for your safety and the benefit of others | 19:29 |
Koordin | hi, i have problem using wine, on which channel should i ask my question ? | 19:30 |
ic3fr0g | i taked a screenshoot. but its not .jpg or something and imageshack dont allow it to upload.. where i can upload it ????? | 19:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | Koordin, /join #winehq | 19:30 |
functionofxy_ | oCean_, tried changing to port 33060. same problems | 19:30 |
Koordin | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 19:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 19:30 |
functionofxy_ | i'm going to turn off apparmor for a sec | 19:30 |
JoshPilcer | I need help. I have a pavilion dv6000 laptop and i'm not sure how to connect to the internet. I have wifi, but i can't plug it into is. so i was going to transfer items to my ubuntu laptop. I don't know what to do... | 19:30 |
redvamp128 | well I had the issue where - it said I didn't own files in my folder and .dmrc file | 19:30 |
redvamp128 | I think I know what caused it -- | 19:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !bug | 19:31 |
ic3fr0g | i taked a screenshoot. but its not .jpg or something and imageshack dont allow it to upload.. where i can upload it ???? | 19:31 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 19:31 |
redvamp128 | I copied a few files over from a cd that I burned when I had 8.10 installed over to a fresh install of 8.04 | 19:31 |
oCean_ | functionofxy_: sorry to hear that. Hope someone can help you out, finding what is holding you from starting process on 3306. | 19:31 |
redvamp128 | the files would not let me change permissions or delete them-- so I signed in with sudo nautilus to delete them -- then at next login -- it gave me the /.dmrc file error | 19:32 |
functionofxy_ | oCean_, it is not apparmor. thanks for your help | 19:32 |
Gerrit | Hi, I'm helping my friend install ubuntu, but she is a few thousand kilometers away and doesn't know English very well. Is there a good English-language alternative to ? | 19:32 |
Gerrit | oops | 19:32 |
Gerrit | Hi, I'm helping my friend install ubuntu, but she is a few thousand kilometers away and doesn't know English very well. Is there a good Greek-language alternative to ? | 19:32 |
oCean_ | functionofxy_: sure, np. | 19:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | !gr | 19:32 |
ubottu | #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 19:32 |
Gerrit | Thanks. | 19:32 |
redvamp128 | would that have caused that issue about files not being owned by me | 19:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 19:32 |
OsamaK | Hello, how can I build an up-to-date language package? | 19:33 |
redvamp128 | Ubuntu .dmrc permission issue - a fix <> | 19:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | !packaging | 19:33 |
ubottu | The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 19:33 |
JoshPilcer | can someone answer my question on | 19:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoshPilcer, Please dont paste a link without a description of the issue | 19:34 |
redvamp128 | that was what fixed me up though-- but I think the cause is because I copied files over from a cd burned from an install of 8.10 (which I am running 8.04 now) | 19:34 |
JoshPilcer | jack i already posted the issue, nobody listening | 19:34 |
JoshPilcer | I need help. I have a pavilion dv6000 laptop and i'm not sure how to connect to the internet. I have wifi, but i can't plug it into is. so i was going to transfer items to my ubuntu laptop. I don't know what to do... | 19:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoshPilcer, Ask your question all on one line with a copy of the full problem and your link every few minutes and wait. | 19:35 |
redvamp128 | Jack_Sparrow: does that sound like that could have caused the issue or not? | 19:35 |
redvamp128 | Jack_Sparrow: this was the issue I had but this was the fix -- Ubuntu .dmrc permission issue - a fix <> | 19:35 |
kaeferadept | is it possible to set a specific uid and gid for a storage device mounted by hal? | 19:35 |
dragoon | Hey, I was trying to install jaunty in virtualbox, doing manual partitioning, and the Edit Partition window just stopped responding. | 19:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | redvamp128, If you saved them to the cd with root permissions.. yes it could and it would nt really be a bug | 19:36 |
Pici | dragoon: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion. | 19:36 |
dragoon | Looking around, I found but I couldn't find any solutions | 19:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | dragoon, Please /join #ubuntu+1 | 19:36 |
dragoon | the error was on 8.04 as well in the bug | 19:36 |
Pici | dragoon: Jaunty is offtopic for #ubuntu until it is released. | 19:36 |
dragoon | So it looks like there's an issue installing ubuntu on virtualbox, but I can't find any other notice of it | 19:37 |
redvamp128 | but I went into root and deleted the files (sudo nautilus) but upon next login I got that error== files on cd were not saved as root -- but as different user under 8.10 - but copied over to a 8.04 | 19:37 |
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Nomexous | JoshPilcer: You ifconfig tells me that you have no wlan0 interface | 19:37 |
Nomexous | JoshPilcer: Did you install the restricted drivers for your wireless card? | 19:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | redvamp128, It does not sound like a bug to me and not all bug reports are about real bugs. But if you feel it is then post one. | 19:37 |
ASULutzy | JoshPilcer: Click System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers, the dv6000 series iirc uses a Broadcom wifi card that is supported by the proprietary Broadcom STA driver, enable it and everything should work | 19:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | JoshPilcer, You were the one accessing a neighbors internet correct.. | 19:38 |
JoshPilcer | yes, i downloaded the drivers. | 19:38 |
redvamp128 | no big deal-- just had to use the commands on that page and it fixed me up-- other than having to sudo into nautilus to delete the files | 19:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | redvamp128, I am glad you got it fixed | 19:38 |
sigfride | someone speaks french? please | 19:39 |
JoshPilcer | ya | 19:39 |
JoshPilcer | that was me | 19:39 |
Pici | !fr | sigfride | 19:39 |
ubottu | sigfride: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 19:39 |
redvamp128 | or do you think from now on I should copy the files inside the main folder instead of copy the whole folder from a cd- those that I copied the single files I could change permissions-- only the main folder I copied over I could not | 19:39 |
mac7chc | Hello, I am trying to connect to wlan with ubuntu, but it does not connect, can someonle help? | 19:39 |
Iced133 | Could somebody help me out with compiz fusion icon? | 19:40 |
redvamp128 | It seemed to only affect that way when I copied a whole folder over from a cd-- not single files though (single files I could change permissions) | 19:40 |
n8tuser | mac7chc -> what do you mean wlan? can you clarify you network layout please? | 19:41 |
mac7chc | It shows server wlans but not mine :-( | 19:41 |
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arussel | how can I enter french character with a us keyboard ? | 19:41 |
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redvamp128 | Iced133: try this page | 19:41 |
redvamp128 | That is similar to it and does the same function Iced133: | 19:42 |
jxander | all videos have this problem and i tried smplayer, vlc, with all the output drivers. using 8.10 with fglrx. any ideas what could cause that distorsion? | 19:42 |
mac7chc | I have speedtouch | 19:42 |
Iced133 | thanks redvamp i'll check it out | 19:42 |
redvamp128 | it is a compiz switch -- I have had more luck with it than the other... Iced133 | 19:42 |
Bodsda | will enableing intrepid backports give me access to hardy repositories? | 19:43 |
redvamp128 | Iced133: also check out his main page also has a link to install the extra compiz control panel | 19:43 |
temppy | !backports > Bodsda | 19:43 |
ubottu | Bodsda, please see my private message | 19:43 |
Bodsda | ty | 19:43 |
mac7chc | I have a speedtouch modem/router witch is wireless | 19:44 |
redvamp128 | Iced133: here is his main page | 19:44 |
bobslaede | hey, does anybody have experience making dvd's? apparently Brasero wont let me burn either dvd's, or svcd's. I have tried the tovid app, but have failed to load the described 'makexml' and 'makedvd' apps | 19:44 |
hwilde | jabber? | 19:44 |
hwilde | !jabber | 19:44 |
ubottu | jabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM. Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin (GNOME). For more info see | 19:44 |
JoshPilcer | what's the code to install a .tar.gz file? | 19:45 |
hwilde | ok how does pidgin support jabber? it is not listed as a protocol when adding a new account? | 19:45 |
hwilde | JoshPilcer, tar -xzvf | 19:45 |
peterzal | hwilde: ya | 19:45 |
mac7chc | There are several wlan points shown but not my wlan/router :-( | 19:45 |
nightrid3r | hwilde: xmmp is the protocol | 19:45 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: I haven't had any luck with Brasero under 8.04 (worked in 8.10) but try Gnomebake | 19:45 |
m_tadeu | hi can I connect to a wireless router that is not broadcasting the essid? | 19:45 |
JoshPilcer | how do i install a wireless card drive? i have the tar.gz file, but how can i use it? | 19:45 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: this is 8.10 :( | 19:46 |
IndyGunFreak | JoshPilcer: what wireless device is it? | 19:46 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: try using Gnomebake | 19:46 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: i will give that a try | 19:46 |
hwilde | nightrid3r, ah that would be good to know | 19:46 |
IndyGunFreak | bobslaede: i don't think gnome burns dvd movies, could be wrong. | 19:46 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: for me Brasero gives mondo errors but gnombake works without issues | 19:46 |
JoshPilcer | umm it's a Broadcom BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI | 19:46 |
bobslaede | IndyGunFreak: apparently not thru Brasero anyways | 19:46 |
IndyGunFreak | bobslaede: i meant gnomebaker, not gnome | 19:47 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: Brasero has disabled the burn button for dvds in 8.10, i have tried on 2 different machines | 19:47 |
etech | will the nvidia driver 180.22 be in the repo? | 19:47 |
IndyGunFreak | !broadcom | JoshPilcer | 19:47 |
ubottu | JoshPilcer: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 19:47 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: you can download gnombake from synaptic | 19:47 |
bobslaede | IndyGunFreak: alright | 19:47 |
n8tuser | m_tadeu -> is it your AP? or your neighbors? | 19:47 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: during it as we speak | 19:47 |
IndyGunFreak | JoshPilcer: thats a very new device, not sure how much success you'll have | 19:47 |
bobslaede | duing* | 19:47 |
bobslaede | dooing* | 19:47 |
bobslaede | ha! | 19:47 |
bobslaede | long day | 19:48 |
jonson | Hi everybody, anyone know how to install a Lexmark printer ?? | 19:48 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: it doesnt make dvd's | 19:48 |
m_tadeu | n8tuser: my ap | 19:48 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: try this possible -- I found at getdeb an updated brasero | 19:48 |
hwilde | nightrid3r, you have pidgin connected to jabber? it is messing with me on domain and resource. where is just "server" option | 19:49 |
n8tuser | m_tadeu -> it should be no problem connecting to it if you knew the essid name | 19:49 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: alright, i will try that | 19:49 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: ? Ibex 32 or 64 | 19:49 |
redvamp128 | oops Intrepid | 19:49 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: 32 | 19:49 |
b3nux | you know how holding alt + scrolling the mousewheel used to adjust the transparency of a window...well, now i have 8.10 that doesn't seem to work - where's the option to adjust that stuff? i've looked through the compiz options and couldn't find it! | 19:49 |
m_tadeu | n8tuser: I'm connected through it right now...but if I hide the essid I don'tget an ip | 19:50 |
jonson | anyone know how to install a Lexmark printeR ? | 19:50 |
wyre | q: can one manually prefix a (local) name server and still have dhcp able to set it's (as 2ndary to the local one)? | 19:50 |
penthief | Still waiting to shrink this partition. Gah | 19:50 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: | 19:51 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: installing right now :) | 19:51 |
n8tuser | m_tadeu -> is your signal strong enuff? hiding the broadcast should not matter, you should still be able to associate with it | 19:51 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: i also tried nero for linux, but that doesnt make dvds either | 19:51 |
Pici | wyre: Yes. See #prepend domain-name-servers; in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf | 19:51 |
redvamp128 | Only other thing is possibly install dvd playback capabilities | 19:51 |
m_tadeu | n8tuser: in deed....but I get no answer from dhcp server...which would be the router | 19:52 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: i can play dvds just fine, its just making them | 19:52 |
penthief | I know this is a very general question, but how long can I expect a half full 70GB harddrive to be resized to 50GB on a 1 year old laptop? | 19:52 |
penthief | I want to go home! | 19:52 |
n8tuser | m_tadeu -> are you using any encryption too | 19:52 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: this is a latest release avalible so if this does not work then I don't know what to tell you | 19:53 |
n8tuser | ? | 19:53 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: the tovid app creates a video file just fine, but according to the website ( i need an app called makedvd, and I cannot find it anywhere | 19:53 |
m_tadeu | n8tuser: yes...wep | 19:53 |
redvamp128 | acetone? bobslaede | 19:53 |
fumanchu182 | When working with Linux is there a way to set quota on a folder. I see it can be done per users but is there granularity to do it on a folder by folder basis without mounting the folder to its own partition of that size? | 19:53 |
n8tuser | m_tadeu -> play around with disabling wep and see if you can connect still, | 19:53 |
DIFH-iceroot | penthief: what is a 1 year old laptop? eeepc? highend notebook? normal notebook? you see noone can answer this question | 19:53 |
b3nux | penthief: leave it and come back tomorrow? :p | 19:53 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: no, havent tried acetone? | 19:53 |
jonson | q: what did I do wrong? | 19:54 |
jonson | soren@soren-laptop:~/Z517 driver/cups$ sudo sh | 19:54 |
jonson | Verifying archive integrity...tail: cannot open `+6' for reading: No such file or directory | 19:54 |
jonson | Error in check sums 2331425966 225780837 | 19:54 |
FloodBot1 | jonson: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:54 |
mac7chc | Still no go :-( | 19:54 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: now brasero at least tells me it needs plugins | 19:54 |
IndyGunFreak | penthief: odd you ask that.. I'm resizing a 90gig parrtition, to 110gigs, and its going on 3hrs | 19:54 |
wyre | Pici: excelent, thank you | 19:54 |
nbeebo | ubuntu suddenly got pretty slow, what can be the reason? computer loading sounds is on all the time :S | 19:54 |
ASULutzy | penthief: It could take long enough that you may want to leave it and come back tomorrow, if you think about what it's doing it's got to move lots of stuff around | 19:54 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: but not which :. | 19:54 |
ASULutzy | nbeebo: check top | 19:54 |
m_tadeu | n8tuser: what can that influence on? | 19:54 |
jujian | nbeebo: top | 19:54 |
MatBoy | when you have no rootpassword, so you use sudo, is it possible to login as root using sshkeys ? | 19:54 |
n8tuser | m_tadeu -> your driver | 19:54 |
Commie_Cary | is there a CLI-based IM client | 19:54 |
jujian | hi, how do I make vim abbreviations permanent? | 19:54 |
penthief | 3 hours??? See ya! | 19:55 |
ASULutzy | Commie_Cary: finch | 19:55 |
DIFH-iceroot | MatBoy: only if you create a root-account | 19:55 |
penthief | jujian: Type :help .vimrc (I think). | 19:55 |
DIFH-iceroot | MatBoy: and root-login is allowed in sshd.conf | 19:55 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: try this though change version in middle of page | 19:55 |
BlueKoala | Hey guys, where do I find my system logs? | 19:55 |
redvamp128 | Packages on category Video Tools <> bobslaede | 19:55 |
ASULutzy | MatBoy: you can still login as a normal user in the admin group and use sudo just as you would if you were physically on the machine | 19:55 |
DIFH-iceroot | BlueKoala: /var/log | 19:55 |
maxxist | fumanchu182 I believe if you can easily do this. google file quota and linux/??? | 19:55 |
DIFH-iceroot | BlueKoala: /var/log/ | 19:55 |
BlueKoala | lol ty | 19:55 |
lasivian | is there any real drawback or danger if you login with root instead of using "sudo"? | 19:55 |
jujian | penthief: thx | 19:55 |
ASULutzy | lasivian: Tons, don't do it | 19:56 |
n8tuser | lasivian -> not that am aware of | 19:56 |
lasivian | I learned on a freebsd system, so sudo has never sunk in well for me | 19:56 |
fumanchu182 | maxxist: I have been up and down the google searches, most say that it can be only done per user not per folder. | 19:56 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: - acording to that link gnombake also does burn dvd's | 19:56 |
ASULutzy | lasivian: If you are logging into gnome as root that means every single app you run will also run as root, so while browsing the web, that'll be done as root | 19:56 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: ill check the versions | 19:56 |
lasivian | ASULutzy: I mean in a terminal, sorry | 19:56 |
ASULutzy | lasivian: Every app will be able to do whatever it wants anywhere... If you're asking if there's a difference between using sudo -i to get a root prompt? Then no, if you know what you're doing, go for it :P | 19:57 |
redvamp128 | bobslade they also have on that page a link to this ManDvD | 19:57 |
IndyGunFreak | redvamp128: : it burns DVds, i thought he wanted to burn dvd movies. | 19:57 |
lasivian | ASULutzy: i've aliased out all browsing and irc apps for root | 19:57 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: i'll try that one now | 19:57 |
lasivian | thanks | 19:57 |
n8tuser | lasivian -> how did you do that? aliased out all browsing? | 19:57 |
wolter | hi, is anybody getting asked for a password on each login to run the nm-applet? | 19:58 |
lasivian | n8tuser: I made aliases to override the binary apps that root should not run | 19:58 |
lasivian | n8tuser: so I couldn;t accidentally go to a website as root or get on IRC | 19:58 |
ASULutzy | wolter: That's probably the gnome keyring? | 19:58 |
wolter | ASULutzy, it is, how do i fix it? | 19:58 |
lasivian | n8tuser: root has an alias file like all other users | 19:58 |
n8tuser | lasivian -> really? how many aliases you have to make? | 19:59 |
jim_p | !nfs | 19:59 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 19:59 |
redvamp128 | There is a way to have root have a desktop though it is shunned to do so | 19:59 |
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
mac7chc | Can it be that the wlan router is invisible? In windows it runs ok | 19:59 |
=== KennethP is now known as KennethP_ | ||
