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davmor2 | Good Morning All | 09:12 |
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persia | ara_, Do you have a good link for the automated testing framework stuff? | 11:24 |
ara_ | persia: what do you need exactly | 11:24 |
ara_ | ? | 11:24 |
persia | ara_, I'm writing an email, and want to tell people who want to do automated testing where to contribute. A landing page or overview page would be best. | 11:26 |
ara_ | persia: this is the best landing page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Automation/Desktop/ | 11:26 |
persia | Thanks. | 11:26 |
ara_ | persia: no problem :) | 11:28 |
persia | ara_, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2009-January/005346.html if you're interested. It's probably a thread that would benefit from input from testing. | 11:35 |
ara_ | persia: thanks :) | 11:36 |
davmor2-away | ara_: schwuk: are either of you guys running a jaunty box now? | 12:56 |
ara_ | davmor2-away: I am | 12:56 |
davmor2-away | ara_: you know when you do updates and the restart icon appears does it restart when you click on it or does it just log out? | 12:57 |
ara_ | davmor2-away: I haven't try, sorry | 12:57 |
davmor2-away | ara_: Okay if it appears tomorrow can you try it please I'm not sure if it's a bug or just an issue with my machine | 12:58 |
ara_ | davmor2-away: ok | 12:59 |
davmor2-away | thanks | 12:59 |
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davmor2 | hey guys is apport on the fritz I got a crash with bluez on jaunty and it's trying to send the bug to file:///ubuntu/+..... I'm guessing it should be something like https://launchpad.net/........ | 14:51 |
davmor2 | Henrik Omma: What time tomorrow do you want to chat ? | 17:32 |
heno | davmor2: 11.00 would be good | 17:32 |
davmor2 | np's sounds good I should of moved all the installer stuff by then and got the rest added to with any joy | 17:33 |
heno | cool | 17:34 |
davmor2 | right tea | 17:34 |
davmor2 | bye | 17:34 |
_MMA_ | slangasek: Sorry if you're not the right guy to chat with but the Studio dailies aren't there today. DO I talk to you or Colin? | 18:22 |
slangasek | debian-installer has kernel ABI 2.6.28-4-generic, but no corresponding udebs are | 18:23 |
slangasek | on the CD! | 18:23 |
slangasek | _MMA_: ^^ that's in the log; I think cjwatson has already addressed that in d-i+platform.jaunty, so the next build should run ok | 18:23 |
_MMA_ | Ahh.... gotcha. I see now. I have a script that grabs the Studio images but now that I look at cdimage I see whats up. | 18:24 |
_MMA_ | Thanx | 18:24 |
nagappan | ara, ping | 18:41 |
nagappan | ara, I get something like this http://pastebin.com/d6eeb513a | 18:41 |
ara | nagappan: pong | 18:41 |
ara | nagappan: give me 5 min and then I will review, thanks | 18:42 |
nagappan | ara, sure | 18:42 |
ara | nagappan: why all those errors?? I don't understand them | 18:50 |
nagappan | ara, ya me too, debugging it | 18:50 |
nagappan | ara, I have logged in with the ldap user and in the top panel all the list of VMware users stored as menu item ! | 18:54 |
nagappan | ara, and it takes long time to lookup | 18:54 |
nagappan | ara, and there is a socket timeout | 18:54 |
nagappan | ara, which returns just -1 | 18:54 |
ara | nagappan: :-) | 18:54 |
nagappan | ara, so the failure at my end, will remove the applet | 18:55 |
ara | nagappan: ok | 18:55 |
ara | nagappan: thanks | 18:55 |
nagappan | ara, http://pastebin.com/d4007d6b9 | 19:05 |
nagappan | ara, shall I remove screenshot / log for getobject* ? | 19:06 |
ara | but why are you getting the error? | 19:06 |
ara | it should work | 19:06 |
ara | nagappan: ^ | 19:07 |
nagappan | ara, Window: frmTopExpandedEdgePanel Object: mnuCalculator Property: label_by | 19:07 |
nagappan | ara, they will fail, as there will be no label_by property | 19:07 |
nagappan | ara, for this widget | 19:07 |
ara | nagappan: it worked before | 19:08 |
ara | nagappan: what changed? | 19:08 |
nagappan | ara, earlier the getobjectproperty didn't have logFailures, in the recent change I have added, I guess | 19:08 |
* nagappan checking the previous uploads | 19:08 | |
nagappan | ara, it had log earlier, but the argument was screenshot = False | 19:10 |
nagappan | ara, shall I do that way now ? | 19:10 |
ara | nagappan: but before (before), I didn't get an error (nor a screenshot) for those | 19:11 |
ara | nagappan: try running that using the released version of LDTP 1.4 | 19:11 |
ara | nagappan: you won't get the errors | 19:12 |
nagappan | ara, oh ya, this is done based on your bug report :) | 19:12 |
ara | nagappan: which one? | 19:12 |
nagappan | ara, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=567589 | 19:14 |
ubot4 | Gnome bug 567589 in pyldtp "get_screenshot functionalty needed" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed] | 19:14 |
nagappan | ara, earlier there was no log on failure | 19:14 |
ara | nagappan: but my question is not why I am getting the screenshot, but why I am getting the error | 19:14 |
nagappan | ara, now based on this report, I have added log and screenshot | 19:14 |
nagappan | ara, I get both screenshot and error now | 19:15 |
nagappan | ara, I'm confused :) | 19:15 |
nagappan | ara, you mean to say with the released version of LDTP, you don't get any screenshot and error, correct ? | 19:15 |
ara | nagappan: the only thing that was needed is that common errors (the ones that I had before) had a screenshot. now I get too many errors for things that are not errors | 19:15 |
ara | nagappan: yes | 19:15 |
ara | nagappan: now I get far too many errors (for things that are not errors) | 19:16 |
nagappan | ara, the error logging was not part of LDTP 1.4.0 release, based on your bug report, I have added this | 19:16 |
ara | nagappan: I don't understand | 19:16 |
nagappan | ara, yes, I agree, will remove them, which ever is not required | 19:16 |
nagappan | ara, for getobject*, the error / screenshot should not be there | 19:16 |
nagappan | ara, will do it | 19:16 |
nagappan | ara, I mean, will fix it | 19:17 |
ara | nagappan: ok, thanks | 19:17 |
ara | nagappan: it is a bit confusing through emails/irc :D | 19:17 |
nagappan | ara, :) | 19:17 |
ara | nagappan: I have to go off now. Please, email me if you have any further questions | 19:17 |
ara | nagappan: | 19:17 |
ara | nagappan: thanks | 19:17 |
nagappan | ara, sure | 19:17 |
nagappan | ara, thanks :) | 19:18 |
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