
=== BugMaN1 is now known as BugMaN
rxMokkahi guys :D anyone around thats familiar with the implementation of ubuntu.com's drupal theme?20:39
rxMokkaI'm trying to detect updates to any one of these pages, in an efficient way(other than full download would be prefered)... but one seem to have last-modified header20:41
rxMokka"http://www.ubuntu.com/taxonomy/term/2/0","http://www.ubuntu.com/usn", "http://www.ubuntu.com/taxonomy/term/2/0/feed"20:41
rxMokkaI'm told that reply headers are simply implemented via listing in a $headers variable in the template file, and am wondering if last-modified is infact implemented, and is just getting zapped by the cache-proxy, or if there is some other method I could be using to detect changes to these pages20:42
rxMokkahey mpt21:10
mpthi rxMokka21:10
rxMokkawould you happen to be familiar with ubuntu.com's implementation of the drupal theme?21:11
rxMokkathe http reply headers are my specific interest21:12
mptrxMokka, not at all21:36
mptnewz2000 is the expert on that21:36
newz2000rxMokka: what is it you need to know?21:37
rxMokkanewz2000: I'm wanting to know if last-modified header is enabled in drupal, and getting filtered out by the cache-proxy21:41
rxMokkaor if its not enabled, and could be21:41
rxMokkaI'm working on an outomated monitoring script for USNs, and would rather not download the entire USN feed to see if its been changed... if there's a possibility to just pull the http reply headers and check a last-modified21:42
newz2000we have a squid proxies in between drupal and you. We've made some custom modifications in order to make drupal play nice with squid.21:42
newz2000ah, I see21:42
rxMokkathe Age header seems like it could get out of sync too easily to depend on21:42
rxMokkaand judging by wikipedia description, Date's not quite what I'm looking for either21:43
rxMokkabut I could be way wrong on date21:43
newz2000rxMokka: not currently but if you want to file a launchpad bug against ubuntu-website product I'll investigate it when we migrate to Drupal 621:43
rxMokkanewz2000: no chance its as easy as adding ', last-modified' to the tpl.php's $headers variable?21:43
newz2000sorry, but it's not21:44
newz2000a lot on the page can change besides the node content21:44
rxMokkanewz2000: it'd still work for me even if last-modified changed to reflect non-node changes... since I would beable to just look at the http://www.ubuntu.com/taxonomy/term/2/0/feed page, with no content except for node content21:45
rxMokkabut I can see how it could confuse the clients of other users looking at main-site pages :/21:46
rxMokkabut then again, with no last-modified currently in use, isn't everyone's client requesting a full fresh copy every time anyway?21:47
* newz2000 checks21:47
newz2000correct, there is no support for if-modified-since / conditional get with the system the way it's currently configured21:48
newz2000I have written code for this type of thing for another CMS and can attest that there are a lot of variables and it is not trivial to implement.21:49
rxMokkaah ok21:49
rxMokkawell thanks newz200021:49
newz2000always happy to try and help21:50
rxMokkaI'll put in a bug request, and make due with some slightly pulls in the mean time21:50
newz2000as an alternative you can subscribe to the security announcement list21:50
rxMokka*some slightly larger21:50
newz2000the security team triggers the emails the same time they update the rss feed21:50
newz2000so you could subscribe a unique address and use incoming mails to that as a trigger to pull the rss21:50
rxMokkaoh cool, they did not mention that an email was auto-triggered by the USN publication21:51
newz2000well, that's the way it used to be. They have an automation system that does something like this.21:51
newz2000I may not have a complete understanding of the process but it's something like that21:51
rxMokkalooks like they use the same drupal template to generate the email formats as well21:52
rxMokkaI'll checkout their tool on launchpad and verify its operation, nice pointer thanks!21:52

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