[00:13] can anyone explain to me why my font looks strange when I access phpmyadmin on my computer [00:19] strange how? [00:54] it doesnt display it in english [00:54] but it is not a foreign language either [01:01] http://imagebin.org/37024 [01:01] that is a screenshot of what i am talking about [01:02] anyone have a solution [01:03] http://imagebin.org/37025 [01:03] that is a screenshot of my phpmyadmin [01:03] it also has a font problem [01:24] hello [01:24] !hi | Mood [01:24] Mood: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [01:24] is there a way to configure auto startup services in xubuntu? [01:24] under settings manager [01:24] i don't see "settings manager" in the GUI [01:24] autostarted apps [01:25] is your menu set like the default [01:25] oh, sorry about that. i do see "settings manager" [01:25] Applications menu -> settings -> Settings manager -> Autstarted... [01:25] ok [01:25] zoredache gave a perfect way [01:25] is there a way to specify commandline services? [01:26] You may also want to look at Applications Meny -> System -> Services [01:26] Mood: perhaps you should explain what you are trying to do. We might be able to help better [01:26] for instance, i'd like to start a terminal session with an execution of a custom binary within that xterm [01:27] you could run the custom binary directly as an autostarted application [01:27] will it be running within an xterm? [01:27] Mood: when you login? [01:27] or maybe i should ask: is there a way to pipe a binary autostart into an xterm? [01:27] you could do "xterm /path/to/application" [01:27] as an auto app [01:28] oh, just concatenating the binary after xterm should do it? let me try that [01:28] it may [01:28] Mood: on my computer I have a line like this as one of my startup items [01:28] xfce4-terminal --title="Terminal - ssh enterprise" -x /usr/bin/ssh -X -t username@homecomputer screen -rd [01:28] zoredcache: do you know how i could fix the font on my computer [01:28] http://imagebin.org/37024 [01:29] http://imagebin.org/37025 [01:29] basically it starts an xfce4-terminal and runs ssh. If you actually want 'xterm' you'll want to man xterm for the syntax [01:29] jne1991: no idea... it is very odd though [01:29] dang [01:29] ah, the xterm seems to execute the command and then it gets killed :-( [01:29] i was hoping it was an easy issue [01:29] jne1991: I would be tempted to install and try it in another browser [01:29] try what, the phpmyadmin? [01:29] mood: the program may have finished execution [01:30] and exited the terminal [01:30] yeah, try going to the site in ephiphany-webkit instead of firefox [01:30] jne1991: yes that's exactly what happened. any way of keeping the terminal session hanging around? [01:30] ok [01:30] maybe a &? let me try [01:30] nope [01:30] mood: i have no idea how to do that unless you could run a bash command to wait for user input [01:31] Mood: you could actually run bash, and have it use a alternate .bashrc [01:31] just a thought, but doesnt epiphany use gecko for rendering [01:31] ok. i think i need to experiment a bit [01:31] isnt that the same render engine used by firefox? [01:32] i'll let you know what i come up with, if i find a solution [01:32] thanks for the suggestions though [01:32] no problem [01:32] hope it works for you [01:32] ephiphany-webkit uses webkit. Which is what Safari, and Chrome use [01:32] ok [01:32] thanks [01:32] oh, by the way, the autostarted apps: the command line accepts sudo without a password? [01:33] no [01:33] how does one allow the autostarted apps to run w/o a password? [01:33] change the root password to nothing [01:33] sudo su [01:33] i need to run daemons, like ddclient for instance [01:33] Mood: you could adjust your sudoers with a NOPASSWD exceptop for that binary [01:33] passwd [01:33] current pass [01:34] ooh. i don't like the "no password" for my daemons [01:34] I'm updating and it's changing my kernel's linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic. Should I use the package maintainers' version of menu.lst? [01:34] If you are starting daemons, perhaps you should be putting things in your /etc/rc.local [01:35] zoredache, will /etc/rc.local binaries be executed upon reboot? [01:35] yes, with root permissions [01:36] zoredache, it appears that rc.local will be executed everytime a user connects... do you know if that's an accurate statement? [01:37] no, that is not true. rc.local is only ran when the system starts unless you manually change runlevels [01:38] zoredache, awesome. i think that may be the solution... thank you kind sir [01:40] Grant-A: yes, if you want it to be able to use the items it upgraded [01:40] charlie-tca: Thanks :) [01:40] brb [01:42] does anyone here know how to use drupal [01:47] ok my external USB sound works (makes noise). How to I direct my software DVD player to use it? [01:48] what program are you using [01:48] for playing dvds [01:51] I tried VLC, it let me select my USB card as the ALSA device. I don't know waht to set the OSS device too (/dev/?). I tride toems and found no option for it. I tried rythymbox, doesn't seem to play DVDs. Have not tries Mplayer yet. willing to install a player thet will do this [01:51] so you are using linux, right? [01:52] of course, I'm not a psycho [01:52] most mainstream distros should just auto-detect it [01:53] i dont have much software on my xubuntu installation because i just reinstalled [01:53] so i cant check the preferences of different media