cbwcjw2 | I miss the feel of KDE 3 sometimes :( | 00:00 |
nosferatu | does anyone know information about installing KDE 4.2 on Ubuntu srvr? | 00:02 |
dendraya | mefisto__: is there something else i should mind backing up/reinstalling | 00:02 |
mefisto__ | dendraya: have you installed any programs not from repos, or anything that took time/work to set up? | 00:03 |
=== wweng is now known as hubar_ | ||
hubar_ | question, which application that you can use to set GNOME application font under kde4? | 00:05 |
lucas_ | hey guys, for some reason even if i have all my repositires configured ok i cant see kubuntu-restricted package... why? | 00:05 |
giz | nosferatu: that's dark installing kde on a srvr | 00:07 |
hubar_ | I definitely have used it before. err, can not remember though :( | 00:07 |
sebr | damn, after an upgrade kwin refuses to let me have compositing enabled | 00:07 |
nosferatu | why? | 00:07 |
sebr | any idea on this? | 00:07 |
sebr | okay random - i tried again, and it worked | 00:07 |
sebr | nm then | 00:07 |
dendraya | mefisto__: well, i use kontact (emails, google-calendar, newsgroups), firefox (bookmarks, saved passwords), filezilla, konquerer (connection settings) | 00:08 |
giz | nosferatu: you just don't run a server like that | 00:08 |
nosferatu | it is for my desktop actually, i just didnt want the old kde nor the gnome on it | 00:08 |
dendraya | that's what comes to my mind right now... | 00:08 |
mefisto__ | lucas_: kubuntu-restricted-extras ? | 00:08 |
giz | nosferatu: ha ok ;-) | 00:08 |
nosferatu | so, would you know how do i pull the new kde on it? | 00:09 |
lucas_ | cant find packages with adept but i can install them on the terminal... is that a bug or what? | 00:10 |
mefisto__ | dendraya: I think those you listed all keep settings in your home dir. kde apps should be in .kde (or .kde4 for kde4 apps) which is all in your home anyway | 00:12 |
giz | nosferatu: you have to change your sources.list to the unstable or test repo | 00:12 |
hubar_ | question, which application that you can use to set GNOME application font under kde4?vv | 00:13 |
=== bollocks is now known as etix | ||
marcel | how can i print something to the printer with lp <file.ext> ? | 00:13 |
mefisto__ | hubar_: system settings > appearance > GTK styles and fonts | 00:14 |
marcel | i must to specify the destination but i don't know how ... | 00:14 |
Gun_Smoke | marcel: redirection | 00:14 |
Gun_Smoke | > | 00:14 |
dendraya | mefisto__: thx | 00:14 |
marcel | please what is the command ? | 00:14 |
Gun_Smoke | lp file.txt > /dev/ | 00:15 |
hubar_ | mefisto__: Why do you answer a KDE oriented question with GNOME answers? | 00:15 |
marcel | thx | 00:15 |
mefisto__ | hubar_: I don't have any gnome answers. what I said applies to kde system settings for gtk apps | 00:16 |
JontheEchidna | hubar_: system settings is a kde application | 00:16 |
hubar_ | mefisto__: oooh sorry about that. ;) I find it. ;) | 00:16 |
marcel | don't work : /dev/ is a directory... | 00:17 |
jpedroza | can someone point me in the right direction for using an S3 video card with 8.10? | 00:18 |
giz | nosferatu: then apt-get kubuntu-desktop | 00:18 |
giz | nosferatu: then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop <grin> | 00:18 |
hubar_ | Has anyone been using KKKdE 4.2 in the experimental repository? | 00:18 |
nosferatu | how am i sure it wont get the kde 4.1? | 00:18 |
giz | nosferatu: by changing the sources.list file | 00:19 |
nosferatu | i added the following line at the end of that file: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main | 00:20 |
marcel | how can i print something to the printer with lp <file.ext> ? | 00:21 |
giz | nosferatu: good | 00:21 |
nosferatu | then I did apt-get update | 00:22 |
giz | nosferatu: k | 00:22 |
nosferatu | and ... ? :) | 00:22 |
giz | nosferatu: apt-get upgrade | 00:22 |
nosferatu | is it just doing the apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? | 00:22 |
lucas_ | is here any nice kubuntu developer that could help me with my adept problem? | 00:23 |
giz | nosferatu: if you tell it to yes | 00:23 |
keres | http://tinyurl.com/kubuntu | 00:24 |
keres | rofl | 00:24 |
keres | ... | 00:24 |
nosferatu | ok... i´ll try it... | 00:24 |
nosferatu | i´ll see in 2 hours about... | 00:25 |
nosferatu | thanks. | 00:25 |
giz | nosferatu: I would do the upgrade first and then do the apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 00:25 |
giz | nosferatu: ok cyouz | 00:25 |
Socceroos | JontheEchidna: I've finished compiling soprano with the sesame2 backend. strigi worked straight away after that | 00:26 |
keres | http://tinyurl.com/kde4-users-important-notice | 00:26 |
nosferatu | ok. i´ll do so. thanks | 00:26 |
JontheEchidna | Socceroos: nice | 00:26 |
jk- | Socceroos: yep, .au | 00:28 |
dendraya | good night guys | 00:31 |
zaapiel | what is the name of the gnome ubuntu installer? | 00:31 |
giz | <zaapiel>: zaapiel | 00:32 |
slylias | How can I find where the MBR is stored? | 00:32 |
zaapiel | what? | 00:32 |
giz | <zaapiel>: sorry couldn`t resist | 00:33 |
slylias | I need to reinstall windows on a dual boot box, but windows helpfully overwrites the MBR, so I want to back it up before doing the reinstall. | 00:33 |
BluesKaj | !grub | 00:34 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 00:34 |
Socceroos | jk-: is it hot there in NSW? we got nearly 40 here in tassie....which is a record. previous best was 37 | 00:34 |
jk- | Socceroos: i'm in ACT - pretty warm at the moment :) | 00:35 |
jk- | was in hobart recently, nice and cool :D | 00:35 |
Socceroos | jk-: yeah, I missed out on the linuxconf. Work wouldn't give me time off. =( | 00:36 |
mefisto__ | slylias: you may want to save a copy of your current /boot/grub/menu.lst for reference in case you need to edit it after reinstall | 00:36 |
slylias | mefisto__: Thank you my good doctor! :) | 00:36 |
mefisto__ | :) | 00:37 |
ActionParsnip1 | hey all | 00:37 |
zaapiel | the gnome package gui is infinetly better | 00:38 |
zaapiel | no offense | 00:38 |
ubuntu_ | xfce!!! | 00:38 |
ubuntu_ | FTW!!! | 00:38 |
ActionParsnip1 | zaapiel: linux is choice, use gnome if you prefer it :) | 00:38 |
zaapiel | nah i prefer kde | 00:38 |
ActionParsnip1 | fluxbox ftw | 00:38 |
zaapiel | just the package manager i like | 00:38 |
slylias | I preffer not chosing one or the other. :) | 00:38 |
mefisto__ | zaapiel: you can use it in kde | 00:38 |
zaapiel | i am! | 00:38 |
ActionParsnip1 | zaapiel: i always use apt-get so it doesnt matter to me | 00:38 |
zaapiel | i think 9.4 is gonna have a different one anyways | 00:39 |
ActionParsnip1 | zaapiel: you can install kde apps in gnome and vice versa | 00:39 |
ubuntu_ | text mode FTW!!! | 00:39 |
ActionParsnip1 | is kde 4.2 officially released now? | 00:39 |
zaapiel | yeah | 00:39 |
zaapiel | as of jan 27 | 00:39 |
ActionParsnip1 | ubuntu_: is on my file / torrent / backup server ;) | 00:39 |
ActionParsnip1 | zaapiel: sweet | 00:40 |
zaapiel | yup | 00:40 |
ubuntu_ | lol | 00:40 |
ActionParsnip1 | zaapiel: i only install official stuffs | 00:40 |
zaapiel | its supposed to be way faster/stable | 00:40 |
zaapiel | yeah same here | 00:40 |
zaapiel | im waiting on 9.04 for that | 00:40 |
zaapiel | and ext4 support | 00:40 |
mefisto__ | ActionParsnip1: there's no official kubuntu kde 4.2 though | 00:40 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Slax_ | ||
mefisto__ | I expect kubuntu jaunty will be great | 00:42 |
=== keith__ is now known as keith_ | ||
=== keith_ is now known as keith__ | ||
ActionParsnip1 | mefisto__: as long as it browses the web and chats, i'm golden | 00:43 |
ActionParsnip1 | mefisto__: oh and does frets on fire, very important :D | 00:44 |
Slax_ | :D | 00:44 |
Slax_ | +1 | 00:44 |
mefisto__ | ActionParsnip1: never tried it. do I need one of those toy guitars to play it? | 00:45 |
ActionParsnip1 | mefisto__: you can use keyboard | 00:45 |
ActionParsnip1 | mefisto__: i use tilde to 4 for frets and enter for strum | 00:45 |
Slax_ | use f1f2f3f4 and enter to play? | 00:46 |
ActionParsnip1 | mefisto__: i also have the mhl mod so right shift is whammy bar and right ctrl is overdrive | 00:46 |
mefisto__ | ActionParsnip1: installing now :) | 00:46 |
ActionParsnip1 | Slax_: i have issues with some chords on the F keys, the number keys are much less painful | 00:46 |
ActionParsnip1 | mefisto__: the stock 3 songs are ok, but get some torrents or on the frets on fire wiki and download songs and rock out | 00:47 |
ActionParsnip1 | ooh i see kde 4.2 has kbluetooth | 00:48 |
ActionParsnip1 | wow this new kde is massive | 00:58 |
ActionParsnip1 | with my default desktop i have 64mb free ram | 00:59 |
astromme | ActionParsnip1: ? | 00:59 |
astromme | How much ram do you have? And how much of that is b/c of cached? | 00:59 |
jpedroza | ActionParsnip1: How much RAM does your machine have? | 00:59 |
ActionParsnip1 | 1Gb | 00:59 |
ActionParsnip1 | im gonna get another stick to max out the board | 01:00 |
ActionParsnip1 | 1/3rd of my ram is cache | 01:01 |
jpedroza | ActionParsnip1: Mine is roughly half | 01:01 |
ActionParsnip1 | well its cheap so i may as well sling it in | 01:02 |
ActionParsnip1 | £9.72 to double my ram, bargain :D | 01:03 |
ActionParsnip1 | good ol cheapo ram | 01:04 |
ActionParsnip1 | peace out kids | 01:08 |
mefisto__ | ActionParsnip1: do you play real guitar? | 01:08 |
ActionParsnip1 | yep | 01:08 |
ActionParsnip1 | i play a 5 string curbow signature bass | 01:09 |
mefisto__ | easier to understand than guitar hero. or I'm just retarded with games | 01:09 |
mefisto__ | err, I mean frets on fire | 01:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | http://img3.musiciansfriend.com/dbase/pics/products/8/1/3/270813.jpg | 01:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | thats my bass | 01:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | in that colour too | 01:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | yeah man just put songs in the right place and they will be selectable in the game | 01:11 |
ActionParsnip1 | mefisto__: i use a symlink to a folder on my fileserver for storage and backup ;) | 01:12 |
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mefisto__ | ActionParsnip1: can you reverse the display for lefties? | 01:13 |
ActionParsnip1 | mefisto__: aye, its an option in the menu | 01:14 |
nosferatu | do KDE requires mysql? | 01:14 |
jk- | nosferatu: yes | 01:16 |
jk- | nosferatu: wel, 4.2 does | 01:16 |
jk- | *well | 01:16 |
nosferatu | ok, txs... just in the upgrade process :) | 01:17 |
jk- | see the notes here: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 | 01:17 |
wesam | hello there | 01:19 |
wesam | iam new user in ubuntu | 01:19 |
wesam | is there some one can help | 01:20 |
=== wesam is now known as wesam_ | ||
=== wesam_ is now known as wesam | ||
kaddi | wesam don't ask for help: simply ask your question and if someone knows the answer he'll give it to you :) | 01:21 |
wesam | thank u kaddi | 01:22 |
wesam | iam trying to use an application like windows live messenger | 01:22 |
wesam | how can i found it | 01:22 |
jk- | wesam: install kopete | 01:23 |
kaddi | wesam windows live messenger is a microsoft programm and won't work with ubuntu. If you simply want to chat with your friends you might try kopete | 01:23 |
wesam | thank u all | 01:23 |
wesam | i will do now | 01:23 |
DaSkreech | wesam: or kmess or amsn | 01:25 |
jals | on a fresh install of Intrepid, i shouldn't have to manually set my dvd drive to mount right? | 01:25 |
Gun_Smoke | no | 01:26 |
jals | the drive is working cos amarok can play the songs on the cd, but it's not automatically showing up anywhere else | 01:26 |
Gun_Smoke | try 'mount' and see where it was mounted | 01:27 |
jals | it doesn't seem to be anywhere | 01:27 |
Gun_Smoke | well it has to be if amarok is seeing it | 01:28 |
jk- | Gun_Smoke: no, you don't need to mount it to play music | 01:28 |
jals | ah | 01:28 |
jk- | jals: is it listed in the new device notifier widget? | 01:28 |
jals | nope | 01:28 |
jals | not showing anywhere | 01:28 |
jk- | wait, this is a music CD? | 01:28 |
Gun_Smoke | jk-: you don't? | 01:28 |
jals | ya | 01:28 |
jk- | ok.. so you *can't* mount it then | 01:29 |
jk- | what are you trying to do? | 01:29 |
jals | access it using grip | 01:29 |
jals | or anything | 01:29 |
jk- | sure, just use grip/k3b/whatever | 01:29 |
jals | right, but they're not seeing a disc | 01:29 |
jk- | ok, maybe the path to the device isn't correct then. | 01:30 |
jk- | (in the programs that can't find it) | 01:30 |
jals | where would i expect to find it? i see /dev/scd0 mentioned in my google searches | 01:30 |
jk- | try k3b - that should use the same 'finding' method that amarok uses | 01:30 |
jals | i prefer grip | 01:31 |
jk- | (or have you already) | 01:31 |
jk- | it'll probably be /dev/scd0, yes | 01:31 |
jk- | but it depends on your system. | 01:31 |
jals | it's annoying i can't tell from amarok where it's finding it | 01:31 |
wesam | can i ask u how can i use the command line in ubunto from where and how can i learn it | 01:31 |
wesam | ? | 01:31 |
jk- | wesam: run konsole | 01:31 |
jals | hmm, Amarok is looking for it in /dev/cdrom, and apparently finding it | 01:32 |
wesam | i found console | 01:33 |
jals | ah but k3b is finding it in /dev/scd0 | 01:33 |
wesam | its like the cmd in micro soft os | 01:33 |
kaddi | wesam:yes, but the commands are different. ;) | 01:34 |
wesam | jk can u tell me some commands | 01:34 |
wesam | sure | 01:34 |
wesam | i know that | 01:34 |
wesam | i have to learn the linux | 01:35 |
jk- | jals: /dev/cdrom is probably a symlink | 01:35 |
jals | yeah, so it seems to be in /dev/scd0 | 01:36 |
jals | but grip isn't having that | 01:36 |
wesam | can u give me a link to download media or books to learn | 01:36 |
jk- | wesam: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=linux+command+line+reference+card&btnG=Search | 01:38 |
wesam | thank u so | 01:38 |
kaddi | wesam: you also have an inbuilt manual for every command. just try typing "man command" or "command --help" into the console and it will explain what the command does | 01:38 |
wesam | iam trying now . | 01:42 |
neptunepink | Or on the rare occasion, help command, for builtin shell functions | 01:42 |
wesam | the most good thing that i use ubuntu from vm ware server | 01:42 |
wesam | its ammazing tool to use | 01:42 |
kaddi | neptunepink: so that's what they are? I had a look at them and wasn't sure what they were. :D | 01:43 |
kaddi | are these the only commands, that are inbuilt? would other commands work as well in a shellscript for example? | 01:43 |
neptunepink | Nearly everything will. | 01:48 |
cbwcjw2 | Anybody ever mess with reactOS? | 01:52 |
v3trae | evening fellas. I just got a vanilla copy of kubuntu installed and having trouble with the hardware drivers. Whenever i tell it to activate the "downloading and installing" dialogue opens, sits there for a few minutes then disappears with no other update. In shorter words, i can't get the nvidia drivers to activate. Any ideas? | 01:54 |
cbwcjw2 | !nvidia | 01:55 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:55 |
cbwcjw2 | Thats all I got :( | 01:56 |
cbwcjw2 | Well, he left | 01:56 |
sake | hi | 02:03 |
BattleStarJesus | I am trying to configure my computer so that I can log into it, using a GUI interface, from a remote location. I have come here for tutorial advice. Suggestions? | 02:03 |
sake | how do i know if i have kde 4.2? | 02:03 |
* navarro_ went for a puff: Gone away for now | 02:03 | |
Dragnslcr | sake- Help -> About KDE from just about any KDE program (Konversation is the exception) | 02:05 |
Dragnslcr | Konqueror or Dolphin would probably be good places to check | 02:05 |
TrentonH | Hello, what is kubuntu? | 02:06 |
Dragnslcr | Ubuntu with KDE | 02:06 |
TrentonH | What is the difference from it being Ubuntu? | 02:06 |
TrentonH | Ohhh, whats KDE? Lol..... | 02:06 |
=== roberto is now known as Guest29904 | ||
jpedroza | TrentonH: KDE is the K Desktop Environment. Ubuntu uses Gnome as the default. | 02:06 |
astromme | TrentonH: http://kde.org | 02:06 |
TrentonH | Can KDE use DialUp? | 02:07 |
sake | yep | 02:07 |
sake | I installed Ubuntu server and then kde | 02:07 |
TrentonH | Could someone teach me how to do it? | 02:07 |
jpedroza | TrentonH: There are a lot of tutorials available onj the web. Google is your friend. | 02:08 |
astromme | Try using kppp (it's an application, you might have to install it) | 02:08 |
TrentonH | www.google.com | 02:08 |
TrentonH | Uhm, so KDE is better than Gnome? It looks more purdee | 02:08 |
Dragnslcr | KDE is better if you think it is | 02:09 |
jpedroza | TrentonH: It is a matter of personal preference. | 02:09 |
jpedroza | TrentonH: I use KDE and Gnome | 02:09 |
Dragnslcr | Gnome can run Qt apps, and KDE can run GTK apps | 02:09 |
sake | 4.2 version looks nice | 02:09 |
TrentonH | Qt apps? | 02:09 |
Dragnslcr | KDE is based on Qt, Gnome is based on GTK | 02:09 |
Dragnslcr | So they can both run the same programs | 02:10 |
TrentonH | Oh ok good | 02:10 |
Dragnslcr | Use them both for a few days, and stick with whichever one you feel more comfortable with | 02:10 |
TrentonH | I ran wvdialconf in terminal and it said no modem detected ): | 02:11 |
TrentonH | Any help? | 02:14 |
TrentonH | Ahhh ): | 02:15 |
Dragnslcr | Sorry, I haven't used a regular modem in years | 02:16 |
astromme | same here, sorry =/ | 02:17 |
TrentonH | The http://open.nit.ca/wiki/?WvDial dones't work | 02:17 |
TrentonH | It tells me to go their. | 02:17 |
TrentonH | How do I install scanmodem? | 02:20 |
TrentonH | I am sorry I am so dumb, i seriously need step by step instructions... | 02:20 |
BluesKaj | !modem | 02:22 |
ubottu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 02:22 |
TrentonH | Yeah, thats kind of hard to do if I don't understand the instructions... | 02:23 |
TrentonH | Hi | 02:32 |
TrentonH | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/ScanModem The command their doesn't work. | 02:32 |
TrentonH | It displays grep No such file or directory | 02:33 |
TrentonH | I just wanted some help.... | 02:38 |
roconnor | oh kate doesn't backup files? | 02:41 |
roconnor | so when it crashes I lose everything? | 02:42 |
astromme | roconnor: on saves it backs up the previous to filename~ | 02:42 |
astromme | but that's not autosave | 02:42 |
* navarro_ is back. | 02:42 | |
roconnor | right | 02:42 |
astromme | dunno then | 02:43 |
roconnor | I never should have upgraded to 8.10 | 02:43 |
roconnor | at least april isn't too far away | 02:43 |
roconnor | I'm surprised kate has no crash handler to save files | 02:45 |
carpii_ | well its not really meant to be a fully featured editor | 02:46 |
carpii_ | its more like notepad++ | 02:46 |
roconnor | hmm | 02:46 |
carpii_ | try kdevelop, it works well even just for text files | 02:46 |
roconnor | ok | 02:47 |
TrentonH | New people ^.^ | 02:51 |
TrentonH | Can somebody help me with scanModem? | 02:52 |
astromme | TrentonH: Sorry that you're not getting any help =/. I don't think many people use a modem these days | 02:55 |
TrentonH | Well here http://paste.ubuntu.com/113040/ | 02:56 |
TrentonH | Thats what I get when trying to run the app. | 02:56 |
=== OxDeadC0de_ is now known as OxDeadC0de | ||
zaapiel | do i need to install a screensaver on 8.10? | 03:08 |
zaapiel | i dont see an option for one | 03:08 |
quassel181 | zaapiel: Look in System -> System Settings -> Desktop. There is a section for screen saver setup. | 03:11 |
zaapiel | k | 03:11 |
zaapiel | ty | 03:11 |
quassel181 | yw | 03:11 |
rmrfslash | If I upgrade 8.10 to KDE 4.2, can I revert? | 03:12 |
rmrfslash | say, if it's too buggy | 03:12 |
quassel181 | Not easily. You'd have to remove KDE entirely and delete your .kde dir (back it up first). | 03:13 |
rmrfslash | is it buggy? | 03:16 |
rmrfslash | that's my next question | 03:16 |
rmrfslash | :) | 03:16 |
rmrfslash | for production environment? | 03:17 |
rmrfslash | I'm using 4.1 now | 03:17 |
rmrfslash | it's ok | 03:17 |
rmrfslash | panels get glitchy every so often | 03:17 |
zaapiel | kde 4 is awesome | 03:22 |
zaapiel | i just switched from gnome | 03:22 |
rmrfslash | I switched from gnome a while back | 03:22 |
rmrfslash | to 4.1 | 03:22 |
rmrfslash | kde is a good time | 03:23 |
giz | rm-rf/: 4.2 is even better | 03:23 |
rmrfslash | don't tempt me | 03:24 |
zaapiel | ill just wait | 03:24 |
giz | rm-rf/: ah common | 03:24 |
rmrfslash | I know right? | 03:24 |
rmrfslash | what's to lose??? | 03:24 |
rmrfslash | :) | 03:24 |
giz | I just switched from 4.1 buggsey to 4.2 | 03:25 |
rmrfslash | buggsey? | 03:25 |
giz | rm-rf/: yeah it crashed all over the place | 03:25 |
rmrfslash | 4.2 is more stable? | 03:26 |
rmrfslash | my panels glitch like crazy on 4.1 | 03:26 |
giz | rm-rf/: just had my first plasmoid crash | 03:26 |
rmrfslash | on 4.2? | 03:26 |
rmrfslash | yay | 03:26 |
rmrfslash | I get that everytime I launch kppp | 03:26 |
rmrfslash | :-\ | 03:26 |
giz | rm-rf/: how bout that | 03:26 |
giz | rm-rf/: reason to make the switch, common | 03:27 |
rmrfslash | can you just upgrade intrepid to jaunty in one shot? | 03:28 |
giz | rm-rf/: not sure about that since they have that ext4 going | 03:28 |
rmrfslash | jaunty uses ext4? | 03:29 |
roconnor | heh, just like kpdf did, okular still can hang the sound system | 03:29 |
roconnor | it makes no sense! | 03:29 |
giz | rm-rf/: think so or I misread, been reading so much lately | 03:30 |
rmrfslash | id think you can choose the fs you wanna use | 03:30 |
rmrfslash | im waiting for btrfs | 03:31 |
rmrfslash | :) | 03:31 |
rmrfslash | or "Butter FS" | 03:31 |
giz | rm-rf/: yeah it says it's an option ext4 | 03:31 |
zaapiel | ext4! | 03:32 |
zaapiel | i just setup full disk encryption on 8.10 | 03:32 |
bryan | hello all. i got a new printer, that connects wirelessly. how do i set it up? | 03:32 |
giz | rm-rf/: mmm build in raid support sounds good to me | 03:33 |
rmrfslash | yup... supposed to be as easy as zfs | 03:33 |
bryan | can i use wine to install windows drivers for a printer? | 03:34 |
rmrfslash | i dunno........ don't really use wine | 03:35 |
giz | rm-rf/: looks like a nice test setting up a system with that Butter fs | 03:35 |
rmrfslash | was able to play Crayon Physics Deluxe using wine though | 03:35 |
bryan | rmrfslash: is there another option to set it up? | 03:35 |
carpii_ | bryan, maybe, but only if you want to use the printer from within wine | 03:36 |
bryan | carpii_: oh, i would need wine to run it? | 03:36 |
carpii_ | well im saying its not the way to have a printer in ubuntu | 03:36 |
rmrfslash | I assume the printer config tool didn't work bryan? | 03:36 |
carpii_ | you could maybe print from windows apps in wine, but ubuntu will know nothing about it | 03:37 |
rmrfslash | I have no clue if it searches for wireless printers | 03:37 |
carpii_ | you can scan subnets with printer tool, so long as it shows up it ought to be ok | 03:37 |
carpii_ | try choosing IPP / network printer | 03:37 |
JackBeSlow | I have an issue with hibernate messing up my network connections, anyone available to help? | 03:38 |
bryan | carpii_: how do i go about that? | 03:38 |
jk- | bryan: the cups printer gui is at http://localhost:631/ | 03:39 |
bryan | jk-: thanks, I will look through this. | 03:40 |
rmrfslash | jk- cool! | 03:40 |
rmrfslash | i didn't know about this | 03:40 |
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eutychus | hello room.... is there a way to go back to the kde 3.5 desktop? | 03:58 |
KDesk | hi | 03:58 |
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KDesk | I am planing to swith to the amd64 version of kubuntu (maybe jaunty) now that java and flash have a more or less working plugin for firefox. Using the 64 bit version, is there a performance improvement? Is true that the 64bit version uses more RAM memory? If so, in average how much? | 04:01 |
yao_ziyuan | can anyone confirm that Adept 3.0 Beta 4 DEFINITELY will check each downloaded package's signature and sha1/md5 sum? | 04:09 |
yao_ziyuan | at least it seems Adept still does not make a dictinction for "not upgradable" packages such as bovo | 04:11 |
rmrfslash | I upgraded | 04:11 |
rmrfslash | a-w-e-s-o-m-e | 04:11 |
rmrfslash | so far. | 04:12 |
eutychus | is there a way to go back to kde 3.5? | 04:12 |
rmrfslash | hahaha | 04:12 |
rmrfslash | desktop switching isn't glitching anymore | 04:13 |
rmrfslash | the system tray isn't glitchy | 04:13 |
rmrfslash | we're looking at a huge improvement here... this is great | 04:14 |
rmrfslash | eclipse (java) used to really cause things to go ape-shit... let's try it | 04:14 |
rmrfslash | looks good! | 04:14 |
jk- | heh | 04:14 |
rmrfslash | this is frickin' awesome | 04:15 |
rmrfslash | best decision i've made in a while | 04:15 |
rmrfslash | :) | 04:15 |
giz | rm-rf/: glad you did | 04:15 |
rmrfslash | except, no panel-sized memory monitor | 04:15 |
rmrfslash | plasmoid thing | 04:15 |
rmrfslash | widget | 04:16 |
MexiNerd | When an Asian woman has a baby with a Negro, she is closer related DNA-wise to the Mexican or White kid next door than to her own shitskin child, due to the fact that blacks have more DNA differences from everybody else. Learn even more facts about nnniiiiggggers by joining Chimpout! http://www.chimpout.com/forum/index.php All races except for Negroids are welcome! | 04:19 |
RoC_MasterMind | I got 8.10, and when I boot it, X doesn't load, just blank screen or pink+black screen. I have an NVIDIA 5200 FX card...is there any way I an boot successfully? | 04:21 |
jk- | RoC_MasterMind: boot into recovery mode to see if you can fix the xorg settings | 04:22 |
MexiNerd | When an Asian woman has a baby with a Negro, she is closer related DNA-wise to the Mexican or White kid next door than to her own shitskin child, due to the fact that blacks have more DNA differences from everybody else. Learn even more facts about nnniiiiggggers by joining Chimpout! http://www.chimpout.com/forum/index.php All races except for Negroids are welcome! | 04:22 |
RoC_MasterMind | !ops | 04:23 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01! | 04:23 |
zaapiel | wtf | 04:23 |
nixternal | yay!!! been a while since I got to kick/ban someone :) | 04:23 |
zaapiel | heh | 04:23 |
KDesk | MexiNerd: Why are you spamming this channel with you racist comments? | 04:23 |
zaapiel | too late | 04:24 |
rmrfslash | some people really have lost all their marbles | 04:24 |
buckethead | When would that *ever* be appropriate? | 04:24 |
