
SchuenemannStargazer, is the partition mounted in places?00:00
StroganoffPhantomime_: no need for uninstalling. just use the cd of your next operating system and format (a.k.a. delete) the partition ubuntu is installed on.00:00
Phantomime_Anyone know what that error might be? I can physically open my cd drive by pushing the button.00:00
StargazerSchuenemann: yeah, i guess.00:00
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: I've replied to your forum topic00:00
Sertsehi, building from a minimal install. what needs to be added where so I don't need root to shutdown/restart the comp.00:00
Phantomime_so, just insert the disk and boot from it?00:00
Mike_92I'm having trouble setting up my printer in Intrepid. Ubuntu has detected it, but when I try to print it just feeds the paper through about six times. Can someone please help me?00:00
StroganoffPhantomime_: that's right00:00
Phantomime_How difficult is this for windows?00:01
oobePhantomime_, what thos instructions are telling you to do is format the partition you install ubuntu on which isnt very wise from inside ubuntu00:01
SchuenemannIntuitiveNipple, I'll get the notebook and try. brb00:01
jeffyn wine00:01
Phantomime_I see..00:01
oobethe simplest way to uninstall ubuntu is to wipe the partition with the install disk you are trying to install over the top with00:02
Phantomime_I am going to try and do it ith the winxp cd00:02
Stroganoffwith an xp it's pretty easy. you get to a screen where you can select partitions and delete them with the "D" key. it's all described on the screen. i imagine it's even easier with vista, so there should be no trouble00:02
Stargazerhow do i copy paste my old /home using a LiveCD ?00:02
Phantomime_Thanks Stroganoff!00:02
oobePhantomime_, yes that will work the ubuntu partition will show up as unknown disk in xp cause its dumb00:02
Stroganoffsee you next time ;)00:02
StroganoffMike_92: first things first. what printer is it?00:03
Mike_92Stroganoff: Lexmark 3100 Series00:04
Mike_92Stroganoff: it came with an installer CD, would I have to put that in to get it to work?00:04
binarymutantIs there a way to get gksu, and applications that use it like everything under the System-Administration menu, to not lock the screen?00:04
SchuenemannStargazer, if the partition is moutned, just copy/paste somewhere00:04
ricardo_can ubuntu do faxing like Windows 9500:04
StargazerSchuenemann: it's saying i don't have the permissions.00:05
FlareDSricardo_: yes00:05
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Keith1I really need some help with my wireless, I've tried everything, and I can not get it to work.  It is BCM43XG rev 01.  Worked when I installed Ubuntu, then after the first reboot it stopped.  Enabling it through Hardware Drivers does nothing.  Tried countless ndiswrapper guides, all failed.  Any ideas?00:05
SchuenemannStargazer, sudo nautils and try again00:05
jason_I've got some wifi issues. I follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1026770 yesterday and got it working, but it's not working anymore today. can anyone help me?00:05
ricardo_if so please tell me how to fax in Ubuntu00:05
littlerakudave: That is really nice! I like how it just does it without you having to tell it which language to translate from and to. (:00:06
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olafif i install a really old version of ubuntu00:06
olafis their an easy way to get it up to the latest00:06
rakudavelittle: glad you like it :)00:06
roger_after i updated to kernel 2.6.27-11 the alsa driver quit working in wine, esound works, but it has a choppy sound, anyway to fix alsa to work again00:06
ricardo_please show me how to fax in ubuntu00:06
olafthrough just upgrading00:07
olafover the internet00:07
littlerakudave: I'm on Amazon trying out different languages. (:00:07
ricardo_please show me how to fax in ubuntu00:07
IntuitiveNippleolaf: updates from older to newer are generally only supported from one LTS to another... how *old* is old?00:07
ricardo_please show me how to fax in ubuntu00:07
olaflemme look at the cd00:07
rakudaveolaf: wouldn't advise it, it probably takes more bandwidth to download all updates than just to download an iso00:07
porter1In Gedit, is there any way to replace all tabs with newlines?00:07
ricardo_please show me how to fax in ubuntu00:07
Keith1ricardo_: http://www.hylafax.org/archive/2007-11/msg00144.php00:07
hubar_question, which application that you can use to set GNOME application font under kde4?00:07
olafahh, okay00:08
olafwell, it's an older 8.000:08
StroganoffMike_92: it seems there's little chance to get most lexmark printers to work. you could try this perhaps try this clue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1693163&postcount=600:08
ricardo_what is good supported printer in Ubuntu?00:09
ricardo_what is good supported printer in Ubuntu?00:09
ricardo_what is good supported printer in Ubuntu?00:09
mike12Hey i keep trying to download a game called territory wars but whenever i try to open what i downloaded it says that the file could not be opened waht do i do00:09
rakudavericardo_: virtually all printers ;-)00:09
Keith1ricardo_: Canon ip260000:09
IntuitiveNipplericardo_: Read this topic in the forums for Fax ideas (it assumes you have a supported fax/modem installed) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23445600:09
mike12to make it work00:09
IndyGunFreak!hardware | ricardo_ but usually lexmark runs pretty good... (atleast in my experience)00:10
ubotturicardo_ but usually lexmark runs pretty good... (atleast in my experience): For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:10
Keith1ricardo_: Need to download a couple files from Canon Asia, but it works great00:10
Mike_92Stroganoff: I'll try that thanks. Do you have any recommendations for printers that work well with Ubuntu, I've been planning on getting a new one anyway.00:10
mike12actually the game is called enemy territory00:10
StroganoffMike_92: i just read in the course of googling your problem that EPSON printers work quite well00:10
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Mike_92Stroganoff: Okay thanks :)00:10
Keith1I get an error when doing sudo modprobe b43: WARNING: Error inserting lbm_cw_mac80211 (/lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/updates/lbm_cw-mac80211.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter00:10
SchuenemannIntuitiveNipple, hey, here's the output. http://pastebin.com/mdbdae5900:11
jason_I've got some wifi issues. I follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1026770 yesterday and got it working, but it's not working anymore today. can anyone help me?00:11
Stroganoffanyway you should always check the model with google before you buy. something like this: "epson xyz1000 ubuntu" (without the ")00:11
_cbUsing Clonezilla I choose local dev and a message that says "Collecting the disk info in this machine.." appears. Not sure if this step takes a whle or system is hung up.00:11
Keith1jason_: Good luck, I'm in here with virtually the same issue00:11
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: Am I correct in assuming the username you expect to see is "otto" as in my example commands?00:11
jason_Keith1: hmmmm thanks00:12
SchuenemannIntuitiveNipple, yeah00:12
ricardo_can anyone sync their zune? in which player?00:12
SchuenemannIntuitiveNipple, perhaps .xsession is the cause?00:12
Schuenemannfluxbox is only used in slackware00:12
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: okay, and that list you posted shows several what I would think are key directories/files that might be affected if they have the wrong owner00:12
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: snap, I was thinking that is a prime candidate00:12
perilluxI have low frame rate on flash video playback, such as youtube videos.  However, videos in vlc for example play good.  It seems like flash videos should play good too if I can play them fine in vlc... is there maybe anything I can do to correct this?00:12
SchuenemannIntuitiveNipple, I only have gnome in ubuntu00:13
ricardo_can anyone sync their zune? in which player?00:13
hubar_question, which application that you can use to set GNOME application font under kde4?00:13
kansanhow do i list all users on a given system00:13
ricardo_ can anyone sync their zune? in which player?00:14
ricardo_can anyone sync their zune? in which player?00:14
Keith1I really need some help with my wireless, I've tried everything, and I can not get it to work.  It is BCM43XG rev 01.  Worked when I installed Ubuntu, then after the first reboot it stopped.  Enabling it through Hardware Drivers does nothing.  Tried countless ndiswrapper guides, all failed.  Any ideas?00:14
SchuenemannIntuitiveNipple, I changed group for .xsession, didn't help. Sigh...00:15
rainmanp7Man I just don't know what to do with this Ubuntu I'm so use to fixing virusus and system crashes and always looking for problems now I'm just looking to do new things it's almost sick that i'm always expecting a crash like from windows or some malware crap ,but it jsut doesn't seem to happen.00:15
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: If it were me, using multiple distros, I'd have a separate /home/ for each, but then have all the common files (not application configuration files) in another location, and link to it from each /home/ with a symbolic-link. e.g. ~/Documents -> /home/common/ and have /home/common/ mounted in a separate partition/LVM volume00:15
socksyricardo_: try not repeating the question so many times00:15
Stroganoffricardo_: have you tried googling "ubuntu zune"00:16
SchuenemannIntuitiveNipple, I think it was a bad idea what I did. It was suggested by slackware installer00:16
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: Have you checked the user's .xsession log file?00:16
swifIs there CD/DVD burning software available for Linux that is capable of data disc spanning?  I don't want to split my files and folders manually, if I can help it.00:17
ricardo_sorry Stroganoff it is nice  that you can answer my question!00:17
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: ~/.xsessions-errors00:17
Stroganoffwell i can't really00:17
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: correction: ~/.xsession-errors00:17
marcelhow can i print something to the printer with lp ?00:18
SchuenemannIntuitiveNipple, there is nothing important. I posted it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6654314&postcount=1000:18
etixam trying to set up my wireless for laptop and getting a nm-connection editor wants access to the default keyring but it's locked any suggestions?00:18
Stroganoffricardo_: zune uses the proprietary "MTP" protocoll. i just gathered, that rythmbox might be able to support it00:19
zaapieljust installed kubuntu00:20
etixwewt for you00:20
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: Check /var/log/user.log too, as well as/var/log/auth.log00:20
zaapielah brb00:20
Stroganoffricardo_: it seems you have to install libmtp (sudo apt-get install libmtp) and go from there00:20
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:21
binarymutantswif, http://bttb.sourceforge.net/00:21
bluelaguna_How do you get the uuid of a hard drive again?00:21
marcelhow can i print something to the printer with lp file.ext ??00:21
IntuitiveNippleblue_: vol_id or block_id depending on context00:21
IntuitiveNipplebluelaguna_: : vol_id or block_id depending on context00:21
fosco_!uuid | bluelaguna_00:21
ubottubluelaguna_: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)00:21
bluelaguna_Thank you00:22
IntuitiveNippleSchuenemann: I have to leave now... good luck with that.00:22
dmi3oncan any one tell why vnc server works with sudo and with out sudo i can see only black dotted screen00:22
binarymutantIs there a way to get gksu, and applications that use it like everything under the System-Administration menu, to not lock the screen? I'm using a tablet with no keyboard :(00:22
littledmi3on: Probably since it's the system that's serving it, and it provides you the freedom to log out and be replaced by another user without interrupting the service.00:23
dmi3onlittle, what system ?00:23
littledmi3on: The operating system rather than you, the user. That way if you, the user, log off, the server would still run. I'm just guessing.00:24
Stroganoffbinarymutant: that's a good question. commencing google....00:24
dmi3onlittle, do you know how to soleve thsi00:25
dmi3onlittle, i need liek 3 users00:25
boquita_dulcealguien que hable español00:25
littledmi3on: No, sorry. I've never used it. I'm just guessing since it's serving something that it needs to be done by the operating system rather than by you.00:25
X-tremAl_RavenHi. Does anyone know, why after updating to 8.10 mc is not working properly with remote shell filesystem?!00:26
littledmi3on: Can the three users use sudo?00:26
Out_Coldhmmm.. what's the CLI equivilent of Network Manager?00:26
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ezerhodenOut_Cold: iwconfig00:26
binarymutantStroganoff, nevermind I found the option thanks though :)00:26
boquita_dulcesomeone knows how to activate the 8.10 ubuntu asks me username and password00:27
Amadesoff topic, how to neglect jion and quit message in mirc?00:27
Stroganoffbinarymutant: please a quick word where the option is to be found?00:27
binarymutantStroganoff, I searched it's man page, the option is -g or --disable-grab  :)00:27
Keith1Why do I have a pan0 in my network manager? What is that?  Could it possibly be my nonworking wireless?00:27
zash_Keith1: pan0 is afaik usualy bluetooth00:28
boquita_dulcesomeone knows how to activate the 8.10 ubuntu asks me username and password please00:28
Keith1zash_: I don't have a bluetooth adapter o.o00:28
Stroganoffbinarymutant: ok i found that, too. but how to tell the settings menu and all those programs to use these paramters?00:28
littleboquita_dulce: Do you not know the username and password?00:28
binarymutantStroganoff, you change the commands the menu's use by going through System->Preference->Main Menu00:29
weatherkid_brb-switching to ubuntu00:29
boquita_dulce[ little ]---`,'.- I do not know if I just arrived today and I install it asks username and password00:29
Stroganoffbinarydigit all right thanks. i also just read that you can change that option globally in /etc/gksu.conf00:30
littleboquita_dulce: Ah, if you are installing, then you get to give it a name and password - whatever name and password you would like to use. (:00:30
binarymutantStroganoff, even better thanks :)00:30
b3z3rk3rhey all, trying to install Google Earth from a .bin. Can anyone tell me how to do this plz?00:30
binarydigitStroganoff: autocomplete fail00:30
Keith1Ubuntu needs some serious work, it randomly decides when to let my wireless work (which is never, now, actually).. I suppose SuSE is still the way to go00:30
boquita_dulceUbuntu already installed only when oinicio session asks me username and password in the envelope I found this user and password but does not accept00:32
slyliasHow can I find where the MBR is stored?00:32
b3z3rk3rhey all, trying to install Google Earth from a .bin. Can anyone tell me how to do this plz?00:32
boquita_dulce[ little ]---`,'.-00:32
E3bb3z3rk3r: sh file.bin ?00:33
fiftyone_hi anyone here use eeepc?00:33
|AR|b3z3rk3r: chmod 777 XXX.bin ; sudo ./XXX.bin00:33
littleboquita_dulce: How are you doing? Did you give it a username and password?00:33
slyliasI need to reinstall windows on a dual boot box, but windows helpfully overwrites the MBR, so I want to back it up before doing the reinstall. However I don't know where ubuntu has mounted the MBR.00:33
littleslylias: The MBR is on the first 476 bytes of the boot drive.00:34
slyliasYes, but how do I find out where that is in my file system?00:34
fiftyone_i have such a  little screen 10" that sometimes programs are just to long and i cant see the botom of it any suggestions?00:34
binarymutantslylias, I think it lives outside the filesystem00:34
|AR|slylias: MBR doesn't belong to any filesystem00:34
littleslylias: Do you know which drive you boot from in Ubuntu?00:34
boquita_dulcelittle bone I have to assign the user name and password, but I asked that00:34
rashed2020fiftyone_: ALT+click and move the window00:34
slyliasThis machine only has one physical drive, but in /dev there is no hd'anything'.00:35
slyliasI'm used to there being an hda hdb, etc.00:35
littleboquita_dulce: Did you give it a name and password?00:35
fiftyone_welll that helps shukran Rashed00:35
|AR|fiftyone_: resize it so that you can see the whole00:35
boquita_dulcewhere there is a chat write in Spanish00:35
Gnea!es | boquita_dulce00:35
ubottuboquita_dulce: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:35
rashed2020lol, np fiftyone_00:36
Astrayslylias: Grub numbers HDD's and partitions different than the rest of ubuntu00:36
[1]JockeAnyone knows how I can view some text with a lot of different fonts? I want to enter some text, and then it should generate "hundreds" of examples with my text, but with different fonts.00:36
MrBCI'm currently using PCLinuxOS and want to flip over to Ubuntu...but I'm needing a bit of info.  (Yes, I'm a noob.)00:36
binarymutant[1]Jocke, Applications-Accessories=>Character Map00:36
MrBCAnyone familiar with both?00:36
Astray[1]Jocke: try dafont.com, they have a ton of different fonts and let you do something similar00:37
mukiexAny trickle/trickled users here? =300:37
|AR|slylias: type "mount" in terminal and you will see it00:37
littleslylias: Try sudo fdisk -l00:37
b3z3rk3rE3b, sh doesn't seem to work, but thankyou :)00:37
littleslylias: That will show you your partition tables.00:37
fiftyone_ah, anyone had any experiance with eeepc? i am having some wierd problems with my graphics. everything works fine but for some reason i get little hickups, also wine freaks out if i try and run a game or something think i need a driver?00:37
TelQuelcan anyone help me get my microphone working in ubuntu?00:37
binarymutantfiftyone_, how much ram do those little things have?00:37
slyliasThanks, it's sda100:37
badfish69anyone know of a program i can use to convert .wma to .mp3?00:37
slyliasHmm, is sda for sata?00:38
weatherkidfiftyone_: are you using normal Ubuntu or Ubuntu Eee00:38
rlsnfxquestion: I spent a few days securing my network, protecting my internal lan ips from being exposed through nat redirections... then I sent an email from Evolution, and the message header shows my internal network's IP address. how do i prevent this from getting through to the outer network?00:38
[1]Jockebinarydigit and Astray, Thanks, I will try those!00:38
tripzerobadfish69: lame?00:38
therealnanotubebadfish69: you could use mplayer00:38
fiftyone_weatherkid its normal ubun2 but i have  the eee kernel00:39
rlsnfxquestion: is there a way to alter or change the values of the headers that Evolution sends with my email so that it does not expose the addresses on my internal lan?00:39
b3z3rk3rE3b, my mistake, it does work, i just forgot linux is case-sensitive, thankyou very much for your help :)00:39
badfish69can i do mplayer by command line?00:39
MrBCI'm currently using PCLinuxOS and want to flip over to Ubuntu...but I'm needing a bit of info.  (Yes, I'm a noob.)  I have a "/" partition, and a "/home" partition on the drive.00:39
therealnanotubebadfish69: yes, "man mplayer" for details00:39
jrgpare there any .debs for the NVIDIA 180.22 video drivers?00:39
badfish69script time00:39
TelQuelWhen I try to record using my microphone it says "audio capture settings are invalid" ... how do I change the settings and what needs changing?00:39
rashed2020I'm running a windows server app on ubuntu using wine, how would I start that over SSH?00:40
rashed2020It needs to run the gui00:40
therealnanotubebadfish69: :)00:40
=== Sorcererb0b is now known as Sorcererbob
rashed2020Actually no, scratch that00:40
fiftyone_weatherkid when i run a small game in wine (50mb) it freaks out and gives me an acid trip. also,, when i move some windows around or load a new program it spazes out for a second thenn goes normal00:40
rashed2020How can I share files over HTTP on ubuntu?00:40
Baattihello again.... so, I succesfully installed GTA San Andreas onto Intrepid using Wine, but now when I go to run the application it says that it can't find a CD/DVD ROM Drive...any suggestions?00:40
binarymutantfiftyone_, I don't have an eee but do they have enough ram and processor speed to run games through wine?00:40
Baattiand yes, I DID have the cd in the tray00:40
TelQuelWhen I try to record using my microphone it says "audio capture settings are invalid" ... how do I change the settings and what needs changing?00:41
weatherkidfiftyone_: lets go into PM so we don't flood the channel00:41
unop[1]Jocke, have a look at gnome-specimen00:41
weatherkidI need a few CMD's00:41
kansanhow do i list all groups on a given machien?00:41
unopkansan, what do you mean by 'open groups'?00:41
binarymutantkansan, vim /etc/group00:42
SilverBridgeserver irc.icq.com00:42
SilverBridgeops , sorry00:42
iqoin tcsh when you type for example "cc" and the press the up arrow key, it would cycle through all commands in your history starting with "cc" - is there a way to get this behavior with bash? I know about ctrl-r but I'm used to this00:42
therealnanotubeiqo: works by default with bash, too00:42
therealnanotubeiqo: oh sorry, you meant search00:43
usserbinarymutant, very basic ones, i tested openarena in wine on my 701, got 30 fps drop from 70 to like 40-4500:43
therealnanotubeiqo: in that case... ctl-r is it. :)00:43
the6stepall: can I download firefox 3.0 for ubuntu gutsy?00:43
therealnanotubethe6step: yes, look up ubuntuzilla, it will do it for you all automatic-like.00:43
AstrayAre there any decent cli msn messenger applications?00:43
binarymutantusser, it can play oa in wine that's incredible, although 40fps is kinda harsh thanks for the info though00:44
skinofstars11hey, i had to exit pidgin and when i restarted i have a different irc nick (additional 1 at the end), how do i get my old one back?00:44
therealnanotubeiqo: there /might/ be a way to change it... but i don't know. look in man bash. :)00:44
* jonaskoelker loves ubuntu00:44
binarymutantskinofstars11, you might be still logged on with the other nick00:44
BaattiI succesfully installed GTA San Andreas onto Intrepid using Wine, but now when I go to run the application it says that it can't find a CD/DVD ROM Drive...any suggestions?00:44
skullonedoes anyone know if theres been a final fix for the "laggy" video performance in firefox?00:44
skullonewith intel and ATI cards?00:44
skinofstars11binarymutant: how do i solve that?00:44
TelQuelWhen I try to record using my microphone it says "audio capture settings are invalid" ... how do I change the settings and what needs changing?00:45
vince_usser : Hey, Thanks for your help last night.  I finally got my sound working.00:45
SchuenemannBaatti, run winecfg and check in units00:45
usservince_, what was the problem?00:45
usservince_, new kernel?00:45
skinofstars11binarymutant: some channels i use require a login00:45
BuntuNoob01im using ibex with all the latest updates on a p4 2.53GHz w/ nvidia 6200XFX 256mb and restricted drivers 177.x --- The problem is that when I scroll long lists (firefox, amerok, file system nav) the whole pc seems to choke any one have a similar problem?00:46
binarymutantskinofstars11, is it freenode your connecting to? I think there are some NickServ commands you can do or just /nick skinofstars1 (or whatever the name you want)and see what happens00:46
Schuenemannhi, I'm getting this error all the time. Can someone give a hand? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105643400:46
vince_usser : No Idea.. After beating my head agianst a wall  for half the day I fianaly backed up my home directory and nuked my / partion and reloaded everything.  Did a update on the clean system and then reloaded all my programs.  Works fine now LOL.  Sometimes a sledgehammer is better than a scalpel I guess.00:46
