[00:15] /usr/sbin/unhide [ Warning ] [00:15] is that bad? [00:16] charlie-tca: my comp is acting up [00:18] charlie-tca: ubuntu server version and regular version whats the difference? [00:21] knome [00:21] what do you mean 'regular version' [00:22] on the website there's a server version and a non server whats the difference [00:24] the cd will have a different selection of packages. The installed system will not have a gui, and will offer an install open to setup lamp [00:26] a clean install for 8.10 would be my best bet in my case [01:35] Anybody know how to force the vesa driver from command line, I just can't remember how to do it. [01:37] blankthemuffin: i think you have to add Driver "vesa" to the appropriate place in the xorg.conf file... [01:37] or even where xorg.conf hides, I can't remember that either. [01:37] /etc/X11/xorg.conf [01:37] something like this: http://rafb.net/p/CFChZV36.html [01:37] thanks [01:38] Except it seems to be totally empty / unused [01:38] How does the Live CD pick a driver? [01:38] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow [01:38] that is a very basic xorg.conf file i pastebinned... [01:39] I know what xorg.conf looks like, just this one is all empty. [01:39] blankthemuffin: then one you have? or the one i pastebinned? [01:39] min [01:39] e [01:39] oh yeah. you must be using 8.04+ [01:39] blankthemuffin, what version of Xubuntu are you running? [01:39] I'm trying to install 8.10 [01:40] the newer xorg can do some automagical autodetecting via hal... [01:40] I might clarify that it's an ongoing problem with my graphics card and the open source nv drivers. The drivers fail without fail so I need to install the real nvidia drivers or switch to vista before I can use the installer. [01:41] cody-somerville, it says that the resource is locked, so I presume the installer wants it. [01:42] I should file a bug about it somewhere, it's been like this since ubuntu 6 and probably before. [01:55] haha [01:56] I got it to work! Played around in the command line to mount a disk, then installed the nvidia drivers to memory. :) [02:24] saluton [02:25] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 5 DaemonXP [02:25] errrr [02:25] wrong window [02:25] sorry [02:25] * DaemonXP runs and hides [02:26] I have a technical question regards to my comp [02:28] Mooch: what's your question? [02:28] !ask [02:28] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [02:28] :) [02:29] ever since I downloaded updates my comp is freezing and when I turn my computer off I get a no input signal its annoying and I don't want my hard drive to die [02:30] Mooch: what version of xubuntu are you using? [02:30] 6.06 LTS [02:30] yes very old [02:30] :) [02:30] I must be the only one [02:31] any special reason why you are still using that version? things have improved a lot since late 2006. [02:31] even though that release still gets updates, the overall system has improved a great deal since then. [02:31] well at the moment I am trying to get the 8.10 cd I just requested one. I can [02:32] can't download it because I do not have broadband [02:32] sure... understood [02:32] did you request a xubuntu cd? [02:33] I emailed the Loco team close to me for a xubuntu cd gonna wait for a response [02:33] oh, ok [02:33] what is your problem now? just random freezes for no apparent reason? [02:34] yeah earlier when I was on this channel it was freezing bad [02:35] I did a recovery mode to get my modem to work with the older Kernel version because when I downloaded the updates my modem driver would not work with [02:36] my modem won't detect [02:36] :( [02:36] I don't know if its the recovery I am doing that is causing this or what [02:37] and you just downloaded regular updates? [02:37] have you ever used "automatix" or anything like that to help set up your computer? [02:37] yeah can't download printing updates it throws my modem out whack [02:37] Does compix work with xfce? [02:38] I think that messed up my comp last time [02:38] blankthemuffin: it's hit or miss... some people have had luck with it, but it's kind of hack-ish, if you ask me. [02:38] Mooch: what messed up your comp last time? [02:38] automatix [02:38] blankthemuffin: that is, combining compiz with xfce [02:39] Mooch: automatix does a lot of bad stuff, unfortunately. [02:39] Mooch: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html [02:40] I gotta a PCtel modem and I don't know what driver I need to work with this Kernel version [02:40] the person who wrote that was one of the main contributors to ubuntu for a while, and now i think he works for red hat - very smart guy [02:40] oh really [02:41] hmm [02:41] Automatix has been dead [02:41] for years even [02:42] I hate linmodems I do wish I had broadband [02:42] I think Feisty was the last version supported by Automatix, the repos aren't even there anymore [02:42] I winded up reformat when I tried to get automatix [02:42] mmm ok j1mc [02:42] DaemonXP: they resurrected it somewhat recently, iirc. [02:42] I'll have a go, the xfce compositor looks nice, but I like my blur and desktop cube. :D [02:43] still crappy, though, and Mooch is running 6.06... automatix was around then. [02:44] j1mc: should I just downgrade my kernel version to work with this modem driver? [02:45] I was on the site where my modem drivers are for linux but very vague descriptions [02:46] this driver was posted to work with this kernel version [02:48] j1mc: what should I do? [03:45] Hello everyone, I'm an Xubuntu newbie and I have a question. I changed my resolution to 1280x960 and for some reason the fonts and window sizes scaled to my new resolution rather than remaining static as I would have assumed they would. Is there a way to get the windows and font sizes to revert to their default sizes? [04:24] j1mc: Automatix? Ewww, why would they bring that back? [04:36] i reeeeeeeeeeeally need help getting into my windows computer's public folder from my xubuntu computer [04:37] any1 home? ^_^' [04:37] * ball nods [04:37] lol [04:38] anyway how do i get into a windows computer's public folder from a computer running xubuntu? [04:39] Chaoman: not the normal way [04:39] sudo apt-get install fusesmb [04:39] I don't know Xubuntu well, butit sounds like a job for Samba [04:39] wats fusesmb [04:41] Chaoman: SMB, for fuse [04:41] ok wats fuse? im still new to this im tryin to learn an operating i just insalled [04:42] lc2: does fuse run on the Xubuntu end? [04:42] Chaoman: filesystems in userspace, not something you care about [04:42] ball: it works, apparently, that's all i know [04:42] Chaoman: once you have it installed [04:42] you should be able to do something like [04:43] oh wtf, hold on [04:43] * Chaoman eats blankthemuffin while he waits [04:43] oh, yeah, you might need to do modprobe fuse first of all [04:43] and then [04:44] mkdir network; fusesmb network/ [04:44] I'm going to have to backup my document files and reinstall Xubuntu. [04:44] theoretically, you should be able to view all systems on your network by looking in the network/ directory [04:44] ball: no, you won't [04:44] lc2: I will you know ;-) [04:44] ball: you said "had to", you never have to [04:44] unless you've done something really silly [04:45] Chaoman: that's not to say that you'll be able to access those hosts if they require a password, but, that's the general idea [04:45] I found that fusesmb crashes or something with thunar [04:45] you'll have to make yourself a ~/.smb/fusesmb.conf if you want to do that, as far as i gather [04:45] 1) dont worry i know a password its my machine [04:46] so you might be better off with the other one which I can't remember. [04:46] brb [04:46] smb something something [04:46] Chaoman: 1) you'll still have to put it in your fusesmb.conf [04:46] i can't imagine there's not a way to do this from a gui though [04:47] 2) is there a way to hack my dad's computer and put a text file on his desktop? [04:47] just to prove to him all machines r hackable [04:47] if it's a windows box, the answer is yes, they always are [04:48] yeah thats wat i meant all windows boxes are haxable [04:48] (last week, i installed xubuntu for someone who was terminally pissed off at windows after their XP install got rooted and turned into a spam-spewing botnet drone) [04:49] linux boxes are secure as you want them to be. so is mac but apple is shit [04:49] damn iphones [04:50] Chaoman: anyway, http://linux.die.net/man/5/fusesmb.conf [04:50] if you understand that, that'll be helpful [04:50] if you don't, welcome to linux! ;) [04:51] skip ahead to "example" to spare the tl;dr [04:53] my machine wont show (||_||) but the rest of the network will :D [04:53] Okay, If I have Ubuntu Server and Xubuntu, is nfs the natural choice for networked filesystem? [04:54] Chaoman: yours won't [04:54] ball: no, nfs is a pile of crap [04:54] i meant my windows machine [04:54] lc2: what would you use? [04:54] ball: sshfs [04:54] Chaoman: oh. [04:55] interesting [04:55] its got windows 7 beta and i chose "home network" [04:55] Hmm, okay. [04:55] it mentioned homegroup [04:55] i also turned on sharing, public folder enabled [04:55] Chaoman: i haven't a clue when it comes to windows 7, alas [04:56] stick around and someone else might know [04:56] damn (-.-)*sigh* [04:56] ball: seriously, NFS makes for a good lesson in how to fail at unix, but that's about it [04:57] nfs= bad ntfs= shit vista=the GREAT MIGHTY POO [04:57] lol [04:57] fat is between ntfs and vista [04:57] Does sshfs require anything special on the server end, or just sshd [04:57] ? [04:57] ball: just sshd, one of the reasons i like it so much more [04:58] * ball nods [04:58] Chaoman: ntfs is actually pretty good, but i'd rather not use windows if i'm given a choice [04:58] Anything special I need at the client (Xubuntu) end? [04:58] ball: fuse and sshfs [04:58] thats wat i meant. if indows uses it, automatic shit [04:58] windows [04:59] wow, i need to get my eyes tested, i only just realised your nick isn't "chapman" [04:59] * lc2 was doing c [05:00] u need to stop using google glasses [05:00] and i'm already at 28pt fonts. :/ [05:00] they have augmented reality google correction [05:00] Is it possible to change the name of Xubuntu's user? [05:00] should be [05:01] ball: tell me what you really mean by that question [05:01] i cant remember how but i have done that in *ugh* slackware [05:01] lc2: I have a Xubuntu box with one user account. I suppose I'd like to add a second user, rather than renaming the first. [05:01] useradd? adduser? [05:01] ball: then add another user [05:02] ball: applications -> system -> users and groups [05:02] much easier [05:02] ;D [05:02] ah okay, thanks. [05:02] :D [05:02] but yeah, adduser if you're brave [05:02] or if you want to just rename one, go ahead and edit /etc/passwd [05:03] adduser + experienced linux user = fail! adduser + noob = epic fail! [05:03] lol [05:03] you'll probably find yourself with the userid of 1000, near the end of the file [05:03] I'll look for the GUI whotsit. [05:03] good plan [05:04] ...though I'm tempted to install from scratch, start with a blank slate. [05:04] a few months ago i would have been like, "be a man and edit /etc/passwd and /etc/group" [05:04] so any advice on windows hacking with xubuntu? [05:04] ball: that's overkill [05:04] Chaoman: no, not really [05:04] how easy is it startig out? [05:05] Chaoman: dunno, i grew out of that like, ten years ago [05:06] don't you ever forget your windows password or something? [05:06] Chaoman: no, but i had to deal with a laptop i had to fix without being given the admin password [05:06] but there's a brute-forcer for windows passwords out there, stick a cd in the drive at boot and it'll come back with a list of accounts and passwords [05:06] pretty neat [05:07] ophcrack, btw [05:08] * ball finds himself in #scriptkiddies [05:08] same here. i reformatted it cause the owner forgot all the passwords. [05:08] ball: ten years ago you would have been right :P [05:09] Ten years ago I was deciding on an operating system. [05:10] i hate having to w8 till wednesday for muffins, so...... [05:10] blankthemuffin:munchmunchmunch (OwwO) [05:10] well, that was strange [05:11] ........ [05:12] ? [05:12] cloggage [05:12] in the series of tubes [05:12] munch..........munch............munch........... wats goin on? [05:12] ball: ten years ago i did pretty much the same thing, just my brother wasn't altogether impressed finding himself with a debian box iirc [05:13] but yeah, then i went back to windows for a few years again, then the lunix beckoned me home [05:14] mmmmmmmm blank flavour [05:14] lc2: I tried Linux, but it wasn't ready back then. [05:14] lc2: so I settled on NetBSD [05:14] fail [05:14] ball: hey i did freebsd for a while, up until less than a year ago [05:14] * lc2 wonders exactly when [05:15] drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 2008-06-02 01:04 /usr/ [05:15] six months! [05:15] lol, installing at 1am ;\ [05:15] damn, netsplits [05:15] oops dats me [05:16] ball: same [05:18] my dad keeps sayin "whyre u usin dat? u dont know how" i said "its easier than windows" [05:18] Chaoman: haha yeah, and the thing is, you're not altogether wrong [05:18] ?? [05:19] lc2: Ubuntu seems to have a good supportive community too. [05:19] survey says: question mark [05:19] lol [05:19] Chaoman: the only thing that sucks about xubuntu, is that it doesn't auto-mount any NTFS drives/etc upon boot, and doesn't deal with network shares too well [05:20] ball: it does [05:20] lc2: wouldn't that depend on your fstab? [05:20] yea but my laptop has 512mb ram [05:21] ball: yes, and that doesn't