RoC_MasterMind | 8.10 Ubuntu I think loads OK and X is fine | 04:25 |
RoC_MasterMind | but I want to try Kubuntu | 04:25 |
giz | bye Meximelt | 04:25 |
buckethead | RoC_MasterMind: Install the kubuntu-desktop package. | 04:25 |
RoC_MasterMind | um | 04:26 |
RoC_MasterMind | it's the livecd that doesn't work right out of hte box | 04:27 |
RoC_MasterMind | it's like some kind of graphics incompatibility | 04:28 |
inanimate__ | Did the "Display" systems setting module get stripped down in 4.2? | 04:31 |
=== inanimate__ is now known as inanimate | ||
inanimate | It looks like you can no longer change whether you want your display "right of", "left of", et cetera. | 04:32 |
ryanCH | how do get a transparent konsole under kde 4? | 04:36 |
binMonkey | hi. i have a radeon 200m card and i don't have the menu option to install restricted drivers. how do i add that package? | 04:44 |
giz | ryanCH: you go to settings > edit current profile > appearance> then edit choose transparancy | 04:44 |
mefisto__ | binMonkey: you mean Hardware Drivers in not in your menu (I think it should be under System)? | 04:47 |
binMonkey | mefisto__: yes. it's not in ANY menu. i've been driving myself crazy trying to find it. and i have no glx stuff going now. | 04:48 |
mefisto__ | binMonkey: the package is jockey-kde | 04:48 |
binMonkey | mefisto__: i'm trying it now. thanks!! | 04:48 |
binMonkey | mefisto__: apparently jockey-kde is already installed. | 04:49 |
mefisto__ | binMonkey: should be installed by default. try alt+F2 then type: kdesudo jockey-kde | 04:49 |
RoC_MasterMind | I got 8.10, and when I boot it, X doesn't load, just blank screen or pink+black screen. I have an NVIDIA 5200 FX card...is there any way I an boot successfully? | 04:51 |
RoC_MasterMind | It's the livecd. | 04:52 |
mefisto__ | binMonkey: according to this page http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Hardware you card *might* not be supported | 04:52 |
=== keith_ is now known as compilerwriter | ||
binMonkey | mefisto__: jockey-kde says it's downloading driver then stops. | 04:53 |
compilerwriter | Is it possible in linux for a file to belong to two groups? | 04:53 |
binMonkey | mefisto__: this card is supported. at least it was in hardy. right now i can't even run glxgears. | 04:53 |
mefisto__ | binMonkey: I think the fglrx package is xorg-driver-fglrx | 04:55 |
=== user_ is now known as sandGorgon | ||
mefisto__ | !ati | 04:55 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:55 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: no | 04:55 |
compilerwriter | The next question is now that I have upgraded to KDE 4.2 is it once again possible to cause my left mouse button, when not in a window, to bring up program menu so I can choose which program I want to fire up without going to the task bar? | 04:56 |
mefisto__ | binMonkey: try that link ^^ | 04:56 |
binMonkey | mefisto__: i have that installed. i've remove --purged it and reinstalled a couple of times. | 04:56 |
compilerwriter | DaSkreech I was afraid of that. | 04:56 |
binMonkey | mefisto__: ok. thanks. | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: Why would you want a file to exist in multiple groups ? | 04:56 |
compilerwriter | So I would have to create a new group that conatained all the users from the two seperate groups that would need to be able to look at the file. | 04:57 |
DaSkreech | huh? | 04:57 |
DaSkreech | Not sure what you just said but the answer is you are looking at the problem wrong :) | 04:58 |
compilerwriter | DaSkreech I have a file that is readable and editable by people in the group accounting. I would like to make the file readable to the people in the supervisors group as well: without making it readable company wide. | 05:00 |
DaSkreech | So all supervisors should be able to read it? | 05:00 |
compilerwriter | DaSkreech I was hoping to make it rw for accounting and only r for supervisors. | 05:01 |
DaSkreech | ah | 05:01 |
DaSkreech | might have to reach for ACL then | 05:01 |
compilerwriter | Yes the supervisors should be able to read it, but I don't want them editing it. I sure as hell don't want the people in group sales to be able to read it though. | 05:02 |
compilerwriter | ACL? | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | Even if they are a supervisor ? | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | There might be a simpler way let me think for a second | 05:02 |
jk- | access control lists | 05:02 |
compilerwriter | Well the sales supervisor could use read it by virtue of being included in the supervisor's group. | 05:03 |
compilerwriter | The accounting people need to be able to edit the thing so as to keep the beans in the correct barrel so to speak. | 05:04 |
tyler_d | looking to get kmail to work with tls encryption | 05:05 |
beth_ | is there a way to make alsa software synth the midi? | 05:06 |
mefisto__ | beth_: you want a software synth to play midi files, did I understand that right? | 05:08 |
beth_ | neither dragon player nor amarok will play midi because alsa says my sound card can't, so I was hoping there was some way to make alsa synth the midi | 05:09 |
mefisto__ | !timidity | 05:09 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about timidity | 05:09 |
beth_ | I even tried mplayer and it didn't work, there must be something common that these programs use | 05:09 |
DaSkreech | jk-: ping | 05:09 |
jk- | DaSkreech: pong | 05:09 |
mefisto__ | beth_: timidity is what I use, but haven't tried setting that up in 8.10 | 05:10 |
DaSkreech | jk-: read this and tell me if it makes any sense to you http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/excerpt/lsckbk_chap1/index2.html?page=2 | 05:10 |
DaSkreech | !info timidity | 05:10 |
ubottu | timidity (source: timidity): Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD player). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.13.2-19ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 554 kB, installed size 1752 kB | 05:10 |
beth_ | mefisto__: and amarok and such can use that to play real time? | 05:10 |
jk- | DaSkreech: kind of hacky | 05:11 |
bryan_ | hello all. is there some type of file that will run windows print drivers on linux? | 05:11 |
mefisto__ | beth_: no, not amarok. timidity itself, or there is kmid (which has the usual familiar kde-style interface) | 05:11 |
DaSkreech | doing sudo would force them to only be able to read it? how does that work? | 05:11 |
beth_ | hmm, strange there's no built in stuff like windows has | 05:12 |
compilerwriter | DaSkreech now that you have marinated in my query, what think you? | 05:12 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/excerpt/lsckbk_chap1/index2.html?page=2 | 05:12 |
giz | bryan_: which printer do you have? there is probably a linux driver | 05:13 |
DaSkreech | I'm doubting the wisdom of that approach | 05:13 |
compilerwriter | oh sorry I thought you were sending that to jk | 05:13 |
mefisto__ | beth_: you have 8.10 intrepid? | 05:13 |
beth_ | yeah mefisto__ | 05:13 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: I am but I'm consulting cause madness that way lies | 05:13 |
bryan_ | giz: canon pixma mp620b | 05:13 |
bryan_ | giz: the docs say use the mp610, but i cant get it working. | 05:14 |
mefisto__ | beth_: I suspect it's not installed by default because it can be tricky to get it working properly. linux audio bleh | 05:14 |
DaSkreech | jk-: ugh and they would have to kdesudo everytime they wanted to open it | 05:14 |
bryan_ | i wish i would have gotten an HP! | 05:14 |
jk- | and you'd have to define every command they can use on that file | 05:15 |
giz | bryan_: i just installed an all in one from epson the workforce600 network printer | 05:15 |
DaSkreech | jk-: Not as bad if you are dealing with groups Ishould think | 05:16 |
PSiL0 | !fglrx | 05:16 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:16 |
bryan_ | giz: did you get it to scan and everything? | 05:16 |
jk- | DaSkreech: man acl :) | 05:16 |
PSiL0 | hmmm, can anyone get fglrx to work with a projector? | 05:16 |
giz | haven't tested that yet ;- | 05:17 |
giz | ) | 05:17 |
bryan_ | giz: what should i be doing? | 05:17 |
DaSkreech | jk-: I know acl It's just such a large hammer | 05:17 |
giz | bryan_: well let me look around abit | 05:18 |
compilerwriter | Thanks DaSkreech I think I get it it from the example. I'm sure I will understand it better once I read the man pages from the commands used. | 05:23 |
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EtFb | I might be going mad, but I could have sworn the Oxygen theme in KDE4.2 included a pretty transparent task bar, but now it's blue. Am I imagining things? | 05:24 |
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=== pkpk is now known as livinalie | ||
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: That's a really bad implementation | 05:24 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: ooooooh you could use okular... mebbe what kinda file is it? | 05:25 |
giz | bryan_: check this http://mp610.blogspot.com/2007/11/new-ppd-files-providing-more-printing.html | 05:26 |
compilerwriter | It is a spreadsheet with among other things sales figures by salesperson and by sku number. The accounting department uses it to cost jobs, and to calculate commissions. The supervisors use it to monitor the sales force and to plan production. | 05:26 |
EtFb | Every new Ubuntu version, I go through the rigmarole of setting up VPN access so I can work from home. What's the "official" way to do VPN and RDP in Kubuntu? Is there one that's blessed by the devs more than all the others? | 05:27 |
giz | night all got class tomorrow | 05:27 |
bryan_ | giz: thanks! | 05:27 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: ODS or sps or .xls ? | 05:28 |
compilerwriter | The accounting department has been printing up copies for those who need it. We are praying that copies don't reach the people we don't want to see this stuff. | 05:29 |
compilerwriter | The spread sheet is currently being created in Open Office. | 05:30 |
compilerwriter | This is a migration pain I am trying to deal with. | 05:30 |
compilerwriter | I suppose that I could cause them to be created as ODS or sps or .xls whichever was needed. | 05:31 |
DaSkreech | \o/ | 05:32 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: open a ODS in okular and see how well that works | 05:32 |
DaSkreech | I think ODT with a table was kinda messed up | 05:32 |
compilerwriter | Getting the folks in accounting to get used to Open Office spread sheets was a royal pain. They were quite glued to excel. | 05:32 |
compilerwriter | Most of the stuff worked the same, but there were some subtle nuances, so I am told. | 05:33 |
DaSkreech | I've found that Calc is a llot nicer for accounting than Excel so that's surprising to me | 05:33 |
compilerwriter | More than one of the bean counters is keeping two sets of sheets. One for if someone calls and she needs to get the answer immediately and then the one she is required to keep in Calc | 05:34 |
compilerwriter | Yes but when you have worked your entire career in Excel and you know how to get it done in Excel. God help those who are trying to get you to change. | 05:35 |
DaSkreech | Agreed | 05:36 |
DaSkreech | Find where the pain points are and see if you can address them with carrot then follow up with a stick | 05:36 |
mefisto__ | try honey glazed carrot sticks. mmmmm | 05:37 |
compilerwriter | ODT doesn't seem to be supported by okular | 05:41 |
compilerwriter | There was one pain point for me. | 05:41 |
compilerwriter | I had a sales person come to me and tell me he couldn't get his account to work very well any more. | 05:42 |
compilerwriter | I looked at it. all of his dot files were gone. | 05:43 |
compilerwriter | He had somehow learned about ls -a and then proceeded to delete all the files he didn't remember creating. | 05:43 |
jk- | eep | 05:43 |
compilerwriter | never mind that .bash is a config file. | 05:44 |
mefisto__ | compilerwriter: what about saving the spreadsheets with a password? | 05:44 |
compilerwriter | could be done mefisto__ but a password is almost as easily compromised as an errant printout copy. I was hoping to avoid having things printed by eliminating the need and still get the job done. | 05:45 |
compilerwriter | The other thing about that would be would not the whole group who has the password be able to manipulate the file in any way. | 05:46 |
compilerwriter | Like I said the bean counters need to edit. The supervisors need to be able to read. If a figure needs to be changed it needs to be done via the bean counters so that they know about it. | 05:47 |
compilerwriter | otherwise a supervisor in production could correct a figure, without the comptroller being updated on the change in the cost. If the production supervisor sees something wrong now he has to tell both the bean counters and thusly the comptroller, who will be notified by the bean counters of the change. | 05:50 |
nosferatu | hi | 05:50 |
compilerwriter | If a production supervisor simply changes a 3 to a 4 in an estimate, after the bean counters notify the comptroller to be ready to pay this X dollars in bills; Then procurement orders 4 of something instead of the three the comptroller was counting on. Good Lord. | 05:51 |
mefisto__ | compilerwriter: right, of course. can't even open it without the password | 05:52 |
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compilerwriter | In that example procurement doesn't even know there was a change made. They then don't notify the comptroller. | 05:53 |
sandGorgon | guys... how do i download the debug version of okular. need it to file a bug | 05:53 |
compilerwriter | mefisto__ if it is password protected. Could not then EVERYONE who knows the password also edit the thing? | 05:55 |
mefisto__ | compilerwriter: yeah, the password idea doesn't help you at all really | 05:55 |
mefisto__ | compilerwriter: if you don't have the password, it can't be opened, reading or editing | 05:56 |
=== Guest69482 is now known as zorro | ||
=== zorro is now known as zqqf16 | ||
compilerwriter | Do permissions on a symbolic link follow to the linked file? | 05:58 |
bryan_ | has anyone had luck getting wireless printers to work? outside of hp? | 05:59 |
compilerwriter | could there be a file for one group that is rw and a file that is sym linked that would be r only? | 05:59 |
compilerwriter | back in the day when I was using mostly dumb terminals. God I am old. I used to sym link my todo list to all of my main directories so that I could edit it without changing directories. I wonder. | 06:01 |
tyler_d | where do I suppress join/leave messages in konversation? | 06:02 |
mefisto__ | tyler_d: configure, behaviour, chat window, "hide join/part/nick events" | 06:03 |
compilerwriter | So DaSkreech ACL or that thing you showed me. | 06:04 |
compilerwriter | mefisto__ what think you? | 06:04 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: ACL is more headache for you the thing I showed you ismore headache for them unless you give them a .desktop file | 06:04 |
compilerwriter | God knows I can't make more of a headache for them. | 06:05 |
mefisto__ | compilerwriter: I don't know enough to make a call | 06:05 |
compilerwriter | How big a migraine is ACL going to give me? | 06:05 |
tyler_d | mefisto__: I think I found it... different version? | 06:06 |
tyler_d | mefisto__: settings-configure-notifications-turn off all | 06:06 |
DaSkreech | sandGorgon: You get the -dbg package | 06:06 |
mefisto__ | tyler_d: I have 1.0.1 | 06:06 |
tyler_d | mefisto__: 1.1 | 06:06 |
tyler_d | mefisto__: ty though :) | 06:07 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: a symlink is a file that points to a file It has permissions for itself not for the file it's pointing to | 06:07 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: Not that much you just have to enable it in the kernel (probably on already) then for the entire filesystem | 06:08 |
DaSkreech | Seems a bit much just to control one file | 06:08 |
compilerwriter | So then DaSkreech I could via a symlink allow one group to only read the file it pointed to, and then allow other users via group permissions to do the rw thing with it? | 06:09 |
jk- | a symlink's permissions are irrelevant | 06:09 |
jk- | in fact, you'd have a hard time changing the permission on the link itself :) | 06:10 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: no | 06:10 |
DaSkreech | jk-: You can but it's near suicidal to do that :) | 06:10 |
compilerwriter | Damn! I was so hopeful. | 06:10 |
mefisto__ | tyler_d: in konversation 1.1 the setting I told you about is in the same place. maybe I misunderstood what you wanted | 06:10 |
tyler_d | hrmm | 06:11 |
tyler_d | mefisto__: I didn't see it there.... let me doublecheck | 06:11 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: ACL will do exactly what you want | 06:11 |
compilerwriter | DaSkreech so how do I check to see if ACL is indeed enabled in the kernal and then in the file system? | 06:11 |
mefisto__ | tyler_d: settings menu, configure konversation, behaviour, chat window, "hide join/part/nick events" | 06:12 |
DaSkreech | Well if you are running kubuntu it's on already you need to set to be enabledfor the file system | 06:12 |
compilerwriter | I am running Kubuntu yes. | 06:12 |
tyler_d | mefisto__: sorry your correct, you can also do it using the method I outlined.... | 06:12 |
tyler_d | mefisto__: I was on the wrong chat window though... my bad | 06:13 |
mefisto__ | tyler_d: I thought the notifications where different. not displayed in the chat window, but in a notification popup | 06:13 |
tyler_d | mefisto__: it worked and I stopped getting notified after doing it... | 06:14 |
tyler_d | mefisto__: always about jargon to programmer though | 06:14 |
compilerwriter | So DaSkreech I am trying to sort through the bloody man pages. How does one enable ACL for the file system. I am finding how one sets the acl for a file but not how to fire the whole thing up, or see if it is already fired up for the file system. | 06:22 |
DaSkreech | ok one second | 06:22 |
v3trae | Hey guys, getting the following error in Kwin on boot, really no idea what to do to troubleshoot. http://pastebin.com/m18acf384 | 06:23 |
jk- | compilerwriter: http://www.cs.unc.edu/cgi-bin/howto?howto=linux-posix-acls ? | 06:24 |
compilerwriter | thanks jk | 06:24 |
jk- | you probably don't have to patch your kernel, that document looks a litte dated | 06:25 |
compilerwriter | jk so I just need to remount / with acl enabled and edit fstab to mount it always with acl enabled. | 06:27 |
jk- | in addition to that last paragraph, rsync will be able to back up your ACL-ed files, if you provide the -A option | 06:27 |
jk- | yeah, looks like it. | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | compilerwriter: correct | 06:28 |
DaSkreech | which is why I said it's not really that much of a headache | 06:28 |
compilerwriter | Thanks guys will tackle this in the am with some sleep. | 06:28 |
DaSkreech | Just feels like a large hammer to hit a small nail | 06:28 |
DaSkreech | setfacl as well | 06:28 |
compilerwriter | Well I am certain there will be other files that need such special treatment in the future. | 06:29 |
jk- | seems like the right solution to me | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | Oh in that case Go ahead with my blessing | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | jk-: It is I just hate turning on filesystem wide stuff for one users or one file it alwas feels annoying | 06:30 |
jk- | DaSkreech: i only have one user on my laptop :D | 06:31 |
v3trae | Any ideas at all? | 06:32 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: Turn of compositing | 06:33 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: how do i do that? Sorry, new to kubuntu. Vanilla isntalled today D= | 06:33 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: well to see first open konsole and type kwin & | 06:33 |
DaSkreech | See if it crashes again | 06:34 |
eightieskhild | is there anyway to make the kicker open with just the win key? | 06:34 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/m1ea83116 | 06:35 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: bah :-) kwin --replace & | 06:36 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: btw is kwin crashed? | 06:36 |
mefisto__ | eightieskhild: the kicker? as in kde 3 ? | 06:36 |
eightieskhild | well | 06:36 |
eightieskhild | what ever its called in kde4\ | 06:36 |
eightieskhild | lol | 06:37 |
eightieskhild | i just installed it yesterday. | 06:37 |
v3trae | v3trae 7150 0.9 1.5 317348 63616 ? SL 22:21 0:08 kwin --crashes | 06:37 |
mefisto__ | eightieskhild: kicker in kde3 is the panel (aka the taskbar) | 06:37 |
v3trae | output in ps aux | grep kwin | 06:37 |
eightieskhild | been runny worthog for the last 2 years or so. | 06:37 |
eightieskhild | kmenu | 06:37 |
eightieskhild | running* | 06:38 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: reply is up there. running kwin now | 06:38 |
yao_ziyuan | sometimes it says 'kwin additional effects temporarily turned off" | 06:38 |
yao_ziyuan | how do i turn it on again? | 06:38 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: Crashed again ? | 06:38 |
mefisto__ | eightieskhild: lots of keyboard shortcuts use that key + another so you would lose those shortcuts | 06:38 |
eightieskhild | is there a Wine button out there | 06:39 |
eightieskhild | like there is a kmenu | 06:39 |
DaSkreech | yao_ziyuan: alt+shift+F12 | 06:39 |
eightieskhild | with just your windows apps? | 06:39 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/m59e3cb90 | 06:39 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: output on kwin command | 06:39 |
yao_ziyuan | magic! | 06:40 |
v3trae | PS, i wish kubuntu had a nopaste package =( | 06:40 |
DaSkreech | !info paster | 06:40 |
ubottu | Package paster does not exist in intrepid | 06:40 |
eightieskhild | mefisto__: I play FFXI, WOW, and DAOC lol | 06:40 |
DaSkreech | Boo | 06:40 |
eightieskhild | it would make my life alot ezer | 06:40 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: it has a pastebin plasmoid | 06:40 |
eightieskhild | lol | 06:40 |
eightieskhild | loosing shortcuts i don' | 06:40 |
eightieskhild | t mine | 06:40 |
eightieskhild | beacause Alt+F1 isn | 06:41 |
eightieskhild | t | 06:41 |
eightieskhild | opening my menu like it used to with kde3 | 06:41 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: Soooo kwin is running fine then ? | 06:41 |
DaSkreech | eightieskhild: Really? it should. Is it in your ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc file ? | 06:42 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: sure looks like it, my graphics are a bit messed up after doing it. This all started when i tried to do dual monitors, and although that has been disabled now, kwin is still having problems. | 06:42 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: you can just move ~/.kde/share/config/kwin* somewhere else and restart kwin | 06:43 |
eightieskhild | DaSkreech: say again, i'm not a Linux power user, i just use it day to day, for gaming and internet. | 06:44 |
thinkgnu | v3trae: it seems you have used multiple monitors in kde , is it kde4 ? | 06:44 |
v3trae | thinkgnu: its the default kde on the newest build, not sure the exact number on that. | 06:45 |
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v3trae | DaSkreech: moved files, restarting kwin now | 06:45 |
DaSkreech | eightieskhild: Want a quick fix? :) | 06:45 |
DaSkreech | Remove the menu and replace it with lancelot | 06:45 |
DaSkreech | Which is waaaaaaaaay cool | 06:45 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: kwin crashed after moving those files =( uploading pastebin now | 06:46 |
thinkgnu | v3trae: my kde also is the newest build , but when i go to multiple monitors section i see this >> you do not appear to have this configuration , what should i do ? :/ | 06:46 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: oh sorry you should have killed kwin first | 06:46 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: did | 06:46 |
v3trae | thinkgnu: not sure, once i figure out whats causing mine to freak out i'll try to help =) | 06:47 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/m43fa79a7 | 06:47 |
thinkgnu | :) | 06:47 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: something like kquitapp kwin && mkdir ~/kwinbkp && mv ~/.kde/share/config/kwin* ~/kwinbkp && kwin --replace | 06:47 |
faleas | DaSkreech: whats the difference between kmenu and lansalot? | 06:48 |
DaSkreech | faleas: you mean kickoff and lancelot ? | 06:48 |
integer | Hello i installed ubuntu-8.10 from live CD, and now i have all the extra packages downloaded into one folder so i want any package manager to include this local folder as repository is that possible with any of PMs?? | 06:48 |
eightieskhild | Da | 06:49 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: same error =( | 06:49 |
eightieskhild | DaSkreech: ?? | 06:49 |
=== faleas is now known as faileas | ||
faileas | DaSkreech: yes | 06:49 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: Ok I'm taking it kwin was hunkydory before? | 06:49 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: i didn't see any errors on the first boot, i did this all on first boot and since then i've been having trouble. I thought maybe switch back to 173 nvidia drivers but i can't seem to get that to work either. Having alot more trouble then i ever have with Ubuntu =P | 06:50 |
DaSkreech | faileas: Well a) it's fully keyboard accesible so everything that you can do can be done via keyboard and b) it's a runner interface | 06:50 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: ok waht did you do on first boot? | 06:51 |
integer | any one can help me plz? | 06:51 |
jk- | integer: you could just copy it into /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 06:52 |
jk- | then it won't need to download the ones you already have | 06:52 |
xp-killer | im in need of codecs i cant get tru to read my videos in format RMVB | 06:52 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: fixed resolution, told it to install nvidia driver 177, (which took 3 tries before it would go through). Changed to multi monitor setup first with twin (which didn't work) so tried multiple X sessions, also didn't work. rebooted. Errors began. | 06:52 |
jk- | eg, sudo cp /path/to/existing/packages/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 06:52 |
