kelvie | the kde 4 theme for firefox is out of date... and buggy | 00:00 |
earle | it works pretty well for me... | 00:00 |
DerStillePete | okay how do i check it out ? | 00:00 |
earle | apart from the odd scrollbar arrows :) | 00:00 |
legodude__ | kelvie: howso buggy? | 00:00 |
Roey | Is 4.2 not going into Intrepid Ibex by default? | 00:01 |
kelvie | legodude__: the scrollbar arrows | 00:01 |
legodude__ | oh | 00:01 |
earle | kelvie: good to know it wasn't just on my machine! | 00:01 |
legodude__ | it crashes a lot for me, is unusable | 00:01 |
kelvie | hehe | 00:01 |
Roey | will it only appear natively in Jaunty? | 00:01 |
kelvie | but can anyone else with an intel card try changing resolutions within KWin? | 00:02 |
kelvie | it crashes X :O | 00:02 |
kelvie | for me, at least | 00:02 |
kelvie | which means I can't do presentations on my laptop | 00:02 |
legodude__ | kelvie: I don't know if it is the same problem, but whenever I try to go fullscreen mine crashes | 00:03 |
DerStillePete | earle: where do i find this kde 4 firefox theme ? | 00:03 |
Freddy2 | DerStillePete: | 00:04 |
earle | Yeah, what Freddy said. Sorry, I'm running in console mode now so not much good for webby stuff. | 00:05 |
mefisto__ | the firefox kde4 theme is a good idea but needs a bit more work | 00:06 |
psyco | hey guys, so installed kde 4.2, and now when I boot up I get "kinit: no resume image" | 00:07 |
psyco | and it stays in console, | 00:07 |
psyco | and it asks me to login.... | 00:08 |
DerStillePete | thanks so far, i'll have a look at it later | 00:08 |
psyco | and when I "startx" it tries but it can't find splash, windows managers, anything | 00:08 |
earle | I see the no resume image message as well, come to think of it. | 00:08 |
earle | Not sure if that's just debug info. | 00:08 |
psyco | how should I get past it? I get stuck there | 00:09 |
DerStillePete | so is there an issue with gwenview and digikam ? | 00:09 |
DerStillePete | or libkipi6 | 00:10 |
DerStillePete | seems like i can only have either digikam or gwenview.... | 00:10 |
earle | UH. WHAT. kde-core wasn't installed o_O | 00:12 |
mefisto__ | earle and psyco: maybe try editing your fstab and replace the UUID for swap partition to /dev/sda5 (or whatever your swap partition is) then reboot | 00:12 |
Macer | this sucks | 00:12 |
Macer | kubuntu on a macbook doesn't support adhoc networking | 00:13 |
Macer | i give up | 00:13 |
earle | mefisto__: *nod* | 00:13 |
Macer | guess it's back to osx | 00:13 |
earle | awwww | 00:13 |
Macer | it's a shame too because i really like kubuntu | 00:13 |
earle | don't go back to the dark side! | 00:13 |
Macer | i need to be able to have my phone tethered | 00:13 |
Macer | and adhoc wifi is the only way to do it on a G1 | 00:13 |
Macer | my n800 works great with the adhoc network stuff.. kubuntu (most likely because of the wifi driver) can't seem to grasp the concept of an open adhoc network | 00:14 |
earle | osx is made of slugs, used gum and the tears of orphaned children | 00:14 |
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Roey | :) | 00:14 |
Macer | i've tried it every which way | 00:14 |
Roey | Is 4.2 not going into Intrepid Ibex by default? | 00:14 |
Roey | will it only appear natively in Jaunty? | 00:14 |
Roey | or debut in jaunty, rather? | 00:15 |
earle | O LAWD IS DAT SOME KDE 4.2?! | 00:15 |
earle | HALLELUJAH | 00:16 |
earle | facepalm.jpg | 00:16 |
earle | I can't believe the problem all this time was that *something* uninstalled kde-core | 00:16 |
earle | :D :D | 00:17 |
ofv | after upgrading to 4.2, the taskbar is blue-ish instead of black. how can i revert this change? | 00:17 |
Freddy2 | switch to oxygen theme at desktop options | 00:17 |
earle | I have now seen that blue for the first time. I like it! | 00:17 |
Roey | So again | 00:17 |
earle | Oxygen is too Vista-ish for my tastes :) | 00:17 |
Roey | I noticed according to the FAQ that KDE 4.2 is in the PPA experimental respository for Intrepid. Will it stay there indefinitely, or will it move into the main repository? | 00:18 |
Roey | earle: oxygen has no contrast | 00:18 |
ofv | Freddy2: the theme is oxygen, it is the only one. | 00:18 |
JontheEchidna | Roey: eventually it'll be in intrepid-backports, but it should stay even after KDE 4.2 is in -backports | 00:18 |
Roey | hmm ok. | 00:19 |
Freddy2 | i've just tested a live cd including kde 4.2 and the droplist had a few themes, including blue, black, .. | 00:19 |
DerStillePete | ahhh and finally ark is usable | 00:19 |
Roey | So kde 4.2 is really only going to come by default in Jaunty then | 00:19 |
Roey | yes? | 00:19 |
JontheEchidna | correct | 00:19 |
Roey | ok. | 00:19 |
jammen33 | anyone having anything break when going to kde4.2 from 4.2beta | 00:19 |
Roey | I assume the same thing with kde 4.3 and Jaunty | 00:19 |
Freddy2 | DerStillePete: but no ark plasmoid for drag & drop in order to (de)compress files/folders, isn't it? | 00:20 |
Roey | Jaunty comes out in April and KDE 4.3 two months later | 00:20 |
mefisto__ | earle: so you've logged in to kde4? | 00:20 |
earle | Yep :) Using the new user I created. | 00:20 |
earle | It looks DELICIOUS. | 00:20 |
DerStillePete | plasmoid are not really working for me so far | 00:20 |
earle | Sorry, feeling slightly euphoric at the stress release. | 00:20 |
DerStillePete | well some of them do actually | 00:21 |
JontheEchidna | Roey: Yes. KDE 4.3 and its prereleases will be delivered in a similar manner in Jaunty as 4.2 was in Intrepid | 00:21 |
mefisto__ | earle: how did you work out that kde-core was not installed? | 00:21 |
jammen33 | do any plasmoids break from beta to final? | 00:21 |
DerStillePete | i didnt had the betas installed | 00:22 |
DerStillePete | so i came from 4.1 with some self-compiled plasmoids | 00:22 |
earle | mefisto__: I was going to uninstall it completely and reinstall it. Imagine my surprise! | 00:23 |
DerStillePete | so for instance weather is not working right now | 00:23 |
emanuel | Is kontact showing '%n' in the summary page for someone else here? I have it in Spanish an it says, for example, for a coming event, "en %n dias" (Spanish for 'in %n days') instead of showing the actual number. | 00:23 |
Freddy2 | mola XD | 00:24 |
Macer | sigh | 00:24 |
Macer | let me install osx again | 00:24 |
Macer | damnit | 00:24 |
ofv | the taskbar is blue, but teh background of some widgets (luna, volume, kcpuload) is black. The application launcher has a black backround, and the taskbar tooltips have a black background too. This is not nice at all. | 00:25 |
earle | Hmm. New problem. I moved /home/testuser to /home/earle, now I'm getting "kstartupconfig4 does not exist or fails. The error code is 3. Check" | 00:25 |
gorgonizer | also having problems with a number of plasmoids, though that may be due to the number I have running :( | 00:25 |
=== peter_ is now known as Guest57922 | ||
DerStillePete | so how do i get rid of the old plasmoids an make sure the new ones work ? | 00:26 |
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earle | Okay, moving it back works... Hmm. | 00:26 |
DerStillePete | was there an issue with the plasmoids in the rc's ? | 00:27 |
gorgonizer | I have had the same issue with plasmoids since Beta 2 if I recollect... | 00:27 |
DerStillePete | could not find requested componend is what i get | 00:28 |
euphrate | !tr | 00:28 |
ubottu | Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 00:28 |
DerStillePete | but the calender plasmoid for instance work.... | 00:29 |
=== Axis- is now known as guesswho | ||
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matt___ | When can I apt-get upgrade to KDE4.2? | 00:29 |
JontheEchidna | are the ones that don't work for you self-compiled? | 00:29 |
=== guesswho is now known as Axis- | ||
* earle waves from KDE 4.2-land | 00:30 | |
DerStillePete | i think i had only weather self-compiled | 00:30 |
DerStillePete | if i remember right | 00:30 |
DerStillePete | but the world plasmoid is also not working | 00:30 |
JontheEchidna | you'd need to recompile it, if it still compiles with KDE 4.2 | 00:30 |
JontheEchidna | what version is kdeplasma-addons at? | 00:31 |
JontheEchidna | apt-cache policy kdeplasma-addons | 00:31 |
DerStillePete | ah oh.... installed: none | 00:32 |
DerStillePete | so im supposed to install this one, right ? | 00:33 |
JontheEchidna | that's where the globe plasmoid is provided in KDE 4.2 | 00:33 |
DerStillePete | thanks ! and weather too ?? | 00:33 |
JontheEchidna | there is a weather widget, but not the same one as available from KDE 4.1 in Intrepid | 00:34 |
gorgonizer | I have 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa2 installed, and the globe and LCD Weather plasmoids fail to load... well, the Add widgets window just sits there and nothing happens... | 00:34 |
gorgonizer | eventually I have to kill the Add Widgets window, which kills plasma, and then I have to restart plasma.. | 00:34 |
JontheEchidna | are you sure there aren't any packages that still need upgrading/ | 00:35 |
gorgonizer | I did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade... | 00:35 |
gorgonizer | I have to force the installation of the wallpaper package, but everything else seemed to install okay.. | 00:36 |
DerStillePete | jon, the globe no fails with OpenGL shader not supported | 00:36 |
JontheEchidna | I'd do a sudo apt-get install -f to make sure all the packages were configured properly | 00:36 |
JontheEchidna | DerStillePete: yeah, that's expected if your card doesn't have pixel shaders or you aren't using the 3D drivers for your card | 00:37 |
JontheEchidna | if you do then that's a bug | 00:37 |
DerStillePete | no its okay on this laptop i think i do have a low profile hardware | 00:38 |
psyco | anyone know how to solve this problem? | 00:38 |
BluesKaj | ohoh , desktop is frozen...havent seen that in kde 4.2 before :P | 00:38 |
DerStillePete | but weather forecast still fails | 00:38 |
gorgonizer | all the plasma packages for 4.2 seem to be installed.. | 00:39 |
psyco | * I just installed 4.2 | 00:39 |
DerStillePete | psyco: yeah me | 00:39 |
gorgonizer | apt-get install -f only indicates that a package could be removed, nothing needs configuring/reconfiguring.. | 00:39 |
psyco | DerStillePete: elaborate? | 00:39 |
trance | mysql | 00:40 |
DerStillePete | psyco: well i dont care. it looks for a resume image. | 00:40 |
DerStillePete | actually thats what it says | 00:41 |
DerStillePete | maybe you didnt see it before | 00:42 |
psyco | yeah but my computer stops there now... | 00:42 |
DerStillePete | ahhh okay. my doesnt. | 00:43 |
DerStillePete | JontheEchidna: any hint for the weather forecast plasmoid ? | 00:45 |
Bizzeh | hi. from what i can see on the link on the kde4.2 news, i can get kde4.2 for kubuntu right now? | 00:45 |
JontheEchidna | nope :( | 00:45 |
JontheEchidna | er | 00:45 |
JontheEchidna | blizzeh: yes | 00:45 |
JontheEchidna | DerStillePete: nope | 00:46 |
DerStillePete | ;-) | 00:46 |
earle | oh fucking hell | 00:46 |
JontheEchidna | :P | 00:46 |
earle | agh bad language sorry | 00:46 |
Bizzeh | JontheEchidna: is it stable? gentoo seem to be having problems with it | 00:46 |
JontheEchidna | A few components do crash on startup but it's more of just an annoyance because it puts up a "this app crashed" dialog | 00:47 |
JontheEchidna | well, we've gotten reports of that. I myself haven't been experiencing them | 00:47 |
khalidmian | does amarok pretty much cover and do what kaffeine can? | 00:48 |
psyco | amarok plays movies? | 00:48 |
JontheEchidna | amarok doesn't play movies | 00:48 |
khalidmian | psyco: i dont know i thght d ask | 00:49 |
Bizzeh | not adding movie playback now is just lazy | 00:49 |
Bizzeh | its as easy as audio now | 00:49 |
Bizzeh | the only hard bit is the syncing | 00:49 |
khalidmian | isnt vls then kaffeine?better | 00:49 |
khalidmian | vlc i mean | 00:49 |
earle | Danger! Attention! Deleting a symlink in the folder view widget moves the *symlink target* to the trash! | 00:49 |
earle | I just narrowly avoided trashing my whole home directory. | 00:50 |
Freddy2 | khalidmian: you can try smplayer too | 00:50 |
psyco | Hey guys, I installed kde 4.2, but now I get stuck at this screen on bootup | 00:50 |
gorgonizer | looks like it is failing to start an X session... | 00:51 |
JontheEchidna | earle: works fine here | 00:51 |
khalidmian | i do one question i have no clue where and how to look for - i need a dvd/cd emulator open source ofcourse for ubuntu something like alcohol 120 for example | 00:51 |
psyco | yeah | 00:51 |
psyco | and when i login and "startx" | 00:51 |
robin0800 | psyco: x server has faild to start | 00:52 |
earle | JontheEchidna: Hmm. Must be a special case; it definitely happened, though. | 00:52 |
gorgonizer | have a look at the x log.. | 00:52 |
psyco | "There is no /home/user/.xsession" file | 00:52 |
khalidmian | is kde 4.2 out then? | 00:52 |
kde185 | khalidmian: yes | 00:53 |
gorgonizer | check /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 00:53 |
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robin0800 | khalidmian: yes and no | 00:53 |
robin0800 | khalidmian: you can update to it but there are no binary dists. yet | 00:55 |
psyco | ugh | 00:55 |
psyco | is there a way to uninstall KDE 4.2? | 00:55 |
earle | psyco: out of curiosity, what happens when you sudo apt-get install kde-base | 00:55 |
robin0800 | psyco: what driver is it using | 00:56 |
dvoid | is 9.04 going to support bluetooth? ;) | 00:56 |
Bizzeh | kubuntu already supports bluetooth | 00:56 |
Bizzeh | has done for a while hasnt it? | 00:56 |
dvoid | not for me it doesnt :P | 00:56 |
dvoid | nope | 00:56 |
psyco | earle: "package not found" | 00:56 |
mefisto__ | earle: already tried that, seems somethings wrong with psyco's sources.list | 00:56 |
Bizzeh | then you use some dodgy bluetooth stack :P | 00:57 |
dvoid | Bizzeh: they magicly forgot about bluetooth in 8.10 | 00:57 |
psyco | robin0800: the restricted driver for the radon 9600 | 00:57 |
Bizzeh | build your own kernel then | 00:57 |
Bizzeh | problem solved | 00:57 |
dvoid | its not the kernel, its kde4 | 00:57 |
Bizzeh | ahh | 00:58 |
Bizzeh | anyway | 00:58 |
Bizzeh | bbl | 00:58 |
robin0800 | thats the problem then | 00:58 |
kde185 | I think there was some bluetooth stack incompatibility with phonon | 00:58 |
dvoid | it does not support the backend in kbuntu | 00:58 |
Guest95116 | does anyone have or know where qt 3.0.2 is | 00:58 |
earle | mefisto__: ah. It was worth a try :) | 00:58 |
kde185 | er | 00:58 |
kde185 | solid | 00:58 |
psyco | robin0800: explain? | 00:58 |
=== Guest95116 is now known as stagga | ||
ur8up | looking for help with adept manager | 00:58 |
stagga | what you need ur8up | 00:58 |
robin0800 | psyco: change to ati | 00:58 |
DerStillePete | Jon, can you give me the name of the weather plasmoid in 4.2 ? I think i'm tryin to activate the old one.... | 00:58 |
ur8up | I do a search and nothing shows up example would be a search for minicom | 00:59 |
psyco | robin0800: fglrx? | 00:59 |
khalidmian | how do i remove koffice-data-kde4 | 01:00 |
robin0800 | psyco: yes change to ati | 01:00 |
cuznt | how does one remove all plasmoids? | 01:00 |
psyco | robin0800: how would I do that in console? | 01:01 |
stagga | dpkg -r koffice-data-kde4 | 01:01 |
psyco | cuznt: apparently its only the ones you manually installed | 01:01 |
cuznt | ah | 01:01 |
ur8up | can you help stagga | 01:01 |
cuznt | i dont think i did any | 01:01 |
bobleny | Is there a command to list the currentlly installed hardware? | 01:01 |
stagga | what are you trying to do | 01:01 |
zedority | just remove the plasmoids from the desktop? | 01:01 |
ur8up | install minicom and also kino | 01:02 |
Sophty | Hello. | 01:02 |
bobleny | Hi! | 01:02 |
Sophty | How do I access my internal card reader on my laptop? | 01:02 |
Sophty | It's not coming up CDs or USB drives do, nor can I find it anywhere else. | 01:02 |
stagga | update sources use entire list then search | 01:03 |
carpii | Sophty, have a look in /etc/mtab | 01:03 |
psyco | robin0800: according to xorg.conf my driver is fglrx .... | 01:04 |
Sophty | Where/how do I update sources? carpii, it's not there. I ejected it/plugged it back int o make sure. | 01:04 |
stagga | vim /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:04 |
zedority | sophty: the update sources suggestion was intended for ur8up | 01:06 |
=== devan is now known as Drblood | ||
khalidmian | W: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch - any help? | 01:06 |
stagga | it was for sophty to | 01:06 |
Drblood | I need a lot of help with Kubuntu I just installed it. | 01:06 |
Drblood | <_> | 01:06 |
stagga | you can update your sources from there | 01:06 |
Sophty | Haha. It sounded like it could've helped. | 01:07 |
Drblood | does anyone know how i can change what display driver I am using | 01:07 |
stagga | just remove # if you want to use that source | 01:07 |
psyco | is there a way to uninstall kde 4.2? | 01:07 |
ur8up | it says I can edit the /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:08 |
Sophty | Stagga, you assume I have any idea of what I'm doing. | 01:08 |
stagga | hold ur8up im checking to see what you see | 01:08 |
stagga | sophty just remove the # sign on the lines with deb or deb-src at the beginnig | 01:09 |
stagga | then use apt get update | 01:09 |
stagga | that will update sources | 01:09 |
stagga | kubuntu sources.list in google to get new ones | 01:10 |
Estagus_ | re all | 01:10 |
earle | oh my god I am having a heart attack from how awesome 4.2 is | 01:10 |
stagga | me to | 01:10 |
psyco | stfu, you're making me feel bad | 01:10 |
earle | thank you everyone who suggested solutions to my problem. | 01:10 |
ur8up | if I go into the gui and go to manage repos it will let me add them | 01:10 |
earle | :P | 01:10 |
earle | stick with it buddy, I almost gave up earlier | 01:10 |
stagga | but i cant get plasmoids to work can anyone help | 01:10 |
ur8up | i will work on this stagga thx for the help | 01:11 |
stagga | go sources edit software source | 01:11 |
stagga | kubuntu software click all of them | 01:11 |
Sophty | Oh, while I'm here, does KDE 4.2 solve the knetwork idiocy? | 01:12 |
stagga | the fetch current package list | 01:12 |
stagga | it works | 01:13 |
Estagus_ | I have ubuntu installed. then installed kde 4.1... some time uses nightly builds of kde 4.2.... now I want to see kde 4.2 release. I have "deb intrepid main" and done "gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add -" and after apt-get update I have " intrepid Release: BADSIG 60487016493B3065 Launchpad PPA for Kubuntu Most | 01:13 |
Estagus_ | Experimental Packages" | 01:13 |
earle | Hmm, knetworkmanager looks a lot better | 01:13 |
Estagus_ | and I can't install release of 4.2 | 01:13 |
stagga | use this mirror instead | 01:13 |
Sophty | Earle, but does it work better? Like, actually show nearby networks? | 01:14 |
stagga | estagus give me a sec then ill tell you the mirror | 01:14 |
* cuznt finishs upgrade brb | 01:14 | |
x-ip | hi! i'm on ubuntu 8.10, followed this guide and added deb intrepid main to my repositories but what packages should i install to get kde4.2Released ? | 01:14 |
stagga | apt-get install kde-nightly | 01:14 |
earle | Sophty: I'm about to find out | 01:14 |
x-ip | stagga, i dont have that package | 01:14 |
stagga | use this mirror instead i just gotta finish a dowload | 01:15 |
robin0800 | psyco: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:15 |
stagga | then ill show you | 01:15 |
earle | Sophty: Er... I'm not seeing any :/ | 01:16 |
stagga | # deb intrepid main | 01:16 |
x-ip | stagga, they are updated to the relese from today from kde ? | 01:16 |
x-ip | in this mirror ? | 01:16 |
x-ip | last time, project-neon has the release candidate | 01:16 |
x-ip | not the final relase launched today | 01:17 |
stagga | i already got it last night from that mirror | 01:17 |
stagga | estagus you got the mirror | 01:17 |
x-ip | so surely its the release candidate, not the final release | 01:17 |
stagga | yea but it a start | 01:17 |
x-ip | i dont want the release candidate bugs x'D | 01:18 |
stagga | works for me just a few minor issues | 01:18 |
Estagus_ | stagga: ? what mirror? | 01:18 |
Estagus_ | neon? | 01:18 |
stagga | # deb intrepid main | 01:18 |
stagga | then apt-get install ked-nightly | 01:18 |
stagga | then apt-get install kde-nightly | 01:18 |
stagga | it works good | 01:19 |
stagga | does anyone have or know where qt 3.0.2 is | 01:20 |
Estagus_ | no, it don't.... it uses separate .kde4-neon dir and If I make symlink to .kde it will frequently crash. more then current rc1 | 01:20 |
stagga | ok | 01:21 |
khalidmian | i cant seem to find kscreensaver or xscreensaver through search in adept | 01:21 |
stagga | but i don't think the other is realesed yet | 01:21 |
cbwcjw | Hi, can anybody help me get 4.2 onto my standard ubuntu? Id like to try it out, but when I add the kubuntu-experimental PPA repo it wont download because of no public key | 01:21 |
Estagus_ | stagga: why there instructions if there no normal builds? | 01:22 |
cbwcjw | Unfortunatley, I just read that | 01:22 |
earle | Hmm. Not having much luck on the wireless front. Something to play with tomorrow, I reckon. | 01:22 |
khalidmian | cbwcjw: u need to open treminal and paste :W: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch | 01:22 |
khalidmian | oooooops | 01:22 |
cbwcjw | and the command that says should fix the key, and its not working. | 01:23 |
dagwood | I had previously installed kubuntu-desktop on an ubuntu 8.10 system. Followed kubuntu 4.2 and added kubuntu-experimental repos. Did the upgrade but getting errors. Any ideas? | 01:23 |
khalidmian | cbwcjw: sorry paste gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add - | 01:23 |
cbwcjw | khalidmian: I did that. | 01:23 |
khalidmian | weird | 01:23 |
stagga | does anyone have or know where qt 3.0.2 is | 01:23 |
khalidmian | i just installed it without errors | 01:23 |
cbwcjw | | 01:24 |
cbwcjw | theres a screenie | 01:24 |
khalidmian | i cant seem to find kscreensaver or xscreensaver through search in adept any help on that? | 01:24 |
stagga | cb was that 2 me | 01:24 |
cbwcjw | stagga: Im not sure, whoever can help me figure this out :) | 01:24 |
stagga | neva mine thought you knew where qt 3.0.2 is at | 01:25 |
gorgonizer | dagwood: from the command line, do dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa4_i386.deb | 01:26 |
robin0800 | khalidmian: might be kdescreensaver | 01:26 |
gorgonizer | worked for me, with wallpaper packages that failed to install.. | 01:26 |
khalidmian | robin0800: nope | 01:27 |
cbwcjw | Can anybody help me out here, the public key wont add. | 01:27 |
khalidmian | cbwcjw: sorry i have no help on that i apologize | 01:28 |
dagwood | gorgonizer, no dice: | 01:29 |
stagga | keep using apt-get update | 01:29 |
stagga | give it time | 01:29 |
stagga | check back frequently | 01:29 |
stagga | and it might just work | 01:29 |
stagga | i have had the same problem and it was fixed by apt-get update | 01:29 |
gorgonizer | dagwood: you will need to ensure the packages listed are installed, so ensure that kdebase-runtime, kdelibs5, libkdecorations4 and libkwineffects1 are installed.. | 01:30 |
carpii | is there a kde app which will show a list of choices (buttons, listbox etc), than i can script from bash for simple interaction? | 01:30 |
dagwood | gorgonizer, ok, thanks. will do | 01:30 |
earle | Okay - thanks for help all, I'm hitting the sack. :) | 01:31 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: I have not added the public key for the kubuntu-experimental repo, and can install from the command line.. | 01:31 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: Awesome. How so? | 01:31 |
gorgonizer | fromt he command line apt-get update && apt-get upgrade - you will get an additional prompt warning of the lack of an auth key, but you can type Y to bypass.. | 01:32 |
gorgonizer | you may also need to add && apt-get dist-upgrade at the end of the comand.. | 01:32 |
gorgonizer | oh yeah, I always sudo -i before hand.. as I get sick of typing sudo.. | 01:33 |
gorgonizer | I am lazy, for which I apologise.. | 01:33 |
cbwcjw | I do sudo bash :D | 01:33 |
cbwcjw | Same. | 01:33 |
robin0800 | khalidmian: your right its kscreensaver | 01:33 |
khalidmian | how do i get new amarok | 01:33 |
gorgonizer | on interpid? | 01:34 |
cbwcjw | alright, so apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-updgrade ? | 01:34 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: indeed :) | 01:34 |
gorgonizer | you should get an additional prompt after agreeing the packages to update.. | 01:34 |
mefisto__ | you could also add --allow-unauthenticated to the apt-get command to ignore the gpg auth stuff | 01:34 |
cbwcjw | Yea. | 01:34 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: you will need to add a different repo to Intrepid to get it.. | 01:34 |
dagwood | gorgonizer, they are all installed and are listed as 4.2 | 01:34 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: so yes and thats it? | 01:35 |
p_quarles | is it just me, or is kget in 4.2 completely non-functional? | 01:35 |
khalidmian | i tried sudo apt get amarok-kde4 | 01:35 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: tat is indee the extra prompt :) | 01:35 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: Awesome and thanks. | 01:36 |
zedority | ugh. kde4.2 install failed. the package python-plasma i had installed conflicted with it, apparently | 01:36 |
gorgonizer | dagwood: try the dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa4_i386.deb command again.. | 01:36 |
khalidmian | i forget install duh | 01:36 |
khalidmian | its sudo apt-get install amarok-kde4 | 01:36 |
dagwood | gorgonizer, I did, same thing | 01:36 |
stagga | does anyone have or know where qt 3.0.2 is | 01:37 |
zedority | now when i try to remove python-plasma apt-get complains about broken packages | 01:37 |
neothecat | what is the "de-facto" media player for KDE, mainly video? | 01:38 |
gorgonizer | dagwood: exactly the same error message as before, with the same list of problem packages? | 01:38 |
kde185 | neothecat: dragon player | 01:38 |
gorgonizer | dagwood: does apt-get install -f try to install owt? | 01:38 |
neothecat | kde185: thanks | 01:38 |
dagwood | gorgonizer, yes exact same libs | 01:39 |
zedority | how do i get apt back into a sane state? | 01:39 |
gorgonizer | dagwood: what if you run dpkg --configure -a | 01:40 |
darren | hey, i am trying to get the fglrx driver to activate in 8.10. but i cant seem to make it activate.. i have ran a full update so that everything is up to date as of about 20 seconds ago, and rebooted to make sure, but when i hit activate on the ati/amd proprietary fglrx graphics driver.. the hardware drivers app just sits there and does nothing | 01:40 |
darren | can anyone tell me if i am missing something, and why i cant activate the fglrx driver? | 01:41 |
gorgonizer | darren: waht driver is selected in /etc/X11/xorg.conf? | 01:42 |
gorgonizer | *what.. | 01:42 |
darren | not sure, all i know at the moment is that im being told that fglrx is not active, and when i hit activate, nothing happens | 01:43 |
dagwood | gorgonizer, ok apt-get install -f set up most things the I did dpkg -i --force-overwrite on the systemsettings package. It looks like I'm set. Thanks a ton. What a help | 01:43 |
mathiasbrito | someone did get google gadgets in 4.2 final released to kubuntu 8.10 | 01:44 |
mathiasbrito | ??? | 01:44 |
gorgonizer | hmmm.. not tried a ATI card for a while tbh... I would check the xorg.conf file to see what driver X server is using.. | 01:44 |
darren | xorg.conf doesnt seem to have anything in it at all except for a very basic device/monitor/screen config, no drivers are selected at all? | 01:44 |
gorgonizer | dagwood: happy to be of assistance... | 01:44 |
dagwood | much appreciated. Now off to look at 4,2... | 01:44 |
gorgonizer | darren: is there a device section? | 01:45 |
khalidmian | adept still not showing me option to install kscreensaver or xscreensaver | 01:45 |
mathiasbrito | i'd never got google gadgets working in any release of kde 4.2 for kubuntu 8.10 | 01:45 |
mathiasbrito | nor beta1, beta2, RC, and now final | 01:45 |
mathiasbrito | :( | 01:46 |
darren | gorgonizer: yes, but there is nothing in there other than the name of the device.. thats it | 01:46 |
khalidmian | paleez help | 01:46 |
mefisto__ | darren: just put it in: Device "ati" | 01:47 |
gorgonizer | darren: add a new line which has Driver "fglrx" | 01:47 |
mefisto__ | um *Driver | 01:47 |
darren | wont some automation kick in later on and delete it? | 01:47 |
darren | thought ubuntu tried to keep me away from manually editing files | 01:48 |
gorgonizer | darren: not that I have had a problem with, though I am on nvidia... | 01:48 |
khalidmian | also the other question i have for everyone- i need an emulator cd/dvd drive for kubuntu a virtual drive to run disc images | 01:49 |
satan2k | bonsoir tout le monde | 01:49 |
satan2k | hello everyone | 01:49 |
darren | mount -o bind /path/to/iso.iso /mnt/mountediso | 01:49 |
satan2k | :) | 01:49 |
darren | iirc | 01:49 |
neothecat | does anybody know which plugin i need to get dragon to play AVI files? i tried xine-plugin-all, and it still won't recognize AVI files | 01:49 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: kscreensaver appears in Adept for me, after typing kscreen | 01:50 |
khalidmian | darren: i dont know if that was an answr to my question | 01:50 |
seele | how do you uninstall old plasmoids? or does that just mean plasmoids you installed through ghns? | 01:50 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: let me check | 01:51 |
satan2k | neothecat : non-free-codecs ? | 01:51 |
darren | also, its a good job i have a 20mbit connection here... installed 8.10.. then to get to kde4.2, had to install over 400mb of updates | 01:51 |
darren | was 300mb without kde4.2 | 01:51 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: nothing here at all | 01:51 |
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gorgonizer | neothecat: try installing kubuntu-restricted-extras.. | 01:51 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: sudo mount mycd.iso /media/mountpoint/ -t iso9660 -o loop | 01:52 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: i typed kscreen - no results in adept | 01:52 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: that is worrying, have you tried from the command line? | 01:52 |
satan2k | neothecat : why not using vlc, it has been ported over QT now :) | 01:52 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: im sorry i havent | 01:52 |
satan2k | Qt (sorry) | 01:52 |
satan2k | mistyped | 01:53 |
neothecat | gorgonizer: thanks, i'll give that a try | 01:53 |
etix_ | #ubuntu | 01:53 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: isnt there an open source program similar to alcohol 12 | 01:53 |
gorgonizer | no need to apologise khalidmian, also kiso may do what you want with regards to running virtual drives (I think).. | 01:53 |
stagga | the burning software alcohol 12 | 01:53 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: would it be sudo apt-get kscreensaver | 01:53 |
gorgonizer | it would be sudo apt-get install kscreensaver | 01:54 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: maybe. I did find a konqueror servicemenu that worked well to do it automatically | 01:54 |
khalidmian | stagga alcohol is more then a burning software its an emulator of cds/dvds | 01:54 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: would it be sudo apt-get kscreensaver??? | 01:54 |
seele | "Old Plasma packages are not compatible with KDE 4.2, you should uninstall any plasmoids." < just plasmoids i added to the install or does that include the base plasmoids as well? | 01:55 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: sudo apt-get install kscreensaver (press tab at the end of the command, as there are additional packages for kscreensaver) | 01:55 |
satan2k | damn kde 4.2 is working really great :) | 01:56 |
zedority | how does one emulate a cd/dvd? | 01:56 |
devin | hey, can someone help me with a broadcom card? | 01:56 |
cachito | hola | 01:58 |
mefisto__ | stdin: are you still around? | 02:00 |
devin | hey, can someone help me with a broadcom card? | 02:01 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: the thing I found to mount iso with a gui I think was created by stdin. so if he turns up, ask if it works with kde4 | 02:02 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: i seem to be having issues with xscreensaver | 02:02 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: what issues are you experiencing? | 02:02 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: i tried the same procedure you suggested on kscreensaver install tab at the end but it deosnt install dependencies | 02:04 |
khalidmian | if you call them dependencies lol | 02:04 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: I just did sudo apt-get install kscreensaver kscreensaver-xsavers kscreensaver-xsavers-extra - seems to work | 02:06 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: I return! Updating.. didnt work. I dont have the actual packages :) | 02:07 |
andre_pl | so is it true that the experimental ppa repos for kubuntu have 4.2 final? | 02:08 |
cbwcjw | andre_pl: yes | 02:08 |
JontheEchidna | andre_pl: yes | 02:08 |
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andre_pl | what exactly do I need to install to get the basics? just kdebase? | 02:08 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: which packages are missing? | 02:08 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: I dont know :P Is there one package that covers it all? | 02:09 |
JontheEchidna | andre_pl: installing the kde-core package should pull in only the basics | 02:09 |
JontheEchidna | it's the bare minimum | 02:09 |
cbwcjw | Well that hits my question.. sort-of. Is there something that covers it all? | 02:09 |
JontheEchidna | for a more "normal" experience, installing kubuntu-desktop should give you all the KDE apps installed in a default kubuntu installation | 02:09 |
cbwcjw | Thanks :D | 02:10 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: did you get an error at the end of the upgrade? | 02:10 |
cbwcjw | No, I just didnt get anything. Also, kubuntu-desktop could not be found | 02:10 |
cbwcjw | oh wait. | 02:10 |
mathiasbrito | Hi folks, someone did get google gadgets working in kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.2? | 02:10 |
andre_pl | thanks guys, brb. going to log in now. | 02:10 |
cbwcjw | Thats better. Thanks fellas | 02:10 |
Talon^ | i've recently installed kubuntu with kde4.1. I'm the only user of the computer and i'd like it to just start as me, how do i auto login like kde3? | 02:11 |
Talon^ | its my home computer, there never will be any more users, it should just auto-login as me | 02:12 |
carpii | do i need a certain package in order to mount a remote nfs share from fstab ? | 02:12 |
carpii | im getting the error "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on" | 02:12 |
tbr281 | whats the command line for upgrading to kde 4.2? | 02:12 |
gorgonizer | Talon^: you hould b ale to fin it in he Login manager option n th systemsttings.. | 02:13 |
gorgonizer | should be in the Advanced section.. | 02:13 |
Talon^ | there is no login manager in the system settings | 02:13 |
gorgonizer | ahh, I am on KDE 4.2, and it is there.. | 02:14 |
JontheEchidna | It's in KDE 4.1 too, just in the Advanced tab of System Settings | 02:14 |
gorgonizer | I cannot remember 4.1, apologies.. | 02:14 |
