jcastro | Howdy folks! | 00:00 |
robbmunson | howdy jcastro :) | 00:00 |
j1mc | Hi jcastro :) | 00:00 |
nhandler | Hey jcastro | 00:00 |
jcastro | ok, we're going to get started, please shout out what LoCo you're from (or if you're not) and if you plan on running a bug jam! | 00:00 |
txwikinger | hi jcastro | 00:00 |
jcastro | ie. introduce yourselves! | 00:00 |
rick_h_ | Ubuntu MI baby! | 00:00 |
robbmunson | Ubuntu LA all the way! | 00:01 |
j1mc | I'm from the ubuntu-chicago team. | 00:01 |
nhandler | I'm with ubuntu-chicago too | 00:01 |
txwikinger | Kitchener/Waterloo LUG .. and formerly SBLUG, Birmingham, UK | 00:01 |
nhaines | Ubuntu California! We're doing one at SCaLE next month! | 00:01 |
_patrickd | I'm sorta with ubuntu-ie | 00:01 |
jcastro | excellent. | 00:01 |
j1mc | nhaines: sounds great! | 00:01 |
robbmunson | and no, i just came to see "how to do one" if i ever wanted to :) | 00:01 |
jcastro | Well, in this session we're going to be going over how to plan and successfully run a good jam | 00:02 |
jcastro | and share tips and tricks on how to make that easier. | 00:02 |
jcastro | First of all | 00:02 |
jcastro | if you're going to run a jam, you should put it on this list: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam | 00:02 |
jcastro | this lets users know that there is a jam in the area and helps us keep track of who is doing what | 00:03 |
jcastro | the second most important thing is this document: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RunningBugJam | 00:03 |
jcastro | which is basically things we gleaned from the last GBJ and other independant jams from around the world | 00:03 |
jcastro | you are of course encouraged to add your experiences on that document. | 00:03 |
jcastro | One thing that should be clear to everyone though, especially those of you having your first jams ... | 00:04 |
jcastro | the main goal of the GBJ is for local teams to get together | 00:04 |
jcastro | to meet each other, help each other out, and basically help each other improve | 00:04 |
jcastro | so don't get sidetracked by the # of bugs you triage | 00:05 |
jcastro | or if one person is slower than someone else or whatever | 00:05 |
jcastro | Last jam I did ~30 some bugs in a session and my friend did like 5 so he was kind of upset. | 00:05 |
jcastro | the idea is he learned something | 00:05 |
jcastro | so even do we tracks stats and have bug bingo and all that, as long as it's a successful gathering of people at the LoCo then it's all good. | 00:06 |
jcastro | any questions so gar? | 00:06 |
jcastro | er, far? | 00:06 |
j1mc | doing ok here. :) | 00:06 |
jcastro | also, feel free to jump in and throw out tips | 00:06 |
robbmunson | none from me :) | 00:06 |
jcastro | Ok, if you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RunningBugJam | 00:07 |
jcastro | the toughest part is probably finding a venue | 00:07 |
jcastro | (That 5-a-day PDF is great to print up and hand out as well) | 00:07 |
jcastro | lots of LoCo's shoot for something cheap or free | 00:08 |
jcastro | like a library or university | 00:08 |
jcastro | though really that depends up to your group | 00:08 |
jcastro | some go to pubs, etc. so whatever works for you | 00:08 |
jcastro | The "tutor" person listed there is also important. | 00:08 |
jcastro | there should be someone in the group who has done this before or is willing to learn before the event | 00:09 |
jcastro | So you should encourage your members to maybe hang out in #ubuntu-bugs or participate in a hug day so they can follow along with more experienced people | 00:09 |
jcastro | or they can follow their favorite bugs or whatever to see how other people triage bugs | 00:10 |
jcastro | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs | 00:10 |
jcastro | that set of pages is the primary set of docs we use to triage bugs. | 00:10 |
jcastro | Pedro has put a bunch of time trying to make it as simple as possible | 00:10 |
jcastro | most people will do "Report" or "Triage" | 00:11 |
jcastro | and the more advanced people can do "Fix a Bug" | 00:11 |
j1mc | is the bug jam more about triaging and fixing? | 00:11 |
jcastro | so you can divide people into groups by skill, or you can do mentoring in pairs, whatever matches your group's skill level | 00:11 |
jcastro | I mostly triage, but not really, any kind of bug work is fine | 00:11 |
jcastro | if you spend all weekend hacking to just fix one really complicated bug then that's great too | 00:12 |
jcastro | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam | 00:12 |
