ffforever | anyone here? | 00:02 |
ffforever | this bug still affects me on jaunty https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/272247 | 00:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 272247 in linux "System freezes during boot, unless I hold a key down" [High,Fix released] | 00:02 |
dandel | oh boy... this last round of updates rendered the system unbootable. | 00:36 |
dandel | jaunty tho | 00:37 |
maxb | that's why they call it a development branch :-) | 00:38 |
dandel | it worked after the first reboot, but then after it failed to suspend properly the whole system went down on jaunty lol. ( regression from kerel changes in 8.04 to 8.10 ) | 00:39 |
maxb | suspend issues are hardly "unbootable" | 00:39 |
dandel | it's been an ongoing issue though, my bug even got put as a duplicate even though after further testing i revealed my was not related to that. | 00:40 |
dandel | the 2.6.28 kernel fixed by fn keys on this laptop, which was broken for 2.6.27, however suspend issues still occur, and this is in both 2.6.27 and 2.6.28, however 2.6.24 didn't have this issue. | 00:40 |
maxb | Does anyone know if the "jaunty suspends again immediately after wakeup if suspended by keypress" bug has been filed? | 00:44 |
maxb | It's not the easiest thing to search for | 00:44 |
ffforever | maxb, | 00:46 |
ffforever | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/272247 | 00:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 272247 in linux "System freezes during boot, unless I hold a key down" [High,Fix released] | 00:47 |
maxb | ffforever: um, no | 00:47 |
ffforever | maxb, and it was fixed......... seems jaunty broke it =) | 00:47 |
ffforever | whoops i miss read the thing sorry | 00:47 |
roe_ | anyone having success with X and an intel video chipset? | 01:01 |
Tekno | yea | 01:02 |
roe_ | did you have to do anything funky? | 01:02 |
Tekno | no, just XAA insted of EXA to xorg.conf (better performance for GMA900) | 01:03 |
roe_ | I"m using the 845 | 01:03 |
roe_ | you're setting an option XAA? | 01:04 |
Tekno | yes. windows movement was jerky and laggy without XAA | 01:04 |
roe_ | so you created your own device section? I guess the default is to have a blank xorg.conf | 01:04 |
Tekno | yap | 01:05 |
Tekno | Option "AccelMethod" "XAA" | 01:05 |
Tekno | does to Device section | 01:05 |
spitfire | Tekno: what? | 01:08 |
spitfire | does it help for 965 | 01:08 |
spitfire | ? | 01:08 |
Tekno | I don't know | 01:09 |
spitfire | But what does it change? | 01:09 |
Tekno | if you are experiencing laggy and jerky windows | 01:09 |
spitfire | Exactly. | 01:09 |
spitfire | Tekno: sometimes. | 01:09 |
Tekno | then it should help | 01:09 |
spitfire | Mostly it;s smooth;) | 01:09 |
spitfire | What are cons of using it? | 01:09 |
Tekno | you need to exit xorg.conf | 01:11 |
Tekno | add Device section there | 01:11 |
Tekno | then paste Option "AccelMethod" "XAA" | 01:11 |
Tekno | http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2008/01/dude-wheres-my-xorg.html | 01:11 |
Tekno | there is sample | 01:11 |
Peddy | How do I install nvidia-glx-173 from apt without uninstalling xorg? I mean like this: http://pastebin.com/m549450a6 | 01:29 |
roe_ | after configuring xorg.conf by hand, I am able to startx, however, I get the background and a blank dialog box, and the machine just stalls there, nothing ominous in Xorg.0.log or syslog | 01:33 |
maxb | Peddy: IIUC. 173 is useless with Jaunty's xorg and that's why the dependencies are the way they are | 02:22 |
Peddy | ok, thanks maxb :P | 02:24 |
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Amaranth | RAOF: dude, GNOME is killing compiz :/ | 04:46 |
RAOF | Amaranth: In what way? | 04:46 |
RAOF | I mean, in what way _in particular_ :) | 04:46 |
Amaranth | RAOF: gnome-shell (default in 3.0) is gnome-panel + metacity + desktop drawing | 04:47 |
Amaranth | So if you want to use compiz you lose your panel and desktop | 04:47 |
RAOF | R | 04:47 |
RAOF | Right. In _that_ way. | 04:47 |
Amaranth | RAOF: I was told by one of the devs XFCE is for people that want to build their desktop out of pieces | 04:47 |
Amaranth | So in about a year and a half no distro is going to ship compiz by default anymore | 04:48 |
Amaranth | 2 years if they wait a release to put gnome-shell as the default and use gnome-panel a little longer | 04:49 |
Tekno | there are distros without gnome... | 04:49 |
