
miikwhy is no 2.6.29-rc3 in jaunty?00:17
syockittesting is probably underway00:33
nemohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/303068 - could someone running Jaunty test this for me?00:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303068 in network-manager "Static IP ethernet network setting is lost after reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:50
nemoI'd appreciate it00:50
nemolast comment suggested this annoying behaviour has been fixed in NM that Jaunty is using00:51
miikwhy nvidia driver is 180.22 instead of 180.27?00:55
jianfeiok i had to reboot and tried pulseaudio -k ; start-pulseaudio-x11 again..sound is gone, what should i do?00:55
anderskmiik: bug 32241600:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 322416 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "update request: nVidia ver 180.27, pre-release" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32241600:56
jianfeii use sound for audio recording playback of voice recognition00:56
maxbmiik: Perhaps because 180.22 is a release but 180.27 is only a beta?00:57
jianfeiany chance you have fix, i have to use jaunty other laptop processing..00:57
miikdidnt nkow00:58
miikcool, i have openofficeorg 3.0!!!!!00:59
jianfeican i have some assistance for audio?00:59
jianfeii have to process 14hrs of audio00:59
miikwill i get firefox 3.1 too?01:00
miikmy audio didnt work in jaunty, then i did killall pulseaudion, then it works always now, even when i reboot01:00
jianfeishuttleworth is talking about windows 7 and jaunty..yet my sound dont even work..ive tried pulseaudio -k ; start-pulseaudio-x1101:01
miikwell jaunty is alpha01:02
miiknot even beta yet01:02
jianfeii wish i could help and code01:02
miikme too, but im too dumb01:02
jianfeiim just audio for ASIO over here01:02
jianfeihave to get through 14hrs of tape01:03
miiki mostly use ubuntu for porno and play MMORPG where i waste 20 hours a day killing monsters and getting levels01:03
miiktry 8.10 intrepid ibex instead01:03
jianfeimilk: yes i know im already using intrepid with 38+ hours of processing..01:04
jianfeiother laptop01:04
jianfeihehe the 38hrs was escalated to me!01:04
jianfeithis is my test machine01:05
jianfeiwinxp then01:05
miikyeah, maybe01:07
miikif you cant use intrepid01:07
miikthen use whatever you can do Get The Work Done01:07
miikbut dont forget to check back jaunty in april ;)01:07
jianfeimilk: mate our team only use ubuntu...if thats a plug..then use it lol01:08
miikwell, then intrepid ibex01:09
miikthen use intrepid*01:09
miikunless you can somehow get jaunty to work01:09
miikbut jaunty is not for production use01:09
jianfeiwell alpha 2 had a bug in ssh tunneling that we were making use of..01:10
jianfeimost of the team still using A2 for that purpose01:11
miikim poundering about stealing my sisters lipgloss01:25
pwnguinhas anyone else noticed a bizarre font kerning problem in firefox?02:28
pwnguinactually, its not just firefox02:39
rippsI'm bored, think of upgrading my intrepid to jaunty. Any glaring stability issues I should be aware of?02:55
danbhfiveripps: heh, probably the most glaring is that it hasn't hit feature freeze yet (i think).02:58
ubottuA schedule of Jaunty Jackelope (9.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule02:58
rippshow's the the xorg ati driver working in xorg-1.603:00
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
rippsSince Jaunty is using 2.6.28, it doesn't have KMS yet, does it.03:06
HewHas sound broken for others recently?03:11
hggdhHew, yes, on a pulseaudio race on starting X03:12
Hewhggdh: Do you know the bug #?03:13
hggdhyes, I subscribed to it. Just a sec03:13
hggdhHew, bug 32237403:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 322374 in pulseaudio "[jaunty regression] Pulse Audio finds no card for output" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32237403:15
Hewhggdh: Thanks :-)03:15
Hewnice, sound is (temporarily) working again03:18
hggdhHew -- about tor03:25
Hewhggdh: What about it?03:28
hggdhbug 303944903:30
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 3039449 could not be found03:30
