Louis | Will setting the noatime option to a partition cause any problems with myth? | 00:43 |
Louis | and what about nodiratime? | 00:45 |
J-e-f-f-A_ | J-e-f-f-A | 01:12 |
BassKozz | Hello J-e-f-f-A / J-e-f-f-A_ | 01:13 |
J-e-f-f-A_ | BassKozz: Hey, what's up? | 01:14 |
BassKozz | Not much, can't get my darn HDHomeRun to work :( | 01:15 |
BassKozz | Your not using an HDHR are you? | 01:16 |
BassKozz | What are you using up there in Marlborough, Comcast,RCN, FIOS ? | 01:16 |
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BassKozz | FIOS | 01:17 |
=== BassKozz is now known as BassKozz_ | ||
steven_M | hi all | 01:41 |
steven_M | which directory do the xmltv scripts go into? | 01:43 |
steven_M | hi foxbuntu | 01:51 |
foxbuntu | hi steven_M | 01:51 |
foxbuntu | do I know you? | 01:51 |
steven_M | nope, just being friendly | 01:52 |
steven_M | do you know which directory the xmltv scripts go into? | 01:53 |
foxbuntu | steven_M, not sure | 01:54 |
foxbuntu | steven_M, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/XMLTV | 01:55 |
steven_M | thanks | 01:57 |
tim1 | i'm trying to use myth as a dvr for a network cctv camera. i can | 02:28 |
tim1 | i'm trying to use myth as a dvr for a cctv camera. I can't get it to record my mpeg4 stream although docs say it can. I have an m3u file (maybe not correct). I've reviewed mythbackend and frontend logs and found no indication of the issue. any one have experience doing this type of thing? | 02:32 |
hads | I'd hazard a guess that there are better things to use as a CCTV DVR than mythtv | 02:41 |
hads | Zoneminder comes to mind. | 02:41 |
tim1 | thanks, but I don't believe that ZM supports mpeg4. I think it's just motion jpeg. Am I wrong? | 02:42 |
hads | I don't know a lot about it, I just know that myth isn't really made for it. | 02:43 |
oobuntoo | hello? | 02:44 |
oobuntoo | i think i really messed up my mythtv program and now it won't even run the backend setup | 02:45 |
oobuntoo | http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/f2ef4efd | 02:46 |
oobuntoo | is there any way to just completely uninstall it or restore it to all default settings? | 02:46 |
hads | oobuntoo: Run mythbuntu-control-centre and check your mysql access parameters. Looks like your IP is incorrect. | 02:47 |
hads | It should be rather than | 02:48 |
oobuntoo | i'll check it out | 02:48 |
oobuntoo | what tab is my "mysql access parameters" under | 02:48 |
oobuntoo | i am completely new to this | 02:48 |
oobuntoo | sorry | 02:48 |
oobuntoo | I found it but it is grayed out so i can't edit it | 02:49 |
hads | Odd. Can you pastebin "cat /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt" | 02:51 |
hads | (run that from a terminal) | 02:52 |
oobuntoo | haha, thanks for the clarification... i will do that now | 02:52 |
oobuntoo | ok... you want me to copy and paste that in here? | 02:53 |
oobuntoo | nevermind... i googled what pastebin is | 02:55 |
oobuntoo | http://pastebin.com/d5de68d0e | 02:55 |
hads | :) | 02:55 |
hads | OK sec | 02:56 |
hads | Run this in a terminal; sed -i 's/27/127/' /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt | 02:57 |
oobuntoo | permission denied | 02:57 |
hads | k, run; sudo sed -i 's/27/127/' /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt | 02:58 |
hads | http://xkcd.com/149/ | 02:58 |
oobuntoo | hahaha... that sudo makes me a root or something right | 02:59 |
oobuntoo | i am still learning | 02:59 |
hads | Yep it does. | 02:59 |
oobuntoo | it said unable to resolve host | 02:59 |
hads | sudo == Super User do | 02:59 |
hads | Oh dear. | 03:00 |
oobuntoo | that doesnt sound good | 03:00 |
hads | Did you change the name of your computer by chance? | 03:00 |
oobuntoo | very possible... i might have done it from the networking part | 03:01 |
hads | Pastebin this again please; cat /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt | 03:01 |
oobuntoo | http://pastebin.com/d2e19d67e | 03:03 |
oobuntoo | yeah... i changed it to nick-ubuntu and it was nick-desktop | 03:03 |
hads | Umm did you run that sed command twice? | 03:03 |
oobuntoo | yea... i wanted to make sure it wasn't a typo | 03:04 |
oobuntoo | so i typed it once and copied and pasted it once | 03:04 |
hads | heh okay don't do that :) run this; sudo sed -i 's/1127/127/' /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt | 03:05 |
oobuntoo | unable to resolve host | 03:05 |