players [01:53] atm [01:54] the sound card is detected, I just need to direct a player to use it [01:57] well i am downloading the mplayer right now [01:57] but you should be able to configure it under the preferences menu [01:58] but i am unsure because i do not have a system set up like you do [02:03] i think gecko has a problem with font support [02:03] is webkit a good alternative [02:03] and is it cross-platform [02:09] hi [02:10] ok, I found a way to do it. Its sloppy but works. I have to change my defalut sound so everything uses my USB. [02:10] interesting my xubuntu 8.04.2 computers are updating to 2.6.24-23 kernel. [02:10] But I already have 2.6.24-23 on all my machines :) [02:10] It seems that we have "new" 2.6.24-23 to update to :) [02:11] princedugan, and where you change your default sound? [02:11] using xfce4-mixer or.. [02:12] in settings manager? [02:43] hi . [02:44] is there a way of controling cpu frequency, other then installing Gnome applets and cpufreq applet? [02:45] I want to save 100 megs of hdd space with no installing gnome dependences for GNOME, I use Xfce. [02:46] nikolam: command line? :D [03:03] Odd-rationale, ehh, I was hoping something on GUI, like cpufreq monitor applet i am using with xfpanel on other machine. [03:03] It is also interesting thing. [03:03] On machine where I use it to display and setup speed, [03:03] Only CPU-Default cpeed is displayed [03:03] and not overclocked current speed. [03:04] I am wondering how could I make ir read right speen [03:04] speed [03:04] Also, There are overclock/downclock utilities on Windows [03:04] Anything like that on Linux? [03:05] Odd-rationale, you know how to set it and read it in command line? [03:06] Also I am wondering How I lost disk space on notebook after every upgrade? [03:06] I cleared /var/apt/cache with cached debs. [03:06] It keeps using more and more space over time I think. [03:43] howdy [03:43] does anyone know why viewing files on a cd would be denied permission? [03:44] The files are not owned by you and are owner read only [03:45] mmm rods denied to read? [03:45] yes nikolam [03:45] rods is it CD rom or CDRW. [03:45] Does anybody know where I can find the contents of the System menu that's part of the Xfce default menu? [03:45] Is it ISO system on CD or UDF? [03:45] CD rom [03:46] its a game I'm trying to install under WINE [03:46] Usually I just go to setup.exe on the CD [03:46] rods, check permissions in /media dir for your cdrom [03:46] but I can't find it [03:46] how do I do that? [03:46] you can found where it is mounted with df -h [03:47] if usually you can open cd, maybe it is something funny about cd [03:47] its not letting me open the cd [03:47] actually [03:47] could it be mounted at /dev/scd0? [03:48] when I type "cd /media/cdrom0" I get a permission denied prompt [03:48] but I'm showing the disc is mounted [03:48] rods use df -h to see all mounted devices [03:48] use cat /etc/mtab to see all mounted too [03:48] nikolam: try cpufreq-info [03:49] (sorry, i was away...) [03:49] place where stuff is mounted resides in /etc/fstab [03:49] but it should be all default [03:49] Odd-rationale, I installed emifreq-applet . That was the name [03:49] ok. cool [03:50] Odd-rationale, but question was like changing settings for cpu. [03:50] Odd--what am I seeing here when I use the command (I apologize for being a total linux newb...) [03:50] like overclocking and stuff [03:50] and displaying current speed instead of cpu-model one. [03:51] Odd-rationale, if you know how to do those things in command line that would be cool too [03:51] nikolam: cpufreq-set [03:51] Odd-rationale, ok 1x will see it [03:52] Does anybody know where I can find the contents of the System menu that's part of the Xfce default menu? [03:56] MaxHavoc, try to look at Appfinder. Right click on icon and more information and it will say to you what program it is [03:57] MaxHavoc, Start appfinder from Accesories Appfinder [03:57] Ah, sweet! Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted [03:59] MaxHavoc, :) [03:59] Another question if I may, this one more generic Linux, is there any way to launch an application from the terminal and be able to close the terminal but still have the application remain open? For example if I run firefox from the terminal and close the terminal firefox then closes, is there anyway to have that not happen? [04:04] MaxHavoc, Yes But I forgot. It is some sign after command [04:04] & [04:04] or you can run command with ALT+F2 [04:04] I know you can do & to make it run in the BG but that still doesn't prevent it from closing if you close the terminal [04:04] charlie-tca, thanks [04:05] Dude, you are my hero of heroes, I was looking all over for a bloody run prompt! [04:05] np, memory comes and goes, it seems [04:05] Now to remap the shortcut to Windows+R to make it more like my precious Windows XP :) [04:05] MaxHavoc, Maybe you should put bloody Bug request on Launchpad about putting Run on Xfce menu [04:06] I think it should be there, too [04:06] At linux it is Super key. Not Win. :) [04:07] MaxHavoc, Maybe Settings> Settings manager> Keyboard> Shortcuts? [04:07] That part I had figured out, thanks though [04:09] I just did it too for myself :) Supor+p to open pcmanfm :) [04:09] Ok, help a poor Windozer out here...what is the difference between /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin [04:10] /usr/bin is vatican /usr/local/bin is local church :)) [04:10] So /usr/local/bin is where'd I'd nail my 95 theses? [04:10] You don`t mess around with neather :) [04:11] Oh pish-posh, the whole point of Linux is to mess around ;p [04:11] MaxHavoc, I don`t think so. Point is that youCAN. YES, You CAN use code and make anything you want [04:12] Yes you can .. :)) [04:12] Ok, but seriously though, why do you need /bin, /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin [04:12] Isn't one enough? [04:13] MaxHavoc, Please post a bug on launchpad.net for putting run button in xfce menu. Explain that you were searching answer for long how to run something [04:13] Is that the official bug tracking site for Xfce? [04:13] Linux is Unix-Like. It is standard to have those [04:13] I know, but sometimes people enforce standards while forgetting why they were initially standardized [04:13] more important and system-related, higher it is [04:13] I think. [04:14] Some programs even resides in /usr/share/local [04:14] Or even /opt for commercial external and older apps [04:14] MaxHavoc, It IS standard :) [04:14] See, I'd think having just one directory for all binaries would make things easier, then you could get rid of the PATH variable [04:14] I think.. [04:15] Same thing could go for all libs and all source files [04:15] That is wky we have Synaptic :) [04:15] Bah, see, the whole reason I'm trying to switch to Linux is to stop all the obfuscating of the system fundamentals [04:15] I know that is logical, see if Linus and allothers share it :) [04:16] aha. Install debian-reference package :) [04:16] Baby steps Nikolam, baby steps :) [04:16] search on help.ubuntu.com [04:16] and use power of ubuntuforums.org [04:17] Yeah, I'm already registered there [04:17] also wikipedia and google are your friends [04:17] I myself am just an user [04:17] I think that bug reports are most important. [04:18] with everything you do, you contribute. [04:20] According to launchpad.net, Xfce does not use launchpad as its bug tracker [04:21] max see under ubuntu [04:26] Ok, I submitted the bug through bugzilla [04:27] MaxHavoc, I think it is xfdesktop4 package [04:27] http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=xfce4-menu-plugin&mode=exactfilename&suite=hardy&arch=any [04:27] who`s bugzilla? xfce`s? [04:28] Yeah [04:28] maybe it would be better with ubuntu under package xfdesktop4 [04:28] Bugzilla is their official bug tracker, it's linked off their website [04:28] Because distributions mostly decide where to put buttons etc [04:29] main xfce is for all distros [04:29] Yeah but I think it's the same team that manages Xubuntu [04:29] MaxHavoc, original package maintainers does not support programs in distribution repositories directly [04:30] If you download code and make xfce from their site then you file bug to them [04:30] if you installed xfce from X/ubuntu you file bug to x/ubuntu [04:31] Hmm, alright, I'll do that too [04:31] if it is fixed in distribution and is interesting for the rest of the world, it is sent upstream to original project [04:31] Anyway, I'm off, thanks for the help [04:31] MaxHavoc, Ok, thank you and come again :) [04:45] saluton [04:53] I have a laptop with a TSST TS-L632D DVD drive. It doesn't read DVDs at all. I tried flashing the firmware but that didn't change anything at all. What else can I do? [04:55] maybe the drive is broken [04:57] that's not good [04:58] how do I tell? [05:00] mmm... [05:00] I dont know [05:00] but I have had the same problem [05:01] and I had thought software problem [05:01] but was a hardware problem [05:02] this particular drive on its own is like $300. I don't know what other DVD drives would fit properly (laptops are so annoying with hardware parts, eh?. [05:03] my laptop driver can't burn a DVD, always have a error [05:04] this won't even read a dvd. [05:04] lsdvd says empty drive [05:07] can I just pop in any random slim IDE DVD drive? [05:08] something like this? http://cgi.ebay.com/NEC-ND-6500A-DVD-RW-R-Dual-Layer-Slim-IDE-Burner-NR_W0QQitemZ190282795010QQcmdZViewItemQQptZPCC_Drives_Storage_Internal?hash=item190282795010&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 [05:09] that's why I bought a external dvd-drive [05:09] :P [05:09] ah, I see [05:10] I've only had this laptop 18 months and it needs a new keyboard, new DVD drive, and I'd really like a new wifi card as this RealTek chip sucks. [05:10] cellofellow, it was new or used when you bought one? [05:11] new [05:11] cellofellow, HP? [05:11] bought it as Circuit City though [05:11] Gatewy [05:11] my laptop is HP [05:11] cellofellow, whell, return it under guarantee [05:11] http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8990648&st=lg+dvd-external&type=product&id=1218007087415 [05:11] that's my external dvd [05:11] bestbuy != circuit city [05:11] right now this laptop need a new dvd-drive [05:12] but 1 mount ago, was needing a new HDD, and more memory [05:12] I was told when I bought it that installing an OS on the system, whether Linux or Windows, voided the warranty. I also did not buy an extended warranty. Also the store where I bought it is out of business now. [05:13] so what good do guarentees do me? [05:13] It is not true that installing some OS voids warranty. [05:14] I want a desktop [05:14] T_T [05:14] If store is out of business, ask manufacturer where to get your machine for servicing. [05:14] I have never had a desktop [05:15] I can't upgrade my video card in a laptop [05:15] * cellofellow doesn't need a desktop