freddydea | privs for /var/lib/mythtv is fine, as recording by pressing R when watching a live stream works fine, just scheduling is broke. As for the logs, there isn't enough info sadly. | 00:08 |
oobe | freddydea, post your mythbackend.log in pastebin me or someone else here may find somthing | 00:46 |
freddydea | ok, will have to be tomorrow - thanks for the help | 00:53 |
cann | morning | 07:48 |
weoh_ | Is it normal for mythvideo to take 10-15 seconds to play a video? | 08:34 |
weoh | Is it normal for mythvideo(mplayer) to take 10-15 seconds to load a video? | 08:38 |
weoh | I read somewhere that disabling the screensaver disabler, but that didn't work. | 08:45 |
weoh | er... I mean, I read somewhere that disabling that feature, would speed up the loading times, but it didn't | 08:46 |
oobe | weoh, 10 to 15 is a bit slow | 08:59 |
jbebel | Has anyone seen mythfrontend get started twice on login? | 09:00 |
jbebel | One is coming from xfce's autostarted apps, but I don't know where the other one comes from. | 09:00 |
weoh | I had mythfrontend start twice, It was added to xfce's autostart apps, when i logged out and saved the session with mythtv open | 09:03 |
weoh | close both mythfrontend's, save sesion while logging out, was what returned it to normal for me | 09:04 |
jbebel | Ok. I'll give that a shot. Thanks. | 09:05 |
weoh | Glad to help | 09:05 |
weoh | is it a problem with ubuntu's codebase? my wife's computer running linuxMint has similar issues with starting videos, but with totem instead | 09:06 |
hads | No | 09:06 |
weoh | problem being taking 10-15 seconds to start playing a video | 09:06 |
weoh | I thought it might be because i'm playing them from an NFS server, but if the file is local, same problem happens | 09:08 |
jbebel | That seems to work. Though I'm puzzled where that autostart information was stored. | 09:11 |
jbebel | I still see the entry in ~/.config/autostart/mythtv.desktop | 09:12 |
jbebel | But apparently there's some other repository of programs which should be auto-started. | 09:12 |
jbebel | Ah. I now believe it to be stored in .cache/sessions. That makes more sense. | 09:20 |
weoh | cool, i was looking for that too | 09:22 |
weoh | thanks | 09:22 |
jbebel | np | 09:22 |
jbebel | I'm still confused by the list the xfce settings manager shows for autostarted apps. | 09:24 |
jbebel | It shows a combination of things in .config/autostart, and some but not all things in .cache/sessions, and then a couple other things that I still can't explain. | 09:25 |
jbebel | Oh. those things are coming from /etc/xdg/autostart. | 09:27 |
weoh | What would cause mplayer to take so long to load? | 09:41 |
weoh | I figured it out, it was trying to load pulse audio, so i just added -ao alsa, and boom, it loads in half a second | 09:54 |
weoh | so it was because of ubuntu's upstream | 10:00 |
andrew[andrboot] | Hi anywone alive? | 12:48 |
andrew[andrboot] | I have usb logitech speakers, they work with my tv fine.. (mythubuntu ) but i can't watch videos/listen to music at all.. its on /dev/vb1 atm.. any ideas | 12:49 |
Enox | Anyone on to help with a "Not ivtv ???" problem? It's a fresh myth install and I've never been able to get it to work. Posted on the forums to no avail. | 14:29 |
rhpot1991 | Enox: specify your actual issue | 14:31 |
Enox | Sure 1 sec | 14:32 |
Enox | When I watch live tv(try) I get a black screen for about 6 seconds then it drops back to main myth screen. In the backend log I get "Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV" "HW Tuner 1->1" "Not ivtv driver???" ( | 14:34 |
Enox | Then I get some Input/output errors. But I think the main issue is the ivtv driver error. | 14:34 |
Enox | It's more or less a pristine install. | 14:35 |
rhpot1991 | sounds like you have your card setup incorrectly | 14:38 |
rhpot1991 | like you told mythtv it uses ivtv when it doesn't | 14:38 |
Enox | My card setup is in that post. it's a HVR-1600 and setup as MPEG-2 encoder card | 14:38 |
