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hggdh | gnome bug 569411 | 02:03 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 569411 in Misc. "svn build dies in camel-local-private.c" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=569411 | 02:03 |
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zetabyt_ | hey i'm new here | 04:06 |
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dholbach | good morning | 06:05 |
maco | mornin | 06:12 |
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Hew | What should we do about public bugs that still have coredumps? | 08:00 |
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andol | How does "Ubuntu Sponsors for main" and "Ubuntu Sponsors for universe" work? Are those subsribers you yourself can add when you have debdiff-solution, like to get someones attention? Or do they subscribe themselves? | 09:06 |
dholbach | andol: you subscribe them | 09:06 |
dholbach | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProces | 09:06 |
dholbach | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess | 09:06 |
dholbach | sorry | 09:06 |
dholbach | basically it's the "reviewer team" | 09:08 |
andol | dholbach: thank you | 09:08 |
dholbach | andol: if you have any more specific questions about packaging, development, sponsoring and stuff feel free to stop by in #ubuntu-motu :) | 09:09 |
andol | dholbach: Will do | 09:10 |
dholbach | rock on! | 09:10 |
BUGabundo | good morning | 09:20 |
BUGabundo | need an advice | 09:20 |
BUGabundo | when my webcam is turned on by Flash in Firefox | 09:20 |
BUGabundo | it won't turn off again, until I restart the browser | 09:20 |
BUGabundo | is that a bug in FF, Flash, webcam driver? | 09:20 |
maxb | mvo: Hi, maybe you could direct me to the proper place to file this? On intrepid->jaunty, linux-doc got kept back because apt didn't want to remove linux-doc-2.6.27 in favour of linux-doc-2.6.28. Do I file against linux. linux-meta, or update-manager? (If you know?) | 09:53 |
mvo | maxb: update-manager for now, if you could attach the upgrade logs, I have a look | 09:54 |
maxb | thanks | 09:55 |
mvo | maxb: please give me the bugnumber when its there (apt.log is the one I'm mainly interessted in) | 09:55 |
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AbtZ | ok, im starting a bit early on the hug day. i found a bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/221698) that i can confirm. can i just do this, or is there something else i should do too? | 14:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 221698 in compiz "Cannot resize window taller than screen." [Undecided,New] | 14:04 |
pedro_ | AbtZ: yes please, also add a comment saying which version of Ubuntu / Compiz you're currently running | 14:10 |
pedro_ | AbtZ: don't forget to edit the wiki and put your name on it | 14:10 |
davmor2 | Guys I'm having an issue with jaunty. When I've had a major update and the restart icon appear on the panel if I click on it and select restart now it only logs out rather than reboots is anyone experiencing this? | 14:22 |
maxb | occasionally, yes. Not reproducibly | 14:32 |
davmor2 | hey guys is apport on the fritz I got a crash with bluez on jaunty and it's trying to send the bug to file:///ubuntu/+..... I'm guessing it should be something like https://launchpad.net/........ | 14:52 |
charlie-tca | Known bug, davmor2. bug 315966 | 14:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 315966 in apport "Apport opens crash files as "file:///" urls (dup-of: 314263)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/315966 | 14:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 314263 in gvfs "regression - URIs opened with firefox %u load as local files (file:///...)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314263 | 14:53 |
davmor2 | charlie-tca: ta :) | 14:53 |
charlie-tca | no problem. | 14:54 |
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jgoguen | question about https://launchpad.net/bugs/312483 - the reporter is using thunderbird 3, but the bug is equally valid for thunderbird, so should this one be marked as Confirmed and the user informed that thunderbird 3 isn't provided by Ubuntu? | 19:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 312483 in mozilla-thunderbird "Thunderbird's date format not changed easely" [Undecided,New] | 19:36 |
mrooney | jgoguen: that sounds pretty reasonable! | 19:37 |
jgoguen | thanks mrooney :) | 19:38 |
mrooney | I would just explain that v3 isn't supported but you confirmed the bug in v2 | 19:38 |
skorasaurus | my question is, if I am triaging, should I try to see if the bug has already been fixed upstream (in a newer developmental version) or try to reproduce it ? | 19:50 |
skorasaurus | (which one should I do first) ? | 19:51 |
skorasaurus | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Confirming doesn't state which order I should do it in. | 19:51 |
jmarsden|work | skorasaurus: Do whichever you think will be easier/quicker first :) | 19:53 |
hggdh | if it seems a valid bug, you can (and should) check upstream | 19:53 |
skorasaurus | jmarsden, k. thanks. | 19:53 |
skorasaurus | hggdh, i understand that, but sometimes it seems more work trying to reproduce it than finding out that it's already been fixed upstream. | 19:54 |
skorasaurus | so, it's on a case by case basis. | 19:54 |
hggdh | skorasaurus, yes. | 19:55 |
hggdh | btw, not only fixed, but also still open upstream | 19:55 |
andersk | Bug 295127 seems to be getting no attention because it is marked Fix Released, but still requires an Intrepid SRU update. Is there anything I can do to get someone to look at it? | 19:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 295127 in libpar-perl "libpar-perl won't install on intrepid due to libfile-temp-perl (>= 0.05) dependency" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/295127 | 19:56 |
