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gfather | hello guys | 12:54 |
gfather | on wich devices mid edtion run on ? | 12:54 |
gfather | can i port it to freerunner ? | 12:55 |
playya | gfather, good idea | 13:01 |
gfather | yes , i dont know what devices it could run on , maybe 7inch stuff , not sure | 13:01 |
playya | i started to bring some parts in a lokal bitbake archive but deleted my whole work :( | 13:01 |
playya | its hard to run it on 800x480 | 13:02 |
playya | and i think most of the programs won't fit on the screen resolution | 13:02 |
gfather | mmm | 13:02 |
gfather | weould if it can be customized , i think it could be great to run on freerunner , good cpu , good ram , and touch | 13:03 |
playya | most apps are designed for 4:3. freerunner has a 3:4 screen | 13:03 |
gfather | so it could look very nice | 13:03 |
gfather | well we can rotate that , right | 13:03 |
gfather | so it will ve 4:3 | 13:04 |
playya | thats why mickey is working on UMAF | 13:04 |
gfather | playya where i can find documentation that could help me port it , | 13:06 |
gfather | and maybe someone to help :) | 13:06 |
playya | http://www.freesmartphone.org/index.php/Untitled_Mobile_Application_Framework | 13:07 |
playya | but it is not even implemented | 13:07 |
playya | and in the begin it will be based on elementary | 13:08 |
playya | do you know any packages in the ubuntu repo base on enlightenmen? | 13:08 |
gfather | i didnt understad what u mean ? | 13:08 |
playya | you might want to read the bitbake manual | 13:09 |
gfather | ok | 13:09 |
playya | gfather, ever used bitbake/mokomakefile before? | 13:11 |
gfather | yes | 13:11 |
gfather | mokomakefile | 13:11 |
playya | the you have a lot of examples in the openembedded/packages directory | 13:13 |
gfather | playya yes , well i thought becouse debian is ported to freeruner , we can sue the same kernel patches and drivers | 13:14 |
playya | it think they use the OM kernel | 13:15 |
playya | the .26 | 13:15 |
gfather | playya gonna read more on the subject , if u know someone thats interested to help , tell me pleas | 13:22 |
playya | me and another guy | 13:23 |
playya | but i do not have really the time to do alot for it :( | 13:23 |
persia | Ubuntu can't run on the freerunner: the Ubuntu armel port requires at least armv5t, which the freerunner doesn't have. | 13:24 |
playya | but it might be possible for n800 | 13:25 |
gfather | :( | 13:25 |
persia | Yeah. The n800 ought just work. Main issue is kernel. | 13:25 |
gfather | but couldent work even if we used some debian files ? | 13:25 |
Celtiore | Hi, | 13:26 |
persia | Sure. I think Debian runs on the freerunner. | 13:26 |
gfather | debian runs of the freerunner, thats why im sure it can ubuntu mid could work also | 13:27 |
Celtiore | persia, do you know if we can find how-to concerning mods for desktop ? | 13:27 |
playya | brb | 13:27 |
persia | Celtiore, What sort of mods? | 13:27 |
ogra | playya, i'm driving to berlin on sunday ... should i drop off the debug board somewhere on my way ? | 13:27 |
gfather | ogra i want a test device and debug board to pleas :) | 13:28 |
Celtiore | mods, for display new icons | 13:28 |
Celtiore | and about hildon-navigator ... | 13:29 |
gfather | persia could you explain more pleas | 13:31 |
persia | Celtiore, I don't know about hildon-navigator, and I only know about displaying icons for intrepid & jaunty. I don't know of any guides. | 13:33 |
Celtiore | ok | 13:33 |
persia | gfather, The compilation for Debian and Ubuntu differ for armel, with the result that Ubuntu binary packages can't run on the freerunner. You may be able to recompile some of them locally, or you could work with Debian folk to integrate some of the changes (if they work). | 13:34 |
playya | ogra, wrong direction :( | 13:34 |
playya | i could ask a prof. if you can drop it in brandenburg :P | 13:35 |
ogra | playya, you moved from GÖ ? | 13:35 |
gfather | i see :( | 13:35 |
playya | i never lived in GÖ | 13:35 |
gfather | and it may need more ram than what freerunner has | 13:35 |
ogra | oh, i thought you study there | 13:35 |
playya | i live in villinge/offenburg | 13:35 |
persia | gfather, Maybe, but the processor is really the issue. | 13:35 |
ogra | ah, crap | 13:35 |
playya | are you going to visit linuxtag/cebit? | 13:36 |
ogra | not sure about either | 13:36 |
playya | i try to be there in the ubuntu booth | 13:36 |
ogra | i'm very likely going to FOSDEM as many/most of us after the sprint | 13:36 |
playya | julius and i figured out that belgium is really expensive | 13:37 |
ogra | pfft | 13:37 |
ogra | its the greatest european event | 13:37 |
playya | and my exams start on monday | 13:37 |
ogra | worth spending some extra money | 13:37 |
ogra | ah, thats bad indeed | 13:38 |
playya | I'm broke, too | 13:38 |
playya | need a GSoC project to finance this years congresses :P | 13:38 |
ogra | heh | 13:38 |
playya | or a paid bachelor thesis | 13:39 |
playya | persia, i don't see a arm kernel on http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git | 13:47 |
playya | where can i find it? | 13:47 |
playya | gfather, btw. the glamo sucks | 13:47 |
ogra | playya, its the normal ubuntu kernel ... | 13:48 |
ogra | there is no specific arm tree | 13:48 |
ogra | currently iop32x, ixp4xx, orion5x and versatile are built | 13:49 |
ogra | we're waiting for the kernel team to merge the linux-omap tree for soe omap arches | 13:50 |
persia | playya, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/ubuntu-jaunty.git | 13:50 |
=== gfather is now known as gfather[a] | ||
ogra | (and this whole conversation is totally off topic in this channel :P we should switch to #ubuntu-arm) | 13:50 |
ogra | before persia gets a heart attack :P | 13:51 |
persia | heh | 13:51 |
ogra | :) | 13:51 |
gfather[a] | one question , is ubuntu mid been localized to arabic ? | 13:53 |
=== gfather[a] is now known as gfather | ||
persia | gfather[a], Probably only partially. More translations welcome. | 13:54 |
gfather | well if u need just tell me , and on what device i could run it to test and localize , though i have only a desktop | 13:55 |
persia | You can test on a desktop in a virtual environment. It works in kvm or qemu. | 13:56 |
persia | Beyond that, I don't know of any devices with full hardware support right now. Maybe some UMPCs. | 13:56 |
gfather | i see | 13:57 |
ogra | well, the Q1 | 13:57 |
persia | I thought I heard of issues with the Q1U touchscreen for jaunty. Are they sorted? | 13:58 |
ogra | at least *most* HW of it is supported | 13:58 |
ogra | no, just writing the netbook image to USB to test | 13:58 |
persia | Well, the D4 seems to work fairly well, excepting networking. | 13:58 |
persia | Oh, yeah, I was specifically meaning MID devices. There's fairly good HW support for a fair number of netbooks and UMPCs for the netbook image. | 13:59 |
persia | Even the MID image ought run on a fair number of them. | 14:00 |
ogra | i didnt have a rsyncable MID image | 14:00 |
ogra | unr was faster for testing the touchscreen issue | 14:00 |
ogra | timo wants logs ... | 14:00 |
persia | Of course :) | 14:00 |
* ogra would prefer to do arm work today, but that seems critical | 14:01 | |
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crevette | hello | 19:32 |
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