leleobhz | [29/01-07:27:49] < leleobhz> leleobhz@dsp2:~$ sudo ld -Bdynamic -r -lxview -lolgx | 00:03 |
leleobhz | [29/01-07:27:49] < leleobhz> ld: cannot find -lxview | 00:03 |
leleobhz | [29/01-07:39:48] < persia> leleobhz, Do you also have the -dev packages installed? Can you find the libraries manually (in /usr/lib)? | 00:03 |
leleobhz | persia: dpkg -i shows the file | 00:03 |
leleobhz | ive installed xviewg and xviewg-dev | 00:03 |
Laney | Piratenaapje: Nice work, sorry for leaving without saying | 00:03 |
Laney | I couldn't have sponsored anyway, so subscribing u-u-s is the right way to go | 00:03 |
nhandler | Piratenaapje: What is the bug? | 00:09 |
TheMuso | /c | 00:29 |
_16aR_ | A new version of fsniper is out ... I think it is near to be advocated | 00:31 |
_16aR_ | check it out :p : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=fsniper | 00:32 |
_16aR_ | REVU it out may be more appropriate :) | 00:32 |
=== nschembr-work is now known as nschembr | ||
nschembr | can anyone talk about speakup | 02:26 |
nschembr | how about orca | 02:27 |
leleobhz | someone can help-me about the use of dynamic libs? | 02:34 |
leleobhz | i need to compile a program that uses -lxview | 02:35 |
leleobhz | the xviewg and xviewg-dev packages are installed, but ld cannot find it | 02:35 |
leleobhz | leleobhz@dsp2:~$ ld -Bdynamic -r -lxview | 02:36 |
leleobhz | ld: cannot find -lxview | 02:36 |
jmarsden|work | leleobhz: The libxview* libraries are in /usr/lib, right? Check they are there...? | 02:56 |
leleobhz | yes, its there | 02:56 |
leleobhz | installed using ubuntu packages | 02:56 |
leleobhz | but i have now a harder problem | 02:56 |
leleobhz | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/treetool/+bug/137847 | 02:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 137847 in treetool "treetool crashes on start" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 02:57 |
leleobhz | this bug affects me | 02:57 |
jmarsden|work | So they should be fine... as a test, check sudo ldconfig -v | grep xview maybe... another issue... hmmm. I'm not going to fix a bug live on IRC, I don't think :) | 02:58 |
leleobhz | jmarsden|work: well, i dont think if the big problem is the bug | 02:58 |
leleobhz | this is a VERY old bug (from debian) | 02:59 |
leleobhz | xview lib simply dont work in amd64 arch? | 02:59 |
jmarsden|work | OK... can we sort out the linker issue first, maybe? Did sudo ldconfig -v | grep xview give you any output? | 03:00 |
jmarsden|work | I've never used them, but rmadison says: xviewg | 3.2p1.4-21.1ubuntu2 | intrepid/universe | amd64 | 03:01 |
jmarsden|work | So they should be there and work. | 03:02 |
jmarsden|work | It was dropped from Debian back in 2005... but someone built and tested xviewg for Ubuntu more recently than that... | 03:05 |
leleobhz | jmarsden|work: im searching and i think is a sw bug | 03:08 |
jmarsden|work | OK... then it doesn't matter why you can't link to them, I suppose! | 03:09 |
jmarsden|work | Can anyone point me to an example of a package where the source tarball has to be made using a get-orig-source rule that drops some files from the upstream source tarball? | 03:11 |
RAOF | jmarsden|work: gnome-do-plugins | 03:13 |
jmarsden|work | Thanks. If I can figure that out, I may have a package I can beg for sponsors for during REVU day tomorrow :) | 03:14 |
=== coppro_ is now known as coppro | ||
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=== hyperair_ is now known as hyperair__ | ||
=== hyperair__ is now known as hyperair | ||
jmarsden|work | I could use help to fix a get-orig-source rule that isn't working: debian/rules at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/111551/ | 04:38 |
jmarsden|work | I think the issue may be with a $(dir(_)) Make macro ?? | 04:39 |
jmarsden|work | Ah... never mind, now I understand what is happening... well, at least better than before... | 04:43 |
* hyperair wonders whether revu day has started yet | 04:57 | |
henrik-hw0 | hyperair: i guess revu day has started in tokyo and hong kong at least. ;) | 04:59 |
hyperair | i'm in the same timezone as hong kong =p | 05:00 |
hyperair | just further south | 05:00 |
hyperair | but are there MOTUs which do reviews in japan and hong kong (and countries north and south of it)? | 05:00 |
ajmitch | there are some in australia | 05:01 |
hyperair | ah right | 05:04 |
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
nosferatuzz | hi | 06:13 |
nosferatuzz | someone speaks Spanish ? | 06:14 |
dholbach | good morning | 06:15 |
meanburrito9201 | late evening here | 06:16 |
nosferatuzz | someone speaks Spanish ? | 06:17 |
dholbach | nosferatuzz: the guys in #ubuntu-es surely do! :-) | 06:17 |
nosferatuzz | I have a question about the protection WAP | 06:18 |
dholbach | try #ubuntu-es - maybe they can help | 06:18 |
nosferatuzz | ok | 06:19 |
iulian | Hiya dholbach. | 06:24 |
dholbach | hiya iulian | 06:26 |
dholbach | hi nellery | 06:26 |
nellery | hi dholbach | 06:26 |
dholbach | how are you guys doing? | 06:26 |
* iulian is doing good. | 06:33 | |
iulian | My bloody back hurts but I'm fine. | 06:33 |
* iulian drinks his tea. | 06:33 | |
* ScottK notes that the Europeans are waking up, so maybe he should go to bed. | 06:34 | |
iulian | Hiya ScottK. | 06:34 |
ScottK | Hello iulian. | 06:34 |
savvas | nellery: ( medigeek from http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=fspy ) I didn't see a launchpad bug open for fspy, I just uploaded the source for sharing :) | 06:34 |
savvas | or.. are we allowed to open bugs for our packages? | 06:35 |
nellery | savvas: you should open a new needs-packaging bug | 06:35 |
ScottK | You should open a needs-packaging bug | 06:35 |
savvas | okie dokie | 06:35 |
savvas | another question for debian, how do you tag a bug with patch? http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=473781 | 06:38 |
ubottu | Debian bug 473781 in flumotion "flumotion: new upstream release" [Wishlist,Open] | 06:38 |
