[00:08] interesting question from the kmymoney2-devel list: [00:09] say they port kmymoney to kde4/qt4, what happens to those using kde3, [00:09] as in how hard would it be to run kde4 app in kde3 [00:12] sorry that was kmymoney2-user mailing list [00:21] I ran some kde4 stuff in KDE3 in Hardy and it was fine, but we explicitly packaged for co-installability. [00:25] ScottK: thats what I thought [00:26] btw in a quickie poll in that ml, 5 out of 8 were using kde4 [00:26] one or both main devs still run it [00:26] run kde3 rather [00:27] It's too late even to get into Debian with a new KDE3 version and I don't think any other distro is slower. [00:27] KDE4 is the future. [00:27] yup [00:27] Konversation waited to switch to support KDE3 longer and look where they are now (not on our CD anymore). [00:27] they are basically waiting to get a 1.0 release out first [00:28] hopefully they can just port the gui to kde4 and then add fancier bits after [00:28] they are wary of the amarok2 situation (missing things from the last version) [00:28] Well it just depends on libs, so it'll be fine for a while. [00:29] yeah [00:39] * ScottK points to http://alioth.debian.org/~pusling-guest/kde-policy.pdf and suggests engagement to make sure we can live with it (since we'll have to maintain any diff) [00:39] Riddell: ^^ [00:42] ScottK waves. [01:20] * Hobbsee tests [01:54] er, i think i have a bug in jaunty. the power management capabilities according to kde don't include cpu frequency scaling, but when i run powertop, it says my CPU is currently scaled down from its rated 2GHz to 600MHz [02:01] tonio, the desktop file was not fixed upstream [02:04] sigh, there are a lot more changes in kdenlive than are in the changelog [02:10] maco: do you have a screenshot of the capability list in kde? [02:16] New quassel after the next publisher run. [02:23] * a|wen really need to test out quassel soon [02:43] rgreening: to disable smoke try commenting out line 57 of kdebinding's main cmakelists.txt [02:43] then remove all the smoke packaging [02:43] ok. [02:44] I thought those were the two things. just wasn't sure. Is smoke needed or important? [02:44] JontheEchidna: ^ [02:44] on jaunty, if powertop says my CPU is currently scaled down but power devil says my cpu is incapable of being scaled, is that a powerdevil bug or something lower down? [02:44] We don't use it for anything (smoke) [02:45] ScottK: ok. ty [02:45] maco: One way to tell is to install guidance-power-manager and see what it thinks. If it thinks it can be scaled, I'd blame powerdevil [02:45] will try [02:46] JontheEchidna: Do I need to patch CMakeLists.txt or is there a switch I can pass in the rules file? [02:46] hmm [02:46] patching probably would be the way to go [02:46] ok. [02:47] ScottK: the little battery applet says its scaled to 600mhz just like powertop does. [02:47] the ruby bindings need smoke [02:47] right clicking that thing says "guidance power manager" ...is that what you mean? [02:47] so don't let apachelogger catch you :P [02:47] maco: Yes. [02:47] but it's not anything vital [02:47] * rgreening goes to patch and rebuild kdebindings [02:48] maco: I'd blame powerdevil then (kdebase-workspace) [02:48] Could I get a sponsor for kde4libs? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu [02:48] maco: please include a screenshot of the capability list and the output of running lshal [02:49] testbuilt in my ppa: https://edge.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+archive/ppa [02:49] a|wen: ok [02:50] JontheEchidna: Looking [02:50] thanks [02:51] >< i dont have kdebase-workspace installed [02:52] but i do have a "Power Management" option in System Settings and its Help page opens Power Devil's help.. [02:52] maco: kdebase-workspace is the name of the source package [02:52] oh ok [02:52] that's the name you need to look for in launchpad [02:52] i was going to include apt-cache policy's output [02:53] JontheEchidna: do I need to comment smoke out of cmakelists.txt.php-qt|qtruby|qyoto as well [02:53] :( apt-cache policy powerdevil ALSO says not installed. [02:53] powerdevil isn't its own separate package in jaunty [02:53] it's part of kdebase-workspace, spread about several binary packages [02:54] rgreening: dunno [02:54] do you know what binary package? or should i just not include a version string? [02:55] the kded plugin is in kdebase-workspace-bin [02:55] maco: kdebase-workspace-bin [02:55] the krunner runners are probably in kdebase-workspace-data [02:57] thanks [03:04] JontheEchidna: I'm still going to test build it (in progress). [03:04] ScottK: I understand :) [03:05] JontheEchidna: You might push it to kubuntu-experimental for intrepid. [03:05] * JontheEchidna thinks these could be the grave patches that Lure was talking about earlier [03:05] JontheEchidna: Also would you make sure the kdebluetooth I just uploaded today is in kubutu-experimental too? [03:06] sure [03:06] a|wen: Thanks for the clue on kdebluetooth. I fixed Jaunty and have an upload for intrepid-proposed pending. [03:08] ScottK: I can't see it [03:08] oh, you wanted me to upload it [03:08] Yes [03:08] * JontheEchidna is getting tired [03:08] ScottK: no problem ... sounds good; i've subscribed me to the new bug as well [03:09] a|wen: I appreciate you looking into it. [03:09] filed bug 324170 [03:09] Launchpad bug 324170 in kdebase-workspace "Power Devil says CPU is incapable of being scaled, but it's wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/324170 [03:11] ugh [03:11] * JontheEchidna just remembered that now backporting to intrepid is actual work :P [03:12] JontheEchidna now knows why ScottK didn't just do it.... [03:12] ;-) [03:14] holy cow [03:14] what happened to kde4libs in the private ppa? [03:15] 4.2.0c? [03:16] * JontheEchidna filters down to intrepid [03:17] ok, so I just need to change the install paths for the docs [03:17] rgreening: oh might sed master... [03:17] *mighty [03:18] i can has sed? [03:18] JontheEchidna: which path needs to be changed to what? [03:19] if you take the jaunty packages, /usr/share/doc/kde needs to be changed to /usr/share/doc/kde4 [03:21] are there any /usr/share/doc/kde4 present now? [03:21] how ironic, the first screenshots of konversation-kde4 I find are from windows... http://saroengels.blogspot.com/2009/02/konsolidated.html [03:22] if not ... "s/\/usr\/share\/doc\/kde/\/usr\/share\/doc\/kde4/g" should do the trick [03:23] JontheEchidna: Part of why it's private is we don't know for sure if we have the final tarballs or not. [03:23] oh, so it changed a lot [03:24] JontheEchidna: ya [03:25] sed -i is easier [03:25] sed -i 's/doc\/kde4/doc\/kde/g' */install [03:25] so sed -i "s/\usr\/share\/doc\/kde/\usr\/share\/doc\/kde4/g" *.install? [03:25] sed -i 's/doc\/kde4/doc\/kde/g' *.install [03:25] oh, or that [03:25] JontheEchidna: ^^ [03:25] thx [03:25] np [03:26] JontheEchidna: you replaceing kde4 with kde or kde with kde4? [03:26] kde with kde4 [03:26] sed -i 's/doc\/kde/doc\/kde4/g' *.install [03:26] JontheEchidna: ^^ [03:27] I had it reversed [03:27] sed is your friend :) [03:28] * JontheEchidna is drowsy,a nd should probably check the debdiff [03:31] rgreening: are we trying to help or do we just confuse him now ;) [03:35] * a|wen heads off ... upcoming lecture [03:43] ScottK: I'll have to get kdebluetooth done in the morning [03:43] No problem [03:43] * JontheEchidna out [04:00] * Sput back from superbowl [04:00] Riddell: well, for USians it's at a normal time (i.e. ends around 23h which is a decent time even on a sunday) [04:00] for europeans, it totally sucks. [04:02] meh, also I hate my friends taking that event seriously. they made me drink Bud. Bud! in Germany! Imported from France! On the upside, they also had bacon and eggs.. [04:12] seele: GO STEELERS :) [04:12] (my friends told me I had to root for them, no idea why as I didn't really know any of the teams involved) [04:17] My step daughter was born in Pittsburg and is a huge Steelers fan, so live will be more pleasant here tomorrow for it. [04:18] live/life [04:21] :) [04:21] anyway [04:21] * Sput embeds [04:21] it's 5:21 already >_< [04:22] in 50 minutes my alarm clock is supposed to go [04:27] *yawn* [04:29] JontheEchidna: ping [04:30] He's sleeping. [04:34] WHOOOO GO STEELERS! [04:58] !quassel [04:58] Sorry, I don't know anything about quassel [04:58] We'll probably want one for that.... [05:00] * ScottK ^^^ [05:05] JontheEchidna: list missing has some man pages for you: http://paste.ubuntu.com/112650/ [05:05] I'm going to go ahead an upload, but please sort that out for the next one. === akonadi is now known as nihui [08:10] good morning from Berlin [08:15] Morning [08:42] * jussi01 waves to Riddell === r0uzic_ausente is now known as r0uzic [08:59] hmm, quassel seems to freeze on connect for me [09:01] Riddell: ouch, freeze as in die? or just for a min? [09:01] doesn't unfreeze yet [09:01] bleh [09:02] are you still running qt4.5? [09:02] * jussi01 prods Sput [09:02] or EgS [09:02] I am [09:03] Riddell: I remember there were a few things with 4.5, not been tested well, so that may be it I guess. [09:03] check for certain with Sput [09:05] could be indeed [09:09] Riddell: I managed to fix the s-c-p-k systemsettings crash yesterday :) [09:09] and merged your changes from the standalone branch [09:10] so it's lookig a lot healthier now [09:10] still several things that don't behave properly [09:11] but if you have anytime for it's probably worth working in that branch now [09:11] https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/system-config-printer/kcm-scpk [09:11] Arby: oh? [09:12] Arby: the threads in kcm stuff? [09:12] Arby: how? [09:12] Riddell: yes, you were right, I just removed all the threads [09:12] goodness [09:12] it's now a little sluggish [09:12] and not an ideal solution but at least it runs [09:13] I 'd like to fix it up as is for jaunty [09:13] and do something more elegant for jaunty+1 [09:15] I gave myself a huge headache last night trying to get the 'print test page' buttons working [09:15] so that's next on the list [09:16] I'm tempted to make a package and cajole people to test it [09:22] Arby: so you just replaced the threads with busycurors and processEvents() ? [09:22] Riddell: yes [09:22] well, busy cursors mostly [09:23] great, I didn't expect that to work :) [09:23] took me a few goes but it did work [09:23] and there were more threads than I thought :) [09:24] so I spent about 2hours tracing crashes from thread to thread [09:24] so there are now a few oddly named functions :) [09:24] foo_thread and not a thread is site :) [09:25] I wouldn't change the names, best to keep in line with the GTK version [09:25] that was my thinking too [09:25] helps me remember what I did in 6 months time too [09:28] Arby: am I right in thinking that kcm-scpk has a copy of the whole main file? [09:35] Riddell: yes I renamed it, seemed more consistent with what it is now [09:35] and is easier to type :) [09:35] change it back if you prefer for consistency [09:36] (with gtk) [09:36] I wonder if we should keep the option to run it standalone [09:36] That would be nice but it's a bit tricky [09:36] mm, probably not if it's any hassle [09:36] well it basically means maintaining 2 apps [09:37] there are quite a lot of changes necessary to make it behave as a kcm module [09:37] let's not then, hassle-- [09:38] good choice :) [09:38] it's mostly the class inheritance that's the issue [09:39] Riddell: I'm just doing some smoke testing came across this bug 324230 [09:39] Launchpad bug 324230 in kdebase-runtime "nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in librdf_hash_put()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/324230 [09:39] the crash icon appears on the live desktop as soon as it has loaded [09:40] davmor2: mm, I think we've always had that in jaunty [09:40] was hoping it would fix itself :) [09:40] Riddell: It hasn't :) [09:42] davmor2: best mark it as high priority if you can [09:42] I doubt I'll get to it this week but it's obviously important [09:44] amarok, digikam, kdebluetooth all in main now [09:44] Riddell: I can't set importance :( [09:45] Riddell: I'll try them all out. New amarok should be able to read the db produce by ampache too shouldn't it? [09:46] umm, no idea [09:46] Nightrose ^^ ? [09:46] how many main inclusions do we have left then? [09:46] davmor2: give quassel a try too, that's our new IRC client [09:46] a|wen: packagekit needs a fix, so does network-manager plasmoid [09:47] a|wen: skanlite needs one written if you're in the mood :) [09:47] Riddell: I'm just trying the oem install I'll try the apps