hggdhbug 30394903:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303949 in tor "tor Depends: glibc-private but it is not installable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30394903:30
hggdhHew, all we need is a change on dh_shlibdeps03:30
hggdh(and, probably, to open a bug on Debian for that)03:31
anderskWhy is Tor using a private glibc API?  Isn't _that_ the bug?03:32
HewIANAP, but I just found it strange that Debian doesn't have the problem, and Ubuntu does.03:33
Hewhggdh: I'm not sure whether that should go upstream or not.03:33
hggdhit may have something to with the glibc we deliver03:34
anderskI doubt that patch should go in at all.  It covers up a symptom of the problem, it doesn't fix the problem itself.03:34
luboszis there a ppa repo with glut 1.5.1?03:34
hggdhandersk, not necessarily. I do not like it either, but this is not the first case03:34
luboszand glew03:34
luboszwith opengl 3.0 support03:34
hggdhandersk, it does cover the issue, but makes the package available right now03:35
luboszwhich nvidia driver is currently in jaunty?03:38
Hew!info nvidia-glx-18003:38
ubottunvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.22-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 8593 kB, installed size 25488 kB03:38
hggdhhew, andersk Debian is still shipping glibc2.7 on stable. Only experimental has glibc2.9. This (IIRC) only came to be an issue from glib2.8 onwards03:39
Hewlubosz: nvidia is broken with the latest xserver though03:39
lubosznice, jaunty has gl 303:39
luboszalso glut an glew?03:39
lubosz!info glut03:39
ubottuPackage glut does not exist in jaunty03:39
Hew!info glutg303:40
ubottuglutg3 (source: glut): the OpenGL Utility Toolkit. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7-25 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 52 kB03:40
lubosz!info libglew-dev03:40
ubottuPackage libglew-dev does not exist in jaunty03:40
lubosz!info libglew1.503:41
luboszsorry for spamming the bot03:41
ubottulibglew1.5 (source: glew): The OpenGL Extension Wrangler - runtime environment. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.0dfsg1-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 77 kB, installed size 276 kB03:41
Hewlubosz, use http://packages.ubuntu.com/03:41
luboszthe driver is opengl 3.0, but the libs dont03:41
luboszplx get the opengl 3.0 support libs in jaunty03:41
luboszthey where released in november03:42
luboszthe changes from opengl 2.1 => 3.0 where not too big but GLSL 1.2 => 1.3 where significant03:43
Hewlubosz: Please file a bug about it03:43
luboszin which category?03:43
luboszi do have a launchpad account03:44
luboszit just requires glew 1.5.1 and glut 3.703:45
Hewlubosz: an upgrade request for glut should be filed under glut03:45
luboszk i do that thx03:45
luboszi need to start coding opengl 3 :D03:46
luboszis there any way to install jaunty on a ext3 usb pen drive?03:47
luboszunetbootin and usb-creator seem only to support fat volumes03:49
luboszand create installers03:49
Hewlubosz: Surely usb-creator uses ext3?03:50
danbhfivelubosz: maybe try this?  http://rudd-o.com/new-projects/portablelinux   I havent tried it myself...03:53
luboszHew: i would like ext3 support. i notices usb-creator only creates fat installers03:55
luboszdanbhfive: thx, i give it a try03:55
luboszdo the ppa repos sometimes have newer versions than +1 universe repos?03:57
luboszthere should be an automated system to manage these03:58
anderskAnyone can make a PPA and put in whetever packages they want.  So, yes, sometimes they have newer versions.03:59
shamusI just installed 9.04a3 and now unable to use audio at all05:55
shamusanybody got any solutions?05:55
fosco_update and upgrade first05:55
fosco_reboot and retry sound05:55
shamusI upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04a3, it is up to date and the system has already been restarted05:56
fosco_sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:56
fosco_just to make sure05:56
shamusnope, nothing05:57
miikkillall pulseaudio06:00
shamusmy system isn't even picking up my soundcard06:01