savvas | I tried tags 473781 +patch and Tags: patch, neither seemed to have worked | 06:39 |
dholbach | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Usertagging | 06:41 |
dholbach | has more info | 06:41 |
savvas | thanks | 06:42 |
ScottK | dholbach: Tag patch is not a usertag. | 06:42 |
dholbach | ScottK: still it's on that page :) | 06:42 |
ScottK | Ah. OK. | 06:43 |
iulian | mok0: Are you taking care of bug #322205? May I unsubscribe the universe sponsors? | 06:43 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 322205 in gpp4 "Please update gpp4 to the latest version 1.1.0" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/322205 | 06:43 |
iulian | Ahh, I've just noticed he isn't online. | 06:43 |
ScottK | savvas: You might also look into the bts program. man bts has details. I find that easier than dealing with mails. | 06:44 |
savvas | "using the following pseudo-header" - ScottK: I suppose I can't send pseudo-headers with gmail, can I? :P | 06:44 |
ScottK | Probably not. | 06:44 |
savvas | oh, will do | 06:44 |
* ScottK goes to bed. | 06:44 | |
savvas | nighty :) | 06:45 |
dholbach | sleep tight | 06:45 |
savvas | Now back to launchpad :) For a packaging request bug, do I have to use "[needs-packaging]" in the subject? | 06:45 |
nellery | savvas: yep | 06:45 |
nellery | and tag it with needs-packaging | 06:46 |
dholbach | the tag should be enough, but feel free to add it :) | 06:46 |
kagou | Hi, i'v made a debdiff for dcraw. Can someone take a look at ? | 06:46 |
kagou | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dcraw/+bug/275494 | 06:47 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 275494 in dcraw "Need to upgrade to 8.90" [Medium,Fix committed] | 06:47 |
nellery | kagou: subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug | 06:49 |
nellery | the process is explained here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess | 06:49 |
kagou | oh thanks nellery | 06:49 |
kagou | done :) | 06:50 |
iulian | kagou: Unsubscribed universe sponsors and subscribed main sponsors. The package is in the main component. | 06:52 |
kagou | yes indeed iulian i was looking at ;) | 06:52 |
kagou | i Thinks it's ok now | 06:56 |
jmarsden|work | I'd be grateful if anyone could review my package of webgui: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webgui | 06:57 |
=== hyperair_ is now known as hyperair__ | ||
=== hyperair__ is now known as hyperair | ||
hyperair | anyone free for revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=geanyvc and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=geanyprj | 07:53 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
AndrewGee | Any MOTUs available to review my package? I've actually grabbed the new upstream tarball, that was just released, as well as fixing all the issues already commented on. It's osm-gps-map, which is a GTK widget to embed openstreetmap. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=osm-gps-map - Thanks :) | 08:19 |
=== hyper323 is now known as hyperair | ||
proppy | AndrewGee: is it similar to libchamplain ? http://blog.pierlux.com/projects/libchamplain/en/ | 08:29 |
AndrewGee | proppy: I believe it is similar, but with python bindings, and less dependencies. | 08:29 |
proppy | AndrewGee: thanks for the info :) | 08:29 |
proppy | was just curious | 08:29 |
AndrewGee | proppy: No problem :) | 08:29 |
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn | ||
savvas | how are the manpage files called in debian/ folders? packagename.man ? | 08:56 |
DktrKranz | savvas: binaryname.1 (number is man section it refers) | 08:57 |
savvas | thanks | 08:58 |
DktrKranz | you're welcome :) | 08:59 |
hyperair | savvas: don't forget to add them to debian/package.manpages and call dh_installmanpages | 09:00 |
=== BugMaN1 is now known as BugMaN | ||
henrik-hw0 | lintian complains about missing manpage for a script. this script is only intended to start up a daemon, should i even bother? | 09:28 |
henrik-hw0 | it does not take arguments. | 09:30 |
maxb | mysqld_safe has a manpage. Is this script comparable? | 09:31 |
henrik-hw0 | here it is: | 09:34 |
henrik-hw0 | http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/cdemu-daemon-0812140645/cdemu-daemon-1.1.0/debian/cdemu-daemon.session | 09:34 |
maxb | It might be best to write a really really short manpage about it | 09:37 |
maxb | I'm not sure | 09:37 |
henrik-hw0 | i was thinking this is more glue than an actual binary. | 09:39 |
maxb | Where's it installed? | 09:39 |
henrik-hw0 | IIRC /usr/bin/ | 09:39 |
maxb | I think that probably counts as a program then | 09:41 |
maxb | (I'm just guessing though) | 09:42 |
maxb | If it were true glue it would go in /usr/lib/packagename/ | 09:42 |
henrik-hw0 | it's part of the packaging. i could easily change it. | 09:42 |
maxb | Why does it have a .session extension, is that significant? | 09:43 |
maxb | Is this something to do with dbus? | 09:44 |
henrik-hw0 | indirectly. it loads the deamon at X login session. It communicated via a dbus session bus. | 09:45 |
henrik-hw0 | i'm going to try and install it in an alternate location. | 09:47 |
kagou | Hi huats | 09:53 |
huats | hey ka | 09:56 |
huats | kagou: | 09:56 |
henrik-hw0 | maxb: it worked changing location. thanks! | 09:59 |
pmjdebruijn | morning | 10:06 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
dholbach | "How to run a Bug Jam" session to kick off in 5 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom | 11:55 |
savvas | oh oh oooooh I'm so there! | 11:56 |
savvas | er.. does someone know why I didn't get an email about the new source I've sent for http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=fspy ? | 11:57 |
savvas | do other subscribers (other than the uploader) get notified about new source packages? | 11:58 |
mok01 | MOTU meeting is now in #ubuntu-meeting | 12:03 |
geser | a quick question: does somebody know a way to list manually installed packages? (either a synaptic filter or a CLI tool) | 12:59 |