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
opal_ | hey all, I'm trying to make my tablet notebook's (Acer c310) wacom driver setup -- I'm following the guide here: It's telling me to find the section in xorg.conf with 'InputDevice... Driver "wacom"' but I don't see it in my xorg.conf. I tried adding the InputDevice sections it advised -- but my stylus is still not recognized. How can I troubleshoot? | 20:00 |
n8tuser | wolter -> its a protection mechanism, for a user to access system resource where they could modify, requires root priviledges | 20:00 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: any luck with that page? | 20:00 |
lasivian | n8tuser: one for each program, all they do is echo "You cannot run this as root" | 20:00 |
JoshPilcer | what's the code to install a .deb file? | 20:00 |
wolter | n8tuser, but do i have to live with it? i don't want to get asked for a password to connect to any network... | 20:00 |
Pici | JoshPilcer: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 20:00 |
n8tuser | lasivian -> how many? | 20:00 |
jim_p | will i encouter problems if i want to share, through nfs, a folder that lies on an ntfs partition? the same thing in samba cannot be done. ntfs does not allow me to read or write through samba, preiod | 20:00 |
nightrid3r | !wacom | 20:00 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wacom | 20:00 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: ManDvd so far looks OK, but its not just point-and-burn :P | 20:00 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: the question is will it burn | 20:01 |
lasivian | n8tuser: depends what command-line programs you installed, for me it was lynx, links2, irc, irssi, bitchx | 20:01 |
Hocok | Нород | 20:01 |
Pici | !ru | Hocok | 20:01 |
ubottu | Hocok: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 20:01 |
lasivian | n8tuser: ssh, ftp, and a few others i'm sure | 20:01 |
hussein_ | mm | 20:01 |
Hocok | Подскажите де прогу скачать чтобы образ не монтировать на убунте | 20:01 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: yup, have my fingers crossed :) | 20:01 |
n8tuser | wolter yes must live with it, can you imagine if i was a regular user on yours and i decide to reroute traffic, would you allow me? | 20:01 |
redvamp128 | there are a few others on that page-- just mandvd caught my eye | 20:01 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: so far, it looks the best | 20:02 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: I have heard of that one -- but not so much as to the other one QdvdAuthor | 20:02 |
=== cyberfin is now known as cyb3rfin | ||
lokieee | hi guys, i was wondering what a good theme program is, its been awhile but i was using beryl, is there somthing better out now? like compiz? | 20:02 |
opal_ | nightrid3r, "!wacom" was directed at me? It pulls up the wacom control panel -- but no devices are listed | 20:02 |
arussel | is there a common way for all application to enter accent on letter with a us keyboard ? | 20:02 |
wolter | n8tuser, it is the first time during my ubuntu life that i get to need to do such a senseless thing as authorizing to connect to my home network.... ubuntu is not like that, there must be something i did, or something i can do to disable that nonsense | 20:02 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: i will take a look at that one, in a bit | 20:03 |
Hocok | эй | 20:03 |
Hocok | ау | 20:03 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: i'll let you know how this goes | 20:03 |
Hocok | кто нить мну слышит? | 20:03 |
bullgard4 | @all: There will be a class now in #ubuntu-classroom about "Understanding GNOME Technologies". | 20:03 |
lasivian | wolter: what exactly do you want to do? | 20:03 |
Hocok | Fuck you | 20:03 |
Hocok | ! | 20:03 |
thread | I have an Acer Aspire One with the intel graphics chip... when I first installed ubuntu, I had hardware acceleration going on... but now for some reason, glxinfo says: OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer! Any guesses what happened or how to fix it? My Xorg.0.log: | 20:03 |
lasivian | hocok: bye | 20:03 |
n8tuser | wolter you are not comprehending the concept, access to system resources requires root priviledges, like conneting to networks and mounting follow now? | 20:04 |
sysdoc | Has anyone experienced the loss of sound after coming back from the screen saver/power mgnt monitor off | 20:04 |
sysdoc | ? | 20:04 |
zzzz_ | thread sell it | 20:04 |
zzzz_ | get a msi wind | 20:04 |
zzzz_ | much better | 20:04 |
cyb3rfin | ok I would need some urgent help please... I entered this command: "sudo chmod 777 /. -r" Now I can't ls in / | 20:04 |
cyb3rfin | Can anyone tell me if I can fix this and how? | 20:04 |
thread | zzzz_, no thanks | 20:04 |
wolter | lasivian, i get asked for a password on each login to authorize the connection to my home network, and it is annoying. In fact, i've used this system for like 10months and this is the first time that i get asked for a password to do that. | 20:04 |
lasivian | wolter: : SSH? | 20:05 |
lasivian | wolter: how are you connecting to the home network | 20:05 |
wolter | n8tuser, i used to connect to networks without a password, you follow now? | 20:05 |
thread | from my log, it appears I should have direct rendering enabled!! where did it even fail? | 20:05 |
wolter | lasivian, with the nm-applet... i found it in my session startup applications | 20:05 |
n8tuser | wolter -> okay since you like to argue with the concepts, find out how it is reconfigured | 20:05 |
lasivian | wolter: or are you connecting to a windows share? | 20:05 |
wolter | lasivian, no, just my home network.. | 20:05 |
fumanchu182 | I take it there are no ways avaialble to limit folder sizes outside of the quota command that deals with /home/$user | 20:06 |
lasivian | wolter: what kind of connection | 20:06 |
zzzz_ | thread its much better | 20:06 |
zzzz_ | 10in | 20:06 |
zzzz_ | screen | 20:06 |
thread | zzzz_, same res | 20:06 |
wolter | lasivian, nm-applet --sm-disable thats the command. it is a wifi connection. | 20:06 |
zzzz_ | more hard drive space | 20:06 |
redvamp128 | sysdoc: yes for me though restart of alsa usually fixes that I can give you the command if you like | 20:06 |
zzzz_ | i know | 20:06 |
FloodBot1 | zzzz_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:06 |
thread | zzzz_, i'm very happy with my One tyvm | 20:06 |
n8tuser | wolter bunch of things can be suvberted so it can make your user access easier.. so learn to get around the way ubuntu has been configured to make your user access much easier | 20:06 |
wolter | lasivian, what is --sm-disable anyway? | 20:06 |
thread | just trying to figure out how i suddenly lost direct rendering | 20:06 |
lasivian | wolter: ahh, so it's asking you for the password when you connect to your wifi? | 20:06 |
lasivian | wolter: don;t know | 20:06 |
=== John is now known as Guest96959 | ||
wolter | lasivian, well, yes, but i think that it is when that command runs that i get asked for a password. | 20:07 |
sysdoc | redvamp128, that would be nice thanks. Also like to know if there is a fix. 8.04 didn't do this as I recall | 20:07 |
lasivian | wolter: | 20:07 |
cyb3rfin | ok I would need some urgent help please... I entered this command: "sudo chmod 777 /. -r" Now I can't ls in "/" Can someone please help me to fix this (if possible)? | 20:07 |
mac7chc | no wireless no sound... :-( | 20:07 |
redvamp128 | sysdoc: brb going to look it up in my documents | 20:07 |
n8tuser | cyb3rfin -> you're SOL.. you may have to do a fresh install | 20:07 |
sysdoc | redvamp128, thx | 20:07 |
=== Maharaja2 is now known as Maharaja | ||
BlueKoala | Guys, I need to find a log that has my bootup log, I have a log called boot, but it is completely empty. Any advice? | 20:08 |
n8tuser | BlueKoala -> peruse the /var/log directory | 20:08 |
wardt | try dmesg | 20:08 |
cyb3rfin | I know but I think I ONLY did it in /... not any of the other sub-folders | 20:08 |
Guest96959 | ТУТ РУССКИЕ ЕСТЬ? | 20:08 |
b3nux | quit | 20:08 |
wolter | lasivian, is there any place where i can grant the authorization automatically for that application? I saw that post already, but i think that if i downgrade i will get a problem with my fingerprint reader | 20:08 |
BlueKoala | n8tuser: How do I do that? | 20:08 |
redvamp128 | sysdoc: ( sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart) I have it saved as a .txt and have it executible so all i do is click on it and then choose run in terminal give sudo password and it restarts alsa | 20:08 |
=== Guest96959 is now known as Hocok | ||
jonson | Hey, are anyone up to helping a newbie seting up a printer ? ... have tried google, but no luck | 20:09 |
wolter | lasivian, i updated pam because the old version needed a press of enter in order to accept the finger swipe as a password | 20:09 |
n8tuser | BlueKoala -> use of cat or vim, go to that dir and look around | 20:09 |
lasivian | wolter: no idea to be honest, just trying to point you in the right directions | 20:09 |
redvamp128 | sysdoc: not a real fix but a temporary fix to get sound back without a reboot. | 20:09 |
Hocok | Help | 20:09 |
Hocok | me please | 20:09 |
cyb3rfin | I suppose my question is, who is supposed to own "/" and what are the permissions supposed to be? | 20:09 |
BlueKoala | Ok | 20:09 |
* lasivian is pretty much a newbie | 20:09 | |
wolter | lasivian, ok, i think ill look it up more | 20:09 |
redvamp128 | sysdoc: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart | 20:09 |
Pici | Hocok: /join #ubuntu-ru | 20:09 |
{{{ | hey, i'm running as ubuntu 8.04 desktop with and ATI graphics card and video flickers, do people know the solution to this? | 20:09 |
cyb3rfin | And I mean /. not / (as in the whole filesystem) | 20:09 |
redvamp128 | sysdoc: now if you use pulse or oss just substitue where the word alsa is | 20:10 |
BlueKoala | {{{: Try using a new ATI driver | 20:10 |
{{{ | BlueKoala | 20:10 |
BlueKoala | {{{: This is a common issue with ATI drivers | 20:10 |
{{{ | i have the latest | 20:10 |
n8tuser | cyb3rfin -> do you think they are different? do an ls -la /. and compare to ls -la / | 20:10 |
OsamaK | How to download a package of offline usage, I got to have some codec to intall offline for people who use Ubuntu newly | 20:11 |
jim_p | {{{, change video output to gl or gl2 | 20:11 |
BlueKoala | {{{: if you have an option for vsynch, you should give it a try | 20:11 |
jj_ | n8tuser: no luck | 20:11 |
{{{ | jim_o, how? | 20:11 |
Rioting_pacifist | what calls NetworkManager during boot? i want to keep it around for configuring other networks but dont want it on by default | 20:11 |
Pici | cyb3rfin: You are confusing . and /. | 20:11 |
n8tuser | Jj -> who are you? | 20:11 |
{{{ | BlueKoala, where is that? | 20:11 |
jim_p | {{{, what media player do you use? | 20:11 |
Pici | cyb3rfin: er, . | 20:11 |
lasivian | is there any app that will show me HD read/writes by file in real-time? | 20:11 |
{{{ | jim_p, totem-xine but have tried mplayer, vlc and others | 20:11 |
John | h1 | 20:11 |
jim_p | {{{, it must be somewhere in video options | 20:11 |
John | all | 20:11 |
=== John is now known as Guest81699 | ||
jim_p | {{{, i can only tell you about mplayer if you want | 20:12 |
{{{ | jim_p, where is video options? | 20:12 |
khelll | my dvd is not working anymore, any suggestions ? | 20:12 |
n8tuser | lasivian -> i dont know about realtime, but closest perhaps is strace or ltrace | 20:12 |
nbeebo | 99% of my mem is used but in top nothign takes more than 1% | 20:12 |
jj_ | n8tuser: sorry...m_tadeu...can'tchange the nick.... | 20:12 |
=== Guest81699 is now known as Hocok | ||
jim_p | {{{, i can only tell you about mplayer if you want | 20:12 |
{{{ | jim_p, that's fine | 20:12 |
lasivian | n8tuser: those output to logs? | 20:12 |
n8tuser | jj_ -> what was your issue? i cant remember, its more than 5 minutes | 20:12 |
n8tuser | lasivian -> no, man strace and man ltrace | 20:13 |
jj_ | n8tuser: says it's already in was about the essid broadcast | 20:13 |
lasivian | heh, I hate man files :) but I get the idea :) | 20:13 |
jim_p | {{{, open mplayer, right click > preferences > Video (tab) > gl and restart mplayer | 20:13 |
lokieee | anyone successfully install any compiz themes with unbuntu? | 20:13 |
darius__ | how to remove cedega 7? | 20:13 |
{{{ | jim_p, where do i go in mplayer | 20:13 |
n8tuser | jj_ -> what is the issue again? | 20:13 |
IndyGunFreak | darius__: how did you install it? | 20:13 |
jim_p | {{{, open mplayer, right click > preferences > Video (tab) > gl and restart mplayer | 20:13 |
jim_p | {{{, do you use compiz at the same time? | 20:14 |
darius__ | IndyGunFreak: deb package :) | 20:14 |
{{{ | jim_p yes | 20:14 |
jj_ | n8tuser: could not connect to a router with the essid asked me to try without luck | 20:14 |
the[V]oid | hi, while booting ubuntu I get an error but it vanishes too fast so I am not able to read it. is there a possibility to read it? | 20:14 |
IndyGunFreak | darius__: so try sudo apt-get remove cedega | 20:14 |
cyb3rfin | ok here's the result of both ls's: | 20:14 |
n8tuser | jj_ -> then perhaps your driver does not support such | 20:14 |
jim_p | {{{, you may have to disable compiz, but try gl or gl2 first | 20:15 |
n8tuser | jj_ -> typically though those are easily supported, not sure about yours | 20:15 |
lokieee | say i want to install adobe flash player, how would I do this with ubuntu, I noticed they have rpm's on the website and also .tar files, its been awhile but i thought I recalled just be able to search for adobe and install it | 20:15 |
cyb3rfin | just noticed I also did a "sudo chmod 777 ./ -r" | 20:15 |
cyb3rfin | I had a really stupid moment... | 20:15 |
n8tuser | cyb3rfin -> you're SOL.. you may have to do a fresh install | 20:15 |
wardt | :) | 20:15 |
the[V]oid | I mean, are all boottime-errors logged somewhere? | 20:16 |
jim_p | lokieee, the latest flashplayer also comes as a .deb AND its in the repos,so ... use apt to install it | 20:16 |
darius__ | IndyGunFreak: thank you for youre support :) | 20:16 |
{{{ | jim_p, thank you, it worked | 20:16 |
jim_p | the[V]oid, in dmesg maybe? | 20:16 |
the[V]oid | I cannot find the error there | 20:16 |
redvamp128 | jim_p: I don't know why but after 9 flash player seems to have issues | 20:16 |
Hocok | do you speack Russian? | 20:16 |
Hocok | How are you? | 20:16 |
Hocok | My name Kolya | 20:16 |
Hocok | I from Moscow | 20:16 |
Hocok | Me 16years | 20:16 |
FloodBot1 | Hocok: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:16 |
urban_ryoga | is it safe to delete a recovery partition? or should I attempt to dual boot in another way? | 20:16 |
rww | !ru | Hocok | 20:16 |
ubottu | Hocok: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 20:16 |
khelll | when doing eject i got eject: tried to use `/dev/scd0' as device name but it is no block device | 20:17 |
khelll | eject: unable to find or open device for: `cdrom' | 20:17 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: hehe, minor set back, apparently i just used 50 gb on ManDvd :P so my disk is now full | 20:17 |
jim_p | redvamp128, install 10 then! | 20:17 |
redvamp128 | urban_ryoga: what is the main os? | 20:17 |
urban_ryoga | the main is vista | 20:17 |
urban_ryoga | only reason i kinda want to keep is to do dx10 dev at home | 20:17 |
redvamp128 | jim_p: everytime I install 10 I loose the function of the controls to change the default amount of save to disk option | 20:18 |
urban_ryoga | redvamp128: vista, it came with the laptop. i also have a legit xp disk and could go that route as well | 20:18 |
jim_p | redvamp128, save to disk... any .swf? i look everywhere for that option and i havent found it. if you want i can tell you a workaround | 20:19 |
redvamp128 | jim_p: it is when you right click on flash -- choose settings then the folder icon | 20:19 |
shay_ | hi guys | 20:19 |
matteo_ | hi all, if i connect my amilo PII 1505 to my new screen with RGB/VGA i can't get any signal but the screen manager seems to detect the new screen... Any tips? thx alot | 20:19 |
lasivian | I have a Aspire One with a wide and short screen, and bottom options keep getting cut off, is there anything I can do about this? | 20:19 |
jim_p | redvamp128, let me look it a bit | 20:19 |
redvamp128 | jim_p: slider refuses to move -- so I stick with 9 | 20:19 |
shay_ | i installed kde and kubuntu package in my ubuntu. now im having a small trouble - how do i hide the gnome applications in my menu? | 20:20 |
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redvamp128 | jim_p: also it breaks Bubblebox flash games too | 20:20 |
lokieee | anyone know what SYNAPTIC is? I'm trying to install Emerald and Emerald theme manager and google says open synaptic and search for emerald but i'm not sure where to find synaptic | 20:20 |
redvamp128 | urban_ryoga: so say again -- what you want to do-- I would not delete a recovery partition without burning it or backing it up | 20:20 |
TraceRoute | what would be the best and easiest way to transfer multiple file to another linux machine on the same network? | 20:21 |
pdtpatrick | lokiee click on applications and click on add/remove | 20:21 |
meistergrado | Hi all: what program can I use on ubuntu/XP to create a DVD playable on a home DVD player from a WMV file? | 20:21 |
b3nux | System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package manager | 20:21 |
jim_p | redvamp128, so you want to save the swf files somehow? | 20:21 |
lokieee | Ah thanks | 20:21 |
sysdoc | redvamp128, thanks | 20:21 |
redvamp128 | jim_p: I can save swf and playback with totem | 20:21 |
redvamp128 | sysdoc: that got your sound back without a reboot? | 20:22 |
redvamp128 | jim_p: for me Flash 10 does not want to play nice with Bubblebox games or allow me to increase the file storage (slider refuses to move) | 20:22 |
sysdoc | redvamp128, hevent tried yet but will once the sound goes on the fritz again | 20:22 |
jim_p | redvamp128, i do have that folder option | 20:22 |
redvamp128 | jim_p: for me the slder does not want to move | 20:23 |
spasticteapot | I have an EXT3 partition on my hard drive I would like to mount. | 20:23 |
jim_p | no it does move | 20:23 |
spasticteapot | How do I do this? | 20:23 |
jim_p | redvamp128, can i pm you? | 20:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, create mount point and mount the device to that point | 20:23 |
redvamp128 | jim_P sure | 20:23 |
urban_ryoga | redvamp128: Ideally I want to dual boot vista and ubuntu. My default laptop install creates 3 primary partitions so I am unable to do an ideal ubuntu install with a / and /home partition. I'm not sure exactly how to overcome the limitation | 20:23 |
mike12 | jrib | 20:24 |
mike12 | mick02 | 20:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, sudo mkdir /media/drive4you then sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/drive4you substitute your drive for sda1 | 20:24 |
Direc | hi guys | 20:24 |
vobiscum | exist some command to see how many memory the video is using ?! | 20:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | urban_ryoga, create extended as one of your 4 logicals and use that | 20:25 |
mike12 | my update manager is not working and says that i need to manually configure it how do i do this | 20:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | urban_ryoga, create extended as one of your 4 primary for your logicals and use that | 20:25 |
spasticteapot | Jack_Sparrow: Sweet! | 20:25 |
meistergrado | does ubuntu have a program with which you can burn a video DVD from a WMV file? | 20:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, np | 20:26 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: it looks like it works! ManDvd have created a DVD file structure, and is now creating an iso file so i can test before i use a disc | 20:26 |
