[00:00] gLAsgowMonkey: How is the offical release on juanty anyways? [00:00] cbwcjw2: hmmm, I had a bot of a tantrum at it last night, because a failed mysql update brought down Kde [00:01] I swear akgregator gets worse and worse every system upgrade [00:01] gLAsgowMonkey: Ouch. Ive been using the intrepid experimental, with some bugs. However, I just ran an update, and im definitley seeing less bugs, but theres still some little problems [00:01] cbwcjw2: I is here yes, just been wathing Tokyo Gore Police.. [00:02] cbwcjw2: I haven't used kde4 for ages and the difference is huge I really like 4.2 [00:02] gorgonizer: Ive found less bugs now that I just ran an update. [00:03] oh, is there an update.. excellent.. [00:03] sorry lost my connection -- how do i install the stable version of kde4.2 on ubuntu? [00:04] hurray, updating now.. :) [00:04] gorgonizer: So from now on, ill probably just do updates daily or so, to see if that works. === heinkel_111 is now known as heinkel_111|away [00:04] I usually do, if I remember to run ap-get, as the Adept Updater seems to be a bit slow at recognising updates.. [00:05] clock is stuck ...still at 5:56pm [00:05] Synaptic is too. I was using GNOME for about 3 hours, and it didnt see a thing. [00:05] bloody update notifications.. [00:05] oops, apoliges for the language.. [00:05] gorgonizer: They never will work eh? :P [00:06] they probably will, just as the next version comes along ;) [00:06] gorgonizer: try kdesudo dolphin (or kdesu dolphin). It doesnt want to work [00:06] anyone on how to get 4.2 stable on ubuntu? I have the neon repo but it is a nightly build [00:06] hvgotcodes: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 [00:07] cbwcjw2: thanx [00:07] i have mails in my outbox in kMail, they wont seem to send but I dont get an error either. How can I trobleshoot this ? [00:07] hvgotcodes: http://www.blog.arun-prabha.com/2009/01/27/upgrading-kubuntu-810-to-kde-42/ [00:07] cbwcjw2: kdesudo dolphin (from krunner) worked for me.. nice empty root home directory :) [00:08] gizmobay: i have normal ubuntu not kubuntu. will those instructions work? [00:08] what is the deal with packages kept back in adept? [00:08] er [00:08] apt-get [00:08] oh, i'm not sure [00:08] in gnome i had the option extract here when i right clicked a rar file. What must i do to have the same option in kde? [00:08] gorgonizer: www.mxclan.org/ss.png [00:08] I just did this with kubuntu and it worked [00:09] legodude_: partial upgrades, things like deps which can't be resolved yet I would assume [00:09] accept the key import command needs to be changed –keyserver --keyserver as well as the rest of the options [00:11] gorgonizer: see my issue? Wont work. It also wont acsess other folders. [00:11] cbwcjw2: that is strange, I do not get that error message at all... [00:12] gorgonizer: :( sadness. Ill google it up [00:12] cbwcjw2: I tend to use Konqueror though, or Krusader if all else fails.. [00:12] I am not that big a fan of Dolphin tbh.. [00:12] how can i acces functions from C // i get message undefined reference to 'beep() ?? [00:13] gorgonizer: being a fan of nautilus, i LOVE dolphin, seeing it fail saddens me. Also, konquerer in kdesudo does root settings, so everythings one click. I hate one-click :D [00:14] hmmm sudo dolphin works for me.. kdesudo dolphin fails every time [00:14] dolphin is ok, but pretty ugly and primitive [00:14] PSiL0: Really? [00:14] carpii: I like it, dont ask why :D [00:14] well, i use it as default too. I just think it could use a few minor tweaks to make it a lot better [00:15] yeah, kdesuo konqueror gives me the same issue cbwcjw2, which is why I use Krusader when I need to do things as root in a GUI.. [00:15] id consider doing them myself if it wasnt for the fact kde 4 version is out, and ive no plans to go to kde 4 [00:15] cbwcjw2: yup [00:15] otherwise A commandlining I do go.. [00:15] cbwcjw2: just letting you know so that you don't feel so alone :) [00:15] I like it, except for my broken kdesudo dolphin :( [00:15] and thanks :D [00:16] PSiL0: do you get this message: http://mxclan.org/ss.png [00:16] in gnome i had the option extract here when i right clicked a rar file. What must i do to have the same option in kde? [00:16] jarco: open with ark then drag and drop? [00:17] cbwcjw2: exactly the same one [00:17] PSiL0: Well im not crazy then. Ill stick with gksudo nautilus and sudo dolphin until then. Thanks [00:17] cbwcjw2: if you do kdesudo dolphin from the command line, do you get any errors? [00:17] cbwcjw2, doesnt work here... perhaps i am missing a package what i cannot remember the name of? [00:17] gorgonizer: It works fine as sudo nautilus in konsole [00:18] jarco: im not sure [00:18] jarco, try unrar package [00:18] gorgonizer: PSiL0 gets the same issue I do. So im not crazy.. yet. [00:18] jarco: I have a similar option to extract here in Konqueror... [00:18] cbwcjw2: np... strange that I can't find any bug reports off the bat [00:18] PSiL0: Well it did come out yesterday. [00:18] i already did apt-get install unrar [00:18] cbwcjw2: perhaps I am the one that is crazy... and most of my friends would agree with that sentiment.. [00:19] did installed it [00:19] but the option did not apear [00:19] been that way for me since 4.1.2->4.1.3->4.1.4->now 4.2.0 [00:19] and still ark cant work the file [00:19] gorgonizer: Im one of the only people in this tiny city that mess around with linux. I figure i have a screw loose also for being 15. [00:19] cbwcjw2: so, as you can see, I've experienced the kdesudo error message for quite awhile, since 4.1.2 [00:19] cbwcjw2: which tiny city is that? [00:19] PSiL0: Wow! Yea, thats crazy [00:20] gorgonizer: middle-of-knowhere ohio [00:20] nowhere* [00:20] I live with two other Linux users, but they use Gnome, and they dislike my love of KDE.. [00:20] Is that near Nowheresville? [00:20] cbwcjw2: it worked fine after a clean install, but just that once... I forgot what I was trying to do.. maybe it failed after I installed extract and compress context menus from kde-apps [00:20] Argh konqueror is buggy as hell [00:20] lebanon ohio [00:20] Yep. Most linux users do dis-me for KDE, especially after 4.0, but its great. [00:21] * PSiL0 steers clear of konqueror [00:21] Zorix, thats pretty easy :D [00:21] yep [00:21] * cbwcjw2 uses firefox 75% of the time [00:21] As you live in florida and use comcast :P [00:21] PSiL0: what issues do you have with Konqueror? [00:21] cbwcjw2, nowhere near as specific as i was [00:21] gorgonizer: I don't really.. I just use firefox and dolphin for my daily needs [00:21] ahh... [00:22] zorix: your ISP is too big. I do local :D [00:22] I looked at dolphin once.. [00:22] gorgonizer: maybe my words were too harsh, I should have said that I ignore konqueror ;-p [00:22] cbwcjw2, quitter.. you can find out easily [00:22] same as what I do to dolphin ;) [00:22] zorix: well sure, except the lazy part eh? [00:22] sure lazyness is bad [00:23] gorgonizer: at least we can agree on disagreeing our choice in file-managers :-D [00:23] I agree to that PSiL0 :) [00:24] How do i get my webcam to work in "Kopete - Kubuntu" ? I can see it works when im in options for the cam in kopete, but when i leave options in kopete, the cam turns off again [00:24] Anybody know why gambas2 is broken in 8.04? [00:25] Well, kde 4.1.2 was the first version of kde I used, so I'm used to dolphin.. vice versa for earlier users of kde... The last time I used any form of unix was way back in 1993.. I wandered in the wilderness for awhile, hehe [00:25] !alsa [00:25] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [00:26] KDE 4.2 out officially? [00:26] PSiL0: Used Konqueror Since KDE3.3, having a new file manager was a bit inconvenient for me.. [00:26] spot_, from KDE yes, from Ubuntu, no [00:26] spot_: yes, though is in an experimental repository for Intrepid.. [00:26] does anyone know why alsamixer fails to open ? [00:26] Walzmyn: That will say? [00:27] What I never liked about konqueror was it couldn't make up its mind if it was a web browser or a file browser - I like 'em seperate [00:27] spot_, what? [00:27] gorgonizer: Ok, that means its not completely finish right? [00:27] Walzmyn: I just wonder what that means, im new in linux [00:27] konq is a vg web browser [00:28] spot_: I think it is to allwo people to remain on KDE 4.1.x, as KDE 4.2 will overwrite the KDE 4.1 files.. [00:28] spot_, the KDE team has finished it, the Kubuntu team is making sure it works with evertying else in their system before putting their stamp on it for us users [00:29] Walzmyn: Will that say it will be in the new release of kubuntu when that is out? or? [00:29] spot_: it is the default for Jaunty, yes.. [00:29] Ok, thanks to both of you ;-) [00:30] spot_: no problem [00:30] spot_, it'll probably be out next week [00:30] spot_, for 8.10 [00:30] The new release? [00:30] spot: Its out though if you REALLY want it. [00:30] Walzmyn: Ok, but how to get it, when it arrives? [00:30] cbwcjw, if he's new to linux, i'm betting he dosen't - i'm not new and i don't want it until it's in the regular repos [00:31] Yea. Point taken [00:31] spot_, your package manager will tell you that you have updates - and you'll update [00:31] gorgonizer: yeah, I can see where you are coming from... [00:31] Ahh, ok! Thanks! :-) [00:31] !!!alsa [00:31] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [00:31] !alsa [00:32] Hmm [00:32] PSiL0: I used Gnome for a while, and I didn't like Nautilus in comparison to Konqueror (KDE3 version).. at least most the the KDE3 functionality has returned to Konqueror in KDE4.. [00:33] gorgonizer: Being 15, I never really get to use KDE 3. I just thought GNOME was easier, however, moving to KDE 4.2, its been great [00:33] gorgonizer: that's good hear.. I think that was one of the main complaints with the earlier releases of KDE4, the crippled konqueror [00:33] I tried gnome for a while, and i didn't like... well, anything [00:33] i just updated my 4.1 to 4.2 in 8.10. No issues so far... [00:34] heh, I ran back to kde4 after test driving gnome for a day in fedora10 [00:34] How do you toggle the mouse wheel in ubuntu? [00:35] apologies, I think the Zombie Movie I am watching murdered Konversation.. [00:35] good to know there are others who share my dislike of Gnome.. [00:36] cbwcjw: I got bored of Windows, and as I never played games at the time, I just took the plunge and went for Fedora Core, then Gentoo, then Kubuntu.. [00:36] fyrfaktry: good to hear... I almost borked by 4.1.4->4.2.0 upgrade... thank god for CLI [00:36] gorgonizer: The longer I used Nautilis, the more pissed off I got, :D [00:37] gorgonizer: i started with win98 when I was like 8, then when I was 12 I experimented with ubuntu, and then when I was 14 I sort-of got into it, then this year ive gone crazy. [00:37] I am not sure of the logistics of it, but I tried wishing cancer upon Nautilus more than once.. [00:37] gorgonizer: lol [00:37] http://bayimg.com/IAnAfAabe -- i can't find any languages to install, this picture explains [00:37] I started with an Oric 1, shit I feel old ;) [00:38] gorgonizer: Well, when I was 13-14, my computer crashed and I lacked an XP cd, so I messed around on ubuntu, and it was great [00:38] hmm.... now to update to nvidia 180.25 :/ [00:38] beachsurfin: just cancel the window... [00:39] and? [00:39] beachsurfin: it will leave you alone after future reboots, I got the same thing, and it annoyed me as it seemed useless, but it never came back.. [00:40] what will leave me alone? i want the option of using chinese characters [00:40] cbwcjw: I always prefered Windows 2000, XP seemed to be a few extras bolted on the less access to the more interesting stuff.. [00:40] beachsurfin: cancel that window then, and install the KDE package for Chinese... [00:41] I never had win2k, i went from win98 to xp in 2004 [00:41] through adept i'm assuming since system settings>regional and language dialog isn't doing this... [00:41] beachsurfin: tbh, I never figured out what that window was for, I assume it is to select the standard language you want, but by default only English is there (though I has British English) :) [00:42] it's supposed allow you to chinese diff. languages to install, i've used it in earlier kde versions [00:42] s/chinese/choose* [00:42] beachsurfin: I am unsure what program is doing it, but I agree, I doubt it is the language dialog that produces that window.. [00:43] beachsurfin: as I only use British English, I have never had to install a different language, though I should learn Japanese (perhaps one day).. [00:43] the screen which is selected is supposed to allow me browse diff. languages and select one to download font support for it [00:44] (off-topic:japanese is quite simple to learn) [00:44] beachsurfin: is the 18n packages are installed, they are listed in that window, I believe.. but don't quote me on that ;) [00:45] beachsurfin: even more off topic, I only want to learn is because I watch a lot of Japanese cinema [00:45] gorgonizer: So then it would actually... make sense? haha [00:46] cbwcjw: not realy,a s they all have subtitles, or English dubbing... [00:46] !ATI [00:46] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [00:46] gorgonizer: ah :P I was just joking with you [00:47] cbwcjw: I am careful to guard my lack of sense.. [00:47] gorgonizer: haha [00:48] can anyone help with some kde 4.2 login problems ? [00:48] yogo: what problem you having? [00:48] what the problem then ? [00:49] updated via the kubuntu.org website instructions [00:49] to 4.2 using the experimental ppa [00:49] kdm greeter comes up [00:49] login ok, password accepted, splash screen shows first 4 icons [00:49] but no K icon at the end [00:50] then nothing, just the background [00:50] so thats KDE, not KDM [00:50] How do you toggle the mouse wheel in ubuntu? I have a MS 2000 laser mouse and the scrolling is very slow. I can't find the option to adjust the wheel speed [00:50] you know first start takes longer than all the others ? [00:50] omikane: KDE or GNOME (kubuntu or ubuntu) [00:51] if I hit alt-f2, krunner comes up, I can run an app but there are no window decorations [00:51] yogo: did the update complete correctly? [00:51] yep, there are no more packages left to update [00:52] omikane: IF your using kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Advanced -> Mouse wheel scrolls [00:52] Has anyone noticed with KDE4.2 that when you add the folder view widget onto the desktop and you have to scroll that it messes things up? [00:52] i can run adept manager, but there are no window decorations, no panel either. [00:53] With filenames and icons [00:53] it sounds like some of the kde-workspace packages are not installed is kde-window-manager installed? [00:53] me? [00:53] no, that was for yogo [00:53] k [00:54] gorgonizer: i checked with aptitude, as I've switched to another run level. aptitude shows that package as installed "i A kde-window-manager" [00:55] gizmobay: I have the Folder view sized so I don't have to scroll.. [00:55] yogo: are the plasmoid pakcages installed? [00:56] i got all my music in a folder so I have to scroll [00:57] gizmobay: oh.. [00:57] gorgonizer: all the plasmoid packages are marked as "p" in aptitude search [00:57] i purged them all [00:59] gorgonizer: i had the same problem updating to 4.2rc2 - can't remember the solution though... was something to do with a bad artwork package from memory [01:00] yogo: I have had the problem before, on a version of 4.1, but I cannot remember what I did to fix the issue either.. [01:02] yogo: what kde-icons-* pakcages do you have installed? [01:03] kde-icons-oxygen [01:03] and -mono [01:04] yogo: those are the ones I have installed... [01:05] what kwin-style packages do you have ? [01:05] I can't see and oxygen or ozone on in the list, I think that was the name ? === bensont is now known as vrwarper === vrwarper is now known as vrwarp2 [01:07] I have none of the kwin-style-* packages installed.. [01:07] is there a way to list any uninstalled packages from a repo ? wondering if there are some missing.. [01:08] just wondering... why is skim not being shown in my repository? [01:08] scim is, but not skim [01:08] found it on packages.ubuntu.com [01:09] here's my sources.list: http://dpaste.com/114128/ [01:10] hi, just installed kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.2. after that i installed the kdegames package. the files are installed but they don't appear under the kmenu. what might be the problem? [01:10] yogo: I do have the kdeartwork metapackage installed.. [01:10] gorgonizer: i purged the kwin-style packages, no luck post-login [01:10] try bespin =) [01:10] yogo [01:11] http://ftp.riken.go.jp/Linux/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kde4-style-bespin/ here : download the last updated deb's here [01:12] gorgonizer: got that installed as well, kdeartwork [01:13] yogo: hmmm, that is a bit baffling.. [01:14] yeah, I can't start systemsettings either - via alt-f2 === fran is now known as Guest62931 [01:15] beachsurfin: my sources.list is here: http://dpaste.com/114130/ [01:16] yogo: does systemsettings show up in the application list, after typing system? [01:17] yogo: do any applications show up? [01:17] gorgonizer: yes, all normal [01:17] gorgonizer: i run systemsettings from konsole [01:18] gorgonizer: sorry, typing on another PC at the moment... gives a Dbus error no reply. [01:18] Communication problem with "systemsettings", it probably crashed [01:19] yogo: I am unsure at this point what is happening with your system.. [01:19] gorgonizer: are you using kde 4.2? [01:19] beachsurfin: I am indeed.. [01:22] gorgonizer: i tried running dolphin and got the same message... problem with dbus ? [01:25] yogo: do you have dbus and dbus-x11 installed? [01:27] gorgonizer: yes, both there, ps shows dbus is running [01:28] Has anybody else gotten my issue here: www.mxclan.org/ss.png [01:29] after running kdesudo dolphin (or kdesu dolphin) [01:29] !tr [01:29] Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [01:30] gorgonizer: plasma is crashing on startup with the same message [01:30] which i guess is why I can't get a desktop [01:30] yogo: I would agree to that.. what version of libplasma do you have [01:31] cbwcjw: do you have klauncher running? [01:31] cbwcjw: dunno [01:32] I am officially confused.. [01:32] Oops, well im going insane. [01:32] See, im on 2 different computers, but ive definitley lost a screw [01:32] gorgonizer: libplasma3 [01:32] because i would be talking to myself in that case. Sigh. [01:32] cbwcjw2: you did find another with the issue, so you cannot be that crazy... [01:32] aptitude showed 1 and 2 were configured but not installed [01:33] gorgonizer: Well, how can one tell if klaunchers working? [01:33] yogo: Purge the settings for libplasma and libplasma2 and reinstall libplasma3.. [01:33] ps aux | grep klauncher [01:34] cbwcjw: I have 5 klauncher processes.. [01:34] * cbwcjw scratches his head in a confused manner === gnuton is now known as Gnut[OFF] [01:35] cbwcjw: are you also wanting to get on the confusion train? [01:35] cbwcjw: Just tell me how I tell if klaunchers running, is it a background app? [01:35] gorgonizer: did that, plasma does not start. [01:36] cbwcjw: ps aux | grep klauncher will show you any klauncher processes running.. [01:36] last message in konsole is QCoreApplication: postEvent : Unexpected null receiver [01:36] I have discovered something I have never noticed before about Kubuntu. If I hit control-windows key, then stars start spinning around my cursor. Try it. AFAIK, I have not installed anything to cause this. Could anybody explain the purpose of this? [01:37] OzoneNerd: that is a desktop effect, to show you the location of the mouse cursor.. [01:37] gorgonizer: theres 7 (it looks like) klauncher programs [01:37] yogo: sounds like there may be a Qt issue there then... [01:38] OzoneNerd: It's part of KWin desktop effects [01:38] cbwcjw: do any mention of /tmp/ksocket-root at all?? [01:38] OzoneNerd: hahahaha, if you dont want that -> System Settings -> Desktop -> Desktop Effects -> All effects [01:38] gorgonizer: Yea. [01:39] gorgonizer: yep - we are both using the same repos -- what qt packages should be checked and compared ? [01:39] gorgonizer: wait, no. Only ksocket-myusrname [01:39] for some reason, every time I reload alsa, kmix changes. Sometimes it shows the inputs, sometimes it doesn't. And the number of volume sliders changes everytime I reload alsa too, which is frustrating because I have to keep reloading alsa to try and get kmix to finally display the correct volumes and all the inputs that my audio card has [01:39] hmm, that would explain why the kdesudo is failing, but how to rectify this is beyond me.. [01:40] gorgonizer: Awesome. [01:40] Thanks for helping me, that was an interesting find. I might use that now. [01:41] The intersection of the set of people who know about that and the set of people who often can't find their cursor is probably fairly small. [01:44] OzoneNerd: My freind once had a big screen TV, and lost his mouse quite often [01:44] gorgonizer: this looks familiar: http://forum.kde.org/printthread.php?tid=26380 === mark--- is now known as mark2 [01:44] quick question [01:44] yogo: Hahaha i have that issue too with the weather === mark2 is now known as Guest95439 [01:45] anyone know about changing how firefoxs response to what os/browser you are using? [01:45] so you can access sites that restrict what os you are running [01:45] yogo: that was the solution I had to move the entire .kde folder from my home folder (renamed it as .kde-old) which seemed to fix the issue.. [01:45] http://www.kubuntu.org/node/58 step 3 on the KDE 4.2 installation instruction guide says to use Adept Updater to update KDE 4.1 to KDE 4.2 beta, but I don't see it in the Adept list. what's it called? [01:46] krel: i'd just run the update mechanism [01:46] Guest95439: you need a user agent addon [01:46] thank you [01:46] =D [01:46] gorgonizer: at least the one guy had a workaround, but I wish my kdesudo worked. kdesudo is catchy [01:47] I just didn't know what it was called, and I couldn't find anything on google [01:47] ok my external USB sound works (makes noise). How to I direct my software DVD player to use it? [01:47] faileas: I was just following the instructions, I'm very new to kubuntu. how do you do that? [01:48] krel: in the Adept Manager, click on the Changes icon on the left hand side and click the Upgrade button.. [01:48] krel: personally, i'd just open up a console, and run "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" ;) [01:48] cbwcjw: I wish I could help with that, it is an interesting issue.. [01:48] krel: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [01:49] hi guys, I just installed kubuntu 8.10 on my laptop and so far so good, but I'm not sure if I make a mistake on nvidia driver. I installed the nvidia-glx-180 throught apt-get and read in some blog that I should installed throught the oficial driver. I make any mistake? [01:49] oh, you have to upgrade to Jaunty? [01:49] !1via [01:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about 1via [01:49] krel: no, you shouldn't have to.. [01:49] !via [01:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about via [01:49] krel: no [01:50] gorgonizer, theres 4 software updates availble already. wow. [01:50] the first command tells apt to go look see if there's new packages. 'upgrade' installs all updated packages that don't need a hugely major change [01:50] cbwcjw: only kernel updates :( [01:51] Deskjet F380 KUBUNTU 8.10, can anybody help me!!!! [01:51] alright thanks, I'll give it a try [01:51] gorgonizer: Yea, i just noticed. Oh well :D [01:51] installing anyway.. [01:51] Yea, is what I figured [01:52] hi all [01:52] guys, I don't have 3D support... can I use the improved effects anyway ? [01:53] zmitya: you can try :) [01:53] on apt-get update, I get: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60487016493B3065. tail /etc/apt/sources.list -n 1 is "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main" [01:53] zmitya: what gfx card do you have [01:53] krel: I had this issue [01:54] gorgonizer: moved aside .kde .kde4 and .kderc, still no luck after login [01:54] gorgonizer: have GeForce FX 5200, bug I had problems with the nvidia driver [01:54] plasma still crashes [01:54] *but [01:54] krel: you can ignore that, and do sudo apt-get upgrade [01:54] do this: sudo bash && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade [01:54] that was for krel [01:55] gorgonizer: I'm using nv now [01:55] !turklug [01:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about turklug [01:55] ...uh... sudo apt-get update just gives me that GPG error. so I've never gotten the ppa kubuntu-experimental lists. [01:55] !#turklug [01:55] krel: do this: sudo bash && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade [01:55] all in one command [01:56] zmitya: what issue do you have with the nvidia driver? as I think that driver is required for the desktop effects, though try running glxgears.. [01:57] yogo: still failing to load the KDE icon on start? [01:57] gorgonizer: glxgears does not work, because I don't have GLX now :) I had rendering problems at some websites... it messed up the whole page :( [01:57] and I had issues when I logged out from a KDE session :( [01:57] gorgonizer: it appears for a flash, still in "fuzzy" mode.. never becomes sharp before the splash screen disappears [01:57] cbwcjw: oh, so it grabs the sources but warns you that it can't authenticate any packages coming from them. I guess that's okay? I'm still concerned about the GPG error though. [01:58] zmitya: which nvidia driver were you using? [01:58] gorgonizer: it appears that there is a problem launching some KDE apps for me [01:58] how do i get the plasma panel to be black and not transparent? in kde 4.2 [01:58] yogo: which applications? [01:59] gorgonizer: well, don't know it came from the ubuntu package... there is 3 drivers, only this one "worked" ... [01:59] I think I have tried with the original driver, but had the same result :( [01:59] plasma crashes, dolphin crashes with the same message. kate gives a segmentation fault (all run from konsole) [02:01] gorgonizer: well, I just upgraded today to KDE 4.2 and got new kernel, so I'm going to try the nvidia driver again... [02:02] zmitya: load the hardware drivers program (in the Settings menu) to see what driver the program recommands.. [02:03] cbwcjw: Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa5_i386.