take away from the fact that it should do the right thing, by default, and it doesn't [05:21] if it has to generate an fstab at install/boot, then it should do that [05:21] lc2: in my opinion the right thing is not to mount NTFS by default. [05:22] at least it supports as much swap as you can give it, unlike winshit [05:22] ball: i don't think the right thing, for most people, is to have to google up some command-line arcana in order to get to the stuff on their windows disks/partition [05:22] * ball nods [05:22] ball: but hey, i don't care personally, since i don't have a windows partitiion ;D [05:22] Somewhere between the two is a GUI tool to enable people to mount a Windows partition r/o [05:22] just sayin' [05:22] ...but not automatically [05:23] lc2: I don't have MS Windows on any of my machines. [05:23] ball: yeah, that doesn't sound like a bad idea, or maybe an install-time option [05:23] ntfs-3g is pretty wining these days [05:24] winning* [05:24] what we really need is clippy! [05:24] "It looks like you're dual-booting! Would you like me to mount your Windows drive automatically?" [05:25] I'm off to try to install Xubuntu on a spare machine. [05:25] also i got my ntfs-formatted flash memory usb stick mounted pretty quickly on my own. now aything ntfs will mount automatically (sometimes may fail due to certain drives' errors) [05:25] ball: have fun! [05:25] thanks [05:25] Hopefully I'll reach a point where I can get back on irc. [05:25] already did so with fat [05:26] Chaoman: there was someone in here the other day having issues with that [05:26] (summary: always safely eject your drives) [05:27] sudo mount device mountpoint [05:27] if that fails, add -o force [05:27] you shouldn't even need to do that, i don't think [05:27] not with a usb disk [05:28] some things wont automount [05:28] if theres an errr [05:28] *error [05:42] This machine has 512M of RAM [05:42] well, depending on what you're doing, but no, you don't need that much [05:43] * lc2 has 384 ;D [05:43] blender [05:43] 1 Gbyte swap should be plenty for most people, surely? [05:43] blenderrrrrrrrrrr [05:43] Chaoman: ah, that might be different [05:44] well, if you have 8gb of disk space that you know you'll never use, then don't let me discourage you [05:44] 8GB of swap is wayyy enormous [05:45] Okay, one document file worth saving [05:45] hello Daviey! [05:45] yeah, but if you're doing 3d rendering i can see that it might make sense [05:46] That's wierd: I don't see Ekiga in the menu [05:46] ive also got an external 8gb drive sitting o the floor that has ready swap but i dont feel like pluggin it in and turnin it on rite now [05:46] in fact its all swap [05:46] so theres another 8gb i can plug in [05:46] ball: applications -> network -> ekiga softphone? [05:47] Chaoman: swap over USB? [05:47] why does that strike me as a horrible idea? [05:47] ... dunno [05:47] but 1394 b sounds better [05:47] probably because it is [05:48] lc2: it's not tere [05:48] ball: strange. [05:48] hell any firewire is better than usb1.1 [05:48] lol [05:49] Ugh... this feels odd. [05:49] i think tin cans/string are better than usb 1.1 [05:49] (^w^)Zzzzzzzzz [05:49] ball: what does? [05:49] yeah but this laptop is old [05:49] it most likely aint got 2.0 [05:49] lc2: Xfce ;-) [05:50] its a pcg-fxa53 [05:50] ball: oh :) [05:51] Add/Remove tool doesn't seem to want me to remove anything either. [05:51] ball: hm [05:51] Ah, found something it'll let me remove. [05:52] i wish i could get a computer from israel. i heard they got computers in homes faster than the us military's best computer [05:52] Chaoman: unlikely. [05:53] ......... ok then.......... [05:53] just not from china. thats shit [05:53] japan = 1337 [05:53] it doesn't matter where it's from [05:54] as long as theres no lead paint for kids to chew on [05:54] lol [05:54] heh. [05:54] brb xmoto [05:54] oshit bladder critical [05:58] phew my room almost got a fresh coat of yellow paint [05:58] lol [05:58] lol [05:58] rofl [06:01] oh nice [06:03] Resisted the urge to reinstall. Will try adding a new user. [06:03] ball: that seems like the more sensible option [06:04] This machine's a bit sluggish. [06:04] what cpu? [06:05] 550 MHz Pentium III Coppermine [06:05] assuming my windows machine is just any old windows, how do i make my linux machine see it? [06:05] ball: ..oh my [06:05] Chaoman: the way i showed you [06:05] lc2: I have a 700 MHz machine sitting next to me, but that's a pain in the butt to install anything on. [06:06] i meant i can see the others but just the one wont show up [06:06] That reminds me, I need to add Ekiga to the menu [06:07] Chaoman: then there might be a configuration problem with that machine [06:09] ive been changin its configuration. do i have to do something special to update what the linux box can see? [06:10] Chaoman: do you have a share from the Windows box? [06:10] you might want to mount and unmount the mountpoint [06:10] fusermount -u whatever/ [06:10] yes its the public folder [06:11] lc2: ill try [06:11] then remount it with whatever that command was [06:11] * lc2 forgot [06:11] * lc2 notes it's 6am :/ [06:12] lc2: Blighty? [06:12] ball: yessir [06:12] lc2: good man/woman/bot. [06:13] thank you sir/madam/term of address for bot [06:13] I'm British, but I'm in the U.S. [06:13] ball: where abouts were you from? [06:13] (sir btw) [06:13] lc2: Wiltshire originally, also lived in Wales for many years. [06:13] ball: ooh. [06:14] obligatory quip about sheep goes here [06:14] wiltshire is nice, i've heard [06:14] ntfs vs exfat which is better [06:14] There are sheep in both Wales and Wiltshire [06:14] Chaoman: ext3 [06:15] NTFS vs exFAT [06:15] exfat? [06:15] baka [06:15] exfat is made up [06:15] ??? [06:15] "exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table, aka FAT64) is a proprietary file system suited especially for flash drives, introduced by Microsoft for embedded devices in Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and in their desktop operating system, starting with Windows Vista Service Pack 1." [06:15] apparently not, ball [06:16] so which is better:ntfs or exfat [06:16] New to me. I only know FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 [06:16] Chaoman: for disk? [06:16] for hdd [06:16] ntfs probably [06:17] brb, rebooting [06:17] Chaoman: for your purposes, if you want to plug it into a linux box, no [06:17] use ntfs [06:17] no i meant in general [06:18] Chaoman: idk [06:20] HI, yesterday I downloaded and installed xubuntu 8.10 from a alt CD thinking that sound might work when I get the latest version, but unfortunately it turns out that the sound card is not supported..so I need to get alsa right? can anyone guide me as how to get and install the latest alsa or to cheack if its already there? BTW I use Toshiba L30, I need to