skinofstars11binarymutant: yeah freenode, irc.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to be working for me00:46
[1]Jockeunop, Thanks, I will!00:46
skinofstars11binarymutant: i'll try that, thanks00:47
damienhello, I just purchased a 30" 2560x1600 monitor.  I have an ATI mobility radeon x1400 and am running 8.10.  Unable to get the monitor to recognize max resolution.  any suggestions?00:47
the6steptherealnanotube: after I install it, where would I find ubuntuzilla?00:47
usservince_, haha nice, glad to hear00:47
binarymutantskinofstars11, it's /msg nickserv ghost to reclaim nicks00:47
therealnanotubethe6step: it goes into /usr/local/bin, so should be in your path by default. just open a terminal, and type the ubuntuzilla.py command to install firefox00:47
unopiqo, history-search-backward in inputrc   http://www.parsed.org/tag/inputrc/00:47
=== skinofstars11 is now known as skinofstars1
AstrayAre there any decent cli msn messenger applications?00:48
Lucifer_Catvince_: analogy fail :P scalpel-chainsaw, sledgehammer-mallet00:48
swidmerhello i need help with a bad dovecot install, i am unable to complete the install or remove the install we seem to be quite stuck...00:48
binarymutantAstray, bitlbee and pidgin has a cli app too00:48
skinofstars1binarymutant: all works now, thanks00:48
redvamp128Astray:  you could try possibly amsn - closest thing I have found that is like msn00:48
Astraybinarymutant: Thanks00:48
redvamp128Astray:  though pidgin does connect well with it-- just without a lot of fancy things like winks -- webcams00:49
therealnanotubeAstray: could also try naim or centericq00:49
the6steptherealnanotube: **** I installed it in spanish.... so 2 questions.... first can I reinstall, and 2nd, what is the correct language code that I want?00:50
vince_Lucifer_Cat : LOL that works too.00:50
the6stepI though es-en was english00:50
therealnanotubethe6step: yes, you can reinstall, and the us english is "en-US" :)00:50
Schuenemannes = spanish, en = english00:51
Schuenemannso es-en makes no sense00:51
redvamp128es-en -- means spanish language -- english keyboard00:51
Lucifer_Catvince_: actually is should be sledgehammer-<whatever the tiny hammer to finetune instruments is called>00:51
therealnanotubeSchuenemann: he probably means "es-ES" :)00:51
exodus_msIf I want to backup my home directory and reinstall on a new system install could I use    tar cvpzf ~/username    and put the tar file on disk and then extract after I do a new system install?00:52
Schuenemanntherealnanotube, could be00:52
redvamp128en = english language = us keyboard00:52
tonyyarussoAstray: also, finch00:52
NoVARaifevening all...  I'm almost finished migrating my Intrepid Ibis installation to a new, larger hard drive.  I used the instructions I found here: http://www.linux.com/feature/152592 but have questions about resizing my partitions, and what gparted shows as used on the partitions versus what the partitions properties windows show00:52
dsofwstwo accounts, jason and theresa, i created theresa after i created jason. it worked. now, for some weird reason, in all the directory locations under 'places' takes me to everything in /home/jason, not /home/theresa. what would cause that, and where can i fix this? right clicking on the link just opens it as well.00:52
socketsuh, can someone help me with ndiswrapper and broadcom drivers?.. i uninstalled fwcutter (well it disappeared after i stopped using the restricted drivers, because they just wouldn't pick up anything).. i followed a guide to run a fix in *.sh format..  did all the commands, and checked "sudo ndiswrapper -l" it says driver installed, device present.. ect.. did modprobe.. rebooted.. "sudo iwlist scanning" tells me "lo" and "eth0" don't suppo00:52
madmax__ive been tryin to google a weird startup error ... i have to hit enter or other keys to get the splash bar to move during startup... hitting ctrl+f1 and watching the output shows nothing out of the ordinary just the normal startup messages but it hangs until i give it some input00:53
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madmax__sockets: do you need the ndiswrapper for your wifi card00:53
damienhello, I just purchased a 30" 2560x1600 monitor.  I have an ATI mobility radeon x1400 and am running 8.10.  Unable to get the monitor to recognize max resolution.  any suggestions?00:53
madmax__alot of the broadcom cards are now supported00:53
usserdamien, are you using ati drivers?00:54
=== Inc`` is now known as Inc`
damienusser, no, using fglrx00:54
usserdamien, ati-config utility doesnt list the correct resolution?00:54
damis648ha thats funny... my name is damian.00:54
swidmerhelp dovecot install stuck, apt/ptitude can not finish the install or remove.00:54
damis648right on time.00:55
damienusser, dont think so00:55
socketsmadmax__, well the restricted ones just don't pick up anything.. i don't know how to "scan" but i manually enter the name and it tries to connect but doesn't.. only time i got it responding at all was when i changed my wifi settings to WEP (Hex) and it kept asking for password but wouldn't accept any of the ones i gave it, just kept asking over and over00:55
damienhow do i check?00:55
damienusser,  do you mean the catalyst control centeR?00:55
usserdamien, yea, but there's also a command line tool00:55
madmax__sockets: can you pm me the output of lspci00:55
damienusser, right, aticonfig00:55
damienI'm not sure how to find it though00:55
socketsmadmax__ btw i'm using hardy, and ok00:55
usserdamien, it should be included just open terminal and type aticonfig00:56
bitsDCC TSEND 1234567890098765432234567800:56
usserdamien, also what does glxinfo | grep direct say?00:56
usserdamien, do you have 3d acceleration?00:56
damienusser: direct rendering is yes00:56
damienjust typing aticonfig returns back all the help options00:57
usserdamien, and cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver00:57
damiendon't see any resolutions...00:57
dsofwstwo accounts, jason and theresa, i created theresa after i created jason. it worked. now, for some weird reason, in all the directory locations under 'places' takes me to everything in /home/jason, not /home/theresa. what would cause that, and where can i fix this? right clicking on the link just opens it as well.00:57
|AR|damien: probably you want add the max. resol. to Xorg.conf manually00:57
usserdamien, yea its a bit cryptic you'll have to read what it does00:57
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madmax__sockets: does hardy support jockey?00:58
usserdamien, its a secondary monitor i presume?00:58
damien|AR|, how do i manually add the right mode line in the new xorg format?00:58
damienusser, thats right secondary00:58
damienI tried adding a PairModes line to the Device section of xorg.conf00:59
damienthink that might do it?00:59
madmax__sockets: did you blacklist the b43 and ssb00:59
socketsmadmax__ i see packages : jockey-common and jockey-gtk for hardy00:59
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:59
usserdamien, something like aticonfig --dtop=clone00:59
wims!nvidia > wims00:59
ubottuwims, please see my private message00:59
socketsmadmax__ no, lemme look that up and try that real quick, hold on00:59
damienusser, am i trying to reconfigure my x11 config?01:00
usserdamien, yea back it up01:00
redvamp128dsofws: so I am assuming that you created a second account and it is still referencing the first account01:00
madmax__sockets: jockey is the restricted driver manager i have  in 8.10 its how my broadcom sta driver is toggled01:00
damienusser, okay, thanks guys, im gonig to restart x1101:00
usserdamien, and then aticonfig --resolution2=WxH01:00
damienusser, !01:00
madmax__sockets: try sudo jockey-gtk01:00
usserdamien, this should set your second screen to clone and set the proper res01:00
dsofwsredvamp128, i created the 2nd account, not knowing it would do something weird like this.01:00
redvamp128dsofws:  I think the fix for that is to specify a password for the second account-- then sign out of the first and sign into the second01:01
usserdamien, try it im not sure it'll work01:01
dsofwsthe 2nd account does have a paswword.01:01
usserdamien, ati is quirky01:01
damienusser, that command doesnt seem to work (resolution2)01:01
damienhavent seen that one before...01:01
dsofwsredvamp128, the accounts have their own home directories,01:01
redvamp128dsofws: that is the problem01:01
socketsmadmax__ alright, i'll try that01:01
damienwhat version of fglrx is that in?01:01
usserdamien, i dont how relevant it is, its from slackware 11 http://www.linuxstore.se/~jens/slackware-11.0/x11/aticonfig.txt01:01
madmax__sockets: i sent you a link too01:02
dsofwsredvamp128, the 2nd account does have password. i did sign out, and now i'm signed into the 2nd account, and this is where i stand.01:02
damienthanks!  signing out!01:02
redvamp128dsofws:  try specify a password for the second account- should fix that issue01:02
socketsmadmax__ when i do sudo jockey-gtk it loads up "hardware drivers" this is what i was using before the "broadcom b43 wireless driver", which just wouldn't connect..01:02
NoVARaifMight anyone here be able to lend a hand with resizing partitions after upgrading an Intrepid Ibis server install to a new drive?01:02
dsofwswhat do you mean by specific? i did set it up with a password. you have to type in a password to sign in with GDM.01:02
madmax__sockets: does you laptop have a wireless switch01:03
dsofwsboth accounts have diffferent passwords as well. and different home directories.01:03
redvamp128then go back under the first and try this fix for the .drmc -- should take back what is supposed to be its.Ubuntu .dmrc permission issue - a fix <http://www.ubuntuproductivity.com/journal/ubuntu/08/2008/fix-ubuntu-dmrc-permissions-error-on-login/>01:03
socketsmadmax__ yeah, it isn't working though neither is Fn+F2 which i read somewhere might work01:03
madmax__sockets: what laptop?01:03
OMGLOLPANTSdcc tsend I12345678909876543234501:04
dsofwsredvamp128, i'm not getting any error messages when i log in.01:04
tanker_How do I get my wifi connection to automatically connect on hardy01:04
socketsmadmax__ zv5240us01:04
sockets^ hp01:04
Townkhi everyone, I just install Intrepid here and try to update my nvidia driver to the last version available on repository (180.11). It was smooth but now when I login into my account the screen goes black and nothing shows up until I change to a terminal (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+1) and then change back to graphical term. Anyone knows what this is?01:04
redvamp128dsofws:  the main one is the first one-- to set the user1 to take control of its folders01:04
dsofwswhere does gnome store the information for the "PLACES" menu? like path location and such?01:04
OMGLOLPANTSin the icon?01:05
OMGLOLPANTSI think the icon is the file01:05
madmax__sockets: my hpdv6663 only works if it is in the on position from boot if its off when i boot turning it on still wont connect01:05
OMGLOLPANTSdcc tsend I12345678909876543234501:05
bitsDCC TSEND 1234567890098765432234567801:05
bitsDCC TSEND 1234567890098765432234567801:05
OMGLOLPANTSPeople and there crappy modems01:06
OMGLOLPANTSdcc tsend I12345678909876543234501:06
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madmax__sockets: is it a actual switch or just the fn-f201:06
redvamp128dsofws:  the main one to run is the this chmod 700 /home/<yourusername> (where yourusername is the first user) and then rerun it as the second (with the second username) to be done in prompt only (I think somehow permissions is messed up on the accounts) and the fix just happens to be on a page with .dmrc --01:06
tanker_how do I make my current wifi connection the default on hardy?01:06
OMGLOLPANTSdcc tsend I12345678909876543234501:06
socketsmadmax__ thanks a lot of the info! i'm gonna get rid of ndiswrapper and follow the directions in the link you gave me, turn it on and see how it goes, brb, reboot01:07
dsofws/home/theresa has everytying owned by theresa. /home/jason has everything owned by jason...01:07
lwhackeris there a graphical tool for finding wireless networks?01:07
dsofwsjust places keeps pointing to everything in /jason...01:07
redvamp128dsofws:  I don't think so if the places is messed up--01:07
OMGLOLPANTSdcc tsend I12345678909876543234501:07
TownkI just read on bug tracker that version 180.22 of nvidia driver is on repository, how do I get it? Anyone knows?01:07
madmax__sockets: blacklist ndiswrapper if using the b4301:07
weatherkid!spam | OMGLOLPANTS01:07
ubottuOMGLOLPANTS: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...01:07
OMGLOLPANTSdcc tsend I12345678909876543234501:07
dsofwsreduz, ls -lha is telling me everything...01:08
redvamp128dsofws:  I would sign into the prompt only -- run that fix for each user-01:08
tanker_lwhacker: just double click on the strength bars in the tool bar01:08
redvamp128dsofws:  what I think has happened is that somehow a file in the places is not right permissions.01:08
ubottuOMGLOLPANTS, please see my private message01:08
reduzdsofws, it wasn't me! i swear! i'm innocent!01:09
fiftyone_anyone know if you cann get the compiz cube running without beyrl?01:10
dsofwsissuing chmod  didn't fix it.01:10
OMGLOLPANTSYou can't?01:10
dsofwsonly difference is one has session=default another one says session=gnome01:10
redvamp128dsofws:  you have to be at the prompt only-- signed out-- then options -- session manger -- prmopt only01:11
dsofwsi am at the prompt only!!01:11
lwhackertanker_: fantastic! thanks01:11
dsofwsi'm chatting here because it's on a DIFFERENt computer01:11
redvamp128dsofws:  if it didnt' give an error than it took01:12
fiftyone_im having some graphics problems, when i use some programs wine and when i load firefox or other programs i get a distortion in my display01:12
dsofwsredvamp128, nothing changed. files are owned the same....and same chmod values..01:12
tanker__how come I cannot connect to my wpa rounter setup until after I connect to an unencrypted router?01:12
dsofwsand the same problem permits, theres'as places still point to everything in /home/jason01:12
rascal_is_herehow to repartition ubuntu without reinstalling ubuntu ?????????01:13
madmax__rascal_is_here: sudo gparted01:13
vince_Anyone know a good GUI program to manage remote MySQL servers?01:14
RichWHow do i do a cents sign on ubuntu?01:14
usservince_, phpmyadmin01:14
RichWor any special characters?01:14
rascal_is_hereis it is sotfware  madmax_01:14
RichWI have a UK keyboard01:14
vince_usser : I use that but right now I can't get into it on my server.01:14
usservince_, what do you mean can't get into it?01:14
redvamp128dsofws:  lets try something-- go back into the first user -- delete the second and try creating it again01:14
madmax__rascal_is_here: yes01:15
usservince_, ssh then, fix whatever's broken with phpmyadmin01:15
vince_My host is throwing a 500 Error when I try to access it01:15
madmax__rascal_is_here: it is on the live cd01:15
rascal_is_heremadmax_ how to use it ?01:16
madmax__rascal_is_here: are you using ubuntu01:16
rascal_is_heremadmax__ yes01:16
thearthurIm trying to use clojure with mvn, and cant get it to finc clojure-contrib on the class path01:17
rashed2020How do I run a program over SSH for a currently logged in user>01:17
tanker__anyone success adding a wpa wifi connection to begin automatically?01:17
thearthurwrong room01:17
ammagenduthi there01:17
thearthur:( blush01:17
whitemaryciao a tutti01:17
rascal_is_heremadmax__ do i boot from live cd and use it ?01:17
ammagendutcan someone show me how to install software if it in tar.gz format?01:17
TelQuelWhen I try to record using my microphone it says "audio capture settings are invalid" ... how do I change the settings and what needs changing?01:18
madmax__system>administration>partition editor01:18
madmax__rascal_is_here: system>administration>partition editor01:18
BalrogSeems like bug 238049 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/238049) is showing up01:19
Balrog(no close, max, min buttons)01:19
Balrogany ideas?01:19
rascal_is_heremadmax__ there is nothing such option in system->administrator01:20
orbisviciscan someone help me install the mysql dbd driver for apache's mod_dbd on hardy ?01:20
Sp0tKubuntuBalrog: I had the same problem! Had to re-install! :-(01:20
Balrogno ideas at all?01:21
Sp0tKubuntuBalrog: Maybe theres a fix01:21
madmax__rascal_is_here: open terminal > sudo apt-get install gparted01:21
Balrogalso running `gtk-window-decorator --replace` crashes the system01:21
Baatti1If I wanted to get into programming with Python, where is a good place to start?01:21
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Rafase_282anyone good with bash scripts?01:21
Balrog(but this is with 8.10)01:21
BalrogI'm *ok* with bash....01:21
usserRafase_282, not good but ok01:22
Sp0tKubuntuBalrog: Ahh, u have unsupportet stuff installed?01:22
NoVARaifanyone here up to sharing some pointers about gparted and completing the partition resizing on Ibis?  I need to finish getting my server back up and running on the new drive01:22
Balroglike what unsupported stuff? themes?01:22
usserBaatti, dive into python is a pretty good book01:22
Balrogthere were some third-party themes but they were deleted01:22
Balrog(in ~/.Themes I believe)01:22
Sp0tKubuntuBalrog: Have to change the software sources from standard, and installed some crap?01:23
Baattiusser: are there any software IDE I can use for Python Development, and are there any good beginner tutorials anywhere?01:23
Balrogthis is with gnome01:23
Sp0tKubuntuBalrog: I have problems when i use other sources than standard01:23
Rafase_282usser, I want to get a code that makes the program stop until i hit enter01:23
usserBaatti, idle, erik01:23
rascal_is_heremadmax__ thanx01:23
bgp_killed_youtuHas anyone here had problems with their display after making a user level account?01:23
Sp0tKubuntuBalrog: Ok, i just had the same problem after trying "cube"01:23
madmax__rascal_is_here:  gl01:24
MikeShollenHey folks01:24
MikeShollenI'm new to Ubuntu and Linux, and pretty lost01:24
MikeShollenI was hoping to get some support here01:24
usserBaatti, yea dive into python is pretty much a tuturial it starts with basics01:24
BaattiMikeShollen, you came to the right place01:24
brunnerMy add/remove programs dialog contains no programs =/01:24
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redvamp128dsows: found the fix -- check in the user panel that this is correct- Advanced tab, when adding user, and ensure that the line for Home directory reads: /home/$user01:24
Baattiusser ok...thank you01:24
MikeShollenI'm having issues trying to install my graphics driver01:25
kindofabuzzEvery boot i have to mount -a to get my NFS mounted, why won't it auto mount?01:25
usserRafase_282, that executes something until you hit enter?01:25
=== bgp_killed_youtu is now known as ghost_of_DNSsec
sirhcjwhey all I am having issues with 9.04 amd64 not booting01:26
Rafase_282well i have the script to do what i want, then print some information of what is done, then back to the beginign of the loop and wait for new commands01:26
sirhcjwudevd_event[$C]: mknod(/dev/pktcdvd/control, 020660, (10,62) failed: Not a01:26
MikeShollenHow can I disable a bad graphics driver when the GUI won't load?01:26
_VIM_!jaunty | sirhcjw01:26
ubottusirhcjw: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:26
ghost_of_DNSsecI'm having trouble when I switch to a user account that I made, the screen gets all blurry. It's fine when I use my own account01:26
Rafase_282but i dont know how to make it so beofre it goes to the begining of the loop it waits for the user ti hit enter cause it clean the screen and dont let me read the output01:26
usserRafase_282, just put read at the very bottom01:26
Rafase_282just that?01:27
Rafase_282read before continue?01:27
usserRafase_282, yea read befor it goes back to the beginning01:27
Rafase_282ok let me try, tanks01:27
dyfhello.. i can't hear any sound from ubuntu.. i went to System > Preferences > Sound and it won't start.. how can i troubleshoot sound?01:27
bling4mmMy firefox's "save as" doesn't work... in fact none of the download of any kinds works (whether by left clicking a link or right clicking to save as). Does anybody have any solutions to this?01:28
joejcanyone know a good app to fix my music?01:28
EnigmaCurryI'm looking for a simple, zero configuration, webserver that just serves files from the current directory. Not for production use, just for when I need a throw-away webserver quickly. Anyone know of one?01:28
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usserjoejc, whats broken with your music?01:28
joejcthe meta data01:29
redvamp128bling4mm:  try opening firefox with the firefox -profilemanger option create new user and see if something is up with the prior user-01:29
AhadielWhen using the Ubuntu liveCD to resize my /home (to take up 30gb of unallocated space), it spit out a resize error and told me to e2fsck the drive. The fsck shows 4.1% non-contiguous and the unallocated space no longer shows up in gparted (my /home is also still the same size). How would I go about fixing this?01:29
redvamp128bling4mm:  could be a corrupted profile01:29
ghost_of_DNSsecjoejc, you can use the EasyTag software to alter your tags automatically or by hand01:29
joejcthe file names are all wrong and theres no album art01:29
bling4mmMy firefox's "save as" doesn't work... in fact none of the download of any kinds works (whether by left clicking a link or right clicking to save as). Does anybody have any solutions to this?01:29
redvamp128bling4mm:  read above01:29
usserEnigmaCurry, http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/01:30
ghost_of_DNSsecyou can get EasyTag through synaptic package manager or with a sudo apt-get install EasyTag01:30
TrentonHHello everybody!01:30
bling4mmsorry... there was a huge lag01:30
EnigmaCurryusser: Thanks, I'll check it out01:30
TrentonHIs their any antivirus/firewall support for Ubuntu?01:30
theCzarhow do I change the mount point for an external volume?01:30
ghost_of_DNSsecCan anyone help me with my display problem on my user level account?01:31
usser!antivirus | TrentonH01:31
ubottuTrentonH: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus01:31
_VIM_TrentonH: yes but no need really.01:31
redvamp128bling4mm:  try a new profile for firefox Profile Manager - MozillaZine Knowledge Base <http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_Manager>01:31
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:31
madmax__theCzar: edit /etc/fstab01:31
TrentonHI thought it was IP-Tables ^.^01:31
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:31
TrentonHI have Ubuntu 8.10 or whatever, is that Gnome edition or KDE?01:31
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redvamp128bling4mm:  at the prompt type  ./firefox -profilemanager that will start up the profile manger and see if the problem persists-- could be a corrupted and or locked profile.01:32
_VIM_TrentonH: gnome01:32
TrentonHAhh ha01:32
bling4mmk will try01:32
_VIM_Kubuntu=KDE + Ubuntu01:33
kenalexis there any advantage at all in using 64 bit over 32 bit linux01:33
TrentonHAlrighty, heres a tricky one. I need step by step details of how to delete the files off another harddrive thats on this PC and than expand this harddrive to use that one?01:33
MikeShollenI tried to install an nVidia driver for my 7900 card and my system won't boot into the GUI, it's giving me command prompt only.  How do I get back into the Gui?01:33
ghost_of_DNSsecTrentoH: Get the live cd for GPartEd. Reboot your computer with the live cd in the drive. Follow the graphical wizard they have, and just delete the old partition01:34
_VIM_!gparted | TrentonH read this01:34
ubottuTrentonH read this: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:34