shamusis there a sound driver i can install from somewhere?06:03
Andre_Gondimshamus, try this pulseaudio -k ; start-pulseaudio-x1106:03
shamusAndre_Gondim, "Home directory /home/shamus not ours Cannot access autospawn lock"06:06
miikwhen i watch porno, the first 1-2 sec of the movie lags06:14
miikit didnt do this in intrepid06:14
tritiummiik: please keep it family-friendly06:16
miikok, but this is true06:16
tritiumNo need to mention it here.  You can simply say "movies".06:17
DanaGAnything new in the +1 world lately?06:19
fosco_just waiting for alpha4 :)06:19
DanaGSo we're in a freeze... then there would not be anything new.  =P06:20
* DanaG goes to boot from Win7 back to Ubuntu.06:20
miikmy movies are slowmo for 2 secs, then they play normal06:23
miikis this cuz i use 180 drivers in jaunty, but used 177 in intrepid?06:23
shamusis there anyway to get 3d to work, as well as graphics card acceleration for videos to work in a3?06:23
fosco_shamus: yes for nvidia, not sure for the rest06:26
miikadd IgnoreABI TRUE to xorg.conf06:26
shamusfosco_: does the regular 180.22-pkg1 work?06:30
fosco_i use 180 deb package06:30
shamusfosco_: thanks installing now06:32
shamusdoes anyone know why my sound seems to crackle when my CPU usage is high?06:33
fosco_you should try changing pulse to alsa06:33
shamusfosco_: i am using alsa06:34
shamusfosco_: nevermind that, im using pulseaudio, but when i attempt to kill pulseaudio i lose all sound06:37
DanaGOoopsie, looks like now I'm waiting for it, too.06:42
DanaGHeh, can't fix Grub on ext4 with an Intrepid LiveCD.  =P06:42
shamusfosco_: i installed the deb for 180 nvidia drivers and with no luck, as the system starts telling me X is broken and i forces me to choose "Generic" (default) settings07:30
fosco_have you added the serverflag?07:31
shamusi typed the command into the terminal that the nvidia X server settings tells me to if thats what you mean07:33
fosco_no, one thing more to do...07:34
shamusi know very little about ubuntu, sorry07:34
fosco_take a look on the serverflags comments07:35
lucentshamus: I found a great set of documentation, want a link?07:48
shamuslucent: yes please07:48
lucentshamus: http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com07:49
lucentif you're serious about using Ubuntu or even Gnome-based Linux distros in general, that book plus the Ubuntu Kung-Fu are good books to buy07:50
lucentit's cheap too, considering you get a print version under $10 bucks07:52
lucentmost pocket guides are $16 and up07:52
shamuslucent: thanks08:00
lucentshamus: I started with real books, I think 6-7 books that were all technical references08:04
lucentthe technical references are boring time-limited documents that you have anyways from UNIX style manual pages08:05
lucentI wish I had a cool guide like that kung-fu book08:05
lucent"Wizards of MS-DOS" book is one reference I wish I hadn't loaned out to my ex-girlfriend ;P08:05
lucentnever got that bloody thing back08:06
shamusas interesting as some of this stuff is, i was really only drawn to linux in hopes of security (through obscurity), i really just use it for basic everyday stuff, but then again thats all i use my computer for (no more windows for me)08:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alpha408:07
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Intrepid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.08:07
DanaGEh, what was the upcoming thing?08:07
DanaGOh, and someone might want to fix that factoid.  =P08:07
lucentshamus: take my advice, get at least the pocket reference08:09
shamuslucent: ok08:09
shamuslucent: so i guess im stuck with a completely broken X server until a new update?08:15
lucentonly if you broke it08:16
lucentuse the latest stable release if you need to use your computer08:16
shamuswell, i cant use any nvidia drivers, so that's broken to me08:16
shamushow do i roll back to 8.10?08:17
lucentyou cannot08:17
shamusat least my /home and / are separate (learned that one the hard way)08:18
lucentyou don't have backups?08:18