kagou | geser, "dpkg -l" ? | 12:59 |
kagou | oh "manually" | 13:00 |
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn | ||
geser | synaptic has a filter option for automatically installed, but I want those which are set to "manually" | 13:01 |
kagou | geser, packages can come from official mirror ? | 13:01 |
geser | yes | 13:02 |
kagou | so i don't see | 13:03 |
geser | I guess I need to write a small script to filter /var/lib/apt/extended_states for what I want | 13:03 |
persia | geser, There might be a routine in python-apt that parses those | 13:08 |
persia | (or rather, a routine that leverages the apt library parsing used by e.g. synaptic) | 13:09 |
geser | hmm, 164 packages set to manually installed | 13:14 |
jcfp | Any MOTU feeling like earning some revu day karma, please have a go at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sabnzbdplus (binary newsreader, python, second advocate needed) | 13:23 |
slytherin | Can anyone help with python options parsing? I need the description of an option to be split in multiple lines. Simply putting \n doesn't help. | 13:28 |
hyperair | slytherin: what's up? | 13:28 |
slytherin | hyperair: hi | 13:28 |
hyperair | slytherin: parsing options? | 13:28 |
geser | can you pastebin your current code? | 13:28 |
slytherin | geser: give me some time. as it contains too much company specific information. :-) | 13:30 |
slytherin | hyperair: yes, command line options. I am writing a download script in python. | 13:30 |
jpds | slytherin: Are you using optparse? | 13:31 |
hyperair | slytherin: what's the command you're calling? | 13:31 |
slytherin | jpds: yes | 13:31 |
jpds | slytherin: Just a sec. | 13:32 |
jpds | slytherin: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/annotate/head%3A/buildd - lines 56-58 is how I do it. | 13:33 |
slytherin | jpds: let me take a look | 13:33 |
jpds | optparse does the text wrapping for you. | 13:33 |
slytherin | jpds: not working. I am not getting any line break in the help text when it is displayed. Here is how I am doing it - http://paste.ubuntu.com/111670/ | 13:38 |
soren | slytherin: And what's the output? | 13:43 |
thekorn | slytherin, did I get it right, you would like to customize the output shown by yourscript --help? | 13:43 |
jpds | slytherin: Hmm, I see. Maybe it would be better to have two boolean options like (--kernel-abc and --kernel-xyz)? Or have an OptionGroup for kernels? | 13:45 |
slytherin | thekorn: yes, as in the help message for --kernel should be like this | 13:46 |
slytherin | "abc - download abc kernel" | 13:46 |
slytherin | "xyz - download xyz kernel" | 13:46 |
thekorn | slytherin, in this case you need to subclass optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter and create the OptionParser with the 'formatter=YourFormatter' argument | 13:46 |
slytherin | wow, all the suggested solutions looks like too much work to me. Why can't it simply parse \n in the help message and split the message. :-( | 13:47 |
slytherin | soren: the output looks like this | 13:48 |
slytherin | -k KERNEL, --kernel=KERNEL | 13:48 |
slytherin | abc - download abc kernel xyz - download xyz | 13:48 |
slytherin | kernel[default: xyz] | 13:48 |
soren | slytherin: Because OptionParser's help output was explicitly designed to handle line wrapping for you. | 13:48 |
slytherin | hmm | 13:51 |
anakron | HI all | 14:01 |
thekorn | slytherin, no, splitting the help message at '\n' is not hard, only like 5 lines of code and a bit copy and paste from the original formatter class | 14:14 |
slytherin | thekorn: will take a look when functionality is complete. :-) | 14:16 |
a|wen | oh, this is bad! | 14:17 |
a|wen | mplayer FTBFS if i try doing a no change rebuild in jaunty | 14:17 |
Laney | a|wen: Hah! And now you've found that out, you must fix it ;) | 14:18 |
thekorn | slytherin, ok actually four lines: http://paste.ubuntu.com/111697/ | 14:18 |
a|wen | Laney: that what was i feared ;) | 14:19 |
slytherin | a|wen: what is error? | 14:22 |
slytherin | thekorn: thanks for sample code. :-) | 14:23 |
a|wen | slytherin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/111703/ | 14:23 |
slytherin | a|wen: I guess you will need to patch the sources. the error is because of recent change in x264 apis | 14:24 |
Laney | a|wen: Yeah, see how they've fixed it in mplayer's SVN | 14:25 |
* a|wen goes patch-hunting | 14:27 | |
AndrewGee | Any MOTUs available to review my package? I've actually grabbed the new upstream tarball, that was just released, as well as fixing all the issues already commented on. It's osm-gps-map, which is a GTK widget to embed openstreetmap. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=osm-gps-map - Thanks :) | 14:37 |
a|wen | omg! mplayer is a mess ... all is inline patches :/ | 14:42 |
Druidika | Hi there. :-) | 14:51 |
Druidika | i would like to ask something about building .deb packages, is this ok here? | 14:52 |
mok01 | Druidika: go ahead | 14:54 |
Druidika | ok, sorry for my bad english. it is not my preffered language. | 14:55 |
Druidika | ok, ich made a warzone2100.deb but from source the package looks completly different to the ubuntu ... beta4 Version. i would like to set in the .deb that warzone* have to be uninstalled before my .deb can installed... understood? is this possible? | 14:56 |
mok01 | Druidika: you can achieve that by clever use of the Conflicts: tag... of course it requires that your package has a different name | 14:57 |
mok01 | Druidika: and Replaces: | 14:57 |
Druidika | it has.... from source it has the name warzone2100.2.1.1....deb and the ubuntu version is splittet into warzone2100, warzone2100-music and warzone2100-data | 14:59 |
ScottK | mok01: Actually the name can be the same if it's versioned. | 14:59 |
Druidika | in the control file there is no conflicts tag... could i write it simly in there? | 14:59 |
mok01 | ScottK, yes you're right | 15:00 |
