
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== Ursinha-dinner changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: Ursinha | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
=== Ursinha-dinner is now known as Ursinha
nhasianhello people02:21
Ursinhahi nhasian02:22
nhasiani dont see any info on help.launchpad.net or anywhere else about how to remove or cancel a launchpad account02:22
Ursinhanhasian, you can deactivate your account02:23
nhasiandont deactivate mine :)  I just need to see how to do it to answer someone's question02:23
Ursinhaoh, right :)02:23
UrsinhaI'll search on the docs, if didn't find, will ask right people to create that :)02:24
Ursinhabut you can go to the profile, then Change details, then at the bottom there is:02:24
nhasianoh i found it in the faq too02:24
nhasiansorry to trouble you02:24
UrsinhaNever going to use Launchpad again? Deactivate your account.02:24
Ursinhanhasian, no problem! :)02:24
nhasiani've spent a lot of time in answers.launchpad helping out but now i'm trying to learn bug triaging.  a lot of info to absorb and my head is spinning02:27
Ursinhanhasian, know how that feels :)02:29
lifelessspm: you know, if you say 'lowsars' it gives some inspiration for a better mugshot03:21
spmlifeless: you'll keep. :-)03:21
lifelessspm: I was thinking neanderthal03:22
lifelesswith glasses03:22
lifelessor something03:22
spmsounds like a farside cartoon....03:23
Ursinhalifeless, lol03:24
spmnot to be a staff member from pedantical, but isn't it neandertal? the 'h' being a perversion? could be wrong.03:24
lifelessspm: far be it from me to get between you and perversion :)03:24
spmdamn. 2/0. I'm not doing well this week.03:24
mwhudsonyou and your preversions03:25
lifelessspm: and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neanderthal03:29
spmlifeless: yeah - I vaguely recall NatGeo quite a few years ago did an issue on Neanderthal's and got worked up over the whole 'h' thing.03:30
lifelessthe valley is 'Neandertal'03:31
lifelessthese days hmm :)03:32
lifelessread that paragraph specifficaly03:32
lifelessbah spellink03:32
spmI should re-dig up that natgeo. be interesting to cros compare with the section.03:36
xnoxCan anyone please explain this ppa reject error Unhandled exception processing upload: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 67-73: ordinal not in range(128)04:16
xnoxCause I don't understand where/what should I fix04:16
Ursinhaxnox, your display name on lp contains non-ascii chars?04:21
xnoxUrsinha: Yeap04:27
Ursinhaxnox, that's the problem04:27
Ursinhait's a known bug04:27
Ursinhahave to find the number04:27
xnoxUrsinha: And 51 previous successful builds did not have a problem with that...............04:28
Ursinhaxnox, oh, so I have no idea04:28
* xnox wonders how cool is it to be the Universe to send randoms bugs to us earthings04:29
Ursinhayou did nothing different?04:29
xnoxUrsinha: nope04:29
xnoxUrsinha: I'll bump the version number and I'll see what happens04:29
Ursinhaxnox, right04:29
Ursinhayou can also file a bug about it04:29
Ursinhawe'll be happy to help04:30
spmsaid bug, the unsleeping Ursinha will be only too happy to QA ;-)04:30
xnoxall of you are really great and helpful =D!04:30
Ursinhaspm, :P04:30
Ursinhaxnox, we try :)04:30
xnoxOh yeah and the Ubuntu Developers Week was *awesome*04:31
Ursinhaxnox, indeed04:31
xnoxI'm still curious about UDS. There were a few major sessions (which were planned across all channels)04:32
xnoxbut there are no logs, no notes, no videos from those =(04:32
xnoxLike Python 3000 QA, Launchpad 3 and so on and so forth04:32
xnoxUrsinha: I've bumped version number and it got accepted just fine04:59
Ursinhaxnox, this is weird05:00
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: - | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
xnoxbut that non acsii bug is quite scary05:00
xnoxCause for me personally it is a pleasure that launchpad.net supports my name the way I want it to be written and read05:00
duffydjamesh: ping05:27
jameshduffyd: pong.05:27
duffydjamesh: hi, my name is tim and I just flicked you an email re. pygpgme05:28
* jamesh goes to look05:28
duffydjamesh: I've studied the tests and implemented (as per my email) as much of the code as I can workout but getting that error :(05:28
duffydjamesh: I encrypted the test file with gpg and using (presumably) the priv key for that user05:30
jameshduffyd: what are you passing in as the first argument to decrypt?05:30
duffydfrom memory its the UID for the user05:31
