
ubottuIn ubottu, weatherkid said: !100bytedash is The winner of the 100 byte dash is Ubuntu. That proves that nothing is better that Linux!00:20
FlannelHow odd.00:31
PiciCan a KDE user revise !dialup please?02:07
tritiumGood evening.02:43
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
ubottuRoC_MasterMind called the ops in #kubuntu ()04:23
naliothnixternal: your friend went buh-bye04:25
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, dmsuperman said: !wysiwyg is <reply> What You See Is What You Get05:11
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
ubottuIn ubottu, icesword said: who is that09:38
elkyi seriously thought he was more clued on than that09:40
Myrttiso did I09:41
ikonia|_ocke: can you take #ubuntu-offtopic off auto join please09:55
tonyyarussoInteresting tidbit:  Of respondents to the Ubuntu Server usage survey, approximately triple the number of people have used the Forums as IRC for support.10:16
Myrttitonyyarusso: huh?10:18
tonyyarussoMyrtti: Canonical did a survey (about 7000 responses) of organizations using Ubuntu Server.  One of the questions was "which of the following have you used for support", with IRC, the wiki, the docs site, ubuntu forums, mailing lists, other sites as options.  The bar for the forums is three times as high as for IRC.10:19
Myrttiso people use IRC more than forums?10:21
tonyyarussoNo, less.10:21
MyrttiI'd rather not touch the forums at all.10:21
tonyyarussogah, I have to go to bed.  Class in 5.5 hours.10:21
elkyall i can say is 'only triple'?10:27
topylinickspoon: looks like it's failtroll again13:27
nickspoonI'm thinking so.13:27
ikoniawhich one ?13:27
ikoniayes, he was a pain in #ubuntu13:27
topylihe's advertising it in the realname13:27
ikoniahe left before he was banned13:27
Myrtti@bansearch kewln00b 13:32
ubottuNo matches found for kewln00b!n=kewln00b@ in any channel13:32
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:32
ikoniawhat about the othe rnick13:32
ikonia@bansearch rockslikeastone13:33
ubottuNo matches found for rockslikeastone!n=santaji@ in any channel13:33
topylifailtroll, failfailtroll13:33
ikonia@bansearch failtroll,13:33
ikonia@bansearch failtroll13:33
ubottuNo matches found for failtroll,!*@* in any channel13:33
ubottuNo matches found for failtroll!*@* in any channel13:33
ikonia@bansearch failfailtroll13:33
ubottuNo matches found for failfailtroll!*@* in any channel13:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:33
ikoniaall good by the looks of things13:34
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: that nick guy couldn't grasp things - he pm'ed me about 4 times after you asked him to stop pm'ing13:35
ikonia(I also asked him to stop when he started pm'ing)13:35
Jack_SparrowHE just didnt seem to understand anything we were telling or asking him to do13:36
Jack_SparrowNone of his pastebins contained anything13:36
Jack_SparrowAll he could say was he had already done it.13:36
ikoniawas pm'ing me to brag he fixed it and didn't have to do any of the stuff we asked for13:36
ikoniahe couldn't grasp that we where asking for debugging - not fixing13:36
Jack_SparrowHe did run the apt-fix earlier, but never re-tried it13:37
Jack_Sparrowretried  his apt-get that is13:38
ikoniaI stopped listeing he was just bragging he fixed it13:38
Jack_SparrowGood for him13:39
Jack_SparrowEarlier he said he ran that command I gave him and it didnt do anything.. just came back to the cli13:39
Jack_SparrowSo it didnt do anything13:40
ikoniaI switched off from him13:40
ikoniahe kept going with pm - so I removed him as he couldn't grasp "stopping pm'ing people in #ubuntu"13:40
Jack_Sparrowikonia our link on cloning is wrong.. I get an error.. the old cloning factoid command still works fine14:01
Jack_Sparrowwhat is with simak filling up our ban list14:05
Jack_SparrowI just removed a dozen of simaks bans.  they were all placed at the same time.. to the second on the 26th onf jan..  something odd with that14:09
Myrttiit's because of the netsplits14:09
Jack_SparrowMyrtti Should I pull more, I pulled a dozen just so we could work14:12
MyrttiI wouldn't touch those bans at all14:14
Myrttiwithout checking the bantracker14:14
Jack_SparrowMyrtti He had our floodbot banned, and picis bot banned.. very sloppy14:17
Myrttiit's not actually simak.freenode.net that has done the ban14:17
