
asacfta: so he is working on openkomodo?00:00
ftaasac, yes, he wanted to package it in #u-motu, found my branch through the need-packaging bug, pinged me, and here we are00:01
asacany clue about his backgroun?00:01
asacor just: he came from heaven ;)?00:02
asacfta: now tag tabs work somehow in gwibber, but all have the same content00:03
asacnot sure if thats tag content00:03
asacor the public_timeline of identi.ca though00:04
asacit definitly isnt the #tagged content ;)00:04
fta<piratenaapje> fta: I wanted to package it myself, since I use it and it's not in the repos yet. Then I found the needs-packaging bug on launchpad and saw you had worked on it00:04
fta<fta> ok, good i added a comment there then :)00:04
fta<piratenaapje> fta: Well seeing how much you have done, I don't think I would've succeeded :p00:04
fta<piratenaapje> fta: Only packaged a couple smaller programs so far00:04
ftaearlier, he said <piratenaapje> fta: I've looked at the build.py script, doesn't look too hard to do00:05
fta<piratenaapje> fta: But I'm a newbie, so don't know if I will succeed :p00:05
asacyeah. who knows about his background00:05
ftai don't mind, i appeared out from nowhere myself, remember?00:06
asacthat was ment to be a postitive statement ;)00:06
asaclike "newbie" ... can be pretty smart ;) ... just not in packaging00:07
asacor maybe he is good at packaging, but just says he isnt ;)00:07
asacdefinitly a great thing. now we just need someone who likes seamonkey :) ... actually i would have thought that that would happen earlier00:08
asacbut maybe we should remove it from archive to attract folks that are intereseted00:09
asacso far most probably think all is fine for seamonkey00:09
asacits still there ... ;)00:09
ftai don't really understand the patches00:23
ftarules is my fault, last minute commit00:23
ftabk.py: no change at all00:23
asacfta: are the patches somewhere? or are you loking at his changes to the "changed files"?00:25
asacfta: what happens when i run get-orig-source without anything? do i get latest?00:25
ftathe 1st file is obvious00:26
asacso thats about siloed python both?00:26
ftabut it should still look for the siloed python, as he didn't change anything there00:27
ftajust faked the result00:27
asacthats how to suceed ;)00:28
ftanot easy to read00:29
asacdont even know whats that about?00:30
ftathe configure part00:30
asacis that unit-tests or something?00:30
asacor configure equivalent in python?00:30
asacwhere is the failure?00:30
ftanot sure yet, it found 1.9 while it's 1.9.1, not sure it matters00:31
ftalets try a build now00:32
asacprobably  should be ok00:32
asacwell, 50/50 ;)00:33
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112303/00:36
asacwhy do we have that in sm?00:36
asacis that because we have add special things by using special configure flags?00:36
asacor because upstream doesnt want to maintain packages-static at all=?00:36
ftai don't remember, what bzr log says about that?00:37
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112304/00:40
asacafterwards just "diverged"00:41
asacso seems like they are missing ;)00:41
asaci guess upstream doesnt care00:41
asaci wilil ask kairo00:41
ftai guess i needed at least some of those, and got the rest from compare00:42
asacok ... lets see how well latest head builds now ;)00:44
ftagasp, there's a contrib dir, it builds more stuff in there00:49
asacfta: thats something that should be system libpcre00:49
asacpt-cache search libpcre00:49
asaclibpcre3 - Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files00:49
asacshould be easy to support00:50
asacis probably quite stable api/abi wise00:50
asaci hope00:50
ftai know, that's why i said gasp00:50
asacat least in main ;)00:50
ftascintilla/gtk, what is that?00:51
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112305/00:51
ftaasac, i have a fix in xul for that00:52
ftait's even in a bugzilla00:52
asacyeah i remember something00:52
ftait's in openkomodo too00:53
asacfta: so is sm 2 based on moz-central or 1.9.1?00:53
ftashould be 1.9.100:53
ftabut i haven't touch it in a long while00:54
asac1.9.1 seems to apply00:57
asacfta: can you please add bug ids to patch names ;)?00:57
asac(you said that you filed it;)00:57
ftai thought i did00:57
asaci should become a modern artist00:59
ftaasac, you should move the mozclient file into sm2 and update the branch, i guess it's wrong01:04
asacfta: what is wrong in particular?01:04