jcastro | at the bottom here | 00:12 |
nhaines | Bug jams are good ways for people to get together and learn how to contribute back from friendly people. | 00:12 |
jcastro | we've put lists of bugs sorted by how difficult they are | 00:13 |
jcastro | so, the first one, new bugs with no packages assigned | 00:13 |
jcastro | basically, that's when someone reports "by browser doesn't work" but doesn't assign it to "Firefox" | 00:13 |
jcastro | those are relatively easy | 00:13 |
jcastro | there are also lists for "Bugs marked for expiration" | 00:13 |
jcastro | One can probably spend the whole time going through older bugs asking the original reporter if they still have the same problem | 00:14 |
jcastro | also, along with these lists | 00:14 |
jcastro | groups can sometimes work on something they all have in common | 00:14 |
jcastro | like say "hey, me and my friends all like amarok, let's do our bug jam day on amarok bugs" | 00:15 |
jcastro | so while we do provide these lists of bugs, whatever you're comforable with works best | 00:15 |
jcastro | once the venue is set | 00:15 |
jcastro | promoting the jams is a large key to participation | 00:16 |
jcastro | so on the RunningBugJam page we have some tips and tricks | 00:16 |
jcastro | can anyone think of any more? | 00:16 |
nhandler | You can also keep track of your progress using 5-a-day (which I bet Daniel will talk about) | 00:17 |
jcastro | I have noticed this time around that some Local Teams are asking other teams in their regional areas | 00:17 |
j1mc | prerequisites... getting ssh keys for participants | 00:17 |
jcastro | so you can check out what your local friendly chicago team is up to, etc. | 00:17 |
jcastro | j1mc: where do you see that? | 00:18 |
jcastro | oh, for the 5-a-day thing | 00:18 |
jcastro | right now people are working on making the applet and all that set up unneccesarry | 00:18 |
j1mc | jcastro: it should be there, yeah... | 00:18 |
jcastro | is anyone here not familiar with the 5-a-day program? | 00:20 |
jcastro | ok so if people want to track each bug they work on they can sign up for 5-a-day | 00:20 |
txwikinger | Will there also be a KDE4 plasmoid? | 00:20 |
jcastro | txwikinger: I believe the plan will be just having people join the 5-a-day group | 00:20 |
jcastro | and having something check lp and their group to spit out stats | 00:20 |
jcastro | basically, the user doesn't need an applet or anything anymore | 00:21 |
nhandler | jcastro: So the group will be revived? I thought it was only for development now | 00:21 |
txwikinger | Ah | 00:21 |
jcastro | nhandler: yes, but it's not finished and bdmurray and dholbach are working on it | 00:21 |
jcastro | it should be ready in time for the GBJ | 00:21 |
cfoch | hola | 00:22 |
cfoch | aqui sera la charla??? | 00:22 |
nhandler | jcastro: Awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product | 00:22 |
jcastro | also, though we are talking about the Global Bug Jam right now, locos can have jams anytime they want | 00:22 |
jcastro | for example the Berlin LoCo runs bug jams on a regular basis | 00:22 |
jcastro | the global bug jam is just when we all do it together, for great justice. | 00:23 |
jcastro | also, another key component is post-jam things | 00:23 |
jcastro | so you'll want to blog about | 00:23 |
txwikinger | beer? | 00:23 |
jcastro | take pictures, put and tag them online, etc. | 00:23 |
jcastro | of course. :D | 00:23 |
j1mc | txwikinger: unless you have ppl under 21 there... then may need to reconsider beer. | 00:24 |
jcastro | that way you can capture the fun so that next time around you can use the pictures in your marketing materials to show people how much fun it is | 00:24 |
txwikinger | j1mc: that depends on the country ;) | 00:25 |
j1mc | txwikinger: right. :) | 00:25 |
jcastro | also you should be prepared for the random person who saw there are ubuntu people gathering and just randomly shows up | 00:25 |
jcastro | so you can also use it as a means to attract new people | 00:25 |
jcastro | remember the key goal is loco participation and growth | 00:26 |
* robbmunson loves the help so new people are a definate +1 :) | 00:26 | |
jcastro | so if you're flooded with a bunch of new users and you spend time helping them instead of fixing bugs then no one will complain. :D | 00:26 |
cfoch | One moment | 00:26 |
cfoch | can somebody speak me in spanish?? | 00:27 |
jcastro | I unfortunately do not remember any of my spanish | 00:27 |
txwikinger | un poquito | 00:27 |