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/systemsettings_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa5_i386.deb [02:03] krel: Thats scary, I have noclue. gorgonizer? [02:03] krel: do dpkg -i --overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa5_i386.deb [02:03] Wow, he wins [02:03] gorgonizer: do you mean "hardware" app ? it does not show any video driver [02:04] krel: then dpkg -i -force-overwrte /var/cache/apt/archives/systemsettings_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa5_i386.deb [02:04] dpkg: unknown option --overwrite [02:04] krel: it should be --force-overwrite [02:05] alright [02:05] as the option, apologies.. it is getting late for me.. [02:05] haha, no worries [02:05] zmitya: do you have jockey-kde installed? [02:06] gorgonizer: that failed, pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/1321353 [02:06] gorgonizer: yes, I do have [02:06] gorgonizer: well, I'm a programmer, using vim so I have nerver used it :D [02:07] zmitya: ahhh... [02:07] krel: there are other packages that need configuring, run sudo dpkg --configure -a, then the previous command..] [02:08] zmitya: I don't use it either tbh.. it is useful though for checking which nvidia driver is best for the nvidia card in the system.. [02:08] gorgonizer : what's the best way to back out to 4.1.4 then re-upgrade ? [02:09] hello, i was trying to add this calednar to korganizer. i can read the calendar in plaintext it has events, and google calendar can import it fine, but in KDE, it has no events. does anyone else experience this? http://conversiovirium.org/?ec3_ical [02:09] is anyone else getting an update to the new 2.6.27-11 [02:09] gorgonizer: o, thanks, I will play with it [02:09] anyone knows how to make konsole support 256 colors? [02:10] I just changed the compositing type to xrender and my konsole has transparency now :) [02:10] what color is konsole supporting now [02:10] gorgonizer: okay... so that worked, and the overwrites worked... now what? i'm still on KDE 4.1 apparently === rodrigo is now known as pedr3r0 [02:11] krel: after the upgrade completes, you will need to either reboot the system, or log out, then restart the X server (Alt + E on the login screen) [02:12] gorgonizer: yes, I did that. [02:12] gorgonizer: im asking #kde my question about my kdesudo issue [02:12] szrhawaii: i think it is supporting 16 colors [02:13] krel: after the force-overwite, did you re-run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [02:13] I didn't do dist-upgrade, no. [02:14] do you have the color wheel when you do your colors [02:14] yogo: apparently that looks arduous apparently.. there is a method here: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3100981.0 [02:15] Townk, for me, konsole supports 256 colors out of the box [02:15] I use screen on my console, perhaps it is messing with it? [02:15] gorgonizer: just read that, don't want to reinstall. [02:15] thats what i thought too [02:16] if he has the box with the up and down tint thats the right color one [02:16] you can force apt-get install to install specific software versions.. [02:16] if he has the wheel then its the lower color one [02:16] bare with me, will check.. [02:19] gorgonizer: #kde just bassiclly recommended dont use ubuntu. Meh. [02:19] Townk, yes, you have to edit some configs to enable 256 colors in screen [02:19] Townk, there is a bug filed somewhere about that [02:19] gorgonizer: must be missing a new package - as this only happened since the upgrade [02:20] ok, I finish some tests here... if I turn off screen, konsole still is 16 colors [02:20] gorgonizer: is is possible to ensure / check that all packages from the experimental repo are installed [02:20] cbwcjw: that a) sucks, but b) doesn't surprise me.. [02:21] on gnome I need to install a ncurses package to make this, on konsole there is no something like it? [02:21] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screen/+bug/87966 [02:21] does anyone know why alt+f2 doesn't start RunCommand on kubuntu ? I was using neon packages and it has worked [02:22] gorgonizer: I love ubuntu though, no matter how under-fire it is [02:22] brb [02:23] yogo: install Synaptic (the gnome package manager) and search for "Version=4.2", will show you a lot of packages, but the new KDE packages should be listed.. [02:24] cbwcjw: haven't found another distro I like as much as Kubuntu, despite the complaints.. [02:24] can someone help me to install the compiz cube thing on kubuntu 8.04? [02:25] gorgonizer: thanks, will try [02:25] yogo: good luck :) [02:27] gorgonizer: i think I found the issue [02:28] cbwcjw: what was the issue? [02:28] gorgonizer: by deleting the .kde config [02:29] gorgonizer lets see if it works [02:29] cbwcjw: interesting... [02:31] gorgonizer: nope. Sigh. [02:31] cbwcjw: intersting that it works for me..... [02:32] why you using gorgnizer in kde [02:32] doesnt korganizer do the same stuff [02:34] gorgonizer: Yea, its not that big of a deal, its just kdesudo looks cool [02:35] cbwcjw: it is a cool little app, a step up from kdesu... [02:35] though that wouldn't work on Kubuntu if I am thinking properly.. [02:35] which is unlikely at 02:35.. [02:36] gorgonizer: haha, yea. well hes making me do it in the root folder now [02:36] lets see what happens [02:37] who is making you? [02:37] himself [02:37] ahhh... [02:39] gorgonizer: haha some dude in #kde. If this works, ill be happy === nicholas_ is now known as tacosareecool [02:40] hello [02:41] How do I change a read only folder [02:41] hey guys i just added the repo for KDE 4.2, now whats the command to install the whole KDe 4.2 desktop ? [02:41] oh [02:42] just add the experimental channel [02:42] then you get 4.3 [02:42] I mean 4.3 [02:42] I mean 4.2 [02:42] it says on kubuntu website [02:42] yea im reading that [02:42] lycannyc-work: on the command line sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [02:42] i added that PPA [02:42] but I dont have KDE isntalled, but just a few kde apps [02:42] I was able to just upgrade [02:42] like kolourpaint [02:43] install kubuntu-desktop [02:43] then upgrade from there [02:43] thanks [02:44] tacosareecool: are you changing in Dolphin/Konqueror or via the command line? [02:44] oh yeah how do I open a folder in the bash [02:44] yeah [02:44] cd foldername [02:44] !enter | tacosareecool [02:44] tacosareecool: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [02:44] apachelogger: ping [02:44] brb restarting [02:44] changes to that folder. [02:45] thanks [02:45] no problem :) [02:46] Riddell: ping [02:46] gorgonizer: he fixed it! [02:46] sometimes if its in a certain area tacosareecool it would be cd /home/location/folder [02:46] what? How? Magic? [02:46] yep [02:46] !magic [02:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about magic [02:46] !how [02:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about how [02:47] !what [02:47] I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:47] cbwcjw: what did he do? [02:47] the ubuntu channel has a bunch of rude guys in there man they are no help i tell you [02:48] yeah but how do I open the folder as root [02:48] . [02:48] sudo -i will give you a root session in bash.. [02:49] then you can cd to the folder in question.. [02:49] has anyone here installed KDE 4.2 on their system? [02:49] yes [02:49] szrhawaii: that sucks.. [02:49] Socceroos: yes [02:49] yeah i get more info from this channel then that one [02:49] !tell tacosareecool about enter [02:49] Socceroos: I have as well.. [02:49] tacosareecool, please see my private message [02:50] ok sorry. [02:50] szrhawaii: people on here have helped me in the past, so if I can offer assitance, I think it would be rude not to offer help.. [02:50] I ask, because I'm trying to install all the right packages from the kubuntu-experimental PPA *without* having to install the kubuntu-desktop package. [02:51] I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 fresh install atm. [02:51] Socceroos: why not use apt-get install -s to see what packages it installs? [02:51] then do it manually? [02:51] faileas: I didn't know that command, thanks for the tip. [02:51] Yeah i feel you on that [02:52] hello all. i read somewhere today that KDE4 supports web widgets. does it support these? http://widgetcenter.espn.go.com/widgets/tags/NBA/Team#11 (NBA team widget). I'm a pacers fan and would like it on my desktop [02:52] gorgonizer: AHAHAHA The guy who was telling me what to do just realised he has the SAME ISSUE [02:52] gorgonizer: you think he wouldve checked. [02:53] it's just a flash object, i guess [02:53] that sucks [02:54] cbwcjw: was he on Kubuntu as well? What was the fix that was employed? [02:54] jimmy51_home got no idea if those work I know if you check out kde-look.org they might have something on there for you [02:55] damn, I should have gone to bed hours ago.. [02:55] gorgonizer: hes on #kde only. Its not just our build. the fix was kdesu dbus-launch dolphin [02:55] gorgonizer: i know the feeling, but then, im not british. All the action is over here :) [02:56] hmm [02:56] faileas: installing kubuntu-desktop also installs KDE3 libs and other crap......Its too hard to pick out what I need to remove. [02:56] cbwcjw: what action is there? Also, why does it work for me? [02:57] gorgonizer: right, I'm back at 4.1.4 -- ! [02:57] ok, can i make a plasmoid easily if i know the tag for the widget? [02:57] gorgonizer: its because dbus wasnt running [02:58] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165268 [02:58] Socceroos: try sudo apt-get install -s kdebase, that should only install the necessary bits for KDE4.. [02:59] gorgonizer: thanks mate [02:59] i'm gonna ask in kde [03:00] gorgonizer: did you get that? [03:00] cbwcjw: get what? [03:01] Socceroos: no problem.. [03:01] cbwcjw: would seeem then that dbus runs for me all the time then... [03:03] right, time for bed methinks, good night all!! [03:03] hi everyone [03:03] it seems that this command does what I need with a base Ubuntu 8.10 install with the kubuntu-experimental repo: sudo apt-get install kde [03:03] nigt gorgonizer [03:03] and g'night gorgonizer [03:03] thanks for the help guys [03:03] night* [03:03] gorgonizer: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165268 [03:04] people, I'm having a weird issue with kubuntu 8.10 [03:04] merkoth: Whats that? [03:05] it installs fine, but one I login, a few seconds later X hangs up [03:05] it's weird, since I had it installed and worked fine with an nVidia card [03:05] * cbwcjw is out for now, gnight [03:05] then changed for an ati one and fixed a few hiccups [03:06] but yesterday I reinstalled it and X just keeps freezing on me [03:07] are there any known bugs with ati cards? it's a x700 [03:09] merkoth: try killing atieventsd and removing rc links to the initscript [03:09] merkoth: : if you're using fglrx that is [03:09] * arriesp bye [03:09] I didn't even get to install fglrx, this is happening with whatever FOSS driver Kubuntu is using by default [03:10] merkoth: hm, okay, maybe try using the cli to install fglrx. from the sounds of it, as many issues as it has, it's not going to be worse. [03:11] merkoth: the download from ati/amd's site can generate debs for you pretty smoothly, might be something else you have to change the first time, enabling restricted modules or whatnot. i think there's a wiki on it. [03:11] It's not working, I need to open the folder not open something in the folder. [03:11] its been a while since i have done this, gut how do i upgrade to kubuntu 8.10? [03:12] fyn: I'll check that out [03:12] I'll see if I can post a bug report anyway [03:12] update till you see the update [03:12] !upgrade [03:12] but* [03:12] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [03:13] Hi! Just a quick question - lincity-ng packages - is it version 2 or 1? how do I find out? [03:13] I found the "Kubuntu Bugs" group at launchpad, is that the right place? [03:13] matt123: Installing and checking out directly :P [03:14] merkoth - lol, thanks! [03:14] I WONDER IF IM BANNED FROM THIS ONE TOO [03:14] matt123: I'm just kidding :P [03:14] szrhawaii: SEEMS LIKE YOU ARE NOT [03:14] szrhawaii, come to #ubuntu-ops [03:14] szrhawaii, this is not the place to discuss [03:15] is there a apt-get command to find out the version number? [03:15] It's not working, I need to open the folder not open something in the folder. [03:17] tacosareecool do cd /home/(folder name) ls [03:17] if your in terminal [03:17] that doesn't open folder though [03:17] I'm having a bit of trouble building a new kernel on 8.10, on an ia32 system: kernel-package keeps building for xenu. [03:18] I want to add something to folder. [03:18] that will let you see the contents in the folder [03:18] from terminal [03:18] Oh ok thanks [03:18] to add i believe its build -ls file name you can try that and see if it works [03:19] Oh yeah but it's read only [03:19] your putting a text file in that location [03:19] is that what your doing [03:20] no [03:20] what exactly are you doing [03:20] I'm putting flash in a folder. It's for flock. [03:20] libflashplayer.so [03:20] oh [03:20] ok [03:20] matt123: the package list says lincity-ng is 1.1.2-1, but maybe that's just the package version [03:20] I can't wait till chrome comes for linux! [03:20] matt123: and not the game version number itself [03:21] i forgot the command to move the file but to see the contents of a folder its ls [03:21] szrhawaii: To move a file you usually use mv [03:21] there you go tacosareecool [03:21] merkoth, yer, thats what confusing me. anyway, Ive just downloaded the package - it was only 30 mb or so === maira is now known as louis_cypher [03:22] Oh ok thanks [03:22] mv /home/ [03:22] tacosareecool: mv [options] source destination [03:23] matt123: thpse are community mantained packages, sometimes their a little outdated [03:23] matt123: *those [03:23] thanks merkoth [03:24] * Bsims sighs I tried the new nightly neon as of today... pretty but tended to be slightly less stable then a three legged rino with a jato as a buttplug [03:24] matt123: you're welcome, I wish I could answer you question, though [03:24] Says permission denied. [03:24] tacosareecool try sudo mv /home/location [03:24] no kdesudo mv [03:24] merkoth, its ok my friend, Im not a newbee, Im just being lazy! [03:24] what channel can i find help for kde 4.2?? [03:25] you can do that too tacosareecool [03:25] szrhawaii: you don't need admin powers to write to home... [03:25] if hes moving it from a root folder he does [03:25] matt123: Never said you were, I always wonder how to find the version of X app/game [03:25] or moving it to one [03:25] szrhawaii: Oh, sorry [03:26] we dont really know where hes moving it to im just putting home as a reference [03:26] @turklug [03:26] #turklug [03:26] hellow everybody... where can i find help for kde 4.2?? [03:26] !tr [03:26] Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [03:27] euphrate, /join #ubuntu-tr [03:27] !4.2 [03:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about 4.2 [03:27] louis_cypher: here or at #kde [03:27] * Bsims beats kubuntu for making kde4 the default and insisting it replace your existing .kde directory... I tried the nightly neon... purty but still in the eat your baby and molest your pet stage of stablilty [03:27] tks... [03:27] yay for KDE 4.2! [03:27] whats the command for copy? [03:27] louis_cypher: I'm currently fighting Kubuntu to check out KDE 4.2 :P [03:28] Does KDE 4.2 restore functionality missing between 3.5->4.0? [03:28] louis_cypher - I am running 4.2 - maybe I can helo? [03:28] so, i'll try to explain my problem here... [03:28] Such as the menu bar? ;) [03:28] beata|desktop: It's supposed to... [03:28] i'm brazilian... sorry about my english... [03:28] *help [03:28] but let's go [03:29] beata|desktop: kinda sorta... but adds lots of eyecandy and istability [03:29] tacosareecool its cp [03:29] beata|desktop: It has been enhanced, yes. Dunno what issued you ran into... [03:29] * Bsims smiles from my experence with the kde migration to 3.x wait till .3 or later [03:29] I'd tried the upgrade again a couple weeks ago, and my entire desktop got reset, and I couldn't get the menu bar to come up. [03:29] i configured yesterday, in system settings, a option for automatic suspend after a fewm minutes [03:30] louis_cypher, you can /join #ubuntu-br if you feel more comfortable using portuguese [03:30] beata|desktop: I fixed something similar by erasing my .kde dir [03:30] beata|desktop: and restarting my session [03:30] no, here is ok [03:30] tks [03:30] Right now, also trying to build a kernel with debugging turned on, but the usual way is building for a wrong archetecture. [03:31] i think that we can understand one wich other, correct?? [03:31] beata|desktop: backed up a lot of stuff /before/ doing that, though === pedr3r0 is now known as pedr3ro [03:31] cp doesn't matter I can just copy flash back to mozilla folder but thanks [03:31] no problem [03:32] kernel-package is building for 'xenu' archetecture instead of i386. [03:32] so, suspend was working correctly, but today i got message "one application is inhibiting suspension for the following reason:" [03:32] but there is no reason [03:33] and i cant find what f*** app is inhibiting... [03:34] I'll call it a day. Good night everyone [03:34] goodnight merkoth [03:35] night merkoth [03:35] thanks for your help! [03:35] louis is it a running app [03:36] no, its a kde service that manage energy... [03:38] did you try launching it from terminal and reading the loading process [03:39] i dont know how can i do this... [03:40] im kind of lost on what exactly the problem is so if you could fully explain the problem in one paragraph instead of breaking them up we might be able to better understand your problem [03:41] ok [03:43] i configured, yesterday, in system settings, a option for automatic suspend after a fewm minutes. Suspend was working correctly, but today i got message "one application is inhibiting suspension for the following reason:". But there is no reason, and i cant find what application is inhibiting the suspension (STR, S3 state)... [03:44] iḿ using kubuntu intrepid, and updated to kde 4.2 [03:45] is it not working after the upgrade or before [03:45] after upgrade, but i upgraded on monday, and on tuesday was working... [03:45] and today its not [03:46] yeap [03:46] did you update anything today [03:46] i can suspend the machine, just the kde power management doesnt do that... [03:46] no [03:47] so the power management doesnt suspend but the screen does [03:48] if i use, i.e., kpowersave, it suspend the pc ocrrectly... [03:48] do you have two power managements [03:48] because if you do then you only need one [03:49] !girl [03:49] Girls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ [03:50] lol [03:51] i know, and i was almost uninstalling kpowersave, because in kde 4.2 there is one native powersave manager [03:52] the reason could be that the two applications are conflicting with each other and thats why one doesnt work properly [03:53] so im removing kpowersave right now... [03:54] was kpowersave the one that didnt work [03:54] or did [03:54] the one that did [03:55] well if the thing doesnt work without it then you should get rid of the standard power management one it came with [03:55] and use kpowersave [04:00] anyone can help me - just updated to KDE 4.2 ==> No window titles or edges [04:01] check your system settings [04:01] kde 4.fail [04:01] do you have compiz loaded on top or just the standard kwin [04:01] I might - where do I check that? [04:02] if you havent loaded compiz then you dont have it [04:02] and you will have kwin only [04:02] and you check that in system settings [04:02] usually under desktop [04:02] I'll check the packages -- if compiz is installed, should I remove? [04:03] sorry appearances [04:03] are you running compiz [04:03] did you installl compiz [04:03] yeah looks that way (someone else "helped" me with the orig. setup) [04:03] i got this same thing... and solved installing package kde-window-manager manually [04:04] I have kde-window-manager installed, but also compiz* [04:04] yeah but if he has compiz he doesnt need it [04:04] because it does that itself [04:05] i had it too, but when i upgraded, it dowsnt upgrade this package automaticly [04:05] if your running compiz you have to turn of the desktop effects and also go to session and give the control to compiz [04:06] also if you have compiz i would recommend you download the fusion icon tray [04:06] because that will also allow you to turn the window manager beryl or emerald on [04:07] I'm wondering though if I should remove compiz and stick with what KDE is supposed to provide [04:07] but if you do the window manager for kwin then check your system settings appearance and see if it wont refresh from there and do what louis said and see if you have that file [04:07] its a preference from there [04:07] which do you prefer to fiddle with [04:08] hi there [04:08] hello [04:08] how do i make kubuntu to boot in terminal mode instead of kdm ? [04:08] I'm applying 'window decoration' changes, but no change. I'm thinking I'll ditch compiz [04:08] i need to boot in terminal mode .. no X [04:09] joeslugg compiz is conflicting with it because you dont have the settings set to give the rights to only one [04:09] init 3 / init 5 doesn't work in debian and ubuntu i think? [04:09] so maybe you should get rid of it [04:09] do u try compiz --replace ?? [04:10] how do I change the setting for rights to only one? [04:10] if your not going to use compiz you should just get rid of it if your going to use it theres a few things you have to do [04:11] keisangi i forgot how [04:11] ok, I'll try removing compiz -- many thanks [04:12] keisangi: you just hit ctrl-alt-f1 or just alt-f1 during boot [04:13] cadooo, X shouldn't start at all [04:14] cadooo, i need kubuntu to boot in terminal mode, no X at all [04:14] keisangi: why? [04:14] like what inittab file does on other linux [04:14] cadooo, because [04:14] it's long to explain.. i just need to boot to terminal [04:15] not just switch to terminal but boot on text mode.. no X [04:15] how does one can choose the runlevel on debian/ ubuntu ? [04:17] How to switch to Console mode in KDE? [04:17] * To switch to Console mode, press '([Ctrl]+[Alt])+[Fn]' [04:17] (Where "Fn" is "F1" through "F6" for 6 different virtual consoles) [04:17] * To switch back to KDE, press '([Ctrl]+[Alt])+[F7]' [04:18] szrhawaii, no switch .. [04:18] just got that after i did that [04:18] my bad [04:18] np [04:18] i can see a solution.. but i hoped for something more user friendly .. [04:19] sudo mv /etc/rc2.d/S30kdm /etc/rc2.d/K70kdm [04:19] that would do it [04:19] but [04:20] if possible something more userfriendly would be nice [04:20] is this the only way to do it ? [04:20] to move a file [04:20] you can use a GUI approach [04:20] how [04:20] you have kde or gnome [04:20] kde [04:20] kde4.2rc [04:20] you have dolphin right [04:21] yes [04:21] kdesudo dolphin from terminal then it will give you superuser rights then split the screen [04:21] and move that way [04:21] i do it that way sometimes [04:22] i can't believe there's no facility in kubuntu to choose wether you want to log in text or graphical mode .. [04:22] especially when i dont want to write anything and dragging seems so much easier [04:22] i the forums it says you need to download a package to do that [04:22] what package ? [04:23] ok, thanks for the help szrhawaii [04:23] let me find the forum i was looking at give me a moment [04:23] ok.. [04:25] i hoped there would be some kind of preference setting somewhere .. [04:25] here this might be easier http://www.debianadmin.com/howto-boot-debian-in-text-mode-instead-of-graphical-mode-gui.html [04:25] its just a command [04:25] not sure if it will work [04:25] i look [04:26] looks nice [04:27] i'll try it now [04:27] tnx for the help szrhawaii [04:27] i'll brb.. hopefully ;) [04:27] ok np [04:45] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [04:45] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [04:45] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [04:45] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [04:45] 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [04:46] honestly, sry, fell asleep, cat must have been sitting on the keyboard... I just shift + home then delete to delete that crap and it decides to send it... [04:55] guys... i have some problems with text entry boxes (like the alt-f2) . there is some tearing of the white box and it goes completely black [04:57] OxDeadC0de: LOLOLOL [04:57] Well, its not too busy tonight [05:03] cat-like typing detected [05:04] meow [05:05] There was a program I read about that detected when your cat was on the keyboard [05:05] and locked it out. [05:05] I thought that would be crazy useful. [05:06] damn actually.. it would be... [05:07] http://www.photobasement.com/virginia-puts-kids-first/ AHAHAH (Sorry to be off-topic, nobodys asking questions) [05:09] I love the Kubuntu channel, everybody is nicer here. Ubuntu is too busy, #kde is too.. not-noob freindly, but here, everybodys happy :D [05:11] hey guys, i added the 4.2 kubuntu-experimental PPA repository and upgraded to 4.2... now, however, i have more new updates that include many kde-*... will this break 4.2? where are these packages coming from? [05:12] jtmoney: They are coming from either the distro itself or from the PPA. Just run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [05:13] I will be right back. [05:14] 4.2 eh [05:14] i heard it's not such a hog as 4.1 [05:14] which is dog slow on my machine [05:14] jesus, i just did something stupid [05:15] i upgraded my kernel on my headless server [05:15] (which has a software raid) [05:15] now it won't boot :( [05:16] Alrighty, who was I helping before an inconvient restart? [05:16] me [05:16] heh [05:16] i just updated the box, let me reboot it real quick [05:17] Alrighty [05:17] i think it'll be fine [05:17] but i also updated my ubuntu server machine [05:17] Yea, just log in/out [05:17] which has a software raid [05:17] and now it won't boot back up [05:17] no restart required if your going to KDE 4.2 [05:17] k [05:18] and thats not good, #ubuntu-server should have help with them. [05:18] with that** [05:18] heh, alright [05:19] thanks for your help [05:19] ahh === Zorix_ is now known as Zorix [05:26] ack I have my first "meeting" tomorrow and I'm scared... ><.. have to basically valididate a bunch of database work I did for a company to the boss and fill them in on all my past projects... [05:27] OxDeadC0de: Im 15. hahaha, so I have no clue. I just like messing with linux and helping people [05:27] I'm 24 and I have no clue :P, never done this before...I just like writing software :P [05:29] Haha :D everybodys the same somehow [05:29] <_2> not me. i'm different. [05:30] hahaha [05:30] okay _2, your first meeting..ever..., your contractor is going to tell you if your work is good enough to pay you or if it's to much "shit", you nervous? [05:31] pardon the language [05:31] <_2> OxDeadC0de no. [05:31] i want your secret _2 :P [05:31] haha, i would be terrified. [05:32] <_2> ssssh don't tell any one. [05:33] OxDeadC0de: You know you've done your best work (I'm assuming). So stay relaxed and enjoy the conversation. Consider it a conversation rather than an interview. [05:34] well I did actually, 3k lines of perfect code that did the task at hand, it was beautiful [05:34] :) [05:34] wonderful. Then don't worry about it =) === integer is now known as Shital === tyler_d|sleeping is now known as tyler_d [05:36] as soon as I figure it out _2, I'll keep it to myself ;) [05:37] I hope skype still works with my webcam in linux for this.. [05:37] <_2> actually no. if you ever figure it out, you'll be like the rest of us and tell every one you know about it. but whatever ! [05:38] haha true _2 :P [05:39] <_2> i think mister-tea-lapto has me on ignore again/still [05:40] <_2> would someone repete that for me ^ please. [05:40] <_2> actually for him. [05:41] no he has a ghost image wi9th him ....he is actually mr t laptop [05:41] I feel left out :( Growing up needs to go faster eh. [05:41] upgrading to Ubuntu to Kubuntu, I have two power managers and two network managers - anybody know which ones I should get rid of ? [05:42] the lapto thing just follows me around ... I haven't figured out how to lose him [05:42] <_2> mister-tea-lapto so if you turn ignore off you can see peoples answers to your pm's [05:43] <_2> sandGorgon which ever one you don't want to use. [05:44] Hey I wish to install kde4.2 is there a ppa or guide with common problems or anything like that? [05:44] <_2> sandGorgon or keep them both, and use the one you want, disable the other [05:44] I'm trying to tell you that unless you tab one more time you are sendinyour messages to lapto not me laptop I don't have ignore on [05:44] nm [05:44] <_2> !kde4 [05:45] kde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 | 4.2 Beta 2 packages http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2-beta-2 | Support in #kubuntu [05:45] <_2> <<< that is you. [05:45] <_2> and tabbing again wont help in bx [05:46] <_2> [msg(mister-tea-laptop)] hear me now ? [05:46] <_2> mister-tea-laptop: No such nick/channel [05:47] yes [05:47] wow my kopete is messed up [05:47] <_2> :) [05:48] on my screen I;m here twice once as lapto and once as laptop === Trel is now known as Ketrel [05:48] crap my webcam doesn't work with uvcvideo driver anymore :( just get uvcvideo: Failed to query (1) UVC control 1 (unit 0) : -110 (exp. 26). [05:49] <_2> mister-tea-lapto the server limits the number of chars a name can have. as well as the client limiting it. so you are probably exceeding the server limit [05:50] well if thats so why can I open a pm with lapto as laptoip? [05:50] <_2> ask in #freenode maybe [05:50] do ypu see me listed twice in the chat? [05:50] <_2> no [05:51] I do [05:51] <_2> [05:51] yeah I tried removing kopete and reinstalling but no luck [05:52] theres got to be some file that stays after i remove it [05:53] when I talk do you see lapto or laptop [05:56] <_2> when I talk do you see lapto or laptop [05:57] <_2> -:- mister-tea-lapto [n=mister@pool-70-18-99-165.alb.