
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacfta: 20:18 < toddw> asac: are you looking at this for a linux distribution?08:16
asac20:19 < toddw> asac: Komodo's quite tied to a standalone Mozilla runtime, as this Mozilla code is  somewhat modified to suit Komodo's needs08:16
asac20:20 < toddw> asac: the siloedPython could just as easily use a system python, provided the  version is correct08:16
asac20:21 < toddw> asac: as Komodo requires Python 2.608:16
asacmconnor: what do you mean by "lack of callback" exactly?08:26
mconnorasac: I'm going to bed (3:30 AM, and I went out)08:28
mconnorasac: but, basically, there's no action on click, aiui08:28
asacmconnor: ok. sleep well08:28
mconnorasac: we should sync up tomorrow, but I think this is worse thank our system :-/08:29
asacmconnor: our usability folks say that when notifications need actions there is something wrong ... but platform wise we could probably extend the the impl to provide a callback08:46
asacmconnor: you probably already read http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/253 ... if you disagree with that I would appreciate and input, so I can carry that forward08:48
asacmconnor: firefox seems to use alerts in two places: download08:49
asacand updates08:49
mconnorasac: when I sober up, I'll write this up better, and angrier, but basically, once you inform me of something that's worth informing m of, I have to make a decision on something08:49
asacmconnor: thanks ... not sure why it has to be angrier though ;)08:50
mconnorI mean, if you tell me there's an update, I have to deide if i care.  and if I do, I have to go the long way, instead of just clicking on the thing08:50
mconnorasac: because it makes me angry when people reinvent the wheel to be a 12-sided polygon instead of round08:51
mconnorasac: are you going to be at FOSDEM?08:52
asacmconnor: didnt plan a trip yet, so i probably wont make it. time just flew by and so on ...08:53
mconnorbut, but, Belgian beers!08:53
mconnorin four days!08:53
asaci have german beer every day ;)08:53
mconnorasac: my basic assertion is that if I don't want to to posssibly take an action, then why the hell are you distracting me to tell me?08:54
mconnorI don't care how transient it is, it'll attract my attention, and either a) I don't care, in which case, why are you bothering me? or b) I care, in which case you're not giving me an easy way to take said action08:55
mconnorasac: where can I point out the fallacy of this design? other than writing a blog post about the idiocy of your "usability" people?08:57
asacmconnor: if you want to do it public right from the beginning its probably blog08:58
asacotherwise write stuff up in an email, and i forward ... and when you get reply you can blog ;)08:58
mconnorasac: I don't care whether it's public, I just want to make this be as useful as the existing tech on Windows and Mac :)08:58
mconnorI like the non-modal and transient stuff08:59
asacmconnor: then please give me that input and i will forward that.08:59
mconnor(note: transparency fail) ;)08:59
britta_?question. For the first time ever I don't seem to have much success with installing lightning for thunderbird. Thunderbird runs fine, but I can't see the calendar lightning as I normally can. I have sudo apt-get removed and installed a couple of times, but no difference. Does anybody have a suggestion?10:57
britta_forgot to add, am running ubuntu 8.1011:06
asacbritta_: how do you install it?11:12
britta_the console. sudo apt-get install thunderbird lightning11:14
britta_asac: + copied my old mozilla thunderbird folder into the new installation.11:14
asacbritta_: go to tools -> addons in thunderbird ... check whether "uninstall" isavailable for lightning there11:15
asacif so uninstall11:15
britta_asac: I can't even see lightning there - which could be the explanation.11:16
britta_Just tried installing agina, but am told that lightning is already the latest version11:17
britta_agina = again11:17
asacbritta_: stop tbird and try to sudo touch /usr/lib/thunderbird/.autoreg11:18
asacthen run again11:18
britta_asac: by stop thunderbird you mean close it?11:19
britta_asac: still nothing there. I did sudo touch /usr/lib/thunderbird/.autoreg. it just went to a new prompt.11:20
asacyou have to restart thunderbird ... if that doesnt help move your profile away and see if it works with new profile11:21
asacbritta_: ^^11:22
britta_asac: will try that and be back. Thansk11:22
* asac runs memcheck ... bbl11:23
britta_asac: I hope you see this. For some reason it didn't work, but I downloaded lightning and installed it through tools ->ad ons. Now it works. Strange... Thanks a lot for your help.11:43
huayracan I ask about mozilla plugins in this channel?12:38
huayraI have an issue with hardy and gnash on PPC12:38
huayraand I would like to solve it :)12:38
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