
=== yell0w_ is now known as yell0w
jtmoneyhey guys, for some reason i cannot log in to my box... either from ssh or from the console... when i type my login/password (which are correct), it doesn't log me in or give me an error message... it just displays the "Ubunutu 8.10 tty1" login screen again... i cannot log in from root because this is disabled00:11
jtmoney(for root, it says "Login incorrect")00:11
jtmoneyahh, here we are00:27
jtmoneysegault at 0 ... error 4 in pam_smbpass.so[7fe9b2219000+149000]00:28
hadsI recall seeing a bug for that.00:29
dou213to completely uninstall apache+php+mysql(lamp-server)? 'sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql php5-cgi php5-gd php5-mcrypt mysql-server phpmyadmin' ? how does it sound?00:33
jtmoneythat's what i had00:37
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 278617 in samba "login crashed with SIGSEGV in dump_core() (dup-of: 260687)" [Undecided,New]00:37
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 260687 in samba "Purging samba breaks login (pam_smbpass.so segfaults)" [High,Fix released]00:37
jtmoneydou213: that sounds about right00:37
jtmoneyis there no metapackage that you could remove --purge and then autoremove --purge?00:37
dou213jtmoney, sry i don't understand ur question... metapackage is apache2 php5 and mysql-server i think, or not?00:40
arooni-mobilei'm getting connetion refused on port 24000 (when i try to ssh) even though i've opened up the port on my router, and enabled port forwarding...... what gives?00:57
dou213arooni-mobile, on port 24000 is running med-ltp01:02
dou213define another port and try it again01:02
dou213like port 2400701:02
dou213be sure to port-forward the right port in ur router's cfg01:03
Nat_RHUsing an openvz VPS, anyone help me with a UFW issue?01:29
Nat_RH"Problem running init script"01:29
Nat_RHlooks like maybe a IPv6 module issue or something01:29
=== Deeeps_ is now known as Deeeps
faithI have a ubuntu box with virtualbox(2.1.2) installed and I have a ubuntu-server image that running on virtualbox Is there a way to reach virtual machine's apache test page from the host machine02:08
iverson0881anyone talking here?05:56
Samma3lim here, but I dont think ill be much use05:59
iverson0881oh wanted to get some help with something server related06:06
Samma3lI can try maybe, some help is better than no help06:07
ScottKiverson0881: You are more likely to get actual help if you ask an actual question.06:11
iverson0881are there any good guides related to setting up openLDAP on ubuntu 8.0406:11
ScottKDid you look at the Ubuntu Server Guide?06:12
ropetinHowToForge usually has something you can work from06:14
ropetinAlthough it's always a good idea to take it with a pinch of salt, and try on a test system first :)06:14
iverson0881hmm I checked it out, but it would be very helpful if there was a way to manage all this throug some web gui06:15
ropetinWebmin doesn't help?06:16
iverson0881Is webmin compatible with Ubuntu's configuration files?06:17
Samma3lwhen I run apt-get update, does that just update the package list or does it also check for updates for installed packages06:17
ropetinGood question, no idea :)06:17
ropetinSamma3l: aren't they they same thing?06:18
iverson0881Samma3l: apt-get update would download the package list while apt-get upgrade will try to figure out what needs to be upgraded.06:18
ropetinIt doesn't tell you updates are available from the CLI, if that's what you mean06:18
Samma3lah thanks06:18
stiv2khello what packages are these in?06:19
stiv2kYou will need to ensure that Pear (http://pear.php.net) is installed on the machine that you are developing on, and that you have installed the MDB2 (http://pear.php.net/package/MDB2) Pear package.06:19
ScottKiverson0881: ebox is the web gui for servers that Ubuntu supports.06:26
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox06:26
Samma3lI thought ebox was broken for 8.10?06:27
iverson0881I'm using ubuntu 8.04 right now. As for ebox I'll check it out, i'm assuming it's modular, correct? I don't need a lot of the features it has.06:27
ScottKIt is modular.  I don't recall which ones got into 8.04.06:28
