
cprofittquestion: If a bug is marked as confirmed in another distro should it by default be confirmed for Ubuntu?00:02
hggdhnot necessarily, cprofitt . What is the bug #?00:06
hggdhid the versions and local patches are the same, good chance00:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313486 in fedora "internal microphone doesn't work on Medion MD 96630" [Unknown,Confirmed]00:08
hggdhcprofitt, difficult to say if they are talking about the same thing...00:12
cprofittyeah... I did not see a direct link in that case... so was curious if there was a process in those cases00:12
hggdhnot to my knowledge; even more, Fedora is not the upstream for the (many) packages involved. It is basically a question of good old horse-sense00:14
cprofittI am still developing that...00:14
cprofittI marked it incomplete and asked for some more information00:14
hggdh:-) so am I, and I guarantee you I have been trying for many long years00:14
cprofittI have 15 years of Windows experience... but ~2 with Linux00:15
cprofittso a bit light in the breeches for troubleshooting00:15
cprofittbut practice and effort do make perfect00:15
hggdhhere... 35 years, about 30 with UNIX, and Linux since 9600:15
* cprofitt bows to his elder00:16
hggdh(not counting IBM zOS, Windows, Digital, and etc).00:16
hggdhI am be an elder, but dumb compared to some here00:16
cprofittI do not count my early years00:16
cprofittI first programmed in 1972... but not sure I should count that since I was only 600:17
cprofittand I do not remember it at all00:17
hggdhI started with 2000:17
cprofittwell... the programming bit00:17
cprofittjust the punch cards00:17
hggdhand got into Cobol, then Algol, Intel 8080 assembler (actually I did a quick go on the 4004... hardware counted to 15, then... overflow)00:18
hggdhand so on00:18
cprofittI was very in to computers... discovered girls and did not get back in to them until 17 years later...00:19
hggdhto them girls, or to them computers?00:20
andresmujicai've discovered beer.. and girls..00:21
cprofittI did not get to beer until later...00:22
cprofittI discovered girls at an early age... I was 11 when I was first invited to a Senior Ball00:22
hggdhwell... keep in mind that during the seventies a computer was still something glamorous00:22
andresmujicaand now is just beer and bugs...00:22
hggdhsic tempora gloria mundi...00:22
cprofittmy parents said no... but... I was in no position to discover beer until much later00:22
andresmujicami first pc was a commodore 64.00:24
andresmujicathanks to it and a sony tv, i'm on glasses00:24
cprofittMy first was a Ti 99/400:25
hggdhthere were no PCs when I started. The smalles one -- the (then) mini-computer usually was at the 100 kg on mass00:25
hggdhyeah. 16Kb of memory, a large one would have (perhaps) 32k00:27
hggdhoooo, this is bad... I just got a hang on Evolution doing a keyring read...00:29
hggdhbad, bad, bad... I thought this was fixed...00:30
hggdhok. will reboot due to some changes in /etc/modprobe.d, brb00:31
andresmujicaraining... raining..00:38
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hggdheeeeh... another quassel user!01:51
* hggdh wonders how long it will last...01:52
Hobbsee|Quasselnot sure01:52
Hobbsee|Quasseldepends how long it takes before it annoys me01:52
Hobbsee|Quasseli'd forgotten just how slow jaunty X was...01:52
hggdh:-) sort of what maco said... I do not think she lasted more than one hour01:53
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hggdh! incognito!!01:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about incognito!!01:53
Hobbsee`the question will be how well it obeys the proxy settings01:54
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cprofittsorry wrong channel02:26
Hobbseehggdh: did I last my hour?  ;)02:37
hggdhHobbsee, that depends if you are still using it or not ;-)02:50
Hobbseehggdh: i'm not ;)02:54
Hobbseejaunty X is just too slow02:55
hggdhthen you barely made it, I guess...02:56
Hobbseei think i will go back to it02:57
Hobbseebut the fact that it's taking >1 second to render any window is just...02:57
hggdhweird... I do not see much problems on X performance on jaunty, but I am not using compiz02:57
Hobbseenot sure if it's just intel02:57
hggdhwell -- my X was eating up about 50% CPU, until I unloaded fglrx02:58
Hobbseehrm, using EXA.  I wonder if it would be any better under XAA02:58
hggdhI *know* there is a problem under KDE4 -- there is a bug about it02:59
Hobbseei've seen it under gnome as well, so i'm suspecting the driver, but...02:59
hggdhwhere to solve a rendering problem X got much slower02:59
hggdhand this has been applied to jaunty02:59
hggdhbug 254468. We were chatting about implications some hours ago03:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254468 in xorg-server "MASTER: momentary video garbage upon drawing new objects (particularly in KDE)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25446803:00
Hobbseeoh, that one.  right03:00
ryanakcaDoes having a duplicate automatically confirm a bug? Shouldn't it, since two people are having the same issue, but filed two seperate bug reports?03:00
Hobbseeoh dear, that bug has been limcore'd.03:01
hggdhryanakca, sometimes people do not search for a similar bug03:01
hggdhHobbsee, yes indeed03:01
ryanakcahggdh: Yes. Hence the creation of duplicates :) .03:02
hggdhryanakca, correct. But having a duplicate does not make the bug confirmed. We need to be able to understand the issue, full docs, etc03:02
hggdhHobbsee, nice person, but a bit alarmist03:03
Hobbseehah :)03:03
Hobbseemarking everything epic fail?03:03
* hggdh considers 'epic' as, well, something epic. Which means almost nothing is...03:04
hggdhthere are also a bit of discussion on what is privacy and what is security. I do not think I made my point, though03:05
Hobbseeno, of course you didn't manage to make your point.03:05
cornucopicHi all..03:39
cornucopicAfter attaching my patch, I have subscribed ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug.03:40