Amaranth | Which means compiz is either dead in 2 years or compiz needs to grow half a DE in 2 years | 04:49 |
Amaranth | Tekno: KDE distros use KDE 4 which has kwin | 04:49 |
Tekno | so ? | 04:50 |
Amaranth | Most people consider kwin compositing "good enough" to just leave it enabled | 04:50 |
RAOF | How tied to mutter is gnome-shell? Absolutely? | 04:50 |
Amaranth | RAOF: gnome-shell is a plugin built on top of the mutter plugin system | 04:51 |
RAOF | Oh, right. | 04:51 |
Amaranth | And they don't seem willing to split them anyway | 04:51 |
Amaranth | I'm a man without a country | 04:51 |
RAOF | That's a bit sucky. | 04:57 |
RAOF | Also a bit sucky: audio in Kubuntu, particularly amarok. | 04:59 |
* RAOF wonders where kubuntu's | 05:06 | |
RAOF | "Please play my mp3's" option is. | 05:06 |
BUGabundo | is there a bluetooth irc channel ? | 10:12 |
Tamagotono | BUGabundo: #kdebluetooth | 10:19 |
BUGabundo | Tamagotono: thanks. but I meant for ubuntu! | 10:20 |
BUGabundo | gnome-phone-manager wont connect via Bluetooth | 10:20 |
BUGabundo | I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-phone-manager/+bug/322239 | 10:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 322239 in gnome-phone-manager "gnome-phone-manager wont connect via Bluetooth" [Undecided,New] | 10:20 |
BUGabundo | its been like than since ibex development cycle | 10:21 |
BUGabundo | hope it gets fixed for jaunty | 10:21 |
simion314 | hi, ii had a problem with the networking in kubuntu 9.04 yesterday when updating,( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6625115 ), i do not found any solution so i reinstall kubuntu alpha 3 and made a update and i have again the networking problem and kde background is not rendered , is this a known or expected problem? the networking problem has no logic to me | 10:21 |
Tamagotono | BUGabundo: how about this #bluez-users they may be able to help | 10:24 |
BUGabundo | thanks Tamagotono | 10:37 |
thehook_ | hi =) when can i expect a server release of jaunty? | 11:13 |
Unksi | the same time as the others, next april | 11:14 |
BUGabundo | thehook_: april | 11:16 |
BUGabundo | !release | 11:16 |
ubottu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases | 11:16 |
thehook_ | BUGabundo: i mean a alphaor beta version of cours | 11:16 |
thehook_ | i noticed the alpha3 version was only a desktop and alternate version. | 11:17 |
thehook_ | what about server edition? | 11:18 |
BUGabundo | !daily | 11:18 |
ubottu | Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 11:18 |
BUGabundo | I thought there were server too | 11:18 |
BUGabundo | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/ | 11:19 |
thehook_ | yeah, so did i until i was going to download alpha3 yesterday :P | 11:19 |
BUGabundo | its there thehook_ | 11:19 |
BUGabundo | don't get milestones | 11:19 |
BUGabundo | just get the daily | 11:19 |
thehook_ | thank you BUGabundo :) | 11:20 |
BUGabundo | A3 is a bit old already! | 11:20 |
BUGabundo | but who tries ALPHA on their servers??!!!? | 11:20 |
thehook_ | BUGabundo: hehe i know what you're thinking :P but i'm only testing my scripts etc :) | 11:20 |
BUGabundo | I know! | 11:22 |
BUGabundo | it would be almost as stupid as me using alpha on my main laptop | 11:22 |
thehook_ | I am making some script to install and configure lightweight and secure services with minimum user-interaction :) I have made one for installing nginx with php and mysql support already. and are making more for mail server (dovecot, postfix using mysql backend) and more you can find the ne for nginx here http://insecure.no/2009/01/easy-nginx-php-and-mysql-installer-script/ | 11:23 |
thehook_ | BUGabundo: we're both stupid I hear :P | 11:23 |
BUGabundo | nice | 11:24 |
BUGabundo | share them with MOTU or server team | 11:24 |
thehook_ | i was using alpha as well for hardy on my main computers :P | 11:24 |
BUGabundo | maybe you can get them as a TaskSel task | 11:24 |
thehook_ | BUGabundo: you think so? if you're interested you are free to take a look and give me some feedback also :) | 11:25 |
BUGabundo | no need! | 11:25 |
BUGabundo | don't use servers that much | 11:25 |
thehook_ | what was MOTU again? | 11:25 |
BUGabundo | already have my dovecote+postfix working as I want | 11:26 |
BUGabundo | Masters of the Universe | 11:26 |
thehook_ | are you using mysql on dovecot/postfix? | 11:26 |