gorgonizer | tbr281: if you have the repos added to /etc/apt/sources.list, you should be able to do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:15 |
Aranel | is something wrong with kde4.2 packages? they fail at kde-window-manager and systemsettings | 02:15 |
gorgonizer | Aranel: does the error indicate that they cannot install as they fail to overwrite previous files? | 02:16 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: yeah. exactly. | 02:16 |
usp | cmd | 02:16 |
usp | sorry | 02:16 |
Aranel | plasma-add-to-shorcut-menu and | 02:16 |
gorgonizer | from the command line, do dpkg -i --force-overwrite (packagename), eg dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa4_i386.deb | 02:17 |
cbwcjw | In about 5 minutes I hope to be on KDE 4.2. I used to REALLY like KDE, but gnome overtook me for usability | 02:17 |
gorgonizer | I had to do that.., worked for me :) | 02:17 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: KDE 4,2 is starting to re-add the features that I loved in KDE 3.5.. | 02:18 |
cbwcjw | :) Cool | 02:18 |
khalidmian | cant seem to find kscreensaver-webcollage | 02:19 |
cbwcjw | Im 15, but I know my stuff, and KDE 3.5 was.. great. I just didnt get to appreciate it, being my age Ive taught myself this stuff, and its definitley awesome. | 02:19 |
usp | is kde 4.2 working good? (does it exist ?) | 02:19 |
Aranel | thanks gorgonizer, trying now =) | 02:19 |
gorgonizer | usp: working great for me :) | 02:19 |
Talon^ | i think its still beta | 02:19 |
cbwcjw | usp: It exists and released today, january 27th | 02:19 |
gorgonizer | the final release came out today | 02:19 |
Talon^ | ooo | 02:19 |
Talon^ | so its not beta | 02:19 |
cbwcjw | nope :) | 02:20 |
cbwcjw | | 02:20 |
gorgonizer | or yesterday, sorry, forgot the time. | 02:20 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: in, it says "hen you log in you will have KDE 4.2 Release Candidate 1. Enjoy. " , Is it a typo error? Its not RC. | 02:20 |
tbr281 | whats the distro upgrade repo? | 02:20 |
usp | gorgonizer : and its ok with out bugs with plasma and etc... ? | 02:20 |
gorgonizer | Aranel: yeah I think they just reused the page for the RC1 release. | 02:21 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: it works :) thank you. i'll restart X and try new KDE. | 02:22 |
cbwcjw | Go figure, people are lazy :D | 02:22 |
gorgonizer | usp: I am finding the occasional bug.. but they may just be from the way I use KDE4.2.. | 02:22 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: and hows that o.o | 02:22 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: o.o? | 02:22 |
cbwcjw | Tis a face. | 02:23 |
cbwcjw | A very scared face. | 02:23 |
andre_pl | meh... :) | 02:23 |
cbwcjw | Is there any way to change the startup "Kubuntu" back to "Ubuntu" | 02:23 |
andre_pl | why is the text so horribly pixelated when you tilt these widget things on an angle? | 02:24 |
andre_pl | zero anti-aliasing | 02:24 |
carpii | can anyone help me mount a nfs share in fstab please.... | 02:25 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: reinstall gdm (I assume you waht the gdm login screen, rather than kdm) | 02:25 |
cbwcjw | Well I chose GDM for the login screen | 02:25 |
cbwcjw | I ment the loading screen | 02:26 |
gorgonizer | ahhh, for that, I am not so sure, I would assume reinstalling ubuntu-desktop might do it.. | 02:27 |
usp | people where did u get 4.2, is it official repository ? | 02:27 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: I have plasmoids everywhere, I think I may have reached a natural limit of the number of plasmoids that can be used.. | 02:27 |
JontheEchidna | cbwcjw: removign kubuntu-artwork-usplash might do it | 02:28 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: Awesome hahaha | 02:28 |
cbwcjw | JontheEchidna: Alrighty. | 02:28 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: :( new release messed up everything | 02:28 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: I would try removing the usplash first, as mentioned above.. | 02:29 |
gorgonizer | Aranel: what has happened? | 02:29 |
cbwcjw | Awwwesome im so happy. KDE 4.2 so far is awesome | 02:29 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: kwin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 02:29 |
JontheEchidna | Aranel: sounds like the upgrade wasn't completed | 02:32 |
uranther | im trying to upgrade to kde 4.2 using these instructions and i get 72 packages that are "kept back" and i'm still in KDE 4.1 | 02:33 |
JontheEchidna | Aranel: do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to make sure that there aren't any packages that still need to upgrade | 02:33 |
cbwcjw | Guess who just started to love KDE again?? | 02:33 |
gorgonizer | Aranel: is kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 installed on your system? | 02:34 |
Talon^ | im doin the upgrade right now | 02:34 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: Is it Brian? | 02:34 |
mefisto__ | cbwcjw: that's how I feel, and I've only seen video of it on | 02:34 |
JontheEchidna | uranther: how did you upgrade? | 02:34 |
Talon^ | im on a slow dsl connection so its gonna take me an hour | 02:34 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: Perhaps :P but this is VERY nice. | 02:34 |
uranther | apt-get upgrade | 02:34 |
uranther | now i'm using dist-upgrade and i think it's working :D | 02:34 |
JontheEchidna | uranther: yep. ^_^ | 02:35 |
JontheEchidna | that's what I was gonna suggest | 02:35 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: I tried JonTheEchidna's command and it says i need to install 70+ packages. But apt-get upgrade says its already updated. | 02:35 |
cbwcjw | mefisto__: Yea, this was definitley worth it :) KDE just got its respect back. Maybye linus thinks so too haha | 02:35 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: I have loved the look of KDE4 from the off, now at least the functionality returns.. | 02:35 |
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* uranther hopes kwin 4.2 is less buggy | 02:35 | |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: yea :D Thanks so much, you guys seem more intresting than #ubuntu anyways. | 02:35 |
uranther | in 4.1, in flips out when GTK apps are running in the desktop | 02:36 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: no. i dont have this package. | 02:36 |
* cbwcjw knows kwin 4.2 is less buggy | 02:36 | |
uranther | :D | 02:36 |
usp | there is now way to dowgrade in 4.1, isn't it ? | 02:36 |
gorgonizer | Aranel: did the upgrade fail for you at some point? It may be installed, but not configured... try dpkg --configure -a | 02:36 |
JontheEchidna | ur8up: that's actually a nvidia driver problem, fixed in the latest 180 series released | 02:36 |
JontheEchidna | *releases | 02:36 |
JontheEchidna | er | 02:36 |
gorgonizer | sorry, should have had a sudo at the start.. | 02:37 |
JontheEchidna | that was meant for uranther | 02:37 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: not failed. im trying now dist-upgrade | 02:37 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: thank you and JontheEchidna =) | 02:37 |
uranther | JontheEchidna: oh.. how do i update that? | 02:37 |
gorgonizer | good luck! Aranel: If I can, I am always happy to help :) | 02:37 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: more sudo fail :P | 02:38 |
JontheEchidna | uranther: I don't know. I know Kubuntu jaunty has the drivers but... | 02:38 |
gorgonizer | yeah, I know.. | 02:38 |
uranther | hm | 02:38 |
uranther | i'll look it up later | 02:38 |
gorgonizer | uranther: they are not on Intrepid yet, yu ca getthem from the Nvidia website I think.. | 02:39 |
uranther | i see | 02:39 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw: lazyness is in my genetic code, I cannot help it :( | 02:39 |
cbwcjw | gorgonizer: sudo bash, and the permission problem is solved. haha | 02:40 |
cbwcjw | I do it to | 02:40 |
gorgonizer | I just do sudo -i | 02:40 |
cbwcjw | haha, that works to | 02:40 |
gorgonizer | and then have a root prompt open forever!! | 02:40 |
Tamagotono | gorgonizer: do you have libplasma2 installed? I am having the same issue with kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 too. | 02:40 |
gorgonizer | nope, libplasma3 now.. | 02:41 |
khalidmian | i have serious issues with adept i need help | 02:41 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: i tried searching firefox under adept and it doesnt work | 02:42 |
JontheEchidna | !ask | 02:42 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 02:42 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: can i try reinstaling adept? | 02:42 |
JontheEchidna | khalidmian: sudo update-apt-xapian-index, then try again | 02:42 |
gorgonizer | what version of Adept do you have khalidmian? | 02:42 |
Talon^ | khalidmian, did you enable 3rd party lists in your adept package lists? | 02:42 |
Talon^ | did you edit them yet/ | 02:42 |
Talon^ | cause i installed firefox today, and thats what i did | 02:43 |
khalidmian | adept ver beta4 | 02:43 |
* mefisto__ looks up update-apt-xapian-index | 02:43 | |
gorgonizer | same here... are the additional sources added to sources.list? | 02:43 |
Tamagotono | gorgonizer: hmm. I wonder if that is the problem... I need to reboot to my intrepid install, then I'll check if maybe I just missed a package... back in a few | 02:43 |
khalidmian | Talon^: yes third party is enabled | 02:43 |
cbwcjw2 | Ahha! | 02:44 |
Talon^ | odd.. thats all i did, re-fetched the lists, and firefox was there and i installed it | 02:44 |
cbwcjw2 | Yes, this is definitley the best version of KDE. Im loving it so far, im actually talking from it now. | 02:44 |
Talon^ | i just installed kubuntu 8.10 today tho | 02:44 |
khalidmian | Talon^: refetching index via terminal | 02:44 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: do you have main universe multiverse restricted enabled? | 02:44 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: sorry one sec | 02:45 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: talons answer worked- very odd | 02:46 |
khalidmian | Talon^: ty for that help | 02:46 |
Talon^ | yupp | 02:46 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: glad that problem has been solved for you :) | 02:46 |
khalidmian | that was so odd for adept to go blank | 02:47 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: stil looking for a virtual drive program | 02:47 |
cbwcjw2 | gorgonizer: This is great. Like, very good. Using KDE on this laptop used to be hell. Now its perfect, or at least a LOT better | 02:47 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: The only one I have used is KISO, which I found to be a bit limited for me.. | 02:48 |
Talon^ | i wanna try kubuntu on my laptop as well, but i dont wanna go thru the package updates all over again lol | 02:48 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: what are you doing with the virtual drives? | 02:48 |
cbwcjw2 | :) I use windows on my main machine. Unfortunatley, Gaming :( | 02:48 |
Talon^ | ive been gettin this thing all updated n gettin stuff workin since last night | 02:48 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw2: The laptop I have is so shit I have to use fluxbuntu.. | 02:49 |
Talon^ | cbwcjw, most games work in wine.. I play css in wine, and doom3 | 02:49 |
khalidmian | gorgonizer: lets say i want to run an iso file i downloaded instead of burning in on a cd i can run it via virtual drive | 02:49 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw2: I haven't really gamed for years, apart from the occasional bout of Openttd.. | 02:49 |
cbwcjw2 | Talon^: Yea, Ive experimented with crossover, ect, but I just cant seem to break it. Im not sure. | 02:50 |
Talon^ | im a counter-strike fan, old cs1.6 and cs:source | 02:50 |
gorgonizer | khalidmian: are the isos of films, or summat else? | 02:50 |
carpii | you can just mount an iso in console | 02:50 |
cbwcjw2 | Counter strike is great, but.. im not sure. There seems to be nothing stopping me from switching, but Im so hesitant. | 02:50 |
khalidmian | Talon^: films or software | 02:50 |
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drblood | how do i change my background | 02:51 |
Talon^ | khalidmian, what do you mean? | 02:51 |
gorgonizer | drblood: the wallpaper? | 02:51 |
drblood | yes | 02:51 |
gorgonizer | you should be able to right click on the background and choose theappearance settings option.. | 02:52 |
carpii | sudo mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/iso | 02:52 |
khalidmian | lets say i have linuxjaunty.iso and i want to run it using a virtual drive program rater then burn it | 02:52 |
carpii | see above, just mount it then access it from /mnt/iso | 02:52 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: sudo mount mycd.iso /media/mountpoint/ -t iso9660 -o loop | 02:53 |
Talon^ | hmm.. i have a buncha dvds on my computer, i wonder if i can make the video_ts folder an iso, mount it, and play dvd video with kaffiene... i dont want to burn all these movies just to watch 'em | 02:53 |
drblood | i dont see that option | 02:53 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: just create the mountpoint first | 02:53 |
drblood | nvm i found it | 02:53 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: lol ill have to remember that sudo line everytime? | 02:53 |
gorgonizer | Talon^: some programs can play the VOB files without conversion.. | 02:53 |
Talon^ | windows dvd xpack has an option for play dvd from folder | 02:54 |
carpii | khalid, so script it. thats what linux is all about :p | 02:54 |
mefisto__ | kaffeine plays dvds from a folder | 02:54 |
Talon^ | gorgonizer, some of them work if i open the folder with kaffiene, but some dont.. so not all are watchable | 02:54 |
gorgonizer | try VLC instead.. | 02:54 |
Talon^ | mefisto__, how do you do it properly/ | 02:54 |
Talon^ | gorgonizer, i did, vlc locks up | 02:54 |
khalidmian | carpii: ill get back to u on learning how to script im a newbie | 02:54 |
=== amelie is now known as Amelie1973 | ||
Amelie1973 | hi | 02:55 |
jimdb | anyone in here? | 02:55 |
khalidmian | vlc rocks | 02:55 |
Talon^ | vlc fails on my pc.. dunno why | 02:55 |
Amelie1973 | i'm unable to view youtube because of adobe flashplayer | 02:55 |
jimdb | vlc with the iphone remote rocks. | 02:55 |
cbwcjw2 | VNC and VLC rock. If it starts with V and ends with C, most likley it rocks. | 02:55 |
Talon^ | kaffiene works great | 02:55 |
Amelie1973 | i've already installed it, and it doesn't work | 02:55 |
mefisto__ | Talon^: File, open directory... | 02:55 |
cbwcjw2 | Does kopete still NOT support chats... | 02:55 |
gorgonizer | I occasionally get issues with Kaffeine, but VLC works without fault usually... have you tried MPlayer, or one of its frontends (kplayer/smplayer)? | 02:56 |
mefisto__ | Talon^: this is in hardy, kde3 | 02:56 |
Talon^ | mefisto__, will the menus still work? | 02:56 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw2: what chats? | 02:56 |
jimdb | amelie: remove the free flash and download/install the flashplayer 10 from adobe's site. | 02:56 |
mefisto__ | Talon^: menus work for me. it's just like dvd on a disk | 02:56 |
cbwcjw2 | gorgonizer: AIM chats :( | 02:56 |
Talon^ | mefisto__, sweet im gonna try it | 02:56 |
gorgonizer | Talon^: as long as the VOB file containing the menu is present, the menus will work.. | 02:56 |
jimdb | does anyone know how to change the digital clock in kde 4 to show a 12 hour format? | 02:56 |
mefisto__ | Talon^: I can also right-click the dvd folder and there is "play with Kaffeine" | 02:57 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw2: I don't use AIM, just WLM.. | 02:57 |
cbwcjw2 | gorgonizer:Meh, its fine :D Pidgin is still my standard | 02:57 |
gorgonizer | ahh, I prefer Kopete, except when it decides it cannot connect to WLM servers.. | 02:57 |
Talon^ | hmm | 02:58 |
jimdb | wlm servers? | 02:58 |
Talon^ | menus dont work for me in kaffiene | 02:58 |
gorgonizer | Windows Live Messanger.. | 02:58 |
cbwcjw2 | Windows live messenger can fail. | 02:58 |
Amelie1973 | can't revove it! | 02:58 |
jimdb | does anyone know how to make the digital clock in kde 4.2 show a 12 hour format? | 02:58 |
Amelie1973 | i don't remember the name | 02:58 |
Amelie1973 | of the file | 02:58 |
Talon^ | ohhh ok | 02:58 |
jimdb | that's where pidgin has its strengths. | 02:59 |
Talon^ | i was opening just the video_ts folder, instead of the actual folder containing video/audo_ts | 02:59 |
Talon^ | now the menus work | 02:59 |
Talon^ | sweet! | 02:59 |
mefisto__ | Talon^: I was just going to ask you about that | 02:59 |
devin | can someone help me with a broadcom card? | 02:59 |
JontheEchidna | jimdb: in System Settings, go to Regional and Language | 02:59 |
gorgonizer | cbwcjw2: I have 2 accounts on my system, and one would login, the other wouldn't, but worked in kmess.. | 03:00 |
Aranel | gorgonizer: it works great =) | 03:00 |
Talon^ | man im loving this! is there any good ripper tools for linux like anydvd for windows? | 03:00 |
gorgonizer | Aranel: glad to be of help :) | 03:00 |
gorgonizer | Talon^: DVD to avi, or DVD to ISO? | 03:00 |
Talon^ | like convert dvd movie to a folder on your hdd | 03:01 |
Talon^ | not iso | 03:01 |
Talon^ | just a video folder | 03:01 |
ur8up | bye | 03:02 |
gorgonizer | right, time for me to go to bed..... goodnight all! | 03:02 |
Amelie1973 | please | 03:02 |
jimdb | thanks jontheechidna | 03:02 |
cbwcjw2 | Aww, alrighty. Thanks gorgonizer | 03:02 |
Amelie1973 | i can't remove the adobe flash player | 03:02 |
KCKPOLICEFORCEMA | ffbd5467.334622 | 03:03 |
mefisto__ | Talon^: you want an app that can copy/shrink dvds? or you just want to copy to hard disk? | 03:03 |
Talon^ | copy to hdd, decoded so i can re-burn it later if i want | 03:03 |
mefisto__ | Talon^: well you can just copy the files/folders | 03:04 |
Talon^ | it auto-decrypts during a copy? | 03:04 |
cbwcjw2 | Anybody know how to set a custom IP adress with knetwork manager | 03:04 |
cbwcjw2 | its definitley different than what im used to | 03:05 |
mefisto__ | Talon^: to shrink a dual layer dvd for burning on single layer disk, k9copy is great | 03:05 |
Talon^ | nah i dont need to shrink nothing | 03:05 |
Amelie1973 | :( | 03:05 |
cbwcjw2 | Anybody know how to set a custom IP adress with knetworkmanager? | 03:06 |
Amelie1973 | ok | 03:07 |
Amelie1973 | finally could remove the flashplugin | 03:07 |
Amelie1973 | i tried to install the package from the adobe website | 03:07 |
Amelie1973 | but the result is the same | 03:07 |
Amelie1973 | is not working | 03:07 |
Amelie1973 | where is supposed to be installed the file? | 03:07 |
booleancat | Hello, Anyone else having trouble with KMail? All of my processes "unexpectedly die" | 03:08 |
Amelie1973 | ??? | 03:08 |
booleancat | imap and smtp both with similar errors | 03:08 |
Talon^ | all i got is dual layer dvds anyways so no point in shrinking | 03:08 |
Talon^ | brb kde 4.2 just got done installin | 03:08 |
booleancat | nobody else gets this? | 03:13 |
Talon^ | nice! kde4.2 looks sweet! | 03:15 |
cbwcjw2 | Yea, Im loving it | 03:16 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: you can put in ~/.mozilla/plugins and it should work | 03:16 |
Amelie1973 | anybody could help me with the adobe flashplayer plugin? | 03:16 |
cbwcjw2 | This is defintley what stays on this laptop :D | 03:16 |
cbwcjw2 | Amelie1973: Whats up? | 03:16 |
ibeekman | I am a new kubuntu user and need some help: I meant to type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras but typed ubuntu-restricted-extras | 03:16 |
Amelie1973 | i'm unable to install flashplayer; well, i could, but it doesn't work | 03:17 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: you tried installing flashplugin-nonfree and it didn't work? | 03:18 |
cbwcjw2 | | 03:18 |
cbwcjw2 | Oops, wrong link | 03:18 |
cbwcjw2 | | 03:18 |
cbwcjw2 | There, thats the offical one from adobe. | 03:18 |
Amelie1973 | no, it didn't | 03:18 |
ibeekman | now I am in some sun-java (JRE?) license agreements | 03:19 |
linuxlover | Hello room. I am in search of some browser plugin or some software which can give me the EXIF info of a picture which is on my Firefox browser. Like Opanda iEXIF on windows. | 03:19 |
Amelie1973 | mefisto; also tried to putthe in .mozilla/plugins | 03:21 |
Amelie1973 | and didn't work either | 03:21 |
Amelie1973 | i think i messed up something while was trying to install/uninstall | 03:21 |
ibeekman | I am stuck in the middle of a package installation and can't figure out how to get out of it, can anyone help? | 03:22 |
cbwcjw2 | linuxlover: try the forums or #ubuntu haha :D | 03:22 |
linuxlover | thank you cbwcjw2, lets try there. | 03:23 |
mefisto__ | ibeekman: why not just let it finish? | 03:25 |
carpii | anyway to disable white utlines on icon text, in kde 3.5 ? | 03:25 |
carpii | outlines | 03:25 |
mefisto__ | carpii: yes, but I can't remember how I did it | 03:26 |
ibeekman | @mefisto: I accidentally (from konsole/bash) typted sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 03:26 |
ibeekman | rather than kubuntu-restricted-extras | 03:26 |
carpii | ibeekman, just apt-get remove it | 03:26 |
ibeekman | and now I am in some license agreement within the konsole window, but it looks like and old ms-dos psuedo gui | 03:26 |
carpii | hmm mefisto, if you can remember that would be great. it always bugs me :) | 03:27 |
ibeekman | I scroll to the bottom and there is '<Ok>' written | 03:27 |
ibeekman | but typing yes, ok, enter, etc. does nothing | 03:27 |
mefisto__ | ibeekman: use tab to highlight the "ok" and then hit enter | 03:27 |
ibeekman | omg thank you, sorry about that | 03:27 |
mefisto__ | ibeekman: happens to a lot of people | 03:28 |
Amelie1973 | mefisto | 03:30 |
Amelie1973 | i tried a lot of things | 03:30 |
BentFrank | did something weird happen to freenode last night? like a lot of bouncing connections or something? | 03:30 |
Amelie1973 | and still can't watch youtube | 03:30 |
mefisto__ | carpii: ok, system settings, desktop, (in "background" tab) advanced options | 03:30 |
Amelie1973 | because of the adobe plugin | 03:30 |
Amelie1973 | i tried install from the terminal | 03:30 |
Amelie1973 | tried downloading the package from the website | 03:30 |
mefisto__ | carpii: turn off "use solid colour behind text" | 03:31 |
Amelie1973 | tried extracting and putting the file into ./mozilla/plugins (i had to create the directory) | 03:31 |
Amelie1973 | tried to uninstalled and install it from synaptic | 03:31 |
carpii | solid color was already turned, off, but i turned off shadows too | 03:31 |
carpii | works great, thanks a lot :)))) | 03:31 |
mefisto__ | carpii: I made my text colour white too, and enabled shadow | 03:31 |
Amelie1973 | can't make the flashplugin work!!!!! | 03:32 |
Amelie1973 | someone help!!!!!! | 03:32 |
carpii | ah solid color controls the block of color the text sits on, a bit like windows | 03:32 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: and you close firefox and restart it after install? | 03:32 |
carpii | awesome, even better i can now have white icon text regardless of the backdrop color | 03:32 |
carpii | funny how ive reinstalled ubuntu completely today, and im managing to set thigns up better than it was after 6 months of using it | 03:33 |
Amelie1973 | of course! | 03:34 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: sorry, just checking | 03:34 |
Amelie1973 | i've been closing the browser and restarting everytime | 03:34 |
Amelie1973 | how do i purge the adobe installation? | 03:34 |
Amelie1973 | i think maybe it is a conflict between some libraries i installed earlier to play dvds | 03:34 |
Amelie1973 | i just copy an information from a website to get it downn | 03:35 |
carpii | does anyone else get a trail of dotted outline left behind, when dragging kde 3.5 desktop icons ? | 03:35 |
mefisto__ | sudo apt-get purge flashplayer-nonfree | 03:35 |
mefisto__ | carpii: I sometimes do, but it disappears when I drop the icon. I think it's graphics driver related | 03:36 |
carpii | ahh | 03:36 |
carpii | for me it only disappears wheni drag a selection box over the artifacts | 03:36 |
carpii | no biggie, just a little annoyance | 03:36 |
mefisto__ | carpii: do you have ati video card? | 03:37 |
ibeekman | I just want to say this is my first time using KDE 4 and damn I am enjoying it | 03:37 |
carpii | nop, nvidia with restricted drivers | 03:37 |
pgreptom | Hi; I'm trying to install amarok2 from the archives.. and I have the correct repository in my sources.list file. but after i update --fix-missing, amarok-kde4 is still listed as the 1.9 alpha version.. I can't seem to find the 2.0 version. Anyone have any ideas? :/ | 03:37 |
Amelie1973 | when i open youtube | 03:38 |
Amelie1973 | i see a black screen on the video, and the progress bar is loading, but no video, no audio | 03:39 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: so you see the play button, volume controls, etc? | 03:39 |
Amelie1973 | ok, now i see it turns out it is playing; the video and audio is choppy and the play button, and volume controls, have a faded look I never saw before | 03:40 |
Amelie1973 | and i'm sure is not my internet conection | 03:41 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: in firefox, type in address bar about:plugins and you should see Shockwave Flash 10.0 listed there | 03:43 |
ibeekman | whats the best way to browse packages? | 03:43 |
Amelie1973 | yes | 03:44 |
Amelie1973 | it is | 03:44 |
Amelie1973 | do i have to remove it? | 03:44 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: no, flash 10 is the current version | 03:45 |
Amelie1973 | no no! sorry | 03:45 |
Amelie1973 | is shockwave flash | 03:45 |
Amelie1973 | but is 9! | 03:45 |
Amelie1973 | File name: | 03:46 |
Amelie1973 | Shockwave Flash 9.0 r999. Gnash 0.8.4, the GN | 03:46 |
Amelie1973 | do i have to remove it? | 03:46 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: ok you have to remove that | 03:46 |
Amelie1973 | apt-get remove shockwave flash? | 03:46 |
coreymon77 | is there a better scanning program than kooka | 03:47 |
mefisto__ | gnash | 03:47 |
coreymon77 | its kinda limited? | 03:47 |
coreymon77 | whoops | 03:47 |
coreymon77 | didnt mean the ? | 03:47 |
mefisto__ | coreymon77: xsane | 03:47 |
Amelie1973 | and, now... how do i have to install the flashplayer | 03:47 |
Amelie1973 | ? | 03:47 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: is the .so file still in .mozilla/plugins ? | 03:48 |
Amelie1973 | i erased it | 03:48 |
Amelie1973 | and | 03:48 |
Amelie1973 | i found now | 03:48 |
Amelie1973 | doing the about: plugins | 03:48 |
Amelie1973 | the shockwave 10 is listed now! | 03:49 |
mefisto__ | Amelie1973: try youtube again | 03:49 |
Amelie1973 | File name: | 03:49 |
Amelie1973 | Shockwave Flash 10.0 r15 | 03:49 |
Amelie1973 | you are a GENIUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS | 03:50 |
Amelie1973 | now is working perrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfeeeeeeeeeeectttttttttttt | 03:50 |
Amelie1973 | and the youtube screen controls are normal; not faded like were before | 03:50 |
carpii | youve started slurring, is that a side effect? :p | 03:50 |
Amelie1973 | hehehe | 03:50 |
Amelie1973 | this is happppinnnesssss!!!!!!!!! | 03:51 |
carpii | :) | 03:51 |
Amelie1973 | well, Mefisto, Carpii, you were really kind | 03:52 |
Amelie1973 | thanks a lot | 03:53 |
Amelie1973 | i have to go to sleep | 03:53 |
Amelie1973 | bye! | 03:53 |
carpii | oh i didnt do anything really, but goodnight :) | 03:53 |
Amelie1973 | yes, you helped :) | 03:54 |
Amelie1973 | thank youuuuuuuuuuu | 03:54 |
Amelie1973 | bye! | 03:54 |
carpii | hehe ok, bye! | 03:54 |
gkffjck | Hi all I'm downloading jaunty to try in vbox... But I was wondering if it will have kde 4.1 or 4.2 on it? Also which is the default? .1 or .2? | 03:55 |
gkffjck | ! | 03:55 |
gkffjck | !kde4.2 | 03:55 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kde4.2 | 03:55 |
carpii | a default KDE install has 'Templates' 'Music' etc in my home dir. Can i just delete these ? | 03:55 |
gkffjck | !kde 4.2 | 03:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kde 4.2 | 03:56 |
gkffjck | !kde | 03:56 |
ubottu | KDE ( is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see . See for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4 | 03:56 |
gkffjck | !4.2 | 03:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 4.2 | 03:56 |
pgreptom | Hi guys; I'm triyng to upgrade to amarok 2. I currently have 1.92.2. I added the rep. (deb hardy main) to my apt, but the latest version is 1.92.2. Any idea how I can upgrade to the 2.0? | 03:58 |
anjames | Jeez ubottu, get with the times | 03:58 |
nickp_ | !botsnack | 03:58 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 03:58 |
anjames | 4.2 is the hippest. If you're gonna be rad, you got to jive the hip software. | 03:59 |
carpii | i dont wanna be rad, i wanna be productive :/ | 04:00 |
carpii | and kde 4.x kinda jibes with that for me | 04:01 |
conferen34 | aaa | 04:01 |
carpii | is there a nice 'personal wiki' app for kde ? | 04:02 |
carpii | non web based | 04:02 |
carpii | atm i run ZuluPad in wine, but I wanna get away from all these windows apps | 04:02 |
conferen34 | is there an app to chat via webcam with msn? | 04:03 |
z666 | ##wine | 04:07 |
cbwcjw | carpi: I find it funny you immediatley take the question to #ubuntu :P | 04:08 |
z666 | no one has ever tried to run a bct15 uniden in ubuntu?? | 04:09 |
jon_high9000 | hi there. i have reinstalled kubuntu 8.10 today and also reinstall KDM Theme Manager again. im still having problems accessing the kdm theme manager. has anybody else had better luck? | 04:13 |
mefisto__ | jon_high9000: don't know if kde4 uses the same commands as kde3, but try doing this in konsole: kcmshell --list | 04:21 |
jon_high9000 | <mefisto> No protocol specified | 04:24 |
mefisto__ | did you put in --list at the end? | 04:24 |
jon_high9000 | <mefisto> kcmshell: cannot connect to X server :0 | 04:25 |
jon_high9000 | at the end | 04:25 |
mefisto__ | jon_high9000: you're doing this in konsole? or a virtual terminal? | 04:26 |
jon_high9000 | konsole | 04:27 |
jon_high9000 | <mefisto> does it matter if it is in superuser account or no? | 04:28 |
mefisto__ | jon_high9000: have you enabled root account? or you just mean you used sudo? | 04:29 |
jon_high9000 | it is both actually. yes i did | 04:30 |
mefisto__ | jon_high9000: so you're logged in to kde as root now? | 04:30 |
jon_high9000 | <mefisto> yes. | 04:30 |
mefisto__ | oh man | 04:31 |
jon_high9000 | <mefisto> i will log out of root and retry. ok? | 04:31 |
astromme | as anormal user | 04:31 |
astromme | try: "sudo /usr/bin/kcmshell4 kdm --lang en_US" | 04:32 |
mefisto__ | ahh so it's kcmshell4 | 04:32 |
astromme | mefisto__: Yeah, I guess so | 04:33 |
sorset | hi, can i have normal desktop, like kde3 in kde 4.2? | 04:33 |
mefisto__ | is kcmshell maybe symlinked to kcmshell4 in kde4? | 04:34 |
jon_high9000 | <astromme> that did the trick thanks. | 04:34 |
astromme | jon_high9000: Glad to see it worked | 04:34 |
jon_high9000 | <logged out ofcourse. | 04:34 |
astromme | jon_high9000: It _should_ also be in the System Settings -> Advanced -> Login Manager | 04:35 |
jon_high9000 | but it worked anyhow | 04:35 |
jon_high9000 | <astromme> yes it is. | 04:35 |
sorset | i mean use desktop as folder! | 04:36 |
jon_high9000 | <astromme> is there a way to set it so i dont have to keep entering the command just to access kdm theme? | 04:37 |
jon_high9000 | <astromme> i.e. shortcut to kmenu | 04:38 |
astromme | jon_high9000: Well... you don't have it in systemsettings? | 04:38 |
astromme | sorset: Kubuntu 8.10? with kde 4.1? | 04:39 |
jon_high9000 | <astromme> no unfortunately i dont | 04:39 |
jon_high9000 | Kubuntu 8.10 | 04:39 |
sorset | astromme: 8.10 with 4.2 | 04:39 |
astromme | jon_high9000: Hmm... well you might be able to create some sort of launcher, I dunno. | 04:39 |
astromme | sorset: Unlock your desktop. go into Appearance Settings (right click on desktop) and switch the "Type" to a folderview | 04:40 |
jon_high9000 | <astromme> i have the location now thanks to you. that should help. ;) | 04:41 |
astromme | jon_high9000: ok | 04:41 |
sorset | astromme: thank you :) | 04:42 |
sorset | a believe its better | 04:42 |
astromme | sorset: No problem. I do suggest experimenting with the new desktop and normal folderview(s) however, they are very flexible. | 04:42 |
=== integer is now known as Shital | ||
carpii | can someone please resolve for me ? | 04:46 |
genii | carpii: ( | 04:51 |
carpii | many thanks :) | 04:52 |
=== rob is now known as Guest52936 | ||
genii | carpii: np | 04:53 |
genii | carpii: Is not responding to ping btw | 04:53 |
carpii | hm | 04:54 |
carpii | ok thanks, maybe my router is acting up | 04:54 |
carpii | the ip is correct | 04:55 |
rtaycher | Is anyone else having problems updating to kde 4.2 from deb intrepid main | 04:57 |
rtaycher | ppa | 04:57 |
genii | carpii: I'm getting high latency on in-between boxes when using traceroute, but that might be because I'm in Canada and most of the boxes seem to be in the UK | 04:58 |
carpii | yeah im uk based | 04:59 |
carpii | ive got a feeling i might be blocking pings at the router anyway | 04:59 |
carpii | and since ive not yet set up lighttpd, i cant test it any other way :p | 04:59 |
genii | carpii: It hits 4 boxes in succession on the 217.41.176.X range then starts timing out | 05:00 |
carpii | ah, perhapsits not my box then | 05:00 |
=== [1]nsaw is now known as nsaw | ||
sorset | rtaycher: whats your problem? | 05:05 |
sorset | rtaycher: haev you added the key? | 05:06 |
QContinueum | i read that kde4.2 has been released. any idea when it'll get pushed out to us kubuntu folks? | 05:07 |
BattleStarJesus | How do I fix dependancy problems | 05:08 |
=== integer is now known as Shital | ||
astromme | QContinueum: Jaunty has 4.2 now, Intrepid will have it in the experimental repository soon. see | 05:12 |
QContinueum | astromme: how stable is the experimental ppa? | 05:14 |
carpii | assume its not and youll be fine | 05:14 |
BattleStarJesus | how do I install gflashplayer | 05:15 |
QContinueum | heh, i suppose i'll just sit on my hands then | 05:15 |
astromme | QContinueum: I agree with carpii. I haven't used it myself though | 05:15 |
astromme | Some have had great success with it. It's probably (or will be) an improvement over the 4.1 that ships with intrepid | 05:16 |
cbwcjw | Its a lot of fun | 05:16 |
astromme | I'm on Jaunty myself, which works fine for the most part. I know how to tinker and fix things though, which helps immensely | 05:16 |
cbwcjw | <-- theres a screenshot of my desktop currentlly | 05:17 |
astromme | For example nvidia doesn't work unless I pass a special parameter (ignoreABI) to X11 | 05:17 |
carpii | i dunno how you can work with that | 05:17 |
carpii | all these nice monitor resolutions and they just make everything so damn big again | 05:17 |
carpii | its like 800*600 all over again | 05:18 |
RAOF | How would one get (Jaunty's) amarok to play mp3s? It seems to play flacs fine, but not mp3, not with the xine backend nor the gstreamer backend. | 05:20 |
astromme | if we're in the screenshot sharing zone, mine is here: | 05:21 |
RAOF | I presume that System settings->Multimedia->backend, selecting gstreamer, and hitting "apply" will _actually_ make it use the gstreamer backend? | 05:21 |
cbwcjw | Awesome astromme. You people who like to customize :) | 05:21 |
cbwcjw | I dont really, partly out of lazyness, partly out of, well lazyness | 05:22 |
astromme | RAOF -> you should be able to install something akin to libxine-extracodecs. Search for it with apt-cache or adept | 05:23 |
