
Hobbseeclaydoh: TYVM.00:10
HobbseeUnpacking replacement kdelibs5-data ...00:52
Hobbseedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs5-data_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack):00:52
Hobbsee trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/common/artistic-license.html', which is also in package kdelibs-data00:52
Hobbseedpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)00:52
JontheEchidnafixed in bzr by apachelogger00:52
* Hobbsee utilises force00:53
ScottKJontheEchidna: Debian is on -3 for kde4libs.  Had anyone checked to see if they have anything we want to borrow?00:54
JontheEchidnanot that I know of00:54
* JontheEchidna tries to remember the browsable vcs link00:55
Hobbseehrm, guess i could have actually used the update manager for this...00:56
* JontheEchidna finds vcs link00:57
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
JontheEchidnaooh, upstream patches00:58
JontheEchidnaDo want00:59
JontheEchidnakde svn 91618601:06
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=916186&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 916186 | - define NDEBUG and QT_NO_DEBUG in relwithebinfo build mode - that is how it already is in release build mode. this disables ...01:06
* JontheEchidna thinks kde4libs could use a good merge01:16
JontheEchidnamaybe after the next alpha we could make the rounds on merges01:17
=== quassel46 is now known as Hobbsee_Quassel
* ScottK wonders who that was?01:27
=== Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee|Quassel
ScottKHeya Hobbsee|Quassel01:51
ScottKIt takes a bit of getting used to IME.01:51
* ScottK runs out for a bit.01:52
=== Hobbsee|Quassel is now known as Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee`
=== Hobbsee` is now known as Hobbsee
* claydoh is depressed :(02:02
* claydoh got mew mobo/ram/cpu and now has a monitor going bad :(02:02
* claydoh goes window shopping02:03
Hobbseefridge :(02:07
Hobbseeit doesn't do firefox correctly :(02:08
Hobbseeerm, how do i restart plasma? I think i crashed it.02:14
JontheEchidnaalt + f2 will bring you a run box02:20
Hobbseeoh, right02:21
rgreeningoh man. I think my wifes laptop has a disk drive failing05:08
ScottKrgreening: Watch out.  Sispoty is after you.  (Just to ratchet up your fun factor).05:18
ScottKrgreening: I had to command line sftp stuff of a fubar partition on my laptop earlier this week.05:18
ScottKUrgh.  Sispoty/Sistpoty.05:19
ScottKActually he lost his apparently really hard to figure out kvirc settings when he upgraded to your KDE4 version.  He went off to engage upstream on the problem, so you're off the hook.05:20
ScottKGood luck with the hard drive.  I'm off to shampoo the carpet in our living room in the hopes that it will remove the dog crap stain (fun day - not).05:21
Mamarokhi, I would like to become a Kubuntu member and already am an Ubuntu member, how do I proceed?08:33
larsivi__did anyone see plasma memory leaks with kde 4.2 for intrepid? mine currently clocks in at 375m08:59
larsivi__ok, rebooting ..09:03
Mamarokapachelogger: ping09:14
knusperfroschthere must be a missing dependency or a bug in kde4.2: tried to ad Eyes or the pastebin plasmoid to my 4.2 desktop on k8.10 but the only thing i got was a box telling me "could not find component: eyes"09:46
knusperfroschso i installed the addons and everything was fine09:47
apacheloggerMamarok: pong09:52
apacheloggerknusperfrosch: tell JontheEchidna, he will know :P09:52
apacheloggerLure: btw, you should checkout choqok09:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about choqok09:52
apachelogger!info choqok09:52
ubottuPackage choqok does not exist in intrepid09:52
apachelogger!info choqok jaunty09:52
ubottuchoqok (source: choqok): KDE Twitter Client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 150 kB, installed size 656 kB09:53
knusperfroschcan i help getting fresh language packs for intrepid+4.2? a half translated kde isn't that nice...09:56
Mamarokapachelogger, how do I have to ptoceed to become a Kubuntu member? I'm already an Ubuntu member since years09:56
Mamarok*proceed even :)09:56
apacheloggerknusperfrosch: not too easy09:56
apacheloggerknusperfrosch: you'd need to get kubuntu-dev-tools, get a proper .batrc, then download all of kde-l10n, run batl10n on it and then upload somewhere09:57
knusperfroschapachelogger: k, so the .batrc is the problem?09:58
apacheloggerMamarok: basically the same as if you weren't ubuntu member ... add yourself to a meeting agenda, talk a bit about your kubuntu work and answer some questions09:58
apacheloggerknusperfrosch: yes ... it is not really documented :P09:59
knusperfroschso who did the last l10n? he/she should have the needed config?09:59
apacheloggerthe last was for hardy, and we didn't have the batrc magic at that time10:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, l10n = another showstopper for moving to kde4 members or backports10:01
Mamarokapachelogger: thx, will do :)10:02
apacheloggerMamarok: I recommend you ask Nightrose to poke you when we have a new meeting date and check that you are on the meeting page10:03
* apachelogger notes that sometimes stuff magically disappears from there10:03
Mamarokapachelogger: great, will check10:03
knusperfroschk first step done, got dev-tools10:12
Lureapachelogger: it started to work - it seems it was login name ("lure" works, "Lure" works only with web login)10:13
Lureapachelogger: and choqok is cool (just need to get used to name) ;-)10:13
apacheloggermaybe the API is case sensitive, but the web ui makes everything lowercase?10:14
Lureapachelogger: probably - this is the only thing I recall I did differently when I started from scratch the second time10:16
Lureapachelogger: it may have been also something else...10:16
apacheloggerNightrose: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/112389/10:17
* apachelogger thinks he has to rewrite the statisics parsing10:31
apacheloggerfailing with most weird errors10:32
knusperfroschapachelogger: erm i first need to create sourcepackages for all languages? next unless lang.include?(".tar.bz2")10:49
apacheloggerknusperfrosch: you need to download them from ftp.kde.org10:50
apacheloggerthen place them in a subfolder langs/10:50
knusperfroschoh, k, did a local copy from svn *g*10:50
apacheloggerbatl10n will then walk through them and try to get the previous package from launchpad and if there is one it will update them and place the ubuntu source packages in uploads/10:51
knusperfroschhmm how can i change from jaunty to intrepid? got BD=intrepid in my .batrc but the uploads/...*changes says "Distribution: jaunty"11:12
apacheloggerknusperfrosch: TD11:29
knusperfroschapachelogger: already got TD=intrepid, seems to have no effect on that11:30
apacheloggermaybe it is hardcoded11:31
Nightroseapachelogger: *hug*11:42
Nightroselooks great11:42
knusperfroschapachelogger: batl10n doesn't build a deb file, so launchpad does that?11:42
apacheloggerNightrose: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112412/11:43
apacheloggerI really think the statistics code needs to be completely redone though, absolutely needs new a design11:43
apacheloggerNightrose: http://aplg.kollide.net/screencasts/release-refactor.ogv11:51
Nightroseapachelogger: nice :)11:54
Arbyapachelogger: did you get a chance to look ayt those l10n packages?12:16
ArbyRiddell: s-c-p-k looks really good now12:27
apacheloggerArby: Depends: kdelibs5 (>= 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1), language-pack-kde-en12:34
apacheloggerthat last part seems about weird12:34
Arbyapachelogger: what the -en bit?12:36
ArbyI must have forgotten to change that.12:36
Arbyis it only one package or all of them?12:36
=== r0uzic_ausente is now known as r0uzic
Arbyapachelogger: the only one I had doubts about was mai12:37
Arbylanguage-pack-kde-mai doesn't seem to exist12:37
apacheloggerArby: kde-bnin shouldn't either12:39
apacheloggerthey aren't created yet, it's the first time KDE ships with these translations12:39
apacheloggerRiddell: the desktop file stuff is completely flawed ;-)12:40
