
savvaschanged the ssh key wiki: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair?action=diff00:00
savvasactually, changed it twice, sorry: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair?action=diff&rev2=19&rev1=1700:03
wgrantmwhudson: Can you help karvec_?00:13
=== mwhudson changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: - | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
* mwhudson reads back00:13
mwhudsonkarvec_: what can you remember about your launchpad account?00:14
wgrantmwhudson: We've resolved it in a PM, it would seem.00:17
karvec_Yup, thanks to both of you, I'm logged in.  :)00:18
savvaswgrant: what did you do? send a "contact this user" email to karvec_ 's username to find out which email it was? :)00:21
wgrantsavvas: No, he happened to have it public.00:21
wgrantLots of people don't these days :(00:21
savvasoh cool!00:21
wgrantAnd/or lots of people don't remember their username.00:21
karvec_:P  *grins*  It's been about a year.00:21
savvasthat's because some proxies tend to catch it, spam-a-phobics :P00:22
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xnoxHello everyone =D vcs-import from svn that I care about has been failing for quite some time now. Where should I report the bug with possible solution to the problem?01:37
lifelessxnox: file a question on launchpad-bazaar at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar01:38
lifelessthat will notify the relevant team01:38
savvasI wonder why launchpad vcs-import team doesn't get notified of failing imports01:53
mwhudsonbecause we haven't fixed that bug yet01:54
savvasah, my bad then :)01:54
mwhudsonalso, it's not clear that we'd have time to babysit them all :/01:54
savvaswell at least a mailing list where people get notified of it01:54
savvasvcs-import-fails for 5+ fails in a row :P01:55
mwhudsonright yes01:55
savvasdo you know the bug number?01:55
savvasthanks for the information by the way01:56
mwhudsongrr, can't find it01:57
mwhudsonsavvas: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/237533 is related01:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237533 in launchpad-bazaar "we should retry failing imports less often" [Medium,Triaged]01:59
savvasok thanks02:07
savvasit has a pretty nice suggestion for a fix, stop importing by itself after a number of failed attempts02:11
bd_Is it me, or did edge's +builds page's CSS break just now?05:14
bd_as in, over the past few minutes05:14
bd_hmm, fixed itself05:15
spmbd_: I suspect you caught the edge servers doing their nightly (for them...) update. that kicked off about 18 minutes ago, and should be finishing nowish.05:19
bd_that'd do it, I guess.05:20
lifelessBjornT: it would be nice if the 'also in' text in the bug home pages were links IMO07:17
jameshlifeless: I posted a testresources branch with a prototype for the make/reset/clean API, and found a bug in the dependency resource handling (bug 324202)07:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324202 in testresources "dependency resources get out of sync when dirtied" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32420207:48
lifelessjamesh: cool07:52
lifelessjamesh: is there a fix too?07:53
jameshlifeless: not yet.  It'd probably look different depending on what you thought of the make/reset/clean change ...07:53
lifelessjamesh: ok, I'll peek at that when I'm more awake07:54
jameshlifeless: I noticed the dependency resources bug when looking at how they'd interact with a reset() method.  Turns out that the problem I was worried about existed on trunk too :(07:56
lifelessjamesh: thank you07:59
wgrantMorning mrevell.09:36
wgrantIs it intentional that lazr.config and lazr.delegates aren't actually LGPL3'd?10:20
wgrantThey have it as COPYING, but they're not actually licensed with it...10:20
wgrantlazr.config has both 'All rights reserved' and LGPL3, but lazr.delegates just 'All rights reserved'10:23
wgrantThe former doesn't seem to make sense, and the latter is clearly wrong.10:24
kiko-zzzis there such a thing as LGPLv3?10:32
kiko-zzzhmm, yes there is10:32
wgrantkiko-zzz: The intention seems to be to LGPLv3 them both, but it hasn't actually been done properly.10:35
kiko-zzzI'll follow up with barry and francis10:36
savvasdoes anyone know how to get a list of bazaar branches of a group using python and launchpadlib? I'm reading the documentation.. and I'm not pretty keen to this10:57
kiko-zzzsavvas, I know thumper was working on this yesterday10:58
kiko-zzzsavvas, rockstar will know as soon as he is up -- in some 4h10:58
wgrantsavvas: Team or project?10:58