hggdh | the MOTU SRU is already subscribed. | 19:58 |
hggdh | perhaps a nicer comment would do the trick | 19:58 |
hggdh | or a debdiff | 19:58 |
andersk | I just added a debdiff. | 19:58 |
hggdh | good. Thanks | 19:59 |
skorasaurus | if it's fixed upstream, then should I confirm it then ? the howtotriage guide doesn't say anymore than just only to confirm it. (even though a fix has been released, upstream). | 19:59 |
jmarsden|work | skorasaurus: Document in a comment that it is fixed upstream, in what version, and how you know that, and then confirm it. At least, that's what I would do. | 20:08 |
shaman87 | hi | 20:38 |
shaman87 | i've got a problem. i'm not sure it is a bug or not, but i hope you van help me :) | 20:39 |
shaman87 | *can | 20:39 |
Elbrus | shaman87: usually you can just ask your question | 20:40 |
shaman87 | so the problem is, when i copy files to or from my external usb2 sata drive, my whole system gets slow, the load is seriously high, especially, when copying from that drive | 20:40 |
shaman87 | the external drive is an 1TB samsung, with an 800 GB resierfs partition | 20:40 |
shaman87 | and the rest is an ntfs partition | 20:40 |
shaman87 | the problem is the same with the reiserfs and the ntfs | 20:41 |
shaman87 | but with ntfs the load is even higher | 20:41 |
shaman87 | so | 20:41 |
shaman87 | can i do something about this? | 20:41 |
shaman87 | i just switched to ubuntu from windows and i really find this issue annoying | 20:42 |
shaman87 | and oh, i forgot, the copy speed is ok. (reiser: 18-20 MB/s, ntfs:14-18 MB/s) | 20:42 |
* Elbrus doesn't know enough about this to help, but I guess it depends on what you really do, copy from one filesystem to an other? | 20:43 | |
shaman87 | my system disk is in ext3 | 20:44 |
shaman87 | and the computer is a dell laptop | 20:44 |
shaman87 | one of my friend said that the kernels usb driver can cause this | 20:44 |
Elbrus | the best place to look is launchpad and see if somebody reported a similar bug report | 20:44 |
shaman87 | maybe i can wait for a new kernel or the 9.04 ubuntu and see what happens? :D | 20:45 |
shaman87 | ok | 20:45 |
Elbrus | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ | 20:45 |
Elbrus | if you really suspect a kernel driver, you might need to tweek somewhere (I know, it should work out of the box, but that just is not true sometimes) | 20:46 |
shaman87 | yeah, but what to tweek? :) I google it, know :) | 20:47 |
shaman87 | i tried searching on launchpad, but all i got is that file transers with usb are slow | 20:50 |
shaman87 | and that isn't my problem :( | 20:50 |
bdmurray | shaman87: you might test it with a Jaunty (9.04) live cd | 20:55 |
shaman87 | hmmm | 20:57 |
shaman87 | i will :) | 20:57 |
shaman87 | and does that makes difference if i use another usb port? i just realised that i never tried it :) | 20:59 |
hggdh | shaman87, it might, if the ports are under different USB controllers | 21:00 |
shaman87 | i will try it, thank you | 21:01 |
shaman87 | and there is another thing: firefox very often crashes on sites with flash (like google analytics). I heard that this is the problem because the poor flash support of adobe | 21:23 |
shaman87 | or can i help this somehow? | 21:23 |
maco | shaman87: if you use nspluginwrapper, then just flash crashes without taking firefox with it. this however can cause audio problems because nspluginwrapper needs ia32libs which conflicts with libasound2-plugins (i think that's the package) because they both provide a certain file | 21:25 |
shaman87 | ok | 21:27 |
shaman87 | and what is nspluginwrapper ? a FF extension? or just a package? And when flash crashes, how can i restart it? | 21:28 |
maco | its a wrapper for browser plugins so you can use 32bit plugins (like flash) on 64bit linux | 21:29 |
shaman87 | it's installed on my system | 21:31 |
maco | you can use it to install flash in there, but ive never done it. i use open source flash | 21:32 |
shaman87 | which package? | 21:34 |
shaman87 | by the way i use ubuntu 8.10 64-bit version | 21:34 |
shaman87 | my friend suggested that i should use the 32 bitt version and the problems would be gone | 21:35 |
shaman87 | could that be true? | 21:35 |
maco | wait so then youre already using flash in nspluginwrapper? | 21:35 |
maco | or are you using the native 64bit flash 10 alpha? | 21:35 |
shaman87 | nspluginwrapper is on my computer | 21:35 |
shaman87 | but i never did anything with it | 21:35 |
maco | how did you install flash? | 21:35 |
shaman87 | from firefox :S | 21:36 |
maco | ... | 21:36 |
maco | does that mean you clicked an apturl flashplugin-nonfree, an apturl adobe-flashplugin, or that you went to adobe.com? | 21:37 |
shaman87 | sorry, im a beginner :) | 21:37 |
shaman87 | i went to adobe.com | 21:37 |
maco | and did you get adobe flash 9 or 10? | 21:37 |
shaman87 | 10 | 21:39 |
maco | do you realize that flash 10 is only in alpha state? | 21:39 |
maco | its not an ubuntu bug at all. it's adobe's bug, and it's because you're using software that's nowhere near done being written. | 21:40 |
shaman87 | oooooh i didn't know that this is only alpha, sorry | 21:40 |
shaman87 | you suggest that i should switch to flash 9? | 21:41 |
maco | well if you use flash 9 by installing the adobe-flashplugin or flashplugin-nonfree from the repos, i think itll install inside nspluginwrapper | 21:41 |
maco | and then it shouldnt be able to crash firefox | 21:41 |
maco | there is no flash 9 native for 64bit | 21:41 |
shaman87 | okay, ill try that too after i finished sem things | 21:42 |
shaman87 | thank you for helping me out | 21:42 |
salty-horse | can anyone reproduce this vim bug? http://vim.pastey.net/107185 | 22:05 |
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