DaSkreech | !real | xp-killer | 06:53 |
ubottu | xp-killer: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:53 |
eightieskhild | !kmenu | 06:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kmenu | 06:53 |
eightieskhild | lol | 06:53 |
eightieskhild | loser | 06:54 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: Well honestly nVidia drivers before 181 have been having issues with KDE but the twin might also be a factor | 06:54 |
mefisto__ | eightieskhild: so you would be happy with alt+F1 opening the menu? | 06:54 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: #kwin would probably help but I don't know that anyone in there is awake now | 06:54 |
DaSkreech | !ask | integer | 06:55 |
eightieskhild | yes | 06:55 |
ubottu | integer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 06:55 |
eightieskhild | but it won't | 06:55 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: Well it feels like its probably an issue with multiple monitors. Whenever i try to enable it i get the same kwin error. So i would assume xorg is trying to load multiple monitors on boot, having the error, then disabling it. Is there a way i can install nvidia 181? i don't see it on the hardware page | 06:55 |
DaSkreech | Oh wait you got an answer :) | 06:55 |
DaSkreech | eightieskhild: HOooold on | 06:56 |
mefisto__ | eightieskhild: as DaSkreech said, add the lancelot menu (from add widgets) then set the shortcut you want to use to open it | 06:56 |
DaSkreech | Actually lanclelot auto grabs Alt+F5 | 06:56 |
DaSkreech | it's a simple text edit to get it to Alt+F1 | 06:56 |
DaSkreech | but lancelot gives you full krunner goodness plus a fully navigable menu | 06:57 |
eightieskhild | >.> | 06:57 |
eightieskhild | i don't have lancelot is it under downloads? | 06:57 |
thinkgnu | v3trae: i want to use xrander , is it ok ? | 06:58 |
v3trae | thinkgnu: honestly don't know enough about the new nvidia drivers or kde4 to tell you man. I've been using gentoo and term only for 2-3 years. | 06:58 |
xp-killer | DaSkreech: i cant get tru to download real player it given me erros | 06:58 |
thinkgnu | v3trae: Hm! ok , thanks. i'll work on it to see what happens :D | 06:59 |
v3trae | thinkgnu: righto man, send me a PM if you get any luck and i'll do the same =) | 06:59 |
DaSkreech | eightieskhild: Which KDe do you have ? | 06:59 |
eightieskhild | 4.1 | 07:00 |
eightieskhild | i think | 07:00 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: There a way to force the newer nvidia drivers? If you don't know that's cool i'll look into it. A driver number would help =) | 07:00 |
eightieskhild | hold on | 07:00 |
mefisto__ | eightieskhild: try sudo apt-get install plasmoid-lancelot | 07:01 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: You'd have to grab it from nVidia's web site. So that's kindaicky :) | 07:01 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: FUN ;D i'll look into it. Thanks for the information man | 07:01 |
eightieskhild | awesome mate | 07:02 |
xp-killer | DaSkreech: can i run media player clasis? | 07:03 |
mefisto__ | eightieskhild: to set the lancelot shortcut, systemsettings > keyboard & mouse > global keyboard shortcuts, then KDE component: lancelot. and you can set the shortcut there (at least you can in kde 4.2) | 07:03 |
eightieskhild | i see | 07:04 |
v3trae | stupid question real quick guys. There a way to exit out of X without it restarting it? Gotta disable to install new drivers. | 07:05 |
mefisto__ | there's a shortcut config in lancelot itself, but it doesn't work for me | 07:05 |
DaSkreech | xp-killer: you can do vlc that works why don't you install kubuntu-restricted-extras ? | 07:07 |
xp-killer | DaSkreech: already in stall vlc and restricted extra | 07:07 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: other than sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop ? | 07:07 |
xp-killer | install* | 07:07 |
xp-killer | DaSkreech: how to install a bin file? | 07:10 |
DaSkreech | sh file.bin | 07:10 |
xp-killer | DaSkreech: i dont understand | 07:11 |
DaSkreech | sh /path/to/file.bin | 07:12 |
mefisto__ | xp-killer: is that bin file for installing real player? | 07:14 |
xp-killer | mefisto__: real player | 07:14 |
drmrhorse | if you had a directory full of mp3's that you want to sort by album what would you use to sort them? | 07:14 |
mefisto__ | xp-killer: you might need to set it to be executable too | 07:15 |
xp-killer | DaSkreech: like this: sh/home/xp-killer/Desktop/RealPlayer11GOLD.bin | 07:15 |
faileas | drmrhorse: do you already have them tagged correctly? | 07:15 |
drmrhorse | yes | 07:15 |
faileas | drmrhorse: amarok | 07:15 |
DaSkreech | xp-killer: space between sh and / | 07:15 |
drmrhorse | can i move the files to individual directories from within amarok? | 07:16 |
faileas | hmm | 07:16 |
drmrhorse | like | 07:16 |
faileas | i'm not sure actually | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | drmrhorse: yes you can | 07:16 |
drmrhorse | how windows does it | 07:16 |
* drmrhorse slaps head | 07:16 | |
xp-killer | mefisto__: how do i do that? | 07:16 |
xp-killer | mefisto__: how do i do that? | 07:17 |
xp-killer | sory | 07:17 |
drmrhorse | is it a plugin or is it able to out of the box? | 07:17 |
mefisto__ | xp-killer: chmod +x /home/xp-killer/Desktop/RealPlayer11GOLD.bin | 07:18 |
DaSkreech | mefisto__: I think it should run even without being executable though I remember the Realplayer being kinda funky | 07:20 |
thinkgnu | where is the configuration file of System Settings / Display section (KDE4.2)? | 07:20 |
xp-killer | mefisto__: nothing happen | 07:20 |
prcctv | hello | 07:20 |
mefisto__ | xp-killer: chmod won't give feedback unless something goes wrong. so try to run it now | 07:21 |
mefisto__ | and what DaSkreech says I agree with. realplayer is not necessary and is not very good | 07:22 |
DaSkreech | mefisto__: The player is not the codec is very very good | 07:22 |
DaSkreech | xp-killer: try /home/xp-killer/Desktop/RealPlayer11GOLD.bin | 07:22 |
xp-killer | mefisto__: well if its not nececery help me read my rmvb video format | 07:23 |
xp-killer | non the player are readin my videos | 07:23 |
DaSkreech | http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/27/how-to-play-rmvb-files-in-ubuntu/ | 07:24 |
xp-killer | vlc,kafein,kmplayer,mplayer,movie player | 07:24 |
DaSkreech | You have to do quite a lot of package and legal backflips to get them to work | 07:25 |
mefisto__ | xp-killer: mplayer plays them on mine | 07:26 |
DaSkreech | It would depend on which version of the codec it was encoded with | 07:27 |
xp-killer | this is anoying | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | xp-killer: Write Real and let them know | 07:29 |
thinkgnu | how can i reset SystemSettings/Display ? | 07:29 |
xp-killer | mefisto__: my mplayer dont play my rmvb files | 07:29 |
DaSkreech | xp-killer: Read the link I put above. You need to do a lot of work to get random players compatible | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | you can just install Realplayer 10 if you like | 07:31 |
mefisto__ | xp-killer: installing real player won't hurt. I just don't like it :) and I had to set audio to play through oss | 07:32 |
xp-killer | mefisto__: yea but im a beginer n i have to go tru all of this things i hardly understand | 07:36 |
xp-killer | aaa this is to mutch i"ll just go on xp to read my videos and done | 07:37 |
thinkgnu | why my xorg.conf is too simple :p , seems configuration is some where else , any idea ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/113101/ | 07:39 |
eightieskhild | has anyone sucessfully ran FFXI ? | 07:44 |
DaSkreech | I have | 07:45 |
DaSkreech | Before I gave away the PS2 | 07:45 |
mefisto__ | thinkgnu: that's the way xorg.conf looks these days. but you can still edit it to tweak things | 07:46 |
mefisto__ | seems xp-killer is not living up to his/her name | 07:47 |
DaSkreech | mefisto__: Give it time | 07:48 |
mefisto__ | I just did the realplayer install so I could guide him through it step by step. oh well | 07:48 |
DaSkreech | It's not that hard | 07:50 |
mefisto__ | DaSkreech: you were right about not needing to chmod +x the installer, by the way | 07:51 |
DaSkreech | It would be very rare you would need to do that | 07:52 |
quassel76 | can someone please help me get my ethernet working? | 07:52 |
eightieskhild | DaSkreech: i ment with wine. | 07:52 |
quassel76 | my wireless connection is based on ralink and it is horrible. my ethernet link light connection is green. I believe kubuntu sees the hardware. *but* I cannot make a connection to it :( | 07:54 |
quassel76 | can anyone please help me out? | 07:54 |
quassel76 | knetworkmanager just gets stuck on IP configuration :/ | 07:55 |
DaSkreech | How are you configuring the network ? | 07:56 |
quassel76 | DaSkreech: am not really doing anything except trying to use knetworkmanager to connect with it | 07:58 |
quassel76 | it can see my wireless and it can see my ethernet... I cannot connect with the wireless but can never connect with the ethernet :/ | 07:58 |
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yao_ziyuan1 | what's new in kubuntu 9.04 alpha 3? | 07:59 |
hybrid85 | can u see available wireless connections? | 07:59 |
quassel76 | hybrid85: yeah. | 07:59 |
hybrid85 | well are they WEP or WPA encrypted | 08:00 |
quassel76 | I usually always have to run this which helps a lot -> "sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M" | 08:00 |
quassel76 | hybrid85: my connection is wep. | 08:00 |
hybrid85 | did u edit ur connection select the right encryption method and password | 08:01 |
quassel76 | hybrid85: my wireless connection isn't really the issue. its slow, the command I run above improves it a lot (almost perfectly) *but* my issue is trying to get a LAN (wired) connection with my ethernet card | 08:02 |
quassel76 | card is built into the motherboard, a MSI K9N2 Sli Platinum. everything else works so far albeit with a lot of messing around, *just* the ethernet I cannot get working :/ | 08:03 |
eightieskhild | damn xserver | 08:04 |
eightieskhild | who said something to me? before it crashed | 08:04 |
v3trae | Probably a stupid question, but is there a way to check what version of kde4 i'm using? | 08:04 |
eightieskhild | i seen my name as it crashed | 08:04 |
hybrid85 | im not sure if i like kde 4 | 08:05 |
eightieskhild | DaSkreech: you say my name before my x crashed? | 08:05 |
DaSkreech | quassel76: knetworkmanager doesn't do static IPs want to drop down to a lower level to test? | 08:06 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: open konqueror -> help -> about KDE | 08:07 |
DaSkreech | hybrid85: What would help you to be sure ? | 08:07 |
DaSkreech | eightieskhild: Nope sorry | 08:07 |
quassel76 | DaSkreech: I would do just about anything to get a wired connection going... once I am in ttty 1-6 I have no idea how to set up a wireless whereas a wired connection just works. I love that | 08:07 |
DaSkreech | quassel76: ok lost :) you have a wired connection working in tty 1-6 but not in tty 7 ? | 08:08 |
quassel76 | DaSkreech: sorry. no wired connection at all. what I meant was, I can get wireless working in the gui. *but* lately setting up a new system I find myself stuck in tty 1-6. no wired ethernet working here at all :( | 08:09 |
DaSkreech | quassel76: what does sudo ifconfig -a say ? | 08:11 |
v3trae | Is there a way to see which version of kde i'm running? | 08:15 |
hybrid85 | omg | 08:15 |
JohnFlux | v3trae: Help->about in any kde app | 08:15 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: open konqueror -> help -> about KDE | 08:15 |
v3trae | JohnFlux: thank you | 08:15 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: and you =) | 08:15 |
mefisto__ | not any app, just kde4 apps | 08:15 |
DaSkreech | mefisto__: Any app | 08:16 |
stdin | mefisto__: if they are running KDE4 | 08:16 |
v3trae | Well that might be part of the problem i'm having | 08:16 |
v3trae | its 4.1 D= | 08:16 |
hybrid85 | im running 4.2 | 08:16 |
DaSkreech | But they show the version of KDE they are running in | 08:16 |
mefisto__ | what about konversation? that tells you kde3.5.10 | 08:16 |
stdin | DaSkreech: no, KDE3 apps will show the KDE3 version, KDE4 apps will show the KDE4 version | 08:16 |
hybrid85 | but but this shows 3.5 | 08:16 |
DaSkreech | Which can be KDE 2 KDE 4 or KDE 3 | 08:16 |
stdin | KDE3 apps use KDE3 libs | 08:16 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: I was quassel76 ... sorry. my wireless just drops out on me. retarded and this is another excellent reason I need a wired connection | 08:17 |
DaSkreech | Yeah but it still the KDE version they are in | 08:17 |
DaSkreech | Konqueror is a safe bet | 08:17 |
stdin | you can run KDE3 apps in KDE4 | 08:17 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: what does sudo ifconfig -a show ? | 08:18 |
mefisto__ | is there no way to get kde versions from terminal? | 08:18 |
hybrid85 | anyone here run windows physical drive as a virtual machine | 08:18 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: one sec, I'll pastebin it | 08:18 |
hybrid85 | cant get past blue screen forgot how to fix it | 08:19 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: http://dpaste.com/116030/ | 08:19 |
stdin | mefisto__: kde-config --version or kde4-config --version | 08:19 |
DaSkreech | mefisto__: kde-config --version | 08:19 |
stdin | mefisto__: or <any kde app> --version | 08:19 |
DaSkreech | dang it | 08:19 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: my wireless is wlan0 and my ethernet is eth0 | 08:19 |
mefisto__ | thanks stdin and DaSkreech | 08:19 |
vbgunz | I see "Interrupt:250" | 08:20 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: sudo dhclient eth0 | 08:20 |
v3trae | so the latest built isn't even the one with kde 4.2 @_@ | 08:20 |
v3trae | how depressing | 08:20 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: working | 08:20 |
=== william is now known as Guest88298 | ||
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Guest88298 | hello | 08:21 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: I'm guessing you didn't try rebooting the network? | 08:21 |
DaSkreech | !hi | 08:21 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 08:21 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: /etc/init.d/networking restart? | 08:21 |
Guest88298 | how do I set my name on this chat thing? | 08:21 |
v3trae | # /nick <name> | 08:21 |
stdin | v3trae: if you want 4.2 see the link in the topic | 08:21 |
=== Guest88298 is now known as Wilsby | ||
vbgunz | I believe so far when I do that, I cannot reconnect to anything (even wireless) at all. is this what you mean? | 08:21 |
hybrid85 | my eyeballs hurt | 08:22 |
=== Wilsby is now known as wilsby | ||
vbgunz | DaSkreech: the results of sudo dhclient eth0 is this http://dpaste.com/116032/ | 08:22 |
wilsby | hello | 08:23 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: I can straight up remove this wired connection and plug it into a laptop next to me. it works fine (different hardware) | 08:23 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: Yes | 08:25 |
DaSkreech | What's wmaster ? | 08:25 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: yeah I've done it, nothing special before it, but I lose my wireless and knetworkmanager becomes a virtual paperweight :( | 08:26 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: I have no idea. I just built this pc | 08:26 |
DaSkreech | Do you know the card works? | 08:27 |
vbgunz | everything so far seems to work just perfectly | 08:27 |
hybrid85 | exept the card | 08:27 |
hybrid85 | bla | 08:27 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 08:27 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: the only way I figured to really test it would be to install Windows. I frigging hate it cause it doesn't know how to install onto a drive by itself. it wants me to create a partition for it where I have no space for it :/ | 08:27 |
DaSkreech | try sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask | 08:28 |
DaSkreech | Then ping | 08:28 |
vbgunz | ok, if I die, I'll be back | 08:28 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: its working | 08:29 |
vbgunz | I'll paste, one sec | 08:29 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: ping | 08:29 |
vbgunz | that was my old static ip address | 08:29 |
vbgunz | ok | 08:29 |
DaSkreech | works ? | 08:30 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: seems the same | 08:30 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: ping | 08:30 |
vbgunz | maybe it didn't work. I have no connection in my browser | 08:30 |
vbgunz | stuck | 08:31 |
v3trae | Followed the guide on motd for upgrading to kde4.2 not seeing anything about it in adepts list. Is that normal or did i mess something up? | 08:31 |
DaSkreech | damn | 08:31 |
vbgunz | not moving like the other 2 | 08:31 |
hybrid85 | kde4 feels like one big widget | 08:31 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:31 |
vbgunz | thats the address of my router | 08:31 |
DaSkreech | hybrid85: it kinda is | 08:31 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: I know | 08:32 |
vbgunz | damn... I cannot connect to any site in my browser. dpaste.com or google.com | 08:32 |
vbgunz | :( | 08:32 |
DaSkreech | so yeah your machine is having some issues wth a route out | 08:32 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: http://rafb.net/p/p2M7Uf58.html | 08:32 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: run sudo dhclient eth0 again | 08:32 |
hybrid85 | ur online just cant get on the internet? | 08:33 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:33 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: you're a helpful guy =P | 08:33 |
vbgunz | hybrid85: heh, sounds funny, but a'true | 08:34 |
vbgunz | heh | 08:34 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: running now. once its done i'll restart X and post an update. | 08:34 |
hybrid85 | is it somthing as simple as port forwarding? | 08:34 |
hybrid85 | ur router | 08:34 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: pretty much same results as before :( | 08:34 |
DaSkreech | hybrid85: He can't see the router | 08:34 |
DaSkreech | He can't see anything outside his machine it seems | 08:35 |
vbgunz | damn, I don't want to install Windows at all on this machine. I tried several different live CDs from Kubuntu going back to 7.04 I think - alpha too... | 08:35 |
hybrid85 | what kinda router is it | 08:35 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: one sec, I did try connecting directly to the cable modem, and that didn't work either | 08:35 |
v3trae | vbgunz: don't even complain about Kubuntu until you've spent 6 months trying to have a vague understanding of gentoo =P | 08:35 |
DaSkreech | Or slackware | 08:35 |
hybrid85 | been there | 08:36 |
v3trae | i still use gentoo for my headless boxes D= | 08:36 |
vbgunz | not complaining, just saying, I did try plenty of live cds (different versions), hoping maybe a regression showed up or something hopeful. no luck at all | 08:36 |
DaSkreech | hybrid85: Can you poke at vbgunz' issue? | 08:36 |
DaSkreech | It's going past 4:00 here I need to sleep soon | 08:36 |
hybrid85 | i can try | 08:37 |
v3trae | vbgunz: linux can be frustrating. I pretty much accept that i'll lose a good chunk of hair everytime i do an install. | 08:37 |
hybrid85 | lol | 08:37 |
vbgunz | heh | 08:37 |
wilsby | does kde 4.2 support multiple screens yet? or is it just the kubuntu packages that dont? | 08:37 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: That's only if you want it to be fun. I'm quite disappointed at how dull most installs are | 08:37 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: if you go to bed stay on, i'll msg you with a result if you've left by the time this update is done | 08:37 |
DaSkreech | once you get through the initial hardware scrapes everything works so well it's annoying | 08:38 |
vbgunz | how can I get detailed information about the ethernet on the motherboard? maybe it just isn't supported at all in any linux kernel? I dread the possibility but what can I do? not sure how to google this. everything I google so far was FAIL :/ | 08:38 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: honestly, if i had the time to use gentoo only i would, but spending the first 6 months in term because you can't get X working isn't something i feel like doing again. | 08:38 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: I don't think you should have much issues when you are done logout then press alt+E on the login screen then login | 08:38 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: If it's not supported you wouldn't see it in ifconfig | 08:39 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: Well this is a vanilla install, we'll see if the previous issues with kwin come back when i try multi monitor support again | 08:39 |
hybrid85 | u cant configure ur router through konquerer or firefox | 08:39 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: sudo lshw -C Network | 08:39 |
v3trae | wilsby: from what i've read 4.2 has made leaps and bounds in multi-monitor, but i haven't yet tried it myself. i'm working on that right now actually. | 08:39 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: ahh, thats awesome news! | 08:39 |
vbgunz | I mean, if it wasn't supported | 08:39 |
vbgunz | damn, I hope I don't have to send it back :( | 08:40 |
DaSkreech | hybrid85: He can't see the router | 08:40 |
vbgunz | sudo lshw -C Network <- the whole thing? | 08:40 |
v3trae | is vb's problem a networking issue or a linux issue? | 08:40 |
vbgunz | ok, got some results, I need to paste them someplace, one sec | 08:40 |
DaSkreech | He plugs in the wire and gets no DHCP or signal. plugs the same wire elsewere and everything picks up fine | 08:40 |
v3trae | nopaste is the best, i want gentoo back just for that @_@ | 08:41 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: seems like linux | 08:41 |
vbgunz | results of the lshw command -> http://dpaste.com/116035/ | 08:41 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: yeah sounds like it. D= | 08:41 |
DaSkreech | v3trae: There is a pastebin plasmod in KDE4 just point it at nopaste | 08:41 |
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v3trae | DaSkreech: it's not as easy as # nopaste <command> +P | 08:41 |
mefisto__ | is nopaste like pastebinit ? | 08:42 |
DaSkreech | !find nopaste | 08:42 |
ubottu | File nopaste found in epic4, epic4-help, glipper, wims | 08:42 |
DaSkreech | hmm | 08:42 |
hybrid85 | /etc/resolv.conf | 08:42 |
hybrid85 | nameserver | 08:42 |
hybrid85 | /etc/resolv.conf | 08:42 |
hybrid85 | nameserver | 08:42 |
DaSkreech | hybrid85: doesn't help if he can't ping it | 08:42 |
hybrid85 | edit dns settings in /etc/resolv.conf nameserver | 08:43 |
DaSkreech | stdin: ping does http://dpaste.com/116035/ seem like a contradiction ? | 08:43 |
v3trae | hybrid85: with or without a DNS, he should be able to ping IP's on the same subnet. | 08:43 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: the reason pinging worked is because that pointed to my wireless card | 08:43 |
vbgunz | ? | 08:43 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: Yes the cards are working and responding | 08:44 |
v3trae | vbgunz: yes, you're pinging yourself | 08:44 |
DaSkreech | So the controller inside the card is fine | 08:44 |
v3trae | no hardware problems! /wipe forhead | 08:44 |
DaSkreech | If the controller was messed up you couldn't ping the card inside your own computer | 08:44 |
vbgunz | I am about to burst... I just don't get why I cannot connect through the ehternet with zero config. I remember I use to just plug in the rj45 and go. what could be the issue? | 08:45 |
DaSkreech | however if the pins on the ethernet are broken or disconnected then you will not be able to make contact with the network cable (obviously) | 08:45 |
vbgunz | thank goodness :) | 08:45 |
DaSkreech | So you may have hardware issues still but that's highly unlikely | 08:45 |
vbgunz | I love you guys. been stuck on this for 2 days now trying to figure it out | 08:45 |
stdin | DaSkreech: depends if what reads it is smart enough to check the serial | 08:45 |
DaSkreech | stdin: I'm just using ping | 08:46 |
v3trae | vbgunz: you said plugging directly into your modem didn't help yes? | 08:46 |
hybrid85 | have u tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | It can see the card but can't see the next hop on the network | 08:46 |
vbgunz | v3trae: yes, I tried plugging directly into the cable-modem. same thing. | 08:46 |
v3trae | vbgunz: hmmmm | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | The lshw seems to show two Ethernets | 08:46 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: Are there two pyhisical ports to plug into? | 08:47 |
vbgunz | hybrid85: yeah, I tried that networking restart but so far it seems to also kill my wireless permanently... rebooting fixes it though I know I should be rebooting | 08:47 |
v3trae | vbgunz: possible an onboard/PCI? | 08:47 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: shouldn't be. I can check | 08:47 |
hybrid85 | it is right | 08:47 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: I'm seeing two here | 08:47 |
DaSkreech | hi trevorandmargot! | 08:47 |
v3trae | i'd lol if it's trying to dhcp an empty onboard port | 08:48 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: no, I believe this motherboard comes with only one, I remember reading it, looking it up | 08:48 |
v3trae | vbgunz: if you're running a VM at all it can create multiple connections, but i assume thats not the case here. | 08:48 |
Heretic_spb | hello all, where in kubuntu 3.5.* i can remove effect in desktop and konqueror with klick on icon? Compiz i'm don't have. | 08:49 |
vbgunz | no, fresh install. in my mobo manual I have only a single lan jack and a single connector for it I believe... checking the connector | 08:49 |
vbgunz | no connector sorry | 08:49 |
vbgunz | I do have just one | 08:50 |
v3trae | Hmm, i think i'm out of ideas, not that i was much help anyway =P | 08:50 |
DaSkreech | ok cool | 08:50 |
vbgunz | supports 10/100/1000 fast ethernet by realtek 8211 BL | 08:50 |
v3trae | i like that they through the fast in there, like gigabit isn't an indication =P | 08:51 |
DaSkreech | vbgunz: What kernel do you have? | 08:52 |