apacheloggersvn export svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/stable/l10n/$(LANGCODE)/messages/$${module}/desktop_$${module}.po; \12:40
apacheloggerthat is KDE 3 :D12:40
Arbyapachelogger: 1) what should it be? 2) this means I need to do them all again doesn't it :)12:41
apacheloggerArby: no, we'll run a script on all of the packages to change that12:41
Arbyhooray for batscripts :)12:42
knusperfroschso l10n packages are on their way to kubuntu-experimental?12:42
apacheloggerArby: there is no script for that :P12:42
apacheloggerknusperfrosch: you can upload to experimental?12:42
knusperfroschapachelogger: nope?12:42
Arbyapachelogger: I'm sure there soon will be :)12:43
apacheloggerArby: unlikely12:43
knusperfroschapachelogger: just askin if anybody is working on that12:43
apacheloggermaybe for batchdownload l10n packages and upload them again12:43
apacheloggerand even that is not very likely12:43
apacheloggerknusperfrosch: no one is12:43
apacheloggerknusperfrosch: we are talking about jaunty12:43
apacheloggerArby: langcode for bn_in in rules is wrong12:44
apacheloggerprobably because you looked in svn12:45
knusperfroschi'm not so firm about the fundamentals of deb-packaging and i coudn't find out why the changes-file mentions jaunty12:45
Arbyapachelogger: what should it be bn_in rather than bnin?12:45
apacheloggerlike upstream named it12:45
apacheloggerArby: just make sure the deps are set to lang-pack-kde-$LANGCODE and that the LANGCODE in rules matches the one of the source package, also change the changelogs to unreleased12:45
apacheloggerthen pass that to someone for upload12:46
Arbyapachelogger: I'll do them now if you're able to upload12:46
apacheloggerprobably am12:47
ArbyI thought they were unreleased12:47
* Arby checks again12:47
apacheloggerArby: to jaunty12:47
Arbyah, that makes sense12:47
Arbyapachelogger: langcode for bn_IN has to be bnin (lowercase) or dpkg-source whines at me13:01
Arbyapachelogger: hopefully good to go http://drop.io/v9u8aq114:04
apacheloggera|wen: hah, what a flood on the arts bug :P14:17
apacheloggerArby: the ubuntu langcode is bnin ... the upstream one is bn_IN14:18
apacheloggerand debian/rules needs it to fetch the desktop files from _upstream_14:18
a|wenapachelogger: indeed... debdiff flooding ;)14:18
apacheloggera|wen: now you just need to find a sponsor I suppose :P14:19
* Arby tries again :(14:19
a|wenapachelogger: hehe, exactly ... but luckily most of them are quite straight forward :)14:20
* a|wen hears someone volunteering? :P14:22
apacheloggerbut I am on vacation :P14:22
a|wenhard to see ;)14:23
a|wenwhen are you back btw?14:23
=== apachelogger is now known as vacationlogger
Arbyhe's never really been away :)14:23
vacationloggera|wen: when time is right I suppose :P14:24
vacationloggerArby: now that is not true .. I have been away loads of times, like when I was en route to fosdem or something14:25
Arbyvacationlogger: I can barely remember a period of more than a few hours when you haven't been here for months14:25
a|wenvacationlogger: so we should send you on a 'round the world in 80 days' trip ;)14:26
Arbybut that's probably just me14:26
* vacationlogger was away for months while his first floss vacation14:26
vacationloggerthat was before kubuntu though14:26
* a|wen likes having vacationlogger here to answer all our stupid questions14:28
JontheEchidnahaha, this one dude filed a bug report reporting that there used to be a bug, but now it's fixed14:29
vacationloggernext year I will just go and visit Nightrose to annoy her all day long14:29
Arbyvacationlogger: fixed bn_IN http://drop.io/piihyot14:29
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: Oo14:30
JontheEchidnaI marked it as a duplicate to avoid any... awkward conflics14:30
JontheEchidna"KPat doesn't crash anymore!"14:30
vacationloggerArby:   * Added entry to debian/copyright for Maithili (mai) translator team14:30
vacationloggerthat is pointless14:30
vacationloggerArby: that stuff gets edit via batchediting as well14:30
Arbywell, I didn't know that14:31
vacationloggerArby: so that change will be superced after next copyright update :P14:31
vacationloggerI told you, everything in those packages is subject to scripting14:31
a|wenJontheEchidna: he thought it was a change report and not a bug report :P14:31
vacationloggeras a matter of fact I am considering creating one packaging branch and just let batl10n fill in the whole naming stuff14:31
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: btw, I wanna see that bug :P14:32
vacationloggerfound it14:32
vacationloggerbug 32388714:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323887 in kdegames-kde4 "kpat (dup-of: 285265)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32388714:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285265 in kdegames "KPatience dies with ASSERT: "!pixmap().isNull()"" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28526514:33
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: well, you gotta see that positive ... the dude at least notices when stuff gets fixed ;-)14:33
vacationloggernot many people do that14:33
JontheEchidnaheh, yep!14:33
* JontheEchidna testbuilds new kde4libs14:34
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: did you see the klatin bug report?14:35
JontheEchidnavacationlogger: yeah, but I wasn't in the mood to do a "lol no" response14:35
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: didn't he like ask to provide the libs?14:35
* vacationlogger thinks that parley replaces klatin mostly anyway14:35
vacationloggerparley is just good for everything14:36
vacationloggerNightrose: ping14:36
Nightrosevacationlogger: pong14:36
JontheEchidna"Could you at least make available kde3 compatibility libraries so we can install klatin in kde4?"14:36
vacationloggerNightrose: a) I demand cookie for praise b) can parley replace klatin? ... is there a plan to make it able to replace klatin?14:36
Nightrosea) /me hands vacationlogger some of the finest cookies14:37
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: well, he could very well mean that we should provide the package14:37
Nightroseb) never used klatin14:37
vacationloggerNightrose: me neither14:37
vacationloggerNightrose: http://edu.kde.org/klatin/14:37
* Nightrose look14:37
vacationloggerNightrose: maybe you can find out whether it was dropped because parley is so much more flexible anyway? ;-)14:38
Nightrosedude" i would have to go into the room next door to find out....14:38
vacationlogger*cough* schurkenstaat *cough*14:38
Nightrosethat is like miles away14:38
* vacationlogger is wondering where Nightrose is14:39
Nightroseyou get to guess 3 times :P14:39
vacationloggerEDK HQ?14:39
vacationloggerI would imagine they got like a more efficient way of communicating14:40
vacationloggerI mean come on... walking to the room next door is sooo damn slow14:40
vacationloggera corporation like MS can be sold faster than that14:40
Nightroseok ok - I'll go and ask...14:40
Nightrosegive me a minute14:40
* vacationlogger thinks Arby wants to tell us a story14:41
* Arby looks up14:41
vacationloggerArby: something about proper upstream communication maybe?14:42
Nightrosevacationlogger: the edu master says he doesn't think parley can do everything klatin did but is not sure14:42
vacationloggerNightrose: maybe you parley people look into it and possibly enhance parley a bit to fit the needs of latin14:42
vacationloggerme, not having any idea of latin due to being a super efficient robot can't say what is missing either :P14:43
Arbyok maybe I'm slower than usual today but I have no idea what you're talking about14:43
vacationloggerArby: I am bored and order you to tell a story about dragons and princes and evil witches14:44
vacationloggerArby: or something work related if you are not good at making up stuff :P14:44
vacationloggerArby: got something to talk about?14:46
Arbynot unless you're interested in why system-config-printer-kde crashes kcmshell14:47
vacationloggerthat would be a quite interesting story I suppose14:47
vacationloggerthen again it might involve python, which already tell pretty much everything ;-)14:48