Myrttiit has been someone else14:17
Myrttiafter netsplit the servers get it all mixed up, and replace the banners with themselves14:17
Myrttisome other server would give you different list of banners14:18
Myrttiwhich may or may not be the original ones14:18
Myrttiso, it's not simaks sloppyness14:25
Myrttibut someone elses14:25
MyrttiJack_Sparrow: wth did you do?14:27
Jack_Sparrowone sec..14:27
Jack_SparrowI was  trying to put one back /mode -u *!*@ cpe-76-178-232-17.maine.res.rr.com 14:28
Jack_SparrowI was  trying to put one back /mode #ubuntu +b *!*@ cpe-76-178-232-17.maine.res.rr.com 14:29
Myrttiwhat's that?14:29
Jack_SparrowI looked through all of the bans.. I had questions on three and one that had to go back on14:29
Myrttiwell it looks like it already is there14:30
Myrtti[16:08] ~~~mode/#ubuntu [-bbbb %*!*@ %*!*@  %*!*@ %*!*@cpe-76-178-232-17.maine.res.rr.com] by  Jack_Sparrow14:31
Myrtti^ that is not unbanning14:31
Myrttithat's unmuting14:31
Jack_Sparrowthat wasnt the command I was using.. it was a typo14:31
Jack_SparrowI thought I had typed   /mode #ubuntu +b *!*@ cpe-76-178-232-17.maine.res.rr.com14:32
Myrttiwhich you probably did, but since that ban was already there, it did nothing14:32
Jack_Sparrowthat is when it came up with +c     ?14:33
Jack_SparrowHow did it get Jack_Sparrow sets ban on *!*@*         from what I typed14:34
jpdsAnyone here in Hardy by any chance?14:35
Jack_SparrowDarn darn darn   I didnt see the space in this line when I pasted it   /mode #ubuntu +b *!*@ cpe-76-178-232-17.maine.res.rr.com 14:36
Jack_SparrowMyrtti there were three bans I will check on.. none had notes in bt..  two were baz and one was pricy.. Pricy's was a month old with no comments14:38
Jack_Sparrowbazhang had two that were a week old and no comments.. But I have the info and easy to replace14:38
MyrttiJack_Sparrow: are you in the middle of doing something with the bans?14:57
Jack_SparrowI am done at the moment  whats up14:58
Jack_SparrowI reviewed the ones I removed so we could work14:58
Jack_SparrowPut one back.. and screwed that up..14:58
* genii sips14:59
Jack_SparrowThree that should not be a problem, but wanted to check with bazhang  and Pricey 14:59
Myrttiwas just wondering why you're still with an @ ;-)14:59
Jack_SparrowThere are more in the list that I know can be removed.. ones on our bots etc14:59
Jack_SparrowSOme of the bans I lifed were over a month old and had no comments and were none that I recognized as a problem.. not that I know them all, but some are more notoriaus (sp) than others15:01
geniiHehe in #k someone just called 8.04 "Hardy Heroin"15:13
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up15:27
PiciIs that a good suggestion for KDE users? ^15:28
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:28
Jack_SparrowPici We have had complaints that clone factoid trhrows error15:28
Jack_Sparrowthe old clone command works15:28
ikoniaPici: as a side issue - pretty much finished the raid updates, should be able to commit them tommorow, apologies for the slow turn around, I was off quite sick for a week or so 15:53
Piciikonia: No worries :)15:53
ikoniagot quite into it for a day - then was sick the next15:54
ikoniaonly really got back up to speed the last few days15:54
ubottufailers_ called the ops in #kubuntu ()15:58
geniiRiddell got it15:59
geniiThe floodbots been reprogrammmed or so? It feels like they used to catch more flooding than now16:01
PriceyJack_Sparrow: what's up?16:35
* genii hands out a new round of coffees16:36
Jack_SparrowWe ran out of bans in the list.. I removed this one of yours #ubuntu %*!*@adsl-75-57-182-55.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net16:36
Jack_Sparrow(Removed) PriceChild16:36
Jack_SparrowJack_Sparrow Jan 04 2009 05:09:2816:36
Jack_SparrowFeb 03 2009 14:08:22 Show/Hide log16:36
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: is it still quite busy/full list16:37
Jack_SparrowUnderstood.. but we had a join ..foul lang guy I needed to ban and could not stop until I cleard room16:38
Myrttiomnom coffee16:39
Jack_SparrowI did not remove any that were recent and none that had notes or marks16:39
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: does it require more cleaning ?16:41
