dashua | http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot-1_2.1233297545.png | 06:39 |
dashua | Still hacking, but this looks pretty damn nice. | 06:39 |
dashua | I need some help from kido if he is ever about. | 06:40 |
tretle | what is the name of the icon for websites in the navbars of web browsers again | 07:24 |
savvas | tretle: favico ? | 07:35 |
savvas | <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> | 07:36 |
dashua | Does anyone how to readable text on the menubar for Dust? I'm trying some different options and have most issues worked out. | 15:21 |
dashua | http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-The_Widget_Factory.png | 15:22 |
_MMA_ | dashua: For studio, to get light text there I do: | 15:23 |
_MMA_ | style "murrine-menubar" | 15:23 |
_MMA_ | { | 15:23 |
_MMA_ | bg[NORMAL]= shade (0.75, @bg_color) | 15:23 |
_MMA_ | } | 15:23 |
_MMA_ | So its a shade of bg normal. | 15:24 |
dashua | _MMA_: Ok thx, let me try that. | 15:24 |
_MMA_ | dashua: You could reference anything there though. You could shade your text color one way or another. | 15:26 |
dashua | This is more difficult than I thought with hybrid themes. | 15:27 |
rsc- | are you modifying Dust? | 15:51 |
rsc- | shouldn't Dust have white-on-dark menus by default? | 15:51 |
_MMA_ | "I'm trying some different options" :) | 15:52 |
kwwii | I was running Dust on my laptop this week at the london office...several people asked me about it - it is quite popular it seems :) | 16:38 |
_MMA_ | kwwii: Too bad they aren't the people makin' the decisions. (I'm assuming) :P | 16:42 |
kwwii | _MMA_: actually, they are ;) | 16:54 |
kwwii | but we aren't making any major changes for JAunty | 16:54 |
kwwii | the big plans are for +1, as the team is new and all | 16:54 |
_MMA_ | I see. | 16:55 |
andreasn | kwwii, are you going to be at the London office sometime during February? | 16:59 |
andreasn | I'm planning on visiting, but haven't decided any dates yet | 17:00 |
kwwii | andreasn: I am in the london office every second week | 17:01 |
kwwii | andreasn: so I will be back in london the week after next | 17:01 |
andreasn | hm, what date is that? | 17:02 |
kwwii | I returned today, leave for berlin tomorrow, staying a full week, and then leave for london sometime around the 9th | 17:02 |
kwwii | I'll also be in london on the week of the 23rd | 17:03 |
andreasn | and staying there till 13th or so? | 17:03 |
kwwii | andreasn: yepp | 17:03 |
kwwii | andreasn: I usually only stay 3-4 days | 17:03 |
kwwii | which ones are up to me though | 17:03 |
andreasn | a bit close to Fosdem, but maybe it could work | 17:03 |
kwwii | yeah, I am skipping Fosdem (again) because of this | 17:04 |
andreasn | if not, I'll look into the 23ish | 17:04 |
kwwii | andreasn: cool, let me know when you are in town! I'll take you up to the office, it has quite a spectacular view of london | 17:04 |
andreasn | sweet! | 17:04 |
andreasn | thanks in advance! | 17:05 |
andreasn | did the power manager icon issue sort itself out btw? | 17:05 |
kwwii | andreasn: it looks like we are going to patch gpm to use different percentages *and* fix the human icons | 17:05 |
kwwii | currently it seems to change at 90,70,50,30, and 20 | 17:06 |
andreasn | I'm currently redoing the smaller sizes for upstream (to be easier to read) | 17:07 |
andreasn | isn't it 020, 040, 060, 080 and 100? | 17:07 |
kwwii | erm, make that 90,70,50,30,10 | 17:07 |
kwwii | those are the names of the icons...but I sat and watched at which percentages they change | 17:07 |
kwwii | I was thinking of changing it to 80,60,40,30,20 | 17:08 |
kwwii | naturally, there is 100 as well :p | 17:08 |
kwwii | and a pop-up that appears when it gets close to 10 it seems | 17:08 |
kwwii | althought that pop-up might be time based | 17:08 |
kwwii | ideally, it would all be time based | 17:08 |
andreasn | http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gnome-power-manager/trunk/data/icons/16x16/status/ | 17:09 |
andreasn | hm, I wonder if upstream and human have different levels all together | 17:10 |
kwwii | it seems the icons are named the same...and I don't think we have patched it | 17:10 |
kwwii | but they might be different | 17:11 |
kwwii | the biggest problem was the human icons, which showed orange for 40, red for 20 and simply grey at 0 | 17:11 |
andreasn | crap, where in /usr/share/icons/human are the gpm icons, now again? | 17:11 |
kwwii | 40 is shown between 50-30, 20 between 30-10 and 0 from 10-0 | 17:12 |
kwwii | andreasn: 22x22/apps | 17:13 |
kwwii | andreasn: there is a lot of interest from canonical to work on this with upstream if possible though (they keep asking me) | 17:13 |