Arbyvacationlogger: it would indeed involve python :)14:48
Arbyso you probably don't want to know14:48
vacationlogger<3 japan14:48
Arbyfeel free to reimplement it in ruby14:49
Arbythen I wouldn't feel compelled to fix it :)14:49
vacationloggerthat would be inefficient :P14:49
Arbynot for me it wouldn't :)14:50
vacationloggerwould for us all14:50
* vacationlogger got too high qualifications in whining and too little in fiddeling with printing stuff14:50
vacationloggerNightrose: I hope you gave everyone at the HQ cookies from the truck I sent you for 4.2 release? :P14:51
Arbyvacationlogger: for what it's worth it's nothing to do with printing14:51
Arbyand everything to do with threads14:51
vacationloggerArby: reimplementing the app would14:52
Arbyand the magical entity that is the global interpreter lock14:52
vacationloggerif you had used a logical language to being with....14:52
Arbyvacationlogger: tell it to red hat/fedora, they wrote the original14:53
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: bug 321436 might be gstreamer related14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321436 in amarok "amarok crashes when renaming folder of music file that is currently playing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32143614:54
Arbyand all the underlying bits that sit on top of cups14:54
JontheEchidnavacationlogger: meh14:54
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: xine caches pretty much the whole track AFAIK, so unless the plaback file was supersized it ought to be caused by gst14:54
JontheEchidnaI don't like phonon-gst14:55
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: in any case it would be phonon and not amarok I guess14:55
JontheEchidnaany clue about bug 316126?14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316126 in amarok "Amarok 2.0.1 crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31612614:57
JontheEchidnathe best I can figure is either borked install or borked config14:57
vacationloggervorian: are you core dev yet?14:59
vacationloggerArby, a|wen: when will you become motu?15:00
Arbyvacationlogger: I'm somewhat amazed you even ask?15:00
Arbyafter all you've reviewed my packaging :P15:00
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: might be caching15:00
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: kpixmap caching15:01
JontheEchidnacorrupted svg cache?15:01
ArbyI don't think I'm all that good at it15:01
a|wenvacationlogger: with all the debdiff's i'm trying to find sponsors for, that might actually be quicker ;)15:01
vacationloggerArby: then I think you should become better :P15:01
* vacationlogger is wondering15:01
vacationloggerArby: JontheEchidna is probably a good mentor :P15:01
Arbyit's not for lack of trying15:01
Arbyit just doesn't seem to fit in my brain15:02
vacationloggermight just take longer15:02
vacationloggerArby: bug 29715215:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297152 in linux-ports "boost -> boost1.35 transition / demote gcc-4.1 and gcc-4.2 to universe" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29715215:02
vacationloggerperfect job15:02
knusperfroschvacationlogger: could you please add quilt as dependency for kubuntu-dev-tools?15:03
Arbythat looks like a good way to break the world :)15:03
* vacationlogger also hopes Lure_ is preparing for coredev :D15:03
ArbyI'm sure I've seen a lot of traffic regarding that bug already15:03
vacationloggerArby: a core dev would have to sponsor anyway15:03
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
vacationloggerknusperfrosch: why?15:03
* Arby reads15:03
knusperfroschcause batl10n doesn't run without it?15:04
Lurevacationlogger: dream on...15:04
knusperfroschvacationlogger: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/patchsys-quilt.mk is missing15:04
knusperfrosch=> quilt15:04
Lurevacationlogger: is it possible now to get just rights for kde* ?15:04
vacationloggerknusperfrosch: where is it missing?15:04
vacationloggerLure: it's still in testing15:04
vacationloggertechnically possible though15:05
Lurevacationlogger: core-dev is too much for me, as I am just occasional contributer15:05
Lurevacationlogger: but I would be interested in some packages that will be in main (digikam/kipi-plugins)15:05
knusperfroschvacationlogger: last 4 lines http://dpaste.com/115282/15:06
* Lure reads NewPackages to get lensfun in the archive15:06
* vacationlogger thinks Lure should at least find some minions for poor ol'apachelogger to torture towards motuship ;-)15:06
vacationloggerthat remidns me15:06
Lurevacationlogger: lol15:06
vacationloggerXand3r: when are you going to continue work?15:07
Arbyvacationlogger: so what needs to be done for that bug, rebuild the packages with changed build-deps?15:07
Xand3rvacationlogger: which work?15:07
vacationloggerknusperfrosch: that got nothing to do with k-d-t15:07
vacationloggerXand3r: developer work15:07
vacationloggerArby: and probably change -dev package deps in most cases15:08
vacationloggerArby: talking about kde* that is15:08
Arbyvacationlogger: I've no intention of touching anything else15:08
vacationloggerLure: seriously, we have too few minions to dump minor impact work on15:08
Xand3rvacationlogger: developer?15:08
vacationloggerArby: ^_^15:08
vacationloggerXand3r: packaging15:08
Xand3rvacationlogger: packaging is developing?15:09
vacationloggerXand3r: + you should take a bug triage/mangement/disposal training from JontheEchidna15:09
knusperfroschvacationlogger: well then i got another idea of dependency(=what you need to use it?)15:09
vacationloggerXand3r: what do you think it is? :P15:09
Arbyvacationlogger: I'll probably regret this but I'll take a look15:10
Xand3rvacationlogger: make binarys from developed stuff15:10
vacationloggerknusperfrosch: it is a bit tricky ... quilt is not a dep of cdbs, but it will be invoked through it's clean rules ... so technically it is a dep, but a pre-build-time one, which can't be resolved by anything but the dude who creates the source package15:10
vacationloggerin this case you :P15:10
vacationloggerXand3r: we are doing distribution development ... that is loads of making binaries from developed software + fixing bugs in that developed software + add additional software + kick out old software ....15:11
Arbyvacationlogger: so I have some vague chance of success what's the work flow?15:12
Arbybatget, edit, batbuild, make debdiff/15:12
Xand3rvacationlogger: an other point of view15:12
vacationloggerget branch => change boost stuff as required => testbuild => create debdiff => attach debdiff to bug => find sponsor15:12
vacationloggeroh, push branch after debdiffing15:13
vacationloggeror you just don't debdiff and attach it to the bug but just mention that you pushed to the packaging branch15:13
vacationloggerXand3r: no, that is the definition of distribution development :P15:13
Lureany easy way to get packages from debian's new queue?15:14
vacationloggerXand3r: if you were packaging stuff only for your PPA or, for example to publish it on kde-look/apps, it would be "making binaries from developed stuff"15:14
vacationloggerXand3r: but since you (should) do that in a more advanced environment it is distribution environment because with every thing you upload you either fix a bug or add a requested feature15:15
vacationloggeror introduce a regression for that matter :P15:15
seeleNightrose: is there anything we can do to get our cameras working in intrepid? i forget why it broke a time before15:18
vacationloggerseele: you could send me a cam and let me make it work :P15:19
JontheEchidnado you guys think it would be possible to get a soprano-backend-sesame2 package uploaded to multiverse?15:19
JontheEchidnatake soprano tarball -> rape cmake with quilt -> build only the sesame2 backend15:20
JontheEchidna-> upload to multiverse -> make kubuntu-restricted extras dep on it15:21
vacationloggerLure: please make the kubuntu-ninjas team a member of digikam-experimental15:21
JontheEchidnathen peeps can stop complaining about nepomuk being so slow15:22
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: why not have it in main?15:22
