
Nubae-laptopaaaaarghh... damn u xorg00:00
Nubae-laptopcheck that out00:01
Nubae-laptopits from someone doing a usb spin for edu materials, most kde00:01
LaserJockNubae-laptop: what part?00:02
Nubae-laptopwhacha mean?00:02
Nubae-laptopLaserJock: just thought itd be an interesting article00:06
Nubae-laptopi talked to the guy involved and he was intrigued by edubuntu which he had strangely not heard of00:06
LaserJockNubae-laptop: involved with what?00:21
LaserJockNubae-laptop: that link is just a wiki page00:21
Nubae-laptopit was an email sent to the sugar list, talking about making a unified learning environment on a usb stick00:36
Nubae-laptopsomething for everyone, not just kids 5-1200:36
Nubae-laptopalso did u get my mail about the guy that wanted to package blender?00:37
LaserJockoh, the Fedora Education guys00:38
LaserJockI know them a bit00:38
Nubae-laptopyeah right00:38
LaserJockyeah, i did get the email about blender00:38
LaserJocknot sure what to think about it00:38
Nubae-laptopme either, but though, if he wants to do it... its one less thing to worry about00:38
Nubae-laptopor one more thing, depending on how u look at it :d00:39
LaserJockwell yeah00:39
LaserJockif you're not familiar with Ubuntu processes getting Blender into Main will not be trivial00:40
Nubae-laptopyeah but we have to start somewhere00:40
Nubae-laptopbut I understand u dont want to take on all the workload00:41
Nubae-laptopi get that00:41
LaserJockwell, certainly if people want to push for things that's awesome00:46
Nubae-laptophows the uni stuff going anyway?00:47
LaserJockoh, decent00:56
LaserJocklots to do00:56
Nubae-laptophopefully u've had some time to advance...00:57
LaserJocka little01:01
LaserJockhad a lot of teaching to do01:01
LaserJockand my parents came for a visit01:01
nothingmanhi, all01:13
* Nubae-laptop is about to throw his wacom cintiq tablet out the window...01:18
Meshezabeelheya nothingman01:19
guntur_roxxhey Ahmuck .. i'm just woken up..sorry01:28
guntur_roxxr u there?01:28
guntur_roxxhow's my problem?01:29
guntur_roxxi haven't try with the safe graphics mode01:29
guntur_roxxcoz i fell a sleep..haha01:29
Ahmuckat the keyboard i bet :)01:29
guntur_roxxbut maybe i think it won't work too, coz the linux mint that already installed goes blank screen too01:30
guntur_roxxhaha nope, on my bed of course..LOL..:)01:30
Ahmuckthere is a xorg repair option when you boot.  when grub starts, u'll notice "esc" for grub menu, and then a repair option.  this will allow you to repair xorg01:32
Ahmuckwhich should set it to a safe graphics mode01:32
guntur_roxxso i must press esc for entering safe graphics mode?01:32
Ahmuckto get to a grub menu with options01:33
guntur_roxxis this about this? http://i34.tinypic.com/a1sns.jpg01:33
guntur_roxxhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Common%20Boot%20Options ?01:34
guntur_roxxi don't really understand those..:(01:34
guntur_roxxshould i choose the recovery mode after pressing esc?01:37
Ahmuckyes, and it will boot.  it's the second option on the list01:37
guntur_roxxn what is the vga=771 for?01:37
guntur_roxxowh okay01:37
Ahmuckeventually a menu will com up, with an option at the bottom, try to fix xorg, or xfix01:39
guntur_roxxafter that?01:39
guntur_roxxit starts to boot with the safe graphics mode?01:39
Ahmuckit'll write a customized xorg and backup your current one.  then it'll loop you back to the menu and you can select the first option, to resume a normal boot01:40
* guntur_roxx is remembering...01:41
Ahmuckr u on the system that is borken?01:43
guntur_roxxit's my pc01:43
guntur_roxxnow i'm using windows xp01:43
Ahmuckah, i thought you were working from another system01:43
Ahmuckso ur using wubi?01:43
Ahmuckor dual boot?01:43
guntur_roxxusing wubi01:43
guntur_roxxfor linux mint01:44
guntur_roxxn after installation finished01:44
Ahmuckah, then that might be a different story.  i've never used wubi01:44
guntur_roxxit does the same problem01:44
guntur_roxxbefore that01:44
guntur_roxxi do boot01:44
guntur_roxxfrom ubuntu 8.10 cd01:44
guntur_roxxthen clicked "Install Ubuntu"01:44
guntur_roxxbut after it finished loaded01:44
guntur_roxxit goes blank screen01:44
* Ahmuck is confused now01:45
guntur_roxxthat's the problem.. after that i tried to install linux mint too, i boot from cd, n there's the same problem01:45
Ahmuckso first you tried wubi, then tried the live cd?01:45
Ahmuckwhy don't we move to another channel01:45
Ahmuckthis channel is more for edubuntu01:45
Ahmuckjoin #Ahmuck01:46
Nubae-laptopman I wish they would stick to some conventions at least... getting my wacom board to work was like having to relearn linux...02:24
sbalneavEvening all02:25
Ahmuck_Jrno kidding02:45