kiko-zzzsavvas, have you seen the API docs?10:58
savvaswgrant: I'll be more specific, the list of vcs-imports bazaar branches10:59
savvaskiko-zzz: looking at them right now, the only thing I can do is follow the tutorial and use the launchpad api, but don't know how to load/import/use the stuff for bazaar11:00
intellectronicasavvas: i don't think you can get the branches from a person/team using the api yet11:00
savvaswell that explains it then :P11:01
kiko-zzzsavvas, there's an example API tool available. intellectronica, do you know where bac put it? is it already inside launchpadlib?11:01
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intellectronicasavvas: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/26490211:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264902 in launchpad-bazaar "Expose a person or teams branches through the launchpad api" [Medium,Triaged]11:01
intellectronicakiko-zzz, savvas: not sure. not sure where the example is. there's enough on https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib to get you started, though11:03
savvasintellectronica: so there's no other way to grab a list of names of branches? something like (fictional11:03
intellectronicasavvas: you can get the list of branches for a project11:03
kiko-zzzsavvas, there will be this week, because I think thumper has a patch for this up already11:03
savvas(fictional) launchpad.bazaar['team'].display_branches ?11:04
savvasthank you all :)11:04
savvasI'll subscribe myself to that bug11:04
savvasintellectronica: by the way, how do you get the list of branches for a project?11:06
wgrantsavvas: launchpad.projects['someproject'].branches11:07
wgrantsavvas: (Where launchpad is retrieved with something like Launchpad.get_token_and_login('some app name', EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT))11:08
savvasyes, I know that from the tutorial thankfully hehe11:08
savvasI think I got the hang of it11:08
savvaslaunchpad.project_groups['something'] searches of project names?11:08
wgrantproject_groups is for project groups.11:09
wgrantWhat do you mean?11:09
savvaswait, I'll read up the api11:10
wgrantIndeed, that's odd.11:10
gourgii;m having a problem branching from launchpad, i checked my launchpad ssh key, it is the right own,  http://pastebin.com/d3c7aaf6f11:10
wgrantIt seems to work for all pillars.11:10
wgrantgourgi: You run bzr launchpad-login and gave bzr your Launchpad username?11:11
gourgi$ bzr launchpad-login  results gourgi , the right one11:11
wgrantgourgi: You have no SSH keys on Launchpad.11:12
kiko-zzzwgrant, and launchpad-login should probably fail if so, right?11:12
wgrantkiko-zzz: I don't see why it should.11:12
kiko-zzzbecause it's nonsensical if it doesn't?11:13
wgrantBut bzr upon attempting to dereference the lp: URL should give the error message that the SSH server gives.11:13
spivwgrant: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gourgi/+sshkeys shows a key to me?11:13
gourgii do have and is the right one11:13
wgrantspiv: I of course cannot type 'r'11:13
gourgiis there a problem if the ssh key is passwordless  ?11:14
spivNo, at least not in Launchpad.11:14
spiv(That's a matter between you and your SSH client, but I doubt that is an issue)11:15
wgrantgourgi: What happens if you ssh to bazaar.launchpad.net manually?11:15
gourgilet me see11:15
* spiv bets on "Permission denied (publickey)."11:15
gourgispiv is correct11:15
wgrantspiv: Won't it sometimes give more descriptive errors?11:15
spivgourgi: if ssh directly fails, try "ssh -v bazaar.launchpad.net" and see which key files it's trying to read.11:15
spivwgrant: ssh -v (or -vvv if you're a glutton for noise) will.11:16
savvasspiv: it shows their email11:16
savvasor is that possible?11:16
spivsavvas: it shows their SSH key comment text, you mean?11:16
savvaslook at the end of the string: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gourgi/+sshkeys11:16
spivRight.  There's a bug open about munging emails in that text.11:17
gourgispiv actually at the end of the string is just my comment there,11:17
spivIt's basically the same sort of thing as if someone puts their email address in their description; it's another free-form field that people, and people sometimes do put emails there.11:17
* gourgi looking ssh -v now11:17
spivgourgi: right, that's the comment field of the SSH key, as I said.11:19
* spiv -> afk11:20
savvaswgrant: do you know what's wrong here: [group.name for group in launchpad.project_groups.search("mysql")]11:22
savvasTraceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>11:23
savvasTypeError: __call__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)11:23
