
tseliottjaalton: did you see my new patch? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfree86-driver-synaptics/+bug/320632/comments/5315:09
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/320632/+text)15:10
tjaaltontseliot: nope, I'll add it later15:16
tseliottjaalton: ok, thanks15:17
desrthi guys19:51
desrti have a tablet PC and it's broken on jaunty alpha 219:52
desrti know how to fix it by editing the xorg.conf, but that's obviously not going to be helpful in the longrun19:52
desrtthe tablet is a serial interface19:52
desrti'd like to know how to cook up proper .fdi magic to get the serial interface recognised as belonging to a tablet so that this can be included in ubuntu properly so it works out of the box when jaunty ships19:53
desrtany help with that would be wonderful19:53
desrthal already seems to recognise it as a tablet: i get a device node in hal for "Wacom Serial Tablet PC Pen Tablet/Digitizer" with serial.device="/dev/ttyS0"19:54
desrtbut no love from X19:54
pwnguindesrt: afaik, hal can't work properly20:59
* desrt raises eyebrow21:20
desrtpwnguin: what's the issue?21:20
tjaaltondesrt: it's a serial device, so it can't be detected automatically21:59
pwnguinwell, most serial wacom are internal22:29
pwnguinone could probably ID the laptop22:29
desrttjaalton: it is autodetected, though22:32
desrthal knows that this serial device is a wacom tablet22:32
pwnguinwhat i was referring to is the apparent limitation that you get one device for a tablet instead of three22:32
desrtwell, it really is only one device....22:33
pwnguinnot if you want GIMP to tell between an erasor and stylus22:33
desrtthat's sort of X's issue, though22:34
desrtunless you want hal to plug and play auto-detect the eraser tip as it comes in range22:34
pwnguinwere you intending to use the tablet without X?22:39

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