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:57] <_2> that's from your join. [05:58] <_2> leroy [05:58] yes? [05:58] <_2> just howdy [05:58] HOLA SOY NUEVO EN LINUX Y HE ESTADO PRACTICANDO UN POCO INSTALANDO ESTO Y AQUELLO, POR FIN LOGRE INSTALR MI SERVIDOR APACHE Y MYSQL, Y VOY BIEN CON VIRTUALBOX EMULANDO WINDOWS XP Y OTROS COMO FEDORA Y CENTOS PERO NO HE PODIDO LOGRAR ESCUCHAR LA TELE CON TVTIME ALGUIEN PODRIA AYUDARME, KUBUNTU DETECTA AUTOMATICAMENTE MI TARJETA SAA7133 O SAA7134 PERO NADA DE AUDIO [05:58] <_2> um is that pr or es ? [05:59] !es | manush [05:59] manush: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [05:59] ESPAÑOL [05:59] OK GRACIAS [05:59] _2 how do you know my name? [05:59] <_2> -:- epimeth [n=leroy@cpe-72-229-13-157.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:59] <_2> it's right there for all to see [05:59] lol... right... my username [05:59] new york city [05:59] manush: de nada [06:00] <_2> mr-t yours is alb ? [06:00] 50 miles north actually [06:00] albany ny [06:00] so I plugged in my camera and nothing is happening... do I need to install some more software or is my cable dead? [06:00] <_2> oh ok. well ip's don't really tell much about where someone is. [06:01] <_2> epimeth is the camera motion or still ? [06:01] both [06:01] <_2> does it support "disk mode" [06:01] I dunno... how do I check? [06:02] <_2> camera's menu in most cases [06:02] <_2> !camera [06:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about camera [06:02] transfer mode: Data storage ??? [06:03] <_2> epimeth yes [06:03] so yes [06:04] so I can't recieve pms [06:04] <_2> epimeth generally speaking, and it's rather general indeed; if a camera supports disk mode, you can use that and access the camera by simply mounting the device usually something like sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt [06:04] <_2> mister-tea-lapto guess not. [06:05] whats the command to remove all of the program? [06:05] <_2> mister-tea-lapto if you shorten your nick one char it should clear that up [06:05] <_2> remove all of the program? ??? [06:06] <_2> you mean sudo apt-get remove --purge blah ? [06:06] somehow I doubt that the camera is sdb :-) [06:06] <_2> epimeth sdc then [06:06] <_2> sd? [06:06] blah being my client? [06:06] erm... I doubt its any sd... its a usb... [06:07] <_2> epimeth if it's in disk mode it's sd? trust me [06:07] cannot connect to a cisco vpn using kvpnc.. I know that this works under gnome... any help please? [06:07] brb [06:08] <_2> epimeth besides usb-sticks are mounted as sd? devices too [06:08] tyler_d: I have the same problem... let me know if you figure it out :-) [06:08] really? hrm... [06:08] epimeth: will do mang [06:08] my network admins are going to hate me [06:08] :s [06:08] <_2> epimeth no i just like decieving people on irc where they can't slap me for it.... i mean yes really [06:09] <_2> epimeth i think there is an app made for digital cameras that don't support disk mode. i'll have to search for the name though. [06:09] tyler_d: yea, I get my boss to open up ssh at least once every other week [06:10] _2 yea, I think so too... trying to find it [06:10] epimeth: I don't think thats going to happen [06:11] digicam! [06:11] <_2> heh. heres one camera.app - GNUstep application for digital still cameras [06:11] <_2> yes digicam [06:11] <_2> !info digicam [06:11] Package digicam does not exist in intrepid [06:11] <_2> digikam - digital photo management application for KDE [06:11] tyler_d: luckily for me I work in a company with 15 people [06:12] <_2> mister-tea-lapto i hear you. you don't hear me. [06:12] <_2> !info digikam [06:12] digikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.9.4-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 9499 kB, installed size 22388 kB [06:13] still I truncated the p but I still can't hear I am however only listed once [06:14] <_2> mister-tea-lapto try this /nick root_____ [06:14] <_2> i know that nick is usable. i registered it. === mister-tea-lapto is now known as root_____ [06:14] <_2> now lets see if the client is avtually working with pm's [06:15] <_2> anything ? [06:16] <_2> root_____ did any of that come through ? [06:16] <_2> oh wait. do they still have a ban on root* here ??? [06:17] <_2> maybe that was not a good nick to use in this channel [06:17] _2 what's root_____'s problem exactly? [06:17] <_2> can't hear any pm [06:17] <_2> can send just fine but cant recieve [06:18] did he register his nick? [06:18] <_2> epimeth yes but nick too long and turncated [06:18] lol [06:18] <_2> epimeth so he sees two of himself one [mister-tea-lapto and one [mister-tea-laptop [06:19] <_2> err s=\[==g [06:19] so why doesn't he unregister them and reregister as something else? mister-tea-lappy or something? [06:20] oooohhhh... kde4.2 is out... [06:20] <_2> epimeth we were kinda trying to make sure that doing so would fix it, before moving there [06:20] garrr.... why did alt+tab stop working?!?!? [06:20] what's with kate saving backups [06:20] how to stop this? [06:21] <_2> beachsurfin in kates menu configure backups off [06:21] beachsurfin: why would you want to? but yea, Settings->Configure Kate->Open/Save->uncheck "local files" [06:22] local files is unchecked .. [06:23] <_2> i think you are looking for "make backups" [06:23] <_2> idk [06:23] ah, it didn't make a backup.. [06:23] not sure what just happened...sorry for the confusion [06:24] i have language support now, my sources.list was preventing me from downloading much of anything [06:25] are the plasma packages broken or is it just me? [06:26] futuresoon: some might be... kde 4 is far from....perfect [06:26] epimeth: looks much better than 4.1 bug-wise [06:27] <_2> i can't wait until they release kde5 then i will upgrade to kde4.6 or what ever is stable at that time and see what all this fuss is about.... [06:28] i'm excited about the RDF integration [06:29] nepomuk i guess it's called [06:30] <_2> anyone know of any reason that making executables with numeric names would adversly affect a linux system or open a security hole ? [06:30] _2: I was very hesitant to go to 4... I hated the alpha. but then I upgraded to intrepid so now I don't have a choice. However, I understand now what the deal is. Its possible to have it look pretty much exactly like 3 did, so its all good really. just kinda buggy [06:30] I've never heard of it... [06:31] it's basically an RDF database for KDE so that all your stuff gets a URI (a resource on the web) [06:31] <_2> yeah i'm still on dapper so i have a choice, i can stay with kde3 or break things. [06:31] like music for openers [06:31] _2: why are you still on dapper? [06:31] <_2> futuresoon why not ? [06:31] <_2> it's LTS [06:31] i thought newer is better [06:32] <_2> then you thought wrong. [06:32] you know---"progress"!! :-) [06:32] <_2> newer != better, better == better newer == newer [06:32] newer === better :-) [06:32] <_2> progress is not always good. [06:32] <_2> futuresoon syntax error [06:33] now i have to go back to the cave :) [06:33] <_2> simca no, just the tent [06:33] <_2> :) [06:34] meh... i think my usb cable is bust [06:34] so is nobody here using plasmoids in kde 4.2? [06:34] <_2> epimeth dmesg mention the camera ? [06:35] nope [06:35] plugged it in after, tho [06:35] anyway [06:35] time for sleep [06:35] gnight folks! [06:35] <_2> epimeth k rest well [06:36] sure he leaves [06:36] and my kvpnc is all up and running [06:36] :D [06:36] * _2 is confused by " plugged it in after, tho" [06:36] lmfao [06:38] <_2> brb [06:46] Has anyone else had problems with upgrading to KDE 4.2 from the semi-official(?) experimental kubuntu ppa [06:47] using intrepid [06:48] <_2> where is a good "first timers" introduction to databases and database structure ? === rudy is now known as Guest92780 [07:07] <_2> i can't figure out why ssh is so slow connecting from 192.168.0.? to 192.168.0.? it doesn't look like there should be any dns issues there [07:13] <_2> it's even extreemly slow to localhost [07:15] in kmail, why isnt there a button to just send and recieve? It seems like I have to right click my outbox and use 'Send using Account -> Account name' [07:19] <_2> could this have anything to do with ssh public keys not working correctly ? drwsrwsrwt 8 root root 4096 Jan 29 01:15 /root [07:19] how do I use gnome-rdp to connect to a windows console session? [07:19] or krdp [07:19] <_2> for root i mean ^ [07:19] either will work === brad__ is now known as skyion [07:20] kde2.4, anyone knows if there is improvement on multihead display? [07:20] oops4.2 [07:21] <_2> !info krdp [07:21] Package krdp does not exist in intrepid [07:22] krdc then [07:22] !krdc [07:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about krdc [07:22] that helped [07:22] damn... banshee is such a cpu hog [07:23] does anyone know of a number system binary conversion program for ubuntu or kubuntu [07:24] szrhawaii: a calculator [07:24] you need a calculator [07:24] not a calculator [07:24] a program that converts number systems to binary and vise versa [07:25] <_2> tyler_d package krdc exists. the boot call is !info but the terminal command apt-cache show krdc would be much more informative. i haven't used it but one time and that was to allow one linux box to connect to another linux box's kde session [07:25] i got a calculator i want a lazier program [07:25] _2: ;) ty [07:25] <_2> szrhawaii bc / dc [07:25] yeah [07:26] <_2> you will forgive, i am lagging very much. [07:27] _2: no man entry for it, nor is google much help 'bout now [07:28] i guess ill just use my windows vm to do it [07:28] <_2> tyler_d the kde help center should provide the documentation for that [07:28] <_2> szrhawaii i told you bc or dc [07:28] both [07:28] <_2> szrhawaii if that's too much then maybe. http://pastebin.com/f7da9cf6f [07:29] <_2> !info bs | szrhawaii [07:29] Package bs does not exist in intrepid [07:29] <_2> !info bc | szrhawaii [07:29] bc (source: bc): The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language. In component main, is optional. Version 1.06.94-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 71 kB, installed size 196 kB [07:29] <_2> typo [07:29] <_2> you can either glean the command for bc from my script at http://pastebin.com/f7da9cf6f or use it for all i care. [07:30] <_2> !info dc | szrhawaii [07:30] dc (source: bc): The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator. In component main, is optional. Version 1.06.94-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 64 kB, installed size 208 kB [07:30] looking at your pastebin right now === jean-claude is now known as Steve_wwe37 [07:34] k thanks for your help [07:37] anyone knows how to get multiple monitors on kde4.2? [07:39] something like xinerama? [07:48] the answer - not documented anywhere btw, was -0 within gnome-rdp [07:48] what is the process kded ? [07:48] its using like 95% cpu :S [07:49] it "triggers Sycoca database updates when needed" [07:49] hope that helps. [07:49] lol [07:49] im running xchat and kaffeine player, so i wonder if its killable [07:50] oh it just helps control and synchronise changes to the system config it seems [07:50] !caad [07:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about caad [07:50] i doubt it should be using cpu for very long [07:50] !cadd [07:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about cadd [07:50] ok, its kde wallet related [07:51] from what i read it works between apps and wallet. killing it supposedly makes you need to enter pw's manually [07:51] and it cannot be killed :( [07:53] * _2 thought only kernel threads and init could not be killed.... [07:53] ive tried kill . killall kded and both with sudo [07:54] none worked [07:55] <_2> DarkriftX if you want to use force on it, up the signal sudo kill -6 `pidof kded` but i'm not telling you to do that, cause you may not like the results. and if -6 fails use -9 and if that isn't strong enough use -15 [07:56] that worked, now i have 19 password boxes :S [07:56] * _2 remembers sudo kill -9 -1 with fond affection [07:57] 9 worked :) [07:57] <_2> isn't linux fun. [07:57] oh yea :) [07:57] <_2> dash nine you mean. [07:57] kill --help doesnt work and i didnt remember the format for "kill -9 blah" [07:57] i thought it was kill 9 or something close [07:58] how do i start kdewallet? [07:59] <_2> i found a list of the sigkill sigterm sig... stuff one time... can't recall where though. [07:59] <_2> DarkriftX ummm by running kded ? :))) [07:59] i already did that [07:59] eerything still asks for pw [08:00] <_2> i really don't know. you should be able to call it from the command line [08:00] ok, re-opening kmail reasked for my wallet pw [08:00] <_2> or start it via kcontrol [08:00] and cpu is normal again [08:00] thx for the help :) [08:01] <_2> DarkriftX welcome [08:01] <_2> !bug [08:01] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots === ced_ is now known as Ced____ [08:05] <_2> why does ssh public key work one dirrection but not the other for one account ? [08:07] <_2> i copied ~/.ssh with -R option so i have the same files in ~/.ssh on both hosts. and i can ssh one way shabang, but the other way it asks for a password. any thoughts ? [08:07] <_2> i tested with setting a password and it does work, but i normally keep all accounts locked, so that's not an option really. === desti_T2 is now known as desti [08:09] <_2> ? [08:09] <_2> could it be because the home dir is permiscuous on one box ? [08:09] is there a way to encrypt my hard drive and all communications from my computer? [08:10] <_2> !encryption [08:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about encryption [08:10] <_2> !encrypted [08:10] For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory [08:11] <_2> !fishing > _2 [08:11] _2, please see my private message [08:13] <_2> and after testing it is the dir permission on /root that is causing the ssh issue. [08:13] !truecrypt [08:13] Truecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume [08:13] !info gnupg [08:13] gnupg (source: gnupg): GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement. In component main, is important. Version 1.4.9-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 859 kB, installed size 4836 kB === JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter === Gnut[OFF] is now known as gnuton [08:19] <_2> i don't suppose there is any chance of encrypting a bootable disk though.... [08:20] <_2> s=able== [08:20] how to use amarok [08:21] ... [08:21] fix_, play mp3? [08:22] fix_, please specify [08:22] how to download flv using konsole [08:22] !info youtube-dl [08:22] youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB [08:24] anyone know about problems with locking the screen in the kde4.2 kubuntu 8.10 combination? === floown_ is now known as floown [08:25] ????? [08:25] how can I see what's hogging my 2nd core at 100% but htop doesn't show any specific process doing that. Could there be a bug with htop? [08:26] how to download amarok decoder [08:27] <_2> drif yes and it might be kded someone was in here with a full pipe of kded a little bit ago [08:27] <_2> drif maybe it was you ? [08:27] Does anyone know if there are bugs with compiz+KDE 4.1? (so i know weither i should install it or not.) [08:28] <_2> why use compiz with kde4 ??? [08:28] I dunno, I liked the effects >_> [08:28] <_2> i thought kde4 supported the effects without compiz tho ? [08:28] _2: asking that? no, it wasn't me [08:29] _2: How to get those effects working then? [08:29] Like the desktop cube [08:29] _2: I had similar incident before, the culprit was kdesu, which is somewhat strange [08:29] <_2> drif user name was DarkriftX, still here too. just thought drif might be short form. [08:30] _2: hehe, quite a coincidence, but sadly no [08:30] <_2> !compiz [08:30] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion [08:30] <_2> Ced____ hmmm i guess that ^ [08:30] I know how to install it, question is, is it useful. [08:30] plese..... who can help me??? [08:30] * _2 mumbles something about hating to be wrong.... [08:31] Who doesnt :P [08:31] fix_, help with what? amarok? youtube-dl? [08:31] no... my amarok can't play mp3... [08:31] <_2> !mp3 [08:31] Amarok should ask you if you want to downloa MP3 support. [08:31] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [08:32] kubuntu-restricted-extras install that fix_ [08:32] how??? [08:32] The codec was called 'ffmpeg' i think [08:32] Adept? [08:32] fix_, from adept or the command line [08:32] i prefer using konsole but how??? [08:32] sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [08:33] ^ [08:33] fix_, see above [08:33] sudo apt-get install youtube-dl [08:33] couldn't find packages. i'm using ubuntu [08:34] konsole? [08:34] ubuntu-restriced-extras? [08:34] lol. [08:34] <_2> !free > Ced____ [08:34] Ced____, please see my private message [08:34] fix_, you mean gnome-terminal? [08:34] still the same... [08:35] fix_, why do you have konsole with ubuntu? [08:35] uh, thanks _2 lol. [08:35] i'm new in linux. i don't know a lot of thing... [08:35] <_2> Ced____ restriced is a referance to the freedom of the software, free as in speach not free as in beer [08:36] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras fix_ (for gnome) [08:37] fix_, if you are using konsole however I would guess you have kubuntu not ubuntu installed [08:37] <_2> or ubuntu + kde [08:37] fix_, unless you explicitly installed konsole [08:38] you make me confused.. [08:38] forget about the ubuntu and kubuntu. [08:38] is there any other way??? [08:38] i see a bug in "Guidance Power Manager" - changing the CPU policy to powersave causes my screen to be locked (I have to enter the password again). This does not happen with any other policy [08:38] fix_, to do what [08:38] fix_, we have given you the commands [08:38] it's still the same.... [08:38] <_2> bazhang he may be using an older release. lsb_release -r maybe [08:39] fix_, what version of ubuntu/kubuntu [08:39] couldn't find packages... [08:39] _2: hm, I'killed kde but still second cpu bar at 100%. Top doesn't show anything... [08:39] i'm using version 7 [08:39] fix_, which version ? 7.04? 7.10? [08:40] 7.04 [08:41] <_2> drif odd. actually i'm not aquanted with multicore workings so can't ever formulate a good way to load and test it. maybe someone else. or someone in #ubuntu or ##linux even if no one in here steps up. [08:41] <_2> fix_ you need to read the doc for that release on the site ubottu posted. [08:42] <_2> !mp3 | fix_ [08:42] fix_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [08:42] _2: and that bar reading seems to be quite right - the whole comp is quite sluggish - even when using just console via ssh [08:43] <_2> drif yeah. but again i don't have any multicore stuff to test with. so i'm not the guy to ask. [08:45] <_2> drif for single core i would make a list of all running processes and start killing them off one by one until i found the rascle that was eating my horse power and then go from there. [08:45] fix_, you need to change your sources.list and update, then get a supported version such [08:45] <_2> but that might not work like i think with multicore === snake is now known as albuntu [08:49] hi. this might be a FAQ but how do i get msn support in kopete with the KDE 4.2 packages? [08:51] ogg vorbis... [08:52] can i download that??? [08:52] it's an audio codec [08:52] you should have i [08:52] it [08:53] how can i download that?? [08:53] fix__: kubuntu should be able to play ogg vorbis files out of the box [08:55] hi, i updated to kde 4.2 and i get the error "cannot load system tray icons" in kubuntu 8.10. can someone plz help?? [08:56] when the desktop loads, i cannot even get knetwork manager to work and there is no internet [08:57] is there a way to go back to kde 4.1.4 ? [08:57] anybody can help plz? [08:58] hmm [09:00] i really need to have this machine work asap! plz, if anybody can help me do so!! [09:00] when i used this command line : sudo apt-get update --- there are some index files failed to download. why??? [09:00] ubuntu_: you could probably totally remove kde 4.2, then reinstall 4.1 from the cd [09:01] !puregnome [09:01] If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » [09:01] do that, skipping the last step, disable the kde4.2 repo, then enable the cd, and install from there [09:02] i do not have the cd... [09:02] is there a awy to connect to the wireless by console and then install it? === sunny is now known as mmoreactor [09:03] no idea [09:03] fix__, you need to fix your sources.list as feisty is no longer supported [09:04] Any way to rename example to Example? dolphin says it's overwriting and in konsole it does not work. [09:04] !upgrade | fix__ read the link gutsyupgrades [09:04] fix__ read the link gutsyupgrades: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [09:04] isn't there a way to downgrade to kde 4.1.4?? [09:04] through console maby? [09:06] привет всем! [09:06] hi all! [09:06] hi [09:06] !ru | vadim_ [09:06] vadim_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [09:07] But you can also ask here, in English, of course :) [09:09] thanx, I go to #ubuntu-ru (because my bad english :) [09:10] just for interesting -- how many girls using ubuntu/kubuntu (and how many girls installed it by yourself? :) [09:10] konsole profiles don't show up in the menulisting after i boot computer, bug? [09:11] vadim_, not for here. [09:11] vadim_, this is Kubuntu support ONLY. [09:12] oh, sorry. I quit chat. Thanks! [09:17] so, anyone know how to enable msn support in kopete with kde 4.2? :) [09:20] Yesterday night I helped someone install kubuntu. He wanted to give it a go after seeing me us it. The installation went like a dream and everything looked fine until we installed samba [09:20] How does one acquire compiz effects such as 'desktop cube' in KDE 4.1 ? [09:20] Is the kio smb completely broke? [09:20] my searches online suggest it is [09:21] Samba is working using all the tools I could find appart from konqueror/dolphin [09:21] Ced____: right click on a window border (at the top) -> configure window behaviour, should stare you right in the face :) [09:21] anyone got ideas on getting flash (youtube and others) to work in konqueror? [09:22] I located the problem and their are patches avaiable to fix it. Their have been patches available for quite some time. [09:22] Ced____: you need to activate "Turn on Desktop Effects" in System settings -> Desktop [09:22] Thanks, found it, Peace out! [09:22] Ced____: then you choose the effects tab and switch on the candy you want [09:22] does kubuntu not receive much active development, ie are all the effort put into gnome instead? [09:24] is there a way to configure device notifiers mount settings for different type of usb-drives? [09:24] for some reason i'm unable to set my "desktops" as more than two [09:24] i want four why won't it let me set it to four? [09:25] Sandgorgon, Just one question, where can i find desktop cube? Or isnt that available? [09:26] Ced____: in adept search for compiz [09:26] gaoC: Im using KDE 4.1 [09:26] yes me too [09:26] Compiz + KDE 4.1 ? [09:26] yes [09:26] Well, i tried it anyway, but it wont start. [09:27] Ced____: in "All Effects" search for "cube" [09:27] i think it's something to do with solid predicates but any info on anywhere about it? [09:27] Heloooo [09:27] sandGorgon: None found.. [09:27] Kwin should work fine - i have kwin and I have the cube working fine - though I have 4.2 === client01 is now known as KuBXUser [09:27] Ced____: i think it is the difference in version, i have 4.2 [09:27] the cube wasn't in 4.1 iirc [09:27] Maybe i should try 4.2 then. [09:28] yup, i recommend it [09:28] How do i upgrade? [09:28] is there anyone can help my problem?..... [09:28] Apt-get install kde 4.2? :P [09:28] kubXUser: What's your problem then [09:28] Ced____: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2-beta-2 [09:28] gaoC: Thanks, i'll check it out [09:28] why am i unable to set my "desktops" as more than two [09:29] hi, does anyone else see corrupted graphics on kubuntu intrepid with kde4 ? [09:29] i set it to four, click apply and nothing happens [09:29] i always get problem on my kubuntu [09:29] click ok, and nothing happens [09:29] when i install using apt get [09:29] go back into the settings and desktops 3 and four are greyed out [09:29] KuBXUser, please specify what problem [09:30] could not open cache on adept manager [09:30] that what the warning says [09:30] sorry for my bad english [09:30] KuBXUser: you have multiple adepts open. [09:30] KuBXUser, please tell us the exact error [09:30] ii think you double click on the icon - which opens two Adepts. [09:31] i can get in to my adep manager [09:31] KuBXUser, close adept [09:31] KuBXUser, from the konsole type sudo apt-get update [09:31] this is _really_ annoying me [09:32] Does anyone know to to get GD2 support on hardy heron? [09:32] what is gd2 TakeABow [09:32] gaoC: Try to make bigger desktops instead of multiple, works the same basically [09:33] can anyone hav any idea how to fix it [09:33] gaoC: i had a similar problem before, but it was a x3100 video card and compiz... kwin works fine though [09:33] KuBXUser, yes [09:33] KuBXUser, close adept [09:33] faileas: I have the same video card [09:33] so compiz is the issue? [09:33] and what is kwin? [09:34] ah apparently kio samba is fixed in 4.2 [09:34] bazhang, [09:34] GD is an open source code library for the dynamic creation of images by programmers. GD is written in C, and "wrappers" are available for Perl, PHP and other languages. GD creates PNG, JPEG and GIF images, among other formats. GD is commonly used to generate charts, graphics, thumbnails, and most anything else, on the fly. While not restricted to use on the web, the most common applications of GD involve web site develo [09:34] gaoC: kwin is the default rendering engine in KDE 4.x - it does the same role as compiz [09:34] i can do apt-get install php5-gd [09:34] is it possible to just right click on a folder to share it with samba under kde 4.2 [09:34] but i need gd2 [09:35] faileas: KDE->Applications->System->Desktop Effects [09:35] compiz being broken with that card was supposed to have been fixed last october IIRC though [09:35] is that the settings menu for kwin? [09:35] gaoC: i don't seem to think so [09:36] or is there a better settings frontend for it? where i can customize effects like desktop cube? [09:36] or is the cube only compiz [09:36] gaoC: you can get the cube with kde 4.2 [09:36] alright [09:36] upgrading to that right now anyways [09:36] (which i recommend, sure its experimental, but in my estimation its more stable and functional than the 4.1 series) [09:37] is the cube a native feature in 4.2? [09:37] yup [09:37] what about wobbly windows :> [09:37] yup [09:37] oh nice [09:37] TakeABow, there are packages for perl, xml, not sure about php though [09:37] and everything is the same? [09:37] like i can make the cube zoom out, reflection etc on mouse rotate? [09:37] gaoC: no, its better ;p [09:37] IMO [09:38] !info libgd-gd2-perl [09:38] libgd-gd2-perl (source: libgd-gd2-perl): Perl module wrapper for libgd - gd2 variant. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.39-2 (intrepid), package size 217 kB, installed size 648 kB [09:38] haven't tried zooming out [09:38] oh, than compiz... [09:38] oh haha, using the php5-gd worked [09:38] hmm do you mind screenshotting the settings dialog for the 3d effects in 4.2?/ [09:38] just needed to restart apache [09:38] nice [09:39] urgh, does anyone know how to create users in mysql? [09:39] gaoC: unfortunately yes... i am currently having a headache ;p [09:39] pssh a screenshot doesn't take that much effort... [09:39] thanks anyways [09:41] how do i install a plasmoid from disk - i have it as a tar.bz2 ? [09:42] sandGorgon: uncompress it, look at instructions [09:43] faileas: huh... it seems i have to do cmake and everything. Can I do it simply from "Add a widget" ? [09:44] try right clicking in === navid_ is now known as nahy [09:47] what are .gz's and how do i use them? [09:49] TakeABow: compressed archives, you can unpack them with Ark [09:50] i wanted to play some mp3s with amarok then it started downloading decoder pkgs but in the end error uccured and installation failed [09:51] !network [09:51] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [09:51] !cable [09:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about cable [09:51] !cabled [09:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about cabled [09:53] gorgonizer: i don't think so then [09:56] i wanted to play some mp3s with amarok then it started downloading decoder pkgs but in the end error uccured and installation failed === ced_ is now known as Ced____ [09:59] How does one check his KDE version? [09:59] I mean, it's either 4.1 or 4.2 now ._. [10:00] Ced____: i just open up the about window in a kde4 app [10:00] waitwaitwait What? [10:00] It says release [10:00] o.O [10:01] How did that happen, i have kUbuntu 8.10 [10:01] lol [10:01] i'm updating my kubuntu.... thanks guys.... [10:02] Ced____: ... no, konversation and amarok are still kde 3.5.19 [10:02] 10 [10:02] try doing it from akregator or kopete [10:03] how can i fix my broken pkgs? [10:03] are nvidia gfx cards still a problem with kwin? [10:04] I am seeing quite poor performance on my geforce fx5200 [10:04] gahhh, can someone tell me the terminal command to delete a file? [10:05] TakeABow: rm [10:05] TakeABow: if its a folder, you need to add a -r but use it with EXTREME caution [10:06] usudo: please use single character options =/ [10:06] ohh i put -rm [10:07] its gone, thank you :) [10:07] ;) [10:07] hmm [10:09] * faileas is thinking of giving bubakup a try [10:09] plz could someone suggest any xorg settings to help nvidia cards achieve good performance ? [10:11] how can i fix my broken pkgs? [10:11] nahy: what is the problem you are seeing? === asraniel_ is now known as asraniel [10:13] nahy: need help? [10:14] it happens periodically. i try to install (in this case codecs for mp3) but an error like could not get pkgs [10:14] nahy: could you say the exact error message? [10:15] i forgot the error. and amarok doesn't request to install it again [10:17] nahy: try this - apt-get install ibxine1-ffmpeg [10:18] i think it's because lack of space on my root. but i have 35% of my root free. it happened for my previous install of kubuntu which filled up my 4GB root [10:18] that can be a problem when the packages cannot be downloaded, yes [10:18] but it would say as much [10:19] ok i'm having something else installing in adept. so i must wait till that finishes === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [10:19] otherwise I have seen docs about running the script /usr/lib/amarok/install-mp3, but I have never tried that [10:20] ok thanks i'll try it [10:20] hi === warnet01 is now known as zha [10:21] can anyone tell me if there is a way to downgrade to kde 4.1.4 from 4.2 ? [10:22] ubuntu_: the only way i know is to remove kde totally, remove the repo and reinstall it [10:23] there is probably easier way but thats all i know^ [10:23] damn.... i really really need to find a way to do it... [10:23] how can i connect to the wireless from console? === fernando is now known as FerNaNdo [10:24] depends on the encryption used === FerNaNdo is now known as Guest97341 === Guest97341 is now known as FerNaNdo66544 [10:24] it is wep [10:24] ubuntu_: it is possible with wpa_supplicant and all that but very tricky [10:25] then it should be easier [10:25] yes wep is more simple [10:25] iwpriv is the command that should help [10:25] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=628214 [10:25] it lets you apply settings to wireless connections, such as WEP pass phrases [10:25] hope that helps :) [10:26] anybody got skype working on kde 4.2 ? [10:27] rdowning: it shows this error: [10:27] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [10:28] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [10:28] nahy: you have a process running somewhere that is interfering [10:28] nahy: does it still say it when run again? [10:28] it may be temporary as adept_updater does a run [10:28] another error: [10:28] E: Couldn't find package ibxine1-ffmpeg [10:29] sorry, missed the 'l' from the start ;) [10:29] i terminated the adept [10:29] libxine1-ffmpeg [10:29] yeah [10:29] adept_updater runs in your systray [10:29] hej [10:29] nahy: simplest way to fix the problem with your dpkg database being locked would be to restart your computer [10:30] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [10:30] libxine1-ffmpeg: Depends: libxine1-bin (= but is to be installed [10:30] E: Broken packages [10:30] !adeptfix [10:30] If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [10:30] gente [10:30] preciso imensamente da ajuda de vcs... [10:30] como abro um programa para pc que é .jar [10:30] no kubuntu 8.10? [10:31] eu tento abrir mais abre com o ark [10:31] !en | gustavo [10:31] gustavo: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [10:31] !br [10:31] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado. [10:31] é q eu uso kubuntu === nick is now known as Guest32754 [10:31] rdowning: should i restart my machine completely? === Guest32754 is now known as ziroday [10:32] nahy: try what ubottu suggests first [10:32] nahy: no [10:32] i tried but the error persists [10:33] nahy: try: sudo apt-get install -f [10:34] jussi01: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded [10:34] what the heck is that? [10:35] nahy: what the heck is what? [10:35] it didn't remove anything [10:35] nahy: what are you atually trying to acheive? [10:35] what the fuck you tawliking about [10:36] tedy, watch the language [10:36] !ohmy | tedy [10:36] tedy: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! [10:36] can i start java programs in kubuntu? [10:37] why i can't download the flashplayer? or how i can download the flashplayer [10:37] i wanted to install something but all i acheive is broken pkgs [10:38] and it (for example totem movie player) doesn't install [10:38] nahy: have you added any repositories? [10:38] why i can't download the flashplayer? or how i can download the flashplayer [10:38] i have 4GB for my root. isn't that enough? [10:38] why i can't download the flashplayer? or how i can download the flashplayer [10:38] tedy: install the package flashplugin-nonfree [10:38] !flash [10:38] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [10:38] should i edit the repos? [10:38] !repeat | tedy [10:38] tedy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience [10:38] hey, I was wondering why the widgits and RSS feeds don't work in KDE 4.2 [10:41] jussi01: how can i edit the repos and which ones should i select? [10:42] nahy: open adept, click sources, edit sources, then make sure they are all ticked [10:42] for mp3 decoders? should i check 3rd parties? [10:43] maybe [10:43] nah, you mainly need multiverse. [10:43] they should be under kubuntu restricted-extras [10:43] yeah, multiverese too [10:43] ok i'll do [10:43] nahy: then as bdizzle mentioned, install the package kubuntu-restricted-extras [10:43] aha [10:44] hey, I was wondering why the widgits and RSS feeds don't work in KDE 4.2 [10:45] bdizzle: plasmoids? [10:45] how can i open my hard disk drive on kubuntu [10:45] it doesn't work [10:45] is that an installation or should i just check a box? [10:45] yeah [10:45] weather, rss, clock, etc [10:45] nahy: install the package [10:45] I install them and get big red X's [10:45] how can i open my hard disk drive on kubuntu? [10:45] who is the server [10:46] bdizzle: plasmoids from 4.1 often wont work in 4.2 [10:46] bdizzle: i had the same problem too. they don't work [10:46] sorry i meen who is t the hostle [10:46] the host [10:46] i mean rss, .... [10:46] tedy: explain more? [10:46] fix_: I mean, that you need a screwdriver;) [10:47] what [10:47] tedy: host for what? [10:47] ouch [10:47] who ist the server on this chat [10:47] any news on when the new ones will be released for 8.10 ? [10:47] i installed skype through apt-get cmdline - how do i get it to show up in kickoff ? [10:47] vlastic...what? [10:48] bdizzle: you have the kdeplasma-addons package installed? [10:48] sory, I was just joking... how do you mean 'open harddisk'? [10:48] let me check [10:49] jussi01 you must to help me with the flashplayer i don't understand why it doesn't work [10:49] now i do [10:49] tedy: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [10:49] vlastic_i have a hard disk with data on my last win xp..how can i open in kubuntu? [10:50] fix_: you should just be able to open it [10:50] jussi01: something else i want to know. can i edit my partitions and take some space for it from one of my Windows partitions? [10:50] we can read NTFS file systems, but Windows can't really see ext3 or so [10:50] I thing, that you just plug in into your pc and by doubleclick on icon of disk you open it? [10:50] can you give me some website for the kubuntu flash player download jussi01 [10:51] vlastic_ur mean storage media? [10:51] tedy: just copy that command into your terminal [10:51] bdizzle: can i edit them when i logged in here that i can see NTFS? [10:52] as far as the files themselves? [10:52] no, no - you really should to be able to open it, if you have it plugged in [10:52] yeah, it will show up under /media [10:52] bdizzle: i'm experiencing lack of space for my root [10:52] oh [10:52] um, yeah, you need about 10 GB for root, and that's giving it a lot of free space too [10:52] it's 4GB === quassel221 is now known as ziroday_ [10:53] open on?i new on linux so i cannot understand linux [10:54] fix_: its okay, I was new about a year ago [10:54] luckily, KDE is rather friendly for this stuff [10:54] bdizzle: so what exactly should i do? i mean is there any app. to do it? (editting the partitions) [10:54] ow...i have a problem find my data last on windows [10:54] nahy: um, QT Parted, but honestly, I don't trust messing around with partition sizes when there is data on there that I want to save [10:54] <_spm_Draget> I am logged in via ssh into a remote machine and try /etc/init.d/kdm restart, but when it tires to start, I plainly get: 'Not starting K Display Manager (kdm); it is not the default display manager.'. How would I make it the default display manager? [10:54] !gparted [10:54] gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [10:54] fix_: here [10:54] fix_:don't worry: only just plug your disk into your kubuntu computer, it works itself [10:54] exactly [10:55] fix_: go to the "K" menu (formerlly known as kicker). Its where your "Start" button is on windows [10:55] then click over to Computer [10:55] then click where it says "Root" [10:56] you should see all recognized "drives" on the left side [10:56] Hi. I'm upgrading kde to 4.2. I can't obtain the key through the command: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add - which is shown in the link in the topic. the command hangs without a result [10:56] fix_: bdizzle it better explains;) thanks bdizzle [10:56] sory..in windows i used my computer ..in kubuntu ? === jamie_ is now known as jatos_ [10:56] fix_: it is similar [10:56] ubuttu: thanks [10:56] fix_: in kubuntu, "My Computer" would be found in /media [10:57] hello [10:57] nahy: space on your root drive is not a problem [10:58] nahy: I use an asus eeepc which has 4g in total and it works just fine [10:58] what program can i use to sft ipv6 from my kubuntu ? [10:58] sftp [10:58] rdowning: so what do you think is the problem with my machine? [10:59] my space in root is getting smaller and smaller [10:59] nahy: how much space is there? [10:59] konqueror use to be able to sftp [11:00] 4G total and 32% free [11:00] nahy: no problem there [11:01] nahy: tell me again what you are trying to do? [11:04] rdowning: i reinstalled kubuntu because i had kde4 and and tried to have gnome but my root filled up. and i had to remove and reinstall kubuntu [11:04] okay, and does anyone know how to add RSS feeds to the plasmoid? [11:04] is there an application that can log from 2 serial ports for the same file? [11:04] nahy: ok so you still have a desktop ? [11:05] rdowning: now i think the problem with some pkgs that i can't install is lack of space [11:05] it would say that though [11:05] nevermind, got it [11:05] rdowning: yes i have new fresh desktop [11:05] nahy: it would say that there was not enough space if that was the problem [11:06] nahy: 32% of 4G is plenty of space [11:06] rdowning: so why some of my installation processes return broken packages? [11:07] nahy: somehow the APT database has become inconsistent, so it must be fixed [11:07] rdowning: i should mention it too that i have slow internet connection [11:08] nahy: ok does not help but will not stop things from working [11:08] rdowning: how can i fix it? apt-get install -f? [11:08] nahy: see what that does plz [11:08] nahy: also dpkg --configure -a [11:09] rdowning: ok thank you good friend [11:09] nahy: hope it works for you [11:10] rdowning: right now i'm installing restricted-packages. after that i'll try to face them with more patience :) [11:11] nahy: so packages are installing ok then? [11:12] rdowning: still downloading with very slow speed :D [11:13] is there a nice desktop clock for kde 3/5 ? [11:13] nahy: that is a good sign, means that APT is mostly happy then [11:13] yeah [11:14] carpii: there is probably a good one available for superkaramba [11:15] interesting, ive not heard of superkaramba [11:15] ill take a look, thanks [11:15] kmail crash :( > http://pastebin.com/mb33d0c0 [11:21] meh, comic strip crashed on me [11:21] what is the alacarte equivalent on kubuntu? [11:21] mount [11:22] what is mount? [11:22] <_2> man mount [11:24] <_2> man man ; man less ; man intro ; man $any_command === ced_ is now known as Ced____ [11:24] how install flashplyaer? [11:24] player [11:25] Is it possible that i _By accident_ Reverted my KDE 4.1 install to a 3.5.1? o.O [11:25] anyone can help me? how to make a ubuntu server? [11:25] !flash [11:25] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [11:25] !server [11:25] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support [11:25] thanks [11:25] fix'd :B [11:26] what is the alacarte equivalent on kubuntu? [11:26] fix_: I'd recommend sticking to what you have for now until you learn the basics [11:27] fix_, u better need to read a lot about it. Perhaps search for a guide for ubuntu LAMP [11:27] <_2> Ced____ sure it's possible, if you issued the right command some where... but it should have been verbose enough for you to see what was happening. it's also possable that you have both versions of kde installed. (more likely even) [11:28] <_2> Ced____ command: kwin --version should tell you what is in your path. [11:29] hi people [11:29] how can i add a shortcut on my kde4 panel? [11:29] i am new to kde [11:30] Now i have a question.. Is it possible that i accidentaly reverted from a KDe 4.1 install to a KDE 3.5 install? [11:30] 'cause if i click 'about KDE' It says 'Release' [11:30] Whilst i have kUbuntu 8.10, which comes default with KDE 4.1 [11:30] oh ffs what's wrong with the internet now again >< [11:30] <_2> jim_p right click it ? [11:30] Silly internet >< [11:31] _2, i did, but what do i add? [11:31] <_2> Ced____ kwin --version [11:31] ill check [11:31] _2, dont telll me its the quicklaunch widget? [11:32] <_2> jim_p you can also drag and drop things there [11:32] anyone can teach me about how to make a server using linux? [11:33] <_2> !lamp | fix_ read this page [11:33] fix_ read this page: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [11:34] kwin = version 3.0, KDE = version 4.1 [11:34] Oh GRrr silly internet. [11:35] _2, it added dolphin and konquerror, and it asked me to add shortcuts to add more [11:36] does anyone know how to open the session manager fromn comman line? [11:36] mine is in dutch and this guy cant seem to find his [11:38] Back, again, silly internet >< [11:38] Anyway, _2, My version of Kwin = 3.0, my version of KDE = 4.1 [11:38] So... What did i do wrong :o [11:38] nothing? [11:38] Session Manager -> kcmshell4 kcmsmserver [11:41] can i hosting my file on internet using own server [11:41] Well, the desktop effects are fux0red [11:41] Aaaand my internet is dead again. [11:43] <_spm_Draget> How can I prevent that new users get the 'Videos' 'pictures' etc. directories in their home dir? These are not in /etc/skel [11:43] can someone help me install compiz in kubuntu 8.0.4? [11:43] Silly internet is silly. ._. [11:44] bonjour tous le monde [11:45] je galére avec ati Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x quelqun a une idée [11:46] !france | oirdimed [11:46] oirdimed: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [11:47] hi there. i have set a resolution in systemsettings (jaunty, kde 4.2). now everytime i start kde, the resolution is wrong (too high), and i have to open systemsettings/display once to get a correct resolution. is that known bug? [11:47] unstable version... [11:47] is an unstable version [11:48] jaunty has not been released [11:48] linux use antivirus or not? what antivirus can i used? [11:49] hy every body someone can help me about ati Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x to install a drivers [11:49] no antivurs is needed [11:49] oirdimed: have you tried on ubuntu-fr ? [11:50] koperton_what? so virus? [11:50] fix_: man i have linux since 2 years and i have not virus on my machine === nicolas_ is now known as Guest8543 [11:50] koperton_virus effected on my pc or not? [11:50] just because linux is made different [11:51] koperton _ tahnks [11:51] fix_: what? [11:51] linux it's just like Mac [11:53] rdowning: its me again. when the download process finished some Debconf window appeard an i clicked on next and again a little error window appears with the text: There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. [11:53] nahy: ok [11:53] nahy: so have you tried doing apt-get install -f and dpkg --configure -a [11:54] i'll try it now and say [11:56] rdowning: it shows some error texts should i paste it? [11:56] nahy: only if it is not too large, we don't want to spam the channel [11:57] it's large [11:57] nahy: ok send to roger.downing@gmail.com [11:58] rdowning: see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/111200/ [11:58] can someone help me install compiz in kubuntu 8.0.4? [11:59] nahy: ok try apt-get instal sun-java6-bin [11:59] therootest: why compiz... just curious [11:59] aha [12:01] rdowning: it returned this: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution) [12:01] sandGorgon: well on hardy its the way to get a composite desktop ;) [12:02] oh... without going to KDE 4.2 with Kwin you mean [12:03] <_spm_Draget> How can I prevent that new users get the 'Videos' 'pictures' etc. directories in their home dir? These are not in /etc/skel === Guest8543 is now known as Bou [12:07] rdowning: i did it. i did it. the problems are solved! finally i succeeded to play mp3 by amarok. [12:09] sandGorgon: i just love this cube thing! :) [12:09] how can i add the cube to my kubuntu? :) [12:12] <_spm_Draget> How can I prevent that new users get the 'Videos' 'pictures' etc. directories in their home dir? These are not in /etc/skel [12:16] hi, can i mount ntfs in konqueror in kde4? (like kde3) [12:17] i want to mount in graphical mode [12:24] hello [12:28] Hello [12:29] how can i upgrade my distro to kubuntu 8.10? [12:30] therootest: what are you using now? [12:30] Lynoure: i'm using but i'm getting this message on startup: http://img300.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshootcp8.png [12:30] Lynoure: so i thought it would be a good idea to upgrade distro... [12:31] !info dhcpcd [12:31] dhcpcd (source: dhcpcd): DHCP client for automatically configuring IPv4 networking. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.3-1.1 (intrepid), package size 47 kB, installed size 188 kB [12:31] therootest: does not necessarily go away with the upgrade, that depends on the cause. [12:32] Lynoure: how can i fix this? [12:33] a bit like napster, but works in wine (hoorah!) -- http://www.spotify.com [12:33] therootest: that depends on the cause... when it did start, what changed just then? [12:34] therootest: sounds like some autostart command with broken syntax [12:35] Hi :) First of all sorry for my English [12:35] Lynoure: it happened when i used kwin --replace, and closed the command prompt suddenly [12:35] опа [12:35] работает [12:35] dont use the 'close' button.. use the 'exit' command - and i think that wont happen [12:35] I have just upgraded my kubuntu 8.10 to kde 4.2. It has throw errors processing kde-window-manager and systemsettings [12:36] so now I do not have window manager in my desktop [12:38] bummer. You could try reinstalling 'kubuntu-desktop' from the console and look for any error messages [12:40] is there any known issue related to errors in kde-window-manager and systemsettings packages for kde 4.2? === JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter [12:41] Proberly some conflicting files, or other things. 