gourgispiv, thanks for the 'ssh -v', i found the problem11:23
savvasgourgi: what was it?11:23
wgrantsavvas: Launchpad API named operations only take kwargs.11:24
gourgissh was looking for id_dsa.pub, while my key's name was key.pub11:24
gourgii think my ~/.ssh/config needs some more love :)11:24
wgrantsavvas: Do you want to get a list of projects in the mysql project group?11:25
savvaswgrant: I was trying something I dug up from a tutorial for the launchpad api: http://news.launchpad.net/general/this-week-in-launchpads-web-api-211:26
wgrantsavvas: .search(text="mysql")11:26
savvasdarn, and I was wondering what was that text it was talking about in the launchpadlib api :P11:27
savvasok got it11:27
EagleScreenhello, i am trying to upload a package to my PPA, i am following now this guide: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories12:23
EagleScreenthis is my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~eaglescreen/+archive/ppa12:24
EagleScreenthis is my .deput.cf http://pastebin.ca/132526712:25
EagleScreenI obtain this output:12:25
EagleScreen$ dput my-ppa usb-creator_0.1.11ubuntu1~ppa1_source.changes12:25
EagleScreenNo host my-ppa found in config12:25
stdin".deput.cf" ?12:26
stdinit should be .dput.cf12:26
EagleScreenoh! i will check it12:27
EagleScreenyes, it was wrong, sorry12:29
stdineveryone needs another pair of eyes now and then :)12:30
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
ymlis there a way in launchpad to view the file store in a bzr branch ?14:42
ymlWithout all the decoration added by loggerhead14:42
ymlI would like to use http://rst2a.com to render rst file.14:43
intellectronicayml: you have a download link for every file in loggerhead14:46
ymlintellectronica: yes I have seen it but this is not exactly what I am looking for.14:48
ymlI would like to view the raw file online. Then I could use the bookmaklet to render it.14:49
intellectronicaah, and you can't because of the mime type?14:50
intellectronicabeuno, rockstar: b.t.w is there anything that can be done about this? serve text files with a mime type which will prompt browsers to view them?14:51
ymlyes you are right14:53
ymlI mean automatic conversion rst2html is also fine  :-)14:54
intellectronicayml: so, basically, you want a wiki :P14:55
ymlEdit in place over the web is not something I like but being able to view the rst file in a formated hmtl is nice14:57
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intellectronicayml: file a bug, i think it's a nice idea15:00
intellectronicayml: also, loggerhead is free software. patches are welcome ;)15:00
beunointellectronica, well, it's kinda complicated to support viewing files, downloading files AND annotating files15:01
beunoannotating is what shows you the content of the file15:01
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
ymlbeuno: removing the mimetype would do the trick to view it online, isn't it ?15:02
intellectronicabeuno: yes, but most version-controlled files are likely to be text files, so if you serve them with a text mimetype, users can both view them in a browser and save them15:02
beunointellectronica, my guess is that it will break with images, won't it?15:03
intellectronicabeuno: or, if you consider the automatic save prompt a feature, maybe we could have a [view as plain text] link15:03
beunoyml, no, removing the mime-type will make the browser thing it's always binary15:03
intellectronicabeuno: with images you'll use the appriproate mime type for the image15:03
beunointellectronica, but then we have to add mime-type detection in LH15:04
intellectronicabeuno: from mimetypes import guess_type15:04
beunointellectronica, nothing is that easy in LH15:05
beunoeither way15:05
beunomaking the download link not download it, will break quite a vew use cases15:05
beunoI guess we can add a "view plain text" within the annotated view15:05
intellectronicayeah, now that i think about it, it is a useful feature, but "view plain text" would be useful, i think15:05
intellectronicaor even just "view", which can work with any mime type the browser supports15:06
ymlThat would be excellent15:13
beunoyml, file a bug  :)15:13
ymlbeuno: where should I do it ?15:15
beunoyml, https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead15:16
intellectronicabeuno: huh, so, it appears that download already uses mimetypes.guess_type - it simply defaults to application/octet-stream when it doesn't detect anything15:18
intellectronicaso if that's a feature, it's an accidental one :)15:18
beunointellectronica, it's all mwhudson's doings15:19