RAOF | So the gstreamer backend is a no-go, then? | 05:23 |
cbwcjw | Anywhere I could get that neat little todo app? That seems pretty useful. | 05:24 |
astromme | sudo apt-get install libxine1-all-plugins should do the trick | 05:24 |
cbwcjw | Awesome. | 05:24 |
astromme | RAOF: I've heard the gstreamer has weird bugs and generally doesn't work very well | 05:24 |
RAOF | That's a bit of a pity. | 05:24 |
astromme | cbwcjw: That's a plasma interface for rememberthemilk. I'm developing it in playground, but it needs some time still | 05:24 |
cbwcjw | astromme: Anywhere I could get that neat app? seems pretty useful | 05:24 |
cbwcjw | astromme: Ah. | 05:24 |
astromme | RAOF: yeah, I agree. Although the xine backend seems to work wonderfully for me, playing mp3s from it now | 05:25 |
astromme | cbwcjw: Don't worry, I'm working on it =). I'd be just as pleased as you would be to see it in a release (of either Kubuntu or KDE) | 05:26 |
jessie | So, any news on whether or not mysql 5.1 will be included? | 05:26 |
cbwcjw | astromme: Especially hanging out right there on my desktop :) | 05:26 |
RAOF | jessie: In Jaunty? Certainly; using it now for amarok. | 05:27 |
astromme | That's exactly what makes it so appealing for me. I can do most tasks I need to instantainously without needing to browse to a website | 05:27 |
astromme | cbwcjw: but I still have the benefit of getting my tasks from anywhere that I _can_ access the web, say my phone or another computer | 05:27 |
jessie | RAOF: Really?! :D Yes!!!! I'm excited, now! | 05:27 |
astromme | jessie: I'm using it too | 05:28 |
RAOF | Well, it's a build-depend of the new, external-databaseless amarok. | 05:28 |
astromme | Version: 5.1.30-2ubuntu4 | 05:28 |
jessie | Excellent. I'm excited! | 05:28 |
cbwcjw | astromme: iPhone? | 05:28 |
jessie | The last time I had checked, things weren't quite right | 05:28 |
astromme | mysql-server still defaults to 5.0, but you can install mysql-server-5.1 to get it (and replace 5.0) | 05:28 |
cbwcjw | astromme: I looked it up a bit :) | 05:28 |
astromme | cbwcjw: Nope, Nokia N78. Wonderful slick phone | 05:29 |
jessie | Does that mess with Kmail and/or Kontact? | 05:29 |
madrazr | Hi all, do any of you know when the KDE 4.2 binaries will be available for Intrepid? (approximately at least please) | 05:29 |
cbwcjw | cbwcjw: Awesome. | 05:29 |
madrazr | I mean from the PPA repos | 05:29 |
astromme | cbwcjw: | 05:29 |
astromme | jessie: Yes, it does at the moment. akonadi-server still depends on 5.0 | 05:29 |
astromme | jessie: So I recommiend not upgrading until they get that sorted out. | 05:30 |
jessie | astromme: That's what I thought.... We'll see how things go. If all else fails, I'll just revert. | 05:30 |
cbwcjw | madrazar: | 05:30 |
cbwcjw | madrazr: They are out, but uh.. yea. They can have some issues, but mines working fine. | 05:30 |
RAOF | Oh, dear. It doesn't like pulseaudio one bit, does it. | 05:31 |
astromme | RAOF: What doesn't? | 05:31 |
RAOF | xine/phonon/amarok. | 05:31 |
cbwcjw | astromme: Nice phone, haha. Im stuck with a run-of-the-mill phone. Keeping todos neatly though would be very nice | 05:31 |
RAOF | Something in that stack. | 05:31 |
madrazr | cbwcjw: I see only 4.1.96 release, which I thought would be 4.2 RC1 | 05:32 |
madrazr | cbwcjw: and the news says it will be available shortly | 05:32 |
astromme | RAOF: it seems hit or miss for me at times. I usually only use phonon or alsa apps though, which play nicely | 05:32 |
cbwcjw | madrazr: Are you sure? Im looking at instructions for intrepid for 4.2 | 05:32 |
astromme | Although I probably have a hardware mixer in my sound blaster live | 05:32 |
cbwcjw | madrazr: | 05:33 |
RAOF | astromme: I mean, amarok chews the first 3 seconds or so of audio output. | 05:33 |
RAOF | astromme: I presume you don't hot-plug audio devices much, then :) | 05:33 |
astromme | RAOF not audio devices... what do you hotplug? | 05:33 |
RAOF | USB headsets, USB speakers. | 05:34 |
RAOF | Onboard laptop sound quality is not particularly wonderful :) | 05:34 |
astromme | RAOF. Hmm, yeah, not often. Although the one I used to use just showed up as another audio device. Phonon even handled it beautifully | 05:34 |
astromme | RAOF /agreed. I like my desktop sound much better with even a simple (and old) Sound Blaster Live card | 05:35 |
RAOF | astromme: As in: made it the default device, and migrated all your currently playing streams to it? I'll have to try that. | 05:35 |
astromme | RAOF Not sure if I ever tried it when things were actively playing | 05:35 |
madrazr | cbwcjw: thanks a lot | 05:35 |
madrazr | I did not see it now | 05:35 |
madrazr | saw it some 4-5 hours back and asked | 05:36 |
madrazr | got it now | 05:36 |
RAOF | Yeah. That's the killer; when something's playing. | 05:36 |
astromme | RAOF but I mean that for example I went and set my usb speaker out to be the default. Then I unplugged it and phonon asked if I wanted to remove it permantly, and I said no. So when I replugged it it was default again. I think that's what happened | 05:36 |
astromme | RAOF and not easy at all =) | 05:36 |
RAOF | astromme: Not easy at all, but /basically/ done now in GNOME + pluseaudio. | 05:37 |
RAOF | (It still needs some UI hooked up) | 05:38 |
astromme | RAOF well I do have a pulseaudio backend for I suppose it could use that? | 05:39 |
RAOF | Yeah; phonon would just need to expose the pulseaudio devices too. | 05:40 |
astromme | RAOF: | 05:40 |
RAOF | Yeah, but that's not quite what you need. That output is what I'm using. | 05:40 |
RAOF | And hey! Phonon handles that OK. Sweet! | 05:42 |
duri | which one is the experimental PPA where to get kde 4.2 for 8.10 ? | 05:42 |
RAOF | So, now only kmix needs to handle that properly :) | 05:43 |
jessie | Hmmmm..... I just realized my sound's broken. Help? | 05:44 |
astromme | RAOF hehe =). imo KMix needs some love | 05:44 |
mefisto__ | duri: look at the link in the topic | 05:44 |
cjae | Hi, I am using twinview nvidia on kde 4.2 tvout. My tv flickers when I do anything on the monitor side. I have read about some drivers doing randr, but my flicker is not consistant. Is this a plasma bug? or is it having to do with auto setting for video in kaffeine? Or something else | 05:45 |
jessie | Hmmm.... odd. i don't seem to be in the audio group. that can't be good. | 05:46 |
jessie | :S | 05:46 |
cjae | Also kaffeine video is kind of horizontally choppy | 05:46 |
jessie | RAOF: I'm supposed to be in the group audio, correct? | 05:46 |
RAOF | jessie: I don't think so. | 05:47 |
jessie | would you check to see if you are? | 05:47 |
* RAOF is not. | 05:47 | |
jessie | Hmmm.... odd. :( I have no sound then... | 05:48 |
* jessie is sad | 05:48 | |
jessie | brb. | 05:48 |
mefisto__ | doesn't really hurt to be in the audio group. I am because some audio apps I use need root access to certain things | 05:49 |
RAOF | Bah! I *always* get surprised by the "apply" button. | 05:49 |
RAOF | Oh, yeah. _That's_ what window switching should be. Go KWin! | 05:50 |
astromme | RAOF: I'm such a big fan of kwin in 4.2. So beautiful | 05:51 |
RAOF | They've fixed the rotten stiff animations. | 05:51 |
astromme | No kidding | 05:51 |
RAOF | 4.0's animations looked so very, very wierd. | 05:51 |
RAOF | These have that nice kinetic hit. | 05:52 |
astromme | and the nice spacing in the present windows | 05:53 |
RAOF | And, importantly, are nice and fast without 3d. | 05:53 |
astromme | yep | 05:54 |
RAOF | Um... What does the "keyboard shortcut" for the desktop switcher applet actually _do_? | 05:54 |
mefisto__ | it doesn't switch desktops? | 05:55 |
duri | mefisto__: thanks ... the banner scrolled by and did not catch it. got the info I wanted ... thanks | 05:55 |
jessie | Hmmmm... after a restart, all is well. Updates must have messed w/ it | 05:55 |
RAOF | mefisto__: That's what I hoped it did, but no, it doesn't. | 05:55 |
jessie | Hey, what package is the .mp3 codecs in for amarok? | 05:56 |
jessie | it's not ffmpeg-extracodecs, but something similar..... | 05:56 |
RAOF | libxine-ffmpeg | 05:56 |
astromme | libxine1-all-plugins | 05:56 |
astromme | or what RAOF said | 05:56 |
jessie | beautiful. :D | 05:57 |
RAOF | astromme: The difference between libxine-all-plugins and libxine-ffmpeg is that you get an ESD output and GNOME VFS plugin with -all-plugins :) | 05:57 |
jessie | Well, I don't use gnome, so meh. But ESD can be nice. | 05:57 |
RAOF | Yay! And it's possible to munge kwin to not kill Do! | 06:00 |
astromme | eh? | 06:00 |
jessie | what? | 06:00 |
mefisto__ | huh? | 06:01 |
RAOF | Heh. | 06:01 |
jessie | lol | 06:01 |
RAOF | So, kwin's focus-stealing-prevention prevents Do from working properly. | 06:01 |
jessie | Ahhhh..... I see.. | 06:01 |
RAOF | And by "properly", I mean, from being the topmost window. Since it takes a keyboard grab, this can cause strange behaviour. | 06:02 |
jessie | Sounds that way. | 06:02 |
jessie | OH! YES! When I open up Dolphin, it finally goes to my home directory, not documents! :D | 06:02 |
RAOF | Aaaah. KWin doesn't do shadows of ARGB windows right. That's why it looks strange! | 06:02 |
astromme | RAOF: You could disable focus stealing prevention for the Do window | 06:04 |
RAOF | astromme: Yup. That's exactly what I did. | 06:04 |
RAOF | And set it to always on top, for good measure. | 06:05 |
RAOF | And then disabled shadows, and it no longer looks crazy. | 06:05 |
astromme | I pretty much have focus stealing prevention off for everything. Then I can set different windows to show up in different virtual desktops and have my viewport "pan" to them when I start them | 06:05 |
jessie | very nice. lol | 06:05 |
RAOF | Hm. I thought KDE's notification system worked with libnotify, but that looked like a standard notification-daemon popup. Is there anything special I need to do? | 06:06 |
astromme | RAOF to do for what? | 06:09 |
RAOF | astromme: To get KDE's notification system to handle libnotify requests. | 06:09 |
astromme | RAOF oh. Dunno | 06:10 |
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astromme | grr, this is getting late. Silly engineering problemset | 06:21 |
jessie | lol. :S | 06:22 |
beachsurfin | how do you upgrade to kde 4.2? | 06:30 |
jessie | beachsurfin: look at the banner deal. | 06:31 |
beachsurfin | i see: | 06:31 |
jessie | beachsurfin: that's correct. are you on intrepid then? | 06:32 |
PSiL0 | does anyone find that most of their plasmoids are broken after upgrading from 4.1.4 to 4.2? | 06:32 |
PSiL0 | libplasma2 is uninstalled and libplasma3 is installed | 06:32 |
jessie | PSiL0: That's a known issue. You have to re-add most of your plasmoids | 06:32 |
PSiL0 | jessie: thanks | 06:33 |
jessie | PSiL0: Yup. :) | 06:34 |
beachsurfin | jessie: yes | 06:34 |
beachsurfin | i didn't have the plasmoids working in the first place, so that's not a problem for me | 06:34 |
jessie | beachsurfin: you have to add the PPA to your sources.lst and then update/upgrade | 06:35 |
beachsurfin | just a few default ones | 06:35 |
beachsurfin | adept said there was nothing to upgrade | 06:35 |
beachsurfin | psh, i'm using apt-get in the terminal | 06:35 |
jessie | lol. sounds good | 06:35 |
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beachsurfin | while i'm getting responses... what's with the terminal telling me "WARNING: terminal is not fully functional" when i try viewing man pages?.. | 06:36 |
beachsurfin | i get this error too often, and it starts displaying crazy text when i scroll in the man page | 06:36 |
jessie | beachsurfin: that's odd.. | 06:37 |
* jessie shrugs his shoulders. | 06:37 | |
beachsurfin | not the response i was looking for :) | 06:37 |
astromme | lol. Yeah, very odd. I've never gotten that | 06:38 |
jessie | beachsurfin: sorry. lol. I haven't gotten that error ever either.... | 06:40 |
Ace2016_- | Hi all | 06:40 |
Ace2016_- | anyone having issues with autohide in kde4? | 06:40 |
Ace2016_- | kde 4.2 | 06:41 |
jessie | autohide? | 06:41 |
Ace2016_- | jessie: autohide panels | 06:41 |
jessie | ahhhh... | 06:41 |
jessie | let me see | 06:41 |
jessie | Nope. :) | 06:41 |
Ace2016_- | hm... | 06:41 |
Ace2016_- | there seems to be a 1px border around the edge interfearing with its operation | 06:42 |
jessie | Hmmm. and I think I just might have fell in love with that. Quite a bit more space now. :) | 06:42 |
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uk__ | asdf | 06:43 |
uk__ | exit | 06:43 |
uk__ | bye | 06:43 |
Ace2016_- | how do you select multiple files in dolphin? | 06:44 |
jessie | Ace2016_-: Ctrl | 06:45 |
jessie | Or click the little plus thingies | 06:45 |
jessie | Or change your mouse to be double click, not single | 06:45 |
mefisto__ | beachsurfin: look here: | 06:46 |
Ace2016_- | jessie: thanks, control works | 06:46 |
Ace2016_- | if it was on double click dolphin would drive me mad | 06:46 |
jessie | lol. i see.... i'm the exact opposite | 06:46 |
Ace2016_- | double clicking on icons seems like excessive work now after getting used to single click, but selecting multiple files has been annoying | 06:47 |
jessie | lol. nice. i do so much selecting of files, it's worse to have single click going | 06:48 |
Ace2016_- | but how do you open multiple files without using right click > open with? | 06:48 |
beachsurfin | mefisto__: already saw that, doesn't work | 06:49 |
Ace2016_- | anyone else use the blinking cursor in konsole? | 06:50 |
beachsurfin | not me | 06:51 |
jessie | Ace2016_-: Nope | 06:51 |
=== Guest19432 is now known as TweakedEh | ||
jessie | Ace2016_-: enter? | 06:52 |
jessie | to your multiple files question | 06:52 |
Ace2016_- | it opens lots of instances | 06:52 |
Ace2016_- | i used to use: program to give the list of files to the program but not anymore | 06:53 |
Ace2016_- | i used to use: program % U to give the list of files to the program but not anymore | 06:53 |
Ace2016_- | [without the space between % and U] | 06:53 |
jessie | hmm.. i dunno. :? | 06:54 |
astromme | Ace2016_-: For autohide.... do you have desktop effects on or off? | 07:04 |
Talon^ | anyone know how to configure apache2 to allow cgi scripts without using mod_perl? | 07:06 |
Talon^ | mod_perl doesnt seem to allow turning off perl buffering | 07:07 |
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Ace2016_- | astromme: certainly, i love desktop effects | 07:16 |
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pstr | what line am i supposed to add to my 'add apt repository' so i can get kde 4.2? | 07:30 |
Talon^ | pstr, | 07:31 |
Talon^ | the tutorial works wonders | 07:31 |
pstr | thanks talon | 07:32 |
g3ar | updated to kde 4.2 but I'm getting plasma errors - is there a way to check I have the latest plasma 4.2 ? | 07:33 |
carpii | if it looks like shit, youre on the latest version | 07:33 |
g3ar | haha, thats how I felt with 4.1 at the beginning | 07:35 |
g3ar | with 4.2 I want to try the latest google widgets | 07:35 |
g3ar | instead I get a bunch of "Could not find requested component" messages | 07:37 |
roconnor | what's the replacement for kpdf in kubuntu 8.10? | 07:44 |
=== vipet is now known as Guest78861 | ||
amine27 | <roconnor> :Okular | 07:45 |
erpo | How do I check the version of KDE4 that I'm using? | 07:46 |
erpo | Nevermind. I figured it out. | 07:48 |
erpo | I'm curious if the nvidia stability problems have been solved in KDE 4.2. | 07:48 |
Tm_T | erpo: is | 07:49 |
Tm_T | erpo: rest is because of nvidia drivers and/or Xorg | 07:49 |
erpo | Tm_T: I see. Is there a reason to believe that KDE 4.2 is more stable than any of the release candidates or betas? | 07:49 |
Tm_T | erpo: sure, there was much work done before release | 07:50 |
erpo | Tm_T: Sounds good. I'll give it another try then. :) | 07:50 |
j_ | hello to all | 07:51 |
erpo | Hi! | 07:51 |
j_ | anyone know if plasma and plasmoids insall works if you download from kubuntu experimental mirror | 07:52 |
erpo | j_: I'm using and it seems to work. I just updated to 4.2 | 07:53 |
j_ | you got notepad to work again | 07:53 |
erpo | j_: You mean Kate? | 07:53 |
j_ | no the desktop notpad | 07:53 |
j_ | the one thats there from starup until closing | 07:54 |
erpo | j_: The first thing I did was remove that, but it seems to work if I add it. | 07:54 |
j_ | ok i like to use it for commands that im yet to memorize to do list and things of that nature | 07:55 |
roconnor | amine27: so I should reconfigure fixfox to run Okular? | 07:55 |
amine27 | yes | 07:56 |
roconnor | what a pain :) | 07:56 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
j_ | thnx | 07:57 |
j_ | roconnor how do you do that do you know how to do it in opera | 07:58 |
amine27 | Okular is AIO program | 07:58 |
j_ | and oh operas alot faster than firefox | 07:58 |
roconnor | does opera support link elements and ISBN URIs ? | 07:59 |
j_ | explain or give example ill check for you right now | 07:59 |
roconnor | hang on I'll find one | 08:00 |
g3ar | my plasmoids are not working, upgraded to 4.2 and cant add widgets :( | 08:00 |
j_ | un install them then try to use this mirror | 08:01 |
roconnor | j_: | 08:01 |
roconnor | j_: first link is a ISBN URI | 08:01 |
roconnor | and the page should have forward and backward navigation buttons to move through my blog | 08:01 |
Balistic | Hi, is Multiple monitor support(On nvidia with twinview) still broken in kde4.2? | 08:02 |
j_ | does God play dice | 08:02 |
roconnor | j_: that is the link | 08:02 |
j_ | choatic orbitz | 08:03 |
j_ | and yea God plays dice | 08:03 |
roconnor | where does the link take you? | 08:03 |
j_ | i think i actually had a vision | 08:03 |
j_ | to | 08:03 |
j_ | chaotic orbitz and random quapdhdks or somethin like that | 08:04 |
roconnor | quapdhdks ? | 08:04 |
j_ | it doesn't hold on while i see if i can get it to work | 08:05 |
sandGorgon | guys.. when will a packaged 4.2 iso be out. I'm planning to install on several machines and it would be nice to have | 08:06 |
Cugel | I have a KDE 4.2 question -- anyone who can help? | 08:06 |
j_ | does that work for any book | 08:07 |
j_ | whats the question | 08:07 |
j_ | roconnor does that work for any book? | 08:08 |
roconnor | j_: the ISBN link is simply a way of referencing the book. What the browser does with it is upto it. It could take you to amazon for example. | 08:08 |
roconnor | or google books | 08:08 |
Cugel | I upgraded to 4.2 -- and now I cannot add any plasmoids to desktop etc. -- it gives me a big red cross and 'unknown widget'. | 08:08 |
roconnor | or whatever | 08:08 |
roconnor | for example, I used a firefox extension to get the link to take me to amazon | 08:09 |
j_ | you were supposed to uninstall them before install | 08:09 |
j_ | oh | 08:09 |
roconnor | but firefox extensions are totally borked | 08:09 |
* roconnor grumbles | 08:09 | |
j_ | i thought you could actually read the book | 08:09 |
roconnor | one day | 08:09 |
roconnor | and when that day comes | 08:09 |
roconnor | that link will work | 08:09 |
roconnor | :) | 08:09 |
j_ | you right | 08:10 |
roconnor | what about prev/next buttons for the blog? | 08:10 |
j_ | try to use this mirror and then install them | 08:10 |
roconnor | to take to to the next and previous blog entries | 08:10 |
roconnor | opera probably has that | 08:10 |
Cugel | j_: any solution (apt-get reinstall or something?) | 08:11 |
j_ | deb intrepid main | 08:11 |
j_ | apt-cahce search plasmoids | 08:11 |
j_ | install kdebase-plasma and the other plasmas first | 08:12 |
j_ | then install plasmoids | 08:12 |
j_ | idk if it works im currently doing it | 08:12 |
Cugel | "kdebase-plasma is already the newest version." it says. | 08:12 |
j_ | which ones | 08:12 |
Cugel | Maybe first get rid of plasmarc | 08:13 |
j_ | you must change your vim /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:14 |
j_ | take out all mirrors except | 08:14 |
j_ | deb intrepid main | 08:14 |
Cugel | I already did that, kde 4 was upgraded to 4.2 | 08:14 |
Cugel | But was also still in there. | 08:15 |
vital | When I updated to kde4.2 I no longer can start krunner with alt-f2, any easy way to fix this? as I would guess it's a problem on my installation. running kubuntu jaunty.. | 08:17 |
j_ | idk | 08:18 |
Tm_T | vital: hmm, you use jaunty? then go to #ubuntu+1 | 08:18 |
Tm_T | vital: prolly more jaunty knowledge there | 08:18 |
Tm_T | vital: but FYI: when you use alpha software, it will break at times (:) | 08:19 |
j_ | diffrent packages what mirror did you use to install | 08:19 |
vital | Tm_T, yeah, I know :).. | 08:19 |
j_ | when i installed i used deb intrepid main | 08:20 |
j_ | and im going to get these plasmoids to work with that mirror | 08:21 |
j_ | most likely | 08:21 |
j_ | tm_t you got all the channels or somethin | 08:21 |
Tm_T | j_: nah, only some ~50 channels | 08:22 |
j_ | where you get um from | 08:22 |
j_ | im just lazy | 08:22 |
Tm_T | j_: sorry I have no idea what you're asking... | 08:23 |
Tm_T | !list | j_ | 08:23 |
ubottu | j_: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 08:23 |
Tm_T | brrrh | 08:23 |
Tm_T | !channels | 08:23 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 08:23 |
Tm_T | j_: ^^ | 08:23 |
j_ | oyu got aim | 08:24 |
MyNameIsEarlB | hey everyone | 08:24 |
j_ | hey | 08:24 |
MyNameIsEarlB | first time here | 08:24 |
j_ | yeah | 08:24 |
MyNameIsEarlB | yep... i like ubuntu | 08:24 |
j_ | but we are on kubuntu | 08:25 |
j_ | kubuntu | 08:25 |
MyNameIsEarlB | anyone know how to make windows open underneath the panels? | 08:25 |
MyNameIsEarlB | very true | 08:25 |
j_ | wdym | 08:25 |
MyNameIsEarlB | wdym? | 08:26 |
MyNameIsEarlB | i'm not using kde, i'm using gnome | 08:26 |
j_ | i don't ever use gnome cause i dont like the name | 08:26 |
j_ | kde is cooler | 08:27 |
MyNameIsEarlB | very much so | 08:27 |
j_ | and it looks better to me | 08:27 |
MyNameIsEarlB | i like how gnome looks | 08:27 |
j_ | and i like the programs better | 08:27 |
mansoor | hi | 08:27 |
Tm_T | MyNameIsEarlB: #ubuntu might help you better with gnome (:) | 08:27 |
MyNameIsEarlB | hello | 08:27 |
MyNameIsEarlB | thanks tmt | 08:27 |
mansoor | u fain | 08:27 |
MyNameIsEarlB | fain? | 08:28 |
j_ | whats a fain | 08:28 |
j_ | i would like to know what this fain is | 08:28 |
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MyNameIsEarlB | me to | 08:28 |
Tm_T | fine | 08:28 |
Tm_T | anyway.. just so you know: | 08:29 |
Tm_T | !ot | 08:29 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 08:29 |
j_ | constrained to | 08:31 |
j_ | feelin obliged | 08:31 |
j_ | happy pleased | 08:31 |
j_ | inclined desirous | 08:31 |
beachsurfin | hmm, tried upgrading to kde 4.2 however..two packages won't install, two apparent packages when you try using the DE | 08:31 |
Tm_T | j_: please stop | 08:31 |
beachsurfin | kde-window-manager and systemsettings | 08:31 |
j_ | i just wanna know wht mansoor meen | 08:31 |
MyNameIsEarlB | hey, how do i view a list of all channels available on this server? | 08:32 |
stdin | /list | 08:32 |
stdin | or /msg alis help list | 08:32 |
j_ | were do you type in /list | 08:32 |
beachsurfin | | 08:32 |
MyNameIsEarlB | thanks! | 08:33 |
MyNameIsEarlB | ubuntu irc | 08:33 |
j_ | try taking out all the mirrors and then just use this one | 08:33 |
j_ | deb intrepid main | 08:34 |
MyNameIsEarlB | wow the list goes on forever | 08:34 |
j_ | use this command | 08:34 |
j_ | gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add - | 08:34 |
j_ | and then update when it appears in system try | 08:35 |
j_ | tray* | 08:35 |
beachsurfin | that didn't work | 08:36 |
j_ | did you use apt-get update | 08:37 |
beachsurfin | yup | 08:37 |
j_ | what version you using | 08:37 |
beachsurfin | dunno | 08:37 |
j_ | intrepid | 08:38 |
j_ | jaunty | 08:38 |
beachsurfin | ah, yeah | 08:38 |
beachsurfin | intrepid | 08:38 |
j_ | then uninstall all the programs you just installed | 08:38 |
beachsurfin | o.O | 08:38 |
j_ | and follow the instructions on this website | 08:38 |
=== payam is now known as payam_ | ||
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j_ | | 08:39 |
beachsurfin | i did | 08:39 |
=== payam_ is now known as p4yam_ | ||
j_ | you used that website and it didnt work | 08:39 |
beachsurfin | the only diff being that i used apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade | 08:40 |
beachsurfin | instead of using adept | 08:40 |
p4yam_ | hi all | 08:40 |
beachsurfin | which i've had problems w/ in the past | 08:40 |
beachsurfin | oi p4yam_ | 08:40 |
p4yam_ | :) | 08:40 |
stdin | beachsurfin: use this: "sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa4_i386.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/systemsettings_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa4_i386.deb" then "sudo apt-get -f install" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 08:41 |
p4yam_ | i have some problems about adept! | 08:42 |
j_ | sounds like stdin got a better solution | 08:42 |
beachsurfin | | 08:44 |
beachsurfin | this could take awhile | 08:44 |
beachsurfin | time for bed | 08:44 |
beachsurfin | thanks for the suggestion stdin | 08:44 |
beachsurfin | and j_ | 08:44 |
* robin0800 just a heads up the KDE Four Live iso, available to downlad, is SUSE and not ubuntu | 08:45 | |
beachsurfin | night | 08:45 |
j_ | night | 08:45 |
=== j_ is now known as stillstuntin | ||
stillstuntin | does anyone have qt 3.0.2 | 08:50 |
stillstuntin | or know where to find it | 08:50 |
stdin | stillstuntin: use qt3-mt-dev when something you're compiling says it needs Qt >= 4.0.2 (headers and libraries) | 08:51 |
stdin | erm, >= 3.0.2 | 08:53 |
* stdin gets more caffeine | 08:54 | |
KennethP | Trying to install kdeplasma-addons via synaptic gives me Depends: libkexiv2-7 but it is not going to be installed. How can I resolve that? | 08:55 |
robin0800 | KennethP: try sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade in konsole | 08:57 |
vital | When will all kde4.2 packages be built for jaunty? right now there is a mix of 4.1.96 and 4.2.0 :) | 08:58 |
stdin | KennethP: that package has been replaced, you don't need it | 08:58 |
stdin | vital: when they build | 08:58 |
KennethP | thanks | 08:58 |
KennethP | stdin: Where to find the widgets then? I have some old ones lying around but only the .desktop file remains | 08:59 |
robin0800 | vital: no iso's at present must have caught them by surprise! | 09:00 |
vital | robin0800, ah, okay :) | 09:01 |
KennethP | robin0800: Thanks. Did that and it runs fine except for keeping the gwenview package back... | 09:01 |
* robin0800 they can have count down clocks etc but can't prepare iso's or perhaps its not realy complete yet | 09:02 | |
stdin | KennethP: wait, it's another package that' been replaced. can you do "sudo apt-get install kdeplasma-addons" in a terminal and see if it wants to install | 09:02 |
KennethP | stdin: one moment... | 09:03 |
vital | robin0800, is there any webpage where I can see what packages are built and what is in queue? | 09:03 |
stdin | ut should want to remove "digikam kipi-plugins libkexiv2-3" (which is ok, because they are a part of other packages now) | 09:03 |
robin0800 | KennethP: synaptic might install gwenview | 09:03 |
Tamagotono | Just wondering if anyone else noticed.... | 09:04 |
KennethP | stdin: I think I have a broken package... it says | 09:04 |
Tamagotono | no cachew! | 09:04 |
KennethP | stdin: | 09:04 |
KennethP | kdeplasma-addons: Depends: libkexiv2-7 but it is not going to be installed | 09:04 |
KennethP | E: Broken packages | 09:04 |
OxDeadC0de | yeehaw 4.2 woo! | 09:04 |
stdin | KennethP: hmm, try "sudo apt-get install libkexiv2-7", maybe it'll be more clear on what the error is | 09:04 |
KennethP | stdin: ok | 09:05 |
KennethP | stdin: Looks like its trying to remove digikam digikam-dbg kipi-plugins libkexiv2-3 showfoto | 09:06 |
KennethP | stdin: I better backup my photos...;-) | 09:06 |
stdin | it should want to remove "digikam kipi-plugins libkexiv2-3" (which is ok, because they are a part of other packages now) | 09:06 |
stdin | and it wouldn't remove your images anyway | 09:07 |
stdin | but apt should have worked that out on it's own... | 09:07 |
=== pool is now known as seenka | ||
g3ar | stdin: installing kdeplasma-addons seems to have fixed some of my plasma issues, I can no add Blue Marble | 09:08 |
robin0800 | KennethP: dpkg --get-selections | 09:08 |
seenka | ёп | 09:08 |
KennethP | stdin: hmmm | 09:08 |
seenka | дообновлялся | 09:08 |
stdin | g3ar: some of them need rebuilding against the new plasma | 09:08 |
stdin | !ru | seenka | 09:08 |
ubottu | seenka: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 09:08 |
KennethP | stdin: maybe some leftovers from beta and RC testing of KDE 4.x | 09:09 |
stdin | KennethP: maybe, apt seems to figure it out for me | 09:09 |
KennethP | stdin: yeah, that was smooth. I'll try installing the addons now and see what happens | 09:11 |
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok | ||
XVampireX | Yo, Is there going to be a kde 4.2 remix for 8.10 ? | 09:13 |
stdin | probably not | 09:14 |
stdin | besides, Jaunty is out in < 3 months | 09:14 |
Tinason | why is kde 4.2 in the experimental repos and not the regular ones? | 09:14 |
stdin | Tinason: because the PPA is quicker | 09:14 |
Tinason | is it a reflection of its potential instability? | 09:15 |
stdin | no, it's just a name for the PPA | 09:15 |
stdin | it did have the betas for 4.2, hence "experimental" | 09:16 |
Tinason | so, the fact a packace in is experimental repositories has absolutely nothing to do with how stable the package is? | 09:17 |
KennethP | stdin: That went smoothly... and I now have the widgets ready. I don't think I can reproduce this so I'll leave it here | 09:17 |
Tinason | hi mate | 09:17 |
KennethP | stdin: Thanks! | 09:17 |
KennethP | robin0800: thanks! | 09:17 |
stdin | :) | 09:17 |
stdin | Tinason: it's the 1st release of 4.2, it will still have a few bugs as 4.1.0 and 4.0.0 did | 09:18 |
Pconfig | there's a litle typo in the KDE4. news on the kubuntu site | 09:18 |
Pconfig | step 6 claims it will install RC1 but it installs the stable version ofcourse (at least since yesterday) | 09:18 |
stdin | Pconfig: yeah, we know | 09:19 |
Pconfig | ok | 09:19 |
stdin | it was written near midnight last night, so a couple mistakes ;) | 09:19 |
Pconfig | pretty understandable :p | 09:20 |
Tinason | do packages have a tendency (over time) to migrate from the experimental repository to the regular repository? | 09:20 |
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jean | bjr | 09:25 |
jean | kk1 de la france | 09:26 |
jean | pour m'aider | 09:26 |
stdin | !fr | jean | 09:30 |
ubottu | jean: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 09:30 |
blinkz | hi how do i change my pw | 09:31 |
stdin | System Settings -> About Me -> Change Password | 09:31 |
blinkz | thanks | 09:31 |
blinkz | fig it was easy but couldnt find it first day with kubuntu | 09:32 |
bdizzle | hello | 09:40 |
bdizzle | I had heard on slashdot that KDE 4.2 was out. How do we upgrade? | 09:40 |
stdin | look at the topic for a start | 09:40 |
=== eric is now known as Guest10194 | ||
bdizzle | yeah, I figured that. | 09:40 |
bdizzle | is there a way to do something along the lines of sudo apt-get kde4.2 ? | 09:40 |
Pconfig | just read the news post | 09:41 |
Pconfig | it's explained there | 09:41 |
stdin | are you going to read the topic or not? | 09:41 |
bdizzle | yes, I'm reading it now | 09:41 |
bdizzle | is it actually ready for 8.10? What do they mean by experimental? | 09:42 |
stdin | "Packages for Kubuntu 8.10 can be installed by following the instructions below. If you installed KDE 4.2 Beta or RC you can merely update your existing installation." | 09:42 |
bdizzle | *sigh* | 09:43 |
bdizzle | nevermind | 09:43 |
=== integer is now known as Shital | ||
bdizzle | quick question | 09:44 |
bdizzle | it mentions to uninstall any plasmoids | 09:44 |
bdizzle | didn't they turn the former "Kicker" bar and desktop into a plasmoid? | 09:45 |
stdin | it means plasmoids you compiled yourself | 09:45 |
bdizzle | oh okay | 09:45 |
bdizzle | just making sure | 09:45 |
Longfield | morning here | 09:45 |
Longfield | I have installed kde 4.2 thanks to the ppa sources. Now I would like to try powerdevil, but I cannot install it because libplasma2 cannot be installed. How can I achieve this ? | 09:46 |
stdin | it needs to be recompiled against the new plasma | 09:47 |
Longfield | you mean there is no powerdevil in the ppa sources (that would work with the other ppa sources ?) | 09:48 |
gerryxiao_ | hello | 09:50 |
gerryxiao_ | how to install flash plugin for konqueror | 09:50 |
stdin | Longfield: it's actually integrated into KDE4 now, System Settings -> Advanced -> Power Management | 09:50 |
stdin | gerryxiao_: install the flashplugin-nonfree or kubuntu-restricted-extras package | 09:51 |
=== jerome_ is now known as xaless | ||
Tamagotono | Longfield: Actually, powerdevil is already included with kde4.2. Check SystemSettings>Advanced>PowerManagement | 09:51 |
gerryxiao_ | ok | 09:51 |
Longfield | ok thx | 09:51 |
Heliodor | Hellloo | 10:09 |
Heliodor | Why do kde install mysql 5 server? | 10:09 |
stillstuntin | idk | 10:10 |
Heliodor | idk? | 10:10 |
stillstuntin | i dont know | 10:10 |
Heliodor | Ah! | 10:10 |
Lokki | Quick question about KDE 4.2, it says to uninstall any plasmoids before upgrading, how does one achieve this? | 10:11 |
Heliodor | ah, its needed for all PIM apps | 10:11 |
awidegreen | Lokki: "accept the solution" - apitude will ask if you do a dist-upgrade | 10:12 |
Shock | anyone upgrade to KDE 4.2 from kubuntu-experimental? | 10:12 |
Lokki | awidegreen: what? | 10:12 |
Lokki | I'm using 8.10 and looking at: | 10:12 |
Heliodor | is the generic linux kernel images compatible with multi-core processors? | 10:13 |
Heliodor | dont i usually need SMB kernel package? | 10:13 |
stillstuntin | to unistall plasmoids apt-cache search plasmoids | 10:14 |
Tamagotono | Heliodor: It is compiled for SMB. | 10:14 |
Lokki | stillstuntin: I have ones I installed myself | 10:14 |
awidegreen | Lokki: if you do a "aptitude dist-upgrade" you will be asked if you want to uninstall the old plasma-packages | 10:15 |
Heliodor | Tamagotono: Ah, okay, thanks! | 10:15 |
Lokki | awidegreen: 2 questions, that link: makes it sound like using dist-upgrade wouldn't update to 4.2, and also, I also have ones I compiled myself which wouldn't be included in the package | 10:15 |
Lokki | awidegreen: Users of our development Jaunty version can do a full upgrade to get the latest packages. Packages for 8.10 (Intrepid) are in the kubuntu-experimental PPA. | 10:16 |
Lokki | I'm using 8.10 not Jaunty | 10:16 |
awidegreen | Lokki: it did it that way ... it works: | 10:16 |
awidegreen | sorry its german :D | 10:16 |
stillstuntin | dont think you cant get touch | 10:17 |
stillstuntin | ed | 10:17 |
stillstuntin | go up there youll still get met | 10:17 |
spionlala | i installed kubuntu-desktop today on my ubuntu install, but for some reason my window decorations still get painted by metacity, how can i enable kde to do it? | 10:17 |
Lokki | awidegreen: ok, but what about the plasmoids I compiled myself? | 10:18 |
awidegreen | oh ... good question - i don't know :D | 10:18 |
stdin | spionlala: Alt-F2 and enter "kwin --replace" | 10:19 |
spionlala | stdin, thx, will this persist after a reboot? | 10:20 |
stdin | Lokki: you'll need to recompile your plasmids for the new libplasma | 10:20 |
stdin | spionlala: it should, but it I can't say for sure as I don't use matacity | 10:21 |
spionlala | trying a reboot.-.. | 10:21 |
kwtm | Anyone know if Kubuntu will get a Long-Term Support version now that KDE 4.2 is out, since 8.04 was only long-term-support for (GNOME) Ubuntu but not Kubuntu? | 10:25 |