mefisto__ | Heretic_spb: "effect in desktop and konqueror with klick on icon" can you explain that? | 08:52 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: one sec | 08:52 |
DaSkreech | Heretic_spb: You want Compiz ? | 08:52 |
v3trae | mefisto__: i think he's asking where in a GUI can he change effects in 3.5 | 08:52 |
vbgunz | Linux box 2.6.28-6-generic #17-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 30 15:35:08 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 08:52 |
Heretic_spb | DaSkreech no me need switch down all desktop effects | 08:53 |
vbgunz | but I tried all the live cds I could even stable kernel found in intrepid and nothing can get the ethernet working :/ | 08:53 |
hybrid85 | uncheck enable desktop effects | 08:53 |
v3trae | vbgunz: i hate to say it, but at this point i'd install windows and see if it can figure it out D= | 08:53 |
DaSkreech | !compiz | 08:53 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 08:53 |
DaSkreech | Heretic_spb: try kcontrol | 08:54 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: installing updates now, keep your fingers crossed =P | 08:54 |
mefisto__ | Heretic_spb: in kmenu > system > desktop effects | 08:54 |
vbgunz | v3trae: I was thinking about setting up a dual boot but damn, windows is so retarded at it... its not funny :/ | 08:54 |
hybrid85 | i hear that | 08:55 |
v3trae | vbgunz: well if windows can figure it out (esp without installing any drivers) it narrows down where the problem lies, if i learned anything doing tech support its nice to narrow the field. | 08:55 |
vbgunz | heh, why does Windows need a partition on my main drive? I give it so much already... it wants more | 08:55 |
vbgunz | v3trae: I understand | 08:55 |
Heretic_spb | DaSkreech i use kpersonalizer and down all effect, but effect with icons presert | 08:55 |
v3trae | vbgunz: although i definitely understand your predicament. If i could get away from my gaming habits i'd be running linux full time too. | 08:56 |
Heretic_spb | mefisto__ I haven't compiz and i remove this package! | 08:56 |
vbgunz | am just seriously in a love/hate relationship with windows... cause I install it. then I install steam. then I play and I waste valuable brain power on headshots | 08:56 |
hybrid85 | hahaha | 08:56 |
v3trae | vbgunz: if you're gonna waste power on headshots, do it in call of duty 4 imo ;D | 08:56 |
hybrid85 | i love headshots | 08:56 |
DaSkreech | Heretic_spb: System Settings -> Appearance | 08:57 |
vbgunz | I am Richard Simmons like in CS... | 08:57 |
Heretic_spb | DaSkreech so... | 08:57 |
vbgunz | you ever get slapped by richard simmons? you want some? | 08:57 |
Heretic_spb | DaSkreech all effects is down in Appearance | 08:58 |
vbgunz | heh. am happy its not broken. DaSkreech, I really cannot thank you enough for walking me though this. I guess I might as well then just remove connections to my primary sata disk, and install Windows onto the second... why the hell it wants space on my primary? frigging damn them | 08:58 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: restarting X now, brb | 08:58 |
DaSkreech | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6437169#post6437169 | 09:00 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: one sec. is there any last thing I can do? e.g., did you see anything in my paste I should google for? | 09:00 |
DaSkreech | Yeah forcedeth | 09:00 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: ok, will try to google it, hopefully something comes up! | 09:01 |
vbgunz | DaSkreech: thank you very much again! | 09:01 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: looks like it worked, gonna see if i can get drivers to load now... I tried getting them from the nvidia site, install went fine but on X startup it failed miserably. D= | 09:01 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: think thats fixed with the update of kde? | 09:01 |
DaSkreech | Doubt it :) | 09:02 |
DaSkreech | That's not a KDE issue that's kernel and X | 09:03 |
DaSkreech | KDE just respects the work those do | 09:03 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: DaSkreech crap D= | 09:03 |
DaSkreech | Anyway I'm off to bed | 09:03 |
v3trae | DaSkreech: goodnight man, thanks again for all the help | 09:04 |
DaSkreech | Sure I'll try be here when the sun comes up in 2 hours | 09:05 |
hybrid85 | i hope im not | 09:07 |
hybrid85 | boared | 09:13 |
hybrid85 | cant spell anymore | 09:13 |
v3trae | In case anyone was wondering, installing nvidia drivers 180 and getting kde4.2 went off without a hitch, just one minor cosmetic problem but looks like we're good to go | 09:22 |
faileas | yay | 09:23 |
gmathews | i have nvidia 173 on kubuntu - how do i upgrade it to 180? | 09:24 |
v3trae | gmathews: have to grab it from nvidia's website. Just a sec i have a link to a pretty decent walkthrough | 09:25 |
v3trae | gmathews: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=993788 | 09:25 |
v3trae | gmathews: that applies to ubuntu, but the only different is instead of shutting off and starting gdm, you're doing it to kdm | 09:25 |
gmathews | shweet thanks v3trae I was about to do a sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 lol | 09:26 |
v3trae | gmathews: ;) np. My first day on kubuntu and i got it working so you shouldn't have any problems | 09:26 |
gmathews | haahha my kubuntu is 4 days old ;p | 09:27 |
v3trae | one quick question though guys, nvidia drivers are loaded and as far as i know running (not sure how to check this) but i can't access window effects. Hardware Drivers still says i need to activate the 177 drivers, any way to fix this? | 09:29 |
sandGorgon | hi guys.. a question - I have to install windows XP temporarily to run a proprietary software. but I will then lose my grub - how do i get it back after installing windows, so i can continue to multiboot ? | 09:32 |
v3trae | sandGorgon: only way i know of is to manually install it again, probably an easier way though. | 09:32 |
sandGorgon | v3trae: manually install grub or the whole linux shebang ?? | 09:32 |
v3trae | sandGorgon: you can manually reinstall grub itself through gentoo, so i would assume you can do it with kubuntu as well. | 09:33 |
v3trae | sandGorgon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 | 09:33 |
v3trae | sandGorgon: that should help you. | 09:34 |
sandGorgon | v3trae: thanks! | 09:34 |
v3trae | sandGorgon: ayeaye! | 09:36 |
faileas | sandGorgon: if its not a game, why not virtualise? | 09:38 |
faileas | !grub | 09:39 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:39 |
faileas | also... that | 09:39 |
sandGorgon | faileas: not a game... and there are funky things going on with serial ports and stuff | 09:40 |
v3trae | So i succesfully installed kde 4.2 and nvidia drivers 180, but have no options to toggle desktop effects. hardware drivers still says i need to enable a video driver (highest available is 177) Is there a way to get access to desktop effects? | 09:42 |
v3trae | !motd | 09:43 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about motd | 09:43 |
faileas | sandGorgon: then the second link would help | 09:46 |
mefisto__ | v3trae: right-click on a window titlebar, configure window behaviour | 09:47 |
v3trae | mefisto__: brilliant, thank you =) | 09:47 |
v3trae | mefisto__: will this apply to all windows? | 09:47 |
mefisto__ | v3trae: I assume so. don't think it's going to affect just that window you right-click on | 09:48 |
mefisto__ | v3trae: systemsettings > desktop gets you to the same control panel for desktop effects | 09:50 |
v3trae | mefisto__: beautiful. Thank you | 09:50 |
v3trae | first day on kde, getting a bit turned around | 09:50 |
mefisto__ | v3trae: so you came to kde from gnome? | 10:00 |
spinshank | hey can anyone tell me weather i will rin ito any problems with kubuntu 8.10 on a E6600 / p5k / 8800gt | 10:03 |
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spinshank | thats instaling it* | 10:03 |
ActionParsnip1 | yo yo yo | 10:03 |
faileas | spinshank: probably not | 10:03 |
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spinshank | also can anyone tell me if it possible 2 get Ventrilo working on linux. | 10:07 |
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ActionParsnip1 | !info ventrilo | 10:07 |
ubottu | Package ventrilo does not exist in intrepid | 10:07 |
ActionParsnip1 | !ventrilo | 10:07 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ventrilo | 10:07 |
spinshank | !wine | 10:08 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip1 | spinshank: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41737 | 10:08 |
Paddy_EIRE | spinshank: trying to play eve are you | 10:09 |
v3trae | mefisto__: sorry man, was tapped out. I used kde 2-3 years ago on a gentoo build i had, now when i have time for linux i been using ubuntu. Saw the new kde, thought it was pretty, got some free time, wanted to try it =) | 10:09 |
fazlur | exit | 10:09 |
v3trae | mefisto__: most of my machines are headless so no real use for X | 10:10 |
spinshank | im download it for a e6600 ( 64bit) | 10:13 |
spinshank | !64bit | 10:14 |
ubottu | AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information. | 10:14 |
faileas | spinshank: unless you have more than 4 gb of ram, there's not that much point IMO | 10:14 |
spinshank | i have 2gb atm | 10:16 |
faileas | i'd stick with 32 bit then | 10:16 |
spinshank | gay lol im nealy finished downloading 64bit lol | 10:16 |
SlimeyPete | it won't make much difference either way | 10:17 |
spinshank | 94% done on a 512k interten lol | 10:17 |
spinshank | nealy 3-4 hours downloading | 10:18 |
ActionParsnip | spinshank: if you are doing bit downloads, do it while you sleep | 10:18 |
faileas | spinshank: i'm wierd but i tend to use the mini disk when possible, or order a cd. | 10:18 |
a[2121]e | alohaa | 10:19 |
spinshank | lol i had 2 work 2 day anyway lol | 10:19 |
spinshank | and im getting a net internet soon lol 1.5mb | 10:19 |
ActionParsnip | faileas: i use the minimal too, its more fun | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | spinshank: nice, 3x your current speed | 10:20 |
spinshank | yeah | 10:20 |
faileas | ActionParsnip: especially since i don't need very much, and about half the apps in installed on the server are compiled from scratch | 10:20 |
spinshank | and 2x my current limit | 10:21 |
spinshank | 40gb 2 80gb | 10:21 |
faileas | (ok, thats an exaggeration... but its samba, and irc - and my irc server and services are not on ubuntu repos) | 10:21 |
ActionParsnip | faileas: tell me about it, too much fluff. it'd be swet if there was an intermediate installer option to choose apps to install etc instead of bloating systems with tonnes of gumf thats just gonna get hauled off | 10:21 |
faileas | ActionParsnip: command line only install, then use kde-core ? | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | faileas: how many people in a desktop environment actually use dia? | 10:22 |
spinshank | anyone know any programs that are good of make song ( like fruity loops) | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | spinshank: lmms | 10:22 |
faileas | though i wish i could just pick the xserver for my system. makes no sense to have nvidia and ATI x servers on an intel laptop | 10:22 |
spinshank | dose it have all the stuff like fl? or not | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | faileas: as well as the drivers that get dropped in | 10:23 |
faileas | ActionParsnip: ya | 10:23 |
ActionParsnip | spinshank: i'd say it was comparable | 10:23 |
v3trae | spinshank: you were asking about ventrilo, yes its possible, have to do it through wine/cedega, can be a pain in the ass to get audio for both vent+whatever game to work though. | 10:23 |
spinshank | cool thx | 10:23 |
faileas | ActionParsnip: i know a guy who uses debian to do that. i suspect if you avoided metapackages, it MAY be possible | 10:23 |
v3trae | spinshank: some people have the best luck doing vent through wine and game through cedega, but its really hit or miss. It really depends on your hardware. | 10:23 |
faileas | (or wrote your own) | 10:23 |
spinshank | v3trae: thx | 10:24 |
v3trae | spinshank: i can't do it for example because my sound card is a piece of crap from creative and wont allow wine to use alsa, so i'm stuck with either one or the other, and quality is shotty at best, i'd honestly say if you have to make raids or whatever to just dual boot with windows. | 10:24 |
mefisto__ | spinshank: http://ubuntustudio.org/ | 10:24 |
spinshank | v3trae: i dont play wow sounds lol only music | 10:24 |
ActionParsnip | faileas: when i get my next drive i'm gonna keep it as minimal as possible. ive got some spare time, thinking about going gentoo on my main desktop too | 10:24 |
v3trae | spinshank: you need vent for music? xD | 10:25 |
spinshank | v3trae: na | 10:25 |
spinshank | i listen 2 music aswell | 10:26 |
spinshank | v3trae: but i can use vent 2 stream music at the same time | 10:26 |
v3trae | spinshank: oh, well i've had trouble with that too, OSS only allows one channel at a time, but i have friends that have gotten it to work fine with alsa so best of luck to you is all i can really say =) | 10:26 |
spinshank | v3trae: thx | 10:27 |
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spinshank | do you know if i can get the web browser opera working in linux? | 10:27 |
v3trae | spinshank: i'd say google probably does =P | 10:28 |
spinshank | i just did that lol i was checking if i need 2 use wine | 10:28 |
ActionParsnip | !opera | spinshank | 10:28 |
ubottu | spinshank: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 10:28 |
ActionParsnip | spinshank: theres an opera linux port, its awesome | 10:28 |
v3trae | i'll keep using firefox until i get a chrome port kthx | 10:29 |
eutychus | the last upgrade changed the desktop to kde4. how do i change it back to kde3? | 10:29 |
ActionParsnip | i think firefox bloats too easily | 10:29 |
danboid | My wifi is working but where is the device file for wlan0? I can't find eth0 device file either under 8.10? | 10:29 |
ActionParsnip | danboid: ifconfig | 10:29 |
ActionParsnip | danboid: or lshw -C network | 10:29 |
faileas | spinshank: there's a native opera port | 10:30 |
v3trae | i'm outta here for the night, see ya guys | 10:31 |
eutychus | do i have to reinstall kubuntu all over again? | 10:31 |
danboid | ActionParsnip: Neither of those commands tell me where the device files are- is there not a /dev/wlan0 in latest kernels? If not then how do I point command line networking tools to use wlan0? | 10:32 |
spinshank | will that also work on kubuntu? | 10:32 |
ActionParsnip | spinshank: kubuntu == ubuntu + kde | 10:32 |
ActionParsnip | spinshank: its the same thing | 10:33 |
failers | eutychus: whats wrong with kde4 | 10:33 |
fildo | hey guys i have a dvb-t tuner card, that used to work out of the box with kaffeine, ive reinstalled kubuntu 8.04 . and its not picking it up | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | danboid: it tells you the device name, not sure of the files | 10:33 |
failers | ActionParsnip no really | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | fildo: if its internal, run lspci, if its usb, run lsusb | 10:33 |
fildo | yeah its listed in there | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | fildo: it will tell you what it is and you can websearch from there | 10:33 |
fildo | ok k | 10:34 |
failers | kubuntu aint ubuntu + kde , its bunch of more things ^^ | 10:34 |
ActionParsnip | failers: for explaining this point, its good enough ;) | 10:34 |
danboid | barnoid: Hi! Did I inspire your nick? ;) | 10:35 |
spinshank | better? lol | 10:35 |
eutychus | it is too different from 3; the screensavers dont work; the monitor glitiches when the menu changes too fast, i i cant configure it like i did 3. | 10:35 |
harjot | hello | 10:36 |
harjot | ppl | 10:36 |
harjot | can i have help on italc | 10:36 |
spinshank | im going 2 shutdown my oc soon discinnet my windows drives and use a 160gb ide for the install | 10:36 |
eutychus | what is this clear panel called " desktop " for, etc. i would like to go back to kde 3. | 10:36 |
harjot | help on italc plz | 10:37 |
v3trae | one last question before i go to bed, trying to mount my ntfs storage drive and can't figure out which /dev/ to put, to test i tried to fdisk /dev/hda-b-c-d and /dev/sda-b-c-d. All came back that it wasn't found. Any ideas? Does Kubuntu do it differently? | 10:37 |
harjot | how do you set up italc to work with multiple accounts that switch user | 10:38 |
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=== harjot__ is now known as harjot | ||
harjot | how do you set up italc to work with multiple accounts that switch user | 10:39 |
harjot | how do you set up italc to work with multiple accounts | 10:39 |
ActionParsnip | eutychus: if you are on intrepid you will need to compile kde3 from source | 10:39 |
harjot | HELP | 10:39 |
harjot | how do you set up italc to work with multiple accounts | 10:39 |
ActionParsnip | eutychus: in hardy you will have to uninstall kde4 completely then install kde3 | 10:39 |
barnoid | danboid: unlikely, it's been my nick for about 12 years :) | 10:39 |
eutychus | i am in version 8.10... | 10:40 |
eutychus | are there instructions online as to how to compile from source? | 10:40 |
ActionParsnip | !compile | eutychus | 10:41 |
ubottu | eutychus: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 10:41 |
failers | eutychus: in that panel your files from homt/user/desktop shows | 10:41 |
harjot | how do you set up italc to work with multiple accounts | 10:41 |
failers | eutychus: if you right click on the kmenu you can switch it to classic | 10:41 |
harjot | PEOPLE | 10:41 |
failers | then you almost got 3.5 again | 10:41 |
harjot | how do you set up italc to work with multiple accounts that switch user | 10:42 |
v3trae | harjot: yelling isn't going to get you help any faster. | 10:42 |
v3trae | harjot: if no one is replying it's cause no one knows. | 10:42 |
eutychus | failers: neat. the regular menu... but it still glitches. it becomes staticy, and then whites out, then turns green, and then becomes legible. | 10:43 |
harjot | ok thenn tthats fine its just that i cant find much on the internet | 10:43 |
v3trae | harjot: well i don't even know what you're talking about, so no idea. | 10:43 |
harjot | !italc | 10:43 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about italc | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | !info italc | 10:43 |
ubottu | Package italc does not exist in intrepid | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | you sure its not iTalk | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | !info italk | 10:43 |
ubottu | Package italk does not exist in intrepid | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | !italk | 10:43 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about italk | 10:43 |
harjot | its a | 10:43 |
harjot | package that ius for teaching | 10:44 |
harjot | im in hardy by the way | 10:44 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: is it a windows program? | 10:44 |
harjot | i dont know buts i use it for hardy and when people switch accounts i cant see their screen so im stuck | 10:45 |
failers | eutychus: then its some driver problems i guess what kind of graphic card you got | 10:45 |
harjot | the client package is ica | 10:46 |
harjot | !ica | 10:46 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ica | 10:46 |
harjot | !info ica | 10:46 |
ubottu | Package ica does not exist in intrepid | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: theres a source code tar.bz2 you need to compile | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: or run te windows version in wine if it works | 10:46 |
harjot | yes ive done all of that and set it up but when people switch user | 10:47 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: i'd contact the developers or read the readme | 10:47 |
harjot | it doesnt really tell me much | 10:47 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: then contact the devs, maybe its a bug | 10:48 |
harjot | because i need a script that when u switch user it kills the process and starts it again | 10:48 |
harjot | for THAT account | 10:48 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: do you mean when you switch ubuntu user accounts? | 10:48 |
harjot | yes | 10:49 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: does this softwae involve connecting to a remote server, you may only be allow one logon from one account which would explain why the account would be locked | 10:50 |
eutychus | failers: does "plasma" being in the " lost and found " folder have anything to do with my screen glitching? | 10:50 |
harjot | i know but im trying to find a way around that | 10:50 |
harjot | its not locked it just wont start up the remote srever again | 10:50 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: get a second account | 10:50 |
harjot | no | 10:51 |
danboid | barnoid: Heh! We must've started irc'ing about the same time then | 10:51 |
harjot | wats | 10:51 |
harjot | happened | 10:51 |
harjot | is | 10:51 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: i'd definately contact the devs, we cant really give you any concrete answers because we've never heard of it and we dont know what the app is, | 10:51 |
harjot | ok ill try thanks for the help | 10:51 |
danboid | I've been using Linux and irc since about '96 | 10:52 |
=== user_ is now known as badserii | ||
ActionParsnip | harjot: we could suggest stuff but without any knowledge of the app its going to be vagueness | 10:52 |
harjot | oh well.... | 10:52 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: we'd be saying "if it works like this and thins..then this could be an issue" | 10:52 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: which is fairly fruitles | 10:52 |
harjot | is there a way to kill a script when u switch user accounts | 10:53 |
ActionParsnip | can anyone verify a switch user script like rc stuffs for logoffs | 10:53 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: if there is one i hope people will pipe up :) | 10:54 |
harjot | hopefully [thanks for asking] | 10:54 |
ActionParsnip | harjot: in the interim, you could just close the app manually, then switch. Or log off and then on as the other user | 10:59 |
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=== new is now known as t31 | ||
t31 | hi guys, I have a quick one but not sure i should ask here | 11:00 |
t31 | anyways maybe this happened to someone before | 11:00 |
harjot | no its a remote control program and i cant see their screen wen they logon from my computer | 11:00 |
t31 | I installed 2 gigs and system says I have 2.5 gigs | 11:00 |
failers | t31: ram ? | 11:01 |
Percy_Glacier | Hello, everyone. How to sync my ipod in Amarok 2? | 11:01 |
ActionParsnip | !ipod | Percy_Glacier | 11:05 |
ubottu | Percy_Glacier: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 11:05 |
Percy_Glacier | thank you. | 11:06 |
wilsby | I am new to irc, what does it mean "You must specify the channel key (+k)" | 11:07 |
stdin | wilbury: that the channel needs a password to join it | 11:08 |
wilsby | oh bugger | 11:09 |
madakku | Hi all how can I set my kubuntu client machine to use ldap authentication? | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | !ldap | 11:15 |
ubottu | LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer | 11:15 |
madakku | I dont want to install ldap on my kubuntu. I just want to set authentication by ldap server on my kubuntu client. I have a separate ldap server running on a xen domain. | 11:17 |
stdin | madakku: maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication is what you're looking for | 11:20 |
madakku | Yea that is it.. Thank you.. You are awesome :) | 11:21 |
ActionParsnip | !ldapauth | 11:22 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ldapauth | 11:22 |
ActionParsnip | just trying for a factoid with that | 11:22 |
wangyuan | me too | 11:22 |
stdin | I got https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer | 11:22 |
stdin | *sigh* people never read | 11:22 |
_2 | stdin you are awsume, you read !!! | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | nice | 11:23 |
Paddy_EIRE | stdin: heh.. you expect too much from life | 11:23 |
=== wangyuan is now known as evremonder | ||
Paddy_EIRE | :P | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | !cookie | stdin | 11:23 |
ubottu | stdin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 11:23 |
stdin | !no ldap is <reply> LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer | 11:24 |
ubottu | I'll remember that stdin | 11:24 |
pkt | Any autotools-knowledgeable person? I have a package (tulip) where after autoreconf, host_os detection is broken | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | pkt: is there a way to manually tell it what the deal is | 11:25 |
stdin | autotoold is evil, purest evil from the depths of hell | 11:25 |
stdin | *autotools | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | !info autotools | 11:25 |
ubottu | Package autotools does not exist in intrepid | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | !autotools | 11:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about autotools | 11:25 |
pkt | ActionParsnip: I didn't get what you mean | 11:26 |
pkt | I work around the problem atm by manually setting host_os at the command line | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | pkt: well the app must store what it finds in some file someplace, so if you can manually edit it you can tell it | 11:27 |
pkt | yes, but not knowing the cause of the problem makes me worry what other breakage may come from that | 11:27 |
stdin | pkt: maybe someone in #ubuntu-motu would know | 11:28 |
pkt | thanks, I 'll try that one then | 11:28 |
harjot | hello | 11:47 |
harjot | do you know how to start a program [ica] when you get to the HARDY [8.04] login screen | 11:48 |
harjot | does anybody know how to start a program [ica] when you get to the HARDY [8.04] login screen | 11:50 |
harjot | !bum | 11:58 |
ubottu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 11:58 |
thinkgnu_O|o | when i export a path $export $PATH:/home/me/bin it's not consistent , how can i make it consistent ? | 12:05 |
=== wangyuan is now known as evremonder | ||
soonic | i have this at the end of my ~/.bashrc | 12:07 |
soonic | PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/anything/bin | 12:07 |
soonic | export PATH | 12:07 |
