
nashkHi, is there some guide on how to upgrade kde from 4.1 to 4.2?00:01
nashkgoogling ain't helping.00:01
mefisto__tbr281: right-click kmenu icon, go into the menu editor, and click the save button00:02
mefisto__nashk: kubuntu.org has instructions. see the topic in here00:02
nashkmefisto_ Thanks. Wow, digikam won't install it's saying.00:04
Sp0tKubuntutomdavidson: Seems that i just have to type the line in the server window! :-D00:04
nashk"Digikam will not install alongside these packages due to conflicting library versions.00:05
artur_Why when I try to open the Skim, nothing happens?  I really need to use this program00:05
Sp0tKubuntutomdavidson: testing again, BRB00:05
enigDows anyone knows what can cause permanent frame skipping and slowdowns in movie playback?00:06
enigusing Kaffeine and Dragon player, both with the same problem00:06
HeliodorHello there. Is it not possible to sort installed apps only in Adept??00:06
HeliodorI have nothing under "View"00:07
HeliodorNo one?00:11
Sp0tKubuntutomdavidson: Dosent want to work, i have tryed under advanced, Inleding shellcommand, but there was response, but error00:12
Sp0tKubuntutomdavidson: But thanks for trying to help! Im so tired now, my brain is cooked, so i have to sleep! Thanks again! I will look futher into it when im more up-to-date00:13
tomdavidsonSp0tKubuntu: sorry i wasnt much help00:16
mefisto__Heliodor: in the search window, those 3 icons determine what is in the list. turn off (so the icons are dimmed) all but the middle one00:16
mefisto__Heliodor: the icons where it says State:00:17
d_mitryhow can i get amarok 2 in kubuntu 8.10?00:17
HeliodorUmm.. i dont have those icons.. :-(00:17
mefisto__Heliodor: ok, maybe that's just kde 4.2   what do you have installed?00:18
DanuMr. d_mitry adding a repository00:18
Heliodormefisto__: KDE 4.200:18
JontheEchidnad_mitry: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-
d_mitryDanu: nah, should've installed amarok-kde4.00:19
d_mitryJontheEchidna: thanks.00:19
d_mitryDanu: well, yeah, but i meant after that. :P00:19
Heliodormefisto__: Re-install does not help00:20
Heliodormefisto__: Probably KDE 4.2 problem00:20
mefisto__Heliodor: this is what mine looks like in kde 4.2  http://img301.imageshack.us/my.php?image=adeptpj1.png00:21
cxowhats the control center thing called now?00:22
cxothey dropped the k, very naughty00:23
Heliodormefisto__: What the!00:23
Heliodormefisto__: Mine says "browse" instead of "search" and i have none of the alternatives00:24
Heliodormefisto__: What version is your adept?00:24
JontheEchidnaHeliodor: you probably launched Adept Installer00:24
JontheEchidnaGo to KMenu -> System -> Adept Package Manager00:25
HeliodorJontheEchidna: I dont have that in the menu00:25
mefisto__Heliodor: in help, about adept, mine says Version 3.0 Beta 4 (Sheldon)00:25
JontheEchidnaHeliodor: then just press alt + f2 and type adept00:26
HeliodorJontheEchidna: How do i get it into the menu?00:26
JontheEchidnaare you using kickoff or the classic menu?00:26
* JontheEchidna recalls that the description comes first in kickoff00:26
HeliodorI just added one manually00:27
HeliodorThanks for all the help00:27
JontheEchidnaYou're welcome00:27
HeliodorTo bad i cant sort installed apps in adept-installer though00:27
mefisto__is kickoff the name of the alt-F2 app?00:27
adbenhello, what is the full, deep and safest way to erase all the user settings of kde, not just rm -rfv ~/.kde00:28
Heliodorkickoff is the menu i think00:28
JontheEchidnamefisto__: nope, alt + f2 is krunner00:28
Heliodormy krunner crashed 3 times today00:29
HeliodorAnd hang 2 times00:29
renatoHello everyone, does anyone know how can i make the open programs tabs show only in the desktop where they've been opened, and not on every desktop; this used to be a check box in kde3.x, can't find it in Kde4; thanks in advance00:29
mefisto__Heliodor: I'm using lancelot (from the widgets list)00:29
Heliodormefisto__: Does it also have keyboard shortcuts?00:30
mefisto__Heliodor: shortcuts for the apps in the menu?00:31
JontheEchidnarenato: right click on an empty space in the task manager and select Task Manager Settings00:32
Heliodormefisto__: No, for launching the menu.00:32
Heliodormefisto__: Like krunner00:32
renatoawesome, thanks @ JontheEchidna00:32
mefisto__Heliodor: it does, but it didn't work for me. but I found somewhere else to set it as alt+F1 (can't remember where)00:33
Heliodormefisto__: Yes, i just noticed that it didnt work :)00:34
nashkHi, trying to update my kernel to 2.6.27-11. Whenever I do that, It stays on -9. Uname keeps returning 2.6.27-9-generic00:34
renatoKrunner's awesome; I'm particulary fond of the calculator00:34
mefisto__Heliodor: systemsettings > keyboard & mouse > global keyboard shortcuts. KDE component: lancelot00:35
renatothe unit converter falls a bit short, but a nice feature nonetheless00:36
Heliodormefisto__: Aah! Thanks!!00:36
mefisto__krunner is pretty much the old kde3 one plus katapult functions00:37
Heliodormefisto__: yes, quite limited. lancelot seem much more mature00:39
renatoit's interesting though, that if you issue a command preceded by sudo, nothing will happen because it doesn't prompt for your root password (it'd be a nice feature to add, although you're probably better off opening a terminal and that's it)00:39
JontheEchidnarenato: kdesudo should really be used for GUI apps, and it has a gui password dialog00:40
mefisto__Heliodor: oh no I mean krunner (the alt+F2 one not the menu) has absorbed a lot of katapult's functions00:40
renatono wonder, heheh00:40
renatoI used to try with kdesu and nothing happened00:41
renatoI see my mistake00:41
Heliodormefisto__: Yes, i noticed, but i like lancelot better as a launcher00:41
* mefisto__ notices lancelot's search does what krunner does, that is, finds apps, as well as bookmarks, calc functions etc. 00:44
JontheEchidnamefisto__: that's because lancelot uses krunner :)00:45
mefisto__JontheEchidna: that's what I assumed. same behaviour00:45
HeliodorJontheEchidna: It does? But my krunner is dead.00:45
JontheEchidnawell, it uses the same runners that krunner does00:46
JontheEchidnasame backend, different way of displaying it00:46
HeliodorAh, then krunner frontend is very unstable00:46
Sp0tKubuntuI need a bot for my irc-channel on Quakenet, therefore i need some nice happy people to join an stay until the bot arrives on the channel! You have to idle for some time, but when you see Q on the channel, then you have accomplished to help me build my own channel! The channels name is #Spotten, and the server to connect is irc.quakenet.org port 6667! Thanks!! Have any questions, PM me!00:48
HeliodorI dont like spammers.00:50
Sp0tKubuntuWho is spamming?00:51
HeliodorIt has nothing to do with kubuntu.00:51
Sp0tKubuntuYou dont know what spam is then00:51
HeliodorYou are not keeping to the topic.00:51
HeliodorThen = spam00:51
Sp0tKubuntuI ask for help, is that a problem?00:51
Sp0tKubuntuI cant see anything about is not allowed to ask other questions than kubuntu, sorry00:52
HeliodorYou could ask in #ubuntu-social instead, it would be more fitting.00:52
Sp0tKubuntuIm new in the place, sorry00:52
Sp0tKubuntuDidtn knew there was a chan for that :-)00:52
Sp0tKubuntuBut thanks, that was actually helpfull :-)00:53
carpii_anyone using kamil with multiple identites, and had 'unknown transport protocol' error? Its driving me insane because I cant send mail from one identity.00:53
Sp0tKubuntuDelete it00:54
Sp0tKubuntuI had same problem today, over and over, then i use Thunderbird, and it just works00:54
Sp0tKubuntuTry that and then tell me if it helps00:55
HeliodorSp0tKubuntu: No problem, help is what this channel is made for ;)00:55
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elkbuntuSp0tKubuntu, please stop that spiel. i dont want to see it again, ever.01:00
Sp0tKubuntuelkbuntu: Didnt understand?? Spiel?01:01
elkbuntuSp0tKubuntu, your advertisement01:01
elkbuntuthe unsolicited one.01:01
Sp0tKubuntuelkbuntu: I have said sorry!01:02
Heliodorthe evil one. ;)01:02
HeliodorSorry, couldnt resist01:02
=== Guest67953 is now known as senorpedro
Sp0tKubuntuAfraid of compation?01:02
=== nick is now known as N1Ka
Sp0tKubuntuLoosing users to bettet networks/chans? People use the chans thay like, so i dont se the problem01:02
HeliodorSp0tKubuntu: Please, just follow the rules.01:03
Sp0tKubuntuBut i know, IRC is for peope with needs to feel thay have power! :-P01:03
rindolphusthat's just asking for trouble though Sp0tKubuntu01:03
Sp0tKubuntuI will, just telling what i think about it, rules for that to??01:04
HeliodorI see a kick or ban comin someones way very soon.01:04
p_quarlesplease, sooner rather than later, kick him01:04
Sp0tKubuntuPlease relax, what have i done?01:04
p_quarlesthis is way off-topic, and shouldn't continue after the multiple polite requests01:04
Heliodorthe lynch mob is getting thirsty ;)01:04
Sp0tKubuntuHave i violated the rules sevoral times?01:04
rindolphusthey are not officers who'll get a warrant first and then read you your rights, they are just gonna kick your butt out01:04
HeliodorEveryone should stop feeding the troll i think...01:05
Sp0tKubuntuThe power sick people with reallife problems!01:05
p_quarlesHeliodor: +101:05
Sp0tKubuntuBut i will just go install windows then :-D01:05
HeliodorYou do that.01:06
Sp0tKubuntuHave someone thought about im maybe new in here? Give people a chance! Or is the chance that im not banned for the advertisement?01:07
Sp0tKubuntuReally dont understand peoples attitude on IRC01:07
HeliodorSp0tKubuntu: rtfm.01:08
p_quarlesSp0tKubuntu: you continue to be off-topic; this is a support channel, not a chat chanel; you're best bet is to be silent from here on01:08
Sp0tKubuntu<- Mute! Happy now?01:09
rindolphussecond that motion01:09
Sp0tKubuntuWell, now i have a KUBUNTU related question! Why is the battery indicator so lousy in Kubuntu?01:10
Sp0tKubuntuIt dosent seem to work at all sometimes01:11
HeliodorSp0tKubuntu: checked the bug reports?01:11
fix_how to install flash player on ubuntu7.0401:11
Heliodorfix_: Ask in #ubuntu01:11
Sp0tKubuntudownloads install-flash-player01:12
Sp0tKubuntuFrom packetmanager pherhaps01:12
Sp0tKubuntuThen you ask a kubuntu related question, and nothing happens! But when you NOT ask kubuntu related questions, then happens alot! :-D01:15
HeliodorEveryone has the right to be lazy :-P01:15
HeliodorAnd this is kubuntu channel, not ubuntu.01:15
adbenhi, somebody could helpme with this? http://pastebin.com/m6e4c336301:16
HeliodorAlso, i dont know much about 7.0.401:16
Heliodoradben: Itś a crash?01:16
beachsurfincan someone please help me get flash to work in konqueror?01:16
adbenHeliodor: yeah... it dont let me login kde01:17
adbenmore info http://pastebin.com/m1bb637d01:17
Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin: Download flash with you packetmanager01:17
Heliodorbeachsurfin: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox01:18
beachsurfinSp0tKubuntu: i'm guessing you meant package manager01:18
beachsurfinHelio i need it for konqueror01:18
beachsurfinSp0tKubuntu: konqueror-nsplugins and flashplugin-nonfree are already installed01:19
adbenit happens in kde 4.2 (kubuntu)i do everything , rm -rfv .kde , reinstall 4.1 , but creating another user and login with this works, so, i need something like a zero conf user01:19
Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin: Hmm, it didnt work for me eighter, then i installed Firefox, then i works01:20
adbennot just "rm -rfv .kde",01:20
beachsurfini've already scanned for plugins, and it supposedly recognizes libflashplayer.so01:20
beachsurfinSp0tKubuntu: i have firefox01:20
Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin: Dosent work there eighter?01:20
beachsurfini've been using it but am considering a switch to konqueror if i can squash these tiny problems01:20
adbensome ideas?01:20
beachsurfinSp0tKubuntu: it works just fine there01:20
Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin: Same problem i had, think its a Konquer problem01:21
Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin: I just use FIrefox, then i works :-)01:21
beachsurfinSp0tKubuntu: i think it's a flash problem01:21
beachsurfingrr, i don't like flash01:21
beachsurfini want to use konq :)01:22
Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin: Maybe som conflicts01:22
Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin: Like some pages in IE not can be shown in Firefox in Windows platform01:22
Sp0tKubuntuBut thats another issue, Windows! *LOL*01:23
p_quarlesbeachsurfin: Konqueror has long had trouble with the Flash plugin; the newest version in 4.2 final made a pretty big stride forward, though01:23
p_quarlesbeachsurfin: if you're comfortable running the latest from a PPA, I'd recommend you do that01:23
beachsurfinp_quarles: i'm using 4.2 :P01:23
p_quarlesbeachsurfin: well, it also depends on your video card; do you mean you haven't got it working at all?01:23
beachsurfinnot on konqueror01:24
beachsurfinit works on firefox01:24
p_quarlesbeachsurfin: right, but "not working" can mean a lot of things, actually01:24
p_quarlesdoes it not load, or is just crashy?01:24
Sp0tKubuntuKmail and Konquer s0x01:24
ubuntu_Boa noite!01:24
ubuntu_alguem portugues por aqui???01:24
p_quarles!br | ubuntu_01:24
ubottuubuntu_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:24
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Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin: At me, in konquer, the pages was extremely tight, i couldnt see the page proberly01:25
beachsurfini can right click on a video in youtube and there's a flash menu... but the video isn't playing01:26
beachsurfinno sound01:26
Sp0tKubuntuLike all the problems i had in KMail, thay are not present in Thinderbird01:26
p_quarlesubuntu_: /join #ubuntu-pt01:27
p_quarlesSp0tKubuntu: please stop trolling; that is neither on-topic nor helpful01:27
Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin:  same in FF?01:27
beachsurfinSp0tKubuntu: no, works fine in ff01:27
Sp0tKubuntup_quarles: trolling means?01:27
beachsurfinin vimeo, i don't even get a flash menu when i right click where the video is supposed to be01:28
Sp0tKubuntubeachsurfin: ok, strange, seem like problems between konquer and flash01:28
p_quarlesbeachsurfin: what video card? what sound device?01:28
mefisto__beachsurfin: my konquerer (in kde 4.2) settings > plugins > plugins tab is using /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so  and it works fine01:29
beachsurfinp_quarles: what's the command for this?... i forget..01:29
beachsurfinthe graphics card is nvidia GeForce4 MX 440 64mb ...01:30
beachsurfinbut i forget the command to get this info01:30
p_quarlesbeachsurfin: well, there's lspci or lshw, but you can also go into systemsettings and retrieve the info there01:30
beachsurfin512mbram, VIA 82xx Audio01:30
p_quarlesbeachsurfin: that has the added bonus of informing you whether or not you're currently using pulseaudio01:30
Sp0tKubuntup_quarles: Hallo? What does trolling means? Itś a little hard to now what i did wrong when you dont answer me! :-)01:30
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel01:31
Sp0tKubuntuAhh! Smart :-)01:32
p_quarlesthere you go01:32
beachsurfindon't feed the troll!!! :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet)01:32
Sp0tKubuntuim new, give me a break :-)01:32
rindolphusyou said that already01:32
rindolphusbreak's over01:32
Sp0tKubunturindolphus: Do you want me to leave? Or give me a chance for learning the rules?01:33
n_i need help installing flash palyer for konquerer :) i donwloaded *.deb and execued it getting: ./install_flash_player_10_linux.deb: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'01:34
beachsurfinn_ welcome to the club01:34
Dr_willisfile could be currupted..01:34
Dr_willisand you DONT run .debs01:35
p_quarlesn_: sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb01:35
mefisto__beachsurfin: do you have firefox installed?01:35
beachsurfinmefisto__: yes01:35
Sp0tKubuntuJust say the magic word and i will leave, actually, i tried to help him with his problem with konquer, but sorry for "trolling" = hearding your feeling! CHRIST!01:35
n_ok i try01:35
Dr_willisthe kubuntu-restricted-extras package - installs   flash and more.. You really could try that first01:35
beachsurfinDr_willis: i already have that01:36
beachsurfin(if you were talking to me)01:36
p_quarlesbeachsurfin: yeah, you definitely have flash installed, it's just not working01:36
Dr_willisThen you shoud have flash installed.01:36
n_ok flashplayer is still not working ... any ideas?01:36
Dr_willisdepends on how its not working01:36
Dr_willisIts getting sad that flash is still a top 10 problem in linux ;()01:37
n_when i go on youtube just nothing apears :)01:37
Dr_willisin what browser?01:37
n_as i told befor01:37
Dr_willisTry firefox01:37
n_no firefox sucks :(01:37
beachsurfinamen to that home-fry!01:37
n_i want it to run at konquerer01:37
Dr_willisguess ya dont trouble shoot the problem then.. good luck01:37
p_quarlesthen Opera :)01:37
mefisto__in konqueror settings, plugins, plugins tab, is any .so plugin listed?01:37
Dr_willisIve had flash work in Firefox and Opera and not konqueror on some sites.01:38
n_mefistoi'll look mom01:38
Dr_willisthen on one weird site.. Opera worked but not the other 201:38
beachsurfinargh, the memory leaks from firefox..it runs at a constant 64mb typically as opposed to the 30mb w/ konq01:38
p_quarlesDr_willis: the current version has been a huge improvement on my system, though; I can finally use Konqueror for just about everything01:38
Dr_willisp_quarles,  thats good to hear. But im sticking with firefox for the foreseeable future.01:39
Dr_willisOpera is getting on my nerves lately :)01:39
n_mefisto there's "netscape plugins" thats what u want? i dont see anything with "flash"01:40
mefisto__n_: you don't have firefox installed though01:41
p_quarlesn_: there should be a button that says "search for plugins" or something01:41
n_yeah there is.01:41
n_i have firefox installed atm01:41
mefisto__my konqueror is using /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so  and it works fine01:41
mefisto__is /usr/lib/firefox/plugins in the list of folders above that?01:42
n_ok nice i just had to "scan for plugin again01:42
ncfi1013i have been trying to install ies4 linux so i can use ie through wine so i can do my taxes but having no luck. can you help me?01:43
fix_kubuntu 7.04 how to install flash player?01:43
p_quarlesfix_: kubuntu 7.04 is out of date and no longer supported01:43
beachsurfinhmm... i'll install konqueror-plugin-gnash and see where this goes01:44
p_quarlesncfi1013: what part of it doesn't work?01:44