4.2 upraded here fine. but i had the earlier 4.2RC1 installed first [12:42] http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 may have some info [12:44] can anyone tell me how to bring icons on my desktop for accessing drives, i have installed kde 4.2 and currently logged in to it? [12:52] At least does anybody know how to downgrade from kde4.2 to the stable kde4.1? [12:52] I recall there being a panel applet to let you see/mount/drives.. but ive not tried 4.2 yet so no idea on how to get them on the desktop. I hate them on the desktop [12:53] chuso, perhaps remove the 4.2 packatges i guess.. disable the 4.2 repos.. reinstall kubuntu-desktop - I would suggest installing some other window manager first.. in incase this breaks stuff [12:54] how do you get sound working with flash and kubuntu? [12:54] Dr_willis, how to use that panel applet that you are talking about for drives? [12:55] problem on my pendrive, it won't let me delete a file, it says access denied but it let me delete other files on the same pendrive so it doesnt seem its a permissions issue... any idea? [12:55] WishingMaster, i just saw it in the panel the other day.. i cant say that i really did much with it. I just got 4.2 installed today. with a lot of other updates - so ive not playwd with it yet [12:55] Try deleting it from the terminal [12:58] Dr_willis: hi, how do i exit from me@me: ?? want to get to the pen drive address that is sde1 [12:58] you want a 'shell basics' tutorial you mean? [12:59] use the 'mount' command to see where the drive is mounted at [12:59] cd /media/wheveritsmountedat [12:59] alright thanks [12:59] hey can anyone suggest me a link for themes for kde,i don't like oxygen/ozone? [12:59] and then i go rm file.format [12:59] right? [13:00] yes [13:00] before I go and waste my time, are there any issues with flash sound on kubuntu 64-bit? [13:00] hi [13:00] WishingMaster, theres several themes in the repsitories not isnstalled by default.. last i looked. [13:00] malv, i have no issues here with it. [13:00] Dr_willis: but if its a folder there was another letter to put between rm and the name, i dont remember it sorry :D [13:00] Dr_willis, how do i check? [13:00] zer0o, -r perhaps. or -rf [13:01] perhaps? [13:01] ok [13:01] zer0o, it pays to LEARN your tools :) [13:01] http://linuxcommand.org/ [13:01] kewl [13:01] if i remember correctly, the networkmanager plasmoid in kde 4.1 had an option for vpn connections (which worked), but though i installed it in kde 4.2 as well (vpn support for the applet that is), i cannot find any config options... is it not included yet? [13:03] Hi! I have installed Kubuntu, and i have a laptop (MSI PR200), and i have installed Kopete insted of MSN. I have no programz for my intergrated webcam, but in Kopete settins, the webcam appears, but it dosent seems to work when i close settings again, as it disapears [13:09] Hi! Wasn't the weather plasmoid supposed to be in KDE 4.2? I can't find it [13:10] The web site/info in the TOPIC shows it in their videos :) [13:11] hi, any suggestions for fix to graphics corruption in kubuntu xorg ? [13:12] when I open a menu in an app for the first time then there is initially corrupted gfx, quickly replaced by menu contents === dYna is now known as basti [13:13] rdowning, kde 4.1 or 4.2 ? [13:13] Dr_willis: it was present in kde 4.0 from kubuntu intrepid and still there in kde 4.2 [13:13] Dr_willis: I am sure I read a bug report about it but cannot find it now === julian_ is now known as _Ju|ian [13:14] rdowning, from what ive seen - i dont have the issue any more in 4.2 - but ive not tried 4.2 filnal. could be some odd driver/4.2 bug/issue still [13:15] Dr_willis: ok so you did see it originally? I have nvidia geforce fx5200 [13:15] i saw it ages ago in 4.1 on my nvidia 8800gtsxxx [13:15] dont recall seeig it on 4.2 rc1 [13:17] Dr_willis: ok and you did not fix it with someone's PPA ? [13:18] Not that i recall [13:18] using the method that topc url says i belive.. with [13:19] deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main [13:20] how do i set up a vpn connection using the networkmanager applet? [13:22] g'morning [13:22] chris-rc1: depends greatly on which VPN system you want to use [13:23] http://www.skinbase.org/rate.php?skins=48915,how do i install this on my sys? [13:23] initially corrupted gfx, quickly replaced by menu contents *** like it is out of phase kind of??? [13:23] cuznt: yes [13:23] i get that [13:23] not quickly sometimes though [13:23] cuznt: I also get very poor performance that is beaten by my eeepc 701g running mandriva with kde 4 [13:24] i only gotta one pc with one o/s [13:24] cuznt: the eeepc has CPU running at 600 mhz, my PC is 2800 mhz so ought to be somewhat quicker [13:24] cuznt: but slow as molasses [13:25] it aint all about the mhz [13:25] malv: true enough, but the difference is stark [13:25] malv: I have kde 3.5.10 on the system too from the pearson computing folks, and that flies [13:25] i get good speed [13:26] anyone else with nettops that can report on kde 4.2 performance? [13:26] hello all. [13:26] buss speed is one of the determining factors as well as RAM , besides the cpu [13:26] http://www.skinbase.org/rate.php?skins=48915,how do i install this on my sys? [13:26] anyone here know why my network seems to be so slow? [13:26] fast as can be in windows [13:27] must be a dns issue [13:27] blueskaj: yes sure also true but computer speed here is not the issue [13:27] is ipv6 disabled [13:27] ? [13:27] whats that? [13:27] sorry [13:27] newish to linux [13:28] blueskaj: still a 2.8 ghz machine with 512MB RAM ought to be able to cope with kde 4.2 [13:28] !nvidia [13:28] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [13:28] open a terminal , WishingMaster: ip a | grep inet6 , if there's no output then ipv6 is disabled [13:29] that is for eightieskhild [13:29] rdowning: i wanna connect to a cisco router. networkmanager used to have an option for that, which worked, but it seems this is gone with the update to 4.2 [13:30] WishingMaster: How wouild one tell if it was? [13:30] WishingMaster . Disabling IPv6 ' open the Run Command & type; kdesu kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ' add this line ' blacklist ipv6 ' save the file and reboot [13:30] chris-rc1: you will likely have to install the right network manager wrappers [13:30] chris-rc1: sorry I don't have access to an intrepid machine atm [13:30] chris-rc1: try aptitude search network-manager [13:30] run command = alt + f2 [13:30] can anone tell me how to install this http://www.skinbase.org/rate.php?skins=48915 === julian__ is now known as _Ju|ian === ubuntu_ is now known as alexmlw [13:31] rdowning , 512 RAM is iffy for KDE4.2 IMO . [13:31] yeah i have 2gigs ram [13:32] blueskaj: but its ok on the eeepc, thats what I cannot understand [13:32] well rdowing my pc ran windows @ 512 ram and my wifes dells sucks @ 512 ram [13:33] how to change themes in ubuntu running kde 4.2? [13:33] i do not know how she can stand it [13:33] does anybody know why vpn support in the networkmanager applet is gone? [13:33] wishing right click desktop>appearence settings [13:33] !WOW [13:33] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [13:33] wishingmaster: do you want the whole theme? it's easy enough to get out the wallpaper etc [13:34] eeepc, rdowning ? [13:34] blueskaj: you aint heard of them? [13:34] nope [13:34] blueskaj: the first netbook, 512MB RAM, 600 Mhz CPU, 4G solid-state disk [13:34] blueskaj: runs kde 4 in mandriva very well indeed [13:35] i want the complete theme [13:35] rdowning, [13:35] ok rdowning , need more RAM if you are using SSdisk, from all reports [13:35] chris-rc1: did you try searching with aptitude? or synaptic? [13:36] blueskaj: you are not reading right, my really low-powered eeepc netbook is running kde4 over twice as nicely (comparisons may be fictitious) as my relatively powerful desktop PC [13:37] blueskaj: so I reason that the problem is either kubuntu version of kde4 or some aspect of my hardware in the PC that it does not like [13:39] rdowning , you could be right, maybe HALD is using a generic driver for your graphics etc [13:39] I have the proper binary nvidia driver installed === ergb546uy4ry is now known as SDFE [13:40] Ciaoo a tuttiii [13:40] HAllo at all! [13:40] rdowning: synaptic [13:40] Someone can give me some help??? [13:41] chris-rc1: Go to Menu->System->Package Manager (or very similar wording) [13:41] !explain | ares28ultra [13:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about explain [13:41] bah [13:41] !ask | ares28ultra [13:41] ares28ultra: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [13:41] !it | ares28ultra [13:41] ares28ultra: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [13:42] niente scusatemi non volevo annoiarvi, ma [13:42] siccome è la prima volta che uso wicd, mi kiedevo se qualcuno sa come demonizzarlo e frlo comparire nel tray [13:45] qualcuno sa come demonizzare wicd? [13:45] rdowning, using the rec'd nvidia driver in kmenu/ system/hardware drivers ? [13:46] bluskaj: yes, used the restricted driver manager to install it [13:46] ok [13:47] someone knows how to use or install the wicd daemon and how to take wicd on tray? [13:48] wel, rdowning , maybe some one with a similar prob that was solved can help ...dunno what it could be ...some conflict ...did you check top or htop to what processes are using up cpu amd mem ? [13:48] amd=and [13:49] blueskaj: yeah but the system seemed very quiet, nothing standing out as being a CPU hog [13:49] thanks for your suggestions [13:49] rdowning: yes, this is synaptic [13:50] chris-rc1: ok then search for network-manager [13:50] rdowning: as i said, vpnc support for networkmanager is installed [13:50] chris-rc1: ok [13:51] any1 else able to help chris-rc1 with networkmanager ? [13:51] rdowning: could it be this is beccause kde 4.2 plasmoids are incompatible with 4.1 and they just haven't included it yet? it was in 4.1 [13:52] chris-rc1: that would make sense [13:53] rdowning: openvpn doesn't work either. i'm gonna ask the guys over at #kde [13:53] good plan === Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_ [13:57] is it possible to run adept with a forced dist-upgrade like 'update-manager -d' ? === crash is now known as Guest4414 === Guest4414 is now known as crash001 [14:10] salve a tutti, in poche parola ad ogni riavvio perdo la mia collezione amarok 2, i file si trovano su un'altro disco rigido, al 99% la mia collezzione la perdo perchè kubuntu non effettua il montaggio automatico del disco all'avvio, come risolvo????????? [14:10] salve crash001 [14:10] !it | crash001 [14:10] crash001: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [14:10] <_spm_Draget> How can I prevent that new users get the 'Videos' 'pictures' etc. directories in their home dir? These are not in /etc/skel [14:12] _spm_Draget , share the dirs with other users afaik === scott_ is now known as Guest69944 [14:19] has kubuntu changed a lot since 6.06.1? [14:20] i imagine so [14:20] which are you using? [14:20] 8.04 [14:21] 8.10 here [14:21] i tried upgrading to 8.10, but it was a disaster [14:21] so i reinstalled yesterday [14:21] i read that 8.04 kubuntu has issues with multimonitors... [14:22] not here. i have a dual monitor setup with nvidia card [14:22] but compiz does have issues on dual monitor [14:22] but i dont use it anyway [14:22] one can't skip over other releases , a fresh install is the best way [14:22] yeah, 6.06 must be very old now anyway [14:22] <_spm_Draget> According to the kubuntu.org site in german, kubunut 8.04 is supported till october 2009, is this correct? [14:23] its a long term release so i imagine so [14:23] whereas 8.10 isnt [14:23] plus 8.10 only comes with kde 4.x, which is a showstopper for me [14:23] <_spm_Draget> according to the site 8.10 is supported till 2010, the 8.04 till octiber 2009, which is odd, since I thought this it the LTS version [14:24] ubuntu 8.10 is supported till 2011 [14:24] erm ubuntu 9.04 [14:24] 8.04 [14:24] <_spm_Draget> okay, then it is wrong on the website http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download [14:24] KDE 4.2 locked up when I was on battery and it played a jingle for low-batt warning. anybody know how i can find more info to log a bug report? [14:24] no that is ubuntu i dont know about kubuntu [14:24] wait, i think kubuntu 8.04 isnt a LTS [14:24] because of KDE 4 [14:24] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Beta/Kubuntu [14:25] but ubuntu 8.04 IS [14:25] how confusing [14:25] <_spm_Draget> carpii: Argh =( [14:25] but 8.04 is stable, so its not a huge problem [14:25] whats new in kde4? [14:25] carpii: eveything except the de will be updated till then ;) [14:25] lots [14:25] kde4 is a completely different experience. you should try it on a live cd since it might not be for you [14:26] personally i hate it, really hate it [14:26] Hello, I'm using Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu. How can I reinstall all packages included on Kubuntu. (Well, I want to chose reinstall to 'download packages only') [14:26] what do you not like? [14:26] <_spm_Draget> Does 8.10 also contain kde 3.5? [14:26] I'm used to it now ...works fine [14:26] _spm_Draget , no === jeremy_ is now known as Eruaran [14:27] no spm, 4.x only [14:27] 8.04 if the last rls to contain kde 3.5 [14:27] and upgrading to 8.10 actually removes 3.5 :((( [14:27] carpii: i really struggled with intrepid's kde4, but i'm on the alpha of jaunty and i must say that you're probably gonna love it. apart from a few driver issues caused by xorg (ie not related to kde development), it's an absolute pleasure to work on and it's effects are at a perfect balance between classy and functional [14:27] so there's lots to look forward to [14:28] sounds good zoggy [14:28] kde4 is looking absolutely amazing. it's look rivals the classiness of mac [14:28] zoggy, yeah i should try 4.2, its a lot better apparently. But i tried to upgrade and got into all sorts of mess, so Im keeping this desktop on 8.04 for the forseeable future :) [14:28] carpii, you got to test KDE 4.2, it just wow. [14:28] looks, schmooks [14:28] you could pimp windows 95 to look good [14:28] zoggy: does jaunty have packagekit yet ? [14:28] its how it works that matters [14:29] the problem i have with kde is everything looks so huge. the start menu etc, i just want a simple gui like 3.5, its more productive for me [14:29] rdowning: or windows 3.11 ;p [14:29] you can switch to classic menu style [14:29] sigh [14:29] faileas: true [14:29] yeah i know, i just dont see the benefit :) [14:29] separation of model and view [14:29] right click > click to change to classic menu [14:29] there is a way to install kde 3 0n intrepid, if you have nerve try this :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=963695 [14:30] jeez [14:30] carpii: all the super cool new features are incoming still really [14:30] blueskaj: it works just fine, I have done it [14:30] The benefit is Plasma. [14:30] Blues, thats the procedure i tried yesterday. I dont recommend it [14:30] not really eyt [14:30] yet [14:30] ahh, conflicting reports [14:30] how are batch files called in linuxß [14:30] Plasma is an enabling technology. [14:30] i couldnt even boot into kdm in the end, and when i fixed that, it had lots more problems to tackle [14:30] subscious: probably .sh [14:31] eruaran: exactly, we need ppl to use it for cool things [14:31] but the extention is unimportant [14:31] make sure its executable too [14:31] and akonadi and nepomuk hold promise [14:31] faileas ... why probably? is there diffrent ways of doing scripts? [14:32] subscious no the name of the file is not important in linux [14:32] subscious, a script is just a text file with executable permissions, and then you put your interpreter on the first line like #!/bin/sh [14:32] does linux execute all kinds of text based files? or is it about the header? [14:32] the contents matter and they are identified in better ways than the last 3 letters of the file name [14:32] rdowning, so it installs beside kde4 , and one chooses the desktop at login ? [14:33] blueskaj: yes, it certainly worked with kde4 from 8.10 default install [14:33] but on upgrade to 4.2 I was dismayed to see it all get removed :( [14:33] subscious: linux dosen't care about filenames. its all about content. i've used it to id filetypes before ;) [14:33] rdowning , bummer :( [14:33] subscious: are you trying to do something that we can help with? [14:33] take a tip from me, if youre thinking of upgrading to kde 4.x, back everything up first. you may come to regret it [14:34] im thinkin about makin a installation disc with all the stuff i like on it ... [14:34] for use doing what? [14:34] a custom live cd you can boot on any machine? [14:34] i want to learn writing script files in linux anyways ... [14:35] hmmm both ... i want to compile one for mine and have a general ... [14:35] there are nice tools now that will do as you want and create custom live cds [14:36] i want to learn doing this myself [14:36] well for now it would do to have a script that installs certain packages i need === adam00 is now known as adam000 [14:37] aptitude is a general linux command? or is it debian like only? [14:37] any idea about my question above? [14:37] debian and friends only [14:37] sadly there is no real universal insatll method on linux other than compile from source [14:37] subscious , works in (k)ubuntu [14:37] and that can quickly lead to pain [14:38] osamak: repeat? [14:38] Hello, I'm using Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu. How can I reinstall all packages included on Kubuntu. (Well, I want to chose reinstall to 'download packages only') [14:38] yeah, svn should be eliminated [14:38] osamak: so strip it back to just the initial install ? [14:39] rdowning, what do you mean? [14:39] osamak: I am trying to understand what you mean [14:39] kubuntu is ubuntu, just with a different desktop interface [14:39] all the internals are the same [14:40] !purekde [14:40] If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » [14:40] OsamaK, kde and gnome are desktops , not operating ssytems [14:40] BluesKaj, I knew that :) [14:40] subscious: aptitude is a front end for dpkg, which is only used on debian based systems. packagenames and versions might be different too [14:40] Eruaran: not sure what you mean by packagekit. i just changed my /etc/apt/sources and did an upgrade. carpii: there was a small issue with amarok and mysql-server during installation, but i just removed them and installed them later. all working now [14:41] rdowning, I want to have all kubuntu packages on my '/var/cache/apt/archive', then I'll be able to copy that folder and paste it into another offline-computer, then I'll be able to install Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu without accessing the internet. [14:41] OsamaK, so what are you trying to do ?.too much info confuses me :) [14:41] osamak: ah ok [14:41] zoggy: Oh, Adept is not going to be in Kubuntu9.04, they are switching to KPackageKit (and Ubuntu is switching from Synaptic to PackageKit) [14:42] perhaps clone? [14:42] zoggy: I was wondering if that had made its appearance yet [14:42] BluesKaj, the last message will explain. [14:42] subscious: you can run any test file like this "sh filename" [14:42] * faileas wouldn't notice. apt all the way ;) [14:42] osamak: apt-proxy can create a mirror of the whole package archive [14:43] rdowning: i thought that was apt-mirror? [14:43] osamak: but its huge, 20_000 packages [14:43] rdowning, no, I don't thing so, it must be about 200 package only. [14:43] faileas: you are probably right [14:43] Eruaran: ah, thanks! i haven't seen it yet, but i used apt..... would never attempt a huge upgrade using the gui. is packagekit console-based? [14:43] rdowning, I spent many months trying finding a way for offline installation. so I really want to apply this [and only this] method. [14:44] osamak: ok just the ones that come down when you do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? [14:44] exactly. [14:44] apt-get option '-d' seems to do just that [14:44] OsamaK: you could also use aptoncd to copy the packages installed on a box [14:44] so on a clean ubuntu system, do: apt-get -d install kubuntu-desktop [14:44] i think [14:45] zoggy: its a front end metapackage thingy that is supposed to work with all backends so any distro can use it (Fedora already uses it for example). [14:45] OsamaK: i use apt-proxy and love it, but not always offline i guess... there may be new packages from time to time. does the solution require being totally offline? [14:46] faileas, aptoncd copies files on the archive, the problem is that, for some reasons, I don't have the packages on my archive: that what I'm trying to do! [14:46] Eruaran: thanks, i'm installing it now.. [14:46] rdowning, mine isn't 'clean' this is another problem :) [14:46] !purekde [14:46] If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » [14:46] rdowning, so I'll use the UI and tell it to 'download packages only'. [14:47] osamak: ok if its an option in the GUI then use that [14:47] rdowning, I don't want to remove Gnome. [14:47] osamak: not sure how I have helped if you already knew that option? [14:47] Does 9.04 still have pulseaudio as a dependancy ? [14:48] I hate that crap [14:48] ... [14:48] rdowning, There is no 'meta' package, if I selected 'kubuntu-desktop' it will only download its package alone. [14:48] is the only difference from apt-get to aptitude the interface? and if not so is the process of installation etc diffrent? [14:48] I'm trying to 'mark' all packages of Kubuntu. [14:48] I wanted to remove it and it said kubuntu-desktop was dependant on it... like umm... It was gonna rip the guts out of kubuntu [14:48] osamak: so you have a customised system but would like to know the list of packages that need to be installed on top of a clean system? [14:49] osamak: I cannot answer that [14:49] yeah.. I thought it must be much easier :) [14:49] osamak: apt-get -d should do dependency resolution as well [14:49] subscious , aptitude handles dependencies better than apt , both during install and removal [14:50] rdowning, "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded." is the output! [14:50] osamak: any chance you could set up a virtual machine with KVM or qemu ? [14:50] Wha'ts KVM and qemu. [14:50] osamak: never mind [14:50] :) [14:50] osamak: I was just trying to get you a clean system [14:50] (repeating question, pardon the flood) i changed monitors, and adjusted the corresponding Xorg entry to set the correct resolution for the new monitor, adjusted usplash, modified vga modes in grub. Everything works with the new res, EXCEPT kde and kdm. If i change the res inside kde, the current session changes to the coprrect res, but upon login, kdm reverts to 1024, and on relogin kde reverts to 1024... UNTIL i enter the "display" [14:51] module in system settings, upon which it automatically changes the res to 1280, before allowing for any prompt. This setting, as well as any modifications to plasma workspace, are reverted upon logout. HELP!? [14:51] please please please someone help me :( [14:51] rdowning, yeah! maybe I can use the LiveCD? [14:51] osamak: great idea! [14:51] thank you for the 'virtual machine' :) [14:52] I'm going to test that.. [14:52] osamak: must have prompted some thought in you :) [14:54] gorgonzola , have you installed your graphic card linux drivers , or are you just using the generic that HAL provides ? [14:54] how can i make athe live cd load the whole cd into the ram? [14:55] subscious not easy, you would have to make a RAM disk and change root FS into it [14:55] arent live cds always loading a fs into ram? === cuznt is now known as butthead [14:56] heh you said ram heh === butthead is now known as cuznt [14:56] BLuesKaj: i am on flglrx on a radeon card. [14:56] subcious yes a temp one but the contents of the CD are left on there [14:56] arent live cds always loading a FS into RAM? <= better? [14:56] that would take a bunch of ram would it not? [14:56] i have 4gb [14:56] buttheads, I mean loads [14:57] subscious: not all of them do [14:57] things like Damn Small Linux load into RAM, and scream along as a result [14:57] you need the toram cheatcode [14:58] but thats only about 80 megabytes [14:58] knoppix allows loading into ram as well [14:58] faileas: new to me, but looks kosher! [14:58] do cheatcodes apply to all linux distros? [14:59] subscious: no [14:59] no [14:59] to debain and friends then? [14:59] not even that [14:59] how to enable hardware acceleration on kde4 ? [14:59] well ... does the toram command apply to ubuntu/kubuntu? [15:00] yes [15:00] ... apparently [15:00] at what point can i type it in? [15:00] right at the first boot screen after your turn the PC on with the CD in [15:00] thomas? [15:01] gorgonzola, modified vga modes in grub ? [15:01] BLuesKaj: yes, vga=795 [15:01] in grub or xorg.conf ? [15:02] BluesKaj: everything is set to 1280: grub, usplash, X. everything actually works at that res, EXCEPT for kdm and kde [15:02] whats the meaning of all this: Dapper Drake, Gutsy Gibbon .... [15:03] BleusKaj that fail to preserver its settings... kdm loads at 1024, kde logins at 1024, no matter what i say in system settings, and then, if i open that module in syssettings, the res suddenly reverts to the correct value... like it's not catching it up until explicitly read or something... [15:03] !codenames [15:03] Ubuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more [15:03] never heard of modding in grub before, that's totally new to me , gorgonzola [15:03] BluesKaj its a little neat feature of grub, pasing vga modes to the kernel, i've never had any issues with that [15:03] jaunty juandice [15:04] how would i go about acessing my windows directory? [15:04] BleusKaj: besides, i'm trying to purge any reference to a different res in my system, in an attempt to make kdm start at 1280... [15:04] i *really* would hate to reinstall just to make the install program set my res... [15:04] gorgonzola, hope you din't update the kernel after doing the mod [15:05] eightieskhild it should be listed as an icon in "Storage Media" through Dolphin (if you use dolphin for file management) [15:05] where can i find detailed package / compatibility / kernel version/ etc... lists for the diffrent distros and their releases ? [15:05] www.distrowatch.com is good [15:05] BluesKaj: ah? no, i manually edited menu.lst, and set the default automagic generator to append vga=795 to new entries. really, i know what i'm doing in the grub conf... :) [15:06] besides, i haven't had any kernel updates after the change f monitor. [15:07] rdowning: it is listed but it won't let me select it after selecting it it goes back to the icon above it. [15:08] Is anybody else facing issues with widgets in 4.2? [15:08] I just get unknown widgets for the majority of them when I click add [15:08] eightieskhild with no errors anywhere to be seen? [15:09] is there anything one has to know about creating swap partitions? (i wasnt able creating one on my local hdd) [15:09] eightieskhild try to right-click on it and choose "mount" [15:09] correct [15:09] i did [15:09] it has no option to mount [15:10] is there an unmount option? [15:10] gorgonzola, maybe a change in the xorg.conf file might work tho , but with intrepid it's quite useless to edit in my exprience , tried to add "input device " keyboard ,ctrl:nocaps...wouldn't accept the edits , it crashed X . [15:10] no. [15:10] sounds like NTFS is not supported for some reason for you [15:10] no === andrea_ is now known as kobaltx [15:10] BluesKaj: wtf? that's completely unaceptable. if i encounter that, i switch to debian on the spot. luckily, my xorg.conf has never given me any problems... [15:11] i could never get my nfts to mount [15:11] i have ntfs with my other partitions [15:11] also. [15:11] BluesKaj: and the problem doesn't seem to be on X. it's kde... [15:11] eightieskhild , did you check dolphin , for (volume) ntfs ? [15:11] my net speed isn't what it should be. [15:12] gorgonzola, take a look at it ...it's barebones [15:12] BluesKaj: you mean debian? or your xorg? [15:13] kubuntu 8.10 [15:13] ya [15:13] i got the drive [15:13] what did you do? [15:13] i just need a lil hrelp with why my nets so slow [15:14] sudo dolphin [15:14] :-p [15:14] help* [15:14] rdowning, dolphin shows the ntfs partitions in intrepid [15:15] yes I know, eightieskhild had the problem [15:16] eightieskhild is it poor performance or slow to connect initially? [15:16] 22 minutes to download pidgin on a 10mbps connection is my issue lol [15:16] poor performance [15:16] its making my wow lag ; ; [15:17] help me...how to install using rpm file on ubuntu [15:18] !rpm | fix [15:18] fix: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) [15:19] how to install flash player on kubuntu 7.04? [15:19] fix_: better is install similar package from deb;) [15:20] ur mean? update? [15:20] ? [15:20] anyone? [15:20] ; ; [15:23] fix_: 7.04 is no longer supported [15:23] eightieskid is it slow connecting to everywhere? the server may be busy [15:23] consider upgrading to 7.10, 8.04 or 8.10 [15:23] stdin: stole my words as I was typing them... [15:24] rdowning: everywhere... [15:24] go all the way stdin go for it.... 8.10 kde 4.2 [15:24] anyone know which package contains all of plasma's widgets in 4.2? [15:24] eightieskhild compared with? have you tried one of teh bandwidth tester websites? [15:24] cuznt: I'm already on Jaunty (9.04) [15:24] compared to my windows install [15:25] why i it possible to send encrypted files containing unencrypted parts? [15:25] Captain_Haddock: kdeplasma-addons [15:25] thanks stdin [15:25] Hi my wife and her (daughter whom lives in another city) are handicapped and they play a game in yahoo IM called listira it is a word game but we want to change to Linux on my wifes laptop for all the viruses that effect windows linux is safer is there a yahoo im with the same functions for linux as windows they also talk to each other as they play usine a usb headphone mic combo [15:25] i thought you were asking [15:25] all my widgets appear to be broken [15:25] * cuznt was just trying to be supportive [15:25] cuznt: I was replying to fix_ [15:25] pardon [15:27] runpain2 there are plenty of IM clients that will connect to yahoo but I really doubt your game would be supported [15:27] runpain2: yahoo do have a client for linux, but it's horribly old and has almost no features other than plain text chat. there are clients that work on the yahoo protocol but won't have the games support [15:27] also plz use some punctuation, its hard to read otherwise [15:27] rdowning: ive seen yahoo run pretty well via wine. [15:27] hi good day 2 u all guys [15:27] i wish they could make it for linux [15:27] good point, that way could work [15:27] tricky perhaps [15:28] there is a yahoo proprietry client for linux iirc [15:28] I use wine for a few things.... [15:28] yeah I have crossover office here [15:28] jussi01: but its only messages. [15:28] him tried it in wine but seems stubrine [15:28] eightieskhild: ahh [15:28] it might also be possible to play the game via the browser and chat via IM... unsure [15:28] jussi01: it's from the '90s [15:28] stdin: hahaha ok. [15:28] here's one ------> 7 [15:28] 90's FTW [15:28] xD [15:29] be back in a bit [15:29] i like to ask how can i see how many kerneles do i have from konsole? "uname -r (a)" gives me only the one i am working with but i want to get all the ones i have on konsole any one knows a command for it pls???? [15:29] dpkg -l linux-image* [15:29] luis_ ^ [15:30] hi, which is the tool for configuring samba through a web page ? the options in konqueror are buggy, so I want to use this other system [15:30] swat [15:30] thans rdowning [15:30] excellent [15:30] thank you very much rdowning [15:30] np [15:31] in fact, yahoo don't even list the linux download any more. just windows, mac, mobile and web [15:31] what is super user file managment called in term [15:32] rdowning: sorry: the associated web page (with port)? [15:32] runpain2: to do what? [15:33] to use root file managment [15:33] use sudo for terminal commands [15:33] or use "kdesudo dolphin" or "kdesudo konqueror" for a GUI [15:34] http://localhost:901 [15:34] ocs ^ [15:34] thanks again rdowning [15:35] are there some sorts of limitations to swap partitions? [15:36] not really [15:36] hmmm i tryed creating on ewith the installer... it didnt work [15:37] subscious not normally any limit, did an error show up ? [15:37] yeah i guess... sth like unable to create partition [15:37] perhaps not enough room on your disk? [15:38] if 100gig is not enough [15:38] heh [15:38] you can have swap files [15:38] how much RAM do you have? [15:38] i tryed creating it with 40 gig first.... and then with 2 gig ... than i lost patience [15:38] 4gb [15:39] btw is heh sth like hehe or rather a huh? [15:39] When I try to click on links in some applications I run into the following error message: "could not find service kfmclient" [15:40] I suspect that this has something to Konqueror not being my default web browser... === crash is now known as Guest84033 === Guest84033 is now known as crash001 [15:40] any idea how to fix it? [15:40] kubuntu 7.04 what file type software used? rpm/deb? [15:40] subscious with 4G of RAM dont bother with swap [15:40] deb [15:40] ok thanks [15:40] subscious heh == hehe [15:42] .... 