add one more thing, last time i.e. when I used xubuntu 8.04 LTS and clicked to increase the sound it incr [06:20] eased (but the sound never came out), this time as soon as I increase the volume, it gets back to 0% Automatically, Now after trying a commands i came to know I already have alsa, so whats the problem with sound? [06:20] Andyy: first up, hi [06:21] Hi [06:21] Andyy: secondly, lsmod | grep snd [06:21] Ugh. Webcam seems not to be working now [06:21] then paste the results at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for us all to admire!1 [06:22] ball: define "not working" [06:23] http://paste.ubuntu.com/110155/ here you go [06:23] "Error while opening video device Camera" [06:24] Andyy: at the risk of sounding condescending, install kmix (which has a mute button), and ensure it isn't muted [06:25] lc2: i.e. sudo apt-get install kmix? [06:25] Andyy: yessir [06:25] Bus 001 Device 002: ID 046d:092c Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Chat [06:25] Andyy: and i'm really not being condescending, i spent a good hour or two last week trying to "debug" sound on another box, it was muted all along [06:26] ball: what are you using to test it? [06:26] Ekiga [06:26] lc2: 50MB, will take some time :P , ahh lets hope it was muted here so I can unmute it and play sound :P [06:26] Andyy: 50mb?! [06:26] lc2, yeah kmix [06:26] oh, KDE depdendencies [06:26] lc2, is there a problem? or did I do it wrong? [06:27] dependencies* [06:27] Andyy: nope, you've just not installed any KDE stuff before, so it has to install a bunch of stuff that all KDE apps depend on [06:27] i hope you're not on dialup [06:27] :) [06:27] lc2, nop I am on broadband [06:27] Andyy: winrar [06:28] lc2, winrar? [06:28] Andyy: it's like winnar, but less so [06:28] lc2, oh okay ... [06:28] ball: try xawtv [06:28] No picture in Cheese either [06:28] ball: also, you may want to lsmod to ensure that the kernel module is loaded [06:29] I wonder why my DL speed has sunndly dropped to 18 Kbps....I guess I shoud go to our ISP's office and batter the guy some more [06:29] Andyy: ouch ;\ [06:29] lc2: how do I know what it's called? [06:29] found out cpu speed of my laptop: 1.3 GHz [06:29] ball: you either guess lucky or you stick it in the pastebin and i'll look [06:30] lc2: I will be AFK for a while (I need to study) so if you want you can leave a PM instead of here as its possible that I may miss it [06:30] lc2: what am I pastebining? [06:30] you@plz:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz [06:30] fear [06:30] cpu MHz : 1333.478 [06:30] ball: the output of lsmod [06:30] Andyy: say my name to beep me, if i'm busy it'll get my attention [06:31] lc2: looks credible. I see video, output, videodev and v4l1_compat [06:32] ball: none of which are drivers for your camera [06:32] gspca_main is on the right-hand side of videodev [06:32] ah [06:32] ...and the cam has an spca5 chipset [06:32] so it is loaded [06:32] Perhaps I should try a cold boot. [06:33] brb, rebooting (again) [06:33] ball: yes, perhaps [06:38] so how much swap should i use now that i know i have 512MB ram, a 1.3GHz CPU, and a video card with 8MB video ram, cant find gpu speed, and use blender [06:39] Chaoman: i don't know, start out with 1gb and see how you go [06:46] This is starting to irritate me. [06:46] still not working? [06:47] lc2: in Cheese I get very, very dim video. [06:47] Ekiga just complains [06:47] brb [06:47] hm [06:47] hb [06:52] Can a kernel module be reset? [06:53] modprobe -r modulename [06:53] modprobe modulename [06:53] +sudo of course [06:53] thanks [06:53] brb [06:59] lc2: very much coincedentially as soon as I got back on the lapppy it was almost done 1 seconds left and now its installing :P [07:00] Andyy: oh cool [07:00] lc2, ts installed now what? [07:00] I'm *so* tired. I had hoped to get something working today though. [07:00] Andyy: run kmix [07:00] ball: :/ still not working? [07:00] sudo kmix? [07:00] lc2: I'm being told that cameras work better under 8.04 than 8.10. Any thoughts? [07:01] Andyy: no sudo required [07:01] lc2, k [07:01] ball: i can tell you from my sample size of one, that yes, spca-type cameras work fine under 8.04 [07:02] lc2, yea its muted..cant unmute it any command? [07:02] I'm too tired to reinstall Xubuntu now. I'll try tomorrow. [07:02] lc2, done [07:02] Andyy: what happens when you try to unmute it? [07:02] ball: mmk :\ [07:02] lc2 it was already unmuted but i muted it now its again unmuted [07:02] Andyy: ah. [07:02] and no sound? [07:03] lc2, no sound though [07:03] hurrr [07:03] ws worth a shot [07:03] was* [07:03] *thinks* [07:03] it shows HDA ATI SB in the bar [07:03] lc2, should I restart? [07:04] Andyy: no, that shouldn't help [07:04] do you get any error messages or anything? [07:05] lc2, the thing is that the volume thing up there in the bar, or panel , whenever I increase it it defaults to 0% vlume automatically [07:05] lc2, nop nothing [07:05] lc2, I think you can try and google I am using a toshiba L30 and xubuntu 8.10 alt [07:06] i'm looking into it [07:06] lc2, k [07:09] http://www.acomelectronics.com/GeorgeVita/L30_sound.html [07:10] did you spot that and/or have any joy therefrom? [07:11] lc2, i'll try that and tell you..trying [07:12] lc2, well mine is showing subdivices 0/1 [07:12] Andyy: ignore the rest, just see part d) 1. and d) 2. [07:12] and for d) 2. use the line in e) [07:13] lol sudo gedit command not found [07:14] try sudo mousepad instead [07:14] or sudo insert name of your favourite text editor here (in before WINWORD.EXE) [07:14] ;) [07:14] done mousepad [07:14] itw arning [07:14] using root i might be harming it :P [07:15] yup [07:15] try not to hose your system [07:16] ill just add that line [07:16] now restart? [07:17] did you already have a line in there starting with "options snd-hda-intel" ? [07:17] nope [07:17] kay just show me the line you added, as a sanity check [07:17] options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=1 model=3stack [07:18] kay [07:18] you want the whole file in pastebin? [07:18] nope, that's fine [07:18] go reboot [07:18] while i get a sandwich [07:18] wish me luck or you can also try praying [07:18] BRB :P [07:20] hb [07:25] <_Andy_> lc2, well there is still problem [07:25] yes, you seemed to have gained two underscores on your name [07:25] same problem? [07:26] <_Andy_> lc2, the kmix shos the volume at 100% but the master defaults to 0% every time I drag it up [07:26] what happens if you use alsamixer to set it? [07:26] <_Andy_> lc2, ..how DO i use alsamixer to set it? [07:27] <_Andy_> lc2, listen I still think...if I used kmix @ 100% alsa will also or might show it at 100% but the master always remains at 0% [07:28] _Andy_: run alsamixer from the command line, try shifting the master from there [07:28] while i've got you