asacits currently building at least ;)01:05
ftait's still using moz-central, while it should use moz1.9.101:05
ftaoh, maybe not, it's a postcmd rule01:08
asacfta: so we dont use the client.py thing to get the right central?01:08
asacfta: seems you use client.py01:08
asacso all good01:08
asacbut i can move them anyway01:08
asacMOZCLIENT_POSTCOCMD  = cd mozilla && python client.py checkout01:08
asacfta: can we make a multi-line expression out of _GETDATE?01:08
asaclike ... \01:08
asac .... \01:08
asaci guess the parser doesnt do that yet01:08
asacwould be a good feature: multi-line support for mozclient .conf01:09
asacnot really multi-line, but line joining using the \ delimiter01:09
ftai'll think about it, it should not be that difficult01:10
asacyeah. would improve maintainabilitry and legibility of .conf files quite a lot i think01:11
asacmaybe multi-line support would even be the right thing to do01:11
asace.g. if there is a \01:11
asacjust put that in the shell too01:11
asacbut well ;)01:12
asacnot so important01:12
ftalol Conscript is like SConscript but it's in perl instead of python01:17
asacso S means what?01:21
ftamaybe for scons, the animal01:21
asacand cons? for anaconda?01:22
ftanice chair :)01:23
asacbuy it :-P01:24
ftaasac, http://www.journaldugeek.com/2009/01/22/wobble-pour-les-pervers-sur-iphone/01:25
asacnot bad ;)01:27
asacdont udnerstand what he is doing01:32
asacor trying to do ;)01:32
ftashowing fennec on an e-ink device01:32
ftaif ($mozVersionNumber >= 191) {01:37
ftai guess the moz version has be correct01:37
* asac_sm from sm chatzilla02:00
asacseems to work02:01
ftai would love to have an mxr package easy to setup02:04
asacsigh ... [Build #834667] armel build of eclipse 3.2.2-5ubuntu3 in ubuntu jaunty RELEASE02:05
asaci guess i will get those till the end of universe02:05
ftawhat is that?02:05
asachopefully someone uploads a new version soon ;)02:05
asaceclipse is a java ide ... i uploaded it for some transition02:05
asaci guess nss02:05
asaceclipse is really really nice02:06
asacits one of the only reasons why i would go back to java ;)02:06
asacfta:make[5]: Entering directory `/var/builddir/asac/builds/fennec-1.0~a3+hg20090130r350/mobile/locales'12:32
asacMakefile:63: ../../toolkit/locales/l10n.mk: No such file or directory12:33
asacl10n.mk needs to be in build-system?12:33
ftaasac, maybe, are you trying to add/activate locales to fennec or is that new upstream?13:44
ftaasac, this system python thing in openkomodo is a total non sense. I'm getting errors after errors. they dump their stuff directly in the python directory.14:37
ftaso if i don't copy the full python tree there, i end-up without the mandatory stuff from the python libdir14:38
ftathey should use python-support or something like that but i don't know enough about python packaging to know exactly what is best14:39
ftai even tried to take some shortcuts just to see if i can have something usable: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112450/14:41
asacfta: new upstream14:44
ftaasac, why are you suddenly interested by fennec?14:53
asacfta: not more than before ;)15:16
ftai would appreciate help to get openkomodo running15:18
ftaas i'm stuck.15:19
ftai'm working on setting up the daily ppa right now15:19
asacdo we know any upstream contact for openkomodo?15:20
ftajcastro said he knew someone, but he didn't tell who it was15:21
ftai think they have a channel15:21
asaci really think that the issues we bump into now should be addressed upstream. or at least get their input on what they think15:22
ftahm, http://community.activestate.com/forum/could-i-publish-komodo-edit-packages-ppa-repositoris-ubuntu ???????15:23
fta#komodo on moznet15:27
asaccdbs lzma15:36
asacmaybe thats better than bz215:36
fta"need to be tar.lzma or tar.lzma" ?15:37
asaci meant lz15:37
asacbut i guess thats just a not used extension15:37
asacmaybe tar.7z15:38
asacbut i think 7z is a different container format using lzam15:38
ftaisn't lzma much slower?15:39
asaci dont think so15:39
ftasomeone blogged about that15:39
asaci think its faster and better15:39
asacafaik nothing is really slower than bz215:39
asacat least for packing15:39
asacso openkomodo uses cmake ... bah15:40
asaci would think its flawed:15:42
asac"As you can clearly see, when cranking up the compression on the TAR file, BZIP2 is comparable to GZIP."15:42