Druidika | sorry, but it is the first time i make a .deb... i've thought bevore i do remove the ubuntu packages and make a make install for me i can simply make a .deb for all | 15:02 |
mok01 | Druidika: yes you write it in the control file | 15:06 |
Druidika | ok, testing... on my eee it takes a time.... | 15:09 |
slytherin | Druidika: yup | 15:10 |
slytherin | nhandler: ping | 15:11 |
mok01 | Druidika: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-replaces | 15:11 |
jmarsden | REVU Day: Any MOTUs who can review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webgui for me please? It's a GPLed Perl-based CMS. | 15:13 |
Druidika | thx for the link | 15:20 |
dolanor | Hello | 15:25 |
dolanor | Someone to REVU fsniper package ? Normally it should be advocatable | 15:26 |
dolanor | http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=fsniper | 15:26 |
dolanor | mok01: I've corrected your last command :) | 15:27 |
mok01 | dolanor: will take a look in a moment | 15:27 |
Druidika | hm | 15:35 |
Druidika | the dpkg-buildpackage says that binary data has changed.... a make clean doesnt work.... how to clean up? | 15:36 |
Druidika | there is no 2nd run possible, how? | 15:37 |
Druidika | ok, works again.... warz*.orig.tar.gz deleted.... new run beginns | 15:39 |
AndrewGee | mok01: Hi. If you remember, you advocated osm-gps-map a couple of days ago on REVU. Since then, I've grabbed a new upstream tarball and packaged up the python bindings. Is it okay if I ask you to take a look later/whenever? Thanks :) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=osm-gps-map | 15:42 |
mok01 | AndrewGee: sure | 15:42 |
AndrewGee | mok01: Thanks. | 15:43 |
dolanor | back | 16:01 |
dolanor | mok01: sorry, connection problems | 16:01 |
ohervieu | hi all | 16:05 |
mok01 | fta: ping | 16:19 |
hyperair | mok01: how about that review? =p | 16:22 |
mok01 | hyperair: which package? | 16:22 |
mok01 | codelite compiled | 16:22 |
loic-m | Has any MOTU the time to review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=ecm ? It's been reviewed by simrunbasuita and nhandler, and should be in pretty good shape. It's a tool for removing error correction codes to compress iso images better! | 16:22 |
hyperair | mok01: awesome! | 16:23 |
hyperair | mok01: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=geanyvc | 16:23 |
hyperair | and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=geanyprj | 16:23 |
mok01 | Ah another one. OK, I am going through the links here as they come up | 16:23 |
mok01 | Any other MOTUs on the job? | 16:24 |
mok01 | Apparently not | 16:25 |
dolanor | mok01: on my way to finish fsniper ;) | 16:27 |
mok01 | loic-m: why would you want to remove error-correction-codes? Sounds silly to me | 16:27 |
mok01 | dolanor: great | 16:27 |
loic-m | mok01: because you don't need them on a harddrive | 16:28 |
loic-m | keeping them is a waste of space | 16:28 |
mok01 | loic-m: but if you later decide to burn the iso to CD ... | 16:29 |
loic-m | and since they're stuff that doesn't compress well, even compresing the iso doesn't give good results unless removing ECC | 16:29 |
loic-m | mok01: they're recreated as identical | 16:29 |
loic-m | mok01: it's abit like "flac", but for isos ;) | 16:29 |
mok01 | I see. Fascinating | 16:30 |
jmarsden | How often is it considered polite for me to ask here for a package review during a REVU day? Every N hours... for what value of N? | 16:30 |
mok01 | N = 1-2 hours | 16:31 |
jmarsden | Thanks. In that case: Any MOTUs who can review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webgui for me please? It's a GPLed Perl-based CMS. | 16:32 |
mok01 | Your request will be in the scrollback, which many read | 16:32 |
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach | ||
mok01 | dholbach!!! | 16:32 |
mok01 | FTW | 16:32 |
dholbach | mok01: !!! | 16:32 |
* dholbach hugs mok01 | 16:32 | |
* mok01 hugs back | 16:32 | |
mok01 | Everyone, just a reminder: run lintian on the *.deb files before you upload. It seems many don't do that. | 16:46 |
ScottK | With -iIv. | 16:46 |
AndrewGee | mok01: Thanks for the comment. I'll remember to run lintian in the future :) | 16:47 |
* jmarsden goes back and tries the -iIv ... I just used lintian -i before... | 16:48 | |
dolanor | mok01: new fsniper upload :) | 16:53 |
mok01 | dolanor: did you check if front, back and center? | 16:55 |
dolanor | mok01: hu ? :p What is front back center ? | 16:59 |
mok01 | dolanor: it just means a thorough check, from all sides :-) | 16:59 |
loic-m | mok01: thanks for the review | 17:02 |
loic-m | mok01: actually the ref to the man pages in changelog were removed as per request from nhandler ;) | 17:02 |
bmhm | Hi. I want to add a PPA to my pBuilder environment. But editing /etc/pbuilder/apt.config/sources.list didn't help. | 17:03 |
loic-m | mok01: and thanks for advocating it! | 17:03 |
loic-m | loic-m ugs its first advocate | 17:04 |
mok01 | bmhm, did you use --save-after-login | 17:04 |
loic-m | s/ugs/hugs | 17:04 |
* mok01 hugs loic-m | 17:04 | |
bmhm | mok01: I should be able to add it OUTSIDE the chroot env | 17:04 |
loic-m | * loic-m remmber he didn't shave today | 17:04 |
bmhm | see the file I edited, it won't exit in pBuilders tarball ;-) | 17:05 |
mok01 | bmhm: you can use the --othermirrors switch | 17:05 |
bmhm | ah I see. So which use has etc/pbuilder/apt.config/sources.list then? | 17:06 |
frostburn | Where can one find the net-snmp-config that is used to build the package snmpd and snmp? | 17:06 |
frostburn | ah disregad | 17:07 |
AndrewGee | Just fixed the issues pointed out by mok01 in my package. Would appreciate a MOTU to review the package. Thanks :) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=osm-gps-map | 17:07 |
mok01 | dolanor: I'll get to it later, after dinner I think | 17:08 |
bmhm | I can't wait for my first packe on PPA to be built! :) | 17:14 |
bmhm | s/packe/package/g | 17:14 |