intellectronicaah, no, i think what makes it prompt for download is the Content-Disposition15:19
beunobut we do force downlods15:19
ymlfor your information : https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/32435015:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324350 in loggerhead "view a file as plain text" [Undecided,New]15:24
intellectronicabeuno, yml: lp:~intellectronica/loggerhead/view-file15:28
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intellectronicaoh, how strange. if a revision adds a new file, you don't see it in the diff you get from loggerhead15:30
rockstarintellectronica, really?15:31
intellectronicarockstar: yeah, see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~intellectronica/loggerhead/view-file/revision/26415:31
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=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: Ursinha | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
beunointellectronica, "known" bug  :/16:28
AlexC_my project is set to not use blueprints, however people can still register blueprints. Is this expected?16:29
intellectronicaAlexC_: sounds like a bug to me. which project?16:33
AlexC_intellectronica, tangocms16:33
AlexC_https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/210535 - seems to be the issue16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 210535 in launchpad-answers "Launchpad allows questions, code and blueprints even if the project states that it doesn't use them" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:35
intellectronicaAlexC_: yup16:35
Alinuxping danilos16:36
AlexC_is it possible to remove all blueprints from our project to? We no longer use them, and they are very dated. I'd rather them not be there16:36
danilosAlinux: hi Vladimer16:36
Alinuxdanilos, Salut Danilo!16:37
intellectronicaAlexC_: we can arrange that. would you please file a question? an admin will look into that asap16:38
AlexC_intellectronica, sure. I did actually before, though I also asked about Bugs however I was told not possible (for blueprints to). I shall try again, though16:39
intellectronicaAlexC_: oh, maybe i was missing something then. do you have a link to that question?16:40
AlexC_intellectronica, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/56563 - it's more a general purge of the project, instead of just blueprints though16:40
AlexC_intellectronica, should I still file the other question?16:47
intellectronicaAlexC_: what's the other question?16:47
AlexC_intellectronica, about just removing blueprints16:47
AlexC_other wise I am going to have to go through all 100+ blueprints manually and set the status ... not fujn16:48
intellectronicaAlexC_: i don't think that's necessary. we just have to see that your original question gets answered. i don't promise any particular result but i promise to get on the case16:49
intellectronicaAlexC_: if the answer is that the data can't be deleted, we can still help you set those blueprints to OBSOLETE without you risking RSI16:49
AlexC_intellectronica, much appreciated. I'd just like it cleaned up as much as possible, since we've not used LP for quite some time and the data on there is old16:50
AlexC_intellectronica, excellent =)16:50
AlexC_btw, how would I go about getting our own Redmine installation as a registered bug tracker with LP? Am I right in thinking, if this is done - our bugs would be synced over to LP?16:52
intellectronicaAlexC_: b.t.w why did you mark that question solved?16:54
intellectronicaAlexC_: what's redmine? is it another bug tracker?16:54
AlexC_intellectronica, I felt it was getting no where, and no one replied for a long time. Thought I'd just say it was solved and do as much cleaning as I could my self16:54
AlexC_intellectronica, yes, for example http://dev.tangocms.org16:55
AlexC_you could call it a Trac clone really, but in Ruby16:55
intellectronicaAlexC_: i'm afraid we don't support that bug tracker yet16:55
AlexC_ok, no worries16:56
intellectronicawe support trac and bugzilla, and to a lesser extent also roundup, SF and savannah16:56
intellectronicaAlexC_: it would be great if you could file a bug about supporting Redmine16:56
AlexC_intellectronica, what do I file it against?16:56
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intellectronicaAlexC_: malone16:58
intellectronicaAlexC_: b.t.w why did you decide to move away from LP (if i may)?16:58
AlexC_intellectronica, ever since the UI re-design, it's just gone downhill and in a direction I'm not a fan of personally. The lack of control is a big one for me, little things such as being able to delete blueprints, remove code branches without having to get someone to hold my hand and do it for me16:59