andreasn | ah, yes, the names are the same | 17:14 |
kwwii | andreasn: another issue they want to work on is the network manager icons | 17:14 |
andreasn | oh, cool | 17:14 |
kwwii | apparently Dell was unhappy with the current ones | 17:14 |
andreasn | for nm or gpm? | 17:14 |
kwwii | although, again, the human icons are different from the gnome versions | 17:15 |
kwwii | for nm | 17:15 |
kwwii | they've had quite a few customers complaining that they cannot find the network icon (or how to configure the network) | 17:15 |
kwwii | I think that the fucntionality of the nm-applet needs to be changed as well though | 17:15 |
andreasn | yeah, probably | 17:16 |
andreasn | anyway, better fix dinner now, need to go over to a friend for his birthday party in a hour or two | 17:17 |
andreasn | and I'll let you know when I've booked the flight tickets and stuff | 17:17 |
andreasn | take care, later! | 17:17 |
* kwwii is off to dinner, packing for berlin, etc | 17:37 | |
savvas | do you know a free alternative to calibri font? | 19:39 |
_MMA_ | savvas: "free" in what sense? | 19:41 |
savvas | _MMA_: free to redistribute in pdfs etc | 19:43 |
savvas | as far as I've read, calibri is licensed only to windows users | 19:44 |
savvas | :P | 19:44 |
_MMA_ | savvas: I'm not finding much of anything. If you convert the font to vector will that work for you? | 19:45 |
savvas | I am allowed to do that? | 19:45 |
savvas | if so, that'd be great :P | 19:45 |
* _MMA_ shrugs. | 19:45 | |
_MMA_ | I know in Inkscale I convert the fonts to vector then output to PDF. | 19:45 |
thorwil | savvas: in the US, there's no copyright on letter shapes | 19:46 |
_MMA_ | You can't edit later but it still scales well. | 19:46 |
thorwil | savvas: but there could be in other jurisdictions | 19:46 |
_MMA_ | *Inkscape | 19:46 |
savvas | hmm | 19:46 |
thorwil | savvas: in short, it's not clear at all and if in doubt, don't | 19:46 |
savvas | you might be right | 19:47 |
savvas | I'll just use Dejavu and MgOpen fonts :P | 19:47 |
thorwil | savvas: you could also become your own type designer. in only a few years, you might come up with something that can almost, but not really, be compared with calibri | 19:49 |
dashua | _MMA_: Would you mind testing a theme for me or anyone who prefers darker themes? | 19:53 |
_MMA_ | dashua: Can't atm. I got alot going on with Studio testing and the family. | 19:54 |
dashua | Ah ok, np | 19:55 |
dashua | Would you mind if I send it to the ml for some feedback? | 19:57 |
thorwil | dashua: i don't think anyone would mind | 19:57 |
thorwil | strange that you ask, actually ;) | 19:58 |
dashua | Ok great :) | 19:58 |
dashua | I don't want to bog the ml down. | 19:58 |
dashua | Your mail to 'ubuntu-art' Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. | 20:17 |
thorwil | dashua: you are subscribed to the list? | 20:17 |
dashua | Yes | 20:18 |
dashua | I've never seen that before. | 20:18 |
thorwil | so that must be the start of moderation/whitelisting | 20:18 |
dashua | Yeah | 20:18 |
thorwil | dashua: or did you attach something? | 20:18 |
_MMA_ | kwwii? ^^^ | 20:18 |
dashua | I attached the theme and a few screenshots | 20:18 |
dashua | Maybe they were too large. | 20:19 |
_MMA_ | dashua: Which address? | 20:20 |
dashua | Should I cancel and change the screenshots to thumbs? | 20:20 |
_MMA_ | I personally only use links. | 20:20 |
dashua | ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com | 20:20 |
_MMA_ | No. Yours | 20:21 |
dashua | jws141@yahoo.com | 20:22 |
SiDi | hi | 20:22 |
_MMA_ | dashua: Ok. I put it through. | 20:24 |
dashua | Ah thx | 20:24 |
_MMA_ | dashua: But how big was it? 3MB? I would host pics somewhere else from now on. | 20:24 |
dashua | Yeah, I'll throw them on Flickr from now on | 20:25 |
dashua | brb, new kernel | 20:29 |
kwwii | _MMA_: erm, they told me they would wait until I discussed this with them | 20:30 |
kwwii | let me ask | 20:30 |
kwwii | hehe, no..it is the size of the attachments :p | 20:31 |
kwwii | _MMA_: you can go to the interface and let that mail through | 20:31 |
kwwii | erm, I should have read all the way back :p | 20:31 |
kwwii | duh | 20:31 |
_MMA_ | :P | 20:36 |
_MMA_ | dashua: The list has a limit of 1000 KB. So watch the attachment sizes. | 20:44 |
dashua | _MMA_: Alright, np. | 20:44 |
darkmatter | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3BNb4_Z4fY <-- epic | 21:11 |
tretle | hi, could someone point me in the right direction to adding speech bubbles to blog posts similar to how planet gnome does it? | 23:59 |
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