distracted doing that i'll go look up a real solution, wink [07:29] <_Andy_> lc2, :P okay [07:29] <_Andy_> lc2, it shows Master 00 [07:30] even if you use your up key to move it up? [07:30] <_Andy_> yeah [07:30] _Andy_: also, can you tell me which specific L30 you have? [07:30] <_Andy_> btw...how can I edit it in the terminal? [07:30] <_Andy_> lc2, well I am not sure it just says satellite..gimme a minute ill find out [07:31] thx [07:31] <_Andy_> you want the model number right? [07:31] yes [07:32] (blah, i'm missing an epic sunrise ;/) [07:33] <_Andy_> its PSL30L-00M019 [07:34] Anybody else have troubles with things not showing up in the xfce tray thing? [07:34] For example transmission isn't showing up at all. [07:35] nevar [07:35] <_Andy_> whats Line in alsamixer? [07:36] line-in, don't worry about it [07:36] <_Andy_> it was 0 [07:36] as it should be [07:36] _Andy_: what did aplay -l show you? [07:36] <_Andy_> kk [07:36] in full [07:36] <_Andy_> **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** [07:36] <_Andy_> card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC861 Analog [ALC861 Analog] [07:36] <_Andy_> Subdevices: 0/1 [07:36] <_Andy_> Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 [07:37] oh [07:37] okay [07:38] that line you added earlier [07:38] options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=1 model=3stack [07:38] that one [07:38] try changing it to [07:38] <_Andy_> yeah? [07:39] options snd-hda-intel probe_mask=1 model=toshiba [07:39] just for kicks [07:39] and tell me what happens [07:39] <_Andy_> I wonder why my PC is suddenly all so laggy?? [07:39] <_Andy_> cant ebven move my mouse [07:39] <_Andy_> btw whats the command to open that file? [07:39] sudo mousepad /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base [07:40] oddly, mine's going slow right now too [07:41] ohh, updatedb.mlocate is munching a bunch of cpu [07:42] <_Andy_> kde crashed? what is that supposedt o mean? [07:43] <_Andy_> okay i will reboot now [07:44] lol, kde? ;/ [07:47] lc2, no luck the bastaD master volume defaults to 0 [07:47] ! [07:47] :\ [07:47] so.... any other solutions? [07:48] hey can you link me to the post you did earlier? [07:49] http://www.acomelectronics.com/GeorgeVita/L30_sound.html [07:49] that was for a subtly different chip, apparently [07:49] ....sigh..no way I can play sound on this SHITTY laptop? [07:51] Andy__: i'm sure there is [07:51] think I should try all these? [07:51] 3stack 3stack-dig 6stack-dig lenovo dallas hp auto [07:52] http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/sound/alsa/ALSA-Configuration.txt [07:52] there are more than that [07:52] for toshiba [07:52] from line 881 onwards [07:52] are the ones that apply to you [07:53] however, i need to go [07:53] if none of that solves anything, go ask in the forums, i'm sure somebody will know [07:53] or wait till i'm back later [07:53] sorry i couldn't be more help [07:53] lc2, can you do me a favor? [07:53] Andy__: yes, i can [07:54] lc2, we have tried all this things, and I can't put all that down in a post can you make a post for me and ill add the link to my bookmarks [07:54] you know about my problem as much as I do or maybe more [07:54] Andy__: no, i don't know any more than you do about it [07:55] just say that you tried the instructions at that link, and that you are sure it's not muted [07:55] i'd do it for you but, however, i really do need to go now [07:55] k [07:55] so, i'll see you around [07:55] just link me the forums or the appropriate section [07:55] okay [07:56] http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=332 [07:56] gtg === blankthemuffin_ is now known as blankthemufin [08:21] is there any plugin or something which adds samba support to thunar? [08:51] blankthemufin: not yet. [08:51] blankthemufin: not yet in intrepid, atleast [08:53] How much stuff relies on thunar, aka, will it be a total pain to compile? [09:27] <|ntegra|> !kicklist [09:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about kicklist [09:27] <|ntegra|> bummer [09:27] what are you trying? [09:27] <|ntegra|> wouldn't mind knocking the size of xubuntu down and adding some other software [11:20] Hi can anyone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1051767 [11:45] Hello, can anybody help me solve this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1051767 [11:54] repeating it over and over isn't going to help you much. [11:54] Nobody joined or left or said anything since you last mentioned it. [11:56] I am sorry I didn't know that I had a DC I really apologize for that [12:01] Don't worry about it, it's not going to end the world. :) [12:01] Andy__: you can try asking on #ubuntu if nobody here knows. You could also try providing some more information in that forum post, see: [12:01] !audio [12:01] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [12:02] TheSheep, Yeah i asked there [12:02] but there is no Change device in file [12:02] you could also check if there is a bug about it reported [12:02] !bugs [12:02] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [13:35] help question | how do I from the cmd remove all occurrences of urls in a speficied file? [13:42] rocko: grep -v 'http://' [13:43] rocko: that will output all lines that don't contain the string 'http://' [13:43] rocko: but I am sure there must be a smarter way === wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla [14:36] hiii === Null is now known as Guest63795 === Guest63795 is now known as null`` === null`` is now known as null_gr [14:37] i have a problem, anyone here? [14:37] !ask [14:37] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [14:37] !hi [14:37] Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [14:37] TheSheep, damn, why does ubottu reply to yours? :P [14:37] ok [14:37] Ah :P [14:37] !vinnl [14:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about vinnl [14:37] i installed xubuntu yesterday [14:37] ;P [14:38] firstly ethernet worked on winXP [14:38] :P [14:38] null_gr, congrats :) [14:38] now ethernet works only on Xfce [14:38] not on windows [14:38] what's the problem? [14:38] * vinnl thinks you'll have to consult Windows-people on that [14:38] Though I guess someone here will know as well [14:40] eh.. [14:41] How many times have you booted into Windows since that happened? [14:41] It might just be a one-time issue [14:41] no it's not one time [14:41] look what happens [14:41] null_gr: "doesn't work" is exteremely vague [14:41] ethernet turns on when xfce boot screen appears [14:41] null_gr: how do you tell? [14:42] but when i exit xfce ethernet turns off [14:42] i don't know what happens [14:42] null_gr: how do you tell it turns on/off? [14:42] Are you on a laptop? Do you have a LED displaying its state? [14:42] know i have a desktop and a router [14:44] i don't