cornucopicIs that all to be done for sponsorship ?03:41
hggdhcornucopic, usually, yes03:41
cornucopichggdh, Cool. So, now I have to wait for the sponsor's comments?03:41
hggdhI guess so, yes03:42
cornucopicI have attached the patch to a bug. Shall I change the Bug status?03:54
AnAntHello, can anyone confirm a bug ?14:02
AnAntI mean, I found a bug, after searching launchpad, I found that someone else reported the same bug14:02
AnAntcan I set the bug status to confirmed then ?14:02
MrKanisterHello AnAnt. Yes, you can mark the bug as confirmed if you can reproduce it.14:03
MrKanisterAnAnt: you're welcome14:07
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AnAntLP 30853914:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308539 in defoma "/usr/bin/defoma-hints broken due to deleted dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30853914:47
Rocket2DMnAnAnt, i'll finish the triage on that14:53
cprofittCan anyone take this triage to the next level -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine/+bug/32359915:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323599 in wine "When running compiz, after minimizing or switching Desktops sound is muted" [Undecided,New]15:16
cprofittI am not sure how to proceed being that the information does not jump out at me with anything obvious15:16
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hyperaironce a bug is nominated for a release (but not approved) i subscribe ubutnu-sru or motu-sru and wait right?16:04
jpdshyperair: Looks like that's what it says at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure16:25
hyperairjpds: yeah but the bugs aren't getting attention =(16:29
jpdshyperair: Go and poke a member of the team then :)16:41
hyperaireh which member?16:42
techno_freakhyperair, try catching hold of someone here on a weekday16:49
hyperairhere eh?16:49
techno_freakyes, or in #ubuntu-motu16:49
hyperairnot on #ubuntu-motu or any place else?16:49
techno_freakeither place, there are lots of common members :)16:49
thomasdelbekeHi there,17:10
thomasdelbekeI would like to report a whishlist bug:17:10
thomasdelbekeCan anyone guide me?17:10
thomasdelbekeThere is not a decent backup package in main that will run uneventful in 8.10 through gui17:11
thomasdelbekeHi again, is the channel manned? Just asking ...17:14
thomasdelbekeOh sorry17:14
thomasdelbekeIn Dutch:17:14
thomasdelbekeare there people present17:15
thomasdelbekemore or less17:15
thomasdelbekeI guess so!17:15
thomasdelbekewhere to ask?17:16
thomasdelbekeright channel, wrong time?17:17
thomasdelbekewrong channel , wright time?17:17
kyselejsyrecekthomasdelbeke: :D hi there17:18
thomasdelbekealways wrong time ("we don't like you very much")?17:18
techno_freakthomasdelbeke, right channel of course, but may be wrong time ;)17:18
thomasdelbekeok no prob17:18
thomasdelbekewhen to report back?17:18
techno_freakthomasdelbeke, if you dont find people answering, it would be better to come on a weekday :)17:19
thomasdelbekeI will leavbe now then17:19
thomasdelbekethanks for that17:19
techno_freakwelcome :)17:19
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lfaraoneHow can I check if tehre are any bugs linked to a upstream bug number?18:04
hyperairdon't think that's possible18:09
greg-gI think it warns you if you try to link an already linked upstream bug, but that wouldn't help you much.18:15
allquixoticHi, I found a bug in Jaunty (a regression from 8.10) which causes hald to crash during input hotplugging when I have a Logitech ChillStream video game controller plugged in to USB. The controller worked, and hald didn't crash, under 8.10. What sort of priority should I file a bug with? What details should I include?18:17
allquixoticI ran hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes >& output.txt, plugged in controller while system was booted... Segmentation fault! boom!18:18
mrooneyallquixotic: all bugs are filed as New status and Undecided importance :)18:28
hyperaircan you set priority yourself? i was of the impression that only MOTUs could18:29
hyperairor developers18:29
greg-gand members of the Bug Control team18:31
mrooneyhyperair: correct, also BugControl members, but yes18:31
mrooneygreg-g: :)18:31
mrooneyallquixotic: you seem to have good information, I would check to make sure something similar hasn't already been filed18:32
mrooneyand then go for it18:32
mrooneyallquixotic: tag it with regression-potential as well18:32
mrooneythat is how we track regressions in pre-release versions, I believe18:33
hyperaireither way, all regressions are high priority right? =p18:33
greg-gmrooney: :)18:33
mrooneygreg-g: know anything about the next UDS yet?18:34
greg-gmrooney: I don't, actually18:34
mrooneyI wonder if community members are being sponsored againi18:35
greg-ghaven't thought that far in advance, really18:35
mrooneyit seems like around now was when stuff started happening for the last one, as I thought the next one was in April18:35
greg-gyeah, not sure what the plan is18:35
greg-gbut, I gotta run, I'll let you know if I hear anything18:36
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andolI could use some advice on bug #323753. Is it really a bug or not?19:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323753 in dpkg "can not update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32375319:26
anderskThe dpkg assertion failure certainly looks very bug-like.19:38
anderskIt is certainly a separate issue from the missing PPA keys, which are not a bug, and the missing main and universe components on archive.canonical.com, which is also not a bug.19:39
andolandersk: Ahh, completly missed the dpkg-assertion part, in the PPA and repo discussions.19:40
* calc thinks the new bug reporting guidelines need to be much more prominent or have a checkbox at the end you have to check to be able to actually file a bug19:59
calcsince even after setting up the OOo reporting users are still not giving sufficient information :(20:00
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