when he has a laptop + server. [05:15] I only can have a HDD [05:15] * cellofellow doesn't play games much. [05:15] I think it is better to make a desktop from parts. Many parts have longer warranties if bought separately [05:15] * forces likes play cod 4 [05:15] true [05:15] yep [05:16] some manufacturers like ZaReason are nice enough to warranty the parts in the box separately though. [05:16] you can buy your favorite motherboard [05:16] processor [05:17] ram, video card [05:17] Catch22 is that warranties mostly have value is computer is integrated from parts in computer shop that do that things. [05:17] T_T [05:17] ZaReason`s policy sounds very nice to me [05:18] Circuit City -- closed? [05:19] soon [05:19] broken [05:19] bestbuy win! [05:19] fataliy [05:19] ?? why? (I am from europe, i don`t know) [05:20] so, even though it's been since Sept. 08 (not quite 18mo) you think I can get the borked DVD drive replaced at Circuit City or by Gateway? [05:20] why? cause they weren't a profitable company in the first place, economy goes south, CC goes to Antarctica. [05:21] "economy goes south, CC goes to Antarctica." :)) [05:21] cellofellow, I would contact Gateway for instructions on that [05:22] hmmm [05:22] Or CC information on that [05:22] Or I am just too European ? :) [05:22] no idea [05:22] someone have a acer aspire one? [05:23] cellofellow, economy goes south, CC goes to Antarctica. [05:23] lol [05:23] cellofellow, http://investor.circuitcity.com/announcement.cfm [05:23] http://investor.circuitcity.com/common/download/download.cfm?companyid=CC&fileid=266455&filekey=BCE9A761-4F39-43B2-9792-3BDB4417BD3C&filename=Assurant_Release.pdf [05:24] Extended warranties, not warranties. [05:25] cellofellow, I would go to Gateway then. They need to have someone else then. [05:25] ok [05:26] cellofellow, OR you will write angry letter and post it on your web site :) [05:26] like my website gets enough traffic... :) [05:27] cellofellow, :)) [05:27] what's with the double-chinned smiley? [05:27] cellofellow, but micheal moor`s does :) [05:27] lol [05:28] lol 2 [05:28] "i will tell to moor for next film :) [06:05] well, Gateway said I'm on my own [06:06] I am trying to install xubuntu - why is there so many dependencies - like abiword, etc [06:09] the meta package is designed to give an whole desktop system to a user [06:10] if you just want xfce, you might want to just install the 'xfce4' package [06:11] k, thanks [07:14] How do I fix the top panel... It is all messed up, and I don't know how it got that way [07:15] My icons don't exist... [09:32] <|ntegra|> so it works [09:32] <|ntegra|> I want I want [09:33] <|ntegra|> where's the hibernation with "profiles" [09:33] <|ntegra|> ? [09:33] <|ntegra|> saved to the menu.lst? [09:34] <|ntegra|> and the ndis "loader" program with ,like, 400 windows wireless drivers ready-to-go? [09:36] <|ntegra|> and why hasn't someone actually reverse-engineered windows yet and buggered their whole driver scenario for the betterment of the whole linux community???@! === Hellwire_ is now known as Hellwire [13:22] Hi, guys, anybody about? [13:23] Here [13:23] brb though :P [13:23] ok, I am a xubuntu beginner, I downloaded it yesterday... [13:24] it probably an easy problem, but I just cant figure it out... [13:25] I am running xubuntu on a very old PC, it has an ATI 3D rage Pro graphic card, and I cant get a higher resolution than 800*600 [13:26] Which version of Xubuntu are you running? [13:26] I have tried to force it with the xserver useing " sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but it only askes me about my keyboard and then dissapers [13:27] it is the lastest (stabel) version of Xbuntu and completed updated [13:27] *completely updated [13:28] Hmm... :/ [13:29] 8.10 is the version [13:29] yeah, it seems to be a tricky problem... [13:29] I have been googling but have not had any luck [13:30] !display [13:30] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [13:30] I think that last link should help you [13:31] OK, I will check it out and report back here, and thanks! [13:43] Ok, this looks like it might work :-) but needs a bit of playing about with... [13:43] first I did this: $ xrandr --newmode 1024x768 --rate 60 [13:44] then this: $ xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768 --rate 60 [13:45] but the resolution did not change... [14:13] Hmm... I just cant seem to be able to figure out how to make a new mode? [14:14] I tried to make one here: "http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/" [14:15] then it gave me this modeline: $ "1024x768" 60.80 1024 1056 1128 1272 768 768 770 796 [14:15] so I tried: $ xrandr --newmode "1024x768" 60.80 1024 1056 1128 1272 768 768 770 796 [14:18] Man, it sure is awkward to change the resolution on a Linux system... [14:19] Agreed [14:19] I must be doing something wrong I guess, I just cant figure out what :) [14:23] $ xrandr --newmode "1024x768" 60.80 1024 1056 1128 1272 768 768 770 796 [14:23] X Error of failed request: BadName (named color or font does not exist) [14:23] Major opcode of failed request: 152 (RANDR) [14:23] Minor opcode of failed request: 16 () [14:23] Serial number of failed request: 13 [14:23] Current serial number in output stream: 13 [14:23] does that make sense to anybody? [14:24] does anybody see what I did wrong? this being my 2nd day with Linux, I am clueless :) [14:26] I've used Xubuntu for far longer but have no idea how to deal with it. Might