asaci think thats true for unpacking ... but definitly not for packgin15:42
asacbrowser restart time ... 1.5G of mem15:44
ftafta      14483  6.6 18.2 791120 376028 ?       Sl   00:03  66:57 /usr/lib/firefox-3.2a1pre/firefox-3.215:45
ftabut i'm back with the default for memcache15:46
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112474/15:52
asacso slow on compress and fast un decompress15:54
asacwin is about 20%15:54
fta3 times slower on compress, that's 45sec vs 15sec, not negligible15:56
asacfta: but also 3 times faster on decompress ;)15:57
ftabut just 4 sec difference15:57
ftanot 3015:57
asacright. but you build more frequently than preparing orig15:57
ftathe real benefit is size15:57
asacalso the dput push save will give you a few minute ;)15:57
asacwhen pushing security release batches i would appriate any meg saved15:58
ftatry with https://edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/ppa/+files/chromium-browser_0.3.155.0~svn20081120r5786.orig.tar.gz :)15:58
fta(240.7 MiB)15:58
* asac pulls this shit15:58
asacfta: so openkomodo is spinning now ...15:59
asacdo we know that it actually works with 1.9.1 ?16:00
asacor are we fighting fronts with unknown issues?16:00
ftait's part of the supported options16:01
asacyeah. but did you ever try a build? e.g. without disabling siloed stuff and so on=?16:01
ftai have that dirty patch uncommitted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112475/16:02
asacfta: so .head builds now?16:02
ftaand that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112476/16:03
asacso what do i need to do to get stuck where you are stuck? just build .head and wait for the failure?16:03
ftano, it fails close to the end, in $(DEBIAN_NAME)-build16:03
fta.head + the two patches above16:04
asacso i have to abort this build?16:04
ftano, xul is fine16:04
ftait will touch the xul stamp, then fail16:04
asacso i will see the problem you want to fix on .head?16:05
ftaapply the two patches and restart, it will go further and fail where i'm stuck16:05
asaci will wait for the build failure first i think16:05
ftai'm not happy with debian/patches/ubuntu_hacks.patch either, hence the name16:07
ftathe misery starts early, with --python=/usr/bin/python16:08
ftai'm not even sure --python expects a binary or the python libpath16:08
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112479/16:09
asacsigh. so i am leaving for a sprint next week. really have no time for that16:12
asacnot time for sprint i mean16:12
asacsprints are rather glue for my performance16:12
fta? glue?16:19
asaclook the word up ;)16:20
asacits original meaning ;)16:20
asacin short: they dont do any good for me16:20
ftawhy? no team buddy to work on a common topic?16:21
asaci have ... but i have more pressing things to do16:22
asacwhich i cannot really do there16:22
asaclike finishing all the security stuff for 3.0.616:22
asacso for mozilla i have no team buddy ;)16:22
asacfor network-manager i dont have any team buddies either ... just folks that want me to fix stuff ;)16:23
ftayeah, i know the feeling16:24
asacso to sum up:16:26
asacinstead of 12-14 hours a day at 100% I work 8-9 hours a day at 50%16:26
asacprobably gives me a net of 30% ... and that would be good even16:27
asacsprinting is luxury if you have to travel to moon ;)16:28
asacat least its same time zone16:28
asacotherwise it would also remove producivity in the week after16:28
asacunfortunate ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/112487/16:39
asactest failed16:40
asacyeah. i hope its not my dying mem16:43
ftaor dying disk16:51
ftai tested mine a few days ago16:51
ftawith smartctl16:52
asacmy disks are dying all the time16:54
ftaNum  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error16:55
fta# 1  Extended offline    Completed without error       00%      1114         -16:55
fta# 2  Extended offline    Completed without error       00%       812         -16:55
ftanot sure what LifeTime means16:55
asaci think time of continous writes left16:56
asaci wouldnt want to run that on my mail system ... i cannot even remember how old it is16:59
asacits definitly > 10 years16:59
asacconstantly on ;)16:59
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112491/17:02
asacis that the expected build failur=?17:02
ftano, it was until yesterday17:02
fta<fta> i have that dirty patch uncommitted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112475/17:03
asacyou know that i didnt apply them yet17:03