Tm_T | kwtm: no until next LTS Ubuntu release | 10:26 |
Lokki | stdin: I know that, but I'm asking how do I remove them | 10:26 |
stdin | Lokki: if the makefile has a "remove" target, use that | 10:27 |
stdin | or "uninstall" | 10:27 |
stdin | "sudo make uninstall" | 10:27 |
kwtm | Tm_T: Thx for the info. Darn, so 6.06 is expiring in 2009-06. When's the next Ubuntu LTS? Is it 9.10? | 10:27 |
Tm_T | kwtm: prolly 10.04 | 10:28 |
=== jens is now known as jens5655 | ||
jens5655 | Hello, just updated to kde 4.2, seems like plasma takes 100% when i try to add a widget to the desktop. | 10:45 |
jens5655 | 100% cpu | 10:46 |
spionlala | i installed kubuntu-desktop today from within an ubuntu intrepid install, everything works so far, but im unable to hear soundoutput in amarok, audacious and quakewars, basically everywhere, altho systemsounds WORK.. tried all kind of options, removed pulseaudio, etc.. | 10:54 |
EagleScreen | what happens with kweather plasmoid in Kubuntu? It is installed but does not figure in widgets list, so it cannot be added/used | 10:55 |
=== ced_ is now known as ced__ | ||
willo | :-@ Just installed the KDE-4.2 upgrade . . . | 11:13 |
willo | and all my window decoratiosn disappeared | 11:13 |
willo | :0 | 11:13 |
willo | Help! | 11:13 |
jens5655 | willo: have you restarted the x-server? | 11:15 |
Shital | how can i set the system to shut dowm after 1 hour? | 11:16 |
cuznt | were they added plasmoids? | 11:16 |
jens5655 | sudo shutdown 60 | 11:16 |
Seetee | Pardon me, I use KDE-nightly/neon. Everything run perfect up untill three days ago, when a mayor upgrade broke QT in some way. Plasma crashes and some programs like VLC will not start, they report that "Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries". Google does not seem to be my friend, in this case. Any tip? | 11:18 |
Seetee | I can find that error message, but non of the solutions apply to my situation. | 11:18 |
stdin | neon support is in #amarok.neon | 11:19 |
willo | jens5655: Yes, I even created a new user and logged in with him - same issue | 11:19 |
Seetee | stdin: Ah, I am sorry, I do not think I should have mentioned neon at all, actually. This is most probably a KDE related problem. | 11:20 |
Seetee | Or a Kubuntu one, rather. | 11:20 |
stdin | Seetee: we no one else has reported the issue, and I'm running KDE 4.2.0 now with no issues | 11:20 |
stdin | so it's most likely something to do with neon | 11:21 |
Seetee | stdin: I will look in to that, thank you for your patiance. :-) | 11:21 |
jury | ?Is there anybody there from Russia | 11:23 |
moby | hey, who use ubuntu? how I can join to another chanel from lithuania | 11:24 |
Tm_T | !lt | moby | 11:24 |
ubottu | moby: Šiame kanale bendraujama anglų kalba. Jei ieškote pagalbos lietuvių kalba, prisijunkite prie #ubuntu-lt kanalo. | 11:24 |
moby | #ubuntu-lt | 11:25 |
moby | ? | 11:25 |
moby | ok | 11:25 |
jury | How fix ATI X1100? kubuntu 8 10 64-bit | 11:26 |
ye||ow | hey | 11:27 |
jury | hey ) | 11:28 |
ye||ow | my kdepim on jaunty is still the 4.1.96. is this right? | 11:29 |
ye||ow | i'm waiting for kmail because of this nasty IMPA-inbox crash | 11:29 |
ye||ow | IMAP-inbox | 11:29 |
jury | I didn't abaut kde 4 1 96? may be. SEE kde oficial web | 11:32 |
Seetee | stdin: You were absolutely correct. I removed /opt/project-neon/ and it was there the conflicting QT-libraries where. So, no good ide to combine kde-nightly with amarok-neon. Thank you! | 11:32 |
yeniklasorr | Is it possible to change time on my locale over ssh, without root password ? | 11:36 |
jarco | hello | 11:37 |
jarco | is it normal that kmix chraches when you use alsamixer? | 11:38 |
willo | Does anybody have any other tips? | 11:38 |
jarco | also: is compiz available for kde? | 11:38 |
=== minack is now known as mie | ||
flithm | jarco: yes | 11:41 |
flithm | jarco: it's not gnome specific | 11:41 |
jarco | ah great | 11:42 |
jarco | because i just switched to kde | 11:42 |
jarco | and was missing my wobly windows :d | 11:42 |
cuznt | but kde effects are just as swell | 11:42 |
jarco | kde effects? | 11:42 |
flithm | hey everyone, I am installing kde4 here and I get a conflict with kompare that I had previously installed. I can't remove anything because it says I need to apt-get install -f, but I can't do that because of the error... anyone know what I can do to fix this? | 11:42 |
shadeslayer | i KDE out for download on interpid ?? | 11:44 |
shadeslayer | *is | 11:44 |
Tm_T | is | 11:44 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 11:44 |
Tm_T | shadeslayer: see | 11:44 |
shadeslayer | ok thanks | 11:46 |
asraniel | does somebody know if the 4.2 packages are complete in jaunty? | 11:46 |
jens5655 | jarco: system settings>Desktop there you can config kwin's dekstop effects | 11:46 |
Tm_T | asraniel: should be but apparently some possible issues there | 11:46 |
jarco | soubnd programs at the same time. In kubuntu the problem is gone. Is there a difference in the sound architecture or something? | 11:48 |
flithm | does anyone know if kde4 has any vpnc integration like gnome's network manager has? | 11:48 |
ye||ow | flithm: kvpn | 11:48 |
flithm | ye||ow: haha thanks, that's so obvious :) | 11:48 |
ye||ow | flithm: ;) | 11:49 |
jarco | sorry it got messed up there: Question: zhat is different between the sound use of kubuntu an ubuntu? All my problems are gon under kubuntu :D | 11:49 |
ye||ow | flithm: sorry, kvpnv :) | 11:49 |
jens5655 | willo: ok, perhaps we just have to wait for an update then, then at least i know im not the only one with the issues. | 11:49 |
flithm | ye||ow: just found it, kvpnc :) thanks | 11:49 |
rohan | ok whats the command line to update to KDE 4.2?? | 11:50 |
rohan | sudo apt-get update install??? | 11:51 |
=== rohan is now known as shadeslayer | ||
jens5655 | rohan: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade i think | 11:51 |
nonickname2 | jarco: kwin has got wobbly windows, too :) | 11:51 |
jarco | ohw | 11:52 |
jarco | i ll give that a try first | 11:52 |
jens5655 | jarco: but you got to add the exprimental repo to | 11:52 |
jarco | ohw | 11:52 |
jarco | not big into that now | 11:53 |
jarco | i just got a LOAD of problems solved | 11:53 |
jarco | i hope to keep it this way (working) | 11:53 |
nonickname2 | aren't wobbly windows in 4.1 already? | 11:54 |
nonickname2 | with less configuration options maybe | 11:54 |
nonickname2 | (not sure) | 11:54 |
jarco | dunno just exploring kde as i go :p | 11:54 |
jarco | i miss the minimise all windows key they have in gnome | 11:55 |
willo | jens5655: Hmm, so U too? That sucks. :( | 11:55 |
Captain_Haddock | Hi, anybody upgraded KDE on Intrepid to 4.2? | 12:03 |
Notch-1 | yes | 12:03 |
Captain_Haddock | All OK? | 12:03 |
Notch-1 | very nice :D | 12:03 |
Captain_Haddock | :) | 12:03 |
Captain_Haddock | Any idea which version of KTorrent it has? | 12:03 |
nonickname2 | elegance theme looks worse :( | 12:03 |
jarco | anyone knows where to load themes? | 12:03 |
jussi01 | Captain_Haddock: 3.1.2 | 12:04 |
Notch-1 | it's just strange balck/blue/white ... no color consistence :D | 12:04 |
Captain_Haddock | jussi01: the same then :( cheers | 12:04 |
shadeslayer | whats the keyboard shortcut for enabling desktop effects | 12:04 |
Captain_Haddock | I was hoping for a ktorrent upgrade... has a bunch of new plugins and lots of fixes | 12:05 |
nonickname2 | jarco: you probably can set a keyboard shortcut for minimizing the windows | 12:05 |
Notch-1 | Captain_Haddock: ktorrent is 3.1.2 | 12:05 |
nonickname2 | or showing the desktop | 12:05 |
Captain_Haddock | Notch-1: thanks | 12:06 |
jarco | ah ok | 12:06 |
jarco | also i donwloaded a theme. I just cant find where to set it so that kde will use it | 12:06 |
nonickname2 | urgh | 12:07 |
nonickname2 | plasma just crashed | 12:07 |
Shock | nonickname2: happened to me too | 12:07 |
nonickname2 | getting themes and wallpapers doesn't work | 12:07 |
Shock | nonickname2: getting themes worked for me | 12:08 |
Notch-1 | anybody knows when i will upgrade to kde 4.2 using the main repository only? | 12:08 |
Notch-1 | (with intrepid) | 12:08 |
shadeslayer | jarco: how about the desktop settings | 12:08 |
Lynoure | There does not seem to be kpilot in Kubuntu anymore. What's the best practice to syncing Palms nowadays? | 12:08 |
Captain_Haddock | jarco: if you right click on the desktop and click desktop settings, you can download and install the theme | 12:08 |
Captain_Haddock | else I think you need to go to system settings and appearance and look around | 12:09 |
jarco | lol thx guys :p | 12:09 |
jarco | its so different from gnome | 12:09 |
shadeslayer | yeah alot more | 12:09 |
Shock | getting walpapers also worked | 12:09 |
ced_ | for me plasma and all stuff works fine | 12:10 |
ced_ | >_> | 12:10 |
shadeslayer | desktop effects anyone | 12:10 |
shadeslayer | shortcuts for the desktop effect | 12:11 |
ced_ | I have an EEEpc, dont think it'll be soon that i activate compiz :E | 12:11 |
ced_ | also.. | 12:12 |
ced_ | I have an EEEpc 1000H, and installed kUbuntu 'cause windows was a b*tch, now i know i have a ralink wireless card, but i cant get it working, it shows in lspci, but i dunno how to connect it to a network, kWlan didnt gave any options, and rtx200 thingy said there where no wireless cards. What should i do? | 12:12 |
shadeslayer | ced_: tried disabling and reenabling the card | 12:13 |
ced_ | The shortcut buttons for enabling and disabling hardwarematically wont work.. | 12:13 |
shadeslayer | no in Knetwork manager | 12:14 |
shadeslayer | the lil icon at the bottom right | 12:14 |
ced_ | I tried using Knetworkmanager, it says 'disable' clicked, then it said enable, clicked | 12:14 |
ced_ | still nuffing | 12:14 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 12:14 |
shadeslayer | !wifi | 12:14 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 12:14 |
shadeslayer | try that,it has some help with the issues | 12:14 |
ced_ | will do.. thanks | 12:14 |
nonickname2 | any idea how to set kickoff's height? | 12:15 |
shadeslayer | np | 12:15 |
=== TeLLuS__ is now known as TeLLuS | ||
Notch-1 | on the 701 compiz worked pretty well, not so usable but still... so on the 1000H i think it's perfect | 12:15 |
TeLLuS | down. Can't connect to the database.. :/ | 12:16 |
shadeslayer | ced_: it has support for the ralink cards too | 12:16 |
ced_ | shadeslayer: Yea, saw that.. | 12:16 |
shadeslayer | cool | 12:17 |
ced_ | shadeslayer: Hm, well, if i do iwconfig, it says there are no carrds with wireless extensions | 12:17 |
shadeslayer | no idea | 12:17 |
shadeslayer | thats ll i know | 12:17 |
shadeslayer | :P | 12:17 |
ced_ | eth0, and pan, but pan is quite sure bluetooth >_> | 12:17 |
ced_ | lol | 12:17 |
shadeslayer | im new here too | 12:17 |
ced_ | :P | 12:18 |
shadeslayer | starting too learn to learn to use konsole properly | 12:18 |
shadeslayer | *to | 12:18 |
shadeslayer | hey i want to map a wireless finder key on my laptop to find wireless networks | 12:20 |
shadeslayer | can that be done | 12:20 |
ced_ | like netstumbler or something? | 12:20 |
shadeslayer | no | 12:20 |
asraniel | is there a known problem with the nvidia drivers and the latest kubuntu alpha? somehow jockey does not really see my nvidia card, there is no xorg file i could manualy add the driver.. | 12:20 |
shadeslayer | its a seprate key,like on windows | 12:21 |
shadeslayer | i have a Dell XPS M1530 | 12:21 |
ced_ | hm, dunno >.> | 12:21 |
shadeslayer | in windows,when i press the key it finds wireless networks around me | 12:21 |
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest83973 | ||
=== Guest83973 is now known as Bou | ||
ced_ | oh that way | 12:23 |
ced_ | lol, still dunno >_> | 12:23 |
Heliodor | Hello | 12:23 |
ced_ | hi | 12:23 |
shadeslayer | :) | 12:23 |
Heliodor | after upgrading to 4.2 my internet stoped working and cant get it to work again. | 12:23 |
Heliodor | ive tried manual config of network/interfaces | 12:23 |
Bou | pwned | 12:23 |
Heliodor | but wont help | 12:23 |
Heliodor | also seem like it upgraded the kernel | 12:23 |
asraniel | how does one chose the graphic driver? the xorg.conf file is empty. is there a graphical tool? | 12:23 |
Heliodor | perhaps that is the problem | 12:23 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: wifi?? | 12:23 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: no wifi | 12:23 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 12:24 |
shadeslayer | im upgrading right now | 12:24 |
Bou | Kubuntu has officially proposed the update to KDE 4.2 ?? | 12:24 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 12:24 |
shadeslayer | | 12:24 |
Bou | i thought it was supposed to be released with Kubuntu Jaunty? | 12:25 |
Heliodor | rebooted with the old kernel, still no internet! | 12:25 |
shadeslayer | it is available with jaunty too | 12:25 |
Heliodor | and no errors | 12:25 |
Heliodor | and network restart says OK | 12:25 |
ced_ | you get an IP and stuff? | 12:25 |
Heliodor | of course | 12:26 |
Heliodor | dhcp works well without errors | 12:26 |
Heliodor | but nothing | 12:26 |
Heliodor | cant ping | 12:26 |
ced_ | hm | 12:26 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: try enabling the ethernet again | 12:26 |
shadeslayer | disable then reenable | 12:26 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: enabling? | 12:26 |
ced_ | Pinging on a host adres, or an Ip adres? maybe its a DNS problem | 12:26 |
Bou | "packages for Intrepid are in the kubuntu-experimental" .. | 12:26 |
Heliodor | ced_: i tried that to | 12:26 |
ced_ | ok | 12:26 |
ced_ | odd, i dont know whats going on then >_> | 12:27 |
Heliodor | hum | 12:27 |
Heliodor | pinging local net works | 12:27 |
geiseri_ | will KDE 4.2 make it into backports, or updates for intrepid? or will we have to use a 3rd party repo? | 12:27 |
Heliodor | then must be DNS problem | 12:27 |
ced_ | hm | 12:27 |
Bou | geiseri_: "packages for Intrepid are in the kubuntu-experimental" | 12:27 |
Heliodor | but i tried setting resolv.conf but its like it dont read it | 12:27 |
geiseri_ | Bou: yes | 12:27 |
geiseri_ | Bou: but they will never make it into the supported updates? | 12:27 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: did you try re-enabling the ethernet | 12:28 |
asraniel | is there any documentation how to use the new xorg server in jaunty? how can i configure it? | 12:28 |
Bou | geiseri_: as I understand it, it will be in supported updates of Jaunty, not Intrepid | 12:28 |
geiseri_ | Bou: what about LTS? | 12:28 |
* earle grumbles about knetworkmanager still not showing nearby wireless networks | 12:28 | |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: isnt that the same as a reboot? | 12:28 |
Bou | geiseri_: I don't think Intrepid is LTS anyway? | 12:28 |
=== scott_ is now known as Guest79872 | ||
geiseri_ | Bou: right, hardy is | 12:29 |
Bou | geiseri_: yep | 12:29 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: no | 12:29 |
geiseri_ | Bou: that is what we use at my company | 12:29 |
shadeslayer | just try it | 12:29 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: how do i do that? | 12:29 |
OxDeadC0de | can we get qt 4.5 in kubuntu without manually compiling it? ^^ | 12:29 |
ced_ | earle: FFff same problem here, i cant get silly wireless to work, and the driver should work ._. | 12:29 |
Bou | geiseri_: and hardy is running kde3 | 12:29 |
geiseri_ | Bou: right, im assuming that wont get the update either? | 12:29 |
shadeslayer | knetwork manager>deactivate eth0 | 12:29 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: Hm, stoping the interface then starting it again worked. | 12:30 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: how come?? | 12:30 |
shadeslayer | dunno | 12:30 |
shadeslayer | lol | 12:30 |
shadeslayer | it works for me too | 12:30 |
ced_ | Restarting stuff oftenly works >_> | 12:30 |
earle | shadeslayer: That's not an option in my knetworkmanager. | 12:30 |
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shadeslayer | just dont as why | 12:30 |
Bou | geiseri_: I really don't know. Introducing KDE4 in Hardy which is supposed to be stable and get only bugfixes seems not likely to happen | 12:30 |
shadeslayer | *ask | 12:30 |
ced_ | It rechecks configs, resets errors, etc | 12:30 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: very wierd! | 12:30 |
ced_ | maybe that solves a lot | 12:30 |
shadeslayer | i use to get my wifi working | 12:30 |
geiseri_ | Bou: okay, thanks :) i at least know my options :) | 12:31 |
shadeslayer | *it | 12:31 |
ced_ | yarly, welcome to computers, stuff can be weird. | 12:31 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: anyhow, many thanks for the help! I would never had thought of that | 12:31 |
shadeslayer | stupid keyboard | 12:31 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 12:31 |
OxDeadC0de | ced_ more like welcome to programmers, we can be weird | 12:31 |
ced_ | :3 | 12:31 |
=== Guest79872 is now known as Scott__ | ||
=== Scott__ is now known as ScottQ | ||
shadeslayer | earle: what options do you have?? | 12:32 |
ced_ | wait, Ox, didnt you wrote some wireless stuff? I saw your name in adept.. | 12:32 |
ScottQ | When I use my computer in Windows the fans slow down. But in Ubuntu they're constantly running on full making it very noisy. Is there a way of getting them to slow down? | 12:32 |
shadeslayer | earle: try setting up a new ethernet connection | 12:32 |
Bou | geiseri: i'm using 4.2 for a while now in Intrepid (i build kde from trunk regularly) and get no problem | 12:32 |
OxDeadC0de | no.. cpufrequency selectors in ghns though | 12:32 |
shadeslayer | thats works to | 12:32 |
ced_ | Ah | 12:32 |
shadeslayer | *too | 12:32 |
OxDeadC0de | and making other plasmoids atm | 12:32 |
ced_ | Oxdeadc0de: Now i remember :P | 12:32 |
ced_ | It doesnt work for me though >< | 12:32 |
ced_ | It nags about ruby >_> | 12:33 |
shadeslayer | can anybody help me in remapping keys | 12:33 |
OxDeadC0de | btw I fixed the ruby applet today for 4.2 | 12:33 |
OxDeadC0de | did you install all the deps? | 12:33 |
shadeslayer | *new keys | 12:33 |
OxDeadC0de | listed on the description for it on kde-look | 12:33 |
ced_ | not sure, ill recheck | 12:33 |
Heliodor | how do i set to use the KDE login manager? | 12:33 |
Heliodor | dpkg-reconfig kdm? | 12:33 |
earle | shadeslayer: "Deactivate connection" only allows me to deactivate wireless. | 12:33 |
shadeslayer | K>system settings | 12:33 |
shadeslayer | earle: ok then set up a new ethernet connection | 12:34 |
OxDeadC0de | ced_ might just be "ruby-kde4" that you need | 12:34 |
shadeslayer | earle: DHCP??? | 12:35 |
jarco | i tried the themes provided in the desktop settings menu. But i also downloaden one from the net. Any idea how i can use it? | 12:35 |
ced_ | Ox: If i search for 'ruby' in adept, it gives me 1 result, ruby browser | 12:35 |
shadeslayer | jarco: K>system settings | 12:35 |
shadeslayer | advanced>desktop themes | 12:36 |
jarco | that option aint there :s | 12:37 |
OxDeadC0de | ced_ just go to a command line and do "sudo apt-get install ruby-kde4" (That is if you're using kde4.2, if you're on 4.1.X install the ones listed in the description) | 12:37 |
shadeslayer | get new theme>search | 12:37 |
ced_ | Ox: will do | 12:37 |
shadeslayer | !remap | 12:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about remap | 12:37 |
shadeslayer | :( | 12:37 |
gernot | ah shit. i'm sorry, but i'll have to bug you guys by begging for help. i thought i could upgrade to kde 4.2 quick, but it encountered errors and fails. i should have waited for an opportunity where i would have more time. now, however, i would really appreciate help with getting back to 4.1. Please. | 12:38 |
shadeslayer | can somebody help me map some keys | 12:38 |
ghostcube | anyone can tell me how to get the plasma panel to opacity with compiz in 4.2 seems not working anymore | 12:38 |
OxDeadC0de | if in 4.1.x sudo apt-get install libkorundum4-ruby1.8 libqt4-ruby libqt4-ruby1.8 ;) | 12:38 |
ghostcube | | 12:38 |
ghostcube | this is a screenshot for oxyglass | 12:38 |
OxDeadC0de | I like oxyglass | 12:38 |
ghostcube | yeah not working here i get a bad blue plaxsma panel | 12:39 |
OxDeadC0de | hmm yeah the bar does that for me too now... but the popup applets are still transparent with compiz | 12:39 |
earle | shadeslayer: I'm now using the new, named ethernet connection; I'm not sure how that's going to help my lack of wireless. | 12:39 |
ced_ | Ox: It works now ^^ | 12:39 |
ghostcube | OxDeadC0de, yeah but wth should this be | 12:39 |
stdin | gernot: pastebin the errors | 12:39 |
OxDeadC0de | ghostcube I know I used it before, should be transparent | 12:39 |
jarco | shadeslayer: that option is not there ... | 12:39 |
OxDeadC0de | :| | 12:40 |
shadeslayer | one sec | 12:40 |
Heliodor | can kdenetworkmanager set static ips? | 12:41 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: yes | 12:41 |
gernot | stdin: i can't, i'm in a virtual terminal. also even if i could i would really like to go back to 4.1 for now. i'll try to document those errors on the weekend then. | 12:41 |
shadeslayer | you have to edit the connection in Knetwork manager | 12:41 |
shadeslayer | earle: you want wifi?? | 12:41 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: ok, thanks, perhaps better than to use manual settings | 12:42 |
shadeslayer | or ethernet?? | 12:42 |
ced_ | OxdeadC0de: It works now, but it nags about permissions, and asks me to chmod, if i do, it says the dir doest exist. | 12:42 |
stdin | gernot: it'd be much quicker to fix the errors that try to downgrade (which would have more errors) | 12:42 |
ced_ | doesnt* | 12:42 |
Heliodor | Damnit, cant get the nvidia drivers to work anymore! | 12:42 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: best bet,set up a new ethernet connection | 12:42 |
shadeslayer | and use the static ip | 12:42 |
earle | shadeslayer: I was talking to ced_ about wireless. | 12:42 |
shadeslayer | oh ok | 12:42 |
stdin | gernot: if it's something like "trying to overwrite file ... which is also in package ..." then it's quite simple to fix | 12:42 |
earle | :) | 12:42 |
OxDeadC0de | ced_ cpufreq-selector right? | 12:42 |
shadeslayer | earle: whats this" shadeslayer: "Deactivate connection" only allows me to deactivate wireless." | 12:43 |
ced_ | selector? It just says '/usr/bin/cpufreq-set' | 12:43 |
OxDeadC0de | k, (there's two of them, both part of the cpufreq package) | 12:43 |
gernot | stdin: there are conflicting packages (at least). what's the best way to do this? pipe the output of upgrade to a text file? | 12:44 |
earle | shadeslayer: I was replying to when you said "knetwork manager>deactivate eth0" | 12:44 |
gernot | and then see how far i can get with elinks and pastebin.. oh silly me | 12:44 |
shadeslayer | oh | 12:44 |
OxDeadC0de | ced_ apt-get install cpufrequtils , you'll also need a kernel module for your cpu (different one for amd and intel), and kernel modules for the governors | 12:44 |
OxDeadC0de | ced_ sec I'll find a website detailing setup | 12:44 |
ced_ | OxdeadC0de: Thanks, will do. | 12:45 |
Heliodor | Damnit | 12:45 |
stdin | gernot: how are you upgrading? "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"? | 12:45 |
gernot | stdin: yes | 12:45 |
stdin | gernot: does it immediately error out or does it ask you to continue? | 12:46 |
gernot | stdin: no it started to replace stuff, i set the mysql password. but somewhere along the line it encountered errors and stopped. | 12:47 |
gernot | stdin: i can run it again to have a closer look at the errors. i just came here hoping to undo it. | 12:47 |
stdin | gernot: if you do "sudo apt-get -f install" it should make it esaier to spot the errors | 12:47 |
stdin | gernot: it'd be difficult/impossible to undo it without knowing the errors anyway | 12:48 |
shadeslayer | please can anybody help me map some keys | 12:49 |
gernot | stdin: okay. and thank you for your time, by the way. i'll try to pipe the output to a text file since there's only so much i can see with this terminal resolution | 12:49 |
earle | Hm. Since 4.2, all my terminals start in ~/Documents by default. Where can I change that? | 12:51 |
gernot | stdin: you made a good guess there in the beginning: i do have "trying to overwrite ... which is also in package ..." errors | 12:51 |
jens5655 | shadeslayer: have you checked in system settings>input action or ss>keyboard and mouse? | 12:51 |
shadeslayer | jens5655: theyre not working under any of those keyboards | 12:52 |
stdin | gernot: at the end of the output it should list the .deb files that caused the errors, just type "sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i " and add the file names at the end (you can use tab completion to make it easier) | 12:52 |
shadeslayer | also one of them is more ton a bu | 12:52 |
shadeslayer | also one of them is more of a button | 12:52 |
stdin | gernot: then "sudo apt-get -f install" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" again | 12:52 |
earle | Huh. When I plug in my power cable I get two differently styled notifications at the same time :/ | 12:53 |
stdin | earle: one is from guidance-power-manager and one from powerdevil | 12:53 |
earle | stdin: I figured something like that. I noticed powerdevil in system settings, but guidance is still running. Should I uninstall it? | 12:54 |
jens5655 | shadeslayer:have you tried sys settings>regional & language and try to change keybord layout? | 12:54 |
shadeslayer | yess | 12:54 |
shadeslayer | wont work | 12:54 |
jens5655 | okie, then im out of tips :( | 12:55 |
stdin | earle: you don't need to uninstall it, you can just close it for now (it's the battery icon in the system tray) | 12:55 |
stdin | earle: powerdevil may replace it in jaunty | 12:55 |
Heliodor | is the message "your starting without administrative rights" something to worrie about?? | 12:55 |
earle | stdin: Cool. Thanks. | 12:55 |
gernot | stdin: thank you so much. it worked. it's kind of sad though that little oxygen icons can cause me so much trouble. thanks again! | 13:00 |
stdin | gernot: no problem, we'll get all the issues worked out by jaunty ;) | 13:01 |
ghostcube | OxDeadC0de, i have the problem fixed | 13:01 |
ghostcube | :) | 13:01 |
OxDeadC0de | how? :D | 13:01 |
ghostcube | <MoRpHeUz> ghostcube: try cleaning your cache (rm -rf $HOME/.kde/cache-machinename/kpc/plasma*) | 13:02 |
ghostcube | MoRpHeUz> ghostcube: after cleaning the cache you have to restart plasma | 13:02 |
ghostcube | :) | 13:02 |
OxDeadC0de | hmm, my panel is still blue after doing that | 13:03 |
fshbq | hello everybody,i am coming | 13:03 |
ghostcube | restart plasma Orbjinzo | 13:03 |
ghostcube | ups | 13:03 |
ghostcube | OxDeadC0de, | 13:03 |
OxDeadC0de | I did, kquitapp plasma && plasma | 13:04 |
ghostcube | and you cleaned the cache ? | 13:04 |
ghostcube | check the folder | 13:04 |
OxDeadC0de | yup | 13:04 |
ghostcube | if all is gone | 13:04 |
OxDeadC0de | just did it again, and cleaned the cache while plasma was quit even | 13:04 |
OxDeadC0de | ohhh need to remove machine with machine name duh | 13:05 |
ghostcube | lol | 13:05 |
ghostcube | yeah thats just an example | 13:05 |
OxDeadC0de | bah, still not working though | 13:06 |
Heliodor | am i really supposed to use the kubuntu-experimental repository in the future for 4.2? | 13:07 |
OxDeadC0de | oh haha ghostcube, no wonder, I'm in nightly right now that's why | 13:08 |
ghostcube | hmm ok worked fine here | 13:08 |
ghostcube | :) | 13:08 |
earle | Heliodor: AIUI, until jaunty. | 13:09 |
Heliodor | earle: Then they change to 4.3 dev instead? | 13:09 |
earle | I'm no expert, this is just what I picked up yesterday :-) | 13:09 |
earle | I'm sure somebody here is more knowledgeable about release schedules | 13:10 |
Heliodor | earle: Hehe, good enough for me :) | 13:10 |
agustinvinao | Buenas, alguien sabe como crear un USB booteable de Windows en Ubuntu? | 13:12 |
ced_ | | 13:13 |
earle | Eek, Exposé! I wasn't expecting that to happen. | 13:14 |
=== john is now known as Guest77391 | ||
ced_ | Thats what i used to install kUbuntu on my EEEpc (without cd drive) | 13:14 |
OxDeadC0de | hey what do you know ghostcube, it worked, but I accidentially did an rm -rf $HOME/.kde-neon/cache-machinename/kpc/plasma * (notice the space...) from me ~/.kde/ dir.. so I erased all my non-nightly kde settings hah | 13:14 |
ghostcube | oha | 13:15 |
agustinvinao | i need to create an USB boot with windows, from my ubuntu SO | 13:15 |
ghostcube | thats not good | 13:15 |
agustinvinao | any of you know how do that? | 13:15 |
OxDeadC0de | haha won't hurt anything, just lost a bookmark to myspace *zomg* | 13:15 |
ghostcube | ok then :) sounds not so bad | 13:16 |
ct529 | I cannot start eclipse .... I installed 3.4.0 + openjdk .... | 13:18 |
shadeslayer | can someone point me to a link to remap keys in 8.10 | 13:29 |
shadeslayer | pleasee | 13:32 |
Heliodor | What is best OpenGL or Xrender ? | 13:32 |
Heliodor | remap keys? | 13:32 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 13:33 |
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest45446 | ||
shadeslayer | fn+F3 | 13:33 |
shadeslayer | to get it to display the battery icon | 13:33 |
shadeslayer | or status of battery | 13:33 |
Heliodor | | 13:33 |
Heliodor | xrender was really slow | 13:34 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: thats a function key | 13:35 |
shadeslayer | how do i remap it to launch an appp | 13:35 |
Heliodor | think you need an application launcher | 13:35 |
shadeslayer | like?? | 13:35 |
shadeslayer | its basically a dell quick set function | 13:36 |
Heliodor | keyboard ninja | 13:36 |
shadeslayer | command line install?? | 13:36 |
=== Guest45446 is now known as Bou | ||
jarco | hello all i have a question (again): How do you start compiz settings thingie on kde when u installed compiz? | 13:38 |
shadeslayer | jarco: compiz doesnt run | 13:38 |
shadeslayer | on KDE | 13:38 |
shadeslayer | or thats what i heard | 13:38 |
jarco | whoa | 13:38 |
shadeslayer | !compiz | 13:38 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion | 13:38 |
jarco | this channel told me different before :S | 13:38 |
shadeslayer | look at that | 13:39 |
jarco | i installed it already :p | 13:39 |
simca | jarco: ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager) | 13:39 |
shadeslayer | hehe looks like im wrong | 13:39 |
jarco | | 13:39 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: anyard ninja idea on keybo | 13:39 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: any idea on keyboard ninja | 13:40 |
shadeslayer | !keyboard ninja | 13:40 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about keyboard ninja | 13:40 |
shadeslayer | :P | 13:40 |
jarco | thx simca | 13:40 |
jarco | right what i needed | 13:40 |
shadeslayer | anybody who has some experienard ninjace with keybo | 13:42 |
simca | how is not all kde4.2 packages are built in jaunty, but says i386 0 builds waiting in queue? | 13:43 |
shadeslayer | anybody who has some experience with keyboard nnja | 13:43 |
thomas_ | I enabled expirmental packages to use 4.2, now that 4.2 is out I'd like to remove all the expirmental packages. I see how to disable the ppa reppo, in synaptic, but not how to switch any left over packages to the main version. | 13:45 |
shadeslayer | hey how do i restart X in kubuntu | 13:47 |
shadeslayer | i cant enable desktop effects | 13:47 |
hellsing | ctrl+alt+return | 13:47 |
q_ | press CTRL +ALT+ BACKSPACE | 13:47 |
sanderson | Are there log files of kde-startup-process? Mine (kubuntu jaunty on macbook white) don't start. | 13:49 |
=== rohan_ is now known as shadeslayer | ||
shadeslayer | ok i still need help with Fn+F3 | 13:51 |
shadeslayer | and the wireless device finder | 13:51 |
FrauHansen | hello. can anybody tell me if the problem koffice 2.0 beta 5 vs. kde 4.2rc1 is solved in 4.2final? there were some incompatible packages... | 13:59 |
shadeslayer | FrauHansen: i think not | 13:59 |
shadeslayer | tledhe site still says that those packages must NOT be instal | 13:59 |
shadeslayer | *installed | 13:59 |
shadeslayer | *the | 13:59 |
shadeslayer | ok i still need help with Fn+F3 | 14:00 |
shadeslayer | and the wireless device finder | 14:00 |
FrauHansen | shadeslayer, ok thank you. I will not install it then...lets hope beta 6 will come soon :) | 14:01 |
bobleny | Hi, does anyone know of an issue where th installed version of a program is different from the version that adept claims is installed? | 14:07 |
ced_ | reinstall it? | 14:07 |
wers | how do i sync kontact calendar with google calendar? :D | 14:08 |
reinhold | Is it save to upgrade an office machine from kde 4.1.3 (plain intrepid packages) to kde 4.2 packages? | 14:08 |
wers | is there a keybind for show desktop? | 14:09 |
bobleny | I completely screwed up.... I figured it out. Thanks for your help though. | 14:09 |
thomas_ | reinhold: I'm not sure, I upgraded to 4.2 and now I can't the plasma-addons pack to install | 14:09 |
thomas_ | so if you need those, you might have a problem | 14:10 |
patmanpato | whats the name of the updater tool that sits in the system tray? it keeps disappearing on me... | 14:10 |
thomas_ | However, in my case, I installed the rc version, but now I don't know how to make sure that all the expirmental packages are gone, and I've gotten no help here | 14:11 |
=== reinhold is now known as reinhold_away | ||
=== reinhold_away is now known as reinhold | ||
sandGorgon | hi guys... need some help - I want to install KDE 4.2 from Ubuntu 8.10 - not Kubuntu. How do I do this: all the help i read on the night ask to install "kde-nightly" | 14:15 |
reinhold | thomas_: No, I don't need plasma at all (I'm really looking forward to hiding the panel again, so I have more desktop space available). all I need are the usual office applications in a scientific desktop: kmail, korganizer, konqueror (file+web), okular, kile, good printing support for theses and other term papers etc. | 14:17 |
JontheEchidna | sandGorgon: check out | 14:17 |
jarco | i accedently removed the system digital clock. When i try to add it as a widget i have a problem ... .. ecerywhere i click on the toolbar i get a little calendar popping up. Any suggestions? | 14:17 |
reinhold | sandGorgon: Ubuntu 8.10 and kubuntu use the same packages, just the initial set of packages is different... | 14:17 |
Heliodor | Hellu. | 14:18 |
Heliodor | What happened to krunner? | 14:18 |
flithm | hey everyone... just testing out kde4.2 here... really awesome so far. Only one catch though, gtk based java apps no longer work for me. In fact they don't even work in gnome unless I run gdm as opposed to kdm -- and for some reason if I use gdm I can't log into kde 4 (just hangs)... anyone have any ideas for me? | 14:19 |
Heliodor | no worries, i found it | 14:19 |
JohnFlux | Heliodor: It became Alive. | 14:19 |
ced_ | It ran away. | 14:19 |
Heliodor | Alive? | 14:19 |
ced_ | *pahdun-tsss....* | 14:19 |
JohnFlux | flithm: hmm, what if you disable desktop effects? | 14:19 |
JohnFlux | flithm: All I can think of is that they are going through opengl or something | 14:20 |
=== babbo is now known as babbo_ | ||
drblood | whats the command to join 2 IRC servers at once | 14:21 |
flithm | JohnFlux: tried that, same thing. remember the same thing happens if I try to run them in gnome (no compiz) with kdm as the login manager. If I use gdm it works fine. very bizarre... there must be some sort of process running that gdm launches that kdm does not? I tried gnome-settings-daemon but that's not it | 14:21 |
sandGorgon | JontheEchidna: i checked the page and added the software sources list accordingly. do i now install "kde-nightly" ? | 14:21 |
JohnFlux | flithm: very bizare | 14:22 |