be a bug... [14:28] I guess it might be a driver problem? maybe the driver does just not support a higher resolution for the graphic card? [14:29] Can't imagine [14:31] I check the AMD / ATI website, to see if the offer a proprietary driver for the "ATI 3D RAGE PRO" thinking that driver might pick up higher resolutions than 800*600 but the dont seem to make drivers for such an old card... [14:32] dan_freedom, have you checked Applications->System->Hardware Drivers? [14:32] I know the card support higher resolutions on a windows system, so logically that should also be possible with Xubuntu... wait I'll have a look [14:34] ohh, I think I tried that yesterday when I had Ubuntu installed... No Luck same result: it says No Proprietary Drivers in use on this system... [14:35] I also tried EnvyNG yesterday... or something like that :) [14:37] Man, I would love to figure this out, Xubuntu is great on this PC, because its such a LOW end system, with Xubuntu, its not running like a slug anymore :) [14:37] do you have an ATI card? [14:38] yes, its an ATI 3D RAGE PRO, a rather old card... with no more official support at the ATI/AMD website [14:42] yesterday under "Add/Remove Applications" I found a "ATI binary Xorg driver" [14:42] hello [14:42] but it seems more geared towards the newer ATI cards... [14:42] I tried it yesterday but it would not load... [14:43] kept going back to low-graphics-mode or something named like that :) [14:43] Hi Ben [14:43] for some reason after system update to: Ubuntu 8.04.2, kernel 2.6.24-23-386 the xfce4-mixer stopped working. When choosing at boot time: Ubuntu 8.04.2, kernel 2.6.24-23-generic the mixer works fine? what's going on? [14:48] HeHe, no Idea Ben, I just started with Linux yesterday! [14:49] dan_freedom: You need to Synaptic Package Manager and install the 'xserver-xorg-video-r128' driver, I believe. That should be for older Rage cards [14:50] You also need the 'xserver-xorg-video-ati' driver with it. [14:50] OK, thanks Charlie, I'll start looking for that now :) [14:50] I don't believe you can do it through add/remove though [14:51] :( ohh, HeHe, I just learned that yesterday the nice add/remove [14:52] Yeah, it is great for normal applications, but not so good for deeper issues. [14:54] what's the difference between kernel 2.6.24-23-generic and kernel 2.6.24-23-386? because after the update (8.04.2) the alsamixer doesn't work in 386 but works in generic? [14:56] xserver-xorg-video-r128, OK, I found that one and marked it for re-installation [14:57] xserver-xorg-video-ati" OK, and that one is also marked... [14:58] OK, I will cross my fingers and hit Apply and hope for the best :) [14:58] Those were already installed? [14:58] emm not sure... I do I tell that? [14:59] They had a green box [14:59] yeah, they had a green box [14:59] In synaptic package manager, green box on the left is your installed applications. Clear box is uninstalled. [15:00] there is a lot of them installed, I ran the update earlier and lots of new things came in :) [15:01] maybe I need to activate them or something? [15:03] no, but if i recall, you should make sure no other ati 'xorg-driver-*' or 'xserver-xorg-*' drivers are green. If they are, right click and click remove [15:03] Other than that, I am out of answers. [15:03] OK, there is a lot of them there... I noticed a few of them came in with the update today [15:04] did u see when I posted what I tried with the --newmode idea? [15:04] xrandr --newmode "1024x768" 60.80 1024 1056 1128 1272 768 768 770 796 [15:05] I tried that in the terminal to manually add the new required mode... [15:05] a few come in often, they still should not be installed. ATI RAGE is particular about drivers installed. As long as they are not green in Synaptic, you are okay. [15:05] I don't know how to write modelines. [15:06] I don't know if xrandr accepts changes from the terminal, either. [15:06] OK, then I will try that, ATI have always been picky about drivers, which is why I bought a Nvidea graphic card for the "GAMING" this [15:06] I have gotten ATI Rage to 1024x768 before. It took a lot of work. [15:07] Me neither... I used this website: http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ [15:07] yeah, I have learned a lot about Xubuntu over the last two days trying to figure this out [15:08] a good way to learn but a bit painfull [15:08] Have you looked at this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input [15:09] I meant Nvidia graphic card (better drivers) for the GAMING PC that other time :) it not quite come out right [15:10] I will take a look at that now [15:10] Yeah, I switched all my systems to nvidia, since they are easier to set up [15:13] just clicking through the drivers now to remove all except: 'xserver-xorg-video-r128' and 'xserver-xorg-video-ati' [15:14] there is a lot of them there of those 'xserver-xorg-video' I guess ALL of them; remove? [15:20] You could keep vesa and anything ati [15:20] If this machine is using the ati rage, you should not need most of them [15:21] You only need drivers for the card installed, plus vesa [15:22] The drivers are installed automatically to be there for any card used [15:23] Ok, Its off [15:24] if I deleted any I should not have by mistake I guess the update can put it back easy enough [15:24] yes, normally. Did you keep vesa? It is the generic driver [15:25] yes, I kept the vesa [15:26] okay [15:29] OK, everything is out now except those three 'xserver-xorg-video-r128' and 