Nubae-laptopman u know before intrepid... most xorg based stuff just worked... now its tweaking for everything02:45
Ahmuck_Jrwhich is why on my production ssytem i moved back to hardy this week02:46
=== Ahmuck_Jr is now known as Ahmuck
nubaegod... I reverted to my old install of ubuntu (still intrepid, but with fewer backports) and the cintiq works perfectly03:15
lulemurfanhello could anyone tell be how to connect edubuntu 5.10 to a wi-fi netork16:31
Ahmuckedubuntu 8.10 ?16:44
lulemurfan_can anyone help me? - hello could anyone tell be how to connect edubuntu 5.10 to a wi-fi netork16:45
loic-mlulemurfan_: I think the answer you got was that it would be easier with e recent version, like 8.04 LTS or 8.1016:47
lulemurfan_my laptop won't accept it16:47
loic-mlulemurfan_: the wifi drivers and network stack have seen a lot of work since 5.1016:47
lulemurfan_is there anyway?16:47
loic-mlulemurfan_: 5.10 is the _most_ recent version you can use?16:47
loic-mlulemurfan_: what's the problem with newer version? I don't think 5.10 is supported anymore16:48
loic-mlulemurfan_: 6.04 was LTS, so it's still supported for a few more month16:49
lulemurfan_won't install proberly, the laptop as memory of about 128mb and hard drive space of about 3 gb16:49
Ahmuckxubuntu with ltsp ...16:49
loic-mlulemurfan_: hd space should be enough. For the memory, are you sure xubuntu on alternate install mode wouldn't install?16:50
Ahmucklspci to find out what wireless chip u have16:50
lulemurfan_which exubuntu shall i download16:50
Ahmuckiirc, xubuntu requirements went to 256 in 8.1016:50
loic-mAhmuck: do you think xubuntu 8.04 would install with 128mo ?16:51
Ahmuckas i recall it installs in 12816:51
Ahmuckbut one should really use 8.0416:51
Ahmuckfor that small mem.16:52
Ahmucker, yes, what you said.  i'm misreading16:52
lulemurfan_ok, i'll download that, then it should work16:52
Ahmucklulemurfan u need the alternate install16:52
loic-m"You need 128 MB RAM to run the Live CD or 192 MB RAM to install. The Alternate Install CD only requires you to have 64 MB RAM at install time." that's for Xubuntu 8.0416:52
lulemurfan_ok, i'll do that - thanks16:53
AhmuckXubuntu can run with 192 MB RAM, but it is strongly recommended to have at least 256 MB RAM.16:53
loic-mhttp://www.xubuntu.org/get strangely they also have the same requirements for xubuntu 8.1016:53
Ahmucklulemurfan there are other options if you want something ubuntu flavored16:53
Ahmuckloic-m: yes, but i've tried both16:53
loic-mlulemurfan_ it depends if you have illimited bandwith, or if dl of a big iso is painful for you16:53
Ahmucklulemurfan one option is crunchbang16:54
Ahmuckit uses openbox16:54
Ahmuckbut has the repository strenght of ubuntu16:54
lulemurfan_ok, will that be ok using wi-fi?16:54
Ahmuckit's all ubuntu, just with different desktops16:55
lulemurfan_ok, i'll try that16:55
Ahmuckthere is the "lite" version as well16:57
Ahmuckbut i'd recommend either crunchbang or xubuntu.  some people like e for a desktop, and it is very fast, but it took me a while to get used to it coming from windows16:57
Ahmuckthe e version of ubuntu would be opengeu16:58
Ahmuckso now you have three choices :)16:58
Ahmuckbut i think you might enjoy crunchbang on that laptop.  you may still need to work at getting the things working properly.  btw, do u know what wireless chip you have?16:59
Ahmucki'm curious, why are you interetested in edubuntu?16:59
* Ahmuck prods lulemurfan17:01
AhmuckLaserJock: how's school?17:04
* Ahmuck prods lulemurfan_17:06
LaserJockAhmuck: ok17:08
Ahmucklulemurfan_: i'm using crunchbang now17:08
AhmuckLaserJock: u get ur masters yet?17:09
LaserJockI spent ~5 hrs solid teaching on Thursday17:09
LaserJockAhmuck: no, I won't have a Masters17:09
LaserJockonly PhD17:09
LaserJockanybody want to test Jaunty out?17:19
Ahmucki'll give it a shot17:20
Ahmuckin a vm17:20
Ahmuckor r u wanting a full blown test?17:21
Ahmuckwhat's different about it?17:21
LaserJockjust want to see if everything works17:21
LaserJockone of the problems we have is that we essentially release without having tested all the apps out17:22
Ahmuckyes, untested apps make me grumpy, but testing apps makes me grumpy as well17:25
Ahmuckwhen does jaunty get released?17:25
Ahmuckwhat's the status for management utilties in edubuntu?17:25
loic-mI tested tuxtype in a vm ;)17:26
LaserJockAhmuck: Jaunty will be released in April17:26
nubaeevening folks17:27
LaserJockAhmuck: but we need testing pretty soon, we'll start freezing17:27
LaserJockloic-m: and how did that go?17:27
LaserJockloic-m: did you do a .desktop fix?17:27
LaserJocknubae: hola senor17:27
* Ahmuck get's thaw thawmoto out17:27