duffydI'll need to check again05:31
duffydI set that part up yesterday05:31
duffydand brain is a bit fried05:31
jameshshould be a file-like object05:31
duffydoh really05:31
duffydoh yes it is05:31
duffydthought you were talking about the 'get_key' method ;)05:31
duffydas per the email, data is a file object gotten by opening a pgp-encrypted xml-rpc file05:32
duffydjamesh: actually I better confirm that05:33
duffydas I chuck them into a list05:33
duffydI think it isn't a file obj05:33
jameshas long as it supports a read(n_bytes) method, it should be fine05:34
duffydgot it05:35
duffydactually its not erroring now!!!05:35
duffydmmm but the decrypted data is empty05:36
* duffyd goes off to work it out05:36
duffydjamesh: I created the file via: gpg -u 'UserName <user@domain.com>' -e -r E5235B12EAEF7FC2F70060B952044E4F4C2EA925 filename.xml05:39
duffydjamesh: I hope that's the right way. I'm a gpg/pgp n00b :(05:39
jameshduffyd: you might want to try sprinkling a few printf()'s in src/pygpgme-data.c to try and track the problem down05:44
jameshthat's about all I can think to suggest at present.05:44
duffydjamesh: ok05:44
* duffyd scared of C :)05:44
duffydjamesh: any hope of a 0.2 or higher release of pygpgme at some stage?05:48
duffydI've just manually checked out pygpgme from trunk and changed it to be 0.2 in the meantime05:48
jameshit'd be worth making another release at some point, yeah.05:49
duffydjamesh: hey it did decrypt it!05:52
duffydyay :)05:52
jameshduffyd: what did you have to change?05:52
duffydwell I needed to actually pass file objs into it05:52
jameshthat was the first thing I asked about :)05:53
duffydand then I just needed to do a ".seek(0)" on the returned StringIO obj and a 'read()'05:53
duffydjamesh: yeah I know I changed it as soon as you said05:53
duffydjamesh: that was what helped :)05:53
jameshdoing getvalue() on the output StringIO is probably a bit clearer than seek/read05:54
duffydnow I'm just getting all the '\n' characters being escaped05:54
duffydI had this happen last time and had to use 'codecs.open' which fixed it05:54
duffydbut now with a StringIO dunno an easy way to fix it :(05:54
duffydwhy me ;)05:54
duffydjamesh: nice05:54
jameshwell PGP works with byte streams, so it is up to you to encode the data you encrypt and decode the data you decrypt05:55
duffydjamesh: k, that might be part of it05:56
duffydif I just open it as a binary?05:56
duffydbut I've tried this and it didn't work either05:56
jameshduffyd: there is no substantial difference between text and binary mode on unix systems with Python 2.x06:07
duffydjamesh: yeah true06:07
duffydjamesh: recall that now. And since < Mac OSX 906:08
jameshduffyd: you might want to try decrypting the data manually with gpg to see whether it matches what you're seeing in Python06:08
jameshi.e. your problem might be on the encryption side.06:08
duffydthis seems to work: decryptedData.decode("string_escape")06:08
duffydjamesh: thanks again!06:08
jameshif you need that, I'd check your encrypt side.06:09
duffydjamesh: I won't have much control over that as we're getting the files sent to us from an external party06:10
duffydI'll just need to wait and see06:10
jameshduffyd: that's why I suggested trying to decrypt manually.  You should get the same data as was encrypted.06:10
duffydjamesh: yeah I have done that already and it works fine06:11
duffyddid that long before I started coding06:11
duffydjamesh: seems to decode fine now - so thanks for your help06:11
duffydI'll need to wait until the actual data comes through to see how things go06:12
duffydjust using test data I've created manually at this stage06:12
duffydcu all06:16
rajianyone know how to install bazaar in my ubuntu system07:02
spivapt-get install bzr07:03
Hobbseesudo apt-get install bzr07:03
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=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
domashi! I did this before, but can't find now, where can I assign series to a branch?10:37
domasstupid me, found it10:37
wgrantdomas: On the series page, there's a link in the actions portlet.10:37
* wgrant stabs Launchpad.10:37
domaswgrant: I was looking everywhere, except main project page10:37
wgrantHow do I even have privileges to see the display names of private teams?10:37
kiko-afkwgrant, there are no such thing as private teams yet10:40
kiko-afkwgrant, there are private membership teams10:41
wgrantkiko-afk: Then why are there these teams that exist but I cannot see?10:41
kiko-afkwgrant, you mean <redacted>10:41