erichammond | Is there any sort of graph on launchpad which shows the total number of bug changes per hour/day? It would be nice to see the activity reflected during a GBJ. | 00:27 |
jcastro | other resources we have | 00:27 |
nhandler | erichammond: I think bdmurray has some graphs on his people.ubuntu.com page, but I'm not sure | 00:28 |
jcastro | erichammond: not current, but we do have this: http://daniel.holba.ch/5-a-day-stats/ | 00:28 |
jcastro | during the jam you'll notice all the new tags and teams moving up the lists | 00:28 |
jcastro | as well as groups | 00:28 |
jcastro | I suspect Club Ubuntu will have a strong showing once again | 00:29 |
j1mc | are those stats in real time? | 00:29 |
nhandler | j1mc: It is a cronjob | 00:29 |
j1mc | :) | 00:29 |
jcastro | 10 minutes I believe? | 00:30 |
robbmunson | jcastro, i think so | 00:30 |
jcastro | note that club ubuntu is usually a bunch of people who aren't near LoCos | 00:30 |
cfoch | i have created a new comunity the 25/01/09 | 00:30 |
jcastro | so even if you're not meeting up with someone you can still participate | 00:30 |
jcastro | on the main GBJ page we also have a GlobalBugJam.pdf | 00:31 |
jcastro | you can print that out and give it to people who participate | 00:31 |
jcastro | also, new this year are a bunch of instructional videos | 00:31 |
jcastro | you might want to ask participants to watch the video before the event | 00:31 |
jcastro | or you could show it at the event | 00:31 |
jcastro | you should also tell people that they should get a launchpad account before the event | 00:32 |
jcastro | that will save you some time in the long run | 00:32 |
jcastro | also, as you can see ... the california people are having an event during SCaLE | 00:32 |
jcastro | we encourage local teams to use events as an opportunity to run a jam | 00:33 |
jcastro | any more questions? | 00:33 |
jcastro | you guys are too easy. :D | 00:33 |
jcastro | One of my favorite pages is this one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage | 00:34 |
j1mc | i feel like ubuntu-chicago has a good start... we just need to make things come together. this will be our first one. | 00:34 |
jcastro | triaging bugs is a skill that can get rusty | 00:34 |
jcastro | I myself constantly need to refer to the documentation or people | 00:35 |
jcastro | That's what makes 5-a-day great, it keeps you sharp for things like this | 00:35 |
jcastro | so you might use the GBJ to learn how to do a good job | 00:35 |
cfoch | can somebody give me a link about how to organize a Ubuntu global Bug Jam in IRC, in spanish??? | 00:35 |
jcastro | and then do a few a day | 00:35 |
jcastro | I will find someone to do a translation of this page | 00:36 |
jcastro | we should get something up in multiple languages | 00:36 |
cfoch | ok | 00:36 |
jcastro | any other recommendation for these pages? | 00:37 |
jcastro | we've tried to make them as simple as we can | 00:37 |
jcastro | ok, I will send a mail to see if we can get the page translated into major languages. | 00:38 |
j1mc | jcastro: the material sections look helpful. thanks. | 00:38 |
jcastro | j1mc: if a LoCo makes something we encourage them to just throw it on there | 00:39 |
jcastro | one thing that might be fun would be a big bug bingo board | 00:39 |
j1mc | cool | 00:39 |
cfoch | my email is: cfoch@live.com, if you get a translation, send me a email | 00:39 |
jcastro | like on a whiteboard or projector | 00:39 |
nhandler | j1mc: Adding a section to the wiki that outlines some of the things that you should do as an individual before the jam might be a good idea | 00:39 |
nhandler | * jcastro | 00:39 |
jcastro | ok | 00:39 |
jcastro | things like "get your lp account", etc. | 00:40 |
jcastro | any other tips or tricks you guys would like to share? | 00:40 |
jcastro | rick_h_? | 00:40 |
nhandler | jcastro: We have the greasemonkey scripts for Firefox that make Launchpad more usable | 00:41 |
jcastro | ah right | 00:41 |
jcastro | nhandler: it might be a good idea to link those up at the bottom of the GBJ page, after the 5-a-day | 00:42 |
nhandler | https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-gm-scripts | 00:42 |
rick_h_ | jcastro: sorry, I've actually not done a bug jam with you guys. | 00:42 |
jcastro | heh | 00:42 |
jcastro | one thing we found useful | 00:42 |
jcastro | is someone sets up a laptop on the projector with a browser open | 00:42 |
jcastro | and when someone gets "stuck" or doesn't know what to do | 00:43 |
jcastro | they yell out the number, and someone loads it up | 00:43 |
jcastro | and then they discuss the bug and what possible ways to proceed | 00:43 |