thehook_ | virtual users | 11:26 |
BUGabundo | nope | 11:26 |
thehook_ | ok | 11:26 |
BUGabundo | plain /dev/users | 11:26 |
thehook_ | :) | 11:27 |
isaac | yesterday/today's update has caused my touchpad to stop working :( | 11:33 |
isaac | in a macbook | 11:33 |
BUGabundo | isaac: lucky you | 11:36 |
BUGabundo | mine (not mac) is acting like a double click | 11:36 |
BUGabundo | everytime! grrr | 11:36 |
isaac | BUGabundo: oh, sounds interesting too | 11:37 |
isaac | I am using a mouse for the first time in years | 11:37 |
BUGabundo | heheh | 11:37 |
jron | has anyone reported random file corruption issues with jaunty? | 11:53 |
jron | at first I thought it was ext4 acting up so I formated and went back to ext3... same problem. | 11:53 |
jron | memory is fine and smart reports my disk being ok too | 11:53 |
BUGabundo | I'm having trouble with torrents on xfs | 11:56 |
BUGabundo | the same thing jron? | 11:56 |
jron | BUGabundo: using ext3 now same problem | 11:59 |
jron | and yeah my torrents are getting corrupted | 11:59 |
BUGabundo | hummm | 11:59 |
BUGabundo | deluge is failing on me for the past week | 11:59 |
jron | are your files getting borked? | 11:59 |
BUGabundo | I had to fix the downloaded torrents with Transmission | 12:00 |
BUGabundo | but even that failed me with 2 of them | 12:00 |
BUGabundo | yep | 12:00 |
BUGabundo | I see many logs telling me about Too many Open Files | 12:00 |
BUGabundo | humm Kernel bug? | 12:00 |
BUGabundo | 2.6.28-4 & 5 ? | 12:00 |
jron | where can I find that log? | 12:00 |
jron | right now i'm running 2.6.28-4-generic | 12:01 |
jron | i'd think more people would have reported it though... i mean that is a pretty big deal =) | 12:01 |
jron | I downloaded a vid, watched it, then downloaded and sfv application and ran it on my video's sfv... checked out OK. ran it again and bam 2 files were corrupt. | 12:03 |
BUGabundo | humm is it , 'cause i'be running both pidgin and kmail in gdb | 12:12 |
cwillu | jron, smartctl -t short /path/to/device, and then a minute or two later run smartctl -a /path/to/device | 12:42 |
jron | cwillu: i ran a long test last night for an hour and 40 min, results came back ok. | 12:45 |
jron | memtest was OK too.... the only thing left is software or the mainboard... | 12:45 |
jron | or smart isn't reporting correctly. | 12:46 |
cwillu | okay | 12:47 |
cwillu | what are your mount options? | 12:48 |
jron | it is just a default ext3 installation. | 12:50 |
jron | i first had the issue with ext4 and I thought it just wasn't ready... switched back to ext3 after a format and the problem is still here... | 12:51 |
cwillu | kern.log and syslog | 12:51 |
cwillu | ? | 12:51 |
BUGabundo | cwillu: and my case is / in etx3 and /home in XFS | 12:52 |
BUGabundo | installed from ibex and upgraded to jaunty | 12:52 |
jron | cwillu: nothing in the logs othher than 4-5 lines of normal output | 12:52 |
cwillu | BUGabundo, xfs is probably unrelated to jron's troubles | 12:53 |
BUGabundo | I only had data corruption and XFS fs errors recently | 12:54 |
BUGabundo | it never happened before | 12:54 |
BUGabundo | in almost 3 years using XFS | 12:55 |
asraniel | hi there. is there a little tutorial somewhere how to get the nouveau driver to work? i need it because the nv driver does not find the right resolution, and the binary driver does not work (71) | 13:15 |
fosco_ | binary 180 works fine here | 13:20 |
asraniel | yes, but my card is not supported by 180, but i need 71, which does not support the new xserver | 13:26 |
asraniel | is there a way to create a x.org file from the current configuration? | 13:34 |
fosco_ | X -configure | 13:39 |
asraniel | thank you . that new x server is still confusing without a config file | 13:42 |
fosco_ | since X 1.5 xorg.conf is not needed | 14:06 |
fosco_ | it is only usefull to force some options that can not be detected | 14:07 |
asraniel | fosco_: is there another way to change between the nv, nvidia and nouveau driver than the xorg.conf? | 14:24 |
fosco_ | don't think so | 14:24 |
fosco_ | but is so simple | 14:25 |
asraniel | ok. neither for the screen resolution? mine is fixed at 640x480 | 14:25 |
fosco_ | change Driver "nv" by Driver "nvidia" or Driver "nouveau" to change used driver | 14:25 |
asraniel | yeah that i know, i was just asking if there was another way. | 14:26 |