n_how can i start konquerer with the shell?01:47
p_quarleskonqueror --profile webbrowsing01:48
p_quarlesor whichever profile you like01:48
n_ah nice :)01:48
ncfi1013p_quaries: the part where i'm told to install the current wine software, which i do through the terminal, and then i'm told that i can't install ies4linux because i don't have the current version of wine, which i also updated through synaptic pkg mgr.01:49
p_quarlesncfi1013: yes, I noticed that too, but that's because the script itself is quite old (one of the options is to install MSIE 7 Beta), but that doesn't abort the install01:50
Dr_willisinstall the winehq version of wine. perhaps - the one in the normal repos is too old.01:50
p_quarlesDr_willis: no it's not01:50
Dr_willisScrit cant handle the newer versions? :)01:51
p_quarlesncfi1013: try running the script via the command line: ./ies4linux --no-gui01:51
p_quarlesDr_willis: correct; the script is way older than the current version of Wine in intrepid01:52
mefisto__just curious, how does IE relate to "doing taxes"?01:53
p_quarlesmefisto__: a popular US online tax service uses ActiveX controls, unfortunately01:53
ncfi1013is there something i'm not doing right because i am getting "no such file or directory"01:54
p_quarlesncfi1013: well, you have to cd into the directory first01:54
mefisto__p_quarles: isn't that dangerously insecure, esp considering the sensitive nature of the information?01:54
* Dr_willis would think so01:54
p_quarlesif they get their site compromised, sure, but then that's true of any senstive site01:55
ncfi1013i have the user agent switcher installed. can some one tell me how to use that01:55
p_quarlesActiveX is dangerous for untrusted sites, not simply "dangerous all the time under all circumstances"01:55
p_quarlesncfi1013: that won't work for your purposes01:55
ncfi1013p_quaries: ok i type this: cd ./ies4linux --no-gui?01:56
p_quarlesncfi1013: no, you have to be in the correct directory01:57
p_quarlesncfi1013: where did you unpack the file?01:57
ncfi1013my home folder01:58
Dr_willislook and see what dirs/files it made. :)02:00
jimmy51_homehello, any time i use a combination of the kernel + nvidia drivers other than 2.6.27-7-generic and  177.80 I get glx seg faults and a flickering screen.  what's up with that?02:04
p_quarlesncfi1013: so try cd ~/ies4linux- and then run the command I gave you earlier02:04
ncfi1013i'm not as experienced as you guys. i'm going to need step by step instructions02:06
p_quarlesncfi1013: that's what I'm doing02:06
ncfi1013ok thanks. i have the .tgz file in my home folder. the file with that little box with the letters tgz on it.02:08
Dr_willisncfi1013,  you DID uncompress the archive?02:08
=== tweak is now known as TweakedEh
TweakedEhHey, I just bought a Philips PC controller. I can't seem to find any linux drivers for it. Any Ideas?02:11
p_quarlesncfi1013: tar -zxf iess4linux-latest.tar.gz02:11
p_quarlesncfi1013: then type: cd ies4linux-
p_quarlesncfi1013: and then ./ies4linux --no-gui02:12
rindolphuswhat is KDE programmed on?02:12
p_quarlesoops, an extra s in the 1st command I gave you; I trust you can correct that02:12
p_quarlesrindolphus: C++ and Qt02:12
rindolphusthanks p_quarles02:13
ncfi1013i don't know what i'm doing wrong because i still am getting no such file or directory02:14
Dr_willisTime to learn shell basics?02:14
Dr_willis use 'ls' and see what dirs are there?02:15
p_quarles!paste | ncfi101302:15
ubottuncfi1013: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:15
p_quarlesncfi1013: type the command that Dr_willis gave you, and post the results in the service ubottu mentions02:15
* Dr_willis thinks the *buntu disrtos should have some links/bookmarks to shell basics and other 'tutorials' :) 02:16
Dr_willisand open them up.. so people can read them .. as ubuntu installs..02:16
n_i have some questions to pidgin: how can i disable new msg to autopopup?02:17
n_btw is there a shortcut to open konqueror? :)02:18
p_quarlesn_: ask in #ubuntu; pidgin isn't part of kubuntu02:18
p_quarlesand you can make shortcuts wherever you like; not sure I understand the question02:19
n_i just want to know if tehre is any default shortcut02:19
ncfi1013i went to pastebin and did that now the next page is 'index of file'. what do i do now?02:19
p_quarlesgive us the link, ncfi101302:20
p_quarlesn_: no, but you can put one on the panel, on the desktop, in a folder, anywhere you like02:20
ncfi1013is this what you are talking about?: file:///var/tmp/kdecache-ncfi1013/krun/14067.0.02:21
p_quarlesyou need to paste the output of the ls command to the web site that ubotto gave you02:21
n_p_quarles indeed sry i was thinking about shortkey :)02:21
p_quarlesn_: well, krunner will pill it up pretty quickly02:22
p_quarlesn_: alt-F202:23
mefisto__maybe ncfi1013 installing pastebinit will simplify things?02:24
ncfi1013p_quaries: it didn't give a website link, it just went to index of file:///02:25
p_quarlesncfi1013: that doesn't make any sense02:25
n_q_puarles but nothing like "ctrl-k" ? i got katapult to launch apps but i stell need to type the beginings..02:25
p_quarlesncfi1013: it's simple: you go to the website that ubottu gave you, paste the output of the command, hit "send" and give us the link to the page that comes up afterwards02:25
mefisto__sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cd ~ && ls | pastebinit02:27
p_quarlesn_: afaik, there's not a way to do that with kwin itself; additional hotkeys type programs could probably rig that up, though02:28
mefisto__then give us the last line that starts with http://pastebin.com/ followed by some text/numbers02:28
ncfi1013p_quaries: ok here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112317/02:30
etfbDoes anyone know why Konversation always starts up minimized?  I have the checkbox (Settings | Configure Konversation | Behaviour | General | Hide window on startup) unchecked, so it shouldn't.02:30
ncfi1013sorry for the trouble and sorry it took so long02:31
p_quarlesncfi1013: no, we need the output from the command "ls"02:31
etfbAlso, in KDE 4.1 and 4.2, on my laptop, I can't edit the power usage policy.  The dialog doesn't open when I right-click the battery icon and select Restore.  Anyone else getting that?02:31
ncfi1013p_quaries: ok, i hope this is the right one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112318/02:33
p_quarlesncfi1013: type the following: cd ~ && ls -la02:34
p_quarlesncfi1013: then put the *whole thing* including the command prompts before and after command, into pastebin02:34
etfbDamn.  All the bug reports about Konversation say that they want it to start minimized and it doesn't.  Looks like they don't believe in regression testing their new features...02:36
ncfi1013p_quaries: here is the whole thing. i just put the whole thing even stuff that has nothing to do with what we are doing. what you are wanting to know is on lines 90-93. so heres the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112321/02:40
nashkHi I just upgraded to kde 402:40
nashkmy plasmoids are not working02:40
nashkanyway to remove them?02:40
nashkI tried deleteing .kde, but they keep comig back as zombies02:40
mefisto__ncfi1013: hey Chopper!02:40
ncfi1013mefisto: yeah great movie02:41
p_quarlesncfi1013: okay, now type: cd ies4linux-
n_p_quarles op np thx so far02:42
ncfi1013ok i believe i'm inside it if i see the dollar sign02:43
p_quarlesncfi1013: now run "ls -l" in that directory and pastebin the results02:44
ncfi1013ok p_quaries heres that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112325/02:48
p_quarlesncfi1013: okay, now run the script by typing: "ies4linux --no-gui"02:48
p_quarlesncfi1013: and go ahead and paste the output of that, as well02:49
mefisto__shouldn't that be ./ies4linux ?02:49
p_quarlesmefisto__: yes :|02:49
p_quarlesncfi1013: ./ies4linux --no-gui02:49
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n_hi, is there a way to add new search engines to konqueror?02:55
ncfi1013ok p_quaries here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112327/02:55
p_quarlesncfi1013: looks like the install was successful; the launcher should be in ~/Desktop now02:56
ncfi1013p_quaries: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112328/02:58
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p_quarlesncfi1013: well, yeah, ~/Desktop is a location, not a command02:59
p_quarlesncfi1013: here's a command: dolphin ~/Desktop03:00
p_quarlesthe launcher should be in that folder, and clicking on it will run it03:00
mefisto__n_: yes. in konqueror settings, web shortcuts there should be a list of them you can enable, or add your own03:01
ncfi1013p_quaries: only 2 folders and no launcher03:01
n_mefisto__ what info is needed to add a own?03:02
ncfi1013p_quaries maybe in the home folder itself03:02
p_quarlesncfi1013: okay, let's try another way: type: cd ~/.ies4linux/bin03:03
mefisto__n_: take the url from a web search and replace the search term with \{@}03:03
p_quarlesncfi1013: and then type: ./ie603:03
carpii_anyone using kamil with multiple identites, and had 'unknown transport protocol' error? Its driving me insane because I cant send mail from one identity.03:04
asobiis there a way for amarok to determine total play time of the entire collection without having to drag the entire collection into playlist?03:04
ncfi1013p_quaries no such file or directory03:05
p_quarlesncfi1013: okay, then I guess the script failed; try #wine03:05
mefisto__n_: eg in google searching for "foo" the url will be something like http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=foo03:06
mefisto__n_: so you would use  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=\{@}03:06
ncfi1013p_quaries should i get of this folder: ~/ies4linux-
ncfi1013then type cd ~/.ies4linux/bin?03:07
Guest70564Disculpen........alguien habla español???............necesito cierta orientación, ya que estoy cambiandome de la porqueria de windows a Ubuntu.......y algunas cosas no entiendo.....si alguien puede ayudarme03:08
p_quarlesncfi1013: no, the command I gave you used an absolute path03:09
p_quarles!es | Guest7056403:09
ubottuGuest70564: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:09
n_mefisto__ i think i understood already- i'm actualy testing :)03:09
Guest70564thanks bye03:10
n_ok workes nice thx :)03:10
rindolphusis it okay to answer in another language if anyone asks, like the guy that just left, or do you absolutely have to redirect them to their official channel?03:12
p_quarlesrindolphus: it gets really messy really fast if we have multiple languages conversing at the same time03:12
faydrisssi` .... i mean oui`03:13
mefisto__rindolphus: you could answer privately I suppose03:13
p_quarlesyeah, that's true; there's always /query /msg03:14
rindolphusI guess so, p_quarles & mefisto__ , just wondering03:15
rindolphusquery by sample :P03:16
ncfi1013p_quaries, when you told me to go over the wine channel: [01-31-2009 9:17 pm] [Error] #wine: No such nick/channel.03:17
rindolphustry #winehq03:18
p_quarleswell, #wine actually redirects to #winehq, so I'm guessing someone entered a command incorrectly03:20
rindolphusp_quarles: yeah, but I get an "invite only channel" message when trying to connect to #wine ; hence the #winehq03:22
rindolphuswho knows03:22
Rioting_pacifisthow do i record sound from my microphone?03:23
rindolphusRioting_pacifist: I recommend audacity03:25
n_is there a shortkey for "last" and for "nextpage" in konqueror?03:26
rindolphussudo apt-get install audacity03:27
rindolphusyour welcome03:27
unniHi. I have a problem when I tried to upgrade to KDE 4.2. I think I messed up some where.03:28
unniAs mentioned in http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2, I added the PPA repository and gave sudo apt-get update.03:29
unniWhen I give sudo apt-get upgrad, I get some dependency error.03:29
unniIt gives quite a few dependancy errors. I am pasting here the first few lines.03:30
unniakonadi-kde: Depends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.1.96) but 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 is installed03:31
unni               Depends: kdelibs5 (>= 4:4.1.96) but 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid4 is installed03:31
unni  dolphin: Depends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.1.96) but 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 is installed03:31
unni           Depends: kdelibs5 (>= 4:4.1.96) but 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid4 is installed03:31
unni  kate: Depends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.1.96) but 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 is installed03:31
unni        Depends: kdelibs5 (>= 4:4.1.96) but 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid4 is installed03:31
p_quarles!paste | uni03:31
ubottuuni: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:31
unni        Depends: libplasma3 but it is not installable03:31
unniSorry. Thanks. I will do that.03:31
unniHi. I have pasted the output when I try to run sudo apt-get upgrade (for installing KDE 4.2 from the PPA repository) here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112332/03:36
p_quarlesunni: did you run sudo apt-get -f install ?03:38
unniI think this problem might have occured because I haven't upgraded my Kubuntu 8.10 during the last one month. Now since I am trying to go directly to KDE 4.2, it may be giving th error.03:38
unniNo. Shall I try? I didn't want to do it since I was afraid I would mess up even further.03:39
p_quarlesunni: yes, do that03:43
unnip_quarles: OK03:44
ahmoshi , i get that when i try openning an mp3 file,any help please?03:51
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walbertahmos: you get what?03:52
ahmossorry ,The xine-engine claims it cannot play MP3 files03:55
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ahmoswalbert !03:55
Sp0tKubuntuCan someone tell me if there is a fix for the bug in battery indication in Kubuntu03:56
p_quarlesahmos: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras03:57
ahmosi have reinstalled libxine and it is working now !!!!!!!!!!03:58
walbertfantastic,  I was going to suggest making sure libxine-ffmpeg is installed03:58
p_quarlesSp0tKubuntu: what bug do you mean? do you have a launchpad reference?03:59
Sp0tKubuntup_quarles: launchpad reference? Dont know what it is! The problem is that my batteryindicator is not working, almost! Sometimes, when im a little lucky, it works04:02
Digital_PioneerIs 4.2 available for Intrepid?04:02
Digital_Pioneer*KDE 4.2 that is.04:02
Digital_PioneerI downloaded Jaunty alpha 3, but the nvidia driver and Xorg don't get along.04:03
n_is it hard to share a folder for windows on linux? (the other way around works)04:03
Digital_Pioneernv doesn't support my card at all, and nouveau didn't work either.04:03
Digital_PioneerVesa can't do any better than 800x600 which sucks, so I can't use X, and I can't downgrade the Xserver.04:03
Sp0tKubuntup_quarles: Dosent think i have a launcpad reference, the was no crash, it just dont work, only 1% of all time, maybe04:03
Digital_Pioneer(By any means I can detect)04:03
Digital_PioneerSo I'm wondering if I could just use Intrepid with KDE 4.2 instead.04:04
PSiL0does anyone find that dolphin in 4.2 still runs sluggish in directories with a large number of files04:05
Digital_Pioneern_: Not too bad.04:07
Digital_Pioneern_: Of course, windoze is stupid and if you're talking vista, it could be a nightmare; but it's not usually too hard.04:07
n_Digital_Pioneer its vista indeed :D is there a tutorial? :)04:08
Digital_Pioneern_: Probably somewhere. Look for Samba.04:08
n_ok thy04:09
Digital_Pioneern_: In dolphin, you should be able to type smb:/ in the address bar and find some stuff, maybe.04:09
Digital_Pioneern_: But beware, if vista realizes it's talking to Linux, it'll fight you for all its worth. Until then, it'll just refuse to cooperate one way or the other. :P04:10
n_it works to access windows with my konqueror :) but i cant access linux folders.. that would be cool too ;)04:10
p_quarlesSp0tKubuntu: well, if it's a bug, the developers need to know about it before anything else, so you should file a report at launchpad if someone else hasn't already04:11
n_well ill search a solution these days :)04:13
Sp0tKubuntup_quarles: How and where do i do that? Something there is already in my system? A program i have to start and fillout a report, or?04:14
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p_quarlesSp0tKubuntu: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu04:17
jimmy51_homedoes KDE 4 favor nvidia or ati?04:19
PSiL0dolphin, in 4.2, almost complete freezes with directories with a large amount of pics.. KDE bug reports state that the devs fixed this bug in 4.204:20
Sefram__Does anyone know how i would install Kubuntu 8.10 on nVidia nForce chipset?04:29
mefisto__PSiL0: large amount of previews? does it happen if you turn off previews?04:33
Sefram__when i install the 32 bit version network doesnt work. Any Ideas?04:34
adbensefram:more info04:35
unnip_quarles: About the KDE 4.2 installation dependency problem, I tried the command as you mentioned. It worked very well. I am in KDE 4.2 now. Thanks very much. You just saved me from a complete reinstallation.04:38
Sefram__adben: i installed the 32 bit version of Kubuntu 8.10 and the network of the nVidia nForce chipset doesnt work. no errors on dmesg and Network Manager claims to work although network is unreachable04:39
PSiL0mefisto_: I mistyped by problem, it is dolphin viewing files from list view04:39
p_quarlesunni: glad it worked; btw, the -f option just means "fix"04:39
Sefram__adben: it worked after an reboot from winXP in the installer as if the chipset was preconfigured from the windows driver.04:40
unnip_quarles: Oh! I thought -f means force.04:41
unnip_quarles: Thats why I hesitated to use it.04:42
p_quarlesunni: no, that's --force-yes, and you'd be correct to be hesitant about that one04:42
Sefram__does anybody know if nvidia nforce MCP55 chipset is known to work with Kubuntu 8.10?04:42
unnip_quarles: Bye for now :) Thanks again.04:44
dewmanis there any gui for python that I can install? I know the command line is there but I was looking for a good gui tool if possible04:49
PSiL0p_quarles: from "man apt-get | grep fix-broken" -> -f, --fix-broken04:51
PSiL0p_quarles: whoops, my bad... it was unni who was confused ;p04:53
Sefram__where would i find error logs for network?04:57
jeremiecan u tell me what is that program plz04:58
mefisto__jeremie: what program?05:02
oresthi guys05:10
oresti have a question, does exists any  program in the default package configuration of kubuntu that records sounds from the soundboard?05:11