=== babbo_ is now known as bambolo | ||
flithm | JohnFlux: totally! | 14:22 |
Heliodor | Umm.... | 14:22 |
Heliodor | is there no tool to mount my harddrives? | 14:22 |
shadeslayer | im gonna gow insane anytime no | 14:22 |
JontheEchidna | sanderson: nope, kubuntu-desktop | 14:22 |
shadeslayer | waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh | 14:22 |
shadeslayer | im gonna go insane anytime now | 14:22 |
jarco | how can i compile a theme as discribed here? | 14:22 |
JontheEchidna | kde-nightly is a different service provided by a different repository | 14:22 |
JohnFlux | Heliodor: I got a computer icon thing in the systray | 14:22 |
Captain_Haddock | Just finished installed KDE 4.2... any idea what the deal is with widgets like showdesktop? Adding it creates an "unknown widget" with the message "Could not find requested component: showdesktop" | 14:22 |
sandGorgon | JontheEchidna: alrighty.. thanks | 14:23 |
JohnFlux | Heliodor: If I click on that, it shows me unmounted harddisks | 14:23 |
BluesKaj | 'morning all | 14:23 |
Heliodor | JohnFlux: Hmm, i dont seem to have that. | 14:23 |
shadeslayer | im begging you people | 14:24 |
Captain_Haddock | shadeslayer: what's the problem? | 14:24 |
=== nicolas_ is now known as Bou | ||
conferen34 | hi greentings from Brazil. Is there an app to convert avi do dvd? | 14:24 |
shadeslayer | i need to map some keys | 14:24 |
shadeslayer | like Fn+F3 to dis meterplay my battery | 14:25 |
shadeslayer | like Fn+F3 to display my battery meter | 14:25 |
JohnFlux | shadeslayer: that's what's driving you insane? | 14:25 |
shadeslayer | and a wireless network switch to display wifi networks | 14:25 |
Captain_Haddock | version? | 14:25 |
shadeslayer | no response | 14:25 |
shadeslayer | for about 2 hours | 14:25 |
shadeslayer | been on ##windows,#ubuntu,#hardware | 14:26 |
Captain_Haddock | !enter | 14:26 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:26 |
shadeslayer | zip | 14:26 |
JohnFlux | shadeslayer: looked in system settings? | 14:26 |
shadeslayer | yes | 14:26 |
JohnFlux | shadeslayer: and? | 14:26 |
JohnFlux | shadeslayer: there's a keyboard shortcuts thing there | 14:26 |
shadeslayer | none of the keyboard layouts work for me | 14:26 |
=== adam is now known as adam000 | ||
Heliodor | Umm... i dont have the "disks and harddrives" config in system settings either | 14:27 |
JohnFlux | shadeslayer: I mean, add a shortcut? | 14:27 |
shadeslayer | for the battery meter | 14:27 |
shadeslayer | nothing there | 14:27 |
shadeslayer | no shortcut for battery meter and wireless | 14:28 |
unanxbt | How can I install kde 4.2 in my ubuntu interprid? | 14:29 |
shadeslayer | btw my keyboard goes beserk too | 14:29 |
Heliodor | Ah... dolphin is the shit | 14:29 |
shadeslayer | unanxbt: | 14:29 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: konqureor is shittier | 14:30 |
shadeslayer | :P | 14:30 |
unanxbt | shadeslayer, i followed that and added the repo but it is not told there that whether I have install kubuntu-desktop package of kde package or some else! | 14:30 |
sandGorgon | unanxbt: go to - add the software repositories and then do "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" | 14:30 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: shittier? | 14:30 |
shadeslayer | more shitty | 14:31 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: you mean better? :) | 14:31 |
unanxbt | sanderson, will it install kde 4.2? how can i confirm? | 14:31 |
shadeslayer | i mean worse | 14:31 |
ryanv | what is the apt source entry that I need to pick up kde 4.2 in kubuntu? is it this? | 14:31 |
thomas__ | im using fglrx and get some corruptions while a menu (example from kickoff) gets opened, is this normal or is there some workaround? | 14:31 |
ryanv | oops nvrmnd - thx sandgorgon | 14:32 |
sandGorgon | unanxbt: that is the latest "release", so yes u should get it | 14:32 |
shadeslayer | JohnFlux,Captain_Haddock any idea?? | 14:32 |
unanxbt | sandGorgon, ok, thanks | 14:32 |
JohnFlux | shadeslayer: google? | 14:33 |
shadeslayer | no go | 14:33 |
BluesKaj | unanxbt , once instaaled , check 'about kde' in konqueror | 14:33 |
shadeslayer | havent found a thing | 14:33 |
Marfi | anyone know where to get the new stable 4.2? =) | 14:33 |
Captain_Haddock | no idea | 14:33 |
shadeslayer | JohnFlve for quicksetnatiux: any idea if dell have a linux alter | 14:33 |
shadeslayer | see my keyboard went beserk | 14:33 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 14:34 |
unanxbt | BlueEagle, woof!! so there isn't any way for prior confirmation? :) | 14:34 |
Captain_Haddock | unanxbt: I just updated adept after adding the repo and it offered me the updates | 14:34 |
noaXess | hi all | 14:34 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: so you dont use either of dolphin or conq? | 14:34 |
shadeslayer | JohnFlux: any idea if dell have a linux alternative for quickset | 14:34 |
shadeslayer | Heliodor: i use firefox and dolphin | 14:34 |
noaXess | is there any information about kpowersave for kde4? now, it's kde3 based.. yes it can be installed in kde4, just wondering if there is a plan fpr a kde4 version | 14:35 |
unanxbt | Captain_Haddock, but i am using ubuntu so package manager is not offering me to install kde | 14:35 |
shadeslayer | cant find an alternative for dolphin | 14:35 |
BluesKaj | unanxbt , it's under the toolbar help option | 14:35 |
Marfi | unanxbt, to install ubuntu, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 14:35 |
Captain_Haddock | unanxbt: not sure.. just run sudo apt-get update in a terminal and sudo apt-get upgrade following that. | 14:35 |
SAZ | Hello | 14:35 |
Captain_Haddock | hi | 14:36 |
shadeslayer | looks like ill have to live with it | 14:36 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: ah, me 2, dont like conq | 14:36 |
shadeslayer | :( | 14:36 |
Heliodor | shadeslayer: i dont think dolphin is that bad | 14:36 |
* Captain_Haddock dislikes Dolphin very much. | 14:36 | |
unanxbt | I heard that there is an option of "force version" that will let you choose but here in my synaptic this option is dull | 14:36 |
Captain_Haddock | Konq > Dolphin | 14:36 |
Captain_Haddock | unanxbt: try using the commandline | 14:36 |
shadeslayer | even though xevodes give's me scan c | 14:36 |
carpii | how do i bring up task manager. My prev 8.04 install i could use CTRL/ALT/DEL | 14:36 |
shadeslayer | aarrrrggghhhhhhhhh | 14:36 |
Marfi | carpii, system > admin > task manager | 14:37 |
Captain_Haddock | carpii: ctrl + esc perhaps | 14:37 |
BluesKaj | unanxbt , you'll find the source repository here: then choose Intrepid at the Display sources.list entries for: option | 14:37 |
unanxbt | Captain_Haddock, i prefer command line installation but how can i force to use ppa repo? | 14:37 |
* shadeslayer flings curses at the keyboard list development team | 14:37 | |
Heliodor | Captain_Haddock: dolphin is NOT conq.. | 14:37 |
shadeslayer | if they exsist | 14:37 |
SAZ | I'm trying to install kde 4.2 from ppa kubuntu-experimental. If I try to run apt-get upgrade, I get a "size mismatch" error on package libpcre3_7.8-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1_i386.deb. Is there any known workaround for this? | 14:37 |
carpii | ctrl + esc worked, thanks | 14:37 |
Captain_Haddock | Heliodor: Konqueror is also a file manager... I don't use it as a browser. | 14:37 |
unanxbt | BlueEagle, yes, i have already added this repo and also updated the source | 14:38 |
Heliodor | Captain_Haddock: yes i know, but they are not the same | 14:38 |
shadeslayer | Captain_Haddock: they have every dell keyboard on that list | 14:38 |
shadeslayer | just not mine | 14:38 |
shadeslayer | :P | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | unanxbt , my nick is BluesKaj , not the other guy :) | 14:38 |
shadeslayer | if DaSkreech were here,he would have known what to do | 14:39 |
Captain_Haddock | Heliodor: yes.. which is why I said that Konq > dolphin | 14:39 |
unanxbt | BluesKaj, oh sorry ;) | 14:39 |
shadeslayer | brb | 14:39 |
Captain_Haddock | i.e., dolphin still sucks quite badly | 14:39 |
unanxbt | BluesKaj, so you are closely watching the chat and not like me (a lazy person) :) | 14:39 |
BluesKaj | the only reason i use dolphin is to access my windows partition | 14:40 |
Captain_Haddock | unanxbt: what happens when you run apt-get upgrade? | 14:40 |
Captain_Haddock | and do you already have an older version of kde installed? | 14:41 |
Marfi | SAZ, im installing it right if it kicks back an error, ill let ya know. =) | 14:41 |
shadeslayer | BTW whats the shortcut for enabling desktop effects | 14:41 |
unanxbt | Captain_Haddock, i run sudo apt-get update and the database is updated now i want to confirm the kde version before installation cuse its 200+MB and i dont want to wast that much time for downloading a inferior version :) | 14:41 |
Marfi | SAZ, oh, i know. search for that file that gave you problems, and delete it. apt will re-download it | 14:41 |
BluesKaj | unanxbt , so why can't you upgrade to 4.2 ? | 14:41 |
Captain_Haddock | BluesKaj: I only have to use it when I mount something via the device manager | 14:41 |
unanxbt | BluesKaj, how can i upgrade to 4.2? | 14:41 |
Captain_Haddock | unanxbt: and you are in gnome now? no older KDE installed? | 14:42 |
unanxbt | Captain_Haddock, yes | 14:42 |
Marfi | unanxbt, | 14:43 |
Marfi | that should be placed as the topic, because everyone is going to ask. ;) | 14:43 |
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unanxbt | Marfi, we discussed it many minutes ago :) | 14:43 |
Captain_Haddock | Marfi: he's got that added... he wants to know which version of KDE he's going to be installing | 14:43 |
Marfi | ah, ok | 14:43 |
unanxbt | now i just have to run one command "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" but i am looking for version confirmation | 14:44 |
Marfi | unanxbt, do sudo apt-get update first | 14:44 |
Captain_Haddock | unanxbt: when you run update, you should be able to see the ppa repository.. if that's there, then there should be no reason why an older version will be installed. | 14:44 |
Marfi | then it will | 14:44 |
bobleny | Hi, I have another question if you don't mind.... How do I disable the launch feed back in 8.04? Didn't there used to be a button in system settings for that? | 14:44 |
SAZ | Marfi: Thanks. I will give it a try. | 14:45 |
Captain_Haddock | unanxbt: you should be able to confirm the version in synaptic after you run the update. | 14:45 |
unanxbt | it means that now there is no other way than "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"? :) | 14:45 |
unanxbt | Captain_Haddock, kubuntu-desktop version 1.101 | 14:46 |
Captain_Haddock | unanxbt: how about something like kdebase? | 14:46 |
simca | unanxbt: maybe use the -u option of apt-get ( Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be upgraded) | 14:47 |
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romeo_ | ciao | 14:47 |
unanxbt | Captain_Haddock, yes, kdebase is 4.2, | 14:47 |
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Captain_Haddock | unanxbt: well that's it then. | 14:47 |
unanxbt | simca, lemme check it | 14:47 |
simca | or -s which is simulate | 14:47 |
Captain_Haddock | you can also use sudo apt-cache showpkg kdebase etc. | 14:48 |
jarco | is ther eno option in kmail to leave emails on the server? | 14:48 |
shadeslayer | can i rant?? | 14:48 |
shadeslayer | :) | 14:48 |
unanxbt | ok friends! atlast download started :) | 14:48 |
Marfi | unanxbt, im just finishing up the installs on this end. ;) | 14:49 |
Marfi | shadeslayer, about? | 14:49 |
unanxbt | Whats your average download speed? | 14:49 |
shadeslayer | about 2 of my keys not working | 14:49 |
Marfi | i was going about 300kb/s | 14:49 |
shadeslayer | Fn+F3 and a wireless button | 14:49 |
Marfi | hit 800-900 at my house | 14:49 |
unanxbt | mine is 70KB/sec | 14:49 |
Marfi | shadeslayer, do a search for your computer + key bindings | 14:50 |
shadeslayer | 19KBps :( | 14:50 |
bernhard | 141mb updates, you crazy xD | 14:50 |
unanxbt | i have a laptop hp dv5 which has finger print login option, how can i enable this option in ubuntu (8.10)? | 14:50 |
shadeslayer | nope | 14:50 |
shadeslayer | nothing | 14:51 |
SAZ | My problem still exists. Here is the error I get: "Failed to fetch Size mismatch" | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | unanxbt: youll need an extra softwaer | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | *re | 14:51 |
SAZ | apt-get update doesn't fix it. | 14:51 |
unanxbt | shadeslayer, which software? | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | dont remeber the name | 14:51 |
SAZ | The same goes for apt-get update --fix-missing... | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | !fingerprint | 14:51 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fingerprint | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | !finger | 14:51 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about finger | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | :P | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | its out there somewhere | 14:51 |
unanxbt | 14:51 | |
ubottu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 14:51 |
unanxbt | :P | 14:51 |
shadeslayer | haha | 14:52 |
shadeslayer | i saw it somewhere for my XPS | 14:52 |
unanxbt | !ubottu | 14:52 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 14:52 |
shadeslayer | sont remeber where,coz i dont use it | 14:52 |
shadeslayer | *saw | 14:52 |
unanxbt | xps? what that? | 14:52 |
shadeslayer | XPS M1530 | 14:53 |
shadeslayer | unanxbt: you too?? | 14:53 |
unanxbt | shadeslayer, me what? | 14:53 |
shadeslayer | XPS user?? | 14:53 |
shadeslayer | ok ive gtg | 14:53 |
shadeslayer | bye | 14:53 |
unanxbt | shadeslayer, u mean win xp? | 14:53 |
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shadeslayer | no i mean an XPS M1530 notebook | 14:54 |
shadeslayer | :P | 14:54 |
unanxbt | shadeslayer, no, i have hp dv5 came with vista and a good option of finger print, other things like vista sucks :) | 14:54 |
BluesKaj | unanxbt , did you sudo apt-get update , after adding the ppa sources ? | 14:55 |
unanxbt | BluesKaj, yes, did and now downloading is going on | 14:56 |
BluesKaj | ok, unanxbt | 14:56 |
unanxbt | Is it possible that i put quota on login time of my users, like i want my users to use ubuntu a total of only 10 hours in a week and not more, how can i do that? | 14:56 |
unanxbt | hard question? | 14:59 |
thomas_ | unanxbt: my guess is, write a shell script | 15:00 |
unanxbt | thomas_, hmm, can you give any idea? | 15:00 |
thomas_ | | 15:02 |
uten | hey ppl | 15:02 |
thomas_ | This is daily, I'm guessing you could modify to weekly | 15:02 |
uten | kde4.2 upgrade question | 15:02 |
unanxbt | shadeslayer, | 15:02 |
uten | I followed the release notes here: | 15:03 |
uten | but after restarting x, still not kde4.2 | 15:03 |
unanxbt | thomas_, thanks a lot, lemme check it | 15:03 |
Creap | Hi. I only have Ubuntu Intrepid installed, not Kubuntu or KDE, but want to try out KDE4.2. Will it be sufficient to add the kubuntu-experimental reps and then install kubuntu-desktop? | 15:04 |
thomas_ | unanxbt: a comment said "...timeoutd in the repos as well." | 15:04 |
BluesKaj | Creap , yeah , that should work, after you do a sudoa pt-get update , first | 15:05 |
aljosa | where can i find kubuntu-experimental key/gpg for apt? | 15:05 |
Creap | ok thanks, will try | 15:05 |
BluesKaj | err sudo | 15:05 |
unanxbt | thomas_, i am also reading the link you gave and its a good one | 15:05 |
shadeslayer | back | 15:06 |
shadeslayer | yeah fprint | 15:06 |
shadeslayer | thats the one | 15:06 |
stdin | aljosa: read the link in the topic, it has instructions | 15:07 |
thomas_ | unanxbt: let me know if you get it to work, I may want to limit myself to 16 hours a day ;-) | 15:07 |
shadeslayer | thomas_: 16 hours :O | 15:07 |
shadeslayer | oh he left | 15:08 |
shadeslayer | :P | 15:08 |
unanxbt | thomas_, i read it but i will practice it after 3 or 4 hours on other computer which is shared :) | 15:08 |
=== sigma is now known as Guest53082 | ||
Guest53082 | how do i disable panel tooltips on kde4.2? | 15:08 |
uten | so yeh, as I said i followed the instructions on the kubuntu 4.2 release guide | 15:08 |
uten | and it downloaded all the packages | 15:08 |
uten | and still nothing | 15:08 |
uten | jus 4.1 | 15:08 |
shadeslayer | 15 min to KDE 4.2,standing by ;) | 15:09 |
uten | anyone? | 15:09 |
unanxbt | shadeslayer, did u check the link? | 15:09 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 15:09 |
unanxbt | uten, yes, what are you asking? | 15:09 |
shadeslayer | fprint iss the one | 15:09 |
unanxbt | shadeslayer, now remember :) | 15:09 |
uten | unanxbt: how do I force it to use the 4.2 packages | 15:09 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 15:10 |
jury | how install ATI radeon drivers for integred gpu x1100? | 15:10 |
uten | because I have restarted x several times and it doesnt use them | 15:10 |
shadeslayer | !ati | 15:10 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 15:10 |
unanxbt | uten, first add the repo; deb intrepid main | 15:10 |
sigma_ | how do i disable panel tooltips in kde4.2? 4.1 had a option but i dont see it in 4.2 | 15:10 |
shadeslayer | !ati|jury | 15:10 |
ubottu | jury: please see above | 15:10 |
unanxbt | uten, then sudo apt-get update | 15:10 |
student8 | Howdy, To be the safe side I installed Kubuntu in safe graphics mode and I think it stuck after installation. How do I get regular resolution back? | 15:11 |
jury | ) | 15:11 |
uten | unanxbt: i did sudo apt-get and upgrade, and restarted x and nothing | 15:11 |
jury | thanks | 15:11 |
shadeslayer | np | 15:11 |
bobleny | Does anyone know how to disable the launch feed back in 8.04? Didn't there used to be a button in system settings for that? | 15:12 |
bobleny | Nobody knows!? | 15:14 |
progmanos | how can i use google gadgets in kde 4.2? | 15:14 |
shadeslayer | progmanos: wine | 15:14 |
shadeslayer | maybe | 15:14 |
progmanos | bobleny, i'm not sure how to do that | 15:15 |
shadeslayer | ?? | 15:15 |
shadeslayer | !wine | 15:15 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help | 15:15 |
progmanos | shadeslayer: it's supposed to work with plasma | 15:15 |
shadeslayer | oohh | 15:15 |
shadeslayer | then ill like to learn that too | 15:15 |
shadeslayer | BTW why is my notebook heating up so much in linux | 15:16 |
shadeslayer | i dont even have desktop effects enabled | 15:16 |
blahjake | shadeslayer: macbook by chance? | 15:16 |
shadeslayer | nope | 15:16 |
shadeslayer | XPS M1530 | 15:17 |
KRF | shadeslayer, no problems here with that nb | 15:17 |
KRF | run htop and check what occupies the CPU | 15:17 |
shadeslayer | KRF: maybe im updating thats why | 15:17 |
shadeslayer | KRF: any problems with the keyboard?? | 15:18 |
KRF | nope | 15:18 |
urbinek | hi | 15:18 |
bobleny | Could someone atleast tell me how to revert back to an older version amarok? | 15:18 |
shadeslayer | my kerdcursor kjumpsyboa | 15:18 |
shadeslayer | like above | 15:18 |
shadeslayer | see it goes beserk | 15:18 |
shadeslayer | which keyboard layout do you have?? | 15:19 |
KRF | hm? maybe your striking the touchpad | 15:19 |
shadeslayer | no | 15:19 |
urbinek | Anyone knows wil be kubuntu with kde 4.2 ? or i must upgrade it from 4.1 | 15:19 |
shadeslayer | KRF: whats your keyboard layout?? | 15:20 |
shadeslayer | in regional settings | 15:20 |
KRF | german layout, qwertz | 15:20 |
KRF | but thats irrelevant | 15:20 |
Unksi | urbinek: jaunty will have 4.2, but you can have it on intrepid with an unofficial ppa repo as well | 15:20 |
KRF | urbinek, check | 15:20 |
shadeslayer | KRF: and does Fn+F3 work?? | 15:20 |
KRF | shadeslayer, no!!!!!111 | 15:20 |
urbinek | Unksi: when will be official release of jaunty ? | 15:20 |
Unksi | urbinek: april | 15:21 |
shadeslayer | yeah,thought that was coming :) | 15:21 |
shadeslayer | and neither does the wireless catcher | 15:21 |
KRF | i dont know what its good for anyway | 15:21 |
urbinek | Unksi: arigatou gozaimas :) | 15:21 |
Unksi | yw | 15:21 |
urbinek | and one more, i've got problem wiith alsa | 15:21 |
shadeslayer | ooh | 15:21 |
shadeslayer | 2min to update,standing by | 15:21 |
urbinek | it looks like it doesn't see my sound card | 15:22 |
urbinek | i dont have any idea what's going on | 15:22 |
gribouille | hi | 15:22 |
gribouille | does intrepid include kde 3 ? | 15:22 |
shadeslayer | no | 15:23 |
Unksi | gribouille: no, hardy does | 15:23 |
shadeslayer | 4.1 | 15:23 |
shadeslayer | !interpid | 15:23 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: - Features: | 15:23 |
jarco | how can i compile a theme as discribed here? | 15:23 |
shadeslayer | Ubuntu,UBUNTU!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 15:23 |
shadeslayer | shouldnt it be Kubuntu?? | 15:23 |
urbinek | look > | 15:23 |
gribouille | so, there is no way to have kde 3 on intrepid ? | 15:23 |
shadeslayer | 10,9,8.... | 15:24 |
faileas | shadeslayer: its just a matter of deskkktop | 15:24 |
Unksi | gribouille: ive heard theres an unofficial repo somewhere, no idea how well it works | 15:24 |
shadeslayer | houston we have an upgrade | 15:24 |
shadeslayer | oh ok | 15:24 |
gribouille | but kde 4.1 sux | 15:25 |
BluesKaj | gribouille, yes thereis but it has to be installed during the OS install a google-linux: kde3 with Intrepid | 15:25 |
shadeslayer | gribouille: use KDE 4.2 | 15:25 |
urbinek | gribelu: | 15:25 |
Unksi | gribouille: kde 4.2 got released yesterday, theres a repo for intrepid alreaddy | 15:25 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 15:25 |
shadeslayer | !KDE | 15:25 |
ubottu | KDE ( is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see . See for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde4 | 15:25 |
shadeslayer | oh the guy with ubuntu | 15:26 |
crispy-- | !kde4 | 15:26 |
ubottu | kde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at | 4.2 Beta 2 packages | Support in #kubuntu | 15:26 |
shadeslayer | did he get KDE btw?? | 15:26 |
gribouille | BluesKaj, you mean it can't be installedafterwards ? | 15:26 |
crispy-- | time to update bot! :D | 15:26 |
crispy-- | Unksi: got more info on that repo? | 15:27 |
bobleny | I don't like KDE4.... | 15:27 |
Unksi | crispy--: theres info on it at | 15:27 |
BluesKaj | gribouille, it might be possible , check this out | 15:27 |
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urbinek | so nobody knows how to fix this ? | 15:29 |
gribouille | it's really a shame that kde 3 isn't available anymore. kde 4 has been released only one year ago, and hasn't been a success yet | 15:29 |
bobleny | Hopefully the full release of KDE4 will be a thousand times better than the current.... | 15:29 |
urbinek | gribelu: kde3 is avaible in kubuntu 8.10+ | 15:29 |
BluesKaj | dunno gribouille, but I think uninstalling kde-desktop first, if kde4 is installed | 15:29 |
BluesKaj | err kubuntu-desktop | 15:30 |
bobleny | I'm gonna go and install gentoo.... | 15:30 |
siekacz | hi | 15:30 |
BluesKaj | gribouille, did you see the URL I posted ? | 15:31 |
siekacz | i've just installed KDE 4.2 from kubuntu-experimental repo | 15:31 |
gribouille | BluesKaj, yes I did, but it doesn't seem very simple to install kde 3 on intrepid | 15:31 |
admin_ | Hey, is there any way to upgrade 4.1 to 4.2 on kubuntu, what repo would I use since I have hardy | 15:31 |
siekacz | and strigi does not work | 15:31 |
siekacz | bartosz@bartosz-desktop:~$ strigidaemon | 15:31 |
siekacz | WARNING: field '' is not defined in any rdfs ontology database. | 15:31 |
siekacz | ASSERT: "d" in file /build/buildd/kde4libs-4.2.0/kdecore/kernel/kcomponentdata.cpp, line 191 | 15:32 |
siekacz | Aborted | 15:32 |
gribouille | kde 4.2 won't be available on hardy, right ? | 15:32 |
siekacz | gribouille: no | 15:32 |
admin_ | gribouille: i'm trying to figure that out :/ | 15:32 |
Tm_T | gribouille: atleast not yet | 15:32 |
admin_ | aww really? | 15:32 |
faileas | gribouille: maybe through experimental repos | 15:32 |
philipp | I do not have a folder view applet. How can I install it? | 15:32 |
gribouille | it doesn't mind, kde 4.1 sucks on hardy anyway | 15:33 |
siekacz | but you can try to install intrepid packages | 15:33 |
Tm_T | siekacz: not recommended | 15:33 |
* faileas uses 4.2 on intrepid, its pretty good | 15:33 | |
BluesKaj | faileas, yeah it's much better now | 15:33 |
siekacz | how to repair strigi? | 15:34 |
Tm_T | BluesKaj: even better in 4.3 (;) | 15:34 |
philipp | How can I install the folderview applet | 15:34 |
BluesKaj | Tm_T ...are you trying 4.3 ? | 15:34 |
Tm_T | BluesKaj: using, developing | 15:35 |
siekacz | philipp: hmm... it is plasma-extragear | 15:35 |
Tm_T | BluesKaj: well, 4.3-series | 15:35 |
siekacz | package | 15:35 |
faileas | BluesKaj: ya, i'm using the experimental repo... and its excellent | 15:35 |
BluesKaj | faileas , 4.2 should be in the multiverse/universe soon , so we can drop the experimental | 15:36 |
siekacz | i'm very excited about 4.4, 4.5 - they will fight with Windows 7 | 15:36 |
khalidmian | what is 4.4 /4.5 | 15:36 |
siekacz | KDE 4.4/4.5 | 15:36 |
khalidmian | ah | 15:36 |
philipp | siekacz, there is no plasma-extragear | 15:37 |
BluesKaj | W7 , is ok so far but a bit boring ...nice eye candy to some | 15:37 |
khalidmian | windows 7 sucks anyways i tried the beta | 15:37 |
Tm_T | !ot | 15:37 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 15:37 |
faileas | BluesKaj: ya | 15:37 |
faileas | XD | 15:37 |
Tm_T | FYI (;) | 15:37 |
BluesKaj | khalidmian, wel to each his own :) | 15:37 |
faileas | BluesKaj: windows 7 is what vista shoulda been IMO ;p | 15:37 |
siekacz | philipp: i don't what exactly is the name of this package | 15:37 |
siekacz | *don't know | 15:38 |
khalidmian | i need some good repositories for kubuntu - any recommended | 15:38 |
philipp | so how can I find it? | 15:38 |
Tm_T | khalidmian: official repositories are good | 15:38 |
khalidmian | BluesKaj: agree- i bored of Windows | 15:38 |
siekacz | look for plasma packages | 15:38 |
siekacz | in repo | 15:38 |
BluesKaj | !medibuntu | khalidmian | 15:38 |
ubottu | khalidmian: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 15:38 |
faileas | khalidmian: depends on what you need. i just add official (fastest one adapt finds) + medibuntu + some app specific ones | 15:38 |
khalidmian | faileas: that sounds about what i need | 15:38 |
step | hi, I am trying to upgrade to kde 4.2 but I can not get past the kdelibs5-data conflict with kdelibs-data about some/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/launchpad.png | 15:39 |
BluesKaj | khalidmian , if you want kde 4.2 | 15:39 |
faileas | i think on mine, i have kde experimental, virtualbox and winff's ppa | 15:39 |
* faileas recommends that wholeheartedly | 15:39 | |
khalidmian | BluesKaj: have 4.2 already | 15:39 |
BluesKaj | ok | 15:40 |
BluesKaj | you asked :) | 15:40 |
=== rohan_ is now known as shadeslayer | ||
step | can any of you take a look at this | 15:41 |
step | its about kdelibs5-data conflict | 15:41 |
step | update stops and there is no kde 4.2 nor KDE 3.5 | 15:42 |
=== hugo__ is now known as hugo123 | ||
step | any comments on this? | 15:43 |
Unksi | step: do dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/package.deb (or whatever the actual path was) | 15:43 |
student0a | Hi. I run a computer lab and just to save time I installed kubuntu 8.10 with safe graphics mode. My problem is that on monitors I know support higher resolutions I'm stuck with 600x800 afterwards, making programs unusable in some cases. any suggestions. | 15:43 |
Unksi | with sudo, of course | 15:43 |
student0a | There's plenty of how to's on entering safe graphics mode, none on getting out | 15:43 |
step | Unksi: lets see what happens | 15:44 |
OxDeadC0de | Unksi what kind of video cards do they have? You should be able to safely use "vesa" in xorg.conf and get alright resolutions | 15:44 |
OxDeadC0de | but with vesa the rendering will be slower and might not do 3d at all. | 15:45 |
Unksi | step: i had that very same problem and that fixed it for me, hope i remembered the switches right :) | 15:45 |
BluesKaj | step, are you running kde 4.1 , right now ? | 15:45 |
david_ | im having the same problem | 15:45 |
OxDeadC0de | er student0a I'm sorry unksi, got names mixed up | 15:45 |
Unksi | :) | 15:46 |
student0a | Yes I am | 15:46 |
step | Unksi: result is : | 15:46 |
khalidmian | BluesKaj: any reason behind my inability to view other ppls cam on yahoo plugin for kopete? | 15:46 |
step | BluesKaj: no I am not | 15:46 |
OxDeadC0de | student0a see what i said to unksi just above | 15:46 |
Unksi | step: looks like its fixed now, just run upgrade again now | 15:47 |
OxDeadC0de | student0a what video cards do you have, the "problem" lies in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 15:47 |
student0a | let me check | 15:47 |
david_ | is kde 4.1 unstable? | 15:47 |
Unksi | david_: has been marked as stable since end of july | 15:47 |
david_ | Unksi: | 15:48 |
david_ | Unksi: any reason y it wont let me download the proprietary ati graphics driver? | 15:48 |
BluesKaj | khalidmian, i'm not familiar with cams or yahoo chat on kopete , ..sorry | 15:49 |
Unksi | david_: could be just about anything, do you see any errors? | 15:49 |
david_ | Unksi: yup | 15:49 |
khalidmian | BluesKaj: can i add more clocks other then local to kubuntu in taskbar | 15:49 |
Unksi | david_: which are? | 15:49 |
BluesKaj | step, maybe a look at your sources.list may tell us something | 15:50 |
zeltak | hi | 15:50 |
khalidmian | nevermind that question | 15:50 |
BluesKaj | yes khalidmian ,look in the add widgets options | 15:50 |
=== quassel24 is now known as seele_q | ||
zeltak | can anyone helpa bit? i installed kdenlive a few weeks ago and it messed up all video settings (all videos are blue)... i know it has to do with ffmpeg from the kdenlive PPA | 15:51 |
zeltak | can anyone help me get rid of all traces? | 15:51 |
zeltak | i cant seem to do it myself | 15:51 |
Raylz | ive upgraded to kde 4.2 and still have this graphic bugs in the systray | 15:51 |
Raylz | running acer aspire one 110L and intel graphics chip | 15:52 |
david_ | is there a way to look and see if i have a graphics driver allready installed? | 15:52 |
BluesKaj | step, also you're trying a force overwrite , with the wrong repos from what i can see | 15:53 |
student0a | um sorry, my lab flipped a breaker, say again oxdeadc0de. (btw your name reminds me of some friends Cult of the dead cow) | 15:53 |
neothecat | good morning. is there a way i can have kmail just check for new mail in my IMAP "Inbox" instead of every single folder? | 15:54 |
earle | Hurrah, desktop effects have completely stopped working. | 15:55 |
step | BluesKaj: how can I fix this? | 15:55 |
student0a | I think you essentially said, see what graphics card I have, that probably my problem and the solution will lie in researching the right xorg configuration. Am I right? | 15:55 |
Raylz | fkx | 15:55 |
Raylz | fixed it | 15:55 |
Ahmuck | in kde 3.x, i was able to place icons in the taskbar, making the taskbar transparent. how do i set icons in the taskbar in kde 4.x | 15:56 |
=== rohan is now known as shadeslayer | ||
BluesKaj | zeltak, it's best to compile ffmpeg from source if you're running intrepeid , some of the repos are carrying diff versions of ffmpeg that are broken , the unstripped ones are recommended IMO .Read this tutorial on installing the dependencies that work | 15:57 |
shadeslayer | BTW ho do i check what version of KDE i have?? | 15:57 |
zeltak | thx BluesKaj: , which guide is that? | 15:57 |
BluesKaj | step , post your sources.list , so we can have a look | 15:57 |
BluesKaj | zeltak, it's from launchpad | 15:58 |
lakis1982 | i installed kde 4.2 on my kubuntu 8.10 .. does anyone know how can i install google gadgets beccause i cant ..... | 15:58 |
BluesKaj | shadeslayer, open konq/help/about kde | 15:58 |
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest5945 | ||
shadeslayer | uh konqueror :P | 15:58 |
step | BlueEagle: i followed this instruction | 15:59 |
zeltak | i will but BluesKaj how do i first get rid of all ffmpeg parts? i apt-get removed it but i still have lots of ffmpeg stuff like gstream ffmpeg etc.. | 15:59 |
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest17295 | ||
BluesKaj | zeltak, use adept or synaptic to remove all ffmpegs | 16:00 |
=== Guest17295 is now known as Bou | ||
zeltak | k | 16:00 |
zeltak | thx | 16:00 |
step | <BluesKaj> step , post your sources.list , so we can have a look - I have never used ubuntu so I have no idea where it is (it is not as simple as in gentoo) | 16:00 |
=== Maniac is now known as Guest65507 | ||
BluesKaj | step. you posted your errors on pastebin , do the same for your soources.list . alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list , copy and paste the text to pastebin | 16:02 |
shadeslayer | no terminal line | 16:02 |
earle | Ugh, I managed to get desktop effects to switch back on in system settings, but now nothing's happening at all. | 16:02 |
earle | This needs work :P | 16:02 |
wesley__ | Is the hard disk drive spinning? what would they mean? | 16:02 |
step | BlueEagle: | 16:02 |
shadeslayer | earle: ubuntu with KDE?? | 16:03 |
wesley__ | Yes it makes thicking sound but thats because its broken | 16:03 |
earle | shadeslayer: Kubuntu. | 16:03 |
shadeslayer | oh | 16:03 |
shadeslayer | ok | 16:03 |
shadeslayer | stille searching for the version | 16:03 |
shadeslayer | *still | 16:03 |
=== pool is now known as seenka | ||
wesley__ | Are you experiencing bad sectors, clusters or partitioning errors? should i fill in no? because i didnt have such problems when it worked | 16:05 |
HerrHut | how do i have to configure konversation when i want to join on EUirc?? | 16:05 |
earle | Aha, alt-shift-F12 got the effects back. | 16:05 |
patmanpato | i added the source listed on , and then ran 'apt-get upgrade' , however when i restarted, it still boots up saying "kde 4.1" :S is there a way to check what version of kde is actually running? | 16:05 |
bentob0x | every time I startup my machine, I have ARK starting up and when I close it, it crashes | 16:05 |
wesley__ | yes help or about kde | 16:05 |
wesley__ | i am running 4.2 | 16:05 |
bentob0x | and every time I reboot it's the same | 16:05 |
bentob0x | KDE 4.2 too | 16:06 |
=== mini-man_ is now known as mini-man | ||
step | BluesKaj: is the sources.list OK? | 16:06 |
Heliodor | What is akonadi? | 16:07 |
step | Heliodor: no one knows | 16:07 |
Heliodor | step: ? | 16:08 |
patmanpato | ah... help > about kde is reporting 4.1.2 , i would have thought apt-get upgrade would upgrade to 4.2 after adding that source? | 16:08 |
Heliodor | step: No one knows what an kde app is? | 16:08 |
mefisto__ | patmanpato: did you apt-get update before apt-get upgrade? | 16:09 |
step | Heliodor: Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop storage service for personal information (google) | 16:09 |
siekacz | Heliodor: i'm not sure, but it is something to manage personal data(mail, callendar, etc) | 16:09 |
wesley__ | Warranty will be voided if the hard disk drive is not shipped in protective packaging. See the packaging guidelines for information on how to package and return Hitachi hard disk drives. is that expensive ? | 16:09 |
Heliodor | siekacz: Uh... okay. Seem quite resource intensive | 16:09 |
patmanpato | mefisto__: nope, i'll try that now :) | 16:09 |
khalidmian | what is virtual box? | 16:10 |
siekacz | my problem with strigi is so annoing... :/ | 16:10 |