asraniel | you don't know by any chance how to stop the x server? because for "X -configure" to work, the xserver can not run | 14:26 |
fosco_ | X -configure works in a running server | 14:28 |
asraniel | not for me. but thats not a problem, found out how to stop it | 14:30 |
tuxxy__ | hey anyone got any news on the nvidia binary drivers compatibility in Jaunty | 14:36 |
maxb | Only nvidia can know that | 14:37 |
asraniel | the 71 one does not work | 14:37 |
fosco_ | tuxxy__: version 180 works fine for me | 14:41 |
fosco_ | OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 8600 GT/PCI/SSE2 | 14:41 |
DrHalan1 | is anybody esle having troubles updateing dictionaries-common? | 14:57 |
DrHalan1 | anybyody? | 15:19 |
legodude_ | nope | 15:19 |
teethdood | I just upgraded to Jaunty. No problems whatsoever with upgrading process (that's a first) I didn't even know I was using Jaunty | 15:37 |
teethdood | very nice! | 15:37 |
mahfiaz | stay upgraded and most likely you will encounter some :) | 15:37 |
mahfiaz | but good to hear about that | 15:38 |
mahfiaz | I really cannot say myself, I have mixed repositories and don't know yet how to get rid of external packages | 15:38 |
teethdood | so KDE4.2 is out, supposedly many good things are said about it. However people have been migrating to gnome in droves. | 15:41 |
teethdood | so I'm not even sure if I should give it a spin | 15:41 |
Unksi | teethdood: 4.2 is *a lot* better than 4.1 | 15:41 |
DrHalan1 | hm strange i get "Kann »./usr/share/app-install/desktop/egoboo.desktop« nicht erzeugen" the german stuff means cannot create" why is there a dot in the beginning? | 15:52 |
charlie-tca | It is trying to create in the current directory | 15:54 |
DrHalan1 | yeah i know but that seems wrong | 15:56 |
DrHalan1 | but maybe they cded to / | 15:56 |
DrHalan1 | charlie-tca: now it complains about no free disk space but ive 136 gigs free :S | 16:00 |
shadowhywind | hay all i am having a odd issue with my touchpad. If I use the toucpad button to select, it pastes instead | 16:05 |
charlie-tca | DrHalan1: I have no idea what is wrong. Appears something is wrong with whatever is installing | 16:06 |
teethdood | ok KDE here I come. See you guys later | 16:10 |
DrHalan | hey, where can i find other sound themes? in synaptic? | 16:25 |
fosco__ | gnome-look.org | 16:26 |
fosco__ | but this is not a jaunty related question | 16:26 |
DrHalan | but ive a jaunty related question. all packages i try to install show me a full harddisc :S | 16:30 |
DrHalan | but nautlius tells me ive a lot of free space (136 gb) | 16:31 |
fosco__ | df -h to see your free space | 16:31 |
DrHalan | fosco__ it shows the same.. ive only 4% of my disc that is moutned to / in use | 16:32 |
DrHalan | i should add that it only appears with some of the packages | 16:32 |
DrHalan | i think they all want to write to var | 16:33 |
fosco__ | var is full? | 16:33 |
DrHalan | it shouldnt ive two discs one is mounted to / and one to home | 16:36 |
DrHalan | and both have plenty of free space | 16:36 |
fosco__ | try to install anything and paste both command and error at pastebin.com | 16:38 |
DrHalan | sec | 16:39 |
DrHalan | its german im sorry http://pastebin.com/m21a89fa2 | 16:41 |
fosco__ | i understand nothing, sorry | 16:42 |
DrHalan | well i think that line is important "Cannot create »./usr/share/app-install/desktop/arora.desktop«: No space left on device" | 16:43 |
hggdh | and you do have space on /usr? | 16:46 |
hggdh | and on (perhaps) other filesystems? /tmp comes to mind | 16:46 |
maxb | DrHalan: pastebin the output of "df -h" | 16:48 |
DrHalan | as i said there shold be a lot of space | 16:48 |
DrHalan | yeah sec | 16:48 |
DrHalan | i translated it http://pastebin.com/m297a138b | 16:50 |
hggdh | I just checked to be sure, but arora.desktop is a quite small file | 16:50 |
hggdh | heh | 16:50 |
DrHalan | yeah desktop files are small | 16:51 |
hggdh | I know. I just wanted to be sure there was not a runaway | 16:51 |
hggdh | and /tmp is under /, as well as /var. Sigh | 16:52 |
DrHalan | yeah that is strange | 16:52 |
hggdh | DrHalan, did you try to look at the dpkg.log? | 16:52 |
DrHalan | maybe the message printed bei apt-get is just wrong? | 16:52 |
DrHalan | wheres that file? | 16:52 |
hggdh | it /var/log | 16:53 |
hggdh | it might be wrong, but what you get there is the text for a errno | 16:53 |
DrHalan | is there anything special i should look for? | 16:54 |