once it's up [09:47] we should be able to build with qedje now [09:48] Riddell: do we have a MIR stub somewhere? or an example from one of the other packages? [09:49] a|wen: MainInclusionReportTemplate [09:51] Riddell: i'll have a look a bit later [09:59] salut Tonio_ [09:59] hi Riddell :) [09:59] just saw the bug with pnm... [09:59] Riddell: should I patch for usr/lib/kde4 or create separate packge ? [09:59] Riddell: the libs are probably private btw... [09:59] Riddell: ara has set to high for me :) [10:00] Riddell: also, kmplayer is on revu, fyi :) [10:00] Like the new look desktop by the way, very pleasing on the eye :) [10:01] Riddell: anyway, I think splitting is probably easier... [10:01] let me ask pitti [10:02] Riddell: oki [10:03] Riddell: amarok is in main but not on the cd yet is that correct? [10:03] davmor2: right [10:04] Tonio_: what's the difference between kplayer and kmplayer ... seems pretty similar to me? [10:05] Riddell: Okay then that would explain the ? for the amarok icon then :) [10:05] a|wen: they were similar, both KDE3 versions were mplayer frontends [10:05] a|wen: but kmplayer also was xine compatible and has a kpart for embedded readin in konq [10:05] a|wen: there is the big difference :) [10:05] Tonio_: pitti says to ask upstream about if those libraries are public, have pined wstephenson [10:05] a|wen: on kde4, they use phonon [10:06] Riddell: okay I'll ping him right now [10:06] Riddell: or you'll do it ? (I'm not really available today... lots of work on my side, and I'm pretty broken [10:06] Riddell: I broke my left finger this WE [10:06] Tonio_: I have pinged him [10:06] ouch [10:07] Riddell: but I'll be at fosdem :) [10:07] yay [10:07] Riddell: just one finger is broken in fact, not a big deal, but it hurts :) [10:07] oh, okay ... kmplayer ~ kplayer++ [10:07] Riddell: if you can have a look at kmplayer, that would be good ;) packaging should be nice [10:07] hurting is a big deal [10:07] also, I'd like to get skrooge in the repos, that's really a super app, a package is ready on revu [10:08] Riddell: it is a kmymoney replacement [10:09] interesting name.. [10:11] Riddell: does it mean something special ? :) [10:12] Riddell: seen that konversation reached kde4 ? initial port at least [10:13] Tonio_: Scrouge is the mean character from Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol, it means someone who doesn't like spending money [10:13] ah !! ;) [10:16] Tonio_: It's also the english name of "Oncle Picsou" :) [10:16] agateau: :) [10:17] hum, where does a /whois end up in quassel ? [10:17] seems to end up nowhere... [10:20] hum kdepim-dev is broken due to libboost transition.... [10:21] libboost-graph-dev is not installable [10:22] Tonio_: is kdepim-dev used for something? [10:22] Riddell: yeah, needed to build konversation :) [10:22] Riddell: and I suspect a couple of applications [10:22] Riddell: anyway the issue is between libboost-graph-dev and libboost-dev [10:23] Riddell: nothing to fix on the kdepim side, we just have to wait ;) [10:26] it needs changed to libboost1.35 [10:26] dunno why the -devs aren't being updated but they're not [10:26] < wstephenson> Riddell: they are shared between various NM-kde4 components, but they don' need to be versioned, that was just me C&Ping cmake code [10:26] Riddell: well it might just take up some time [10:26] Tonio_: so upstream will fix that p-n-m libs issue [10:26] Tonio_: I'll note that in the bug and promote to main [10:28] Riddell: great, I'll commit an update as soon as fixed... [10:29] Riddell: apt-cache show libboost-graph-dev <----- needs update I guess since it has a strict dep on 1.34 [10:30] ah....... it is the same package...... [10:32] Riddell: kdepim-dev should probably depend on libboost-graph1.35-dev then no ? [10:32] Riddell: that would fix the issue, but I don't like those kind of deps... hard to maintain... [10:37] Tonio_: yes [10:40] Riddell: I'm still having 2 issues on kub panel is short by a couple of inches on 1440x900 desktop. and oem is still screwed I'm currently working through every option I can think of for oem [10:40] panel is short? [10:40] it doesn't cover the whole of the bottom of the screen? [10:43] Riddell: Yes that's right short by about 2 inches I know it's minor and can be altered I think it just looks bad [10:43] Riddell: how is the internationalization status of skanlite ? ... launchpad doesn't seem to know about it, so it does not build a .pot i suppose? [10:44] Riddell: the issue with oem install cjwatson thinks is to do with kubuntu rather than the install process so you might want to look at it at the sprint :) [10:44] Riddell: it does contain a lot of translations by itself, though [10:48] a|wen: if it uses kde4.mk it should bulid a .pot [10:48] davmor2: did you get a backtrace or anything from the oem issue? [10:49] Riddell: oh thx, it does [10:50] Riddell: It doesn't seem to run kdm I just get a black screen after setting up end user I can upload any logs you need if you want [10:53] davmor2: Riddell: amarok 2 can connect to an ampache server, play songs from there and search in its collection - is that what you meant? [10:55] Nightrose: BigRon at our lug pointed out that amarok where using the same backend data model as ampache so amarok should be able to access the db directly I think [10:55] ehhh no [10:55] it is integrated as a service [10:55] and queries the ampache api [10:55] so whoever told you that is wrong [10:57] Nightrose: It could just be me misinterpreting what he was saying :) [10:57] Riddell: skanlite MIR https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportSkanlite [10:57] ;-) ok [10:58] Riddell: i haven't subscribed bug 324251 to anyone, i trust you to do that, when everything is as it should be :) [10:58] Launchpad bug 324251 in skanlite "main inclusion report for skanlite" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/324251 [11:05] a|wen: is there a better bugs URL? [11:07] yes https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=specific&order=relevance+desc&bug_status=__open__&product=Skanlite [11:08] updated wiki page [11:08] subscribed ubuntu-mit [11:08] subscribed ubuntu-mir [11:08] a|wen: excellent, thanks, ScottK will hug you for that [11:09] * ScottK groggily consults his scrollback.... [11:09] no problem ... i'm amazed