* ScottK finds vim is all the gui he needs for server admin.06:28
iverson0881anyone here ever use YUI Compressor?06:30
iverson0881the Yahoo javascript,css compressor06:31
iverson0881I noticed that jquery project just started using it for minifying and I have js files that need to be minified.06:32
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* delcoyote hola10:22
=== cax is now known as cax|away
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ZerqentI am having problem setting up libapache2-mod-auth-kerb in Hardy, the module works for authentication but causes apache2 to crash - tried it with basic auth and this does not happen) - (running a djangosite with mod_python, and apache2-mpm-worker if that mathers).11:39
Zerqentapache2 doesnt crash, but it's children segfaults in what seems a random behavior11:41
=== user_ is now known as momomo
simplexiofun fun.. is it normal that rsync over nfsss4 mount causes huge load11:52
simplexioload average: 22.39, 24.00, 23.5711:53
simplexionot that i complain.. desktop is still responsive.. moust of time11:54
Zerqentaha, not to recomend using libapach2-mod-auth-kerb with the mpm-worker12:13
Dark_FireHello. Im trying to set up a PC that will share internet. I want a cache server. be able to block certain addresses, give limited Band Width to every account. Suspend accounts etc12:40
Dark_FireI was wondering if there is a program that I could use to monitor all internet activity etc.12:40
Dark_FireI want to set up a wireless network to cover quite a big distance. So I need it to be secure. Everyone in that area would buy internet from me with a certain bw. When that bw is exceeded the internet should be cut off until the next month.12:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about router12:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nat12:49
DeeepsDark_Fire: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router12:49
Dark_Fireo ok, thanks :)12:49
DeeepsDark_Fire: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard12:50
Deeepsiftop, iptraf may also be of interest12:50
Deeepssecure your wireless using WPA(2) with an additional layer of clients needing to VPN12:50
Deeepsadditoinally, canonical provide commercial support12:51
Dark_FireShould I use Ubuntu Server for this small task or is there another operating system that would be better?12:56
Dark_Firehwhats iftop and iptraf?13:01
Deeepsapt-cache show <package> gives you information about a package13:03
Deeepsas does packages.ubuntu.com13:03
Deeepsas does www.google.com13:03
Deeeps(in the event that a given application isn't in a package with it's same name, google's very useful!)13:03
Dark_Firehehe thanks13:05
Dark_FireShould I use Ubuntu Server for this small task or is there another operating system that would be better?13:05
Dark_FireLike normal Ubuntu or something?13:05
Deeepsif you're only using a single server for all of this, ubuntu's a good option as most of the applicaitons you need are already compiled and packaged for the system13:05
Dark_Fireubuntu or ubuntu server13:07
Deeepssame thing, essentially13:07
Deeepsubuntu desktop installs a gui that you shouldn't need, and a slightly different kernel13:07
Deeepsubuntu server doesnt install a gui, opting for more command line tools instead, and a slightly different kernel13:08
Deeepsthe rest of the packages are all the same13:08
Dark_Fireo ok13:08
Dark_FireIf I would have about 20-50 accounts what sort of computer would be sufficient?13:09
Dark_Firesorry for all the stupid questions :/13:09
Deeepstry and see with what you've got13:10
Deeepssee how it performs13:10
Dark_Fireok thanks :)13:11
uvirtbot`New bug: #323918 in php5 (main) "php5 crashed with SIGSEGV in curl_global_cleanup()" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32391813:30
jdbrowneHello, reading various documentation, it seems that the way to create virtual machine under intrepid is to use vmbuilder from the package ubuntu-vm-buildeR13:32
jdbrownevmbuilder has an option '-c' for a config file and I am trying to guess the format of the file. Is there examples of such configuration file on the web?13:33