shamusdidn't bother, because i thought everything would work just fine08:20
lucenterg, it is my experience that no system designed by a human is perfect08:21
shamuswell no, humans cant be perfect08:22
lucent1TB hard disks are under $100usd08:22
shamusother then 200 gb of tv shows though, i wouldn't really lose anything08:23
lucentit's a wish-for-pain if you don't keep backups08:23
SwedeMikeI usually do binary backups of my / when I am about to try an upgrade08:23
SwedeMikeboot from cd, cat the partition to a file08:23
lucenthm, cat can do bad things08:24
SwedeMikewell, dd_rescue is good as well08:24
* lucent hugs dd_rescue08:24
shamusnothing is important in / though right? (other then system files)08:25
lucentthe /var is important08:25
lucentI always save /var and /etc08:25
shamuswhat does it do exactly?08:25
lucentnot any one thing in particular08:25
lucentstate-machine data that needs to be saved accross reboots is stored in /var08:26
shamusoh, i've messed up quite a few installs before, but saving those things never once seemed important08:26
lucentif you have encrypted home directories, as in Jaunty alpha3, then some key information is stored in /var08:26
lucentwithout it you would fail to recover your home dir08:27
shamusoh, it doesn't use a crypto device on the mobo or a usb key?08:27
lucentnope, that is all kernel space08:27
lucentjaunty alpha3 style encrypted home dirs are enacted using ecryptfs08:28
lucenti.e. userspace08:28
shamusyou seem pretty smart, i have a question for you about my motherboard (ASUS P5l-VM-1394), what would cause a windows install from halting while starting every single time (that requires the CMOS to be cleared every single time i want to run windows) that ubuntu would completely ignore, allowing me to use it without issue?08:29
lucentyour question has some kind of syntax error08:30
lucentI don't understand what you're asking08:30
shamusi have a problem with my motherboard that prevents windows from starting (it halts in the boot process), but when i choose ubuntu it ignores this issue and allows me to start normally?08:31
lucentUbuntu might boot with a kernel/initrd combination that supports a feature your other operating system does not08:31
lucentan example of this would be SATA hard disk support08:32
lucentyou might have bad RAM08:32
shamusi suppose, but win xp, win vista, and win 7 all stopped working one day (along with one of my memory channels) but ubuntu continues to work08:32
lucentI suggest running memtest86 to confirm/disprove08:32
* lucent pats his own ass08:33
lucentI'm not making this stuff up, I've seen it myself before08:33
shamusi sent the board to asus to repair, and they sent the same board back with the same issue08:33
shamusi've tried 4 different sticks of memory in every slot08:33
lucentI would declare fail and go find a working machine08:33
lucentlife is short, diagnosing stupid computer hardware problems is not the way I want to go08:34
shamusthe funny thing is, if i clear the cmos before starting my machine windows doesnt halt, and boots as normal08:34
lucentthat's not funny08:34
lucentit's broken.08:35
shamusyeah, it sounds bad08:35
shamusthis machine is very old though (3 years)08:35
lucentsuggested use is a boat anchor08:35
shamusany suggested motherboard you've had a good time with? i've bought 5 asus boards and they are all failing on me08:36
lucentI'm into different gear than I used to be08:36
lucentI would suggest a toaster oven from XPC or a laptop08:36
lucenti.e. shuttle xpc08:37
shamusi'd rather build another desktop, just not choose asus next time08:37
lucentthe amd64 based shuttle xpc is the quietest and best performing, best looking, desktop machine I've ever owned08:37
lucentshamus: for real though, an MSI Wind or Asus eeePC 901 would be optimal08:39
shamusthis machine is the loudest thing in my house, with 3 tornados. noise doesn't bother me08:39
lucentyou seem to be in denial about a few key factors in PC component selection08:39
lucent1) If it moves, it will fail.08:40
shamusall things do08:40
lucent2) If it is hot, it will fail.08:40
