=== Gary_ is now known as Gary | ||
A4Tech | Gary: hello | 10:05 |
Gary | hello | 10:05 |
A4Tech | Gary you can get unaffiliated to my friend ththt? | 10:06 |
Gary | @unaffiliated/ththt | 10:07 |
Gary | he is already cloaked | 10:07 |
A4Tech | Gary he is my officer, and transferred a database to bot # ubuntu-ru | 10:07 |
A4Tech | I was not him, but his Bot | 10:08 |
Gary | A4Tech: the nick ththt already has a unaffiliated cloak | 10:09 |
A4Tech | yes | 10:09 |
A4Tech | Gary: it you have just applied for a request to make a cloak for his bot | 10:09 |
A4Tech | could you do this now, that it would not wait 2 weeks? | 10:10 |
Gary | what is his bot's nick? | 10:10 |
Gary | stbot? | 10:10 |
A4Tech | Gary: stbot | 10:10 |
Gary | cloaked | 10:12 |
A4Tech | Gary thx you | 10:12 |
Gary | A4Tech: no problem | 10:12 |
A4Tech | Gary: you just gave him a kind of cloak unaffiliated/ththt/bot/stbot as possible for the bot which at the official channel #ubuntu-ru is, sdlelat this? | 10:17 |
A4Tech | Gary bot name is - ubuntuhelp | 10:17 |
Gary | A4Tech: the cloak is dependent on the nick, as the nick is stbot, the cloak reflects that | 10:18 |
A4Tech | Gary but it's like bot, just his name was to reflect his appointment to the channel | 10:19 |
Gary | erm, bot cloaks always follow the format unaffiliated/owners-nick/bot/bots-nick | 10:20 |
A4Tech | Gary: unaffiliated/a4tech/bot/ubuntuhelp | 10:21 |
Gary | is the bots nick ubuntuhelp | 10:21 |
Gary | ahhh, are you asking "can you re-cloak my bot to:- unaffiliated/a4tech/bot/ubuntuhelp" | 10:23 |
Gary | language barrier for the lose | 10:23 |
A4Tech | :))) | 10:23 |
A4Tech | yes) | 10:23 |
Gary | A4Tech: can you please /msg nickserv set accountname a4tech | 10:24 |
A4Tech | (13:24:23) NickServ: (notice) Your account name is now set to a4tech. | 10:24 |
Gary | thats fixed one | 10:25 |
A4Tech | thx :) | 10:25 |
A4Tech | has become shorter:) | 10:25 |
Gary | there we go, fixed your cloak and fixed ubuntuhelp's cloak | 10:26 |
Gary | unaffiliated/a4tech to a4tech | 10:27 |
A4Tech | Gary Thank you very much, oh yes, my friend asked to convey to you thank you very much | 10:27 |
Gary | unaffiliated/a4tech/bot/ubuntuhelp to ubuntuhelp | 10:27 |
Gary | no problem A4Tech | 10:27 |
jpds | 739 | 11:53 |
stdin | 628 | 11:54 |
Nafallo | 453 | 11:54 |
jpds | stdin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112037/ | 12:02 |
jpds | Still have to test it on #ubuntu-se but it should work.. | 12:03 |
stdin | jpds: it's a global value | 12:03 |
stdin | jpds: you need to change the config.py too | 12:03 |
stdin | conf.registerGlobalValue(Encyclopedia, 'notfoundmsg', | 12:03 |
stdin | conf.registerChannelValue(Encyclopedia, 'notfoundmsg', | 12:04 |
stdin | then it'll take into account the channel | 12:04 |
jpds | stdin: Add, I see. Thanks. | 12:04 |
Nafallo | cuteness :-) | 12:05 |
jpds | Ahh* | 12:07 |
Misterio | how can I recibe ubuntu/member cloack | 14:32 |
Misterio | ? | 14:32 |
Misterio | I have launchpad | 14:32 |
jpds | Misterio: Link to your Launchpad profile page please. | 14:33 |
erUSUL | Misterio: and are you ubuntu memeber ? | 14:33 |
Misterio | https://launchpad.net/~danielruiz | 14:33 |
jpds | Misterio: I'm afraid that you are not an Ubuntu member. | 14:34 |
Misterio | and yes, I using ubuntu 8.10, I started with 7.04 | 14:34 |
jpds | !member | Misterio | 14:34 |
ubottu | Misterio: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember | 14:34 |
Misterio | ok, I read, but I dont understand, how, in ubuntero, or memberchip | 14:35 |
Misterio | ? | 14:35 |
Misterio | *membership | 14:35 |
jpds | Misterio: Ubuntero is just someone who has digitally signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. | 14:35 |
Misterio | ahhhh | 14:36 |
Misterio | ok, thanks | 14:36 |
jpds | Ser miembro es otra cosa. | 14:36 |
