phpstar | hello everyone :) | 02:18 |
phpstar | i have one quick Q | 02:18 |
phpstar | can i use LTSP to deploy Win XP image on thin clients ?? | 02:18 |
nubae | no | 02:19 |
phpstar | oh ok | 02:19 |
nubae | u can, however connect via rdp to a remote desktop session on a windows server | 02:20 |
nubae | which is kinda the same thing | 02:20 |
phpstar | yes but i hate viruses | 02:20 |
phpstar | we have 20 thin clients in christian school | 02:20 |
nubae | then dont use windows | 02:20 |
phpstar | but u said i cant use LTSP to deploy Win XP | 02:20 |
nubae | right, dont use windows | 02:21 |
nubae | deploy linux | 02:21 |
phpstar | actually management only like to have WIn XP so kids can play etc | 02:22 |
nubae | well there are many options there | 02:22 |
nubae | u can set up a virtual image with windows in it | 02:22 |
phpstar | in linux ?? | 02:22 |
nubae | u can set up crossover | 02:22 |
nubae | or u can setup wine | 02:22 |
nubae | yes | 02:22 |
nubae | in linux... virtualbox would be good for example... | 02:22 |
phpstar | or vmware ?? | 02:22 |
nubae | they wouldnt even know linux was running underneath | 02:22 |
nubae | yep, any of them | 02:22 |
phpstar | but | 02:22 |
nubae | vmware has fewer options than virtualbox | 02:22 |
phpstar | can vmware deploy XP image over network ?? | 02:22 |
nubae | virtualbox is supported by Sun | 02:23 |
phpstar | or virtual box | 02:23 |
nubae | well u dont need to | 02:23 |
nubae | u are using ltsp to do that | 02:23 |
phpstar | yes | 02:23 |
nubae | greets RichEd | 02:23 |
nubae | u're up early... or late | 02:23 |
phpstar | right now i have to maintain every OC | 02:23 |
phpstar | PC | 02:24 |
nubae | yeah a pain... LTSP can take the stress off quickly | 02:24 |
phpstar | so i was looking option to deploy win xp image on all clients though network | 02:24 |
phpstar | but LTSP cant deploy Win XP right | 02:24 |
nubae | not directly, no | 02:26 |
nubae | u could use drbl and clonezilla to clone machines for windows | 02:26 |
nubae | but LTSP is really the best solution | 02:26 |
nubae | usually its only some programs they want for windows | 02:26 |
nubae | and for that u could run crossover or wine | 02:27 |
phpstar | thx nubae | 02:37 |
sbalneav | Morning all | 15:51 |
nothingman | g'mornin', Scott! | 16:17 |
nubae | afternoon folks | 16:19 |
Ahmuck | hi nubae | 17:16 |
nubae | hi Ahmuck | 17:19 |
nothingman | nubae: the sources.list in your fat client chroot has two hardy lines and one intrepid; could this be the problem I'm having? | 17:53 |
nothingman | do I need to specify the exact packages unless I'm running intrepid already? | 17:54 |
nubae | which hardy lines? | 17:58 |
nubae | there shoudl be none | 17:59 |
nothingman | archive and security | 17:59 |
nubae | when did u last download the file? | 17:59 |
nothingman | I'm running Hardy on my server | 17:59 |
nothingman | I installed edubuntu on top | 17:59 |
nubae | welll, like I have stated cuntless times bfore, it does not work on hardy andI have no intentino of workion tjhat | 18:00 |
nubae | countless | 18:00 |
nubae | not cuntless :-) | 18:01 |
Ahmuck | nubae, did you dump the hardy script? | 18:01 |
Ahmuck | or was in thever there? | 18:01 |
nubae | yes months ago | 18:01 |
Ahmuck | ah | 18:01 |
nothingman | oh, OK | 18:03 |
nothingman | sorry to bother you | 18:03 |
nothingman | I hadn't realized it had come up before | 18:03 |
nubae | and the current script has no mnetionof hardy | 18:03 |
Ahmuck | any reason u've decided not to use intrepid? | 18:03 |
nubae | u must be trying the old sript | 18:03 |
nubae | Ahmuck,I'm ONLY using ingrepid | 18:04 |
nothingman | I'm on my laptop which I'm using as the server because the school doesn't have much hardware to spare | 18:04 |
nubae | nothingman: no bother... just try and follow the instructions and install intrepid version from scratch | 18:04 |
nothingman | and it has nvidia graphics which I understand are a pain under Intrepid | 18:05 |
nothingman | I guess nvidia's binary isn't working under it yet | 18:06 |
nothingman | *sigh* not that I have much time for games, really; horrible excuse not to have a working server at my command | 18:10 |
Ahmuck | i've never heard of ingrepid | 18:10 |
Ahmuck | :) | 18:10 |
Ahmuck | nubae has lazy finger this morning | 18:10 |
Ahmuck | nothingman: don't use anything for graphics, start with generic, and them move up | 18:12 |
nubae | Ahmuck, yeah typing too fast for my own good | 18:52 |
nubae | 6 irc channels open | 18:52 |
nubae | nothingman: there is no problem with nvidia and intrepid | 18:52 |
nubae | I have a high end nvidia that causes me no issues at all | 18:52 |
nubae | And I advise against what Ahmuck is saying there (sorry bud), I would begin with the actual recommended closed source driver | 18:53 |
nothingman | thx for the help, both! | 19:29 |
Ahmuck_Jr | nubae, the actual nvidia driver causes my server to become unbootable | 23:38 |
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