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mefisto__orest: what do you mean by "default package configuration"? preinstalled?05:13
oresti mean05:16
orestthe preinstalled05:16
orestaniway, mefisto, do u know any program that does that for linux?05:17
mefisto__orest: there are many. you can search in adept05:17
orestwhat's adept?05:17
mefisto__orest: what kind of recording are you doing?05:17
ubottuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto05:18
orestrecording from a mozilla firefox web browswe05:18
orest(recording sound)05:18
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mefisto__orest: what is making the sound?05:20
oresti think it's java05:21
orestit's a streaming radio, but with an incorporated player05:21
oresti nk built in java05:21
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bizkithey is there a gmail friendly app?05:22
madraykinI have a feeeling my harddrive is running incredibly slowly on linux. Could anyone possibly help me out to test and if it is fix it?05:24
bizkithey can i get some help with installing a webcam driver?05:25
bizkitim trying to install the driver thats supposed to make my webcam work05:25
Dr_willisbizkit,   we can try.. but no guarenttes with that stuff. :)05:26
mefisto__orest: what you want to do really depends on your soundcard more than the program05:26
Dr_willis#1 - install build-essentials05:26
Dr_willis!find build-essential05:26
ubottuFound: build-essential05:26
bizkitill post the error i keep getting05:26
bizkiti know it may not work05:26
mefisto__orest: you need soundcard inputs to capture the soundcard outputs, and record in an audio program (like audacity for example)05:26
bizkitive tired a hundred diffrent things, but at least im learning more about how linux works :D05:27
bizkitohh and here are the directions05:28
gizmobayI'm using KDE 4.2. When I add a widget and go to config, it crashes plasma. Like comics, weather, file watcher. Am I missing something?05:28
gizmobayI have an old video card GeForce 205:28
gizmobayCould that be the problem?05:28
bizkitgizmobay, i dont think so, im using an gforce mx 44005:29
bizkitand im not having any issues05:29
bizkitany ideas to whats wrong?05:31
bizkitbtw, my cam used to work out of the box during 7.10.... why isnt it working now, ive been reading somthing about the programers behind the kernal not supporting logitech....05:32
gizmobayhmm, same card I'm using mx40005:32
jeremie ...05:33
gizmobayWonder why mine crashes05:35
bizkitgizmobay, did you enable the drivers?05:36
gizmobaywhich drivers need to be enabled? Need to do this in the frontend?05:38
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bizkitgizmobay, the nvidia drivers05:38
bizkityou can do so by going to applications>system>hardware drivers05:39
asuremy apt-get can't update05:39
bizkitgizmobay, proprietary drivers are not supported out of the box.05:39
gizmobaywhen i did the upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 I booted up using default xorg.conf and then it came up with a message saying I needed to add the nvidia drivers so I did05:39
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gizmobayhmm, if I lock the widgets before I configure then it doesn't crash plasma05:50
nashkI tried installing digikam in kde4, it took out my plasmoid packages. Any idea why this is happening?05:50
userxtry kde4.205:51
userxis even worst than 4.105:51
Dr_willisreinstall the plasmiod package?05:51
userxkde4 is like vista05:51
userxpure crap05:51
userxi will install 8.04 again05:52
userxrun just fine05:52
gizmobaynashk, the version of digikam in the repo doesn't work with KDE 4.2 and with the plasmoid packages05:52
gizmobaynashk, you need to install the latest rev from the experimental packages05:53
nashkgizmobay: thanks. Is there a package that does wor?05:53
gizmobayyes, 0.10 beta05:53
nashkoh ok. Should I add repo to adept? or I'll have to compile?05:53
gizmobayyou can add the repo05:53
gizmobaydeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/digikam-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main05:55
gizmobaynashk, you also need to install marble, marble-dat, libmarble405:56
nashkOne thing I noticed with 4.2 is some things are really slow. Like if I click on shutdown, it takes a few second for the confirmation dialoge to come aup. Also to activate the dashboard it take about 6 seconds. Very annoying.05:56
mefisto__6 seconds?05:56
nashk:) timed it.05:56
nashkI just wait and wait it then it activates05:57
gizmobayhmm, I'm not seeing that05:57
nashkI have new hardware, sony vaio, top isn't swhoing any weird processes...05:57
nashkso no clue05:57
gizmobaywhat's the dashboard?05:57
nashkWidget Dashboard05:58
nashkto activate all your plasmoids05:58
* Dr_willis sends people to 'widgits anonymous'05:58
gizmobayohh, the add widgets box?05:58
Dr_willis:)  i cant recall seeing any that i really just HAD to have...05:58
nashkAlso maximizing, there's a little hold before it maximizes....05:59
nashklooks like Kwin05:59
n_     gn8 and thx 4 help06:01
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mefisto__gizmobay: ctrl-D is the default to activate the dashboard. everything hides and you see a fullscreen layer with your widgets and nothing else06:07
bizkithow do i change themes06:09
bizkitthis is really my first time using kde06:09
Dr_willistheres an appearance menu thing I think06:10
Dr_willisi rarely use kde :)06:10
mefisto__bizkit: right-click desktop, appearance settings06:12
Dr_willisMan! they realy hid that deep down in the settings! :)06:16
bizkitits not what i wanted06:17
bizkitthat to download premade stuff06:17
bizkiti want to install the stuff i get from kde-look.org06:17
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Dr_willisa lot of that may be kde 3.5 themes also..06:17
bizkitnot to mention when i download somthign using that it dosnt actully change the theme06:17
Dr_willisunder 3.5 you could drag/drop things to the appearance window/tabs and it would change/load/install that theme part06:18
bizkitDr_willis, no i did my search for kde406:18
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:18
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes06:18
mefisto__bizkit: the premade stuff you refer to is downloaded from kde-look.org. anyway, downloading from kde-look.org is installing "premade stuff" isn't it?06:19
Dr_willisive no idea how up to date the kde stuff is at.06:19
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=== Tri is now known as Trikar
TrikarHi, I cannot get my sound to work on my laptop06:22
mefisto__bizkit: if you are running 4.2 you can make changes to the themes in systemsettings, advanced tab, desktop theme details06:22
Colonel_PanicI'm trying to compile and install the fidelio hotline client in Kubuntu 8.1006:25
Colonel_Panicchecking for gnomeConf.sh file in /usr/local/lib... not found06:26
Colonel_Panicconfigure: error: Could not find the gnomeConf.sh file that is generated by gnome-libs install06:27
mefisto__Colonel_Panic: does gnomeConf.sh exist?06:31
Colonel_Panicapparently not06:31
mefisto__Colonel_Panic: see here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=contents&keywords=gnomeConf.sh  looks like you need to install the package libgnome-dev06:33
gps23please tell me where to put my servlet's .class file in tomcat. I am using kubuntu 8.10 and tomcat 6. everything is set as default06:34
Colonel_Panicok installing that now06:34
gmathewsWill Nuvola 1.0 for KDE 3.x work in Kubuntu - is it worth taking a chance with06:35
gmathewsi mean kubuntu 4.106:35
gmathews*KDE 4,1 ;/06:36
=== Sarge is now known as Guest47814
inanimateAfter upgrading to KDE 4.2, about 65% of the Plasma widgets say "could not find requested component". Any ideas?06:46
inanimateAnd these are standard ones like "Show Desktop" and "Character Select", not any 3rd party random ones...06:46
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nahyhi guy. what is the exact form for this command?: kdesudo06:50
gps23nahy, do man kdesudo to read about it06:52
mefisto__inanimate: probably old versions of widgets06:52
inanimatemefisto__: Makes sense. What's a good way to get 4.2 versions of them?06:52
gps23nahy, np06:52
nahywhat is np?06:53
ScytheBlade1Do all of the kde4 packages have the -kde4 suffix?06:53
ScytheBlade1I have a friend with kubuntu, who tried to install kde4 MUCH earlier, trying to upgrade to 4.2 now06:53
ScytheBlade1I'm not sure if he properly cleaned his last attempt06:53
ScytheBlade1Should the KDE4 proper packages not have any specific versioning on the package name?06:54
mefisto__inanimate: not sure. figure out somehow which packages they belong to, remove them, then reinstalling them will get them from the kubuntu-experimental repo and hopefully work06:54
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nahythank you my friend! i thought you are typing a command. pardon me06:55
nahygps23: thank you my friend! i thought you are typing a command. pardon me06:55
gps23nahy, its ok pal06:56
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inanimatemefisto__: Hmm... I found the correct package that actually had every single one of the messed up Plasmoids. I removed it and re-installed it, but they're still broken.07:04
olimpicoDoes anyone have a ReadyNAS?07:05
inanimateI think I found the problem...07:06
mefisto__inanimate: so the new plasmoids are installed from a different package?07:08
inanimateAlmost. Basically the new plasmoids require both kdeplasma-addons and kdeplasma-addons-data. The latter is installed by default which I assume contains the .desktop files that show up in the Add Widgets, but none of the actual libraries.07:09
inanimateSo if you don't manually install kdeplasma-addons, you don't have any of the actual Plasmoids, hence them not working...07:10
inanimateScore one for Kubuntu...07:10
mefisto__inanimate: and what was the package that removed the old ones?07:11
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cadeni don't really know how to use this07:14
dr_Willisuse what?07:15
DarkriftXanyone know what could be wrong that would cause different (normally low cpu usage) processes to suddenly start using 95%+ cpu for hours at a time?07:15
cadennever mind. i was a bit confused by the messages because it's my first time using this07:15
DarkriftX2 days ago it was kded, tonight it was NetworkManager and there was a different one last week. first ive seen this happen since I started using kubuntu 2 years ago07:16
cadenis that a surprised smiley, dr willus?07:16
=== Don is now known as Guest87302
kde4Hi, I'm on kubuntu 8.10 with kde4.2.0 is there any way I can do a search for docments using strigi? Where's my strigi-applet?07:38
iliaDarkriftX: if you really curious and have some spare time :) you can try to run strace and/or gdb against "strange" proceses. This can reveal some details. You can try rignt now: "strace -p ID" (substitute program id instead of ID).07:48
iliakde4: I'm too looking for a way to use strigi07:49
mefisto__tried strigidaemon and strigiclient?07:50
iliaI've turned desktop search on under system settings07:50
kde4it seems integrated in krunner07:52
iliapresses "Apply", but strigidaemon is not run07:52
iliastrigidaemon is not running, I doubt "Alt-F2" will help here07:53
kde4I had to run striclient from terminal and than press start indexing07:53
iliaand it worked?07:54
mefisto__ilia: alt+F2 strigidaemon   then alt+F2 strigiclient     then start indexing in the client   then search in the field at the bottom of the client window07:54
iliawhen I run strigidaemon from konsole I get:07:55
ilia$ strigidaemon07:55
iliaWARNING: field 'http://strigi.sf.net/ontologies/0.9#debugParseError' is not defined in any rdfs ontology database.07:55
iliaASSERT: "d" in file /build/buildd/kde4libs-4.2.0/kdecore/kernel/kcomponentdata.cpp, line 19107:55
odog7777so does anybody know when a decent intel 4500 gma video driver for ubuntu is going to be released?07:55
odog7777perhaps when jaunty jackal comes out?07:55
kde4ilia : It seems strigidaemon already running07:55
kde4ilia : try  ps aux | grep stirigi07:56
odog7777right now glxgears only runs at 200 fps for me07:56
iliait's running now07:56
iliabut it wasn't couple of minutes before07:56
iliaI've checked with ps07:56
kde4I have to try to logout to see if it is automatocally started when logging in07:57
ilianow it's not running again :(07:58
kde4see you later07:58
kde4me too ;-(07:59
kde4ilia : I'll be back later to see if some experts could help us08:01
TrikarI cannot get KDE 4.2 installed, i followed the instructions on Kubuntu's website precisely, I already did this successfully once on another computer a half hour ago, yet somehow I cannot do it on this one08:03
heinkel_111when I boot my computer in linux mode, I always get the message that sound playback device [name] does not work. falling back to [another device]08:03
heinkel_111problem is, I cannot even find the soundcard that is reported "does not work"08:03
heinkel_111it is there, physically but alsa does not see it with aplay -l08:04
heinkel_111I have 4 sound playback devices but sometimes only one of them is listed in aplay-l08:04
Trikarwhat sound card do you have08:05
heinkel_111both the number and the order of the devices appears totally random08:05
heinkel_111Trikar: I have an audigy SE card, some NVIDIA chips on my motherboard (Realtek?) and a M-Audio Fasttrack pro USB device08:06
TrikarI have the exact same two things for my computer08:07
heinkel_111In addition to that alsa also lists my midi keyboard as a playback device sometimes08:07
TrikarI could not get either working, however they did show up as devices, no sound would come out of them08:08
mefisto__heinkel_111: cat /proc/asound/modules will show you what's loaded08:08
Trikaryou may have to blacklist some other soundcards that appear there08:08
heinkel_111mefisto__: it only shows 2 usb audio modules currently08:09
TrikarI cannot get KDE 4.2 installed, i followed the instructions on Kubuntu's website precisely, I already did this successfully once on another computer a half hour ago, yet somehow I cannot do it on this one08:09
heinkel_111is there a way I can "restart" the loading of sound  modules without rebooting08:10
tonerwhat yo no entiendo08:10
mefisto__heinkel_111: if you know what the module name is, I think it is: modprobe <modulename>08:11
tonerque honda con esto?08:11
heinkel_111! es > toner08:11
ubottutoner, please see my private message08:11
tonerno se ingles perdon ok si se pero no tanto08:12
heinkel_111meffisto, is it possible to script which sound devices are being loaded?08:12
heinkel_111sry mefisto__ ^^08:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:13
mefisto__heinkel_111: if you find the module you want and it loads with modprobe, you could try adding it to /etc/modules08:16
tomdavidsonahh hell. I got my 8.10 machine upgraded to kde 4.2 and now i periodedly loose the buttons on my mouse. the only way i know to restore the functionality is to restart x. i am using nvidia drivers and dual display (not twinview). any ideas? what about reloading the mouse with out restarting x? the mouse is usb. i have tried unplug and replug.....08:17
mefisto__heinkel_111: also in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base    you can set default soundcard eg:      options snd_hda_intel index=0     will make that module load as 1st soundcard, index=1 will be 2nd, etc08:19
heinkel_111mefisto__: thank you I thought there wasgoing to be a way to do this "manually". It seems like  the autoconfigurations in the boot process are not well enough written to handle multiople soundcards consistently08:19
kde4whois ilia08:20
heinkel_111mefisto__: however, because I know which soundcards are on _my machine_ it should be possible to script this without guesswork at boot up08:20
iliailia is me :)08:20
lennartanyone else having this problem where the fan does not spin at all?08:21
lennartits happened 2 times to me08:21
kde4ilia : hi I think I'v discovered why strgi doesn't start08:21
iliakde4: why?08:21
kde4Nepomuk::StrigiService::StrigiService: Will not start when using redland Soprano backend due to horrible performance.08:21
mefisto__heinkel_111: the usb audio stuff seems to confuse things. I wouldn't be surprised if blacklisting the usb ones would make the others load at boot and show up in /proc/asound/modules08:21
kde4ilia : I'm trying to find a way to use an alternative backend08:22
mefisto__heinkel_111: you said you have 4 audio devices?08:22
heinkel_111mefisto__: actually it is 3 but somehow my (usb-attached) midi keyboard is recognized as an audio device08:23
heinkel_111hmm i still can't get this to work08:24
mefisto__heinkel_111: audio in linux can be a challenge. might be worth researching the new phonon (which replaced arts in kde)08:24
heinkel_111mefisto__: I think these problems are happening "below" phonon08:25
heinkel_111if I have understood correctly phonon builds on alsa08:25
heinkel_111and if alsa doesnt find the audio device, phonon can't either08:26
heinkel_111I will try reboot for now :(08:26
mefisto__good luck08:27
heinkel_111thanks for helping, mefisto__08:27
mefisto__np :)08:27
heinkel_111mefisto__: are you still here08:39
heinkel_111I just had 4 reboots08:39
heinkel_111and I discovered that what messes up the soundcard loading must be the usb-hotplugging08:40
heinkel_111udev is that what it is called?08:40
heinkel_111if my usb playback units are turned on at boot time08:40
heinkel_111they seem to "overwrite" the other units (for the audigy card and the onboard sound)08:41
heinkel_111it seems like udev has a way of "brute forcing" thir units on top in the boot process08:41
heinkel_111but if I leave the usb units turned off at boot, they load fine into index 3 and 408:42
heinkel_111I mean 2 and 308:42
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tripack60__recherche cotact dans l'oise pour ameliorer connaissance linux09:03
p_quarles!fr | tripack60__09:04
ubottutripack60__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr09:04
tripack60__oki dsl09:04
kilanihi peeps, i  want to to do an dist-upgrade and i get an error that says "Failed to fetch...404 Not Found [IP: 80]"09:12
kilanianybody here??09:36
wukaianybody here??09:39
heinkel_111299 nicks in the channel09:40
heinkel_111don't ask to ask, just ask09:41
nahyi type kdesudo and press enter but it returns an error (No command arguments supplied!09:43
heinkel_111nahy what do you want to do really?09:43
heinkel_111nahy kdesudo you use to run another program as root09:43
heinkel_111you must supply the name of the other program as an argument to kdesudo09:44
nahyi wanna have root prevelages to the folders to delete some09:44
heinkel_111nahy: be very careful what you delete as root09:44