AlexC_I just feel I have no control over my project if it is in Launchpad17:00
AlexC_which is a shame, since at the start (back in 07 when I registered the project) it was great17:00
intellectronicaAlexC_: did you consider using the API to automate some tasks? (granted, there's no API for blueprints yet)17:01
AlexC_intellectronica, wasn't aware there was one17:01
intellectronicaAlexC_: https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/17:03
AlexC_seems like an interesting API, though way too much hassle for us to move back now - would just cause total confusion17:04
gesercprov: Hi, can you re-publish a (arch:all) deb eaten by LP due to many promotions/demotions? It's libtest-perl-critic-perl. This already happened in intrepid, so jaunty got also only the source. Re-publishing in jauty would be enough for now.17:10
MattCampbellIs it acceptable for someone other than a project's owner to register a project on Launchpad and set up a VCS import?17:10
cprovgeser: sure, can you file a question with all the information, please ?17:11
UrsinhaMattCampbell, in which sense?17:11
intellectronicaAlexC_: no problem re: deleting your blueprints. will be done later today17:12
AlexC_intellectronica, thank you very much, appreciate it. By delete do you mean fully delete, or just obsolete?17:12
MattCampbellI want to make some changes to a program and publish those changes, to contribute them back, but I'm not a committer on that project.17:13
intellectronicaAlexC_: full delete, unless you prefer otherwise17:14
AlexC_intellectronica, full would be perfect =) Are you able to do the same for Bugs as well?17:14
MattCampbellThis project isn't yet registered on Launchpad, so I was thinking I could register it, make it clear that it's not my project, then start registering branches for my changes.17:14
MattCampbellthen post to the project's mailing list or bug tracker17:15
intellectronicaAlexC_: sure17:15
AlexC_intellectronica, you're a star, thank you17:15
MattCampbellbut this project uses SVN for version control17:15
UrsinhaMattCampbell, well, I guess that if the program is opensource and it's license has no restrictions about it, and you keep the credits, than no problem17:16
intellectronicaMattCampbell: you can register the project, get the sources imported from SVN and then use bzr to branch from them17:17
UrsinhaMattCampbell, but I think the best would be you talking to the owner about adding your contributions to the main project17:17
Ursinhaintellectronica, I think that MattCampbell's point is less practical :)17:18
Ursinhaor maybe I'm just wrong :)17:18
intellectronicaUrsinha: you mean that it's impractical? ;)17:18
Ursinhaintellectronica, :)17:18
Ursinhayou got the idea :P17:19
gesercprov: sure, filed as question #5962217:25
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sproatyshould I make a release series for each new version of my app I make?18:00
sproatyi.e. add a new feature, new release?18:00
Ursinhasproaty, I think it's more a matter of taste18:01
sproatyI just want to do it to add download links, I'm uploading the source to LP via bzr at the moment, then uploading a .tar.gz to google code18:02
sproatyseems a bit silly if I could do it all through LP18:02
Ursinhasproaty, you can take a look at https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases18:11
Ursinhasproaty, I believe it'd be pretty helpful18:11
sproatyUrsinha: I'm reading that now actually :)18:12
Ursinhasproaty, right :)18:12
sproatyseems a bit overkill for a 1man project though :/18:12
kfogelSo I'm a member of the bkrpr team in Launchpad, and when I go to the project's Downloads page:18:20
Ursinhasproaty, that's why I told you it's more a matter of taste :) there are people who prefer to keep the project organized in that way even with only a few people involved18:20
kfogelIt says "No download files exist for this project."18:20
kfogelBut, even though I'm an admin for the project, there is nothing saying how one would make a Download appear.18:20
kfogelIn other words, how does one upload?18:20
kfogelSearching in Answers, and in LP general search, does not turn up an obvious answer...18:21
Ursinhakfogel, guess here is the answer: https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/FileDownloads18:23
Ursinhabut it's not easy to find, I share your pain18:23
kfogelUrsinha: thank you.  Yes, I never would have found that (s/never/eventually, after trying many places/)18:24