Enox | It didn't auto-detect /dev/video0, but when I put it in it was probed properly. | 14:38 |
Enox | What should I set up the card as? From what I've read MPEG-2 is it | 14:38 |
Enox | Is there a way to tell it to not use ivtv ? | 14:43 |
Enox | -- Says there's a ivtv driver for the MPEG-2 encoder. | 14:44 |
sk7 | can I get mythtv support the 3dfx voodoo3 3500 tv tuner? reason: I have 2 hauppauge cards that I have been using with vista and I am wondering if I can setup an old p4 3ghz as a dedicated tuner box to record to my nas and stream to my xbmc boxes | 16:11 |
sk7 | does the mythtv backend have a pxe server that will boot xbmc? | 16:31 |
neoneddy | it has some XMBC support I do know that | 16:32 |
sk7 | my brain hurts... but what I am thinking in my ideal world... my 4tb nas using iscsi boots a mythtv server and has a iscsi drive for shows recorded from my mythtv.... I read a post about someone having a xbox that is nfs diskless.. I would like to have this for each of the kids rooms for them to wach movies too...and then the master bedroom and movie rooms have pxe boot core2duo machines that run xmbc for hd streaming | 16:37 |
MythbuntuGuest96 | is there a way to make "fill screen" persitant for playback of all movies? | 17:11 |
oobe | MythbuntuGuest96, you mean in mplayer | 17:47 |
oobe | the default mplayer command should have -fs if you mean internal it should fill screen already but you can change the default half zoom full zoom etc. in setup / utilies / tv settings / playback | 17:49 |
oobe | i wont answer guest nicks anymore | 17:54 |
danict82 | hi all, i need help with a fresh installation of mythtv and ubuntu 8.10 | 18:29 |
danict82 | the frontend freeze with a text telling "an error occurred while displaying video" | 18:29 |
danict82 | i downloaded me-tv and it works flawless | 18:30 |
danict82 | is there a way to test the backend with other programs? | 18:30 |
neoneddy_ | anyone else have the antec fusion black case with teh VFD? | 19:55 |
rhpot1991 | !antec%black | 19:57 |
Zinn | If you are having trouble setting up the LCD on the Antec Fusion v2 Black or its other integrated devices, check out this Wiki Article: | 19:57 |
rhpot1991 | neoneddy_: ^ | 19:58 |
neoneddy_ | problem with al lthese guides are I hear conflicting reports, like the new version of 8.10 doesn't need any LCDproc patches | 19:59 |
neoneddy_ | great guide though.. | 20:01 |
neoneddy_ | I recocnize every step.. from many posts | 20:01 |
neoneddy_ | I'll ahve to try the last few things | 20:01 |
neoneddy_ | the IR reciever works.. the VFD / LCD is what's not working | 20:01 |
pteague | i just had a power outtage... ups ran out on my server or the wireless router before i could connect via my laptop & shut it down... logged in via ssh & it says next recording in: never ... >_< | 20:54 |
tgm4883_laptop | pteague, you probably need to fix your tables | 20:55 |
tgm4883_laptop | common problem if you cut power to your mysql server | 20:55 |
pteague | k | 20:55 |
neoneddy_ | my 4 year old thinks it's great fun to hit the blue glowing button on mine.. | 20:57 |
neoneddy_ | I've never had corrupted stuff | 20:57 |
tgm4883_laptop | neoneddy_, does it shutdown gracefully or instant power off? | 20:57 |
neoneddy_ | instant off sometimes... as the power and reset both glow and are fun to push | 20:57 |
tgm4883_laptop | ah | 20:59 |
tgm4883_laptop | IIRC, the mysql server might have to be in the middle of doing something for it to matter. I haven't the details on it, but a table fix is in order for pteague | 20:59 |
neoneddy_ | Well know that MythTV is put to the test with my Son's requests for shows over and over again the ahrdware abuse as well | 21:01 |
pteague | google is your friend ... i can just never remember the 'myisamchk' for which to google on ;) | 21:01 |
pteague | lol | 21:01 |