Jack_SparrowI would not normally lift anyones bans but  my own..  If you want me to put it back, say the word.  We needed some room and I did not have much time 16:41
Jack_SparrowI think it could use some cleanup.  We know the handful of long time problems.. dont lift those but some of the others.  yes16:42
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:43
ikoniaI'll do some house keeping on my stuff then16:43
ikoniaJack_Sparrow: thanks for the nudge16:43
Jack_Sparrownp..  You guys cover my tail all the time16:44
Jack_SparrowI just didnt want to step on anyones toes.16:44
Jack_SparrowI have not noticed any issues from the bans I lifted.. I still had two from bazhang  that I wanted to run past him16:45
Jack_SparrowThe rest were our floodbots getting banned and pici and ljl's bot getting banned16:46
Jack_SparrowSo yes, it could use some housekeeping16:46
Jack_Sparrowugh 1/4 of the bans were our own bots..  16:47
=== christel is now known as iusjoqwe
=== iusjoqwe is now known as christel
* jussi01 waves18:33
jussi01heya Seeker`18:33
* Pici adjust's jussi01's frequency18:33
* Seeker` adjusts his wavelength18:35
* Seeker` waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaves18:35
* genii slides jussi01 a Quassel mug of coffee19:01
ikonia@bansearch cheeky19:16
ubottuNo matches found for cheeky!*@* in any channel19:16
nickrud_Pici, sorry about that20:14
Picinickrud_: no problem, tag team20:14
nickrud_a lovely thing to see upon joining :(20:14
ScuniziI'm having an issue with emma in #ubuntu .. am I correct in assuming that pm-ing out of the blue isn't really something that is correct?21:42
Jack_SparrowScunizi correct21:43
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: she's being a real pain21:43
Jack_SparrowIll have a word, what was the pm21:43
PriceyYou've got to be joking.21:43
Jack_SparrowScunizi I will read back, what was the PM21:43
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: her first line was something to the effect of "I understand you're interested in ubuntu?"21:43
Jack_SparrowScunizi Pastewbin the entiure conversation and give me the link21:44
emmaHi I would like to establish for the record that I did not know that Scunizi was in #ubuntu until he started a tirade against me there.21:44
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: I think I remember her doing this in the past and trying to get me to change channels.. 21:44
emmaOkay then  you are not a truth teller.21:44
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: sorry but I've closed the pm window several times in frustration21:44
Jack_SparrowBOth of you stop21:45
Jack_SparrowScunizi I asked you for something.. please take care of it21:45
PriceyScunizi: Do I know you?21:45
emmaI have nothing to stop and I will be leaving this channel soon. The only thing that needed to be established is that I did not know that Scunizi was in #ubuntu until he started lashing out at me and highlighting me in the process.21:45
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: I've closed the pm window and am not logging my session.. if there is another way to retrieve the messages please let me know.21:46
Jack_Sparrowemma, I just wanted this to ennd quickly. was not singling anyone out.  No comments from either of you21:46
emmaI saw him talking about ubuntu in a wholly different channel on Freenode, and if he were honest enough to pastebin the PM you would see there is nothing in it that is out of the ordinary.21:46
emmaScunizi: there is a way, I can pastebin the PM would you like me to do that? Are you honest enough to welcome that?21:46
ScuniziThe only other channels I'm in are ##linux and #ubuntu-california21:46
Scunizisure emma.. go for it.21:46
Jack_SparrowI have not had a chance to read the logs..21:47
Jack_Sparrowemma yes.. ..  Scunizi .. I need this to be dropped .. not a word in channel until we can review what was going on and where21:48
Jack_SparrowScunizi How far back in the log.. on ubuntu..21:49
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: no problem.. I put it in the open channel because I couldn't get her to stop pm ing me.... in the last .. say 10-15 minutes..21:49
emmaThat's so absurd. 21:49
Jack_Sparrowemma did you ask before you PM'd Scunizi ?21:49
emmaNope. I said hello. 21:50
Jack_SparrowScunizi  what was said to or about emma in the channel21:50