nahyi know09:45
heinkel_111nahy: you can disrupt performance of your system if you do it wring09:45
heinkel_111.. wrong09:45
heinkel_111nahy: are you using graphical user interface or the command line in konsole?09:45
heinkel_111then you don't need to use kdesudo09:46
heinkel_111sudo will do09:46
heinkel_111kdesudo is only for running programs with kde graphical interface09:46
nahyi want to see the folder in graphic09:46
heinkel_111nahy.... kdesudo dolpin or kdesudo konqueror will run doplhin or konqueror as the super-user09:47
heinkel_111i mean09:47
nahyi see09:47
heinkel_111but... be very careful09:47
nahyand thanx09:48
nahyheinkel_111: i want to delete /var/cache/apt/archive  files to free up some space... is it ok?09:50
heinkel_111nahy: don't ask me, I don't know that09:51
lakis1982does anyone of you know any good weather plasmoid for kde 4.2 showing the prediction of weather of the following days ?????  i found a couple but i cant install them .....09:53
=== someon1 is now known as lokai
nahyhow can i activate spellcheck in konversation window?10:03
nahyi dont want to misstype10:04
palbuddyhello! I'm a KDE newbie, and I can't find info anywhere on how to download a screensaver for KDE 4.2 and have it work10:07
palbuddycan anyone help me please?!10:07
sandGorgonhow do i get powerdevil to run rather than guidance power manager10:09
gmathewsFor an error I got after googling i got this reply -10:22
gmathewsooks like you didn't install the C++ component of gcc. So you can't10:22
gmathews >> compile any C++ program.10:22
gmathewswhat package should I get for Kubuntu 8.10 to solve this10:22
lakis1982does anyone of you know any good weather plasmoid for kde 4.2 showing the prediction of weather of the following days ?????  i found a couple but i cant install them .....10:25
quassel254Please register your nickname to join #ubuntu - we are experiencing technical difficulties. Instructions at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup10:28
quassel254Mode #ubuntu-unregged +smnzf #ubuntu by calvino.freenode.net10:28
etechwhich grafical package manager is default in kubuntu jaunty?10:44
sandGorgonpackagekit-qt if im not wrong etech10:45
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gmathews!info kdelibs5-dev10:45
ubottukdelibs5-dev (source: kde4libs): development files for the KDE 4 core libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid4 (intrepid), package size 1403 kB, installed size 11232 kB10:45
sandGorgonhow do i get powerdevil to run rather than guidance power manager - i am not able to install it even, it says unmet dependence on libplasma210:45
sandGorgon!info libplasma210:45
ubottulibplasma2 (source: kdebase-workspace): library for the KDE 4 Plasma desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 1509 kB, installed size 4596 kB10:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:48
gmathewsHi i am trying to install a package and I get this error - please haev a look at it http://paste.ubuntu.com/112393/10:49
gmathewsJ #ubuntu10:49
definitelyhey all10:57
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definitelyi have some probs, just installed Kubuntu 8.10, then updated to KDE 4.2, then installed Video drivers and tryed to reboot pc, but i wasnt able, then i presset Reset button on my PC Box, and after that Kubuntu wasnt able to load in with some errors like "Power save /Advanced Power Managament error" smth like thatr10:58
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=== philippe is now known as sunday4000
definitelyanyone ?11:03
=== cheng911127__ is now known as cheng911127
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CQ2hello, my monitor isn't turning off, even though I have sleep, suspend and poweroff set to 10,20,30 mins inthe settings... any ideas?11:07
=== CQ2 is now known as CQ
=== Gary_ is now known as Gary
josehi! I'm testing the kde 4.2 packages and I'm having trouble.11:19
josewhen I log into kde 4.2 from gdm kde tries to start but after a couple of seconds it freezes and gdm comes back. Is this a known problem?11:21
joseI'm going to try again removing my .kde directory.11:22
josesee you!11:23
joseGreat, it has worked. I've removed my old .kde and kde 4.2 has started without problems!11:26
willis_yep - i had to do that also11:27
=== cheng911127 is now known as Kau
bluechildit seems that i have a problem with my webcam : i have blacklisted gspca but it doesn't seem to have any effect .. any help would be appreciated because it takes a really long time to boot11:32
willis_You are saying the webcam us causing some delay when you boot?11:35
=== harry is now known as Guest73971
andrew__Please help me with Firefox11:38
andrew__Fonts are so small. Tabs overlay page areas11:38
heinkel_111andrew__: fonts problem, try Ctrl + +11:39
andrew__I can state that all KDE fonts are too small. How to change DPI?11:39
bluechildwillis_ : yes it seems it gets in some loop while trying to .. identify perhaps the camera11:39
CQor ctrl plus the mouse wheel11:39
heinkel_111andrew__: in "system settings" (?  I don't have english version, maybe different name in english"11:40
heinkel_111andrew__: system settings > look and feel? > fonts11:41
heinkel_111andrew__: below all the fonts lines there you should see the force ppt setting11:41
andrew__heinkel 111: tnx. I'll try to find there11:43
andrew__I can see there: Appearance, Desktop, Notifications, Window Behavior...Accessibility, ... Display... Font Installer11:45
andrew__No "Look and Feel". It is KDE 4.111:46
andrew__Yes, I've got it11:47
andrew__Thank you all11:47
andrew__But Firefox's tabs are slill overlaying page area11:49
andrew__And 120 DPI fonts are too large. So no custom DPI setings, only 96 and 120?11:51
legateIs it possible to run something similar to "update-manager -d" to get Jaunty Alpha 3?11:52
andrew__Please also help me with TV-tuner.11:54
andrew__It has stopped working after the last kernel update. And it worked without sound before the update.11:55
andrew__All the answers I've googled was about DVB-part of the such TV-tuners. But TV broadcasting is still analog here11:57
andrew__The tuner is CopPro DVB-T30011:57
andrew__ComPro, sorry11:57
gmathewscan anyone make this into a .deb ? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/todo+list?content=9070611:58
=== someon1 is now known as lokai
luis_alguien sabe como se instala sholwave en kubuntu?12:03
andrew__Hi. And the last question for now: How to avoid downloading updates twice due of my having two kubuntu 8.1 computers? Is there any way to share the updates beetween them?12:04
theunixgeekI'm following this http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 to install KDE 4.2 (I'm running GNOME atm) but I get an error when running "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add -" (no quotes)12:04
theunixgeekwhat should I do?12:05
catoandrew__: you could use something like apt-proxy12:05
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catoandrew__: or copy the contents of /var/cache/apt/.. manually12:05
andrew__cato: thanks I'll try to12:05
=== heinkel_111 is now known as heinkel_111|away
javitheunixgeek: ls -l /home/patrick/.gnupg/pubring.gpg12:13
javitheunixgeek: seems like you can't write to it12:14
theunixgeekjavi: I'll try the command as root12:14
theunixgeekgpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file12:15
theunixgeekhow should I fix this? :(12:15
javithat's because the owner of pbring.gpg is not root12:16
theunixgeek-rw------- 1 root root 0 2009-01-03 18:27 /home/patrick/.gnupg/pubring.gpg12:16
javitry changing the owner of pubring.gpg12:17
theunixgeekit says that root is the owner12:17
theunixgeekjavi: to whom?12:17
javito your user12:17
theunixgeekthanks, javi, that worked :)12:18
javiyou're welcome12:18
theunixgeekjavi: so I install kubuntu-desktop (4.1) and then upgrade to 4.2 now?12:18
theunixgeekerm... rm "now" :P12:19
gmathewstheunixgeek: I have been told that there *might* be conflicts12:19
theunixgeekgmathews: oh12:19
theunixgeekthanks for that12:19
gmathewsthat is why i installed kubuntu as well..to check out KDE for myself12:19
theunixgeekI'll see if maybe I can get into the Jaunty packages...12:19
gmathewsbut it is up to you12:19
theunixgeekdoes intrepid-backports have 4.2?12:20
theunixgeekOh, and I reloaded the package list in Synaptic and got this error: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60D11217247D1CFF12:20
Tadyshi, how to instal kde 4.2 full on ubuntu 8.10 ?12:21
javitheunixgeek: have you run gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add - again after changing the owner?12:21
theunixgeekjavi: yes12:22
gmathewstheunixgeek: check www.kubuntu.org for instructions on the jkey12:22
Tadyskde-nightly full package 4.2 kde?12:23
theunixgeekI'll keep on trying12:24
alarmahoi !!! , allright question one :) in kde3.5 there was an option in the system settings to handle partitions, where they are going to mount , if we want them to automount and so on. where can i find this on kde4.2 ?12:26
javitheunixgeek: that public key isn't the one from kubuntu-experimental, is it?12:29
kopertoni am on on kde 3.512:29
koperton:) sorry i don't know where you can find it on kde4.212:29
esp1kubuntu dont have a /etc/inittab for setting default runlevel?12:29
javitheunixgeek: just add it gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 60D11217247D1CFF && gpg --export --armor 60D11217247D1CFF | sudo apt-key add -12:30
alarmokie... how can i make my external usb hdd read only ?12:31
helpdeskhello, i am trying to conpile and configure my kernel but it's so slow . i was told i have to add the ccache to the makefile. anybody got any idea how to do this?12:34
=== r0uzic_ausente is now known as r0uzic
TazjinI've never been using KDE before but as the 4.2 screenshots look very good I wanna try it out now. I added the kubuntu-experimental repo and the key. What packages do I need to install?12:42
=== cheng911127 is now known as Kau
david_edmundsonTazjin: kubuntu-desktop should sort you out12:44
david_edmundsonwhoa, sorry kubuntu-kde4-desktop12:45
Tazjink, thanks :-)12:45
Tazjinill try it12:45
jussi01Tazjin: NO12:46
jussi01Tazjin: you are on intrepid?12:46
jussi01Tazjin: kubuntu-desktop should get it for you12:46
Tazjinokay ;O12:47
Tazjinjussi01: After this operation, 429MB of additional disk space will be used.12:47
Tazjinjussi01: kubuntu-kde4-desktop had the same size12:47
Tazjinwheres the difference?12:47
david_edmundsonyeah, they point to the same thing12:47
jussi01Tazjin: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.212:47
Tazjininstalling it now12:48
TazjinI'll see :P12:48
Tazjinthis channel is weird :D12:49
david_edmundsonyep. and proud.12:50
eengdo you know if kubuntu 9.04 will have qt4.5?13:00
helpdeskeeng: u also trying to compile ur kernel?13:01
TazjinOkay. Got it working13:02
stdineeng: if it doesn't break anything, maybe13:04
hroI am just curious about Koffice, why is it not standard in kubuntu? not as good as OO?13:04
hroanyone tried the new 2.0 beta of koffice?13:05
chris-rc1is there a way to resize applet windows in amarok 2 and keep the size after a reboot?13:05
stdinkoffice for KDE4 is not released, so we can't really ship that13:05
hroI see13:05
failersis there a way to install new drivers downloaded from nvidia thru envy or some other app , i dont dare to try install it manually i will just break it all :P13:06
stdinhro: if koffice is released and is as good (or better than OOo), then we'll definitely want to ship it13:06
helpdeskstdin: hello pal, pls i need help, while i was configuring my new kernel, i made some mistakes and now i want to go back to the initial configuration.13:07
helpdeskstdin; there is a cmd: cp .config.old .config but it aint working. pls help13:07
chris-rc1failers: i don't know of any. as far as i tried, envy sticks to a driver version as long as it stays the same version itself. but i have successfully installed the 180.25 driver myself13:07
failerschris-rc1 well what i do is ctrl alt F1 and shutdown kdm and use nvidia installer next time i reboot it only boots up a "cmd screen" like if the drivers went mad or something so :/13:08
KEBAi want to use kde 4.2 under hardy, it is as easy as under intrepid to install it?13:08
stdinhelpdesk: if you didn't save your old .config, then you'll have to just delete it and start again (or copy the one from /boot/config-$(uname -r) )13:09
helpdeskstdin: how do u delete it supposing u didn't save it?13:10
failerschris-rc1 got any ideas how to go around that / fix ?13:10
stdinhelpdesk: I mean the .config you have now13:11
failers177 works flawless exept its really slow in kde13:11
chris-rc1failers: what's your specs?13:12
helpdeskstdin: when i ran the make xconfig cmd, the qconf window popped up and after making the changes, i just clicked the save icon on the window and then i entered the make cmd to compile it but it too so long that i had to terminate the process. so what next now? cuz i dont know if it was saved or something..13:12
failersgeforce 9600m GT13:12
david_edmundsonKEBA: it's probably rather difficult -13:12
KEBAdavid_edmundson: so its easier to upgrade tp intreprid and solve some problems and install kde 4.2 then?13:13
stdinhelpdesk: it'll be saved to .config13:13
david_edmundsonI would go with that approach13:13
chris-rc1failers: and the ubuntu version?13:13
failerskubuntu 8.1013:13
failersfresh installed13:13
alarmhow can i make my external  usb hdd to be read only when mounted ?13:14
helpdeskstdin: ok i tried the cd /boot/config-$(uname -r)  cmd but didnt work so i tried cat /boot/config-$(uname -r) and a list of config files was shown. what these mean?13:14
helpdeskstdin: would u like to get the url from patebin to check it?13:14
stdinhelpdesk: no, it's the .config used when the kernel you're running was compiled13:15
stdinhelpdesk: just copy that to .config13:15
failerschris-rc1 i would use the 177 drriver from propreitary since it works flawless except its so damn sluggish in kde13:15
helpdeskstdin: u mean all the configuration i set when i was in the qcondf window?13:15
stdinif the kernel you're running now is the one you compiled13:16
helpdeskstdin: i did compiled it but rmember i said i terminated it .ddnt compile completely13:17
stdinthen the .config should already be there13:17
stdinjust run make xconfig again to edit it13:17
helpdeskstdin: ok. but the whole process of compiling is so slow13:17
juliooi tudo bem13:18
helpdeskstdin: took like 4 hrs and i couldn't wait anymore yesterday13:18
popeymy kubuntu jaunty system flickers about a lot after login, then gives me a black screen with a working mouse cursor. I have deleted ~/.kde and started again, but the same thing happens. Any suggestions?13:18
stdinhelpdesk: yeah, that's why ubuntu provide packages13:18
Tazjinhelpdesk: always keep in mind it's not as slow as it would be in windows :P13:18
helpdeskstdin: what packages would i use?13:18
eengfor kde 4 you should use nvidia 180.2713:19
stdinthe kernel package13:19
helpdeskstdin: i just tried something dont know if it will work. called the ccache13:19
chris-rc1failers: that's why i would not recommend it for intrepid. i went back to hardy because of that. try the 180.25 driver. it seems the graphical corruption bug from 180.22 is fixed there. i haven't had a hanger with 180.25 (knowck on wood)13:19
stdinhelpdesk: that doesn't help the first time you compile, only after you've compiled it all at least once13:19
failerschris-rc1 ok will test it13:20
helpdeskstdin: so, for the first time, i have to wait for as long as it will?13:20
=== sparklingshrew is now known as shinygerbil
oimhello eveyone. ı am using kubuntu 8.10 how can ı upgrade to kde 4.2?13:20
stdinoim: yes, see the link in the topic13:20
chris-rc1failers: you can find the link in the nvforums13:20
stdinpopey: jaunty support is still in #ubuntu+113:21
oim:( ok stdin13:21
chris-rc1failers: the nvidia driver overwrites the libglx.so file, which seems to cause most problems when reverting to the nv driver13:21
Viincentciao a tutti13:22
failerschris-rc1 ok not that i understand much of that im kinda new to linux but :) thanks for explaining and helping anyway13:22
dennistergm channel...having trouble with printing to my local parallel port laserjet 4...was configured properly, and now the ipp report says "Unable to open device file "/dev/lp0": Permission denied'13:22
failerschris-rc1 i do understand where to get driver and install so dont worry about that ^^13:22
helpdeskstdin: what happens after the whole programme finish compiling and i decided to use the cmd make clean?13:22
Viincentsto installando kde 4.2, mi viene chiesto di rimuovere i vecchi pacchetti plasma, cosa sono?13:22
chris-rc1failers: if it doesn't work, look at your xorg.log file. nvidia is pretty verbous about their errors (the only good thing about the drivers)13:22
popeystdin: yeah, just asked there too13:23
dennisteranyone know what gives here? and how to fix?13:23
failerschris-rc1 oh cool didnt know there was a "error log file"13:23
stdinhelpdesk: that'll remove all the .o files13:24
chris-rc1failers: in /var/log i think. where all the logs are13:24
helpdeskstdin: would it have any effect on my kernel?13:24
helpdeskstdin: i am trying to use all the make cmnds to see what happens.13:24
stdinhelpdesk: you can try ##linux for support with this, it's not really related to kubuntu13:24
Christopher_Werewould anyone be able to help me. my computer randomly freezes and i don't know what to do about it. i think its related to my radeon graphics card13:25
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CQChristopher_Were: chel in /var/log files like syslog and messages to see what the last events are at the freeze13:27
failerschris-rc1 on nvidias ftp there is 3 different 180.25 drivers , pkg0 pkg1 pkg2 wich should i use?13:27
dennisteranyone for help with kde printing?13:27
chris-rc1according to the readme, one should always choose the highest pkg number13:28
chris-rc1but good to know there is a new one out13:28
failers180.27 is also out13:28
failersthink im gonna test that one first13:29
kaddihow can i take a screenshot with kubuntu?13:29
CQhelpdesk ususally make clean cleans out all of the compiled and build files that make created13:30
Christopher_Werebefore the last crash this is the last entry in syslog - Feb  1 03:36:46 cw-desktop NetworkManager: <WARN>  list_connections_cb(): Couldn't retrieve connections: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken..13:30
david_edmundsonkaddi: load ksnapthot13:30
CQChristopher_Were: that's a WARN level message, those and DEBUG are not critical... anythign with ERROR?13:30
Christopher_Werenothing with any errors13:31
chris-rc1failers: oh cool. thx13:31