meistergrado | or convert a WMV to a DVD-burnable format? | 20:26 |
spasticteapot | Jack_Sparrow: Is there a way I can do this permanently? | 20:26 |
n4h0j | I just installed x64 8.10 and now I don't have any Network connections. It was a fresh install. "ifconfig" just show "lo". nothing else. what to do? | 20:26 |
Direc | I have trouble connecting to wireless AP. I can only connect once, and then I have to reboot the AP to get another connection. So, I would like to know what the AP and my wlan card are doing, aka sniffing the traffic, or something. Wireshark doesn't help. Any hints? | 20:26 |
GeilerBock | Hey check this out | 20:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, edit fstab and it will mount perm | 20:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, mounts you create in /media will appear on your desktop but can be turned off if you so desire | 20:27 |
spasticteapot | Jack_Sparrow: Each entry in fstab has a UUID. I do not know the UUID of this volume. I'm not entirely sure of what a UUID is. | 20:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !uuid | 20:27 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 20:27 |
Fezzler | My "new" Palm m500 is syncing everything with Evolution but Mail??/ | 20:27 |
archman_ | guys is there any app to create and edit .obj files (3d) | 20:27 |
Fezzler | For example, on my PC I could write an Outgoing email on the Palm and when it would sync the PC would send it | 20:28 |
DTee | I am wondering if someone can help me with information regarding making contributions to Ubuntu | 20:28 |
Fezzler | any ideas? | 20:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !CONTRIBUTE | 20:28 |
ubottu | To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see | 20:28 |
mike12 | my update manager is not working and says that i need to manually configure it how do i do this | 20:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry for the caps | 20:28 |
DTee | I've been to the link however I need some more 1 to 1 with someone who already contirbutes | 20:29 |
archman_ | any alternative to photoshop (3d models) | 20:29 |
archman_ | ? | 20:29 |
Pici | !info blender | archman_ | 20:29 |
ubottu | blender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.46+dfsg-4 (intrepid), package size 8348 kB, installed size 21868 kB | 20:29 |
gavi | folks, my cd rom drive stopped working how cd i remount it again, there is /media/cdrom && /media/cdrom0 && /media/cdrom1 but they are all empty | 20:30 |
urban_ryoga | Jack_Sparrow: will all the logical drives in the extended partition have the same formatting? I can't seem to find that part. | 20:30 |
mike12 | somebody told me to run sudo somethin | 20:31 |
archman_ | Pici: thanks! | 20:31 |
=== John is now known as Guest85128 | ||
Jack_Sparrow | urban_ryoga, sudo fdisk -l last letter is L | 20:31 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: ManDVD works! | 20:31 |
spasticteapot | Jack_Sparrow: So, in /etc/fstab, I should put 2 under the Pass column, and put the mount at /media/music? | 20:31 |
redvamp128 | bobslaede: I have heard of that one-- though it is a little older | 20:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, ONe sec | 20:32 |
bobslaede | redvamp128: it has some minor issues, but is has made a workin .iso :) | 20:32 |
bobslaede | now brasero can burn it just fine | 20:32 |
=== Guest85128 is now known as Hocok | ||
DTee | Could someone that already contributes to Ubuntu give me sometime? | 20:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel) | 20:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | DTee, Please just ask your question in the channel | 20:34 |
comicinker | help: I shared printer on the local network. If I try to add the printer with ipp:// directley on the server it succeeds.but winXP refuses to find that printer. Any ideas? please help | 20:34 |
spasticteapot | | 20:35 |
lekremyelsew | hi | 20:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 20:35 |
DTee | I require some assistance with my dissertation. I am looking at increaseing contributions to Ubuntu by creating or improving the concept of Launchpad | 20:35 |
DTee | therefore I require a contributor to help with requirements gathering and explaining the contribution process | 20:35 |
Pici | DTee: Perhaps #launchpad would be a good place to start? | 20:35 |
DTee | well | 20:35 |
DTee | its not just launchpad | 20:36 |
DTee | but creating a new base, so its important to actually undersand how people contribute | 20:36 |
lekremyelsew | if i install a copy of linux on a secondary hard drive will my grub settings on the one i normally use be that same? | 20:36 |
DTee | or what contributors require | 20:36 |
DTee | and why they contribute | 20:36 |
mysticdarkhack | hello all | 20:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, 6 is root 7 is home so it would be sda3 that you are after | 20:36 |
spasticteapot | That's what I mounted. | 20:36 |
mysticdarkhack | anyone know a recommandation webcam app the can do personal video record like a journal? | 20:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, So what is the question.. what should your fstab be changed to.. And we should also create a mount point that has meaning for you not my generic one | 20:37 |
Pici | DTee: You're welcome to look through our IRC channels list, but I'm not sure if one specifically is the best for you. | 20:37 |
spasticteapot | Actually, /media/music is quite convenient. | 20:37 |
Pici | !irc | DTee | 20:38 |
ubottu | DTee: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 20:38 |
DTee | well | 20:38 |
DTee | Pici, anyone can help. | 20:38 |
spasticteapot | I was going to create a desktop link for it anyway. | 20:38 |
DTee | who contributes that is... | 20:38 |
Pici | DTee: Well, #ubuntu is only for support issues, and your question doesn't really fall into that. Try #ubuntu-offtopic perhaps. | 20:38 |
mysticdarkhack | anyone? | 20:38 |
DTee | Thank you Pici | 20:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, gimme a minute please | 20:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, | 20:41 |
sysdoc | Hey what pgm can you use to insert files into an ISO image? | 20:42 |
Direc | okei, wmaster0 laite lähettelee nuita paketteja, ei wlan0 | 20:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 20:43 |
Direc | siis auth-paketteja, mutta ei kai se mitää haittaa? | 20:43 |
Pici | !fi | Direc | 20:43 |
ubottu | Direc: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi | 20:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fi > Direc | 20:43 |
ubottu | Direc, please see my private message | 20:43 |
Direc | sht, wrong irssi... My bad! | 20:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 20:43 |
owen1 | I try to mount an iso file and get this: clonezilla.iso is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?) any idea? | 20:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | !iso | 20:44 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 20:44 |
jhonnyboy | hey guys a friend is trying to connect remotely to my computer, but they can't. I opened all the acceptions in remote desktop | 20:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | jhonnyboy, If you are behind a router you may need port forwarding | 20:44 |
FeiRuoWa | hello! | 20:44 |
spasticteapot | I changed it to this: | 20:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, Did you get that.. dont forget to create thaT MOUNT POINT | 20:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry for the caps | 20:45 |
jhonnyboy | I also forwarded my ports on the router but that didn't do anything | 20:45 |
Kymaera | Hey all, I'm running an 8.10 server, and it's keeping back the updates for linux-server and linux-image-server. First, are those kernel images, second, is there a way for me to force them to update, and finally, would it be a good idea to force them? | 20:45 |
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jhonnyboy | it's port 5900 right> | 20:45 |
dougl | I have a tv as second display running seperate x session but desktop only takes up left portion of screen - any suggestions? | 20:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, mount -a in a term | 20:45 |
FeiRuoWa | my little sister decided ot sudo dd my computer, and i decided that while i have no operating system would be a good time to make the switch, BUT my computer won't start from the (perfectly acceptable, i checked on another computer) ubuntu disk, even after i changed the bios settings. any suggestions? | 20:46 |
ConstantineXVI | dougl, check in admin -> screen resolution | 20:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | spasticteapot, that looks fine to me | 20:46 |
Ari0n | hi | 20:46 |
Kymaera | FeiRuoWa: Does your computer not detect the boot disk, or is it another problem? | 20:46 |
FeiRuoWa | i get amessage on startup that says no operating system is detected. | 20:47 |
dougl | 1st display is lcd 1280x1024 2nd is tv 1920x1080 | 20:47 |
ScottG489 | I think I am missing some sort of plugin for firefox or on ubuntu in general. When I use logmein on my computer downstairs the images do not load quickly like they should. It loads top-down very slowly. Any help? | 20:47 |
DTee | PIci are you a contributor or developer? | 20:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | FeiRuoWa, Sounds like the cd inst booting | 20:47 |
dougl | ConstantineXVI, thanks for the info - is there a 8.04 equivalent? | 20:48 |
bigfamine | does resizing a partition take a long time? like 20+ mins, im resizing a 60gig ubuntu partition with a gpart livecd, and its been going for like 25 mins so far, the computer is doing something because I can hear the hard drive spinning | 20:48 |
ConstantineXVI | dougl, think it's screens and graphics in 8.04 | 20:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | bigfamine, Resizing can take forever | 20:48 |
Kymaera | FeiRuoWa: When your system is booting, is there a way to select a one-time boot device? Usually during the splash screen or the POST it will say hit F10 or F12 to enter the one-time boot menu. | 20:48 |
dougl | ConstantineXVI, thanks | 20:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | bigfamine, If you have very little free space it gets even worse | 20:49 |
The_Rebel | is it normal to have so many tasks running in the background? | 20:49 |
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FeiRuoWa | no, kymaera...i don't have one. | 20:49 |
Ari0n | hello, | 20:50 |
bigfamine | jack, ive got a 60gig hard drive, 45 gig is used up. i want to make a 10gig partition for windows, so I can play the darkfall beta | 20:50 |
Ari0n | does anybody know how can I get into IRC Hispano? | 20:50 |
bigfamine | just wondering how long im looking at here | 20:50 |
FeiRuoWa | arion, what is the server? | 20:51 |
FeiRuoWa | or channel? | 20:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | bigfamine, by my calcs you are leaving ony 5 gig free on the ubuntu partition.. | 20:51 |
Ari0n | IRC Hispano | 20:51 |
RainCT | Hi. My laptopt doesn't start (I get a black screen when the X schould appear) if the power adaptor is not plugged in. Any idea how to fix this? (The battery is OK) | 20:51 |
Ari0n | is the server name | 20:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | !es | 20:51 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 20:51 |
FeiRuoWa | you need the actually address. | 20:51 |
FeiRuoWa | *actually | 20:51 |
FeiRuoWa | *actual | 20:51 |
Kymaera | FeiRuoWa: Can you boot to any disks at all with that drive? It might be a matter of finding another way to install the operating system. UNetBootIN, for example, will allow you to create a USB boot disk for any distribution of Linux out there. | 20:51 |
bigfamine | jack_sparrow, yeah and thats fine, 30 gigs of it stuff I dont really need | 20:51 |
FeiRuoWa | try | 20:51 |
bigfamine | and ill remove it later | 20:51 |
Ari0n | do you know where to get it? | 20:51 |
Ari0n | 0k | 20:51 |
FeiRuoWa | i don't know, kymaera. i've only tried ubuntu | 20:52 |
DTee | anyone else that contributes to Ubuntu willing to give me sometime? need to ask a few detailed questions. | 20:52 |
FeiRuoWa | to get to that address use /server -m | 20:52 |
FeiRuoWa | if that's right, it should put you through. | 20:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | bigfamine, by my calcs you are leaving ony 5 gig free on the ubuntu partition.. and that is not a good thing.. Please dont get impatient and try to stop it/ | 20:52 |
peter1 | hi | 20:52 |
The_Rebel | why is there like 50 console-kit daemons running? | 20:52 |
peter1 | i have a problem with changing desktopbackground, it freez | 20:53 |
quiksilver | i installed ubuntu two days ago | 20:53 |
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rww | The_Rebel: | 20:53 |
quiksilver | i have zero access to sound | 20:53 |
quiksilver | my drivers seem to be loaded properly, nothing is muted | 20:53 |
Kymaera | FeiRuoWa: If you have another operating system disk, you might try that and see if it detects anything. If you're able to get your computer to boot from a USB stick, and if you have one about a gig or two in size, (I think the Ubuntu live CD fits on 1GB) UNetBootIn is free to download. | 20:53 |
quiksilver | very frustrating | 20:53 |
dougl | ConstantineXVI, screen resolution only seems to config primary screen resolution... do you know if I can start utility with " DISPLAY=":0.1" /usr/bin/command"? | 20:54 |
neoTheCat | has anybody had trouble with audio cd's being recognized in 8.10? i want to rip some CDs, but i am getting buffer i/o errors. i have vista on the same machine, and it works fine there, so i do not think it is the hardware | 20:55 |
neoTheCat | buffer i/o errors in dmesg | 20:55 |
atari2600a | where is the trash located? | 20:55 |
atari2600a | I see no ~/.trash or anything | 20:55 |
The_Rebel | thanks for the link rww | 20:55 |
Gnea | !trash | 20:55 |
ubottu | The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 20:55 |
The_Rebel | reading it now | 20:55 |
atari2600a | that is really confusing | 20:56 |
atari2600a | why w/ the change? | 20:56 |
peter1 | hi, i cant change my visual effects to normal, it freeze when unpacking, does anyone have had this problem before? | 20:56 |
drzin | does any know about VMware | 20:56 |
Gnea | dunno | 20:56 |
bigfamine | what about vmware | 20:56 |
FeiRuoWa | ok, thanks, kymaera | 20:56 |
Gnea | !vmware | drzin | 20:56 |
ubottu | drzin: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at | 20:56 |
drzin | it will not install | 20:56 |
bigfamine | thats helpful | 20:56 |
bigfamine | why wont it install? | 20:56 |
atari2600a | well, I'm leaving now, thanks | 20:57 |
bigfamine | and have you followed the walkthrough? | 20:57 |
drzin | kubuntu is the host | 20:57 |
bigfamine | did you follow that walkthough? | 20:57 |
drzin | | 20:57 |
freq18hz | anyone have any idea why I am unable to suspend properly on this dell mini, with an SD card inserted? | 20:57 |
Kymaera | FeiRuoWa: You're welcome. Hopefully that works out for you. =) | 20:58 |
bigfamine | drzin | 20:59 |
bigfamine | follow that | 20:59 |
drzin | no have not done the walk through going though it right now | 21:00 |
bigfamine | well thats your first problem | 21:00 |
ubunt1 | hey guys, should i use the offical or unoffical drivers for my radeom mobility 9000? i'm using the default one right now, looks fine, but compiz-check says has an error on "hardware/setup check" and it explains: Error: Laptop using radeon driver. | 21:00 |
kiki1 | hello people | 21:00 |
kiki1 | i need help.. | 21:00 |
bigfamine | also drzin, you probably dont want the rpm | 21:00 |
kiki1 | with my ubuntu 8.10 | 21:00 |
bigfamine | you want the .bin file | 21:01 |
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Jack_Sparrow | kiki1, Please ask your question all on one line | 21:01 |
drzin | it stopped at > | 21:01 |
bigfamine | VMware-Workstation-6.5.1-126130.x86_64.bin or something like that | 21:01 |
kiki1 | maybe I have problem with nvidia mcp67 chipset | 21:01 |
drzin | no it an rpm | 21:01 |
kiki1 | with my laptop | 21:01 |
=== John is now known as Guest18802 | ||
Jack_Sparrow | !rpm | 21:01 |
ubottu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) | 21:01 |
poseidon | Where can I get the media codecs for ubuntu? | 21:01 |
drzin | i did not find a bin file | 21:01 |
drzin | i know that about rpms | 21:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | drzin, Dont use an rpm | 21:02 |
bigfamine | i installed vmware-workstation today and the file I used was a .bin executeable not an rpm | 21:02 |
drzin | ok | 21:02 |
Fezzler | How do I check whether /dev/ttyUSB1 is enabled for my Palm m500? | 21:02 |
bigfamine | and if it stopped at > that probably means you have a comma out of place | 21:02 |
bigfamine | or forgot a comma | 21:02 |
=== sean is now known as Guest26873 | ||
Fezzler | When I try to since with ttyUSB1 I get an error that "visor" is not enabled in Kernel??? | 21:02 |
=== Guest18802 is now known as WoWer | ||
Stargazer | Why can't i get a copy of my dvd movie ? | 21:03 |
Fezzler | But a "usb:" works but syncs everyhting but mail | 21:03 |
WoWer | Hic | 21:03 |
Fezzler | Is it fstab or undev ? | 21:03 |
Stargazer | Why can't k9copy open my DVD ? | 21:03 |
The_Rebel | okay | 21:04 |
The_Rebel | can anyone help me with grub-gfxboot? | 21:04 |
drzin | i copyed and paste | 21:04 |
mike12 | can anyone halp me fix update manager it crashed after i last updated | 21:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !aptfix | 21:04 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 21:04 |
drzin | I hope there need and out put of this [sudo touch /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/include/linux/config.h] | 21:05 |
mike12 | ok | 21:05 |
=== mike is now known as Guest69211 | ||
gerber | where can i go take classes on ubuntu | 21:05 |
bigfamine | drzin, the command your using is not in the walkthrough... | 21:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | !training | 21:06 |
ubottu | documentation is to be found at and - General linux documentation: - | 21:06 |
kiki1 | can they help me? | 21:07 |
kiki1 | please... | 21:07 |
peter1 | i need some support | 21:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ask | 21:07 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 21:07 |
drzin | bigfamine, I am using this url= | 21:07 |
=== JamesMowery is now known as JamesMowery|away | ||
mike12 | sudo | 21:07 |
mike12 | nvm | 21:07 |
WoWer | РУСКИЙ ubuntu | 21:07 |
=== JamesMowery|away is now known as JamesMowery | ||
WoWer | ubuntu-ru | 21:07 |
bigfamine | drzin, your using the wrong walkthrough | 21:07 |
WoWer | & | 21:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | WoWer, Please stop | 21:08 |
WoWer | ? | 21:08 |
bigfamine | you reading how to install ubuntu in a virtual machine. you want the ubuntu workstation walthrough. which is right at the top of the page that your on | 21:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | WoWer, /join #ubuntu-ru | 21:08 |
drzin | bigfamine, oh no then what is then | 21:08 |
mike12 | ok my update manager says error brokencount>0 what do i do | 21:08 |
drzin | bigfamine, oh no then what is it then | 21:08 |
Cyber_Hades | hello 4 all ! | 21:08 |
bigfamine | the link is right at the top of the page your on. i guess i can copy and paste it for you | 21:09 |
bigfamine | | 21:09 |
gerber | help with network config, vpn connetion / | 21:09 |
bigfamine | forget the # at the end | 21:09 |
kiki1 | hey gerber | 21:09 |
kiki1 | use hamachi for create vpn | 21:09 |