nubaeu know... I spent 6 hours trying to get my wacom cintiq pad working on intrepid yesterday... It had taken me 30 minutes under hardy17:28
loic-mLaserJock https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tuxtype/+bug/29339717:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293397 in tuxtype "no application menu entry" [Low,Confirmed]17:28
nubaeand all because of stupid X's autoconfiguration screwing up yet again17:28
loic-mnubae did you use the wiki guide?17:28
LaserJocknubae: yeah, I know what you mean17:28
Ahmucknubae: that's cause intrepid is now HAL rather than xorg.conf iirc17:28
loic-mnubae - I've got a cintiq too, but haven't installed jaunty (except in a vm)17:29
nubaethe problem was that the hal .fdi file for the cintiq pad is screwed17:29
nubaemeaning, everything was screwed17:29
Ahmuckiirc, jaunty is supposed to fall back to xorg.conf17:29
loic-mnubae the .fdi doesn't allow pad anyway if you already use the pen17:29
nubaethank god!17:29
loic-mnubae just configure in xorg.conf17:30
nubaewell, I did like a millionn different things, and in the end, I ended up just doing it with specially modified wacom drivers17:30
nubaeI wrote it up on my site17:30
nubaewhat should have been 5 minutes of work was 6 hours17:30
nubaesad sad17:30
loic-mnubae the fdi file should still be there in jaunty, but it doesn't get in the way of the xorg.conf anyway17:30
nubaeI deleted it just in case17:31
nubaeand then it all worked17:31
loic-mnubae: just write the right entries in xorg.conf, and should be ok17:31
nubaewell the drivers from the repos were broken17:31
Ahmuckheh, i tried that and am using a generic video drive, got tired of messing with it17:31
loic-mnubae must say I also delete it just in case ...17:31
nubaeiI had to use a special PPA to install17:32
LaserJockloic-m: so did tux type not need the icon in /usr/share/tuxtype/ as well?17:32
LaserJockloic-m: sometimes apps use it for an in-app icon17:32
loic-mnubae did the repo drivers work for you in intrepid?17:32
nubaeanyway, my point is about xorg and its autcrappy configuration17:32
nubaeI had similar problems with my graphics card17:32
nubaeand with my thin clients17:32
nubaejust ridiculous+17:33
loic-mLaserJock I corrected the desktop file. I can do a grep for the string, but I didn't notice anything not in place17:33
nubaewhoever came up with the idea that xorg.conf was no longer needed was a total baboon17:33
loic-mLaserJock the icon was in debian/ so shouldn't be needed by the program17:33
LaserJockloic-m: oh17:33
LaserJockloic-m: the icon was in debian/ and they installed it to /usr/share/tuxtype??17:33
nubaeah.... rant over... I feel better now :-)17:34
loic-mnubae i can tell you who... just look in xorg mailing list for who proposed the .fdi file and advocated it on his blog17:34
Ahmucknubae: ur not the only one that feels that way17:34
nubaewell essentially they tried to fix a working system17:34
Ahmucknormally people don't like change, and if there is change, people expect it to be smooth17:35
nubaewell, there was NO benefit to this change17:35
LaserJocksure there has17:35
loic-mLaserJock: Yes, the packaging is... really old (had trouble understanding the rules)17:35
LaserJockfor a lot of people X just works17:35
LaserJockloic-m: yeah. Thanks for the fixing, I'll upload it soon17:35
loic-mnubae there is a benefit, just that someone should have noticed it wouldn't work for wacom devices...17:36
nubaeLaserJock: I don't know anyonw where they havent had to tweak x a little... just take a look at the ltsp mailing list and ull see what I mean17:36
loic-mLaserJock thx17:36
LaserJocknubae: ok, but you're pointing to LTSP, which is very much a corner case17:36
nubaeno its just another example17:36
nubaealongside properitary video card drivers17:36
LaserJockright, but it simplified a lot of stuff17:36
nubaeand wacom tablets17:37
LaserJockthere are certainly regressions17:37
nubaeare all those users just no important? are we really that experminental?17:37
LaserJockno, not unimportant17:37
Ahmuckmy wacom tablet works, but if i have to redo xorg, it's essentially dead17:37
LaserJockit's just impossible to please everybody all the time17:37
Ahmuckwacom tablets adn nvidia and ai cards are fairl aminstream17:38
nubaeAhmuck: problem is this is a cintiq tablet, the kind that is a screen too17:38
nubaethats why it totally messes with X17:38
Ahmuckmine is wacom bamboo17:38
Ahmuckwell, it works sorta17:38
Ahmuckthe presure isn't right17:38
nubaeyeah bamboo should auto work17:38
Ahmuckand the erasure doesn't work17:38
nubaeah... except pressure of course17:38
* LaserJock hates to think what nubae thinks of Ctrl-Alt-Backspace going away :-)17:39
Ahmuckit is ?17:39
loic-mBtw, does anyone know how one goes to request short translations (like for a desktop file) in different languages?17:49