ftathat's ok then17:03
asaccan you comit those patches? i mean it doesnt build yet so committing other stuff ;)17:03
asacisnt a problem17:03
asacok applied that dirty paste17:05
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112496/17:06
asacthats where if fails now17:06
fta<fta> and that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112476/17:07
ftaboth are in the branch now17:07
ftarev 517:07
asacok that fixes that issue too17:08
asace.g. debian/rules17:08
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112498/17:11
asacthats where you end?17:11
ftahmn no, i fixed that too17:12
ftawell, patched17:12
asacnot in what you committed as it seems17:13
ftareverted obviously17:13
ftait's getting really ugly17:14
ftai'm not proud of any of this :(17:15
ftait was a desperate attempt :P17:18
asackind of bastards17:21
asaci mean they use python and then use perl?17:21
asacdefinitly on crack17:21
asacwhy is siloedPythonInstallDir = '/usr/bin/python17:26
asacfta: `17:26
asacis that a patch from us?17:26
ftahm, i think it's from piratenaapje, not sure17:27
asacfta: have you tried to build _with_ siloed python?17:35
ftaat some point, it dumped /usr into the build tree, remember?17:35
asacthought just /usr/lib/python*/17:36
ftaso i diverged17:36
asacisnt david asher the CEO of mozilla mailcorp?17:38
asacso thats what he did before ;)17:39
fta_just moved my router and accidentally unplugged the power cord17:45
fta_i was sitting far too close to the wifi antenna17:51
fta_i wonder if my headaches are coming from that17:52
asacfta: most likely17:52
asacthe router should be at least 5 meter away17:52
fta_hmm, that's too far from my phone plugs17:53
asacits always good to have new challenges ;)17:53
asaci have to refactor all my cables and stuff when i get my cable modem17:53
asacbecause thats on the other side of the flat ;)17:53
fta_i was just between my wifi radio and my router17:54
fta_i should re-cable everything...17:54
asacNafallo: is there some hidden space in datacentre i could acquire by bribing you?17:54
fta_...hmm.. thinking...17:54
Nafalloasac: you plan to move to London?17:55
asacNafallo: hehe... no i need some silicon ;)17:55
asacNafallo: tinderboxes to be exact17:55
asacmozilla would give me a VM image17:56
asacok so a ticket :(17:56
asacticket to nowhere17:56
Nafallothat or grab elmo while he's there?17:56
asacNafallo: i think he leaves today ;)17:57
Nafallobut don't tell him I told you too ;-)17:57
asaci arrive tomorrow17:57
Nafallotomorrow IIRC17:57
asaci will rather go to mdz ;)17:57
Nafallohe's due Monday evening17:57
Nafallothis mix is awesomenesses!17:59
NafalloBas went a bit over the top with effects here and there but... ;-)17:59
* Nafallo got a free CD yesterday :-)18:00
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ftahm, 5cm of snow planed for tomorrow morning18:02
asacfta2: isnt #chromium-linux the right channel anymore?18:39
asacseems i am alone there now ;)18:39
asacok found #chromium-dev18:40
asacnot really active too18:41
=== Moot2 is now known as MootBot
ftaUbuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week20:43
fta* 1/ "Scan wireless networks" option in NetworkManager20:43
ftaasac, ^^20:43
asacfta: heh20:52
asacfta: you have a link?20:52
ftait's in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue12720:52
asacfta: well ... there is no reference to the brainstorm idea21:00
ftalol, i'm in the top 5 reviewers21:01
asacfta: are you active in REVU lately?21:25
ftayeah, just a few times, based on requests21:26
ftaasac, any progress with openkomod?21:44
ftaasac, what tag should i use for our dailies instead of my ~ftaX? i want something short, and easily identifiable.. ~mozX ? ~dailyX ?22:01
ftamy script is ready22:01
ftawell, almost22:01
asacfta: use the initials of the archive22:13
asace.g. we have ubuntu-mozilla-security22:14
asaci use ~ums22:14
asacso ~umd22:14
asacno progress on openkomodo22:14
fta~ums.. a bit cryptic..22:14
asacas long as there is a line ;)22:14
asacits mostly for us to identify22:14
fta_asac, i don't want to depend on dquilt.. is there another way to start the build and stop just after patch ?22:41
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ftawell, i won't test build for now, at least we'll be informed of failures by lp22:49
piratenaapjefta: Did you get openkomodo to build?23:24

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