
sladenDBO: a slightly different, but related case00:00
DBOi guess I'll just make Docky embed everything, mwahahahaha.... wait00:00
sladenhttps://stage.maemo.org/svn/maemo/projects/haf/trunk/gtk+/docs/dnd_internals.txt  grep for "we actually have to figure out which window00:05
DBOsladen, how did you find that?00:07
sladenDBO: I'm not sure what search phrase; possibly "window manager ignore xdnd" or "xdnd masking input masking"00:11
sladenDBO: I actually have a related case for a transparent keyboard so I'm quite interested in find the answer00:11
DBOsladen, your google-fu is strong00:11
DBOwell if it makes any difference to you, I am doing this all in Mono00:11
DBOso we will see if I get it working =)00:11
Roeymako:  greetings00:16
Roeymako:  hmm, wrong maco :)00:16
Roeybut hello nonetheless!00:17
sladenDBO: there's going to be interesting situation when the target window, docky window and icon window overlap, if two out of the three are trying to proxy to the "correct" bottom window00:22
sladenDBO: but as long as you (in Docky) manage not to proxy it to the clipped mouse icon window, it should work00:23
DBOi am really curious how I am supposed to figure out how to proxy to the right window00:23
DBOlets say there are 4 or 5 windows in a stack00:23
DBOwhich one do I figure out is on top?00:24
sladentesting the x,y against the rectangle of the topmost, then the second most, then the third most ... until you get a hit00:25
DBOsladen, i am not sure I follow you here00:26
DBOyou must excuse me, I have been programming for far less time than I should have by now00:27
DBOI can get a ref to the root window00:27
DBOare all other windows one of its children?00:27
DBOor rather, how do I find the topmost window?00:27
sladenDBO: take a bunch of pieces of paper and spread them (overlaping) on the table.  Close you eyes and put your finger down;  which piece of paper did you hit?00:31
DBOsladen, i know how to do that logically00:32
DBOjust not in code...00:32
sladenDBO: hopefully you can check that you hit this piece of paper as you're inside it's four edges/four corners00:32
DBOi can check and see if I am in bounds00:33
sladenDBO: yup, you can get a list of all of the TOPLEVEL windows that are a a child of the ROOT window00:33
DBOright but what if two of those toplevel windows are overlapping?00:34
sladenthen, if you're doing thwat Gtk is doing for efficiency you can subscribe to changes and keep you're internal list up to date00:34
sladenor if you're lazy, you can just query for the full list each time a DnD comes in00:34
KDeskFor which architecture are the deb packages in Ubuntu optimized for i386, 686 or what?00:34
sladenKDesk: they're optimised for recent chips, but will run on i486 IIRC00:35
DBOi will be lazy00:35
sladenDBO: if you put all the windows in order from top to bottom, and start at the top and work downwards, you'll check the topmost one first00:36
DBOyes i know that, but how does one put them in order00:37
DBOthat is the question I have been trying to ask00:37
KDesksladen: ah, I thought there where not optimized, or only for 386, is possible to know this info from a binary package?00:37
ebroderIs there anyone from backporters who could take a look at LP bug #323546?00:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323546 in hardy-backports "xen-meta only depends on Xen 3.2 packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32354600:38
sladenfor w in sorted(get_root_window()->children) { if w.bounds.text(event->mouse.position) proxy_dnd_to(w); }00:38
DBOsladen, sorted?00:39
DBOI am not trying to be difficult00:39
sladenDBO: psuedo-code00:39
DBOi know00:40
DBObut thats the thing I am saying00:40
DBOI see nothing in gdk's api that lets you determine which window is "topmost"00:40
sladenin Python (a fabulous language, btw), it would return a copy of the array, sorted by calling __cmp__() on each object00:41
sladenwhich window is topmost, depends on where you are looking on the screen00:41
Roeysorted(collectionOfObjects), sladen?00:41
Roeysladen:  doesn't sorted() call __cmp__ on every element in the list passed to it?00:42
sladenKDesk: don't think so, but you can check the build-log that built that binary package.   If you were running a supercomputercluster you'd probably be worried about optimisation;  however the default configuration options are probably about as good as you can get for Desktop yse00:43
KDesksladen: ah, ok, thanks a lot! A last question, where can I find the build log, in launchpad?00:44
sladenRoey: so you might do  sorted(window_list, cmp=lambda a,b: x.height < y.height)00:44
Roeyahhhh ok00:45
RoeyI had thought that sorted() calls __cmp__00:45
Roeybut, you're right, I've used sorted() in the way you described to sort IP address stringts00:45
Roeyso yeah00:45
sladenKDesk: probably easier if you say which package you're after.  eg. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xbill/2.1-7/+build/59385300:51
KDesksladen: oh, thanks! I was only curious about the optimization. :)00:53
cjwatsonScottK: yes, yes - maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Debian. The point is that there's nothing wrong with having a package in a private revision control system and just uploading the tar/diff that results from it, as long as it's then your responsibility to maintain it.00:58