hyperair | mok01: thanks for the advocate. i'm not sure about the .la files actually, but the package geany already has .la files | 17:15 |
mok01 | loic-m: anything you add to make the package build, like manpages, or patches, should be documented in changelog. nhandler is wrong here | 17:15 |
hyperair | wait a sec | 17:16 |
hyperair | on second thoughts.. | 17:16 |
mok01 | hyperair: I can see a point of leaving them with a -dev package containing a library | 17:16 |
hyperair | i think i'll just remove the .la files | 17:16 |
mok01 | hyperair: I don | 17:16 |
hyperair | they're -plugins, so they won't be linked to | 17:16 |
mok01 | t think it's good for anything | 17:16 |
hyperair | yeah i'll remove them then | 17:16 |
mok01 | hyperair: yeah | 17:16 |
hyperair | how should i remove them? a debian/rules rule? | 17:17 |
mok01 | hyperair: 2 secs | 17:17 |
hyperair | ok | 17:17 |
loic-m | mok01: thanks. Do you want me to re-upload it, or can MOTU change it if/when I get a second advocate? | 17:17 |
mok01 | loic-m: just wait, and add it if the next advocate wants to see changes. | 17:18 |
loic-m | mok01: thanks | 17:18 |
mok01 | hyperair: Zap the file from rules | 17:18 |
hyperair | okay | 17:18 |
hyperair | mok01: gimme a moment, i'll gix both geanyvc and geanyprj | 17:20 |
mok01 | hyperair: then also add to debian/copyright, first line | 17:22 |
mok01 | Format-Specification: http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat | 17:22 |
hyperair | oh shit i forgot that | 17:22 |
mok01 | OK, guys I am leaving for a few hours, be back later for another round of revuing fun! | 17:23 |
hyperair | okay | 17:24 |
mok01 | See ya! | 17:24 |
Turl | hi :) | 17:34 |
Turl | dvdstyler & dvdstyler-data are broken | 17:34 |
Turl | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/dvdstyler_1.7.1-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/dvdstyler/AUTHORS', which is also in the package dvdstyler-data | 17:35 |
rgreening | ScottK: ping | 17:35 |
ScottK | rgreening: Pong | 17:35 |
rgreening | ScottK: I see you did uploads for Krusader | 17:35 |
rgreening | ScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/krusader/+bug/323266 | 17:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 323266 in krusader "Update svn snapshot - required for Jaunty" [Undecided,New] | 17:36 |
rgreening | ScottK: I just updated the svn for it... if you can upload | 17:36 |
* ScottK has a lookg | 17:36 | |
ScottK | look even | 17:36 |
rgreening | ScottK: It's test build fine here and I did some test runs. All looks good. | 17:37 |
ScottK | Thanks. | 17:37 |
rgreening | np. just helping where I can | 17:39 |
Chris` | Using the new Debian/Ubuntu copyright format, is it possible to do the following? Files: plotlib/*.f plotlib/examples/* plotlib/misc/* | 18:12 |
Chris` | Copyright: Copyright 1996 Harold Youngren | 18:12 |
Chris` | Or does each new dir/fileset require a new section? | 18:13 |
loic-m | When apt-get source a package , it dl the Jaunty version, however in case the package is synced from Debian and Intrepid version=Jaunty version, it dl from the intrepid repos, is it correct? | 18:17 |
loic-m | since the two source packages should eb identical, shouldn't they? | 18:17 |
ScottK | If the version and revision is the same, they are the same. | 18:22 |
ScottK | Chris`: mok0 seems to be our expert on that. I'd ask him. | 18:23 |
Chris` | ScottK: Thanks but he doesn't seem to be here :( | 18:23 |
ScottK | Chris`: He said he'd be back in a bit, so keep an eye out. | 18:24 |
Chris` | ScottK: I sure will, thanks | 18:24 |
Chris` | Also kinda off topic but regarding my PGP key, how do I remove an email address but keep it there at the same time, to show that it was once mine but not anymore? I've seen people who have a line through their address in seahorse, just like that I want it :). | 18:26 |
pochu | loic-m: assuming you have deb-src lines for both intrepid and jaunty, if both have the same version, it won't matter as they are identical, right | 18:27 |
pochu | not sure where it will take it from, probably jaunty | 18:27 |
pochu | you can also `apt-get source foo=1.2-0ubuntu1` if you want an older version | 18:28 |
pochu | there's a bug report in Debian to implement `apt-get source foo/intrepid` | 18:28 |
pochu | as you can do with apt-get install | 18:28 |
loic-m | pochu: it does take them from intrepid, I tried with ddd http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ddd&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all | 18:35 |
loic-m | pochu: thanks for the info too | 18:35 |
hyperair | is anyone free for a review? | 18:36 |
hyperair | http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=geanyvc | 18:36 |
loic-m | pochu: I just wanted to know, in the future, if I could assume with those kind of packages (synced, no modif, same version stable/devel Ubuntu) i could just use what apt-source get me, instead of uncommenting all intrepid related deb-src lines in sources.list | 18:37 |
pochu | loic-m: not sure I understand | 18:38 |
maxb | loic-m: Packages are pooled across all distributions. If it's the same version in Intrepid and Jaunty, then all that differs is which index files it reads to get the actual package name. It's the same files on the server that get downloaded either way | 18:38 |
maxb | loic-m: Also be aware of the command: pull-lp-source ddd intrepid | 18:39 |
maxb | Chris`: You can revoke a PGP user id | 18:40 |
Chris` | maxb: Do you have Scott Richie's key? | 18:40 |
loic-m | maxb: thanks a lot | 18:41 |
loic-m | pochu: thanks, with your explanation and those of maxb I got the answer - files on the server are the same | 18:41 |
* maxb runs gpg --search-key "Scott Ritchie" | 18:42 | |
Chris` | maxb: Don't worry I'll SS instead, I'll show you what I mean then | 18:42 |
maxb | Chris`: gpg has downloaded it for me already | 18:42 |
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Chris` | His ucdavies address... How is that done? | 18:43 |