Misterio | se puede en español? | 14:36 |
jpds | Yo hablo castellano, y erUSUL tambien. | 14:36 |
Misterio | ok, pero que pasos debo de seguir? | 14:37 |
Misterio | es que no lo comprendo muy bien | 14:37 |
Misterio | quiero quitarme lo de unaffiliated, y que ponga ubuntu/member | 14:37 |
jpds | Para ser miembro, tienes que haber trabajado en algun equipo de Ubuntu por un tiempo. | 14:38 |
Misterio | por ejemplo? | 14:38 |
Misterio | en un canal, o resolviendo problemas en los foros? | 14:39 |
jpds | Desarrollo, traducciones, suporte, foros, hay un monton de cosas para hacer. | 14:39 |
Misterio | soporte y foros ya lo hice | 14:39 |
Misterio | envie varios fallos | 14:39 |
Misterio | y en los foros de españa, soy misterio_rio | 14:39 |
Misterio | HistorialMiembro durante1 año 28 semanas | 14:41 |
Misterio | http://www.ubuntu-es.org/index.php?q=user/91570 | 14:41 |
erUSUL | Misterio: tienes que hacer lo que pone en la pagina que te dimos lincada http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember | 14:41 |
Misterio | estoy leyendo lo de la wiki | 14:41 |
Misterio | como creo la wiki, mi pagina | 14:42 |
Misterio | ? | 14:42 |
erUSUL | Misterio: tienes que presentar la candidatura conseguir comentarios favorables de otros miembros y ubunteros listar en tu wiki y launchpad los meritos que tienes (la ayuda que haces si eres miembre de LoCo si tienes algun puesto si eres operados de canal o cosas asi) | 14:42 |
erUSUL | Misterio: despues un comite revisara todo eso y te hará miembro si lo cree oportuno | 14:42 |
Misterio | erUSUL: como voy a ser operador :P, solo soy pelicano y tu | 14:43 |
Misterio | p3l|c4n0 | 14:43 |
Misterio | perdon | 14:43 |
Misterio | soy no | 14:43 |
Misterio | sois | 14:43 |
Misterio | pff, que mal dia | 14:43 |
erUSUL | Misterio: somos mas; y lo conseguimos ayudando y trabajando XD pero no es imprescindible solo dije lo de operador porque es un merito pero si mantienes o traduces paquetes o haces cualquier cosa en beneficio de ubuntu eso se valora | 14:44 |
erUSUL | Misterio: la cosa es que se vea que estas implicado en la comunidad y ayudas | 14:44 |
erUSUL | Misterio: pero para que veas yo no soy "miembro" XXDD | 14:45 |
Misterio | ok | 14:45 |
Misterio | me hare ubuntuero de momento | 14:45 |
Misterio | eso vale para algo? | 14:45 |
erUSUL | Misterio: hombre evidentemente si... es condicion "sine qua non" | 14:46 |
Misterio | y si en lugar de nombre pongo apodo, Misterio, valdria | 14:46 |
Misterio | o doy no,mbre y apellidos | 14:46 |
Misterio | con la clave PGP | 14:47 |
erUSUL | Misterio: hombre creo que lo suyo es dar informacion fidedigna | 14:48 |
Misterio | a ver | 14:52 |
Misterio | me salieron numeros raros | 14:53 |
Misterio | los puse en la web | 14:53 |
Misterio | y dice que nanai | 14:53 |
Misterio | dice que no | 14:53 |
Misterio | jeje | 14:53 |
erUSUL | hace tiempo que lo hice pero no recuerdo mayores problemas | 14:53 |
Misterio | la clave es privada? | 14:54 |
Misterio | la huella | 14:54 |
Misterio | no la clave | 14:54 |
Misterio | no se que hago mal | 14:55 |
erUSUL | estas firmando el CoC? no? | 14:57 |
Misterio | si | 14:57 |
erUSUL | Misterio: enviaste tu clave al servidor de claves ? | 14:58 |
Misterio | creo que si | 14:58 |
erUSUL | a ver cual es tu fingerprint | 14:59 |
Misterio | si | 14:59 |
Misterio | /home/misterio/.gnupg/pubring.gpg | 14:59 |
Misterio | --------------------------------- | 14:59 |
Misterio | pub 1024D/52C159B5 2009-01-31 | 14:59 |
Misterio | Huella de clave = 847F C73F 628D 343B 4760 9EC5 2437 1BAA 52C1 59B5 | 14:59 |
Misterio | uid Daniel Ruiz (Misterio) <danielruiz@euskalnet.net> | 14:59 |
Misterio | sub 2048g/18B62686 2009-01-31 | 14:59 |
Misterio | hay un espacio por medio, sera un error? | 14:59 |
Misterio | medio de la claveç | 15:00 |
Misterio | esta bien? | 15:00 |
Misterio | erUSUL: sabes cual es el problema? | 15:02 |