40 didswap? [15:44] where can i find new icon sets that i can use on kde 3.5 desktop ? [15:45] or is there any way to have kde read an icon from a windows exe (when putting a wine shortcut on desktop)? [15:47] hi! [15:49] playing a midi on commandline with timidity the midi sounds nearly like music ;), but with rosegarden or even pmidi: lags, unuseable. got intel hardware with ac97. [15:50] how can i install mac and google gadgets on kde 4.2 ..they doesnt appear correctly [15:50] knusperfrosch: got a realtime kernel? [15:51] knusperfrosch: the one in 8.10 is actually broken, but I expect thats your issue [15:54] jussi01: nope, no realtime kernel, so linux-image-rt is what i need? [15:54] Friends I would like to invite you all to show up at Tokamak, a KDE summit to discuss the future of Plasma. from day 6 to 9, at Porto (ISEP) Portugal. http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Tokamak2 & http://tuxvermelho.blogspot.com/2009/01/tokamak-ii-no-porto.html [15:54] knusperfrosch: are you on 8.10? [15:54] jussi01: yes i am [15:55] knusperfrosch: as I said, the realtime kernel is borked in 8.10 at the moment [15:55] but you can try, the package you need (meta) is linux-rt [15:55] how do you allow the root user to login? [15:56] jussi01: well i guess i'll install 8.04 on a second partition. i'm afraid that 9.04 won't ship any kde3 packages. so there won't be rosegarden... [15:57] knusperfrosch: yeah, Im not sure how that works. [15:57] !info rosegarden jaunty [15:57] rosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.7.2-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 3885 kB, installed size 9552 kB [15:58] jussi01: good to know. [16:04] ct529: why do you want to allow root to login? [16:04] !eee [16:04] Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC [16:05] rdowning: not why but how [16:06] ct529 you just need to give the root user a password [16:06] sudo passwd root [16:06] but why run the desktop as root ? [16:07] rdowning: I have already done that but does not allow me to run the desktop .... :( [16:08] ct529: logging in as root is a Bad Thing (TM), use sudo on the command line or kdesu in the GUI if you need to run something as root [16:10] ct529 you need to configure your login window to permit you to use root, this differs depending on your choice of login window KDM, GDM etc [16:10] ct529: you need to allow the root user in the Login Manager in System Settings IIRC.. but I would not recommend it unless absolutely necessary.. [16:11] I am using kdm, and allowed it, but it does not let me do it .... [16:14] I cannot find a tick box to tick to allow root login [16:22] dammit it's annoying that the firefox in the repository is gnome-specifix [16:22] specific* [16:25] Got a problem with kde4.2 and the folderview applet, as i understand i should have the same functionality as in dolphin when i do a right click on a file shown inside the folderview-applet, BUT there are lots of options missing, like all the extract-options on archives, any way to fix this ? [16:27] Can somebody help me with installingh intel drivers ?? [16:27] i Installed the indel xorg packaga [16:27] but my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m76fa1828 looks pretty empty [16:28] shouldn't be there modes listed etc [16:29] had the xorg config of one guy @ work with same laptop and there was very more in that file --> he uses opensuse [16:32] ward_: The xorg file is becoming less and less used. They want to eventually do away with it altogether and shift everything so udev reports to the x server hardware and it loads auto the appropriate drivers [16:36] how can I see that the good module is loaded ? [16:36] and he uses the drivers [16:37] ct529 tick the box by the root user in the list on the "users" tab [16:37] you need to enter administrator mode to do this [16:41] rdowning: done but does not work [16:41] hi all! did anyone use Antico ? i can not find any another styles for it... [16:41] ct529 dont know then sorry [16:41] ct529 still not convinced you need to run the desktop as root [16:43] ct529: If you run your *buntu box as root and have problems, you won't get much sympathy here. === mini-man_ is now known as mini-man [16:48] hi peoples [16:48] how to install kde 4.2 on Ubuntu with gnome - 8.10 intrepid? [16:48] look @ kubuntu.org :) [16:48] rosset: See also the link in the channel /topic for 4.2 [16:49] any ppa's for mozilla weave? [16:49] im try http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2-beta-2 [16:49] there are experimental repository's you can add in apt sources [16:49] ward_, ok, i add now === k4v is now known as m4v [16:49] package name for kde4 is?? [16:50] you should do apt-get update [16:50] and then upt-get dist-upgrade [16:50] ok === rosset is now known as rosset-brb [16:53] So, KDE 4.2 if finallly out? I'm assuming because my updates went from 22, to 119 :) [16:54] its out, and it ROCKS [16:55] can I see what the status of packaging 4.2 is ? [16:56] I see that I have updated but the package kdebase-workspace is still [16:56] kdebase-workspace_4.1.2-0ubuntu12_all.deb === rosset-brb is now known as rosset [17:01] hi [17:01] anyone here? [17:02] what does it look like? [17:05] is there any way to set kmail to automatically show html images for certain trusted senders ? [17:09] hi, anybody installed kde 4.2 with nvidia driver 180.22? the compositing effects of 4.1 where quite well, but kde 4.2 broke them somehow... === Pricey is now known as Guest39261 [17:14] hi :-) after upgrading to kde4.2, i am not able to start thunderbird anymore :-( i get the follwing message : "gecko:21457): Pango-WARNING **: failed to create cairo scaled font, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'DejaVu Sans Bold Oblique 9.9990234375' [17:14] Segmentation fault === nicolas_ is now known as Guest97953 === Guest97953 is now known as Bou [17:20] scoopex , change fonts in thunderbird , if you were using optional ones [17:20] somehow I keep ending up with 2 Xorg's running, both cmdline says are -vt7, yet rc2.d only has one display manager in it. [17:27] hello? === blaze is now known as Guest73576 === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [17:33] so is ppa.launchpad.net the offical kubuntu experimental repo's? [17:34] http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu <<< [17:35] see topic. [17:35] mmk [17:35] well the public key was off [17:35] I figured better be safe than being a sheep ^_^ [17:35] :p === MuzerAway is now known as Muzer [17:43] <\kira> After a new installation, i updated, and restarted. It appeared to start okay, but while logging in, I get this error: Could not start kstartupconfig. Check your installation. [17:43] <\kira> clicking okay returns me to the login screen === ralf_ is now known as geckolein [17:45] <\kira> if I try to start in failsafe, I get this: there was an error setting up a inter-proccess communications for KDE. The message returned was: could not read network connection list. //.DCOPserver_Uplink__0. Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running! [17:46] <\kira> then it returns a write error, and drops me to a shell [17:49] have you tried what it suggests ? [17:49] Morning guys [17:49] <\kira> um... No, because Ive just found that all of our home directories are gone... [17:49] <\kira> everythin [17:49] <\kira> my /home/ is empty [17:49] <\kira> :| [17:50] <\kira> thanks god for backup [17:50] <\kira> would that cause the error? === gamegod is now known as gamegod_ [17:56] Wie ktoś może jak zrestartować karte wifi z wiersza polecen ? [17:56] !pl [17:56] llist [17:56] Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl [17:57] Snap, /join #ubuntu-pl [17:57] ok thx [17:57] Anybody know how to restart wifi card ? [17:58] i upgraded to 4.2 kde and now i have no keyboard [18:00] can someone help me with my keyboard error [18:01] -.- [18:03] Ahmuck-Jr: do you have a keyboard section in xorg.conf ? [18:03] i can check oddly, alt-f4, etc works but nothing else [18:03] which does allow me to get to a command line [18:03] but i'm dead in the wind in the gui of kde 4.2 [18:05] Ahmuck-Jr: I guess we could type for you and you can paste command with the mouse if you need to [18:05] Any one ? (live cd installation /ubuntu 8.10 ii, *hit install* , black screen with blinking underscore, has it happend ? solution :s ???) [18:05] I'm using kubuntu hardy and am considering to upgrade to kubuntu ibex. I have no functioning CD-burner. Can I test kubuntu ibex before upgrading to it? (I heard some negative experiences with KDE) [18:06] Iejoor: So your on KDE 3.5? [18:06] Ahmuck-Jr: how are you typing in here? another computer I suppose? [18:06] cbwcjw: I think so, not sure how to find that out. [18:07] can any1 help its like super important :/ iam stuck with vista 64bit , stood on xp cd [18:07] Iejoor: Does it look somewhat like this: http://kde.org/screenshots/images/3.5/01-welcome.png [18:08] Iejoor: or more like this: http://kde.org/announcements/4.1/screenshots/desktop.png [18:08] At work I had issues with changing the interval for "Monitor for Silence" in a newer version of Konsole than I'm using. [18:08] Iejoor, open konqueror /help/about kde [18:09] sigh :/ [18:09] Yes. 3.5.10. === piquadrat_ch is now known as piquadrat [18:10] Boomking: what do you want help with? installing kubuntu? [18:10] yes [18:10] mefisto__: yes [18:10] k, here is the behavior [18:10] i can type the password and login, but loose the keyboard after logging in [18:10] Boomking: sorry, just saw your previous message [18:10] Hi, After a clean install of Kubuntu - can i get amarok 2.0 from the repositories? [18:10] Iejoor, if you decide to upgrade to 8.10 ,then the default kde is 4.2 , but you can also reinstall kde 3.5 and choose which desktop at login [18:11] none of the windows have the x in the upper left, and i can't seem to get the application focus to switch from one to another with the mouse [18:11] At work it is KDE 4.1.3 / Konsole 2.1, and there was no "Configure Konsole" option in the Konsole -> Settings menu, and changing .kde/share/config/konsolerc value for SilenceSeconds didn't work. [18:11] BluesKaj: is KDE 4.2 on the repos now? [18:11] its ok [18:11] BluesKaj: install kde3 in intrepid? ppa repo? [18:11] Iejoor: If you want to upgrade, be sure to read this: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KDE3-KDE4Migration [18:11] Any one ? (live cd installation /ubuntu 8.10 ii, *hit install* , black screen with blinking underscore, has it happend ? solution :s ???) [18:11] it just sticks there [18:11] doesnt freeze [18:12] Ok, but my main question really was, can I try it out without making a Live CD? [18:12] the same cd works on a differnt machine [18:12] I might want to wait a little longer. [18:12] I might want to wait a little longer and I don't have a functioning CD-burner. [18:12] Iejoor, how is your internet connection ? [18:12] Iejoor: you could install in virtualbox to try it out [18:12] Iejoor, what about live usb [18:12] i downloaded the 64 bit version it 2 works on just one of my machines [18:13] i tryed installing it with out my graphics card [18:13] BluesKaj: It's very fast, 100 mbit. [18:13] you're on 8.04 now ? [18:13] mefisto__: ok, virtualbox is a keyword that is useful for me, it sounds like a virtual machine, do I need a lot of memory? [18:14] bazhang: I don't know if my laptop can boot from USB. [18:14] Iejoor, how old [18:14] 3 1/2 years [18:14] 512 mib ram [18:14] How do I install KDE 4.2 on GNOME Ubuntu? [18:14] may well do, virtualbox-ose could as well [18:14] Ok. [18:15] theunixgeek , which version of ubuntu ? [18:15] Iejoor: how much ram do you have? what's your graphics card like? [18:15] Iejoor, though with that amount of ram will be very slow in vm [18:15] mefisto__: I have 512 MiB ram. [18:15] Hi [18:15] Iejoor, so you can just see, and not play so much [18:16] * BluesKaj backs off from Iejoor ...already too many cooks [18:16] BluesKaj: Intrepid [18:16] Iejoor, there are also youtube vids of it, and screencasts/screenshots [18:16] so, with catalyst 9.2 beta, theres no longer flickering with xvideo and kde4.2 desktop effects enabled [18:16] Hi I will be installing Kubuntu tomorrow, I hear KDE 4.2 is released, can i just upgrade to it after installing it tomorrow? [18:16] its not perfect, but theyre getting somewhere [18:16] guess i'll re-install [18:16] Iejoor, just to get the flavor [18:16] Ok. [18:16] theunixgeek , then, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [18:16] BluesKaj: for 4.2? [18:17] http://www.kubuntu.org/doc/index.php in firefox want save the file... [18:17] yup [18:17] My main worry is "I am missing the ''_x_'' configuration/customisation Option" really. [18:17] Thanks for the information. [18:17] seems the redirection don't work === vonkleist_ is now known as vonkleist [18:18] work fine with http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php [18:18] theunixgeek 4.2 was officially released yeaterday [18:18] Maybe I'll stay with 8.04 for a while [18:18] BluesKaj: I didn't know Canonical updated so quickly :) thanks [18:19] anyone else notice the flashplayer starts lagging after a while of using konqueror ? [18:19] x86_64 [18:19] Bye. [18:19] ultimately, youtube vids etc will just stop loading [18:19] strangely if i load up opera it will work just fine [18:20] theunixgeek , well if it isn't try add these debs to your sources.list deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main , deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main [18:20] check [18:20] BluesKaj: no it's not 4.2 [18:20] BluesKaj: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 [18:20] It says it's still under kubuntu-experimental [18:20] theunixgeek , then read add the debs i posted above [18:20] they wont put 4.2 into main [18:21] for intrepid [18:21] pls does any one knows how exacctly i could takeout the cdrom in my repository? [18:21] BluesKaj: I closed my IRC window; I didn't see what you typed afterwards :P [18:21] zicada: oh, ok [18:21] i do know it's in /etc/apt/sources.list [18:21] helpdesk put a # in front of it [18:22] there is # already on every line [18:22] blueskaj: when i use the vi sources.list [18:22] helpdesk then , delete the ones with a deb except the cdrom [18:22] blueskaj: oh ok [18:22] the # in fron that [18:23] blueskaj: let me try it and see what happens [18:23] helpdesk not the debs thenselves just the # [18:24] um, i doubt every repo is commented out sir [18:24] blueskaj: i see some statements starting with # and others starting with the deb [18:24] helpdesk: do you use vi normally ? [18:24] helpdesk: eg, are you familiar with it [18:24] nope [18:24] ok [18:24] close vi [18:24] just decided to use it to view the file [18:24] type :q [18:24] zicada : ok [18:24] then type pico /etc/apt/sources.list [18:24] zicada: so what do i use then [18:25] zicada : hold on [18:25] only # in front of the deb , leave the rest , helpdesk [18:25] now, is there really a # in front of every line in that file ? [18:26] just use your arrow keys to scroll down the entire file [18:26] ok [18:26] here is what i see [18:26] or page-up / page-down [18:26] http://www.eumenide.org/lista/?q=cesare+cremonini# [18:26] first, there is a # deb cdrom [18:26] and sometimes, i see deb cdrom [18:26] and sometimes i see # cdrom [18:26] my Firefox take 12% of 2Gb memory. Is it possible ? [18:26] on every line there is either a # or a deb or both preceeding a statement [18:26] llist [18:27] list [18:27] leave the # infront of both cdrom [18:27] fidji: yes [18:27] Blueskaj: ok but what abt the ones with the deb? [18:27] damn !!! ;) [18:27] fidji: especially if you have lots of tabs open [18:27] rubinof, dont paste warez links in here [18:28] delete the # in front of the deb lines...those are urls to repositories that contain packages [18:28] Not lots of tab but I use Fast dial module... [18:28] rubinof, this is Kubuntu support only. [18:29] blueskaj: but where i have # deb cdrom.. i only deleted the deb leaving the # cdrom, is this ok ? [18:29] no leave the # for both === not-xjjk is now known as xjjk [18:30] blueskaj: so wherever i see both on a line i leave it i.e # deb cdrom, i should not touch that line? [18:30] yes [18:31] helpdesk, do you know about pastebin ? [18:31] blueskaj: when i finish putting # in front of the cdrom, how do i save my modification ? [18:31] !paste [18:31] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [18:31] bluesKaj: nope i dont know abt pastebin. tell me pls [18:31] blueskaj: u mean paste? [18:31] !compiz [18:31] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion [18:31] !pastebin [18:31] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [18:32] how do i get to the pastebin from the command line? [18:32] pastebin is in the internet [18:32] nuttesöhhhnn [18:32] blueskaj: how do i get there from the command line [18:33] lynx [18:33] !info pastebinit [18:33] pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 88 kB [18:33] hola [18:33] muetter fickerrr [18:33] now thats just sweet, didint know that :) [18:33] tedy, watch the language [18:33] oops [18:34] oh sry helpdesk , to save the file in the commandline ctrl+O , to exit ctrl+X [18:34] helpdesk, install pastebinit [18:34] i've lost my keyboard in kde4 since upgrading to kde4.2 [18:34] blueskaj: do i need to still go to pastebin? [18:34] look under your desktop [18:34] when kde4.2 packages will appear in backports? [18:35] Bou, ?? [18:35] bazhang: joke to Ahmuck-Jr [18:35] ha ha [18:35] bazhang: not a good one , I confess [18:35] no don't bother helpdesk, have you taken out or uncommented , as it's called in linux the # in fron of the url's starting with deb ? [18:38] blueskaj: yes [18:39] blueskaj: i did the # thing bcuz anytime i try to apt-get install patch, it kept requesting i insert a cdrom and then enter [18:39] blueskaj: now that i have taken that out and tried to install patch command again, there is a new error this time [18:39] patch cmnd ? [18:40] hi all, i'm sorry, but I can't seem to find the solution to this problem, and I'm hoping someone can help me....I'm running Kubuntu 8.10 in virtualbox on a win xp pro machine. It's working fabulously well, until I decided to activate some advanced effects on the display, and now KDE loads, but it's all black, and I can't undo it. Anyone know how I can fix this problem? how can i disable the advanced display effects? [18:41] blueskaj: yes [18:41] BluesKaj: apt-cache show patch [18:41] shayaknyc, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and comment out the line saying composite= yes [18:41] blueskaj: i tried to apply a patch file to a kernel source and dat was teh genesis of the whole problem [18:42] blueskaj: the instruction came that i dont have the patch commd installed [18:42] Option "Composite" "Enable" [18:42] that one [18:42] blueskaj: when i tried to install it, another problem came up saying i need to install the cdrom and press enter [18:42] thanks, i'll try it now... [18:42] blueskaj: now that i have finally taken out the cdrom, there is a new error msg [18:43] blueskaj: when i enter the apt-get install patch on the terminal, it gives the following error: [18:43] could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-open [18:44] unable to lock the administration directory [18:44] use sudo [18:44] anybody knows how to correct this error? [18:44] yes i used sudo [18:44] that's why i am so shocked! [18:45] close other instances of adept/synaptic etc then [18:45] helpdesk sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock [18:45] That error also occurs when another process is using the packaging system in some way. Like updates or so on [18:45] exactly but i dont have any other process suing the packaging system [18:45] but how do i check that there is no other process using the packaging system? [18:46] !aptfix [18:46] If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [18:46] helpdesk , did yousave and exit the sources.list ? [18:47] Hi, the covers that amarok 1.4.10 fetches from amazon.com - is it a permanent thing? I am going to install Kubuntu on my other partition - will the covers be there when I put Amarok 2.0 on it and browse my same music? [18:48] gmathews: yes, it'll give you the option to import the old info [18:50] stdin: does that include my cached lyrics as well (I was using the wiki lyrics script) [18:50] i have a vm player and on it i have kubuntu but the browser of the kubuntu is not accessable to the internet even though i am wired connected [18:50] anybody got a clue? [18:50] hi all. Im running kubuntu 8.10. I cant empty my trash.... :( any idea? [18:50] carpii: I'm in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and there is no line that says composite at all... :( [18:50] gmathews: not sure, #amarok would know [18:51] stdin: they are all sleeping there :p [18:51] shaya, what effects did you enable ? [18:51] helpdesk, and your prior issue? of apt being broken? [18:51] yeah [18:52] i went into system properties, display, and in the display effects I enabled the special effects [18:52] which, apparently, i cannot support [18:52] now i am installing the patch but i am still not sure cuz it's still running [18:52] so now, I can't login to the GUI only console [18:52] helpdesk, you never responded to our queries [18:52] paste your xorg.conf to http://pastie.org [18:53] helpdesk , ok now after you save ,(ctrl+O) and exit (crtl+X) , sudo apt-get install kubuntu desktop [18:53] blueskaj: u want me to install kubuntu desktop? [18:53] blueskaj: i only got the kubuntu image on my vm player [18:54] didn't you want kde4.2 ? [18:54] helpdesk, you are applying a kernel patch to a vm kernel? [18:54] oh lord , now he tells me [18:54] i can't copy/paste the xorg.conf file since i'm in console only [18:54] blueskaj: when i tried to install patch using apt-get install patch, it gave an error: unable to fetch some archive [18:54] enuff..i need a break [18:54] blueskaj: ne i am not applying patch to the vm but to the kernel source i downloaded [18:55] helpdesk, why would you need to patch a vm kernel? [18:55] shaya, ok well maybe you can just move xorg.conf to another filename, leaving no xorg.conf [18:55] then it ought to get you to reconfig the display when you next boot [18:55] dont delete it though [18:55] i'll try that.... [18:55] bazhang: no i am not patching a vm player. i am only running my kubuntu OS on it [18:56] shaya, wait, youre on kde 4.x so its different [18:56] you need to edit the .kde/share/config/kwinrc file in your home dir [18:56] oops...well...i renamed xorg.conf [18:56] ok [18:56] change "Compositing" to false [18:56] hello! Is qt4.5 already out? Can I install it in kubuntu 8.10? [18:57] hmm...ok, i see a whole bunch of options...but i'm not sure which ones to comment out.... [18:57] blueskaj: there is an error now saying : could not resolve archieve.ubuntu.com [18:58] it should say Compositing Enabled=true [18:58] change that to false [18:59] carpii: they all start with kwin4_effect_NAMEOFEFFECT=true/false [18:59] i don't see one that says compositing [18:59] i have a problem, and its driving me crazy. Ark is not integrated with Dolphin. Nor Konqueror. I cant work with archive files. How can i fix this?? Please......... [19:00] hm ok, very odd [19:00] i dont know then, sorry [19:01] i toggled 2 options that I recall turning on...so let's see what happens.... [19:01] shadow and sharpen... [19:01] any body knows how i could resolve the error: could not resolve 'archieve.ubuntu.com'? [19:01] change it to archive ? [19:01] helpdesk, paste.ubuntu.com with sources.list [19:02] archive is the right spelling [19:02] he's on the cli, bazhang [19:02] helpdesk, this is the vm? [19:02] KRunner in KDE 4.2 won't let me run a command with commanline options. in KDE 4.1.x it did let me do that. is there a way to do this in KDE 4.2? [19:02] bazhang: yes [19:02] BluesKaj, hard to tell at this point [19:02] untitled_: QT 4.5 Beta1 source code is at http://www.qtsoftware.com/developer/preview-qt-4.5#download-the-beta However, you have to build yourself if you want it. There may eventually be some package available for 8.10 or 8.04 but none yet that I'm aware of. [19:02] bazhang: i have on this vm player an image of kubuntu [19:03] helpdesk, and what is the host [19:03] bazhang: i dont get u , wht u mean the host? u mean how? [19:03] helpdesk, also, which kernel are you patching? [19:04] bazhang: i am patching the source :2.6.23 [19:04] helpdesk, virtual machine = vm; there is a guest (kubuntu) and a host (??) [19:04] bazhang: oh [19:05] bazhang: i typed in hostname to the cmnd line and found out the host is ubuntu [19:06] helpdesk, that makes no sense [19:06] bazhang: do u mean the internet service provider or the what? [19:07] helpdesk, you have a virtual machine of kubuntu installed/running on top of ubuntu? and are trying to patch the ubuntu kernel? [19:08] bazhang: there is a course i am taking currently and in the course, i have been asked to get a kernel source perferrably 2.6.23, download two patch files from it and apply these patch files to another source i have unpacked which is 2.6.22 [19:08] hello [19:09] bazhang: but i am running the kubuntu on my vm player. [19:09] helpdesk, so that is a totally unrelated issue? [19:09] bazhang: ok, but do u get what i want to do now? [19:09] helpdesk, and what is the host system for this kubuntu virtual machine? Windows? Ubuntu? Other? [19:09] bazhang: oh ! it's windows [19:10] windows xp [19:10] bazhang: i have windows as my main os it is on it that i have my vm plaer [19:10] helpdesk, and what are you trying to achieve? it seems you have at least three unrelated issues here: broken apt, problems with your vm, and wanting to patch a kernel [19:11] bazhang: [19:11] i have downloaded and unpacked my patch files [19:11] bazhang: i have also downloaded my kernel source and unpacked it [19:11] bazhang : but when i try to use the commd patch -pi< patch file, it replies that the patch cmd is not installed [19:12] helpdesk, so these three issues are unrelated? [19:12] bazhang: they are cuz the brower of my kubuntu is not getting any internet connection cuz i can't open a web page on the kubuntu [19:12] hi ochmals [19:12] n [19:13] bazhang: instead of using the wget cmd, i would just type in the http:// on the kubuntu browser so tht it opens and i save straight but since my browser is not ok, i am worried [19:13] weiss jemand ob es den http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/NetworkManager?redirect=no networkmanager irgendwo als .deb gibt?? [19:14] helpdesk: can you ping ubuntu.com ? [19:14] bluemoon, english here please [19:14] bluemoon, #ubuntu-de for german [19:14] !nfs [19:14] nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [19:15] oh sorry false chan [19:15] !de | bluemoon [19:15] bluemoon: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [19:16] mefisto; i can't ping archieve.ubuntu.com [19:16] mefisto; how do i fix this problem? [19:16] helpdesk: spelling [19:16] thx BluesKaj [19:16] helpdesk: try just ping ubuntu.om [19:16] helpdesk: try just ping ubuntu.com [19:16] I am not getting help or any response in Ubuntu so I will try here. I am in need of assistance. It was suggested, on this system, to run ubuntu linux. I have it installed and updated but only 640x480 and 800x600 screen resolution. Can anyone help, please. [19:16] archive not archieve === rob is now known as Guest1855 [19:16] mefisto: ok [19:16] helpdesk archieve is not correct it's spelled archive [19:16] bazhang: thanks bro [19:17] AMD 1.4GHZ 256mb memory. 