hads | That's okay, it's still working. | 03:05 |
oobuntoo | ok | 03:05 |
hads | Show my the mysql.txt file again | 03:06 |
oobuntoo | so sed -i is the microsoft equivalent of "find and replace" | 03:06 |
hads | Kind of, it's a command line version which I know better than GUI tools. | 03:06 |
hads | Other people here will be able to help you out more with the GUI stuff | 03:06 |
hads | sed == Stream EDitor, the -i means 'in place' and the s/// bit is yeah, a sort of find and replace. | 03:08 |
hads | Well that should have fixed your database access anyway. | 03:08 |
oobuntoo | yea looks like it is back to 127 | 03:08 |
hads | So you can carry on doing what you were doing before | 03:09 |
oobuntoo | you are an absolute genius | 03:09 |
hads | heh why thank you, not really though :) | 03:10 |
oobuntoo | i was contemplating wiping out the entire OS and reinstalling it | 03:10 |
oobuntoo | i have some very very basic gui questions while i have you here that maybe you could help with | 03:11 |
hads | Maybe, as I said I'm not as up on the GUI stuff | 03:11 |
oobuntoo | i haven't got mythtv up and running yet and i only have one computer with a tv tuner and it is connected to an antenna | 03:11 |
oobuntoo | i would have that be primary backend and a frontend correct? | 03:12 |
hads | Yeah, the backend is the bit that does the scheduling and recording etc. The frontend is the bit you watch TV through, so if you want to do both on the same computer then yes. | 03:12 |
oobuntoo | ok and my tuner card is recognized out of the box on 8.10 (which i have) so i just need to run the channel editor and i am all set? | 03:13 |
hads | You need to follow through the steps in mythtv-setup, I think there's a mythbuntu/mythtv manual which will tell you. | 03:15 |
oobuntoo | ok... i will check that | 03:15 |
oobuntoo | thanks you so much - do you have a paypal account? | 03:15 |
oobuntoo | i'd be glad to make a small donation | 03:16 |
hads | I do but that's not nessecary at all, glad to help out. | 03:16 |
oobuntoo | greatly appreciate it | 03:17 |
hads | No worries :) | 03:17 |
oobuntoo | thanks... bye | 03:17 |
MythbuntuGuest41 | hi | 04:02 |
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=== josht is now known as redsix | ||
redsix | anyone here? | 04:02 |
redsix | anyone have luck with hvr 1250 and remote? | 04:04 |
redsix | 1250 is working but i have remote issues | 04:05 |
redsix | hi? | 04:23 |
redsix | anyone seen mario lately? | 04:33 |
redsix | hello | 04:53 |
=== MythbuntuGuest67 is now known as redsix | ||
redsix | got disconnected | 05:06 |
redsix | question was, i have a hauppauge hvr-1250 recording well, but the remote/ir piece is not working, any ideas? | 05:07 |
=== MythbuntuGuest69 is now known as redsix | ||
redsix | anyone had luck with hvr 1250? | 05:10 |
BassKozz_ | Can someone help me, I think I've royally f'ed up my Xubuntu install... I was playing around with weekly trunk builds of mythbuntu and now I've removed everything and am trying to revert back to stable (mythbuntu 8.10), but I can't get mythbuntu-desktop installed: http://pastebin.com/md81b376 | 05:14 |
BassKozz_ | Broken packages | 05:16 |
BassKozz_ | Well thank god this is a test box, I guess I can just format and re-install | 05:18 |
superm1 | BassKozz, weekly trunks got a little messed up recently | 05:31 |
superm1 | hopefully laga should be fixing them soon.. | 05:31 |
redsix | hi superm1 | 05:34 |
superm1 | hi redsix | 05:34 |
redsix | trying to get hvr-1250 ir/remote working any ideas? | 05:35 |
redsix | card is recording great | 05:35 |
redsix | i tried the regulr hauppauge seeting in the IR devices area, but no luck there | 05:37 |
BassKozz_ | Nevermind, I figured it out, I had to sift thru a few packages until I found that mythtv-common was still installed (but it didn't show up in synaptic when I filtered 'myth' :weird:) oh well, back to normal :-D | 05:37 |
superm1 | redsix, sorry i've not worked with it at all | 05:38 |
redsix | iv'e tried using irw from terminal and it keeps kicking out saying it cant find hard ware | 05:39 |
redsix | dmesg |grep cx23885 | 05:40 |
redsix | [ 9.267097] CORE cx23885[0]: subsystem: 0070:7911, board: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR | 05:41 |
redsix | 1250 [card=3,autodetected] | 05:41 |
redsix | [ 9.367823] cx23885[0]: i2c bus 0 registered | 05:42 |
redsix | [ 9.367823] cx23885[0]: i2c bus 1 registered | 05:42 |