kiki1 | it's very easy | 21:09 |
Cyber_Hades | it's hamachi secure ??? | 21:09 |
gerber | need to tal to my computer in my office | 21:10 |
kiki1 | i write a guide to install it and use it.. here: | 21:10 |
Formode | Hello all, I am just wondering, is it possible to set up a audio stream of what my rthymbox is playing that is accessible over a network? | 21:10 |
quiksilver | please help me get sound | 21:10 |
kiki1 | i don't know... maybe.. everything is not secure in internet! | 21:10 |
kiki1 | :) | 21:10 |
sockets | hey guys for ATI radeon mobility 9000 (or ATI cards in general), should i use the default hardy/offical drivers or the open source ones? in your opinions? | 21:10 |
drzin | bigfamine, oh my that need to fixed that needs to be linked to one an other | 21:10 |
quiksilver | it says that my sound blaster drive card is loaded but i cannot get sound on ubuntu | 21:10 |
quiksilver | what is going on | 21:10 |
epictetus | You should use the fglrx driver for the ATI radeon | 21:11 |
mike12 | sockets; i would use the default | 21:11 |
epictetus | fglrx is gonna work WAY better than the default | 21:11 |
kiki1 | | 21:11 |
kiki1 | here | 21:11 |
mike12 | true though | 21:11 |
rww | sockets: use fglrx unless it's broken for your card. | 21:11 |
kiki1 | the solution to your vpn | 21:11 |
quiksilver | i really dont want to go back to windows | 21:11 |
hardware | vc ,n | 21:11 |
quiksilver | but i cannot get sound on this os | 21:11 |
sockets | thanks, i'll check out fglrx | 21:11 |
kiki1 | i use it and it's very good program. | 21:11 |
rww | sockets: (or you dislike closed-source drivers) | 21:11 |
biouser | quicksilver_ try alsamixer from the command line | 21:12 |
cdavis | What is a decent program to combine two pdfs | 21:12 |
biouser | find things to unmute | 21:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | sockets, The 'fglrx'driver does not support cards earlier than the 9500. | 21:12 |
Cyber_Hades | How i can sharing my internet conection over LAN... i am going wireless to internet and i wanna share connection try LAN | 21:12 |
quiksilver | everything is unmuted | 21:12 |
kiki1 | hey cdavis search in google, there is a script for nautilux to combine pdfs | 21:12 |
librarianscott | I'm just starting with 64-bit ubuntu and would like to know if the default firefox installation is a 32-bit or 64-bit browser | 21:12 |
drzin | bigfamine, wow it rebuilding my system | 21:13 |
rww | librarianscott: 64-bit with a wrapper for 32-bit plugins. | 21:13 |
Formode | Hello all, I am just wondering, is it possible to set up a audio stream of what my rthymbox is playing that is accessible over a network? | 21:13 |
Cyber_Hades | i have 2 ubuntu machines | 21:13 |
rww | !ics | Cyber_Hades | 21:13 |
ubottu | Cyber_Hades: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 21:13 |
librarianscott | rww, thanks | 21:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | librarianscott, We try to get newer users to stick with 32 bit even on 64 bit boxes. | 21:13 |
kiki1 | hey Cyber_Hades you need to install firestarter to shared your connection | 21:13 |
Fezzler | how can I check if ttyusb1 has been enabled | 21:13 |
mike12 | what does this mean under update 'Error: BrokenCount>0 | 21:13 |
Cyber_Hades | ok tnx | 21:14 |
biouser | quiksilver 8.04 or 8.10? | 21:14 |
quiksilver | 8.10 | 21:14 |
biouser | quiksilver do you have pulse audio installed or no? | 21:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | mike12, Did you have any unsupported repos in your sources.list before you updated your system | 21:14 |
librarianscott | Jack, i've got 4 cores, will it still work with 32-bit no problem | 21:14 |
quiksilver | i don't know | 21:14 |
quiksilver | if you can help me solve this ill be indebted to you | 21:14 |
quiksilver | im so frustrted | 21:14 |
mike12 | Jack sparrow what does that mean | 21:14 |
r3m | Hi, sata are supported? | 21:14 |
rww | librarianscott: 64-bit Intel processors work fine under 32-bit, yes | 21:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | mike12, It was quite clear. HAve you installed things from outside sources etc | 21:15 |
biouser | quiksilver have you played with system>preferences>sound ? | 21:15 |
mike12 | yes | 21:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | r3m, yes | 21:15 |
mike12 | i have | 21:15 |
TiZ | Hi. I decided to try running e2fsck with -cc. It's taking way too long. Can I cancel it somehow? | 21:15 |
quiksilver | yes | 21:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | mike12, then I have seen this bvefore where a user installs things and an update gets them. | 21:16 |
drzin | bigfamine, It didnot find VMwave package | 21:16 |
quiksilver | none of the tests work | 21:16 |
r3m | Jack_Sparrow since which kernel do you know? | 21:16 |
mike12 | Jack Sparrow what do i do | 21:16 |
dougl | ConstantineXVI, I tried the screen resolution on my 2nd display - it changes to 1920x1080 but the desktop does not change... any other suggestions? | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | r3m, for quite awhile not sure since when | 21:16 |
kiki1 | dougl what videocard do you have? | 21:16 |
TiZ | Hi. I decided to try running e2fsck with -cc. It's taking way too long. Can I cancel it somehow? | 21:16 |
nyaa | howdy =) | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | mike12, You can try cleaning up your sources.list and suso apt-get update | 21:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | sudo | 21:17 |
mike12 | ok than ks | 21:17 |
ic3fr0g | hello.. i have download and install one game on my - Ubuntu Gnome, but i have install it on home folder how i can move it to Games Folder, and how i can put the game run at, Applications/Games/ | 21:17 |
rww | mike12: open Synaptic and do Edit > Fix Broken Packages | 21:17 |
dougl | I can scroll my mouse from side to side on tv but pictures (xine and desktop wallpaper) only display on left portion still | 21:17 |
nyaa | I have a weird one for ya, is there any way to make a file stay in ram? | 21:17 |
dougl | kiki1, nvidia6200 | 21:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | rww, He already tried aptfix | 21:17 |
kiki1 | ok | 21:17 |
TiZ | Is there a way for me to safely cancel e2fsck -cc? | 21:18 |
kiki1 | dougl do you have install a graphic controll for nvidida? | 21:18 |
rww | Jack_Sparrow: oh, okay. Didn't see that. | 21:18 |
r3m | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 21:18 |
dougl | kiki1, you mean nvidia-settings? | 21:18 |
ic3fr0g | !ubbot games | 21:18 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubbot games | 21:18 |
biouser | quiksilver and you have tried changing devices? | 21:18 |
kiki1 | maybe | 21:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | TiZ, If you are still messing with that bgad drive the answer has not changed in three days.. No | 21:18 |
Formode | Hello all, I am just wondering, is it possible to set up a audio stream of what my rthymbox is playing that is accessible over a network? | 21:18 |
ic3fr0g | !ganes | 21:18 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ganes | 21:18 |
ic3fr0g | !games | 21:18 |
rww | !games | ic3fr0g | 21:18 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 21:18 |
ubottu | ic3fr0g: please see above | 21:18 |
kiki1 | i don't remember what's the name of the package. | 21:18 |
kiki1 | sorry.. | 21:18 |
CyberGabber | quiksilver: Did rou read this : | 21:18 |
ic3fr0g | :P | 21:18 |
ic3fr0g | .query rww | 21:18 |
onexused | !nfs | 21:18 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 21:18 |
ic3fr0g | lo | 21:19 |
ic3fr0g | .whoami | 21:19 |
Stargazer | What does it mean when i update my apt-get list and it says 'hit' or 'ign' ? | 21:19 |
rww | !msg | ic3fr0g | 21:19 |
ubottu | ic3fr0g: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 21:19 |
biouser | quiksilver you will get it eventually if you stick with it. I know a little miffing that it doesn't work 'out of the box' | 21:19 |
serror | hey | 21:20 |
TiZ | Jack_Sparrow, I came up with a way to back up my data, using my dad's laptop. I then wrote a load of zeros to my bad partition, to hopefully get SMART to move them, and continued my partitioning renovation. I decided to check the new filesystem for errors, but it's taking too long and I have to leave soon. I want to cancel it safely. | 21:20 |
atom^x | quicksilver_: did you check mixer settings? | 21:20 |
dougl | kiki1, well thru nvidia-settings I config 2nd display as 1920x1080 and save changes to xorg.conf... maybe has something to do with compiz - how do I turn that off? | 21:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | TiZ, No, it is a bad idea. and will only further compound your problem | 21:21 |
serror | is there a german help channel? | 21:21 |
TiZ | Everything is a bad idea to you. Come on, man! | 21:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | !de | 21:21 |
ubottu | In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 21:21 |
serror | thanks Jack_Sparrow | 21:21 |
CyberGabber | quicksilver_: In a terminal, type : alsamixer ,then adjust volume with cursr up/down. Does that work ? | 21:21 |
kiki1 | in the menu system | 21:22 |
kiki1 | preferencies->Appearence | 21:22 |
kiki1 | you should turn off compiz | 21:23 |
FeiRuoWa | hmm...i have now tried to boot from (with appropriate bios settings) an ubuntu disk, a mac disk, and unetbootin...i can't get it to boot... | 21:23 |
=== JamesMowery is now known as JamesMowery|away | ||
FeiRuoWa | any ideas for something else to try? | 21:23 |
JackWinter | anyone got sound working from vmware player ? | 21:23 |
atom^x | FeiRuoWa: is your CD drive working? | 21:24 |
onexused | !daemon | 21:24 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about daemon | 21:24 |
onexused | !service | 21:24 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about service | 21:24 |
onexused | !services | 21:24 |
Formode | Hello all, I'm looking to set up a streaming audio connection to another computer. Is it possible to do so using VLC and have it stream my audio card's output? | 21:24 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about services | 21:24 |
onexused | !init.d | 21:24 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about init.d | 21:24 |
onexused | What command can I use to tell something in /etc/init.d to run on boot? | 21:25 |
rodolfo | hi channel! | 21:25 |
pepperjack | formode short answer is yes | 21:25 |
CyberGabber | FeiRuoWa: You mean, it is like it ignoring the CD, and just boots from harddisk? | 21:25 |
=== JamesMowery|away is now known as JamesMowery | ||
Formode | pepperjack, can you give me a howto? :) | 21:26 |
atom^x | onexused: services from menu | 21:26 |
stevej26uk | hello peeps | 21:26 |
gletob | Hey I am running jaunty, does anyone here know how to convert EXT3 to EXT4? | 21:27 |
onexused | atom^x: thanks, but currently I'm ssh'd in. Do you know the text command? | 21:27 |
FeiRuoWa | no, cybergabber. there's nothign on the hard disk. it won't boot. nyaa's helping me, though. | 21:27 |
guntbert | !jaunty | gletob | 21:27 |
ubottu | gletob: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support. | 21:27 |
rodolfo | Is there a tool from ubuntu that tells me about my motherboard, BIOS version and general info about my hardware? I'm looking for a tool equivalent to CPU-Z for windows... | 21:27 |
lokieee | can you install KDE on ubuntu, i noticed it only offered gnome on my system | 21:28 |
rww | lokieee: install the kubuntu-desktop package | 21:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | lokieee, under options when you login | 21:28 |
lokieee | cool thanks | 21:28 |
Ansrana | hi all | 21:28 |
Bop | hello. is the soundjuicer package deleted from the repositories for ubuntu 8.10? | 21:28 |
Gobby | is there like a free video course of learning ubuntu over the internet?... im very new. | 21:28 |
lokieee | jack, i tried its not listed i guess i need to install it first :D | 21:28 |
bigfamine | of course you can lokieee install it from the package manager once ubuntu is installed | 21:29 |
jim_p | !w32codecs | 21:29 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 21:29 |
atom^x | onexused: not sure on ubuntu, ckconfig? | 21:29 |
guntbert | rodolfo: sysinfo (under Apps/systemtools) | 21:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | lokieee, yes and it will be under options where you login | 21:29 |
lokieee | k | 21:29 |
chrischi | hi | 21:29 |
Formode | Hello all, I'm looking to set up a streaming audio connection to another computer. Is it possible to do so using VLC and have it stream my audio card's output? | 21:29 |
CyberGabber | rodolfo: Chekout 'sysinfo' it display lots of info | 21:29 |
Ansrana | i would like to know if a system with a athlon x2 5400 and 4G ram is enough for ubuntu development environment (Postgresql,mysql,apache and tomcat) and also to virtualise windows 2003 ? | 21:29 |
onexused | atom^x: "not found" : \ | 21:29 |
Bop | !soundjuicer | 21:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about soundjuicer | 21:30 |
user___ | Gobby: not sure, but a good google searchword would be "screencast" + ubuntu.. | 21:30 |
lokieee | so i'm installing KDE< and currently on GNOME i have emerald and compiz installed, now on KDE will it also be installed or do I need to re-do all that | 21:31 |
atom^x | onexused: yeah, i think that is only redhat... | 21:31 |
tkmlss | can anyone tell me how the corndog to reinstall windows on a dual boot system | 21:31 |
kdogg | i cant get installation process to start on an HP dv6000es anyone have any ideas? | 21:32 |
onexused | atom^x: and it's not rc-update. That's what I use on gentoo... | 21:32 |
kdogg | sorry dv6000* | 21:32 |
kdogg | i get as far as the process bar after selecting install, then it stops | 21:33 |
atom^x | onexused: update-rc.d --> | 21:33 |
Formode | Hello all, I'm looking to set up a streaming audio connection to another computer. Is it possible to do so using VLC and have it stream my audio card's output? | 21:33 |
kdogg | i can press buttons, and for some reason that makes the progress bar start moving again | 21:33 |
Formode | Wonderful :D | 21:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | kdogg, burning the cd at the slowest possible speed seems to help and noapic and acpi=off on the command line | 21:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | kdogg, turn off quiet and splash to see where it is hanging.. wifi is a prime suspect | 21:34 |
kdogg | Jack_Sparrow, I have tried both of those solutions, and I have downloaded, the non 64 bit, and i dl'd kubuntu, all have the same problem. | 21:34 |
atom^x | onexused: man update-rc.d | 21:35 |
=== Mar-tin is now known as Marty | ||
pepperjack | formode sorry just saw your post. in theory what you want to do is capture/stream the pcm output. dont see alot on this in ubuntu forums but maybe this link will be of help. | 21:35 |
uriol | hi | 21:35 |
Formode | pepperjack, thanks. :D | 21:35 |
uriol | my hard drive is allways working, and i don't know why | 21:36 |
uriol | how to stop it | 21:36 |
mike12 | hey nobody here knows a girl named tiffany from cobleskill do they | 21:36 |
Formode | !offtopic | Mike12 | 21:36 |
ubottu | Mike12: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 21:36 |
kdogg | Jack_Sparrow, when i press buttons to get to the install program, i can then install, but if i dont press random buttons, the install process will never finish. Now that it is installed, every time I want to use ubuntu, i have to press random buttons during boot | 21:36 |
uriol | i am from spain | 21:36 |
uriol | i don't know her | 21:36 |
pepperjack | mike12 she's in #ubuntu-offtopic right now | 21:36 |
mike12 | o loli forgot my own girlfriends number lol | 21:37 |
uriol | my hard drive is allways working, and i don't know why, and how can i stop it | 21:37 |
pepperjack | uriol indexing maybe? | 21:37 |
uriol | ok | 21:37 |
kdogg | Jack_Sparrow, i will now see where it is hanging, but iirc, it hangs at more than one point, like it will hang, then i hit a key, then it hangs at another point. if you press a random button every time it hangs it gets through all of them. | 21:37 |
uriol | i have google desktop | 21:38 |
uriol | maybe | 21:38 |
doug___ | hey guys...question...i need some software to edit the length of video files | 21:38 |
doug___ | i dont need to change any content...just make them shorter | 21:38 |
doug___ | (ie take out credits) | 21:38 |
rodolfo | CyberGabber, guntbert sysinfo doesn't tell me that much about my system...first, it doesn't even know what version of Xorg I'm running and second it doesn't tell me what kind of memory I have e.g. PC2-???? | 21:38 |
uriol | how to stop the indexing process ? | 21:39 |
kdogg | Jack_Sparrow, i mean any random key too, like when it hangs, if you press the power button, that will make it work until it hangs again. | 21:39 |
rodolfo | CyberGabber, guntbert another advanced toold in mind? | 21:39 |
dreamy_ | i wanted to install the mesa drivers.. but a fellow here told me i didnt had to. he told me to type !ati. but i want the 3d accelaration from the dri project (mesa drivers) | 21:39 |
kdogg | Jack_Sparrow, its almost as if the bootup process is dependant on me pressing buttons | 21:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | dreamy_, sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx ? | 21:41 |
=== JamesMowery is now known as JamesMowery|away | ||
kdogg | i have tried the noacpi and nolacip and they had no effect. I have seen others with this problem on forums, but it seems that no one realized the button thingy. everyone says to turn off apic but it doesnt help them eithe | 21:41 |
uriol | how can i stop the index process ? because is very annoying to hear the hard disk allways working | 21:41 |
uriol | it makes me mad | 21:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | kdogg, I would google up your hardware and see what is going on and how others with your hardware have gotten it to work | 21:41 |
kdogg | no one has | 21:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | !info tracker | 21:42 |
ubottu | tracker (source: tracker): metadata database, indexer and search tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.6-1ubuntu5.1 (intrepid), package size 286 kB, installed size 2048 kB | 21:42 |
=== JamesMowery|away is now known as JamesMowery | ||
uriol | pepperjack ? | 21:42 |
altus-dominus | hey guys need some help | 21:42 |
dieselsmoke | rodolfo: in a terminal- Xorg -version for sys info sudo dmidecode, get the board serial number and google for the ram specs. | 21:42 |
kdogg | i guess this laptop will just have to remain a ms pc :/ | 21:42 |
dreamy_ | Jack_Sparrow: : nice | 21:42 |
altus-dominus | I would like to know after I apply vlc skin the video dose not play intact witht he interface is there a setting that i must set or somthing ? | 21:43 |
altus-dominus | the interface* | 21:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | !find xserver-xorg-video-all | 21:43 |
user___ | altus-dominus: maybe it just needs a restart, can help sometimes on linux too | 21:43 |
ubottu | Found: xserver-xorg-video-all | 21:43 |
user___ | altus-dominus: only vlc of course | 21:44 |
pepperjack | uriol not sure. im not in ubuntu atm but there should be a command line utility called iostat that is like a top program for io stuff. might point to the problem app doing all the io on disk | 21:44 |
rodolfo | dieselsmoke, ok and how can I get the information about my motherboard? and what about my processor info, south/northbridge, BIOS ver. etc to let me know what kind of processor my mobo supports? I'm using a notebook. | 21:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | dreamy_, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all IS SOMETHING i SEEM TO REMEMBER ON OLDER VERSIONS OF UBUNTU | 21:44 |