lucentthus what I'm talking about makes a lot of sense08:41
lucentand your aircraft carrier with a bad DIMM slot does not08:41
shamusor...i could change my motherboard out with something that costs a bit more then my lunch did and have a perfectly working system08:41
* lucent sighs08:42
shamusi'd rather have a big pc then a tiny little eeePC08:43
lucentmy time is worth $150/h to me08:46
lucenthave fun with your machine.08:46
Alexia_DeathIs anybody else having troubles with kde session locking? I close the lid and it locks but about every 4th or 5th time it refuses to unlock even if the correct pasword is provided09:16
Alexia_DeathI have restart X to get it to play nice.09:16
tgpraveenwhen is next alpha planned to be released?09:23
cwilluoooo, ath5k is used in favour of ath_pci now09:54
cwilluthat'll save some headaches09:54
SwedeMiketgpraveen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule09:56
tgpraveenSwedeMike: thanks09:56
Alexia_DeathJaunty is now good to go with hotplug...10:27
Alexia_Deathfor wacoms that is.10:27
Alexia_DeathJust slaping the daemon on will make things sort of work.10:28
etechwhich grafical package manager is default in kubuntu jaunty?10:43
SwedeMikeI couldnt find any bug report regarding the sound problems, so I filed one. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/32387810:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323878 in pulseaudio "sound doesn't work until manually execute start-pulseaudio-x11" [Undecided,New]10:49
etechis it safe to use ext4?10:51
SwedeMikedepends. I like to have filesystems be mainstream for a few years before I use them, but it all depends on how picky you are about your data10:53
SwedeMikethe longer it's been in wide production, the less risk of bugs10:53
etechcan a filesystem be upgraded like any other program? or is it possible that ext4 in ubuntu 9.04 will be more stable than the ext4 now?10:53
SwedeMikefilesystem code is in the kernel, so when kernel is upgraded, so is the filesystem code10:54
SwedeMikeso yes, if you're running an older kernel than 2.6.28, ext4 is probably better now10:54
etechso when i install now ubuntu 9.04, at the release day of ubuntu 9.04 final it will have the same ext4 stability as a frssh ubuntu 9.04 final installation?10:54
etechso that was my question11:00
etechif the ext4 performance/stability is also upgraded which every ubuntu 9.04 aalpha, beta etc... upgrade11:00
etechwhen new kernels come in11:01
Alexia_Deathetech: code that aint broke is unlikely to be fixed but yes, if there are bugs then each kernel will bring fixes.11:02
CrownAmbassadorHow do I get to a list of Jaunty only bugs of LaunchPad?11:14
ikoniaCrownAmbassador: the guys in #launchpad can help you use the features11:16
ikoniaCrownAmbassador: I agree that some of the search functions on launchpad aren't the most obvious to see at first11:16
CrownAmbassadorikonia: Thanks for that11:16
=== user_ is now known as momomo
CrownAmbassadorHi guys. Having a issue playing avi movies. Usually I just tried to play it and then it prompted me to install gstreamer. It did this once, but I was updating my system, so I couldn't do it then. When opening the avi again it opened and then the box that is suppose to ask you if it can search for the codecs pops up, but has nothing in it. I have to force quit it. When trying to open it again, Movie Player opens for a second and then closes. How can12:43
DrHalanis anyone else having notifcations covering gnome-panel? This actually should be ffixed with notification-deamon 0.412:48
popeymy kubuntu jaunty system flickers about a lot after login, then gives me a black screen with a working mouse cursor. I have deleted ~/.kde and started again, but the same thing happens. Any suggestions?13:19
* popey chroots to his kubuntu install to see if he can update it and that might "fix" it13:37
rainmanp7Gdmorning ;)13:43
tgpraveenhi guys13:45
tgpraveenI am on 8.10 and I wanted to get the latest version of empathy so I am uspposed to get it from the telepathy ppa right frm launchpad?13:46