hggdh | difficult to know, since you should not even have this error... any and all errors on the last run.. | 16:56 |
DrHalan | http://pastebin.com/m7fe94176 but that doesnt log any errors | 16:57 |
DrHalan | think there was also a kernel update as a notification tells me to restart. maybe i try doing that.. | 16:58 |
hggdh | DrHalan, this error does not make much sense. Indeed perhaps rebooting may bring relief | 16:59 |
DrHalan | sec | 16:59 |
hggdh | then look at /var/log/apt/apt.log | 16:59 |
hggdh | term.log | 16:59 |
DrHalan | btw where did "open as admistrator" go? | 17:00 |
DrHalan | ah heck i jsut reboot :P | 17:01 |
DrHalan1 | yeah taht fixed it | 17:05 |
DrHalan1 | lets see if the problem reappears if i install some more packages | 17:05 |
DrHalan1 | hm strange my webcam doesnt work anymore :( | 17:07 |
FFForever | how can i disable bluetooth? | 17:21 |
FFForever | i don't use it and it just sucks up my battery =P | 17:21 |
mahfiaz | most laptops have special button for this | 17:23 |
mahfiaz | if not then rmmod bluetoothmodule whatever it is, should do it | 17:23 |
FFForever | what can i do with my phone via bluetooth? | 17:24 |
DrHalan1 | send files? | 17:25 |
DrHalan1 | maybe use it as a headphone | 17:25 |
mahfiaz | browse also | 17:25 |
mahfiaz | have you searched for sync software? | 17:26 |
mahfiaz | opensync-plugin-moto - OpenSync Plugin for syncing with Motorola phones | 17:26 |
mahfiaz | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=530523 | 17:27 |
FFForever | i have an android =P | 17:35 |
=== kab_ is now known as kab | ||
Amaranth | FFForever: If you have a G1 you should install Banshee | 17:44 |
Amaranth | FFForever: It has iPhone+iTunes levels of awesome with the G1 | 17:44 |
FFForever | iphone+itunes levels? | 17:45 |
FFForever | Amaranth, yeah the g1 =P | 17:45 |
Amaranth | FFForever: http://abock.org/2008/11/17/banshee-14-hits-the-streets-packed-with-awesome/ | 17:46 |
Amaranth | keeps things in sync with the amazon mp3 store between the two too | 17:46 |
maco | problem...resumed from suspend and now have no kbd in my session. Can login as other users fine. | 17:47 |
FFForever | cool, i only rooted my g1 so i could tether it =) | 17:48 |
maco | i'm using OnBoard to type. so slow | 17:48 |
Amaranth | maco: You somehow need to get HAL to send the "keyboard connected" signal, I guess | 17:50 |
FFForever | how come the default ath_hal and ath_pci NEVER work for me?, i always have to use ndiswrapper =\ | 17:51 |
=== [pErry] is now known as [perry] | ||
FFForever | Amaranth, how is banshee with the ipod? | 17:55 |
DrHalan1 | how can it be that my UVC cams picture is extreeeemly dark? | 17:57 |
Amaranth | FFForever: it's alright as long as you don't mean iPod Touch | 17:58 |
Amaranth | FFForever: Doesn't sync play counts or rating afaik though | 17:58 |
FFForever | i have an ipod classic | 17:58 |
Amaranth | do you literally mean an "iPod Classic"? | 17:59 |
Amaranth | Last I knew those didn't work but I've been out of that area for a few months | 17:59 |
Andre_Gondim | in the last update i lost my audio, how may i recovery? | 18:00 |
FFForever | well i have the ipod classic witch is the newer version of the ipod? | 18:00 |
FFForever | Andre_Gondim, wait for another update? | 18:00 |
Andre_Gondim | FFForever, sounds good =/ | 18:00 |
FFForever | i updated but didn't reboot i hope i don't loose my sound =P | 18:01 |
kab | another no space left :'( | 18:02 |
kab | tar: ./md5sums: Cannot open: No space left on device | 18:02 |
kab | tar: ./control: Cannot open: No space left on device | 18:02 |
mahfiaz | kab, you can delete .thumbnails | 18:04 |
kab | mahfiaz, # df -h | 18:05 |
kab | Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on | 18:05 |
kab | /dev/sda2 12G 4.6G 6.0G 44% / | 18:05 |
mahfiaz | ok, it makes a difference | 18:05 |
kab | mahfiaz, and yes I do | 18:05 |
roe_ | so jaunty's intel video chipset support is a little shakey eh? | 18:05 |
roe_ | gnome seems to crash hard on my system | 18:06 |
DrHalan1 | hm damn i forgot my keyrings password. is there a way to reset it? | 18:07 |
maco | Amaranth: how? | 18:08 |
Amaranth | maco: That I don't know | 18:08 |
Amaranth | maco: I suppose you could try restarting HAL? | 18:09 |
Amaranth | Normally I'd say unplug the keyboard but this being a laptop that's probably not easy :P | 18:09 |
maco | right... | 18:09 |