emmaThis has nothing to do with #ubuntu 21:50
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: my first open request to stop was at 13:40 us west coast time21:50
PriceyI agree, as far as I can see, this has nothing to do with #ubuntu.21:51
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: I asked her to stop pm-ing21:51
emmaThere is one reason I am here, and that is because Scunizi was highlighting me repeatedly in #ubuntu (a channel I did not even know he was in)21:51
Jack_Sparrowemma You know some people dont respond well to an uninvited PM.. especially me.. you know that21:51
PriceyScunizi: I suggest you use /ignore, or take advantage of freenode's /silence feature (stops PMs but not channel messages) if you don't want her PMing you.21:51
emmaJack_Sparrow: Some people do.21:51
mneptokemma: if you don't want to be highlighted, disable it in your client.21:52
ScuniziPricey: never used that feature in xchat so I've yet to figure it out.. irssi is another matter.. easy there.21:52
Jack_Sparrowemma It is not generally considered the polite thing to do21:52
emmaJack_Sparrow: A good idea. I think that can be done per channel as well, in irssi.21:52
PriceyScunizi: they both work pretty much the same.21:52
mneptokemma: highlighting happens when someone speaks your nick. it is not your place to tell people what nicks they can and cannot type.21:52
emmaJack_Sparrow: I somewhat disagree with that. I think that's a cultural thing that varries from chanel to channel and network to network. I personally welcome people pming me. but when I know a person does not like it, or if it is a channel policy against it, I don't.21:53
mneptokemma: you know that #ubuntu namespace channels discourage uninvited PMs, yes?21:53
emmamneptok: I really don't care about people highlighting me. The only relevance of the highlighting is that it was the means by which I could tell that Scunizi was making this something to do with #ubuntu.21:53
emmamneptok: do you understand what I'm saying?21:54
mneptok16:41 < emma> Scunizi: Stop highlighting me in this channel when I did not even know you were in this channel.21:54
Scunizinot something to do with #ubuntu.. but that was the first place I looked for emma's nick since I'd had contact in the past.21:54
mneptok^^ this is what i refer to ^^^21:54
Jack_Sparrowemma thank you for understanding.. Put him on ignore.  If he is offtopic in channel we will deal with it .  I cant see how he can work in your name and stay on topic for long21:54
emmaScunizi: Yeah I think maybe you are disengenuous. 21:54
mneptok"stop highlighting me" makes no sense.21:54
mneptokyou highlight yourself. it's your script. don't like it? turn it off.21:55
emmaJack_Sparrow: Agreed. Thanks. 21:55
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: and that is exactly why I came here.. to find out protocol21:55
emmamneptok: Yeah. By stop highlighting me, just so you understand, what I meant is stop focusing your attention on me in a channel that has nothing to do with your problem with me.21:55
emmaI think - though one can never be sure - I've explained that in a clear way.21:56
Jack_SparrowScunizi generally it is polite to ask.  sometimes I do not..21:56
mneptokemma: it's usually best to say what you mean ;)21:56
AmaranthThat reminds me, is there a way in X-Chat to do per-channel highlights? (offtopic)21:56
emmamneptok: right on :)21:56
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: to ask.. what? to come here?  I"m not following21:56
Jack_SparrowScunizi generally it is polite to ask before you PM.  sometimes I do not..21:56
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: this is true .. and I agree.. I don't pm without asking.. 21:57
Jack_SparrowScunizi and emma.........  Are we dont here..21:57
ScuniziJack_Sparrow: I'm done21:58
Jack_Sparrowemma I wont tolerate anyone bad mouthing you or anytone in the channel21:58
Jack_SparrowSorry for the fat fingers today21:58
emmaYep I've said what I needed to say. Thanks.21:59
Jack_Sparrowemma.........  Are we done here..  21:59
emmaIs there anything else I can help anyone with?21:59
Jack_SparrowNope, all is well21:59
ScuniziThanks Jack_Sparrow 21:59
emmaI have a policy of not allowing certain channels to remain open in my IRC client while I'm idling.21:59
Jack_SparrowScunizi Remember to stay ontopic.. thanks22:00