altus-dominus | user___, no didnt help | 21:44 |
Agiofws | hello | 21:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry for the caps people | 21:44 |
floryn90_ | !compiz | 21:44 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - help in #compiz-fusion | 21:44 |
Agiofws | is the dir disctree in ubunti ISO aimeg the POOL dir ? | 21:44 |
dieselsmoke | rodolfo: use the serial number of the board from dmidecode. 2. cat /proc/cpuinfo | 21:44 |
Agiofws | caue i dont have a disctree DIR | 21:44 |
dreamy_ | Jack_Sparrow: : what is the second one for ? (can i do it even when i running the irc application) ? | 21:44 |
Agiofws | cp -aR casper disctree dists install pool preseed .disk /media/disk/ | 21:45 |
Agiofws | ytrying to make alibe sub drive | 21:45 |
Agiofws | sub | 21:45 |
Agiofws | usb | 21:45 |
dreamy_ | Jack_Sparrow: : im going to do those both.. now .. | 21:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | dreamy_, Keep it handy if the first does not do all you expected. I seem to remember you needed both of thos | 21:45 |
kdogg | how do i do a windows restore now that ubuntu has resized my partition? | 21:45 |
uriol | thuis problem happend after the installation of an aplication titled Myth TV | 21:45 |
uriol | after that the hard disk start to run madly | 21:45 |
gerber | help me to install openbravo / | 21:45 |
rodolfo | dieselsmoke, what is the CAT command for? | 21:46 |
uriol | started | 21:46 |
dreamy_ | ok nice.. | 21:46 |
disappearedng_ | apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 21:46 |
disappearedng_ | 21:46 | |
Jack_Sparrow | uriol, /join #Ubuntu-mythtv | 21:46 |
Agiofws | is the dir disctree in ubuntu ISO image the POOL dir ? ? | 21:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | !mint | 21:46 |
ubottu | The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate | 21:46 |
rww | disappearedng_: set ServerName correctly in your apache configuration | 21:46 |
disappearedng_ | I can't find ServerName in httpd.conf, it's giving me apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 21:46 |
kdogg | ... | 21:46 |
rodolfo | Jack_Sparrow hey man I thought uoy were gone brother! | 21:46 |
disappearedng_ | rww: in apache.conf? | 21:46 |
rodolfo | you* =P | 21:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | rodolfo, Almost gone | 21:46 |
dieselsmoke | rodolfo: cat displays text files, tac does the same in reverse. cat = concantenate | 21:46 |
Agiofws | | 21:46 |
Dr_willis | kdogg, totally depends on how your windows system has set up to do its restores.. My Gateway just restored to the smaller windows parittion.. ive seen other machines/companies - that get confused.. and had to use the restore disks | 21:47 |
rww | disappearedng_: Either that or the virtual host config. I forget where Ubuntu puts it. | 21:47 |
dieselsmoke | rodolfo: case-sensitive 'cat' everything is case-sensitive. | 21:47 |
pepperjack | uriol there should be a mythtv script in /etc/init.d then. try a ls /etc/init.d | grep -i myth then do a sudo /etc/init.d/whateverscriptname stop maybe. | 21:47 |
kdogg | Dr_willis, you have any idea on what is going on with these hp dv6000 series? | 21:47 |
Dr_willis | kdogg, not a clue.. i dont have a dv6000 i got a dv2000 it does linux nicely | 21:47 |
dreamy_ | Jack_Sparrow: you seem to be familiar with the DRI project thing.. cool ! | 21:48 |
rodolfo | dieselsmoke, ok | 21:48 |
Dr_willis | kdogg, i find the 'restore' partition stuff on most machines - to not work very well. | 21:48 |
lycannyc-work | !dual | 21:48 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dual | 21:48 |
user___ | gerber: hello, have you considered running it as a virtual appliance, ubuntu comes with virtualbox, so.. | 21:48 |
kdogg | Dr_willis, so am I sol for getting this on my laptop? | 21:48 |
Lymies | Hello. Is there a way to get the ubuntu bootloader to allow you to choose the kernel you want to boot? | 21:48 |
dreamy_ | Jack_Sparrow: i guess afterwarsd those to tags id be running with the 3d accelaration driver | 21:48 |
dreamy_ | s | 21:48 |
kdogg | i mean its not like anyone has any answers lol | 21:49 |
jrib | Lymies: press ESC while booting if you don't see a menu already | 21:49 |
disappearedng_ | yeah well if I have a vhosts, | 21:49 |
disappearedng_ | do I configure the servername on the individual settings file or what ? | 21:49 |
kdogg | Ubuntu does not work on hp dv6000's, who do I talk to to try and get something done about it?? | 21:50 |
pepperjack | kdogg well i work for hp | 21:50 |
pepperjack | kdogg but we dont care | 21:50 |
kdogg | pepperjack, well according to a forum, your guys told the guy to just use ms | 21:51 |
kdogg | :D | 21:51 |
Dengen | Hi | 21:51 |
mrinehart93 | hey guys :) | 21:51 |
Dengen | Anyone awake? | 21:51 |
Dr_willis | kdogg, I dont have a clue what you are actally trying to do. | 21:51 |
mrinehart93 | me | 21:51 |
Dengen | I need some easyhelp with installing a program on ubuntu | 21:51 |
mrinehart93 | What program? | 21:51 |
Gnea | !apt | Dengen | 21:52 |
ubottu | Dengen: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 21:52 |
Gnea | !laptop | kdogg | 21:52 |
pepperjack | kdogg typically when running into a problem it tends to be a single hardware issue thats the show stopper. if you expand on what doesnt work maybe we can offer advise | 21:52 |
ubottu | kdogg: Laptop support information can be found on - - - | 21:52 |
Gnea | kdogg: check out the testing team | 21:53 |
kdogg | pepperjack, the problem is that it hangs at multiple points and un hangs when you send input, l;ike the up arrow | 21:53 |
dreamy_ | Jack_Sparrow: i had them both installed already (strange :S ) how can i start getting accelaration then ? | 21:54 |
Gnea | kdogg: 'hangs'? it just stops responding for a little while or does the whole system halt/freeze? | 21:55 |
Izinucs | kdogg: try dmesg in a terminal and see if it shows what the error is.. also you might look in the logs for the error that's happening. | 21:55 |
dreamy_ | Jack_Sparrow: cant i install anything with the name mesa on it ? | 21:55 |
gerber | Why it's so hard to install a program ? | 21:56 |
bill_ | what is this | 21:56 |
Gnea | gerber: it's not. | 21:56 |
gerber | can you please help me to install openbravoERP | 21:57 |
dreamy_ | Jack_Sparrow: : im sorry im askiing so many questions.. i should to some thinking of my self too | 21:57 |
user___ | gerber: please try and let us know where you get stuck. please give an exact error message. | 21:57 |
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Gnea | gerber: never heard of it. | 21:57 |
Dr_willis | kdogg, you may want to test out some other live cd/disrtos on that thing also. Its possible theres some kernel bug/issue that needs to be addressed. | 21:58 |
user___ | i guess | 21:58 |
pepperjack | gerber :) | 21:58 |
gerber | I been for 5 day working on install this software | 21:58 |
Gnea | gerber: see what pepperjack found | 21:58 |
disappearedng_ | can someone else tell me why my vhosts is not working? | 21:58 |
uriol | * Stopping MythTV server: mythbackend | 21:58 |
fioresi | ciao | 21:59 |
mrinehart93 | c ya | 21:59 |
kdogg | Dr_willis, when I put in the install disc, any of them... 32-64 bit, hardy-intrepid, ubuntu-kubuntu, it hangs right after you select install. It will stay there until you press any random buttons, like "a b ba abba bababab ababab abababa" or anything!! the power button will even make the progress bar start moving. If you do it enough times, it will eventually make it to the install dialogue. the next problem occurs during the actu | 21:59 |
kdogg | al install process, it hangs, just like before, until you hit some buttons again. If you hit buttons every time it hangs it will install successfully. After the install, everything looks good. then you reboot and guess what, to boot to the desktop you have to hit more buttons. everything works, wireless, video, etc.. | 21:59 |
uriol | thank you pepperjack | 21:59 |
Izinucs | Gnea: it's a web based app. needs a lamp stack.. so he' really asking numerous questions but just doesn't know it yer. | 21:59 |
Izinucs | *yet | 21:59 |
Raylz | can i chroot from a 64bit system into a 32bit? | 21:59 |
pepperjack | uriol that worked? | 21:59 |
uriol | yes | 22:00 |
mrinehart93 | Quick question: If I want to install Warcraft 3 using WINE, and I am not using the install CD's, how would I mount the .ISO file? | 22:00 |
jrib | Raylz: sure | 22:00 |
uriol | sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend stop | 22:00 |
Gnea | mrinehart93: sudo mount -o loop file.iso dir/ | 22:00 |
Dr_willis | kdogg, try some live cd for some other disrtos perhaps. such problems as your s are hard to troubleshoot. It may be an APCI/Apic/bios issue | 22:00 |
kdogg | Gnea, please see my last message to Dr_willis | 22:00 |
mrinehart93 | thanks | 22:00 |
kdogg | ok | 22:00 |
Raylz | jrib: thx | 22:00 |
bill_ | what is this forum? | 22:00 |
pepperjack | uriol if you dont want myth to run when rebooted do a sudo update-rc.d -f mythtv-backend remove <--- i think that is the right syntax otherwise just a sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/mythtc-backend will do it | 22:01 |
Gnea | !ubuntu | bill_ | 22:01 |
ubottu | bill_: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 22:01 |
gerber | I did fallow all the intrution i Got stuck here. chmod +x OpenbravoERP_2.40-linux-installer.bin | 22:01 |
bill_ | thank you | 22:01 |
Gnea | kdogg: have you tried changing any of the boot options? | 22:01 |
kash | can i have ubuntu make a quack noise when i hit 'volume up' on my notebook | 22:01 |
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dieselsmoke | bill_: sudo ./OpenbravoERP_2.40-linux-installer.bin | 22:01 |
kdogg | Gnea, yeah i tried noapic nolapic | 22:01 |
Gnea | kash: yes. | 22:02 |
Gnea | kdogg: what about pci=routeirq | 22:02 |
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=== Guest34527 is now known as H0rA | ||
gerber | bash: ./OpenbravoERP_2.40-linux-installer.bin: No such file or directory | 22:03 |
kdogg | Gnea, i tried pci=irq1 or somethinke that i saw in a forum but it didnt work | 22:03 |
kash | Gnea: how? | 22:03 |
gerber | bash: ./OpenbravoERP_2.40-linux-installer.bin: No such file or directory | 22:03 |
Gnea | kdogg: that won't work, it would need to be, specifically, pci=routeirq | 22:03 |
pepperjack | gerber you realize installing that means setting up tomcat and stuff too? | 22:03 |
gerber | i did | 22:03 |
dieselsmoke | bill_: sorry missed the proper nick ignore me | 22:03 |
lime4x4 | can't connect using remote desktop viewer get an error that the port was closed. Is there another setting somewhere else? | 22:03 |
ic3fr0g | Hello how i can see all PIdgin messenger Logs? | 22:04 |
Gnea | gerber: what is the output of this command: file ./OpenbravoERP_2.40-linux-installer.bin | 22:04 |
veritos | If Windows is installed and has the Broadcom drivers for wireless, will the Ubuntu LiveCD automatically grab them? | 22:04 |
dieselsmoke | gerber: you're in the wrong dir, that command assumes you are in the same dir as the file. | 22:04 |
kdogg | gnea, Dr_willis thanks for the help im going to go try that, and a bios update as well maybe, and ill try another distro then ill be back | 22:04 |
kdogg | gnea, Dr_willis thanks for the help im going to go try that, and a bios update as well maybe, and ill try another distro then ill be back | 22:04 |
kdogg | oops | 22:04 |
FloodBot1 | kdogg: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:04 |
pepperjack | veritos no | 22:04 |
TrekCycling | I'm using 8.04. Anyone know why I don't see Google as an option in Evolution for Calendar/contact type? | 22:04 |
Dr_willis | kdogg, i had issues with a laptop once.. bios update helped it a lot. | 22:04 |
Lymies | is there a way to check the version of a kernel module? | 22:05 |
kdogg | ok bbl | 22:05 |
Lymies | like from lsmod or something | 22:05 |
gerber | ok. so what should i do | 22:05 |
dieselsmoke | gerber: be in the same directory as the file or type the full path to the file. | 22:06 |
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thread | I'm having a really weird issue with my Intel graphics chip... I'm in software rasterization mode somehow: | 22:06 |
Gnea | Lymies: cat /proc/version | 22:07 |
kash | Gnea: ? | 22:07 |
ic3fr0g | hello how i can see all PIdgin messenger Logs? | 22:07 |
Gnea | kash: find a soundbyte of a duck quacking, then use it in the sound settings | 22:07 |
kash | i don't see the sound setting for that, i mean | 22:08 |
webcamguy | hey, webcam built into a monitor, works fine on a ubuntu 8.04 box, fails on 2 ubuntu 8.10 boxes, any ideaas on what to do? | 22:08 |
petllama | in handbrake, is there a way to select just part of the source file to encode? like say from minute 10 through minute 20 | 22:09 |
TrekCycling | /join #evolution | 22:09 |
TrekCycling | oops | 22:09 |
Gnea | kash: does the button already increase volume? | 22:09 |
kash | yes | 22:10 |
kash | but there is nothing to let me judge its value | 22:11 |
kash | no noise | 22:11 |
olly | moin | 22:11 |
olly | moinsen lol | 22:12 |
Lymies | how do you use patch on directories instead of a single file? | 22:12 |
olly | fuck please speak german | 22:13 |
darksmurf | Hello everyone. I just bought a Dell Mini9 w/ Ubuntu 8.04. I loved it. Then I tried to install parts of the Netbook remix and totally screwed my gnome config files up. I lost the 'normal' desktop. So to fix it I installed Intrepid. Wow. Great stuff. Dual monitor support actually works! So my question, where can I find a list of good/cool extra repositories to setup? Or is all the really good stuff already on the offical Ubuntu reposito | 22:13 |
darksmurf | ries? | 22:13 |
Rudd-O | hey, I am looking for someone to package an application I wrote for Ubuntu. Anyone care to help me with it? | 22:13 |
disappearedng_ | can someone help me out with virtual hosting on ubuntu ? | 22:13 |
dieselsmoke | !de > olly | 22:14 |
ubottu | olly, please see my private message | 22:14 |
Rudd-O | disappearedng_: I might | 22:14 |
dreamy_ | anyone? .. after knowing that mesa (Drivers) are installed how can i test them? | 22:14 |
dreamy_ | or know... be shure theyer running | 22:14 |
olly | whats up | 22:14 |
Rudd-O | dreamy_: mesa is not a driver, it's a library, you can test if mesa is running by setting GLX_DEBUG=1 and running glxinfo in the console | 22:14 |
disappearedng_ | Rudd-O: so I am trying to set up my port 81 to one of my sites | 22:14 |
gerber | do u know any point of sales that work well with unbuntu | 22:14 |
dreamy_ | ty | 22:14 |
gerber | do u know any point of sales that work well with unbuntu | 22:14 |
Rudd-O | <VirtualHost *:81> ServerName <...> | 22:15 |
disappearedng_ | Rudd-O and I can't access it | 22:15 |
ctlabs | gerber: ask it once... and if anyone knows, they'll reply | 22:15 |
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knottyer | Sendmail on Ubuntu 8.04: After installing, `nmap -p25 localhost` shows port 25 is open, but when `nmap -p25` is run from other Ubuntu boxes on the domain, port 25 is closed! Firewall not not an issue: default policy is to accept. TCPwrappers is set to allow all connections by boxes in domain. I believe Sendmail's configuration files are correct. PAM is using default settings for sasl. Any ideas on how to open por | 22:15 |
knottyer | t 25 to outside the mailserver?? | 22:15 |
disappearedng_ | Rudd-O I try telneting into localhost 81 and i have been refused | 22:15 |
Rudd-O | disappearedng_: pastebin the config file | 22:15 |
sellyoursoul | does terminal have a history? | 22:15 |
Gnea | kash: not sure.. | 22:15 |
atom^x | gerber: | 22:15 |
dieselsmoke | sellyoursoul: type history in a terminal | 22:16 |
ctlabs | sellyoursoul: yes ... go to .bashhistory file | 22:16 |
Rudd-O | sellyoursoul: not unless you have used one of the menu entries to save to a log file, but the shell has a history in your home dir, file called .bash_history | 22:16 |
darksmurf | gerber: just searched Looks cool | 22:16 |
Gnea | !medibuntu | darksmurf | 22:16 |
sellyoursoul | thanks dieselsmoke | 22:16 |
ubottu | darksmurf: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 22:16 |
dieselsmoke | sellyoursoul: welcome | 22:16 |
Rudd-O | anyway, where can I talk to a MOTU or packager if I want one of my programs packaged for ubuntu? | 22:16 |
Rudd-O | I don't run ubuntu myself so I am shit out of luck | 22:16 |
disappearedng_ | Rudd-O and | 22:17 |
rohil | !iTunes | 22:17 |
ubottu | itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee | 22:17 |
dieselsmoke | disappearedng_: did yuo restart httpd deamon? | 22:17 |
ldlework | Is there a way I can add additional folders to the "Places" menu? | 22:17 |
disappearedng_ | yeah | 22:17 |
ic3fr0g | anyone using pidgin and can tell me how i find the logs..? | 22:17 |
disappearedng_ | dieselsmoke: yeah | 22:17 |
ctlabs | rohil: see gtkpod | 22:17 |
Rudd-O | idlework: yes, open gedit and then File -> Open, then drag and drop a folder into the places sidebar on the Open dialog | 22:17 |
darksmurf | Gnea: thanks, very cool. | 22:17 |
rohil | ctlabs, will that help me to sync music into my iPod ? | 22:18 |
dieselsmoke | disappearedng_: its got to be syntax error in httpd.conf or equivalent unless its a firewall issue. | 22:18 |
judas | i'm running SPDIF for audio - but it seems that it only passes stereo sound to my receiver. anyone knows how i can change the output? - it's a Soundblaster X-FI Fatality card I use. Any help will be very much appreciated 8) | 22:18 |
darksmurf | Rythmbox is pretty cool too | 22:18 |
disappearedng_ | dieselwall No firewall | 22:18 |
Rudd-O | disappearedng_: the config files seem okay, maybe you need to add additional listen: directives in your main apache config file | 22:18 |
ic3fr0g | anyone knows where i can find My Pidgin Chat Logs ? im using Ubuntu Gnome 8.10 | 22:18 |
=== max_ is now known as maxbaldwin | ||
Rudd-O | amarok is the best music player, the best the best the best | 22:18 |
Gobby | Does anyone no a good site, for hacking in ubuntu? | 22:18 |
Rudd-O | Gobby: what do you mean by hacking? | 22:18 |
eisberg | hi | 22:18 |
CyberGabber | darksmurf: use Synaptic for installing tons of software... | 22:18 |
Gobby | Nothing illegal ruddo | 22:18 |
dieselsmoke | disappearedng_: /etc/apache2/site-enabled/default file. i think... read it thoroughly. | 22:18 |
Gobby | Just general. | 22:19 |
dreamy_ | Rudd-O: just one more i need somthing else to run a 3d game ? | 22:19 |
ctlabs | rohil: it works with rhythm box ok to place music library on ipod | 22:19 |
darksmurf | disappearedng isn't there an app that tests your httpd.conf for errors? | 22:19 |
disappearedng_ | Rudd-O do I put Listen: 80 in individual or the main httpd.conf? | 22:19 |
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hothollas | yamean | 22:19 |
ctlabs | rohil: i didnt find it as good as itumes, but it'll get it done | 22:19 |
eisberg | can anyone tell me the name of the gnome tool at the bottom of this screen? | 22:19 |
judas | Gobby, you should give backtrack a spin :) | 22:19 |
Rudd-O | dreamy_: depends on the game, but usually just the driver of your video card (which normally installs a replacement for Mesa because Mesa is unaccelerated) | 22:19 |
rohil | ctlabs, gtkpod or rhythmbox ? | 22:19 |
ic3fr0g | anyone knows where i can find My Pidgin Chat Logs ? im using Ubuntu Gnome 8.10 | 22:19 |
eisberg | | 22:19 |
Rudd-O | disappearedng_: look at the listen directive in the Apache HTTPD dopcumentation site | 22:19 |
ctlabs | rohil: look at songbird too (but thats under devellopment, and i dont think quite stable enough just yet) | 22:20 |