pteague | i'm wanting to get a couple more hard drives & put a raid together for more space for recordings... plus i'm thinking of going hi-def, but i'll need something better than the pvr-500 i think? plus i need a better mini-itx board for my frontend | 21:02 |
tgm4883_laptop | you should be able to do the table fix from mythweb | 21:03 |
pteague | crap... maybe that is a good security measure though... amarok & mythconverg directories only have permissions set for the mysql user & nothing is set for the group... the mysql database however has perms set for user, group, & other | 21:04 |
neoneddy_ | I've been using HD Homerun for HD, works nice | 21:04 |
rhpot1991 | neoneddy_: that it does | 21:04 |
tgm4883_laptop | IIRC, the HDHomerun is on sale right now | 21:04 |
rhpot1991 | newegg has it for 140 | 21:04 |
rhpot1991 | with the email promo code | 21:04 |
neoneddy_ | a single 700gb drive for recordings, and then a drobo on the network for movies and music | 21:04 |
rhpot1991 | tgm4883_laptop: loves drobos | 21:04 |
pteague | plus my 2nd tuner on the pvr-500 has certain shows that it refuses to allow the 2nd tuner to work on... which means re-recording later on tuner 1... if there's a replay >_< | 21:04 |
tgm4883_laptop | 139 | 21:05 |
tgm4883_laptop | !stab rhpot1991 | 21:05 |
* Zinn stabs rhpot1991 with a sharpened mce remote. | 21:05 | |
rhpot1991 | heh | 21:05 |
rhpot1991 | tgm4883_laptop: I rounded up | 21:05 |
pteague | not sure if i have mythweb installed, what port is it on? | 21:05 |
rhpot1991 | default apache | 21:05 |
rhpot1991 | normally 80 | 21:05 |
tgm4883_laptop | rhpot1991, I actually think I might eventually get a drobo | 21:05 |
neoneddy_ | mythweb should work out of the box | 21:05 |
tgm4883_laptop | or not | 21:05 |
rhpot1991 | localhost/mythweb | 21:06 |
pteague | ah, what directory then? ... http://server/mythweb ? | 21:06 |
pteague | k | 21:06 |
neoneddy_ | jsut don't set a password | 21:06 |
neoneddy_ | yup | 21:06 |
pteague | hey, it's installed & seems to be working | 21:06 |
neoneddy_ | unless something got fixed, setting a password screws things up al laround | 21:06 |
* tgm4883_laptop has a password on his | 21:06 | |
rhpot1991 | so do I | 21:07 |
tgm4883_laptop | don't know what it is supposed to mess up though | 21:07 |
pteague | ok, mythweb says there's shows to be recorded | 21:07 |
rhpot1991 | there were some random bugs around on that though so our password may be from before that or something | 21:07 |
pteague | there we go, maybe motd didn't get updated | 21:07 |
rhpot1991 | pteague: mythtv-status? | 21:08 |
pteague | yeah | 21:08 |
tgm4883_laptop | rhpot1991, I'm sorry, but neweggs valentines day sale is hilarious | 21:09 |
tgm4883_laptop | that cracks me up | 21:10 |
tgm4883_laptop | "hand massager" | 21:10 |
pteague | i'm getting an "Unknown option: guide-data-warn" & it says use --help for help... but '--guide-data-warn <days>' is listed in --help | 21:12 |
neoneddy_ | Question: anyone tried burning dvds from this?.. is it still burning PAL ? | 21:19 |
rhpot1991 | pteague: if you said anything after I said about the symlink, I didn't get it | 21:21 |
tgm4883_laptop | rhpot1991, you said something about a symlink? | 21:26 |
tgm4883_laptop | rhpot1991, last thing <rhpot1991> pteague: mythtv-status? | 21:27 |
rhpot1991 | there is some bug on that where it doesn't update if you don't have a /root/.mythtv/config.xml linked to a working config.xml | 21:29 |
rhpot1991 | is what shoulda came though | 21:29 |
rhpot1991 | having interweb problems here it seems | 21:29 |
pteague | i'm getting an "Unknown option: guide-data-warn" & it says use --help for help... but '--guide-data-warn <days>' is listed in --help | 21:29 |
pteague | so i'd plug that hd homerun into my backend? | 21:35 |
neoneddy_ | just into the network | 21:35 |
neoneddy_ | then add it as a tuner | 21:36 |
neoneddy_ | on 8.10 you cna skip it all and jump down to setting up mythtv | 21:36 |
rhpot1991 | my only complaint about the HDHR is its not very intuitive setting up the channels | 21:37 |
