Rinchen | popey, ping | 00:07 |
popey | hi Rinchen | 00:09 |
Rinchen | popey, how'd you like be an admin on the nokia experiment? | 00:09 |
popey | saw your mail to -news :) | 00:09 |
popey | zoiks | 00:09 |
popey | ok | 00:09 |
Rinchen | well I just want some other empowered caretakers :-) | 00:10 |
Rinchen | cuz, you know, I have this work thing going on too ;-) | 00:10 |
popey | :) | 00:10 |
popey | yeah, groovy | 00:10 |
Rinchen | awesomeness, thanks | 00:10 |
popey | np | 00:10 |
* Rinchen waves his wand. | 00:11 | |
popey | i am already on ovi too :) | 00:11 |
* popey receives a mail from lp | 00:11 | |
Rinchen | ah cool. I kinda expected people to start befriending me on the social side but so far nobody has | 00:12 |
cody-somerville | I think I might go buy one of those things | 00:15 |
popey | probably the most important thing for me about the nokia is a) getting online via bluetooth and/or a cable connected via usb, and b) syncing/backing up my data | 00:16 |
popey | neither of which are immediately straightforward in a stock ubuntu system | 00:16 |
Rinchen | yeah | 00:16 |
Rinchen | BT is easier | 00:16 |
Rinchen | you can do the cable using the programs in the community help docs | 00:17 |
popey | i have a wvdial conf for my eee which i have used via the cable but.. wvdial - welcome to 1990 | 00:17 |
Rinchen | yep | 00:17 |
popey | needs NM support | 00:17 |
Rinchen | popey, there is another way | 00:17 |
popey | oh really? | 00:17 |
Rinchen | you can load the hotspots software on the nokia and link to it wirelessly | 00:18 |
popey | ooo | 00:18 |
popey | i had not thought about that | 00:18 |
popey | is it secure? | 00:18 |
popey | secure enough that others on the train wont use it? | 00:18 |
Rinchen | popey, http://www.symbian-freeware.com/download-joikuspot.html | 00:19 |
popey | *click* | 00:19 |
Rinchen | there's a professional version with encryption that you can download as well | 00:19 |
Rinchen | heh saw this popey and immediately though of Matthew Garrett http://symbian-freeware.com/download-amora.html | 00:20 |
popey | ooo i need that! | 00:21 |
Rinchen | Nokia has really recognized the Android threat and has been churning out some good things lately. And it's all build on open source which is nifty | 00:26 |
Rinchen | tyche or johnc4510 - ping | 18:51 |
tyche | Rinchen: pong | 18:51 |
Rinchen | hi ya... | 18:51 |
tyche | How goes it? | 18:51 |
tyche | You must be despirate, if you're contacting us during your busy day. Hee hee | 18:52 |
Rinchen | tyche, Good thanks! If you guys decide to use my nokia experiment as filler in UWN, can you please include a disclaimer that it's not a Canonical or Nokia led group but a grass-roots community effort? | 18:52 |
Rinchen | tyche, it's a problem I get because I work for Canonical | 18:52 |
Rinchen | people think when I do things it's on behalf of canonical vs me actually being a community member | 18:53 |
Rinchen | :-( | 18:53 |
tyche | I see no problem with your request. Selection, of course, is up to johnc4510 or boredandblogging. I'm just a grunt. :-) | 18:54 |
myrtlebeachbums | If you're a grunt, what does that make me. Even worse, what does that make kennymc0? :) | 18:57 |
tyche | "I respectfully decline to answer that question on the grounds that it might incriminate me." | 18:57 |
myrtlebeachbums | I could've sworn that answer could have been "I respectfully decline to answer that question on the grounds that it might cause me undue additional work when myrtlebeachbums and kennymc0 tell me to stick it where the sun don't shine." ha ha | 18:58 |
tyche | New York State? | 18:59 |
myrtlebeachbums | That's it! | 18:59 |
tyche | They're currently being covered with that four letter word starting with "S" | 19:00 |
Rinchen | watch it now, I'm originally from New York. :-) | 19:10 |
Rinchen | I had this great button I used to wear "I'm from NY, what's your excuse?" | 19:11 |
myrtlebeachbums | tyche and I are both former NYers. We were smart and moved to warmer climates though. ;) | 19:11 |
myrtlebeachbums | I grew up in Ogdensburg, NY. | 19:11 |
Rinchen | heh, I moved to Colorado :-) | 19:11 |
myrtlebeachbums | Well, not quite warmer but at least you tried. | 19:11 |
Rinchen | I lived in Red Hook (Kingston/Poughkeepsie) during the summer and in Lake George, then later Mechanicsville, during the summer | 19:12 |
Rinchen | er | 19:12 |
Rinchen | winter then summer | 19:12 |
myrtlebeachbums | I was one of many that went to Lake George / Glens Falls every summer as a kid. | 19:12 |
Rinchen | Yep :-D | 19:12 |
Rinchen | That'd be my excuse as well | 19:13 |
myrtlebeachbums | :) | 19:13 |
tyche | So did my father. But then, he lived in Glens Falls | 19:13 |
Rinchen | The first year MTV launched I was in Lake George and got into their airband contest | 19:13 |
myrtlebeachbums | I like Myrtle Beach. It's like Lake George without the snow and cold. :) | 19:13 |
tyche | Ah. You're just a young whippersnapper | 19:13 |
myrtlebeachbums | Oh? When was that? | 19:14 |
Rinchen | Aug 1981 | 19:14 |
tyche | I've got KIDS about your age. | 19:14 |
Rinchen | heh no doubt. Although I admit 40 is a lot better than I thought it would be | 19:15 |
myrtlebeachbums | I was going to say - long enough ago to have been when MTV still played videos. Those of us that can remember that ARE old. Not as old as tyche, but still. | 19:15 |
tyche | WATCH IT!!! | 19:15 |
tyche | Hee hee | 19:15 |
* myrtlebeachbums has 110 days 'til 40. | 19:15 | |
myrtlebeachbums | What're ya going to do - bury me in ITP links? :-P ha ha | 19:16 |
Rinchen | you know, we should start a new LP team... Ubuntu Old Farts | 19:17 |
tyche | !language | 19:17 |
myrtlebeachbums | Sign me up. I can tell at almost 40 that I'm the geezer in my Loco. | 19:17 |
tyche | That's "Old Wind Breakers" | 19:17 |
myrtlebeachbums | In politically correct terms wouldn't it be "Age accelerated flatulant persons" | 19:19 |
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville |
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