darksmurf | CyberGabber: Yeah, I have used it. Installed lots of software, was wondering if there were other repositories for it to look at. | 22:20 |
dieselsmoke | disappearedng_: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default is the file you need its parsed after httpd.conf if ubuntu apache2 hasnt changed since i last used it. | 22:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | eisberg, sudo apt-get install cairo-dock | 22:20 |
ctlabs | rohil: rhythmbox holds your library, but messed up my ipod's library when moving files to it. so use both & gtkpod to sync/move | 22:20 |
rohil | Thanks ctlabs ! I will try it out. | 22:21 |
eisberg | Jack_Sparrow: thx | 22:21 |
judas | how do i change the output of spdif? seems like it only sends in stereo to the receiver... | 22:21 |
atom^x | ic3fr0g: ~/.purple/logs ... assuming you have logging turned on. | 22:21 |
olleorama | what is the easiest way to install a new linux-dist on a computer already running ubuntu?, As a dual boot system, I don't want to have problems with grub | 22:21 |
ic3fr0g | atom^x: Thanks. | 22:22 |
Gobby | Hey guys , another question , lol, sorry im jam packed of em' im fairly new to ubuntu and i was wondering if there is any good printouts? like things that i might need etc. i already have a-z of the terminal commands and a reference sheet | 22:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | olleorama, to not have any grub issues.. virtualbox... | 22:22 |
ctlabs | rohil: you're very welcome... have fun | 22:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | olleorama, but it will run a bit slow, no effects 3d etc | 22:22 |
atom^x | ic3fr0g: np | 22:22 |
Rudd-O | guys, anyone with deb package creation skills? | 22:22 |
olleorama | thx, jack, but that's a bit over the top, gonna use fedora for large computations | 22:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !packaging | 22:22 |
ubottu | The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 22:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | olleorama, then regular dial boot and deal with grub | 22:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | dual | 22:23 |
dreamy_ | Rudd-O: the ati didntr programed nothing for my ati 7000 or (m6 ly) i got a open source driver | 22:23 |
Baba_B00ie | looking for a sidebar simialr to that of macOS and Winblows shista .... any recommends ? | 22:23 |
olleorama | jack, yeah, dual.. But how, last time I tried to install a system my grub went haywire | 22:23 |
Izinucs | Gobby: go to and search for Ubuntu.. there'll be pdf books there on all sorts of stuff. | 22:23 |
Jimmey | I have Ubuntu installed but want to install again on a blank partition on the same drive without having to use a CD, or USB disk, or ethernet cable. How can I do that? | 22:23 |
darksmurf | olleorama: when you install next OS it's boot manager will (should) detect Ubuntu. | 22:23 |
ctlabs | Jack_Sparrow: hey Jack -- good day! since u mentioned virtualbox, I have a quick ?. I have 8.10 running in virtual box on a windows PC (besides my native install on another machine). Thing works beautifully EXCEPT video resoution can't be changed inside the VM. any ideas? | 22:23 |
olleorama | Jack, ok so just install it and let the 'new' grub detect ubuntu? | 22:24 |
darksmurf | Jimmey: just want two copies or what? | 22:24 |
Heliodor | what was the name of that alternate desktop? Slingbox? slingshot? box something? | 22:24 |
dreamy_ | Rudd-O: in the dri project web page.. there.. yes my chip is mentioned and supported .. mentioning that it will accelarate considreably | 22:24 |
Pedrolito | I'm using ibex and I would like to install jaunty on another partition. Is it possible to install it from an ibex session, i.e. without burning the image to a disk and rebooting? | 22:24 |
Jimmey | darksmurf, exactly | 22:24 |
Rudd-O | dreamy_: then you should be ready to roll | 22:24 |
Izinucs | ctlabs: install the virt. guest additions | 22:24 |
ConstantineXVI | Heliodor, blackbox maybe? | 22:24 |
Rudd-O | Pedrolito: | 22:24 |
Rudd-O | use the image to "burn" with Portable Linux to a pen drive, and test that | 22:25 |
Heliodor | ConstantineXVI: nono, something else. faster and newer | 22:25 |
ctlabs | Izinucs: Thanks! i'll give that a whack | 22:25 |
Heliodor | Damnit, cant remember. | 22:25 |
shyboy | ubuntu french??? | 22:25 |
grkblood13 | does any1 have any experience with playonlinux? | 22:25 |
ctlabs | shyboy: !ubunu_fr | 22:25 |
Baba_B00ie | can anyone recommend a sidebar similar to that of Macintosh or Windows vista for my ubuntu laptop ? | 22:25 |
dreamy_ | Rudd-O: okey | 22:25 |
Baba_B00ie | i had heard of gtkdesklets or something like that.. | 22:25 |
Izinucs | !ubuntu-fr | shyboy | 22:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-fr | 22:25 |
inv_arp | how can I list files inside a package? ie.. i installed a package via apt-get .. no idea what files it installed | 22:26 |
Izinucs | !ubuntu_fr | shyboy | 22:26 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu_fr | 22:26 |
bazhang | !fr | 22:26 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 22:26 |
Izinucs | thanks bazhang | 22:26 |
grkblood13 | !playonlinux | 22:26 |
darksmurf | Jimmey: I wonder if you could simply use DD to copy current partition to another. Would have to edit grub's config, as well as fstab, maybe many others. | 22:26 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about playonlinux | 22:26 |
matt_ | Pmsl | 22:26 |
cih997 | hi, how can I check what /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 or another is my bluetooth? | 22:26 |
Heliodor | FLUXBOX! | 22:26 |
Izinucs | bazhang: I went brain dead for a sec on how to do that. | 22:26 |
Heliodor | Now i remember :) | 22:26 |
hothollas | ubuttu: what about a real ubuntu-jamaica channel?? | 22:26 |
darksmurf | Jimmey: I have seen a howto on changing the current OS from one linux distro to another, when all you have is SSH access to the machine. It was kinda scary looking. | 22:27 |
dreamy_ | how can i test the frame rate? | 22:27 |
Rudd-O | cih997: check the man page for sdptool | 22:27 |
darksmurf | Jimmey: so I'm sure it can be done. | 22:27 |
evan_ | hello i configured my network with dnsmasq but i can only ping ip's not urls , does anyone know the problem? | 22:27 |
Jimmey | darksmurf, Yeah, I tried something with tar a while ago that did exactly that, maintaining permissions and everything - But it's a completely new install I want. I have tried copying the contents of an installation disk to the HDD and booted that, but the partitioner on the installer didn't work. | 22:27 |
Izinucs | dreamy: run glxgears in a terminal.. won't be accurate at all though.. | 22:27 |
drzin | I need some with my VMware | 22:27 |
rconan | what | 22:27 |
Rudd-O | I have changed an ubuntu into a fedora, with only one reboot for the new kernel | 22:27 |
dreamy_ | k | 22:27 |
drzin | I need some help with my VMware | 22:27 |
rww | evan_: did you set your DNS servers? | 22:27 |
lifenova | !ask | drzin | 22:27 |
ubottu | drzin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:27 |
rconan | what's the state of screensaver stuff at the moment? why are we using gnome-screensaver not something fully featured? | 22:28 |
cih997 | Rudd-O: ok thx | 22:28 |
Gnea | drzin: what's the problem? can't help if we don't know what the problem is. | 22:28 |
evan_ | rww: yes i set them, i can ping them and i see them in network info, i can even ping googles ip | 22:28 |
drzin | ok | 22:28 |
evan_ | rww, but when pinnging google url it fails | 22:28 |
darksmurf | Jimmey: Maybe install a VM, install to that, then extract the new install from the VM's virtual HD? | 22:28 |
dreamy_ | 3099 frames in 5.0 seconds = 615.541 FPS | 22:28 |
drzin | I am following the walk through | 22:28 |
Lymies | whats the command that shows you the most recent kernel logs? | 22:28 |
Jimmey | darksmurf, it seems possible using this guide : but not for the same disk | 22:28 |
rohil | ctlabs: gtkpod worked perfect. I am listening to the music now :) Thanks! | 22:28 |
disappearedng_ | how do I find out if apache is still running using ps ? | 22:29 |
trace-op | Hello everyone, for music I use amarok with alsa output. I have two X displays set up (:0.0 & :1.0) the second for progs that don't play nice with compiz; I was wondering if it is possible to keep audio playing when I switch screens? | 22:29 |
ctlabs | rohil: cool! glad to hear it | 22:29 |
drzin | and drzin@:~$ gksudo bash ./home/drzin/Downloads/VMware-Workstation-6.5.1-126130.x86_64.bundle | 22:29 |
drzin | bash: ./home/drzin/Downloads/VMware-Workstation-6.5.1-126130.x86_64.bundle: No such file or directorydrzin@:~$ | 22:29 |
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=== Emo is now known as Em0 | ||
judas | is there any common way of changing a SPDIF output? i'm just wondering if i need to change a simple setting to fully enable passthru | 22:29 |
the-erm | is there an easy way to set up hotkeys? loading up gconf-editor and playing with metacity isn't exactly user friendly. | 22:30 |
lifenova | drzin: what walkthrough? Are you installing, or are you trying to do something else? | 22:30 |
=== Em0 is now known as Emoo | ||
=== Emoo is now known as Emooo | ||
drzin | please check out this | 22:30 |
disappearedng_ | Rudd-O Is it ok for me to put Listen at the bottom of apache.conf? | 22:30 |
=== Emooo is now known as HOWTHEFUCKWASTHA | ||
ramiro | hi | 22:30 |
Pedrolito | Rudd-O, I can burn a cd. What I would like to avoid is not being able to use an internet browser at the same time, because I have many things to check online. I was just wondering if it is possible to install ubuntu from a mounted iso image, and only reboot to boot in the newly installed os, kind of like what you can do from the livecd | 22:30 |
kash | HOWTHEFUCKWASTHA: inappropriate | 22:30 |
ramiro | how do I set up a git server in ubuntu? | 22:30 |
ramiro | so that there is a web interface and such | 22:31 |
Jimmey | Pedrolito, something like this | 22:31 |
darksmurf | Jimmey: That looks very good. why don't you think it'll work? It looks like you are limited to having a 700mb partition that can't be part of the new system, but you could use it as swap. | 22:31 |
drzin | this walk through | 22:31 |
kash | Pedrolito: if you have a USB stick you can run a LiveCD from it using unetbootin | 22:31 |
=== burkmat is now known as burkafk | ||
Rudd-O | Pedrolito: don't use unetbootin, use Portable Linux | 22:32 |
kash | what is the difference? | 22:32 |
Jimmey | darksmurf, when I boot the installer that's on the 700mb+ partition, the partitioner in the installer doesn't work :'-( | 22:32 |
drzin | anyone? | 22:32 |
evan_ | help when i ping googles ip i get reactions but when pinnging google url it fails, is anyone fammiliar whith this? | 22:32 |
Rudd-O | pedrolito: you can browse the web using the live cd's included browser, while it installs | 22:32 |
Gobby | Where is the ubuntu discussion channel? Like ubuntu in general discussion? | 22:32 |
cih997 | Rudd-O: i get Error opening "/dev/ttyS0" tcgetattr(): Input/output error in jm2pc java software on ubuntu 8.04. Bluetooth works fine, how can i open ttyS0 or do something that will make connection jm2pc with my bluetooth? | 22:32 |
Rudd-O | evan_: you cannot ping an URL | 22:32 |
Lymies | When I install the linux-source package, does that include the same .config file that is used to compile the kernel images in the default kernel packages? | 22:32 |
Rudd-O | cih997: Uh, no idea man :-( | 22:33 |
kash | Lymies: that is in /boot | 22:33 |
darksmurf | Jimmey: the guide says to run gparted from the host OS, not the installer. "If your new ubuntu install is going to coexist with your old system, you might find it convenient to create space for your new system as well at this point using gparted." | 22:33 |
bazhang | Gobby, #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:33 |
Gobby | Tyvm! | 22:33 |
Pedrolito | Rudd-O, that's right, good idea, I'm going to try that | 22:33 |
defrex | I was trying to change the mount point of a usb drive, and I altered properties>Drive>Settings to do so (rather then editing fstab) However now I get an error when I try to mount it, and I'm not sure how to get rid of the setting sI changed. | 22:33 |
evan_ | Rudd-O: well i can on this pc i must be a genious! | 22:33 |
evan_ | GENIOUS | 22:33 |
darksmurf | evan_: sounds like a DNS error (are you 'ping' or 'ping'?) | 22:34 |
Jimmey | darksmurf, yeah, I copy the live CD to the 750MB partition leaving a blank space ready for me to install it to, but when I run the installer from that partition, the partitioner that I would normally use to format that empty space doesn't see the drive at all - I assume that's because the drive is already in use | 22:34 |
Rudd-O | defrex: you can eliminate the line in /etc/fstab that mentions your drive. in general, removable drives are not registered in the fstab. | 22:34 |
defrex | Rudd-0, a line didn't get entered into fstab | 22:34 |
kash | cih997: try ttyS1 ? | 22:34 |
Rudd-O | Jimmey: you cannot, I repeat, CANNOT repartition a disk and expect it to work if a partition is mounted or used as swap on the disk simultaneously | 22:35 |
Rudd-O | defrex: sudo umount /mount/point, then disconnect/reconnect the drive | 22:35 |
evan_ | darksmurf: ping | 22:35 |
Jimmey | Rudd-O, not looking to re-partition, just install into an empty partition | 22:35 |
Rudd-O | ah ok but 700 MB is simply too little | 22:35 |
lokieee | hi guys, this is kind of strange, my sound was working fine on my GNOME but now I installed KDE and I don't have sound...any ideas on what I can check? In the sound mixer everything is unmuted | 22:35 |
darksmurf | evan_: then it sounds like a DNS problem. are you able to ping any other hostnames? (yahoo, ubuntu, etc). Are you connecting to IRC from the same machine? | 22:36 |
Rudd-O | Jimmey: you need way more for a clean installation | 22:36 |
Jimmey | Rudd-O, I have plenty of space, just don't know how to install to it without a CD, USB drive or internet cable | 22:36 |
Rudd-O | lokieee: does the sound come back when you run gnome again? | 22:36 |
lokieee | Rudd, good question i'll try | 22:36 |
defrex | Rudd-0, the drive isn't mounted. If I try to mount it I get "mount_point cannor contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPERATOR (usually /) | 22:36 |
evan_ | darksmurf: no, i think i have put something wrong in dnsmasq | 22:36 |
Rudd-O | Jimmey: I get your point now. read my howto linked in the portable linux page that might help shed some light | 22:37 |
Jimmey | Rudd-O, portable Linux page? | 22:37 |
Rudd-O | defrex: oh, that is weird, very weird, for some reason the mount point has gotten stored in your GNOME configuration apparently. | 22:37 |
Pedrolito | Jimmey, nice link, but I have no primary partitions slots left, so I will go for the usb method | 22:37 |
Jimmey | Pedrolito, cool | 22:37 |
__MAV | Hello everybody ! | 22:37 |
Rudd-O | Jimmey: correct, here is the link: | 22:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pedrolito, why not logicals on an extended partition | 22:38 |
defrex | Rudd-0, well, I tried to use the gui to set the mount poitn rather then then editing fstab (which I have done, I just thought this would be easier) | 22:38 |
Jimmey | Rudd-O, does that mean if I have a big enough MicroSD card in my phone I can run Ubuntu off it? | 22:38 |
Rudd-O | defrex: I wish I could help you more but unfortunately i do not have that property sheet because I use KDE | 22:38 |
lokieee | Rudd-O okay so it seems, my log on and log off sound works fine..i just heard it when I went to log out...but like if i want to say play music via the internet with say which uses adobe flash I don't hear any sound. | 22:38 |
Rudd-O | Jimmey: yes, about 2G and it should run AWESOME. Just put your phone in drive mode and boot from it. | 22:39 |
Rudd-O | even 1 G should run | 22:39 |
defrex | Rudd-o well, thnks for the help. I'll keep looking and see fi I can figure somethign out... | 22:39 |
Rudd-O | but of course NOT on the phone, the phone would be an "usb thumb drive" | 22:39 |
Rudd-O | defrex: no problem | 22:39 |
Jimmey | Rudd-O, that's just ridiculously cool. | 22:39 |
P4C0 | hello, does webmin works on in ubuntu? | 22:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | !webmin | 22:39 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 22:39 |
ic3fr0g | !uninstall | 22:39 |
ubottu | To learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit | 22:39 |
Rudd-O | lokieee: are you using pulseaudio? IIRC there was a library libflashsupport that you needed to install if you use pulseaudio | 22:39 |
P4C0 | Jack_Sparrow, yes but the webmin site says it's supported | 22:40 |
__MAV | Ih my Ubuntu linux I cannot see man pages for send recv, errno C routines. Is there any way I could install them ? | 22:40 |
Pedrolito | Jack_Sparrow, because the guide says one needs to use a primary partition | 22:40 |
Rudd-O | Jimmey: correct, being able to boot linux from your mobile phone AND ALSO store files on the Windows segment of your SD card is just PRICELESS | 22:40 |
lokieee | Ruddo-O pulseaudio, do you mean a sound card is named that? I have a sound blaster audigy 2 | 22:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pedrolito, what are you trying to install | 22:40 |
Pedrolito | Jack_Sparrow, jaunty from within ibex | 22:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pedrolito, +1 may be able to help, but it should still work on logical inside extended | 22:41 |
ic3fr0g | how i can uninstall skype?? using ubuntu gnome 8.10.. dunno how.. | 22:42 |
DIFH-iceroot | ic3fr0g: sudo apt-get remove skype | 22:42 |
CyL | how do I set ubuntu up to recognize two different spelling dictionaries at the same time? | 22:42 |
lokieee | Has anyone noticed on firefox, like scrolling through webpages is really slow? | 22:42 |
DIFH-iceroot | lokieee: no | 22:42 |
Pedrolito | Jack_Sparrow, well, I'm not going to take risks. Plus, a bootable ubuntu usb stick could be useful | 22:42 |
lokieee | on GNOME it was fine, but KDE's firefox is like lagging | 22:42 |
defrex | Rudd-o, fyi, what you said made me thing to try looking in gconf. I found the settings in there and deleted them. Everything work fine now. :) | 22:42 |
ctlabs | lokieee: no | 22:42 |
__MAV | In my Ubuntu Linux I cannot see man pages for send, recv, errno and other C routines. Is there any way I could install them ? | 22:43 |
ic3fr0g | DIFH-iceroot: Thanks. | 22:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pedrolito, and a burnt usb stick can be used as a doorstop :) | 22:43 |
lokieee | __MAV i also have this issue | 22:43 |
erUSUL | !info manpages-dev | __MAV | 22:43 |
ubottu | manpages-dev (source: manpages): Manual pages about using GNU/Linux for development. In component main, is optional. Version 3.01-1 (intrepid), package size 1360 kB, installed size 3012 kB | 22:43 |
disappearedng_ | any1 here have a good guide for virtual hosts? everything from google sucks | 22:43 |
Pedrolito | Jack_Sparrow, what do you mean? | 22:43 |
=== CaptainMorgan is now known as CaptainHacker | ||
After__of__death | buenas tardes | 22:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pedrolito, There are limited write cycles on a flash stick.. and they can and do burn out.. Not saying yours will.. just be advised that installing an os on one is different than using it for storage | 22:45 |
P4C0 | anyone knows why webmin answers what it answers about webmin? | 22:45 |
__MAV | erUSUL: Thank you! Will try to install this package now | 22:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | P4C0, How old is the page you are reading | 22:45 |
ardchoille | P4C0: webmin is not supported | 22:45 |