LaserJockloic-m: is the package in Main17:50
loic-mI asked sistpoty why, he said it might be because it's used in edubuntu. I didn't check edubuntu dependencies though, but the package was like that already17:51
loic-mLaserJock: were you talking about tuxtype or the question about desktop entry?17:52
LaserJockloic-m: the .desktop translation issue17:52
loic-mI've got .desktop files for both main (tuxtype) and universe17:53
loic-mthe only one for main is tuxtype. No I think of it, maybe I shouldn't have used an [fr] entry since main packages have their translations in a separate pkg17:54
LaserJockyeah, we have Rosetta magic for Main packages17:55
loic-mLaserJock but how do I get informed of the translations and get the .desktop file back to send upstream+Debian?17:56
loic-mLaserJock: (since it was a new file I guess the [fr] lines aren't a pb. Also, french desktop entries can be... special)17:57
LaserJockloic-m: once the .desktop template is in Rosetta you can download the .po files and recreate the .desktop17:57
loic-mI'll have to try that. And do you know what the process is for unuverse pkg?17:58
LaserJockwell ... you might email ubuntu-translators17:59
LaserJockyou might be able to manage the translation manually17:59
loic-mFor translations, I hate how most applications go from the English Name_desription to the French description_Name and you always spend hours trying to find the app you're looking for :( (Kubuntu program trads are better)17:59
loic-mLaserJock: ubuntu-translators is a list where people from different language are able to provide translations?18:00
LaserJockloic-m: it's the general list for translators18:00
LaserJockloic-m:  a "heah, can you email with your translation of ...." might work18:01
LaserJockloic-m: to have LP do it you might ask launchpad-users list18:01
loic-mLaserJock: thanks a lot. I've been trying to find a solution like that for a few days18:01
LaserJockfor an existing LP project you can upload a .pot of the .desktop and let translators do their thing, then download the .po files18:02
LaserJockbut I know that the LP devs want to make .desktop translation specifically easier18:02
loic-mDo they also use po files for simple lines in .desktop files?18:02
LaserJockpo files18:03
LaserJockLaunchpad works in po files18:03
LaserJockthat's part of the problem18:03
LaserJockyou have to generate a  .pot and then a script to go from .po to .desktop18:03
LaserJockI've done it a few times, but it's not so fun to maintain18:03
loic-mLaserJock: and for man pages, if I translate a man page in french or get some translations, for pkg in universe, I just put the .po files in the pkg, no?18:04
LaserJockloic-m: I'm not sure18:05
Ahmucksubmit the .po files to the package maintainer iirc18:08
nubaeLaserJock: ctrl alt backspace is going away!!?18:09
loic-mAhmuck: I am the pkg mainainer18:11
loic-mIf there's any doc on that, I'll be happy to read it, but the MOTU doc doesn't really address translation topics18:13
nubaewow, have u guys taken a look at diigo.com?18:13
nubaeits an awsome tool for educators, teachers and students18:13
loic-mnubae it's going away in default Xorg release, so it will be the same in most distributions18:13
nubaeI guess X is just intent on making my life miserable... boy will it be fun in the LTSP labs without a alt, cntrl backspace18:14
nubaeanyway... diigo.com18:15
nubaetotally awsome... thats what facebook SHOULD be like18:15
alkisgnubae: huh? an example, please?18:16
nubaehave u loooked at the site?18:16
alkisgI.e. you give a url which highlights a specific paragraph into a page?18:16
LaserJockloic-m: yes, generally for Universe we send people upstream18:17
nubaeno its kind of a bad intro page18:17
LaserJockloic-m: since we don't have the lang-packs, etc.18:17
nubaetake a look at this: http://groups.diigo.com/browse?cg_id=1618:17
LaserJocknubae: yeah, there has been lots of discussion about ctrl-alt-backspace in the last few days18:17
nubaeone has groups and communities of people either by subject or area, but for education based stuff there is really a lot18:17
nubaeso u can create your own group for a particular education project there18:18
LaserJocknubae: upstream xorg has turned it off by default, but apparently there is a xorg.conf switch to turn it back on18:18
nubaethen have people visit/bookmark/follow it18:18
* alkisg is watching the diigo video intro...18:18
nubaewelp.... then we know what I'll be doing18:19
nubaeI'll tweet the instructions across the net18:19
Ahmuckwhat's the purpose of swtiching it off?18:19
LaserJockAhmuck: apparently people hit it accidentablly and lose data18:19
nubaeyeah and maybe security18:19