that you only found one spot, as it is my first one :) [11:09] ScottK: skanlite MIR [11:11] * Riddell changes default konsole scheme to "Linux" from "DarkPastel" [11:14] a [11:14] a|wen: Great. I think that'll be good. [11:14] Riddell: How about MIR for dontzap? [11:14] ScottK: i agree [11:15] what is the status for having k3b in kde4-version in jaunty? [11:15] ScottK: it's in main [11:16] a|wen: word is that trueg is planning to give it some love soon [11:16] Riddell: Nevermind about that then. How about seeding it then? [11:16] a|wen: tonio has packages which he said worked for him (didn't for me) [11:16] Riddell: okay, cool ... then i probably don't need to care about doing a rebuild of that one withour arts :) [11:16] ScottK: better to add a Recommends [11:16] ScottK: I can do that now [11:17] Riddell: Sounds good. [11:17] Did we get the U/I bit integrated? I've lost track. [11:19] ScottK: yes it's been in for a while [11:19] Great. Then I think that's the last bit on that particular issue. [11:24] I did add it, thought I did, just needs kdebase-workspace rebuilt now that pimlibs installs === quassel181 is now known as ScottK-laptop [11:28] Tonio_: kdepim-dev fixed uploaded [11:29] <_StefanS_> Tonio_: omg.. long time ago :) - still preferring kde3 ? [11:32] <_StefanS_> Riddell: hey, what are those stickers the topic mention ? [11:33] Riddell: can you confirm you actually got my sticker request? [11:35] This is a test (sorry for the disturbance). [11:41] _StefanS_: nope :) using kde4 NOW HEHE [11:41] oups [12:06] jussi01: yes I did [12:06] _StefanS_: you have to e-mail me your postal address [12:08] Riddell: excellent :) [12:08] thank you [12:09] seele: new volunteer to help on kpackagekit ui :) [12:11] <_StefanS_> Riddell: alright, I will do that [12:25] Tonio_: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3873 [12:31] Tonio_: kmplayer pacakging seems fine === rdieter_away is now known as rdieter [12:48] oooh, can has kde-ified this one? http://code.google.com/p/gnome-pulse-applet/wiki/Screenshots [12:52] gtk-qt-engine in jaunty hasn't dependences defined [13:02] Tonio_: is the build based on the debian package (they have kde4 in experimental) so we might be able to get back in sync/merge eventually? [13:02] of kmplayer === davmor2 is now known as davmor2-lunch [13:13] EagleScreen: good, that's the intention [13:16] I supuse you are reviewing dependences and you will set it again in the future, or not? [13:16] Riddell: so, how's one supposed to get a nice looking firefox under KDE? [13:29] Tonio_: yes! who is it? [13:29] Tonio_: rgreening? [13:31] Hobbsee: I find this theme helps: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7574 [13:34] JontheEchidna: I think i used a similar one previously, but it only changed the icons and such, not the rest of the window [13:34] * Hobbsee will check later, though [13:35] oh, you also need to install libbonoboui2-0 [13:35] for gtk-qt-engine to work [13:38] last I checked firefox installed everything gtk-qt-engine required [13:38] but that was in intrepid [13:42] Installing libbonoboui2-0 definitely makes it look different (on Intrepid). [13:42] I'm not sure it's better. [13:42] I may have lost that when I removed ubufox though [13:44] JontheEchidna: What was the other package like that? The one that looked better, but is in Universe (great description, I know.) [13:47] do we plan to keep basket in jaunty? [13:47] * a|wen needs to fix, if we do [13:48] ScottK: gtk-kde4 maybe? [13:48] a|wen: what needs fixing? [13:48] * ScottK tries ... [13:48] a|wen: no plans to get rid of it so far [13:48] Riddell: after libs rebuild without arts basket broke [13:49] so, had a meeting with security team, they're ok supporting mysql 5.1 in amarok so long as we build them from the same source package [13:49] a|wen: oh aye, what does it use arts for? [13:50] Riddell: it can play soundfiles if i remember correctly... so probably part of that [13:50] ScottK: so we want the latest kdebluetooth in jaunty backported to kubuntu-experimental? [13:50] Yes [13:50] ok [13:50] It's that or tell people to get it from intrepid-proposed and I think that's more confusing. [13:51] Riddell: might be other kde3 apps that is broken as well ... but haven't heard of any until now [13:51] hmmmmh [13:52] so, what am I doing wrong when apt-get says "build-dependencies for kdemultimedia cannot be satisfied" [13:52] kubuntu-experimental in intrepid that is [13:53] satisfy apt, or he will punish you. [13:53] I have no idea why it isn't satisfied [13:54] and apparently I don't know how I can get more verbose message out of it [13:55] Tm_T: install the packages yourself and see what doesn't install [13:55] Riddell: rrrh, aye sir [13:56] mr. bug master JontheEchidna: can you remember seeing any bugs about "error while loading shared libraries: libartskde.so.1" when $program starts [13:57] there was one about basket [13:57] I marked it as a dupe of the main remove aRts bug [13:57] JontheEchidna: okay ... please let me know if you see any others (or add them to the bottom of the wiki-page about it) [13:58] oh cool, kdebluetooth is a no-changes backport [13:59] JontheEchidna: does it work? [14:00] does what work? [14:00] bluetooth? [14:00] * JontheEchidna would suggest asking ScottK and a|wen about that [14:01] Riddell: Works some. Isn't perfect. Much better than we had before. [14:01] JontheEchidna: seems to work okay (intrepid + kde4.2 + kdebluetooth from intrepid-proposed + obex-data-server) === davmor2-lunch is now known as davmor2 [14:01] a|wen: And the one from Jaunty is the same as -proposed [14:02] Plust the depens on obex-data-server [14:02] uploaded to experimental [14:02] * JontheEchidna out to exercise dog [14:02] * a|wen have it crash every time he shuts down or suspends in kde4.2 ... doesn't happen with kde4.1.4 though) [14:02] Riddell: There's a kdebluetooth waiting to be accepted that fixes the depends issue for intrepid-proposed. [14:03] Riddell: If you see pitti, would you mind asking him to accept it? [14:03] ScottK: will do [14:03] Riddell: Thanks. [14:03] he's out the room jus tnow [14:03] but his laptop isn't [14:12] ;-) [14:25] do I want another chocolate muffin? [14:25] I have this nasty habit when there's free food and drink around of eating and drinking it [14:26] Riddell: go ahead [14:27] oh, no... libboost transition, so basket can not be build [14:29] a|wen: what does it depenmd on? [14:30] Riddell: something down the chain depends on bcp ... which gives me the problem it seems [14:30] a|wen: work out what it is and we can fix it [14:31] a|wen: if it's kdepim-dev, I fixed that a couple hours ago, probably not compiled yet [14:32] Riddell: might very well be that one ... i can see that at least gives me a problem [14:32] i'll wait and see until that is build if it still gives me a problem [14:33] although if basket builds aginst kdepim, it'll have a problem doing that now that kde pim is KDE 4 [14:34] there is a kde4 version in a vcs somewhere [14:34] of basket [14:34] Riddell: yeah, i fear so ... but right now i'm just trying to get to the FTBFS [14:34] "somewhere" :) [14:34] a|wen: you'll need to remove that kdepim-dev dependency then, the kontact plugin won't work [14:35] remove that and see if you can install the other build-depends [14:35] * a|wen tries [14:37] Riddell: now the depends are satisfied at least, then i'll se how it goes from here [14:39] Guys I got an issue with kubuntu's panel. On nv drivers the panel fits the full width of the screen on intel and nvidia driver (ie 3d enabled drivers) the panel is about 2 inches shorter than it should be an ideas? [14:41] davmor2: have you tried resizing it? [14:42] a|wen: Yes that's easy. My issue is the fact that on nv driver at 1440x900 the panel is the right size, installing nvidia's driver the panel no longer fits and nor does it on intel either [14:43] on the same resolution [14:43] davmor2: so it changes when you change the driver ... and you can't make it any bigger? [14:44] davmor2: or does it just change, but it is possible to make it bigger? [14:44] a|wen: you can make it bigger to fit. It's just the resolution hasn't changed. So why does it shrink [14:45] also with an intel chipset it is always 2 inches short unless you change it [14:46] davmor2: ahh, okay (just tried to get a grip of the problem) ... i could suspect that some internal calculation (that changed from driver to driver) was used [14:50] davmor2: sounds like a minor bug of some sort though ... but which part is responsible, is a good question [14:51] davmor2: do you have that installed currently with your panel size problem? [14:51] davmor2: worth checking if it's caused by our settings [14:51] logout, rm ~/.kde/share/config/plasma*; rm /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/plasma-appletsrc [14:51] login [14:51] The operation succeeded. [14:52] ubottu: your security needs some work [14:52] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [14:52] :) [14:53] stdin: ^^ [14:53] Riddell: I'll have a look on the intel box that has it from the get go [15:06] Riddell: need to re-install damn it :) About 15-20 minutes [15:13] yay... now i atleast got past the onfigure part of basket [15:27] Tonio_: It worked for the 1st time last night [15:28] Tonio_: YAY [15:29] JontheEchidna: can you have a look at something for me? [15:38] and basket works again! [15:41] Riddell: debdiff for basket attached to bug 320915 [15:41] Launchpad bug 320915 in libsdl "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/320915 [15:52] Riddell: deleting those settings and rebooting fixed it [16:20] davmor2: mm, so it's something we do with our customisations [16:20] customising plasma layout is harder than it should be, it always ends up with pixel positions in place [16:20] Riddell: Looks like it [16:21] JontheEchidna: did you do the original version of the plasma customisation in k-d-s? [16:31] Riddell: do you want me to bug to keep track of it or what? [16:33] davmor2: yes please, on kubuntu-default-settings [16:36] Riddell: I already did one https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-default-settings/+bug/309419 [16:36] Launchpad bug 309419 in kubuntu-default-settings "jaunty: Kubuntu panel doesn't extend all the way across desktop on all intel machine" [Undecided,New] [16:37] sorted [16:38] rgreening: good to ear :) [16:39] davmor2: I've milestoned that too so it doesn't get lost [16:39] Tonio_: from what I hear from wstephenson, plasmoid network manager should be mostly working now [16:40] Riddell: oki [16:40] Riddell: I'll push an update toonight then [16:40] Riddell: I'll test the vpn part though [16:40] Tonio_: yeah. ty [16:40] Riddell: uploading kmplayer, thanks for the revu [16:40] Tonio_: what about K3B [16:41] rgreening: next on the list :) [16:41] excellent. Tonio_. [16:43] Now, if I can get KVirc to look the way I want. I hate the themes... [17:01] JontheEchidna: ping [17:05] ScottK: ping [17:06] * seele wonders when colomar is going to be online so we can finish the kpackagekit review [17:21] Riddell: is kdebluetooth meant to be able to find phones in order to send stuff to them? [17:23] ScottK: kdenetwork fails to build in PPA but builds locally in my pbuilder. Any ideas? It's complaining about libboost1.35-dev not going to be installed. [17:24] rgreening: kdepim might be to blame ... Riddell uploaded a fix some hours ago [17:25] i ran into the same problem [17:25] (though not including a PPA, but locally) [17:28] a|wen: ty, I'll see if that fixes [17:32] Riddell: Yeah, I did the initial plasma-appletsrc [17:32] do we plan to make a 4.2 remix live-cd? [17:33] and, ksirc sucks [17:34] iirc I put the panel width as 9000 [17:34] which seemed to work well for all resolutions I threw at it [17:47] https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase/+bug/324398 [17:47] Launchpad bug 324398 in kdebase-kde4 "Using web difficult with dark KDE theme" [Undecided,New] [17:48] ^^ last bug to be reported by me until it is fixed - I was too damn annoyed when using LP [17:57] Kvirc doesn't allow filtering join/leave from active wndow... that six [17:57] ksirc (i am stuck in kde3 currently) has a separate window for your servers that closes the entire app without warning :/ [17:58] CentOS don't haz konversation :( [17:59] Well, I spent about an hour trying to make kvirc look decent... still not satisfied. I liked Konversation better :) I think I may need to relook at porting... [18:00] * seele coughs kpackagekit! [18:00] rgreening: _StefanS_ was interested in helping with kpackagekit as well [18:01] seele: sure thing. I'm not having a