tgpraveenwell could some one confirm how this works coz I added it's url to my software sources list and successfully added the pgp kety13:47
tgpraveenbut then only very few updates were successfully installed and many of the empathy updates are shown available but13:47
tgpraveenare grayed out13:47
tgpraveenand the update manager asks me if I want to do a partial upgrrade which I click yes then also nothing gets installed13:48
rainmanp7yeah I'm trying to get the wine to update through the repository thing and when i changed the Visual settings on desktop it started acting right for checking and not hanging for ever for normal updates ;)13:48
tgpraveenand I am still stuck with the ver that came with 8.1013:48
tgpraveencould some one please help me13:48
rainmanp7tgpraveen ? I could try tell me where and what to install ?13:49
tgpraveenI want the latest version of empathy chat client which uses the telepathy framework13:50
tgpraveenand one more thing now in synaptic when I click on mark all upgrades I get as NOT AUTHENTICATED many updates related to emopathy13:51
rainmanp7are you updating it through using a special private key etc.. in the sources section ?13:51
tgpraveenwell while adding the ppa source to my software sources list I had to add the openpgp certification authentication13:52
tgpraveenbut it has been done successfully I think13:52
rainmanp7yeah I'm getting the same wierd thing from the new wine but on my other hard drive from fresh install I was able to get the key and everything to work but didn't have enough room to move files so I reinstalled on this new 40 gig drive for testing and i'm getting the same thing13:54
tgpraveenrainmanp7: ok.thx13:55
rainmanp7Actuallly this new install got screwed up and i just reinstalled without formating right over the files to be exact13:55
tgpraveenmaybe some one more experienced could shed some light on this issue13:55
rainmanp7tgpraveen could you try something for me ?13:55
tgpraveenoh man this is gr813:56
tgpraveenI just tried it frm synaptic and even though it was coming as13:56
tgpraveenNOT AUTHENTICATED but still mark all upgrades cured everything13:56
tgpraveennow I have the latest version13:56
tgpraveenrainmanp7: so what were you saying to try?13:56
rainmanp7tgpraveen tell me if you can download a simple small file http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/Scott%20Ritchie.gpg13:57
rainmanp7tell me if you can even download it becasue yesterday i could and now i can't13:57
rainmanp7yeah let me try that to mark all upgrades :)13:58
tgpraveentry and tell here14:04
rainmanp7ok ?14:05
tgpraveenand by the way14:05
tgpraveenthat link that you gave is not14:05
rainmanp7ok so it's not just me then14:05
rainmanp7tgpraveen thank you14:05
tgpraveenanytime man14:06
rainmanp7yeah that server has got to be down14:06
rainmanp7tgpraveen there was something i noticed about upgrading those packages with synaptic14:07
rainmanp7or rather anything14:07
rainmanp7tgpraveen If i set my desktop ->System->Prefrences->Aperance to um normal or the least the thing started to seem to act right and version 9 had compiz rolling already when i didn't even enable it14:09
rainmanp7This was causing me to watch the status bar roll it was fast but it just hung out at times and came back and gave errors14:09
rainmanp7Is there a program I could run to help developers on the system configuration or burn in test for new ubuntu releases or current version etc.14:26
rainmanp7aka software testing ?14:27
gourgirainmanp7 look here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures14:40
bardyrHey, how can i update modules in /lib/modules/... so modprobe knows about them?15:02
rainmanp7gourgi thanks :)15:18
DrHalanhey, is gnash able to play every youtube video? cause here only some play :(15:27
martin_When I started and entered into ubuntu, The sound-card worked well. But When I listen to music or view movie, It is mute. I want to adjust the sound volume, but it's disabled. How to do?15:46
martin_Who can help me?(I updated Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04alpha...).15:47
martin_I think it's not the sound driver problem.15:48