nubaeanother step towards making ubuntu idiot proof, and more windows like...18:20
nubaeor better said X in general18:20
Ahmucki don't have a real problem with it bieng windows like on the gui, but underneath is getting to be a problem18:20
LaserJockwell, I don't know that I'd say idiot proff necessarily18:20
Ahmucki know they were looking at LUK18:21
Ahmuckwhich i thought was great,b ut also had concerns about18:21
LaserJockone of the people who it happens to is a kernel hacker and former Debian Project Leader ;-)18:21
AhmuckLinux Unified Kernel18:21
Ahmuckwil run windows programs natively18:21
nubaewe should be looking at microkernels18:22
AhmuckThis kernel imports all the key features of the Windows operating system kernel into the Linux kernel to support both Linux and Windows applications and device drivers.18:22
loic-mLaserJock: indeed, but knowing how to do that is still useful (since I can always translate at least in my language, and for "pet" packages it's interesting)18:22
LaserJockloic-m: yeah18:23
LaserJockAhmuck: that sounds like a real mess18:23
nubaeit sounds like wine on top of a linux kernel18:25
nubaecustomised kernel18:25
nubaeLaserJock: did u take a look at diigo.com?18:26
Ahmuckit's not wine. but it's coming.  and rest assured if it does what it says it can, many distros will change18:26
Ahmuckand if it comes down to supporting linux/windows i'll quite support for sure18:26
Ahmuckit's user utopia18:27
nubaethey have 2 sections for education and a collection of thousands of education related groups and projects18:27
nubaethere is an example18:27
nubaeits the perfect place to put projects after they have been kinda accepted into brainstorm18:28
LaserJocknubae: I looked at it when i was looking for a good Google Notebook type app18:28
LaserJocknubae: it didn't seem very useful for me personally, but I can see how it could be good for education18:28
nubaewell, I see the strength in its communities18:28
LaserJockyeah, I just wanted a place to put my stuff18:29
nubaenot the note taking stuff... not interested in that, take a look at the link I sent and ull see what I mean18:29
nubaeit would be a great way to recruit people for projects18:30
LaserJockyeah, I've just already got information overload and am trying to lower my amount of social networking :-)18:30
nubaemanage them18:30
nubaeright, but for anyone needing contacts18:30
nubaein education18:30
nubaewe can send them here18:30
nubaethere is more edu content there than I have seen anywhere else18:31
nubaewith real authors that one can connect with18:31
nubaeseems like the facebook for educational institutions18:31
nubaeanyway, I signed up and intend to find out some more on how to get involved with communities18:31
LaserJockwould be good for a resources page18:32
nubaeI'll create an edubuntu link there if there isnt one already18:32
nubaewell resources, people, communities18:32
nubaeit synchs with delicious too for your bookmarks18:34
nubaeso thats really neat18:34
LaserJockwe just need to figure out how to deal with information overload18:35
nubaewell... like all these sites, its selective18:36
LaserJocktoo many mailing lists, too many RSS feeds, too many sites, etc.18:37
nubaeu can make your dashboard as simple or as complex as u like18:37
LaserJockbut they're all really good18:37
nubaeI dont agree... its actually very organised when u link them all together18:37
nubaefor example... from my site, I syndicate through to the rest18:37
nubaemy tweets to twitter, to identi.ca18:37
LaserJockright, but my problem is just too much coming at me18:37
nubaemy bookmarks to delicious18:37
LaserJockit's like trying to drink from a firehose18:38
nubaeconcentrate on the outgoing ;-)18:38
nubaeu are a producer18:38
LaserJockbut I'm not just a producer18:38
Ahmuckdrinking is incoming18:38
nubaewell, when u have the time to consume?18:38
LaserJockI can spend 4 hrs/day just keeping up with what Ubuntu is doing18:38
LaserJocklet alone upstreams, Debian, Education in general, etc.18:39
LaserJockthere's just so much stuff flying at me18:39
nubaeyeah I hear ya... so digest and let out a fine misty spray of quality bite sized info18:40
nubaeI actually enjoy the interlinkedness of it all... I have my identi.ca linked to my phone, which is linked to twitter, linked to facebook status, linked to my website, including diggs from digg18:41
LaserJockhaving the different technologies just makes it time consuming18:41
nubaeno.... link em all up18:42
LaserJockyeah, I don't like all that stuff18:42
nubaethen u just have one place to hit send and voila syndicated18:42
LaserJockI want to look at certain things at certain times18:42
LaserJockfor instance, I use twitter and identica for different things18:42