lot of luck yet. Still reviewing the code to see where to implement changes. [18:02] seele: you are the usability expert, right? you should chime in on the bug above ... [18:03] larsivi: that bug has been known since kde3 days [18:03] ScottK: ping [18:03] it's more technical than usability related [18:04] rgreening: didn't we go the quassel way with irc instead [18:05] ScottK / jtechidna: I have qt src here, and everyime I try to do a debuild -S -sa I do not get a .diff.gz but a tar.gz almost as big as the original src. Any ideas? [18:05] jtechidna: I know it is old, but in the kde3 days it was hopeless to have a dark theme for a lot of reasons, now this is the only issue of importance (and technical issues are solvable too ...) [18:05] a|wen: I'm testing out Kvirc as I uploaded it for Universe (for ScottK) [18:06] ahh :) [18:06] rgreening: what does the top version in changelog say? [18:07] a|wen: ? I uploaded a svn version, so it's pre 4.0.0 [18:08] rgreening: it could be because you miss the debian part (no "-") in the version? [18:09] a|wen: oh, this is a diff question.. I thought you were talking about kvirc still. In Qt build its this: 4.5.0~snapshot-20090201-0ubuntu1~ppa2 [18:10] hehe [18:11] does it change anything to do: 4.5.0~snapshot20090201-0ubuntu1~ppa2 [18:11] rgreening: ^^ [18:12] a|wen: it's weird, it worked for all snapshots I edited 20090129, only since I changed to 20090201 [18:13] larsivi: a screenshot would be nice on that bug [18:13] does bluetooth audio work for you guys in 4.2 (intrepid) ? [18:13] a|wen: maybe you are correct. Maybe it shouldn't have been ther in the first place. [18:13] *s [18:13] rgreening: afaik there should be one "-" in the version, no more no less, for a debian revision [18:14] rgreening: is it uploaded anywhere, or can you just change it [18:15] a|wen: It's in my PPA. I'll make the change and see what happens. ty [18:16] no problem [18:18] rgreening: The boost thing relates to the 1.34 -> 1.35 transition. Something needs to be migrated to the newer one. [18:18] ScottK: should all refs to libboost-dev be changed? [18:18] That's my very shallow understanding of the situation. [18:19] seele: attached a screenshot [18:20] ScottK, rgreening: libboost-dev1.35 does provide libboost-dev, so normally it is something else that catches a 1.34 version [18:20] ah [18:22] * a|wen waits for bzr to finish pushing a branch to LP ... takes a while right now [18:23] larsivi: not really sure what the issue is if the contrast of the widget text is high enough visibility on the widget [18:24] seele: sorry, don't understand ... [18:24] larsivi__: i dont see what the problem is.. you can clearly read the button label on the button widget [18:24] seele: yes, but can you read what I read in the summary text field? [18:25] larsivi__: no, but that looks like the widget isn't being rendered correctly. it should be black like the rest of the widgets [18:25] *wrote, not read [18:25] so i would find the widgets which aren't following the theme and write a bug that way [18:26] it should be fixed there, not by adding an additional style sheet [18:26] seele: yes, sure, but the issue is that konqueror accepts what the page specifies, but uses system colours if not specified [18:26] that's the risk of web designers not properly marking up their code [18:26] seele: in that case, bg colour is specified, but not foreground - and that is the case with extremely many web pages [18:27] seele: you cannot go round complaining about the web pages to all the web pages you visit over a year [18:27] a|wen: I figured it out. had the src file named wrong. [18:27] rgreening: ahh, that makes sense, he [18:28] seele: if it isn't obvious, then I suggest changing the theme for a few days :) [18:28] a|wen: ya. I was blind :P [18:28] i'm sure it's obvious, but i dont know what you want konqueror to do about it. it shouldn't override web css by default [18:28] rgreening: we all are periodically ;) [18:28] seele: note that I installed a css that makes the issue less bad, but still unusable [18:29] larsivi__: what does the css specify? [18:29] seele: generally white backgrounds and black text I think - didn't check [18:30] so what happens? it doesn't work? [18:30] according to the linked kde report, konqueror doesn't accept all changes [18:30] (this is not a topic I know much about technically) [18:31] STUPID launchpad. why doesn't it list upstream bugs in the content flow [18:31] larsivi__: i didn't see the related bug [18:31] it has a long history ... [18:32] right so i see [18:32] but it's an open bug and it looks like they are working on it [18:32] i'm confused what you want kubuntu to do about it [18:32] style sheets don't work so it's not like we can ship a stylesheet by default to fix it [18:32] seele: it has been around for 4 years, hardly what I call much activity ... [18:33] larsivi__: what are you talking about? there has been consistent commenting over the past 6 months [18:33] seele: related to that bug? [18:34] on the bug report people are still testing it [18:35] regardless, we would have to wait for upstream to fix it unless someone gave us a patch that fixed it. even then it would be better if upstream patched it and we just backported the patch [18:35] i would poke konq developers [18:37] seele: on the report I see a lot of people showing what is wrong and not a single dev saying they work on it [18:38] seele: on the khtml channel I got an answer in the direction of "we don't care" [18:38] seele: but that doesn't really matter, because the same happens in firefox [18:38] is it fixed in webkit? [18:38] so firefox stylesheets are broken too? [18:40] * vacationlogger is so not going to be around for the next 8 months [18:41] vacationlogger: wha? [18:41] seele: I guess? but I have no idea why it is affected by the konqueror bug in that case, which is why I consider this a kubuntu bug [18:42] seele: started new work today ... on a "sensible" schedule I am at work from 7 - 18:30 [18:42] * jussi01 handcuffs vacationlogger to the PC [18:42] + at times weekendish as well [18:43] + no whatsoever intartubes [18:43] larsivi__: how is this a "kubuntu bug" if it affects everyone using kde? we can't fix it save removing the dark theme so you don't have the potential of sometimes having invisible text in widgets