kfogelUrsinha: one thing that LP Downloads pages don't make clear is that this isn't a place for arbitrary file uploads.  For example, the bkrpr project wants to upload some test image data, so people can try out bkrpr without going through the trouble of scanning their own images.  But that's not one of the approved kinds of downloads; unfortunately, only the help page above lists the approved kinds of downloads, the Downloads page itself does not.18:26
Ursinhakfogel, that's a good point18:26
UrsinhaI'll talk to mrevell about it18:26
Ursinhakfogel, would you mind filing a bug about it, please?18:27
kfogelUrsinha: should I file a bug?18:27
kfogelUrsinha: we're reading each other's minds.18:27
kfogelWill do.18:27
Ursinhathanks kfogel18:27
kfogelUrsinha: what's the right project to file against?  launchpad-foundations?18:29
Ursinhakfogel, guess so18:31
Ursinhaif not, I can change that later :)18:31
matsubarakfogel: launchpad-registry18:40
kfogelmatsubara: ah!  Okay.18:41
* kfogel tries manually changing the URL while in the middle of typing up the bug report...18:42
kfogelmatsubara, Ursinha: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/32442918:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324429 in launchpad-registry "Downloads page should say how to upload." [Undecided,New]18:48
Ursinhathanks kfogel18:48
kfogelUrsinha: would you like me to mail mrevell, CC'ing you?18:48
Ursinhakfogel, subscribing mrevell to that bug and commenting on it would be enough18:49
kfogelUrsinha: hmm, "matthew.revell" or "canonical-matthewrevell"... the latter, I think?18:50
Ursinhakfogel, I always subscribe him using matthew.revell18:51
zu22how the heck do i create a blueprint in launchpad?19:31
zu22i just clicked every fucking option in the project i am in19:31
zu22and i cannot find anything!19:31
zu22when i click "blueprints" it just has a damn link on the general blueprints documentation19:31
zu22how do i create a BLUEPRINT???????19:32
Ursinhacalm down zu2219:34
Ursinhago to blueprints on your project and "Register a blueprint"19:34
zu22sorry this is just gviing me a headache19:35
Ursinhazu22, did you find it?19:35
Ursinhaa blue button19:35
Ursinhain your right19:36
zu22i am looking, i clicked "Blueprints"19:36
zu22there is no "Register a blueprint"19:36
zu22all it says:19:36
zu22    * Assignee19:36
zu22    * Drafter19:36
zu22    * Approver19:36
zu22    * Subscriber19:36
zu22    * Registrant19:36
zu22    * Feedback requests19:36
zu22    * Workload19:36
AlexC_zu22, I'd highly suggest being more polite in future, that attitude will get you less help. And use a pastebin.19:36
zu22    * Mentoring offered19:36
zu22AlexC_: sorry but i was very frustrated with this i just wasted 20 minutes of my life on it19:36
Ursinhazu22, which is the project's name?19:37
zu22here is where i am: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~netrek-server-team19:37
zu22Netrek Server Project19:37
Ursinhazu22, this is a team, not a project19:37
zu22i see people did blueprints in there19:37
zu22so i know it is possible19:37
zu22ursinha: what?19:37
Ursinhalet me see it for you19:37
AlexC_zu22, people/groups can't have blueprints19:37
zu22team/project i thought is same thing19:37
zu22AlexC_: oh19:37
Ursinhazu22, you are able to register blueprints for projects19:38
zu22Ursinha: yes i want to do that19:38
Ursinhaso the project is https://edge.launchpad.net/netrek-server, right?19:38
Ursinhaso go there and click on blueprints, please19:39
zu22Ursinha: yay! THANK YOU19:39
zu22Ursinha: btw, what is this "karma points" i see? i only have 27 points, how may i earn more points?19:40
zu22does 27 mean u are a noob?19:40
Ursinhazu22, https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Karma19:40
Ursinhazu22, you earn karma points for your activity on launchpad19:40
Ursinhazu22, so if you recently registered, you'll have few points19:41
Ursinhazu22, a team can work on a blueprint, but it's always attached to a project19:42
Ursinhathat's why you can see blueprints related to that team19:43
zu22Ursinha: oh i see, it is asking me who to asisgn this blueprint to, i don't know who will wish to work on it, so i can just leave this blank?19:44
Ursinhazu22, sure19:44
zu22ok thanks :)19:45
zu22sorry guys i was so frustrated earlier19:48
Ursinhazu22, okay, next time just ping the Help contact mentioned on topic19:49
Ursinhain this case, me19:49
beunoor always Ursinha, she's the nicest19:49
Ursinhabeuno, :P19:49
=== salgado is now known as salgado-bbl
Ursinhabeuno is the lp wizard19:50
Ursinhanot me19:50
UrsinhaI'm just an apprentice19:50
beunoright, I make you click "next" a million times!19:50