=== _Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
=== apachelogger is now known as vacationlogger
barduckI need to create a user to run a daemon (doesn't need to have shell or login). Is there any special setting that I need to do or I just add the user with adduser and that's all ?14:31
aruettenif you want that the user has no shell, can specify as shell with useradd /bin/false. this will prevent anybody to login and get a shell with this user14:36
shally87need help in installing LAMP server in ubuntu 8.1014:48
shally87i use this command ; sudo apt-get install lamp-server^14:48
shally87and i get this error14:49
shally87dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:221: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.14:49
shally87E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly14:49
dayo__shally87: sudo dpkg --configure -a14:53
shally87i get this for that14:53
shally87dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:221: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.14:53
shally87E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly14:53
shally87this one14:54
shally87dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:221: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.14:54
dayo__shally87: try this: sudo tasksel14:54
dayo__and then choose LAMP14:54
shally87tasksel: aptitude failed (100)14:55
shally87do i need to reinstall my linux14:55
dayo__shally87: damn that sounds bad. hang on.14:55
dayo__shally87: can you paste the full error message to http://paste.ubuntu.com14:57
dayo__and then post the link in here14:57
dayo__just a minute15:05
dayo__ok try this: sudo dpkg -r mysql-common libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl libdbi-perl libmysqlclient15off libdbd-mysql-perl mysql-client-5.0 mysql-common mysql-server-5.0 libapr1 apache2-utils apache2.2-common apache2-mpm-prefork apache2 php5-common libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server php5-mysql15:09
dayo__shally87: and after that do this: sudo aptitude reinstall15:09
shally87i get thi15:11
shally87i guess i have to reformat to hardy 8.04 and install lamp again15:23
shally87does this thing occur again?15:23
shally87I'll be afk now..15:34
dayo__shally87: sorry about that. i was called away15:42
dayo__try this again: sudo tasksel15:42
dayo__shally87: and then choose LAMP15:42
shally87all functioning now..16:32
shally87thanks dayo_16:32
shally87i'll continue tomorro16:32
shally87need to sleep16:33
shally87thanks a lot16:33
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uvirtbot`New bug: #324029 in openldap (main) "package libldap-2.4-2 2.4.11-0ubuntu6.1 failed to install/upgrade: package libldap-2.4-2 is already installed and configured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32402918:55
redLAWhello to all19:24
uvirtbot`New bug: #319553 in network-manager (main) "No Wired Internet Connection in 8.10 (dup-of: 274069)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31955320:16
Victor_PetrescuI was forwarded here from an Ubuntu Doc.21:45
andolVictor_Petrescu: I assume you have a question then? :)21:45
Victor_Petrescuyes, I was waiting for you to say something ..21:46
Victor_Petrescubasically I want to use the mail() function on PHP21:46
Victor_Petrescubut I installed the server and ... ooops .. it doesn't work21:46
Victor_PetrescuI've installed Postfix21:47
Victor_Petrescubut .. nothing21:47
andolVictor_Petrescu: I was just about to point out that you need a MTA like Postfix :)21:47
andolHave you tried using Postfix directly?21:47
Victor_Petrescunot sure how to do that21:47
andolVictor_Petrescu: An easy method is to install the package mailx21:47
Victor_Petrescubasically I need to read more21:47
andolVictor_Petrescu: That will provide the command "mail" which enables you to send an email directly from the cli on the server. Perfect when it comes to testing21:48
Victor_Petrescuso basically from my shell I cannot send mail right now?21:48
Victor_Petrescuit says now : No mail for victor.21:48
andolThat means that you dodn't have any incoming mail in your mbox.21:49
Victor_Petrescuand I need to install mailx now21:49