redsix | [ 9.367823] cx23885[0]: i2c bus 2 registered | 05:42 |
redsix | should use lirc i2c no? | 05:42 |
BassKozz_ | heya superm1, you said the "trunks" were messed up, but the fixes builds are ok right? | 05:44 |
superm1 | BassKozz, yeah they should be fine | 05:45 |
superm1 | redwell likely yeah i2c. you might check though and make sure that it's not getting stuck at the devinput layer or something | 05:46 |
BassKozz_ | thx superm1 | 05:47 |
BassKozz_ | btw redsix is gone | 05:47 |
superm1 | oh didn't see | 05:47 |
superm1 | thanks | 05:47 |
BassKozz_ | impatient | 05:47 |
BassKozz_ | :P | 05:48 |
jumpkick | so is it just my copy or is the partitioner in mythbuntu 9.04 totally fubar? | 07:14 |
hads | I'd imagine just yours. | 07:20 |
Thrae | Well I got everything working except my Avermedia A180 HD Tuner (DVB-T). It shows up as an Air2PC card in the setup which is fine, but it keeps giving me "Timeout on Channel X: no signal" despite whatever the signal strength is. If I increase the timeout to something like 50000, then it gives "no tables", whatever the heck that means. | 07:30 |
jumpkick | hads: probably, it would be just silly to put out an installer with a broken partitioner... | 07:31 |
Thrae | Ah, it seems ATSC scanning is broken. | 07:35 |
Thrae | Has anyone else had trouble with ATSC tuning? | 07:45 |
jumpkick | seems you have to run "sudo local-gen" or something so the partitioner works properly | 08:45 |
jumpkick | on alpha3 | 08:45 |
obama_linux | Nvidia 9400GT using standard Tv screen is about 5 percent too big on the top and bottom used several drivers for this cannot get nvidia settings manger too give me the overscan option any help would greatly be appreciated | 10:11 |
=== oobe_ is now known as oobe | ||
xal2 | Hi | 16:25 |
=== oobe_ is now known as oobe | ||
xal2 | I setup mythtv on ubuntu and I am using schedules direct for my channel tuning. I also did a channel scan and the channels come in fine for a while after some manipulation with sound settings but then it goes back to a noisy picture that skips with static. My tuner is a PCHDTV 5500 | 16:26 |
xal2 | I'm not sure if it's a difference, but I ausing alsa insted of pulse audio. | 16:26 |
phanohanover | anyone good at backend scanning w/DVB -s? | 18:01 |
Thrae | phanohanover: I'd like to know how to do that too, since my Avermedia A180 isn't picking up channels in MythTV's scanner. | 18:01 |
phanohanover | i am able but only with bev... | 18:02 |
phanohanover | I have done everything...patches etc and nothing w/DN | 18:02 |
phanohanover | I have a tabel problem i think... | 18:02 |
phanohanover | what is your problem? | 18:03 |
Thrae | I get a signal timeout no matter the signal strength when I do a channel scan in Mythbuntu / MythTV. | 18:03 |
Thrae | If I increase the timeout to, say, 50000, then I get "no tables". It's a known issue that the scanner is broken for ATSC, so I need to figure out how to scan manually. | 18:04 |
phanohanover | have you tried your dish with a regular receiver for signal confirm? (just in case) | 18:04 |
Thrae | It is a regular receiver. ATSC. | 18:04 |
Thrae | Works fine in Windows | 18:04 |
phanohanover | ok ok...that is different...you want to cache HD signal? | 18:04 |
phanohanover | or regular vhf? | 18:05 |
Thrae | Yeah, I want to scan for HD broadcasts. | 18:05 |
phanohanover | where are you? | 18:05 |
Thrae | I might have to install Windows to get the codes... | 18:06 |
phanohanover | is you card recognized in dmesg? | 18:06 |
Thrae | 21061, USA | 18:06 |
phanohanover | are you linux or win | 18:06 |
Thrae | Yep, kinda. It shows up as an Air2PC in Mythbuntu, but it loads the correct module. | 18:06 |
phanohanover | ok...on cable or antenna? | 18:06 |
Thrae | Just Antenna, ATSC, no QAM | 18:07 |
phanohanover | i presume antenna...then you should choose 8VSB and not qam256... | 18:07 |
phanohanover | did you try that? | 18:07 |
Thrae | Right, that's the default and that's what I'm choosing. | 18:07 |
phanohanover | did you choose dvb in backend or video0 v4l? | 18:08 |
Thrae | DVB | 18:08 |
Thrae | The other choice clearly says "Analog". | 18:09 |
phanohanover | Sorry man...i am not yet a guru at atsc...mine works so so (hvr-1600). My problem is my antenne... | 18:09 |
Thrae | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=942535 <-- I'm following this thread, maybe it'll help you. | 18:10 |