jcastro | the nice thing is, if the group still can't figure it out, one person can ask on #ubuntu-bugs during the jam | 00:43 |
jcastro | and then when they get the answer they can share it with the group | 00:43 |
jcastro | I found this really useful because it makes it an open discussion | 00:44 |
jcastro | so one person will say "someone should tell the reporter to add this log" or whatever | 00:44 |
jcastro | then that way everyone knows the information | 00:44 |
jcastro | also, there are certain bugs that have a certain workflow | 00:45 |
jcastro | (one sec, searching for it) | 00:45 |
nhandler | Another thing that might be useful to LOCOs that decide to try and patch bugs (or are doing other work in a terminal) is http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/shared-terminal-sessions-over-ssh/. That blog post by bodhizazen explains how to set up a computer so that people can connect via ssh to a read-only shell | 00:45 |
jcastro | so for example for X bugs there's a certain way to do them | 00:46 |
jcastro | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingXAutoconfiguration | 00:47 |
jcastro | that would save you some time | 00:47 |
jcastro | also ... | 00:47 |
jcastro | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase | 00:47 |
nhandler | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses also saves time for some bugs | 00:47 |
jcastro | this will basically give you so much information you won't know what to do with. :D | 00:47 |
jcastro | but generally speaking if you just follow the triage guide and have people follow along then that will be fine | 00:47 |
jcastro | any other questions? | 00:49 |
nhandler | Nope | 00:49 |
jcastro | wow | 00:49 |
jcastro | well, you can ask questions on the loco-contacts mailing list | 00:49 |
jcastro | you can also mail me directly at jorge@ubuntu.com | 00:50 |
jcastro | I encourage you to hang out in #ubuntu-bugs | 00:50 |
jcastro | and reach out to other groups doing the Jam to share ideas and best practices! | 00:50 |
nhandler | I would also recommend looking at some triaged bugs on Launchpad. You can learn a lot from them | 00:50 |
jcastro | as you can see we don't have as many sign ups for the GBJ as we do locos - so get the word out! | 00:50 |
nhandler | Thanks a lot for giving this session Jorge | 00:50 |
jcastro | get other groups to sign up! | 00:50 |
jcastro | something a little competition helps | 00:50 |
jcastro | for example I am confident that the michigan team will demolish chicago. :p | 00:51 |
* nhandler refrains from commenting | 00:51 | |
jcastro | heh | 00:51 |
jcastro | ok thanks everyone for coming! | 00:51 |
jcastro | I appreciate you taking the time! | 00:51 |
* jcastro runs out for some brazilian food | 00:51 | |
rhdun | ooh, where? | 00:52 |
nhandler | Is someone adding these logs to the wiki? | 00:52 |
jcastro | nhandler: might be a good idea | 00:52 |
jcastro | nhandler: or mail them to me, I need to consolidate with daniel's logs anyway | 00:52 |
txwikinger | bon appetite, jcastro | 00:53 |
nhandler | jcastro: Sure thing. I'll send you a copy | 00:53 |
jcastro | rhdun: this place called Gaucho Brazilian Steakhouse | 00:53 |
jcastro | sounds yummu | 00:53 |
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mvaliyav_ | 6.182 | 07:35 |
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error404notfound | can someone name me a very light and simple text editor with numbering, and syntax highlighting, nothing else, coz my gedit is getting really heavy and giving problems | 13:06 |
Dykam | geeting heavy? | 13:06 |
Dykam | getting | 13:06 |
error404notfound | oopss, wrong channel :p | 13:06 |
error404notfound | Dykam: yup, you are right.. | 13:06 |
Dykam | reboot gedit... how is it possible for a static program to... become heavy | 13:07 |
istaz | error404notfound: leafpad | 13:13 |
error404notfound | istaz: I have got to geany... | 13:14 |
error404notfound | liked it.. | 13:14 |
istaz | ok | 13:14 |
error404notfound | Dykam: nope, there are other issues like it always opens a file with a name of 0 or a local cell number whenever I open it without any file, same is issue with firefox, I have its home set to about;blank but when I run firefox it goes to http://0/ or http://alocalcellnumber/ | 13:15 |
Dykam | about:blank I hope | 13:16 |
error404notfound | yup, sorry, too many typos, its about:blank.. | 13:17 |
Dykam | :P | 13:17 |
error404notfound | anybody here who is a django developer? | 13:24 |
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