JontheEchidnavacationlogger: for the reason we don't build it in the first place, it fails DFSG15:22
vacationloggerwell, then it can't go universe either15:23
JontheEchidnaI said multiverse15:23
vacationloggernot even there I think15:23
JontheEchidnaor is there some reason that I don't know about why it can't go there either?15:23
vacationloggerbesides, finding a sponsor for a multiverse upload is going to be fun :P15:23
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: why can't upstream just make it dfsg compatible?15:24
vacationloggerfind out :P15:24
JontheEchidnathey just complain that downstreams use the slow backend15:24
vacationloggerwell, upstream fails to produce proper free software15:25
JontheEchidnayeah, but they don't seem to want to change either, just disable nepomuk-strigi stuff when it encounters redland15:25
JontheEchidnabelieve me, I feel the same way as you do15:25
vacationloggerif I had time to visit trueg, I would :P15:25
vacationloggerget him drunk and sign a contract that he gotta fix that stuff :P15:26
a|wenJontheEchidna: is the sesame2 part dfsg compatible?15:26
vacationloggerI actually think it is the failing part15:27
JontheEchidnaa|wen: sesame2 fails because it ships binary .jar files15:27
vacationloggerit includes some binary blob IIRC15:27
JontheEchidnathe whole backend runs in a java vm15:27
Nightroseseele: i used my hardy laptop in the end - don't know of a fix but i didn't look for one tbh15:27
a|wencan we do without those, eg. do a repackt ... or do we actually need the binary blobs15:27
vacationloggerNightrose: send me your cam :P15:27
* vacationlogger is serious15:27
a|wenrepack, even15:28
vacationloggercan't fix stuff I don't have the hardware for :S15:28
JontheEchidnawe need teh blobs15:28
Nightrosevacationlogger: so far no cam i heard of works in intrepid15:28
a|wenoh, that is bad15:28
Nightroseso take whatever cam you can get15:28
vacationloggera|wen: the only solution would be if upstream would create the binary blob while build rather than shipping it alongside the source to begin with15:28
* Nightrose is afk for food15:29
vacationloggerNightrose, seele: can you please enhance the somewhere reported bug ( JontheEchidna knows bug nummber I suppose ;-))15:29
vacationloggerI'll try to get my hands on a cam15:29
a|wenvacationlogger: and i take that the source for the binary blob isn't avaible somewhere, so we could build it ourselves15:29
* JontheEchidna has no knowledge of any camera bug report15:29
JontheEchidnawell there was one crash but that was fixed15:30
vacationloggerthere was one15:30
vacationloggerJontheEchidna: about kde4 not detecting cams15:30
vacationloggera|wen: can't remember, quite some time since I looked into it15:30
JontheEchidnaoh! that one15:30
vacationloggerit's all about solid my friends :)15:30
JontheEchidnabug 28255615:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 282556 in kde4libs "[Intrepid] Kubuntu: New device notifier does not recognise digital camera" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28255615:31
a|wenvacationlogger: okay ... we really need to convince upstream then; don't the other distributions have the same problems15:31
JontheEchidnaa|wen: about everyone except mandravia and suse15:32
JontheEchidnae.g. debian, us, Fedora15:32
a|wenokay; that should be half their userbase ... can't understand how they'll ignore that, but well15:33
JontheEchidnaprobably because the nepomuk dude is a mandravia person15:35
a|wenoh... really not great then :/15:38
a|wenScottK: did the bluetooth updates enter intrepid/kubuntu-experimental/kde4.2 ?15:56
seelewhere was the experimental digikam package at? it was in someone's ppa15:56
Lureseele: https://edge.launchpad.net/~digikam-experimental/+archive/ppa15:57
Lureseele: this is for intrepid, right?, jaunty has same packages in the archive15:58
seeleLure: yes, intrepid15:58
seelethanks for the link15:58
seeledamnit.. crashing on start16:08
a|wenScottK: in kde 4.1.4 when trying to use bluetooth i keep getting "The name org.openobex was not provided by any .service files" ... have you seen that before?16:11
Lureseele: install marble16:14
* Lure thinks seele could read notes on the link I provided ;-)16:14
seeleLure: notes on the ppa pate?16:16
Lureseele: yes16:16
Lureseele: there is bug in marble packageing, this is why digikam crashes on start if "marble" is not installed16:17
* seele feels really stupid now16:17
seelei dont see any note on the link you posted16:17
Lureseele: you should not16:17
Lureseele: it is on whiteboard16:18
Lureseele: gray/blueish part of page16:18
seeleLure: ah hah ok.  thanks :)16:18
Lureseele: almost nobody notices it - I have plenty of "support calls" like yours ;-)16:19
ScottKa|wen: I am getting that now too (that I've reinstalled).  My old install that had been upgraded from Gutsy/Hardy I did not get that.16:23
ScottKa|wen: The Bluez 4 patches should be in the 4.2 packages in kubuntu-experimental.16:23
ScottKI think clearly it's got more work that needs doing, but it's at least working a bit now.16:24
a|wenScottK: yeah ... on 4.1.4 i at least get a bluetooth icon and can pair the devices; however i can't seem to get anything running on 4.216:26
ScottKK.  Well it's the same patch.  Maybe it got dropped ...16:26
a|wenScottK: i get a symbol lookup error, which very much looks like we're back to the old state, right?16:27
* ScottK doesn't remember.16:27
ScottKa|wen: Look in the package and see if the patch is still there ....16:28
* seele loves digikam16:28
seeleit's up there with amarok and marble as killer kde apps16:28
knusperfroschi get that one upon kbluetooth4 http://dpaste.com/115303/16:28
ScottKvacationlogger: Here's something for you to ponder on your vacation: Because of an sbuild bug if a build-dep in not existing, you get depwait, but if it exists and is not installable, you get FTBFS.  If we reverse the upload process and upload the dependent packages first, they'll all depwait and then no more FTBFS due to slow arch and all the pain with the retries.16:28
Lureseele: it just need some usability touches, but that is improving a lot in kde416:28
* ScottK has to take $5YEAROLDCHILD to a birthday party.16:29
a|wenScottK: enjoy the cake ;)16:30
a|wenScottK: got it working in 4.2 now as well ... apart from the org.openobex error16:30
a|wenScottK: installing the package "obex-data-server" fixes the problem, yay :) ... i suppose it is kdebluetooth that we should have depend on that one?16:36
a|wenScottK: i suppose you'll update the package in both jaunty and intrepid-proposed? ... and just ping me, if you need any positive bluetooth feedback on a bug16:40
vacationloggerNightrose: ping16:57
vacationloggerScottK: the new process suggests that we build the main arches in the ppa anyway16:58
vacationloggerScottK: which would make the reversed upload a bit difficult16:58
vacationloggerrgreening: \o do you have a camera at hand?16:59
vacationloggerperfect :|17:01
vacationloggerseele: ping17:01
seelevacationlogger: pong17:02
vacationloggerseele: I suppose your cam did show up as mountable volume before?17:02
seelevacationlogger: yes17:03
vacationloggerok, I only got one here that uses MS' fancy transfer protocol17:03
vacationloggerseele: please run `lshal -m` ... plugin your cam ... once the first command is done with outputting information run `fdisk -l` ... then paste both17:04
vacationloggerLure: btw, when is digikam arriving in jaunty?17:04
seelevacationlogger: ok, i'll do it after i teach senior IS students how to use FTP17:18
* seele facepalms17:18
vacationloggerhehe, ok :)17:18
* a|wen goes to sleep17:28
a|wenScottK: ping me if you have more bluetooth stuff i should test... or something you want me to do17:28
seelevacationlogger: ah heh.. so apparently my camera works now that i've updated digikam to experimental17:34
seeledunno if you still want the output17:35
ScottKvacationlogger: OK, build in PPA, then then copy in reverse order.17:47
vacationloggerScottK: I am not sure that would work out properly + it makes a copying a PITA17:48
vacationloggerbut worth a try I guess17:49