maco | but it exists for other users so wouldn't hal have to know it's there? | 18:10 |
hggdh | DrHalan1, no, there is no way to reset the keyring passphrase | 18:12 |
maco | hggdh: you can replace the keyring... | 18:13 |
Amaranth | maco: Yes but X doesn't remember | 18:13 |
Amaranth | maco: So you have to make X think the keyboard just got plugged in | 18:13 |
DrHalan1 | how maco? | 18:13 |
Amaranth | maco: I'm guessing here, of cours | 18:13 |
Amaranth | maco: Just save your work and restart X | 18:13 |
maco | hggdh: also, if its the login one its pw should be user's pw | 18:14 |
mahfiaz | or old users pw | 18:14 |
maco | Amaranth: oh but now ihaz experiment | 18:14 |
DrHalan1 | no it asked me to set the password the first time i connected to an ftp-share | 18:15 |
hggdh | maco, yes, but not always | 18:15 |
maco | Amaranth: restarting hal not help | 18:17 |
Amaranth | maco: Does plugging in a USB keyboard work? | 18:18 |
maco | Amaranth: don't have one | 18:19 |
* Amaranth revokes your geek card | 18:19 | |
maco | haha | 18:20 |
Amaranth | maco: Not sure what else you can do then | 18:20 |
Amaranth | maco: Check your log, I guess | 18:20 |
Amaranth | See if syslog or Xorg.0.log say the keyboard went away | 18:20 |
maco | (EE) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Device has changed - disabling. | 18:22 |
DrHalan1 | in the new audio app how can I set to front mic? | 18:24 |
Amaranth | maco: File a but, attach that log, restart X | 18:24 |
legodude | any idea why vlc would suddenly be giving my videos a green cast? | 18:32 |
DrHalan1 | hm strange i think they just removed that fron mic swithc :S | 18:34 |
Tecumseh | hi there, is there a known issue with kubuntu jaunty alpha 3 related to the installation of the restricted drivers? | 18:37 |
fosco__ | any issue with the installation of the drivers, but X server can not use them | 18:39 |
slavik | not yet | 18:39 |
Tecumseh | I tried the restricted drivers manager but it does not list any available drivers | 18:40 |
fosco__ | Tecumseh, sudo apt-get install your_driver | 18:40 |
Tecumseh | fosco_: X server can not use any driver? | 18:40 |
fosco__ | it is known nvidia drivers can be used with a little of xorg.conf modification | 18:40 |
fosco__ | don't know about ati nor intel | 18:41 |
Tecumseh | ok, I'll be good then cause I have a nvidia card | 18:41 |
fosco__ | so you're lucky :) | 18:42 |
fosco__ | http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6378516&postcount=25 | 18:42 |
fosco__ | explanation there | 18:42 |
Tecumseh | thx | 18:43 |
Tecumseh | hmmm, found another anoying bug. Kicker and Lancelot menu do not update after installing additional packages. Also a known one? | 18:43 |
fosco__ | gnome user here :) | 18:44 |
roe_ | I can't seem to get gnome to start, I get a background and a blank dialog box | 18:44 |
CarlFK | apt-get upgrade... Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/dictionaries-common_0.98.14ubuntu1_all.deb; E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 19:07 |
CarlFK | is that enough for a bug report? | 19:08 |
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stefanlsd | Anyone else not have sound after todays pulseaudio updates? | 19:18 |
Amaranth | CarlFK: No, the real error is probably further up in the log | 19:24 |
Amaranth | CarlFK: Unless your dpkg has actually stopped working, in which case you've got bigger problems | 19:25 |
CarlFK | Amaranth: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dictionaries-common_0.98.14ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack): subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 19:37 |
CarlFK | http://dpaste.com/113977/ | 19:37 |
CarlFK | that's as far back as my shell buffer goes | 19:38 |
Amaranth | Adding `diversion of /usr/share/dict/words to /usr/share/dict/words.pre-dictionaries-common by dictionaries-common' | 19:38 |
Amaranth | dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/share/dict/words.pre-dictionaries-common' with | 19:38 |
Amaranth | different file `/usr/share/dict/words', not allowed | 19:38 |
Amaranth | You could have at least _tried_ to read it | 19:39 |
Amaranth | All I did is skim and the non-normal thing jumped right out | 19:39 |
Amaranth | CarlFK: Anyway, don't hack around this, wait for a proper fix so you can make sure the fix works | 19:39 |
CarlFK | so no need to post anything to lp? | 19:40 |