andolWhen you have mailx install, try this command21:49
Victor_PetrescuI tried sending email from my Yahoo21:49
Victor_Petrescustill no email.21:49
andolecho "Hello world" | mail -s "testing" you@yourdomain.tld21:50
andolVictor_Petrescu: incoming mail is a slightly diffrent matter :)21:50
Victor_Petrescupop3 or something?21:50
andolVictor_Petrescu: Actually postfix takes care of the recieving part. Just that it might need to be configured a bit diffrently, to listen on external ports.21:51
andolVictor_Petrescu: but let us take this one step at the time :) The first step should be to get postfix sending mail, right?21:51
Victor_Petrescumailx emal@yahoo.com21:52
Victor_PetrescuSubject ..21:52
Victor_Petrescuhow to change from subject to body?21:52
andolby pressing return :)21:53
andolwhen you'r done writing, you finnish it of by pressing ctrl+D21:53
Victor_PetrescuNull message body; hope that's ok21:54
andolNow take a look in /var/log/mail.log21:55
andolVictor_Petrescu: I would do something like: tail -fn 40 /var/log/mail.log21:56
Victor_PetrescuI didn't receive the email21:56
andolThen what does /var/log/mail.log say?21:57
Victor_PetrescuFeb  1 16:55:55 ubuntu postfix/smtpd[5544]: fatal: parameter "smtpd_recipient_restrictions": specify at least one working instance of: check_relay_domains, reject_unauth_destination, reject, defer or defer_if_permit21:58
andolVictor_Petrescu: How did you install postfix? Been modifying /etc/postfix/main.cf anything?22:00
Victor_Petrescucan I uninstall it? I think it will uninstall mysql also22:01
andolJust uninstall postfix shouldn't remove mysql.22:01
andolAnyhow, you can always try and apt-get remove --purge postfix. Before it actually does the remove it will ask you if you really waaant to remove the packages it lists22:02
andolVictor_Petrescu: Yes, if you want to reinstall clean you want to use the --purge, to get rid of the old configuration files.22:02
Victor_Petrescuyeah, only I have more than 1 websites running mysql on it22:03
andolVictor_Petrescu: Then do your experiments on another, less critical, computer.22:04
andolVictor_Petrescu: If you want something to play around with I guess you could always set up a virtual server on your desktop computer?22:05
Victor_Petrescuwell .. can't really emulate the conditions22:05
Victor_PetrescuI need to emulate the UBUNTU server, the DNS forwarding, everything22:05
Deepsyou can, there are p2v tools you can use to copy a physical machine into a vm container22:06
Victor_Petrescuok, hold on22:11
Victor_Petrescuthis server is hosted in another country22:11
Victor_PetrescuI cannot copy everything in a decent amount of time22:11
Victor_Petrescuand redirect the email dns etc22:12
* Deeeps reads up22:14
Deeepsah, if you're scared, do apt-get -s remove postfix22:14
Deeeps-s means simulation22:14
Deepsit'll tell you what packages will be removed, postfix should have absolutely no connection to mysql22:15
Deeps..but not actually do anything22:15
Deepsremove never actually removes anything by default, always prompts you first with a list of all packages that will be removed22:16
Victor_Petrescuwhat is postfix-mysql22:18
Deepsapt-cache show postfix-mysql22:18
Deepswill give you a package description22:18
Deepsat a guess, it's mysql support for postfix22:19
Victor_Petrescuyes, it is22:19
Victor_Petrescuno harm done22:19
Victor_Petrescuwebsites running smooth22:19
Victor_Petrescustill no mail function22:19
Victor_Petrescunow ..22:19
Victor_Petrescuinstall the default postfix?22:19
Victor_PetrescuI mean .. done with remove --purge22:20
Deepsif you didnt use --purge, the config files and such will still remain22:20
Deepsapt-get install postfix22:20
Victor_Petrescuok ..22:21
Deepsyou also need php-mail i think22:23
hadsAnd probably some minimal configuration of postfix.22:24
garuhi everyone22:24
Deepstry calling mail() now, and then check your mail.log22:25
Victor_Petrescuthe tutorial said something22:25
Victor_Petrescuabout ..22:25
Victor_Petrescusudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix22:25
Victor_Petrescudid the mail, not sending22:26