* vacationlogger is at war with solid17:49
seelevacationlogger: have you always been at war with solid?17:49
Lureany core-dev/motu that can look at lensfun package on revu: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lensfun17:50
ScottKAll the effing retries are a total PITA too.17:50
vacationloggerseele: pretty much17:50
Lureit is based on debian package by Mark Purcell, which is in Debian NEW queue, but still would like another review before I upload it to Ubuntu NEW17:50
vacationloggerseele: ever since I did the open dvd thingy for the device notifier anyway17:50
ScottKIf someone wanted to figure out why soprano was uninstallable on armel, that'd be useful.17:51
* vacationlogger notes that hal clearly doesn't detect that darn cam here as a cam17:52
Lurevacationlogger: time to write some .fdi files17:52
vacationloggeror maybe not17:54
vacationlogger-(~/.kde/share/apps/solid/actions:$)-> solid-hardware query 'IS Camera'17:54
vacationloggerudi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_40a_5ad_CYHJ737N1084_if0'17:54
vacationlogger~order brain17:54
* kubotu shouts: OMG!!!!! RED ALERT! We lost a brain. Get me a medic, NOW!17:54
mcasadevallScottK, I can look at it17:55
Lurevacationlogger: now I belive you that you are on vacation17:55
* Lure has his brain off on vacation too ;-)17:55
vacationloggerLure: vacation depends a lot on the definition ;-)17:56
vacationloggermaybe I need to restart the plasma17:56
vacationloggerthat is so incredibly lame17:58
vacationloggerI can't even say how lame it really is17:58
ScottKmcasadevall: Thanks.18:01
Arbyvacationlogger: I've rebuilt kdeplasma-addons for the boost transition http://paste.ubuntu.com/112516/18:04
BsimsHey got a weird one... kde nightly neon isn't detecting all of my drives correctly... any ideas? It works in gnome and kde 3.518:04
Arbycould you check the diff before I push the branch please.18:04
Arby(and then do whatever is necessary to get the new package built)18:05
LureArby: looks fine18:05
ScottKBsims: Does it work right with the 4.2 packages in kubuntu-experimental?18:06
vacationloggerLure: I don't like the dh 7 dep in lensfun18:06
ArbyLure: thanks I'll push it up then18:06
BsimsI'm gonna try that next, kde finaly is at a point where its usable vs 3.518:06
Lurevacationlogger: that is what I got from debian18:06
BsimsWell minus some stability issues18:06
Lurevacationlogger: why you want lower? intrepid has 7 afair18:06
vacationloggerLure: still I don't like it :P18:06
ScottKvacationlogger: Debian KDE team is going serious dh 7.18:07
ScottKIt's in intrepid and hardy-backports, so no real harm.18:07
vacationloggerwell, if you say so18:07
vacationloggerI still don't like it though :P18:07
Lurevacationlogger: why? any argument?18:07
BsimsScottK: Hrm I should just be able to uninstall all of kde, add the exerimental ppa and then reinstall kde correct?18:08
vacationloggerLure: just awful to not be able to build the software on an intrepid/hardy without unsupported updates18:08
ScottKBsims: I don't know anything about the Neon packages, so no idea.18:09
vacationloggerLure: sourcewise looking good though, if the binaries are alright feel free to upload18:09
ScottKvacationlogger: Is there some better channel for Neon related questions?18:09
Lurevacationlogger: you can build on intrepid, and you do not need lensfun on hardy (as new digikam will not run there)18:09
BsimsScottK: Nah, neon is its own stuff and doesn't touch the rest...18:09
vacationloggerScottK: #amarok.neon but rumor has it that the only dev is on vacation :P18:10
Lurevacationlogger: thanks, please ad your +1 on revu, just for the record18:10
Lurevacationlogger: want to test now with digikam and ufraw (which can use it as depends), then will upload18:10
* Bsims grins time to rsync and then play18:10
vacationloggerlaunchpad even takes ages to log me in on revu18:10
vacationloggerLure: I also archived it18:11
Lurevacationlogger: thanks18:11
Arbyvacationlogger: if I do 'gypsy push' and it gives me back a (revision?) number does that mean it worked?18:13
vacationloggerArby: I suppose so18:13
vacationloggerotherwise it would be whining I guess ;-)18:13
Arbyok then I think plasma-addons is done18:13
vacationloggerArby: considering I did the app, chance is high it would even throw an epic error message, go done with errocode 512 and eat all your system's memory :P18:14
* vacationlogger likes epic error messages :D18:14
Arbyverbose is good :)18:14
Arbyalthough I don't see it on ~kubuntu-members18:14
* Arby tries again with plain bzr18:15
Arbythat's better18:19
Arbyshows up now18:19
Arbyvacationlogger: does it need a core-dev to get the new package built now?18:19
Arbyor is there somekind of automagic for that18:19
vacationloggerArby: core-dev18:20
Arbyvacationlogger: care to push the button please18:20
vacationloggerScottK: can you plus plasma-addons?18:21
vacationloggerfor boost transition18:21
ScottKvacationlogger: You want me to upload it?18:21
ScottKArby: Link me to the lp page with the branch.18:21
* vacationlogger is wondering what plus was meant to mean18:22
* ScottK too18:22
ArbyScottK https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdeplasma-addons/ubuntu18:22
vacationloggerScottK: gypsy branch kdeplasma-addons :P18:22
ScottKvacationlogger: I phearrrrr your magic scriptz.18:22
ArbyScottK: I'll have kdesdk as well in bit if you're still around18:22
vacationloggernow there is really nothing magic about gypsy :P18:22
Arbythen that will be all the kde stuff done18:23
ScottKArby: I have 18 minutes until I have to pull chocks to get $5YEAROLDCHILD from the birthday party and kdebluetooth is ahead of you in line.18:23
ArbyScottK; fair enough18:23
ScottKArby: It's not just a rebuild.  You changed debian/control, so that shoud be documented.18:28
Arbyok I'll do it again18:28
ScottKI'd appreciate it if someone would take the kdebluetooth I just uploaded to Jaunty and (with appropriate versioning) put it in kubuntu-experimental.18:29
ArbyScottK: I've amended the changelog and pushed18:33
Arbyshould show up in a minute or two18:33
ScottKArby: I'm still not getting it and I have to run in a few minutes, so I can look at it later if no one else does.18:37
ArbyScottK: OK, it's showing up for me now18:37
ScottKI still don't get it, but I'll check lter.18:38
* ScottK --> out18:39
BsimsI am trying to install the experimental packages from the PPA and when I tried an apt-get install kde kde-core I got the following message  kde-core: Depends: kdebase-workspace (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed18:41
BsimsE: Broken packages18:41
Tonio_hum I have a little question about quassel.... how can I get rid of the merged buffer view at the top ?18:43
Tonio_I tried but couldn't find it...18:43
* Arby finally fixed the s-c-p-k bug that crashes systemsettings :D18:45
seeleTonio_: let me check where, but it's in the configuration settings somewhere18:45
seeleArby: yaay18:45
Tonio_seele: thanks :) hum quassel notifies in the systray ? pretty cool ;)18:45
Arbynow I just need to make it play nice18:46
seeleTonio_: hmm.. there is no option in the configuration (should ping Sput about that..) but if you rightclick on the white bar to the left of the box18:46
Tonio_seele: the thing is that I don't know how they rename it, and I'm not very used to this "buffer" concept.... that's not very ircish...18:46
seelethere will be a list of UI elements you can enable and disable it18:46
seeleTonio_: i think people who have 100 channels and are hardcore about IRC like it. which quassel started as an expert irc client18:47
Tonio_seele: right, not easy to find out :)18:47
seeleTonio_: maybe by default we will configure it off by default18:47
seeleTonio_: yeah, it really should be an option in the configuration18:47
Sputseele: what do you mean?18:47
seeleSput: ping ^^ might want to have a config page to be able to configure the UI layout elements18:47
Tonio_seele: well... I can't imagin being able to read 100 channels in the meantime, but as long as people do like it.... I don't mind :)18:47
SputView -> Chat Monitor?18:47