rhpot1991 | could be because I was using a cable listing for them | 21:38 |
neoneddy_ | that guide I posted helps quite a bit | 21:38 |
pteague | i'm using what's it called for us listings for mythtv | 21:38 |
neoneddy_ | I agree... but linux and intuitive don't really belong in the same sentance, although I can only hope that changes | 21:38 |
rhpot1991 | schedules direct pteague ? | 21:39 |
rhpot1991 | also silicondust has a page that lists local channels | 21:39 |
rhpot1991 | | 21:39 |
pteague | i believe so... had to pay some small amount for a year... kind of annoying, but not that big a deal & not that expensive considering other non-mythtv routes | 21:40 |
rhpot1991 | $20 a year or something it is, and trust me its well worth it | 21:41 |
rhpot1991 | their support is great if you ever need to deal with it | 21:41 |
pteague | or maybe it was zap2it | 21:41 |
rhpot1991 | zap2it was the old listings, before it went away | 21:41 |
pteague | ah | 21:41 |
rhpot1991 | the free ones | 21:42 |
pteague | i think i'll wait on the hdhr until i get the other stuff set up... need more hard drive space first... | 21:43 |
pteague | oh, any idea if mythtv can play the mkv files? | 21:44 |
neoneddy_ | I use mkv's | 21:45 |
neoneddy_ | they work great, however I had been running 8.04 then upgraded to 8.10 ... then Igot an HDTV and started getting HD rips in MKV, I then noticed some, not all MKV files played funny, slow, etc. This last weekend I installed fresh 8.10 and all seems well | 21:46 |
pteague | just put them in the /var/lib/mythtv/videos directory? | 21:46 |
neoneddy_ | yup | 21:47 |
neoneddy_ | you should ahve network access via SMB | 21:47 |
pteague | nfs ;) | 21:47 |
neoneddy_ | like a windows share, my OS X machiens see it as a windows machine | 21:47 |
rhpot1991 | IIRC xine/mplayer might like them better than internal player, don't know for sure though | 21:48 |
pteague | i'm thinking i may use nfs to pull them from my file server as that's where they currently are... | 21:48 |
pteague | i've been using kaffiene on my desktop | 21:48 |
neoneddy_ | Yeah, mplayer was sued to play the MKVs when internal didn't work right.. but I like the consistancy of internal | 21:48 |
neoneddy_ | for all it's problems friends and Family find the myth tv amazing. | 21:48 |
pteague | then again if my friend will ever post the anime she's doing with voice overs instead of subtitles it might make more since on my frontend | 21:50 |
neoneddy_ | being a nerd and all I never got into Anime ... Titan AE is as close as I got *ducks* | 21:51 |
pteague | my mom keeps asking about how to get the computer to record shows... i told her she may want to go with a pvr instead depending on what she wants to do with it... i tend to move around & i hate having 5 things on the pvr i've not seen yet & have to return it... not to mention missed stuff due to schedule & such until new pvr gets set up | 21:52 |
neoneddy_ | Any Tivo is the way to go. | 21:53 |
pteague | honestly it depends on what kind of anime people get exposed to... the average person thinks it's like dragonball Z (which it is anime, but not *good* anime - it's a kids cartoon!) ... | 21:53 |
pteague | considering cartoons started off being for adults & then as the audience matured the 'adult cartoons' in western culture were shown to kids... & then kids cartoons started appearing | 21:54 |
* rhpot1991 enjoys witchhunter robin and case closed | 21:54 | |
pteague | where as in japan animation has become an artform & there's a lot larger of a range... it's just the average person in US market isn't ready for 'kids cartoons' & so that's mostly what we get here :( | 21:55 |
neoneddy_ | I can't watch Saturday Morning Cartoons anymore... my wife and I tried to a few years ago... it's all this goofy card game based cartoons marketing the retail card games. I like classics like Reboot, Rug Rats, Duck Tales, JI Joe, I guess I'm old. | 21:55 |
pteague | witch hunter robin ftw :) | 21:55 |