garucan someone help me out here.I'm trying to setup a dhcp server on a virtual machine, and I have another server with ldap/kerberos servers on another virtual machine. I'm trying to install the dhcp server so that I can have the ldap/kerberos use it.22:26
DeeepsVictor_Petrescu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix; you want cofiguration type: internet site22:27
garuwould appreciate any insitghts on the matter or a good how to/tutorial!22:27
Victor_PetrescuFeb  1 17:25:12 ubuntu postfix/smtp[6389]: 1907A22A48: to=<myemail@yahoo.com>,                                                                               relay=f.mx.mail.yahoo.com[]:25, delay=0.68, delays=0.27/0.01/0.15/                                                                              0.26, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 ok dirdel)22:28
Victor_Petrescubut didn't receive it22:28
hadsIt's all up to Yahoo22:28
hads(who are terrible with mail)22:28
Victor_Petrescuyou mean it's working now?22:29
Deepson your server, yep22:29
hadsYes, "status=sent (250 ok" shows you it's working22:29
Victor_Petrescualso shows something else ..22:30
DeepsVictor_Petrescu: looks like it was sent from your box, so no problem there then. either yahoo's being slow, or it's in your junk because you've failed to do the mail headers correctly22:30
Victor_PetrescuFeb  1 17:26:14 ubuntu postfix/smtp[6389]: 2869A22A4C: host a.mx.mail.yahoo.com[                                                                    ] refused to talk to me: 421 Message from ( temporaril                                                                              y deferred - 4.16.50. Please refer to http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/d22:30
Victor_Petrescu                                                                          efer-06.html22:30
Deepsah, there you go then22:31
Victor_PetrescuI didn't do the headers22:31
Victor_PetrescuI used a Wordpress plugin ..22:31
Deepsread the url22:31
Deepsexplains the issue22:31
hadsYahoo isn't fun to deal wuth.22:31
Victor_Petrescu   1. the message you attempted to send exhibited characteristics indicative of spam,and/or22:31
Victor_Petrescu   2. emails from your network have been generating complaints from Yahoo! Mail users.22:31
hadsNo need to paste it here.22:31
Victor_PetrescuI've sent 1 phrase.22:32
Victor_Petrescunew domain..22:32
Victor_Petrescuwhat spam?22:32
Deepsask yahoo22:32
Deepsit's their mailserver policy you're battling against now22:32
Victor_Petrescugmail works fine22:33
Deepsgood luck!22:33
Victor_PetrescuI guess drinks are in order22:33
Victor_Petrescuthank you, I believe you'll be seeing a lot of me around here22:33
Victor_Petrescu1st day, 1st problem, 1st solution :)22:34
Victor_Petrescusecurity question22:34
Victor_PetrescuI only have postfix installed22:34
Victor_Petrescunobody but localhost should be able to use my server, right?22:35
Deeepsexcept for mail thats being delivered to your box's domain22:36
Victor_Petrescuany simple way to forward all incoming email to my gmail?22:36
Victor_Petrescuok, how do I read my email than?22:37
Victor_Petrescuall email on anything@domain.com22:37
Deeepsit'll end up in /var/mail for valid users on the defined domain22:37
garuI didnt even know I needed a dhcp server and a dns server.then I saw on a guide that I needed one. I wanted to have 1 debian server with everything on it.(1 ldap server, 1 kerberos kdc, 1 dhcp server and 1 dns server), and I'd have 2 other virtual machines, 1 with windows and another with linux22:37
Victor_Petrescuok, and anyone else?22:38
DeeepsVictor_Petrescu: there are guides and howtos on the internet for how to setup and configure a mailserver, including on the ubuntu server guide22:38
Deeeps!serverguide | Victor_Petrescu22:38
ubottuVictor_Petrescu: The Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/22:38
Victor_Petrescugreat, thank you22:38
Victor_Petrescuthe thing is, I've been reading from more than 1 source22:38
Deeepswhere possible, stick to the ubuntu documentation22:39
Victor_Petrescuand expected it to work but I guess I didn't need all the bling bling22:39
Victor_Petrescuwill do22:39

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