TrentonHI'll put it in simpler terms, Harddrive 1: WinXP 320GB Hardrive2: Ubuntu 500GB I want to delete Harddrive 1 and use it together with Harddrive 201:34
theCzarmadmax__ ok, thanks.  how would I go about changing the mount point, I think I might be able to figure it out, but I'm not sure01:34
TrentonHThats possible right?01:34
redvamp128MikeShollen:  try ctl-alt-backspace01:34
MikeShollenWhile I'm at command prompt?01:34
MikeShollendoesn't do anything01:35
redvamp128MikeShollen:  should take you to the login screen01:35
ghost_of_DNSsecTrentonH: Yes, its possible. And GPartEd is the program that does it.01:35
MikeShollensays    michael@Alienware:~$01:35
redvamp128MikeShollen:  okay then try this command -- sudo nvidia-settings01:35
TrentonHThanks, it is GParted on LiveCD right?01:35
EnigmaCurryAha, I found a cool solution. Just type "python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080" in the directory you want to serve files.01:35
NoVARaifI would really appreciate some help in determining if I did something wrong when migrating my Ibis server install to a new larger hard drive... anyone up to helping?  it would be greatly appreciated01:35
ghost_of_DNSsecyou can get it on one. Or you could get it as an ubuntu package01:35
TrentonHDo I do the liveCD or the console version?01:35
binarymutantwhat's the difference between mlocate and slocate anyways?01:35
MikeShollenError: the control display is undefined, please run 'nvidia-settings --help' for usage information01:35
_VIM_TrentonH: you need the Gparted Live CD01:36
TrentonHAlrighty then ^.^01:36
redvamp128MikeShollen:  then lets get you back on xorg01:36
kansanhow do i get the current time zone my ubuntu machine is set up on?01:36
ghost_of_DNSsecCan anyone help me with my display problem?01:36
TrentonHI hope all of my games work on Ubuntu.... |:01:36
MikeShollenAny chance I could talk to you in a priv channel redvamp so I can reduce all the other chat?01:37
BlindCamelUbuntu 8.10 (intrepid) has problems with nvidia drivers i have tried everything i can think of01:37
redvamp128mike sure01:37
GreedyBDoes anyone know how I can stop it from asking me for a password when I resume?01:37
kenalexdoes anyone here run Ubuntu 64 bit01:37
GreedyBooops wrong button01:38
jeroi installed the latests 9.1 ati drivers and now am not getting any acceleration (glxgears etc dont work). what is the command to setup the whole graphics properly after installing an ati driver?01:39
NoVARaifI am using the 8.10 LiveCD and GParted, and I am stuck trying to reconcile the partition information GParted is providing about the new partitions01:39
Titan8990jero: I'm not sure if it is different in Ubuntu but when the drivers are aquired from ATI the command is: aticonfig --initial01:40
ari_stressmorning all :)01:40
jerotitan oh yes, i think this was it, let me try01:40
Titan8990jero: then you will need to copy xorg.conf.new in root's homedir to /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:40
Titan8990jero: backup your current xorg first01:40
brunnerMy Add/Remove Programs dialog shows no programs at all, but apt seems to work fine from the command line.  What can I do to fix this?01:40
TrentonHMy Pidgin client just crashed :P01:41
yeoj__I'm getting 2,200 fps in glxgears with an nvidia geforce 7600gt.  What should I be getting?  Quake 3 feels much slower then it did on my windows partition...01:41
TrentonHAnd they say Linux is stable.......01:41
brunnerTrentonH: Pidgin != Linux01:41
TrentonHYeoj_ Maybe, it's your imaginiation....01:41
TrentonHbrunner, Pidgin is Linux.01:42
* NoVARaif begins to think he's talking to himself?01:42
ghost_of_DNSsecno, its really not01:42
linxehTrentonH: err, no01:42
madmax__isnt pidgin cross platform01:42
TrentonHWell it came on my Linux cd...01:42
linxehmadmax__: yes, using GTK01:42
brunnermadmax__: yes01:42
brunnerTrentonH: so did Firefox, probably01:42
garucan someone tell me how do I configure a ubuntu machine as a client to connect to a kerberos server?01:42
linxehTrentonH: it runs on macosx, windows, linux, etc etc01:42
TrentonHYes....... it came /w Firefox but I already knew that.01:43
MaT-dgMy system slows down randomly -> high cpu load caused by somehing..01:43
madmax__garu: google kerberos client ubuntu01:43
brunnerTrentonH: well Firefox isn't Linux, either.01:43
TrentonHMaT-dg Did you open your Linux Process Manager or whatever it is called and view what is doing what?01:43
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yeoj__TrentonH, maybe, but showfps shows that its actually quantifiable.  Thanks for your sarcastic help though.01:44
TrentonHbrunner, But FireFox is KEWLL regardless if it's Linux or not....01:44
=== NoVARaif is now known as NoVA-Smokin
=== NoVA-Smokin is now known as NoVA-Smoking
TrentonHyeoj_, Anytime :D Just saying ya know maybe it's all in your head....01:44
letalisim trying to get my console terminals to use another default font and i made changes to /etc/default/console-setup and it looked like at initial startup it changed, but after everything loaded it reverted back to the original ubuntu font. any ideas what would cause this to happen?01:44
brunnerTrentonH: I use it, but it'd be "KEWLL"er if it didn't take up so much RAM01:44
linxehTrentonH: I fear there is far more in yeoj__'s head than yours :o01:45
TrentonHbrunner, get more ram ^.^01:45
ghost_of_DNSsecAlso if it didn't have legacy code dating back to before Netscape Navigator01:45
linxehghost_of_DNSsec: you mean like IE ?01:45
jeroanyone using ubuntu 9.04 already?01:45
linuxman410jero i am using 9.0401:46
jerolinuxman - any new features worth noting?01:46
ghost_of_DNSseclinexh: lol, much like that. But because you can see inside the code,01:46
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:46
ghost_of_DNSsecyou notice the horrible legacy problems01:46
linxehghost_of_DNSsec: if you pay enough you can see inside the IE code too :-)01:47
iameliteWhat is an extremely small window manager i can use for a resource costly application?01:47
ghost_of_DNSseclol, that'd be nice, but I don't have the money01:47
linuxman410jero all of my stuff that would not run on 8.10 runs on 9.0401:47
HarighI'm new to ubuntu and the website told me to come here for general help is anyone willing to help me?01:47
linxehHarigh: if you tell us what the problem is yes :p01:47
TrentonHErm, I have a slight problem..... just a small one nothing to big..01:47
letalisHarigh: whats the problem?01:48
jerolinuxman nice, maybe i ll just screw this attempt with the ati driver on 8.10 and go straight for 9.0401:48
TrentonHI have like 50+ connections open on my PC.......01:48
jerocant get the acceleration to work anyway01:48
Harighok well you see my distro will boot all the way to the desktop and then stop the system icon doesnt show up and i cant do anything on it? does anyone know what i can do to fix it01:48
ghost_of_DNSsecjero: I'd be careful going to 9.0401:48
ghost_of_DNSsecit hasn't been released for a reason01:48
jeroguess that will teach me to not mess with any ati drivers unless there is a package on synaptic01:48
jeroi know i could get it to run, but it will be again a google orgy01:49
tonsofpcsanyone know of some X software that can record and playback keystrokes and mouse motions/presses either with or without timing [and repeat with or without delay] ?01:49
kansanhow do i get the current time zone my ubuntu machine is set up on?how do i remove user foo?01:49
kansanhow do i remove user foo?01:49
linuxman410jero it already had my ati driver i am using radeon 9200se01:49
iameliteI installed blackbox window manager into my computer, and i see half a desktop when i open it, like its working with 2 monitors, but i only have one. is there a configuration for this?01:49
jerolinux 8.10 had it too, i just wanted the newest01:49
MaT-dgTrentonH: yes, it seems that pulseaudio and java are using the most cpu load01:49
jeroi ve done it before but my memory is short. and i dont want to read all over again01:49
linuxman410jero my 3d effects work great01:49
Lucifer_CatWhen i remote into my box the first time, it works fine. when i logout from the menu, all the icons and menu disappear and only the wallpaper remains. Even if i disconnect and connect again, i get the same thing. i need to restart to get it going again. What am i doing wrong?01:50
TrentonHMaT-dg is the Java jqs named? I know it is on WinXP01:50
letalisHarigh: system icon?01:50
jerolinuxman they do, except i found that ubuntu 8.10 has my gfx card fan spinning constantly when the 3d acceleration is enabled.01:50
jerolinuxman without, my laptop is absolutely silent01:50
Harighthe icon that says system and allows me to easily access the stuff connected to my computer i know its there because i ran it in vmware01:50
TrentonHjero: My PC sounds like an Apache helicopter because of the hardware I have in it. LOL01:51
MaT-dgTrentonH: what do u mean by that?01:51
letalisahh the one that lets you access the filesystems01:51
linuxman410jero i have desktop and you can not even hear fan01:51
Harighyes that one01:51
jerotrenton - easily fixed. drill a hole in the wall and get usb cables through it, and work on the other side of the wall01:51
TrentonHMaT-dg: What is the name of the Java program thats running in process?01:51
letalisare you using kde or gnome Harigh?01:52
Harighi assume that anyway01:52
ghost_of_DNSsecIs there anyone who can help me with my display issues?01:52
Harighi just picked run without changes from the main menu01:52
aazizorgI'm repeatedly getting the error "[ ######] Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0" when i try to boot ubuntu live cd. I know it works on other PCs, I burnt it slow, and other linux live cd's don't work.01:52
TrentonHjero: It's not an issue to me, it was expected when I built gaming machine. I have an Air Cooled system and 3 vid cards and they constantly run and noisy.01:53
letalisdoes the lower left icon of the desktop have a K in a gear on it?01:53
ghost_of_DNSsecTrentonH, what games are you planning to run?01:53
ghost_of_DNSsecAnd have you made sure their developers support Linux?01:53
ghost_of_DNSsecBecause there are many things Linux is excellent for, but so far the gaming community's been a little behind other sectors if I remember correctly01:53
aitdaazizorg: isn't fd0 the floppy?01:54
linuxman410jero i used old hardware a p4 1.8 and a gig of ram and ati radeon 9200se01:54
letalisrun dmesg and pastebin it and post the link here01:54
the6stephow can I download Adobe Flash for ubuntu gutsy?01:54
TrentonHghost_of_DNSsec I have 4 hd's 2 are saved for my Windows games, I got them in Raid 0 and Crysis, Stalker, WoW,01:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:54
aazizorgaitd, i've been told this in #archlinux, im going to try to disable floppy (i dont have one anyways)01:54
ghost_of_DNSsecTrentonH: Oh, okay, you sound like you've got it01:54
letalisyoull need to run dmesg in a terminal01:54
Harighno the icon doesnt have the konqueror icon in it01:54
MaT-dgTrentonH: Azureus01:55
letaliswas the desktop browns beiges and the like when you initially started it up?01:55
TrentonHghost_of_DNSsec: I play WoW mostly, so it doesn't bother me. I just know i'm going to lagg mad becuase Linux doesn't support dialup.01:55
Harighyes it was01:55
letalisokay youre running ubuntu with gnome as the desktop01:56
Harighdo i need to run in it a different mode?01:56
the_lordI'm having problems with my wireless card01:56
Harighoh ok01:56
ghost_of_DNSsecTrentonH: ah01:56
the_lordI have 8.10 and lspci says the card is Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset01:56
TrentonHghost_of_DNSsec: Do you know if their is any 56k support for Ubuntu?01:56
letalisin gnome the main menu up top has a item called places that will allow you to access all of the filesystems that your system knows about.01:56
aazizorgaitd, yeah that was it. had to disable floppy in bios. weird though01:57
Harighya but i cant open the applications menu the places menu or the system menu at the top01:57
aitdaazizorg: That was going to be my next suggestion.01:57
Harighits like the only thing that works is the mouse01:57
letalisif you need to get on a windows share the network option will get you there.01:57
PowhatanBobI'm getting 503 5.5.1 "Authentication not enabled" when my rails app tries to send an email, what could be causing that?01:57
ghost_of_DNSsechas anyone had any troubles with display when switching to a user account?01:57
the_lordsorry, I have 8.0401:58
the_lordany ideas?01:58
ghost_of_DNSsecon Intrepid01:58
eweb100all, I just got a new 1tb external HDD and was wondering what would be the best format to use with windows, linux and mac?01:58
danbhfiveeweb100: fat32 maybe?01:58
ghost_of_DNSseceweb100: unfortunately, I think fat32 is the only one all of those will work with01:58
countessdo you guys know this is the most popular channel on freenode01:58
Lucifer_Catcountess: holy!! 1342 users01:59
eweb100countless, cuz ubuntu is teh 1337 stuff01:59
* Lucifer_Cat never noticed01:59
countessI just did a check to see what channel was the most popular01:59
countessand you guys are it01:59
eweb100dannfive: ghost_of_DNsec, thanks01:59
* countess is an ubuntu user02:00
TrentonHCan someone help me get a dialup network running on Ubutnu 8.10?02:00
wxlwho has ever uded mldonkey?my mldonkey doesn't work!02:01
TrentonHThe support has stopped ):02:01
wxlthe mldonkey cant not connect to the internet02:02
danbhfive!dialup | TrentonH maybe this works02:02
ubottuTrentonH maybe this works: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up02:02
=== etgfx is now known as eternal
TrentonHI don't know what KNetworkManager is....02:03
BattleStarJesusI am trying to configure my computer so that I can log into it, using a GUI interface,  from a remote location.  I have come here for tutorial advice.  Suggestions?02:03
herrkinhola, hello.02:04
yo-chenheyho herrkin02:04
herrkinhi everyone02:04
tabidachi_BattleStarJesus, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy/RemoteAccess02:04
damienusser, you still around02:04
danbhfiveTrentonH: slow down, read more slowly.  If you are using ubuntu, then you don't need to worry about KDE nor KNetworkmanager02:04
damien|AR|, you around?02:04
damienstill having trouble :(02:04
herrkincan anyone help me configure my intel card with compiz?02:05
herrkinI am on hardy02:05
lakotajamesCould someone help me write a script?02:05
jriblakotajames: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you02:05
damienhaving trouble configuring fglrx, ubuntu 8.10 to run on a samsung 30" 2560x160002:05
|AR|damien: yup02:05
Svenstarolakotajames, #bash is what you want probably.02:05
yo-chenlakotjames: can try02:05
lakotajamesSvenstaro: thanks.02:05
Svenstarolakotajames, read the links in #bash motd, theyre extraordinarily helpful02:06
herrkinI just dont know what to do, I was googling it and they say it is supported by defoult but it doesnt work02:06
Titan8990damien: what problems are you having?02:06
eternalI am running on a usb drive 'live session' is there a way to expand the persistent storage file?02:06
damienTitan8990, I can't seem to get the maximum resolution displayed02:07
damienthings were working okay on my old 20"02:07
yo-chenherrkin, which card, what problem?02:07
Titan8990damien: did you install your ati drivers via jockey-gtk or manually from the ati website?02:07
herrkinwell intel x3100, compiz doesnt  work02:07
damienTitan8990, both, current is latest from ati02:08
herrkinI dont know what to do. I am new to linux02:08
yo-chenwhat did you try?02:08
herrkinI have ati on mi pc and it worked when I used envy02:09
herrkinbut in this case I dont know what to do02:09
Titan8990damien: make a backup of your xorg.conf and manually add the resolution you want. You can change an existing resolution, or you can add another02:09
damienTitan8990, how do I add the resolution?02:09
Titan8990damien: just make sure you back up the orginal02:09
blue_windows rules02:09
herrkinI just installed the ati video driver and it's still the same.02:09
damiento Screen?  Monitor?  Device?  PairMode? Mode?02:09
damienTitan8990, so many options!02:09
Titan8990damien: when you look at the file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf     you should see the resolutions listed, most likely it will be the screen section02:10
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:10
bamhm182you here nickrud?02:10
damienPici, thanks :)02:10
damienTitan8990, thanks I'll try that02:10
Prometheus1981Hello everybody02:10
nickrudbamhm182, around, but not really here yet02:11
lakotajames#bash seems pretty dead.02:11
bamhm182alright, I didn't need help, just wanted to let you know that I got everything sorted02:11
lakotajames I need to make a script that will write the names of all the avi files in a directory to a text document like this: stream =
bamhm182in case you didn't get the PM02:11
nickrudbamhm182, yeah, I caught your pm, good to hear02:11
bamhm182alright, cool02:11
dbansalhello everyone! I am using ubuntu 8.10 and I have problems with open office. The menus do not display correctly. Does anyone else know how to solve this issue?02:11
Prometheus1981Has anyone tried to install ubuntu in a USB flash drive, and got it to boot?02:12
madmax__Prometheus1981: yes02:12
eternalPrometheus1981, yes I am on one now02:12
Mean_Admineh! what's the   #    coloumn in crontab?!02:12
kattollikisdhi everybody... I need help, I was trying to find a good letter to make a Power Point .ppt but I can't find it... I was trying to find this letter http://www.colegioeuropamalaga.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/letra-gotica-inglesa.gif can someone give me a hand?02:12
Prometheus1981I have installed it several times and when I try to boot, it keeps telling me that it's corrupt02:13
The_SpazzzGood Afternoon, I was wondering if someone could help me with a very annoying glitch with Compiz in 8.10.  For some reason when I click on a window I can move it but it will not gain focus unless I ALT-TAB into it.  I can work around this by setting windows to focus by moving my mouse over them but this just adds another aggivation and I'd like it to keep the normal behavior.02:13
jribMean_Admin: read 'man 5 crontab'.  The # just comments the first line so it gives you column headings and cron ignores that line02:13
subliminalanyone notice jaunty hardware drivers manager is now accepting nvidia...not going to trash my system is it ?02:13
Mean_Adminjrib: i'm so stupid! you're right02:13
bamhm182what's the cube effect called? I want to look into getting that installed02:14
The_SpazzzI've also searched GOOGLE without much luck.02:14
bamhm182would that just be the Ubuntu cube02:14
jrib!jaunty | subliminal02:14
ubottusubliminal: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.02:14
Titan8990subliminal: there is a seperate irc for the unstable version of Ubuntu02:14
subliminalthanks ubottu02:14
lstarnesbamhm182: it's a plugin for compiz-fusion02:14
bamhm182thanks lstarnes02:14
Titan8990subliminal: ubottu is bot (most of the time), thank jrib02:15
dbansalhello! does anyone know how to solve open office problems? My menu is not displaying the text correctly. Everything else works fine02:15
subliminalthanks jrgp  :P02:15
bamhm182I remembered that it was a plugin, but I couldn't remember compiz-fusion02:15
subliminalerr jrib ..02:15
Prometheus1981Does anyone know why my usb boot won't work?02:15
linux_guyPrometheus1981, how did you create it?02:15
linux_guyPrometheus1981, i just got done with this02:16
yo-chenherrkin, what happens, if you type compiz --replace &  in a shell?02:16
herrkinI havent tryed02:16
=== tom_ is now known as outlier
TrentonHI am having problems.... I typed in a command wvdialconf and it said no modems detected and go to go this website http://open.nit.ca/wiki/?WvDial and the website doesn't work!02:16
madmax__Prometheus1981: try writing zeros to the whole drive then using the make usb startup disk option in ubuntu02:16
herrkinI'll check02:16
Prometheus1981Yes, I used ubuntu 8.10 live cd02:16
linux_guyi found the usb startup thing in 8.10 to suck.  i used unetbootin02:17
Mean_Admin0 4 * * 1,3,5 /home/pompei/backupscript02:17
Prometheus1981I have tried several times and it says that it was complete succesfully, but when I reboot it says that it's bad02:17
Mean_Admindoes that look okay as a crontab?02:17
=== jrgp is now known as `jrgp
linux_guyPrometheus1981, what is the errror?02:18
Prometheus1981Will try02:18
eternalPrometheus1981, on the same drive?02:18
madmax__Prometheus1981: what size stick02:18
jribMean_Admin: sure02:18
herrkinyo-chen, it looked for xgl and then said not present02:18
letalisdoes anyone have any idea why /etc/default/console-setup wont hold its settings after ubuntu finishes booting? when the kernel spewed its usual memory crap at the beginning it changed to what i set it to but then the consoles reverted back to the ubuntu default. any idea what would cause this?02:18
Mean_Adminjrib: all right thanks02:18
eternalPrometheus1981, some sticks just won't boot, I had 2 of 3 of mine boot, 1 just won't02:18
Prometheus1981Oh ok02:18
linux_guyoh my....02:18
marinehow do i get an exe file to open so that i can burn an iso out of it02:18
jribletalis: did you check if 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup' has the same behavior?02:19
eternalPrometheus1981, is it a newer stick your trying with?02:19
madmax__Prometheus1981: ive noticed when using a 1gb stick that if you save files to the stick and fill it completely things start having errors02:19
yo-chenherrkin, try sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl02:19
Prometheus1981Sort of02:19
letalisjrib: let me try it out02:19
herrkinyo-chen, ok02:19
Prometheus1981I got it at a seminar 6mo ago02:19
hacker_kidi have edited my .profile to add a directory to my $PATH, how can i reload the .profile without rebooting?02:19
eternalPrometheus1981, you might try reformating it - that brought one of mine around.02:19
Prometheus1981Ok, thanks02:20
linux_guyformat and unetbootin, i'm telling you02:20
jribhacker_kid: source ~/.profile02:20
eternalgood luck02:20
[1]JockeI'm trying to learn some Linux. I've installed bzr to download an application coded in python. How do I compile it from the console?02:20
linux_guyi spent several hours on this a few days ago02:20
jspirosI'm thinking about setting up Ubuntu as dual boot on my currently Mac OS X-only MacBook02:20
jrib[1]Jocke: you don't compile python02:20
hacker_kidjrib, ty02:20
Titan8990[1]Jocke: python is not compiled02:20
jrib[1]Jocke: you should join #python02:20
GeffIsLegendhey guys, is there a way i can save settings on ubuntu, like every time i get on it, i have to reload flash player and things like that, is there a way iwont have to do that every time i log on?02:20
jspirosDoes anyone know of a VM solution taht would let me boot my Mac OS X installation from within Ubuntu, on my MacBook?02:21
Titan8990[1]Jocke: it is it interpretted and should just run02:21
marinehow do i get an exe file to open so that i can burn an iso out of it02:21
madmax__GeffIsLegend: are you using a live cd02:21
eternallinux_guy, do you know how to expand the persistant storage file?02:21
yo-chenherrkin, i found a nice forum thread, maybe you want to check it02:21
GeffIsLegendyeah a live cd i burnt myself02:21
yo-chenherrkin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12709002:21
herrkinyo-chen, thanks, let me see02:21
linux_guyyeah, well for me, unetbootin has the option of 'how much' space you'd like to allow02:21
linux_guyit was very easy02:22
madmax__GeffIsLegend: short answer no...make a live usb stick with a persistant file and it will save...your cd is read only02:22
TrentonHCan somebody tell me how to install scanmodem?02:22
jrib!dialup > TrentonH02:22
ubottuTrentonH, please see my private message02:22
GeffIsLegendwell i want to make Ubuntu the main OS of my computer but im having issues with that if youre intrested in helping me02:22
