=== euca_help is now known as nekro_ === asac_ is now known as asac [11:43] hi! I'm getting various kswapd deadlocks on our machines, like this one: http://p.defau.lt/?AftWGQnCtD1G80ZjIr7cyg - it seems any VFS pressure can cause this... [16:14] hey you all, I've just throw mysef [16:15] myself in the linux driver development, how do I compile and run my modules without compiling all the kernel [16:15] ? [17:18] does anybody know a good GUI for editing the linux source code [18:11] MalikLamin: emacs and vi has semi-GUI versions available.... some people use eclipse+CDT as well... or maybe anjuta would work? [18:12] MalikLamin: to compile all modules in the current directory execute this command: [18:12] make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=$PWD modules [18:12] for example you can do this in .../drivers/gpu/drm to create drm.ko [18:21] ok [18:21] thanks mnem [18:21] mnemo [18:21] np [18:21] i will try kdevelop and ajunta or maybe eclipse [18:22] yea [18:23] MalikLamin: some people find cscope (command line) or kscope (GUI) useful for browsing .c sources [18:24] but the lxr website is also really useful for reading kernel sources [18:24] you can launch "cscope -R" in any directory containing .c sources.. and it will let you search for the definition of certain function names etc [18:25] ahnram, ok. So, if I do create a new module, isnt it necessary to recompile all the kernel???? [18:30] MalikLamin: if you recompile a module you can either copy it into the proper place in the /lib/modules/kernel tree and then reboot, or you can just "insmod" it right there (but this is not permanent) [18:30] you never need to rebuild the kernel to use a rebuilt module [18:33] ok [18:34] I got [21:01] hi all [21:01] the realtime kenrel of the 8.10 is breoken ? [21:01] the realtime extensions don't work with jack [21:01] I'm thinking to install the old kernel [21:02] I mean use the 8.04 kernel on my 8.10 [21:02] is it possible ? [21:18] is anybody out there ? [21:22] india