AlexC_is anyone here able to removes some code branches for a project of mine? They are very out of date (last import 20 weeks ago) and not needed19:51
UrsinhaAlexC_, you can do that yourself19:51
Ursinhabeuno, lol19:51
AlexC_Ursinha, oh really? I can't see to find anything in LP 'Code' part to remove them19:52
UrsinhaAlexC_, there's a red button on the right side of the branch title, after clicking on it19:52
beunoUrsinha, actually, he can't if they're imports19:52
beunobecause it's owned by ~vcs-imports19:52
Ursinhabeuno, oh, really?19:53
AlexC_ah, yeah they are vcs-imports (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/tangocms)19:53
AlexC_tbh, I have no idea how they got there in the first place. I don't recall adding them =319:53
beunoAlexC_, file a question and someone will remove them  :)19:54
AlexC_ok, will do. Thanks both19:54
Ursinhanp AlexC_ :)19:56
zu22i wish to have launchpad adopt darcs19:58
zu22darcs is my favorite vcs19:58
zu22who do i email about this?19:58
zu22i hate svn/cvs19:59
zu22darcs is so much better in all respects19:59
zu22i wish to ask launchpad to please add darcs support19:59
zu22can you guys let them know?19:59
zu22everyone on my projects already has darcs repos19:59
zu22so we'd appreciate it20:00
zu22morning thumper20:00
thumperzu22: have you tried bzr?20:00
thumperzu22: there is a bug about darcs support, but it isn't high priority20:00
zu22thumper: no never tried bzr20:01
thumperzu22: give it a whirl :)20:01
zu22thumper: ok :)20:01
zu22i heard linux kernel developers use bzr or is it git?20:02
oojahzu22: It's git.20:02
oojahBut that doesn't mean that it'd be the best for you of course.20:04
wgrantUrsinha: It's a bin icon now, actually. Not a red obscure one.20:08
* Ursinha looks20:09
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wgrantFixed in 2.2.120:09
Ursinhait's true!20:10
Ursinhamuch better, must say20:10
wgrantIt is.20:10
wgrantExcept that it's all inconsistent now.20:10
wgrantNot only does the edit icon on that page look out of place, all of the other delete links use the red one.20:10
zu22i hope launchpad becomes more popular than sourceforge haha20:10
zu22sf is *so slow*20:12
zu22and they have too much downtime20:12
zu22i hope launchpad keeps many FAST REDUNDANT SERVERS20:12
kiko-afkwgrant, in this case it's inconsistently good. imagine if it was all bad:)20:12
zu22with quad core cpus and much ram!!20:12
zu22on gigabit internet backbones20:12
wgrantkiko-afk: True, true.20:12
wgrantI think that is the first time I've ever seen somebody complain about how slow another project hosting site is in here.20:13
thumperwgrant: we'll fix the other delete links to be bins too :)20:14
zu22wgrant: hehe20:15
mwhudsonwgrant: have you got examples of other red delete icons?20:15
* mwhudson fixed merge proposals just before 2.2.1 went out20:15
thumpermwhudson: code reviews :)20:15
thumperah that's right20:15
thumperhey, I even reviewed and QAed that20:15
mwhudsoni mean, if _i_ can't figure out where the delete button is for a code page...20:15
wgrantmwhudson: I can't remember, but those more privileged can grep!20:16
wgrantCode reviews was one example that I noticed, right.20:16
mwhudsonthat's a point20:16
mwhudsonwgrant: fwiw, i've just sent off a branch that changes the last inappropriate use of the red delete icon, let me know if you find any more hiding somewhere :)21:48
=== salgado-bbl is now known as salgado
wgrantmwhudson: Great! Is there an appropriate use of it?22:14
mwhudsonwgrant: beuno's thought was that it's appropriate for unlinking as opposed to deleting22:16
mwhudson(certainly the trashcan wouldn't really be appropriate there)22:16
wgrantmwhudson: True.22:20
=== magcius_ is now known as magcius
knitt1a friend of mine (on a windows machine) has a project on launchpad22:40
knitt1he now wants to create a feature-branch on launchpad22:40
knitt1how can he do this?22:40
knitt1i'm not really good with bzr+lp :D22:41
mwhudsonknitt1: just push to lp:~<userid>/<project>/<branch-name>22:42
knitt1mwhudson: it should be a project branch22:42
knitt1not a user branch22:42
knitt1is it lp:~project/branchname?22:42
mwhudsonbranches always have an owner22:42
mwhudsonthe owner can be a team though22:42
popeybarry: http://news.launchpad.net/podcast/launchpoad-16-talking-about-launchpad-221  "launchpoad"22:57
barrypopey: i thought you were going to say how much you loved the theme music :)22:58
popeyI will when I've heard it :)22:58
=== magcius_ is now known as magcius
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-dinner
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