ScottKcjwatson: Certainly.00:58
DBOsladen, it works!01:40
* DBO dances the dance of joy01:40
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jelmerslangasek, hi02:41
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sladenDBO: rock!03:47
DBOsladen, how can I thank you in the source, real name, sladen, email?03:47
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bettercoderHey guys! I think I am cool enough to be a mainstream dev! I made a program that prints hello world! pretty sweet, eh??!!!!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!??04:26
bettercoderalso, is ubuntu vulnerable to the y2k bug/04:27
bettercoderwhats does stfuckup mean?04:28
patxbotit means be quiet04:28
bettercoderok, thats a good idea04:29
patxbotstop spamming04:29
bettercoderhw do i b a dev?04:29
patxbotyou develop brains *first* cos i do not have any of them...04:29
jsmidtIs there anyone here who understands PPAs well?05:54
jsmidtI am trying to build Python 3.0 for hardy.05:54
jsmidtIt build depends on python-sphinx05:54
jsmidtI have successfully build this in the PPA for Hardy05:55
jsmidtYet Python 3.0 still complians the build dependency isn't met05:55
jsmidtHow do you get a package in the PPA to "see" the other packages?05:55
jsmidtThanks in advance.05:56
ScottKjsmidt: PPAs have nothing to do with Ubuntu.  They use Ubuntu, but are done by Launchpad.  Try PPA questions in #launchpad.06:12
jsmidtScottK, thanks06:12
jsmidt(Though I'm sure you are technically right, very few people would say PPAs have nothing to do with Ubuntu.  Much in Ubuntu is done through using PPAs)06:13
ScottKPeople use PPAs for testing, but "Ubuntu" the distro does not come from PPAs.06:23
jsmidtScottK, yes I know, I know.06:23
jsmidtScottK, I wasn't trying to argue.06:25
ScottKOK.  I think it's an important point.  I am tired of dealing with bugs filed against Ubuntu packages that are really from some random PPA.06:25
jsmidtScottK, I'm sure that is very frustrating.  And so now that I think about it, my issue is probably annoying for the same reason.  :)06:37
slangasekpitti: please consider those Hotkey pages locked by me currently, for spec drafting :)11:33
slangasekpitti: but thanks for the information - bryce and I were struggling with exactly this question on the plane; I'll review what you've added to see if it makes sense out of what I see with thinkpad_acpi11:34
slangasekjelmer: hi, thanks for the fixed branch - what's the right way for me to replace the current ~ubuntu-core-dev branch with yours?11:35
ograslangasek, hey, arrived safely ?11:36
slangasekogra: yep, all 16 of us11:36
ogragreat :)11:37
slangasekpitti: btw, hal-info isn't currently in bzr?  Should I push an ~ubuntu-core-dev branch based off of the jaunty package-import?  (I have a patch for it to fix a ThinkPad hotkey)11:41
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ion_Sorry, wrong channel. :-(14:13
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tjaaltonlool: libdrm is maintained in git, so probably the "Rename Vcs-*" bit is wrong? (thanks for adding lpia, I didn't know -1.2 was out)14:30
hyperaircould someone look at bug #268141 please? debdiff's attached for both intrepid and jaunty.14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268141 in gnome-keyring "no ssh-agent after resume from hibernate" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26814114:52
directhexerm... is requestsync being insane again?14:55
looltjaalton: Oh sorry, I checked the git tree and didn't see the ubuntu branch14:57
looltjaalton: Which branch is it?14:57
looltjaalton: Uh I'm blind14:57
Rocket2DMnTheMuso, i'm looking at bug 308539 which states that the problem is that libft-perl is uninstallable - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/defoma/0.11.10-0.2ubuntu114:57
looltjaalton: I checked it out extra yesterday evening to check14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308539 in defoma "/usr/bin/defoma-hints broken due to deleted dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30853914:58
looltjaalton: But I missed the branch14:58
looltjaalton: Sorry about that14:58
looltjaalton: Yeah, not only is the rename wrong but I should have committed there14:58
Rocket2DMnTheMuso, can you tell me how to proceed with the triage on that bug?  Can we somehow link it to that page14:58
Rocket2DMnTheMuso, please ignore my previous comments, sorry15:02
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tjaaltonlool: no problem :)15:04
TheMusoRocket2DMn: uh... ok. :)15:05
Rocket2DMnheh, sorry man15:05
looltjaalton: Pushed 2.4.4-0ubuntu4 and a revert of the XS-Original-Vcs-* change to git15:26
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pittifta: that was a bug in gvfs, hopefully worked around in the latest version17:27
ftapitti, eh.. what for?17:28
pittislangasek: locked pages> oh, sorry; but I only really added information, so I guess it's ok17:28
pittislangasek: hal-info isn't in bzr; I commit stuff directly into git upstream; but if it helps you, feel free to bzrize it17:29
pittifta: you pinged me earlier about getting file:// urls when reporting apport crashes17:29
ftapitti, oh, ok. thanks17:29