kaddidavid_edmundson ah thanks...  :)13:31
CQChristopher_Were: look in teh X server logs as well maybe?13:31
david_edmundsonfailers: too slow :-P13:31
chris-rc1failers: strange that they still haven't updated their download index13:32
Christopher_Werewhere can i find the xserver logs?13:33
helpdeskstdin: there is something i wanna ask u13:34
CQX server logs are under  /var/logs/X11 ... look into other files as well, all logs are there, somewhere there's probably a hint about what's wrong13:34
helpdeskafter doing my configuration, the cmd line writes this: configuration written to .config13:34
Christopher_Werei cant find /var/logs/X1113:36
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CQsorry, /var/log/Xorg.log13:36
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CQhelpdesk: make clean doesn't remove that, make distclean should remove it. That's an autoconf file13:36
failerschris-rc1 hm didnt 180.27 didnt help when starting x server again i just see my cursor fast and then back to the cmd screen :/13:37
Christopher_Werei only have a xorg.0.log13:37
oimhi again ı read the link on topic. but ı couldn2t install kde 4.2 :( how can ı do it (ı am usin kde 4.1)13:38
failerschris-rc1 in the log file it says failed to initialize the nvidia kernel module please ensure that there is a supported nvidia gpu, and screens found but none have a usable configureation and fatal server error: no screens found13:39
chris-rc1failers: have you said yes to configuring xorg.conf file?13:39
chris-rc1do lsmod | grep nvidia13:40
failersnvidia 7815240 0 , i2c_core 36128 1 nvidia13:41
failersthats the output13:41
Christopher_Werei cant find any log whatsoever for the freezes13:41
oim:) heh he sorry. i must just update packages :P13:42
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failersChristopher_Were maybe it isnt kubuntus fault maybe you got a faulty hardware thats freezin :o ?13:42
chris-rc1failers: try rmmod nvidia, then modprobe nvidia13:42
Christopher_Wereit could be my hardware, but i did hear that x has bugs in it when it comes to copeing with radeon cards13:43
oimbut must ı unistall plasmoid ?? before instaling kde 4.213:43
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failerschris-rc1 after that? :)13:44
failersstill same error after those commands when doing startx13:46
chris-rc1did it load the module properly?13:46
failerswell i did those commands and not output about error or anything so i guess it worked :P ?13:47
chris-rc1ok. two things. look at the release notes and see if 9600 cards are supported since they are fairly new13:48
alarmhow can i make my external  usb hdd to be read only when mounted  (on kde4.2) ?13:48
chris-rc1the other: open your xorg.conf file and post it on pastebin. i might be able to help you then (or anybody else)13:49
failerschris-rc1 http://pastebin.com/m7d4543eb13:51
failersops exept i changed driver to "nv" just so i could get my x server running again13:52
failersit should be nvidia13:52
sorsethi, i have a problem, kubuntu 8.10 cannot find my nokia phon in data storage mod as flash memory, but i didnt have this problem in privious versions of kubuntu13:52
sorsethow can i fix it?13:52
failersso chris-rc1 http://pastebin.com/m4503d650 thats the original one ^^13:52
chris-rc1failers: have you tried it with nvidia?13:52
failersye thats what it is from beginning13:53
failersand x server fails13:53
failersso i change it to "nv" so x server just use some standard graphic driver or something so i could get it running :P13:53
sorsetis it kernel problem?13:53
chris-rc1failers: did you get it running?13:53
sorseti have this problem with my flash memory too!13:54
failerswith nv yes x server is running but i got compiz and other 3d effects aint working13:54
failersthink its using kubuntus standard graphic driver or something like if i would delete the whole xorg.conf13:54
Trijntjewhat can cause movies to lag after a few minutes playing?13:54
failersTrijntje wich movies?13:55
Trijntjefailers: all, avi, flash etc13:55
failersTrijntje if its HD movies example 1080p its your cpu :P13:55
dennisteranyone for help with cups printing to local printer?13:55
Tazjini had the same problem Trijntje13:55
Tazjininstalled VLC and used that13:55
Christopher_Wereis it true x has bugs in it when it comes to dealing with ATI radeon cards, because mine keeps freezing ad im not sure whether or not it's hardware or software. it hangs alot more when playing games or have desktop effects switched on.13:56
chris-rc1failers: nv doesn't have 3d support so compiz cannot work13:56
chris-rc1can you pls also paste your xorg.log?13:56
failerschris-rc1 hm its kinda long :P13:58
Trijntjefailers: haha, no, flash on youtube also laggs. It didnt do that in xp..13:58
failerscan i empty it and redo startx to just get 1 error :P ?13:58
failersTrijntje oki ^^13:58
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Christopher_Wereso no-one can help me with my problem with freezes14:01
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chris-rc1failers: just give me the last 40 lines or so14:03
failerschris-rc1 here is xorg log http://pastebin.com/m5e813bcd14:03
failersi did empty it and redid whole process just to make it smaller ^^14:04
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dennistercould someone please help me print? don't know why, all of a sudden, I don't have permissioon on /dev/lp014:04
dennisterit WAS working fine, now...14:04
failersyou could chmod it dennister14:05
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview14:05
failersthat didnt help much ubottu :P14:06
dennisterfailers: will try, but found it wierd that location was on lpt1, and error message references /dev/lp0, which I don't have in my /dev/ directory14:08
failerschris-rc1 hm that error log got wrong when i loaded "nv" didnt it?14:12
dennisterfailers: omg...i would have tried that earlier, (it worked) except for the fact that /dev/lp0 wasn't in the /dev/ directory...and it had worked properly before I tried to publish the laser printer on network :(14:13
dennisterwhy wouldn't there be any mention of /dev/lp0 in /dev?14:14
chris-rc1failers: yes14:14
failershm :/ maybe i must load nvidia again and cp it to a usb stick and transfer it here then or got any other solution14:15
chris-rc1failers: i missed that there is only written "nv", not "nvidia" :-) so no use. just go back in the log file and paste the part from the beginning of the x server start to the break14:16
failerswell it was the whole log so14:17
chris-rc1oh, ok14:22
chris-rc1one sec14:22
failerschris-rc1 http://pastebin.com/m28c3e3a914:23
failerswith right module loaded :P14:23
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manumarsomeone can helpme?14:30
manumaris a very easy thing i think but Im new in this world14:31
chris-rc1failers: go to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/14:31
kaddijust ask, don't ask to ask :)14:31
chris-rc1do an ls -l and tell me the output for libglx.so14:31
failerswant me to load nvidia first?14:32
failersim sitting on nv right now14:32
chris-rc1just need the line14:33
manumarsomeone can run a trackmania nations server?14:33
failersthere is output14:33
chris-rc1you could have pasted the line here ;-)14:34
chris-rc1that seems to be correct14:34
chris-rc1you can do a google search on the error message14:34
chris-rc1maybe the card is not supported yet, but i doubt that14:35
chris-rc1have you tried to reinstall the driver?14:35
failersuhm reinstall? i have only tryed install it from fresh kubuntu install :P14:36
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failerssudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx ?14:36
chris-rc1you have installed via sh package, right?14:40
chris-rc1is nvidia-glx installed?14:40
failersidk :o14:40
failersi just killed x server sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-180.27-pkg2.run14:40
failersand did the install14:40
failersand here i am14:40
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intelhey do you know how can i remove kde 4.1 becaus now i have kde 4.1 and kde 4.214:41
inteli want to set kde 4.2 as default14:41
rocmehmpf... i'm tryng to get knotify working...14:42
rocmebut "$ dcop knotify default notify eventname appname 'Hello world!' '' '' 2 014:42
jeremiehey can someone help me i want to install playonlinux14:42
rocmejust throws "object not accessible"14:42
rocmewhat does that mean?14:42
cdaviswhat is the method I should read about to push kde4 theme type settings to gtk apps?14:43
failerschris-rc1 in my xorg.conf shouldnt "Monitor" identifier be the same as "Screen" identifier14:43
chris-rc1failers: i just compared it to my own and it looked the same14:45
chris-rc1but screen defines the device and the monitor i think14:46
failershmm chris-rc1 got a new error now Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 177.82, but NVIDIA driver component has 180.2714:47
chris-rc1can you uninstall the nvidia binary packages that come with ubuntu?14:47
chris-rc1oh yes, ok, we can solve this one14:47
alarmhow can i make my external  usb hdd to be read only when mounted  (on kde4.2) ?14:47
chris-rc1what did you change?14:47
failersscreen identifier to same as Monitor identifier and changed in "ServerLayout" to Monitor0 also14:48
akashHow do I upgrade from Gutsy to Intrepid using the CD send by Kubuntu??14:48
intelpeople help14:50
inteli have installled kde 4.1 and 4.214:50
j0nnyxI NEED HELP!14:50
intelbut i want to set kde4.2 as default14:50
inteland delete 4.114:50
j0nnyxwith my kubuntu !! :)14:50
chris-rc1failers: i must have missed sth14:50
j0nnyx...i can install anythink by apt-get14:50
failerschris-rc1 oki ^^14:51
j0nnyxi need complete source.list14:51
j0nnyxwho can help me !?14:51
failersj0nnyx try apt-get update14:51
j0nnyxi try14:51
chris-rc1failers: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65016114:51
helpdeskanyone knows how i culd copy the files from my ubuntu os to my flash?14:51
chris-rc1you have to remove the restricted packages14:52
helpdeskdont know how to do this in linux14:52
chris-rc1then re-install the driver14:52
j0nnyxbut when i do update, them still crash on 99%14:52
failerschris-rc1 oki14:52
akashPLease somebody...throw some light regarding Upgradation to INtrepid...14:52
j0nnyxwhere i can download full source.list ?14:52
j0nnyxfailers: where i can download full source.list ?14:53
AliTarihiHi everybody. Amarok 2 does not play anything from the collection. Any idea?14:53
th3_b0bAliTarihi: Have you tried any other program to make sure it's amarok, and not e.g. your soundbackend?14:54
rocmehelpdesk: where is the problem?14:55
j0nnyxplease help me! :(14:56
helpdeskj0nnyx: what kinda help u need with source.list?14:56
xguswhere can i find woh to enable my bluetooth radio ?14:56
j0nnyxi cant install anythink, when i try apt-get update, them crash will be in 99%, when i try upgrade them stil error on 99%14:57
Tazjinon what repository?14:57
xgusi got a dell studi 153514:58
xgusstudio 153514:58
j0nnyxTazjin ... moment14:59
th3_b0bxgus: did you read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup ?15:00
helpdeskj0nnyx; what error exactly is it giving ya?15:00
AliTarihith3_b0b: It did work, on #amrok I discovered an ff-mpeg biding should be installed! Yet I don't see why Amarok says nothing about it.15:00
xgusnop, letme take a look on that, thanks15:00
failersomg chris-rc1 thank you it works now the problem from the beginning was that the old drivers conflicted with the new thx thx you are my god now :D15:01
th3_b0bAliTarihi: I don't know, I guess you need to ask one of the amarok-devs why they didn't implement an error message for that ;)15:02
chris-rc1failers: glad i could help ;-)15:03
jcohi, can someone paste me the result of the followin command? Thanks :)       dpkg -S `which rename`15:03
th3_b0bAliTarihi: did you try running amarok2 from a terminal? most times, you get quite verbose output there even if no graphical error messages are shown.15:03
BiNaRi0hi everyone15:04
BiNaRi0keyserver.ubuntu.com is down15:04
AliTarihiAliTarihi: I said it worked by installing an ff-mpeg binding :)15:04
nashkHi, I have kde 4.2 on 8.10. Every is smooth except for minimizing/maximing (it holds for a second before actuall doing it), shutdown dialogue takes forever to come up, and dashboard activation takes about 6 seconds. Anyone experiencing these things?15:05
BiNaRi0does anyone know what happened ?15:05
nashkAll these things never happened on 4.115:05
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th3_b0bAliTarihi: I meant it as a general tip ;)15:06
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AliTarihith3_b0b: thx for it ;)15:06
Machtinhey guys.. i wonder how i can play an .evo-file.. anyone any idea? or any idea where to find out.. haven't had luck with google.15:07
Tazjinwhat is .evo?15:08
th3_b0bjco: Says "Not found" on my machine... maybe because is a symlink...15:09
MachtinTazjin: i think it's enhanced .vob or something.15:09
Machtinhowever: video-format for hd-stuff15:10
Tazjin"EVO - EnVideo Video"15:10
Tazjintried VLC?15:10
Machtinand kaffeine, and xine, and mplayer and dragon player.15:11
jcoth3_b0b: oh... to what? I'm interested in the package providing that script, and packages.ubuntu.com didn't help :(15:11
failersTazjin is that you from wow emu scene :P ?15:11
failersworld is small i see15:11
Tazjinespecially the geek world15:11
failersi can bet you never know who i am ^^15:11
TazjinI've seen your name before15:12
failersim closer to you than you think :P15:12
Machtinzomg stalker :D15:12
failersi am the one that got a glider cd key from you :P15:12
* Tazjin closes the window15:12
th3_b0bjco: try an "ls -l /usr/bin/rename". on my machine, it points to "/etc/alternatives/rename" and from there to "/usr/bin/prename", which is part of the perl-package15:12
failersi meant close in relation ship not distance near each other :P15:12
jcoth3_b0b: wow, in the perl package? Ok, thanks anyway :)15:13
th3_b0bjco: On my system at least... But I think it's standard15:14
xgusth3_b0b: thanks it worked just fine15:14
th3_b0bxgus: you're welcome :D15:15
jcoth3_b0b: I think too, I don't have a Ubuntu system here right now, I just though I could download the package and "alien" it15:15
th3_b0bjco: ah ok :)15:15
Aisonare there some OpenJDK 7 packages?15:17
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alarmhow can i make my external  usb hdd to be read only when mounted  (on kde4.2) ?15:18
sivacan anyone help me here?15:21
enigI have a problem when trying to install 3DSMax using WINE. THe installer is programmed to get the cache files to the C:\ disk before it can install, but in Linux that can be a little difficult. How can i By-pass this problem??15:23
xgusenig: have you tried insted of WINE xVM ?15:27
andrew__Please help me with sound. I have no sound from TV tuner. The tuner is ComPro T300. (SAA7134)15:27
andrew__I can only see video, no sound15:28
enigxgus: well no i haven't. but since the installer tried to get some files to the C:\ disk i thought it didn't matter15:29
alarmwhere can i find the mount settings for external usb devices ? i need to change the rw to ro option15:30
alarmso when its being mounted to be mounted with read only access15:30
enigbtw what is xVM? all i could find with VM is a volume manager -_-''15:31
xgusSun xVM VirtualBox   www.sun.com15:32
enigOh ok. but i think i found a way to reverse that C:\ problem. i just saw a little something like that in wine15:33
enigHad to create the folder for the C: disk manually. i dunno why WINE didn't created it.. :x15:39
eniglets see if it works now15:39
enigno. still giving me an erro15:39
KDeskIs possible to know which package provides an archive?15:41
malvkde feels so close to perfect, if not for these annoying bugs. I feel like going in and fixing them myself.15:41
JontheEchidnaan archive?15:41
failersmalv wich bugs :o15:42
malvgraphical corruption issues15:42
enigkde 4.2 really improved a lot of stuff15:42
enigin video playback and graphical bugs15:42
malvi keep encountering bugs, but someone i suspect that all of them except for the comic plasmoid are related to the nvidia driver15:42
malvdo you get any graphical corruption with the launcher?15:43
KDeskJontheEchidna: Yes, an archive for example in /bin/foo or a lib in a package, like the command "rpm -q --provides" but for deb of course15:43
malvsometimes icons will overlap or be placed in strange locations15:43
JontheEchidnaoh, a file15:43
oim_hi ı upgrade to kde 4,2 but the desktop effects are not working. and window decoration does not change15:43
JontheEchidna!find /usr/bin/ld15:43
ubottuFile /usr/bin/ld found in binutils, hardening-wrapper15:43
malvalso, firefox tabs have a weird appearance15:44
failersmalv test get newest nvidia driver 180.2715:44
malvthat's what I am using15:44
failersoh ok :)15:44
oim_hi ı upgrade to kde 4,2 but the desktop effects are not working. and window decoration does not change15:44
malvit didn't seem to fix the corruption issues in the systray15:44
enigHey i can open disk C: (emulated by wine), but when i try to install it says it can't unpack cache to the C:/windows/temp/...15:44
francbonjour à tous15:44
KDeskJontheEchidna: oh, that is interesting :) But exists the same option but not in the channel, like with dpkg?15:45
malvare there actually people using the nvidia driver without system tray corruption?15:45
enigWhy is this happening when Wine has already a emulated C: disck?15:45
JontheEchidnaKDesk: there is a program called apt-file15:45
oim_hi ı upgrade to kde 4,2 but the desktop effects are not working. and window decoration does not change15:45
JontheEchidnaoh, but if you know the full file name15:45
JontheEchidnadpkg -S /usr/bin/ld15:45
KDeskJontheEchidna: That is what I was searching for, thank you!15:47
Tazjin               15:48
enigCan anyone explain me how can i search the emulated C:/ disk of WINE but the 3dsMax Installer can't extract the cache files to it?15:48
francwhere and what can i download to hear radio in real time with kubuntu?15:49
oim_hi ı upgrade to kde 4,2 but the desktop effects are not working. and window decoration does not change15:50
kaddifranc: you could simply use amarok, that's what i do. :)15:51
francthank's i try immediatly15:52
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enigoh btw i just downloaded a deb file of virtual box. how do i instal it?15:53
enigonly used synaptic till now15:54
Dr_willis_double click.. or use dpkg -i whatever.deb15:54
Dr_willis_with a sudo :)15:54
enigty :]15:54
oim_hi ı upgrade to kde 4,2 but the desktop effects are not working. and window decoration does not change15:55