maxb | loic-m: If you look at the Ubuntu archive in a web browser, you can see, in particular, two important directories. dists/ contains all the per-distribution index files, pool/ contains *ALL* the packages | 18:43 |
maxb | Chris`: By revoking the user id | 18:44 |
Chris` | maxb: How can I revoke my email then? :-/ | 18:45 |
maxb | gpg --edit-key yourkey | 18:46 |
maxb | Run "help", and look at the uid and revuid commands | 18:46 |
Chris` | maxb: Thanks a bunch :) | 18:46 |
maxb | Don't forget to use the "save" command when happy | 18:46 |
maxb | After revoking, send your updated key to a keyserver | 18:47 |
maxb | Once published into the wild, the revocation is permanent | 18:47 |
maxb | (Though you could create a *new* user id using the same information) | 18:47 |
* Chris` is trying to be very cautious but doesn't understand it :( | 18:49 | |
Chris` | Command> revuid "Christopher Swift <Chris@Chrisswift.me.uk>" | 18:49 |
Chris` | You must select at least one user ID. | 18:49 |
maxb | Chris`: Nothing is modified locally until you "save", so you can afford to just play with the commands | 18:50 |
Chris` | maxb: Ah right... *phew* | 18:50 |
maxb | Chris`: You need to read the description for the "uid" command | 18:50 |
Chris` | maxb: I've worked it out... FINALLY, thanks for all your assistance :) | 18:51 |
loic-m | I'm looking for a second advocate to ecm ( http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=ecm ), an error code modeler for better compressing iso files | 18:59 |
a|wen | yay! mplayer compiles on jaunty again :) | 19:12 |
jmarsden|work | Any MOTUs who can review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webgui for me please? It's a GPLed Perl-based CMS. Thanks! | 19:13 |
a|wen | if anybody has time to sponser an mplayer update, please look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreas-wenning/mplayer/ubuntu/+merge/3268 | 19:14 |
cody-somerville | perl-based cms, ewww :( | 19:15 |
ScottK | a|wen: You'll get more audience if you attach your proposed diff.gz to a bug and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors. | 19:16 |
a|wen | ScottK: it is part of our ever-increasing arts-bug | 19:16 |
ScottK | OK. | 19:16 |
* a|wen prepares a debdiff as well | 19:17 | |
loic-m | If I'm adding a .desktop file and an .xpm icon to a package that uses CDBS, do I only need to drop the files in debian/ then modify package.install? | 19:22 |
loic-m | I can find info about CDBS, but not on the .install file it uses (there's info, but not enough for me to understand) | 19:23 |
loic-m | It just says "You can then use the .install and .info files to tune your package with the usual debhelper functions in the various sections for debian/rules. " | 19:23 |
a|wen | debdiff uploaded to bug 320915 | 19:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 320915 in libsdl "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/320915 | 19:23 |
loic-m | I use dh_install for the .desktop file + .xpm icon, so do I put a dh_install line in rules, or something else in package.install ? | 19:24 |
a|wen | loic-m: just add them to the package.install | 19:26 |
a|wen | loic-m: cdbs uses debhelper ... so all the commands like dh_install is being run | 19:26 |
fta | mok01: pong | 19:26 |
hyperair | fta: you're a motu right? would you be interseted in doing any revu stuff? =p | 19:27 |
fta | hyperair, indeed, i'm a motu. depends on what you need. I'll have time in an hour or 2. | 19:28 |
hyperair | fta: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=geanyvc and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=geanyprj | 19:29 |
hyperair | fta: the former was advocated by mok0 already, but i uploaded another, so his advocate got lost | 19:30 |
fta | hyperair, ok, i'll have a look | 19:36 |
hyperair | fta: thanks =) | 19:37 |
Laney | hyperair: How many things have you packaged now?! | 19:40 |
hyperair | Laney: i don't know? but when i'm bored i just poke around and file a needs-packaging bug | 19:41 |
Laney | hmm | 19:41 |
Laney | have you done other kinds of packaging work? | 19:41 |
hyperair | Laney: lemme count.. codelite, sigx in ubuntu, bansheelyricsplugin in debian, vazaar (thinking of dropping that one, seems upstream abandoned it or sth), geanyvc and geanyprj | 19:41 |
hyperair | other kinds of packaging work like how? | 19:42 |
hyperair | i've done sync requests | 19:42 |
hyperair | merges... i haven't done one for ubuntu, but i do it all the time for the banshee-team PPA | 19:42 |
Laney | merges, bug fixes, qa | 19:42 |
hyperair | bug fixes i've done a few for pm-utils, and one for evolution-data-server, as well as one for gnome-settings-daemon | 19:42 |
hyperair | oh and one for pulseaudio (but that was related to pm-utils) | 19:42 |
hyperair | oh one more bugfix for banshee, in which i backported a diff from svn | 19:43 |
hyperair | what's qa? | 19:43 |
Laney | quality assurance - ftbfs, unmetdeps, nbs and the like | 19:44 |
hyperair | well i've handled ftbfs on my own packages which got uploaded -- codelite and sigx | 19:44 |
hyperair | but other than that no | 19:44 |
hyperair | i'm interested to take a look though | 19:44 |
hyperair | oh and i'm eyeing curlpp as my next target for revu, after i finish packaging every actively maintained geany plugin | 19:45 |
Laney | As long as you feel you have the time to maintain all of these packages | 19:45 |
* pochu thinks we should at the very least limit REVU packages to one per packager | 19:46 | |
hyperair | eh no prob | 19:46 |
Laney | I've only ever packaged one thing from scratch tbh | 19:46 |
hyperair | hahah | 19:48 |
maxb | pochu: I see your point about not wanting REVU to get out of control, but that's rather a crude method, and a HUGE roadblock if you need to propose a set of related source packages | 19:51 |
pochu | maxb: well, the really crude method is to close it down completely ;) | 19:52 |
ScottK | pochu: You can just review one per packager. | 19:53 |
