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trmancothis is the error I get bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)00:02
trmancois there anybody willing to give me a hand?00:18
thumpertrmanco: you need to push your branch to LP00:24
thumpertrmanco: to do that you need an SSH key registered00:24
thumpertrmanco: https://help.launchpad.net/Code/UploadingABranch00:25
trmancothumper, 1- I tried, gives me an error, 2- I already have00:25
thumpertrmanco: unfortunately I have to head out00:25
thumpertrmanco: try jml, or rockstar00:25
trmancoping jml rockstar00:26
luke-jranyone want to play TWG?00:28
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rockstartrmanco, hi01:01
trmancorockstar, hello01:01
rockstartrmanco, what can I do for you?01:01
trmancorockstar, I solved my problem, sorry for the shout01:02
rockstartrmanco, it's fine.  What was the problem?01:02
trmancomy ssh key, the public one was posted on launchpad, but I didn't have my private one01:04
rockstartrmanco, ah, okay.01:09
jsmidt I am trying to build Python 3.0 for hardy in a PPA.06:23
jsmidtIt build depends on python-sphinx06:23
jsmidtI have successfully build this in the PPA for Hardy06:24
jsmidtYet Python 3.0 still complians the build dependency isn't met06:24
jsmidtHow do you get a package in the PPA to "see" the other packages?06:24
jsmidt https://launchpad.net/%7Epython-ubuntu/+archive/ppa/+build/854896/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.python3.0_3.0-0~ppa7~hardy_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz06:24
jsmidtThanks in advance.06:24
wgrantInteresting. We get -1 days notice of old PPA binaries being removed?07:01
CrownAmbassadorHi guys. How do I get to a list of jaunty only bugs?11:17
MrKanisterCrownAmbassador: Maybe you are looking for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+bugs11:24
MrKanisterCrownAmbassador: But the fact that bugs are not in that list is not a guarantee that they are not valid for Jaunty ;)11:25
CrownAmbassadorMrKanister: Thanks. That is what I was looking for!11:26
MrKanisterCrownAmbassador: You are welcome11:26
CrownAmbassadorI installed Jaunty on a separate partition today so that I can mess around with it and confirm bugs and so forth. Running Ibex as my main install.11:27
MrKanisterCrownAmbassador: That's brave. Thanks for helping us.11:28
CrownAmbassadorMrKanister: You're welcome. I want to become much more active with helping.11:29
MrKanisterCrownAmbassador: You may want to have a look at http://daniel.holba.ch/harvest/. This is a central point for incoming patches and upstream fixes that needs testing11:29
CrownAmbassadorMrKanister: Great! I'll have a look at it.11:30
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binarymutantwhy does answering questions give more karma than doing bugs?13:32
MrKanisterbinarymutant: I was wondering about that some time ago :P13:39
binarymutantMrKanister, get any answers ?13:39
MrKanisterbinarymutant: I haven't invetigated that, but I think it is because more people do bug triaging instead of answering questions13:40
binarymutantoh that makes sense13:40
binarymutantthanks :)13:40
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alkisgAccording to the advice of some people here, I opened a launchpad question about uploading binary packages to my PPA (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/57744). The question expired, because noone answered in 15 days. Am I to assume that I'm not allowed to upload binary packages, and keep hosting them in my site instead of moving them to launchpad?17:51
geserhas someone an idea what happened to libtest-perl-critic-perl in the official archive for intrepid (and jaunty)? To me it looks like LP didn't like the many promotions/demotions and ate the arch:all deb (like it did in the past)17:51
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Goundyguys is there a way to kick out the google map thing on my team profile  and replace it by a simple sentence that indicates the location ?18:06
kyselejsyrecekGoundy: you can "hide your location details from others" in your profile, so no one else will see the place on the google map. however I don't think you could replace it by a text18:10
Goundykyselejsyrecek I don't mind if someone could see my location details but I feel that google map very annoying :-)18:11
GoundyAnyway, thank you man ;)18:11
lfaraoneHow can I check if tehre are any bugs linked to a upstream bug number?18:12
kyselejsyrecekGoundy: hm, i have no idea then18:13
Goundykyselejsyrecek no problem thank you ;)18:13
kyselejsyrecekGoundy: you are welcome18:13
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kyselejsyreceklfaraone: i'll post a question in mailing list and let you know18:38
lfaraonekyselejsyrecek: Thanks.18:39
kyselejsyreceklfaraone: you are welcome18:40
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wgrantgeser: See bug #180218 and the first duplicate.20:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 180218 in soyuz "override mismatch race needs to be fixed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18021820:32
geserwgrant: can someone re-publish those debs (cprov?) or is a new upload needed?20:34
wgrantgeser: You might be able to get somebody to copy them to -updates, but I don't think there's any good process for it, and intrepid-release is frozen.20:35
wgrantAh, and it's completely gone in Jaunty, of course.20:36
wgrantcprov is the best person to talk to about that. I wonder if they can easily find inappropriately superseded binaries.20:37
geserwgrant: yes, that's how I found it, this produces a DEPWAIT on an other package in jaunty20:38
wgrantI guess that simply scanning each DAS for Published BPPHs and complaining if they are all Superseded should work fine.20:38
wgrantAlthough that won't work if a binary has been deleted in some DAS, then later in that same DAS reappeared and got eaten.20:39