BluesKaj | step, first you must uncomment (delete the # infront of the debs source urls), except the cdrom ,then add these sources :deb intrepid main , deb-src intrepid main, then save the file , sudo apt-get update . Install kde 4.2 | 16:10 |
khalidmian | what is virtual box? | 16:11 |
BluesKaj | step , sudo apt-get update should do it | 16:12 |
SlimeyPete | !vbox | 16:12 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at | 16:12 |
khalidmian | eh what does virtual box do | 16:13 |
patmanpato | ah, i did the equivalent with the adept gui tool, enabled all the sources, and then did apt-get update, and now im using the adept updater gui tool to do the upgrade, should be ok right? | 16:13 |
SlimeyPete | khalidmian: it provides a fake PC within your PC, allowing you to run one OS inside another (e.g. run Windows inside Linux) | 16:13 |
patmanpato | i just downloaded 200mb of updates, now its downloading another 200 :P | 16:14 |
BluesKaj | khalidmian , read the url ubottu posts | 16:14 |
=== gsteinert_away is now known as gsteinert | ||
agustinvinao | any know how to create a pendrive with windows in ubuntu? | 16:17 |
faileas | agustinvinao: not really, unless the bartpe builder runs on wine | 16:17 |
=== rohan is now known as shadeslayer | ||
shadeslayer | how do i install amarok 2?? | 16:19 |
shadeslayer | !amarok | 16:19 |
ubottu | Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at See | 16:19 |
shadeslayer | 1.4 huh | 16:19 |
shadeslayer | | 16:20 |
shadeslayer | this does not work | 16:20 |
shadeslayer | and neither this | 16:20 |
shadeslayer | | 16:20 |
step | BluesKaj: sudo apt-get update just gets the lists | 16:21 |
techbw | hi all, looking for a way to install kubuntu on a laptop that does not have a cdrom, nor a stiffy drive, it does not have the option to boot from usb, I can however connect a cdrom and access cd's in windows, but it uses a pcmcia cdrom controler, so can't boot from it. Is there still a way for me to install kubuntu? | 16:21 |
faileas | techbw: got network? | 16:21 |
faileas | as in a wired, ethernet connection | 16:22 |
techbw | yeah, it's got wireless, no ethernet though | 16:22 |
faileas | could try unetbootin | 16:22 |
techbw | wireless via pcmcia | 16:22 |
faileas | then make it boot into a live cd mode | 16:22 |
step | BluesKaj and "upgrade" gives me "The following packages have been kept back:" that are KDE 4.2 | 16:22 |
faileas | then isntall from there | 16:22 |
techbw | faileas: how can I make it boot via wireless network? no option in bios for network booting? | 16:23 |
faileas | techbw: no need to | 16:23 |
patmanpato | lol stiffy drive | 16:23 |
faileas | unetbootin will download an ISO, then boot from it | 16:24 |
step | BluesKaj: kde 3.5 got fracked so I need to get this update done in shell | 16:24 |
techbw | still a problem, as I can't boot from cd, usb, network, or stiffy | 16:24 |
SlimeyPete | wth is a "stiffy"? O.o | 16:25 |
SlimeyPete | USB stick? | 16:25 |
techbw | can't boot from usb either no option in bios | 16:25 |
techbw | cdrom is a pcmcia, type so can't boot from it either | 16:25 |
SlimeyPete | does it have a floppy drive? | 16:25 |
SlimeyPete | ohh | 16:25 |
SlimeyPete | is that what you mean by "stiffy"? | 16:26 |
techbw | nope | 16:26 |
carpii | | 16:26 |
carpii | have fun | 16:26 |
SlimeyPete | techbw: I suppose you could use wubi, though from what I hear that's not an ideal solution | 16:27 |
techbw | what is wubi? | 16:27 |
SlimeyPete | !wubi | 16:27 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at | 16:27 |
ganymede | did anyone else get dpkg-type errors while trying to upgrade to 4.2 using the repo in the topic? i got some sort of "couldn't not overwrite kcm_fonts because it is also owned by kdeworkspace-bin" or something, and now i have a somewhat borked desktop, can't run kwin so it's hard for me to paste the message anywhere | 16:27 |
olewolf | ganymede: I just upgraded to 4.2, and I didn't see any such error. | 16:28 |
techbw | will it format the drive, I don't want windows on that laptop, and it is winME for that matter, so even worse than xp | 16:28 |
ganymede | olewolf, from kde 4.1.4? | 16:28 |
olewolf | ganymede: Granted, no. It was from 4.2 RC, which in turn was from 4.2 beta. | 16:28 |
Happyness | hi, need some help. | 16:28 |
Tm_T | !ot | carpii | 16:29 |
ubottu | carpii: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 16:29 |
olewolf | ganymede: However, I didn't see any such errors even when I upgraded to the beta. | 16:29 |
Happyness | I switched to version 4.2 stable last day and just like that I cannot access my NTFS drives anymore. t just says permission denied. | 16:29 |
SlimeyPete | techbw: I don't think it will, no. I'm not sure though as I have never used it. | 16:29 |
ganymede | maybe i'll try to clear all of kde and start again because maybe a different package owns this file since 4.1.4 | 16:29 |
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ganymede | bbl | 16:29 |
Happyness | Does anyone recognize this problem? | 16:29 |
faileas | techbw: how big a hard drive? | 16:29 |
techbw | It is 30Gb | 16:30 |
faileas | hmm | 16:30 |
faileas | and ram? | 16:30 |
khalidmian | i cant seem to find vol control for spdif or digital out in kmix can anyone help/assist im a newbie | 16:30 |
techbw | 192 I think cpu 500Mhz | 16:30 |
olewolf | The are a few problems yet to be resolved in the KDE 4.2 experimental repo, aren't there? When I want to install powerdevil, apt-get suggests I downgrade to 4.1.4. Is this a known bug (or isn't it a bug)? | 16:30 |
Happyness | I think something happend to fstab, but I do not know how to fix ... | 16:30 |
techbw | enough for kubuntu, had it runnin on another laptop, 300mhz with 129mb ram | 16:31 |
faileas | unetbootin + alternate installer disk is what i;d suggest | 16:31 |
techbw | will search on unetboot, and see what I can do, thanks for the info | 16:31 |
astromme | olewolf: I'm pretty sure powerdevil is part of kde in 4.2, you don't need to install it separately | 16:31 |
Happyness | ANYbody? | 16:31 |
olewolf | astromme: Well, it does complain, so I don't know what's wrong. | 16:31 |
Happyness | I need help now, please? | 16:32 |
faileas | techbw: lettme save you the time ;) | 16:32 |
techbw | thx :-) | 16:32 |
techbw | very helpful | 16:32 |
Happyness | Need help with KDe 4.2 .... hello? | 16:33 |
Tm_T | !patience | Happyness | 16:33 |
ubottu | Happyness: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 16:33 |
olewolf | Happyness: may I suggest you be a little more specific? | 16:33 |
Happyness | olewolf: Thank you, innaly some response :) | 16:34 |
Happyness | olewolf: YEs, well when I installed v4.2 yesterday, after that my mounted NTFS disks doesnt mount anymore | 16:34 |
olewolf | Happyness: did you used to have a line in /etc/fstab that mounted the NTFS drive? | 16:35 |
Happyness | olewolf: Well I mean, everytime my PC started before, KDE just automounted them. But recently efter i installed 4.2 it does not work at all. | 16:35 |
Happyness | olewolf: Not that I know about. | 16:35 |
bdizzle | hey, I just installed KDE 4.2, and I can't get any of the widgets to work | 16:36 |
step | it refuses to upgrade KDE but and likes to uninstall most of the KDE components | 16:36 |
bdizzle | I even tried deleting and installing the new ones, and I keep getting big red X' boxes | 16:36 |
olewolf | Happyness: Eek. Can't help you then. I'm kind of "old school" in that I always add mounted filesystems to /etc/fstab. I never tried to mount them via KDE. | 16:36 |
step | bdizzle: how did you install it ? I can not get it going | 16:36 |
Happyness | olewolf: Okay I looked over there now, and yes there is some lines. But it seems that the permissions has been changed. | 16:36 |
khalidmian | how do i instal jasper via adept or sudo | 16:37 |
Happyness | olewolf: When I am trying to mount both manually and automaticly it says permission denied :S | 16:37 |
techbw | faileas: Think I will strip down the laptop, remove hard drive, and install using another computer, and take the drive back to the laptop, that is what I had to do when re-installing WinME on the thing. Thanks anyway, unetbootin will come in handy in the future :-) | 16:38 |
bdizzle | step, I just followed the instructions from the channel topic | 16:38 |
step | bdizzle: me too but no luck | 16:38 |
faileas | techbw: ;p | 16:38 |
bdizzle | why would you install WinME on it? | 16:38 |
bdizzle | I mean, seriously, other than Vista, its the worst OS they have come out with | 16:38 |
olewolf | Happyness: Could it be that the mount folder belongs to a wrong group or so? That's usually what happens when I have problems accessing or mounting the drives. Or, maybe you need to mount it as root. | 16:38 |
faileas | bdizzle: might have come with it | 16:38 |
bdizzle | you poor dear ... | 16:38 |
faileas | bdizzle: me is worse than vista IMO ;p | 16:38 |
olewolf | Happyness: maybe what you should try is to see if you can mount it as root. At least that will show you whether it can be mounted at all. | 16:39 |
bdizzle | I know it is | 16:39 |
techbw | I was not in with the linux thing back then, I have now been running kubuntu on my laptop for a short while now, and since kubuntu and other flavours are starting to support more hardware, and media formats, I have made the move | 16:39 |
Happyness | olewolf: I have no idea, I am a real n00b on this. It has been working before, every single time since a several years ago. | 16:39 |
bdizzle | it had a memory bug in it that could not be fixed | 16:39 |
Happyness | olewolf: It should be possible to mount, thats for sure. I am root, but I dont get access. Then it says mount point does not exist, but it is. | 16:40 |
olewolf | If you do an "ls -ld <mountpoint>" where <mountpoint> is the folder that will contain the windows files once mounted, does it exist? | 16:41 |
techbw | it was not my choice to have that OS installed, but it was what the laptop came with, now with the better support in the linux flavours, I want to make the change, it's been lying around the house since I changed to another laptop, so I want to revive it, I know ME was the worst OS that M$ came up with | 16:41 |
Happyness | olewolf: | 16:41 |
vbgunz | what is required to go from a single core 32 bit processor to a quad 64? I plan on doing a brand new installation and then transferring my /home over. I see a 64 version of kubuntu. will this also automatically take advantage of a quad processor? | 16:41 |
Happyness | Failed to access volume '/dev/disk/by-uuid/D90D8DBBB4F9B4A3': Filen eller katalogen finns inte | 16:41 |
Happyness | Please type '/sbin/mount.ntfs --help' for more information. | 16:42 |
xp-killer | how do i hide the desktop icons? | 16:42 |
olewolf | Happyness: Can't you just try and mount the /dev/sda2 (or whatever partition holds your Windows garba... er, files)? | 16:43 |
techbw | Happyness: I think you need to install ntfs-3g and mount using mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hd? /mount/point | 16:43 |
bdizzle | alright, so no one knows how to get the widgets back? | 16:43 |
olewolf | techbw: Happyness probably has ntfs-3g already since it was merely a KDE upgrade. | 16:43 |
olewolf | techbw: that is, unless Happyness forgot to mention something important. :) | 16:43 |
techbw | lol | 16:44 |
Happyness | olewolf, techbw: I have been using KDE 4.2 BETA for a long time, it worked. Then I upgraded to 4.2 Stable yesterday, then it did not work. | 16:44 |
techbw | maybe he did, I didn't know when starting out, so maybe he didn't either | 16:44 |
xp-killer | how do i hide the desktop icons? | 16:44 |
techbw | ok sorry, was not following earlier | 16:44 |
Happyness | olewolf: I have ntfs-3g installed and have been trying to mount. | 16:44 |
olewolf | Happyness: can you find your Windows partition in the /dev/sda* (or whatever the name of your hard drive is)? | 16:45 |
nuxil | anyone got a eee pc with kubuntu on it? | 16:45 |
Happyness | olewolf: Yeah well I found it yes. | 16:46 |
nuxil | !eee | 16:46 |
ubottu | Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at | 16:46 |
ganymede | well removing all kde packages first worked, but now it seems like the skulpture package is no more. any info about that? i used to install the skulpture package through kde4-styles-skulpture | 16:46 |
olewolf | Happyness: okay, this is going to be off the top of my head; I haven't checked. | 16:46 |
techbw | Happyness: Try removing ntfs-3g and re-installing it, maybe it is broken in the upgrade | 16:46 |
Happyness | techbw: YEah maybe, I am trying to re-install, just a sec ... | 16:47 |
olewolf | Happyness: try and "sudo mount -t nfts /dev/sda_ /your/mount/point where /dev/sda_ is where your partition is, and /your/mount/point is, well, your mount point. | 16:47 |
faileas | hmm, silly question but where do i switch themes? | 16:48 |
Happyness | olewolf: Already tried that, it does not work. | 16:48 |
ganymede | faileas, go to systemsettings and under appearance | 16:48 |
gmathews | Hi there, I am running Ubuntu 8.10 - If i follow the instructions here - together with sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop Will I be able to get KDE 4.2? | 16:49 |
olewolf | Happyness: well, I'm out of suggestions. I usually don't tamper with Linux/Windows combinations for obvious reasons (i.e., because Bill Must Die, and Ballmer Must Be Hanged). | 16:49 |
faileas | ganymede: i can't seem to find the ones i installed | 16:49 |
Tm_T | olewolf: watch your language | 16:50 |
faileas | Happyness: was the windows drive unmounted cleanly? | 16:50 |
BluesKaj | step, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 16:50 |
ganymede | faileas, same-ish problem here | 16:50 |
Happyness | olewolf: Understandable :D Not a fan of M$ mysefl, but I have to use there piece of shit. | 16:50 |
Happyness | faileas: YEs, positive. | 16:50 |
step | BluesKaj: i did that to get back my kde 3.5 | 16:50 |
olewolf | Happyness: if you can wait a bit, maybe I can locate something that worked for me, unless it's long gone. | 16:51 |
faileas | Happyness: what does the error massage say.. in english? | 16:51 |
Happyness | olewolf: The device '/dev/sda5' doesn't have a valid NTFS. :S | 16:51 |
olewolf | faileas: it says the file or folder doesn't exist. | 16:51 |
techbw | Happyness:have you finished to the re-install of ntfs-3g? take it it did not work | 16:51 |
xiong | BluesKaj: i just joined -- i would also like to use kde3 | 16:51 |
techbw | Happyness:oooh!!! sound like a corrupt file system | 16:52 |
olewolf | Happyness: that souds like either a *very* serious error, or /dev/sda5 isn't actually the Windows system. | 16:52 |
Happyness | OH fuck, I know the answer. It is because I have isntalled Windows 7 which does not use nTFS. | 16:52 |
techbw | Winblows! | 16:52 |
faileas | windows 7 uses ntfs ;p | 16:52 |
jussi01 | !ohmy | Happyness | 16:52 |
ubottu | Happyness: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! | 16:52 |
faileas | just a newer version | 16:52 |
Happyness | techbw: Yes I have reinstalled | 16:52 |
Happyness | jussi01: Sorry | 16:52 |
nuxil | i want kubuntu on my eee pc. however my usb pen is only 512 MB.. is it possible to install from net/Lan ? | 16:52 |
Tm_T | Happyness: please keep your language clean | 16:52 |
faileas | nuxil: there's a mini installer disk | 16:53 |
nuxil | ok | 16:53 |
Happyness | Tm_T: YEs, was not meant to hurt somebody. Just did not think. | 16:53 |
jussi01 | !minimal | nuxil | 16:53 |
ubottu | nuxil: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See | 16:53 |
nuxil | thanks | 16:53 |
malgon | hello, i wanted to know if KDE 4.2 package was operationnal, because i cant launch Google widgets | 16:53 |
faileas | ;) | 16:53 |
Happyness | faileas: I think they use a new kind of system which build on NTFS. | 16:53 |
faileas | Happyness: new version of NTFS... i think exFat is an option too. | 16:54 |
* faileas is... sadly enough... also a windows geek | 16:54 | |
xiong | is it possible to download and install kde3 without burning a cd? i have 8.10 running now | 16:54 |
olewolf | malgon: the Google Gadgets thing seems to be missing from several KDE 4.2 repos. | 16:54 |
Happyness | olewolf: I do not want to mount my Windows OS. I need my other NTFS partitions. | 16:54 |
malgon | okay | 16:54 |
techbw | Happyness: can you access the partition when in windows? | 16:54 |
nuxil | jussi01 this minicd work the same way with usb? dont got cd rom you know lol.. only 2 eee's | 16:54 |
jussi01 | nuxil: no idea to be honest. | 16:54 |
olewolf | Happyness: I'm with techbw on this one. Try and boot into Windows and see if it works from there. | 16:55 |
jussi01 | !netboot | 16:55 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and - Don't want to use a CD? Try - See also !automate | 16:55 |
Happyness | techbw: Of course, and I could before yesterday to. THis happened directly after I isntalled v4.2 ... | 16:55 |
faileas | nuxil: try unetbootin ;p | 16:55 |
faileas | ... second time i suggested it today... | 16:55 |
malgon | so i think i will compile KDE 4.2 | 16:55 |
Happyness | olewolf: But it works from there, trust me. | 16:55 |
nuxil | faileas i'll look into it | 16:55 |
olewolf | Happyness: you mentioned something about several NTFS partitions? | 16:55 |
techbw | Happyness: then it must be newer version of NTFS that ntfs-3g does not yet support | 16:55 |
faileas | nuxil: you can use unetbootin to start a netinstall from whatever os you have now as long as its ubuntu or windows ;) | 16:56 |
Happyness | olewolf: YEs, I have 5 NTFS partitions, but that should not be an issue, because it never troubled before. | 16:56 |
techbw | Happyness, don't know if they made any changes in NTFS for windows 7 | 16:56 |
Happyness | techbw: Yes, probably. | 16:56 |
Happyness | techbw: Neither do I, but maybe. If I remeber correct they have a new version of NTFS in Windows 7. | 16:57 |
OnlyWhisky | Hello! I have problems with nvidia 9500, it doesn't work with binary drivers provided by ubuntu. | 16:57 |
olewolf | Happyness and techbw: this could be just me talking <insert expletive here>, but I've heard that Windows 7 does use another kind of NTFS. Perhaps you should double-check that. | 16:57 |
Happyness | techbw: Not sure if this problem occured before though. It was a time ago I used Linux sadly. | 16:57 |
Happyness | olewolf: YEah I will do | 16:57 |
techbw | olewolf: I aggree, that is why I noted that it might be an incompatability | 16:58 |
olewolf | I recall seeing it in a "this bug hasn't occurred yet" bug report on Ubuntu. That is, "please make a file system driver that can mount Windows 7 drives". | 16:58 |
malgon | do you know when intrepid packages for KDE 4.2 are going to be fully operationnal ? | 16:58 |
olewolf | malgon: unless I'm mistaken, think 9.04. | 16:58 |
Tm_T | malgon: what you mean by "fully operational" ? | 16:58 |
malgon | Tm_T > some fonctionnality are away such as google gadgets | 16:59 |
nacer | hi | 16:59 |
olewolf | Tm_T: let's just say KDE 4.2 doesn't appear to be fully "final" in the Kubuntu repos. | 16:59 |
Happyness | olewolf: But on the other hand, I havent format my partitions. | 16:59 |
olewolf | Then again, it's experimental so that's to be expected. | 16:59 |
nacer | i need a pro of kmail + korganiser ? | 16:59 |
malgon | olewolf > not before ? :( | 16:59 |
techbw | Happyness: when you installed did you format using windows7 format util, if not you would still be on old NTFS | 16:59 |
Tm_T | olewolf: malgon: feel free to file bugs so packagers knows | 16:59 |
olewolf | malgon: that's my impression. I could be wrong, hopefully. | 16:59 |
nacer | i need to know how can i configure kmail pour add more thant 3 lines of my mail when i create a to-do from a emails | 16:59 |
olewolf | Tm_T: actually, the kubuntu web page says not to file bug reports. | 17:00 |
Tm_T | olewolf: does? | 17:00 |
Tm_T | weird... | 17:00 |
olewolf | Yup. Or at least as of one hour ago. | 17:00 |
Happyness | techbw: No, I just upgraded from Vista to 7 | 17:00 |
olewolf | Tm_T: let me just check it out. | 17:00 |
techbw | I doubt that it would have updated the FileSystem in the process | 17:01 |
olewolf | Tm_T: yes, kind of: says to say it here. | 17:01 |
Tm_T | olewolf: interesting, perhaps we need proper list of "whats broken" then | 17:01 |
zwox | hi there | 17:01 |
Tm_T | olewolf: so go and collect a list (;) | 17:01 |
olewolf | Tm_T: that could be useful. I had problems with powerdevil and the Google Gadgets. | 17:02 |
Happyness | techbw: Okay seems that it should be caused by v4.2 of KDE then. | 17:02 |
malgon | so olewolf, there is no support for google gadgets in the packages ^^ (first of the list :-° ) | 17:02 |
kasdaye | KDE 4.2 is great :U | 17:03 |
olewolf | malgon: it seems that way, yes. Then again, I also found some complaints from this Frech distribution, whatsitsname. | 17:03 |
olewolf | Mandrake. | 17:03 |
kasdaye | Does anyone know the shortcut to switch through virtual desktops a la alt+tab for your windows? | 17:03 |
techbw | ctrl+tab | 17:03 |
techbw | changes desktops | 17:04 |
zwox | i'm trying kde4.1 on kubuntu8.10 but i can't figure out if it is possible to extend desktop panel and background to second screen using twinview | 17:04 |
techbw | alt+tab changes windows | 17:04 |
olewolf | techbw: Er, it could also change tabs in Firefox... | 17:04 |
malgon | olewolf > okay | 17:04 |
Happyness | techbw, olewolf: Seems that /dev/** does not exist anymore ... | 17:04 |
techbw | true :-) | 17:04 |
step | is there a way to upgrade to 4.2 from 8.04? | 17:04 |
OnlyWhisky | zwox: add second panel on second monitor | 17:04 |
zwox | thank's OnlyWhisky | 17:05 |
techbw | Happyness: check sd* as well as hd*...some of my drives show as sd* and not hd* | 17:05 |
olewolf | Happyness: I take it you mean, not the entire /dev/*, right? Otherwise I really don't want to know. :) | 17:05 |
Happyness | techbw, olewolf: There is /media/*** which does exist, but the mount file or what you call it, does not exist. | 17:05 |
Happyness | olewolf: No, not the whole /dev :D | 17:05 |
khalidmian | i cant seem to find vol control for spdif or digital out in kmix can anyone help/assist im a newbie | 17:06 |
olewolf | Happyness: I'd say, try and find out if Windows 7 really does use an NTFS-esque thing that isn't yet supported by Linux. | 17:06 |
Happyness | olewolf: No Windows 7 is not the problem, I have checked. | 17:06 |
ole | Hi, Kde 4.2 looks great! thx. I was wondering if there is a recommended firefox theme for kde 4.2? | 17:06 |
zwox | so i guess this isnt't possible yet to manage panels and background the same way than in 3.5 | 17:07 |
mini-man | ole: I use the oxygen gtk port | 17:07 |
Happyness | techbw: I checked and found some sda, but I have also sdb and sdc ... But sdc6 which is one of them in fstab, does not exist. | 17:07 |
mini-man | ole: with the oxygen icon theme plugin for firefox | 17:07 |
ole | mini-man: this one: | 17:08 |
mini-man | ole: yes | 17:08 |
ole | mini-man: thx | 17:08 |
mini-man | ole: np | 17:08 |
techbw | Happyness: the parition that you want to view, is that on the same drive that ubuntu is installed on or is it on another drive? | 17:08 |
olewolf | Happyness: I'm guessing that either you specified a non-NTFS partition or Windows 7 actually does update its filesystem. | 17:08 |
Happyness | techbw: Another drive. | 17:09 |
techbw | Happyness: if it is another drive, then it will be either hdb* or hdc* | 17:10 |
techbw | when you mount are you mounting it /dev/hdb* or hdc* | 17:10 |
techbw | Happyness:what is the command you trying to mount with | 17:10 |
Happyness | olewolf: Hmm seems that Windows itself was a unclean shutdown. Or Linux mark it as an unclean shutdown. I managed to mount my OS partiton and one another system. But one of them does not exist anymore ... | 17:10 |
khalidmian | WINFS | 17:11 |
techbw | Happyness: you say that one of the partitions are missing? | 17:12 |
Happyness | techbw: YEs or something is not okay. But I can access them in Windows, so there is another prob. | 17:12 |
faileas | if its hardy or newer they should all be sd | 17:12 |
Happyness | techbw: It seems that it is only the sdc* that does not work. I managed to mount sda* and sdb* | 17:13 |
roconnor | in kubuntu 8.10, how do I get my programs listed in my bottom bar into two rows? | 17:13 |
roconnor | I pulled the bar wider | 17:13 |
roconnor | but it just makes the listed programs taller, not adding rows | 17:13 |
Happyness | olewolf: Do you know if there is some way to check which drives Linux has access to? | 17:14 |
techbw | Happyness: stills sounds to me like a corrupt NTFS partition, have a clients machine doing a similar thing, but I am able to mount, but not access data. | 17:14 |
olewolf | Happyness: no, I have no idea. Or, you could visit fdisk just to see which partitions are there, but be careful. | 17:15 |
techbw | try running windows chkdsk from the boot disk | 17:15 |
olewolf | Happyness: I'm still with techbw. Try and boot Windows, make a clean shutdown, and then try again. | 17:15 |
Happyness | olewolf: But that does only effect the OS partition not the other ones? | 17:16 |
techbw | Happyness: if it is a corrupt NTFS then bootdisk will try and fix, that is what i am busy with on the clients machine now, takes forever if it does have errors | 17:16 |
olewolf | Happyness: otherwise, consider it yet another reminder from fate that you should never get close to any Windowish thing, and that Bill and Steve should... be exposed to proper punishment. | 17:16 |
Happyness | olewolf: Haha, yeah :D | 17:17 |
Happyness | olewolf: Quite annoying, I shoud just be use Linux to properly install the idiotic software matlab. | 17:17 |
=== jamie is now known as Guest46661 | ||
Happyness | olewolf: Btw, do you know how to mount an iso? | 17:17 |
=== Guest46661 is now known as jatos | ||
techbw | Happyness:Just because it only affects one partition, does not mean the file system is ok, partition table is ok, since you see the other partitions, but your file system on that partition is corrupt | 17:18 |
olewolf | Happyness: yes, mount -t iso9660 -o loop file.iso /mount/point | 17:18 |
Happyness | techbw: The thing is that the sdc* drive is not the same as my OS drive. | 17:19 |
Stalker72 | How do I auto-align icons in KDE 4.2? | 17:19 |
Happyness | olewolf: Thanks :) | 17:19 |
olewolf | Happyness: there's an open-source alternative to MATLAB. I think it's called scilab. | 17:19 |
Pici | !info scilab | 17:19 |
ubottu | scilab (source: scilab): Matrix-based scientific software package (a la Matlab and Xmath). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1.2-5 (intrepid), package size 5273 kB, installed size 57804 kB | 17:19 |
Happyness | olewolf: Yeah, but my school uses Matlab ... | 17:19 |
* Bou hated Matlab | 17:20 | |
techbw | Happyness: boot into recovery console do a chkdsk, and see if that help, other than that I don't think I can help, windows partitions tend to corrupt after improper shutdowns, powerfailures and the other obvious reason virus | 17:20 |
olewolf | Happyness: you might have luck with scilab anyway. Could be that the .m files are compatible for the most part. | 17:20 |
marton | hello all | 17:22 |
Happyness | olewolf: Hehe, well hopefully I could manage to install Matlab in Linux. I heard that it did not work for my other school mates | 17:22 |
marton | pls help me, my pc is not play the music | 17:22 |
marton | just in amarok | 17:23 |
marton | what can i do? | 17:23 |
Bou | try #amarok ? | 17:23 |
Bou | it plays only in amarok? | 17:23 |
Bou | or everywher except in amarok? | 17:23 |
marton | thx :) | 17:23 |
olewolf | Happyness: I wasn't aware there was a recent Linux version. But then again, we're getting into chat mode now. | 17:23 |
tictric | Strigi Daemon still does not run here in Intrepid with kde4.2 | 17:24 |
olewolf | Happyness: you might want to see this page about NTFS: | 17:25 |
cbwcjw | So, did anybody move to 4.2 yesterday? | 17:25 |
Happyness | olewolf: Okay, well there is :) | 17:26 |
olewolf | Tm_T: I realize you were joking about me compiling a list of issues, but is there anyone that actually monitors this channel for bug reports on the KDE 4.2 experimental repo? | 17:26 |
Tm_T | olewolf: no i wasnt joking | 17:26 |
Tm_T | olewolf: but no I do not know about that | 17:27 |
cbwcjw | olewolf: Sorry to barge in, but it says NOT to report bugs just yet. Im keeping a list of what Ive run into at the moment, but none have been big | 17:27 |
Happyness | olewolf: Hmm, is it possible to create directories in / root? | 17:27 |
sandGorgon | should i opt for kdm or gdm in a 4.2 install on a Ubuntu 8.10 base | 17:27 |
sandGorgon | ? | 17:27 |
cbwcjw | sandGorgon: If you like the KDE 4.2 Login screen, do KDM | 17:28 |
habit | Hello. Adept manager is not able to use proxy servers, is there alternative package manager for kubuntu? | 17:28 |
olewolf | cbwcjw: great. I wouldn't say any of the defects I've encountered classify as "fatal", but it's good to hear you're keeping an eye on the cahnnel. :) | 17:28 |
techbw | Happyness: yes it is, using sudo, but not recomended unless you really have to | 17:28 |
cbwcjw | sandGorgon: If you like the default GNOME login, keep GDM | 17:28 |
Happyness | techbw: Well I need to creat an directoy for my virtual, or nvm btw. | 17:28 |
olewolf | Happyness: of course it is. As root, that is. | 17:28 |
cbwcjw | olewolf: :) Yea, ive just had plasma crap out acouple of times. Otherwise, im fine. | 17:28 |
sandGorgon | cbwcjw: let me very shallow here ... which one has more themes ? | 17:28 |
techbw | Happyness: sudo mkdir directoryname | 17:28 |
cbwcjw | sandGorgon: GDM. Any GNOME login screens will do for GDM, KDE 4.2 still isnt too popular | 17:29 |
olewolf | cbwcjw: the bugs I've found thus far have been either "inconveniences ever since KDE 3.1" or "missing stuff in the repo". | 17:29 |
sandGorgon | ahh... | 17:29 |
Happyness | techbw: It occured to me that I did not really needed to create a new dir, but thanks anyway :) | 17:29 |
cbwcjw | olewolf: Nice, i havent run into any of that.. yet haha | 17:29 |
techbw | Happyness: no prob:-) | 17:29 |
olewolf | cbwcjw: there's this "Google Gadgets" thing. The koffice equation editor (whasitcalled) and powerdevil also seemed to be broken. Minor things, though. | 17:30 |
cbwcjw | olewolf: Personally, I use google gadgets on my homepage, so seeing them on my desktop would be GREAT haha | 17:31 |
ct529 | does anyone use bibus here? | 17:32 |
ct529 | I cannot make it work on 810 + 003 | 17:32 |
olewolf | cbwcjw: er, that's those Google thingies for the Google Desktop. They were supposed to be supported by KDE 4.2, right? | 17:33 |
cbwcjw | olewolf: Right, but im terrified to mess with them. Some gadgets/widgets make plasma crash | 17:33 |
Happyness | techbw: Another prob :D Sorry if I am a trouble boy, but I want to have full sudo/root rights in every single application on my account, is that possible? | 17:33 |
olewolf | cbwcjw: well, there's a couple of bug reports for the KDE team then. :) | 17:34 |
cbwcjw | olewolf: Im making a list now hahaha | 17:34 |
=== adriano is now known as malv | ||
olewolf | Happyness: yes, that's possible. | 17:34 |
Happyness | techbw: BEcause when I for instance should create an directory in / somewhere, it is not allowed because I do not have permissions. But hey, it is only me who uses my computer ... | 17:34 |
Happyness | olewolf: How? | 17:34 |
olewolf | Happyness: costs $10 for the answer. :) | 17:34 |
techbw | Happyness:I did that once, can't remember how, I had to edit a file but it wasn't long then | 17:34 |
olewolf | Sorry, lemme check. :) | 17:34 |
techbw | I mess up | 17:34 |
cbwcjw | happyness: Cant you just ALT+F2 then do kdesu application or gksudo application | 17:35 |
techbw | Happyness: you could use alt+F2 then kdesu | 17:35 |
techbw | :-) | 17:35 |
olewolf | Happyness: you need to edit the sudoers file. Enter the line "yourusername ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL". | 17:35 |
cbwcjw | haha :D | 17:35 |
Happyness | cbwcjw, techbw: I could yes, but thats quite annoying. I want to have access all the time, 24/7 even if i restart system. | 17:36 |
olewolf | Happyness: editing the sudoers file requires some "vi" skills and a particular program that I've forgotten everything about. So I cheat. | 17:36 |
techbw | Happyness: If you need it only for editing files that you double click on etc, the easiest would be alt+F2 and run konqueror, then double clicking a file would be as root | 17:36 |
olewolf | Happyness: my cheat is as follows, and I'll have to say: "DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!". | 17:36 |
cbwcjw | LOL! | 17:36 |
olewolf | Happyness: First, "sudo su" to get a root shell. That's bad enough. | 17:37 |
olewolf | Next, chmod 666 /etc/sudoers | 17:37 |
olewolf | Then edit the file as root. | 17:37 |
Happyness | techbw: Yeah, but I want to be able to have sudo everywhere. I hate when it says, you do not have access to your own computer. | 17:37 |
olewolf | That's bad, too. | 17:37 |
techbw | If you do TRY IT AT HOME then remember make backups :-) not like me | 17:37 |
astromme | olewolf: woah, you don't want to 666 sudoers | 17:37 |
astromme | olewolf: That's REALLY REALLY bad | 17:37 |
olewolf | Finally, make dead sure you "chmod 440 sudoers". | 17:37 |
astromme | olewolf: ok, ok. | 17:37 |
olewolf | astromme: I know, that's why I said "don't try this at home". | 17:37 |
olewolf | astromme: of course, one could simply chmod 600 sudoers. | 17:37 |
cbwcjw | astromme olewolf: Im scared haha | 17:38 |
techbw | All I did was edit a file, can't remember which one, I actually asked here, how to do it | 17:38 |
techbw | but that was to log in as root, not as normal user | 17:38 |
olewolf | everyone: like I said, that's a bad cheat. Don't do it unless you have no other users logged in and you have a rescue cd handy. | 17:38 |
cbwcjw | techbw: What if we asked #ubuntu :P | 17:38 |
Happyness | techbw: How do I login as root? | 17:38 |
Happyness | techbw: I thought I was root :D | 17:39 |
olewolf | Happyness: you can do what I said, but beware, it may render your computer useless. | 17:39 |
cbwcjw | Thats a pleasnt thought | 17:39 |
techbw | ubuntu still has root user, but it does not allow you to log in with root, you have to sudo, to allow login via root you need to edit a file to allow root logins, but I really don't remember which file | 17:39 |
Happyness | olewolf: Well I think I do not wanna try. Last time I tested something like that I screw up my whole system. I have alread installed Liinux SOoo many times. | 17:40 |
olewolf | techbw: sure, "sudo su" means you have a root shell. | 17:40 |
techbw | no you can actually log in with username root, and root password, | 17:40 |
olewolf | Happyness: the proper way is to "visudo" the file, but I never tried that, primarily because I have no clue about vi's user interface. | 17:40 |
xiong | i have done this thing, to allow login as root from the login screen | 17:41 |
cbwcjw | vi is lame :P I prefer nano all the way | 17:41 |
techbw | you can use nano, mach easier | 17:41 |
olewolf | (Still, even if you visudo the file, you can turn your computer into a brick.) | 17:41 |
Happyness | olewolf: Btw, when I am installing matlab it ask me where I want to put it. Which folder is best to use in /root ? I need write access | 17:41 |
olewolf | cbwcjw: yes, but visudo creates proper locks and such. | 17:41 |
xiong | despite the word that this is a) unnecessary and b) stupid | 17:41 |
TakeABow | Hey, can someone help me with configuring vsftpd | 17:41 |
TakeABow | pelase | 17:41 |
techbw | oh ok | 17:41 |
cbwcjw | olewolf: I suppose so | 17:41 |
olewolf | Happyness: er, put it wherever you want it. But by some loose convention, /opt/matab would be a good choice. | 17:41 |