20GB hard drive ATI video card. [19:17] mefisto: i can't ping ubuntu.com [19:17] blueskaj: i can't ping the archive.ubuntu.com [19:18] hola emma [19:18] can you ping google.com [19:18] nope [19:18] Can anyone please assist me? [19:18] can't even though i got internet connection. it;s so strange [19:18] helpdesk, and apt is now fixed? [19:19] helpdesk: windows firewall maybe? [19:19] Dragonmaster_Dan , lspci | grep VGA to find you graphics card first of all [19:20] Dragonmaster_Dan, you probably need to enable/install the proprietary drivers from ati === mike is now known as mike__ [19:20] Thank you. [19:20] bazhang: i can't say for sure if apt is fixed . i thought so b4 but since the reason for going through that process is not done. [19:20] helpdesk , I never had much luck running linux on a VM, including internet connects [19:21] mefisto: could you help more on the firewall thing? [19:21] Where do I try that command? [19:21] helpdesk, then run sudo apt-get update [19:21] blueskaj: i dont wanna take down my windows [19:21] hello [19:21] bazhang: i already tried that but it's the same error: couldn't resolve archive.ubuntu.com [19:22] helpdesk: I don't know about windows firewall really. you could try disabling the whole thing, then try to ping somewhere. or ask in #windows [19:22] Dragonmaster_Dan in the kmenu look for the Konsole [19:22] ATI Technologies Inc Rage 128 PF/PRO AGP 4x TMDS [19:22] somebody knows a solution to the problem that my X server is crashing when using Krandrtray or xrandr commands ? I use intel 965 gfx card on dell lattitude D830... Running X server 1.5.2 .. It was after the upgrade to KDE 4.2 before that it wasn't crashing === Idzme_ is now known as idzme [19:23] Dragonmaster_Dan , open adept and type in the searchbar ATI Rage 128 [19:23] Okay. [19:24] blueskaj: thanks for ur help. i think at this point, i am giving it up [19:24] mefisto: thanks also [19:24] I am running ubuntu 8.10 [19:25] why is only one package manager allowed to work at once? [19:25] helpdesk , if you really want linux , make a partition for it and install kubuntu there , use gparted for that ,you can download it and burn it to a disk [19:25] how can I install opera? Konqeror downloads windows installer from opera.com! [19:25] !opera [19:25] opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser === Maniac is now known as Guest93545 [19:29] mike__: what about here? http://www.opera.com/browser/download/?os=linux-i386&list=all [19:30] Good day, could someone using kde4.2 and having powertop please try playing an audio only file in dragonplayer or amarok2 and check how many wakeups/seconds it creates? [19:30] For me it creates 1000/s, but I don't know if it is suse specific === adam is now known as aardvark === aardvark is now known as seraphim === piquadrat_ch is now known as piquadrat [19:36] mi sevve unvirus po computer ri stefano [19:36] fozza [19:36] !it [19:36] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [19:37] grazie beddu [19:37] cmq parrava in siciliano [19:37] ahaha [19:38] !it | seby [19:38] thanks [19:38] seby: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [19:40] hello, can someone please tell me how do add shortcuts from applications (like firefox) from the K-menu on the desktop ? (kde4) [19:40] i cant figure this out [19:41] drag&drop [19:41] is 4.2 in the repos to try on the 4.1 install that I have in a vm? [19:41] Scunizi: instructions in the topic [19:41] remur_030, doesnt work, i tied it [19:41] perfect.. thanks stdin [19:42] alarm: right click -> add to desktop [19:42] alarm: from the main menu? [19:42] actually it works, but on THE desktop, but on this widget that appears as desktop [19:42] cant i have a normal classic desktop without any widgets ? :P [19:42] in 4.2, yes [19:43] Scunizi , you can get 4.2 if you add the repos on this page https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive/ppa [19:43] BluesKaj: thanks.. I was just reading that page.. :) [19:43] i freshly installed kubuntu, dont go for experimental use from now [19:43] ok scun [19:43] still, i dont know what the developers had in mind with that thing . you cant even resize this widget... :( [19:44] Scunizi now I see it :) [19:44] can't resize what widget? [19:45] stdin, the widget that is supposed to be my 'new' desktop [19:45] you are surprised you can't resize the desktop? [19:46] stdin, if you call a widget desktop, yes === heinkel_111|away is now known as heinkel_111 [19:46] hi guys [19:47] when i say desktop for me, its a whole area of the monitor, not just 400x300pixels of the monitor that is just a mirror of a folder [19:47] how do i make konqueror use flash?? it does find the plugin in options, but it does not use it [19:47] alarm: you can switch the whole desktop to folderview and get rid of the widgets [19:48] how ? [19:48] in 4.2 [19:48] alarm: do you have kde4.2 ? [19:48] no, kde4.1 , thats what the kubuntu iso comes with [19:49] at least the quickly realised that this is not practical at all :) [19:49] I don't get what you mean about resizing it [19:49] something about 4.2 [19:49] if you mean the desktop (the bit with the wallpaper), then you never could. if you mean the folder view widget, then you can resize that [19:49] stdin , since "Desktop" as we know it does not exist, desktop in that case is a widget that just is a mirror of a folder [19:50] then you can resize that [19:50] like any other widget [19:51] alarm: I think what you want is in kde 4.2 [19:51] ok, i take my words back about resizing, i have pressed on the icon but didnt drag the cursos [19:51] i will wait for kde4,2 or go back to kde3.5 :) [19:51] alarm: KDE 4.2 is out. [19:51] and one more thing, which is not appropriate for this channel, but why on earth did you remove irc client from kopete [19:51] :) [19:52] who is this "we" of which you speak? [19:52] ie: we did nothing [19:52] it was removed in KDE [19:52] and it's because the plugin is broken and unmaintained [19:52] is there a chance to get the new weather plasmoid in kubuntu? [19:53] kde 4.2 [19:53] okie got it , at least file transfer in msn was fixed ? :) [19:54] I don't use MSN/WLM, so can't say [19:54] hi hi [19:54] is there a 4.2 faq? [19:56] wastrel: http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.2/guide.php is about the closest [19:57] what tool can i use to incrementally backup my home dir to a windows share? [19:57] well, the share is mounted, so ignore the windows bit [19:57] oki [19:58] carpii: the tar command can be used this way [19:59] hm [19:59] would it need to read a large amount of the tar file in order to see whats changed? [19:59] ciao s tutti [19:59] btw, kmail is just wonderful. was it like this in kde3.5 or has it seen huge improvements? I tried it once back when I was on fiesty and it kept crashing on me so I didn't give it a fair go [19:59] trying to minimise network traffic === snake is now known as albuntu [20:00] carpii: Not sure. However, an example of how to use it this way can be found here http://www.techworld.com/storage/features/index.cfm?featureid=391 and probably lots other places if you google some more [20:00] ok thanks genii, i already use tar lots, just not incrementally. ill take a look [20:01] mefisto, i just started using kmail on kde 3.5. Im sure its better than it was before [20:02] i just wish the up/down arrow keys changed message selection, instead of scrolling the message preview window [20:03] That was crazy, my internet blinked.. [20:05] carpii: alt arrows do it. maybe that's configurable somewhere? [20:07] carpii: also n and p for next/previous message [20:08] alt arrows just change the focusrect here, they dont select the message [20:08] but n/p works fine, thanks :) [20:09] I downloaded opera*.deb twice but it says package file does not exist [20:10] How To install Opera?? Nothing from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser works [20:11] just noticed something strange.. with kubuntu open in a vm and with a terminal open doing updates via apt-get.. if I have a terminal open in gnome and the deskbar reference for that terminal is roughly below the terminal open in the vm.. when I point at the gnome terminal reference the kubuntu vm pops up with its terminal reference [20:12] mike__: how are you trying the downloaded .deb ? [20:12] http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Air-Vista?content=98491--------will this work on kde? [20:13] and how to install it? [20:13] just noticed that you have to move the mouse from the vm directly to the gnome terminal reference.. might have something to do with vbox guest additions [20:13] I click it from Dolphin and so [20:14] WishingMaster: it's a theme for emerald, a window decorator for compiz [20:14] hi [20:15] kubuntu-experimental repo does not work propertly [20:15] mefisto__: it says this .deb does not exist choose existing one [20:15] stdin, if i want to use it what are the requirments? [20:16] after i add deb line and gpg key [20:16] mike__: it opens in gdebi ? [20:16] could it be that firefox 3.x interface is not fully supported yet on kubuntu 8.10 ? looks like something is not pretty ok with its interface [20:16] there are no packages of kde 4.2 [20:16] mefisto__ : yes [20:16] i am running ubuntu with kde and kdm as display manager [20:17] WishingMaster: you need to install compiz-kde and emerald, then make it take over from kwin [20:17] !compiz [20:17] Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion [20:18] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager [20:18] mike__: don't know what's going on there. you could try from command line: sudo dpkg -i opera.deb [20:18] i can't dowload package list of kubuntu-experimental [20:18] mefisto__ ill try [20:18] there is no error [20:19] it just isn't downloaded [20:20] mefisto__ Oh it work Thanks a lot [20:20] volume control in kde ? [20:21] icon is not there for volume control,how to get that,short cut keys are also not working [20:21] repo and gpg key are added, but synaptic doesn't show kde 4.2 packages any solution? [20:22] WishingMaster: start kmix [20:22] how? [20:22] mefisto__, [20:22] click kicker-->multimedia-->kmix [20:22] WishingMaster: or alt-f2, and type kmix [20:22] is it possible to make a .c file in shell? [20:23] anyone use amarok2 and an ipod, and if so can you sync your playlists [20:23] kmix is not listed in multimedia [20:23] may be its not even installed [20:23] then try mefisto's directions [20:23] not working guys [20:23] manaully open with alt+f2 [20:24] not working [20:24] anyone? [20:24] manually as well [20:24] is it installed, whereis kmix [20:24] in command line [20:24] i thinks its not even installed [20:24] is there any archive manager that would integrate with dolphin?? i want easy right-click archive management.......... peazip looks nice, but it doesnt seem to integrate with dolphin.... help plz [20:24] SuspectZero: what do you mean [20:24] i want a make a blank .c file through bash [20:25] I can't seem to add the key for the KDE 4.2 PPA. I get a lot of failed to create temporary file permission denied etc etc.. how do I fix this? [20:25] if you run that command and you get kmix: as output then you need to install it [20:25] i know the mkdir makes directories. anyway to make a .c file? [20:25] touch file.c [20:25] try nano, or vi...what is a .c file anyway [20:26] installing kmix [20:26] its a c# file [20:26] for programming [20:26] SuspectZero: I thought you meant create a file from a script [20:26] well if you writing a prog, you can create with nano or vi, couldn't you [20:26] oh no. that touch function worked perfectly [20:27] kmix is intalled,what to do next? [20:27] kate will also create a file [20:27] techbw, i was just wondering the command in general. [20:27] alt+f2 kmix [20:27] kate file.cs [20:27] anywayz thanks for the help [20:27] techbw, got it [20:27] techbw, thanks [20:27] :-) [20:27] peace [20:31] I just upgraded to KDE 4.2 and I get an error from somethin called Akondai or similar when I start up, anyone know anything about that? [20:32] what error/ [20:33] !akondai [20:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about akondai [20:34] Ketrel_: akondai handles addressbooks, calendars, etc for kde apps [20:34] hi [20:35] In KDE 4.1.3 / Konsole 2.1, how do I change the timeout value for "Monitor for Silence"? In KDE 3.5.10 / Konsole 1.6.6, I did Settings -> Configure Konsole -> General -> Seconds to detect silence. In Konsole 2.1, The Settings menu has no option 'Configure Konsole', and I can't find this option anywhere else. [20:35] !akonadi [20:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about akonadi [20:35] I changed by hand ~/.kde/share/config/konsolerc and replaced SilenceSeconds=10 by SilenceSeconds=60, but 'Monitor for Silence' still activates after 10 seconds rather than 60. How do I increase the timeout value for "Monitor for Silence" in KDE 4.1.3 / Konsole 2.1? [20:36] techbw, the volume settings have 2 diffrent sliders,one for master and another one for PCM [20:36] techbw, whats the diffrence between both? [20:39] mefisto__: the error is about it not starting or something, but then it disappears while I'm trying to save the log [20:41] hi i have a big problem, i have no connection to the internet now, even with ethernet cable i receive IP from router, but i cannot even ping google.pl or even its IP, please please help me [20:42] Ketrel_: I got that too on first login to kde 4.2 but everything seemed to work, so I just assumed the message was lying to me. that is akonadi was taking a while to start up, but eventually got there and the error window disappeared on its own. I don't know, just guessing [20:43] I have installed KDE 4 on 8.04, but I can't seem to be able to move the widgets on the task bar. Everything I add is put on the right side. How can I move the widgets? [20:43] Hello, what sip phone is there for ubuntu?? [20:43] kubuntu [20:43] anyone else having any issues with getting some packages from the repos? === Heliodor1 is now known as Heliodor [20:43] hi [20:44] mefisto__: do you resume sessions or start new ones? [20:44] Ketrel_: resume [20:45] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/111405/ [20:47] hello! anybody need help with anything? i have a little while while computer updates [20:47] mefisto__: perhaps that's our difference, I don't resume, so perhaps it happens on every new session [20:47] I accidentally deleted (clobbered actually) the ip-down script in /etc/ppp does anyone know where I can get a new one? [20:48] Ketrel_: so you get the same behaviour every time kde starts? [20:48] theuserwhois: can you tell me why this is happening? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/111405/ [20:49] theuserwhois: can you help me replace my /etc/ppp/ip-down script I accidentally clobbered it [20:49] always make a backup first. [20:49] ibeekman: I am looking at it now, hold on... [20:49] thanks, hadn't read your post until after I posted mine.... [20:49] snarkster: have a read at this [20:50] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1046158 [20:50] ibeekman: i can e-mail my copy, no guarantees it is 100 percent [20:50] double checked, it's still the default [20:50] you running the latest release of kubuntu? [20:50] yeah, its 8.10 [20:50] woops, hold on [20:50] ok yeah i just installed kubuntu so, it should be standard [20:51] my email is zbeekman@gmail.com [20:51] okay, just a sec... [20:51] !nfs [20:51] nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [20:51] hmmm hope there are no spam bots here.... [20:51] haha [20:52] or spam humans [20:52] mefisto__: yes each time I start KDE it happens [20:52] gmclachl: thanx [20:53] all right, i sent it, it should be there any second [20:54] just copy and paste [20:54] errr... i mean, download to /etc/ppp [20:54] how to get jabber jingle audio to work? [20:55] ah crud that jaunty not intrepid.. [20:55] i can't find the plugin... [20:55] Ketrel_: there is akonadi configuration in system settings, advanced tab. maybe play around with that? I notice in my install it says "no file selected" [20:57] mefisto__: another oddity, while in the TTY something broke and I got logged out, when I logged back in, Akondai completed successfully o.O [20:57] many many thanks theuserwhois [20:57] yep [20:57] here i go for a reboot... [20:57] hello room, does one have to use sudo in order to configure in iwconfig??? [20:59] So I defintley like KDE 4.2's notification system. Especially how its uniform [21:00] i try to install some plasmoid for my kubuntu 8.10 kde 4.2 .... when i hit the command cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='kde4-config-prefix'.. it always get me the following error... see here http://paste.ubuntu.com/111413/plain/ can you help me ??? [21:00] Anyone know of a GUI based ftp program that works with KDE 4.0? I use gftp but doesn't work well with desktop effects [21:00] I keep trying to change wlan0 settings and it won't let me, stating Operation not permitted [21:00] do ppa's get removed after a distro has become more mature? [21:00] cbwcjw2: I get notifications popping up at top left corner if the panel height is too small [21:00] gizmobay: try filezilla [21:00] thanks [21:00] get.deb.com i think [21:00] mefisto_: :( thats lame, but then, what you dont see you dont know [21:01] I heard firefox was getting ported to Qt by nokia, which would be awesome for KDE, but Im not sure [21:01] think that port died [21:03] Hi, all. Is it possible to add a plasma widget just on ONE virtual desktop? [21:03] i try to install some plasmoid for my kubuntu 8.10 kde 4.2 .... when i hit the command cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='kde4-config-prefix'.. it always get me the following error... see here http://paste.ubuntu.com/111413/plain/ can you help me ??? [21:03] snarkster: Meh. [21:04] dima_: good question [21:08] In KDE4.2 what is the active screen edges? [21:08] gizmobay: Desktop changing [21:09] just click on the location you set? [21:09] gizmobay: So for "Only dragging windows" that would be dragging windows from desktop to desktop [21:09] Gizmobay: OH, those. You can set the edges to do different things [21:10] So by default, if you drag your mouse to the top left edge, it presents windows [21:10] Hi [21:11] KDesk: Hi and welcome to #kubuntu === crash is now known as Guest17412 === giuseppe_ is now known as giuseppe__ [21:12] ahh, i see now [21:12] I'm having a problem with the 'add widget' button in the menu from cashew on the top right [21:12] Ketrel_: Whats wrong? [21:13] Basically if I move my mouse over anything other than the bottom 2 pixels, the menu collapses [21:13] makes it very hard to click [21:13] I dont't know if this is the right channel, but... I am using the kubuntu-experimental PPA, and I have a xserver update, How can I know what this update provides or why is this update needed? [21:13] when were we told about these gpg keys being generated on the repos? [21:13] cbwcjw2: 4.2 BTW [21:14] Ketrel_: Thats happend to acouple of us. The only answer I can give is to try to keep your mouse on the buttons [21:15] cbwcjw2: well I still have the option of right clicking on the desktop, but is there any suspected cause?? [21:16] Ketrel_: you mean hovering over the menu that pops up makes it disappear? [21:16] mefisto__: just the 'add widget' button, hovering over the others works fine === Muzer is now known as MuzerAway [21:17] KDesk, it is most likely needed to update X in kde4.2 , since you are using the experimental repos [21:17] Ketrel_: you can drag that cashew to a different position. see if that makes a difference [21:17] mefisto__: k, lemme try that [21:18] mefisto__: I dragged it a bit down the side, and it works, so it's when it's in that corner that it happens [21:18] BluesKaj: But I am using kde 4.2 since RC1, and today I saw this update. [21:19] Ketrel_: I guess that counts as a bug [21:19] damn, I was hoping it wasn't [21:20] mefisto__: one more thing, it also happens when I move it only a few pixels from the top, anything 5 or more seems to work [21:20] can someone tell me if kde4.2 is substanially more stable/less buggy then the earlier version (which i found horribly buggy)? [21:20] BluesKaj: Ah, now I have found: Drop Fedora patch that accelerates compiz, but causes video garbage on kde -- In https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive/ppa [21:21] KDesk , that repos will upgrade 4.1 to 4.2 [21:22] is there any way to have the kde3.5 k-menu on kde4 ? or at least a one collum bar , and not something so inaccessible [21:22] alarm: right click on the K and select classic menu style [21:23] BluesKaj: Yes, I am using it since some days now, but I dont have that video problem with composition, also with out composition it is everything ok [21:24] KDesk, I'm using compiz without any patches on 4.2 , but that depends on the graphics card and drivers [21:25] ok MUCH better, thank you :) [21:25] :) [21:26] BluesKaj: Ah, now I realize, it is with compiz, I use Kwin, and Intel 865G [21:26] can someone tell me if kde4.2 is substanially more stable/less buggy then the earlier version (which i found horribly buggy)? [21:27] yes shaffy, it's much better [21:27] shaffy: I love it. [21:27] shaffy: yes it way way better [21:27] haha thanks everyone.. you got me all excited now! [21:27] shaffy: but still buggy here and there [21:27] shaffy, i will agree with it , kde4.1 looks.... really unstable compared to my experience with kde3.5 [21:27] shaffy: But itespect for KDE back brings my r [21:27] shaffy: I haven't found any problem with crashes nor inestability or slownes, greate release! [21:27] KDesk: haven't you [21:27] shaffy: but it brings my respect back for KDE ** [21:27] I really want kdevelop4 [21:28] my plasma crashed today 10 times inless 4 hours [21:28] Wow! [21:29] I've been using 4.2 since RC1 without any issues. [21:29] I had one app freeze, but that was under wine , so no biggie [21:29] been using 4.2 since the first beta, without too many hitches.. [21:30] and most of the issues I did have, have been resolved.. === _roconnor is now known as roconnor [21:32] thx everyone! ill be dling soon.. [21:34] Does anyone know how to change the timeout for "Monitor for silence" in KDE 4.1.2 / Konsole 2.1 (or newer)? [21:36] when using gnome after installation it asks me to enable the restricted drive for my nvidia card, how do I do this in kubuntu? === crash is now known as guest [21:38] cdavis_ , kmenu/system/hardware drivers/enable the recommended driver [21:39] BluesKaj, thanks [21:42] Goodnight [21:48] any suggestions for a good image viewer ? irfanview like ? [21:48] alarm: gwenview or digikam [21:49] gwenview cannot resize images ( i might be wrong though) [21:50] alarm, jussi01: gwenview can most definitely resize images. At least it can in its KDE4 version [21:52] alarm: you need the kipi plugins [21:52] is it possible to install kde4.2 on 8.04? [21:53] okie !!! [21:54] senorpedro: nope [21:55] best messenger client for a laptop ubuntu setup is ? [21:55] and hi ) [21:55] pidgin [21:55] oh shit [21:55] Kopete! [21:55] pidgin [21:55] !ohmy | senorpedro: [21:55] senorpedro:: Please watch your language, attitude, and topic to help keep this channel friendly and helpful. Remember, there