know english well ..TheSheep plz explain [14:44] "how do you tell" [14:44] How can you see the ethernet is turned on or off? [14:44] null_gr: "what makes you know that" [14:44] it's on the router [14:45] the light of ETH is turned off [14:45] it has : Power - ETH - Link - Internet [14:45] ETH light is off [14:45] when it's on , light is green [14:45] null_gr: is the ethernet card displayd in the hardware manager on windows? [14:45] yes [14:46] i tried reinstalling it [14:46] null_gr: is it enabled in there? [14:46] yes. [14:46] I would really ask on ##windows [14:46] I have never seen anything like that [14:47] eh [14:48] null_gr: you didn't play with changing your ethernet card's hardware address (MAC) on linux, did you? [14:48] nope. [14:50] I really don't know how to roeubleshoot windows network... It looks to me like you had some settings autodetected on royter and forced on Windows, and when you booted Linux, the router autodected them and changed defaults, so that when you run Windows with its forced settings, it doesn't work anymore [14:51] but I really don't know what it could be. if it was just IP, the led on the router would blink normally [14:52] don't know what to do [14:53] maybe try going through setting up a new connection on windows [14:53] or join ##windows and ask there [14:53] google could help too [14:54] i searched many times [14:55] i also joined in windows and they say "doesn't make sense" [14:55] blablabla. [14:55] yeah, it does sound very unlikely [14:55] maybe also review your router settings [14:56] does it have any logs you could check? [14:57] i can see system logs but i can't understand anything from here [14:59] rebooting.. [14:59] seems like Xfce "stole" drivers from windows [14:59] lawl [14:59] that's not possible [14:59] Hah, if that were possible :P [15:00] !windows [15:00] there was a fight between xfce and windows just before the installation [15:00] a fight? [15:01] And Xubuntu came out on top and Windows sat in a corner, alone and deserted :P [15:01] xfce won and stole the ethernet! [15:02] anyway [15:02] rebooting [15:02] that things happen only to me [15:12] doesn't work [15:12] i connected with USB [15:19] what do you think [15:19] if i uninstall xubuntu the problem will be solved? [15:19] doesn't sound logical. [15:20] we only can point you to any windows support channel. [15:20] it is totally impossible that any distribution could "steal" devices or drivers. [15:20] especially as the drivers between linux and windows are not even compatible [15:21] I believe my father once had something like this, that Xubuntu turned off his wlan device or something, to save energy I believe, and Windows wouldn't turn it on [15:21] and you arent'trunning them parallel [15:21] But I wouldn't know how he solved it [15:21] And that was wlan [15:21] And a laptop [15:21] yeah. [15:21] But if it's a similar problem, uninstalling Xubuntu would leave the device off [15:22] but you know, what was miraculous, i once got my wlan working before ethernet with a laptop [15:22] 0.o [15:22] so how can i solve it? [15:23] formatting the whole disk? [15:23] nope. [15:23] Call Microsoft support, perhaps? [15:23] you must find a way to turn on the device in windows. [15:23] and this isn't the right palce for that. [15:24] ok [15:24] uh, that might've sounded a bit rude. [15:24] !ohmy | knome [15:24] knome, please see my private message [15:25] Hah, that'll teach him :P [15:25] (@!ohmy | knome, that is) [15:25] :P [15:25] hah ;) [15:25] definitely. [15:25] but things like that bring the bad karma for linux [15:26] "of it broke my computer and i had to take it to tech support guy" [15:26] *oh [15:26] Yeah ah well, what can you do about it? [15:26] make it clear that we can't solve it. [15:27] and not even try [15:27] to give windows support [15:27] Didn't we do that? [15:27] yes. :) [15:28] because it (giving suppor to other OS's) only makes the "cutomer" feel like he deservers it and we should be able to fix it. [15:28] *customer [15:28] please, lovely ISP, get my damn broadband here soon! [15:29] *deserves [15:29] i'm getting these awkward typos because i can't proof-read my text while typing [15:29] because i'm surfing over a cellular internet [15:32] :P === CoJaBo__ is now known as CoJaBo [15:50] hu [15:50] hi [15:50] :) [15:50] !hi volo [15:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about hi volo [15:50] !hi [15:50] Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [15:50] thx === vinze is now known as vinnl [18:13] anyone know how to prevent VIM from breaking lines when you're editing? [18:15] :set nowrap [18:16] wrap is the same as break? [18:16] depends on what you mean by break [18:16] but yeah, that's the common word for it [18:16] as in, you're editing a line that wraps beyond a display line... [18:16] it's one line with no end of line chrs [18:16] then you edit it [18:16] and it it breaks into two lines [18:16] like a pico-style behavior [18:16] word wrap [18:16] that is word wrap? [18:17] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_wrap [18:20] no that still didn't do it. [18:20] it's breaking the the line during editing [18:20] it's not an issue of whether or not it wraps on the screen [18:21] editing a line longer than the display width is causing it to add return characters. [18:21] eg: vi bubba, :set nu (see line numerbs), esc-shift+A -- start tping and 1 line is broken to 12 [18:22] (where vi is alised to vim) [18:29] hey! [18:29] Hi [18:29] nuLl_gr [18:29] TheSheep, i managed to fix the problem [18:29] TheSheep -- greetings, much respect. [18:30] ethernet card drivers where not the last [18:50] SUNWspro [18:53] (ESC +) [18:53] :set wrapmargin=0 [18:55] Ultraputz, that fixored your issue? Share with the class. ;) [18:55] :set wrapmargin = 0 [18:55] * Ultraputz kicks Pres-Gas. [18:56] * Pres-Gas cries like a baby. [18:56] :-) [18:56] I must be the scapegoat for bad admins then eh? [18:57] no, you're being kicked in the direction of bad admins. [18:57] go forth, and slay! [18:57] * Pres-Gas recieves secret spy order....gets out his robe and wizard hat... [18:58] Wait, wrong meme [18:58] bloodninja could fix this. [18:58] Indeed, Ultraputz [18:58] /join xubuntu-offtopic [18:58] Esp as a rhino [18:58] ops [18:58] good point, sinbox [19:00] the channel is goon? [19:00] gone* [19:00] weird [19:00] ha [19:01] Well, I guess we can be offtopic for short periods of time...you know...low exposure to humor. [19:01] no worries [19:01] I was trying to get there, blank space at beginning of line doesn't help, nor does forgetting # in the channel name [19:02] Indeed, sinbox...I think I do that all the time [19:04] Hello all. Anyone able to clue me in to whether my old Dell Latitude C610 has 16-bit or 32-bit PCMCIA ports? I've tried support.dell.com and plenty o' Googlin' to