because the web developer was lazy [18:43] vacationlogger: that's a long day [18:44] vacationlogger: congratulations (i suppose) ... it still leaves 12½ hours a day though ;) [18:44] well, I have a break from 12:30 to 16:00 ... doesn't make much sense to go home though [18:45] vacationlogger: its called netbook + 3g dongle [18:45] a|wen: by law I would get at least 12 hours for sleep :D [18:45] vacationlogger: what are you doing for your job? [18:45] vacationlogger: they are drawing it close then, hehe [18:45] jussi01: now who would want to do that :P [18:46] seele: because it also happens with firefox which afaik is not a kde project? and it is not sometimes, it is most times [18:46] seele: geriatric care .. though not really because I don't have the proper education for that ;-) [18:48] * a|wen cheers at bzr + LP ... be done be done! [18:49] vacationlogger: sounds cool.. get some old people using kubuntu! [18:49] larsivi__: only when firefox uses kde components for window theme/widgets [18:49] seele: they are barely able to eat, I doubt operating a computer is going to work any better :) [18:50] ah, is it like a hospice? [18:51] seele: can I disable that in firefox? It suddenly happened at some point a little while ago, firefox worked fine until then [18:51] seele: well, yes, no... not in general, just the station I am on ... kind of at least [18:52] larsivi__: i have no idea.. check system settings and see if you are using kde styles for gtk widgets? [18:53] vacationlogger: it's kindof weird you have a 3 hour break in the middle of your shift though, is that typical for the type of job you have? [18:55] seele: pretty much, that way I am around when the denizen (is that actually a word?) get dinner and can clean-up the station before night service [18:56] denizen is a word [18:56] jtechidna: does it also make sense in that context? [18:56] yeah [18:57] !urban denizen [18:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about urban denizen [18:57] ~urban denizen [18:57] kubotu: ping [18:57] pong [18:58] jtechidna: urban is like blacklisted :P [18:58] it didn't used to be [18:59] it did [18:59] !ud denizen [18:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about ud denizen [18:59] strange word anyway ... I ought to refrain from using it [18:59] * jtechidna remembers doing ~urban kde in here once... [18:59] ~urban kde [18:59] kde (1/5): Acronym for "The K Desktop Environment" Kde is a desktop enviroment for the X11 system, commonly used by Linux with XFree86 and xorg. Commonly used. Matthias Ettrich started KDE in 1996. It uses the Qt graphic library. Based on "look and feel" and features. KDE is extremely powerful for experts and ... I love using "kig" for help on my geometry homework and "flashkard" for help memorizing. Except I h... [18:59] maybe insanity was around? [18:59] hm [18:59] ~urban denizen [19:00] maybe it just doesn't quite like that word [19:00] yeah === blueyed__ is now known as blueyed === Hobbsee is now known as Guest42916 [19:15] night people [19:16] if anybody with MOTU power suddenly is bored ;) i'll just remind you of bug 320915 (at least the basket one extra relevant to us) [19:16] Launchpad bug 320915 in libsdl "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/320915 [19:55] hi === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [20:00] can't run strigi daemon :( [20:01] I got a warning and segmentation faut [20:01] *fault [20:01] WARNING: field 'http://strigi.sf.net/ontologies/0.9#debugParseError' is not defined in any rdfs ontology database. [20:01] Segmentation fault [20:01] packages from kubuntu-experimental repo [20:02] jtechidna: any thoughts on bug 309419 ? [20:03] Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/309419/+text) === santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve [20:43] hmm, I still can't make a connection with plasmoid-network-manager [20:43] would anybody care to explain why kdedaemon started to open kwallet at logon recently? [20:45] Riddell: seems to work ok here. although I still wish it was linkied in with the mobile tools package [20:46] mobile tools package? [20:50] Riddell: it seems we came from "works only for wstephenson" to "does not work only for Riddell" - I think this is great progress ;-) [20:50] heh [20:50] Riddell: I heard some problems with wep - what do you have? [20:50] Riddell: and does nm-applet work for you? [20:53] Riddell: the one linked into network-manager-gnome with all the preconfigured 3g stuff [20:53] !info libmbca0 [20:53] libmbca0 (source: libmbca): Mobile Broadband Configuration Assistant. In component main, is extra. Version 0.0.3~bzr42-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 68 kB, installed size 548 kB [20:53] Lure: no wep [20:53] knetworkmanager works fine [20:54] !info mobile-broadband-provider-info [20:54] mobile-broadband-provider-info (source: mobile-broadband-provider-info): database of mobile broadband service providers. In component main, is extra. Version 20081015.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 15 kB, installed size 124 kB [20:54] that stuff [20:55] aye, that is solid gold [20:55] jussi01: I presume the plasmoid doesn't know what to do with that? [20:55] Riddell: interesting - I had problems with knetworkmanager (inconsistent behaviour with wpa2-psk) [20:56] Lure: maybe I should put both on the CD for this release :) [20:56] Riddell: no [20:56] dunno why I put a smiley there, I think I'll do that [20:57] Riddell: please no - make next alpha kde3-less [20:57] Riddell: but wouldnt that pull in kde3 libs? [20:57] jussi01: ++ [20:58] we still have openoffice and k3b [20:59] oh [20:59] is k3b not ported to kde4 ? [21:00] the kde 4 version doesn't work very well yet [21:00] ah ok havent known this :) [21:03] * Lure_ is back from ungraceful shutdown of laptop during digikam build :( [21:04] * Lure_ needs to get new laptop asap or at least quassel-core somewhere ;-) [21:04] * astromme wonders if quassel-core supports multiuser yet [21:04] Riddell: remind me: what would be preffered way to get digikam/kipi-plugins into main? [21:04] * astromme has a quassel-core (offline for now) but if he remembers correctly, it's single user [21:05] move them now (before we add universe depends) or after? [21:05] >apt-cache policy digikam | grep jaunty 