'xserver-xorg-video-ati' and 'Vesa' [15:30] and the VM ware driver [15:31] video radeon and mach 64 seem to be part of the 'xserver-xorg-video-ati' [15:32] Are you running in a virtual machine? [15:32] no, I just thought I should keep the VM driver [15:32] in case I want to run a virtual machine [15:32] okay. Just checking, since that would change things. [15:33] No, definitly no VM [15:33] :) [15:34] should I just restart now and see if the ati drivers behave or is there more steps? [15:34] no more steps I know of. Go ahead. Good luck. [15:36] HeHe, somehow I think they will still complain, because the mode 1024x768 seems not to be included... but then again maybe the one of the other drivers was conflicting or something... [15:36] no guarantees here [15:36] HeHe, thanks I will drop by here again after restart and let u know If I had any luck [15:37] If I dont work, I guess I can hang-out here for while, there must be somebody who will come online who knows how to write new modelines :) [15:37] BRB [15:38] &Thanks for all your help ;) [15:39] no problem. [15:46] :) those pesky ATI graphic card drivers are still acting up === freedom is now known as Dan_Freedom [15:48] I guess next step would be to maybe ask at a Forum? === Dan_Freedom is now known as dan_freedom [15:51] LOL, or just buy an AGP nvidia graphic card on Ebay [15:53] I will stick around for a while, if anybody has anymore ideas how to force an "ATI 3D RAGE PRO" to use a higher resolution than 800*600 Let me know, I would be delighted to hear from and get this problem sorted :) [15:53] dan_freedom, checkout this: http://tinyurl.com/c3olfp [15:54] don't seems to be an easy task, but maybe is a solution [15:56] hey, thanks, I will read through it and give it go! Let u know how I get on :) [15:58] ok, good luck then :) [16:30] LOL, it did a whole bunch of stuff, not quite sure what, but I still cant figure out how to in resolution more than 800*600 [16:31] I am gonna have to give up on it for a while, will have another go later [16:32] think I might have to get this into the x-org config somehow: [16:32] Section "Device" [16:32] Identifier "Configured Video Device" [16:32] Option "ForcePCIMode" "True" [16:32] EndSection [16:32] Section "Screen" [16:32] Identifier "Default Screen" [16:32] Monitor "Configured Monitor" [16:32] Device "Configured Video Device" [16:32] DefaultDepth 16 [16:32] SubSection "Display" [16:32] Depth 16 [16:32] Modes "1024x768" [16:32] EndSubSection [16:32] EndSection [16:32] expect tdefault depth should be higher [16:35] hmm... maybe I have the mach64 in the wrong place? [16:37] OK, break time! this is giving me a headache! Time for some Dinner, catch u guys later & to all the brains here, Here's my problem: '*how to force an "ATI 3D RAGE PRO" to use a higher resolution than 800*600' [16:38] :( [17:35] Hello? [17:35] hello [17:36] I was wondering if someone could help me with wireless setup on my laptop with Xubuntu [17:58] I guess not [18:18] Myrtti: [18:18] !question [18:18] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:19] !wireless [18:19] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [18:26] Pres-Gas: yes? [18:53] hi [18:54] how to run vnc server? is there one come with xubuntu? [18:56] one doesn't come with it but you can install one [18:57] which one? [18:57] X11vnc? [18:57] x11vnc will do as a server yeh [18:58] x11vnc works well in my opinion [18:59] what do u use ssh + vnc viewer? [18:59] i usually just vnc into the server without the ssh [18:59] but i want to know how to use vnc with ssh , i hear it is safer that way [18:59] somewhere in the last year, making an ethernet interface supply a zeroconf network has become much harder [19:00] usually I ssh to a host. When I ssh I create some ssh tunnels, and then I start x11vnc on the remote server [19:00] O__o: the advantage of doing it via SSH is that if someone is catching packets from your computer he/she won't know you're using VNC, and thus won't know where there is a VNC server he could try to log on [19:00] I used to be able to go Applications -> System -> Network, and click myself to a setup that worked [19:01] O__o: ssh -L{port}:localhost:5900 -t {host} sudo x11vnc -localhost -nopw -display :0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -loop [19:01] ssh is a shell how do u start vnc there? [19:01] ssh isn't a shell, ssh is a tool to get a remote shell [19:01] do i run that long command in the client pc? [19:02] O__o: well you would adapt it, but yes... {port} needs to be a free local port, and {host} is the remote host [19:02] you then connect with vnc to to localhost:port [19:03] let say the server is kelvin@p3 with port 22, i run ssh -L{22}:localhost:5900 -t {kelvin@p3} sudo x11vnc -localhost -nopw -display :0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -loop ??? [19:05] * SiDi doesn't know much about tunneling :x [19:06] I'm leaving you peeps, just learnt there was a linux'ish party at my city :P gotta go and preach for xubuntu [19:20] O__o: you would want something like ssh -L10000:localhost:5900 -t kelvin@p3 sudo x11vnc -localhost -nopw -display :0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -loop [19:20] then you would vnc to localhost:10000 [19:21] so the first command i type it in kelvin@O_o or in kelvin@p3? [19:21] Hey, anybody know if there is a way to configure which packages get installed during a Xubuntu install? Can I make my own CD with a customized package