no avail. [19:05] likeminded -- no idea on that one... [19:06] likemindead, did you try inputting the service tag into the dell support site? [19:07] I did. [19:07] Very confused. [19:07] You got linux on it now? [19:08] I don't use the PCMCIA ports for anything and I'd like to stick a card in there with a couple of USB 2.0 slots. [19:08] Try lspcmcia or check out dmesg [19:08] Pres-Gas: But of course! (Xubuntu 8.10) [19:08] dmesg | grep pcmc [19:08] You might be able to ring up dell and ask [19:08] but I dunno [19:09] Will do. (I'm not on the laptop at the moment. Taking notes.) [19:09] whenever the question is aout hardware discovery, dmesg is your friend. [19:09] diyf, Ultraputz? [19:09] meh? [19:09] did you just coin a new meme? [19:10] I'm still very much a terminal n00b--but I love learning. [19:10] dmesg is your friend [19:10] that would make me feel very special [19:10] and dmesg, too [19:10] * likemindead loves his special friends... ^__^ [19:10] Peace. [19:11] Aren't we all, or do you mean "Welcome to the Dollhouse" kinda special [19:11] crash-helmet special :-) [19:12] sweet, we still are all special [19:14] y helo thar [19:22] is dsl knoppix??? [19:25] yes [19:27] mmmm with a diffrent software package i guess [19:28] i dont know which version is the right for me... what does dsl-4.4.10-embedded dsl-4.4.10-initrd dsl-4.4.10syslinux dsl-4.4.10-vmx and sdl-4.4.10 mean? [19:30] subscious, http://damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Which_File_do_I_download%3F_(long_version) [19:32] thx [20:12] good luck, xubuntu'ers! [20:36] Does anybody know of a Download manager similar to the ones found on windows for linux? [20:36] Something that will pause and restart downloads, cope with dropouts, etc [20:36] DownThemAll extension for Firefox [20:39] cool thanks [21:47] Hello can anybody help me?? [21:47] !anybody [21:47] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [21:48] well xfce disables itself constantly and i cant fix it can you help with that? [21:48] What do you mean, disables itself? [21:49] Does it give you an error message or what? [21:50] i cant get in my home folder and the icons disappear and when i go to desktop it is disabled and when i enable it it works for about 30 seconds or until i click a folder or drive [21:52] when i try to enable it it acts like i am disableing it and says "if i want to ensure it does not start next time" [21:52] So, if you go into Settings Manager, Desktop, is there a check on "Allow Xfce to manage the desktop" [21:53] Then on behavior tab, under Desktop Icons, select File/launcher icons [21:53] no and when i click it it stays but then turns off and when i reopen it to check if its on it is unchecked again [21:55] You have to click on the Behavior Tab and check something under "Menus". If you want icons on the desktop, select File/launcher icons under "Desktop Icons", also [21:55] those are also checked [21:56] When you logout or quit/shutdown, click save my session. That saves the settings. [21:57] haven't tried that but it is disabling it so it will most likely be off when it saves [21:59] you may have a permissions problem also in /home/YOUR_USER_NAME [21:59] how would i fix that??? [21:59] i cant get in my home folder [22:00] You can't get into /home at all? Do you get any errors? [22:00] no errors but thunar won't open at all and not sure if that is related to my xfce prob [22:01] What version of Xubuntu is this? [22:01] 8.10 [22:01] ppc+ps3 though [22:02] not sure if that is the prob [22:02] intel ver of 8.04 worked on my pc but not this one [22:03] not this one on my ps3 that is [22:04] okay, Should still work, i think. Can you open a terminal? [22:04] yes i can [22:05] Open terminal, type ls -l and hit enter. It should show the files and owner. The owner should be your user name [22:05] ok it is [22:06] That is your home directory. so, clicking at the desktop you can't get into it, right. [22:06] not on the desktop or in places [22:07] can you get into other folders from Thunar? (like etc or usr?) [22:08] Try clicking on file system [22:08] nope it won't open at all [22:08] Is your hard drive full? [22:09] no it is a fresh install on a newly formatted drive [22:11] 81% free [22:11] What is the last thing added since the install? [22:12] nothing firts boot after install right now and pidgin is the only thing i have opened after the icons disappeared === vinze is now known as vinnl [22:13] in the terminal, type sudo apt-get update [22:13] and then do the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [22:13] That will bring the system up to date witht the latest changes. Maybe something is missing from the install [22:14] trying that now [22:14] It is probably going to require a restart after the updates. [22:15] it will be awhile its at 3% [22:16] yeah, it takes some time to get all the updates. [22:16] my transfer rate is ranging from 25KB/s to 155KB/s [22:16] Just come on back after the restart if it is not working yet. Someone will be here. [22:17] hope it works but if all else fails do you know of any good lightweight window manager? [22:17] Off the top of my head, I would guess fluxbox. [22:18] I have not used any, myself [22:18] I believe many like Openbox, not using that either [22:19] well i will look around to check some out if this fails [22:19] I use Blackbox given the choice [22:19] heard of both of those [22:20] not blackbox though [22:20] None of them are as easy to use as Xfce though ^.^ [22:20] Blackbox is as easy to use as Xfce4-wm [22:20] well my xfce might be completely screwed though [22:20] Definitely more easy to administer [22:21] well i will probably try blackbox if this fails then [22:22] You can always delete the hidden files in /home and restart. It will re-create them for you. [22:23] that is if i can get into home [22:25] well i might just get an enclosure and do it from my windows pc that works instead of trying to do it on here [22:26] 'lo [22:26] I couldn't recommend Blackbox, but I happen to really like it. [22:26] You already got to home from the terminal, sml1226 [22:27] !hi [22:27] Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [22:27] why wouldnt you recommend it then?? [22:27] when using a usb sound card, i can't seem to make the PCM control in the sound applet work. Anyone have ideas? [22:27] PCM control? [22:27] !sound [22:27] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [22:27] Is that a mixer thing? [22:27] ball: yes [22:27] pcm is the only mixer option [22:27] It could be that you're wiggling the mixer on your sound card, not the one on your USB thing. [22:28] vinnl: yes i have alsa working and control pcm via alsamixer [22:28] my pc did that too with the internal card [22:28] but it would be nice to have the gui applet working [22:28] ball: no, i have the usb