marine how do i get an exe file to open so that i can burn an iso out of it02:22
jribmarine: 1) your question doesn't really make sense  and 2) please don't repeat so quickly02:23
AchluonGeffIsLegend: Perhaps you should start with what the problems are.02:23
Titan8990marine: you can use WINE but only certain apps are supported02:23
eternallinux_guy, I installed mine,  but I realized the amount I allowed was a bit small02:23
nickrudmarine, an exe is a window executable file; it's not something you 'unpack'02:23
AchluonWe don't really need an introduction.02:23
Titan8990!wine | marine02:23
ubottumarine: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help02:23
linux_guyeternal, what did you use to create yours02:23
madmax__GeffIsLegend: do you have a flash drive02:23
eternalmarine, if it's a self-extracting archive, you might try 7zip02:23
GeffIsLegendwell when i go to "install" from the cd i get to step 4 of 7 and partition part, and it wont let me select any partitions to use02:24
punzadais kde4.2 in the ibex repos or should I install from the same repo as the beta build?02:24
marinenickrud, so how do i get it to open02:24
GeffIsLegendand no i dont have a flash drive :[02:24
nickrudmarine, I totally missed the idea that it might be a self extracting archive; eternal has a good idea02:24
linux_guyhas anyone used DVD2HDD?02:24
letalisjrib: thanks man i think that got it02:24
marineeternal, is that in the repoz02:24
eternalLinux_guy I am looking I believe it's cd2usb  it's the windows  util to do it.02:25
eternalmarine: I believe so.02:25
marineeternal, i tried to use archive manager and it didn't work02:25
GeffIsLegendwell when i go to "install" from the cd i get to step 4 of 7 and partition part, and it wont let me select any partitions to use-should i create a partition table in the gparted?02:25
Titan8990marine: what is it exactly?02:25
madmax__GeffIsLegend: what is currently installed on your hard drive02:25
GeffIsLegendwindows vista02:25
linux_guyi got 'could not launch menu item' -- failed to execute child process /usr/bin/DVD2HDD - no such file or directory...???02:26
marineTitan8990, it's a dos/windows bootdisk02:26
Titan8990GeffIsLegend: there is nothing wrong with that option but it is recommended that you backup your system prior to messing with partitions02:26
The_SpazzzDoes anyone have any idea why I can't click on a window and have it focus when Compiz is enabled?02:26
linux_guyi went into terminal, and typed DVD2HDD and got errors also02:26
marineulitmate boot cd trying to fixmr02:26
linux_guyhow can i start this program?02:26
linux_guyhow can i see if this installed correctly?02:26
dobblegoshould I expect difficulty in setting up 3 monitors with two nvidia graphics cards?02:27
tritiumlinux_guy: that's not in the repositories.  You must have installed some 3rd party software.02:27
linux_guyi got if from sourceforge or softpedia02:27
madmax__boot into vista goto control panel>computer managment>disk managment and right click your c drive select shrink volume ...free up some space for ubuntu...also make sure that you shutdown not hibernate the resume image will cause issues02:27
Titan8990marine: I just checked, there is an ISO format, use that.....02:27
GeffIsLegendsorry about that, pigin crashed02:28
marineTitan8990, where did you find it02:28
linux_guyhow can i check to see if this program installed correctly?02:28
Titan8990marine: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html02:28
marineTitan8990, ecause i was there an there isn't a mirror for an iso just an exe02:28
woody86does anyone know why I lost g-thumb from the "Open with..." menu? I reinstalled it, but can't get it back on there02:28
madmax__linux_guy: run it02:29
madmax__GeffIsLegend: boot into vista goto control panel>computer managment>disk managment and right click your c drive select shrink volume ...free up some space for ubuntu...also make sure that you shutdown not hibernate the resume image will cause issues02:29
linux_guyi get an error02:29
Titan8990marine: there is also zip formats02:29
linux_guyi got 'could not launch menu item' -- failed to execute child process /usr/bin/DVD2HDD - no such file or directory...???02:29
lanoxxhi, how can i mount a ntfs partition in linux and get user rights for it so i can share it with write access02:29
madmax__linux_guy:  google error02:29
linux_guymadmax__, been there, done that02:29
marineTitan8990, i will use the iso format then burn to disk02:29
GeffIsLegendoh okay, thanks madmax, then after that what should i do? just load back into ubuntu?02:30
Titan8990lanoxx: are you wanting it to mount on boot?02:30
Titan8990marine: good luck02:30
madmax__lanoxx: install ntfs-3g02:30
madmax__linux_guy: what error02:30
jriblocate kif02:30
TrentonHThat link doesn't work...02:30
marineTitan8990, is that suppose to mean good luck or watch out02:30
linux_guyi got 'could not launch menu item' -- failed to execute child process /usr/bin/DVD2HDD - no such file or directory...???02:30
tritiummarine: that's installed by default02:30
madmax__GeffIsLegend: yes02:30
GeffIsLegendokay cool, thanks ill go try it, ill be back02:31
lanoxxTitan8990, mount it, i have installed ntfs-3g already and i can mount the partition, but its always mounted with root access rights and if i right click and choose share, then i get a message saying that i dont own the folder02:31
marinetritium, where at02:31
erossi have the mx-3200 logitech wireless keyboard and mouse. is there a reason why in openarena, W (forward) + A (left) + spacebar doesn't work? It works with the right strafe key02:31
erossspacebar = jump02:31
tritiummarine: what do you mean "where at"?  It's one of the packages that is installed by default.02:31
TrentonHI type ./ScanModem and it says Continuing as this update is only 2 weeks old, but the current Update is always at: http://somewebsite than it syas grep: 04:00.0: No such file or directory02:32
linux_guymadmax__, ever seen it?02:32
marinetritium, what package are you referring to 7zip or something else???02:32
Mean_Adminif I just created a new user and I want ssh to allow new user to use private keys and such, I have to make a .ssh folder in the new user's home folder ?02:32
tritiummarine: ntfs-3g02:33
tritiummarine: sorry, wrong nick.  Was intended for madmax__.02:33
madmax__eross: try a wired kbd see if its the keyboard or OA02:33
marinetritium, that must e someone else not me02:33
tritiummarine: correct.  See above.02:34
madmax__linux_guy: try doin it in terminal you'll get a lil more info02:34
madmax__also try sudo02:34
erossit's the keyboard madmax, my older one i replaced was working ok in that respect02:34
marinetritium, ok the iso is finshed02:34
Titan8990lanoxx: you don't need ntfs-3g in ubuntu, or really any recent kernel.   try:     chown -R USER:GROUP /mount/point02:34
[1]JockeI can't figure it out. I downloaded the source for gnome-specimen, coded in python. How do i run it? In the root folder there is Makefile.am and autogen.sh.02:34
erossi just paid $68 for this too at circuit city who is going out of business.. dont tell me i have to ship it off to be fixed :/02:35
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:35
madmax__eross: new batt?02:35
madmax__linux_guy: pm me02:35
GeffIsLegendhey madmax02:35
erossthey came in the box, everything else appears to be working02:35
Titan8990[1]Jocke: are you sure that it is python? did any documentation come with it? python is a scripting language that is executed with ./SCRIPT.PY02:36
GeffIsLegendim in vista right now, there isnt a computer management directory02:36
dmotdhello, i'm about to edit my partition table, which will have the effect of changing the device name on my ubuntu partition.. what files will need to be fixed so ubuntu can boot again?02:36
Titan8990[1]Jocke: or:    python script.py02:36
madmax__GeffIsLegend: administrative tools?02:36
madmax__GeffIsLegend: pm02:36
tuxfanim out peace02:36
TrentonHNobody wants to help me......02:36
Titan8990[1]Jocke: give me a link to where you downloaded it and I will have a look for you02:37
[1]JockeTitan8990: https://launchpad.net/gnome-specimen02:37
marineTitan8990, will thewn fix my windows mbr??? i lost my boot manager02:37
bamhm182hey, I'm trying to install compiz-fusion02:37
bamhm182It says For Kubuntu 8.04 you should use the installer KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects. on the website, this is just for Kubuntu, not Ubuntu, correct?02:38
The_SpazzzDoes anyone have any idea why I can't click on a window and have it focus when Compiz is enabled?02:39
joljammy ubuntu intrepid slows down and processor starts becoming when i stream videos from you tube... utlimately freezing u the the whole comp.02:39
Titan8990marine: it should, but I have had it completely not work for me....02:39
bamhm182also, quick question, are there hot keys to switch between desktops?02:39
marinethere should be a fixmbr on it02:40
tritiumbamhm182: Ctrl-Alt-Arrow Keys02:40
marineTitan8990, there should e a fixmbr on it02:40
bamhm182thanks tritium, that's MUCH easier than clicking down to the corner02:40
tritiumbamhm182: no worries02:41
bamhm182not that that's hard, but you know what I mean, more convenient02:41
pyromaniamanhey guys02:41
bamhm182is it possible to enable ctrl+v for the terminal?02:41
pyromaniamanhow can i get a shell script to do a command and then set the result as a variable?02:41
rempresentwhat is the command to check the processes, I have an open session some where and I would like to see what else is open02:41
pyromaniamanbamhm182, just Shift + insert02:42
joljampyromaniaman :- #ksh02:42
bamhm182thanks pyromaniaman02:42
tritiumbamhm182: Shift-Ctrl-v02:42
Picibamhm182: Use middle mouse or ctrl+shift+v or shift + ins02:42
bamhm182and tritium02:42
pyromaniamanjoljam, for bash?02:42
bamhm182and pici02:42
joljampyromaniaman:- dunno02:42
pyromaniamanquiet in here tonight02:43
brEz--I use ubuntu, this might *not* be entirely related but, I'm trying to port forward to allow an SSH connection from an external computer. What IP address should I be forward 22 on, my router 192.168.* my local 10.1.1.* or my External IP address?02:44
rempresentanyone know the terminal command to show all processes or sessions?02:44
billythegoat101how do you restart things through the terminal?02:44
linux_guyis it normal for synaptic to take its sweet time to download and install various packages?02:44
tabidachi_rempresent, #top02:44
grindkingbrez`: you forward the port to the local ip on your router's settings02:44
pyromaniamanbrEz`, your local02:45
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:45
marineTitan8990, should i restart in cdrom mode then go from there02:45
fogeli have question02:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:45
linux_guysynaptic downloads fast, but takes like 2-3 minutes before starting02:45
rempresenttabidachi_ thanks02:46
billythegoat101how can i restart conky or do something to make its config file changes take effect without logging out?02:46
linux_guyconky?  hahaha what's conky?02:46
pyromaniamanlike a status viewer for stats02:46
billythegoat101what do you mean?02:46
pyromaniamanbillythegoat101, pkill conky && conky&02:46
billythegoat101k thanks02:47
fogelwhat can be reason of the fact that on fluxbox i have too small resolution02:47
fogelwhile on gnome it's ok02:47
rempresentwhat is a good and free alternative to twonky media server?02:47
carpii_billy, just kill the process and restart it02:47
pyromaniamanfogel, try xrandr -s 1024x76802:47
corey_how do i install LXDE on ubuntu 8.0402:47
pyromaniamanbrEz--, you got it02:47
carpii_rempresent, no idea, but you could look into red5 and Wowza Media Server02:47
Tyrathcould anyone tell me why when I resise in gimp it won't allow me to put stuff in the transparent area?02:48
pyromaniamancheck your layers02:48
Tyrath- like what's the point in increasing the canvas size if you can't move things into the area?02:48
Tyrathyeah, i've only got one layer02:48
Tyrathshould i make another?02:48
rempresentcarpii_ basically i am setting up something that will run through my Xbox36002:48
fogelpyromaniaman: thx02:48
pyromaniamanTyrath, yeah, and make sure that the layer is the size of the canvas02:48
Tyrathah k thanks02:49
brEz-this tunnel must hate me!02:49
pyromaniamanbrEz-, wow02:49
carpii_ok rempresent, wowza and red5 arent for that really02:49
fogeldo you know good alartm clock for linux that can play mp3 files?02:49
pyromaniamanbrEz-, i was agreeing02:49
linux_guyhow do add a line to your sources.list file?02:50
pyromaniamanfogel, try cron with mplayer02:50
jriblinux_guy: why?02:50
rempresentcarpii_: guess i will erase those from my list02:50
billythegoat101?how do you make conky start on startup02:50
Titan8990linux_guy: you can use    echo 'STUFF I AM ADDING HERE' >> /etc/apt/sources.list02:50
jrib!startup | billythegoat10102:50
ubottubillythegoat101: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot02:50
Titan8990linux_guy: or open in your favorite text editor02:50
pyromaniamanlinux_guy, sudo cat -line- >> /etc/apt/sources.list02:50
jribpyromaniaman: that won't work02:51
BsimsI am trying to get muttprint to work it keeps trying to use LPR and I need it to work with cups how do I do this02:51
pyromaniamanjrib, sorry02:51
linux_guyjrib, im trying to run this DVD2HDD program.  which has gbx errors because i need to get 'gambas'02:51
devz0rfunny thing is happening02:51
Tyrathpyromaniaman: that worked. thanks. now i'm wondering what A4 size is02:51
linux_guyi installed gambas2 from the repos andd it still wont start02:51
Tyrathpyromaniaman: like in pixels that is02:51
jriblinux_guy: what's the program for?  There isn't a decent alternative in the repositories?02:51
tritiumlinux_guy: gambas is in the repositories.  You likely already have the right repo line in /etc/apt/sources.list02:51
pyromaniamanTyrath, you can specify that in new image size02:51
exodus_msis there a command I can use in ubuntu similar to this    rpm -qi --whatprovides /usr/bin/updatedb02:52
linux_guyin my synaptic i only have gambas202:52
jribexodus_ms: dpkg -S  is my guess02:52
Tyrathpyromaniaman: it won't let me02:52
brEz-linux_guy: sudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list02:52
brEz-sources* rather/02:52
pyromaniamanTyrath, let me see, hang on02:52
linux_guythis is what i get when i try to run the prog from terminal02:53
linux_guyi get a gui error if i try the point and click method02:53
pyromaniamanTyrath, 2480x3508@300ppi02:53
Titan8990linux_guy: looks like you need a binary called gbx02:53
rashed2020!boot > rashed202002:53
ubotturashed2020, please see my private message02:53
matxhow do i install an older version of gcc in ubuntu?02:54
jriblinux_guy: you realize there are tons of dvd rippers in the repositories that will just work after you install them in synaptic?02:54
pyromaniamanTitan8990, isn't that the interpreter? he could try doing sh file02:54
Titan8990linux_guy: does this command return anything:      which gbx02:54
KynaHey guys i cant get my webcam to work on stickam... the "settings" item when i right click doesnt show up, so i cant make it "allow access"02:54
linux_guyjrib, this is a unique situation thanks to SONY's copy protection that makes fake 'bad' sectors of the disc02:54
brEz-that tunnel was really bad!02:54
BsimsI am trying to get muttprint to work it keeps trying to use LPR and I need it to work with cups how do I do this02:54
linux_guyTitan8990, no02:55
linux_guyjrib, it's called ARccOS02:55
TrentonHHello, can someone help me with this problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/113040/02:55
Titan8990linux_guy: search the repositories for xgb, its going to be a language interpretter of some kind02:55
exodus_msjrib: I guess I'm trying to find out what package owns the file, so     dpkg -S  /usr/bin/updatedb     doesn;t produce any results or does it take a while?02:55
dirtheadLast time I installed ubuntu was 2006. I just installed it today on a co-workers laptop. It was easier to install than Windows. Wireless setup was simple. Are there articles somewhere about the latest Ubuntu? Its amazing. Oh wait, I found one. I'm going to start installing it on everybody's computer.02:55
linux_guyjrib, the abbreviation is PITA lol02:55
jriblinux_guy: have you tried anything in the repositories?02:55
imaginativeonewhich folder is apache serving my local web files from?02:55
BlindCamelany one here use lostIrc ?02:56
nathan1Pardon, does anyone know where I could look to disable middle click emulation?02:56
linux_guyjrib, i've been reading about ARccOS for most of the day02:56
tritiumdirthead: :)02:56
Titan8990TrentonH: what happens if you do:    which grep02:56
Kelenthere is no connection while install nvidia driver when it's download nvidia kernel from nvidia's ftp..02:56
jribimaginativeone: /var/www/ is default02:56
linux_guyi have tried several apps in my windows virtual machine02:56
tritiumKelen: use the ubuntu-packaged drivers02:56
Tyrathpyromaniaman: it seems to just be blowing it up to huge proportions02:56
TrentonHTitan8900: Please explain02:56
pyromaniamanTyrath, that's A4.02:56
Titan8990TrentonH: open up the terminal and type that command in:        which grep02:56
pyromaniamanTyrath, at printing size, anyway02:57
Kelentritium: but i wanna try newest version of nvidia driver.02:57
tritiumKelen: 180 is in the repos02:57
TrentonHTitan8900: Gives me /bin/grep02:57
jribnathan1: there's  a bug on launchpad about it (because of new X).  If you can't find it i'll look02:57
linux_guyTitan8990, i can't find xgb in synaptic02:57
Tyrathpyromaniaman: could i try to change print size to get it to go A4?02:57
linux_guyTitan8990, could it be in apt-get?02:57
corey_whats the best flash player adobe flash player, swfdec, or gnash swf player02:57
BlindCamelubuntu 8.10 has issues with some nvidia drivers  i have a Gforce 8400 GS and none of the drivers will load they all say active but not in use02:57
Titan8990linux_guy: apt-get and synaptic is the same thing02:57
kavithahow to disconnect and reconnect socket?02:57
linux_guyTitan8990, ok thanks.  now what?02:58
tritiumBlindCamel: have you tried nvidia-glx-180?02:58
Kelentritium: just only version 169.12 in there..02:58
Titan8990TrentonH: what is the program that you are trying to use?02:58
jribcorey_: depends on your meaning of "best".  adobe's is probably the most compatible, but certanly not the most Free02:58
nathan1jrib: I'll poke around some. 8.10 is the first and only ubuntu I've used, hopefully launchpad helps me figure out what I'm after02:58
BlindCamelyes thats the ones i have now02:58
tritium!info nvidia-glx-180 | Kelen02:58
ubottunvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.11-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 9046 kB, installed size 26444 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)02:58
TrentonHTitan8900: Scan modem02:58
kavithaopengl programmers02:58
jribnathan1: it involves xinput is what I recall02:58
tritiumKelen: as you can see above, 180 is there as well02:58
corey_yeah i just want flash player that works well i notice with adobe flash player it gets little buggy sometimes02:58
ben44bdoes anyone have the can't find hard drive 1962 error?02:58
kavitha#opengl programmers02:58
hexbasehi, i cannot install initrd-tools. It says: ERROR Dependency is not satisfiable -> libdevmapper1.02. The thing is i have that package02:59
Titan8990linux_guy: I am really unsure because I am unfamilur with the program that you are trying to use, as well as the interpretter that it needs02:59
Titan8990TrentonH: what does it do and where did you get it?02:59
corey_ad your force to refresh the page in order for flash to work properly02:59
TrentonHTitan8900: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113040/02:59
linux_guysudo rip the @!$% DVD didnt work either02:59
kavithahow to disconnect and reconnect socket?03:00
kavithahow to disconnect and reconnect socket?03:00
hexbasehi, i cannot install initrd-tools. It says: ERROR Dependency is not satisfiable -> libdevmapper1.02. The thing is i have that package03:00
Kelentritium: How to install 180 of nvidia graphics driver? from source?03:00
TrentonHKavitha: Restart your PC :D03:00
pyromaniamankavitha, grip the cord and pull. =P03:01
tritiumKelen: no, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180.03:01
kavithai want it for my testcase03:01
Lucifer_Catkavitha: Tap your shoes three times.03:01
jribnathan1: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/272334/ here you go03:01
ben44bwhat does it mean when you see ALERT! /dev/uuid....... does not exist03:01
the6stepall: is there a way to get flash onto ubuntu gutsy?03:01
pyromaniamanben44b, either you unplugged a hard drive or you should be very worried03:02
Kelentritium: okay, let me try again.03:02
BlindCameli cant change my screen res or anything im in low graphics mode03:02
pyromaniamanthe6step, 32/64bit?03:02
corey_so can anyone tell me how to install LXDE on ubuntu 8.0403:02
tritiumthe6step: sudo apt-get intsall flashplugin-nonfree03:02
TML"Right-Alt+F1" and "Left-Atl+F1" both seem to go to tty1 - I can't seem to find the magic incantation to get "Right-Alt+F1" to go to tty13. Any pointers to the correct documentation would be appreciated.03:02
pyromaniamanfollow tritium's instructions03:02
the6steppyromaniaman: 32bit03:02
ben44bpyro...i get my system eventually but it takes a few reboots and a good 10 mins03:02
the6steppyromaniaman: thanks03:02
the6steptritium: thanks03:02
jpabloHi there....Anybody Knows when the system is begining and verify the disk with fsck?03:03
hexbasehi, i cannot install initrd-tools. It says: ERROR Dependency is not satisfiable -> libdevmapper1.02. The thing is i have that package03:03
nathan1jrib: Thanks, I'll take a look03:03
TrentonHI can't get this blasted thing to work!!03:04
pepperjackjarlen: you want to turn it off?03:04
pyromaniamanjpablo, it does routine checks and also when your computer isn't properly turned off03:04
newb12345is there a way that i can log all my tcp packets back & forth w/ a particular server, say www.google.com ?03:04
ben44bis there someone that can help me with a booting up problem?03:04
pepperjacknewb12345: wireshark comes to mind03:04
exodus_ms!details > ben44b03:05
ubottuben44b, please see my private message03:05
rempresenthow can you check to see if samba is running? also, how can you make it run automatically on boot?03:05
pepperjackrempresent: ps -A to see all running processors03:05
pyromaniamanrem1500, pstree | grep samba03:05
ben44bexodus...when I first turn on my comp. it says no hard drive found...press f1 to repeat boot sequence03:05
pepperjackrempresent: ors es03:05
pyromaniamanrempresent, , pstree | grep samba03:05
Kelentritium: could not find nvidia-glx-180 package.. is it needs some source before that?03:05
pyromaniamanKelen, have you enabled the right repositories?03:06
madmax__newb12345: wireshark03:06
pepperjackrempresent: on a default ubuntu install it is though started automatically03:06
pyromaniamanKelen, press alt + F2 and type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list03:06
Tyrathpyromaniaman: ok i've just realised it doesn't seem to matter what size i make the canvas it still prints at the same size03:06
jpablopyromaniaman: I checked the system with fsck /dev/sda after I reboot the systema and The problem dissapear03:06
exodus_msben44b: ide or sata?03:06
rempresenti am guessing that the session "smbd" is samba03:06
pepperjackrempresent: yes03:06
Titan8990ben44b: check the BIOS to see if it detects the drive, if not, open the case and make sure it is still spinning03:07
Tyrathpyromaniaman: anyway around this?03:07
pyromaniamanjpablo, it does that a lot03:07
jpablopyromaniaman: But I dont understand why03:07
ben44bexodus...how do i find that out?03:07
rempresentgreat, thanks03:07
pyromaniamanTyrath, probably the printer03:07
Titan8990ben44b: and all the connections are correct03:07
pyromaniamanjpablo, bad hard drive?03:07
