
Marciohow can i cloack my hostname?01:46
antdedyethello. Can anyone tell if ChanServ's memory has been reset?01:47
m4vMarcio: ask in #freenode for a cloak01:50
Marciom4v: thanks01:50
antdedyetCurious as to why my op privs for #ubuntu-us-al aren't working, given that I'm the only op on consistently in the past ... ohh, year. ;)01:59
naliothantdedyet: you should identify to nickserv if you expect your privileges to work04:15
antdedyetbingo. must've had an unnoticed client disconnect.04:28
antdedyetnalioth: thanks.04:28
jpdsNafallo: OK; I think I know how to make a seperate DB for #ubuntu-se09:09
Nafallopurity^: mjo. men den forsvann nog :-)09:50
Nafallojpds: awesome!09:51
jpdsWant me to set it up?09:51
Myrttiheads up everyone09:54
Nafallojpds: sure. can't hurt :-)09:54
MyrttiOngavezir [n=afsociet@catv-86-101-111-174.catv.broadband.hu]09:54
Myrttihas visited #ubuntu and #xubuntu before09:55
Myrttihe's either a bored kid with too much time in his hands09:55
Myrttior a bored troll09:55
jpdsNafallo: Now someone's going to have to feed it stuff.09:56
Nafallojpds: can we make the accesslist for the channel able to add factoids? :-)09:56
Nafalloi.e. yeager, Nafallo, Philip5, purity^, johanbr :-)09:57
jpdsSure, but you'll all have to do the command I'll /msg you.09:57
NafalloI can do it now :-)09:57
Nafallopurity^: vaken? :-)09:57
Nafallo!ask > Nafallo10:04
ubottuNafallo, please see my private message10:04
* Myrtti flips out the trumpet10:05
NafalloMyrtti: banned it in -se10:07
Myrttiwho, me ;-)10:07
NafalloMyrtti: no. you're not an "it" :-)10:07
jester-!ask | jester-10:09
ubottujester-, please see my private message10:09
jester-i was curious lol10:09
purity^Nafallo, aah.. nu :)10:44
purity^but i registerd wrong in the bot10:45
Nafallopurity^: :-P10:45
jpdsAll fixed now.10:49
purity^yepp.. ty very much10:51
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-irc!14:19
jpdsubot2: hi14:19
ubot2Hej, välkommen till #ubuntu-se!14:19
Myrttiubot2: !hej14:20
ubot2Factoid 'hej' not found14:20
jpdsubot2: @config plugins.Encyclopedia.database14:23
ubot2jpds: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:23
jpdsubot2: config plugins.Encyclopedia.database14:23
ubot2jpds: ubuntu-se14:23
ubot2jpds: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:23
jpdsThat's weird.14:23
jpdsubot2: hi14:26
ubot2Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-irc!14:26
jpdsYay, multilingual support working.14:27
ubot2jpds called the ops in #ubuntu-se ()14:38
Nafallohaha nice.14:40
jpdsubot2: info ubuntu-destkop15:49
ubot2jpds: intrepid is not a valid distribution []15:49
ubot2jpds: intrepid is not a valid distribution []15:49
jpdspurity^: OK; almost got it.15:50
jpdsubot2: info ubuntu-desktop15:50
ubot2jpds: intrepid is not a valid distribution []15:50
ubot2jpds: intrepid is not a valid distribution []15:50
Nafalloit hates the intrepid!15:51
Nafalloibex? ;-)15:51
jester-why Nafallo ?15:52
jpdsThe release named after jono?! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Capra_ibex_ibex_%E2%80%93_03.jpg - never!15:52
Nafallojester-: don't look at me. I'm only hosting the server :-)15:53
Nafallojpds: you reckon it needs deb-src or something?15:54
jpdsNafallo: It has that.15:54
jpdsStuff's in ~jpds/bots/ubot2/data/apt15:54
Nafalloah. oki.15:54
jpdsubot2: info ubuntu-desktop15:59
ubot2jpds: ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.124 (intrepid), package size 26 kB, installed size 52 kB15:59
ubot2jpds: ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.124 (intrepid), package size 26 kB, installed size 52 kB15:59
jpdsOh, all I had to do was reload the plugin.15:59
Nafalloone time would be enough :-)15:59
jpdspurity^: ^16:00
purity^jpds, what?16:04
jpdsubot5: info mplayer16:08
ubot5jpds: Error: 'supybot.plugins.PackageInfo.defaultRelease' is not set16:08
jester-huh *!*@unaffiliated/emma! why banned? poor emma lol16:09
jpdsjester-: She must of had bad connection problems that day.16:10
jpdsubot5: info mplayer16:11
ubot5jpds: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.16:11
jester-jpds: for that she did jump too much in chan?16:14
ubot2In #ubuntu-se, hateball said: !Nafallo is <reply> Nafallo är en hygglig prick utan prickar16:40
* jpds .parseBitsOfLastMessage()16:48
jpdsFunction returned: "Harsh."16:49
cdennyanyone here?19:37
Nafallo!ask | cdenny19:38
ubottucdenny: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:38
cdennyok good, can someone here unban me?19:38
cdennyi was banned for one day, and its been four19:38
cdennynoone appears to be in the ubuntu-ops channel19:39
Nafallocdenny: from which of the five-hundred channels?19:39
cdennyoh sorry, #ubuntu19:39
Nafallocdenny: please see #ubuntu-ops, this channel is for locoteams channels ONLY :-)19:39
cdennyi did19:40
cdennyno one is in there19:40
cdennydo i just wait?19:41
jpdspurity^: info problems should be fixed now.21:17
* Nafallo sings21:24
jpdsNafallo: Please install zsh on troll.21:31
* jpds runs.21:31
Nafallojpds: with what justification? :-)21:31
jpdsI prefer it to bash :P21:32
=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
Nafalloyou spend lots of time at the console for some reason?21:32
* Nafallo ponders setting jpds's shell to /bin/dash ;-)21:33
jpdsOuch :/21:33
Nafallojpds: done21:34
jpdsThanks! :)21:34
m4vtrolling with zsh's autocompletion, that would be ugly...21:37
jester-LjL: botoli in manutenzione?22:28
[NikO]£260 from #ubuntu-fr user good :)22:29
Nafallo[NikO]: :-O22:30
Philip5jpds: is it possible to access ubot2s database of factoids via http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi or something like that?22:42
Philip5jpds: i mean for the #ubuntu-se db22:42

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