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vadi2Hi. I'm trying to help someone commit to launchpad, but it asks them for a password - and then tells them password authentication is not permitted. Any ideas? output: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/102368/23:06
spivvadi2: that's right, they have to use SSH publickey auth.23:07
savvasvadi2: you mean in bazaar ?23:07
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* spiv looks up the help23:07
vadi2spiv: they already setup their ssh key with launchpad23:07
spivvadi2: apparently not23:08
spivvadi2: "(06:04:41 PM) Ramiel2: Authentication (publickey) failed."23:08
vadi2https://launchpad.net/~leigh-stillard lists one though23:08
spivvadi2: so probably they haven't set up the client side to use that key23:08
spivsavvas: thanks, I was about to paste that exact URL :)23:09
vadi2How did he generate the key to begin with? :\23:10
savvaswell it looks like it's generated23:10
savvasalthough that seems wrong :)23:11
savvasvadi2: take a look at mine: https://edge.launchpad.net/~medigeek/+sshkeys23:11
savvasI've no idea of keys, I might be wrong23:11
spivsavvas: actually, good point23:12
spivThat looks like a key fingerprint, not a key.23:12
spivI haven't seen that done before.23:13
spivIt should look more like savvas' key23:13
spivi.e. a long string of letters, not a short sequence of xx:xx:xx:xx:...23:13
savvasvadi2: tell that person to look at this site (it points to their account): https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editsshkeys23:13
vadi2yeah I did23:13
savvasThere's a comment there:23:14
savvasPublic key line23:14
savvasInsert the contents of your public key (usually ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub or ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub). Only SSH v2 keys are supported.23:14
spivLP should really reject that key.23:14
vadi2they're on windows23:14
vadi2comment does not help...23:14
savvasvadi2: ok, but the help link explains it23:16
savvasRegistering the key with Launchpad23:16
savvasStep 1: Open your public key in a text editor and copy its contents to your clipboard. The public key file has the extension .pub. For example: id_rsa.pub23:16
savvasthey have to open the .pub file generated in notepad or wordpad.. or something :)23:17
savvascan people use bzr from windows? didn't know that23:17
vadi2well, bzr kind of claims an advantage over git in that aspect :P23:18
wgrantIt would be crazy to design a VCS that didn't run on Windows.23:19
vadi2it seems it worked now23:22
vadi2wonder where did the instructions fail, because this is a rather intelligent person23:22
thumpervadi2: I'd love to know where the fail was so we can improve it23:23
vadi2I'll ask23:23
vadi2he said https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair is wrong23:25
vadi2"specifically, the 'registering your key with launchpad' section"23:25
vadi2"This >>>>If you get "invalid public key" when adding the SSH key to Launchpad then see https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/26705 sorted it out for me"23:26
spivvadi2: add a comment about that to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/324120, maybe?23:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324120 in launchpad "If an SSH public key is obviously wrong, reject it, don't add it." [Undecided,New]23:27
vadi2don't have anything to comment, Andrew has it all right23:27
vadi2thanks for your help!23:28
spivvadi2: well, just what you just wrote would be good, it's good to know why users got it wrong in the first place.23:28
spiv(I'm the reporter of that bug, btw)23:28
vadi2ok did23:30
spivvadi2: thanks!23:30
savvaswgrant: I didn't mean to offend anyone, but does bzr in windows keep track of \n and \r\n difference or does it treat them as \n?23:31
wgrantsavvas: I don't believe it does any newline handling at all.23:35
savvashm ok, thanks :)23:36
spivsavvas: currently, it records the bytes exactly as they are.23:38
spivsavvas: so, they'll be recorded as \r\n if that's what they are in the file, and checkouts on any platform will get those exact bytes.23:39
savvaswell, now that user has the correct key :P https://edge.launchpad.net/~leigh-stillard/+sshkeys23:39
spivsavvas: there's a patch for bzr to add a "rules" file so that bzr can convert newlines automatically.23:40
savvasnice to know, thanks spiv :)23:40
savvasnow who feels like a good samaritan to update the page for puttygen (instead of linking to that question)? :)23:41
savvasI think the problem with the generated keys is because it doesn't open well in notepad (because of new line characters)23:42
savvaswordpad should show it correctly, but I'll edit that wiki page, add the info as it's said in the question23:43
spivsavvas: yeah, the fact that the key files are in different formats on different platforms is a bit of a pain.23:43
spivsavvas: it'd perhaps be nice if Launchpad could cope with either format.23:43
savvasif you write the bug I'll confirm :p23:45
spivsavvas: :)23:46
spivsavvas: I just added a comment on 324120 saying that a more complete fix would be to accept putty-format public key files.23:47
azimoutI need advice on a launchpad search parameter23:52
karvec_excuse me, any admin on?23:54
wgrantazimout, karvec_: You might just want to ask your questions here. People will answer if they can.23:54
karvec_well, i forgot my email for launchpad and it's been about a year since i've logged on.23:55
azimoutI want to create a search for bugs without a package, which don't have a certain tag23:56
azimouthow do I specify this "don't"?23:56
wgrantazimout: I don't think you can. I recall a bug about it...23:56
* wgrant searches,23:57
wgrantBug #8157523:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 81575 in malone "no way to search for absence of a tag" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8157523:57
azimoutthank you, wgrant23:59

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