stdin | thinkgnu_O|o: add it to your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc | 12:07 |
thinkgnu_O|o | ok , thanks | 12:07 |
=== thinkgnu_O|o is now known as thinkgnu | ||
[nDy] | Hi all... am on Intrepid. Currently it is the only drive in the system. But I wish to install another drive and install XP on it (for games) Is tehre a wway to Install XP without having to re-install Kubuntu? Can anyone point me to a page that will help me? | 12:13 |
filippo | hi, i'm trying to updare kubuntu 8.10 to kde 4.2, but i get this error: | 12:13 |
filippo | APT Error. Context: | 12:14 |
Adola | [nDy]: Yes, absolutely | 12:14 |
filippo | Package download failed, | 12:14 |
filippo | http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pcre3/libpcre3_7.8-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1_i386.deb: Le Dimensioni non corrispondono | 12:14 |
Adola | [nDy]: Google : Kubuntu dualboot XP | 12:14 |
stdin | filippo: try disabling the kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA | 12:14 |
filippo | ok | 12:14 |
stdin | !dualboot | 12:14 |
ubottu | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 12:14 |
filippo | thanks | 12:15 |
harjot | !info bum | 12:22 |
ubottu | bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (intrepid), package size 81 kB, installed size 516 kB | 12:22 |
HEP85 | !kde4 | 12:23 |
ubottu | kde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 | 4.2 packages http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 | Support in #kubuntu | 12:23 |
wers | on amarok 2, where can i find last.fm? cant see it on the the internet tab | 12:24 |
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ActionParsnip | !lastfm | 12:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lastfm | 12:33 |
failers | !amarok | 12:34 |
ubottu | Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok | 12:34 |
christian_ | hola | 12:35 |
Adola | Hello! Is there a Plasma Widget with a FPS counter? | 12:36 |
failers | yes | 12:37 |
Adola | failers: What is it? | 12:37 |
failers | dont remember but ive seen it there somewhere | 12:38 |
stdin | it's not a plasma widget, it's a desktop effect | 12:39 |
christian_ | excuse me.. which it is the server in spanish?? | 12:40 |
failers | hm yea might be true stdin | 12:40 |
stdin | "Show FPS" in System Setting -> Desktop -> Advanced under "Tools" | 12:41 |
stdin | !es | christian_ | 12:41 |
ubottu | christian_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 12:41 |
christian_ | gracias | 12:41 |
Adola | stdin: I can't seem to find "Tools" | 12:42 |
stdin | Adola: oh, it's under "All Effects" not Advanced | 12:43 |
christian_ | Somebody install interwrite in kubunut ?? | 12:44 |
Adola | stdin: I must be missing something here. "System Settings > thenwhat?" | 12:44 |
stdin | Adola: System Settings -> Desktop, under "Desktop Effects" there's an "All Effects" tab with lots of effects | 12:45 |
Adola | stdin: Ok, I see what your talking about. | 12:45 |
stdin | too many TABS! :p | 12:45 |
Adola | BUT, I don't use KWIN, I use emerald and Compiz. These won't work will they? | 12:45 |
stdin | tabs and sub-tabs | 12:45 |
stdin | Adola: no, you need the window manager to show the FPS | 12:46 |
stdin | Adola: of you can use the glxgears tool | 12:46 |
Adola | Gixgears? | 12:46 |
stdin | it should print out the FPS on the console every 5 seconds | 12:46 |
stdin | it shows some moving gears in a window | 12:46 |
Adola | Yes, I believe I would have to run kWIN to make this "Show FPS" work, but, I like Compiz and Emerald TOO much. | 12:47 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
vlt | Hello. Is KDE 4.2 available for Kubuntu 8.10? | 13:08 |
failers | yep | 13:09 |
zaapiel | y0 | 13:10 |
rmrfslash | Hey, I installed KDE 4.2 last night. Now, 4.1 used to return from a suspend, now KDE 4.2 does not. Has anyone else experieced this? | 13:14 |
rmrfslash | I'm on a Dell Latitude D820 laptop. | 13:15 |
failers | any one got kde 4.2 and using quicklaunch widget? | 13:17 |
dr_Willis | Ive basically given up on hibernate and suspend under any OS. - Its possible however that it was a recent kernel update that may of broke yours. | 13:17 |
rmrfslash | nah..... same kernel | 13:17 |
rmrfslash | I installed 4.2 in bed last night right after bringing 4.1 back from a suspended state | 13:18 |
dr_Willis | Try it undre a different window manager.. se eif it works | 13:18 |
rmrfslash | so basically, run kde w/o kwm? | 13:18 |
dr_Willis | Or install icewm, or jwm, or somthing | 13:19 |
rmrfslash | is this now a cardinal sin? | 13:19 |
rmrfslash | not | 13:19 |
dr_Willis | what? | 13:19 |
failers | dr_Willis: got any knowledge on where my quicklaunch settings is saved so i can like remove a few icons manually thru kate or something | 13:19 |
dr_Willis | I always have 4+ desktops/window managers installed | 13:19 |
rmrfslash | I mean, running KDE w another window manager | 13:19 |
dr_Willis | failers, under .kde somewhere i imagine | 13:19 |
EagleScreen | Bluetooth is back in 8.10 with the new kbluetooth in experimental PPA | 13:19 |
zaapiel | hey how do you install the suggested packages also from the command line? | 13:19 |
ActionParsnip | rmrfslash: no thats fine, I use kde apps but use fluxbox | 13:19 |
zaapiel | when it suggest some | 13:19 |
dr_Willis | I dident say run kde without kwin.. i said try a diffrent window manager. :) | 13:20 |
failers | dr_Willis: ye but its like searching for a needle in a hay stack :P | 13:20 |
rmrfslash | so basically, don't use kde. | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | rmrfslash: use kde and use kde apps, just not kwin if you dislike it | 13:20 |
dr_Willis | thats basically what i said. :) | 13:20 |
rmrfslash | I don't dislike it.... I just dislike the suspend support | 13:21 |
dr_Willis | but im not sure how you 'suspend' in the other ones.. | 13:21 |
ActionParsnip | rmrfslash: then thats fine, I had issues with it too | 13:21 |
rmrfslash | so what do I do, just shut down everytime I want to close the lid? | 13:21 |
rmrfslash | or, don't even suspend? | 13:21 |
dr_Willis | Sounds like a known bug. check the bug reports page to see if theres a work around | 13:21 |
rmrfslash | *ever | 13:21 |
failers | i never suspend or shutdown i always just leave the computer on :P | 13:22 |
dr_Willis | I always shutdown when i leave my laptop for a while/put it way. | 13:22 |
HEP85 | I heard there will be a fix for resume in kernel 2.6.29 | 13:22 |
rmrfslash | I could try hibernate | 13:22 |
dr_Willis | I find the boot times fast enough.. that the syspend/hibernate issues are never worth the hassles | 13:22 |
failers | then you havent seen my boot time | 13:23 |
failers | Oo | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | rmrfslash: it can be a pain to get sorted | 13:23 |
failers | it takes twice the time of vista | 13:23 |
rmrfslash | HEP85: for suspend? | 13:23 |
dr_Willis | Ubuntu boots here in about.. Hmm... 45 sec.. perhaps a min. | 13:23 |
failers | i got around 2 minutes | 13:23 |
failers | if not more | 13:23 |
dr_Willis | TinyCoreLinux - boots in 15 sec. :) | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | mines as long as it takes my crt monitor to warm up, about 3 seconds | 13:23 |
dr_Willis | so its 2 min.. woopiee. :) | 13:24 |
zaapiel | how do i make the clock show in am/pm time? | 13:24 |
HEP85 | rmrfslash: Yes there will be a fix for broken suspend/resume in kernel 2.6.29, but I don't know if it covers your special issue | 13:24 |
dr_Willis | wifes vista laptop takes about 10 min. :) | 13:24 |
ActionParsnip | dr_Willis: i had win7 in a voxlast night, wasnt overly offensive | 13:24 |
dr_Willis | zaapiel, smewhere under settings/time-date format.. i forget where.. you set it. | 13:24 |
rmrfslash | maybe I will try again | 13:24 |
rmrfslash | let me try to suspend | 13:24 |
rmrfslash | cya everyone | 13:24 |
dr_Willis | Using WIn7 now on this machine.. just to test out.. the windows hd Died big time | 13:25 |
failers | after the grub timer finishes i get stuck on "starting up" for 2 minutes but as fast as the kubuntu boot logo shows it goes fast as hell | 13:25 |
failers | but its that "starting up" that takes time | 13:25 |
dr_Willis | It works.. im NOT going to pay $100+ per machine to have it on my 2 windows machines however. | 13:25 |
dr_Willis | faileas, disable the framebuffer and splash screen and see what its doing | 13:26 |
failers | *cough* downloat it *cough* | 13:26 |
* dr_Willis hates the splash screen hiding things | 13:26 | |
failers | *download | 13:26 |
failers | where do i do that | 13:26 |
dr_Willis | this IS a windows 7 beta download. :) | 13:26 |
dr_Willis | menu.lst has options - or for a one time - edit the grub entry and append 'nosplash nofb' on the end | 13:26 |
failers | oki | 13:27 |
ilham | zapiel: system setting -> look n feel -> regional | 13:27 |
rmrfslash | OK.... suspend worked this time | 13:29 |
rmrfslash | some odd behaviors, but it worked | 13:29 |
rmrfslash | I never rebooted since upgrading to 4.2 | 13:29 |
dr_Willis | I would still sutggest seeing what is taking so long to boot up | 13:29 |
rmrfslash | not sure if that had anything to do w/ it | 13:29 |
rmrfslash | dr_Willis: was that directed to me? | 13:30 |
rmrfslash | When I resumed from suspend, that is, when I opened the lid it started to resume but then fell back into suspend w/ the lid open | 13:30 |
dr_Willis | did you have the long boot times? :) | 13:31 |
khalidmian | can anyone tell me where i can get help on virtual machine issue i am having within kubuntu | 13:31 |
rmrfslash | I hit the power button to bring it back the second time and it worked | 13:31 |
rmrfslash | but kppp, which was open, flipped out | 13:31 |
dr_Willis | Ive had many cases where laptops try to hibernate as they sspend. :) | 13:31 |
zaapiel | they have official 4.2 packages? | 13:31 |
rmrfslash | dr_Willis: it's not about rebooting or any fear to reboot | 13:31 |
rmrfslash | many times I work on the train on my way *to* work and when I get to the station I just shut the lid | 13:32 |
robin0800 | heads up in kde 4.2 the new network manager is a widjet and needs to be added to the panel | 13:32 |
rmrfslash | then when I get in I like to just open it and continue | 13:32 |
rmrfslash | Plus, I have VMs running so to stop all my applications I would need to shut them down individually etc. | 13:32 |
rmrfslash | I mean, one of the best features for laptop users that has come out in the last however many years is suspend to ram | 13:33 |
rmrfslash | Does anyone elses system tray icons look all glitchy? | 13:34 |
rmrfslash | See.... this i can deal with. | 13:34 |
rmrfslash | :) | 13:34 |
failers | so dr_Willis "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-11-generic root=UUID=0ca483ab-c72e-4b74-8f64-826b05ed7b27 ro quiet splash" is it now so just edit splash to nosplash and add nofb? | 13:35 |
rmrfslash | Even resuming from suspend with some problems I can deal with | 13:35 |
khalidmian | dr_Willis: any suggestions on how i can intergrate mouse in virtualbox the area is urrently greyed out | 13:35 |
rmrfslash | so long as I can resume | 13:35 |
rmrfslash | oo... my system tray icons just fixed themselves when I switched desktops | 13:36 |
ActionParsnip | rmrfslash: its a weird glitch in kde4.1 afaik | 13:36 |
ActionParsnip | rmrfslash: seems ok in kde4.2 | 13:37 |
anthony | bonjour | 13:37 |
=== anthony is now known as Guest61749 | ||
rmrfslash | ActionParsnip: which one, the sys tray icons? | 13:37 |
dr_Willis | faileas thats one way,... if you wan tto do it permently theres some options in the menu.lst file | 13:38 |
failers | oki thx reboot time then brb | 13:38 |
ActionParsnip | rmrfslash: yeah near the time, they go white or clear | 13:38 |
rmrfslash | Can regular folks submit bug reports? | 13:39 |
rmrfslash | and to whom? kubuntu or kde? | 13:39 |
ActionParsnip | !bugs | 13:41 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | rmrfslash: if you log bugs, stuff gets fixed | 13:41 |
robin0800 | ! kmyfirewall | 13:42 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kmyfirewall | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | !firewall | 13:43 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 13:43 |
failers_ | ok dr_Willis it gets stuck then a error comes up something like "unable to enumerate on usb port 1" and then it boots as normal | 13:43 |
[HC|KoC]Wi_R | Moin | 13:44 |
boal | join | 13:44 |
[HC|KoC]Wi_R | Weiß hier irgendwer wie ich die Smilys zu sehen bekomme :-( | 13:45 |
schiste | Ok got a problem | 13:46 |
schiste | :D | 13:46 |
rmrfslash | suspended again... waited a little while. It resumed but I had to type my password in the dark | 13:46 |
schiste | Can'ty do anything on my laptop | 13:46 |
schiste | says Kdeinit can't launch apps | 13:46 |
rmrfslash | that is, sceen saver came on then everything went black | 13:46 |
schiste | and that my system is in read only mode | 13:46 |
rmrfslash | u tried rebooting? | 13:47 |
rmrfslash | usually if you have a filesystem problem it will open in read-only so you can run fsck | 13:47 |
[HC|KoC]Wi_R | Help I'm German....No Smily in Konversation-IRC....Help Pls | 13:49 |
JuJuBee | I have a serious problem. I had to do a hard restart of my computer and after restart, when I enter my passwd it starts the login but returns me to the login screen. I can log in via ctrl-alt-F1 | 13:51 |
JuJuBee | Any help? | 13:53 |
schiste | everything's work now | 13:58 |
schiste | Hmmm | 13:58 |
schiste | weird | 13:58 |
khalidmian | which mas o/s can i run in virtual box under kubuntu or can i? considering i have a pc | 14:03 |
=== eric is now known as Guest7042 | ||
khalidmian | which mac o/s can i run in virtual box under kubuntu or can i? considering i have a pc | 14:06 |
faileas | khalidmian: i don't think OS X can legally be virtualised... and as far as i know, no one seems to have done it yet with virtualbox | 14:10 |
JuJuBee | I have a serious problem. I had to do a hard restart of my computer and after restart, when I enter my passwd it starts the login but returns me to the login screen. I can log in via ctrl-alt-F1 | 14:10 |
khalidmian | faileas: minu sthe legality is it possible? | 14:10 |
darkenergy | hello, can anyone tell me if bluetooth pand is functional in intrepid? | 14:12 |
faileas | khalidmian: not as far as i know | 14:13 |
compilerwriter | Hey folks I am about to embark on a trial run of ACL would someone mind spending five minutes with me as a mentor to prevent me from doing something ugly? | 14:15 |
zaapiel | rawr | 14:17 |
zaapiel | i haz teh kde 4 | 14:17 |
Tm_T | !english | zaapiel | 14:18 |
ubottu | zaapiel: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 14:18 |
zaapiel | lalala | 14:18 |
galathalion | hey | 14:22 |
galathalion | how come i have to add my music everytime i restart audacious? | 14:23 |
kyle__ | Hi guys, Any one know how i can monitor my wireless bit rate? | 14:24 |
darkenergy | kyle__: knetstats | 14:25 |
kyle__ | thanks that looks nice | 14:26 |
raju | hi everyone | 14:26 |
compilerwriter | Ladies and Gents I think I have a typo in my /etc/fstab/ when I just did a mount on my fs to see where my mount points were I got this: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,acl) | 14:32 |
compilerwriter | should the relatime in the options not be realtime? | 14:32 |
failers_ | !fstab | 14:33 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 14:33 |
compilerwriter | From this can I also gather that provided the kernal supports it I have acl enabled on that file system now? | 14:33 |
darkenergy | " | 14:34 |
darkenergy | relatime | 14:34 |
darkenergy | Update inode access times relative to modify or change time. Access time is only updated if the previous access time was earlier than the current modify or change time. (Similar to noatime, but doesn't break mutt or other applications that need to know if a file has been read since the last time it was modified.) | 14:34 |
darkenergy | " | 14:34 |
darkenergy | from the mount manpage | 14:34 |
Cruster | hi, ubuntu cannot recognize my ac adapter on my laptop...what can i check? | 14:34 |
Cruster | well, kubuntu.... | 14:35 |
darkenergy | cannot recognize? | 14:35 |
compilerwriter | Thanks darkeneergy I wasn't finding that while scanning my mount man page and thought I had somehow screwed up and edit on my fstab file sometime in the past. | 14:36 |
Cruster | hmmm, even if my laptop is on-line, it states that there is no ac adapter connected | 14:36 |
darkenergy | does it detect the battery Cruster? | 14:36 |
Cruster | yes, the | 14:37 |
Cruster | proc/acpi/battery has some info | 14:37 |
Cruster | but /proc/acpi/ac_adapter is empty all the time | 14:37 |
dr_Willis | failers_, that unable to enuemerate port.. is common bugglet. I get that issue on several of my laptops.. dosent really break anythaing that ive seen.. IM thinking it MAY be from a 'unhooked up' usb conector on the Laptops mb. | 14:38 |
darkenergy | how about kpowersave? | 14:38 |
Cruster | aren't all progs get info from acpi? | 14:39 |
Cruster | i use powerdevil bt | 14:39 |
Cruster | btw* | 14:39 |
failers_ | dr_Willis: oki well it slows down my boot time :P | 14:39 |
BluesKaj | 'morning | 14:39 |
dr_Willis | failers_, ive never seen it slow things down.. unless you are seeing a lot of messages by it.. Mine says it once.. then boots up.. - another laptop i got. spams it constantly.. that can slow some stuff down | 14:40 |
compilerwriter | Mornnin BluesKaj | 14:40 |
failers_ | i get it about 4 - 5 times | 14:40 |
dr_Willis | I doubt if its causeing much of an issue then | 14:41 |
BluesKaj | hey compilerwriter, dr_Willis | 14:41 |
compilerwriter | It has been a productive day for me already BluesKaj. I have successfully enabled ACL on my FS and I have learned that relatime is not an accidental typo in my fstab put there by me at some point past. | 14:41 |
failers_ | well if it aint that thats slowing down the boot time im clueless ^ | 14:42 |
failers_ | ^^ | 14:42 |
Cruster | any ideas darkenergy? | 14:43 |
BluesKaj | compilerwriter ,are you gonna ghost a partition ? | 14:43 |
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP | ||
khalidmian | is there an antivirus in kubuntu that i can use to run in virtual box aswell? do i need to install antivirs in a virtual box enivornment? | 14:44 |
failers_ | you dont need antivirus for linux | 14:44 |
BluesKaj | yes khalidmian , if you run windows , i recommend !avast , effective and free | 14:44 |
khalidmian | failers_: do i need one for xp running in vbox? | 14:44 |
dr_Willis | What does AV in virtualbox have to do with each other? | 14:44 |
dr_Willis | AV in XP.. now that make more sence | 14:45 |
failers_ | khalidmian: the only thing that can break is the OS inside the virtual box | 14:45 |
faileas | khalidmian: if you want | 14:45 |
faileas | i consider VMs disposable | 14:45 |
BluesKaj | khalidmian , you run antivirus within windows VB | 14:45 |
dr_Willis | I rarely bother. :) | 14:45 |
khalidmian | BluesKaj: ty avant right? | 14:45 |
BluesKaj | no, avast | 14:46 |
compilerwriter | NO ghosting any partitions is thought of by me at this time BluesKaj | 14:46 |
khalidmian | BluesKaj: im getting rid of vista and installing kubuntu with xp in vbox :) | 14:47 |
compilerwriter | But now thay you have brought it up, what the hell are you talking about and what is its use BluesKaj? | 14:47 |
khalidmian | lol | 14:48 |
BluesKaj | compilerwriter , explain ACL to me then , i assumed it was a transfer app of some kind | 14:48 |
compilerwriter | BluesKaj ACL is Access Control Lists | 14:48 |
BluesKaj | yeah, vista is strange , it doesn't remember network share setting from one minute to the next for one thing | 14:49 |
BluesKaj | uhmm, compilerwriter , that's a title , what exactly does ACL do ? | 14:50 |
compilerwriter | It will allow me to make a file readable and executable by the membersrhip of one group, but only readable to the membership of another group. The bean counters will be able to read and edit the thing, but the Production coordinators will only be able to get it edited by notifying the bean counters that their numbers need to be adjusted. Sort of an enforced communication thing. | 14:50 |
BluesKaj | ok | 14:50 |
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compilerwriter | Did that explain it BluesKaj? | 14:52 |
=== KterinK is now known as dou213 | ||
Cruster | any ideas why kubuntu states that my laptop is always on battery-power, even if it is online? just give me a hint to try and search | 14:52 |
compilerwriter | Basically it allows much more subtle manipulation of who can do what with a file than umask would normally allow BluesKaj | 14:53 |
giuseppe_ | hello | 14:54 |
compilerwriter | Here is a link to a tutorial BluesKaj http://www.cs.unc.edu/cgi-bin/howto?howto=linux-posix-acls | 14:54 |
BluesKaj | yeah compilerwriter , I'm in a home environment , so i only have one group to deal with , hence my ignornace of the matter | 14:54 |
jpedroza | Cruster: I see that from time to time, and I know they are putting a lot of work into ALSA in the next release. I am running the developer release of Jaunty and it works much better. | 14:55 |
jpedroza | Cruster: Well, that part of it does. | 14:55 |
compilerwriter | I see. Well now you could use it to create a chores file that the group parents could edit, but the group children can only read. | 14:56 |
BluesKaj | Cruster , your laptop isn't directly coonected to the wall powerwise , so the OS just sees the battery | 14:56 |
compilerwriter | That would be a big hammer for a little nail, but there is that possible application. | 14:56 |
Cruster | ALSA? advanced linux sound architecture? what relationship does it have with my ac adapter? | 14:56 |
darkenergy | cruster: look to see if anyone having the same laptop had the same issue and if there's a workaround | 14:56 |
darkenergy | its ACPI not ALSA | 14:57 |
Cruster | firstly thanks for the answers | 14:57 |
darkenergy | also look at the bios settings, you may get lucky | 14:57 |
Cruster | i think that kubuntu should know when i unplug the adapter, isn't that right? | 14:57 |
Cruster | also, i think that in mandriva it is recognized | 14:58 |
darkenergy | different laptop brands have their quirks | 14:59 |
Cruster | unfortunately, my laptop is kinda custom build and can't find anyone else using ubunt, and searching in BIOS didn't come in any help | 14:59 |
jpedroza | darkenergy: That too... :) | 14:59 |
darkenergy | Cruster: what are you using? | 14:59 |
jpedroza | It is far too early in the morning | 15:00 |
darkenergy | does it really matter? | 15:00 |
Cruster | darkenergy: you mean what brand my laptop is? | 15:00 |
darkenergy | yes | 15:00 |
tanob | anybody here is using KDE 4.2 ? i have a problem with almost all plasmoids | 15:00 |
tanob | "could not find requested component" | 15:01 |
Cruster | it's a clevo M765 | 15:01 |
tanob | for dict, notes, twitter | 15:01 |
jpedroza | tanob: I am using 4.2, but not those plasmoids | 15:01 |
tanob | jpedroza: can you try to add and see if the same happens? | 15:01 |
=== dima_ is now known as dima__ | ||
jpedroza | tanob: I just tried to add the Dictionary and it froze the Add Widgets dialog | 15:03 |
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tanob | jpedroza: oh oh :P | 15:03 |
tanob | here i get the plasmoid, but the content says "could not find ..." | 15:03 |
jpedroza | tanob: let me see if it logged anything | 15:03 |
jpedroza | tanob: Looks like Plasma just died as well... | 15:04 |
jpedroza | tanob: I am also not seeing anything in /var/log/messages | 15:07 |
jals | anyone know of a Grip irc channel? | 15:09 |
jpedroza | brb, restarting X | 15:10 |
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novalis | hello folks! Do someone know how to install KDE 4.2 on Hardy Heroin? | 15:10 |
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BluesKaj | ahh novalis , is that the afghani version of hardy ? :) | 15:12 |
faileas | hehe | 15:12 |
novalis | no the adictive :) | 15:12 |
novalis | one | 15:12 |
Traveler0 | how to figure out if the next release of kubuntu will contain VirtualBox with opengl accelaration? | 15:13 |
novalis | Kubuntu 8.10 sucks! no displayconfig, no SElinux | 15:13 |
Traveler0 | in december the vbox team released a version supporting acceleration of opengl inside the VM and there is a patch providing direct3d translation. this would be nice for playing some games in between:) | 15:13 |
Traveler0 | novalis, what do you mean by "displayconfig"? there is a nice gui for setting up your multi-head machine | 15:14 |
novalis | in Ubuntu maybe? | 15:15 |
Traveler0 | novalis, nope. current kubuntu version | 15:16 |
Traveler0 | novalis, go system settings > display. is that what you request? | 15:16 |
novalis | well, something it was... bad memory ive got. Got this crappy graphical card sis672 | 15:17 |
novalis | graphic card i meant... excuse my poor norwegian english | 15:18 |
Traveler0 | novalis, what did you actually want to do when you blamed kubuntu?? | 15:19 |
novalis | didnt blame Ubuntu, i only said that version 8.04 is more polished than 8.10 | 15:20 |
novalis | exept KDE 4.2 | 15:20 |
novalis | and that sucks | 15:20 |
Traveler0 | so what do you like to do? maybe i can help you to do it. when it comes to considering quality of kubuntu releases i prefer following the university lecture i am currently listening to | 15:21 |
novalis | I will install KDE 4.2 | 15:22 |
Traveler0 | do you have a src tarball or .deb package or something? | 15:23 |
novalis | no, i havent downloaded it. I'll wait till its in the repo | 15:24 |
novalis | it better be soon | 15:24 |
SlimeyPete | novalis: I don't imagine it will be in the repos until 9.04 is released | 15:25 |
Traveler0 | novalis, i cant follow you. i am confused. i got the impression you are trying to do something particular with your system ATM and need help. is that right? if so, please describe your problem | 15:25 |
faileas | i don't think 8.04 is likely to be updated to kde4 | 15:25 |
Traveler0 | if not, i misunderstood you | 15:25 |
khalidmian | need help as adept is crashing on me causing signal 6 SIGABRT | 15:26 |
Mojo_risin | hi, i'mt trying to access a NFS share with dolphin | 15:26 |
Mojo_risin | it detects the share but fails in athentication | 15:26 |
Mojo_risin | is NFS access working in dolphin? (KDE 4.2) | 15:26 |
Traveler0 | Mojo_risin as far as i know dolphin does not provide NFS support. how did you get that? | 15:27 |
Mojo_risin | Traveler0: it detects the NFS share... | 15:27 |