nubaewell that choice is always there18:42
nubaeactually, so do I18:42
nubaethough I link them when I advertise a blog18:43
nubaeI love it... I think people havent seen have the potential out there with all these sites along side each other18:43
nubaewith xmpp support in these apps, we are going to be able to do some might fun stuff18:44
nubaecross all communication streams18:44
nubaein the whakiest of ways18:44
nubaeI get identi.ca's gtalk bot to tweet me18:46
LaserJockyeah, I turned that off18:46
nubaespecially cause sugar bugsquad is a member there18:46
nubaeso I get to see what comes through18:46
LaserJockI just have issues with just *too* much18:46
nubaeseee... thats pretty neat use18:46
nubaealthough email works just as well :p18:47
LaserJockneat, yes18:47
LaserJockeasy to get into trouble with, definately18:47
LaserJockit's just so easy to get too much information18:47
LaserJockand you end up spending enormous amounts of time trying to digest information18:48
nubaewell its about getting info in a different format, we still take in the same amount18:48
nubaejust instead of TV and radio18:48
nubaeits a tweet here and there18:48
at0m|ci dont feel the urge to know when people are tired or getting a beer18:49
nubaeat0m|c: twitter rarely has that kind of info18:49
nubaedepends on your contacts i suppose, but facebook is MUCH more time wasting18:50
nubaeas is myspace etc18:50
at0m|ci just see that at friend's places... even them using it are annoyed by it eh18:50
nubaethe new gen are better18:50
at0m|cyea guess all their contacts feel like the need to let everyone know most trivial things18:51
nubaeit all depends how u use the technology..18:51
nubaelike anything it can be used for good or bad18:51
LaserJocknubae: if it was the same amount it wouldn't be so bad18:51
at0m|csure, i'm just not taking the risk :>18:51
nubaebut say u have a blog or a website, and u want to get it marketed or promoted... these services are perfect for that18:52
LaserJockbut I get lots and lots more informationn through these newer technologies18:52
at0m|cnubae, sure, for professionals that's different18:52
LaserJockmicroblogging alone can double the amount of time I spend dealing with things18:52
at0m|cbut didn't like myspace start of as a musicians site to show off new material18:52
nubaecome one, a microblog takes less than a minute to write18:52
nubaeat0m|c: yes, but it sucked18:53
nubaethe difference is the interconnectedness of all these new gen technologies18:53
nubaemyspace was never collaborative in the same way18:53
nubaeit was just a place for kids to experiment with filling out forms and seeing their writing online18:54
nubaeLaserJock: hah! finally got a picture of u....18:55
LaserJocknubae: uh oh18:55
LaserJocknubae: I don't produce that much information18:56
LaserJocknubae: it's the reading and integrating that's so time consuming18:56
nubaeyeah, I hear ya18:56
nubaeI try and avoid that18:56
LaserJockso I can go through several hundred emails a day18:57
LaserJocksimilar amounts of dents and tweets18:57
nubaeman... it would sure be a good time to build a nice data mining robot for people18:57
LaserJocksomething like 50 blog posts18:57
nubaeyeah... have u thought about putting ads on your blog yet?18:57
LaserJockand then a lot of that stuff can require resposnes18:57
nubaeyeah the responses are the bitch18:58
nubaebut still, I'd rather have a responsive blog than one no one reads18:58
LaserJocknubae: I've thought about it some. My blogs are on wordpress.com right now, which doesn't let you do advertising so much18:58
nubaebah... so move to habari18:59
nubaefar better anyway18:59
LaserJockmoving around isn't trivial18:59
nubaethe stats engine I have piwik, is the shiznit...18:59
nubaesure it is18:59
nubaeu can export from wordpress to habari with button presses18:59
LaserJockright, but I'm hosted on wordpress.com so the URL would change19:00
nubaeand habari is totally open and u can advertise as much as u want19:00
nubaeplus plugins for adsense et all already exist19:00
LaserJockI can't afford to host my own blog generally19:00
nubaeu have a wordpress url?19:00
nubaethat kinda sucks, but guess u could redirect19:01
LaserJockI have a domain name, but wordpress.com handles getting dugg much much better ;-)19:01
nubaeI pay I think it is 60$ for a virtual dedicated server19:01
nubaewhere I currently host 4 sites19:01
nubaethe ltsp bot19:02
LaserJockyeah, I pay $0 and I'm not sure I can really afford to pay for hosting19:02
nubaeand get a decent amount of traffic... and never have a problem...19:02
stgrabernubae: I pay 30$ for a dedicated server with 100Mbit/s unmettered internet :)19:02
nubaewell, u have collaueges and friends19:03