ftapitti, i ended up filling bug 32340917:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323409 in cyrus-sasl2 "sasl2-bin broken, segfaulting during install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32340917:30
pittifta: FYI, bug 314263 is the breakage you mention17:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314263 in glib2.0 "regression - URIs opened with firefox %u load as local files (file:///...)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31426317:31
ftapitti, yes, sure. i encountered 314263 while fighting against 323409.17:32
ftanow waiting for Keybuk to have a look at 32340917:32
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slangasekpitti: ah, well, if it doesn't help you, I probably won't bother bzring hal-info since LP needs to be taught about the project first17:56
slangasekpitti: anyway, should I upload my ThinkVantage change, or email it to you?17:56
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allquixoticHi, I found a bug in Jaunty (a regression from 8.10) which causes hald to crash during input hotplugging when I have a Logitech ChillStream video game controller plugged in to USB. The controller worked, and hald didn't crash, under 8.10. What sort of priority should I file a bug with? What details should I include?18:06
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bluefoxicyokay this has been bugging me forever21:42
bluefoxicycan somebody please extend fakeroot to debian package INSTALLATION?21:42
bluefoxicyI should not be able to make a .deb that gets run, asks a question, gets a "no" and aborts installation21:42
bluefoxicyand leaves a rootkit behind on my system21:42
bluefoxicycurrent method of package installation:  glorified tarball.  Unpack, run pre-install.sh, does whatever it wants to your system AS ROOT21:43
ion_It’s okay if it leaves behind a keylogger on your user account?21:43
bluefoxicyinstalling a non-root service that runs as a restricted user and can't affect your system (say...wesnoth's dedicated server?)?  It can still gain root access21:43
ion_It’s not a problem of the package manager if a user installs a malicious package.21:43
bluefoxicyion_:  I have had to re-install before (later, modify the deb) because of a bug in the java deb21:44
bluefoxicyif you don't check "I Agree" on the license question, it makes a permanent change to your system and aborts installation21:44
bluefoxicypre-rm and post-rm don't undo it21:44
elmobluefoxicy: it's not a permanent change21:44
elmoit's a debconf question21:44
bluefoxicyelmo:  yes, and if you say no, and then attempt installation again, it doesn't ask;it just says, "oh, no, you didn't want to agree to the license, so screw you"21:45
elmobluefoxicy: ok, but that doesn't make it permanent21:45
elmothe debconf DB is entirely under your control21:45
bluefoxicyelmo:  nothing's technically "permanent."21:45
ion_0) That can be fixed in the packaging, 1) how is fakeroot relevant here?21:46
bluefoxicyit could replace /bin/sh with malware, and I could technically replace the malware with a proper /bin/sh21:46
bluefoxicyion_:  0) It's a package bug; 1) I don't believe the system should be changed, at all, until the package is finished installing.21:46
bluefoxicyin Gentoo, when a package is built, emerge has a sandbox environment that forbids real writes outside the build and image directory21:47
bluefoxicypost-installation file access pulls the files into the image directory, and i.e. updates to samba.conf or /etc/passwd get written to copies in the image directory21:47
sorenI don't think fakeroot is the right tool for something like htat.21:47
bluefoxicythe final step is to "merge" that to /21:47
bluefoxicyat any point before then, your system has been completely unchanged21:48
bluefoxicysoren:  yeah that's whyI said extend... fakeroot doesn't do anything nearly useful for that21:48
bluefoxicyat one point I almost wrote a completely different package manager because i don't like things playing around with full root access running arbitrary code just to install21:48
sorenI don't think fakeroot is the right application to extend to achieve something like that.21:49
bluefoxicyI don't have to audit the final installed files, config changes, etc; I have to audit the entire logic of the installation system21:49
bluefoxicysoren:  maybe so.21:49
elmohow do you audit the final installed files?21:49
bluefoxicyelmo:  make all changes to an isolated image that gets  copied over / to finalize installation; then stop it at that point, and examine that tree?21:50
Notch-1hi, i'm trying to boot intrepid from a loop device, using root=/dev/loop0 (or root=700) boot parameter, and a little initrd script that mount the device containing the image, and then "losetup /dev/loop0 /path-to-the-image"... but it still can't find init... can anybody help me?21:50
bluefoxicySUID binaries, strange changes to /etc/passwd, debconf settings, strange binaries that shouldn't exist, funny scripts generated by obfuscated logic in the pre-install scripts of the package...21:50
bluefoxicyall lain out clear21:50
tjaaltonlool: excellent, thanks21:59
Notch-1please guys, anybody familiar with booting loop images?22:09
ScottKNotch-1: User support in #ubuntu22:20
Notch-1ScottK: thank you22:21
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