=== Maniac is now known as Guest84654 | ||
Happyness | olewolf: It says: "/opt/matlab is not writable"? :S | 17:43 |
techbw | Happyness: allow root login | 17:43 |
techbw | Happyness: post number 6 | 17:43 |
olewolf | Happyness: well, create a directory then and chown it you username.username (where, obviously, username is your user name). | 17:43 |
olewolf | Happyness: Or "sudo mkdir /opt/matlab ; sudo chown username.username /opt/matlab". | 17:44 |
olewolf | Where username is you-know-what. | 17:44 |
Happyness | techbw: Thanks :) | 17:44 |
techbw | Happyness: That way you are able to secure your root account with a password, and not sacrifice too much security | 17:44 |
techbw | It is still however unsecure to be logged in for normal usage | 17:45 |
cbwcjw | So im definitley in a good mood with KDE 4.2 hahaha. | 17:45 |
Happyness | techbw: Yes, other external threats become visisble. | 17:45 |
olewolf | Happyness: if you're installing MATLAB system-wide, then you'll probably have to install it via sudo. Otherwise it will have to go either to a directory in your home folder, or yoǘll have to make a directory outside of your home folder that you own yourself. | 17:46 |
Happyness | olewolf: Yes thank you, I forgot to install as sudo | 17:46 |
techbw | Happyness:anyways, hope that sorts you out, got to run, cheers | 17:47 |
* techbw waves to all and says goodnight | 17:47 | |
Happyness | techbw: YEah, thank for all your hellp .) | 17:47 |
techbw | Happyness: np | 17:47 |
marek_ | hi, is there a way to synchronize contacts from my linux with google contanct? | 17:48 |
cbwcjw | marek_: I read something that does that a week ago, let me find it | 17:49 |
marek_ | cbwcjw ok | 17:49 |
Happyness | olewolf: Jises, Matlab is for sure a real large software | 17:50 |
ct529 | is it possible to install openoffice 3.0 on kubuntu? | 17:50 |
cbwcjw | marek_: hope that helps | 17:51 |
cbwcjw | brb, moving downstairs. | 17:53 |
tyler_d1 | my sharing applet is not working... ie. when I go to a folders properties and click sharing, then configure I am prompted for a password, however nothing after that. | 17:54 |
tyler_d1 | samba is installed however no configuration has been made to this | 17:55 |
TraceRoute | Is there a command that can add my new grub entries to menu.lst because grub is only listing my old ones i tired update-grub and it list it (Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic) but its not shown in menu.lst | 17:56 |
xp-killer | how do i hide the desktop icons? | 17:57 |
songwind | I updated the repositories like the news item said, but it has not offered the chance to upgrade to 4.2 - it's still stuck at 4.1. Is there an apt-command or anything I need to run (other than update)? | 17:58 |
jarco | what must i do in kubuntu to be able to mount my internal ntfs drive? | 17:59 |
BluesKaj | TraceRoute ,if I understand your question , just open grub menu list using alt+f2 , kdesudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst , then add edit by deleting and adding required text. | 18:01 |
BluesKaj | and save the file | 18:01 |
=== step is now known as EskimoBob | ||
malv | where does it say how to enable the experimental 4.2 ppa? | 18:01 |
jarco | what must i do in kubuntu to be able to mount my internal ntfs drive? | 18:04 |
cbwcjw | jarco, I like how you pasted that to both channels. Its easier if you do it on install, like mounting the NTFS partition to /windows or something. | 18:05 |
jarco | mm yeah sorry bout the spam bntw | 18:05 |
jarco | problem is thatr its all set up now | 18:06 |
jarco | i just ned some data from the windows disk | 18:06 |
jarco | before i get rid of it | 18:06 |
jarco | and the other ntfs needs to be mounted forever | 18:06 |
songwind | jarco, does it not show up in /media? | 18:06 |
jarco | no | 18:06 |
helpdesk | can anyone please, help me out with embedded linux? | 18:07 |
jarco | but the weird thing is that it shows up in the file browser on the left side. When i click on it to mount it it asks for my passwd but just jumps back to the previus tab. It wont mount | 18:07 |
helpdesk | i am trying to apply a patch to my kernel | 18:08 |
cbwcjw | jarco: I know its for GNOME, but try some of the things | 18:08 |
mefisto__ | does everyone get many images in not displaying? or is it just me? | 18:08 |
jarco | ok thx cbwcjw | 18:09 |
sandGorgon | umm.. i have a plasma crash.. should I report it (it was mentioned somewhere not to report new bugs) | 18:09 |
Rioting_pacifist | erm i cant ping but i can go to the website | 18:09 |
cbwcjw | sandGorgon: No, but make a list. | 18:10 |
Rioting_pacifist | can somebody give me a google ip? i think my dns is broken | 18:10 |
cbwcjw | mefisto__: Thats funny, but no, the pictures work for me. | 18:10 |
SteBoo | Rioting_pacifist: | 18:11 |
sandGorgon | Rioting_pacifist: use openDNS ! | 18:11 |
malv | opendns probably makes bucketloads of money with that information | 18:12 |
mefisto__ | cbwcjw: the main page looks ok here, but what about the articles? did you click any links to articles? | 18:12 |
cbwcjw | mefisto__: They look fine to me: | 18:13 |
Rioting_pacifist | switching to opendns seams like a bit of an over reaction, but how would i set a dns server manually? | 18:13 |
olewolf | Rioting_pacifist: depends. If you have your own named server setup, then it's easy. But setting it up just to switch to OpenDNS is probably overkill. | 18:14 |
olewolf | Rioting_pacifist: some routers let you specify your DNS settings directly. That could be your best bet. | 18:14 |
olewolf | Rioting_pacifist: and finally, somewhere in your network settings, which unfortunately I can't help with. | 18:15 |
helpdesk | does anyone know how i could install the patch command? | 18:15 |
olewolf | helpdesk: er, it isn't there already? | 18:15 |
helpdesk | olewolf: yes it isn't | 18:16 |
Rioting_pacifist | nah this is just a home laptop, changing the router setting seams like overkill for a temporary problem | 18:16 |
olewolf | helpdesk: well, I wouldn't have expected that. But otherwise, try "sudo apt-get install build-essential". | 18:16 |
olewolf | helpdesk: no guarantees, but I'd expect this to suffice. | 18:16 |
helpdesk | olewolf: tried sudo apt-get install patch but it's asking that i insert the kubuntu cd | 18:17 |
olewolf | helpdesk: try with the command I suggested. | 18:17 |
olewolf | helpdesk: BTW, you may want to remove the install CD repo from your repository list. It will stop asking you to insert the Kubuntu CD then. | 18:17 |
beachsurfin | how do you change the clock from military time to a 12 hour clock? | 18:18 |
helpdesk | olewolf: i just tried the command but saying no command called build | 18:18 |
beachsurfin | stdin: your commands last night worked | 18:18 |
NetSKaVeN | hell-o! | 18:18 |
mefisto__ | cbwcjw: I often get the image alt text description, but no images. eg the debian logo doesn't show up, but clicking the link will show for that particular image | 18:19 |
helpdesk | olewolf: how do i get the cd repo from my repository list? | 18:20 |
helpdesk | olewolf: would you consider this a good advice though? | 18:20 |
NetSKaVeN | anyone trying KDE 4.2 for Intrepid? | 18:20 |
stdin | beachsurfin: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Time & Dates | 18:21 |
cbwcjw | NetSKaVeN: I did. | 18:21 |
olewolf | helpdesk: I removed it immediately, so in my personal opinion it's good advice. :) | 18:21 |
NetSKaVeN | it is working great here, but I have problem with Java and Konqueror | 18:22 |
olewolf | helpdesk: I edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and put a # (hash) in front of the line that refers to the CD. | 18:22 |
olewolf | There's probably some Adept front end that can be used to accomplish the same thing. | 18:22 |
xiong | why can i not use adept to install kde3? | 18:23 |
olewolf | xiong: the short answer is that it's probably not in the kubuntu repositories. | 18:24 |
ka_ | hi | 18:25 |
olewolf | xiong: I haven't tried to locate any repositories that sport KDE 3.5 for Kubuntu 8.10, but you may have luck on Google. | 18:25 |
White_Pelican | is there any way to change the color of the text and background when you mouse over the icons on the panel? | 18:25 |
quassel24 | White_Pelican: you mean the tooltip colors? | 18:26 |
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White_Pelican | yes | 18:26 |
White_Pelican | I think so anyway | 18:26 |
White_Pelican | right now it's white text with black background | 18:26 |
seele_q | White_Pelican: System Settings > Appearance > Colors page | 18:27 |
seele_q | White_Pelican: Color tab > in the dropdown select Tooltip | 18:27 |
White_Pelican | ah | 18:27 |
White_Pelican | tyvm | 18:27 |
ka_ | I have a problem I just dont' know how to google for i ooocalc. How do you drag cells and drop them between to other cells without overwriting the one that is there in the first place... Make sense? | 18:28 |
beachsurfin | thanks stdin :) | 18:28 |
beachsurfin | have to logout now... | 18:28 |
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OnlyWhisky | hello, my kde4.2 hangs while loading screen with lastest nvidia driver. | 18:29 |
songwind | NetSkaven - I enabled the experimental repository, but it won't let me upgrade anything | 18:30 |
songwind | So while I *want* to try 4.2, I can't for some reason. | 18:30 |
ka_ | I have a problem I just dont' know how to google for in OOcalc. How do you drag a cell and drop it between two other cells without overwriting any of the two cells, but rather making it squeese in between them? | 18:30 |
White_Pelican | I don't think it's the tooltip | 18:31 |
White_Pelican | the tooltip txt shows black, the background light blue | 18:31 |
olewolf | songwind: what exactly did you add to your sources list? (It's a single line, so no pastebin is needed.) | 18:32 |
evox | is there a repository with the latest version of pidgin (2.5.4)? | 18:32 |
helpdesk | olewolf: thanks i will try that now and see what's next | 18:33 |
gorgonzola | hello. i was updating to kde 4.2 from experimental just now, and got this: | 18:33 |
gorgonzola | Sup-process returned error code 1, | 18:33 |
gorgonzola | Error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-libs4+5_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa4_i386.deb : trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kconf_update_bin/krdb_clearlibrarypath', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-bin. | 18:33 |
gorgonzola | what should i do? | 18:33 |
songwind | olewolf: deb intrepid main | 18:33 |
olewolf | songwind: well, that looks allright. When you did your "sudo apt-get update", did it report about a hundred or so updated packages? | 18:34 |
songwind | olewolf: No, it reports that there are none. | 18:34 |
OnlyWhisky | xorg log show this loop (WW) NVIDIA(0): WAIT (2, 6, 0x8000, 0xffffffff, 0x00001930) | 18:35 |
olewolf | songwind: well, now it probably does. The question is whether it did so just after you had added the repo line. | 18:35 |
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songwind | ole: Still says 0 to upgrade if I run "sudo apt-get upgrade" | 18:35 |
olewolf | songwind: Have you tried dist-upgrade? | 18:36 |
songwind | olewolf: Just tried - also 0. | 18:36 |
stdin | gorgonizer: sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-workspace-libs4+5_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa4_i386.deb && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 18:36 |
mefisto__ | ka_: is it supposed to work like that, with drag and drop? | 18:36 |
senorpedro | is kde4.2 available for kubuntu? as package? | 18:37 |
mefisto__ | ka_: you can insert a cell using the insert menu | 18:37 |
stdin | senorpedro: topic | 18:37 |
olewolf | songwind: kind of odd. If you do "sudo dpkg --list |grep kdelibs-bin", does it report a 4.1.* version? | 18:37 |
olewolf | (Just double-checking.) | 18:37 |
stdin | songwind: have you updated the package list? | 18:37 |
helpdesk | olewolf: i tried it but i found under the /etc/apt/ directory the following: | 18:37 |
olewolf | stdin: yes, he/she did. | 18:37 |
helpdesk | sources.list, sources.list.d | 18:37 |
songwind | ole: 4.1.3 | 18:37 |
olewolf | helpdesk: it's probably in sources.list, so edit that file. | 18:38 |
stdin | songwind: what architecture? | 18:38 |
olewolf | helpdesk: it's not needed though. | 18:38 |
helpdesk | so, i tried the souces.list but got a long file that i had to stop with the ctr c | 18:38 |
songwind | i386 | 18:38 |
olewolf | stdin: I've installed KDE 4.2 on both amd64 and i386. | 18:38 |
stdin | olewolf: those aren't the only architectures in the world | 18:38 |
olewolf | stdin: but, they're darned likely. :) | 18:39 |
stdin | songwind: when you do "sudo apt-get update" does it list " intrepid/main Packages" ? | 18:39 |
olewolf | songwind: it's a far cry, but you could try to remove the repository (or comment it at least) and apt-get update again, then insert the line again and try once more. | 18:39 |
stdin | ppc is also a possible arch | 18:39 |
olewolf | stdin: those that use ppc tend to let others know, but yes. | 18:40 |
senorpedro | thx stdin | 18:40 |
gorgonzola | ok, narrowing down: installing kde 4.2 throws a bunch of deendency problems: libplasma3 not installed, and kdebase-workspace-bin complaints that it needs kdebase-workplace-data 4.2 but only 4.1.4 is available. | 18:40 |
gorgonzola | this is *really* annoying | 18:40 |
White_Pelican | why is it, when I change my desk top theme to anything other than oxygen, the color of knots disappears, and does the outline for the desktop? | 18:40 |
stdin | gorgonizer: do you have kubuntu-desktop installed? | 18:40 |
ka_ | mefisto: I was hoping I could insert and cut and past all in one action... Having to insert x number of rows or colums is a pain when you are copying and pasting 100s of rows. | 18:41 |
gorgonzola | i think so, i haven't remove it... le tme check | 18:41 |
songwind | olewolf: No joy. It shows all the signs of reading the new package list, but still no upgradable packages. | 18:42 |
gorgonzola | stdin yes, apt says its "already the newest version" as usual | 18:42 |
stdin | gorgonizer: ok, try just "sudo apt-get -f install" again | 18:42 |
gorgonizer | hello all!! | 18:42 |
ka_ | Of course I am not using my spraedsheet mainly as a spreadsheet but as a todo list with timetracking on top. It syncs perfectly with my phone so... | 18:42 |
stdin | songwind: what does "apt-cache policy kdelibs5" show? | 18:42 |
olewolf | songwind: and you installed the GPG key? (Probably not that this is really important for what you're seeing here, but still.) | 18:43 |
gorgonzola | stdin_ what does th -f opt do? | 18:43 |
stdin | gorgonizer: fix | 18:43 |
gorgonzola | . . . | 18:43 |
songwind | olewolf: Yes, I did. | 18:43 |
olewolf | songwind: yeah, it would probably complain otherwise. | 18:44 |
stdin | gorgonzola: ^ | 18:44 |
gorgonzola | ok, now it finished. safe to restart x? | 18:44 |
kickmetoandy | hello, which package do i have to install to get the kde debug messages for the backtrace ? | 18:44 |
stdin | gorgonzola: make sure it's all upgraded with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 18:44 |
olewolf | songwind: have you tried the "apt-get autoclean" and "apt-get autoremove" options? | 18:45 |
songwind | stdin: Installed 4.1.3, candidate 4.1.3, version table lists 4.2.0, and has a line that says "500 intrepid/main Packages" | 18:45 |
gorgonzola | dist-upgrade offers four new packages, and asks to update a whole bunch o' them. ths is normal? | 18:45 |
dhazin | hi all! I have a weird problem with kde 4.2 on ubuntu 8.10, i can't login at all :( I posted short description here | 18:45 |
olewolf | gorgonzola: yes, that's normal. | 18:46 |
roconnor | in kubuntu 8.10, how do I get my programs listed in my bottom bar into two rows? | 18:46 |
stdin | gorgonzola: yes | 18:46 |
gorgonzola | stdin: also, gwenview is being "kept back", does that mean that i have place a hold on it, or is a repo thing? | 18:46 |
dhazin | does anyone knows if it's a known bug? is there any workaround for it ( thx! | 18:46 |
helpdesk | olewolf: i still couldn't get the CD option out of my repository list. | 18:46 |
stdin | kickmetoandy: kdelibs5-dbg kdebase-dbg kdebase-runtime-dbg kdebase-workspace-dbg for most | 18:47 |
olewolf | helpdesk: remember to apt-get update. | 18:47 |
olewolf | helpdesk: my entry in sources.list says: | 18:47 |
olewolf | #deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_ - Release amd64 (20081029.1)]/ intrepid main restricted | 18:47 |
olewolf | (not the hash mark) | 18:47 |
olewolf | helpdesk: but then again, it's probably not a big deal. | 18:47 |
kickmetoandy | another question: in the system setting i tried to change key bindings however i am not able to launch the d-bus browser, since it is not installed. which package contains the qdbusviewer ? | 18:48 |
stdin | gorgonizer: it's because it need to replace a library, you can install it manually later | 18:48 |
stdin | songwind: what are the other numbers? | 18:49 |
gorgonzola | stdin: i updated gwenview manually, nad now apt is happily completing the upgrade. | 18:50 |
gorgonzola | stdin_ thanks | 18:50 |
Mithsir | Hi! I need a quick pointer on how to enable an USB soundcard (specifically, I want to hear flash audio output) under Kubuntu 8.04 | 18:51 |
songwind | stdin: sent to you in /msg | 18:52 |
stdin | songwind: looks like you've pinned it | 18:53 |
songwind | stdin: pinned? | 18:53 |
stdin | do you have the file: /etc/apt/preferences | 18:53 |
songwind | stdin: yes | 18:54 |
stdin | in there, look for "Pin-Priority: 900" | 18:55 |
stdin | because that's what's messing with it | 18:55 |
songwind | stdin: Ah, I see | 18:55 |
mefisto__ | ka_: holding down alt+ctrl while dropping the cell will insert the cell and shift adjacent ones to the right or down | 18:55 |
songwind | stdin: I take it I should set it to 500 ? Or remove it? | 18:55 |
stdin | songwind: it depends what you've pinned | 18:56 |
dhazin | hm.. does anyone has the same problem as me? can't login to kde 4.2 after installing packages for 8.10?? and segfaults in the log.. | 18:56 |
songwind | I have "intrepid-proposed" pinned to 400 | 18:57 |
songwind | stdin: It was to fix an error in gpilot without wholesale taking changes in intrepid-proposed | 18:57 |
stdin | songwind: if you don't need it, you can just remove the entire file | 18:57 |
Mithsir | How do I "switch" soundcards on the fly (I have an internal one and an usb one)? | 18:58 |
dhazin | :( | 18:58 |
songwind | stdin: There it goes. | 18:59 |
songwind | olewolf: Thanks to you, too. | 18:59 |
malv | 4.2 + kubuntu = pure awesome | 18:59 |
malv | i'm really in awe right now | 18:59 |
mefisto__ | ka_: look in openoffice help, search for "moving cells by drag and drop" and there is a table explaining how to move/copy/insert cells | 19:01 |
mefisto__ | stdin: you made a (gui) iso mounting script that I tried on kde3. will it work on kde4? | 19:03 |
stdin | mefisto__: probably not, I've neglected it recently. | 19:03 |
bakytn | Hello world!! I've just updated to KDE 4.2 and most of the plasmoids are showing error (Unable to load the widget: Could not find requested component: <component_name>) any idea? | 19:03 |
stdin | it'll definetly need editing to use kdesudo | 19:03 |
stdin | bakytn: install kdeplasma-addons | 19:04 |
stdin | mefisto__: I'll probably create a KDE4 version some time soon, in shiny python or ruby | 19:04 |
bakytn | stdin: Thanks! installing.. | 19:05 |
mefisto__ | stdin: someone was here asking about about a gui way to mount iso's, that's why I ask | 19:05 |
stdin | mefisto__: yeah, there's a "gap in the market" there | 19:06 |
stdin | I've learnt 4 (or 5) programming languages since I made that script, I can do better :p | 19:06 |
khalidmian | need to know what steps to take inorder to read ad write my ntfs sector of the drive- i have kubunt installed withing windows | 19:06 |
songwind | stdin: Well, wish me luck, time to restart. :) | 19:07 |
stdin | good luck :) | 19:07 |
stdin | khalidmian: see | 19:07 |
mefisto__ | stdin: I believe it was khalidmian asking about gui iso mounting | 19:08 |
bakytn | stdin: Super cool!! Worked, thank you very much! KDE 4.2 rocks!! | 19:08 |
stdin | mefisto__: if I get time, I may even get around to writing a plasma applet to do it | 19:09 |
songwind | stdin: and... it works! | 19:09 |
sigma_ | stdin: do you know how to disable plasma tooltips in kde? like the one from hovering over the k menu button? There was a option in kde4.1 but i can't find it | 19:10 |
stdin | sigma_: what tooltips? | 19:10 |
stdin | ahh, that kickoff one | 19:11 |
stdin | I don't use kickoff so didn't see it | 19:11 |
Rioting_pacifist | my disk being full meant i couldnt access the internet, dhclient couldnt write the dns addresses, couldnt some sort of ram cache be used? | 19:11 |
sigma_ | stdin: yeah its really irritating lol. the clock one and device notifier ones are ok i guess because they actually provide useful information. what do you use instead of kickoff? | 19:12 |
stdin | sigma_: hmm, I have no clue how to disable it | 19:13 |
sandGorgon | how do i make firefox a little better looking in 4.2 - i suppose that is the gtk problem ? | 19:14 |
cbwcjw | sandGorgon: it should look nice already? | 19:15 |
cbwcjw | sandGorgon: | 19:16 |
mefisto__ | sandGorgon: there's a kde4 firefox theme you could try. not perfect, but it looks good | 19:16 |
sigma_ | stdin: so what are you running in place of kickoff? | 19:17 |
cbwcjw | I thought it automaticlly changed the GTK theme for apps to look like QT | 19:17 |
cbwcjw | your Qt theme* | 19:17 |
khalidmian | (gksudo:16450): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 19:17 |
khalidmian | what does that mean | 19:17 |
Happyness | IS there any kind of config gui to access my sound card and drivers? | 19:18 |
techbw | hi all again | 19:18 |
stdin | sigma_: the "Application Launcher", the one you get from right clicking the KMenu and choosing "Switch to Classic Menu Style" | 19:18 |
Happyness | BEcause my sound-settings in system-setting only fall backs to Intel analog sound. | 19:18 |
stdin | khalidmian: means you need to install libbonoboui2-0 | 19:19 |
techbw | Is there a way to copy an existing install from one machine to the other without using dd, the hard drives do not match. | 19:20 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: since i have kubuntu instaled with windows can i still view and edit my windos dir? | 19:20 |
sandGorgon | damn... firefox crashed again | 19:20 |
sigma_ | stdin: ah i was wondering how to switch to that! I thought it would have the whole black theme like the new kickoff though | 19:20 |
cbwcjw | sandGorgon: ChatZilla? haha | 19:21 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: yes it's quite possible to access windows ntfs partitions | 19:21 |
sandGorgon | cbwcjw: yup... i actually like it | 19:21 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: is it the same process stdin was saying or do u have something else up r sleeve as a suggestion | 19:22 |
techbw | I use kubuntu to access ntfs to remove virus from clients pc's | 19:22 |
sandGorgon | cbwcjw: i wanted to show u the screenshot of firefox being crappy | 19:22 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: install ntfs-config and it makes setting up automounting on boot very easy | 19:23 |
cbwcjw | sandGorgon: uhh ok. PM me? | 19:23 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: after installing it, it should be in the menu under "system" called NTFS Configuration Tool | 19:24 |
ka_ | thanks mefisto :-) | 19:25 |
EagleScreen | Panel change its color after resizing it | 19:33 |
EagleScreen | in KDE 4.2 | 19:33 |
rdeva | anyone here? | 19:33 |
cbwcjw2 | Yep | 19:33 |
rdeva | ok quick question on firefox dependencies | 19:34 |
rdeva | i just installed KDE4.2 and removed gnome | 19:34 |
rdeva | when removing hnome, FF got uninstalled | 19:34 |
rdeva | now i'm trying to reinstall it | 19:34 |
Aethelred | I'm having trouble with K3B un Ubuntu 8.10. When I try to burn a disc, the only Writing Mode available is "Auto". I used to have DAO as an option, and that's the option I need. Any clues what's going on? | 19:34 |
rdeva | but when I apt-get it, apt makes me download a lot of gnome libs with FF (including synaptic) | 19:35 |
EagleScreen | rdeva install it in a special way | 19:35 |
rdeva | how? | 19:35 |
yare | hello | 19:35 |
yare | hello | 19:35 |
stdin | rdeva: blame the packages, he insists that FF without gnome support is "not complete" | 19:35 |
EagleScreen | rdeva use "sudo aptitude -R install firefox" | 19:35 |
yare | hola | 19:35 |
yare | :( | 19:36 |
EagleScreen | !spanish | yare | 19:36 |
ubottu | yare: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 19:36 |
Jonah | hey guys, just updated to 4.2 but now when i login i've just got a black blank screen. i have a mouse cursor i can move about but nothing else. please help... | 19:36 |
EagleScreen | Jonah try Alt F2 and run plasma | 19:36 |
mefisto__ | Aethelred: have you inserted a disk? that selection menu should change depending on the medium in the drive | 19:36 |
Jonah | EagleScreen: alt f2 isn't doing anything.... | 19:37 |
Jonah | EagleScreen: i don't get a run prompt thing or anything | 19:37 |
=== yare is now known as Nice_Doll | ||
olewolf | Whoa, KDE 4.2 was out for, what, one day, and several files are updated in the repo already! Looking forward to finding out whether this has solved the problems I've seen. :) | 19:37 |
olewolf | So, bbl. | 19:37 |
EagleScreen | Jonah when it stared to happen? | 19:37 |
Jonah | EagleScreen: ah if i hold alt tab it does bring a box up that says no windows | 19:38 |
Jonah | EagleScreen: it happened after i updated to kde 4.2 from 4.1.3 | 19:38 |
sandGorgon | guys.. does the "search" in the kickoff application launcher turn black whenever you start typing? | 19:38 |
astromme | not for me | 19:38 |
rdeva | btw, 4.2 is awesome | 19:38 |
rdeva | not for me either | 19:38 |
EagleScreen | Jonah are you sure the update is complete? | 19:38 |
astromme | Jonah: Have you relogged/restarted after installing 4.2? | 19:39 |
Jonah | yeah i've rebooted etc and restarted X | 19:39 |
Jonah | yeah update all completed etc | 19:39 |
astromme | oh, whoopse, was reading wrong comment. But good, that helps. | 19:39 |
Aethelred | mefisto_: Genius, thou. Just checked, had what I thought was a blank CD-R in there, but was a burned (and unlabeled) disc. | 19:39 |
astromme | Jonah: Plasma probably isn't loading. alt-f2 and start konsole. Then from konsole try starting plasma with "plasma" see what happens. | 19:40 |
Aethelred | mefisto__: Thank you for considering that I might be a bonehead, and offering appropriate advice. | 19:40 |
astromme | oh, disregard that... no alt-f2? | 19:40 |
Jonah | astromme: no alt-f2... | 19:40 |
mefisto__ | Aethelred: well that's not what I was thinking, but you're welcome I guess :) | 19:41 |
Jonah | astromme: but i do get a "no windows" from alt-tab | 19:41 |
sandGorgon | funny... the kickoff search bar goes absolutely black on clicking. This happens ONLY on enabling "desktop effects" | 19:41 |
astromme | you could switch to a text console (ctrl-alt-f1 or so), login, and run "DISPLAY=:0 konsole", then switch back to the gui with alt-f7 and see if konsole shows up | 19:41 |
marvin_ | hello there, first kde 4.2 is a great peace of software! | 19:41 |
sandGorgon | this bug is reproducible... | 19:42 |
Jonah | astromme: yeah that's given me a gui konsole | 19:42 |
astromme | Jonah: great. From that try running plasma | 19:42 |
marvin_ | but i have problems with powerdevil, i cannot install it because he wants to have libplasma2, but when i install libplasma2 hes going to delete alot of other packages | 19:43 |
simca | doh it's so depressive, everyone talks about 4.2, but it's still only half-baked in jaunty | 19:43 |
astromme | marvin_: You should already have it with KDE 4.2 | 19:43 |
astromme | simca: Jaunty is also months away from release | 19:43 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: i installed ntfs config and enabled write support for internal device all it shows me is the system info | 19:43 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: i installed ntfs config and enabled write support for internal device all it shows me is the system volume information | 19:44 |
marvin_ | no i have guidance | 19:44 |
marvin_ | powermanager | 19:44 |
Jonah | astromme: ah plasma not installed, it says i need kdebase-workspace-data | 19:44 |
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simca | astromme: yeah i know, i tought i will upgrade to it to get the newest, bestest kde :) | 19:44 |
astromme | Jonah: Ahh, yeah, I had that problem too upgrading from Intrepid -> Jaunty | 19:44 |
sandGorgon | astromme: even the alt-f2 text entry bar goes dark on enabling "desktop effects". there is some amount of tearing. this does not happen on other text entry bars (e.g. Konversation) | 19:44 |
stdin | marvin_: powerdevil is built-in to KDE now, System Settings -> Advanced -> Power Management | 19:45 |
astromme | marvin_: Even if you go to System Settings -> Advanced -> Power Management | 19:45 |
* astromme lols | 19:45 | |
simca | astromme: i mean a lot of packages are still 4.1.96 in it | 19:45 |
Jonah | astromme: i don't get why i don't have that installed. and now i can't install it cos it seems my wireless isn't working so i'll have to try plug ethernet cable in | 19:45 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: where do you see system info? | 19:45 |
marvin_ | ok i look | 19:45 |
astromme | simca: Yeah, that's just slow building probably. | 19:45 |
khalidmian | how do i unmount my system volume information | 19:45 |
astromme | Jonah: =/ | 19:45 |
astromme | You can run knetworkmanager or nm-applet from your konsole | 19:46 |
astromme | ^^ was for Jonah | 19:46 |
Jonah | astromme: wow you're right of course! wow cool | 19:46 |
simca | astromme: this says the i386 building machines are idle currently, or i don't know something | 19:46 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: when trying to unmount sys vol info it says only root can unmount /dev/sda1 from /media/system volume | 19:47 |
Jonah | astromme: that seems to be installing it ok. thanks a lot | 19:47 |
marvin_ | thank you astromme! i actually found powerdevil | 19:47 |
astromme | great | 19:47 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: sudo umount /dev/sda1 | 19:48 |
marvin_ | but is there a option to show a icon of powerdevil in the taskbar? | 19:48 |
astromme | martijn81: You should be able to add a battery meter plasmoid | 19:48 |
marvin_ | to quickly look at cpu scaling etc | 19:48 |
astromme | marvin_: erm, you not martijn81 | 19:48 |
marvin_ | but it only shows the battery, cpu scaling on-the-fly is not possible | 19:49 |
khalidmian | mefisto__:when i mount dev/sda1 i only see vol info | 19:49 |
astromme | marvin_: It should do that automatically based on your power profile. Check out that systemsettings page | 19:49 |
marvin_ | well its not so important, thank you anyway ! | 19:49 |
Aethelred | mefisto__: What other CD-R burning/authoring software would you recommend, or warn against? | 19:49 |
Jonah | astromme: wow kde 4.2 looks amazing!!! | 19:49 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: i do not have a grub install | 19:49 |
Jonah | see ya guys | 19:49 |
astromme | Jonah: =) | 19:50 |
marvin_ | bye guys! | 19:50 |
cbwcjw | astromme: got another person to kde 4.2? :D | 19:50 |
astromme | cbwcjw: lol, you might say that =) | 19:50 |
mefisto__ | Aethelred: k3b is all I've ever used | 19:50 |
astromme | k3b is my suggestion | 19:50 |
cbwcjw | astromme: Awesome, i love it. | 19:50 |
astromme | glad to hear | 19:50 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: how do you boot without a grub install? | 19:50 |
Aethelred | could boot with LILO ? | 19:51 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: i installed kubuntu within windows it doesnt use grub | 19:51 |
roconnor | my icons in kate (and probably other programs) are messed up since upgrading to 8.10 last night | 19:51 |
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roconnor | is there some way to reset or fix my icons? | 19:51 |
Happyness |, exactly my problem I occured recently. Does anybody recognize it? | 19:51 |
* talonstriker echoes roconnor's request | 19:51 | |
mschiff | thanks for the intrepid 4.2 packages! will there be languages packages too? | 19:52 |
asraniel | hi there. i'm in jaunty. how can in permanently mount a partition? i can do it temporary with dolphin. But in kde 3.5 there was a hard disk manager in systemsettings where i could define a mount point | 19:52 |
mefisto__ | khalidmian: that may be why the ntfs partition is not mounting properly. I'm not really sure how things work when kubuntu is installed in windows | 19:53 |
roconnor | by icons I mean the save and open icons and such | 19:54 |
JontheEchidna | asraniel: you might try installing mountmanager and see if that will do what you want | 19:55 |
khalidmian | mefisto__: k | 19:55 |
neothecat | has anybody have trouble with no icons showing up in after updating to 4.2? | 19:56 |
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aske | neothecat: try to switch from crystal to human theme in Oo.o | 20:01 |
PSiL0 | hmmm, I had my taskbar setting set to show only the apps in the current desktop... I del'd plasma rc and another config file inhopes of preventing plasma from crashing | 20:01 |
PSiL0 | then I received a few updates (including kwin) | 20:01 |
PSiL0 | now, I can't find the option anymore | 20:01 |
PSiL0 | 4.2 | 20:01 |
PSiL0 | btw, most of the plasmoids still crash | 20:02 |
stdin | right click the taskbar -> task manager settings -> Only show tasks from the current desktop | 20:03 |
neothecat | aske: thanks for the hint. i found "openoffice.org2-kde", installed it now it works. thanks. | 20:04 |
PSiL0 | stdin: ahh, thanks!! | 20:04 |
freeRag | can i install a deb package in ubntu ? | 20:05 |
wesley__ | no rpm | 20:05 |
asraniel | JontheEchidna: not exactly userfriendly, but it might do the trick | 20:05 |
wesley__ | or ex | 20:05 |
wesley__ | exe | 20:05 |
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wesley__ | ofcourse you can install a deb | 20:06 |
Happyness | anyone recognize above URL i pasted? | 20:06 |
freeRag | a deb from debian ? | 20:06 |
stdin | !deb | 20:07 |
ubottu | deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility. | 20:07 |
freeRag | why do you think the new kde 4.2 live cd comes from suse ? | 20:07 |
stdin | but don't install ones from debian, unless you WANT to break your system | 20:07 |
* __phil__ waves hi to all | 20:09 | |
freeRag | how can you wave a sound ? | 20:10 |
__phil__ | I just ran the adept updater on my 8.10 kubuntu and now X freezes on startup. Tips? | 20:10 |
__phil__ | I've tried resetting xorg.conf; I've tried booting into a previous kernel. No dice | 20:10 |
__phil__ | freeRag: cute | 20:10 |
mefisto__ | freeRag: is that a question about .wav files? | 20:11 |
Dekans | how can we install google gadgets as plasmoids ? | 20:13 |
__phil__ | I guess here nobody has a clue | 20:13 |
Happyness |, exactly my problem I occured recently. Does anybody recognize it? I wondering if it is a problem in general? | 20:14 |
helpdesk | hello anyone knows how i could apply a patch to my kernel tree directory? | 20:15 |
helpdesk | onewolf: u still around? | 20:16 |
beachsurfin | how do you move the icons on the panel? shows a picture of the device notifier and other widgets located on the left side ... | 20:17 |
beachsurfin | it even shows the system tray with an arrow indicating that you can increase or decrease the system tray length | 20:18 |