maxb | Surely having multiple packages from a single person is no problem at all, *if* they are actively persuing them? | 19:53 |
pochu | ScottK: actually I don't do many reviews... | 19:54 |
Laney | I don't really have a problem with people who intend to take responsibility for their packages, and package things for a reason other than "it's there". | 19:54 |
pochu | maxb: agreed. the question is how many people fall into that category | 19:54 |
Laney | But you do need to be aware of the time you're asking your reviewers to invest | 19:54 |
* hyperair has a reason | 19:55 | |
hyperair | and it's not "it's there" | 19:55 |
Laney | hyperair: I wasn't targetting you, don't worry | 19:56 |
Laney | obviously I can't speak to your intentions | 19:56 |
loic-m | * loic-m reason is "it's _not_ there" ;) | 19:56 |
loic-m | (and I use it) | 19:57 |
hyperair | Laney: just clarifying matters that's all =) | 19:57 |
hyperair | my reason for geany's plugins is because they look interesting, and i don't feel like littering my system with make install stuff, and since i've come up with packages i might as well submit it to ubuntu | 19:59 |
hyperair | codelite because it deserves the same love codeblocks got | 20:00 |
hyperair | sigx and (soon) curlpp because i'm writing an app which is going to depend on those two | 20:00 |
fta | hyperair, just added a comment for geanyprj | 20:03 |
loic-m | When does it work when adding an .xpm icon to a package - do we have to check the license for the icon as well? | 20:04 |
Laney | of course | 20:04 |
hyperair | fta: thanks. i just made the fix, i'll upload it soon | 20:04 |
loic-m | if the icon is already in the package we provide (=shows in the program, but no .xpm file, what do we do? | 20:05 |
hyperair | loic-m: if you want to create a package.menu file then you'll need a .xpm file | 20:06 |
hyperair | loic-m: otherwise no need | 20:06 |
hyperair | fta: uploaded. | 20:07 |
vemon | hi. what kind of name should i give to a lib package when the name of the library is already postfixed with the version number (which i assume is probably identical to the so version) | 20:10 |
vemon | one of the libs looks like this: liblv2dynparamhost1.so.1.0.0 | 20:11 |
vemon | i'm only building a package for personal use to be uploaded to my PPA but would still like to get it right | 20:12 |
vemon | (maybe later uploading it to revu) | 20:12 |
fta | hyperair, i'm not sure how to give you a r+ now.. i don't know enough about REVU. maybe i need privileges. | 20:12 |
hyperair | hmm i think you need to register as a reviewer | 20:12 |
hyperair | fta: ^ | 20:13 |
fta | hmm | 20:16 |
* jpds upgrades fta to "Reviewer" - 'User's permissions have been changed successfully.' | 20:16 | |
loic-m | is there any rules against using paths like debian/../dir_name in debian/rules and also, when using CDBS, in debian/package.install? | 20:20 |
fta | jpds, thanks | 20:20 |
fta | hyperair, i'll have another look after dinner. | 20:21 |
hyperair | fta: okay thanks | 20:21 |
=== `Chris_ is now known as Chris` | ||
jmarsden|work | loic-m: I suspect debian/../dir and dir are exactly equivalent... so why would you write it as debian/../dir ?? | 20:32 |
loic-m | jmarsden|work: That makes sense. Thanks a lot | 20:34 |
jmarsden|work | loic-m: No problem :) | 20:34 |
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fta | hyperair, any particular reason to request debhelper >= 7 ? | 20:58 |
hyperair | fta: not actually | 21:01 |
hyperair | fta: should i lower it? | 21:01 |
AndrewGee | Just fixed the issues pointed out by mok01 in my package. Would appreciate a MOTU to review the package. Thanks :) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=osm-gps-map | 21:01 |
fta | it's better to keep it low to ease eventual backports | 21:01 |
hyperair | fta: okay | 21:01 |
fta | 5 should be enough in most cases | 21:01 |
hyperair | okay | 21:02 |
hyperair | what's 6 then? i usually see 5 and 7 but not 6 | 21:02 |
Laney | man debhelper | 21:02 |
hyperair | right | 21:02 |
fta | hyperair, 2nd package looks fine too. it's almost identical to the 1st one. | 21:06 |
hyperair | fta: yeah, the upstream developer is the same person | 21:07 |
hyperair | fta: and both are plugins for geany | 21:07 |
fta | hyperair, i figured that out ;) please lower debhelper req for both and i'll advocate you again for both | 21:07 |
hyperair | fta: okay | 21:08 |
hyperair | fta: okay uploaded for both. | 21:08 |
* jpds notes that we have debhelper 7 as far back as hardy-backports. So backporting anything with compat 7 shouldn't be a problem. | 21:10 | |
loic-m | Can a MOTU give a second advocate to the package ecm at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=ecm (a tool for compressing iso files with an unconventional method) ? | 21:12 |
fta | jpds, yeah, but the default is still 5 | 21:13 |
jpds | fta: Howso? | 21:14 |
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT | ||
fta | drop debian/compat and the version in debian/control, build, you'll end up with a debian/compat = 5 | 21:15 |
jpds | Ah, right. | 21:15 |
jpds | Lenny has 7 so that should change sooner or later. | 21:16 |
fta | cdbs also has 5 by default | 21:18 |
mok0 | compat is a source of confusion | 21:18 |
fta | hyperair, all done :) | 21:19 |
hyperair | fta: thanks | 21:24 |
hyperair | mok0: could you take a look at geanyvc and geanyprj please? | 21:26 |
maxb | Don't you always need a debian/compat, else you default to 1? | 21:26 |
maxb | Anything else not being, uh, compatible :-) | 21:26 |
* maxb experiments | 21:26 | |
hyperair | dh_make sets it to 7 =\ | 21:26 |
fta | in jaunty, afaics, it's still 5 | 21:27 |
maxb | Yeah, without a debian/compat file, it tells me that "compatibility levels before 4 are deprecated", so I'm convinced it defaults to 1 | 21:27 |
maxb | fta: Why do you think it defaults to 5? | 21:28 |
mok0 | hyperair: I'll take a look tomorrow... I am toast | 21:28 |