Amaranth | I suspect there are already about 100 copies of that bug filed, apport does it automatically | 19:41 |
CarlFK | heh | 19:41 |
Amaranth | funnily enough, there are no bugs filed for it | 19:42 |
Amaranth | CarlFK: File a bug with the bit I pasted in here included | 19:42 |
Amaranth | or just the whole log, but make it an attachment in that case, don't paste it in or link to the pastebin | 19:42 |
CarlFK | against what package ? | 19:43 |
cwillu | CarlFK, the package that died | 19:43 |
Amaranth | dictionaries-common | 19:44 |
Amaranth | CarlFK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dictionaries-common/+filebug | 19:44 |
CarlFK | thanks | 19:44 |
Amaranth | it seems this has actually broken before, on the +filebug page is shows the most duped bugs and they involve broken diversions of the words file | 19:45 |
Amaranth | heh, one is from warty but not the same | 19:46 |
CarlFK | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dictionaries-common/+bug/322448 | 19:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 322448 in dictionaries-common "dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/share/dict/words.pre-dictionaries-common'" [Undecided,New] | 19:47 |
CarlFK | anything else before I reboot? | 19:47 |
Amaranth | CarlFK: I think that should be good | 19:48 |
Amaranth | CarlFK: in any case you've still got the broken stuff there to pull up again if they need more info | 19:48 |
CarlFK | thanks. I always stress over what additional details I should track down | 19:51 |
CarlFK | rebooted, get a dialog, click details, see: /etc/gdm/Xsession: 129: can not create /dev/null: permission denied | 20:02 |
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CarlFK | then the same thing, but replace 129 with: 130, 148, and bunch with 192 | 20:07 |
CarlFK | no networking, so i can't cut/paste | 20:08 |
spitfire | hi. What should be ownership rights for ~/.gnupg ? | 20:39 |
spitfire | I'm getting these warnings about unsecure ownership of ~/.gnupg ... | 20:39 |
mahfiaz | drwx------ | 20:40 |
RAOF | There we go. GNOME + KWin (very nearly) FTW! | 21:07 |
JediMaster | hey guys, since a recent update (today) I seem to have lost audio for several apps, e.g. mplayer and vlc no longer produce any sounds | 21:18 |
JediMaster | I can't see any errors, just no audio | 21:18 |
JediMaster | if I open the volume control I can see mplayer etc in the applications tab, not muted, and with the volume at max | 21:19 |
JediMaster | oh and on the volume control, it shows an input device but no output device, anyone have any ideas? | 21:20 |
JediMaster | oh and I'm still getting login audio | 21:21 |
maco | does it continue working on other apps? | 21:21 |
maco | ex: rhythmbox? | 21:22 |
maco | JediMaster: ^ | 21:23 |
JediMaster | let me try | 21:26 |
JediMaster | nope | 21:28 |
JediMaster | tried totem and rhythmbox | 21:29 |
JediMaster | tried avis, mkvs, m4a files | 21:29 |
JediMaster | I can see the programs in the applications tab in sound preferences | 21:30 |
maco | what's "aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav" do? | 21:31 |
JediMaster | Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono | 21:32 |
JediMaster | no audio | 21:32 |
JediMaster | no error | 21:32 |
maco | no error? :( | 21:32 |
JediMaster | yes, the speakers are plugged in, volume is up, nothing is muted that I can see | 21:32 |
JediMaster | yeah, that's the only output | 21:32 |
maco | did you check the sliders in alsamixer or in gnome's thing? | 21:32 |
JediMaster | gnome's thing | 21:33 |
maco | can you try alsamixer? | 21:33 |
JediMaster | ok, turned up the random ones that weren't up on alsamixer all to 100% | 21:34 |
JediMaster | and same thing | 21:34 |
maco | my laptop keeps being muted on all channels but master, and master's all that shows in gnome | 21:34 |
maco | oh | 21:34 |
JediMaster | more worrying is that there's no output device under the sound prefs | 21:35 |
maco | O_o | 21:36 |
maco | alsa-info.sh output? | 21:36 |
JediMaster | where can that be found? | 21:37 |
maco | http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh | 21:37 |
maco | save it and run it. then gimme the url it gives you | 21:37 |
JediMaster | ta | 21:37 |
maco | (run it from a terminal) | 21:38 |
JediMaster | http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=be25a14093bc02bfed53a6211b100ec2ba32882d | 21:39 |
