
=== asac_ is now known as asac
davmor2Morning everybody08:37
davmor2morning ara_ how's berlin?08:42
ara_hey davmor2: chilly :-)08:42
davmor2-2 feels like -7.2 here oh and snowing :)08:43
ara_davmor2: ;-)08:45
davmor2is anyone in bug control?09:47
davmor2ara_: are you in bug control (can you set importance on bugs)09:54
ara_davmor2: yes09:54
davmor2bug 324230 Riddell asked if I could set it to high but I can't :(  could you please09:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 324230 in kdebase-runtime "nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in librdf_hash_put()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32423009:55
ara_davmor2: done09:58
davmor2Ta :)09:59
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2-lunch
=== davmor2-lunch is now known as davmor2
davmor2cr3: just the man.  are you in berlin?14:11
cr3davmor2: yep, what's up?14:11
davmor2I need hardware support on testing the deprecation of acpi-support14:11
davmor2(09:23:19) slangasek: on the asus, running jaunty, could you run sudo service acpid stop and test your hotkeys, and let me know which ones work and which ones don't?14:11
davmor2I can't help out here with this one can you guys?14:12
cr3davmor2: I don't really have an asus though14:12
davmor2hang on14:12
davmor2(09:22:13) slangasek: davmor2: do you happen to have any panasonic, asus, sony, toshiba, or IBM laptop hardware? :)14:13
davmor2cr3: sorry I thought I had included the list14:13
cr3davmor2: yeah, he made an announcement earlier today but I can't help from berlin :)14:13
davmor2:( D'oh14:14
cr3davmor2: that's alright, I'll try to get that kind of testing done when I get back14:14
davmor2cr3: :) Yay14:14
cr3davmor2: was slangasek asking for hibernation/suspend or the Fn keys? the latter was requeted by pitti14:15
cr3I just don't have IBM nor panasonic laptops. I actually have an asus and the others though14:16
davmor2cr3: Nevermind then14:17
slangasekcr3: hopefully, by the time you're back I'll have all of the acpi-support stuff sorted and uploaded, and you can QA it :)14:30
cr3slangasek: yay! mucho gracias15:32

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