wgrantI know that one of them existed a couple of weeks ago.10:41
kiko-afksorry, that was a question10:42
wgrantkiko-afk: No, it gives me their display names and names, but going to the URL 404s.10:42
kiko-afkthat was actually a bug10:42
kiko-afkthere is working happening on private teams this month10:43
kiko-afkbrad and curtis10:43
wgrantIt also seems to show merged teams.10:43
wgrantwgrant: https://edge.launchpad.net/people/?name=canonical&searchfor=teamsonly as an unprivileged user, sorry.10:45
wgrantkiko-afk: ^^10:45
fab1hi all, I would like some help on migrating my bug reports from sourceforge to LP10:45
fab1I already posted a question about that and an admin told me that the migration will be done, but after 2 weeks no news..10:46
fab1it was question 57552  https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/5755210:46
kiko-afkfab1, oops! what's the que.. ah10:47
fab1for migrating Stellarium10:47
kiko-afkgmb, ping?10:47
gmbkiko-afk: Hi10:47
* gmb reads scrollback10:47
gmbfab1: Hi. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner; I'd let this slip of my radar; my fault entirely.10:49
fab1ah ok10:49
fab1no problm10:49
gmbfab1: I've already done a local import of stellarium and it looks fine.10:49
gmbSo we need to do an import to a public availalbe location for you to check it out.10:49
fab1OK, the thing is that the trackers were modified lastly on sf10:50
fab1ok, it's fine with me10:50
gmbfab1: How do you mean?10:50
fab1I mean you need to start agin from the sf.net tracker10:50
fab1not from your now older copy10:50
gmbfab1: Oh, okay.10:50
gmbI make a point of doing that anyway, but thanks for letting me know.10:50
fab1gmb: nice :), I'm looking forward, sf drive me nut!10:51
gmbfab1: I'll take care of that for you today or tomorrow... I just need to find out the best place to do the import for you to check it out.10:51
gmbfab1: Sorry I had to make your pain last longer :/10:52
fab1gmb: hehe, it's ok after some years..10:52
kiko-afkgmb, maybe freeze staging db upgrades and do it there?10:52
kiko-afkI realize the lack of demo sucks10:52
gmbkiko-afk: That's what I was thinking.10:52
kiko-afkbut we can only do demo when we have the new servers in10:53
gmbkiko-afk: Can you take care of freezing staging or do I need to wait for a LOSA?10:53
kiko-afkwgrant, I think that's also a long-standing bug 8)10:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8 in rosetta "Translator forums/means of communication" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/810:53
kiko-afkgmb, better to get a LOSA to do it, but talk to francis and curtis too because they have similar needs right now10:53
gmbkiko-afk: Righto.10:53
kiko-afkfor the milestone/series stuff10:54
gmbfab1: I'll keep you posted about this; I should be able to let you know some time today about when I'll be able to do the improt.10:54
fab1OK, thanks a lot10:55
wgrantkiko-afk: I see...10:55
kiko-afkgmb, just run it today on staging and he'll be able to see it for at least 24h?10:55
kiko-afkwgrant, reported also I believe10:55
fab1and check out the new Stellarium version if you have time :)10:55
gmbkiko-afk: True, but the staging update log only goes up to yesterday, so I don't know whether the staging update for today is in progress or not.10:56
gmbkiko-afk: I'll talk to herb when he comes online.10:56
kiko-afkgmb, yeah, spm is probably gone by now10:56
gmbkiko-afk: Yeah, it's 22:00 his time :)10:56
kiko-afkwell he amazes us sometimes10:56
kiko-afkanyway, I need to roll out, will bbiab10:56
fab1ok ciao guys10:57
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
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miklhmm, how do I delete a project on Launchpad12:53
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mrevellmikl: File a request at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad12:57
cyberixauthentication fails with a ppa13:12
cyberixhow do I debug this?13:12
cyberixapt-get doesn't tell me what fails13:12
domas\o/ wheee, released my pet project via launchpad13:13
cyberixdomas: congrats13:13
al-maisancyberix: what does "authentication fails with a ppa" mean?13:13
al-maisanwhat problems are you having?13:13
cyberixWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! gnunet gnunet-tools gnunet-server gnunet-client gnunet-common13:14
cyberixInstall these packages without verification [y/N]?13:14
cyberixE: Some packages could not be authenticated13:14
cyberixAnd I added the key13:14
domascyberix: install your PGP key?13:14
domasyou did not, then!13:14