Titan8990ben44b: you can verify whether it is sata or pata by looking at it, or by checking your BIOS03:07
Tyrathpyromaniaman: but the borders seem to be different for word docs and images03:07
exodus_msben44b: it's the connection your hard drive use to connect to mainboard03:07
ben44byeah, it looks like the connections and bios are ok03:07
ben44bi eventually get ubuntu going but only after one or two CTRLALTDEL03:08
pyromaniamanben44b, power, connections, make sure it's spiing up and set to boot from that drive03:08
pyromaniamanben44b, try your hdd check delay03:08
intouchnathanhow is every today03:09
exodus_msben44b: Try running from a Live CD and going into the system /boot/grub and editing MENU.LST using an editor. Then make sure the drive/partitions are correct.03:09
jpablopyromaniaman: I dont know..the system was functionally good a week..and after...."bum" the message of fsck03:09
pyromaniamanevery time you start it up?03:09
ben44bexodus...i don,t know how to do that03:09
Titan8990exodus_ms: it doesn't sound like he is getting to a bootloader.... sounds like his drive is dead or not connected to the board03:10
pyromaniamanben44b, does your bios have a setting for hard drive delay?03:10
pyromaniamanTitan8990, he says it works after 3 or 4 cad's03:10
pyromaniamanprobably the drive not spinning u fast enough03:11
ben44bpyro not sure03:11
tabidachi_what up accident03:11
ben44bi've been asked to go to the freehelpline03:11
Kelenpyromaniaman: your mean i must got nvidia source before that?03:11
skeeboCan anyone tell me what the main benefits to using fluxbox is? Or is it strictly user preference, with no real benefit?03:11
exodus_msben44b: tell me exactly what you have done. i.e. how you installed ubuntu, did you install along side windoze, etc...03:11
_VIM_skeebo: its lighter than most other window managers03:12
madmax__skeebo: lightweight03:12
Kelenpyromaniaman: before i install nvidia package from source.03:12
exodus_msben44b: do you know how to get into your BIOS settings03:12
skeeboThanks guys03:12
rashed2020My box isn't accepting SSH connections.. Any help?03:12
pyromaniamanKelen, no, you shouldn't have to03:12
rashed2020Clean install03:12
rashed2020installed openssh-server03:12
pyromaniamanrashed2020, did you install openssh-server?03:13
ben44bthanks for your help guys..gotta go03:13
madmax__rashed2020: firewalled/03:13
_VIM_skeebo: openbox is nice too03:13
pyromaniamanhaha sorry03:13
rashed2020ufw enable and then ufw allow 2203:13
exodus_msben44b: find out if you are using ide or sata03:13
skeebo_VIM_: ill check it out03:13
Titan8990rashed2020: turning on a firewall is usually not the best solution for networking issues03:13
Titan8990rashed2020: are you sure sshd is running?03:13
exodus_msTitan8990: thanks for the help03:13
rashed2020Yes, connected to localhost from the box03:13
rashed2020Let me try turning off the firewall03:14
madmax__ive been tryin to google a weird startup error ... i have to hit enter or other keys to get the splash bar to move during startup... hitting ctrl+f1 and watching the output shows nothing out of the ordinary just the normal startup messages but it hangs until i give it some input03:14
pepperjackmadmax__: someones threw some read commands in your startup scripts? :)03:14
BlindCamelanyone found a way to get nvidia drivers working?03:15
Tyrathpyromaniaman: is there any way to set default print settings?03:15
madmax__pepperjack: it happened after updates03:15
pepperjackBlindCamel: they do generally speaking. what model card?03:15
BlindCamel8400 gs03:15
pyromaniamanTyrath, i don't know, sorry03:15
rashed2020Still not working03:15
AghmednVidia, what?03:16
nathan1fwiw my 8600 is working, but it was a pain mostly03:16
madmax__pepperjack: any way to narrow down where03:16
BlindCameli have googled this and there are alot of people having this problem since 8.1003:16
BlindCamelnvidia 8400 gs03:16
rashed2020BAH, wrong IP03:16
rashed2020stupid dhcp03:16
madmax__rashed2020: lol done that03:16
BlindCameli have dled the drivers from nvidia03:17
nxnn14I was wondering if someone could help with my problem. I restarted my ibex 64 comp today after using it flawlessly for a few weeks and it will not boot now.03:17
Tyrathpyromaniaman: no worries. thanks anyhow03:17
rashed2020I've been trying to figure this out for around an hour now03:17
pepperjackBlindCamel: so what does sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 do? tried that package yet?03:17
pepperjackmadmax__: sorry nope03:17
BlindCameli grabed it in synaptic03:17
madmax__pepperjack: k thnx03:17
BlindCameldidnt work03:17
pepperjackmadmax__: you cant see what its wating at if alt-ctrl-f1?03:17
pepperjackBlindCamel: didnt work how?03:18
Titan8990rashed2020: if it is a home network, static addressing shouldn't be difficult03:18
BlindCamelit says active but not in use03:18
rashed2020Yes, it is03:18
BlindCamelno matter what driver i use even after restart03:18
pepperjackBlindCamel: are you familiar with pastebin?03:18
rashed2020I just checked /etc/network/interfaces and it has my static settings :S03:18
nullhey, i have both a wireless and an ethernet card on my desktop computer, and i want to use ip forwarding to use the ethernet card for a subnet.  what's the easiest way to do this in ubuntu?03:18
madmax__pepperjack: its more like a do events hang03:19
pepperjackBlindCamel: can you pastebin the output from lspci -v and then the output from /etc/X11/xorg.conf?03:19
BlindCameli have uninstalled and reinstalled ubuntu now so im back at square one03:19
madmax__it goes thhrough the normal steps03:19
AghmednVidia... try this out: http://forums.nvidia.com/lofiversion/index.php?t67977.html03:19
pepperjackBlindCamel: just an x thing. should be sortable03:19
BlindCamelok ill paste them for you one sec.03:19
nxnn14The message I got when it won't boot is "unsupported PM caps regs version(7) kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init!"03:20
TheOrzOMG! Finally my Xinerama bug has been recognized! http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18668 Can anyone confirm that a fix is going into Ubuntu?03:20
BlindCamellspci-v    paste      http://paste.ubuntu.com/113046/03:20
nxnn14I have not done any updates or anything since my last boot so I have no idea what the problem could be03:21
pepperjackTheOrz: that is working as designed.  please submit an enhancement request if you would like it corrected03:21
rashed2020I think I messed up =/03:21
nullhey, i have both a wireless and an ethernet card on my desktop computer, and i want to use ip forwarding to use the ethernet card for a subnet.  what's the easiest way to do this in ubuntu?03:21
rashed2020ubuntu won't recognize eth0 now03:21
TheOrzpepperjack: huh? no it's clearly a bug in Xorg and the fix needs to be applied t oUbuntu03:22
BlindCamelconf file paste     http://paste.ubuntu.com/113048/03:22
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BlindCamelkeep in mind i just re installed this os like 20 min. ago to undo all the things i have already tried my self03:23
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FaMottI just switched over from Fedora to this.03:23
nxnn14anyone able to help me with this boot error:  "unsupported PM caps regs version(7) kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init!"03:24
_VIM_!yay | FaMott03:24
ubottuFaMott: Glad you made it! :-)03:24
skeeboIs there a way to make just one specific hidden folder always show in nautilus? Just for convenience sake.03:24
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AghmedCamel, are you new to Ubuntu?03:24
prince_jammysskeebo: you can make a symbolic link to it, or rename it without the leading dot in the name03:24
BlindCameli normaly use DSL cause i only used linux for file serving03:24
Aghmedokay... then, what you need is Ubuntu Tweak...03:25
skeeboprince_jammys, thankyou...I can't beleive I didn't think of that first lol...03:25
BlindCamelwhere do i get that03:25
danopiahi, apt is being an idiot wen i try installing rubygems03:25
rashed2020Can anyone explain what "auto eth0" in /etc/network/interfaces does?03:25
xubuserhlelo People.03:25
Aghmeddo you know how to use Terminal?03:25
AghmedHi there X03:25
danopiaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:25
danopia  rubygems: Depends: libgems-ruby1.8 (= 0.9.4-4) but it is not going to be installed03:25
prince_jammysskeebo: welcome03:25
xubuseris there a reason to leave Totem on the machine?03:25
AghmedOkay, install ubuntu-tweak.03:26
AghmedTotem? none.03:26
prince_jammysxubuser: no03:26
BlindCamelapt-get ubuntu-tweak    ?03:26
nxnn14Does anyone know what it means when I have the boot error  "unsupported PM caps regs version(7) kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init!"03:26
xubuserit is the most annoying piece of software and goes against everything FOSS by wanting people to buy every codec. And it's the default for every format....03:26
TheOrzhere is the launchpad bug number: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/296167 anyone know when this fix is getting in?!03:26
danopiahow would i go abuot getting rubygems on apt?03:26
Aghmedsudo aptitude is better03:26
xubuserprince_jammys: cool. removing. just thought to check.03:26
pepperjackrashed2020: brings up eth0 typically using dhcp on startup03:27
prince_jammysxubuser: install a different player, and you're done03:27
cgdi need mysql for ubuntu03:27
cgdwho hava03:27
xubuserprince_jammys: yeah, I have installed  mplayer but everytime a new drive is plugged in somehow totem wants to be the one playing media files. :)03:27
_VIM_!tab | Aghmed (type the first 3 letters of the persons nick then press TAB Key)03:27
ubottuAghmed (type the first 3 letters of the persons nick then press TAB Key): You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:27
rashed2020I thought that was "iface eth0 inet dhcpd"03:27
BlindCamelAghmed~ what is the command ?03:27
prince_jammys!defaultapp | xubuser03:28
ubottuxubuser: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.03:28
rashed2020I'm pretty sure auto eth0 is something else cuz my network card didn't work with a static address untill I put it03:28
nxnn14Can anyone help me with the following error I get when I boot up now?  "unsupported PM caps regs version(7) kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init!"03:28
Aghmedsudo aptitude install ubuntu-tweak03:28
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:28
danopiahow would i go abuot getting rubygems on apt?03:29
pepperjackrashed2020: basically the script does an ifup -a  and anything set to auto is automatically brought up otherwise youd have to ifup eth0 manually03:29
joljamfirefox is freezing repeatedly on me03:29
Aghmedokay, then run it.03:29
madmax__what is ubuntu-tweak03:29
xubuserprince_jammys: hehe, I have set the defualt app... many times. but now it's better to remove totem. More than all that, thanks for your quick reply. Totem gone. Problem solved. :)03:29
madmax__its not in repos03:29
prince_jammysdanopia: on apt or with the 'gem install' command?03:29
danopiaprince_jammys, apt-get install rubygems is erroring out03:30
danopiaprince_jammys, unmet dependencies03:30
exodus_msmadmax__:  --> http://ubuntu-tweak.com/03:30
AghmedNo command, go to System Tools/Ubuntu Tweak03:30
BsimsI can't get muttprint to work with cups anyone have any idea03:30
nxnn14Can anyone help me with the following error I get when I boot up now?  "unsupported PM caps regs version(7) kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init!"03:30
madmax__lol thnx03:30
AghmedUbuntu Tweak is for "pimp" Ubuntu LOL03:30
Diehardywhat's up, is there a eeepc room here somewhere?/03:31
BlindCameli dont see it03:31
prince_jammysdanopia: hm. and apt-get isn't installing the required packages?03:31
pepperjackBlindCamel: not sure why that doesnt work. its tough to tell with X autodetecting everything instead of just looking at the config file. have you tried just the binary package from nvidia? or just runnign nvidia-settings?03:31
DiehardyI need help with my eeepc70103:31
danopiaprince_jammys, nope, want me to pastebin the output?03:31
DiehardyYou not going to help me out?03:31
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC03:32
pepperjackDiehardy: may help ^03:32
BsimsI can't get muttprint to work with cups anyone have any idea03:32
sebsebsebyeah this is right isn't it?  no 64bit Java for Linux?  and maybe not even Windows?03:32
DiehardyI already have UBUNTU on my eepc03:32
_VIM_joljam: have you tried deleting /home/joljam/.mozilla and then try firefox again? (Back it up first though)03:32
AghmedCamel, then you will be able to "pimp" Ubuntu, and install what is need.03:32
TML"Right-Alt+F1" and "Left-Atl+F1" both seem to go to tty1 - I can't seem to find the magic incantation to get "Right-Alt+F1" to go to tty13. Any pointers to the correct documentation would be appreciated.03:32
nxnn14Can anyone help me with the following error I get when I boot up now?  "unsupported PM caps regs version(7) kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init!"03:32
pepperjacknxnn14: did you recently update?03:33
nxnn14pepperjack: no03:33
joljamVIM :- I have tried that already03:33
nxnn14pepperjack: I had it running all day and it seemed sluggish so I just restarted and got that03:33
jedi06how come i have two computers with the same ip address?03:33
_VIM_joljam: oh ok so much for that idea :)03:33
jedi06and they both are working03:34
BlindCamelAghmed~ i dont see it under systemtools03:34
lufisanyone know how to manage power saving settings for wifi?03:34
prince_jammysdanopia: i see. i don't know how to fix such errors. did you try install the lib mentioned by the error message?03:34
DiehardyI need help with my PS303:35
lwizardli'm having trouble with the ppc installer reading my cdrom drive. anyone know how to fix this?03:35
Aghmedhummm... thing is mine is in SPA. Please go and search for it...03:35
nxnn14pepperjack:I have tried booting with all 4 kernels that are available as well to no avail03:35
AghmedYou want to look for a green icon... with black ubuntu logo within03:35
_VIM_!who | Aghmed03:36
ubottuAghmed: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:36
squidlyis there a way to make a new system mirro what is already installed on another and remove what is installed by default?03:36
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers03:36
BlindCamel~aghmed pm me03:36
xubuserguys my volume control in XFCE is not doing anything. Do I need to restart some service?03:37
madmax__squidly: you home directory should have all your personal settings ... just move that over03:37
nxnn14pepperjack; there was some more cryptic looking information I can boot it up to send it to you if you would like. I am on another computer now03:37
squidlymadmax__: not really03:37
squidlymy laptop is a pretty customized03:37
squidlyI do a lot of changed in /etc becaues I like them to be system wide03:37
squidly_VIM_: I would have used that but there was no ability to make a cd03:38
madmax__squidly: couldnt you just copy the whole partition03:38
joljami am getting frustrated about this firefox ubuntu problems.. its a big pain03:38
squidlymadmax__: i'm actually moveing from 32-bit to 64bit03:38
AghmedBlind, can you move to #ubuntu-co03:38
skeebosquidly: check out clonezilla, that should do what you want i think03:39
madmax__squidly: ohhhhhhh03:39
_VIM_squidly: you coudl stick the resulting .iso on a thumbdrive and mount the iso i bet it would do the same thing03:39
pepperjacksquidly: you want all installed packages backed up?03:39
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:39
madmax__wouldnt the conf file be transferrable03:39
squidlymadmax__: I would think so.. but I'm not sure how to move it03:39
xubuseranyone know why my volume controls are not responding?03:39
xubuseror how to debug that?03:39
JackBeSlowI have an issue with hibernate messing up my network connections, anyone available to help?03:39
squidlypepperjack: pretty much..03:39
pepperjacksquidly: sudo dpkg --get-selections > packages.txt  you can then on the new install sudo dpkg --set-selections < packages.txt  then sudo aptitude install   <-- assuming i didnt have any typos03:40
pepperjacksquidly: google that command anyway and you should find a howto03:40
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:40
squidlypepperjack: did that... but the already installed packages screwed me up03:40
prince_jammyshm. they changed the factoid03:41
danopiaprince_jammys, yes03:41
danopiaprince_jammys, that errored out too :(03:41
danopiaprince_jammys, i managed to get down to   irb1.8: Depends: ruby1.8 (>= but is to be installed03:41
danopia(which is installed)03:42
prince_jammysdanopia: crap03:42
danopiaruby1.8 is already the newest version.03:42
madmax__SNIPER IN THE TOWER03:42
pepperjacknxnn14: i think it might be best to post it on the forums with as much info as possible.  something that detailed you might have trouble finding someone who can help with it here03:42
joljami badly need help with the firefox problem03:42
prince_jammysdanopia: you need someone who's familiar with fixing a broken apt03:42
quaternaryhow to install all platform of virtualbox03:42
squidlyprince_jammys: thanks :D03:42
madmax__joljam whats your problem dont just ask for help give us something to go on03:43
prince_jammysdanopia: like perhaps using -force.03:43
_VIM_bah i see !Tab hasnt changed yet, i put in a request a month ago *shakes fist*03:43
nxnn14pepperjack: ok sounds good, just was curious as this really came out of nowhere because I haven't changed a thing since the last boot and now it would boot at all03:43
joljamfirefox freezes on me madmax_03:43
madmax__when doing what03:43
madmax__ill hold your hand03:43
danopiaprince_jammys, i'll try again tomarow03:44
nxnn14pepperjack: thanks03:44
joljammadmax_:- firefox freezes when viewing streaming videos mainly,,, otherwise too it freezes after browsing for sometime03:44
_VIM_quaternary: what do you mean "all platform of virtualbox"?03:44
prince_jammysdanopia: good luck03:44
ShakedownSo if I install a new ATI driver will my xorg.conf settings not work anymore?03:44
madmax__how much free space is on your parttion03:45
FlynsarmyIf i delete a file (say, from my desktop) when i open the trash the 'empty trash' button is greyed out, but i can still highlight the item and press delete key and delete that way. What's going on?03:45
joljammadmax_:- how can I check that from the command line03:45
madmax__sudo gparted03:45
_VIM_quaternary: `sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose' (no quotes)03:46
joljammadmax_28.29 gp on ext303:46
Daemon_what exactly does virtual box do?03:46
joljammadmax_28.29 GB on ext303:46
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:46
JackBeSlowDaemon_:  it is an emulator03:47
joljammadmax_28.29 GB free on ext303:47
quaternaryI can not use right ctrl03:47
_VIM_with virtualbox you have to use the left ctrl03:47
JackBeSlowI don't even have a right ctrl03:47
madmax__in terminal03:47
_VIM_the right ctrl is your 'home' key for virtualbox well 'ctrl + h'03:48
madmax__start firefox in terminal03:48
ScottG489When I try to install Google Gears in FireFox on ubuntu for getting Gmail emails off-line I get this error message ""Google Gears" could not be installed because it is not compatible with your Firefox build type (Linux_x86_64-gcc3). Please contact the author of this item about the problem."03:48
koshar2hands up all who have used cont alt backspace while using vrtualbox?03:48
quaternaryok,thank you03:48
koshar2*hand up*03:48
joljammadmax_:- done that03:48
_VIM_koshar2: omg i  did that last week!03:48
_VIM_never again03:48
TrentonHAnybody know Titan's name?03:48
Daemon_jackhow do i see my ip addres?03:49
JackBeSlowScottG489: Not sure, but could it be that it is still windows only?03:49
madmax__joljam: then go about browsing and get it to crash see what error03:49
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_VIM_!away > zz_hexbase03:49
ubottuzz_hexbase, please see my private message03:49
ScottG489JackBeSlow: Yea maybe your right...03:49
drashScottG489: looks like they don't offer a 64-bit version of google gears03:49
joljammadmax_:- the issue is that once it freezes then I have no other way but restart the machine03:49
JackBeSlowDaemon_: or if you are after your external ipchicken.com03:49
TyrathHELP! when I try to print gimp images I get garbled output. I've tried using lp and gimp both to print but it's all just rubbish coming out of the printer03:49
_VIM_google gears is overrated03:50
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JackBeSlowwell I have got to restart brb03:50
madmax__keep the terminal on top so you can see what is happening03:50
TyrathI've also tried restarting to no avail...03:50
quentusrexI had to switch out my nvidia graphics card for an ati one... How do I reconfigure the screen?03:50
ScottG489drash: So you think the problem is my 64-bit, not linux?03:50
Tyrathmadmax__: well it tells me the borders are out03:51
joljammadmax_thats an idea..let me try it out03:51
_VIM_Photoshop works in wine :)03:51
Cotowaris anyone in here very proficient with bash scripts?03:51
_VIM_Cotowar: try #bash03:51
madmax__Tyrath: im speakin with joljam not u dunno about printing03:51
drashScottG489: correct, I installed the 32-bit version to test offline gmail support and that does work on ubuntu intrepid03:51
Tyrathactually, there's a thought. i'll bluetooth the file to the Mac OS X. Let's hope Mac doesn't use cups....03:51
rashed2020How do I get vnc server to run on boot?03:52
_VIM_  /join #bash  <type it like that :)03:52
Cotowarmmm, thanks03:52
nomasteryodalol... apple actually owns Cups Tyrath03:52
rashed2020I want to log in to gnome using VNC but I can't seem to figure that out03:52
ScottG489drash: Is there a workaround I can use for 64-bit?03:52
Tyrathnomasteryoda: damn! so i'm history! :/03:52
usserCotowar, whats the problem?03:53
Cotowarwell...frankly, iTunes03:53
usserCotowar, eh? itunes and bash?03:53
CotowarI got like 8000 songs from my friends iMac, and they all have crazy names03:53
Cotowarlike 4 random letters,03:53
drashScottG489: not that i know off sorry, never used anything 64-bit yet03:53
usserCotowar, right03:54
Cotowari can see the name if i right click the file, and click properties03:54
ScottG489drash: hm, ok thanks anyways03:54
Cotowarthe thing is, i dont want to copy paste each name from the properties03:54
usserCotowar, thats id3 tags, not sure you can access them from bash to rename the file if thats what you want\03:54
FlynsarmyIf i delete a file (say, from my desktop) when i open the trash the 'empty trash' button is greyed out, but i can still highlight the item and press delete key and delete that way. What's going on?03:54
ammagenduti want to share my dsl connection to win xp03:54
ammagendutcan i?03:54
Cotowari was thinking something like VBA where you can track mouse clicks03:54
foswhoops wrong window03:54
mistergibsonJust about to hit the Upgrade button to Ibex ... any notes of caution from the crowd?03:55
Cotowaryou know, like make Ubuntu copy my actions, so I can get all my songs re-named.03:55
mistergibsonfrom Hardy03:55
carpii_well mister03:55
carpii_do you use kde ?03:56
TrentonHHow do I install Adobe Flash Player? I typed flash in the package manager and thier's alot of them.03:56
Level_5can anyone here help me out with my broadcom wireless configuration?03:56
=== zz_hexbase is now known as hexbase
dirtyhow can i configure sudo to require the root pass?03:56
carpii_personally id back up your /boot/grub/menu.lst03:56
madmax__TrentonH: if you hit tab it will autocomlete03:56
_VIM_TrentonH: just do 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' in a terminal (no quotes)03:56
redvamp128TrentonH:  Which version of Ubuntu and which version of flash do you want?03:56
carpii_ive heard a few problems with that, but other than this, upgrade generally goes ok for most people03:56