d_mitrykubuntu 8.10. sometimes, the system experiences a hang such that i can move the cursor, but the display does not change, the keyboard is disabled and amarok doesn't stop playing. didn't happen in 8.04 is there a way to recover without restarting?15:55
kaddienig: you might try your luck in the Wine channel, maybe they can tell you why it isn't working: #WineHQ15:56
faydrisswhere is the creativity there? you would think it would be #wine016:01
francok,but is there a possibility to hear france inter in real time ?16:01
helpdeskDr_willis: pls could u help me out with this url:http://paste.ubuntu.com/112464/?16:04
helpdeskDr_willis: dont know what to do the last question in the statement16:04
kaddifranc: what isn't working16:05
Dr_willis_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/112464/16:05
helpdeskDr_willis: yes16:06
Dr_willis_don t put exttra chacacters around  the urls... i canr click on them :)\16:06
Dr_willis_no idea  on the uestion. - when in doubt use the default i guess]16:07
Dr_willis_ive never needed to compile a kernel under ubuntu16:07
helpdeskwhat's the default?16:07
Dr_willis_just hit enter?16:08
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin16:08
Dillizarwhat i need to type in terminal to get the latest version of kopete16:09
kaddifranc: go to this site: http://www.radiofrance.fr/services/aide/difflive.php#mp3 and select the radio stream you'd like to listen to... it should ask you whether to open or save the file...choose "open with amarok" and you should be good to go16:10
bopfermanHello, I am using kde 4.2 under Intrepid and cannot get the LCD weather widget to accept a US location through NOAA.  It always says the place is not valid... the data source is not able to find the place. Any ideas  on how to fix this one?16:13
faydrissdid you try to choose another?16:14
bopfermanThe other options are for canada, and BBC UK16:15
Dr_willis_bopferman,  enter zip code? it worked here16:15
bopfermanthe zip code is not working for me.16:15
bopfermanI get a popup window about an Invalid Place16:16
AliTarihiI'm facing Kontact crash on startup in 8.10/KDE 4.2, anyone with the same experience?16:16
enigOh is there a software to emulate cdrom disks similar Alcohol 120%?16:17
Dr_willis_enig,  linux dosent need it.16:17
Dr_willis_you can mount a .iso file  - been able to do it for years. befor alcohos120 was even made.16:17
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:17
breach23enig: mount the iso as a loop device16:18
enigoh it's that simple? lol16:18
Dr_willis_Linux - making hard tasks trivial16:18
Dr_willis_and trivial tasks - unneeded16:18
Dr_willis_!info fuseiso16:18
ubottufuseiso (source: fuseiso): FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images. In component universe, is optional. Version 20070708-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 92 kB16:18
enigand making easy taks damn hard xD16:18
Dr_willis_fuseiso foobar.iso  Placetosee16:19
breach23it gets complicated with nonstandard formats: nrg, mdf, toast16:19
=== zero is now known as Guest92477
Dr_willis_fuseiso can do a lot of those16:21
Dr_willis_`nonsandard formats who main use is to let people pirate/get around game copy protection :)16:21
breach23wasted a whole day on an annoying toast image16:22
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about radius16:22
Dr_willis_!find radius16:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Radius16:22
ubottuFound: freeradius, freeradius-common, freeradius-dbg, freeradius-dialupadmin, freeradius-iodbc (and 24 others)16:22
Dr_willis_!info freeradius16:23
ubottufreeradius (source: freeradius): a high-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.0+dfsg-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1121 kB, installed size 2668 kB16:23
Dr_willis_whatever radius is....16:23
enigi installed the fuseiso packages16:25
enigbut where is it?16:25
Dr_willis_man fuseiso16:25
Dr_willis_where do you expect it?16:25
Dr_willis_its a cli app :)16:25
enigcli? explain like i am 5 years old :]16:25
breach23any bluetooth developments yet? may have to go back to GNOME16:26
failershm i need some guide to mount my sda2 and sdb1 in my home directoyr16:26
Dr_willis_mkdir /home/username/sda116:27
Dr_willis_sudo mount /dev/sda1 /home/username/sda116:27
failerswill it be saved after reboot also?16:27
breach23doesn't sound like a good idea failers16:27
failersbreach23 why not :o ?16:27
Dr_willis_i would suggest mounting them to /media/ and then make a link FROM the users home dir/whatever to the /media/whatever place16:28
Dr_willis_!fstab  | failers16:28
ubottufailers: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:28
breach23use /mnt or /media for that16:28
failersbecause :P?16:29
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Dr_willis_its the standard place to put things16:29
failersyes but why is it better then what you first said sudo mount /dev/sda1 /home/username/downloads :P16:30
breach23failers: there's a control panel setting that lets you configure this without messing with fstab16:30
failersbreach23 :o where?16:30
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breach23not at my desktop now, should be under kcontrol somewhere16:32
Dr_willis_You may also need to use some options - depending on the filesystem16:32
failersDr_willis_ ok16:33
failersbreach23 kcontrol :S ? dont laugh but im new to linux ^^16:33
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:33
breach23hit Alt-F2, type kcontrol16:34
malvi like the full screen feature of kde4. I can actually make a terminal fullscreen and get rid of the annoying taskbar distraction16:34
failersnothing happends16:34
failersbreach23 dont think i got it16:35
breach23was kcontrol taken out of kde4?16:35
failerscommand not found if i do it terminal way16:36
failersso i guess i dont got it16:36
breach23i don't use it yet, need bluetooth16:36
hurrabreach23: it's called systemsettings now16:36
Dr_willis_kde4 no longer has kcontrolol16:36
Dr_willis_i think16:36
breach23system settings was also in kde3, limited options, i like to have options16:37
failersoh its under grub editor / tools / view devices info16:37
failersthx found16:37
Dr_willis_thats a weird place to alter mountpojjnts16:38
breach23hold on, there's disk and filesystems under the advanced tab in system settings16:38
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failersit aint :|16:39
judgenIs there any way of getting the classic kde3 start menu in kde4?16:39
failersjudgen right click on the menu and choose classic16:39
judgenfailers awsome16:40
failersoh what ever i got what i wanted thx breach23 and Dr_willis_ anyway16:40
breach23glad to be of very little help failers16:41
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judgenin vmware, is there a way of doing ctrl+alt+bckspc16:43
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failershm is there a way to auto turn of touchpad on boot16:46
failersi got this cute key on my laptop wich i can turn it on but kinda annoying to always have to turn it off since i use it very rarely16:47
judgenin kde 4.0 i could disable plasma by just deleting plasma from usr/bin, anyone know why this does not work anymore?16:47
franc_bonjour, comment faire tourner une application vista sous kubuntu?16:51
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:51
Lupus-SLEGood evening all... anybody know how I can stop Kmix and Knetworkmanager from starting upon login? On Kubuntu Intrepid/KDE 4.1/x8616:52
franc_ok, hi how to run an vista apply under kubuntu?16:52
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help16:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dialupadmin16:57
judgenwhat is the name of the binary for the kde4 kicker?16:59
olimpicoCan someone tell me if the update from 8.04.1 to 8.04.2 happens automatically if I "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" ?17:12
failerswont you get 8.10 by doing that?17:13
failersi dont know cuz im kinda new to linux but :)17:13
MegatheriumNewb question: which version of KDE does the current Kubuntu version (Ibex) ship with?17:15
enigHey i used Fuseiso to mount a ISO file with the -p option. where is the ISo mounted? i tried media and mnt17:16
enigno luck17:16
olimpicofailers: NO, you don't get 8.1017:17
rgreeningdist-upgrade isn't actually for updating to latest dist version. Try man apt-get to learn more about apt.17:18
rgreeningolimpico: yes, thats the correct command17:18
PSiL0Megatherium: 4.1.217:18
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MegatheriumPSiL0: Thanks... I guess I'll be going with 8.04, then.17:24
enigHello. i was reading about a script that makes the fuse iso mount automaticly. but it's for ubuntu and it says to save the file to <user>/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/17:26
enigBut since i'm using Kubuntu gnome aint suposed to be there right?17:26
enigwhere should i put it then?17:27
gmathewsHi, is it safe to get the icons in the 'System Settings Tab' using get new themes - I have been reading about icons not really working in KDE 417:30
gizhi majinbu17:37
thedarkhello everyone17:37
thedarkI am trying to set krecorder to record from my soundcard17:38
Xsss4hellhowto install bluetooth devices in kubuntu jaunty jackalope?17:38
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thedarkdoes anyone know how I could set this up?17:38
thedarkI went to Audio Manager17:38
thedarkand set Krecord In to Soundcard out17:38
thedarkbut still it doesn't record anything17:38
dstar_Does anyone here use the ATI Catalyst drivers?17:39
Xsss4hellI dismissed gnome today, let's say hooraay. I used it for 4 years or longer17:39
Xsss4hellnow  I'm with K4.2.x and totally happy till now17:39
Xsss4helllet's see :)17:40
gmathewsXsss4hell: using a fresh install of Kubuntu?17:40
Xsss4hellgmathews: yep17:40
gmathewssweet me too :)17:40
Xsss4helldstar_: better ask adamk on #compiz. or ask your question directly17:40
gmathewsXsss4hell: why did you try the Jaunty route?17:41
Xsss4hellgmathews: It's not that a gui can impress me, I use freebsd also, so.. But the technology inside17:41
andrew__Hello. Please help me with sound. I have no sound from TV-tuner based on SAA713417:42
gmathewsah i see. I am still a relative n00b. Used Ubuntu for about 6 months. Installed Kubuntu 2 days ago17:42
Xsss4hellgmathews: because I want to try things out. and a3 is currently pretty stable and the next release is not far enough, so I know the freeze is coming near17:42
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Xsss4hellThe last time I used kde  was  2003 :D17:43
thedarkshould I not have krec in set to soundcard out?17:43
Xsss4hellwas about time17:43
thedarkI tried vice versa as well17:43
thedarkbut no sound17:43
thedarkAHHHHHHH why is everything so simple so complicated17:44
Xsss4hellthedark: that's the nature of simple things ;)17:45
thedarkits just a bad computing day for me17:46
Xsss4hellthedark: I don`t know krecord, but why don't you try audacity to record? it should work17:46
dstar_I'm trying to figure out how to do two things: 1) Ensure that the X framebuffer is big enough for my external monitor (1680x1050) even if it's not attached when X starts 2) Figure out how I need to configure things so that I can use both monitors (not at the same time, I just want to be able to switch back and forth) and still have 3D acceleration.17:46
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kaddii'd like to take a look at kde 4.2 and have been following the installationguide on upgrading with intrepid. Halfway down the guide asks to uninstall all plasmoids...17:46
Xsss4helldstar_: easy^17:46
dstar_I found something that says that 3D acceleration with two displays is only supported with BigDesktop setup, but I can't figure out what BigDesktop is.17:46
thedarkaudaicty doesn't work either17:47
kaddibut i don't even really know what these are, I've never used them. Is it safe to assume that I have no plasmoids install or are there some default plasmoids i ned to uninstall17:47
Xsss4helldstar_: btw, the framebuffer is irrelevant17:47
thedarkit has 4 options for audio in17:47
gmathewsthedark: audacity has been known to not work in Ubuntu - there is a bug filed for it17:47
Xsss4helldstar_ it should be sufficient17:47
thedarkAHHH so how do I use krecord?17:47
thedarksound comes out of my speakers, I can listent o music fine17:48
gmathewsthedark: Intrepid that is17:48
Xsss4hellno idea^ donnt know that app17:48
thedarkI use skype17:48
thedarkokay I use Kubuntu17:48
gmathewsthedark: i think something is wrong with the audio17:48
thedarkif Audacity doesn't work17:48
thedarkwhat can I use to record from my soundcard?17:48
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gmathewsnot sure thedark17:48
* thedark jumps off a cliff17:49
dstar_Xsss4hell: Not exactly, because you can't set a resolution greater than the framebuffer. By default, it sets the framebuffer to the size of the largest monitor when it starts, so if the external monitor isn't attached, it gets set to 1440x900. Then when I attach the external monitor, I can't set it to a resolution greater than 1440x900.....17:49
thedarkahhh this and DVD problems are driving me crazy17:49
thedarkand I can't find any podcasts in Korean17:49
thedarkhow the hell am I supposed to get Korean audio this way?17:49
thedarkit is impossible17:49
thedarkI am trying to learn Korean and Kubuntu is not helping17:49
Xsss4helldstar_: I know, but the default config is should be ok enough for 2 monitors with ati 9.117:49
gmathewslol thedark I know how you feel bud..17:50
Xsss4hellbut never try ati + jaunty17:50
Xsss4hellonly ati + ubuntu<917:50
Xsss4hellhowto add bluetooth devices in kubuntu? somehow, there ain't a symbol in the tray17:52
gmathewsNothing works on KDE 4.1. Got a using the theme manager in KDE itself and guess what! It doesnt work properly.17:53
* gmathews boots into Windows.17:53
dstar_Xsss4hell: I think we're talking about separate things... I'm talking about the X framebuffer size, which is a resolution. You'll see it if you run xrandr with no options: Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1440 x 900, maximum 1680 x 168017:53
Xsss4hellgmathews: try kde4.2 its wow17:53
gmathews*Got an icon theme.17:53
gmathewsXsss4hell: will it affect my stuff?17:54
Xsss4hellusually no17:54
dstar_Xsss4hell: If I don't have my external monitor attached when I boot, the maximum will be the size of my built-in LCD, which is 1440x90017:54
gmathewsXsss4hell: how different is it to 4.1 anyway17:54
gizXsss4hell:I use 4.1 and everything seems to have been working for a while now even audacity17:57
Xsss4hellgiz gmathews http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.2/index.php17:58
Xsss4helldstar_: what I meant was, that ther is a gui now from amd ati^17:59
Xsss4hellwhere  you can enable disable monitors etc.17:59
dstar_Xsss4hell: Right, but the X framebuffer can't be resized, so if it's initially set too small you have to restart X to change it.  If you're talking about the Control Center, it won't show resolutions above the framebuffer size.18:00
thedarkokay the Out-soundard Bus means the sound that comes out of my speakers right?18:00
Xsss4helldstar_ yes indeed18:01
Xsss4helldo I have to install bluetooth myself before kde recognizes it?18:02
BsimsHey got a weird one... kde nightly neon isn't detecting all of my drives correctly18:03
thedarkwhat does aRTs control do?18:03
helpdeskplease anybody knows how i could use the GRUB ? asking me to point my default entry in menu.list to /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.23.acme1. any idea ?18:03
Xsss4hellBsims: I  think, you can file a bug, or report back to the developers, wich is a different channel18:04
BsimsHrm kubuntu-devel?18:04
dstar_Xsss4hell: Do you know which of the various options for setting up a multiple monitors corresponds to 'BigDesktop'? I'm guessing AMD must have renamed that at some point.18:04
Bsimswhats wierd is it works correctly in 3.5x18:04
Xsss4hellyep, but I  think kde's  bugtracking system is located at launchpad18:04
Xsss4helldstar_: google ;) http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=redblog_entry&item=255018:05
thedarkIf I want to record my soundcards output, what should I do in Kmix?18:05
dstar_Xsss4hell: Aha! Now why the hell didn't that show up when I was googling? Maybe I missed it because the date is so old....18:08
thedarkhow about what sound is made out of, can anyone answer that one?18:08
Bsimsthedark: try seeing if Krec can do it for you18:09
Xsss4helldstar_: cuz I searched for "linux ati bigdesktop"18:09
thedarkthat is what I am trying to figure out18:09
theunixgeekOk, so from within 4.1, how do I upgrade to 4.2?18:09
Xsss4hellanyone good in algorithms here?18:09
thedarkbut nobody, not here or in google seems to know what to do18:09
thedarkKrec is supposed to be easy to use18:09
dstar_Xsss4hell: aha... I think I was using ubuntu instead of linux.18:10
thedarkI guess I am an imbecile18:10
Xsss4hellgoogle is not a person :D haha18:10
* thedark drags his knuckles across the floor toward his dank cave of tragedy and solitude18:10
thedarkthis is ridiculous18:10
thedarkso nobody even knows what the aRts controller does?18:11
thedarkis everyone here a newb like me?18:11
Xsss4hellthedark chill, there must be a solution, what you want to do is something very basic18:11
thedarkthat is what I am thinking18:11
thedarkbut I can't do it!18:11
thedarkthen again, when I first got Kubuntu, I couldn't even use headphones until the last update18:12
thedarkso who knows how it is in Linux land18:12
Xsss4hellunsupported hardware .18:12
thedarkbut if sound is coming out of the speakers, how could it be that I can't record it?hmmm18:12
thedarkgood, I scared him off18:13
gizthe dark:www.arts-project.org/doc/manual/index-3.html18:13
thedarkI think I get the gist of it18:15
thedarknot very user friendly language18:15
thedarkbut it doesn't help me18:15
thedarkthanks though18:15
thedarkdoes anyone know what this bus is?18:16
thedarkfor a recording problem18:16
thedarkKrec IN needs to be set to the Bus that is Soundcard-Out RIGHT???!!!18:16
thedarkthat is how I have it set18:16
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thedarkfor any recording problem18:16
thedarkhow would it be set18:16
thedarklike that right?18:16
thedarkwho knows?18:17
mariusservertokens webcouture.sytes.net18:18
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=== nicolas is now known as Bou
Guest5131hi, I'm having trouble access windows shares from dolphin/konqueror. Can someone pastebin their working smb.conf for me to use please?18:31
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:33
dstarHow do I take a screenshot in KDE?18:34
reinholddstar: ksnapshot18:34
dstarreinhold: thanks18:35