domasdid you sign the packages?!!? :)13:15
cyberixThey are not mine13:15
al-maisancyberix: are you trying to install the packages on your local system?13:15
al-maisanIs this an apt-get error?13:15
al-maisancyberix: where did you add the key?13:15
cyberixgot it from there13:16
al-maisan.. and then?13:16
cyberixadded it both the graphical way13:16
cyberixand command line way13:16
al-maisancyberix: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system13:17
al-maisandid you follow this?13:17
cyberixthat's the one13:17
al-maisancyberix: please do a "sudo apt-key list" and see whether the key in question is listed13:19
cyberixpub   1024R/A52AD45F 2009-01-2013:20
cyberixuid                  Launchpad PPA for teamgnunet13:20
al-maisancyberix: something's not the way it should be, please request support here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion13:23
cyberixSomeone managed to install the packages without warnings13:25
wgrantcyberix: Have you run apt-get update since you added the key?13:29
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: gary_poster | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
al-maisancyberix: your PPA wasn't modified since signing keys were introduced.14:08
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AlexC_intellectronica, g'morning, you alive?15:14
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
intellectronicaAlexC_: hi15:17
AlexC_intellectronica, just wondering if I had to create a question for the blueprint removal, or if you were going to poke someone about it15:18
intellectronicaAlexC_: sorry i still haven't gotten to deleting your data, b.t.w. i'll try to finish it at some point today15:18
AlexC_ahh, ok =) No worries15:18
intellectronicaAlexC_: no, no need for another question. i just need to go through this with an admin15:18
AlexC_intellectronica, ok, thanks again for doing this15:19
gorgaporHi. I'm new to launchpad. I have a bzr plugin I wrote, and i would like to host it on launchpad. But I don't want to confuse it with the official bzr plugins. Is there a naming convention I should use here? bzr-plugin-** seems to be taken by the official bzr development.15:27
gary_postergorgapor: I don't know of one but I'll see if I can find out for you.  abentley, can you help out? ^^15:32
abentleygorgapor: There are no official plugins.15:32
gorgapori just figured out that there's a difference between a hosted project and a hosted branch. If i put it under ~gorgapor/+junk/whatever it will be very clear that it's just my plugin15:32
abentleygorgapor: If you think your plugin isn't really ready for other people to use, that's a fine place for it.15:33
gary_postergorgapor: but then it looks like junk to other people. :-)  if it is actually something you think is worth sharing, I say make a project15:33
gary_posterheh, agree with abentley; glass half empty, half full versions15:34
gorgaporwell, i'll ask your opinion of it... It's a plugin that we use at my work, to run django unittests before commiting. but it's generic enough to run any command before commiting, then ask the user whether or not to continue, based on the output of the command15:36
gorgaporalso, can anyone think of a better name for the plugin than "ask_commit" ?15:37
abentleygorgapor: That sounds worth making a project for.  Perhaps "bzr-conditional-commit?"15:38
gorgaporabentley: that name is an improvement15:38
gorgapordumb question: i've made the project, how do i add my branch to it?15:47
gorgapornm, found the help page15:48
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=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== MTecknology is now known as mtbot
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dnwea quick question about releases & milestones if someone is free?16:44
dnwe(otherwise i'll put it on answers.launchpad.net instead)16:44
gary_posterdnwe: what's up16:45
dnwegary_poster: ok, https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/SeriesMilestonesReleases16:45
dnwegary_poster: currently we only have a devlopment series16:45
dnwegary_poster: now we want to plan for a 1.0 release16:45
dnwegary_poster: should we a) create a 1.0 milestone on the development series, b) rename the development release to 1.0 or c) create a separate 1.0 milestone with different branch16:46
dnwec) should say release, not milestone16:46
gary_posterdnwe: That's up to you, to some degree.  (See the 2.17/2.18 GNOME example in the link you gave.)  What I've seen other teams do is c, keeping the development series around.16:49