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main Packages [21:05] lensfun is in NEW queue (hint, hint), while opencv is already in universe and just need kipi-plugin upload to start using it... [21:06] Riddell: oh, that already changed... [21:06] kipi-plugins is also in main now [21:06] best start writing some main inclusion reports Lure :) [21:06] ok, then regarding MIR: we write it before we add depend on universe, right? [21:07] ok, will do opencv first, as it is in archive already [21:07] will wait with lensfun until it passes NEW [21:09] Lure_: I'd start writing it now, it'll pass New tomorrow (when it's my archive day, New queue gets moving!) [21:09] Riddell: ok, great [21:13] astromme: yes it does - ask in #quassel how [21:16] Riddell: MIRs are now tracked through LP bug (+wiki description under template)? [21:17] Lure_: yes, make a wiki page using MainInclusionReportTemplate, file a bug on the package pointing at the wiki page and subscribe ubuntu-mir [21:17] Riddell: thanks [21:17] * Lure_ was looking for queue page in wiki (as it was some releases back) [21:17] see ~ubuntu-mir bugs in launchpad [21:22] was the decision on kpackagekit final? is there a blueprint that needs updated? [21:22] * seele doesnt remember what nixternal said === Guest42916 is now known as Hobbsee === Hobbsee is now known as Guest65614 [21:24] Riddell: I'm looking towards making scpk installable, I assume this involves fiddling with CMakeLists files in some way? [21:24] Riddell: if I add all the files to this http://paste.ubuntu.com/112966/ [21:24] should they automagically end up in the right place? === Guest65614 is now known as Hobbsee [21:34] Arby: yes that's it [21:35] that tells it to install files into /usr/share/kde4/apps/system-config-printer-kde/ [21:35] Riddell: cheers, how does one test that it actually works? [21:35] Arby: what's new that needs to be installed? [21:35] some .ui files and the options stuff [21:36] mkdir build; cd build; cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DDATA_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/share/kde4/apps ..; make; sudo make install [21:36] and the rename to kcm-scpk [21:36] thanks [21:36] Arby: have you merged in from my new_ui stuff? [21:37] Riddell: yes [21:37] Riddell: I've got rid of the empty 'Options' tab as well [21:38] I assume that's what was intended [21:38] Arby: how did you do that? I couldn't work out how to delete a tab in qt designer? [21:38] there's some widgets in that tab which had code that presumably you removed too, they didn't do anything [21:38] Riddell: it's in the right click context menu [21:38] page X of Y > delete [21:39] hmm, I'm sure I looked at everything [21:39] Riddell: I think most of it was commented out anyway, for that reason [21:39] I'll check back through [21:39] it just badly needs some testing [21:40] not having a working printer makes that a little tricky [21:40] so I'm aiming to package it and stick it in my ppa [21:41] Riddell: I don't suppose you've still got the packaging lying around from when it used to be a separate package [21:41] before it went into kdeadmin [21:42] yes, see intrepid version at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/system-config-printer-kde [21:42] perfect thanks [21:58] ooh, strigi release [22:01] Eigen too. [22:01] Do we care about Eigen? [22:01] go ninjas! [22:01] yes, eigen2 is needed for koffice [22:01] speaking of which, there's a new koffice beta needs packaging too [22:02] * JontheEchidna takes strigi [22:02] hmm guys the package of amsynth in intrepid is t3h Br0ken for 64 bit :D the hardy one works fine is it possible to be fixed :) [22:02] what is Eigen oO [22:03] * ghostcube doesnt want to bother with sound things all the time but he likes making some bad electronic noise :D [22:04] ghostcube: c++ template lib for math [22:04] reviewers wanted: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportOpenCV [22:04] knusperfrosch, ahh ok thx [22:06] ghostcube: talking about amsynth, couldn't get midi to work without stuttering in intrepid. playing midi directly via timidity works, but not for rosegarden etc. [22:06] oh [22:06] :| [22:06] so i may keep zfx [22:06] Lure_: looks great [22:08] Riddell: only concern I have is some crasher bugs reported in ubuntu: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opencv/+bugs [22:08] :-( [22:10] Riddell: am I right in thinking that building scpk with cmake is failing because I don't have cmake-modules/foo.cmake from kdeadmin? [22:10] Riddell: will work on lensfun tommorow - to tired today to start another MIR ;-) [22:11] Arby: hmm yes, quite likely [22:11] ok then I won't hurt my head by trying to make it build right now [22:41] ScottK: bandwidth here is close to zero, if you fancy updating kubuntu-meta and uploading that would be appreciated [22:41] I can do that. [22:42] Riddell: Any more seed adjustments needed before? [22:42] NCommander: Any progress on armel soprano installability? [22:48] ScottK: Could you take a look at bug 324520? [22:48] Launchpad bug 324520 in strigi "New upstream release (strigi 0.6.4)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/324520 [22:51] JontheEchidna: Sure (in a bit) [22:52] thanks [23:09] Riddell: I get kdebluetooth, amarok, and plasmoid-network-manager added. Is that what you were expecting? [23:18] * ScottK assumes so an updloads... [23:18] Riddell: Uploaded. [23:23] JontheEchidna: Debian Eigan 2 packaging is in their svn .... [23:23] oh, it's in universe anyways so I could go after that [23:23] * JontheEchidna twists his villanous moustache [23:35] change of plans, investigating a kopete bug [23:36] JontheEchidna: Any thoughts on the Gnome guys "zomg, everything's maximized" bug in 4.1.4? [23:36] It reminds me of a bug where after installing ubuntu-mobile some mobile tools were being autostarted [23:36] these tools make things loose window decoration and be automatically fullscreen [23:37] but that happened regardless of DE [23:37] maybe that ubuntu-mobile bug was only half fixed? [23:38] the fix was, as I recall, adding a "no start in=kde" to the desktop file [23:39] I do not know if the fix made it to intrepid [23:39] Dunno what to do about that. [23:41] maybe that's not the issue, since if the tools were enabled the bug would affect both gnome and kde apps at the same time