dstarreinhold: does that have a shortcut key by default?18:35
reinholddstar: It used to be tied to "PrtScrn" in kde3, but here it does not seem to work with kde 4.2 any more :(18:37
Bouhow do you turn off the hibernation?18:39
Boui mean to prevent the computer to ever get in hibernation18:39
thedarkso listen...18:40
thedarkKrec indicates a sound input when there is a system sound18:40
thedarklike when a notification message comes up or something18:40
thedarkbut it is not detecting music I play with say, Kaffeine18:40
BsimsI am trying to install the experimental packages from the PPA and when I tried an apt-get install kde kde-core I got the following message  kde-core: Depends: kdebase-workspace (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed18:44
BsimsE: Broken packages18:45
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BsimsI am trying to install kde4 on Intrepid and I can't get it to work... apt-get install -s kubuntu-kde4-desktop reports broken packages anyone got a clue?19:07
BluesKajBsims , follow this tutorial http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.219:10
BsimsBluesKaj: thats the problem I don't already have a kde4 install to do so19:11
BluesKajBsims , add this deb to your souces.list , then do a sudo apt get update , then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop . deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main19:13
BsimsBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112530/19:15
BluesKajBsims , are you running gnome desktop then ?19:16
BsimsBluesKaj: kde 3.5 on intrepid and nightly neon19:17
* Bsims is debating waiting for Jaunty and doing a fresh install19:18
CasandirNoob question about burning... when I burn my bootdisc, does it matter if I burn the unzipped folder, or should I just burn the files in the dir?19:19
BsimsThanks for the help off to do some running19:19
p_quarlesCasandir: neither19:19
CasandirHow then, if neither?19:21
p_quarlesCasandir: a boot disk image should be in an .iso compressed filesystem format -- that's what you burn to CD19:22
BluesKajhi jhutchins ..ltns19:23
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Casandirp_quarles: I had thought as much, but didn't locate an .iso in the isolinux dir, where I thought it might be...19:24
p_quarlesCasandir: that's because whatever it is you have is not actually a bootable CD image; you need to start over from the beginning19:26
CasandirRight-o - thank you!  I assume I can find the downloadable .iso somewhere on kubuntu.org?19:26
p_quarlesCasandir: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu19:27
CasandirRock - thank you (:19:27
Casandirhmm... this is what I downloaded originally19:28
KomiaPoikahow do i turn off kde 4.2's auto screen saver and lock after 1 min??19:28
Casandir...was already on that page19:28
p_quarlesCasandir: just choose a location from the dropdown menu and press the "start download" button19:29
CasandirAye - all set now. Thought it was a .zip by the desktop icon, the name was too long to see.  Thanks again!19:32
manumarI want to create a trackmania server so I see here the files that I need19:49
manumarI dont know how can I eject the server19:49
manumarbecause I cant see any.. .SH file19:49
thedarkokay I can record from my headset in Audacity19:54
thedarkbut I still can't record from my sound card19:54
thedarkcan anyone offer any advice?19:54
thedarkit doesn't give me an error19:54
thedarkit just doesn't detect any sound19:54
BsimsHrm I am running kde nightly neon and now I get the message that vlc can not run... due to Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries19:54
BsimsThe only conflict I can see is /maybe/ its seeing the amarok-nightly-qt but it shouldn't conflict19:55
p_quarlesBsims: it wouldn't conflict, as the amarok-nightly builds are specifically designed to use its own qt libs19:56
djsiegeHello all19:56
djsiegejust a quick question19:56
Bsimsp_quarles: I know but something is conflicting it19:56
djsiegeis there a way to get the K Menu to open when I press the windows key?19:57
p_quarlesBsims: right, but the Ubuntu VLC package wouldn't even be *aware* of the Qt libs that amarok-nightly is using19:57
Bsimsp_quarles: exactly thats what is so frustrating about it19:57
p_quarlesdjsiege: Win key alone? No. Win key in combination with another? Yes.19:57
impythis might seem like a daft question, but I'm trying to find something that will allow me to broadcast shoutcast mp3 to a friend's server, prefferably something GUI19:58
p_quarlesBsims: are you running KDE 4.2 from the Launchpad PPA?19:58
djsiegep_quarles: how would I go about setting that up?19:58
Bsimsp_quarles: nightly neon from the neon PPA19:58
djsiegeKDE 4.1 btw19:58
p_quarlesdjsiege: systemsettings --> global keyboard shortcuts19:59
p_quarlesBsims: so Neon for your entire KDE setup?19:59
thedarkso nobody here can record their soundcards output in audacity?19:59
thedarkI get no error, it just doesn't pick up any sound20:00
thedarka flat line20:00
Bsimsp_quarles: correct20:00
thedarkbut it detects and record sound input to my logitech USB headset just fine20:00
Bsimsp_quarles: Heh I also have 3.5 installed along side20:00
Bsimshowever Neon doesn't touch anything of the rest20:01
p_quarlesBsims: sorry, I thought you were talking about just Amarok; I don't know, really; that may conflict with VLC20:01
thedarkahhhhh someone must know20:01
thedarkam I the first person this has happened to?20:01
p_quarlesBsims: you can probably compile VLC wiht static Qt libs if you're willing to spend some time on it20:02
p_quarlesthedark: you asked; stop re-asking20:02
Bsimsbah too much like work <g>20:02
p_quarlesBsims: let me install VLC real quick here and see if I get anything similar with the Launchpad PPA 4.220:03
* thedark sonic booms the chatroom20:03
thedarkthis is jacked up right here20:03
p_quarlesBsims: VLC works fine with the Qt libs from the Launchpad PPA20:07
Bsimsp_quarles: Hrm not here... must be me... I do have 3.5 installed but it worked before20:07
p_quarlesBsims: you don't have what I'm talking about installed, though20:08
djsiegeok....  it's not working20:10
flapanei have a problem with eth0 on (k) hardy i386, eth0 won't enable after a reboot  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105717420:10
djsiegei set the shortcut to meta+z, saved it, but it won't pop open the application launcher20:10
krioxhi ..20:11
Bsimsp_quarles: hrm I may say hell with it and reinstall I got backups made just a pain in the arse reinstalling all the little packages you use20:11
funghey guys I got an issue with my sound. worked for a while before, then used xp for a while. then i come back and its not working anymore. funny thing is, if i turn my speaker ALL the way up, I can barely hear sound out of my headphones. Also all my playback settings are turned all the way up.20:11
BsimsMight be easiest as lets face it ubuntu doesn't handle upgrades between versions nicely20:11
krioxsomething goes wrong with my pendrive on kubuntu 8.0420:11
p_quarlesBsims: what I'm saying is that instead of using the neon nightly builds for KDE 4.2, use the Launchpad PPA that provides a stable 4.2 build; those libs work with VLC20:12
krioxit work on windows on the same machine20:12
* Bsims nods will do p_quarles 20:12
=== Gary_ is now known as Gary
fungAny ideas about my sound issue? :/20:13
ghostcubefung, hmm sounds strange20:14
krioxfung: have you try to reeboot??20:14
ghostcubeand you checked that all settings are normal in alsamixer too ?20:14
djsiegeagggh! I can't get this thing to open with teh keyboard!20:14
fungwhen this happened initially, I went back to XP. now I have time to troubleshoot and its still not working20:15
fungand yeah all my playback options in alsamixer are maxed out20:15
KDeskWhere can I get the latest Koffice (the version 2) binaries for kubuntu?20:16
ghostcubefung, is this in all players like this not working ?20:17
fungyes, I was in firefox on youtube. also amarok playing music20:18
ghostcubeis this kde 4.2 ? what soundkart are u running20:18
fungnot kde 4.2 (although I'm updating it right now. hoping after reboot some other old package will get updated and sound starts working again)20:19
fungI'm have audigy 220:19
djsiegeare there any major improvements from KDE 4.1 to 4.2?20:24
fungghostcube: update finished. Going to reboot to see if sound still broken.20:26
thedarkokay, how about this for an easy question20:29
thedarkI changed my system language to Korean20:29
thedarknow I am trying to switch it back20:29
thedarkbut still some apps are in Korean20:29
thedarkyet I removed every language but US English and set it to the default language20:30
thedarkand have logged out twice20:30
p_quarlesthedark: sudo update-locale20:30
Unksithedark: what is the output of locale?20:30
thedarknothing happens20:31
thedarkyeah nothing happens20:31
thedarkwell that is the output for just "locale"20:32
thedarkbut nothing happens when I enter sudo update-locale20:32
Unksithedark: try sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE20:32
fungghostcube: nope. still same :/20:33
ghostcubefung, hmm what soundcard is this20:33
thedarknothing happened20:33
thedarkshould I have seen something or do I need to logout?20:34
Unksithedark: try logging out20:34
kaddihow can i zoom in and out in imagemagick20:35
kaddii can only see about a tenth of my image :(20:35
kaddi(this is on kde4.2)20:35
fungghostcube: audigy 220:36
thedarkdidn't work20:36
Unksiok, did the output of locale change?20:36
thedarkexcept for one line20:37
Unksiok, try sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF820:38
Unksisudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-820:38
thedarkdidn't change it20:39
setuid_w00tIs there a way to make kmail show the receiver instead of the sender in my Sent mail folder?20:39
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Unksiwhat if you do export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 ?20:40
Unksiand then check locale20:40
thedarkit changed it20:41
gekkoosetuid_w00t: since kde 4.2 yes, i don't know about 4.1.3 though20:41
Unksionly temporarily20:41
mooxI have a little problem when upgrading from gnome (ubuntu 8.10) to kde 4.220:41
Unksiwhats the contents of /etc/default/locale ?20:41
mooxsome file in .kde/share/config are no writable20:41
setuid_w00tgekkoo: Is that the version that you are running? (4.2)20:42
gekkoosetuid_w00t: yes20:42
setuid_w00tgekkoo: Can you tell me how to do it in that version and I will check if it's available in 4.1.320:42
BentFrankMy system is Kubuntu 8.10.  "ls -l foo" gives me "-rwxrwSrwx".  I do "chmod 0777 foo".  The perms don;t change.  What is that capital S in my perms and why doesnt 0777 clear it?20:42
BentFrankIt's on a share mounted from a NAS if thamatters20:43
ghostcubefung, pci ?20:43
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gekkoosetuid_w00t: i dont think that its available. on the right of the search bar there are several buttons, one is called 'select view appearance'20:44
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fungghostcube, yes20:45
Guest3563I just updated kde 4.2 from ppa repository and desktop effects have stoped working20:45
Guest3563I have tested the glx and dri and everything works fine on games, etc...20:46
thedarkso what can I do?20:46
funganyway I asked someone in #alsa and just noticed alsa 1.0.19 came out. I'm using .17 right now so20:46
thedarkthis is the worst computing day ever :(20:46
Guest3563any ideas where I should start looking to solve this?20:46
ghostcubefung, the audigy2 should work fine20:47
gekkoomoox: you could do execute this cmd: find ~/.kde/share/config -exec chmod u+rw,g+rw,o+r '{}' \;20:47
ghostcubefung, what is set as primary sound output in systemsettings multimedia and then inside music ?20:47
ghostcubecheck that the alsa device is the first one20:47
ghostcubenot pulseaudio20:48
setuid_w00tgekkoo: The only button I see there is "Open Full Search"20:48
Skrot-Hi, I'm having some issues with (k)networkmanager in kubuntu 8.10. If I click a essid in knetworkmanager, nothing happens. Any ideas where to start debugging this?20:48
gekkoosetuid_w00t: then it's not possible, i guess20:49
setuid_w00tgekkoo: 4.2 will be in the 9.04 right?20:49
fungghostcube, alsa? that's not even on the list for me.20:49
Unksithedark: whats the contents of /etc/default/locale ?20:49
gekkoosetuid_w00t: yea, i think so20:49
fungghostcube, audigy is first on the list20:50
ghostcubefung can u post a screenshot of the audio sources to pastie.org20:50
setuid_w00tgekkoo: I can wait I guess.  Thanks for the help20:50
gekkoo4.2 is very stable and fast20:50
setuid_w00tgekkoo: How did you install it?  From source?20:50
thedarkokay sorry, didn't see that20:50
ghostcubenah picaste.de20:50
ghostcubedamn lol fung picpaste.de20:50
fungghostcube, alright20:50
gekkoosetuid_w00t: i used experimental (not official) repositories20:51
fungghostcube, erm I'm can't read german20:52
gekkoosetuid_w00t: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 :-)20:52
Unksithats it?20:52
thedarkit is a bunch of... Japanese characters20:52
setuid_w00tgekkoo: So I'm guessing that 4.2 fixed more problems for you than it created?20:52
ghostcubefung, try the english flag in the right upper corner or .com20:53
gekkoosetuid_w00t: yes, definitely20:53
Unksithedark: ok, make it empty and put LANG=en_US.UTF-8 there20:53
setuid_w00tgekkoo: Thanks again.  I'll check out 4.2 later today/20:53
Unksiand try relogging20:53
cptajhey guys, I installed kde on my vanilla ubuntu. Can you link me to that one tutorial on how to completely remove kde? >_>20:55
fungghostcube, http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-Multimedia_-_System_Settings.png20:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnomeonly20:55
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »20:55
thedarkit worked :D20:55
thedarkfinally, something goes right20:55
Unksithedark: great :)20:55
Guest3563weird, I now have both my desktop and laptop computers with the latest ppa5 packages from kde 4.2 and bath have broken desktop effects20:56
cptajthanks I'll give that a shot20:57
Unksiyw :)20:57
ghostcubefung, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93852120:58
ghostcubehave u checked this20:58
cbwcjwSo if I want to remove all GNOME packages....20:58
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »20:58
joshuajtlwill installing/using gtk apps in kde slow down general performance?20:59
cbwcjwjoshuajtl: They run pretty fine.20:59
Guest3563is anyone here using kde 4.2?20:59
* cbwcjw is20:59
* gekkoo is21:00
joshuajtlI am21:00
Guest3563can you install the latest updates from repository21:00
Guest3563and tell me if desktop effects still works afterwards21:00
joshuajtlyes they do21:00
joshuajtlanyone know how to turn off grouping in the panel?21:01
Guest3563damnit, both my computers have the same problem21:01
gekkoojoshuajtl: righ-click task manager settings :)21:01
Guest3563is there any reason why 3d games, etc... work fine but kde 4.2 desktop effects don't?21:01
fungghostcube, I'm not sure what that command is supposed to do.. looks just like as if I ran 'alsamixer' in the terminal. I checked again though and everything is turned up21:01
joshuajtloh yeah didnt see it i guess thanks gekko21:01
joshuajtlok I updated to 4.2 now i don't have any (except default) plasma themes... but searching for plasma in adept got me nothing21:02
cbwcjw"Old Plasma packages are not compatible with KDE 4.2, you should uninstall any plasmoids." -> From the Kubuntu site21:03
fungjoshuajtl, you can alsa disable grouping manually for each group by middle mouse clicking. nifty little funtion21:03
joshuajtlyeah i read that, it doesnt say no plasma packages are compatible just that old ones arent21:03
joshuajtlhmm that is neat fung thx21:03
joshuajtli have never liked adept, does anyone use anything else other than command line?21:04
gekkooaptitude :)21:04
joshuajtl... command line21:04
fungghostcube, Hey I think I found the culprit21:05
fungghostcube, almost blew out my eardrums too. I was randomly muting different things and by muting Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack, sound came back21:06
joshuajtlplus I tried kde 4.2 with suse live cd and it had other plasma themes...21:06
joshuajtlnot just default21:06
gekkoowell, isnt there something called kpackage? never tried it though21:06
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »21:06
ghostcubefung, cool21:06
gekkoojoshuajtl: you can download new themes easily21:06
joshuajtloh yeah forgot about that gekko, thanks...21:07
joshuajtlI just came back to kubuntu been away for a bit trying out windows 721:07
fungghostcube, thx for your help!21:07
gekkooit's really well integrated21:07
ghostcubenp man21:07
joshuajtlwhat is well integrated21:07
gekkoothe theme downloading thingy :)21:08
joshuajtloh yeah it is21:08
joshuajtlanyone else dislike the new 4.2 panel theme? (just saying)21:11
cbwcjwjoshuajtl: I actually like it a LOT more21:11
joshuajtlwow odd... i guess you just cant dispute taste21:12
cbwcjwjoshuajtl: I disliked 4.1's actually :P Taste is everything21:13
joshuajtli'm installing all the new themes :)21:14
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joshuajtli'm going to install Sugar gui from OLPC21:16
cbwcjwjoshuajtl: hahahah!21:17
|gunni|I miss my movie thumbnails in kde 4 (kubuntu intrepid, kde 4.2) Is there a known way to get them back?21:17
joshuajtlcbwcjw: seroiusly, it's an interesting idea21:17
cbwcjwjoshuajtl: Yea, its just OLPC is losing money reallly fast, but that is pretty cool21:18
joshuajtlare they that's too bad21:18
elionehola necesito ayuda con el apagado de mi pc tengo instalado KDE 4.2 en Ubuntu 8.10 en un asus eee pc,por favor abridme un privado,muchas gracias de antemano21:20
ghostcube!es | elione21:21
ubottuelione: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:21
carpii_im using kmail with several 'identities'. One identity fails to send mail with the error 'Unknown Transport Protocol'. The other identity works fine. Has anyone had this, its driving me crazy since theyre both gmail accounts with similar settings?21:33
moshuHei hei :)21:35
moshuWaddup ppl? :D21:35
moshuDamn, I can`t get any sound from the PC, someone has any idea?21:36
moshuit`s Ubuntu with KD21:36
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DoatesHow do I download wine when using kubuntu?21:46
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faydrissapt-get wine21:52
BentFrankMy system is Kubuntu 8.10.  foo is a file on a NAS mounted via samba.  "ls -l foo" gives me "-rwxrwSrwx".  I do "chmod 0777 foo".  The perms don't change.  What is that capital S in my perms and why doesnt 0777 clear it?21:52
faydrisstoo many numbers?21:52