Mojo_risin | and KIO support the nfs:// protocol | 15:27 |
Mojo_risin | Traveler0: why do you say it doesn't support NFS? | 15:28 |
Traveler0 | Mojo_risin are we talking about the dolphin "add network share" dialogue? for me there is no NFS option in the list | 15:28 |
Mojo_risin | nope, zeroconf... | 15:29 |
Mojo_risin | Network -> Network Services | 15:29 |
Traveler0 | novalis, i dont know much about SIGABRT but google will give you some nice results. seems like my 3rd hit was a tutorial on how to avoid sigabrt errors | 15:30 |
Traveler0 | http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/forum_thread.php?id=5664 | 15:30 |
novalis | funny guy | 15:31 |
novalis | adios amigos | 15:31 |
Traveler0 | lol | 15:31 |
failers_ | how do i mount a bin/cue file | 15:32 |
failers_ | mount -o loop test.bin /media/bin , didnt work | 15:32 |
Mojo_risin | Traveler0: well, I guess I'll install nautilus and its million dependencies | 15:32 |
Traveler0 | Mojo_risin interesting thing. did i understand that right that this "folder" detects NFS servers automagically?? when i went there i got 3 items at first and after some secs 2 of them were gone. looks like auto detection | 15:33 |
Traveler0 | Mojo_risin dont know if you are a friend of gnome. i am not. maybe you will join #kde and ask there. i am no developer at all and better you ask one of them first before getting all the gnome blob | 15:34 |
Mojo_risin | Traveler0: yep, i just had to register it in the server machine | 15:34 |
Mojo_risin | Traveler0: in fact I prefer kde and i'm the author of KLinkStatus :) | 15:35 |
Traveler0 | Mojo_risin i have moved from xfce to kde with recent kubuntu because kde4 rocks. thanks for all that nice work. may i ask what klinkstatus is? is do only know the knetworkmanager | 15:36 |
RurouniJones | Anyone know the package name the maintainers saw fit to stuff the sqlite development stuff in? | 15:36 |
genii | !info mdf2iso | failers_ | 15:36 |
ubottu | mdf2iso (source: mdf2iso): A simple utility to convert mdf to iso / cue / toc images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-1 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB | 15:36 |
genii | failers_: Convert to iso then mount it | 15:36 |
Mojo_risin | Traveler0: klinkstatus is a link checker; useful if you are a web developer | 15:36 |
failers_ | genii: found something called bchunk to | 15:36 |
RurouniJones | To answer my own question: libsqlite0-dev | 15:37 |
Traveler0 | ah ok. as i use cms and wiki installations i do not depend on link checkers | 15:37 |
RurouniJones | ...obviously | 15:37 |
martijn81 | !nvidia | 15:41 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 15:41 |
failers_ | !mdf2iso | 15:42 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mdf2iso | 15:42 |
failers_ | Oo | 15:42 |
failers_ | genii: whats the command for it | 15:42 |
failers_ | mdf2iso test.cue test.iso ? | 15:43 |
genii | failers_: Something like that. Use mdf2iso --help for syntax. Been a while since I used it | 15:43 |
=== rohan is now known as shadeslayer | ||
failers_ | genii: oki thx | 15:43 |
Frederick | folks is there a dc++ clinet for ubuntu? | 15:45 |
failers_ | genii: Unknown format for /media/Data/spel/Fallout.3.Operation.Anchorage-SKIDROW/sr-fo3oa.cue. | 15:46 |
failers_ | :S | 15:46 |
=== administrator is now known as nicky000 | ||
failers_ | oh lol | 15:47 |
failers_ | i was supposed to use the bin | 15:48 |
nicky000 | ooops | 15:48 |
dust | what was the command to install 9.04 ? | 15:48 |
dust | update-manager -? | 15:48 |
genii | failers_: I'm looking now at iat. It can do cue/bin->iso | 15:50 |
failers_ | i got it working genii | 15:51 |
failers_ | thx | 15:51 |
genii | failers_: np | 15:51 |
failers_ | oh wait maybe not | 15:53 |
failers_ | it converted a empty iso | 15:53 |
failers_ | :P | 15:53 |
Adola | Anyone know of anything about PS2-emulators? | 15:53 |
CyD_work | man, I think I need to switch to ubuntu's network manager, kubuntu's just keeps getting weirder | 15:53 |
failers_ | genii: nope it aint working | 15:55 |
failers_ | my 500mb bin converts to 20 mb iso | 15:56 |
=== administrator is now known as nicky000 | ||
genii | failers_: Did you use the .cue or the .bin ? | 15:57 |
failers_ | bin | 15:57 |
genii | failers_: Try using the .cue file instead | 15:57 |
failers_ | then it says invalid format | 15:57 |
failers_ | :/ | 15:57 |
skovi | alguem do brasil? | 15:57 |
skovi | : ) | 15:57 |
skovi | z | 15:58 |
skovi | zz | 15:58 |
skovi | z | 15:58 |
skovi | z | 15:58 |
skovi | z | 15:58 |
skovi | z | 15:58 |
skovi | z | 15:58 |
skovi | z | 15:58 |
skovi | z | 15:58 |
skovi | z | 15:58 |
failers_ | !op | 15:58 |
failers_ | or what was the command | 15:58 |
failers_ | :P | 15:58 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01! | 15:58 |
genii | skovi: Stop that | 15:58 |
genii | Hi Riddell | 15:58 |
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failers_ | genii: oh well iat made it work | 16:03 |
genii | Good | 16:04 |
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wesley_ | what cmake commando do i need to use to compile from source to kubuntu ? | 16:10 |
=== geris is now known as geris_ | ||
=== geris_ is now known as geris | ||
geris | I do not know | 16:15 |
fermat_ | Hi | 16:16 |
shadeslayer | how do i get the picture on this page on login | 16:16 |
shadeslayer | as in when loading the desktop | 16:17 |
shadeslayer | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 | 16:17 |
fermat_ | Can anyone help me how to get the akonadictl running using kde4.2? | 16:17 |
fermat_ | I get the following error: | 16:18 |
fermat_ | [akonadiserver] stderr: "Could not open required defaults file: /home/fermat/.local/share/akonadi//mysql.conf | 16:18 |
fermat_ | [akonadiserver] Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted | 16:18 |
fermat_ | btw: I added it to apparmor... | 16:18 |
=== thinkgnu_ is now known as thinkgnu | ||
adben | morning everyone, what is the best vnc server for kubuntu w/ kde 4.2? but full integrate on the sys, resume and stuff | 16:30 |
adben | ? | 16:32 |
shadeslayer | patience adben | 16:33 |
shadeslayer | someone will eventually answer | 16:33 |
alarm_ | hello, i got a problem with the picture frame widget on kde4.2 . i added the widget a few days ago, and now although i do remove it, every time i restart or log in , the widget appears again and again | 16:33 |
adben | thanx shadeslayer | 16:34 |
shadeslayer | ?? | 16:34 |
alarm_ | no matter if i remove it, why is that | 16:34 |
shadeslayer | brb | 16:36 |
alarm_ | anyone know about it ? | 16:37 |
Frederick | folks does anyone here uses linuxdc++? | 16:38 |
portatile | !list | 16:47 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 16:47 |
portatile | hello! | 16:47 |
gmathews | Hi there, does Cairo dock work in Kubuntu? I downloaded it from berlios and it doesnt work | 16:48 |
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JuJuBee | I'm having a problem with my kdm.log file growing exponentially... Currently at 5.9M since deleting this morning.... | 16:51 |
JuJuBee | Issuing a tail -f kdm.log, I get this message every 5 seconds or so.... | 16:51 |
JuJuBee | (EE) fglrx(1): [DRI] Unlocking inconsistency: Context 137043892 trying to unlock lock held by context 2(EE) fglrx(1): [DRI] Locking deadlock. Already locked with context 137043892, trying to lock with context 2. | 16:51 |
Machtin | hey guys.. | 16:51 |
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Machtin | how to duplicate my screen? | 16:52 |
Machtin | (well.. with another resolution) | 16:52 |
neothecat | does anybody know of any free online calendars that sink seamlessly with kalendar, without needing gcaldaemon? | 16:57 |
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JuJuBee | Help.... in the last 10 minutes my kdm.log file went from 5.9M to 44M. | 17:00 |
carlos_ | es? | 17:04 |
JuJuBee | #ubuntu-es | 17:04 |
armornick | hey guys, how does kubuntu compare to ubuntu in terms of stability, cause I heard kubuntu is occassionally a bit... off | 17:06 |
Frederick | armornick: it is the "same distro" afaik | 17:06 |
Frederick | only window manager changes | 17:06 |
carpii_ | yep, kubuntu is just ubuntu with kde as default instead of gnome | 17:07 |
armornick | I tried installing kde via apt on ubuntu 8.04 and I couldn't change resolution since krandr wasn't installed | 17:07 |
armornick | possibly the fault of my video card, though | 17:07 |
armornick | but still, it was this bad experience that kept me away from kde | 17:08 |
carpii_ | its like anything, it takes time to get things set up how you want it | 17:08 |
=== francisco is now known as Mattos-PR | ||
carpii_ | if you put gnome on kubuntu, itd be the same i imagine | 17:08 |
armornick | btw, how is kde4 on kubuntu? I ordered a cd and I'm rather looking forward to trying it | 17:09 |
Mattos-PR | boa tarde | 17:09 |
gmathews | Hi how do i change the colour of my bottom panel..changing the colour scheme doesnt change it (It is still black) | 17:09 |
Frederick | Mattos-PR: aqui só se fala inglês | 17:09 |
Mattos-PR | sorry | 17:09 |
Mattos-PR | hi all | 17:09 |
Mattos-PR | i am speack from brasil | 17:10 |
gmathews | Mattos-PR: #ubuntu-br | 17:11 |
Frederick | gmathews: you are evil ;) | 17:11 |
Mattos-PR | yesssss | 17:11 |
gmathews | lol i did that without reading Frederick ;/ | 17:12 |
Mattos-PR | ;join #ubutu-br | 17:12 |
gmathews | hey Mattos-P how are you doing? | 17:12 |
Mattos-PR | fine thanks | 17:12 |
Frederick | gmathews: I'm also Brazilian and I feel sorry too see how education is flawed here concerning foreign languages. | 17:13 |
gmathews | Frederick: I am new here, I am doing what others normally do, I thought that is the norm | 17:13 |
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Frederick | im out | 17:17 |
KDesk | How can I know witch enconding is using an audio file? | 17:23 |
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oobe | KDesk, just so you know your question doesnt make sense | 17:38 |
KDesk | oobe: ah, yea, you are right, I want to know the enconding that the tags use. | 17:39 |
* genii slides oobe a coffee | 17:39 | |
KDesk | Because I have problems with enconding of an audio file that has a "é" in the tag. | 17:40 |
siekacz | hi | 17:41 |
oobe | oh i dont know what enconding is i thought you meant encoding i have found apps to edit id tags in mp3s if thats what ur after | 17:45 |
oobe | like this one mp3rename - Rename mp3 files based on id3tags | 17:46 |
oobe | genii, how did you know i am sleep deprived | 17:47 |
genii | oobe: Just a guess. Many of us here are. | 17:47 |
binMonkey | hi. i enabled the restricted ati drivers and now when i shutdown my system freezes and shutsdown after about 2minutes. | 17:48 |
binMonkey | ps: i've already tried the alsa fix and that didn't work. | 17:49 |
oobe | did u understand that question is that a real word ? | 17:49 |
JontheEchidna | jk-: According to the build log everything that was cmake installed made it into a package | 17:49 |
* JontheEchidna is stumped | 17:50 | |
JontheEchidna | the cmake install target for the meanwhile protocol looks the same as the other protocols, so I have not idea why it's not being installed | 17:51 |
JontheEchidna | (Debian packaging goes make, make install -> copy installed files to binary packages according to the .install files) | 17:51 |
JontheEchidna | brb | 17:52 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Sysinfo for 'SPOTLAP': Linux 2.6.27-11-generic running KDE 4.1.3 (KDE 4.1.3), CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUT7250@2.00GHz at 800 MHz (3990 bogomips), HD: 7/105GB, RAM: 1931/2015MB, 133 proc's, 2.19h up | 17:54 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Is it normal that Kubuntu use so much RAM?? | 17:54 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Thats INSANE! | 17:54 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Vista uses MAX 1Gb on the same machine :-S | 17:55 |
JontheEchidna | you could check to see which apps are using it all | 17:55 |
JontheEchidna | with the system monitor tool | 17:56 |
JontheEchidna | (or press crtl + esc) | 17:56 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Buffer Memory 0.2Gb / Cached 1.33Gb / Program 0.54 | 17:56 |
Sp0tKubuntu | ?!?! | 17:56 |
KDesk | oobe: Thanks, but I forgot to say that the audio files are m4a (mpeg4 part 14 I think), I am searching google to know with tag system the use, but I don't know now. | 17:56 |
Sp0tKubuntu | What is cached? | 17:56 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Im new in this | 17:56 |
JontheEchidna | oh, that means the applications place themselves in RAM so that they don't have to be constantly read from disk | 17:57 |
JontheEchidna | it speeds things up | 17:58 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Ahh but i dosent use anything almost?! | 17:58 |
JontheEchidna | you can check to see which apps are using it all | 17:58 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Not even Adobe Photoshop using that much converting RAW 2 JPG in VISTA! | 17:58 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Suspect?? | 17:59 |
binMonkey | hi. i enabled the restricted ati drivers and now when i shutdown my system freezes and shutsdown after about 2minutes. | 17:59 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Is someone using my computer without my knowlegde? | 17:59 |
Sp0tKubuntu | I really dont understand | 17:59 |
genii | Sp0tKubuntu: Your actual system usage is the 0.54 indicated. 1.33Gb is being used for cached stuff | 18:00 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Xorg using 177Mb as the top program of used memory | 18:00 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Ahhh | 18:00 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Then i need more RAM? | 18:00 |
JontheEchidna | no | 18:00 |
genii | Sp0tKubuntu: no | 18:00 |
Sp0tKubuntu | I had some errors running Memtest, could that have any effect? | 18:01 |
JontheEchidna | it just uses what you have left over as cache to speed up programs | 18:01 |
JontheEchidna | the cache will only take the memory that you aren't using | 18:01 |
genii | Sp0tKubuntu: Yes. Errors in memtest mean you have some bad/failing ram in your system | 18:01 |
Sp0tKubuntu | U can see the screen here: http://peecee.dk/upload/view/152266 | 18:01 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Someone told me it was correctable after he saw the picture | 18:02 |
Sp0tKubuntu | But how? | 18:02 |
alarm_ | hello, i got a problem with the picture frame widget on kde4.2 . i added the widget a few days ago, and now although i do remove it, every time i restart or log in , the widget appears again and again | 18:02 |
alarm_ | no matter if i remove it, why is that | 18:02 |
Sp0tKubuntu | What is making my RAM making Err bits? | 18:02 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: Ahh, now i see! Then i actually use 0.54Gb? Cache use 1.34Gb? Correct? | 18:03 |
JontheEchidna | Sp0tKubuntu: correct. If any of your applications need RAM, cache will start using less so that the application can have more | 18:04 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: Would have any effect when i give it 2 x 2 Gb RAM insted of? Better system power? | 18:04 |
Sp0tKubuntu | performance* | 18:04 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: Ok, now i see! Thats smart! :-) Reserved | 18:04 |
JontheEchidna | there are applications that you can install such as preload that store your most used applications in ram so that startup times are quicker | 18:05 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: Explain? Im not so much into it | 18:05 |
JontheEchidna | ok, so you know how you have a hard drive and RAM correct? | 18:06 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: Something i can get use of? Find usefull u think? | 18:06 |
JontheEchidna | hard drives can store much more info than ram, but they are also slower | 18:06 |
cuznt | how come access is denied to dvd? | 18:06 |
JontheEchidna | applications typically get loaded from the hard drive | 18:06 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: yeah that i now | 18:06 |
Sp0tKubuntu | know* | 18:06 |
JontheEchidna | applications like preload store your most used applications in ram so that they can be started faster | 18:07 |
JontheEchidna | since loading from RAM is faster than loading from the hard drive | 18:07 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: Then you recommend me "Preload" ? | 18:07 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: A program for Kubuntu i can find in packetmanager, right? | 18:07 |
JontheEchidna | right | 18:07 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: Thanks alot! :-) Can you tell me how to correct Err bits in my RAM? Or dosent it have any effect? And why are there errors?? | 18:08 |
JontheEchidna | That usually means that at least a little bit of the RAM is bad. I wouldn't worry unless funky things start happening to your computer | 18:09 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: It have 221 err bits, correctable, after what i understand | 18:09 |
JontheEchidna | I don't know much about ram errors | 18:10 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: Did you see my screenshot before, with the Memtest? | 18:10 |
Sp0tKubuntu | JontheEchidna: Ok, thanks anyways! :-) | 18:10 |
rjb | heck I'd worry, funky things might be like corrupted data on disk, say | 18:10 |
JontheEchidna | :) | 18:10 |
JontheEchidna | hmm, then listen to rjb, he obviously knows more about this stuff than me | 18:11 |
Sp0tKubuntu | rjb: Im not comfortable with knowing it eigther | 18:11 |
Sp0tKubuntu | :-D | 18:11 |
rjb | is that reported by memtest? | 18:11 |
Sp0tKubuntu | rjb: Witch? | 18:11 |
rjb | the errors | 18:11 |
Sp0tKubuntu | rjb: See screenshot from Memtest86 v2.01 http://peecee.dk/upload/view/152266 | 18:12 |
Sp0tKubuntu | rjb: And yes, it is | 18:12 |
Sp0tKubuntu | rjb: :-( | 18:12 |
CyD_work | is there anything I can do to make dolphin remember addresses I type, or am I just missing something? | 18:12 |
rjb | sorry i can't help you recognize which chip to replace on the basis of memtest | 18:12 |
rjb | but bad RAM I'd replace ASAP | 18:13 |
Sp0tKubuntu | rjb: Do you have to replace chips?! | 18:13 |
Sp0tKubuntu | rjb: i get new tomorrow :-) | 18:13 |
CyD_work | Sp0tKubuntu: best to test each stick of RAM individually if you only want to replace the bad one | 18:13 |
Sp0tKubuntu | rjb: But would like to know if it could be fixed, for selling | 18:13 |
CyD_work | Sp0tKubuntu: or just purchase a new pair, so cheap :) | 18:13 |
rjb | well if the're bad, using them is a disaster waiting to happen | 18:14 |
Sp0tKubuntu | i have! :-) | 18:14 |
Sp0tKubuntu | 2 x 2 Gb G.Skill Paired | 18:14 |
rjb | you will lose data sooner or later | 18:14 |
Sp0tKubuntu | 379 danish krones | 18:14 |
mindslant | sorry, I've got a simple question. What program in Kubuntu do I use for python programming? | 18:14 |
CyD_work | mindslant: kate, vim, nano, | 18:14 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Thans for the help guys! The dog is looking so sad! hav to walk him! :-) BBL | 18:14 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Thanks*! | 18:15 |
JontheEchidna | mindslant: any text editor will do | 18:15 |
mindslant | ok, gotcha. | 18:16 |
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asraniel | hi. emergency. when knetworkmanager sees no network device. whats the problem? hal not started? | 18:17 |
maco | in system settings, there's the option to set hte initial desktop for an app based on title. that's all fine and dandy, except when i launch irssi in a terminal, the title is "Terminator" for about a second before it changes to "irssi - Terminator" and i dont want it to put *all* my terminals on that desktop. any way to kwin which window to match in that case? | 18:18 |
kaddi | evening :) | 18:20 |
alarm | could please someone tell me why the picture frame widget appears every time i restart/login-out from kde4.2 , although i removed it many times from my desktop ? | 18:20 |
maco | alarm: check your autostart? | 18:20 |
alarm | how ? | 18:20 |
maco | in system settings' advanced tab there's an autostart option | 18:20 |
gmathews | Hi how do i change the colour of my panel..It is still black and it doesn't match my KDE colour scheme | 18:20 |
alarm | only thing running is the gtk-engine | 18:21 |
maco | gmathews: not sure it's possible yet... | 18:23 |
tgillespie_ | hi all, quick question. Is there a reason why kubuntu uses phonon-xine rather than phonon-gstreamer? Wouldn't it make more sense to do the same as ubuntu? Then it's likely to recieve more attention? | 18:23 |
maco | tgillespie_: maybe because xine works better? | 18:24 |
inanimate | That's because GStreamer sucks. | 18:24 |
maco | i lways remove totem-gstreamer on ubuntu | 18:24 |
maco | it cant even play DVDs right | 18:24 |
nauxilux | hi | 18:24 |
nauxilux | can somebody help me with my xorg.conf ? | 18:25 |
nauxilux | i've installed kubuntu 8.10 | 18:25 |
tgillespie_ | maco then why does ubuntu use it if it sucks so bad? i'm not pushing one or the other, just saying shouldn't they both use the same? | 18:25 |
KDesk | Ah, now I know the problem, it was the script for amarok 1.4 soundkonverter, it can't handle some characters like á é and sure ö ä ü. | 18:25 |
nauxilux | and would like to run a resolution 1440x900 at 75 | 18:25 |
nauxilux | kubuntu 8.10 configures it automatically to 1440x900 with 60 but i would need 75 | 18:25 |
mikele | cciao | 18:27 |
maco | tgillespie_: because upstream gnome likes gstreamer for some unfathomable reason. or maybe because gstreamer's got some deal with fluendo (?) about certain codecs | 18:27 |
maco | nauxilux: you have an xorg.conf? | 18:27 |
nauxilux | yep | 18:27 |
nauxilux | in /etc/X11 | 18:27 |
nauxilux | ist configured automatically | 18:28 |
Tm_T | maco: something to do with licences and the origin of these projects I believe | 18:28 |
maco | huh. i didnt think 8.10 had an xorg.conf by default | 18:28 |
nauxilux | by default it has one, | 18:28 |
nauxilux | but it seems to have no change effects... | 18:28 |
maco | i installed 8.10 and upgraded to 9.04. mine's an empty file. | 18:28 |
nauxilux | oke, | 18:28 |
maco | nauxilux: might need to use xrandr | 18:29 |
nauxilux | then in 9.04 perhaps there is no one | 18:29 |
nauxilux | xrandr | 18:29 |
nauxilux | whats that | 18:29 |
maco | command line utility for configuring X | 18:29 |
maco | its what the little screen resolution tool uses on the backend | 18:29 |
nauxilux | oke, | 18:29 |
nauxilux | thanks maco | 18:29 |
nauxilux | i will try now | 18:30 |
alarm | okie... it seems its not such a good question :) | 18:30 |
maco | nauxilux: chck the manpage because i dont know how to do it | 18:30 |
maco | alarm: not in your autostart then? | 18:30 |
alarm | nop, just gtk-engine there | 18:31 |
maco | bah | 18:31 |
nauxilux | oke | 18:31 |
nauxilux | thanks | 18:31 |
alarm | i dont know, its not that my computer is crashing and restores all the apps that were running. i shut it down normaly . but this widget insist of running every time | 18:31 |
alarm | i'll reboot and check | 18:33 |
mlino | hi | 18:36 |
mlino | hi? | 18:36 |
mlino | can anyone help me? | 18:36 |
kaddi | !ask | 18:36 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:36 |
KDesk | Is possilbe to auto mount the devices that are conected to the computer in KDE 4.2? I have used a mod of the Device Notifier plasmoid in KDE 4.1 that has automounted the devices. | 18:37 |
maco | KDesk: the device notifier automounted my mp3 player in 4.2 | 18:37 |
mlino | i following the tutorial in kubuntu website to install kde 4.2 but when i need to put de gpg command don't take the correct action | 18:37 |
Pici | mlino: What happens instead? | 18:38 |
asraniel | what could be the problem if knetworkmanager does not see any network devices? | 18:38 |
maco | asraniel: do they show in lshal? | 18:38 |
KDesk | maco: hmmm, that is straing, are you sure you are using the default plasmoid? Because in 4.1 and 4.2 by default I think that was not the behaivor. You have noting changed so that it works so? | 18:39 |
maco | if the device notifier stops showing an eject icon next to the device, does that mean it's ejected? | 18:39 |
mlino | it says to me thant don't take changes effect | 18:39 |
maco | KDesk: havent touched that thing. just started using kde on friday | 18:39 |
maco | i doubt gnome's automount thing interfering, but i suppose it's possible | 18:39 |
maco | then again...are you on jaunty or intrepid? | 18:39 |
Pici | mlino: The gpg command is all on one line, did you enter it all on one line? | 18:40 |
mlino | yes | 18:40 |
maco | KDesk: jaunty or intrepid? | 18:40 |
KDesk | maco, ok, thanks, I will google a bit more. | 18:40 |
JontheEchidna | if the eject button does not show up on mouseover, then the device isn't mounted | 18:41 |
Pici | mlino: And then what happens if you check for updates? | 18:41 |
mlino | it say gpg: key xxxxx: "launchpad ppa for kubuntu experimental without changes | 18:41 |
maco | KDesk: im on jaunty | 18:41 |
alarm | nah, widget insist of appearing... | 18:41 |
mlino | error gpg if update | 18:41 |
alarm | dont know where else i could look (which file) to remove it so that it wont start again | 18:41 |
Guest65216 | hi all, i am trying to install kubuntu 8.04.1 from an usb stick, so i have the ubuntu iso on the stick, syslinux installed (it boots ok) and initrd.gz and vmlinuz from here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/ What happends is after finding the iso the installer complains about some kernel version mismatch and prompts if i really want to continue, any ideas? | 18:42 |
KDesk | maco: ohh, I am in intrepid with 4.2 from the ppa repo. Maybe that is. | 18:42 |
mlino | can't veryfy No_PUBLI | 18:42 |
Pici | mlino: Can you pastebin the exact errors and what happens when you enter that GPG command? | 18:42 |
Pici | !pastebin | 18:42 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 18:42 |
asraniel | maco: i have to check. it's my girlfriends computer, and i can only join her over the phone right now | 18:43 |
mlino | i cant i have ubuntu in vmware | 18:43 |
mlino | when i apply the gpg key command they say that don't apply any changes, and when i apt-get upddate they say that error GPG: http://ppa.... The firms can't verify cause my public key is-t avaiable | 18:45 |
penela | Can someone help me get my laptop out of low graphics mode? I tried installing ATI display drivers. | 18:46 |