stdindirty: the whole point of sudo is that it requires *your* password03:56
mistergibsongood to hear03:57
TrentonHI want the newest vesrion of flash and I have Itrepid 8.1003:57
Tyrathis there anyway to do bluetooth over shell? i hate the bluetooth gui application03:57
_VIM_!latest | TrentonH (good luck with that)03:57
ubottuTrentonH (good luck with that): Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.03:57
redvamp128TrentonH:  32bit or 6403:57
_VIM_you could try !backports03:57
corey_i installed awn dock from synaptic and when i click the icon it doesnt launch03:57
usserCotowar, i dunno, why not just using something like mp3tag03:57
TrentonHOk can I just have some working drivers then?03:57
Cotowaridk what that is03:57
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging03:57
Cotowarill look03:57
redvamp128TrentonH:  Ubuntu -- Details of package flashplugin-nonfree in intrepid <http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/web/flashplugin-nonfree>03:58
redvamp128At the bottom the I386 it is a .deb03:58
redvamp128TrentonH:  will that one work? Download Page for flashplugin-nonfree_10.0.15.3ubuntu1~intrepid1_i386.deb on Intel x86 machines03:58
joeb3_dirty, set rootpw option in sudoers file.  man sudoers03:59
TrentonHOh I see it thanks ^.^03:59
=== hexbase is now known as zz_hexbase
TrentonHI couldnt' find it03:59
usserCotowar, i see mp3rename in the ubuntu repos whic sounds like what you need03:59
TrentonHCan I install the nonfree and the nonfree-extrasound?03:59
redvamp128TrentonH:  this should be the direct link http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_10.0.15.3ubuntu1~intrepid1_i386.deb03:59
Cotowaralright, one sec. the #bash channel told me to use id3v203:59
Cotowarim going to get both03:59
Cotowarthe trouble is, idk if i have enough HD space04:00
redvamp128TrentonH:  I don't see the extra sound-- I think that was only for 904:00
Cotowarim at 99% full on a 100GB drive...lol04:00
TrentonHOh well thanks04:00
redvamp128Trenton that should get you the latest stable release designed for Intrepid04:00
Level_5can someone help me configure my broadcom wireless card?04:01
lordapexwhat determines the permissions when you touch a file?04:01
matzihello. ive had gParted running on my new laptop under the LIve CD, but it is frozen. I acn move my mouse but not click.04:01
tyler_dhow do I manually edit startup scripts?04:01
drashScottG489: have you seen http://nielspeen.com/blog/2009/02/google-gears-64-bit/ yet ? might do the trick ...04:02
lordapextyler_d: vi /etc/init.d/<service> ?or you talking login type script?04:02
redvamp128!wireless > Level_504:02
ubottuLevel_5, please see my private message04:02
pepperjacktyler_d: see rc.local if youre wanting to just add simple stuff04:02
redvamp128Sorry about making that one a PM-- was trying to get ubottu to show you the troubleshoot link Level_5.04:03
servo888Anybody notice that the embedded FTP file system manager is terrible in gnome? It's sluggish... grr04:03
Cotowar@usser, can mp3rename be automated?04:03
usserCotowar, mp3rename seems to work, just do mp3rename -s '&a-&t' to set default name, &a -artist &t- title04:03
usserCotowar, just run it on the directory, set the file name with the above command and then mp3rename *mp3 in the directory where you music is04:04
redvamp128Level_5:  though on that page I think you want # 1804:04
tyler_dpepperjack: user specific... ie. mail starts automagically and so does term... I want to know where that was written04:04
deadbatteryHi everyone04:04
Cotowarokay, i was just going to ask that04:04
deadbatteryanyone here has ever installed Plesk ?04:04
thiebaudehi deadbattery04:04
deadbatteryi am abt to smack my monitor and curse ubuntu lolz04:04
Cotowari have like 55 folders full of these songs, can i just run it on /music to get to all of them?04:04
matziis there anything i can do to unfreeze gParted without messing up the windows partition it is resizing?04:04
deadbatteryso anyone? tried the bloody plesk on ubuntu x.x04:04
=== mottikins is now known as FaMott
pepperjacktyler_d: ah thats under system --> pref --> sessions --> startup i think04:05
TrentonHHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.  I get that error @ YouTube04:05
Cotowarall my music folders are in the Music directory, to clarify04:05
deadbatterywell if anyone has any experience with plesk and has installed it before, let me know, i am in need of desperate help =]04:05
redvamp128TrentonH:  even after the install of the .deb and a restart of firefox.?04:05
tyler_dpepperjack: where is it in term though please?04:05
pepperjackTrentonH: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash04:05
TrentonHI installed it from... the Synaptic Manager04:06
redvamp128TrentonH:  have you restarted Firefox?04:06
Cotowaroops, thought i was in the terminal04:06
FaMottOk, something has my Apt-get locked and I dont know what04:06
ScottG489drash: Thanks ill try it out. Right now I just use Evolution for email offline but I just kinda wanted to test it out.04:06
pepperjackTrentonH: in firefox in address bar type about:plugins  and make sure flash the adobe flash not the open source one is in there04:06
deadbatteryanyone has plesk on ubuntu or has had prior?04:06
Titan8990FaMott: update manager, apt-get, synaptic, and add-remove programs locks it04:07
linux_guyi installed a program from a 3rd party source and need to uninstall it.  its not in synaptic.  what should i do?04:07
Titan8990linux_guy: did you install it from source?04:07
linux_guyfrom deb04:07
joljamMadmax_:- I am back after a restart04:07
pepperjacktyler_d: sorry im not too exp with gnome. it would be under one of the .g* directories in home id think but ..not sure04:07
usserCotowar, with a find command, hang one04:07
redvamp128linux_guy:  check synaptic package manager-- then source -- then installed should be there..04:07
deadbatteryso no one has ever touched plesk o.o?04:07
TrentonHI didn't restart the browser ^.^04:07
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TrentonHI so silly04:07
squidlydeadbattery: sorry never touched it04:08
=== brEz is now known as brEz`
FaMottYes but the process is missing04:08
TrentonHBut I don't have sound...04:08
redvamp128TrentonH:  Firefox only loads plugins at startup04:08
deadbatteryhmm i am going to stab plesk >.>04:08
madmax__joljam: so whats the error04:08
joljammadmax_I:- I had no choice but to restart..everything froze..even this messenger and command line04:08
linux_guyredvamp128, i dont see 'source' in synaptic04:08
joljammadmax_I could not see the the error04:08
ScottG489drash: How exactly does it work anyways? If I open up a browser and type in gmail.com it will still work but without any new emails?04:08
deadbatteryu guys use ubuntu for desktop? day to day use?04:08
redvamp128linux_guy:  off to the side04:08
TrentonHI have a Creative X-FI Fata1ty edtion soundcard.....04:08
ari_stresshi guys, i just notice that 'dd' is running on my notebook, it eats lots of cpu. then it stops. who runs dd? isn't it dangerous program?04:09
deadbatterycause i am using ubuntu for my server =o04:09
madmax__if you right click the title bar you can check keep on top04:09
redvamp128linux_guy:  or status04:09
BobAlmightyHelp! My raid 5 just pooped a disk. How do I disassemble the raid, and fsck the device?04:09
Titan8990ari_stress: it can be....04:09
squidlyari_stress: dd is used a lot04:09
FaMottwhat is getty?04:09
squidlyI used dd to copy a full disk04:09
BobAlmightyif I try to fsck.etx3 /dev/sdd it says that it is busy04:09
linux_guystatus is there04:09
redvamp128linux_guy:  status (you must be on 8.10) then installed04:09
ScottG489drash: Holy crap why is this download 4 gigs?04:09
ari_stresssquidly: but, i didn't do anything. i just got back from toilet... who ran dd?04:09
pepperjackdeadbattery: there is an #ubuntu-server channel but it is quite a bit less active04:09
drashScottG489: you'll have to put firefox into offline mode, and as soon it sees a working connection it will upload and sync your mails04:10
deadbatteryis 8.04 stable?04:10
joljammadmax_:- I did that but I could not do anything...the whole thing froze04:10
squidlyari_stress: where at?04:10
madmax__joljam: make the terminal window stay on top (right click keep on top)04:10
squidlyon you system?04:10
TrentonHredvamp128: I don't have sound, can you help me find a driver for it?04:10
squidlydid you lock it?04:10
ari_stresssquidly: yes, on this notebook04:10
joljammadmax_I did exactly that04:10
linux_guyredvamp128, i got it!  thanks04:10
joljammadmax_in fact there was no error message04:10
redvamp128TrentonH:  you installed it from synaptic-- which version is there?04:10
squidlyari_stress: dd sands for direct disk04:10
madmax__try another browser04:10
madmax__like opera04:10
Tyrathis there anyway to print in greyscale using lp, lpr or lpoptions?04:10
squidlywhat was the cli that they ran?04:10
drashScottG489: 4 GB ? dunno, but that sounds strange ...04:10
deadbatterymeh 1389 ppl online and none have used plesk? lawl x.x i must be on lonley person04:11
joljammadmax_which is the good browser04:11
Tyrathcause the man doesn't say anything in regards to colour04:11
redvamp128about: -- Plugins (no space)04:11
ari_stresssquidly: i don't know, i saw 'dd' in top command04:11
joljammadmax_which browser do u recommend04:11
squidlydd if=somedevice of=file04:11
ari_stresssquidly: well it stops now. hopefully nothing happens04:11
redvamp128linux_guy:  did you find your package from deb there?04:11
linux_guyredvamp128, yeap removed it04:11
TrentonHredvamp128: 10.15.3ubuntu1~intrepid104:11
squidlyari_stress: it could be a backup04:11
Cotowari use 8.10 as my main OS04:12
racecar56this isnt too important but i would like to install firefox 3.0.5 on a kubuntu 6.06 machine04:12
Cotowaroh wow, nvm that comment04:12
redvamp128TrentonH:  no sound and that is the "latest" --04:12
racecar56what do i do?04:12
Cotowari was WAY too far up above04:12
redvamp128TrentonH:  pm?04:12
deadbatterylol i just joined is there anyway like to ask for plesk help here? or like leave a msg? x.x?04:12
BobAlmightyI'm in the recovery console of 8.10-server. Where the hell is fsck.xfs? All I see are ext2 and ext304:12
Cotowarjust ask04:12
linux_guynow i have a program to install.  its a BIN.  is this referred to as compiling?04:12
ScottG489drash: Maybe I read it wrong or something...but it seems to have downloaded04:13
Cotowardeadbattery, whats your problem? just state it and we will try to help04:13
KDeskI am planing to swith to the amd64 version of kubuntu (maybe jaunty) now that java and flash have a more or less working plugin for firefox. Using the 64 bit version, is there a performance improvement? Is true that the 64bit version uses more RAM memory? If so, in average how much?04:13
Cotowar64-bit will use more RAM, but it also increases the max capacity of RAM you can have in the computer04:14
joljammadmaX:- which browser would u recommedn04:14
madmax__try opera04:14
drashScottG489: according to several comments at http://www.techrecipes.net/linux/google-gears-in-64-bit-linux.html despite the error message you first reported, it does seem to work ... confusing indeed :)04:14
madmax__just to see if it still freezes04:14
Cotowaropera doesn't run on my computer. :(04:14
racecar56this isnt too important but i would like to install firefox 3.0.5 on a kubuntu 6.06 machine04:14
quentinIve been getting a lot of .tar files, and I never know how to install them  =) can someone help me04:14
racecar56and i dont like opera04:14
racecar56its not open source :(04:14
Archi88so i've got the movie player that came with my ubuntu 8.10 and it plays everything i need it to but, is there a better one?04:14
d-monHi, I executed "rm ~/.bash_history" and now realised, I miss it - How would I retrieve this back?04:15
madmax__racecar56: sudo apt-get install firefox04:15
sistoArchi88: I like vlc04:15
pepperjackArchi88: the default player is probably my least favorite of the options04:15
Cotowarsome people like VLC player, i prefer movie player though04:15
racecar56but that gets firefox 1.504:15
TopperVLC is good04:15
Archi88vlc is compatible with linux!!04:15
racecar56vlc is always out of date on ubuntu04:15
madmax__google firefox 3 ubuntu04:15
pepperjackArchi88: mplayer is favorite there are several mplayer gui front ends. vlc is pretty cool for streaming and capturing and plays most anythning04:15
racecar56i LOVE mplayer04:16
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brEz-Hi, I executed "rm ~/.bash_history" and now realised, I miss it - How would I retrieve this back?04:16
sistoArchi88: you can get the new vlc from vlc's repos though and it'll be more up to date04:16
ninomhello everyone.04:16
stonerfishHello there folks.  Is this room ok to ask for help using irc on this server "irc.ubuntu.com"04:16
deadbatterywell if anyone has installed PLESK before on their unbuntu, pls let me know04:16
racecar56this isnt too important but i would like to install firefox 3.0.5 on a kubuntu 6.06 machine04:16
racecar56firefox 3 ubuntu on google gives too much results04:16
racecar56and it tells how to install ancient versions04:17
racecar56but i want 3.0.504:17
ninomtoday i installed ubuntu but when installed i needed to update my graphics driver for nvidia. when i did that, and restarted the computer, my monitor only supports up to 60hz and now i get a message 75hz v65 and black screen how can i fix this ?04:17
tyler_dracecar56: oldversion.com04:17
ninomif anyone can help i would appreciate it04:17
sandwichcould anyone here help me with polipo?04:17
madmax__racecar56: so use the files for the new version04:18
ScottG489drash: Hey thanks so much04:18
madmax__or download the source for 3.0.5 and make make install04:18
drashScottG489: very welcome, hope it works for you04:18
sandwichim getting really pissed off over polipo. could anyone pls help?04:19
deadbatterydoes anyone use ubuntu for running a server?04:19
racecar56not me04:19
putrefyim trying to install virtualbox on ubuntu 8.10 linux 2.6.27-11-generic, but when i load an iso or vm its just black and nothing happens.. any ideas?04:19
linux_guydeadbattery, i use windows 3.1 to run my server04:19
racecar56how much ram it got04:19
deadbatterywell i have a dedicated server04:19
racecar56windows 3.1?04:19
FloodBot1racecar56: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:19
deadbatteryit has 4gb ram, quad core xeon, 1500 GB space04:19
deadbatteryi am trying to install PLESK ON IT04:19
linux_guyracecar56, yeah 1989's finest04:19
deadbatteryits being a douche.. and it wont work..04:19
FloodBot1deadbattery: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:19
AETE_KRAOUDhow can i delete a path from #$PATH in ubuntu?04:20
drashsandwich: unsure if I (or anyone else) can help out, what exactly is polipo not doing for you ?04:20
ScottG489drash: Curious as to where the desktop shortcut is added to since its not the desktop lol04:20
deadbatterydawg this is linux, not windows04:20
KDeskCotowar: thanks for the info, I will try the 64 bit version maybe with the rc or beta of jaunty. :)04:20
sandwichits not working drash04:20
ninomi get a message on my monitor that my monitor doesnt support 75hz but the screen is black is there a way i can fix this without reinstalling ubuntu04:20
madmax__AETE_KRAOUD: .profile?04:20
nilsonAETE_KRAOUD, you have to reset the PATH variable to the old $PATH but without the directory you want gone04:20
ninommy monitor only supports 60hz04:20
AETE_KRAOUDnilson, : yes thanks04:21
AETE_KRAOUDnilson, : but how?04:21
linux_guyhow can i install this bin file i downloaded?04:21
nilsonecho $PATH, copy and paste this04:21
nilsoninto `export PATH=`04:21
drashScottG489: you can always try to run the "locate gears" command (after updating the installed files database with "sudo updatedb"04:21
nilsonbut take off the directory you want gone04:21
binarymutantlinux_guy, chmod +x filename   ./filename04:21
sandwichchmod +x file04:21
madmax__linux_guy bin file is kinda vague04:21
AETE_KRAOUDnilson, : thanks i will tried out04:21
nilsonno problem04:22
AETE_KRAOUDnilson, :So the export is the command i was looking for e?04:22
Droopsta915I just upgraded my RAM, I've done this before. This time my computer starts, but I can't see anything in the monitor. Any help, please?04:22
sandwichim getting really pissed off over polipo. could anyone pls help?04:22
ninomanyone knows how do i start ubuntu in safe mode maybe than i can change the 75hz to 60hz anyone? please04:22
binarymutantsandwich, what's polipo?04:22
linux_guyor is it a bin at all?04:22
deadbatteryso no one uses ubuntu to run a server?04:23
binarymutantlinux_guy, sounds like a bin, use the file command to find out04:23
dragon`ninom try to boot from your live cd04:23
Lucifer_CatI am running fluxbox, and when i rightclick, i get this menu with all the apps and stuff. i started nautilus and it got replaced with the nautilus menu. I dont even have a menu to shut the computer down. what do i do?04:23
madmax__deadbattery: i have a linux mint printserver04:23
madmax__its ubuntu04:23
Droopsta915ninom: on your login screen, look at the bottooom left. you can get to safemode04:23
sandwichpolipo is a caching proxy04:23
binarymutantdeadbattery, I use debian but it's the same thing04:23
deadbatterymadmax, u ever used plesk?04:23
drashsandwich: not working ... any errors in the polipo log that might shine a light on this ?04:23
madmax__what is it04:23
deadbatteryplesk.. www.plesk.com04:23
ninomyeah but my login screen is set to automaticly start so i dont see a login screen04:23
ninomi installed these new drivers and they messed me up now my settings are set to 75 hz and my monitor only supports 60 hz04:24
ninomso all i see is an error message04:24
Droopsta915I just upgraded my RAM, I've done this before. This time my computer starts, but I can't see anything in the monitor. Any help, please?04:24
MexiNerdWhen an Asian woman has a baby with a Negro, she is closer related DNA-wise to the Mexican or White kid next door than to her own shitskin child, due to the fact that blacks have more DNA differences from everybody else.  Learn even more facts about nnniiiiggggers by joining Chimpout!  http://www.chimpout.com/forum/index.php  All races except for Negroids are welcome!04:24
binarymutantdeadbattery, plesk might provide better support from their own site04:24
ninomubuntu starts and as soon as it loads the screen is black04:24
dragon`ninom press esc while it boots into grub04:24
deadbatterybinarymutant, trust me they dont,..04:24
ninomand it has this message not compatible with 75 hz only 60hz04:24
madmax__no sir whats the prob/04:24
sandwichdrash: "Proxy Server Refused Connection"04:24
ninomi press escape but than what04:25
ninomit has 4 options04:25
MexiNerdWhen an Asian woman has a baby with a Negro, she is closer related DNA-wise to the Mexican or White kid next door than to her own shitskin child, due to the fact that blacks have more DNA differences from everybody else.  Learn even more facts about nnniiiiggggers by joining Chimpout!  http://www.chimpout.com/forum/index.php  All races except for Negroids are welcome!04:25
ninomlike recovery and stuff04:25
FlynsarmyIf i delete a file (say, from my desktop) when i open the trash the 'empty trash' button is greyed out, but i can still highlight the item and press delete key and delete that way. What's going on?04:25
nilsonexport is what sets environment variables04:25
dragon`do safe mode or recovery04:25
alchemist1How do I rename my machine? I am relatively new to Ubuntu, and Linux in general.04:25
linux_guybinarymutant, whats with the ./filename at the end?  is that necessary?04:25
nilsonFor example, to set an environment variable $P='Q'04:25
nilsonYou would export P=Q04:25
dragon`and check your /etc/X11/xorg file04:25
binarymutantlinux_guy, it runs the file, same as doing sh filename04:25
ninomi will just reinstall it this is a joke that i cant acces because of this little graphics problem04:26
linux_guybinarymutant, i ran chmod +x filename and thats it04:26
Droopsta915ninom: sorry, I get a login screen. I can get to failsafe mode through that04:26
binarymutantlinux_guy, that makes it executable, the ./ runs it04:26
nilsonAETE_KRAOUD, no problem bud04:26
madmax__system>preferances>aboutme i think04:26
nilsonAETE_KRAOUD, I work with Linux all day long at my job ;)04:26
linux_guyhow much space between the filename and ./filename?04:26
racecar56linux pwnd04:26
racecar56linux pwns04:26
nilsonI admin a 160 node beowulf cluster04:26
Droopsta915ninom: Re-install and makesure you create a login name and password04:26
AETE_KRAOUDnilson, : I have forgot it a lot04:26
racecar56and thanks for ubuntu =)04:26
nilsonRunning Platform Rocks04:26
sandwichdrash: "Proxy Server Refused Connection"04:26
tyler_dnilson: lmfao04:27
Lucifer_CatAny idea anyone: I am running fluxbox, and when i rightclick, i get this menu with all the apps and stuff. i started nautilus and it got replaced with the nautilus menu. I dont even have a menu to shut the computer down. what do i do?04:27
nilsontyler_d, whats up tristor04:27
AETE_KRAOUDnilson, : me to but i have to study again some about bash :-)04:27
ninomdroopsta915 i did that, but i also checked where it says sign in automaticly04:27
binarymutantlinux_guy, one space04:27
sandwichdrash: "Proxy Server Refused Connection"04:27
ninomso it never shows  login name screen04:27
drashsandwich: looks like you will need to go over polipo's settings and allow localhost, don't have that specific conf file right now on this machine .. google for it if you can't find the file under /etc04:27
binarymutantlinux_guy, oh wait, no space sorry04:27
kinja-sheepLucifer_Cat: Terminal --> sudo shutdown -h now04:27
binarymutantlinux_guy, I tend to skim messages :/04:27
ninomsomeone just needs to tell me is there safe mode for ubuntu and if there is how to access it before it loads04:27
ScottG489drash: Well that found where the extension is stored and such but how would that help find out where it saves Desktop Shortcuts that I create?04:27
Lucifer_Catkinja-sheep: how do i get the terminal is the question.04:28
tyler_dnilson: nothin, just laughing... beowulf cluster... **chuckles04:28
ninomor if someone has a site with step by step instructions04:28
dragon`ok ninom04:28
linux_guyhmm nothing happened04:28
sandwichdrash: what do you mean, "allow local host"?04:28
nilsonIt's technically not a ceowulf cluster04:28
AETE_KRAOUDnilson, : bas is so useful and mature i am so shy i forgot it so much04:28
kinja-sheepLucifer_Cat: I don't know.  You might have better chance with forums or fluxbox channel if there's one.  I only helped you out with shutdown part. ;)04:28
Lucifer_Catkinja-sheep: also, I would prefer a solution that did not involve shutting down.04:28
therealnanotubeninom: what do you need a "safe mode" for? i.e., what do you expect to get out of it?04:28
nilsonSince it uses commercial software.04:28
Droopsta915ninom: don't sign in automatically, then when you start your computer you will get your login screen.04:28
Lucifer_Catah cool. thanks kinja-sheep04:28
nilsonBut it's RHEL-base04:28
tyler_dnilson: I hope not, not alot of bragging rights there... 160 boxes, not a one worth over 50 bucks04:29
binarymutantlinux_guy, if you do "file filename.bin" what does it say?04:29
drashScottG489: o sorry, misunderstood your question04:29
nilsontyler_d, they are all dual-pentium 4 3GHz servers04:29
alchemist1Anyone know how to change the machine's name?04:29
nilsonwith 2GB ram each04:29
sandwichdrash: what do you mean, "allow local host"?04:29
nilsonit does pull 1.3 TFlops04:29
nilsonits decent04:29
tyler_dnilson: so its not a beowulf cluster04:29
tyler_dnilson: its a cluster04:29
nilsonits a high performance cluster04:29
Droopsta915ninom: When you get to the login look at the bottom left. Pick a session, you will see fail safe mode. Thats what you want04:29
ScottG489dragon`: Gnome doesn't draw my actual desktop so I can have different desktop backgrouns (since i dont really use my desktop anyways) but it isnt in my desktop folder04:29