erUSUL | Misterio: no encuentro tu clave en los servers asi que lo que pasa es que no la has enviado | 15:03 |
Misterio | gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys | 15:03 |
Misterio | misterio@misterio-desktop:~$ gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys | 15:03 |
Misterio | puse esto, y no hace nad | 15:03 |
Misterio | *nada | 15:03 |
Misterio | lo hice varias veces | 15:03 |
erUSUL | gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 1024D/52C159B5 | 15:03 |
Misterio | gpg: '1024D/52C159B5' no es un identificador de clave válido | 15:04 |
erUSUL | gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 52C159B5 | 15:04 |
erUSUL | perdon | 15:04 |
Misterio | erUSUL: eres el mejor :D | 15:04 |
Misterio | gracias, voy a ver ahora | 15:05 |
erUSUL | ahora ya la encuentro | 15:05 |
Misterio | ya esta | 15:06 |
Misterio | pero no me pone ubuntero | 15:06 |
Misterio | aa, ahora lobajo | 15:07 |
Misterio | y lo firmo | 15:07 |
Misterio | me ha creado un archivo | 15:09 |
Misterio | pero no me deja abrirlo | 15:09 |
Misterio | tengo que firmar la clave | 15:11 |
Misterio | erUSUL: nucna, cuidadosamente o casual? | 15:11 |
Misterio | me pone eso | 15:11 |
erUSUL | Misterio: te pone algo mas antes ? | 15:11 |
Misterio | le estoy danodo en contraseñas y claves de cifrado | 15:12 |
Misterio | No se pudo verificar el archivo: «UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt.asc» | 15:12 |
Misterio | No se encontraron firmas inválidas | 15:12 |
Misterio | çesto me pone al abrirlo erUSUL | 15:12 |
erUSUL | Misterio: mejor nos vamos a #ubuntu-es que esto ya es muy largo | 15:13 |
ubot4 | In ubot4, Seeker` said: !googlebroken is <reply> Yes, we know google is broken, you don't need to tell us. And no, we dont know what has happened, and wild speculation doesn't help. | 15:16 |
Seeker` | grr | 15:16 |
Nafallo | Seeker`: is/was :-) | 15:18 |
* jpds grabs /usr/bin/rsync are attacks Seeker`. | 15:19 | |
jpds | and* | 15:19 |
* Seeker` grabs the broken bot system and attacks jpds :P | 15:19 | |
jpds | How's it broken? | 15:20 |
jpds | 00 */12 * * * /home/jpds/sync_db.sh | 15:20 |
Nafallo | */12 * * * * ? ;-) | 15:21 |
Misterio | ok, thanks (gracias), bye al:) | 15:26 |
Misterio | *all | 15:27 |
SiDi | Hello, i'm behind a proxy, and when i join #ubuntu i've got to use #ubuntu-proxy-users, but if i wanna join #kubuntu, once redirected to #ubuntu-proxy-users, it'll only offer me to join #ubuntu and not #kubuntu | 15:27 |
SiDi | How can i join #kubuntu, then ? :( | 15:27 |
Seeker` | jpds: more often than 12 hours would be better | 15:30 |
jussi01 | SiDi: you cant at the moment. | 15:31 |
jpds | Seeker`: Not my bandwidth to abuse. | 15:31 |
Seeker` | for example, in situations where something has just happened, and there is a ton of users going "is google broken? has it been hacked? THE SKY IS FALLING! Did you know google is broken? I think its been hacked. I bet someone hacked it" | 15:31 |
Seeker` | does the script download the whole db eachtime? | 15:32 |
SiDi | jussi01: ok thanks :P | 15:32 |
jpds | Seeker`: No, rsync's it. | 15:32 |
Seeker` | so it only picks up recent changes? | 15:33 |
jpds | Yeah. | 15:33 |
Seeker` | that cant take up that much bandwidth | 15:33 |
jpds | OK; I'll do what Nafallo said. | 15:33 |
Nafallo | \☺/ | 15:34 |
Seeker` | :D | 15:36 |
jpds | Seeker`: Set to hourly syncs. | 15:36 |
Nafallo | not what I said :-P | 15:36 |
Nafallo | just saying ;-)( | 15:36 |
Seeker` | jpds: thanks | 15:37 |
Nafallo | jpds math fail! | 15:37 |
jpds | Nafallo: I was joking.. | 15:37 |
Nafallo | :-P | 15:37 |
* jpds hugs Nafallo and pleia2. | 15:37 | |
Nafallo | :-D | 15:38 |
=== SWAT_ is now known as SWAT | ||
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak |
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