cuznt | my access is denied to dvd? | 18:46 |
mlino | pici you recognise the error? | 18:46 |
Lynx-O | !windows | 18:47 |
ubottu | For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents | 18:47 |
Lynx-O | !ext3 | 18:47 |
ubottu | ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org | 18:47 |
Guest65216 | so can one install kubuntu 8.04 from an usb ? | 18:48 |
mlino | when i apply the gpg key command they say that don't apply any changes, and when i apt-get upddate they say that error GPG: http://ppa.... The firms can't verify cause my public key is-t avaiable | 18:48 |
Lynx-O | no | 18:48 |
Lynx-O | usb isn't bootable | 18:48 |
Guest65216 | Lynx-O, sure it is, with syslinux | 18:49 |
mlino | Pici undestand my error? | 18:49 |
Guest65216 | i guess vmlinuz and initrd.gz from hardy hd-media are broken, since it can't load the kernel modules, (btw the iso is alternate-cd) | 18:50 |
mlino | has anyone have my same problem duting instalation kde 4.2? | 18:51 |
mlino | when i apply the gpg key command they say that don't apply any changes, and when i apt-get upddate they say that error GPG: http://ppa.... The firms can't verify cause my public key is-t avaiable | 18:51 |
alarm | mlino, in the instructions of how installing kde 4.2 also instructions are given about the public key | 18:55 |
cuznt | !dvd | 18:55 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 18:55 |
mlino | alarm yes but the gpg command that is given in the web doen't validete me | 18:56 |
alarm | can you give me the website with the instructions ? | 18:58 |
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mlino | www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 | 18:59 |
alarm | and you write all this in a single line? gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 493B3065 && gpg --export -a 493B3065 | sudo apt-key add - | 18:59 |
=== johnny_ is now known as Guest3095 | ||
alarm | and what is the message you get ? | 18:59 |
mlino | i try to traduc | 19:01 |
mlino | cause i'm spanish | 19:01 |
maco | asraniel: knetworkmanager should show any that are listed in lshal and not manually configured in /etc/network/interfaces, i *think* | 19:01 |
Guest3095 | hey, i'm also spanish | 19:01 |
Guest3095 | XD | 19:01 |
alarm | traduc means ? :P | 19:01 |
Guest3095 | traduct? | 19:01 |
mlino | gpg: [stdout] write error: broken tuberia | 19:01 |
mlino | gpg: iobuf_flush failed on close: write error | 19:02 |
mlino | yes alarm :P | 19:02 |
alarm | my first question are you writing all this in a single line or in two lines as is seen on the webpage | 19:02 |
mlino | single | 19:02 |
mlino | all in one line | 19:03 |
alarm | tuberia ? :) | 19:03 |
alarm | whats that | 19:03 |
Guest3095 | i think it's a pipe | 19:03 |
Guest3095 | but i'm not sure | 19:03 |
Guest3095 | at least it's the literal traduction | 19:03 |
mlino | how yopu say this sing | | 19:03 |
alarm | oh ok , makes sense | 19:03 |
mlino | yes pipe | 19:03 |
Guest3095 | ;-) | 19:03 |
Guest3095 | espero que te este ayudando, mlino | 19:04 |
alarm | you add alos the '-' in the end ? | 19:04 |
mlino | yo tmb pk no consigo instalar kde 4.2 | 19:04 |
mlino | yes alarm | 19:04 |
mlino | like in the web :P | 19:04 |
Guest3095 | buf, en kubuntu no pude instalarlo, lo dejé por imposible... | 19:05 |
mlino | oooo | 19:05 |
mlino | alarm!!!! | 19:05 |
mlino | i find the problem think | 19:05 |
alarm | which is ? | 19:05 |
mlino | i don't put an space between add and the pipe | 19:05 |
mlino | it's correct? | 19:05 |
alarm | there is a space | 19:06 |
alarm | just copy paste it | 19:06 |
alarm | dont write it | 19:06 |
mlino | i'm using vmware | 19:06 |
mlino | and allways write sorry | 19:06 |
mlino | :P | 19:06 |
mlino | now only need to update and install kubuntu in't it? | 19:07 |
=== alberto is now known as Guest28392 | ||
alarm | i dont know what u try to do :P | 19:08 |
alarm | if you updated yes | 19:08 |
mlino | now | 19:08 |
alarm | now do a dist-upgrage | 19:08 |
mlino | install | 19:08 |
mlino | i have gnome only | 19:08 |
Guest3095 | try sudo aptitude install kde4 | 19:09 |
Kransac | hey all | 19:09 |
mlino | apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 19:09 |
Guest3095 | oh ok | 19:09 |
alarm | oh sorry didnt know u got only gnome :P | 19:09 |
Guest3095 | which version of ubuntu do you have? | 19:09 |
Kransac | do you have any idea how to "manual duplex print" a pdf file? It seems like it's not possible with Okular | 19:09 |
mlino | 8.1 | 19:09 |
mlino | the last one | 19:09 |
Guest3095 | i tried to install kde 4.2 on hardy and intrepid and couldn't do it | 19:10 |
mlino | me too | 19:10 |
Guest3095 | the only thing i could do was 4.1 on intrepid (and it was really ugly) | 19:10 |
nauxilux | hello its me again | 19:10 |
mlino | only install kde 4.1 | 19:10 |
nauxilux | i tried grandr | 19:10 |
Kransac | Kde 4.2 work here with intreprid | 19:10 |
mlino | kransac | 19:10 |
mlino | wick package i need to install | 19:11 |
mlino | kubuntu-desktop? | 19:11 |
mlino | but i haven't got anything of kde only gnome | 19:11 |
nauxilux | i cant change my resolution from 1440x900@60 to 1440x900@75 | 19:11 |
nauxilux | i tried grandr, kxgenerator | 19:11 |
nauxilux | and manual editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 19:12 |
Kransac | mlino: have you tried step by step what written on the kde home page? | 19:12 |
mlino | yes yes | 19:13 |
mlino | but | 19:13 |
mlino | if i don.t have anyting of kde | 19:13 |
mlino | only need to install kubuntu-desktop? | 19:13 |
mlino | it's all? | 19:13 |
alarm | kubuntu-desktop would do | 19:14 |
nauxilux | ? | 19:14 |
mlino | ok | 19:14 |
mlino | thanks a lot to all | 19:14 |
mlino | i love you :) | 19:15 |
alarm | and on display manager choose kdm instead of gdm | 19:15 |
mlino | okis | 19:15 |
alarm | anyone can tell me how to deactivate my widget that starts on on every reboot no matter if i remove it every single time ? :) | 19:15 |
nauxilux | can anyone tell me how to change my resolution from 1440x900 @ 60 to | 19:16 |
nauxilux | 1440x900 @ 75 | 19:16 |
bitmonster | hi, i run constantly into trouble when i try to boot kubuntu, i.e. my external esata hdd is not detected immediately. i get weird exceptions such as "ata4: COMRESET failed (errno=-19)", "ata4: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x50000 actcom 0xe frozen" and "sata_sil: cache line size not set. driver may not function" | 19:17 |
nauxilux | how to change my monitor | 19:17 |
bitmonster | what can i do? | 19:17 |
nauxilux | how can i change my default monitor | 19:18 |
=== smokey is now known as smokey_ | ||
alarm | nauxilux, you unplug it , and put the new one | 19:18 |
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alarm | :P | 19:18 |
alarm | kidding | 19:18 |
nauxilux | @alarm | 19:18 |
nauxilux | i mean -> the "default monitor" setting | 19:18 |
alarm | nvidia,ati ? | 19:18 |
nauxilux | ati | 19:18 |
alarm | ok , bad start :P | 19:18 |
alarm | i am not familiar with ati drivers | 19:19 |
alarm | did you add a line on xorg.conf manualy to try ? | 19:19 |
nauxilux | i only would need a resolution | 19:19 |
nauxilux | 1440x900 @ 75 | 19:19 |
nauxilux | not at 60 | 19:19 |
nauxilux | which line? | 19:19 |
nauxilux | modeline | 19:19 |
nauxilux | i tried but it was false | 19:19 |
snarkster | why is it that plasmas that i have closed keep coming back | 19:21 |
alarm | snarkster, thats what i also am wondering and ask the last two days | 19:21 |
alarm | i got a damn picture frame and that shit appears on every log in or reboot. cant find on which file that shit is written to erase it | 19:22 |
snarkster | i think its the plasma.rc file but i dont wanna go mucking about just yet | 19:22 |
alarm | back it up | 19:23 |
Kovert | Does the desktop effects button (compiz) in intrepid with KDE 4.2 running work? or is it that rooted in KDE 4.1 | 19:23 |
alarm | btw, why dont i find the plasma.rc file snarkster ? :) | 19:24 |
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snarkster | ah might be a dev file.. <shrug> | 19:25 |
W8TAH | hi folks - -ive done somethign some how - -i dont know what -- but konqueror has no control buttons -- like maximize, minimize and close -- i know i should look it up, but im in the middle of a server outage and need help -- - can someeon tell me how to get it back please | 19:26 |
W8TAH | all my other programs ahve them | 19:26 |
W8TAH | im on kubuntu ibex with the kde 4.2 latest releases | 19:27 |
snarkster | hmm W8TAH have you gone fullscreen? | 19:28 |
W8TAH | ya - that was it - thanks | 19:28 |
W8TAH | sorry for the dumb one | 19:28 |
snarkster | no question is dumb | 19:28 |
Kovert | so now he has to answer 4 more users questions right ? :-) | 19:29 |
Kovert | any one know what the state of compiz is with kde 4.2 and Intrepid? | 19:29 |
snarkster | why do you need compiz?? | 19:30 |
Kovert | why do I need a computer? | 19:30 |
snarkster | kwin has most of the same functions | 19:30 |
Kovert | becase it's there | 19:30 |
Kovert | !kwin | 19:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kwin | 19:30 |
Kovert | !info kwin | 19:30 |
ubottu | kwin (source: kdebase-workspace): the KDE 4 window manager (KWin). In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 38 kB, installed size 304 kB | 19:30 |
Kovert | miss the cubes | 19:30 |
snarkster | kwin is kde4.2 has cube | 19:31 |
snarkster | um is in | 19:31 |
Kovert | guess just not werkin for me | 19:31 |
snarkster | crap!!! Kwin has cubes in kde4.2 | 19:31 |
k4_ | kl1ck on the cube | 19:32 |
snarkster | system-settings>desktop>enable all effects>all effects>under window management you ll find the cube | 19:33 |
snarkster | configure it how you like | 19:33 |
Kovert | i have it now | 19:34 |
snarkster | :) | 19:34 |
snarkster | now do you still need compiz? | 19:34 |
Kovert | can i drag between desktops? | 19:34 |
snarkster | yes | 19:34 |
snarkster | should be able to | 19:34 |
Kovert | that will answer your question | 19:34 |
Kovert | i guess the cylinders and spheres are yet to come | 19:34 |
snarkster | should the same. | 19:34 |
snarkster | i dont know I dont use effects. messes with my games | 19:35 |
Kovert | any good games? | 19:36 |
utdmr | hey, is there a full-screen mode in Kate? | 19:36 |
blahjake | utdmr: yes, Settings -> Full Screen Mode (Ctrl+Shift+F) | 19:39 |
snarkster | i play windows games | 19:39 |
snarkster | Nexus, D2, C&C, star craft | 19:39 |
dewman | There is lots of games. =) | 19:39 |
blahjake | utdmr: the kde4 version is Window -> Full Screen Mode (Ctrl+Shift+F) | 19:39 |
dewman | Tuxracer rules! | 19:39 |
snarkster | tah it does | 19:40 |
snarkster | yah even | 19:40 |
snarkster | frozenbubble | 19:40 |
snarkster | Alien Arena | 19:40 |
zmitya | hi all | 19:40 |
snarkster | assaultcube | 19:40 |
utdmr | armagetronad:) | 19:41 |
siekacz | mhm... udma is active but copying files is only 3-5 MB/s... | 19:42 |
alarm | how can i make my mounted drives just read only ? on previews kubuntu version i could just right click on the hdd and check/uncheck the read only box. in kubuntu 8.1 with kde4.2 ? | 19:43 |
zmitya | I have a kubuntu intrepid with kde 4.2 from ppa.launchpad.net | 19:44 |
william | hi | 19:44 |
=== william is now known as Guest40351 | ||
zmitya | when I lock the session I always unable to login back, it says unlick failed... | 19:45 |
zmitya | is it my problem only ? | 19:45 |
Guest40351 | I've been having flash crash consistently when playing videos | 19:45 |
Guest40351 | anyone else having simliar problem? | 19:45 |
Guest40351 | I am using firefox | 19:45 |
snarkster | Guest40351: what flash are you using | 19:45 |
EagleScreen | and what arch? | 19:46 |
Guest40351 | x86 32bit | 19:47 |
Guest40351 | firefox 3.05 | 19:47 |
maco | zmitya: i have a problem in gnome with that...it just says "checking..." but doesnt unlock | 19:47 |
snarkster | Guest40351: but what flash are u using? non free adobe flash or gnash | 19:48 |
Guest40351 | flashpluign-nonfree | 19:48 |
Guest40351 | | 19:49 |
alarm | Guest40351, indeed all version of flash (non free) that i used crash as well | 19:49 |
maco | i use swfdec | 19:49 |
alarm | they just show a gray screen and nothing else sometimes | 19:49 |
alarm | and the page has to be refreshed | 19:49 |
maco | works well enough for youtube, and they have a no-crashes release policy | 19:49 |
Guest40351 | is this a recent bug introduced in last update or is there a fix | 19:49 |
snarkster | i just install 8.04.1 on a laptop that was running so slow as to take 5 min to bring up a explorer window. damn now it fast.. | 19:50 |
zmitya | maco: same here in kde ;( | 19:50 |
alarm | yeap , i've heard that from several people . that sometimes flash crash | 19:51 |
alarm | but it was the same thing on version 8, 9 and also 10 | 19:51 |
alarm | i dont know what happens with free versions of flash | 19:51 |
maco | free flash (swfdec) works pretty well | 19:52 |
maco | doesnt do site done totally in flash, but those arent really worth visiting | 19:52 |
snarkster | is there a kde UI for lvm? | 19:55 |
raindog | ksmserver always has a zombie process. What's up with that? (KDE 4.2) | 19:55 |
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KDesk | Is possible to install amarok 1.4 and 2 at the same time? | 20:12 |
snarkster | hmm finding amarok 2 is not an easy task | 20:13 |
snarkster | but i dont think so | 20:13 |
snarkster | would be nice to have some visualizations for amarok 2 | 20:13 |
=== kernel_ is now known as joncas | ||
KDesk | snarkster: I like amarok 1.4 to organize the tags, I find amarok 2 good if all the music is organized. | 20:14 |
snarkster | i like amarok 2 for the shoutcast stations | 20:15 |
snarkster | love paralx radio | 20:15 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Hmm.. Is there something wrong with my RAM? I have 2Gb and used to show 2Gb, but now i only shows 1.5Gb, and my memory use is between 4.8Mb and 769Mb | 20:15 |
Sp0tKubuntu | That indicates critical RAM errors? | 20:15 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Sysinfo for 'SPOTLAP': Linux 2.6.27-11-generic running KDE 4.1.3 (KDE 4.1.3), CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUT7250@2.00GHz at 800 MHz (3990 bogomips), HD: 8/105GB, RAM: 1013/2015MB, 130 proc's, 4.40h up | 20:15 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Sysinfo for 'SPOTLAP': Linux 2.6.27-11-generic running KDE 4.1.3 (KDE 4.1.3), CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUT7250@2.00GHz at 800 MHz (3990 bogomips), HD: 8/105GB, RAM: 1015/2015MB, 130 proc's, 4.40h up | 20:15 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Sysinfo for 'SPOTLAP': Linux 2.6.27-11-generic running KDE 4.1.3 (KDE 4.1.3), CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUT7250@2.00GHz at 800 MHz (3990 bogomips), HD: 8/105GB, RAM: 1015/2015MB, 129 proc's, 4.40h up | 20:16 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Sorry for spam, was trying to show what i meant | 20:16 |
snarkster | 3 times?? | 20:16 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Because it change | 20:16 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Like i said, i just standing and changing from 4.8Mb ram usage to 700Mb | 20:17 |
Sp0tKubuntu | that was a test to see if my script will show the error here, but here it says 1015Mb ram usage! SORRY! | 20:17 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: Linux (the kernel) doesn't shows you the ram that apps use, it ues the ram speed up the system | 20:17 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Again? | 20:18 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Didnt understand | 20:18 |
Sp0tKubuntu | CPU use : - 1,546.595%?!?!?! | 20:19 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Thats suspect | 20:19 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: (english isn't my nativ language..) The kernel manages the RAM memory in an apropied way, not like windows for example. It uese the ram that apps need and it uses the ram for cache. | 20:19 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: that i know, but i dont understand why it make this errors now? I get 221 correctable errors in Memtest on my RAM | 20:20 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: what are you using to read those values? | 20:20 |
Sp0tKubuntu | System monitor, used to work fine | 20:20 |
KDesk | ah, then of course the ram is bad... sorry | 20:21 |
snarkster | could be | 20:21 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Thats why i get those errors then? | 20:21 |
snarkster | laptop?? | 20:21 |
Sp0tKubuntu | yes | 20:21 |
snarkster | heat problem or transporting it around can do that | 20:21 |
KDesk | maybe bad ram from factory | 20:21 |
Sp0tKubuntu | MSI PR200 | 20:21 |
Sp0tKubuntu | yeah, sounds like bad ram, i have them suspectet | 20:22 |
Sp0tKubuntu | But thanks alot! hope my new RAM will be here soon | 20:22 |
snarkster | go buy new and your problem will go away. | 20:22 |
Sp0tKubuntu | I rebooted yesterday, and i got a "panic" file missing or corrupt, maybe because of my defected RAM? | 20:23 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Im afraid if i reboot now, then if messes up the system! :-( | 20:25 |
roger_ | c'è quaqlcuna che parla l'italiano? | 20:25 |
Pici | !it | roger_ | 20:25 |
ubottu | roger_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 20:25 |
roger_ | ciao a tutti | 20:26 |
Sp0tKubuntu | BRB, i hope! | 20:26 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Nice! Back again! It was my "System Monitor" making an error showing wrong numbers, now its normal again! But i replace RAM anyways | 20:28 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: did you restart? | 20:29 |
KDesk | And did you replaced you ram? | 20:30 |
mediadragon | Is there a way to make a program load in a specific workspace? | 20:30 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Nope, only the "System Montior" | 20:30 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: you can change the vm.swappiness value to 100 to use more swap than ram, and when you get you new ram change that back to the default value | 20:31 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Think that was a error showing the correct info! Restartet the program, and it shows the "normal" values | 20:31 |
quassel76 | hi | 20:32 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: I will get em soon, so thats ok! I have not dl so much, so i just make reinstall if the RAM messes the system up before i get the new RAM in | 20:32 |
Sp0tKubuntu | That will NOT, i repeat, NOT take my breath away about trying linux! :-) | 20:33 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: that is the most important! :) | 20:33 |
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Sp0tKubuntu | I like linux ALOT! :-) So many nice stuff, easy to use for all, and so on! Thats just PERFECT! :-D | 20:33 |
marcel | how can i print a file to the printer from shell: bash ? | 20:34 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Thats right! I try as much as possible to turn windows users over on linux! :-) | 20:34 |
maco | marcel: what kind of file? | 20:34 |
marcel | text file | 20:34 |
marcel | a source file | 20:34 |
maco | lpr | 20:35 |
marcel | i try lp <filename> but fails | 20:35 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Well, thanks alot for all of your help! :-) | 20:35 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Think i will play some L4D! :-) | 20:35 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: you are wellcome :) | 20:35 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: What is L4D? | 20:36 |
KRF | KDesk, left 4 dead (half life with zombies) | 20:36 |
cbwcjw2 | KDesk: Left 4 Dead, a video game released by Valve Software under the Steam Platform :) | 20:37 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: An extreme cool game! Killing zombies in large numbers, REALLY large! Really funny! :-D | 20:37 |
KDesk | KRF: cbwcjw2 Sp0tKubuntu aah, greate, I will take a look in the weekend. | 20:38 |
KDesk | Or better now... | 20:38 |
KDesk | hehe | 20:38 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: I have tryed to get it all week, thay are hard to find! :-) But good luck! There is also a DEMO out, dont know ecxactly where | 20:39 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Its really violence! There are 50 zombies all over ALL time :-D | 20:40 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: hehe, I will then take a look to the demo, sound good. | 20:40 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: At least! Whops! OFF-TOPIC! Sorry! | 20:40 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Doom 3 1000 x more scary! :-D | 20:40 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Really, i cant play so long, i get to screwed up, i cant relaxx :-D | 20:41 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Shaking allover! :-D | 20:41 |
KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: ah, yea, I have played doom 3 with frends, it is a good game, and I have read that id soft was going to open the engine of doom3 when doom4 or 5 arrives | 20:41 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Sounds nice! Really nice! But when Q4 came, there was no Quake, only Doom3 engine | 20:42 |
Sp0tKubuntu | KDesk: Liked the Q3 motor | 20:42 |
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KDesk | Sp0tKubuntu: I think tremulous uses a mod of Q3, do you know tremulous? | 20:43 |
v3trae | Afternoon guys! | 20:46 |
pasxalis | hello | 20:46 |
pasxalis | anybody here? | 20:46 |
v3trae | pasxalis: aye. | 20:47 |
pasxalis | what? | 20:47 |
v3trae | pasxalis: you asked if anyone is here. i'm here. | 20:47 |
pasxalis | a ok | 20:47 |
v3trae | pasxalis: along with 352 other people | 20:47 |
pasxalis | well | 20:47 |
pasxalis | hehehe | 20:48 |
pasxalis | does kmix works to your pc's? | 20:48 |
v3trae | pasxalis: working on mine | 20:49 |
pasxalis | since the upgrade I don't have external sound | 20:49 |
v3trae | pasxalis: honestly don't know enough about the k sound system to help you there man. | 20:49 |
pasxalis | When I talk to the microphone I hear my own voice but I can't hear any music | 20:49 |
pasxalis | anybody else? | 20:50 |
v3trae | pasxalis: did you check your volumes in alsamixer? | 20:50 |
pasxalis | where is alsamixer? | 20:50 |
pasxalis | are you sure I have that? | 20:51 |
v3trae | pasxalis: you should have it @_@ pretty sure you need it for alsa to run. | 20:51 |
pasxalis | ok then | 20:52 |
pasxalis | where can I find it? | 20:52 |
v3trae | pasxalis: it comes with the alsa sound system. If you don't have it i'd say your alsa is messed up, but i don't know enough about it to know for sure | 20:52 |
maco | pasxalis: type it into your terminal | 20:52 |
maco | i think pasxalis is under the impression its a GUI app that will appear in the menu | 20:52 |
v3trae | pasxalis: actually, i don't have it either, i wonder if my sound is working =P | 20:53 |
_dfaure | how does one install both libsvn-dev and librdf0-dev on kubuntu intrepid? they seem mutually exclusive (svn wants db4.6, rdf wants db4.7) | 20:53 |
pasxalis | just alsamixer? | 20:53 |
v3trae | pasxalis: aye alsamixer is a terminal application | 20:53 |
v3trae | i'm having a problem with mounting an ntfs drive, i can't even see it. So to try to find it i used fdisk /dev/sda-b-c-d and /dev/hda-b-c-d and all of which came back device not found. Does kubuntu handle this differently? | 20:56 |
maco | sudo fdisk -l | 20:56 |
maco | that doesnt tell you anything? | 20:56 |
marcel | maco: what is the command to print ? lpr <filename> ? | 20:57 |
maco | er... | 20:57 |
maco | there are options you can put in there | 20:57 |
maco | probably need to specify a printer | 20:57 |
marcel | i 'm not specify the printer | 20:58 |
marcel | i don't know how... | 20:58 |
pasxalis | ok guys | 20:58 |
marcel | from KDE i can print with print options , but from shell i don't know the comand | 20:58 |
pasxalis | I have alsamixer | 20:58 |
pasxalis | but it sees only my onbaoard card | 20:59 |
v3trae | maco: hmm, that showed the windows drive, but my storage drive (which is ntfs) is showing up at GPT @_@ Never heard of GPT. | 20:59 |
pasxalis | not my pci 7.1 | 20:59 |
pasxalis | how can I see the other sound cards on the system with alsamixer? | 20:59 |
maco | v3trae: wait is it remote? | 21:00 |
pasxalis | marcel? | 21:00 |
v3trae | maco: no, it's a terabyte drive in my box D= | 21:00 |
maco | pasxalis: did you try specifying another card, like alsamixer -c1 ? | 21:00 |
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maco | marcel: the manpage says -P destination[/instance] Prints files to the named printer. | 21:01 |
q_ | y | 21:02 |
v3trae | maco: i figured it out, sorry to bother you | 21:02 |
_dfaure | Riddell: how does one install both libsvn-dev and librdf0-dev on kubuntu intrepid? they seem mutually exclusive (svn wants db4.6, rdf wants db4.7) | 21:03 |
v3trae | maco: didn't know about the fdisk -l though, will have to remember that, thanks =) | 21:03 |
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dan | hello kworld! | 21:03 |
pasxalis | there are a lot of useful commands along with fdisk | 21:03 |
Tm_T | _dfaure: really good question, I always forced myself to forget libsvn-dev | 21:03 |
roconnor | damn gtk2hs 0.10 | 21:04 |
pasxalis | ok alsamixer works but I still don't here any sound I play.....But I can hear my own voice from the microphone!!! | 21:04 |
roconnor | oops, wrong chan | 21:05 |
roconnor | sorry | 21:05 |
pasxalis | hear* | 21:05 |
v3trae | will putting a shortcut to command that uses sudo into ~./kde/Autostart let the program run? | 21:05 |
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Tm_T | v3trae: I'd say no | 21:05 |
v3trae | Tm_T: is there a way to get commands that require sudo to run at boot? IE using ntfs-3g to mount drive? | 21:06 |
Tm_T | v3trae: typically you mount stuff in fstab | 21:06 |
pasxalis | is there any solution to my sound problem? | 21:06 |
dan | please help me to put kubuntu on the box: samsung NC10, no cdrom, kubuntu 9 is on the USB and could boot. There is now a free partition, D: in Win* dialect, the C: still needs Win* for chess&job. | 21:06 |
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Tm_T | !mount | v3trae | 21:07 |
ubottu | v3trae: Partitioning programs: !GParted or !QtParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter | 21:07 |
v3trae | Tm_T: thank you | 21:07 |
v3trae | !fstab | 21:09 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 21:09 |