nubaestgraber: lucky bastard :-)19:03
stgrabernope, that's a regular offer from an hosting company19:03
nubaestgraber: was talking to LaserJock19:03
nubaementioning he could get free hosting from u or me for example19:03
LaserJockwell, I'm already doing that now, that's where I park laserjock.us19:04
LaserJockbut one digg or slashdot can use the bandwidth pretty fast19:04
nubaemine is 100mb unlimited too19:04
stgraberI also have a spare DELL 750 (rackmount 1U) here, if someone wants to pay for the DC hosting :)19:04
LaserJockI've been wanting to do dreamhost for a while19:05
nubaealthough the other day my server ran out of ram during a digg spike19:05
LaserJockbut just haven't worked up to forking over the money for it19:05
nubaeits of course nice to have your own machine, gives u piece of mind19:05
LaserJockfor my work on *buntu it'd be nice to have a decent host for things19:06
nubaeI had 2 dedicated ones before, debian boxes in Germany, but was paying $50 per month19:06
stgrabernubae: http://www.kimsufi.co.uk/ though it's better from the french website as the euro prices are lower19:06
LaserJockwhere I can run scripts, etc.19:06
nubaeLaserJock: really, u should be allowed to do that at edubuntu.org19:07
LaserJockwe're eventually supposed to be able to use people.ubuntu.com, but I'm not sure we're going to get cron access there19:07
LaserJocknubae: yeah, well, only a few Canonical people can get on edubuntu.org19:07
stgrabernubae: http://www.isgenug.de/ 25.99 here 19.99 on the french website :)19:07
nubaeironic seeing as no one actually works on the site :-)19:08
nubaeI got mine from webtropia.com19:08
LaserJockafter some machines got hacked into they tightened up a bit19:08
LaserJockI think most all machines are Canonical-only19:08
stgraberfun, they are doing root servers with Atom CPUs :)19:08
stgraberLaserJock: yeah, what's in DC is canonical-only for shell access, code access requires security review of all code uploaded19:09
nubaestgraber: those are root dedicated or virtual?19:09
nubaeok, thats a really good deal then19:10
nubaemight change, I'm on godaddy right now19:10
nubaesilly choice, but i had to pick something19:10
LaserJockI'm looking for like $5-$10/month :-)19:11
LaserJockcan't get much that's decent19:11
nubaeLaserJock: I'll gladly give u space and shell access to my server if u want it without payment19:11
LaserJocknubae: nah, that's ok19:12
nubaestgraber: funny thing is, a while back I told them it was strange I couldnt get onto port 6667 with my shell irc client, to which they responded19:13
nubaeno we've blocked irc access19:13
nubaeso I changed the port number and voila got through19:13
stgraberovh blocks IRC as well but you can unlock it through the web UI19:13
LaserJockmy school blogs 6667 only19:13
nubaescares me a little to think that they have such a limited sense of security19:13
stgraberit's to avoid worms using IRC for communication, you have to give the IRC server IPs and they'll unlock theme19:13
stgraberor just use IRC over SSL :)19:14
nubaeif they knew I was not only running irc scripts, but a full time bot on there, I'm sure they'd freak19:14
stgraberor even connect on 6667 but using IPV6 (OVH/kimsufi provides a /64 native IPV6) that's unfiltered19:14
nubaeyeah theres lots a of ways to get around19:15
nubaeproxies too19:15
nubaelike plugging gushing water holes with kleenex19:16
stgraberonly thing they really don't like is P2P, I used to have a torrent client to seed Ubuntu .iso but they asked me to stop it ...19:16
stgrabernow I just moved it to another dedicated server I manage in Germany :)19:17
stgraber(seeding 2TB or so of Ubuntu .iso / month)19:17
nubaeyeah I ran rtorrent on my webtropia account, but the are known to turn a blind eye19:17
LaserJockwell, I'm not a fan of P2P so I'd be ok without it ;-)19:17
nubaep2p is the only real way to us the full capacity of a 100mb line19:17
LaserJockit's always so darn slow for me I just don't bother19:18
nubaeLaserJock: no private sites?19:18
LaserJockI think I've used a torrent maybe 5 times19:18
nubaewhat kinda stuff do u like, tv or films?19:19
LaserJockI've only ever done .isos19:19
LaserJockI don't watch TV or movies generally, no time19:19
LaserJockit's either work or Ubuntu19:19
nubaehmmm... how about knoweledge like manuals19:20
nubaedocus, ebooks19:20
nubaeself learning materials19:20
LaserJocknever used them19:20
LaserJockebooks that is19:20
LaserJockI've just never found a use for torrents19:20
nubaei tend to download tv shows since we cant get them at all in Europe19:25
nubaethese private sites download at the maximum bandwidth so u have a series in a couple of minutes19:25
nubaestgraber: so did u say u have a host that wouldnt mind the use of rtorrent?19:33