JontheEchidna | beachsurfin: press the plasma icon on the right of the panel to open up the configuration mode | 20:19 |
JontheEchidna | you can then move widgets around | 20:19 |
JontheEchidna | if you right click the system tray you can select its configuration dialog, where you can hide icons | 20:19 |
JontheEchidna | when icons are hidden that arrow will appear | 20:20 |
gorgonzola | hello. where can i get more plasmoids for kde 4.2? | 20:21 |
beachsurfin | gorgonzola brings up something i have problems with as well, i never can install plasmoids from the internet from the add widgets dialog | 20:23 |
gorgonzola | beachsurfing: i have had varied experiences with that.. some work straight out of the box, some don't. Right now, the problem is that get hot new stuff just offers a few plasmoids in kde 4.2... | 20:25 |
Nice_Doll | hola | 20:26 |
Nice_Doll | #ubuntu-es | 20:27 |
Marvin_ | hi there, i have a very big problem | 20:27 |
Marvin_ | look at that: | 20:27 |
Marvin_ | this is how it look after i logged in kdm | 20:28 |
Dekans | No google gadgets on Kubuntu ? | 20:28 |
slow-motion | hi | 20:28 |
Marvin_ | i have the nv driver installed | 20:28 |
=== rdeva is now known as talonstriker | ||
Marvin_ | any suggestions? | 20:29 |
Heliodor | how do i get a printscreen? | 20:29 |
talonstriker | Heliodor: use ksnapshot | 20:29 |
Heliodor | talonstriker: thanks! | 20:29 |
roger_ | hi could someone help me with the new kde 4.2 packages for intrepid ? | 20:30 |
talonstriker | anyone figured out how to add icons to the Desktop | 20:30 |
talonstriker | ? | 20:30 |
Marvin_ | add the folder view widged | 20:30 |
roger_ | I have added the ppa and installed all the packages with no errors | 20:30 |
roger_ | but when I login to KDE 4.2 I am presented with a black screen and nothing more | 20:30 |
roger_ | alt+f2 shows krunner and ctrl+alt+del shows the logout interface | 20:31 |
Marvin_ | when i login in it looks quite funny : | 20:31 |
roger_ | but krunner cannot load anything, just gives a kdeinit error | 20:31 |
roger_ | I do see a segfault from nepomukservices in /var/log/syslog | 20:32 |
dionet | with the kde 4.2 update, all kde/phonon sound output is too high and I can't control it in the mixer | 20:33 |
dionet | but non-kde applications are not affected | 20:33 |
Marvin_ | anybody any ideas concerning my login glitch??? | 20:34 |
amigrave | can someone tell me why kubuntu 8.10 takes twice the memory +-300Mb on a fresh install than ubuntu 810 +-150Mb and how can I lower the memory usage ? | 20:34 |
Rioting_pacifist | amigrave: is that actual memory useage or does it include cache | 20:35 |
Rioting_pacifist | amigrave: eitherway a good way is to look at what programs are eating up memory with ksysguard or htop | 20:37 |
talonstriker | amigrave, i imagine the widgets are eating up a bit of memory | 20:37 |
roconnor | talonstriker: one solution I have found so far is to change the icon theme from crystal svg to oxygen | 20:38 |
amigrave | Rioting_pacifist: this is the memory usage provided by the system monitors provided by respectively kde 4 and gnome. I'm going to test with free and htop to do a fair comparison | 20:38 |
sandGorgon | my Notes Plasmoid is transparent - is this a known bug? | 20:39 |
roconnor | talonstriker: I don't know why crystal svg is broken. | 20:39 |
tarimari | hi guuys.there were some updates today at 4.2. what are they about? is there any changelog? | 20:40 |
amigrave | Rioting_pacifist: on gnome it's used ram minus cache. going to test kde4 but have to reinstall. hang on | 20:40 |
MrOizo | hallo! | 20:40 |
roconnor | talonstriker: I'm tempted to install kde-icons-crystal to see if that would fix the crystal set | 20:40 |
roconnor | talonstriker: but maybe oxygen is supposed to be the default theme? | 20:41 |
roconnor | what icon theme do people here use? | 20:41 |
thinkgnu | which one is better for my system (dual core2 , 1GB ram) ? kubuntu32 but or kubuntu64 bit ? | 20:42 |
Rioting_pacifist | thinkgnu: well it depends, 64 have few benifits but using flash can be a bit more difficult | 20:42 |
thinkgnu | Rioting_pacifist: but it is possible | 20:43 |
Rioting_pacifist | yeah just use ndiswrapper or isntall flash 10 beta manually | 20:43 |
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thinkgnu | my problem is with my ram ! is 1GB enough for 64bit version | 20:44 |
Heliodor | talonstriker: thanks for the tip! | 20:44 |
thinkgnu | or maybe i'll have better performance with 32bit version | 20:44 |
Heliodor | talonstriker: know of any screencast software? | 20:44 |
senorpedro | is it safe to upgrade vom 8.04 to 8.10 via dist-upgrade?? | 20:45 |
senorpedro | or will my systsem be broken and i dissolve in tears? | 20:45 |
Rioting_pacifist | thinkgnu: ram requirements arn't affected | 20:46 |
Pici | senorpedro: Dont use dist-upgrade | 20:46 |
roconnor | senorpedro: I upgraded yesterday. Lemme see what I used | 20:46 |
Pici | !upgrade | senorpedro | 20:46 |
ubottu | senorpedro: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 20:46 |
talonstriker | Heliodor: Well..not for linux | 20:46 |
Heliodor | talonstriker: to bad :-( | 20:47 |
Heliodor | talonstriker: thanks anyway! | 20:47 |
senorpedro | thats to complicated | 20:47 |
senorpedro | cant i just str_replace every itchy to snitchy in sources.list and then aptitude dist-upgrade? | 20:47 |
senorpedro | sorry, i dont know the ubuntu release names | 20:48 |
senorpedro | only the numbers | 20:48 |
roconnor | senorpedro: I used sudo do-release-upgrade -d | 20:48 |
roconnor | but I'm a little weird | 20:48 |
roconnor | I had no signifigant trouble | 20:48 |
Pici | senorpedro: Thats not the reccomended upgrade method. Listen to roconnor | 20:48 |
senorpedro | why's there no man page for do-release-upgrade? | 20:49 |
roconnor | senorpedro: you may have to install update-manager-core | 20:49 |
senorpedro | well -d is to devel release.... | 20:49 |
martin__ | Hi! Upgrading Intrepid to KDE 4.2 left me unable to log in -- will somebody help me? | 20:49 |
senorpedro | that would be 9.04? | 20:49 |
senorpedro | update-manager-core is installed | 20:50 |
Pici | senorpedro: Yes, sorry. | 20:50 |
senorpedro | no man page available | 20:50 |
roconnor | senorpedro: you either need to use -d | 20:50 |
roconnor | senorpedro: or Edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set: | 20:50 |
roconnor | Prompt=normal | 20:50 |
Pici | senorpedro: The wiki page ubottu linked you to has all the instructions you need | 20:50 |
roconnor | senorpedro: the only proglem I had was that libghc6-HTTP-dev-whatever didn't uninstall properly. But you probably don't have that package ;) | 20:51 |
senorpedro | roconnor: so do you have 9.04 or 8.10 right now? | 20:51 |
senorpedro | whats in /etc/issue? | 20:51 |
roconnor | senorpedro: as of today I have 8.10 | 20:52 |
Pici | !version | 20:52 |
ubottu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 20:52 |
roconnor | senorpedro: yestrday I had 8.04 | 20:52 |
roconnor | upgrading took several hours | 20:53 |
senorpedro | hours? | 20:53 |
roconnor | with occasional prompts | 20:53 |
roconnor | because I changed some configs | 20:53 |
senorpedro | do you have a 56k modem? | 20:53 |
senorpedro | well i did change configs too | 20:53 |
roconnor | downloading too about 1 hour or a bit less once I found a resonable mirror | 20:53 |
roconnor | but setup and configuration of all the new packages too several hours | 20:54 |
roconnor | maybe 2 | 20:54 |
MrOizo | hallo! | 20:54 |
roconnor | 1.2 GHz laptop here | 20:54 |
senorpedro | ok i need 8 min for the download....lets see how long installing takes | 20:54 |
senorpedro | omg now 40min | 20:54 |
roconnor | of course the upgrade time depends on which packages you have and how many you have | 20:55 |
senorpedro | does kubuntu 8.10 still have kde 3.5? | 20:56 |
roconnor | senorpedro: it appears to be kde 4.1 AFAIK | 20:56 |
senorpedro | or whatever the latest kde 3.* is | 20:56 |
senorpedro | hm thats bad | 20:56 |
genii | senorpedro: No. It comes only with 4 | 20:56 |
senorpedro | i like 3 more | 20:56 |
genii | senorpedro: 8.04 is the last Kubuntu to have KDE 3 series | 20:57 |
CrypTom | hi all, I'm trying to access an usb-device (phidget rfid device) as a normal user | 20:57 |
CrypTom | I compiled the shared object (make and sudo make install) | 20:57 |
roconnor | senorpedro: I suppose you could stick with 8.04 | 20:57 |
CrypTom | I compiled a test application (from the manufactor). when I run this test application with sudo, it works | 20:57 |
stas__ | Hi people! Does someone here has VirtualBox on PC? I have some problems with host interface setup in ubuntu | 20:58 |
CrypTom | when I run the app as normal user, I cannot access the device, although I've copied a udev-rules file into /etc/udev/rules.d | 20:58 |
roconnor | ironically the upgrade to 8.10 broke the very thing I was upgrading for :P | 20:58 |
CrypTom | I even tried to relogin and rebooted | 20:58 |
roconnor | but it wasn't actually a big problem | 20:58 |
roconnor | damn it. I can't get privoxy to work as my HTTP proxy for KTorrent | 21:00 |
mefisto__ | stas__: what's the problem? | 21:00 |
senorpedro | roconnor: you mean for the search feature in ktorrent? | 21:01 |
roconnor | looks like I'm not the only one: | 21:01 |
stas__ | After seutup host interface in ubuntu, I can ping my host from VM(which is WinXP), but I can't ping VM from host machine(Ubuntu) | 21:01 |
roconnor | senorpedro: no for tracker connections | 21:01 |
reagleBRKLN | | 21:01 |
roconnor | senorpedro: and webseeds I guess, but I'm not using that | 21:01 |
reagleBRKLN | when i go to that url konq+kdewallet won't autofill login info | 21:02 |
senorpedro | ok | 21:02 |
khear | anyone happen to know if Akonadi in KDE 4.2 uses/requires the full mysql-server that is installed with the kubuntu packages? or does it have an embedded version of mysql or something? | 21:02 |
mefisto__ | stas__: don't know, sorry. have you tried in #vbox ? | 21:02 |
genii | CrypTom: The user may need to belong to group called plugdev | 21:03 |
martin__ | Hey, I'm really screwed here - upgrading Intrepid to KDE 4.2 left me unable to log in -- will somebody help me? | 21:03 |
stas__ | Ok, I'll ask there | 21:03 |
CrypTom | genii: ok, i'll check | 21:04 |
CrypTom | genii: hmm, the user already is in the plugdev group | 21:05 |
vital | Will jaunty be pulseaudio or alsa? | 21:07 |
princedugan | hello, I have two problems. S-video out and USB soundcard works in windows not in ubuntu. | 21:09 |
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BlueEagle | princedugan: Well, first off you would want to find if you've got an ATi or nVidia or other graphics card. | 21:13 |
princedugan | Intel, I think | 21:14 |
BlueEagle | princedugan: Then you would want to check that you do have the correct drivers installed. And then you need to figure out how your graphics card manages the s-video output. | 21:14 |
BlueEagle | princedugan: You can think in philosophy class. Here we like to be certain. Try this command in a terminal: lspci | 21:14 |
mefisto__ | lol BlueEagle | 21:15 |
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway | ||
OnlyWhisky | hello! I have problems using nvidia 180.11 driver with kde4 | 21:24 |
OnlyWhisky | actually kde4 hang system while loading. | 21:24 |
OnlyWhisky | blackbox works fine and kde4 works with nv driver | 21:25 |
princedugan | lspci is a command-line thing? | 21:27 |
princedugan | the videocard is 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) | 21:28 |
=== roland is now known as Rollz | ||
Rollz | hey | 21:35 |
cbwcjw | Hi, welcome to #kubuntu | 21:36 |
princedugan | the internal sound card is Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03) | 21:36 |
Rollz | thank you | 21:36 |
Rollz | yeh | 21:37 |
princedugan | the external card is Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0d8c:0103 C-Media Electronics, Inc. Turtle Beach Audio Advantage Micro | 21:37 |
Rollz | how did u know ? | 21:37 |
evox | stdin | 21:39 |
sebr | anybody know how to solve this? W: GPG error: intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60487016493B3065 | 21:40 |
neothecat | has anyone seen this error on 4.2 GA "KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/konsole'."? but konsole does start up... | 21:40 |
sebr | ah nm, found the instruction on the website | 21:41 |
princedugan | xrandr shows I only have one screen | 21:41 |
XVampireX | princedugan, sounds like an onboard sound card actually, but if that's the output of lspci there's no arguing with it | 21:43 |
XVampireX | Anyhow people, any way I do a clean install WITH kde 4.2? | 21:44 |
princedugan | sorry, I didn't see the USB card in lspci. so I tried lsusb, it seems logical and seemed to list it | 21:44 |
XVampireX | Ah, so it's lsusb | 21:44 |
XVampireX | even better | 21:44 |
princedugan | oddly, there seems to be no lsisa :) | 21:45 |
XVampireX | So you don't get sound nor get accelerated graphics? | 21:45 |
XVampireX | Regarding the sound you should probably try to go to #alsa and check there and regarding accelerated graphics you gotta tell us the video display adapter you got, You said you got Intel, right? | 21:46 |
XVampireX | You need to change something in /etc/X11/xorg.conf I think | 21:47 |
XVampireX | I'm not sure though I don't run onboard video card | 21:47 |
princedugan | XVampireX: using the onboard cards I get sound and video on my screen including 3D. but the external USB doesn't output sound and the S-video out does not work. xrandr reports I only hace one screen. | 21:49 |
princedugan | the onboard videocard is 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) | 21:49 |
XVampireX | Yes I see that I found a solution but it seems for 7.10 | 21:50 |
XVampireX | Will most likely work for 8.10 | 21:50 |
XVampireX | | 21:50 |
XVampireX | AFAIK there are free drivers from intel for that card... | 21:50 |
XVampireX | go to terminal for a sec and do: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel | 21:51 |
XVampireX | then if it says that everything is fine or if it asks you to install, then install | 21:51 |
chris-rc1 | hi | 21:52 |
XVampireX | Then if you can check in terminal: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 21:52 |
XVampireX | in there do ctrl+w and input "Device" if I remember correctly, it should jump to the correct section and there you have Driver tell me what it says | 21:53 |
chris-rc1 | i am trying to add plasmoids to my desktops, but with almost all of them i get: "this object could not be created" "could not find requested component". i am running kde 4.2 and it seems those plasmoids are from 4.1, but i cannot install any 4.1 packages any more | 21:54 |
cbwcjw | chris-rc1: Plasmoids from 4.1 arent compatible. | 21:54 |
XVampireX | chris-rc1, I'm not sure but perhaps 4.2 broke compatibility with 4.1 plasmoids ? | 21:54 |
cbwcjw | chris-rc1: It says on the installation page to remove your 4.1 plasmids in order to update. | 21:54 |
cbwcjw | plasmoids* | 21:55 |
XVampireX | :D | 21:55 |
chris-rc1 | that is strange. why wouldn't they be compatible. and moreover, why haven't they been ported? | 21:55 |
chris-rc1 | how do i remove them? | 21:55 |
cbwcjw | Because of different architecture, and i dont know :( | 21:55 |
cbwcjw | I went from ubuntu -> KDE for a cleaner transition :D | 21:55 |
chris-rc1 | in synaptic it says there are no 4.1 packages installed any mote | 21:56 |
chris-rc1 | more | 21:56 |
gorgonzola | hello folks... | 21:56 |
XVampireX | chris-rc1, because KDE folks think it's funny... maybe they realised that 4.0 and 4.1 were jokes so they didn't want to relate to it :P | 21:56 |
gorgonzola | do you know how can i force kubuntu to autodetect my monitor prefered settings? | 21:56 |
gorgonzola | i just changed my monitor to a bigger one, but don't know how to tell kubuntu to re-detect settings, like at install time... | 21:57 |
XVampireX | gorgonzola there's this tool called krandr or something like that I think | 21:57 |
gorgonzola | XVampireX; yes, i know of that. but this is not what i'm saytingf... | 21:58 |
gorgonzola | XvampireX when you install a new system, kubuntu detects the screen and configures X to handle itr in the correct res | 21:58 |
gorgonzola | XvampireX i was wondering if there's some option to do that... ie, leave all usrs with the correct "default" rs... | 21:58 |
astromme | Plasma broke binary and source compatability because there were still some fundamentals being worked out . It wasn't in place for 4.0/4.1 because it needed real world applications to test and use the API to see how things could be done wbetter. | 21:59 |
OxDeadC0de | has anyone else found Amor? he's cool | 21:59 |
XVampireX | astromme, Yeah, that sounds just about right... but still 4.1 and 4.0 were jokes :D | 21:59 |
JontheEchidna | 4.1 was pretty good | 21:59 |
astromme | I will say they weren't quite ready for everyone. However they were far from jokes. | 22:00 |
chris-rc1 | that still doesn't really help me :-( | 22:00 |
Riddell | ** Kubuntu meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting | 22:00 |
astromme | That's like saying Mac OS 10.0 and 10.1 were jokes. Not many used them, but they sure were necessary. | 22:00 |
XVampireX | chris-rc1, don't worry the plasmoids will catch up, will probably find better ones in 4.2 | 22:00 |
chris-rc1 | so you wanna tell me there just aren't any? | 22:01 |
astromme | chris-rc1: I agree, it doesn't help you =/. But they will be ported, give it a little time. The ones that aren't in the base KDE were added by Kubuntu folks and need to be ported/re-added | 22:01 |
XVampireX | astromme, anything that's released half-assed is a joke. | 22:01 |
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1 what are you trying to install even? | 22:02 |
chris-rc1 | OxDeadC0de: anything. let's say the analog clock | 22:04 |
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1 the api changed slightly between 4.1 and 4.2 because plasma became part of kdelibs, so the plasmoids might need to change a (very)little in the source, but many bugs were fixed and many new developers are being attracted | 22:04 |
_ubuntu | I have a question. I am considering installing Kubuntu. I wanted to get an opinion before I do. PC is AMD CPU 1.4Ghz. 20GB hard drive. 256MB memory. I believe the video is an ATI Rage. Will Kubuntu work on such a system? | 22:04 |
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1 you need another package, sec | 22:04 |
=== _ubuntu is now known as Dragonmaster | ||
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1 you said 4.2 right? so you're using the experimental | 22:04 |
XVampireX | Dragonmaster, yes it will work, not very fast but it will... | 22:04 |
=== Dragonmaster is now known as DragonmasterDani | ||
XVampireX | not too slow either | 22:05 |
chris-rc1 | OxDeadC0de: yes | 22:05 |
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1: sudo apt-get install kdeplasma-addons | 22:05 |
DragonmasterDani | If I was to install and check out Linux on the sstem, what distro do you suggest. I believe that is what it is called. | 22:05 |
=== DragonmasterDani is now known as Dragonmaster_Dan | ||
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1 I assume your upgrade went badly? it should have removed the old plasmoids | 22:06 |
XVampireX | DragonmasterDani, Actually I'd suggest you try Ubuntu first, the gnome version... Then after some time when you get used to the whole linux thing, and think you want to try a different graphical user interface, try Kubuntu (KDE) | 22:06 |
Dragonmaster_Dan | Okay, I shall give it a try. Thank you. | 22:07 |
XVampireX | Ubuntu is famous right now because of the mostly friendly support you get, and because of the many different user friendly features like easy codec installation, easy driver installation and so on. | 22:07 |
XVampireX | So you don't make a mistake with trying ubuntu at first | 22:08 |
Dragonmaster_Dan | RIght now I am running an old version of Kubuntu Live CD I found. | 22:08 |
stdin | chris-rc1: install kdeplasma-addons | 22:08 |
XVampireX | OLD is bad | 22:08 |
XVampireX | With linux you get new things ALL of the time | 22:09 |
XVampireX | So in a certain sense running todays version is not the same as running yesterdays | 22:09 |
Dragonmaster_Dan | This is Kubuntu Linux 5.10 Live | 22:09 |
OxDeadC0de | XVampireX New is bad when it breaks things used, until those things are fixed.. | 22:09 |
XVampireX | So anyhow I just wanted to say how much I'm a hypocrite I'm talking about linux/k/ubuntu from Windows :) | 22:10 |
chris-rc1 | kdeplasma-addons is installed | 22:10 |
Dragonmaster_Dan | lol | 22:10 |
roconnor | what is the replacement for ksvg in 8.10? | 22:10 |
XVampireX | OxDeadC0de, Yeah, but it may break things, and it may also FIX things :) so that's what's good | 22:10 |
roconnor | rsvg-view ? | 22:10 |
Dragonmaster_Dan | I am off to find and download ubuntu. Thank you. | 22:10 |
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1: kbuilsycoca4 && kquitapp plasma , wait a sec, plasma & | 22:11 |
XVampireX | Dragonmaster_Dan, try 8.10 live cd if you're running something older like 7.10 or even 8.04 you'd be surprised at how much better it is | 22:11 |
jordano | hello | 22:11 |
Dragonmaster_Dan | 8.04 is beter then 8.10? | 22:12 |
princedugan | XVampireX: reports xserver-xorg-video-intel is already the newest version. thanks for this info, I'm gonna try the Intel rpm. So I hope to see (really) you after reboot | 22:12 |
OxDeadC0de | XVampireX Sure, eventually the fix's outweigh the breaks, it's that annoying "bugfix" time that gets to me :P | 22:12 |
XVampireX | Yo | 22:12 |
XVampireX | Need some help? | 22:12 |
XVampireX | Don't forget the golden rule, don't ask to ask just ask :) | 22:12 |
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1: sorry, kbuildsycoca4 (missed the d) | 22:12 |
jordano | how to block open two session of the mercury messenger? | 22:12 |
lex79 | join #ubuntu-meeting | 22:13 |
cbwcjw | XVampireX: hahaha | 22:13 |
lex79 | ops sorry | 22:13 |
XVampireX | no | 22:13 |
XVampireX | 8.10 is better than 8.04 | 22:13 |
cbwcjw | Its all opinion. | 22:13 |
malcolm_ | hello, I'm new to linux | 22:13 |
malcolm_ | I want to share files with windows | 22:14 |
XVampireX | I mean if you're running 7.10 then most certainly 8.04 is better, and 8.10 is even better | 22:14 |
malcolm_ | I have installed samba | 22:14 |
cbwcjw | maclom_: Hi, welcome to #kubuntu! | 22:14 |
malcolm_ | but I can't access my windows files | 22:14 |
malcolm_ | hello cbwcjw | 22:14 |
cbwcjw | malcom_: Thats odd, are you dual booting? | 22:14 |
XVampireX | malcolm_, why? What are you trying to do? | 22:14 |
malcolm_ | I am trying to setup a file sharing server | 22:15 |
mefisto__ | just installed kde4.2 and I'm looking for a weather widget. I only see LCD weather station, which I find hard to read. how can I get another? | 22:15 |
XVampireX | malcolm_, you need to install samba | 22:15 |
malcolm_ | do I need the samba package or the samba4 package | 22:15 |
malcolm_ | I installed samba and it did not work | 22:15 |
chris-rc1 | OxDeadC0de: ok that was weird | 22:15 |
cbwcjw | mefisto__: Your probably out of luck. Remember, 4.2 came out yesterday! | 22:15 |
chris-rc1 | i lost plasma completely | 22:15 |
chris-rc1 | black desktop | 22:15 |
XVampireX | malcolm_, samba works fine, you get a tool to configure it too, you need to configure it | 22:15 |
Dragonmaster_Dan | Getting Ubuntu 8.10 now. | 22:16 |
mefisto__ | cbwcjw: yeah but I watched the demo video at and they were using a very nice looking one, with a one week forecast too. | 22:16 |
XVampireX | malcolm_, like what folders/files you want to share, linux won't do things you don't want so it won't share the whole partition, it's unsafe too just so you know | 22:16 |
mefisto__ | cbwcjw: false advertising? | 22:16 |
malcolm_ | What are the tools I need to configure/use to get samba working | 22:16 |
XVampireX | Dragonmaster_Dan, Great, hope it works out for you :) | 22:17 |
Dragonmaster_Dan | Same here. | 22:17 |
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1: did you do plasma & | 22:17 |
cbwcjw | mefisto__: They couldve just not released it yet. I really dont know, but my LCD weather crashes plasma, so I wish they had another haha | 22:17 |
Dragonmaster_Dan | Thank you. XVampireX. | 22:17 |
XVampireX | malcolm_, to be honest I'm not sure, I know when you install samba it adds a config tool in gnome, but not sure about KDE :O | 22:17 |
cbwcjw | XVampireX: Probably just appears in the settings | 22:18 |
malcolm_ | I want to share all my files | 22:18 |
XVampireX | also you might want to right click on the folder/file you want to share and click properties or whatever and click on share | 22:18 |
chris-rc1 | well, i did do plasma &, but only after kquitapp ;-) | 22:18 |
malcolm_ | but shoudl I install the samba4 instead of the samba? | 22:18 |
XVampireX | malcolm_, what kde are you using anyway? | 22:18 |
chris-rc1 | OxDeadC0de: well, i figured it out myself and now plasma and the plasmoids seem to work. can you explain to me why that is? | 22:19 |
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1: takes a sec for it to finally quit and it won't let it run again until it's fully quit, so running it right away doesn't work | 22:19 |
mefisto__ | cbwcjw: I'm actually quite surprise with how stable everything is. absolutely everything works perfectly so far (30 minutes after 4.2 upgrade) | 22:19 |
OxDeadC0de | chris-rc1: Looks like you didn't get a transitional package installed somewhere to upgrade the plasmoids | 22:19 |
XVampireX | not sure, malcolm_ don't think so, samba should work fine... | 22:19 |
cbwcjw | mefisto__: I was suprised too. It replaced GNOME for me. | 22:19 |
cbwcjw | bbl, im setting stuff up | 22:20 |
mefisto__ | kde raises the bar for everyone with this release I think | 22:20 |
cbwcjw | mefisto__: It brings back KDE 3.5 times for me. | 22:20 |
SSJ_GZ | mefisto__: That Weather widget is still in kdereview, I think. | 22:21 |
mefisto__ | cbwcjw: me too. I was heartbroken about kde3.5 until today | 22:21 |
chris-rc1 | OxDeadC0de: thanks for the help. what i don't get is that kdeplasma-addons must have been 4.2 all the way. do you mean something like a package installing a link to the right location or sth? | 22:21 |
malcolm_ | I am default installation | 22:21 |
malcolm_ | I have samba installed but it is strange | 22:22 |
gorgonzola | ok... me again. how can i reconfigure the all monitor settings? | 22:22 |
malcolm_ | It looks like I have missing icons when I click on samba under network | 22:22 |
gorgonzola | for example, kdm still uses some weird resolutions, and only after accessing the display module in system settings, it catchs up and sets the res to the right value) | 22:22 |
XVampireX | malcolm_, that's because it's an old KDE, Oxygen theme is still not complete | 22:23 |
malcolm_ | often they don't appear at all | 22:23 |
malcolm_ | they kinda disapear | 22:23 |
XVampireX | malcolm_, You shouldn't be worried about icons just check the settings | 22:24 |
malcolm_ | which settings where? | 22:24 |
XVampireX | no idea | 22:24 |
XVampireX | Sorry can't help you there | 22:24 |
emperor_tux | when I try to add the kubuntu (KDE 4.2) version repository on intrepid I get a "W: GPG error: intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60487016493B3065" error | 22:27 |
stdin | emperor_tux: read the link in the topic | 22:27 |
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thomas_ | For some reason right-click in KDE4.2 kickoff classical menu doesnt work for me. Right-Click works everything else, but in the Menu it just starts the Application (like left click) | 22:29 |
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=== Ruben is now known as Ruben_____ | ||
|bart| | Hi all, just wanted to mention that my kubuntu upgrade went pretty smooth. Thanks for the good work! | 22:38 |
|bart| | Small problems: Kopete shows MSN buddies that no longer exist, because the MSN plugin is now something else, and something with Akonadi, but all in all a really smooth upgrade. Great job! | 22:39 |
marek_ | hi i have one big question, im installing kubuntu from alternate disc, it is asking me for a mirror ubuntu server host, can you tell me what can i type there? | 22:41 |
cikky | hi | 22:42 |
cbwcjw | Hi cikky welcome to #kubuntu | 22:43 |
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gizmobay | Anyone know where I can get digikam-kde4? | 22:48 |
jussi01 | gizmobay: yeah, there is a digikam ppa | 22:51 |
cato | Hello, I installed the newer amarok from, When I start it, it simply crashes: | 22:53 |
gizmobay | Is this it deb intrepid main? | 22:54 |
cato | deb intrepid main | 22:55 |
Pconfig | cato: maybe try at #amarok | 22:56 |
chris-rc1 | gizmobay: is there a kde4 port of digikam at all? i thought it's still the kde3 version, which is in universe, if i remember correctly | 22:58 |
gizmobay | I upgraded to 4.2 when you add the plasma addons it removes digikam | 22:59 |
jussi01 | gizmobay: deb intrepid main | 22:59 |
jussi01 | deb-src intrepid main | 22:59 |
Pconfig | btw cato, you're not alone | 22:59 |
jussi01 | gizmobay: however, PLEASE NOTE: EXPERIMENTAL!! | 22:59 |
cato | Pconfig: nice to know, but doesn't solve the problem :) | 23:00 |
Pconfig | cato: i know, was just doing some research ;à | 23:01 |
chris-rc1 | gizmobay: you could also add the kde3 repos for intrepid. that's the way i do it | 23:01 |
gizmobay | digikam works until you add the plasma addons | 23:02 |
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gizmobay | I think I may hold off | 23:08 |
ubuntu_ | hi all, i'm trying to install kubuntu 8.10 from hard disk using these instructions but the hard dive doesn't show up in the installation step 4, any ideas? | 23:15 |
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marcel | where i cand find a vt102 docuemntation to write some functions in "C" ? | 23:17 |
KCKPOLICEFORCEMA | well ubuntu... i dont know, im running Kubuntu 8.10 without any problems right now, srry:( | 23:18 |
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Guest43849 | Why ubuntu does not recognize the correct screen resolution in VirtualBox? | 23:20 |
ubuntu_ | Guest43849: you need to install virtualbox "guest drivers" | 23:20 |
gmclachl | Guest43849: did you install the guest-additions | 23:21 |
rdeva | hey guys a quick question about kate...any idea how to force kate to use tabs when indenting rather than spaces? | 23:21 |
Guest43849 | no | 23:21 |
Guest43849 | No. | 23:21 |
rdeva | the old version of kate used tabs | 23:21 |
ubuntu_ | rdeva: settings > configure | 23:22 |
rdeva | ubuntu: Yes I was playing around with it, but which option in particular? | 23:24 |
lakis1982 | i have installed kde 4.2 but i cant install any mac widgets can i do this ??? | 23:24 |
rdeva | nvm figured it out thats | 23:25 |
rdeva | lakis, I think you need superkaramba installed | 23:25 |
rdeva | but not sure, check the superkaramba website | 23:25 |
lakis1982 | superkaramba for kubuntu ? | 23:25 |
rdeva | yeah | 23:25 |
ubuntu_ | no | 23:25 |
ubuntu_ | mac widgets are supported natively by plasma | 23:26 |
gmclachl | hmmm, I think that's meant in the losest terms | 23:26 |
ubuntu_ | you download the widget file then from the widget browser select "install from file" | 23:26 |
lakis1982 | ubuntu thats what i did | 23:27 |
ubuntu_ | didn't you find an select option for mac widgets? | 23:27 |
lakis1982 | yes | 23:27 |
ubuntu_ | after that it should appear in the widget list | 23:27 |
gmclachl | lakis1982: I have found it to be a bit hit and miss, sometimes it won't show up, when it does the widget doesn't display properly | 23:27 |
lakis1982 | but it doesnt install | 23:27 |
ubuntu_ | as gmclachl just said it depends on the widget | 23:28 |
lakis1982 | that right like gmclachi says | 23:28 |
ubuntu_ | some will work some won't | 23:28 |
lakis1982 | sometimes it doesnt show up on list and if it is , it doesnt show correctly on desktop | 23:28 |
=== gmclachl is now known as gLAsgowMonkey | ||
wesley__ | Dragonplayer is clearly lighter then vlc | 23:34 |
roconnor | why is update-manager-kde filed under gnome? | 23:34 |
wesley__ | Because gnome doesnt have that stuff, so they need ours | 23:35 |
gLAsgowMonkey | is it possible to sync playlists with an ipod in amarok 2, if it is I can't find out how to | 23:38 |
hvgotcodes | hey how do i tell if i have the official version of kde 4.2 installed? | 23:40 |
cbwcjw | hvgotcodes: if you got it from the kubuntu-expermental repo | 23:42 |
liz_ | hello all, I have a simple question, is 3.0 a stable release or still experimental??? | 23:43 |
gizmobay | hvgotcodes: if you open dolphin then go to help -> about KDE will tell you the version | 23:44 |
Walzmyn | I'm running 8.04, but with a bunch of KDE4 apps. If I do a dist-upgrade, how it it handle my mix of apps? | 23:45 |
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clay_ | i just finished installing the new 8.10 kubuntu and i cant get any sound now. Any help? | 23:45 |
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liz_ | Anyone know if openoffice 3.0 is a stable release? | 23:47 |
clay_ | #kubuntu | 23:49 |
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amelie | hello | 23:53 |
amelie | i need to discuss an error | 23:53 |
amelie | well, need help with an error | 23:53 |
amelie | I made a RAID 1 with 2 500gb hard drives | 23:53 |
amelie | i mean (2) 500 gb hard drives | 23:54 |
amelie | formatted the partitions with ubuntu server 8.10 | 23:54 |
amelie | then, downloaded the kubuntu-desktop | 23:54 |
amelie | my system was working right during a month | 23:54 |
amelie | and suddenly, I've got this error: | 23:54 |
amelie | /dev/md6: clean, 37/24096 files, 34600/96256 blocks | 23:55 |
amelie | /dev/md9 contains a file system with errors, check forced. | 23:55 |
hagabaka | does crash konqueror for anyone else using kde 4.2? | 23:55 |
amelie | i reformatted everything as it was | 23:55 |
amelie | but i coudn't get off this error | 23:55 |
gLAsgowMonkey | hagabaka not for me | 23:55 |
joao_ | brasil | 23:55 |
amelie | /dev/md9: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY. | 23:55 |
amelie | (i.e., without -a or -p options) | 23:55 |
amelie | fsck died with exit status 4 | 23:55 |
hagabaka | ok | 23:55 |
amelie | it ended with that | 23:55 |
amelie | does anyone knows about this? | 23:56 |
joao_ | fala portugues | 23:56 |
amelie | no, espan~ol | 23:56 |
hagabaka | gLAsgowMonkey: are you using kde 4.2 with packages from ppa repository? | 23:56 |
legodude_ | why is WICD not default over knetworkmanager? | 23:56 |
legodude_ | it seems to work a billion times better | 23:56 |
gLAsgowMonkey | no I am using Jaunty and the official 4.2 release | 23:56 |
hagabaka | i see | 23:57 |
amelie | can anyone help me? | 23:57 |
joao_ | falo so portugues | 23:57 |
amelie | :( | 23:57 |
legodude_ | !pt | joao_ | 23:57 |
ubottu | joao_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 23:57 |
hagabaka | amelie: did you try running fsck manually? | 23:57 |
gLAsgowMonkey | amelie: you might be better asking in the server channel | 23:57 |
amelie | thank you very much | 23:58 |
amelie | is it #server ? | 23:58 |
amelie | didn't tried the fsck because i don't know how to use it | 23:58 |
amelie | i just hit control D to restart normally | 23:58 |
cbwcjw2 | gorgonizer: Are you there? | 23:59 |
gLAsgowMonkey | amelie: not sure, but you can't fsck on disks that are mounted, you can boot from a live cd and run it | 23:59 |
gLAsgowMonkey | amelie: #ubuntu-server | 23:59 |
amelie | thankyou very much guys | 23:59 |
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