therealnanotubealchemist1: "hostname" command04:30
binarymutantalchemist1, I think it's in /etc/hostname but there is also another file you will have to edit too04:30
ninomtherealnanotube well i am thinking windows, so i am hoping i can access safe mode so i can change my appearance settings from 75hz to 60hz so my monitor can work04:30
linux_guybinarymutant, cannot open, no such file / directory?04:30
nilsontyler_d, you use KDE or Gnome04:30
AETE_KRAOUDnilson, : bye dude thanks a lot !!!04:30
binarymutantlinux_guy, ./filename.bin  with a .04:30
racecar56i need firefox 3.0.504:30
ninomdroopsta you obvioslu dont understand, there is no login screen i checked to sign in automaticly04:30
racecar56on an ubuntu 6.06 virtual machine04:30
ninomthere is no login screen04:30
Droopsta915I just upgraded my RAM, I've done this before. This time my computer starts, but I can't see anything in the monitor. Any help, please?04:30
ninomits ubuntu 8.1004:30
tyler_dracecar56:  why 3.0504:30
dragon`Do you have the live cd ninom04:30
binarymutantlinux_guy, or "sh filename.bin" same thing04:30
racecar56because its latest04:31
ninomdragon i do04:31
therealnanotubeninom: ah... you need to switch to a virtual console, and edit your xorg.conf, then...04:31
racecar56why have security holes04:31
lstarnesracecar56: it's available in ubuntu 8.04 and up04:31
therealnanotuberacecar56: what version of ubuntu do you run? intrepid has 3.0.5 by default...04:31
Lucifer_Catkinja-sheep: i could ofcourse create a launcher with the shutdown command. that would work for shutting down.04:31
ninomdragon should i try doing it with my live cd04:31
ninomand if yes how04:31
therealnanotuberacecar56: ah... then you are pretty much SOL.04:31
racecar56its a virtual machine04:31
pepperjackninom: it depends on how much effort you want to get it fixed.  the fix will be simple but will be some command line stuff04:31
drashsandwich: your browser(s) will need to be allowed to connect to polipo, and that implies allowing localhost to connect to it .. have you read man polipo ?04:31
kinja-sheepLucifer_Cat: Perhaps a launcher for terminal.04:31
ninompepperjack i am patient as long as i can fix it04:32
ninomi ll try for hours04:32
therealnanotuberacecar56: you could look at this ubuntuforums thread, and possibly get it working: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84748404:32
lstarnesracecar56: plus I think the desktop version of ubuntu 6.06 won't be officialy supported after this June04:32
hlfshellhey - i jsut need to know the command to tar a folder into a tarball so i can send it to someone04:32
therealnanotuberacecar56: but your best bet is to just stick with the latest patches for firefox2.04:32
ninomi want ubuntu to work. i dont wanna buy a different monitor that supports 75hz04:32
therealnanotubehlfshell: "tar"04:32
hlfshelljust tar by itself?04:32
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:32
Lucifer_Catwell i already disconnected. i'll try that next time. didnt blink at that time. *headdesks*04:32
lstarneshlfshell: tar, tar.bz2, or tar.gz?04:32
sandwichdrash i dont have time for that04:32
hlfshellor tar.gz04:32
hlfshelleither or04:32
linux_guybinarymutant, http://paste.ubuntu.com/113055/04:33
therealnanotubehlfshell: just "tar". read "man tar" for usage instructions on tar.04:33
Droopsta915Is there an IRC channel with hardware help?04:33
lstarneshlfshell: tar czf file.tar.gz directory04:33
hlfshellthats what ive been doing, but when i tar cvf folder tardest it complains about fodler being a folder04:33
therealnanotubehlfshell: if you want to make a tar.gz, you probably want something like "tar -czf targetfolder"04:33
lstarnesDroopsta915: ##hardware04:33
dragon`tar zxvf file to extrct to a folder04:33
lstarneshlfshell: you're forgetting the output filename04:33
dragon`for gz04:33
binarymutantlinux_guy, "./dvdtohdd-0.3.0.x86.package"04:34
hlfshellnot extract-  compress04:34
drashsandwich: do you have time to pastebin your polipo conf file ?04:34
linux_guybinarymutant, do i need to be in the desktop directory?04:34
bamhm1821hey, just checking what my username is04:34
sandwichdrash holdon04:34
linux_guylol bamhm182104:34
binarymutantlinux_guy, yes04:34
therealnanotubehlfshell: man tar. it gives you an example right in the beginning. "tar -czf archivename.tar.gz foldername"04:34
drashsandwich: ok, holding04:34
hlfshellthat worked thanks guys!04:35
binarymutantlinux_guy, if it says that expecting fi error again than your file is a dud04:35
therealnanotubehlfshell: no prob. remember, "man" is your friend.04:35
Shovonwhat is so special with ubuntu studio?04:35
ninomcan anyone type what i need to do in order to change my apperance settings from 75 hz to60hz before ubuntu loads04:35
ryanCHhow do get a transparent konsole under kde 4?04:35
linux_guybinarymutant, its asking for a password for autopackage04:36
tyler_dryanCH: try #kubuntu04:36
sandwichdrash: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/113057/04:36
FlynsarmyIf i delete a file (say, from my desktop) when i open the trash the 'empty trash' button is greyed out, but i can still highlight the item and press delete key and delete that way. What's going on?04:36
drashShovon: it has a few professional video and audio editing apps pre-installed04:36
binarymutantlinux_guy, I don't know anything about your file specifically, it might be passworded04:36
linux_guybinarymutant, that would suck04:36
drashsandwich: taking a look, i'll report back04:36
therealnanotubeninom: /after/ ubuntu loads, can you press "ctl-alt-f2", does that switch you to a text-only console?04:36
binarymutantlinux_guy, if it's installing something then it needs to be ran as sudo04:37
ShovonWell couldn't I install them manually? Are there any other difference?04:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:37
bamhm182testing my user name again04:37
dragon`Non-free packages included in Ubuntu Studio04:37
bamhm182there we go04:37
dragon`Not possible to include in normal Ubuntu04:37
Moodis there anything by default mounted to /dev/loop0? or is that just an open loop device?04:37
linux_guybinarymutant, http://paste.ubuntu.com/113058/04:37
ninomtherealnanotube i will try that right now.04:38
lwizardlwhat was the command again to configure my networking settings from with like nano04:38
binarymutantlinux_guy, I don't know anything about that specific file but it looks like it downloaded autopackage.tar.bz204:38
linux_guybinarymutant, what do i do about this password lol?04:39
therealnanotubeninom: ok, let me know what happens.04:39
drashsandwich: try uncommenting line 17 of that file and "sudo /etc/init.d/polipo restart" to check if that changes anything04:39
binarymutantlinux_guy, try "sudo ./dvdtohdd-0.3.0.x86.package"04:39
linux_guybinarymutant, i clicked no pw and it waited, then installed =)04:40
binarymutantthat works too04:40
oobedoes anyone know if i can get  a newer xchat repo or deb for 8.0.404:40
lwizardlnm got it04:40
binarymutantoobe, what's the version in Jaunty? that will be easy to get if it doesn't require any dependencies04:41
oobejaunty is alpha04:41
oobei wouldnt be asking if intrepid worked in hardy04:41
linux_guybinarymutant, this software requires gambas to run, can you help me find / install that?  its not in my synaptic04:41
oobei dont see why jaunty would04:41
linux_guyonly gambas204:41
sandwichdrash: do you mean: # proxyName = "polipo.example.org"04:42
binarymutantoobe, actually the Jaunty idea is bad, it requires a bunch of dependencies that are probably only found in Jaunty. You can compile xchat yourself if you feel comfortable in the command line04:42
sandwichthat's  the 17th line04:42
BobAlmightyDoes 8.10-server recover mode have not have fsck.xfs or am I freaking crazy?!04:42
binarymutantlinux_guy, I don't know what gambas is, but will it work with gambas2?04:43
drashsandwich: no, i mean the proxyaddress line for IPv404:43
linux_guybinarymutant, it will not work with gambas204:43
oobebinarymutant, i know and i know but thanks anyway04:43
oobeguess i will compile later04:44
kc8pxyi'm trying to compile approx from source, because i want my aprox server on a box that has no ubuntu/debian on it. i grabbed 3.3.0 (the rev listed for intrepid). it seems to have deps on a contructor that i believe i have satisfied, but the source says i haven't. any help?04:44
ninomtherealnanotube i va connected my desktop to my LCD screen and now there is no error like on my monitor. i am gonna change the settings now. thanks for listening to me and trying to help i areally appreciate it. thanks a lot.04:44
subparanyone try amarok 2 in intrepid.... but not using kubuntu?04:44
racecar56is firefox ubuntu's version of firefox that fixed security vulnerabilities from
tyler_dsubpar: worked fine for me pre-kde04:45
subpartyler_d, pre-kde?04:45
tyler_dracecar56: I gave you the link man04:45
subpardid you switch over or something04:45
tyler_dsubpar: I just switched last week04:45
subparhow long were you using gnome?04:46
joljammadmax_Opera is much better in performance as of now..04:46
subparI tried out kde on fedora 9 for a few days but then school started...04:46
subparhow did you install it using gnome? just download the deb and let ubuntu do the rest?04:46
binarymutantlinux_guy, I think gambas2 will work you should install it and see04:46
tyler_dsubpar: I have both installed, I like kde and my wife is still on gnome04:47
linux_guybinarymutant, it is installeed04:47
therealnanotubeninom: ok, good luck, glad you figured it out :)04:47
linux_guyWolv3, that is a distraction04:47
binarymutantlinux_guy, try installing gambas2-dev04:47
Wolv3linux_guy, but is a good 104:47
OldTokerhi all.. I have a small problem I could really use a hand with.04:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:48
linux_guybinarymutant, that is already installed04:48
OldTokerI have joker who keeps pounding on my ftp..04:48
OldTokerand making my log files HUGE...04:48
OldToker111 mb04:49
OldTokerof text file.04:49
tyler_dOldToker: install a firewall and exclude him. as well turn off your ssh via root04:49
OldTokerI need to know how I can block him04:49
kc8pxyOldToker: iptables drop rule??:)04:49
sandwichdrash: didnt work04:49
binarymutantlinux_guy, no clue then sorry, you could use this but it requires all these dependencies http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/gambas04:49
OldTokerok thanks :)04:49
OldTokerI'll give it a shot04:49
TeamColtra[TFD]Hey I know this is Gimp related, but the gimp chat is slow tonight and my question is simple: How do you resize a selection in GIMP? like I can resize the WHOLE IMAGE, but I just want to resize one little graphic, and normally I would just drag the corners but you can't do this in GIMP?04:49
gulashhi, i need some help with ubuntu 8.10 and ktorrent. somebody who can help me?04:50
therealnanotubeOldToker: "man iptables" for details and examples :)04:50
binarymutantTeamColtra[TFD], I copy paste the selection to a new canvas then scale04:50
therealnanotubegulash: what's your question? i have ktorrent and intrepid, they both work fine.04:50
izinucsTeamColtra[TFD], you can.. what version of ubuntu are you on?  intrepid has the boxes that appear in the corners to change the size.04:50
drashsandwich: let's take it from the top .. is polipo running at all ? did you configure your browser(s) to use a proxy (and if so, what address and port combo is set ?04:51
OldTokertherealnanotube, thanks I will look it up :)04:51
sandwichyes, yes  and
gulashok. i have ktorrent on an intrepid ubuntu 32 bits. it happens that sometimes, after some time working, it just closes itself (im speaking about ktorrent) and if i check  the log in /home/user/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/log, it doesnt says nothing relevant04:52
khmer42I'm making a batch script to automate the correct post install setup process. Is there any way to stop apt-get from displaying promts to the user? I would rather the script just ran and the used wasn't involved .04:52
izinucsTeamColtra[TFD], wait.. you've put a box around a part of the image and you want to enlarge/shrink that selection inside of the main image?04:52
tyler_dgulash: thats similair to a few clients with java... try updatign your jvm04:53
therealnanotubegulash: hrm, well... that's rather hard to troubleshoot, with no error messages and stuff. all i can say is that it doesn't happen to me... try clearing out your config for ktorrent, maybe...04:53
therealnanotubetyler_d: ktorrent doesn't use java04:53
Cotowarwhere can i see the different irc commands for this channel?04:53
binarymutantCotowar, /help probably04:53
tyler_dtherealnanotube: my bad04:54
Cotowaroh, good call04:54
binarymutantCotowar, or if your talking about the bot then /msg ubottu !help04:54
quentusrexHow do I find out from the command line what monitors are attached?04:54
nickrudkhmer42, there's --assume-yes and --force-yes (dangerous)04:54
therealnanotubetyler_d: you're probably thinking azureus :)04:54
tyler_dtherealnanotube: was so ;)04:54
khmer42nickrud: thanks!04:54
gulashi tried clearing the config. didnt help. it can work 5 minutes and close itself as it can work 48 hours with no problem.04:54
user2hi, how to open to seperate windows of Gedit ??04:54
gulashany idea where i can find another log which could give me more info?04:54
rashed2020Does ubuntu use rc.local?04:54
FlynsarmyIf i delete a file (say, from my desktop) when i open the trash the 'empty trash' button is greyed out, but i can still highlight the item and press delete key and delete that way. What's going on?04:55
therealnanotubegulash: hrm... well no, not really... i suppose you could install the debug symbol packages, and try running it with gdb to see what happens when it crashes.04:55
quentusrexHow do I find out from the command line what monitors are attached?04:55
kc8pxyi'm trying to compile approx from source, because i want my aprox server on a box that has no ubuntu/debian on it. i grabbed 3.3.0 (the rev listed for intrepid). it seems to have deps on a contructor that i believe i have satisfied, but the source says i haven't. any help?04:56
user2hi, how to open two seperate instances (windows) of gedit ??04:56
nickrudquentusrex, try   xrandr04:56
sandwichdrash are you on any messengers?04:56
drashsandwich: that seems to be the socks proxy port, did you try the regular polipo port 8123 yet ?04:56
tyler_dkc8pxy: whats missing?04:56
gulashhow do i do that? i installed the ktorrent-dbg. how do i use it?04:56
binarymutantuser2, I don't think it's possible04:56
therealnanotubequentusrex: run "xrandr"04:56
kc8pxytyler_d: Unbound type constructor Nethttpd_types.http_service04:56
binarymutantuser2, it always opens a new tab04:56
redvamp128kc8pxy:  try #ubuntu-server channel04:57
user2binarymutant: wow, I'd call that a bug almost..04:57
izinucsuser2, file open from within gediit will get you a tabed window.. or application/accessories/text editor.04:57
binarymutantuser2, my bad, it's "gedit --new-window"04:57
user2binarymutant: ahh,, thanks!04:57
tyler_dkc8pxy: that sounds like a specific error.. not a dependency missing :s04:57
quentusrexThat doesn't display anythign about the model.... the nvidia drivers were able to display the model of the monitor...04:57
sandwichdrash, for what? http? https? socks? or all of the above?04:57
drashsandwich: i'm actually having to leave to get to work in a few minutes sorry, best bet would be to read the man page i guess04:57
TiZHi. I'd like to install xubuntu into my current ubuntu installation, which has had the crap tweaked out of it. A quick "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" into Tilda wants to remove Splashy and Wicd. Is there any way for me to avoid this?04:57
drashsandwich: try http and https first04:57
sandwichwhat about socks04:58
drashsandwich: do you need socks ?04:58
therealnanotubeuser2: you can use "gedit --new-window"04:58
izinucsTiZ, I think you can just install xfce4 as the manager and then add the bits that you want after that.04:58
therealnanotubegulash: hold on let me find that tutorial...04:58
gulashok. thanks.04:58
Moodwhat do people use to mount ISO files? fuseiso? or nautilus scripts? or just the out-of-the-box mount command?04:59
drashsandwich: ok, in that case set http, https and socks port to 905004:59
therealnanotubegulash: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace04:59
TiZizinucs: Oh, so you can just add individual parts? That's good. :D04:59
therealnanotubeMood: mount works...04:59
sandwichthatts swhat  i did and it didn't work04:59
nicholaswDoes anyone have any ideas as to why 'ls' keeps hanging on my laptop (w/ intrepid)?04:59
redvamp128Mood I use --AcetoneIso2 I got from getdeb05:00
monzieHello guys05:00
Moodtherealnanotube: ok, thanks. so ppl use all these other tools just to make it easier?05:00
kc8pxytyler_d: it's stock source from launchpad. it should compile clean or tell me what's broken. got ideas?05:00
dawsonquick help question, i am installing mint on a secondary physical drive.05:00
TiZYes, dragon`?05:00
dragon`I would recommend doing exclude remove05:00
Moodredvamp128: how come you don't just use mount? is there an added advantage to acetone?05:00
aaronorosenHello, my sound in firefox is not working but it works everywhere else. Any ideas what could be causing this?05:01
redvamp128Mood this is what I use and you don't have to pay-- Application Information - AcetoneISO <http://www.getdeb.net/app/AcetoneISO>05:01
sekyourboxMy djembe has the exact same pitch as the ubuntu startup djembe05:01
monzieI have installed the stock bugzilla on my the latest Ubuntu05:01
tyler_dkc8pxy: there was a package change which happened in 2.2.3-1 where ocamlnet is relocated05:01
TiZExclude remove?05:01
monzieIt comes up without CSS :(05:01
therealnanotubeMood: yea, pretty much.05:01
dawsonshould i install the boot loader to hd0, dev/sdb, or dev/sdb1?05:01
tyler_dkc8pxy: possibly try installing an earlier version05:01
monzieSo the bugzilla page renders *ugly*05:01
dragon`--no--remove option to apt-get05:01
monziecan someone help me through installing bugzilla05:01
sekyourboxMy buddy has a sound studio, I could come up with some sick sound effects if someone wants...05:01
dawsoni tried dev/sdb earlier, and i got an error that it couldn't load the partition05:01
dragon`Tells it to not remove some packages05:01
redvamp128Mood:  I like it because it also allows the drag and drop of an Iso and still retains boot info-- also the strip boot too05:02
TiZI'll take a look at what happens if I do that05:02
Moodredvamp128: cool. that may come in handy05:02
redvamp128Mood:  makes it practial for slipstreaming a service pack05:02
dragon`do man apt-get05:02
dragon`lots of info05:02
TiZAh, it just errors out.05:02
redvamp128Mood:  unlike for example the mount iso-- where when you goto burn it -- looses the boot of disk05:03
kc8pxytyler_d:  not possible without some serious distro hacking, only rev of ocamlnet that my distro has is 2.2.905:03
TiZI typed it right. It just errors out because it wants to remove packages, but it can't.05:03
TiZxubuntu-desktop depends on network-manager, but it can't install that because it conflicts with wicd. It can't remove wicd, so no go05:03
kc8pxytyler_d:  should i use a newer approx source tarball?05:03
Moodredvamp128: good point05:03
TiZThanks, though. I'll pick and choose the packages I want. :)05:04
tyler_dkc8pxy: thats extremely preliminary research on my part, I would suggest either more stable or more bleeding edge05:04
dragon`long and boring05:04
tyler_dkc8pxy: contact the programmer/support forum even as they don't have alot on a workaround...05:04
TiZYeah, I know. I'll stick it out. :)05:04
redvamp128Mood:  also I like it for example the easy way to check a MD505:04
rulliehi where does epiphany keep temp files?05:05
dawsonanybody able to help answer a boot loader install question?05:05
dragon`Heh Ok05:05
beth_is there a plugin for alsa that will software synth midi?05:05
gulashtherealnanotube: are you still ther?05:06
izinucsrullie, probably someplace in ~/.epiphany05:06
therealnanotubegulash: no :)05:06
rullieizinucs: nope..05:06
ludditejust wondering if anyone has used CAcert.org ?05:06
ludditeand installed into a ubuntu sever05:06
ardchoillerullie: /tmp/epiphany maybe?05:06
rullieardchoille: no...05:06
gulashok. i did what the dbg said.05:07
nicholaswOk, so 'ls' is for some reasong hanging if I try to use it from my home dir, and lsof is always hanging... Any ideas?05:07
gulashit returned "Program exited normally." and the program is still running05:07
gulashany idea?05:07
[chr0n0s]gotta love ubuntu documentation, was going to ask a question here, but a simple google search solved it :)05:07
tyler_d[chr0n0s]: letmegooglethatforyou.com05:08
BobAlmightyI need help recovering a failed disk in a RAID 5. Does anyone know how to do this?05:09
tyler_dBobAlmighty: hardware or software05:10
TiZYes, dragon`?05:10
tyler_dBobAlmighty: replace the failed drive and boot away05:10
BobAlmightyI don't have a replacement drive.05:10
BobAlmightyI don't think the drive is bad.05:11
tyler_dBobAlmighty: then how did it break?05:11
BobAlmightyIt got out of sync, at some point, I'm not sure how.05:11
BobAlmightyI've run disk scans, and it appears fine.05:11
Light-what happens when you try and assemble the array?05:12
tyler_dBobAlmighty: so why do you think its broken?05:12
BobAlmightyIt says "assembling with 4 of 5" disks05:12
BobAlmightyBecause it's one of those 1.5GB Seagates that has the timeout issue.05:12
BobAlmightySo it got out of sync and was marked faulty05:12
Light-id remove the disk from the array, format it, then add it back into the array and let it rebuild05:12
BobAlmightyBest way?05:13
Light-dont know, im by no means an expert05:13
BobAlmightyWell, I'll give that a try.05:13
lwizardlhow can i detect what video card i have in my machine? i'm getting the low graphical mode error05:13
WafflesDrHey, I just got a new computer and installed Vista, XP, then Ubuntu in that order. After installing Ubuntu, I can only see Ubuntu. Does anyone have any help on getting Grub to recognize the Windows installs?05:13
Light-lwizardl, check the output of lspci05:14
letalisi seem to be having trouble getting ubuntu to update the initrd for the 2.6.27-3rt kernel using dpkg-reconfigure console-setup the fonts are the default VGA ones on it but when i attempted to update the console-setup with dpkg-reconfigure it updated my generic kernel and not the rt one. any suggestions?05:14
BobAlmightyDid you overwrite your windows installing when you installed Ubuntu?05:14
WafflesDrBobAlmighty, No, all are on different partitions05:14
therealnanotubegulash: well, did ktorrent actually crash while you were running it with gdb?05:14
* Light- finds it odd that ubuntu didnt pick up winfail when it generated the grub menu.lst05:15
gulashno. it only said it exited normally, and i had the program still running, and when it actually crashed, it didnt wrote anything05:15
gulashdo you have any idea how to use the ktorrent-dbg package?05:15
PowhatanBobhow can i figure out where something is installed on my computer?05:16
PowhatanBobfrom the command line05:16
Light-PowhatanBob, you could try "whereis programname" or "locate programname"05:16
therealnanotubegulash: well, ktorrent-dbg basically installs debug symbols for ktorrent, so that when you run ktorrent with gdb, it will give you more information.05:16
therealnanotubegulash: so... you already used it.05:16
Light-PowhatanBob, otherwise, "find / -name programname"05:17
therealnanotubebut apparently that didn't do much...05:17
gulashouch... any idea how to tell de gdb to wait till the actual crash of the program?05:17
WafflesDrLight-, I set it up manually and I'm pretty sure it's my fault. I used the alternative install so I could do an encrypted LVM. I set /boot to a partition I had set aside for it, so it's not encrypted.05:17