list or anything like that? [19:22] kelvin@O_o = client, kelvin@p3 = server [19:23] yes, the installer can be customized... take a look http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Preseed and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-using.html [19:27] GreenBA: if you are looking for a system to setup lots of identical computers on the same network you might want to look at fai or a few other things which haves names that escape me at the moment [19:27] Nah, it's not for bulk installs, I just want to customize what packages get installed [19:28] Get rid of stuff I don't want, put in stuff I do, etc.. [19:28] you could always just do a cli install and the apt-get whatever you need [19:28] GreenBA: you can build a custom liveCD with a program called uck, to be found on sourceforge [19:29] Ooh, swanky [19:29] That sounds promsing [19:29] zoredache, yeah I know, but I want to install a minimal OS without a lot of packages I have no interest in [19:31] Sorry, you confused me there. did you mean you 'I don't want to install' [19:46] * SiDi 's finally too lazy to leave tonight [19:57] anyone know of any guides on setting up quad-monitor with 2 ati cards? [20:13] hey, what am i missing (i'm an arch linux user myself but installed xubuntu on my better halfs' laptop), i can't get compiz-fusion to work. i've checked the X rc file and it should be ok but still nothing. just xfce [20:15] mord: did you install compiz? Xfce has it's own compositor, so compiz is not installed by default [20:15] charlie-tca: i installed compiz and that pulled in a lot of dependencies [20:16] !compiz [20:16] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion [20:16] but there are no errors anywhere, i just can't get compiz to work [20:16] ok [20:16] I'm thinking try #compiz-fusion , they know more than I do. I don't use it, myself [20:17] yea [20:18] i sort of have fallen in love with it. it's actually not just eye-candy even though i love to show off to ppl who are still using windoze :) [20:29] anyone know of any guides on setting up quad-monitor with 2 ati cards? [20:34] hi [20:34] hi [20:35] hi keksschaf [21:52] I think I have found a solution for my problem: *how to force an "ATI 3D RAGE PRO" to use a higher resolution than 800*600' [21:52] dump the damn card and buy a new one! [21:52] :) [21:53] cant be much more than 20 - 40 euro to buy a AGP graphic card these days? [21:54] :-) [21:54] have you tried: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [21:55] yes, I tried that one as well, it just asked me a lot of questions about my keyboard and then disappeared! [21:56] I tried a few things today but not much luck! [21:57] LOL a hard start into Linux for me [21:58] I have been using windows for all my PC-life, but I have always wanted to try out Linux... so I decided to try out Xubuntu [21:59] HeHe, that was first thing that I encountered! Hey, why cant I set my resolution to anything higher than 800*600 [22:00] but I did learn a few things about Linux in trying to solve this problem so not all bad... but I would have preferred a less frustrating start into the Linux world :) [22:01] xbuntu was good choice [22:01] do you have mach64? [22:01] loaded [22:01] well, the first one I tried was Ubuntu, but because my system was such a low-end system I swaped over to Xubuntu [22:01] i think that is the driver you should use [22:02] I tried removing all the drivers today with synaptic package manager to remove all video drivers except: [22:02] 'xserver-xorg-video-r128' and 'xserver-xorg-video-ati' and 'Vesa' [22:03] can you type in a terminal: lsmod | grep mach64 [22:03] Ok, done [22:04] it didn't say anything, but I did hear a lot about the mach64 driver today [22:05] what lsmod | grep mach64 returns? [22:06] ~$ lsmod | grep mach64 [22:06] freedom@PENNY:~$ [22:06] thats all that happens [22:06] should I use sudo first maybe? [22:07] try.. but i think that is the same [22:08] freedom@PENNY:~$ lsmod | grep mach64 [22:08] freedom@PENNY:~$ sudo lsmod | grep mach64 [22:08] [sudo] password for freedom: [22:08] freedom@PENNY:~$ [22:08] dany144 [22:09] lol [22:09] ok [22:09] still not saying anything, I was messing around today a bit with xrandr [22:09] the drivers isn't loaded [22:10] $ xrandr [22:10] Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 600 [22:10] default connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm [22:10] 800x600 60.0* 56.0 [22:10] 640x480 60.0 [22:10] 400x300 60.0 56.0 [22:10] 320x240 60.0 [22:10] Then I tried: [22:10] $ xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768 [22:10] but nothing happened... [22:10] so I think I need to make a new mode so I try: [22:10] $ xrandr --addmode S-video 1024x768 [22:10] xrandr: cannot find output "S-video" [22:10] I tried: (using 'http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/' to make a new modeline) [22:11] 1024x768 (0x127) 60.8MHz [22:11] h: width 1024 start 1056 end 1128 total 1272 skew 0 clock 47.8KHz [22:11] v: height 768 start 768 end 770 total 796 clock 60.0Hz [22:11] it added that but I cannot set it... so I guess It must be wrong [22:12] should I try and add mach64? if it is not loaded? [22:12] !paste [22:12] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [22:13] OK, :) lots of stuff to learn [22:13] but that all there was to paste ;) [22:14] on intrepid there is a package: xserver-xorg-video-mach64 [22:17] strange, synaptic package manager shows that as green on my system [22:17] which should mean that its allready installed? [22:18] yes [22:18] hmm... I guess Xbuntu is using the other one for my graphic card then, and mach64 is just there as a choice? [22:20] http://mapopa.blogspot.com/2008/12/enabling-3d-drm-on-ati-3d-rage-pro-agp.html [22:21] I did try this today, but it was a bit much for a Linux beginer... [22:21] that might have messed things up a bit :) [22:22] I will reinstall that mach64 [22:27] you can type also: glxinfo | grep direct [22:28] you will need mesa-utils installed to do that [22:28] yeah, I just tried to install them with the Terminal but it didn't work... :( [22:28] sudo apt-get install mesa-utils [22:28] [sudo] password for freedom: [22:28] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [22:28] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [22:29] close sypantic [22:29] ahh ok :) [22:29] or any other package manager first [22:31] ~$ glxinfo | grep direct [22:31] direct rendering: Yes [22:31] freedom@PENNY:~$ [22:31] oh.. is enabled! [22:31] is that good? :) [22:31] yes [22:32] mmm [22:32] :) [22:32] can you use: http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? [22:34] http://paste.ubuntu.com/111458/ [22:35] ok, I think thats right? [22:35] yes [22:36] mm.. but if you compare it with: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4906456&postcount=216 [22:36] there is some diferences that maybe you can try [22:37] the drivers is enabled, so maybe you just need to edit your xorg.conf to fix that [22:38] http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4906456&postcount=216 [22:38] maybe like what that guy has written? at the end [22:38] yes, exactly [22:39] Ok, I will give it go :) [22:41] just add the changes that are in bold [22:41] I guess 32 bit colour is ok? [22:42] or maybe 24? I reckon it can handle more than 16 bit [22:43] mmm not sure [22:43] try using that values first [22:43] hmm... I cant seem to save it [22:43] you have to edit it as root :) [22:43] sudo [22:44] HeHe, I do believe problem solving is best way to learn Linux? [22:44] sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [22:44] hehhe [22:44] ye.. pure fun :)) [22:45] I think I have learnt more today than I would have in a week reading through 'Welcome to Xubuntu 8.10!' [22:45] xD [22:46] or sudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf [22:46] if you like the mouse [22:46] :) [22:47] yeah, I was a bit stuck, I think I will try with the mouse [22:47] :) [22:51] OK, I think I got it done :) [22:51] I saved something anyway :) [22:51] good.. you used 16 right? [22:52] Hi, I've downloaded a desktop cd of xubuntu, but I already have ubuntu on my laptop, so I need to remove ubuntu first. How do I do that? [22:52] restart.. and see what happen.. use low graphics again if you have any problem [22:53] OK, be back in bit then! I am excited to see it it works! :) [22:53] good luck === danielm_ is now known as danielm [23:02] I did something but not quite right :) [23:02] I have one more thing to try I forgot to take out the that time :/ [23:03] oh.. it works? [23:04] no, it said EE problem parsing the config file [23:04] but I forgot I had a 32 in it [23:04] I just changed it 16 and saved it, so I will give it another go now [23:04] BRB :) [23:10] still no luck :( [23:11] well, I guess tomorrow is another day :) [23:12] hmm, I must have went wrong somewhere... [23:12] LOL, I have messed up my terminal as well [23:14] it's curious, your direct rendering is enabled.. you should be able to change the resolution :// [23:16] hmm, maybe my mach64 is in wrong place [23:16] are you using the new xorg.conf? [23:17] also in my case i had to do an [23:17] $sudo depmod -a [23:17] and added mach64 in [23:17] /etc/modules [23:17] from that blog [23:17] I think so, because it tries to load it when I restart and says Problem parsing the config file [23:19] Ok, so I'm installing xubuntu over a ubuntu partition.. Do I have to make a new swap-partition or can I just keep the old one? [23:19] you can read the /var/log/Xorg.0.log.. that is the x log, and maybe say what is wrong with your X setup [23:19] I am repeating the steps at website now [23:19] you will find the EE: there [23:22] I have only fuse and lg in my /etc/modules [23:22] maybe thats it? [23:22] i don't think so [23:22] lp i mean [23:22] try to locate your X error when loading on the logs and share it [23:25] http://paste.ubuntu.com/111474/ [23:25] is that it? [23:27] hi guys my bros computer is stuck on "*Activating swapfile swap..." in it's boot precess [23:28] what would we do? The thing to indicate where a letter will be typed is over at the very right of the screen blinking [23:28] it's installed via wubi if that makes a differnce [23:29] never mind it just booted but any clue what would make it hang like that? [23:32] dan_freedom, look at other X logs.. that seems to be the failsafe-log without errors [23:34] How large partition should an xubuntu installation have? [23:35] sudo depmod -a what does that do? [23:38] Wips, http://www.xubuntu.org/get there is a section with requirements [23:47] cant seem to see any error log at the moment [23:48] :) getting tired, better leave it for today [23:49] I will see how expensive AGP NVIDIA cards are tommorow, maybe there is a cheap one I can pick up :) [23:50] Nite Nite, a BIG BIG THANK-YOU for all your help! [23:51] :) it was like a crash course in Linux today [23:55] ok dan, but you are in the right way [23:55] ok