__MAV | erUSUL: Cool! It works now! You are the MAN!!! | 22:46 |
ardchoille | !webmin > P4C0 | 22:46 |
ubottu | P4C0, please see my private message | 22:46 |
P4C0 | Jack_Sparrow, January 11, 2009 | 22:46 |
lokieee | if i'm trying to install a LAMP Stack (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) and I can't find it in the add/remove programs whats the next step I should do to look for this | 22:46 |
P4C0 | I'm just asking because their webpage shows it as supported, and even there's deb packages there... | 22:46 |
temppy | lokieee: you should look into tasksel like sudo tasksel install lamp | 22:47 |
__MAV | lokieee: "sudo apt-get install manpages-dev" solved my issue | 22:47 |
angelo3 | Ciao a tutti!!! | 22:47 |
DIFH-iceroot | P4C0: sudo apt-get install apache mysql-server php5 | 22:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | P4C0, They may have re-written it to work, but the last testing we did.. It didnt | 22:47 |
ardchoille | P4C0: webmin is not supported in ubuntu | 22:47 |
Pedrolito | Jack_Sparrow, I meant installing a ubuntu live cd on the stick. I guess there would not be writes when using a live cd. Would there? | 22:47 |
angelo3 | Ciao a Tutti!!! ¶:)) | 22:47 |
lokieee | cool thanks! | 22:47 |
=== max_ is now known as maxbaldwin | ||
angelo3 | !addon | 22:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about addon | 22:47 |
ic3fr0g | !addons | 22:47 |
P4C0 | Jack_Sparrow, when was the last test? | 22:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about addons | 22:47 |
ic3fr0g | angelo3 ce cazzo ? | 22:47 |
Dexi | whats the command to find something in terminal? like a particular file or something | 22:48 |
dudu | buntu no brasil | 22:48 |
dudu | ubuntu no brasil | 22:48 |
After__of__death | angelo3 you speak spain? | 22:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pedrolito, I was just pointing out one of the down sides of running os from a stick | 22:48 |
bazhang | #ubuntu-br dudu | 22:48 |
ic3fr0g | After__of__death: hes speaking Italian. | 22:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | !it | 22:48 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 22:48 |
dudu | canal de discussão sobre ubuntu no brasil | 22:48 |
ic3fr0g | Ciao tutti = hello evryone. | 22:48 |
bazhang | dudu, #ubuntu-br ; here is english | 22:49 |
conal | how can i set environment variables at login so that they'll be passed into processes i start from the desktop (rather than from a shell)? i'm using .bashrc, which is conditionally loaded in .profile, but that trick isn't working for me. | 22:49 |
dudu | #ubuntu-br | 22:49 |
thread | Anyone familiar with xorg/dri/drm/direct rendering? I've got an Intel chip in my Aspire One that seems to have the drivers all loaded up properly, but glxinfo says I'm in Software Rasterization mode... | 22:49 |
lifenova | dudu: /join #ubuntu-br | 22:49 |
Pedrolito | Jack_Sparrow, I was myself genuinely asking if running a live-cd from a usb stick would actually write anything to the usb stick | 22:50 |
bazhang | Pedrolito, need persistent mode | 22:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pedrolito, yes, there are always temp files | 22:50 |
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC | ||
ghone | I can't get network-manager working. What should I check for? | 22:51 |
P4C0 | Jack_Sparrow, when was the last test? | 22:51 |
After__of__death | <bazhang> is spain idioma? | 22:51 |
cdavis | is there an indexing search program I can install on a non-gui machine? I need to also search word, pdf, excel, etc. | 22:51 |
Pedrolito | Jack_Sparrow, really? As the live cd is supposed to run out a non writable cd, why would it write temp files to the media it's installed on? | 22:51 |
Pedrolito | bazhang, what is that? | 22:52 |
Gnea | ghone: how are you trying to use it? | 22:52 |
bazhang | Pedrolito | 22:52 |
lokieee | i tried sudo apt-get install apache mysql-server php5 and it said package apache is not aviable, i also tried sudo tasksel install lamp and it didn't do anything | 22:52 |
lifenova | lokieee: I believe apache2 is the package you're looking for | 22:52 |
bazhang | lokieee | 22:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pedrolito, If you are running it as a livecd that is one thing, if you are installing it to a flash drive, that is another | 22:53 |
lokieee | ah thanks | 22:53 |
CyberGabber | Pedrolito: Read : | 22:53 |
lifenova | lokieee: In the future, you can type aptitude search <keyword> in a terminal to try to find a package :) | 22:53 |
After__of__death | <bazhang> | 22:53 |
After__of__death | ubuntu channel is in Spanish? | 22:53 |
ghone | I tried using it by clicking on the icon in the notification area to make a wireless connection but it just says the network is not managed. I've installed wicd since then make sure there isn't a problem with the wireless driver and it works. | 22:53 |
bazhang | After__of__death, #ubuntu-es | 22:54 |
After__of__death | <bazhang> thanks | 22:54 |
sockets | "00:01.0 PCI bridge:" in lspci means "PCI:0:1:0" in xorg.conf right? | 22:54 |
After__of__death | good bye | 22:54 |
lifenova | ghone: have you tried adding the network by going to system -> prefs -> network configuration? | 22:55 |
WaY | hello | 22:55 |
Rudd-O | sockets: I think so, yes | 22:55 |
WaY | how can I undo an rm on an ext3 partition? | 22:55 |
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU | ||
sockets | alright thanks | 22:55 |
ghone | lifenove: no. I'll try that now. | 22:55 |
temppy | lokieee: sorry, its sudo tasksel install lamp-server or sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ | 22:55 |
Pedrolito | Jack_Sparrow, bazhang, CyberGabber, thanks for all the info | 22:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | Pedrolito, I dont consider it a serious issue, but a poorly written program can eat up a stick quite fast, but for general use they should last a minimum of a year | 22:55 |
Rudd-O | Jack_Sparrow: you can run the live CD from the USB drive, and you save about 800 MB on the USB drive by doing that | 22:55 |
Rudd-O | pedrolito: ^^^ | 22:56 |
Rudd-O | pedrolito: with portable linux, the config and data files are saved to a file in your usb drive | 22:56 |
angelo3 | !addon | 22:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | Rudd-O, I have one setup like that.. I just use it sparringly.. I am not sure I would trust it enough to put on alpha jaunty | 22:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about addon | 22:56 |
Rudd-O | Jack_Sparrow: use portable linux, portable linux will verify that the USB drive is *OK* before installing anything to it | 22:57 |
lyricaldogg | Hello evryone: i have a dual system boot, Win and Ubuntu, i have 50Gb in my Win and 200G???b 4 Ubuntu. How can i give Win mre space | 22:57 |
Rudd-O | (but technically it will repartition the drive first) | 22:57 |
lifenova | !gparted | lyricaldogg | 22:57 |
ubottu | lyricaldogg: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 22:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | Rudd-O, Always interested in a new link.. I have portable XP here as well | 22:58 |
lyricaldogg | lifenova: thanx alot | 22:58 |
Rudd-O | | 22:58 |
zamba | anyone got recommendation for a laptop that runs superbly with ubuntu? | 22:59 |
aaronorosen | Hello I'm trying to install ubuntu on my computer but i want to keep my windows install. For some reason its not giving me the option to resize. Is there any reason for this? | 22:59 |
ghone | lifenove: that worked, thanks. | 22:59 |
lifenova | ghone: No problem :) | 22:59 |
lifenova | aaronorosen: Are you using the ubuntu installer to resize, or gparted? | 23:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | Rudd-O, Package it up into a deb and you might have something | 23:00 |
cih997 | anyone installed and could connect with jm2pc via bluetooth with ubuntu? | 23:00 |
Rudd-O | Jack_Sparrow: I cannot. I don't run ubuntu myself | 23:00 |
aaronorosen | lifenova: ubuntu installer. | 23:00 |
Rudd-O | Jack_Sparrow: I am actually LOOKING for someone who would do that for me | 23:00 |
Rudd-O | and the minute someone does, I will put it up my site | 23:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | Rudd-O, Evil evil... :) | 23:00 |
aaronorosen | lifenova: the option to resize is not coming up. | 23:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | !packaging | 23:00 |
ubottu | The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 23:00 |
Rudd-O | (sorry, hardcore fedoraer here) | 23:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | Rudd-O, no problem | 23:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | bbl | 23:01 |
Rudd-O | thanks for the tip, but it's not like I don't want to package it, I WANT to package it, but I simply don't have the hardware or the time to invest in producing uptodate packages | 23:01 |
lifenova | aaronorosen: can you provide a screeenshot of what you're seeing? | 23:01 |
lyricaldogg | lifenova: got it, opened but still trying to find out how it works, any quick fix? | 23:02 |
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT | ||
aaronorosen | lifenova: on the installer it only gives me the options to do: guided use hole partition or manually do it. I was able to resize the partition just fine on my laptop but its now giving me the option on my desktop. | 23:03 |
Gobby | How do i properly uninstall a program that i did not get from the repositories? | 23:03 |
Flannel | Gobby: How did you install it? | 23:03 |
lifenova | lyricaldogg: I assume you don't have any unallocated space, meaning that you'll need to be on a liveCD to resize (because you can't shrink the ubuntu partition while you're using it). So go ahead and boot the liveCD if you have one. | 23:03 |
linuxman410 | is 1min and 29 seconds good boot time for ubuntu | 23:03 |
Gobby | Through the setup, it was for the trial of photoshop | 23:03 |
Gobby | and its not working well with wine. | 23:03 |
Flannel | Gobby: "through the setup"? Oh, wine? Do you have anything else installed in wine? | 23:04 |
lifenova | aaronorosen: In my experience, it's easier to partition using gparted System -> Administration -> Partition Editor | 23:04 |
Gobby | Yes, i have a game. | 23:04 |
lyricaldogg | lifenova: cool | 23:04 |
Flannel | Gobby: Alright, the 'proper' way would be to run the uninstaller, in wine. But since you likely don't care about all the registry stuff, you can just navigate to where its installed and delete it | 23:04 |
Gobby | I got the trial from adobe site, installed it through wine, hopeing everything would be fine, but its acting very strange | 23:04 |
Flannel | Gobby: `~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files` or whatever | 23:05 |
=== GodFather_ is now known as GodFather | ||
Gobby | I very much care about the registry.. | 23:05 |
SamIam2 | Is it possible to have a website startup on booting into ubuntu | 23:05 |
Flannel | !session | SamIam2 | 23:05 |
ubottu | SamIam2: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 23:05 |
CyL | Is there a way to make ubuntu work with two spelling dictionaries at the same time? | 23:05 |
SamIam2 | Thanks! | 23:06 |
valdax | ola | 23:06 |
Gobby | I do not see a uninstaller for the program, Mr. Flannel | 23:06 |
Flannel | Gobby: There's no uninstaller in the program folder? | 23:06 |
Gobby | I am very new to Ubuntu linux, and not that i can see, let met check again | 23:07 |
lifenova | SamIam2: System -> Prefs -> Session. From there, click add. You can give it a name to help you distinguish what it is if you ever want to remove it later. For command, type "firefox <website>", and then you can add a comment to leave yourself a note if you ever want to change it :) | 23:07 |
Flannel | Gobby: You're looking in the wine C drive, right? | 23:07 |
Gobby | I am in there at the moment. | 23:07 |
Gobby | yes c drive | 23:07 |
SamIam2 | Thanks again lifenova | 23:08 |
Gobby | I want it properly uninstalled, so i do not come across registry problems, i want everything nice and streamline | 23:08 |
lifenova | SamIam2: no problem :) | 23:08 |
Flannel | Gobby: Wine won't suffer from "registry problems", its not an OS, just deals with whatever happens to be running with wine at that moment. | 23:09 |
=== burkafk is now known as burkmat | ||
Gobby | Alright, sorry i am very new to linux, so used to the ol windows xp, and after using ubuntu, i dont want to go back | 23:09 |
blueop | hello | 23:12 |
blueop | I have some questions for the ubuntu crew | 23:12 |
lifenova | !ask > blueop | 23:12 |
ubottu | blueop, please see my private message | 23:12 |
aaronorosen | blueop !ask | 23:12 |
blueop | I have driver and network card questions, is this the right channel | 23:13 |
ObiXidO | help...i cannot connect wirelessly | 23:13 |
blueop | lol, I guess so | 23:13 |
aaronorosen | blueop: just go a head and ask your question. | 23:13 |
Final | wheres a good place to get gtk2 themes | 23:13 |
lifenova | Final: I always use | 23:13 |
ObiXidO | can anyone help? | 23:15 |
lifenova | !ask > ObiXidO | 23:15 |
ubottu | ObiXidO, please see my private message | 23:15 |
blueop | k, so I installed the ndiswrapper to begin with my first install of linux, ubuntu. I am trying to do network testing and teaching myself. I see that my dlink wua-2340 does not have monitor mode with ndiswrapper, but heard of rt2x00 supporting it, where do i ask this question, and if anyone here can help, that would be great. OR do i just not bother go out and buy a edimax with monitor so its easy to configure in | 23:15 |
blueop | ubuntu | 23:15 |
blueop | <--- total linuix noob here so any help, helps | 23:17 |
blueop | k, so I installed the ndiswrapper to begin with my first install of linux, ubuntu. I am trying to do network testing and teaching myself. I see that my dlink wua-2340 does not have monitor mode with ndiswrapper, but heard of rt2x00 supporting it, where do i ask this question, and if anyone here can help, that would be great. OR do i just not bother go out and buy a edimax with monitor so its easy to configure in | 23:17 |
blueop | [18:15] <blueop> ubuntu | 23:17 |
FloodBot1 | blueop: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:17 |
blueop | sry | 23:17 |
ObiXidO | ok, i do not know how to configure my network, its a WPA2, requires a passphrase, ubuntu recognizes that there are wireless networks to connect to but when i put in the passphrase it reverts back to the old passphrase | 23:18 |
veritos | Is a bcm4312 supposed to work out of the box, from scratch, without firmware? | 23:19 |
blueop | ObiXidO: i haven't found a channel yet that will answer my questions, at least yours is not taboo | 23:19 |
veritos | Because it seems to be doing so. | 23:19 |
Guest1216 | quien podria ayudarme hacer un programa q extienda una matriz dinamica a cubos dinamicos en c++ | 23:19 |
ObiXidO | haha | 23:19 |
lifenova | !es | Guest1216 | 23:19 |
ubottu | Guest1216: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 23:19 |
veritos | Better yet, it's doing it without the b43 driver. | 23:20 |
blueop | can anyone tell me where to find #airsnort | 23:21 |
lifenova | ObiXiDO: Can you clarify what you mean by reverting to old password? | 23:21 |
blueop | sry, guys this is just frusterating | 23:21 |
blueop | see ya soon | 23:21 |
ObiXidO | when i open the network settings the "old password" is just random numbers and letters, and when i put the new password it i cannot save it | 23:22 |
lifenova | ObiXidO: so you're trying to change the password of a network that you've connected to with ubuntu in the past? | 23:23 |
linuxman410 | is 1 min 29 seconds good boot time for ubuntu | 23:23 |
Anonymous | linuxman410: depends on hardware. | 23:23 |
=== diego is now known as Guest4323 | ||
ObiXidO | no, i was running windows and that is what i set up the network with, i just changed over to ubuntu and it will not let me connect | 23:24 |
linuxman410 | hardware is p4 1.8 1 gig of ram and 80 gig drive | 23:24 |
sekyourbox | we on we on a new version of ubuntu? 8.04.2? | 23:24 |
ezerhoden | linuxman410: it still depends on many things | 23:24 |
lifenova | sekyourbox: Newest version is 8.10 | 23:25 |
linuxman410 | ok thanks | 23:25 |
sekyourbox | beta? | 23:25 |
lifenova | sekyourbox: no, 8.10 is the latest stable release | 23:25 |
lifenova | sekyourbox: the last development release is 9.04 alpha 3 I believe | 23:25 |
Anonymous | linuxman410: Compared to WinXP, it might be around the same. | 23:25 |
lifenova | linuxman410: I'm just curious, do you see a splash screen when you boot? (the ubuntu logo + progress bar) | 23:26 |
Anonymous | linuxman410: My netbook uses ubuntu on a wubi partition, and it gets in at around 2 minutes or so. | 23:26 |
linuxman410 | yes i see splash screen when i boot | 23:26 |
ctlabs | sekyourbox: and last LTR is 8.04 | 23:26 |
lifenova | linuxman410: ok, because my splash screen was broken and when I removed it, my boot time went way down | 23:26 |
sekyourbox | ctlabs, what is LTR | 23:27 |
Anonymous | sekyourbox: LTS. Long Term Support. | 23:27 |
rww | !lts | sekyourbox | 23:27 |
ubottu | sekyourbox: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 23:27 |
linuxman410 | see i am dual booting 8.10 and 9.04 | 23:27 |
rww | sekyourbox: see also for information on current releases | 23:27 |
ctlabs | sekyourbox: LTR should've been LTS - sorry -- long term support | 23:27 |
sekyourbox | can you update with apt-get ? | 23:27 |
rww | !upgrade | sekyourbox | 23:27 |
ubottu | sekyourbox: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 23:27 |
DanaG | If I posted my bootchart, would somebody be able to suggest ways to improve my boot time? | 23:27 |
DanaG | s/somebody/anybody/ | 23:28 |
cody_ | Anyone there? | 23:29 |
linuxman410 | lifenova how do you remove splash screen | 23:29 |
shenron | hello, I am interested in submitting software I developed to ubuntu, how would I go about this? | 23:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Anonymous, There is no such thing as a Wubi partition. Please read the faq and understand what it is and how it differs from a regular partition install | 23:29 |
Anonymous | Jack_Sparrow: All I understand is that it uses disk space from within a Windows partition, and boots off of that. | 23:29 |
lifenova | linuxman410: sudo apt-get remove usplash | 23:30 |
cody_ | Is there anyway possible to creat your own drop down menu? As in "Applications | Places | System | *Menu Here* | 23:30 |
rww | shenron: | 23:30 |
linuxman410 | thanks will try it | 23:30 |
slew | hi, does anyone know a lot about gftp? | 23:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !wubi | 23:30 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 23:30 |
shenron | thanks rww | 23:30 |
lifenova | linuxman410: note that this will also remove the ubuntu-desktop package, but don't worry, as it's just a meta package that is used to quickly install all of the components of the system | 23:30 |
teabag | I have a problem when i try install ubuntu. | 23:30 |
rww | !anyone | slew | 23:30 |
ubottu | slew: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 23:30 |
slew | =] | 23:31 |
cody_ | Whats the Prblem, just ask. | 23:31 |
cody_ | Is there anyway possible to create your own drop down menu? As in "Applications | Places | System | *Menu Here* | 23:31 |
teabag | I have a problem when i try install ubuntu 8.10 > black screen initramfs. IS THERE something wrong with the cd OR ISO? | 23:31 |
Anonymous | Jack_Sparrow: Still a partition, in a sense. The only difference is that you can remove it from windows like a program. And its slower, I believe. | 23:31 |
lifenova | teabag: boot from CD, and select check CD for defects | 23:31 |
linuxman410 | be back in min going to reboot | 23:31 |