JediMaster | ta for the help btw maco | 21:41 |
maco | lsof /dev/snd/* | 21:43 |
JediMaster | mixer_app 4897 tom 22w CHR 116,8 5013 /dev/snd/controlC0 | 21:43 |
JediMaster | nothing is playing at the mo | 21:43 |
maco | ok | 21:44 |
maco | your soundcard is being recognized fine... | 21:44 |
maco | pulseaudio's not running though | 21:44 |
maco | can you try starting pulseaudio? | 21:44 |
JediMaster | I get a bunch of errors | 21:44 |
maco | pastebin? | 21:45 |
JediMaster | http://pastebin.com/d6ce921d4 | 21:45 |
JediMaster | heh, already on it =) | 21:45 |
JediMaster | does it need to be run as root? | 21:46 |
maco | O_o it says it's already running | 21:46 |
maco | ps -ef | grep pulse | 21:46 |
JediMaster | lol I was typing that as you wrote it | 21:46 |
JediMaster | tom 4846 1 1 21:04 ? 00:00:30 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start | 21:46 |
JediMaster | tom 4854 4846 0 21:04 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/pulseaudio/pulse/gconf-helper | 21:46 |
maco | :( that looks like mine | 21:48 |
JediMaster | very odd, not had any audio issues with any version of ubuntu since I started on 5.04 I think it was =) | 21:50 |
maco | er, id file a bug on the fact that the volume control isnt showing an output device when the output device is detected and include the link to the alsa-info | 21:50 |
maco | haha oh so you're overdue for an audio issue? | 21:50 |
JediMaster | lol | 21:51 |
JediMaster | that's not a very nice way of putting it | 21:51 |
JediMaster | ok, I shall brb | 21:52 |
JediMaster | maco: I ctrl-alt-backspaced, went into the console and ran mplayer on a .m4a and it played fine | 21:58 |
JediMaster | went back to X, logged in, got the into audio as I did before, but it appears to be working now | 21:59 |
maco | pulseaudio starts when gnome runs | 21:59 |
JediMaster | weird, I even rebooted earlier and no luck | 21:59 |
JediMaster | but the output device now shows | 21:59 |
maco | weird | 22:00 |
JediMaster | didn't change anything, heh | 22:00 |
JediMaster | thanks for your help | 22:01 |
CarlFK | a few weeks ago owner of /dev/raw1394 changed from root:disk to root:root. pretty sure this is a problem | 22:06 |
CarlFK | but I am not sure how to report it | 22:07 |
maco | CarlFK: launchpad.net, id guess udev | 22:11 |
CarlFK | maco: thanks | 22:11 |
ashp | Anyone else get their sound break today? | 22:34 |
ashp | I don't have an output device in the volume control thingy anymore. | 22:34 |
ashp | argh, and 'screen resolution' is broken too, not my lucky day | 22:43 |
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hggdh | what is the application to control theme sound on 9.04 nowadays | 22:57 |
hggdh | ? | 22:57 |
CarlFK | apt-get update borked my box: rebooted, get a dialog: "your session lasted less than 10 seconds" click details, see: /etc/gdm/Xsession: 129: can not create /dev/null: permission denied | 23:10 |
CarlFK | shouldn't Shift-Alt-f7 give me a VT? | 23:10 |
maco | ashp: someone was just in here making that complaint. | 23:20 |
maco | ashp: it was JediMaster | 23:20 |
maco | i told him to file a bug | 23:20 |
hggdh | CarlFK, usually X is running on it | 23:21 |
maco | my output device is still there, though i havent rebooted in about 6 hours | 23:21 |
hggdh | Ctrl-Alt-F1-4 should give you a term | 23:21 |
CarlFK | ah, right | 23:22 |
CarlFK | so I log in to the VT, and get a about 200: -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied | 23:24 |
CarlFK | started up networking, sshed to it from here, same thing. (just checked, 193, not 200) | 23:25 |
CarlFK | what should the rights be: crw------- 1 root root 1, 3 2009-01-20 18:16 /dev/null | 23:31 |
maxb | CarlFK: 666. There are no security implications in reading or writing to the null device, so anyone should be able to | 23:43 |
CarlFK | apt-get update, rebooted, now its 600, which cuases problems | 23:43 |
CarlFK | unless it was me trying to fix /dev/raw1394 ... | 23:44 |
CarlFK | no - i rebooted, that worked. then update, then reboot, now dev/null is 600 | 23:45 |
CarlFK | hmm, set it to 666, X starts, I get the login, enter user/pw, still get error | 23:47 |
CarlFK | so I guess the "/dev/null: Permission denied" wasn't related | 23:47 |
legodude_ | crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2009-01-27 12:17 /dev/null | 23:56 |
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