Tonio_seele: I'm not against the concept of having lots of options, otherwise I would use gnome :)18:48
seeleSput: oh ho ho, totally missed that18:48
seelenevermind then, it exists and that's a good place for it18:48
Tonio_seele: but the default config should remain simple imho18:48
Sputcould add a context menu entry too18:48
seelei just didnt look further18:48
seeleTonio_: right, so maybe we adjust the default, but the functionality still exists18:48
Tonio_Sput: is quassel using kconfig/kiosk ?18:49
SputTonio_: no18:49
Tonio_Sput: right, it's qt, not kde... so we have to fix the packaging to change the default config...18:49
SputTonio_: well yeah, but we might want to go with off-by-default as upstream too18:49
Tonio_Sput: as long as reactivating it remains easy, I think off by default is the right choice18:50
Sputdidn't get to sanitizing the default layout yet18:50
Tonio_Sput: anyway, I'm really happy to see the great job done arround quassel....18:51
SputTonio_: thanks :)18:51
Sputand we're not done yet18:51
Tonio_Sput: I dreamt for long about a konversation-like client that would give me irssi persistent connexion capability18:52
Tonio_Sput: and you made it :)18:52
SputI got fed up with having to use a text-mode client in screen :)18:52
Tonio_Sput: that's why I stoped using it too :)18:53
* Sput thinks about useful toolbar actions18:53
LureScottK: you are archive-admin since 5 hours?18:53
BsimsI am trying to install kde4 on Intrepid and I can't get it to work... apt-get install -s kubuntu-kde4-desktop reports broken packages19:04
RiddellBsims: user questions in #kubuntu.  there's no such package in intrepid19:08
larsivihi, with intrepid and kde 4.2 I observer a memory leak in plasma (slowish, but nonetheless bad, about 100m per 12 hours)19:11
larsivialso the runner thingy seems to keep old icons, making it more and more difficult to see exactly which app I execute19:12
Riddellsound like upstream bugs19:12
larsiviRiddell: ok - one more that may not be though; I have two kontact icons in krunner, the first of which seems to be 'off' - among other things it doesn't actually start kontact :)19:13
Riddelldunno, look at what you have in your XDG path19:14
seeleanyone have some gtk apps installed? are the options to view toolbars in View or Settings?19:15
larsiviRiddell: XDG?19:19
seeleSput: so i dont know if you care about this.. but KDE likes to have toolbar configuration in a Settings menu instead of View. I'm currently trying to change the guideline so it is in View, so I wouldnt bother changing it, but you might get some bugs about it if anyone upstream notices.19:26
Sputseele: I'll put our toolbar configuration there too - but the question is if the same applies for dock windows19:27
SputI get the impression that those are in a menu called View quite often19:27
Spute.g. Dolphin has it in View -> Panels19:28
seeleSput: hmm.. i can't think of anything that uses dock windows. but everything should be in that menu anyway19:28
seeleah ok19:28
LureRiddell, ScottK: lensfun waiting in NEW queue for archive-admin: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+queue19:28
seelei hate this stupid guidline it doesnt make any sense19:28
Sputfor toolbars it's consistently in Settings -> Toolbars indeed19:28
Sput(and I still tend to look in View first)19:29
Sputso yeah, usability-wise it's a nightmare probably :)19:30
Lureseele: probably because it is more than just view on/off, but also detail config what is on toolbar19:30
=== nemphis_ is now known as nemphis
seeleLure: the Settings > Toolbar menu is only On/Off19:30
seeleLure: to configure toolbars you go to Settings > Configure Toolbar19:31
seelewhich makes sense19:31
Lureseele: right, mixed it with Configure toolbars19:31
seeleit doesnt make sense that half the window you configure in View (such as status bar and menu bar) but the other half is in Settings (tool bar)19:31
Lureseele: right19:32
seeleLure: no, it should be separated and at the top of the menu while all the configure options are grouped together at the bottom19:32
seeleer, maybe you are right and i'm just giving additional detail19:32
seelebut i can see how it might have come to be that way, i just dont think it is the right way to do it19:32
Lureseele: agreed, it is unnatural location19:32
Lureseele: I rarely enable/disable toolbars, so I did not notice it19:33
Lureseele: actually, I always use right-click on toolbar19:33
Lureso I would support Sput to add Chat window on/off also to right click19:33
Lurewould make it more discoverable for me (as a new user might not even know how this is named)19:34
* Sput afk for the superbowl19:39
Sputnot that I'm interested in US Football at all, but there's booze and food to have :)19:40
Sputand maybe it even is a good game19:40
seeleSput: GO STEELERS19:44
Arbyvacationlogger: ScottK: kdesdk rebuild for boost transition pushed to bzr branch19:47
Riddellwhy is the US's bigget sports event on a Sunday?19:50
seeleRiddell: because football is more important that religion19:54
seelebesides.. the blessing is fresh if the game is only a few hours after service :P19:54
RiddellI wasn't meaning from a Wee Frees points of view, I was just meaning that it's easier for people to go out and spend money on a saturday19:56
Riddellhi judaz19:56
judazi'm having a hard time with kopete 0.7019:56
judazon KDE 4.219:56
seeletoo many other things go on friday and saturday.. that's why sunday is such a good day for it19:57
seelesunday afternoon: watch the game19:57
seeleit's what you do19:57
judazit "crashes" when someone talks to me on msn network19:57
judazit just quits.. kde does not get as a crash19:57
judazRiddell: hey.. everything ok?19:58
Riddelljudaz: paste the output of   apt-cache policy libmsn0.119:58
judazRiddell: there..19:59
Riddelljudaz: I wonder if it's a problem with that new libmsn0.1 then20:01
judazRiddell: no idea...20:01
judazand its strange..20:02
judazbeacuse i see theres a bug when msn connects20:02
judazbut for me is when someone speaks to me20:02
ScottKLure: I am, but doing a lot of New is not for a while (I'm still training).20:10
torkianosorry Riddell, Tonio_  about package qutecom or KCall for jaunty, Have you thought about it?20:13
Tonio_torkiano: I looked at qutecom.... a nightmare to package right now...20:14
Tonio_torkiano: it forks openwengo build system and has wengo references everywhere in the code.... I'm expecting something cleaned up before packaging...20:14
Tonio_especially since this is not stable yet...20:14
Tonio_torkiano: about kcall, it is unmaintained for sure....20:14
Tonio_torkiano: lots of things in the work for jaunty yet.... we should probably discard this for jaunty+1 I'm affraid20:15
torkianoIf helps, there is a PPA for qutecom here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~cavedon/+archive20:15
Tonio_torkiano: I saw that one, but well I got lots of crashes with qutecom...20:16
Tonio_torkiano: I'll review the packages on it and will let you know... maybe we can get it at least in universe20:16
torkianothat would be great :)20:16
Tonio_torkiano: as long as it can connect, btw :)20:17
LureScottK: congrats and take time to get used to new role (we will abuse you later ;-))20:17
ScottKLure: Thanks.20:17
torkianoTonio_: if you need testing, contact me20:17
Tonio_ScottK: you archive admin now ?20:18
Tonio_torkiano: sure will do :)20:18
ScottKTonio_: Yes.20:18
Tonio_ScottK: congrats :)20:18
ScottKTonio_: Thanks20:18
LureRiddell: do we plan to include grave bugfixes from dfaure already in kde 4.2.0 or should we just wait for 4.2.120:20
ScottKHow grave?20:21
ScottKNCommander: Any news on soprano?20:22
NCommanderScottK, I won't know until I try and bring my ARM hardware up later tommorow20:23
* NCommander is in Berlin ATM20:23
ScottKNCommander: OK.  Not a great rush.20:23
Tonio_Lure: don't about SRUs but as far as it concerns jaunty, and those are not showstopper bugs, I think we should just wait...20:24
Tonio_Lure: 4.2.1 will be out long before the release anyway20:24
ScottKseele: It seems your web host is down/has been crushed by interest in pictures of the party.20:24