phanohanover | looks like your card has a problem with heat...i guess you tried the cold start? | 18:15 |
phanohanover | I am unable to scan DN channels in backend using 18207 patched... all i get is NET ID 0x1006 processing...anyone heard that? | 18:17 |
phanohanover | I have been working on this for 2 weeks now and nothing comes up.... | 18:17 |
Emp123 | Does anybody know if the Hauppauge HVR-1800 will work out of the box? | 18:44 |
Emp123 | If it matters, and I think it does, Im in the United States so I think I need it to do NTSC | 18:45 |
Emp123 | It will be coming through a cable box though, if that alters anything | 18:46 |
tgm4883 | Emp123, if you are going through a cable box, you don't need a digital tuner | 18:46 |
tgm4883 | not that that matters | 18:46 |
phanohanover | hey! solved my issue!!! just didn't wait long enough to get the channels... Dum...only stupidity is stupid! | 18:46 |
phanohanover | thank you guys anyway! | 18:47 |
Emp123 | Well, its really hard to find the Hauppauge PVR-150 which is what I would have used, and I dont know if it will always be hooked up to a cable box | 18:47 |
shiraj | hey guys | 18:57 |
shiraj | hey anyone around? | 19:15 |
tgm4883 | !ask | shiraj | 19:16 |
Zinn | shiraj: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question. Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it. IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer. | 19:16 |
shiraj | heh | 19:17 |
shiraj | i just want to know what kind of media player mythbuntu uses to play back videos. Im not very interested in using it to record tv, just want to play back music and videos that are stored in different places on the network | 19:18 |
tgm4883 | shiraj, internally it uses it's own version of mplayer, but you can configure xine or vlc also | 19:19 |
shiraj | ah nice | 19:19 |
shiraj | and it will play videos that are on samba shares? | 19:20 |
tgm4883 | yes, as long as you mount the share | 19:20 |
shiraj | and can it do that automatically or do i have to cli it | 19:21 |
shiraj | its gonna be for my parents to use | 19:21 |
shiraj | i dont want their heads to explode | 19:22 |
tgm4883 | shiraj, how many different systems? | 19:22 |
shiraj | just 2 | 19:23 |
tgm4883 | have you looked at XMBC? | 19:23 |
shiraj | nope whats that | 19:24 |
tgm4883 | a media center app, no tv functionality | 19:24 |
shiraj | ah cool | 19:25 |
shiraj | sounds like what i need | 19:25 |
tgm4883 | shiraj, probably. I don't have the link on me right now, but google is your friend. They have ubuntu packages too | 19:25 |
shiraj | yeah just found it | 19:26 |
shiraj | sweet thanks | 19:26 |
MythbuntuGuest60 | !help | 20:59 |
Zinn | !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi | 20:59 |
MythbuntuGuest60 | !status | 20:59 |
Zinn | I am alive. | 20:59 |
MythbuntuGuest60 | !skystarhd2 | 20:59 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about skystarhd2 | 20:59 |
MythbuntuGuest60 | !skystar | 20:59 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about skystar | 20:59 |
overbusy | !nexus | 20:59 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about nexus | 20:59 |
overbusy | !nexus-s | 20:59 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about nexus-s | 20:59 |
overbusy | !technotrend | 21:00 |
Zinn | Sorry I don't know about technotrend | 21:00 |
MythbuntuGuest60 | anyone knows how to get skystar hd2 work with mythbuntu? | 21:00 |
tgm4883 | for the record, it's probably easier to go to the link provided by !help and see what Zinn knows | 21:01 |
tgm4883 | than just randomly guess things | 21:01 |
MythbuntuGuest75 | !help | 21:01 |
Zinn | !help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi | 21:01 |
overbusy | I bought 2 dvb-s cards (nexus-s and tt S1102) but no one works with MythTv; please help | 21:02 |
hads | Check the linuxtv wiki for card support | 21:15 |
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=== toorima_ is now known as toorima | ||
Chaorain | 9Should I upgrade to Mythbuntu 9? | 22:19 |
Chaorain | I'm running 8.1 | 22:20 |
hads | 8.10 is the current stable version. 9.04 is the development version which is yet to be released. | 22:25 |
neoneddy | question: where can I find a file browser in Mythbuntu ? | 23:48 |
neoneddy | don't everyone answer at once here :-) | 23:49 |
neoneddy | nevermind I found it | 23:53 |
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