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
marijusi am getting frequent X freezes on current jaunty mostly while using firefox-3.1... couldnt find any error messeges though...15:54
marijusanyone else?15:54
martin_When I click button in some window, I can hear sound of ubuntu theme. But why I cann't hear sound when I play music or movie?16:15
gourgimartin_: "alsamixer -Dhw"   and raise the volume in all tabs. also try  "killall pulseaudio"16:18
martin_Thanks a lot. Let me try16:24
knurragood evening16:27
martin_I have tried. But I still cann't listen to music. But the ubuntu theme sound is ok.16:28
martin_very strange! The Real player is worked well.16:28
gourgimartin_: maybe something usefull here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1041622 , i don't know16:29
martin_ok, it worked well every one.16:29
gourginice :)16:30
martin_But what's wrong with my ubuntu? Is it for my sound volume too little?16:30
martin_Thanks very much. I am appreciated to you.16:31
* cwillu sighs16:40
cwilluRIP bug #319818, died in mysterious circumstances16:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319818 in pm-utils "dbus-send...suspend doesn't work while X is running (breaks suspend/hibernate from menu)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31981816:40
user___how do i switch to a higher resolution then 800x600 in virtualbox? xrandr offers me no higher resolution than that16:47
SiDiuser___: install the guest additions. I don't think there are any for jaunty yet though16:54
user___SiDi: is there a general way? lenny f.e. runs full-screen without installing them (or are they installing them without me noticing?)16:55
SiDiUsually virtualbox offers guest additions. I don't know about guest linux's, i only have host linux's16:56
SiDiCan't even open google.com to search T_T damn neighboors T_T16:57
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=== kalpiknigam is now known as kalpik
lamalexHi, has anyone experience this bug where button 1 is being interpreted as a middle click?17:02
lamalexit's really frigging annoying17:02
=== knurra is now known as knurrad
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=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
bhuviwill jaunty interface redesigned for the release?18:59
mahfiazwhat is wrong with acroread? it starts, displays window or half of document and hangs with no CPU usage19:32
bluesmokethe jaunty live cd can install on ext4, right?19:32
bluesmokecan create and install on ext4, i mean19:32
TheInfinityafaik yes19:34
TheInfinityalternate can definitly19:35
DanaGOh hey, is it possible to make the Wubi thingy boot an existing partitioned Ubuntu?19:57
maxblamalex: There's certainly plenty of reprorts of it in the bugtracker - I assume it's the buttons on a synaptics touchpad you are referring to20:07
maxbThe workaround is to roll back to 0.15.2-0ubuntu820:07
maxb(Sorry, of xserver-xorg-input-synaptics)20:08
DanaGHmm, anyone know how I can get KMS support for my R600 card in Jaunty?20:41
DrHalanhey what about glx for jaunty?21:19
DanaG"gkr-pam: gnome-keyring-daemon didn't start properly properly"21:35
DanaGyes, it does say "properly properly"21:35
DanaGOh, and I can't unlock after I lock screen.21:37
DanaGdamned gnome-screensaver.21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321311 in gtk+2.0 "gnome-screensaver dialog helper spins indefinitely, never unlocks the session, when GTK_IM_MODULE is set" [Critical,Confirmed]21:54
=== sisto1 is now known as sisto
=== geser_ is now known as geser
addiaatctrl alt backspace no longer works in jaunty ?  is there a substitute for that ?23:45
loic-maddiaat: edit your xorg.conf, add the dontzapp option : see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap23:47
DanaGI still think disabling it is really stupid.23:47
DanaGWhy not do what SuSE does?23:47
addiaatthank you loic-m23:47
DanaGThey make it zap only on hitting ctrl-alt-backspace TWICE.23:47
DanaGSo if Xorg locks up... you're not screwed.23:47
loic-maddiaat: ur welcome23:50

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