ScottKNevermind, apparently complaining was enough to bring it back.20:25
LureTonio_: problem is that people do not see photos in digikam until logout/login/restart ;-)20:25
Tonio_Sput: looks like quassel notifications appear twice for me.... is that known problem or should I report ?20:25
ScottKTonio_: Should report.20:26
Tonio_Lure: as said, for SRUs and intrepid that can be discussed...20:26
LureTonio_: we do not have kde 4.2 in intrepid, just -experimental20:26
Tonio_Lure: as long as we know that yes, it'll be fixed with 4.2.1 on jaunty, I don't mind let people wait for the fix20:26
LureTonio_: yep, it is just 3 weeks a way or so20:27
Tonio_Lure: people using jaunty KNOW they'll have bugs :) and patching and remove the patch with packaging 4.2.1 is a waste of time on that point20:27
Tonio_ScottK: oki20:27
ScottKTonio_: #quassel20:28
Tonio_ScottK: hum I was about to report on their bts, but that's fine20:28
ScottKOK.  Their BTS is good.20:28
ScottKSput is watching the superbowl right now anyway.20:28
Tonio_ScottK: ah oki ;)20:30
Tonio_and they use redmine :) hehe, I really the way those guys do work !20:32
seeleScottK: wow.. it's back up?20:32
seelehuh, still dead for me20:33
Tonio_are some peope here using/testing plasmoid-network-manager ? I didn't receive any comment for days....20:33
Tonio_it's really working well for me now, except for the vpn part, which is still in the work20:33
judazseems that the problema with Kopete20:37
judazis when the nick has too many chars20:37
judazI've selected the truncate nick option and the problema "solved20:37
Tonio_judaz: hum interesting....20:38
Tonio_I hate those long nick people sometimes use.... maybe as a temporary workarround, we should consider enabling this by default....20:38
vorianvacationlogger: i need to fill out all the new paperwork to get the ball rolling20:46
* smarter just discovered that you can drag and drop the cashew O_o21:11
=== r0uzic is now known as r0uzic_ausente
=== torkiano is now known as jjardon
LureTonio_: nm works for me (wpa-psk), very nicely21:17
LureTonio_: I mentioned this to wstephanson and he was happy to hear that it works for more than him21:18
=== jjardon is now known as torkiano
Tonio_Lure: great :) I'd like to know what about wep....21:21
Tonio_Lure: I'm using WPA2-PSK without a trouble on my side too :)21:22
macoScottK: do you think its possible bug 217270 is to blame for kmail not prompting for passphrase for signing and for having to enter my ssh key passphrase in the terminal?21:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217270 in seahorse "seahorse does not recognize seahorse-agent/ssh-agent as a caching agent" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21727021:25
macoScottK: its apparently something that happens only when you've got kdepim and seahorse both installed21:26
ScottKArby: kdeplasma-addons uploaded.  Thanks for your contribution to Kubuntu.21:26
ArbyScottK: thanks for uploading21:26
ScottKmaco: What you showed me the other day was seahorse erasing the gpg.conf.21:27
* ScottK reads the bug.21:27
ArbyScottK: do you have time to look at kdesdk as well?21:27
ScottKWhat's the url?21:27
ArbyScottK; https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdesdk/ubuntu21:27
macoScottK: it seems seahorse-agent and gpg-agent sort of fight over who gets to be the agent for that session21:28
macoso maybe seahorse removes "use-agent" to keep gpg-agent out of the way. but when kde runs, seahorse-agent doesn't so it can't pick up the slack? (hypothesis)21:29
ScottKThat's a seahorse bug then.21:30
ScottKIf seahorse modifies the gnupg config, that's a seahorse bug.21:30
ScottKgnupg-agent has been part of the base install since Gutsy, so also, since Seahorse arrived in Main later, it think it's obligated not to break existing stuff.21:31
ScottKI guess the thing to test is if seahorse-agent will support kmail.21:32
ScottKIf it will, we could make it an alternate depends.21:33
macoScottK: adam says seahorse-agent no longer touches that file.21:39
macoso it could just be my 2 year old /home21:39
ScottKmaco: The comment in yours kind of disagrees with that.  Could be.21:39
macoScottK: unless the comment was added a year ago. it hasn't tried to change it back since i put "use-agent" in there though. and after a reboot, gpg-agent is running and i can sign again, so maybe it's a false alarm then21:41
ScottKIf Kmail can use seahorse-agent to support signing, I don't mind at all making it an alternate depends.21:42
ScottKI think that would cure most of the problems as gnupg-agent wouldn't get pulled in if seahorse was installed.21:43
maco well he also said kgpg doesnt provide similar functionality so it should be possible to make kmail use seahorse-agent21:44
ScottKSo if kill gnupg-agent and can sign with seahorse-agent, then we could tell...21:45
ScottKTell me it works and I'll change the package.21:45
macommm no not working21:45
macowould be nice if it did21:45
ScottKIf you're in touch with seahorse upstream, maybe you can get that fixed?21:46
macoim actually thinking that might be on the kmail end...21:46
macothough kmail might have an option for which agent to use since it has a million options anyway :P21:47
Tonio_FYI guys, kmplayer KDE4 waiting for revu on ubuntuwire !!21:49
Tonio_he kde3 version kpart for konq is broken so getting this one in would be really nice !21:50
Tonio_Riddell: you asked me to ping to for revu when ready, it is21:50
ScottKmaco: If Seahorse conflicts with gnupg-agent, then I think it should either provide the same functions or be fixed not to conflict.21:50
macowell they cant both be running at once, so they conflict in that sense21:51
macobut it seems the file-editing may have been a remnant of how long it's been since i started with an empty $HOME21:51
macoill try with a new user to check21:51
macoer...what's the kde equivalent of users-admin?21:52
Tonio_Riddell: afaics, it works decently...21:52
ScottKmaco: Tell me what that is and perhaps I can tell you?21:52
macoa gui for adduser or useradd or whatever it's called21:53
Tonio_maco: that's on our todo :)21:54
Tonio_maco: not yet in there afaik21:54
macooh ok21:54
ScottKkuser works, doesn't it?21:55
maco>< right, have to kdesu that i guess21:55
ScottKkdesudo please21:55
macoyeah kdesu not found, got it21:56
Tonio_maco: you might be interested in this : http://blog.ratonred.com/2009/01/a-new-stuff-with-the-power-of-plasma/21:56
macomeanwhile i have to remember to *not* use sudo or gksudo on users-admin because if i do the policykit goes bonkers and locks you out of it completely21:56
Tonio_maco: I'm expecting to test some pardus developments arround kde4...21:56
Tonio_maco: a kde oriented distribution that is coding interesting admin tools ;)21:59
ScottKmaco: I was able to add a user in Intrepid with Kuser just via clicking on it in the menu.22:00
ScottKI didn't need to run it from a command line.22:00
Tonio_maco: yeah, through the menu it'll use kdesudo by default22:00
ScottKThis is 4.1, of course.22:00
Tonio_ScottK: I pretty much don't understand why they don't make kuser a kcm module....22:01
Tonio_ScottK: should be imho...22:01
* ScottK neither, but I just package this stuff ...22:02
Tonio_ScottK: yup, it works, that's the point :)22:02
macoah,that assumes i acknowledge the existence of menus when i've got a terminal open :P22:02
Tonio_ScottK: I'd really prefer a simpler tool, with predefined profiles, like 'system admin', "power user" "guest", that would set the groups by default...22:03
ScottKSounds good.22:03
macosince i use irssi in terminator, its faster for me to just open a new pane (or have one open) when i'm on my irc desktop22:03
Tonio_ScottK: but pardus will make that happen when they port their comar tools22:03
macoTonio_: users-admin has that22:03
ScottKI think our default should not show the system users.22:03
macoi actually used users-admin because kuser didn't.22:03
ScottKmaco: We had that with Guidance in our KDE3 stuff.22:03
Tonio_maco: dunno about that.... is that a gnome or kde tool ?22:03
Tonio_ScottK: well not exactly as I said, but yeah, guidance was a little easier to use on that point22:04