faydrisswhy 0777 and not 777?21:52
macofaydriss: 0 means "no sticky bit"21:52
BentFrankthe 0 place can be 2 for setgid and 4 for setuid21:53
BentFranki think 1 means sticky21:53
macoBentFrank: thanks. couldnt remember the other options21:53
BentFrankstat foo gives: 2767/-rwxrwSrwx21:54
moshuSomeone please help me? :)21:56
moshuI can`t hear any sound :|21:56
moshuFrom the PC of course :)21:57
ghostcubemoshu, what card is this ?21:57
moshuHm... dunno21:58
moshu1 sec :)21:58
moshuIt`s integrate21:58
moshud I believe21:58
ghostcubeis there any sound card mentioned21:59
Doatescan someone help me install wine22:00
moshu00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)22:00
gekkooBentFrank: does chmod g-s clears that bit?22:00
moshuapp-get wine22:00
Doateswhere do i put that?22:00
moshuin the konsole?22:00
Doatesokay thankyou im dumb22:01
ghostcubemoshu, i have an intel audio too have u checked that all outputs are on inside kmix or alsamixer22:01
rwreedupgrading to 8.10 from 8.4 on reboot got warning during build of driver modules kernel version in version.h does not match currently running kernel thing seems hung. what should I do22:02
moshuDoates: sudo apt-get install wine22:02
moshughostcube: it`s my first time using linux...22:02
moshuI try it on a virtual machines, back on vista22:02
ghostcubemoshu, hmm ok then check inside kmix if all channels are on and not muted22:03
moshuSo, I am not so good with it...22:03
moshuHow can I do that?22:03
ghostcubein the taskbar there is an sound icon22:03
ghostcubethis is kmix normally22:03
DoatesE: Type 'apt-get-wineapt-get-wineapt-get-wine' is not known on line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list22:03
DoatesE: The list of sources could not be read.22:03
moshuA, that looks ok man22:03
moshunothing is muted22:03
moshuAll is 50% oon volume22:03
ghostcubeDoates, sudo apt-get install wine     not more22:04
moshuYes, indeed22:04
moshuI told him so upper :>22:04
ghostcubemoshu, check kmenu >< systemsettings >> sound or on 4.2 multimedia check that the intel device is the first used one22:04
moshuI had some driver, is called hda intel22:04
Doatesthats what i typed22:05
moshu1 sec22:05
ghostcubeDoates, pls post youre sources.list22:05
ghostcubeto pastie.org22:05
moshuBonjour raphael22:07
Doatesadept installer isnt opening now22:08
moshughostcube: I can`t reach any sound thing on settings or sistem :\22:08
raphaelje suis entrain de tester cette version d'os22:08
moshuO, ca va raphael :)22:08
moshuMoi aussi :)22:09
raphaelbé je sais pas trop si j'men sort avec kubuntu22:09
ghostcubemoshu, maybe the virtual device isnt working correct22:09
ghostcubemoshu, try a lice dvd or cd22:09
moshuI wonder if is there ant command or something22:09
moshuFor drivers or... ?22:09
moshulice ?22:09
ghostcubemoshu, nah for testing the system live cd of 8.1022:09
moshuWith live it works :)22:10
Doatesim going to restart and see what that does for me22:10
moshuI have it on a virtual hdd22:10
ghostcubethen it is an vm problem22:10
moshuAnd it was working :|22:10
moshuBut now doesn`t :|22:10
ghostcubehmm when did it stop22:10
raphaelje voulais mettre hardy heron mais ya rien d autre qui s install a part kubuntu22:10
ghostcube!fr | rajdhani22:10
ubotturajdhani: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:10
moshuMaybe because now I got it on 64x ?22:10
ghostcuberaphael, was for you22:10
ghostcubemoshu, hmm nah shouldnt matter22:11
raphaeloups i made a mystake so no?22:11
ghostcubeeh  nah :D22:11
ghostcube!fr | raphael22:11
ubotturaphael: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:11
raphaeli think i speak english now22:12
moshuHow  can I install audio drivers? :)22:12
moshuOh, now you know english :)22:12
moshuNow it`s fully installed ghostcube22:12
moshuThe Ubuntu22:12
moshuI don`t have any sound, and I can`t install falsh player22:13
moshuAnything else works just fine22:13
raphaelso, i don't know how to use it, how can i do for join the french channel?22:13
moshuTry: /join #ubuntu-fr22:14
raphaeljoin #ubuntu-fr22:15
ghostcubewith /22:15
ghostcubemoshu, n oidea what is causing this22:15
moshuOh... :(22:15
=== tom__ is now known as failers
ghostcubenormally it should work for intel hda22:15
moshuI`ll look around, maybe I`ll catch it :)22:15
raphaelthank you22:16
moshuAvp raphael :)22:16
failersany one know why in kde 4.2 i get error when trying to activate desktop effects?22:16
moshuMaybe it`s from video card22:16
moshuIsnt` recognized or something :|22:16
failersfailed to activate desktop effects using the given configureatuib iotuibs22:16
failerstypo there haha22:17
ActionParsnip1hey guys22:17
failersmoshu: why doesnt it recognize it :/ ?22:17
failersits nvida22:17
failersshould be compatible ? :|22:18
ActionParsnip1is there a package i need to install to get tab completion for coomands like apt-get, i can't tab complete 'install' or 'dist-upgrad' can anyone please advise22:18
moshuI`ve have that problem to22:19
moshuOn a nvidia22:19
moshuYou are running on a virtual machine?22:19
moshuTry click again that performance thing22:20
moshuAnd if it`s not working22:20
failersperformance thing?22:20
moshuGo on NVidia website and get the latest drivers22:20
moshuDesktop. ...22:20
ActionParsnip1also if i have a program running, and i connect via ssh with x forwarding, is there a way to capture the running program to the remote system without having to kill / rerun the program??22:21
failersmoshu: what do you mean with performance thing :S ?22:21
moshuWhere you get that error22:22
failerswell i got newest driver so it aint that atleast22:22
moshuCiao maurizio_22:23
moshucmme va? :)22:23
moshuHm... dunno failers22:23
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failersits so lame22:24
moshuYes :)22:24
failerscompiz doesnt work since it need some libs that are uninstalled when you install 4.2 and desktop effects isnt working22:25
failersso here we go all my eyecandy is gone :D22:25
moshuIt got a problem myself, with audio :D22:25
ActionParsnip1compiz is worthless anyroad22:25
failersActionParsnip1: nah i find the cube nice :)22:26
failersmoshu: what kind of problem?22:26
moshuI can`t hear any sound :|22:26
moshuI got ony mp3`s22:26
moshuI installed a mp3 package for Amarok22:26
moshuAnd now Amarok it`s working, but I can`t hear anything :|22:27
moshuBrb, I`ll try some stuff22:29
moshuAnyway, fck Bill Gates :)22:30
Zorixi want linux bluray video support :/22:30
ActionParsnip1moshu: windows has its place otherwise it would never get used22:32
moshuYes, indeed :)22:33
ActionParsnip1moshu: so its a moot statement22:33
moshuOk, I understand now!22:33
KDeskin kate is it possible to configure it so that when it opens, the left menu/bar doesn't open by defualt?22:34
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ActionParsnip1KDesk: that bit is the documents button on the far left22:36
KDeskActionParsnip1: yes, that sidebar22:37
KDeskActionParsnip1: I don't like it to be open every time I open Kate22:37
ActionParsnip1KDesk: thats all i got22:37
KDeskActionParsnip1: When you open Kate, that sidebar isn't open? I can see all the different documents I have open with kate, but I dont like that22:39
joshuajtlhey folks, oxygen in firefox is still broken, anyone use something else?22:40
ActionParsnip1KDesk: yeah i have it open too22:40
ActionParsnip1KDesk: if you click the left button twice, it goes22:41
harunyokmu bizim dilden konusan22:42
KDeskActionParsnip1: If I click once it goes, but The next time I open kate, it will come again.22:42
KDeskjoshuajtl: What do you mean, the icon theme? I use one from addons.firefox.com22:43
joshuajtlkdesk no regular kde4 oxygen theme makes tabs in firefox look bad22:43
ActionParsnip1KDesk: theres no man kate either22:43
ActionParsnip1joshuajtl: install a firefox theme, it'lll override the kde one22:43
joshuajtlyeah i guess, wanted to keep oxygen22:44
KDeskjoshuajtl: I have an oxygen theme that looks just like oxygen for firefox22:44
KDeskjoshuajtl: ah, no, it is not a theme, it is only icons, the theme I use is onle called Qtcurve for all GTK apps22:45
KDeskthe package is: gtk2-engines-qtcurve22:46
joshuajtlthx think i'll just change the firefox theme22:47
joshuajtlhttp://ramonantonio.net/kde-firefox/ works nicely22:48
joshuajtlhrmm I got pretty used to windows 7... (left kubuntu to try it out) may go back22:49
MallulinkOnline malayalam movies at http://www.mallulink.com/movies.html22:50
Zorixi cant believe people still use windows after getting abused by ms22:50
joshuajtli never got abused by ms...22:50
joshuajtlwindows 7 is really nice... fast unbuggy22:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vmware-player22:57
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware22:57
KDeskthe main problem of windows is that is is close sources and propietary, so in general it is tecnicaly inferior and vulnerable, you don't know what you have in you hd, only ms.22:59
joshuajtli recommend that everyone try out the free windows 7 beta23:00
tom__moshu: i got it working now23:01
joshuajtlhonestly so far my experience coming back to kubuntu from windows 7 is that windows 7 felt more solid23:01
moshuWhat tom__?23:02
tom__desktop effects23:02
dewmanThe great argument of windows and linux.23:02
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MoshutZuNice then :)23:02
tom__MoshutZu: test do "glxinfo | grep render"23:03
tom__for me it says direct rendering no23:03
joshuajtldewman: just saying... cuz i just gave 7 a shot...23:03
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failersor said23:03
KDeskI would not try windows any more because it doesn't respect the standarts, it is as usual a propietary pice of software that you can not trust, any linux/bsd window manager or Desktop envirnoment can be custumized much more, it is more segure and open!23:04
failersso then i just reinstall xserver nv driver and removed /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so and then just reinstalled nvidia driver23:04
failersand tada it worked23:04
dewmanYep...Needing to register so I can download there software is pretty silly.23:04
joshuajtlbattery consumption using windows 7 on my dell 1525 was ridiculously short... so i'm trying kubuntu (as ubuntu came preinstalled on this machine) to test battery consumption...23:05
dewmanbut to each there own.23:05
joshuajtlKDesk: as you wish... wouldn't hurt to try a free beta though... put your money where your mouth is...23:05
dewmanmore like put your money into microsoft.... no thanks23:06
astrommejoshuajtl: It's not really free. It's giving your information to microsoft. And it's definitely not free in terms of libre23:06
astrommeand it definitely won't be free come release23:06
joshuajtlof course it won't ... you can fudge the info if it's that vital to you23:06
joshuajtlit's not like your giving away your ssn23:06
dewmanthe only thing that microsoft gives away is exploits. hehe23:07
joshuajtlit's funny that everyone who is talking badly about windows 7 here have never tried it...23:07
dewmanhow can you make that quick assumption?23:08
dewmanyou know that for a fact? Sheesh...23:08
joshuajtlhave you?23:08
KDeskjoshuajtl: don't take it personal, but I hate windows so much that I will never try it again, I have used many years windows, (without paying for it) so the money is not a problem hehe, If you want a program it is malware or shareware or freeware, or malware or virus, it take to much time. GNU/Linux has much more future, and now many more companies are using Linux inside, and in there products, like many mother boards, intel with moblin.23:08
astrommejoshuajtl: yes in fact I have23:08
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astrommejoshuajtl: And I decided that my solution for software was superior, based on functuality and flexability, not to mention the cost23:09
MoshutZuKeep it coming KDesk :)23:09
astrommebut to each his own23:09
dstarAnyone know if there's a good IRC channel to ask for help on traffic shaping stuff?23:09
joshuajtlsee the intersting thing about windows 7 is that it's basically ms's last chance to get it right before linux takes over a large hunk of their customer base... thats why it's very intersting to try windows 7...23:09
astrommeeh, you could have said that about win98, win2k, winxp, or even windows vista23:10
joshuajtlastromme windows 7 is a huge leap from all of those23:10
Guest65444mac is also taking a large hunk23:10
joshuajtlin every way23:10
cbwcjwastromme: I beleive thta windows 7 will be just as popular and that the userbases will even out eventually.23:10
astrommejoshuajtl: I've tried it. It's not a huge leap from vista. (Vista isn't so bad itself). It is however not what fits me.23:10
Guest65444vista is "so bad"23:11
Guest65444c'mon memory management sucks23:11
astrommeAgain, to each their own. In my experience it wasn't bad.23:11
joshuajtlastromme as far as UI, and usability and performance it is a very huge leap... and I agree that vista is horrible23:11
astrommejoshuajtl: Honestly the UI is quite similar. It changed a few important things here and there, but the interface is largely the same.23:11
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:11
joshuajtli agree every os has a place... i'm not arguing that windows 7 is better than any other os... i personally think all os's suck23:11
astrommeJust like the interface in 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, etc... of mac os x has been similar23:12
astrommeor GNOME has been similar (in 2.x) or KDE has been similar (in either 3.x or in 4.x)23:12
KDeskit is not windows 7 it is WINDOWS, that is the problem, there are so many resons to not use it, segurity, stability, performance. Many goverments don't use windows because of security. In the top500 fastest computer ~80% use Linux. Also like astromme said, GNU/Linux is free as libre. That is the most important, not because of money, because of segurity and to be able to choose.23:12
astrommebut anyways, it's time for other work.23:12
Guest65444but gnome or kde are far more customizable than any propietary OS GUI23:13
dewmanyes.... lets talk about making ati drivers work.23:13
astrommeKDesk: You're preaching to the wrong choir. I've been using linux since '01 and exclusively since '04....23:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:13
joshuajtlKDesk: actually you can compare performance of ubuntu with windows 7 and they are basically equal23:13
astrommeKDesk: Whoops, didn't read your whole comment.23:13
joshuajtland security is really quite good23:13
astrommeanyways, /out23:14
joshuajtleven IE 8 is nice now... and basically as secure as firefox... times are changing man...23:14
KDeskNobody can know if the segurity is good or not, if the source is close....23:15
Guest65444I'm a web developer, i hate IE23:15
cbwcjwjoshuajtl: And google released a webkit browser. Stuff changes, but this is still offtopic.23:15
joshuajtldude its spelt security... get it right once :)23:15
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:15
joshuajtlalright fine dude I'll shut up23:15
cbwcjwjoshaujtl: Thanks. It started to flame up./23:16
joshuajtlyeah you're right... sorry didn't mean to do that... just wanted to have a conversation about it23:16
KDeskEvery one shoudl read "The Right to Read" It is an essay about more or less free software and propietary and what could happend if no free software would exist, it is writen by Richard Stallman. http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.html23:17
joshuajtlKDesk: reading now...23:18
dstarAnyone know if there's a good IRC channel to ask for help on traffic shaping stuff?23:18
joshuajtlwhat kde 4.2 themes are you folk using?23:19
KDeskjoshuajtl: oxygen in KDE 4.2, in 4.1 was not so nice with oxygen.23:20
joshuajtloh sorry meant what kde 4.2 PLASMA theme are you all using?23:21
KDeskWith that theme, kde-firefox or similar I had problems in Firefox with the bookmarks. GTK apps are a problem jeje.23:21
joshuajtlKDesk: what plasma theme are you using?23:22
KDeskjoshuajtl: in plasma, also oxygen, but Elegance, and Galssifild and Slim Glow are good.23:23
joshuajtlyeah just curious23:23
joshuajtlyou like the new 4.2 oxygen panel look?23:24
KDeskjoshuajtl: Yes, I like the blue arround the tasks in the bar :)23:25
joshuajtli guess i'm the only one who doesnt...23:25
KDeskAnd Slim Glow has more transparent area. Also with composition are the themes better, because of the transparency23:25
KDeskjoshuajtl: Ah, hehe, for luck kde-look.org exists.23:26
morpheusXNLcould someone help me out with a simple question?23:27
joshuajtlmorpheusXNL: never ask to ask... just ask23:28
morpheusXNLi just installed kubuntu yesterday, but unlike previous distributions i am unable to create desktop shortcuts23:28
failershow do i change color on my panel ? in kde 4.223:28
failersits blue and i dont want it that color23:28
joshuajtlfailers: right click desktop go to appearance settings... change plasma theme23:28
failersonly got one there :o23:29
failersjoshuajtl: thx found now23:30
failersgod i like kubuntu :D23:30
failersa bit hazzle to get working but when it is running23:30
morpheusXNLwhat does the plasma actualy do23:31
joshuajtlplasma is the new desktop system or something  i forget23:31
joshuajtlaoe 3 rocks23:32
morpheusXNLso does anyone know how i make a custom desktop shortcut in this new kde23:33
joshuajtli dont, have you googled?23:33
morpheusXNLyeah but can seem to find something23:34
leandroHi. How can I configure my network on kde4 system wide?23:36
Blues-Manhi all23:36
Blues-Manguys i ve upgraded from interpid to jaunty and I have KDE 4.2 but I can't see many plasmoid23:36
Blues-Man I got an error about component missing23:36
leandroI want to change to static ip, but there is no graphic ui on kde 4 to do taht. N etwork manager seens to do the job just per user23:37
joshuajtlyou're supposed to uninstall plasmoids before updating to 4.223:37
leandroand /etc/network/interfaces don't have any configo for eth0. Just for lo23:38
Blues-Manjoshuajtl, i can't run the one with picture slideshow23:40
Blues-ManIt tells me about frame component missing23:40
Blues-Manwhat's wrong?=23:40
Blues-Manand either the calculator one23:40
zeushi all23:42
rwreedhi all. Upgradeing from 8.04 to 8.10 now get a kernel version mismatch error. If I boot previous kernel it boots to kde 4. Any ideas?23:46
asobiamarok is not ejecting ipod correctly. what's that mount file again?23:52
=== tom__ is now known as failers
failersanyone know how to fix this "in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail." i get it on any kind of kde app im compiling23:58
failersand i got kdelibs6-dev23:59
failersso it aint those i think :|23:59

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