
=== bollocks is now known as etix
etixHello all!!!!00:14
oly562hello i need help with recognizing a webcam on 8.04 LTS gnome desktop only00:14
oly562anyone avail ? :)00:15
etixam trying to set up my wireless for laptop and getting a nm-connection editor wants access to the default keyring but it's locked any suggestions?00:15
oly562its a zonet00:15
oly562remove the key?00:15
oly562try again?00:15
oly562i dont store pw's sorry00:15
istazetix: it should only be a password you have given00:16
oly562i have a webcam issue ;)00:16
etixsee that's what I thought but the pw is used was from the install and for the router but neither one work00:16
etix*i used00:16
istazetix: you could always remove the keyring and create a new one but it will supress all you saved password00:19
etixok well i have to saved pw's so that would be ok... how do i remove the keyring00:19
oly562thats what i was saying istaz lol00:19
oly562meditate on that passwd00:20
oly562if you try to seek it, it will not come.... when you empty your mind it will appear00:20
istazetix: you should have an application named Passwords and Encryption Keys in the Accessory menu00:21
istazin that application go to Edit > Settings.  select the keyring and remove it00:21
etixi'll give it a go thanks00:23
oly562any webcam pros in here?00:26
oly562little help ;)00:27
=== asac_ is now known as asac
oly562can someone help me get my usbcam up and running05:14
oly562im pretty linux savoy but this is really hard to figure out05:14
oly562lsusb show its there05:14
oly562iv gotten everything else to work, vidcard, wireless, printers.. but this cam is really bothering me05:15
oly562echo.... hello hello hello05:34
oly562guess no one knows cams or is not watching the screen05:34
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
=== bac is now known as bac_lunch
=== bac_lunch is now known as bac
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
synacki have a really annoying problem w/ ubuntu 8.10 amd64 build making my cdrom unusable after i unmount a cd19:33
synackonly a reboot will fix it19:33
maxbsynack: #ubuntu-classroom is a channel for scheduled presentations. Try #ubuntu.19:37
=== DreamThief is now known as BillyIdle
=== spitfire__ is now known as spitfire_

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