stgrabernubae: yes, klein-edv.de as long as they don't receive complaint from the publisher :)19:36
* LaserJock renames seeds yet again19:38
nubaeheh, I doubt they'd know anything is even running, other than massive traffic spikes19:39
nubaertorrent can encrypt its connections19:39
nubaeooof but they're not cheap19:41
nubaewebtropia is cheaper19:41
stgraberindeed, klein is quite expensive :) but they provide gigabit over 7-8 different providers so that's hyper-fast :)19:43
stgraberand they don't really care what you're doing with your internet19:43
stgrabercheap hosters usually care because they are looking for a reason to break the contract :) (they don't like people using all the bandwidth)19:43
nubaeheh yeah19:44
nubaeLaserjock on twitter:   3     Following                          34     Followers19:44
nubaeinfo hub u are19:45
LaserJocknubae: not so much, I stopped following people who were on identica19:46
LaserJockI was planning to use twitter for politics ;-)19:46
LaserJocksince most of the FLOSS people don't appreciate my politics19:47
nubaeyeah I heard through the grapevine u were a right wing fascist :p19:48
LaserJockright wing, yes19:49
LaserJockfascist, I don't *think* so at least ;-p19:49
nubaeI was just kidding19:49
nubaebad European humour19:49
nubaeits good though, so u split your tagged blogs and send them off in 2 directions19:50
LaserJockwell, there's no reason to be obnoxious19:51
LaserJockbut I want to be able to just talk without getting a bunch of hate mail every time19:51
nubaeyeah was a bad thoughtless comment19:51
LaserJockthat wasn't meant towards you19:51
LaserJockI was saying "there's no reason why blogging needs to be obnoxious for people, so it's good to categorize if you're going to be controversial"19:52
nubaeah yes19:52
nubaething is.... open source seems to kinda go with left wing politics19:53
LaserJockit does in general19:53
LaserJockso I try to provide a little balance without being annoying :-)19:53
nubaeobama seems to be reneging on all his promises anyway19:53
LaserJockof course, he's a politician19:54
nubaeyeah but he has such conviction with his change speeches19:54
LaserJockhe's already running for 2012 elections19:54
nubaefor once I wish they'd just do what they say they're going to instead of pretending they just found out a whole bunch of impossible obstacles19:55
Ahmuckoss is going to have to close in part to be mainstream.  how else would brother be able to snoop?22:20
nubaeWhat to Britney Spears and Obama have in common?22:23
LaserJocknubae: what?22:30
nubaethey both tweet about great changes that never happen22:35
nubaei totally just made that up... just thought it was funny they both actually do use twitter22:35
LaserJockyeah, lots of politicians and famous people are on twitter22:38
LaserJockit's kinda odd22:38
nubaeproblem with identi.ca is its name22:42
LaserJockanybody got any thoughts on the long descriptions for edubuntu-desktop?22:42
nubaetwitter is just much more fun22:42
nubaelong descriptions?22:42
LaserJockeach package has a short and long description22:43
LaserJockthe current long description isn't very descriptive22:43
nubaeoh right22:43
nubaehow man chars?22:44
nubaeabout a tweet in lenght?22:44
LaserJockthere's no limit really22:44
nubaehmm its hard to lengthen that out22:45
nubaethe set of packages that makes up the educational addon applications known as edubuntu, which include applications for children from ages 4-9, teenagers frin 10-16, and young adults from 16-2122:47
nubaesomething like that?22:47
LaserJockright now it says "This package depends on all of the packages in the edubuntu desktop system"22:47
LaserJockwell, that spends a lot of time talking about ages, etc.22:51
nubaewell thats important, to understand its split into age groups22:52
nubaewe could take out the ages I guess22:52
LaserJockyeah, but that doesn't really do anything for edubuntu-desktop22:52
nubaeand add somehting more22:52
nubaewell its a metapackage, but we cant really say that22:53
LaserJockwe can point to ubuntu-edu-*22:53
nubaehow about what I wrote above and then inclusion of something like, it also includes the artwork, icons, and edubuntu color and style22:53
nubaeI think I'm too tired to be giving good answers on that right now... didnt sleep at all last night, and its now 11.54 pm here22:54
LaserJockgo to bed!22:54
nubaewaiting for my classmate to upgrade... damn thing is slow as molasses22:54
nubaecant, have to finish a website too22:55
nubaeI snowed myself under22:55
nubaealso doesnt help Im an insomniac22:55
nubaehttp://twitter.com/strjstrjkyufk  <--- didnt take them long to start spamming twitter22:57

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