pteague | neoneddy_: that's what i'm referring to as most people's exposure... i'm not sure that the average kid would understand stuff like witch hunter robin... | 21:56 |
neoneddy_ | probably not. | 21:57 |
pteague | & then of course you've got cowboy bebop - main characters smoke, black lagoon - don't get me started, etc that wouldn't even make it to the "safe for kids" tv ratings | 21:57 |
* neoneddy_ is lost | 21:58 | |
pteague | - kids could watch it, but the questions posed would probably be lost on them | 21:59 |
rhpot1991 | agreed | 21:59 |
pteague | - again, kids could watch it, but main characters smoke, they shoot things, etc ... not "safe for kids" here in USA | 21:59 |
pteague | - what part of this mercenary smuggling company would be safe for kids? they do all sorts of things for the various crime syndicates in the fictional city including russian mafia, yakuza, you get the idea | 22:01 |
pteague | granted, kids could watch it for the action i guess... | 22:01 |
pteague | neoneddy_: i guess my point is anime isn't just saturday morning cartoons... anime in general covers a wide range of things... it'd be like saying i don't like watching live action tv shows cause i can't stand watching mr rogers | 22:05 |
neoneddy_ | my comment wasn't against Anime.. it was against the crap on saturday morning now... I suppose my childhood shows were crap too, and I only deny it because they are a part of my childhood. But I mean, transformers? not beast wars, but the old Optimus Prime stuff? | 22:07 |
pteague | hehe, oh that way... yeah, i agree | 22:07 |
pteague | then again... have you watched any episodes of the old night rider now that you're grown up ? | 22:08 |
neoneddy_ | Yeah... but McGyver still holds cred with me | 22:09 |
neoneddy_ | true story I used a McGyver hack to fix my stereo receiver... still works, it's a 5.1 pro logic receiver, I blew the fuse in it, so I wrapped the fuse with metal foil, stuck it back in... still works to this day. | 22:10 |
pteague | hehe, macgyver ftw :) | 22:11 |
pteague | a friend of mine even watched the stargate tv series even though he doesn't like the genre... simply because macgyver was in it | 22:11 |
rhpot1991 | transformers was great and still is great, I don't care what anyone says :) | 22:12 |
neoneddy_ | Stargate the movie was good... I never got intot eh series | 22:12 |
rhpot1991 | but not that new destruction of my child hood movie version, that is crap | 22:12 |
pteague | it was kind of cool to see a live action version, but iirc they made lots of changes to the characters | 22:13 |
rhpot1991 | pteague: exactly | 22:13 |
rhpot1991 | plus it wasn't even about transformers, they were random side characters | 22:13 |
rhpot1991 | heck weren't even characters at that | 22:13 |
pteague | i think i got into the stargate series cause i like watching sci-fi series & there was no star trek at the time... unless that was during "enterprise"... in which case they kept moving the night enterprise was around & by the time it landed at the same time frame as stargate i had already missed so much of it it wasn't worth dropping stargate | 22:14 |
neoneddy_ | and this where I cna bring it back on-topic.. MythTV or any DVR fixes the programming schedule issues :-) | 22:15 |
pteague | sorry for the divergence ;) | 22:16 |
pteague | what language is used for mythweb ? | 22:18 |
rhpot1991 | php mostly, but I think there is some perl as well | 22:19 |
pteague | & you guys said something about a password on it? | 22:21 |
neoneddy_ | yeah you're better off doing it by hand with a .htaccess file.. the utility in mtyh config fubars it | 22:28 |
pteague | ok, it seems there's a really big problem with mythtv weather... 6 day forecast for kansas city downtown airport for tomorrow... low 23F, high 61F ... 61F ?? | 22:45 |
pteague | or at least under mythweb | 22:45 |
J-e-f-f-A_ | blah | 23:25 |
=== J-e-f-f-A_ is now known as J-e-f-f-A |
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