are kids here! [21:55] * astromme lights his torch =P [21:56] * Heliodor gets his shotgun [21:56] اه [21:56] ty guys...allready got pidgin running )..was just gauging other software of interest aswell [21:56] hi [21:56] And the winner is?... :-P [21:56] so the kids dont know that word? or do they become murder-raping-filesharers when they read that word? [21:56] ....i just dont get the censorship [21:57] senorpedro: Just.. cut it. [21:57] well im just waiting for "King of Queens" =) [21:57] senorpedro: The policy is in place to keep this channel a sane place. You know that, now act like it. [21:59] Hellois everything packaged from 4.2 for 8.10 ? [21:59] senorpedro: OTHER people get upset about such things and it might drive them away from using kubuntu. and there's no reason to give people reasons to do that, even if it's not a good reason [22:00] loool [22:00] http://www.unsere-nackte-pyjamaparty.net/?id=9362243 [22:01] ....omg ok you won, i wont say any bad bad word again, so that nobody has to cry [22:03] what do i do if i need both librdf0-dev (going to compile kdesupport from KDE trunk with nepomuk support) and libdb-dev installed? they seem to conflict :/ [22:03] libdb-dev needs to be installed because something that libsvn-dev depends on depends on that.. [22:03] and i want libsvn-dev installed. [22:04] heh, this new tab switching in 8.10 is a little disorienting [22:05] I don't know how the mac people manage :) [22:08] I get this: "configure: error: Cannot find libgcrypt or OpenSSL crypto library" any idea what to do? [22:10] apt-get install libgcrypt11 libgcrypt11-dev [22:10] add sudo to that [22:10] sudo apt-get install libgcrypt11 libgcrypt11-dev [22:10] and then try configuring [22:11] That worked perfect [22:11] hi@all [22:11] how did you know that? [22:12] roconnor: i must agree, i tried switching to the "present windows" effect for window switching instead for a while.. but it was just as disorienting as well. so now i'm back to the old style ;) === n is now known as Guest9208 === rocio is now known as gorgonzola [22:13] I've a small question about knetworkmanager [22:13] with the "present window" effect, it's pretty hard to see which window is active, especially if the window is dark and it's on a laptop with bad contrast LCD. [22:13] i've reinstalled kubuntu 8.10 today and did a upgrade to KDE 4.2 directly === roland is now known as Rollie [22:14] hey === Guest9208 is now known as `n [22:14] apt-cache search libgcrypt [22:14] ne body home [22:15] a knetworkmanager --version gives Qt: 3.3.8b, KDE 3.5.10, KNetworkManager 0.7 is there a way to upgrade this? [22:16] i've seen the work will stephenson did on networkmanager in 4.2+ [22:17] Ebbo: it's not ready/been released yet. probably will be ready for jaunty though [22:17] ok thanks [22:17] Ebbo: i'm using knetworkmanager from SVN by the way and it works quite good (it's in playground/base/plasma/applets/networkmanager). [22:18] but it might be some work to set it up so you can build it with the 4.2 kubuntu packages (my whole KDE is from SVN). [22:19] esteban: thanks for the hint [22:19] np. [22:19] hey all [22:19] does anyone know how to get flash player working in Konqueror in KDE 4.2? [22:20] Socceroos: it works here, but i'm using SVN trunk.. but it should work. [22:21] Hum, the configure is asking for libxml-2.0 but there do not seem to be that package in the repository [22:21] is there a way to change the rank of things when i search for them in kmenu? [22:21] i just upgraded to kde 4.2 and it's not working :( [22:21] my desktop is black. no plasma taskbar at the bottom. krunner does't appear when i hit Alt+F2. [22:21] if i type "terminal" i want to get an actual terminal emulator, not the first program with the word terminal that currently pops up [22:21] Socceroos: (with flashplugin-nonfree installed). [22:22] all that happens is (eventually) kopete appears and kwallet asks me for my password. [22:22] ooh, this krunner thing is cool, me likey [22:22] i tried removing my config/plasma*rc [22:22] didn't help. i then tried renaming "session" to OLDSESSION, in case something at startup is broken [22:22] i _SEE_ plasma and krunner when i run "top -i" in a VT :( [22:23] so what gives? :( [22:23] futuresoon: sorry, don't think you can change the ranking there no.. [22:23] * kendrick tries logging in as my wife's seldom(never?) used account [22:24] oops... flash does not work for me too... only in FF [22:24] kendrick: weird. did you try moving your whole ~/.kde to ~/.kde-old and test? [22:24] not yet [22:24] ok. [22:24] i did not expect such massive death :( [22:24] kendrick: :( [22:24] else i wouldn't have issued the upgrade during my lunch break :) [22:24] estan: that's cool, i have krunner now, which works the way i want to (for that at least) :-0 [22:24] kendrick: how did you perform the upgrade? [22:24] followed instructions on kubuntu.org. [22:24] futuresoon: yea, i use krunner too. [22:25] I have a question on the plasma comic. how do I install a comic I downloaded? I don't see any way. I tried putting it in the folder where the others are and its not showing up on the list that I have. [22:25] well, ran aptitude not adept (upgrade, then dist-upgrade) [22:25] futuresoon: but i usually typ "kons" and get konsole ;) [22:25] yeah good call :-) [22:25] weird. the resource migrator was there, and had a lot more info in it than when i first logged in as my normal user. then it vanished. [22:25] kendrick: okay, yea that should have worked :/ [22:26] the login music just played (wife's account) but screen is black. top -i still shows lots of activity [22:26] maybe i closed the resource migrator too early when i logged in under my account? it didn't indicate _progress_. just "Doing something. *Check* Done. [Close]" so i closed it. [22:26] sorry, no idea.. i haven't tried the 4.2 packages myself yet (running from SVN instead). [22:27] maybe, i haven't used that migrator myself.. [22:27] not cool :( her account also sits at a useless black desktop. (no Alt+F2 for krunner, no panel) [22:27] sigh. i guess i'll try moving .kde out of the way. [22:27] i'll have lots of shit to migrate over [22:28] yea :( [22:28] I had to play around with the session chooser after I installed 4.2 before it worked. I changed it to default, which refused to login, then back to kde and then it worked fine. [22:29] kendrick: did you run sudo apt-get -f install? [22:29] hello [22:29] no [22:29] anyone use the plasma comic and know how to install from file? [22:29] just aptitude upgrade, aptitude update, aptitude dist-update [22:30] (after making sure the koffice data stuff wasn't ther,e per the kubuntu docs) [22:30] lemme see if not having a .kde dir. helped... [22:30] why some wireless networks doesn't appears with kde 4.2 network assistant? and have strong signal (should appear) [22:30] kendrick: did you see my suggestion? it probably wont work, but after I installed 4.2 it started to load then seemed to freeze [22:30] shit! fade to black! wtf!? :( :( :( [22:30] !language > kendrick [22:30] kendrick, please see my private message [22:30] kopete doesn't do gmail i'm guessing? [22:30] oh session chooser [22:31] gchat rather [22:31] <`n> kde3: i want a window to act like panel so other maximized wodows wont overleap it. how can i do that? [22:31] futuresoon: it does, it's jabber [22:31] kendrick: it might be trying to load last settings from before you installed which are probably not compatiable. need a fresh session [22:31] ooh hey. my session type menu had NOTHing checked. lemme try [22:31] stdin: oh, cool awesome [22:31] i did kill my 'session' folder, deep in the heart of ~/.kde [22:31] futuresoon: there's a page on google explaining it I think [22:32] ack! no! gnome! :) [22:32] wrong choice :) [22:33] kendrick: now logout and choose kde and see if it works. [22:33] (this is a dell that had ubuntu 7.10 factory-installed) === reinhold_away is now known as reinhold [22:33] futuresoon: http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?answer=57557&cbid=1mn6uu1zd5pib&src=cb&lev=answer [22:35] kendrick: wow...7.10...I think I hated that version and moved to slackware because of it. had too many hardware issues that worked fine in slack. [22:36] stdin: awesome thanks [22:36] i immediately upgraded to 8.04, since it was out by then [22:36] Need help when viewing videos, the playback is slow, skipping frames, and have a couple os slowdowns (about 1 sec or 2). Both with Kaffeine and Dragon PLayer. what's happening? :S [22:36] does anybody knows why with kde 4.2 doesn't detects wireless nets properly? === paul__ is now known as MoonVolta [22:37] p2p: not having any issues here. [22:38] i tried changing video driver from intelXXX (which supports compositing) to vesa, and no luck. now i just get a grey background and no panel :( [22:38] i did discover i can change volume, and the volume bar appears on the screen for a sec [22:38] alonea :? [22:38] I am getting tired of all OLD PACKAGES on the ubuntu repository, do no one ever update the apps? [22:38] kendrick: oh joy...I remember those days of messing with video drivers and logging in to black screens [22:38] when i go back to X, or kill X, the KDM splash appears for a moment, then the black (or now grey) appears [22:38] p2p: I upgraded to 4.2 today and I am having no issues at all with wireless. What exactly is happening? [22:39] the intel one was great. i didn't know my video could even od ANY 3D or compositing. i lived for months w/o it :) [22:39] kendrick: yeah, wrong driver. [22:39] that it only recognizes some wireless essid, half than from doing an iwlist wlan0 scan [22:39] kendrick: do you know which one worked before? [22:39] and with gnome network manager recognizes properly and connects with no problems [22:40] i also get OSD and sfx when i unplug/plugin power :( [22:40] alonea - it was vesa. which i'm trying now. like i said, kde 4.2 still appears broken [22:40] no desktop background. no panel. can't bring up krunner. [22:41] only when deactivating wireless interface and connecting again works, and not properly alonea... [22:41] ok this sucks [22:41] my son needs me so i need to go [22:41] it never recognizes as much as doing an iwlist wlan0 scan [22:41] i'm going to try rebooting. cya [22:41] where can i discover another IRC channel? [22:41] i would like to make quizz [22:42] i mean playing quizz [22:43] p2p: have no idea. tried resetting all of the settings? [22:43] it works sometimes when I disable the interface and enable it again [22:43] but thats not the proper way [22:43] I was asking if it was a bug or something [22:44] because you can also use wicd [22:44] p2p: again, have no idea. I haven't had any issues before or after 4.2, 4.2 beta, or 4.1 even. [22:44] and now had crashed kde network manager, I don't know why... [22:49] I have a question on the plasma comic. how do I install a comic I downloaded? I don't see any way. I tried putting it in the folder where the others are and its not showing up on the list that I have. [22:49] well damnit, reboot fixed it [22:49] * kendrick shrugs [22:49] * kendrick wanders [22:50] Anybody knows a front end for amule gui in qt? [22:50] Hi. Great distribution and great job on packaging KDE 4.2. I wanted to mention here that after upgrading to KDE 4.2, I had to join my machine to my Active Directory domain again (not using Likewise Open). [22:51] wow...can someone tell me why adept is TERRIBLE? [22:51] bob__: Try packagekit [22:51] bob__: because apt-get/aptitude is soooo nice? [22:51] ohh [22:51] i didn't know about that [22:51] <---ubuntu user o.0 [22:51] trying out kde 4.2...or trying to try it out [22:52] JacobSteelsmith: out of curiousity, did you go from 4.2rc or from the version of kde4 that was in intrepid? [22:52] bob__: you can also use synaptic (gtk) in kde [22:52] Well...maybe i can just update through Konsole. [22:52] hello all [22:52] What's the command to update with adept via the console? [22:52] apt-get upgrade [22:52] or apt-get update [22:52] ok i'll try that. [22:53] apt-get through the konsole is very useful [22:53] i can't delete any desktop icon after switched to Kde 4.2 [22:53] anyone saw that behavior [22:53] well, adept just keeps stalling on me...i dunno if konsole will fix that or not [22:53] maybe you should unlock your plasmoid [22:54] Lynoure: I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 (Intrepid), then straight to 4.2 by following the instructions under the release announcement. [22:54] ah...konsole is bad too [22:54] JacobSteelsmith: nice to hear it going well, then :) [22:54] JacobSteelsmith: That's what I'm attempting to do, but the downloads just keep stalling. [22:54] my plasmoid are unlocked.. the icon disapear after i delete. but i restart kde again and it's appear again [22:55] bob__: My upgrades went ok yesterday. I'm on an enterprise LAN though. [22:55] Man...I'm a GNOME guy and I gotta say, this isn't making me want to use KDE. [22:55] my internet connection is good enough. [22:56] Lynoure: I had another bug that was grub related, but I am very impressed with KDE 4.2. I use it at work, yes my daily machine, and at home. [22:57] Lynoure: Other than having to rejoin the machine, it's been great. Does anyone think this is packaging related? [22:57] JacobSteelsmith: I really don't know... Mostly asked because I've seen so many complaints and the success stories nearly never get voiced. [22:58] soo i dunno...no one knows what would cause my system to not want to finish updates? [22:59] bob__: any error messages? [22:59] Lynoure: For me, in a production environment, it's a success over 3.5. Very few issues. [22:59] mefisto: No, the downloads just stall. Like they'll be going fine, and then they just stall. [23:00] which makes no sense because i had as much as 780 kb/s, then it just stalls. [23:00] <`n> how can i apply "special window setting -> extra windows -> dock(panel) to a window? (kde3 [23:00] bob__: Are you using the upgrade tool to go from 8.04 to 8.10 now or are you past that? [23:01] I installed 8.10 as a new system. [23:01] i installed kubuntu 8.10 , if i want to install kde4 from sources , which packages do i need to update before trying too install kde4 from sources? [23:02] bob__: So you're using adept to get 4.2? [23:02] bob__: what is failing to download? the http://ppa.launchpad.net ones? or something else? [23:02] umm i dunno, i'm using whatever adept is included with a stock 8.10 install. [23:02] Lemme see, mefisto. [23:03] hold on i'll brb... [23:05] Добрый вечер === brun is now known as brun_ [23:06] any good pdf viewer for kubuntu 8.10 ? i dont see anymore kpdf thats why i ask [23:06] ни кто не подскажет, после обновления kubuntu 8.10 пропал звук на креативе [23:06] palle....... [23:06] alarm: okular [23:07] ok, yes, i'm currently downloading from launchpad at 212 BYTES per second... [23:07] now it's stalled, 0 b/s === brun is now known as K47w0 [23:07] bob__: maybe the servers are overwhelmed atm? [23:07] italian? [23:07] i dunno [23:08] okie danke :) [23:08] i dunno mefisto. [23:09] i guess kde is pretty new, but apparently the servers were fine yestereday. [23:09] i mean kde 4.2, that is. === AlanasAnikonis is now known as alanasanikonis [23:09] i wanna make a tha Crew for Training Parkour....... nobody know? [23:13] bob__: so it never fails, just stalls? [23:14] mefisto: right. [23:14] it randomly went up to 30 kb/s and then 60, but now it's back to being stalled. [23:15] bob__: might as well wait for it all to download until you come up with something else to try [23:15] i dunno, maybe the problem is in fact on their end. [23:15] because i think it's only the launchpad packages that are doing this. [23:16] bob__: when you added the gpg key, did that go ok? or was there an error with that? [23:16] OHHH [23:16] DUH [23:16] i never did that because i didn't know how...like i said i'm a GNOME guy. [23:16] how do i add that? [23:17] bob__: explained here: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 === leopold is now known as leosly [23:17] hi, i've messed my system up ... I tried to install "koffice-kde4" ... and it returned an error... then I tried to fix it by running "apt-get -f install" .... Output: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/111470/ [23:17] mefisto: yeah i saw that, but i don't know what to do with the GPG key. [23:18] add it WHERE? [23:18] bob__: konsole. sudo bash. literally paste the entire line ther [23:18] bob__: you just copy/paste that command in konsole [23:18] gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add - [23:18] mefisto: ok that's what i did...i guess i'll try it again. [23:18] I really wish Adept had a dialog for the gpg key thing. [23:18] DexterF: actually I think it does [23:19] see i did it but i get a whole bunch of errors. [23:19] that's not supposed to happen is it? [23:19] DexterF: at least the old version did [23:19] bob__: no === alanasanikonis is now known as AlanasAnikonis [23:19] paste in a pastebin [23:19] uhh...more crap i don't understand. [23:19] mefisto__: seriously..? [23:19] bob__: pastebin.ca [23:20] go there [23:20] and generally I don't take well to my advice beind referred to as "crap" [23:20] i didn't say it was. [23:20] Ebbo: perform sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/koffice-data-kde4_1%3a1.9.98.5-0ubuntu1~intrepid1_all.deb [23:21] ok so what do i do with that? [23:21] bob__: pastebin will give a you a link under which the paste was stored. paste that link here. [23:21] http://pastebin.ca/1322248 [23:22] DexterF: in adept's sources tab, if you click "edit software sources" a new window pops up. in that new window, authentication tab [23:22] bob__: I meant mark the entire lines including the command *and* the output [23:22] mefisto__: fsck me. never saw that. [23:22] DexterF: Oh right, sorry. [23:22] np [23:23] i'm getting permission denied. [23:23] here: http://pastebin.ca/1322257 [23:23] sorry, i pasted it twice. [23:23] but you can see the errors. === Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir [23:24] hmmm. i see. well, ok, try this: first, type sudo bash [23:24] enter your password [23:24] gorgonizer: thank you ... you've saved my day ;) [23:24] got it [23:24] $ will change to # then indicating you got a root shell now [23:24] yeah, i'm on root. [23:24] anyone have any good pointers on getting firefox fonts to look more like the qt4 ones ? [23:24] in kde4.2 [23:24] Ebbo: no problem, I had the same issue myself when I first instaled it :) [23:25] bob__: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | apt-key add - [23:25] DexterF: well, from the output of that, it looks like it was fine all along. === Don_ is now known as Don [23:25] Hi Can anyone help me fix etc/resolv.conf? [23:25] basically the same line but without the sudo. I ran into similar probs once and for the key add stuff I use root shells. just works. === Don is now known as Guest69065 [23:26] bob__: now aptitude update / upgrade (or adept stuff) should work ok [23:26] yeah, i'm trying that. [23:26] it's still stalling on this download though. [23:26] Hi Can anyone help me fix etc/resolv.conf? [23:27] something is effed and it's gotta be a network problem, whether it's on my end or theirs [23:27] in kppp [23:28] bob__: hm. I'd try a differnet mirror then... dunno if the experimental repos is mirrored tho === brun is now known as K47w0 [23:28] DexterF: Yeah, but it's the launchpad.net mirror that's the problem. Isn't there only one for those packages? [23:28] bob__: I installed 4.2 while we were talking so I geuss the mirror is fine [23:29] weird. [23:29] bob__: your location? [23:29] do you use the main server? [23:29] hi guys ;-) [23:29] i'm trying a server that's about 100 miles away from me. [23:29] greetings from Spain [23:29] bob__: german mirror for main stuff, but the same kde 4.2 repos line [23:29] 34 [23:30] but i mean do you pick a custom one? [23:30] bob__: don't mean much, I know some ISP backbone routes here that only go 150 miles but jump over 3 networks and 1 CIX [23:30] because i can either pick server for the united states or specify another one. [23:30] 5i 93n50 di 51... ch3 cr3d1? [23:30] bob__: yes, german mirrors. [23:30] just a quick question if I don't bother too much ;-) i couldn't get any information anywhere on forums about google gadget package for kde 4.2 on kubuntu experimental for intrepid, do you know anything about this? [23:30] K47w0: this isn't quakenet [23:31] ........ [23:31] hi [23:31] it must be my internet connection. it's stalling while attempting to update my package list from the main server. [23:32] i do use a university connection which can be very tempermental at times. [23:32] bob__: on a particular item in the list? [23:32] not that i can tell. [23:33] odd. probably deep packet insepction takes longer there because the admins monitor you leeching evil communist penguin stuff or so j/k [23:33] lol. [23:34] nah...i've been using ubuntu on this connection since i got here 2 & 1/2 years ago and i haven't really had any problems with aptitude or synaptic. [23:34] at least not on GNOME. [23:34] DaSkreech: mysql root has nothing to do with system root, right? I can give it any passwd there? (4.2 needs myswo setup for sth as it looks) [23:34] DexterF: Yes anything you like [23:34] It's the admin passwd for mySQL [23:34] bob__: what pulled you to kde then? [23:35] i just want to try 4.2! [23:35] You can make it something that you will remember if you like or the same as your system password or blank [23:35] bob__: Read the topic ? [23:35] heh. ok. good. [23:35] though, generally, i like GNOME. [23:35] uhh. [23:36] what about the topic? the fact that i can get CDs?\ [23:36] guys, anything about google gadget package on kubuntu-experimental? there are lots of people, like in arch, that are wondering the same, and in project neon there was a great package that added that feature on plasma [23:37] bob_ i'm a GNOME guy, and i recommend to try and test the latest kde 4.2, it's awesome [23:37] bob__: The way to try 4.2 is on there [23:38] bob__: Marquette is on Internet2. ooh. got access? [23:38] EversW: Far as I know you can install any google gadget in 4.2 [23:39] lol what, DexterF? [23:39] It's just not as streamlined as plasmoids [23:39] bob__: Marquette Uni, Milwaukee..? [23:39] !de [23:39] In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [23:39] !ro [23:39] Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro [23:39] Right, DexterF. [23:39] DaSkreech, nop, there isn't no support for google gadget right now installing from kubuntu-experimental [23:40] and you can't install the gadget just straight into it using web package stuff [23:40] you need the kde-google-gadgets package [23:40] bob__: ran a quick search on their backbone connection, turned out you're part of internet2. always wanted to tap in there... [23:40] EversW: ah [23:40] DexterF: I don't know what Internet2 is, to be honest. [23:41] it seems it's a great miss on it, and people are asking like me, who wants to run them :-D [23:41] where is the /etc/groups file? does it exist in kubuntu? [23:41] bob__: experimental research network, starts at 1GB/s (slow links) [23:41] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_2 [23:41] I see. Well a university needs a lot of bandwidth. [23:42] beachsurfin, yeah, it's there actually, on /etc/group [23:42] hi [23:42] need assistance when i try put sudo apt-get kubuntu-restricted-extras in terminal it says couldnt find package [23:42] anyone under kde4.2? how is it? [23:42] khalidmian, that's not the way you should use it [23:43] okay, well i'm putting this to rest for now...i have to do homework. [23:43] add the line you can read on kubuntu.org, on the news on how to install kde 4.2 to /etc/apt/sources.list [23:43] EversW: whats your recommendation [23:43] just read the instructions, and if you are on kubunut [23:43] ???/ [23:43] just apt-get update and then ugprade [23:43] http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 [23:44] kubunut [23:44] yeah, kubunut it's my own version of it :-D [23:44] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats there is where im getting info from === heinkel_111 is now known as heinkel_111|away [23:45] khalidmian: did you type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras? [23:46] ups! sorri halidmian [23:46] gorgonizer: yes [23:46] i read kubuntu-experimental, my mistake [23:46] EversW: Which package? [23:47] sorry DaSkreech, package of what? [23:47] google gadgets [23:47] yeah, take a look here, on project neon [23:47] http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/k/ [23:47] khalidmian: hmm, it available to me if I search using apt-cache, version 25.. [23:47] Hmm ok [23:47] gorgonizer: i typed sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras [23:48] installing that package, it adds an entry for "google gadgets" on adding new plasma stuff [23:49] and it gives you a nice menu to install them directly [23:49] khalidmian: do you get any results if you type apt-cache policy kubuntu-restricted-extras? [23:49] something like the plasmoids available on kde-look, but better [23:49] checking as we speak [23:51] DaSkreech: umm. no window manager. [23:52] DexterF: Hmm ? [23:52] after 4.2 upgrade. rebooted, got no kwin. [23:52] alt-f2 wont work [23:52] DexterF: yeha it won't without kwin I think [23:52] do you have a panel ? [23:52] click the menu and type kwin then press enter [23:53] DaSkreech: doesnt work. wont accept "enter" [23:53] bah :) ok fine type konsole and press enter [23:53] kmenu has a weird icon btw (" |<- ") [23:53] then kwin & [23:54] mine has the K with gear [23:54] what does yours have? [23:54] DaSkreech: |<- [23:54] like "previous item" in kaffeine [23:54] oh [23:54] ok well get kwin up first [23:55] ok im gonna ssh in and launch kwin from there [23:55] konsole won't open ? [23:55] From the kmenu ? [23:55] i use my kwrench [23:55] DaSkreech: kwin: error while loading shared libraries: libkephal.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [23:55] ok, that explains it [23:56] idea why that's missing? [23:56] hmm [23:56] what did you install to get KDE 4? [23:56] kubuntu-desktop ? [23:57] DaSkreech: i pretty much ran aptitude upgrade [23:57] how can i start a remote x session? [23:57] so you had kubuntu-desktop installed already ? [23:57] DaSkreech: came from a pretty fresh 8.10 standard installation [23:57] kubuntu 8.10 that is [23:58] Yeah that should pretty much work. [23:58] just what i thought [23:58] !find libkephal.so.4 [23:58] it's a vm, / has only 8gb but that should still be enough I guess [23:58] Package/file libkephal.so.4 does not exist in intrepid [23:58] Boo [23:58] Anyone on 4.2 having problems with xscreensaver? [23:59] Or - anyone else, I should say. [23:59] uh huh, already figured that. new in 4.2 it seems [23:59] DexterF: You have a konsole though ? [23:59] sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install kwin [23:59] well, konsole doesnt get a window size due to lack of kwin and hence I can't focus it... [23:59] Just to ensure [23:59] got ssh from the host tho [23:59] ok [23:59] Technically if you put your mouse over it it should get focus