ScottKBetter, but not ideal.22:04
Tonio_ScottK: the pardus kde3 tools were extremely good, but they were not working with kubuntu as they patched python libs a lot....22:05
Tonio_ScottK: afaik, they intend to make it more portable for kde4 :)22:05
ScottKYes, I remember looking at them in Prague.22:05
macoTonio_: users-admin is the gnome tool, and it gives "desktop user" "administrator" or "unpriveleged user" options on the main tab. there is, of course, a more advanced tab to get more fine-grained, but those setup some sensible default profiles22:05
Tonio_maco: sounds good22:05
Tonio_maco: one thing is sure, we can't expect kde to release such a tool, they always considered admin tools were the matter of distros, which makes sense....22:06
Tonio_maco: but as kde4 seems to be very attractive for lots of devs, I have no doubt it'll happen one day...22:06
ScottKTonio_: Who knows.  The same was true of a power manager for a long time too.22:20
Tonio_ScottK: true, I must say :)22:20
ghostcubehmm guys ok i dont get the trouble, that is made arround the "cashew"22:24
ghostcubeiam reading some forum posts about and if its possible to get it disabled wth is going on oO22:24
ghostcubei hope kde4 doesnt end up as an macosx oO22:28
ghostcubeu dont need it u dont get it :|22:28
ScottKghostcube: I've no idea what you are talking about.22:31
ghostcubeheh moment22:31
ghostcubeScottK, this strange thing i noticed cause a friend showed me i hate the cashew 0.2b http://forums.opensuse.org/soapbox/387720-kde-doesnt-need-certain-users.html22:32
ghostcubeits a strange diskussion22:32
ghostcubei dont really get this trouble thats made arround this damn icon oO22:34
Tonio_rgreening: hey :)22:38
rgreeningTonio_: hey22:38
Tonio_rgreening: gimme good news about PNM.... :)22:38
rgreeningTonio_: none to give22:38
ScottKghostcube: It's also half a year old.22:38
Tonio_rgreening: still no luck with WEP ?.....22:38
ghostcubeScottK, yeah is there any news about this or still this war between the coders lol22:39
rgreeningTonio_: I can't seem to make wep using hex key #1 and Open or Shared work22:39
Tonio_rgreening: well I'll have time to go wep here on wednesday, I'll give a try22:39
rgreeningTonio_: ok. It's a real bummer here. I tried cleaning all settings and no go22:39
ghostcubeScottK, only interest not really necessary if u dont know about22:39
Tonio_rgreening: oki I'll investigate....22:40
rgreeningTonio_: I wonder if it's an offset issue in reading the hex key. I notice the config file starts with wep0 for the key and not wep1.22:40
rgreeningweb keys are number 1-4 but in the confog its 0-322:41
Tonio_let me look at the svn log, this reminds me of something22:41
ScottKghostcube: Package this if you don't like it http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/I+HATE+the+Cashew?content=9100922:41
Tonio_rgreening: which svn version have you been using when testing ?22:42
ScottKHonestly I think a lot of people didn't understand the point of 4.0 and got overly upset.22:42
ghostcube:D nah i havent any probs with it lol i just get the link in cf channel a friend showed me22:42
ScottKOf course distros like Fedora shipping it as their default KDE desktop didn't help any.22:42
ScottKghostcube: I think a lot of that has calmed down now.22:43
ghostcubeScottK, this would be fine cause it seemed a bit childish or ?22:43
ScottKWe also get people here screaming we switched to 4.1 for Intrepid.22:43
ghostcubei think better talk together than code against each other22:43
ghostcubeScottK, eh ?22:44
ghostcubewhy this ?22:44
ScottKThey wanted both 3.5 and 4.122:44
ScottKBecause of MYPETBUG makes KDE4 TOTALLY UNUSABLE and BROKEN.22:44
ScottKWe didn't have enough people to do both.22:45
ScottKSuch people ought to run Hardy or switch to Lenny.22:45
Tonio_ScottK: yeah, fedora did a HUDGE mistake releasing with kde4.0.....22:45
ScottKWe've had a couple of people show up saying they were going to do it, but none have succeeded in providing production quality 3.5 packages on Intrepid.22:46
ghostcubeScottK, hmm yeah i understand this i think 4.2 is better than 4.0 or 4.1 so it will take time to get the people using kde4 as kde322:46
Tonio_ScottK: on the other side, fedora is an experimental distro made to improve RHEL....22:46
ScottKTonio_: Yes.  One reason I don't use it.22:46
Tonio_ScottK: people (like linus) should consider their distro is a kind of hudge playground...22:46
ghostcubei hate rpm distros lol22:46
ScottKNo opensuse for me for the same reason.22:46
ghostcubethats why iam used to use debian hehe22:46
rgreeningdeb superior to rpm in my experience22:47
Tonio_ScottK: but expectations like "I wan't a stable distro, and use fedora" is pure bullshit....22:47
Tonio_ScottK: even linus can be stupid at some points :)22:47
ghostcubeisnt he to gnome now as default DE ?22:47
ScottKTonio_: Users want the latest and greatest bleeding edge stuff, they want it stable and bug free, and they want it now.22:47
Tonio_ghostcube: yeah and he switched since fedora went with 4.0, which drove him nuts...22:47
rgreeningyou mean I cant have that :P haha22:48
Tonio_ScottK: yeah, but want I can understand from the lambda, I don't accept that from linus22:48
ghostcubeyeah 4.0 havent been  the best release ever22:48
Tonio_linus knows that he has a playground distro in use and expects everything is stable and well integrated... that's so stupid...22:48
ScottKghostcube: 4.0 was a very good release for what it was meant to be.  Usable desktop wasn't on the list.22:48
ghostcubeScottK, thats what i meant it was ok but not to work with for many people22:49
Tonio_ScottK: on the other hand, the release announcment of kde wasn't clear22:49
ScottKSure.  The fault goes around.22:49
Tonio_ScottK: the "for developpers and brave users !!!" statement was offline purpose...22:49
Tonio_ScottK: but seing applications releasing with this is not acceptable, of course...22:49
rgreeninganyone know how to correctly disable smoke in kdebindings? It wont build against qt4.522:50
Tonio_rgreening: --disable-smoke ?22:51
* Tonio_ runs far away....22:51
rgreeningTonio_: dunno for sure. It may be more complex.. mod the install files, etc.22:51
rgreeningTonio_: Im going to try against the latest qt snapshot released today... see if that helps.22:51
Tonio_rgreening: kdebindings is the dark side of kde I don't know.... I may not be able to help you this time...22:52
rgreeningyeah, I need apachelogger or someone.22:52
Tonio_rgreening: have you seen performances improvements with 4.5 ? I didn't test on my side...22:52
rgreeningTonio_: I haven't really given it a good test. I still have issues I am trying to iron out here22:53
rgreeningThe webkit and arora browser are nice22:53
ScottKrgreening: Patching the CMakelist.22:53
Tonio_rgreening: I can't wait to use konqueror with webkit....22:54
rgreeningScottK: yeah, and mod the install files right?22:54
rgreeningTonio_: yeah. webkit works better than khtml in my testing so far22:54
rgreeningScottK: ty. I may have to give that a go22:54
Tonio_rgreening: but appart from aurora, what about konqueror ?22:54
Tonio_is the kpart already written yet ?22:55
Tonio_rgreening: or is it in the work ?22:55
rgreeningTonio_: dont think so (but I never loked). If you could... perhaps...22:55
* Tonio_ searching for webkit-kde on the svn22:55
ghostcubeinst it webkit-qt4 ?22:55
ghostcubei only build the gtk port here so i dont know exactly heh22:56
=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve
Tonio_rgreening: seems to be maintained.... we can upgrade the package once we have 4.5 for tests....22:58
Tonio_rgreening: but the codebase looks updated according to qt4.5, which is pretty good news22:58
rgreeningTonio_: If you want to grab qt from my PPA (it snapshot from 01/29). It's a little buggy.22:59
rgreeninggtg... back in later. Food.22:59
Tonio_rgreening: well I only have one laptop and I use it at work...23:00
Tonio_rgreening: jaunty+4.2 is probably enough experimental for me :)23:00
Hobbseeso, switching to xrender helps23:56

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