rww | linuxman410: or better, edit /boot/grub/menu.list and remove the "splash" kernel option. Doesn't require removing usplash. | 23:31 |
ObiXidO | i read a forum about how to set up the wireless network, but i couldnt follow it because when i put the command into the terminal i would say that the command was not found | 23:31 |
lifenova | ObiXidO: link? | 23:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | Anonymous, It is not a partition. it is a file on your ntfs and can be quite dangerous to your windows install should you lose power | 23:32 |
rww | ObiXidO: link to the forum? | 23:32 |
cody_ | ObiXidO what kind of WLAN do you have? | 23:32 |
teabag | lifenova do u have this problem initramfs? | 23:32 |
ObiXidO | | 23:32 |
Finaldark | Hey, anyone know how i can set up my own IRC/xchat server for lan use at a meeting? Please pst me i really need help im stumped | 23:32 |
ObiXidO | i'm using a 802.11g | 23:32 |
Anonymous | Jack_Sparrow: If you put it that way. The instructions to migrate to a proper partition are somewhere on the web, I imagine? | 23:32 |
rww | ObiXidO: okay, and which command didn't work? | 23:32 |
=== Weejeee is now known as Weejee | ||
slew | when i try to connect to an ftp site, i type in the ftp address ( and when i hit connect gftp tries to connect to how do i get gftp to connect to the right address? | 23:33 |
rww | Anonymous: | 23:33 |
lifenova | ObiXidO: what version of ubuntu are you using | 23:33 |
quibbler | cody_, you can add a drawer to a panel and fill it with shortcuts of programs you often this what you are looking for? | 23:33 |
cody_ | teabag you may need to go back to the Iso file you downloaded not burnt and check the hashes to make sure its a complese file. | 23:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Anonymous, YEs you can migrate it.. and you should once you decide you want to continue using it | 23:33 |
ObiXidO | sudo gedit/etc/network/interfaces | 23:33 |
cody_ | ObiXidO what WLAN card? | 23:33 |
ObiXidO | 8.10 | 23:33 |
lifenova | ObiXidO: there should be a space between gedit and /etc | 23:33 |
bandyo | can f-spot manage video? If not what do you suggest? | 23:34 |
ObiXidO | its a usb linksys | 23:34 |
ObiXidO | ok...let me try that thanks | 23:34 |
quibbler | bandyo, vlc is excellent for video | 23:35 |
DanaG | Anyone know how to tell what exactly is slowing down a boot (and ideally, how to fix it) via bootchart? | 23:35 |
habtool2 | bandyo miro is ok too | 23:35 |
mike12 | im having trouble with my update manager. it says an error occurred please run package from apt-get in a terminal. the error was 'Error: BrokenCount>0 what do i do to fix it | 23:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | rww note that lubi link has not been tested and known to woork on 8.10 | 23:36 |
rww | Jack_Sparrow: I asked Flannel about that a couple of weeks ago. He said it should work fine. | 23:36 |
=== Frn is now known as Fraeon | ||
rww | Jack_Sparrow: Wubi really didn't change much betwen 8.04 and 8.10. | 23:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | rww, Please feel free to test it | 23:36 |
bandyo | thanks quibbler, habtool2. I am looking for something to keep videos taken by digital cameras organized, like f-spot. | 23:36 |
jedi06 | if were to upgrade my ram of a laptop what all do i need to know? max capacity for each slot, max speed allowed, type sdram or ddr-sdram etc? | 23:36 |
linuxman410 | it only shaved off 4 seconds | 23:36 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Ram type. | 23:36 |
rww | Jack_Sparrow: if I had a Windows partition, I probably would. | 23:36 |
jedi06 | Does it matter who makes the ram? | 23:37 |
Dr_willis | jedi06, i took out the ram that was in it.. and put it on a scanner.. and took the copy to the store.. :) | 23:37 |
jedi06 | do they have to be from the same manufacturer | 23:37 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Sometimes. | 23:37 |
z0man | Can I ask how good Ubuntu is with BT Broadband wireless? | 23:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | rww, Agreed, but I would think that since we are half way through or release cycle they would have tested it. | 23:37 |
habtool2 | bandyo i have not seen anything nice yet | 23:37 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Laptop manufacturers don't make RAM. | 23:37 |
Dr_willis | jedi06, also max ram the thing can use.. | 23:37 |
cih997 | hi, how can i made serial port with bluetooth? | 23:37 |
mike12 | jack sparrow: im having trouble with my update manager. it says an error occurred please run package from apt-get in a terminal. the error was 'Error: BrokenCount>0 what do i do to fix it | 23:37 |
bandyo | thanks habtool2 | 23:37 |
jedi06 | what about speed of ram? | 23:37 |
bandyo | picassa may be? | 23:37 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Usually not an issue. DDR2-800 (if you use DDR2) would downscale to whatever speed you need. | 23:38 |
habtool2 | ban | 23:38 |
mike12 | i tired what you said earlier but got stuck | 23:38 |
mike12 | *tried | 23:38 |
jedi06 | ubuntu does not support ddr2-800? | 23:38 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Not OS Specific. | 23:38 |
bandyo | f-spot dumps my videos with the photos in the same folders, but does not display them. :( | 23:38 |
jedi06 | that is what dell says it doesn't sell faster ram becuase ubuntu doesn't support it | 23:39 |
habtool2 | bandyo picasa not good for video | 23:39 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Corsair, Kingston, and Crucial all make SODIMMs | 23:39 |
Dr_willis | jedi06, hardware supports the ram.. the OS dosent.. | 23:39 |
bandyo | thanks hatool2. I won't bother with it then. | 23:39 |
Dr_willis | jedi06, i find their statement har4d to belive. | 23:39 |
quibbler | bandyo, one of my daughters uses picasa and she likes it | 23:39 |
KujiUn | Excuse me, but I can't locate the external HD I just plugged in. | 23:39 |
habtool2 | bandyo picasa rocks for photos | 23:40 |
zacktu | jedi06: if you haven't changed your memory, then the laptop manufacturer should be able to tell you how your memory is configured and what kind it is -- | 23:40 |
jedi06 | i bought a dell studio 15n with ubuntu 8.04 and i paid 100 to upgrade to 4gb from 2gb ram. I think i should of bought and installed the ram for cheaper | 23:40 |
jedi06 | 100 for an extra 2gb is a rip off | 23:40 |
jseamus | join ##religion | 23:40 |
jseamus | people | 23:40 |
z0man | Nevermind my question :) | 23:40 |
=== maxbaldw1n is now known as maxbaldwin | ||
bandyo | habtool2 will Picassa reorganize my photos organized already by f-spot? | 23:40 |
Anonymous | jedi06: It'll always be cheaper to do upgrades yourself, if you don't manage to kill something. | 23:41 |
Dr_willis | jedi06, yes.. the hardware makers tend to rip you off on 'upgrades' at times.. | 23:41 |
KujiUn | The light on the external HD is on, but Ubuntu won't recognize it. | 23:41 |
slew | no ones heard of my question? | 23:41 |
jedi06 | so that was a bad deal i found 2gb sticks 667mhz for 25 | 23:41 |
habtool2 | bandyo picasa will start from scratch | 23:41 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Probably. d | 23:41 |
jedi06 | but i was worried about compatibility | 23:41 |
jseamus | join ##religion | 23:42 |
jseamus | people | 23:42 |
Dr_willis | slew, possibially no one knew the answer.. ask again in a few min. | 23:42 |
Dr_willis | jseamus, err.. No. | 23:42 |
jseamus | it is the place for haters and lovers!!! | 23:42 |
slew | Dr_willis, thanks. | 23:42 |
Hikeractive | bandyo, it organizes according to how you have them organized in folders. | 23:42 |
bandyo | habtool2: I will lose my f-spot tags if I move to picassa, I guess. | 23:42 |
bazhang | jseamus, stop | 23:42 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Compatibility is rarely an issue. Sometimes though. | 23:42 |
KujiUn | ...wrong channel, Jseamus. | 23:42 |
Fephisto | Hello all. I'm installing ubuntu-lite, and am trying to install some sort of gui. I've apt-getted xorg/kde, and it asks for display settings of which I don't know where or what to change to. I've tried going through the man pages for xorg and couldn't get much other than a configuration file that I've found but don't know what to change or what to change it too. Any links/help? | 23:42 |
Hikeractive | bandyo, i tend to keep mine organized by folder, it will make folders that mirror what you have. | 23:42 |
jedi06 | does the ubuntu support 1066 mhz fsb? | 23:42 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Doesn't matter. | 23:43 |
jedi06 | dell said they didn't | 23:43 |
bazhang | Fephisto, what is ubuntu-lite | 23:43 |
Ansrana | hi everyone | 23:43 |
Dr_willis | jedi06, the OS dosent matter - it just uses the OS.. Dell is WRONG. | 23:43 |
Anonymous | jedi06: Find real techsupport. | 23:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fephisto, What is ubuntu lite? | 23:43 |
bandyo | Hikeractive, thanks. I now use f-spot which puts them in year/month/date folders. | 23:43 |
Dr_willis | its the matter of the Motheboard supporting the ram | 23:43 |
bazhang | Fephisto, is that ubuntu-based? | 23:43 |
bazhang | Fephisto, or is it downloaded from | 23:44 |
Fephisto | | 23:44 |
DanaG | Anyone know how to tell what exactly is slowing down a boot (and ideally, how to fix it) via bootchart? | 23:44 |
habtool2 | bandyo probably, long time since i tested fspot digikam and picasa for tag compatibilty, very frustrating doing tags | 23:44 |
Ansrana | is a system with athlonx2 and 4GB ram be good enough for software development (with postgresql,mysql,apache php and ruby) and alos virtualise windows 2003 to run visual studio ? | 23:44 |
jedi06 | I'm talking about the processor | 23:44 |
Fephisto | Or, the iso I got it from is here: | 23:44 |
quibbler | slew, the link ( is dead in firefox | 23:44 |
Fephisto | It's ubuntu-based. | 23:44 |
Hikeractive | bandyo, picasa will attempt to scan your home directory at start. it will import everything. you can change settings to disable unwanted folders. so if you have as folder with subfolders consisting of year, month, day, etc., it will be the same. | 23:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fephisto, We dont provide support for ubuntu based releases... | 23:44 |
jedi06 | ubuntu must be able to use the hardware with the correct drivers right | 23:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | !mint | 23:45 |
ubottu | The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate | 23:45 |
bandyo | habtool2 thanks. | 23:45 |
bandyo | Hikeractive thanks | 23:45 |
Hikeractive | bandyo, np | 23:45 |
Fephisto | And #debian told me to go here :-/. | 23:45 |
habtool2 | bandyo np | 23:45 |
disappearedng_ | hey how do I make it such that when a visitor visits my directory they will be directed to index.php immediately? | 23:45 |
jedi06 | also didn't allow graphics card upgrades becuase ubuntu didn't support their ati card they had | 23:45 |
bazhang | Fephisto, why not just do the minimal and add to that | 23:45 |
eseven73 | Fephisto: why not just install Xubuntu if you want something "lite"? | 23:46 |
bazhang | !minimal | Fephisto | 23:46 |
ubottu | Fephisto: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See | 23:46 |
bandyo | Is picassa in the standard repositories or should I look for it in | 23:46 |
jedi06 | are you supposed to try to match your fsb speed with your ram speed? | 23:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fephisto, Minimal would be a much better option | 23:46 |
bazhang | !info picassa | 23:46 |
ubottu | Package picassa does not exist in intrepid | 23:46 |
Fephisto | It has gui? | 23:46 |
habtool2 | bandyo google repos | 23:46 |
Dr_willis | Picassa is on the medibuntu repositories | 23:46 |
bazhang | bandyo, google | 23:46 |
jedi06 | so would you see any benefit from have faster ram on a slower fsb? | 23:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fephisto, Sorry, didnt see Bazalready said that | 23:46 |
bazhang | err sorry bandyo medibuntu | 23:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | jedi06, no | 23:47 |
Dr_willis | jedi06, in theory the ram should slow down. - and later ya could always use it in newer systems.. but no beinfit. | 23:47 |
quibbler | bandyo, | 23:47 |
jedi06 | ok so you can't go faster than your processer fsb | 23:47 |
bandyo | thanks everyone. I will give picassa a shot. | 23:47 |
teabag | Ummm lts or lastest ver/? | 23:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | Dr_willis, I used to think I would use the old ram on a nwer box but by the time I actually upgrade it wont work on the new hardware | 23:48 |
Fephisto | Yeah, this is what I want, thanks. | 23:48 |
Hikeractive | Fephisto, crunchbang is a great openbox based distro that is a variant of 8.10. | 23:48 |
teabag | Which one should i get lts or lastest ver/??? | 23:48 |
Dr_willis | Jack_Sparrow, yep. :) but its always handy to have spare ram. I got a box of the old old old ram ive collected over the years. | 23:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | Dr_willis, Me too | 23:48 |
firebird619 | Could someone please help me get my Remote Control working for my Sound Blaster Audigy with the Breakout box? I have installed lirc and have used gnome-lirc-properties to set the remote to Creative Breakout Box, but I don't know how/what to set the receiver too or anything else. | 23:48 |
Dr_willis | Jack_Sparrow, they make great keychains. :P | 23:48 |
rww | teabag: how often do you want to upgrade, every year or every three years? | 23:48 |
teabag | rww every time if there's a update | 23:49 |
teabag | in ubnut | 23:49 |
jedi06 | well my processor is 667 so i can't upgrade to 800 anyway | 23:49 |
rww | teabag: then get the latest version | 23:49 |
bazhang | teabag, try the live cd's of both and decide for yourself | 23:49 |
eseven73 | every year? you mean every 6 months | 23:49 |
marcos_ | so who would have a chance and time to help me with grub? | 23:49 |
teabag | eseven73 | 23:49 |
teabag | eseven73 yest' | 23:49 |
bazhang | marcos_, ask and if someone knows they will answer | 23:49 |
xxCody | I want to make a Drop Down menu for Ubuntu. How would i go about doing that. I dont want a Drawer because its just icons. I have to Add onto Applications | Places | System | 23:49 |
rww | eseven73: non-LTS releases are supported for longer than 6 months. It's a year or 1.5 years or something. | 23:50 |
bazhang | 18 months | 23:50 |
eseven73 | OMG i know this rww | 23:50 |
eseven73 | you said every year though for non LTS | 23:50 |
marcos_ | alright... i dualboot with vista, my battery ran out and it shurt down now when i turn on my system, at the grub screen, it attempts to load and then restarts the whole computer again over and over | 23:50 |
teabag | which one should i get? | 23:50 |
rww | eseven73: Right. I thought that non-LTS went EOL after a year, at which point you'd upgrade to a new version. | 23:50 |
marcio__ | i need help backing up my private pgp key | 23:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | marcos_, I hope you were not running a Wubi install instide windows | 23:51 |
slew | quibbler, the ftp server connects on the windows computer.. | 23:51 |
marcos_ | no i wasnt no | 23:51 |
xxCody | I want to make a Drop Down menu for Ubuntu. How would i go about doing that. I dont want a Drawer because its just icons. I have to Add onto Applications | Places | System | 23:51 |
marcos_ | they are seperate partitions jack | 23:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | marcos_, cool | 23:51 |
marcio__ | but i am on the live cd | 23:51 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
eseven73 | rww: yeah somehow we're not on the same page mate, wires got crossed sorry bout that :) | 23:51 |
Dr_willis | xxCody, check they may hae some panel applets that make it easy. | 23:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | marcio__, Id boot a windows disk and first do the fixmbr trick | 23:52 |
DanaG | xxCody: run 'alacarte' | 23:52 |
disappearedng_ | how do I get modrewrite in apache? | 23:52 |
DanaG | You can add menus there, I think. | 23:52 |
Samosurfer | greeting party people.......Any have any info on an ALSA MIxER BUG that ties the record and playback controls together. Ive got a soundblaster X-fi & I'm running Intrepid....thanks | 23:52 |
marcio__ | Jack_Sparrow: i don't have a windows disk here | 23:52 |
xxCody | Its basically a sub menu. Inside of a menu. | 23:52 |
marcio__ | Jack_Sparrow: i just need to back up my private key from the live cd | 23:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | marcio__, You can probably find a floppy image on the web if you have a drive for it | 23:52 |
marcio__ | Jack_Sparrow: my computer don't have a floppy grive | 23:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | marcos_, My comments were meant for you | 23:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | marcos_, , Id boot a windows disk and first do the fixmbr trick | 23:53 |
marcos_ | ok thanks | 23:54 |
Tekno | is there bootchart for shutdown? | 23:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | marcio__, Sorry for the tab complete goof-up | 23:54 |
marcos_ | i was going to try that, but i was hoping itd be a matter of finding a way for grub to load | 23:54 |
marcio__ | Jack_Sparrow: ok | 23:54 |
marcos_ | thanks jack | 23:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | marcos_, Once you know windows is ok then fix grub | 23:54 |
dreamy_ | Rudd-O: mesa didnt made "dangerdeep" run smooth .. i noticed by the water :S damn.. | 23:55 |
dreamy_ | Rudd-O: i just thinking im not having 3d accclearation at all.. :S dunno | 23:55 |
lifenova | xxCody: this might be a little late, but you might try using System -> Prefs -> Main Menu if you want to add on to that | 23:56 |
dochaven | @dreamy_ I've had too many problems with that lately | 23:56 |
dreamy_ | dochaven: with an ati. with dangerdeep. or with mesa ? | 23:57 |
bandyo | Looks like Picassa does not support movie files either. :( I will stick with f-spot then. | 23:57 |
xxCody | lifenova. I want to add onto Applications | Places | System | New Menu | | 23:57 |
unna | about one week ago I've used rsync to back up files with options "rsync -rlpEAXgoDtv"... When using the same options again, will this delta algorithm be applied automatically so that only differences in files will be transfered? | 23:57 |
xxCody | Now add onto Applications or something. | 23:57 |
lifenova | xxCody: ah, ok | 23:57 |
xxCody | You know a way? | 23:58 |
shenron | hey if I want to submit some software to ubuntu, is it important that it be compiled using "make"? right now I have a file which compiles the program using a series of "g++" commands... and I dont really know how make works, but I could learn if its really important. | 23:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | dreamy_, You did completely remove fglrx right | 23:58 |
zimnyx | Copying files via SSH is 2x slower than FTP in my LAN. Both client and server have free resources, CPU is lower than 50%. Can I speed up ssh file transfer somehow? | 23:59 |
_oax | every time I log in to gnome, I get the error box "Internal Error" / "failed to initialize HAL!", usb devices do not automount. using intrepid | 23:59 |
hbit | Hello I need to sync evolution with Palm T|X, and mobile phone Sony Ericsson W880i...has anybody achieved this? any documentation to read? | 23:59 |
dreamy_ | Jack_Sparrow: no not at all.. i curiously already had mesa installed | 23:59 |
altf2o | make, for simple compiles, is actually quite simple. A quick tutorial will likely be all that's needed to transform any *.sh file into a valid Makefile. (Not sure if it's preferred or required however, it is fairly standard though) | 23:59 |
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