
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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huatsmorning everyone08:47
BugMaNmorning huats :)08:49
huatshey BugMaN08:49
didrocksmorning huats08:55
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pochumorning seb12809:14
pochualready in Berlin?09:14
seb128hey pochu09:14
huatshey seb128 and pochu09:14
seb128lut huats09:15
pochuhi huats09:15
huatshow are you guys ?09:15
pochufine, I don't start class again until mid february or so, and there's only one (easy) exam remaining :)09:17
pochuhuats: when are you gonna send your MOTU application? ;)09:17
huatspochu: just waiting for seb128 (nice ?) words :)09:18
seb128I though that was done?09:19
seb128what is the wiki page about?09:19
* seb128 is not too much into paper work09:19
huatsseb128: oh09:20
huatsI haven't looked09:20
huatsseb128: :(09:20
pochuseb128: just copy the template and fill it ;) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChristopheSauthier/MOTUApplication09:20
huatsbut since I haven't seen the notification email ...09:20
seb128I didn't write my comments on the wiki yet but that's not required for you to apply is it?09:20
huatsI think it was...09:20
pochuseb128: it's not but the process has changed and now sponsors are supposed to ACK the application in the wiki page09:21
huatsI might be wrong...09:21
seb128I need to talk to dholbach again then09:21
huatsseb128: ok :)09:21
seb128I hate this paperwork tasks09:21
huatsseb128: please let me know ;)09:21
seb128pochu: well, some other people already did file the page09:21
pochuright, that's why I said it's not necessary... but if you want to ACK his application, the wiki is the page to do so now09:22
pochuor that's what I understood09:22
seb128I'm just busy and tend to do paperwork only when I need to09:23
seb128ie if you block waiting on me to write there it can take a while09:23
seb128if you do apply I will file the wikipage before the council needs the informations09:24
seb128ie you should apply which will motive me to write rather than to wait on me to write ;-)09:24
pochuthat makes sense ;)09:24
didrocksseb128: can you think about me too ? :) (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DidierRoche/MOTUApplication)09:27
seb128you guys are on my list yes09:27
seb128I had a busy week and I've been travelling09:27
didrocksno pb :)09:27
pochuseb128: have fun in Berlin!09:28
seb128pochu: thanks ;-)09:28
* pochu bbl09:28
didrocksseb128: it's done (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council/Meeting), you are under pressure now :) (but enjoy your Berlin trip first ;))09:33
seb128didrocks: cool!09:33
huatsseb128: I have added myself too to the MC page...09:47
huatsso do it when you can09:47
seb128huats: thanks09:47
huatsand enjoy your stay :)09:47
huatsthanks to you ;)09:47
didrocksoh seb128, not remebered for asking this to you, but do you come to FOSDEM?09:49
mvoseb128: hi, do you think we could make libproxy build against mozjs ? it would be really nice09:50
didrockshope to see you soon (but not at FOSDEM, so :( ) ^^09:50
seb128mvo: hi, talk to asac he said mozjs has no stable api, abi and should not be used09:51
seb128mvo: come to the desktop room and we will discuss it with asac if you want09:52
mvoasac, seb128: ok, I come over09:54
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asacmvo: starter kit: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/MiscDBus14:40
mvoasac: "This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates. "14:40
mvohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/MiscDBusMagic ?14:40
phomesI was looking at gconf-editor and I think that the depends on libgnome/libgnomeui are not needed anymore. Should I file a bug about this?15:05
seb128phomes: no15:08
seb128_I was saying gconf-editor still uses libgnome15:16
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phomesseb128: ok. I was looking at how much effort it would be to drop libgnome and friends from the install cd. Looked to me like all libgnome usage in gconf-editor was removed already. Sorry15:18
seb128it's not15:18
seb128gnome_program_init is called15:18
seb128and the configure still uses it15:19
seb128should be easy to replace though15:19
phomesseb128: I feel stupid. I looked at upstream source. Misread that ubuntu is at 2.24.1 not 2.25.1. Sorry for wasting time. Will use apt-get source from now on15:22
seb128phomes: there is no 2.25 tarball15:23
phomesseb128: yes I see. My bad. I just did apt-get remove libgnome2-0 to get a list of what would be removed and started fetching source upstream to see if I could help out. Then I misread the 2.24.1/2.25.1 in synaptic and upstream configure.in. Damn15:36
seb128phomes: no problem, I think there is still too many things using those to move them out of the CD this cycle15:37
pochuand not all of libgnome functionality is in other libraries yet15:38
pochu(e.g. GnomeSession IIRC)15:39
phomesyes, but might be doable for jaunty+1. There is nothing wrong with starting early15:39
phomespochu: for gnome-games we use eggsmclient instead15:40
seb128right, working to not have those libs used on the CD is always good15:42
pochuphomes: did you copy the code into gnome-games? it's not available in a shared library, is it?15:42
phomespochu: we copied15:43
emberseb128 mind if i do brasero and gnome-themes update?16:14
seb128you can do those16:14
crevetteseb128, I did gnome-user-share update this week-end I know this is not in main, but as it has gnome in its name I thought you could interested with :)16:15
seb128crevette: not especially right now busy at the distro sprint, just subscribe the sponsor team to the bug16:16
crevetteI did subscribe the universe sponsor team already16:17
pochuhuats is in the HoF! go huats! :-)17:26
huatsthanks pochu17:26
geserdid gnome-sound-properties got removed from gnome-control-center? if yes, what it got replaced with?17:33
mclasengeser: gnome-volume-control in gnome-media17:36
davmor2Guys I got a pulse-audio issue my sound card shows up in input but not output which means I get no audio from login onwards is this known?17:38
gesermclasen: does it work for you? because I got a warning that it can't aquire the session bus when I try to use it and that's all17:40
mclasengeser: yeah, it works17:41
mclasenare you running it over ssh -Y ?17:41
gesermclasen: I called it from a gnome-terminal as I couldn't find it in the menus17:42
gesermclasen: and one can use now gnome-volume-control to change the audio output from analog to digital and back?17:44
geserI used gnome-sound-properties for this in the past17:44
didrocksvuntz (cf your blog): you google "debian" during your work time? :)18:18
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maxbHi, there was a libgnome update today with the change "don't force the dpi value to 96 but use the xorg value"21:04
maxbThis made my desktop fonts unpleasantly large21:05
crevettereport a bug I guess21:05
maxbI'll file a bug - anything useful I can say in it beyond the above?21:05
crevetteperhaps see with the guys from X team21:05
crevettei don't know that much :)21:06
maxbHang around here and hope an X expert shows up, or is there a better channel?21:06
crevetteperhaps some quirks are needed for that21:06
* maxb curses freenode's 20-channel limit21:07
petskimaxb: I've seen something about "large fonts" in the Ubuntu wiki21:12
petskimaxb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/HugeFonts21:14
maxbHmm... my Xorg.0.log is missing the info that page says should be there21:18
maxbThough xrandr --verbose gives millimetre perfect measurements21:20
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