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ScottKJust wanted to pop in and say I think Launchpad Performance Week is a great idea.  I'm glad to see performance getting some attention.17:43
UrsinhaScottK, :)17:44
ScottKIf it gets fast enough, I might even manage to use the site navigation features and not use tab completion and url typing.17:44
AlexC_I've a question about translations work flow. We currently work in /trunk of our repo, and this is the translations files we would like translated - do I upload these for the series 'trunk', or for the series that this release will become? For example, 'trunk' will become '2.3.0'17:58
AlexC_also, how does Launchpad handle changing .pot files? Such as if I upload a .pot file, then a new one with additional strings and some removed - will all translations remain, but with blanks and others removed?17:58
intellectronicaAlexC_: maybe danilos can answert that?17:59
intellectronicaAlexC_: b.t.w your blueprints are gone. bugs to follow17:59
AlexC_intellectronica, =) thank you very much17:59
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alecwh1Someone posted a bug in my LP project with revealing information (username and password). How can I censor his post as to remove it?19:14
alecwh1remove the sensitive info*19:14
alecwh1Oh, nevermind, it's marked as "private". =P19:15
alex-weeji am currently pushing my branch to ~alex-weej/+junk/something19:58
alex-weejbut now i've registered my project19:58
alex-weejhow do i update my bzr repo?19:58
beunoalex-weej, bzr push --remember20:07
beunowill change the default push location20:07
bd_why is it that the launchpad PPA build farm is almost completely idle despite having long queues?20:15
bd_right now there's 2xi386 active and 2x lpia active, amd64 totally idle, but 9xlpia 14xi386 20xamd64 in queue20:16
bd_it's like it takes so long to issue a new job that old jobs finish before it can assign new ones to that host...20:16
bigjoolsthey're probably newly-added and the process that dispatches the builds has not caught up yet20:16
bigjoolswe're working on making that better20:17
maxbI have been told in the past that the machines pick up new builds via a cronjob, not immediately - is that still true?20:17
bd_moar parallel dispatch :)20:17
bigjoolsmaxb: it's a twisted app20:17
bigjoolsbd_: exactly!20:17
maxbSo, what's the expected latency from enqueueing to allocating an idle buildd?20:18
bd_based on refreshing +builds, it looks like it takes ~10-20s to issue a job?20:18
bigjoolsit depends on how many other builds are in process and if any just completed20:18
bd_also, for future reference, is there any good way to cancel my own build job, if I realize I made some mistake on a relatively heavy build?20:21
bd_I know I can delete the package, but if the build was already issued, it still ties up buildd time20:22
bigjoolsunfortunately not20:22
maxbPoor hppa buildd. I don't think it'll ever finish its queue :-)20:25
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bd_maxb: give it until the release feeeze, I guess? :)20:26
ScottKFor Intrepid it was still madly building up to the end and didn't finish.20:26
wgrantWhere'd primero go?20:26
ScottKBut that was mostly because libc6 was broken for a long time and then only fixed at the last moment.20:26
wgrantI think that Hardy is the only recent release where it caught up by the end.20:26
mtaylorhey guys - so when someone puts up a merge request, and I merge them and push, launchpad picks that up and marks it as merged20:29
mtaylorbut if I merge them into an intermediate branch first, and then merge that into the target branch, launchpad does not seem to notice20:29
mwhudsonmtaylor: yeah, i think the scanner only looks at the tip revision of the branches20:41
mtaylormwhudson: well, that would explain it then20:41
mtaylormwhudson: should I file a bug? or is that expected behavior?20:41
mwhudsonoh hm20:42
mwhudsonit seems that it only marks the branch as merged when it's merged into the dev focus20:42
mwhudsonlet's see what thumper thinks20:42
mwhudsonthumper: see what mtaylor said about 6 lines up20:43
thumpermtaylor: launchpad should notice20:44
thumpermtaylor: can you give me a concrete example?20:44
mtaylorthumper: sure.20:44
* mwhudson reads the code and agrees with thumper 20:44
mtaylorthumper: lp:drizzle last night pushed a merge which contained a lot of sub merges20:45
mtaylorone was https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~fallenpegasus/drizzle/logging/+merge/3229 (which I just fixed by hand - sorry) ... lemme look for one that's not fixed-by-hand20:45