emmaSo if there's nothing else I'm going to have to close you all.22:00
Jack_Sparrowemma np, I was about to turn off the lights and take a nap22:00
emmahehe 22:00
emmaOkay cheers then. :)22:00
Jack_SparrowScunizi If that is all.. please part22:00
Jack_SparrowWhy Oh why .. oh why   is right22:01
PriceyAmusing how they both declined to paste the PM.22:03
ikoniathis is old22:03
ikoniawhy the hell is emma allowed to get away this this crap 22:04
PriceyNight all.22:04
Priceymaybe not22:04
Myrttinini Pricey 22:04
Priceyikonia: what crap?22:04
ikoniaPricey: this randomly pm'ing people22:04
ikoniathis was one of the whole things that caused a problem in the past22:04
ikoniaand she promised to stop22:04
Priceyikonia: I'm randomly PM'd, and randomly PM people all the time.22:04
ikoniaPricey: as "pricechild" or as a "staff" member22:04
ikoniarandomly pm people you don't know22:04
PriceyEven as PriceChild.22:05
PriceyShock horror.22:05
ikoniamaybe I'm too harsh with it22:05
ikonianot at all22:05
ikoniaI'm asking in what context you do it22:05
ikoniapm'ing people getting them to join the channel - is emma's "thing" 22:05
MyrttiI must be old or something but I personally don't understand that pm is the bogeyman issue22:05
ikoniaand I thought it had been agreed to stop 22:05
PriceyNow you're assuming.22:05
PriceyScunizi and emma didn't mention that last bit at all.22:05
ikoniano, I thought that was what the other guy said reading back22:05
Myrttibut there are times I don't understand pm'ing22:05
ikoniaI could be wrong22:05
ikoniaif I am wrong that's what he said - then I apologise and drop it22:06
ikoniabut I thought he was saying she was asking him to change / join channels22:06
PriceyI think he remembered the meeting with sabdfl, about how emma had been discussed or something similar, so instantly thought it would be best to tell us.22:06
ikoniayes, that was an "event" in #ubuntu-meeting ages ago where she had agreed to stop pm'ing people to join ##club-ubuntu22:07
nickrud_agreed to stop selecting people _from_ #ubuntu to join, I thought22:07
ikonianickrud_: he's in #ubuntu22:08
ikoniaI've got it wrong anyway - re-reading22:08
ikonia21:14 < Scunizi> Jack_Sparrow: I think I remember her doing this in the past  and trying to get me to change channels.. 22:08
PriceyI don't think I was in the meeting.22:08
ikoniaI assume he means in the past she's tried to get him to change channels22:08
ikoniaI'd miss-read that22:08
ikoniaat least I assume I have, 22:09
nickrud_probably during her mass trolling for new club members in #ubuntu.22:09
ikoniayes, I'm not %100 clear if he means trying to invite him this time or the times before22:09
Jack_SparrowI think it goes back farther than her pming him today asking him to join her channel22:09
ikoniaI've no idea - it just always seems to be the same thing with her22:10
* nickrud_ needs to get his irc logs on a central server22:10
Jack_Sparrowthere feels like more of a history..  but ai mayu just be assuming that22:10
ikoniahence why I took the stance I did22:10
ikonia"not this again"22:10
nickrud_ikonia, my initial reaction exactly22:10
ikoniaperhaps harsh on my part as she has been quiet of late, but at the same time, it's always the same thing22:11
Jack_SparrowI have not heard of her PMing people in ubuntu or anywhere for quite some time22:11
nickrud_but, it's over now thankfully.22:11
emmaThis is for Amaranth -- http://orvp.net/xchat/channel_highlight-0.2.pl 22:11
* nickrud_ spoke too soon22:11
ikoniaPricey: I'll drop the matter as it's clear I'm wrong and have miss-read this 22:12
ikoniaPricey: please don't let my ranting keep you from sleep22:12
Priceythat's quite cool22:13
Priceyikonia: meh you can still have suspicions about it, because its still possible22:14
ikoniaPricey: only raised from the conversation in here - she's not done anything else22:15
ikoniaPricey: as I said I miss-read, although I'm still not %100 clear what he was actually saying happened this time22:15
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
geniiMyrtti: Apologies again on #u-o23:27
Myrttigenii: not that I'm offended, just trying to keep up appearances23:35
geniiMyrtti: OK :) Thanks23:36
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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