device selected and controllable via alsamixer [22:29] perhaps it's broken. [22:29] hay guise [22:29] hi ball!! :D [22:29] under the sound control, i even see the option checkbox for pcm, but it won't stay selected [22:29] I almost bought a USB "telephone" style handset for US$ 16 recently [22:30] decided against it at the last minute. [22:30] anyone know what files control the xfce sound applet? [22:30] ball: hey did you ever get your webcam working? [22:31] charlie-tca: just noticed that message what do you mean?? [22:32] lc2: no, in part because I got distracted by a more pressing problem. Someone trying to tie my non-profit client to a proprietary package that requires a Windows server. [22:32] VERY BAD IDEA [22:32] fuck *that* shit [22:32] pardon my french :D [22:33] !language [22:33] Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [22:33] yes, quite. [22:33] :) [22:33] sorry vinnl [22:33] so i made another linux convert [22:34] Nice :) [22:34] when my stepdad had his xp box rooted last week, i was like, well, i can install linux for you and see how you get on with it, and he was like uhhh okay [22:34] I've done what I can to diplomatically shoot down that proposal in flames, but I may end up having to support the Linux package that will take its place. [22:34] he was kinda skeptical since i'm a pretty experienced user and have been using linux or bsd forever [22:35] I once installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot option for my mother - she didn't like it [22:35] but i installed it for him [22:35] But now her Windows partition crashed [22:35] today, he told me he would never go back to windows after seeing xubuntu :) [22:35] sml1226: When you did ls -l in the terminal window, you were in the home directory. You just can't seem to get there from Thunar [22:36] after i showed him the package manager, and how easy it was to install software, he was like "whoah" [22:36] charlie-tca: yeah [22:36] Hah, my mom would never install software :P [22:37] I gently suggested Ubuntu to my sister's husband for his dad's machine. [22:37] vinnl: my stepdad wouldn't, but when i showed him through the package manager [22:37] he was like "whoah" [22:37] ...since he used a live CD to rescue the data off it when Vista crapped out. [22:37] vista is crap [22:38] i still have my brother to convince [22:38] I've got *this* close to converting one of my brothers, only each time there was a problem with it not running [22:38] sml1226: you're preaching to the choir [22:38] even though he pwned my stepdad's linux box (hence "rooted" above), he's still all like "lol linux sux" [22:38] First had me to blame, admittedly: I wiped his complete hard drive [22:38] The rest were problems with Wubi [22:40] if you must use new windows you have to use the windows 7 beta not the most expensive piece of junk ever made by microsoft === jimmacdonald is now known as os2mac [22:41] i do like good old xp though [22:42] my stepdad likes the ease of use of it all [22:43] it has come to something when a technophobe can praise linux software for ease of use, but that's how it goes [22:44] linux is almost always fatser considering no resource hogging norton [22:44] people usually don't notice how hard to use windows is, because they think it's how it has to be [22:44] once you have it running, linux is easier to use, period [22:44] and linux is hard because it's new and different [22:44] windows isn't any easier to use [22:45] it's not harder to get things running on it, either [22:45] It's harder to get Linux in the door at most businesses though. [22:45] windows is so restricted [22:45] give a noob windows, from scratch, from a cd [22:45] see how they get along [22:45] even people who have had windows installed all along, give them windows and ask them to install it from scratch [22:46] vista is the challenge even for experienced windows users [22:47] but it sucks so experienced users avoid it [22:47] vista just sucks, i've dealt with broken vista boxes before [22:47] all i could do was a system restore [22:47] restores don't even always work on that crap [22:47] and after a few months of installing software etc, that thing was so damn slow [22:48] sml1226: it did for me, and i got paid for it, so that's okay [22:48] I'm off to cook some fish fingers anyway. [22:48] ball: save me some :D [22:48] That's how glamorous my life is. [22:49] lc2: well if you are getting paid then you hope you can find at least one restore point that works [22:49] well gotta see if this update fixed my problem [22:54] it didn't work!!!!!!!!!!!:-( [22:55] what are some good wm's that you guys would recommend 'cuz i forgot the ones you guys said earlier [22:55] Openbox, blackbox [22:55] Fluxbox [22:55] LXDE perhaps [22:56] u use any??? [22:56] Nope [22:56] oh ok:-( [22:56] Oh, you might want to try Crunchbang Linux, it's an Ubuntu derivative that uses Openbox and is quite popular, so it'll take less work to setup [22:57] will that require a new install? if so is there a ppc+ps3 version??? [22:57] Yep [22:58] Oh... Don't know [22:58] i dont have a 32 bit processer [22:58] or 64 [22:58] well it is but not amd 64 [22:58] do any require an intel or amd processor??? [22:59] Not the wm's, I think [22:59] ok ill look around for a good one that looks good to me then [23:03] wait what [23:03] you don't have a 32-bit or 64-bit processor? [23:03] wtf are you doing, installing on a megadrive? :P [23:03] it is a ppc [23:03] ps3 processor [23:04] IBM cell [23:04] sml1226: you'll be fine [23:05] lc2:fine installing the ubuntu with openbox or a new wm? [23:06] go for it [23:07] what? [23:07] sml1226: if it doesn't work, come back to us [23:08] oh ok [23:08] thanks [23:08] installed blackbox and am going to try it out now [23:08] quit: bye [23:23] Hey guys i got the desktop icons to work and xfce but thunar still won't open [23:24] Any errors when opened from a terminal? [23:24] how do u open it from terminal?? [23:27] Type "thunar" then press Enter [23:27] here is what it says [23:27] (thunar:4867): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_drag_source_set_icon_name: assertion `site != NULL' failed [23:27] Segmentation fault [23:28] Hmm, sucks, you found a bug [23:28] You might want to report that: http://bugzilla.xfce.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Thunar&format=guided [23:44] any file manager to replace thunar?? [23:45] hello where do I find a "force quit" application to force misbehaving applications to stop running? I cannot find it in my menu bar and it is not listed as an application [23:52] bgteefus: hold down ctrl-alt-esc [23:52] you'll get an 'x' cursor, whatever you click on is terminated [23:53] zoredache oh ok i will try that then :) next time I need it thanks so much [23:53] zoredache that didnt even occur to me :)