thumpermtaylor: did the merge proposals not get marked?20:45
mwhudsoni can believe that the _branches_ might not have been marked as merged20:46
mtaylorthere you go - there's one that didn't get marked20:46
mwhudsonmtaylor: that looks merged to me too?20:47
thumpermtaylor: looks merged to me too20:47
mtaylormwhudson: it shows status=pending and merged at revision= not available ?20:47
thumpermtaylor the review is pending20:47
mtaylorah... I see merged now though20:47
thumpermtaylor: and it doesn't know what revision it was merged at20:47
thumpermtaylor: if we tried harder, we could figure it out20:48
thumpermtaylor: but it has some pathalogical cases20:48
mtaylorok. fair enough.20:48
thumpermtaylor: which I didn't want to get into20:48
mtaylorI'm sure it does!20:48
thumpermtaylor: and was wanting bzrlib to provide a nice method for us20:48
thumpermtaylor: all of the outstanding drizzle proposals have uncommitted revisions20:48
thumpermtaylor: we check merged to mean "tip of source branch is in target"20:48
mtaylorok. sweet.20:49
mtaylorthumper: is launchpad sending people emails to let them know their branches got merged?20:49
thumperI'm wondering if we need some UI polish to not make the pending review stick out so much for a merged proposal20:49
thumpermtaylor: as long has they haven't unsubscribed from their own branch, yes20:50
* thumper thinks20:50
mtaylorit might be nice - also... it's unclear to me right now how to make that pending review20:50
thumperactually, I'm not sure that the scanner is triggering that email20:50
mtaylorhow to make that pending review change status20:50
thumpermtaylor: there should be a link next to it20:51
thumpermtaylor: also, if you are a member of the team and review the code, you should claim it20:51
mtaylorno link...20:51
thumpermtaylor: there is a small buglet which I'd like to fix on the review claiming20:51
thumpermtaylor: probably because it is merged :)20:52
mtaylorperhaps being merged should be a way to indicate review accepted?20:52
thumpermtaylor: yes, but accepted by whom?20:52
mtaylorthe person who merged it?20:53
thumperwhat if a robot merged it?20:53
thumperwhat if LP can't work out who merged it?20:53
thumperalthough I see what you mean20:53
mtaylorwell, in that case, I totally see your point20:53
thumperfile a bug :)20:53
mtaylorit's also a bug that buigs.launchpad.net doesn't take me anywhere :)20:54
thumperthat's pebkac20:54
thumpermaybe a page that says "Did you mean bugs.launchpad.net?"20:54
mtaylork. bug#32503020:58
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
thumpermtaylor: thanks21:00
=== nemo__ is now known as nemo
sorenHmm... When uploading to my ppa, I get:22:04
sorenCould not find person ''22:04
sorenWhat could be causing this?22:04
sorenNot having my .dput.cf on there, probably.22:05
sorenNever mind.22:05
=== spitfire__ is now known as spitfire_
=== matsubara_ is now known as matsubara-dinner
EagleScreenhello, i think launchpad has a small low importance bug in PPA pages, sometimes selector of release to show does not change the apt lines the first time you chage it, i pray for you to understand I say22:54
beunoEagleScreen, it works fone for me22:55
EagleScreenppa pages has a selector: Display sources.list entries for... that button does not always works fine for me22:55
EagleScreensometimes i have to use it various times to change apt lines22:56
beunoEagleScreen, sometines it does and sometimes it doesn't?22:56
beunodo you get a javascript error?22:56
EagleScreenany error is presented to me22:56
beunoEagleScreen, well, I can't reproduce it, and if you can't give us any information on what errors you get, it's kinda hard to fix22:57
EagleScreenyes i know, but it is not failing right now23:01
EagleScreenthe building of a package i uploaded has failed, it is the first time it happens to me, look the log:23:02
EagleScreenany idea?23:02
maxbEagleScreen: I suggest you actually read the log!23:46
maxbSince it explicitly states what the problem is23:46
maxbWell, I was more thinking the next line down which even tells you what package and version requirement is needed, but yes23:53
EagleScreenoh now I see, in intrepid there is a lower version of gnome-doc-utils23:56
EagleScreenthen.. must I also upload an updated gnome-doc-utils to my ppa?23:57
EagleScreenOne moment. Is not 0.13.1 upper than 0.4.2?23:59
EagleScreenintrepid has 0.13.123:59

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