fta | maxb, because it creates the file for you with 5 in it if you don't provide one | 21:29 |
hyperair | mok0: okay =) | 21:29 |
maxb | fta: Oooops. I missed the fact that we were talking about cdbs driving debhelper, not debhelper itself | 21:30 |
maxb | :-) | 21:30 |
fta | and if you're all fine with 5, why use more ? with more, debhelper does more work for you but if it's not needed, i don't see the point | 21:30 |
mok0 | hyperair: what timezone are you in? It must be late night for you... | 21:30 |
fta | maxb, even without cdbs | 21:30 |
hyperair | mok0: GMT +8 | 21:30 |
fta | hm, maybe not | 21:30 |
fta | i take that back | 21:31 |
hyperair | mok0: and i'm nocturnal. currently watching a series of anime with bad sound | 21:31 |
mok0 | hyperair: ouch, time for bed :-) | 21:31 |
mok0 | Yikes the "needs-revu" list keeps growing... up to 134 packages now | 21:35 |
hyperair | heheheh | 21:40 |
postalchris | What does it mean when REVU says, "This package could not be extracted; there's no browseable directory for it on REVU. " | 21:55 |
maxb | That's an interesting one... sounds like it is implying that "dpkg-source -x" failed to work | 22:01 |
maxb | the package name is? | 22:01 |
ScottK | Which it might if there's no key to verify against. | 22:08 |
postalchris | maxb: cvc3 | 22:20 |
maxb | Looks like the .orig.tar.gz is missing | 22:21 |
postalchris | maxb: the .orig.tar.gz was the same as for the previous upload? | 22:23 |
maxb | I'm not sure how revu works... I think it may require .orig.tar.gz *ALWAYS* | 22:23 |
jpds | postalchris: You still have to include it in the upload to REVU, gimme a moment to try something. | 22:24 |
maxb | Because it's not really an archive | 22:24 |
postalchris | hm, I just dput the .changes file, I assumed it would do the right thing | 22:25 |
maxb | Include the -sa option when building the package for upload to REVU | 22:27 |
jpds | postalchris: OK; I've just moved your pervious upload + the .orig from the upload before that to the processing queue. | 22:27 |
jpds | (I check the sha sums so it should work). | 22:28 |
jpds | postalchris: Ought to be on the site now. | 22:29 |
jpds | postalchris: OK; that didn't work, please reupload with the -sa option for debuild. | 22:30 |
_stochastic_ | I'm having some troubles getting icons to properly install from my package. I've read about dh_icons online, but is there any order it needs to sit within the rules file? | 22:33 |
postalchris | jpds: REVU has a problem with the pkg name being the same... | 22:35 |
jpds | postalchris: How do you mean? | 22:35 |
jpds | Hey Zic. | 22:36 |
Zic | hi jpds :) | 22:36 |
postalchris | jpds: "Already uploaded to revu.ubuntuwire.com | 22:41 |
postalchris | Doing nothing for cvc3_1.5.1~20090126-0ubuntu2_source.changes" | 22:41 |
postalchris | I'm bumping the revision and rebuilding | 22:41 |
Piratenaapje | postalchris: use option -f if you want to force it to upload | 22:41 |
postalchris | Piratenaapje: that's a better idea ;-) | 22:42 |
ScottK | or just rm the .upload file. | 22:42 |
jpds | postalchris: dput -f revu ... | 22:42 |
postalchris | jpds: done | 22:42 |
jpds | postalchris: Right, it's in ~ftp/incoming and should be on the site soon. | 22:43 |
postalchris | jpds: Awesome. Thanks. | 22:45 |
postalchris | How long should I expect to wait before somebody comments on the package? (First upload was 1/24) | 22:46 |
jpds | postalchris: It's best to advertise the package here from time to time, and someone will hopefully take a look at it. | 22:54 |
CarlFK | can someone pretty please fix https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg2theora/+bug/315356/+viewstatus | 22:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 315356 in ffmpeg2theora "No ffmpeg2theora binary in jaunty package" [Medium,Fix released] | 22:55 |
CarlFK | I keep forgetting about it and burn up time trying to figure out why it isn't installed | 22:56 |
postalchris | jpds: Consider this my advertising for the day. | 22:57 |
jpds | postalchris: It's almost midnight here, but I'll have a look tomorrow morning. | 22:59 |
__Ali__ | why is dh_install commented out in debian/rules template? | 23:01 |
__Ali__ | is dh_install necessary for the actual binaries to be included in deb? | 23:02 |
postalchris | jpds: No pressure. It's just advertsing. :-) | 23:04 |
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Piratenaapje | CarlFK: that bug seems to be fixed in the newest release | 23:08 |
CarlFK | Piratenaapje: oh hay... maybe it hasn't hit the repo yet | 23:09 |
Piratenaapje | Setting up ffmpeg2theora (0.23-0ubuntu1) ... | 23:10 |
Piratenaapje | CarlFK: version in repo is ubuntu2 | 23:10 |
Piratenaapje | CarlFK: Status is also fix-released :P | 23:12 |
CarlFK | Piratenaapje: did it install for you? | 23:13 |
Piratenaapje | CarlFK: yes, and the binary is included now | 23:13 |
CarlFK | huh. thanks. now I have to see why my box is still borked. | 23:14 |
CarlFK | I did apt-get source and built and run the binary out of the dir | 23:15 |
CarlFK | thanks again for checking. | 23:15 |
Piratenaapje | CarlFK: You're welcome :) | 23:16 |
_stochastic_ | Does anyone have some free time to do a REVU? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=calf | 23:16 |
_stochastic_ | It just needs one more advocate. | 23:16 |
nhandler | _stochastic_: I'll take a look | 23:18 |
_stochastic_ | nhandler, thanks | 23:18 |
nhandler | _stochastic_: Is there a reason for a compat of 6? | 23:19 |
jmarsden|work | Any MOTUs who can review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webgui for me please? It's a GPLed Perl-based CMS. Thanks! | 23:23 |
loic-m | nhandler: ping | 23:24 |
nhandler | loic-m: pong | 23:24 |
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dooooomi | does any MOTU feel like reviewing pyliblo? this is your chance to be the second advocate :) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=pyliblo | 23:51 |
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