Ketrel | I'm having a small problem with Lancelot on KDE 4.2 | 21:10 |
Ketrel | The icon will not keep it's size when I reboot or log out | 21:10 |
Ketrel | (or restart plasma) | 21:10 |
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dan | kubuntu on samsung: Please help: i have the following choices: (10resize_use_free), (20some_device), (50biggest_free), (80custom). Since (80custom) fails with error code 141 or so, i decided to make a free partition, then (50biggest_free) tells me about Partitions 5(ext3) and 6(Swap) on SCSI1(0,0,0) (sda). No size! * Is this D: ? * | 21:13 |
dan | (this is step 7 out of 7... last chance to quit) | 21:14 |
NotSure | K D E 4.1 When I minimize a window and it disappears... how do I see the minimized windows that are still open... | 21:16 |
maco | dan: run "sudo fdisk -l" in a terminal and itll tell you about the partitions so you can see what each of them is | 21:17 |
maco | dan: and when did D: stop meaning "CD drive" in Windows? | 21:17 |
senorpedro | hi folks | 21:17 |
maco | NotSure: no window list in your panel? | 21:17 |
dan | maco: sudo bash; fdisk -l gives me the sudo bash | 21:18 |
senorpedro | for some reason the nvidia driver doesnt install corectly with aptitude on my system. so i compiled it myself. funny thing is, now everytime i start the computer i have to compile the driver new, otherwise X doesnt work (driver not found). does anybody know what the reason is? | 21:18 |
maco | dan: why'd you do sudo bash? | 21:19 |
NotSure | thats the thing;.. The minimized window should go to the taskbar but doesn't.... There is a key combo that i can do but dont know what it is.. (remember) | 21:20 |
NotSure | to open or maximize the windows | 21:20 |
dan | maco: sudo bash; fdisk -l gives me the /dev/sd1 (recovery?) and * /dev/sd2 , the /dev/sd3 is the one i deleted in advance. My problem is to identify SCSI notation and the "free space" | 21:20 |
NotSure | dan use partition editor or gparted no? | 21:21 |
dan | maco: sudo bash makes life easier in that window: all further sudo's can be omitted | 21:21 |
maco | dan: why are you typing "sudo bash"? | 21:21 |
maco | dan: oh. well stop using a semi colon~! | 21:21 |
maco | dan: it wont execute the part after teh ; until after the bash exits...i think | 21:21 |
maco | dan: see how it says "blocks"? the higher the number, the bigger the partition | 21:22 |
dan | maco: sorry;) the problem is, i'm in the installer, and the installer gives me no chance/comfort to identify partitions; unfortunately, i can't see any info, i can commit install on SCSI(0,0,0) or not.. | 21:23 |
maco | dan: oh the partition hasnt been written yet? | 21:23 |
dan | maco: using gparted i could remove that NTFS D: of windows, shall i put some ext3 by myself on the free space? (this would be weirs and confusing in the menu of (50biggest_free) | 21:24 |
maco | dan: i usually use gparted instead of what's in the installer anyway | 21:25 |
dan | maco: no, i am at step 7 out of 7, i have to accept install on SCSI(0,0,0) or not... | 21:25 |
maco | oh | 21:26 |
maco | sorry, i dont understand that either | 21:26 |
dan | maco: ubuntu 7.04 installed from USB with no problems on some asus EEE last year, now i have to remaster the job with the newer distro, but there is no place for a manual partitioning in the installer... | 21:26 |
dan | maco: thanks a lot for the help, i'l google also parallely! | 21:27 |
firephoto | anyone else lose their 'click to focus' on inactive windows today on hardy? | 21:29 |
NotSure | K D E 4.1 When I minimize a window and it disappears... how do I see the minimized windows that are still open.. what is the key command to max a window... | 21:32 |
j0nnyx | hi ppl | 21:32 |
j0nnyx | is anybody here ? | 21:32 |
Guest50275 | no. | 21:32 |
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j0nnyx | i need help! | 21:33 |
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=== Guest50275 is now known as `n | ||
`n | !ask | 21:34 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 21:34 |
j0nnyX | `n do you know somethink about neostats ? | 21:34 |
NotSure | google is our friend..... the max min keystroke is alt tab | 21:39 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Hmm, how dero i set Kubuntu up so it only show the current programs on current desk? Cant rememb | 21:43 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Hmm, how do i set Kubuntu up so it only show the current programs on current desk? Cant remember* | 21:43 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Sorry for repeat! :-) | 21:43 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Mouse moved coures while writing | 21:44 |
senorpedro | !nvidia | 21:51 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 21:51 |
v3trae | !hotkeys | 21:52 |
ubottu | keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 21:52 |
cameron__ | yay | 21:53 |
v3trae | Is there a way to make custom hotkeys in kde? Looking to make hotkeys to open firefox, pidgin, etc. | 21:54 |
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Spinshank | yay lol i got kubuntu working now 2 gte wine and vm working | 21:56 |
Spinshank | get* | 21:56 |
Spinshank | !vmware | 21:57 |
ubottu | VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 21:57 |
maco | v3trae: system settings -> input actions | 21:57 |
Spinshank | !virtualbox | 21:58 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 21:58 |
maco | v3trae: i added a group called "apps" and then enabled it, then put shortcuts in that group | 21:58 |
v3trae | maco: beautiful, i knew it was here just couldn't find it. THanks again | 21:58 |
v3trae | maco: oh man, this is even easier than kde 3 xD | 21:59 |
Spinshank | hey guys im on kubuntu i686 (64bit) what the vmware wine like programe i need | 21:59 |
v3trae | Spinshank: what? | 22:00 |
j0nnyX | i cant install libperl-dev, can anyone help me ? | 22:00 |
Spinshank | what version of wine / vurtual box works for i686 (64bit) | 22:01 |
v3trae | j0nnyX: why can't you install it? | 22:01 |
j0nnyX | v3trae: broken package | 22:01 |
v3trae | Spinshank: i'd assume the wine in apt would work. | 22:01 |
pasxalis | Spinshank: do you mean wineHQ? | 22:04 |
Spinshank | yeah | 22:04 |
pasxalis | you can find it in adept | 22:04 |
Spinshank | woot wine is done... did work lastnight | 22:04 |
Spinshank | didnot* | 22:05 |
cuznt | my access keep being denied to /media/cdrom0 my dvd from archived disks mostly made with k3b | 22:09 |
cuznt | how come they are resricted? | 22:09 |
cbwcjw2 | cuznt: They are root files (most likley) Try alt-f2 kdesudo dolphin | 22:10 |
cbwcjw2 | cuznt: or kdesu dolphin, doesnt matter. | 22:10 |
v3trae | desudesudesu | 22:10 |
cuznt | nope | 22:11 |
pasxalis | does anyone know about amsn? | 22:12 |
pasxalis | I cannot configure speakers and mic | 22:12 |
malv | how is kubuntus 4.1 bugginess compared to the experimental 4.2 | 22:13 |
malv | i am wondering if I should reinstall 4.1 | 22:13 |
v3trae | malv: i'm actually having less problems with 4.2 then i did with 4.1 | 22:13 |
cbwcjw2 | malv: I am having WAYYY less issues with KDE 4.2 | 22:13 |
cuznt | it says can not start process can not talk to klauncher | 22:13 |
malv | does the kubuntu team fix bugs in the programs with patches? | 22:13 |
v3trae | malv: just gotta get the new nvidia drivers and it's smooth sailing | 22:14 |
malv | which nvidia drivers? | 22:14 |
malv | i get corruption will all of them | 22:14 |
malv | with* | 22:14 |
Guest68984 | i finally got good ones | 22:14 |
v3trae | malv: the ones off their website =P | 22:14 |
=== Guest68984 is now known as hybrid | ||
malv | what card do you have? | 22:14 |
malv | my 8800 gets corruption =( | 22:14 |
v3trae | malv: gf8800gtx | 22:14 |
malv | hmmmmmmmmmmmm | 22:14 |
malv | which repo are you using? | 22:15 |
malv | neon or the experimental ppa? | 22:15 |
v3trae | malv: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=993788 might help you | 22:15 |
malv | which exact version of the driver? | 22:16 |
malv | 180.22? | 22:16 |
v3trae | malv: yeah, 180 series | 22:16 |
malv | but the exact version | 22:16 |
v3trae | malv: i don't know honestly, you know a way for me to check i'd be happy to do so. | 22:17 |
malv | cause I've heard of different bugs between the versions | 22:17 |
malv | nvidia-settings | 22:17 |
v3trae | malv: 180.22 yeah | 22:17 |
malv | ok, thanks | 22:17 |
malv | well. you give me hope for a better future =) | 22:17 |
v3trae | malv: yar, good luck. | 22:17 |
v3trae | malv: ;D | 22:17 |
malv | i'm going to try a reinstall | 22:18 |
malv | you're using 64-bit kubuntu right? | 22:18 |
malv | with the experimental ppa listed on the front of the kubuntu site | 22:18 |
v3trae | malv: if you can pull up that thread on a second computer or something and follow it to the letter you shouldn't have problems, thats what i did, only difference is replace gdm with kdm when it goes through disabling it and stuff | 22:18 |
v3trae | malv: i'm on 64bit | 22:18 |
malv | ok | 22:18 |
malv | ill do that | 22:18 |
v3trae | malv: i'll be here for a while, feel free to let me know how it goes. | 22:19 |
malv | so when you downloaded it you actually have multiple .run files? | 22:20 |
v3trae | malv: i only got one. | 22:20 |
malv | hmmm. I noticed in the nvidia ftp they have run1 run2 and run3 | 22:20 |
malv | I only use the first | 22:20 |
v3trae | malv: hold on a second, i'll get you the ext one i used. | 22:20 |
v3trae | exact* | 22:20 |
Bsims | I can't get anti cashew plasmoid to build any ideas? | 22:22 |
v3trae | malv: http://www.v3trae.net/linux/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.22-pkg2.run | 22:23 |
malv | ah, ok. so its the same listed on the site | 22:23 |
malv | thanks for your input. I'll let you know how it goes | 22:23 |
v3trae | malv: yeah, their sites a little more confusing than it should be, figured i'd save you a step and just upload it ;) | 22:23 |
malv | I expect your card and my card to be pretty similar so if you are avoiding the system tray corruption then I should be able to | 22:23 |
v3trae | malv: thats the hope anyway ;) mines evga just ffr | 22:24 |
v3trae | malv: not the OC'd version | 22:24 |
v3trae | !screencap | 22:24 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about screencap | 22:24 |
v3trae | !screenshot | 22:24 |
ubottu | Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button or the File -> Acquire menu in the GIMP. | 22:24 |
v3trae | clear | 22:32 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Is K3b able to burn .img files? | 22:32 |
v3trae | mt | 22:32 |
v3trae | !k3b | Sp0tKubuntu | 22:32 |
ubottu | Sp0tKubuntu: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto | 22:32 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: it can burn iso's i don't see why it wouldn't be able to burn .img | 22:33 |
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Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: Its not on the list? | 22:33 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: The link was not usefull, sorry | 22:33 |
=== dogupardus_ is now known as dogupardus | ||
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: http://tinyurl.com/dmrs64 | 22:35 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: first result. | 22:35 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: Im new, sorry! Have found it, before i saw your link, its just extended, and then DVDiso | 22:36 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: we were all there at some point, no worries. | 22:37 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: I know! But thanks for helping me out, burning right now :-) | 22:37 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: you're very welcome. | 22:37 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: Another thing, do you know you it can be that my DVD lags when i play? Even from Hard drive | 22:38 |
ott0 | i noticed recently that i can no longer adjust my screen brightness | 22:38 |
ott0 | i assume it's a problem with acpi | 22:38 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: why* | 22:38 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: not sure, could be player, could be a codec, could be alot of things | 22:38 |
ott0 | i think it happened after some update | 22:39 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: i'm trying to figure out why vlc wont do audio atm =D | 22:39 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: I use VLC player! That should be good? | 22:39 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: No audio? Thats was with me, because the soundmixer in the system was on 0 in PCM | 22:39 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: yeah vlc should be fine. Although it looks like vlc broke alsa support at some point so i'm back to oss again ;D | 22:39 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: Try set PCM up in your sound mixer | 22:40 |
=== dsfgh is now known as ulysses__ | ||
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: Oss? A player? | 22:40 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: open sound system | 22:41 |
v3trae | !oss | 22:41 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about oss | 22:41 |
Sp0tKubuntu | :-D | 22:41 |
v3trae | wow, ubotty, i'm disappointed | 22:41 |
v3trae | =P | 22:41 |
Sp0tKubuntu | Stupid bot :-D | 22:41 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: Is it good? Better than VLC? Or? | 22:41 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: I like the GUI i VLC, and the menus and so on | 22:41 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: oss is the old sound driver. not a player, ALSA is the current standard but some things don't get along with it so you have to use OSS | 22:42 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: nah keep using vlc, i adore it. | 22:42 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: Ok! :-) Thanks again! :-) | 22:42 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: righto =D | 22:42 |
EagleScreen | how can I save a picture in two colours format (black and white, not gray scale)? | 22:43 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: You have older computer? Wich system are you using btw? | 22:43 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: nah this machine rules. What do you mean by system? | 22:43 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: OS | 22:43 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: Wich machine you have? MSI PR 200 here | 22:44 |
v3trae | v3trae: kubuntu here, hence the channel. This is a home built quadcore 4gram machine | 22:44 |
v3trae | malv: any luck? | 22:45 |
malv | oh, havent installed yet | 22:45 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: Ok, i have also a stationary, 3.16Ghz Duo Core, 2Gb 1150Mhz Kingston and 7900GT 512 :-) | 22:45 |
malv | accidentally put ubuntu on my thumb drive instead of kubuntu | 22:46 |
v3trae | malv: lolk | 22:46 |
Bsims | why does 4.2 want to make a qt-subaplication icon for an X11 app like urxvt | 22:46 |
v3trae | Sp0tKubuntu: yeah i like the machine alot =D | 22:46 |
Sp0tKubuntu | v3trae: :-) | 22:46 |
inzi | hello | 22:47 |
inzi | everyone | 22:47 |
v3trae | inzi: hello! | 22:47 |
inzi | hi | 22:47 |
inzi | i just switched to kubuntu from ubuntu | 22:47 |
inzi | pretty much a newbie here | 22:47 |
v3trae | inzi: i did the same yesterday ;D | 22:47 |
inzi | haha | 22:47 |
inzi | awesome1 | 22:47 |
inzi | haha | 22:47 |
inzi | how long have u been using ubuntu? | 22:47 |
v3trae | inzi: off and on for a year or so, my gaming addiction keeps making me go back to windows for short stints | 22:48 |
inzi | lol | 22:48 |
inzi | yah | 22:48 |
inzi | im not much of a gamer.. so.. once i switched to ubuntu.. loved the experience.. and i never turned backh | 22:48 |
inzi | ahaha | 22:49 |
inzi | but in need some help. | 22:49 |
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v3trae | inzi: whatsup | 22:50 |
inzi | my kubuntu....doesn't shut down | 22:50 |
inzi | u know. its the same thing with ubuntu 8.10 | 22:50 |
inzi | i can't remember wat i did... | 22:50 |
inzi | on ubuntu.. | 22:50 |
inzi | hehe. so.. | 22:50 |
v3trae | i've never run into that problem before D+ | 22:50 |
inzi | something about the network adapter not shuttin off. | 22:51 |
inzi | i guess i'll have to google it | 22:52 |
v3trae | inzi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=432380 | 22:52 |
v3trae | inzi: already did for you =P i'm really the only one talking atm and i'm too new to be much help for people | 22:52 |
Spinshank | !virtualbox | 22:52 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 22:52 |
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v3trae | Right now amarok will play audio fine, but vlc and firefox wont, and i have no idea where to start D= | 22:53 |
inzi | oh | 22:55 |
inzi | check the audio output | 22:56 |
inzi | switch from pulse to alsa | 22:56 |
inzi | it might work then | 22:56 |
v3trae | inzi: where do i switch that D+ | 22:56 |
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rashednm_ | hi | 22:57 |
v3trae | rashednm_: hiya | 22:58 |
=== sean is now known as hybrid | ||
v3trae | inzi: do i switch that in my system settings or on the applications themselves or what? | 22:58 |
inzi | applications themselves | 23:00 |
inzi | it should do that trick | 23:00 |
inzi | hey rashed! | 23:00 |
inzi | how u | 23:00 |
hybrid | why am i not able to mount images with k3b | 23:01 |
v3trae | inzi: hmm that didn't do it, i'll have make a post and check back later, going to class =/ | 23:01 |
RurouniJones | Because K3b isn't for mounting images | 23:01 |
hybrid | oh i see an option to mount or unmount | 23:01 |
hybrid | what would u recomend | 23:02 |
ZmAY | i just installed dc++, but there are some font problems, instead of letters there are rectangles, (linuxdcpp:1351): Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_engine_shape_covers: assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)' failed, any suggestions what to do? | 23:02 |
inzi | aight | 23:03 |
inzi | c ya | 23:03 |
v3trae | inzi: ttyl man ;) welcome to kubuntu | 23:04 |
inzi | u too dude | 23:04 |
inzi | catch u later | 23:04 |
=== v3trae is now known as v3trae|class | ||
lfranchi_ | i have a fresh kubuntu install, and am trying to enable the binary nvidia drivers. in the Hardware Drivers dialog, tell it to enable the 177 drivers, but it just hangs for a while without doing anything | 23:08 |
Bsims | I found out why I was getting the yellow cashew in system tray on starting urxvt... you have to go into advanced and uncheck place in system tray | 23:08 |
hybrid | u have to reboot franchi | 23:09 |
hybrid | after download | 23:09 |
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lfranchi_ | they don't show as activated even if they are, until i reboot? | 23:10 |
Bsims | I am looking for a semi-translucent weather plasmoid | 23:10 |
hybrid | yes u should of hade a dialog saying u need a reboot after install | 23:12 |
Defense|Twin | Hey, is anyone here who can tell me why the backportet kde 4.2 needs akonadi-server for kmail? | 23:13 |
firephoto | anyone having mouse issues today after 8.04 hardy updates? | 23:14 |
Bsims | Defense|Twin: the new kdepin uses akonadi to store all the info | 23:14 |
kaddi | where can i set the default application to open http-links with? | 23:14 |
Defense|Twin | my problem is, that i dont want to spend 100 mb just for kmail | 23:14 |
Bsims | kaddi: system > default applications | 23:14 |
Defense|Twin | Bsims: but my gentoo svn-kde doesn'T need akonadi-server | 23:14 |
Bsims | Defense|Twin: Hrm different depends/compile options would be my guess | 23:15 |
Defense|Twin | Bsims: sure but what for a crap is this? | 23:15 |
Defense|Twin | its a killer dep for netbooks | 23:15 |
* Bsims chuckles I know I feel your pain Defense|Twin | 23:15 | |
lfranchi_ | probably the compile time options that kubuntu preselects require it | 23:15 |
lfranchi_ | while with gentoo you can choose, and by default it is off | 23:15 |
astaka | merhaba 3 günlük bir linux kullanıcısına minik bir kaç yardımı olabilecek kimse var mı? | 23:16 |
Bsims | think its now default with 4.2 in 4.1 it was optional | 23:16 |
Defense|Twin | lfranchi_: yes with gentoo i can choose it... | 23:16 |
Defense|Twin | Bsims: this really sucks... | 23:16 |
lfranchi_ | Defense|Twin: thats gonna be an inherent difference between source and binary distros | 23:17 |
Defense|Twin | i just uninstalled kmail just because of dep to akonadi-> mysql | 23:17 |
* Bsims sighs such is life Defense|Twin | 23:17 | |
Defense|Twin | so i have to check out if opensuse has the same problem or if they did it right... | 23:17 |
Bsims | Defense|Twin: or build from source debs and edit the depend out | 23:18 |
astaka | pls help... :( i have a fly usb2.0 webcam but i cant use it :( | 23:18 |
Defense|Twin | Bsims: thats why i'm not using gentoo on my netbook.. i dont want to do anything by myself... | 23:18 |
Bsims | Defense|Twin: I dunno but I think that decision was made upstream by the kde dev team | 23:19 |
Daffi | hi i have got a question! I always used windows but no I decided to join the unix community.My problem is that i need to programm and my habbit is to programm in windows. Is there a possibility to simulate windows just for programming? | 23:21 |
Dragnslcr | Daffi- programming in what language? | 23:21 |
Daffi | c and c++ | 23:21 |
lfranchi_ | you won't be able to use the windows libraries | 23:22 |
Dragnslcr | Plenty of IDE's for Linux | 23:22 |
lfranchi_ | but you'll be able to use much better toolkits..... like Qt | 23:22 |
Dragnslcr | KDevelop and Eclipse are the first that come to mind | 23:22 |
Dragnslcr | Qt and GTK both have Windows versions of their libraries | 23:23 |
Daffi | eclipse also come in my mind ... the problems are that i need to change my programming style | 23:23 |
lfranchi_ | yeah but GTK doesn't count ;) | 23:23 |
Dragnslcr | Hehe | 23:23 |
lfranchi_ | besides qt blows gtk out of the water | 23:23 |
Dragnslcr | I've never really programmed in either (dabbling in php-gtk for a month or two doesn't count), so I couldn't say | 23:24 |
Daffi | grml okay. | 23:24 |
Daffi | thats my main problem | 23:25 |
Daffi | and another but not so important problem is i got some windows pc´s in the network. Am i still able to connect between them and the unix laptop? | 23:26 |
Defense|Twin | Daffi: connect for what? | 23:28 |
Defense|Twin | just file transfer? | 23:28 |
Daffi | yeah | 23:28 |
Daffi | nothing else | 23:28 |
lfranchi_ | you can set up samba on linux | 23:28 |
lfranchi_ | which acts like a windows host | 23:28 |
Defense|Twin | so file transfer should be simple | 23:28 |
Dragnslcr | Few different ways | 23:28 |
Dragnslcr | Samba would let you do the typical Windows network shares | 23:28 |
Daffi | something like an emulator? | 23:29 |
kaddi | Bsims: thanks | 23:29 |
Dragnslcr | You can also use SCP, which just requires sshd on the Ubuntu box and a program like WinSCP on the Windows box | 23:29 |
core1024 | FTP, HTTP, samba, SCP are all comptable ;) | 23:29 |
Daffi | okay so that should not be a problem | 23:30 |
Daffi | furthermore my programming part | 23:30 |
malv0 | i think my corruption issues may be gone | 23:33 |
malv0 | woot woot | 23:33 |
malv0 | actually, perhaps not | 23:35 |
ZmAY | hello, can somebody help me with pango error.. : Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_engine_shape_covers: assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)' failed | 23:36 |
Spinshank | im having trubble getting a usb mic working with wine / vent | 23:40 |
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shadowhywind | hay all I am trying to set up a rsync backup server, however when i run rsync, my files don't get sent | 23:41 |
talonstriker | which repo do I add to upgrade to kde 4.2? | 23:41 |
letalis | has kde4 reached a level of maturity yet where clicking icons on the desktop doesnt hose the desktop or is it still quirky? LOL | 23:42 |
letalis | im a little leary to try it again after seeing how unstable it was in 4.1 | 23:42 |
core1024 | me too | 23:43 |
lfranchi_ | 4.2 is pretty awesome | 23:43 |
lfranchi_ | from a *completely* unbiased source | 23:43 |
letalis | well nrmally im a kde man myself. | 23:44 |
raindog | 4.2 is much better. No serious issues for me. | 23:44 |
letalis | and kde4 shows a lot of promise. | 23:44 |
kaddi | the folder content of the Desktop-folder in my home directory isn't shown on my desktop. is this a bug or a feature? | 23:44 |
kaddi | if the latter how can i change that? D: | 23:44 |
Dragnslcr | kaddi- you can a Folder View to your desktop and point it to ~/Desktop | 23:45 |
letalis | im rediscovering gnome, i havent used it really since the 0.9 series. its not as ba as i thought it would be. :P | 23:45 |
Dragnslcr | Personally, I prefer having an auto-hiding panel on the left side with a folder widget | 23:45 |
vlt | Hello. Which kernel package do I need to run Ubuntu 8.10 in a XEN domU? linux-image-virtual? | 23:46 |
kaddi | Dragnslcr: i actually knew said... have to start thinking again | 23:47 |
kaddi | *d'oh* | 23:47 |
kaddi | the auto hiding panel sounds like a good solution :) | 23:47 |
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letalis | whats the apt package name to install the base kde4 desktop? | 23:48 |
Mattos-PR | h | 23:48 |
Defense|Twin | hm so i asked the suse guys... ubuntu doesn't need akonadi for kmail in kde 4.2 | 23:48 |
letalis | i have intrepid | 23:48 |
Defense|Twin | so someone pls talk to the kubuntu-kde-maintainers and tell them that they are doing crap... | 23:49 |
lfranchi_ | blame apachelogger for everything | 23:53 |
Dragnslcr | letalis- kubuntu-desktop? | 23:53 |
letalis | looks like it only installs the 3 series when you do that | 23:53 |
letalis | i tried it | 23:53 |
letalis | LOL | 23:53 |
Dragnslcr | In 8.10? | 23:54 |
letalis | most of the kde4 packages have kde4 in them | 23:54 |
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letalis | and when i did that none of the packages it offered to install did | 23:54 |
letalis | so i am assuming that theres another metapackage for kde4 | 23:54 |
Dragnslcr | Sure you're on 8.10? | 23:55 |
letalis | yeah | 23:55 |
letalis | intrepid ibex | 23:55 |
Dragnslcr | kubuntu-desktop is for KDE4 on 8.10 | 23:55 |
=== malv0 is now known as malv | ||
letalis | its kubuntu-kde4-desktop in case anyone is wondering. | 23:59 |
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