gulashthe complete output given is :05:18
Light-hmm, I havnt played with LVM or encrypted volumes sorry05:18
gulash[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]05:18
gulash[New Thread 0xb5e316c0 (LWP 26132)]05:19
gulashProgram exited normally.05:19
FloodBot1gulash: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:19
therealnanotubegulash: not sure what's going on in ktorrent there... you might have better luck if you go to the #ktorrent channel (if it has any people in it, that is)05:20
gulashok, ill go and check. thank you very much05:20
tyler_dmillie and vanillie are my fathers05:21
therealnanotubegulash: good luck :)05:21
=== apc_ is now known as Peddyt
=== xyz is now known as symphony
a|3xi am very confused about sound systems in linux05:22
daviswhy is that?05:22
a|3xcould someone please clarify some things for me05:22
a|3xthere are different sound systems, right?05:22
WanderingYouthAnyone have a "Dummies" guide to making your rsync work? D:05:23
lstarnesa|3x: yes05:23
a|3xyou can only use one sound system at once, right?05:23
lstarnesa|3x: I think multiple ones can be used05:23
a|3xbecause /dev/dsp will be grabbed05:23
izinucsWanderer, if it's a simple "one machine to another" type thing take a look at the gui for rsync.. in the repos called grsync05:23
lstarnesa|3x: I don't think /dev/dsp is the only sound device05:24
a|3xlstarnes: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp --- bash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy05:24
izinucsWanderingYouth, sorry I answered and addressed it to Wanderer .. see a couple lines above05:25
a|3xlstarnes: how can i write to /dev/dsp then when it is being used?05:25
WanderingYouthFair enough.05:25
deadbatteryi need help with lampp05:25
WanderingYouthI'll go see if that fixes my problem. Thanks :)05:25
lstarnesa|3x: you will likely need to use a sound device other than /dev/dsp05:26
izinucsdeadbattery, you need to be more specific.. there is also #ubuntu-server05:26
a|3xlstarnes: vmware has only that option05:26
deadbatteryin apache i get05:26
deadbattery[notice] child pid 25527 exit signal Segmentation05:27
a|3xlstarnes: vmware has the only option for sound /dev/dsp05:27
racecar56gess what05:27
deadbatteryand thne server hangs and stops responding05:27
a|3xlstarnes: and its busy all the time05:27
racecar56i got firefox on dapper05:27
deadbatteryfor apache i get [notice] child pid 25527 exit signal Segmentation05:27
binarymutantdeadbattery, seg fault means that program broke05:27
a|3xlstarnes: so i can't hear anything in vms05:27
deadbatteryso how do u fix it? it keeps happening =/05:28
lstarnesa|3x: then close everything that is using sound or try using a different vm05:28
binarymutantdeadbattery, you need to narrow it down to what program it was first off05:28
deadbatteryand its annoying me..05:28
WIGGMPkI am trying to remove 2 old kernel images that I no longer have a need for but the removal is failing. http://paste.ubuntu.com/112227/ Please Advise (PS: I have gfx grub installed)05:28
a|3xlstarnes: what, i can't do that, i want to hear sound from all programs like in windows05:28
deadbatteryi am using apache with lampp, what do u mean what program05:28
binarymutantdeadbattery, are you still doing Plesk I guess?05:28
gladio70come faccio ad andare in ubuntu.it??????05:28
deadbatteryno i am using apache atm05:28
binarymutantdeadbattery, it wasn't apache that broke it was something running in apache, could be your php code05:29
izinucsgladio70, fato.. /join #ubuntu.it05:29
deadbatteryi dun run a php code tho05:29
deadbatteryi just host files05:29
deadbatterywell how do i figure it out x.x05:29
kfyitWIGGMPk -> i dont believe you can remove a kernel and its supporting files while you are booted to it05:29
binarymutantdeadbattery, gedit /var/log/apache2/errors.log I think05:30
lstarnesa|3x: I'm able to do that using pulseaudio05:30
WIGGMPkkfyit: your prolly right.. however im not in those kernels im in 2.6.27-1105:30
deadbatterybinary i am alrdy there, thats how i got the [notice] child pid 25527 exit signal Segmentation05:30
kavithaany plugin developers?05:30
kavithai need help05:30
deadbatteryit just keeps poping child pid 32628.. bla bla05:30
lstarneskavitha: plugins for what?05:30
binarymutantdeadbattery, what are you using with apache?05:30
a|3xlstarnes: so, would i need to uninstall arts, oss, and alsa and install pulse to make it work?05:31
lstarnesa|3x: no05:31
binarymutantdeadbattery, could be a cgi could be php code could be your mysql05:31
a|3xlstarnes: by the way, what are these different things, are they all seperate sound systems?05:31
rashed2020Does ubuntu use rc.local?05:31
deadbatteryi am not running mysql05:31
kavithalstarnes: streaming video/audio and display in firefox browser05:31
deadbatteryall i do is /opt/lampp/lampp startapache05:31
binarymutantdeadbattery, LAMP = linux apache mysql php05:31
deadbatterywhich runs apache with php05:31
deadbatteryhow do i just run apache? and disable mysql, and php?05:32
lstarnesa|3x: I think pulse and many other sound daemons use kernel-level interfaces such as oss and alsa, but they are mostly separate05:32
binarymutantdeadbattery, /etc/init.d/apache205:32
kavithaaudio:wav type05:32
a|3xlstarnes: so, which system is doing the mixing?05:32
* linux_guy really REALLY hopes his gambas thread on the forum doesn't sit for weeks like some others05:33
lstarnesa|3x: I'm not sure05:33
izinucsgladio70, como questo  .... /join #ubuntu-it05:33
deadbatteryk i just installed apache2, lets see if it gives the errro again05:33
deadbatterythanks binary05:33
binarymutantrashed2020, not really05:33
kavithalstarnes: streaming video/audio and display in firefox browser05:33
deadbatteryi run a video streaming web site kavitha, what u need help with?05:33
sekyourboxPlanet Penguin Racer <<any good?05:34
lstarneskavitha: I saw05:34
lstarneskavitha: try asking in #firefox.  I was trying to look up the channel05:34
sanjidmy friend only has a command prompt show up when he boots from the livecd05:34
binarymutantrashed2020, instead of everything being rc.local Ubuntu uses scripts in rc0.d/ and stuff05:34
sanjidany suggestions on what to check?05:34
sanjidI started by telling him to do "xorg" and "start xorg"05:35
binarymutantsekyourbox, its good but extreme planet racer is better :P05:35
Light-sanjid, does "startx" produce an error?05:35
izinucssanjid, was it the ubuntu install cd or kubuntu or xubuntu?05:35
grimridercan anyone here help me with a freenx problem im having?05:35
sanjidizinucs: ubuntu05:35
sanjidLight-: it says not found05:35
kavithadeadbattery: i m streaming video/audio and display in firefox browser, do u know the process of audio streaming?05:35
Light-sanjid, are you using the alternate install cd?05:36
Light-sanjid, what about "/etc/init.d/gdm start"05:36
sanjidLight-: trying that now05:36
kavithadeadbattery: how to play audio in firefox browser?05:37
deadbatteryi dun use ubuntu for desktop, its for a server05:37
deadbatterysooo, cant help u there05:37
izinucssanjid, you can try what Light- said.. startx .. also sudo /init.d/gdm start.. if neither of those work then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:37
deaddebateI'm getting error 17: cannot mount partition.  should i go back into the live cd?  can i launch fdisk in the linuxmint livecd from the terminal and make the partition bootable?05:37
sanjidoh, nevermind, he told me that he got it from pendrivelinix.com05:37
FFForevercan someone lend me a hand?05:38
Light-sanjid, well then thats probably the problem, if it didnt come with an X server05:38
FFForeveri have to hold a key while i boot my system else it won't boot =(05:38
* sanjid facepalms my friend05:39
binarymutantkavitha, mozplugger and totem-mozilla05:39
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binarymutantFFForever, how does that work?05:39
deaddebateFFForever, is it a BIOS setting to boot to a seperate drive / partition?05:40
deadbatteryanyone knows where apache2 saves its error logs?05:40
FFForeverbinarydigit, it gets 2 the orange bar and inless i hold a key down it sits there... (i waited 5mins and it didn't move) when i hold the key the bar moves....05:40
lstarnesdeadbattery: /var/log/apache2/05:40
deaddebateis it a hotkey for your OS to boot into a safe / compatability mode?05:40
kavithabinarymutant: i have written a player but no idea about audio.. i cant play audio05:40
FFForeverdeadbattery, nope i only have 3 partitions / swap /home05:41
deadbatteryapache2, says denied05:41
deadbatteryistarnes > apache2 folder said access denied05:41
binarymutantkavitha, you've coded a video player? Most of the time people will use whatever video player is on their system through plugins. Why not just add the audio to the video?05:42
deadbatterykavitha, use VIDEOLAN05:42
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=== MottieFa is now known as FaMott
binarymutantkavitha, or if you just want to serve audio a lot of people use icecast05:42
FaMottWhoops, I broke ubuntu05:42
FaMottit forced a restart midupdate05:42
lstarnesdeadbattery: are you in the adm group?05:42
FaMottand... cataclysms happened after05:43
deadbatteryadm grp? lol whats that bro05:43
deadbatteryi am totally new to linux05:43
kavithaicecast? how it works? i need to download from synaptic manager?05:43
lstarnesdeadbattery: see if adm is listed in the output of the command groups05:43
deadbatterywell i tried to acess apache2, but its denied05:43
BlindCamel_i can only use low graphics mode on ubuntu i have tried to install the drivers for my Gforce 8400GS and get nowhere ! (New to linux)05:43
binarymutantkavitha, it streams audio, a lot of internet radio stations use it. Yes it's in the repositories05:44
MBDLok having an issue on my hp dv6404ca laptop where i installed ubuntu and enabled my nvidia gforce go 6150 drivers i have an issue where the top bar on all windows gets grayed and disstorted here a link to a picture05:44
deadbatterydoes anyone know how to pull apache2's error log?05:44
izinucsBlindCamel_, did you get the drivers from nvidia or are you trying to install them from System>Admin>Hardware drivers05:44
binarymutantkavitha, but if you want video and audio just serve a video file that has the audio encoded to it05:44
lstarnesdeadbattery: cat /var/log/apache2/error.log05:44
deadbatteryis anyone familiar with maxclients, mixspare threads, in apache2.conf?05:45
BlindCamel_izinucs, both i tried the drivers in Hardware drivers, and dling them from Nvidia and installing them from terminal05:45
kavithabinarymutant: hav written plugin code for video... similar code is needed for audio also right?05:45
izinucsBlindCamel_, what happened with the ones in Hardware drivers? and were they the first you tried?05:46
MBDLcon someone take a look at this picture im having issues with the bar ontop off all apps  http://i42.tinypic.com/2w74tg9.png05:46
binarymutantkavitha, I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing? You programmed a plugin for video?05:46
BlindCamel_izinucs, yes tried hardware drivers first it activates them but says they are not in use its recomending Ver. 18005:46
binarymutantdeadbattery, maxclients is how many people can connect to your apache at the same time05:46
PeddytI have a program which opens a shell (inside bash?). It gives me a prompt (iPhone$), where I can enter commands, as part of a bash script I'm writing this shell needs to be opened, and certain commands need to be executed in it, is this possible?05:47
kavithasample from gecko plugins.. its my project..05:47
izinucsBlindCamel_, and were they an option to install in hardware drivers?05:47
binarymutantkavitha, what formats will it play?05:47
BlindCamel_yes they did install and then it asked me to restart so i did now it says active but not in use05:47
deadbatteryi am still getting ] child pid 17202 exit signal Segmentation fault  just ith apache205:47
BlindCamel_i have also tried envyNG05:48
binarymutantkavitha, just add the audio to the mp4 and you'll be set, your clients will hear it05:48
MBDLshould i come back later? is everone busy?05:48
lstarnesdeadbattery: which version of apache are you using?05:48
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:48
deadbatteryi cant figure why i get child pid 17202 exit signal Segmentation fault05:48
MBDLiv taken a look everywhere05:48
kavithabinarymutant: do i need to take sample from qt or some other player?05:49
FlynsarmyIf i delete a file (say, from my desktop) when i open the trash the 'empty trash' button is greyed out, but i can still highlight the item and press delete key and delete that way. What's going on?05:49
MBDLno answers05:49
MBDLim going crazy05:49
binarymutantMBDL, turn off compiz05:49
MBDLits not on05:49
izinucsBlindCamel_,  you my have so many things going on that you need to back away from.. you need to get envyng to uninstall anyting it installed then uninstall envyng.. then in syanptic you need to uninstall anything that is installed with nvidia reference..05:49
binarymutantMBDL, in that picture I bet it is05:49
PeddytMBDL, if it's on, you might get more help asking at #compiz-fusion.05:50
kavithabinarymutant: by registering MIME type?05:50
`Onyxanyone know any good movie makers for linux? I just wanna add an image over a mp3 and convert it into a movie. Ideas?05:50
WIGGMPkkfyit: the problem was deleting the prerm files in /var/lib/dpkg/info05:50
WIGGMPkkfyit: the solution rather...05:50
MBDLwell i dont know but iv turned it off..because my graphic card hates it05:50
MBDLbut ok05:50
MBDLill go over there...05:50
izinucsBlindCamel_, after all that you need to ctrl+alt+f2 getting a terminal and typing sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop.. then you can install the nvidia drivers.. then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:50
kfyitWIGGMPk -> cool you found the solution05:50
binarymutantkavitha, well I mean I really don't know the specifics of your code, but most of the time servers will just serve the mp4 file and let the clients take care of the rest through their own plugins and video players05:51
WIGGMPkkfyit: aye, I should of looked harder online before coming05:51
Lanlostthat's what she said?05:51
neil_dI would like to program a function key to emit a couple lines of text, can this be done?05:51
Lanlostsorry.. I know05:51
Lanlostand.. I know05:51
binarymutantkavitha, for example a server serves an mp4 to a Windows client that client will use a plugin in IE to view the mp4 with Media Player05:51
izinucsBlindCamel_, after that.. reboot05:51
BlindCamel_izinucs, i tried all that befor i did the envyNG stuff05:52
nosferatui am having trouble running gpg --keyserver05:52
kfyitWIGGMPk -> those must be something new, there were never a /etc/kernel  before05:52
deadbatterycan anyone help me with child pid errors in apache 2?05:52
nanotubenosferatu: what's the trouble?05:52
izinucsBlindCamel_, then I have no more suggestions.. sorry05:52
LanlostI know it might not be the best solution05:52
Lanlostbut you might want to just use a windows one05:52
Lanlostwith wine05:52
nosferatuit gives me a warning: unsafe ownership on conf file05:53
lstarnesdeadbattery: do you know which version of apache you're using?05:53
LanlostI have no problem with it.. but a lot of people want to not use any non-linux or open source programs or anything05:53
`OnyxI will probably just use a windows machine to do it05:53
nosferatuthen errors05:53
koshar2what media player(s) are most compatible/suitable for flux?05:53
Lanlostwell you can run the windows program with wine05:53
`OnyxBut I thought I''d ask if I could do it on this computer first05:53
Lanlostshouldn't be a problem05:53
Lanlostyou can..05:53
`OnyxNah I hate wine05:53
binarymutantkoshar2, I like mplayer :)05:53
koshar2binarymutant cli?05:53
Lanlostreally? works with everything I've ever tried perfectly05:53
binarymutantkoshar2, flux meaning fluxbox?05:53
Lanlostexcept games05:53
binarymutantkoshar2, yeah05:54
koshar2binarymutant *tick*05:54
`OnyxDoesn't work well for me and my stuff at all05:54
kavithai hav a server application which streams video and audio... that ll be written into shared memory,from there our plugin takes audio/video and display in firefox browser05:54
LanlostI've used plenty of movie editor type programs05:54
Lanlostyou might have not used it recently or set it up correctly05:54
`OnyxOh no, It's correct05:54
kavithabinarymutant: i hav a server application which streams video and audio... that ll be written into shared memory,from there our plugin takes audio/video and display in firefox browser05:54
binarymutantkavitha, how does it display it in the browser?05:54
`OnyxIt just doesn't like the programs I try run with it05:54
Lanlostfor standard windows gui programs that aren't going to use directx or opengl.. I've never seen something not work05:55
nosferatui am trying to run this: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 and on the 3rd step is where i get the error05:55
binarymutantkavitha, it might be easier to pastebin your plugin05:55
Lanlostwhich suprised me for stuff like virtual dub05:55
`OnyxI'll just wait til I get home and do it there05:55
LanlostI still think itd be worth it to try it .. unless you can dual boot. It'll feel nice =P05:55
Lanlostalright.. well good luck either way05:55
nanotubenosferatu: and what's the error that you get?05:55
`OnyxWindows Movie Maker should be able to do it right?05:55
kavithabinarymutant: but how?05:56
`OnyxI've never tried anything like that on it05:56
Lanlostput an image over an mp3?05:56
nosferatugpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/nosferatu/.gnupg/gpg.conf'05:56
binarymutant!pastebin | kavitha05:56
ubottukavitha: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:56
Lanlostmaking a static image movie? yeah.. no problem05:56
`OnyxYeah... And spit it out into a movie at the end05:56
`OnyxNice one05:56
`OnyxShould be good05:56
nanotubenosferatu: aha... well, chmod that gpg.conf file to 60005:56
LanlostI've found that there aren't a lot of linux programs like that05:56
tyler_dnosferatu: do cat ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf05:56
`OnyxThanks for the help Lanlost05:57
Lanlostalthough.. there are a few (of the few) that are increadibly powerful05:57
tyler_dnosferatu: if its only one line then rm it05:57
koshar2Onyx avidemux or kino may do it, mcoder almost certainly will05:57
nanotubenosferatu: or hell, chmod the whole .gnupg dir to 600.05:57
tyler_dnosferatu: and don't add your key as sudo05:57
Lanlostbut.. for something like that.. they would actually take too long.. overly complex05:57
LanlostI'd use windows movie maker05:57
Lanlostno problem05:57
BobAlmightymdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdd1 = re-added and updated drive to the raid. HURRAY05:57
tyler_ddir is 700 content is 600 nanotube05:57
nownothow do i do this Rachel McAdams05:58
koshar2Lanlost i wouldnt use wimm to wipe my ass, it only saves in wmv05:58
nanotubetyler_d: well, i mean, chmod the dir's content to 600. not the dir itself.05:58
Lanlostthe people who worked on this apartment I moved into.. reversed the text on the switch in the basement that turns off and on the heater05:58
tyler_dnanotube: ;)05:58
nanotubetyler_d: heh05:58
Lanlostfound out this morning when I woke up (first day here) and it was 42 degrees f in the house..05:58
nanotubenosferatu: so, run chmod 600 ~/.gnupg/*05:59
Lanlostand there are no coax inputs in the entire place.. and it was finished in jan of THIS YEAR..05:59
nownothow do i install it to def path - /usr/local05:59
koshar2nownot you can symlink instead if you like or add ~/bin to your path06:00
nownotkoshar2: yeah how do i do a symlink06:01
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:01
RPSHello guys ...I'm always trying something ...its the only way to learn, this time I was going to change the Server that Ubuntu software updates download from. I picked a location not far from my location and it went through making some changes, but then it gave me an error. "W: GPG error: http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C06:02
nanotubekoshar2: heh, that was useless from ubotu there...06:02
ulterior_modemI installed the latest ubuntu, and I have two 750gb drives in raid 1. (from my bios) When I installed the installer said it detected them and I proceeded through it. Now when I reboot it hangs at an underscore. Anyideas?06:02
izinucsRPS, got a gui on that server?06:02
koshar2nownot read "man ln" in a term06:02
RPShmmm I'm not sure what you mean06:03
izinucsRPS, gui.. desktop? graphical interface?06:03
nownotkoshar2: hmm its saying to install it to dev path - /usr/local, is that the same?06:04
RPSSystem>Admin>Software Sources06:04
izinucsRPS, did you change the servers using synaptic or did you do it manually?06:04
RPSI know what a gui is, but I was confused on what you meant by on the server06:05
RPSin Ubuntu I went through System>Administration>SoftwareSources06:05
izinucsrps.. have you tried sudo apt-get updat06:06
RPSwell it was a project from the Ubuntu Kung Fu book06:06
FlynsarmyIf i delete a file (say, from my desktop) when i open the trash the 'empty trash' button is greyed out, but i can still highlight the item and press delete key and delete that way. What's going on?06:06
binarymutantFlynsarmy, might be ownership problems. might be06:07
inktriwhy is adobe acrobat so slow relative to "Document Viewer" when it comes to text searching, scrolling etc?06:07
izinucsRPS, someone should be able to tell you how to import the keys for the servers.... unfortunately I don't know how.06:07
RPSThis is directly from the book ...."                                      there are many servers around the06:07
RPSworld, all mirroring the same repositories. Click System → Adminis-06:07
RPStration → Software Sources. Click the Download From dropdown list and06:07
RPSthen select Other. In the list of servers, choose any you wish. You’ll need06:07
RPSto reload the package lists from the server when prompted.06:07
FloodBot1RPS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:07
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RPSI was not aware that it would split it up that way06:08
tyler_dRPS: what error are you getting?06:08
tyler_dRPS: try pastebin06:08
binarymutantinktri, because evince is open source?06:08
RPSHello guys ...I'm always trying something ...its the only way to learn, this time I was going to change the Server that Ubuntu software updates download from. I picked a location not far from my location and it went through making some changes, but then it gave me an error. "W: GPG error: http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C06:08
Flynsarmybinarydigit, right click - create document - empty file. deleted file. same problem. that wouldn't be a permissions error would it? (on my desktop)06:08
RPSthere is the error06:08
tyler_dRPS: so you have now found the key on the interweb?06:08
kavithabinarymutant: i hav pasted06:09
RPSno, I'm struggling with what step I take06:09
sleepy_catnick c_nick06:09
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binarymutantFlynsarmy, what about the permissions to .local/share/Trash/ ?06:09
c_nick./join #cURL06:09
RPSI tried to change to other servers, but it gives the same type error06:09
binarymutantkavitha, give me the url so I can see it06:09
nosferatu<nanotube> not working :(06:10
nanotubeinktri: because there's a lot more bloat in acrobat. (well, and, admittedly, more features, like form filling, too)06:10
Flynsarmybinarydigit, when i ls -l i get drwx------06:10
nanotubeput the output of "ls -al ~/.gnupg" into a pastebin and link it. we'll take a look.06:10
binarymutantFlynsarmy, you stumped me sorry06:10
nosferatuto run the chmod i had to sudo06:10
nosferatuthen i got the same error06:10
nanotubenosferatu: aha, so the stuff is owned by root... that's the problem.06:11
nanotubenosferatu: then, you need to run "sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername ~/.gnupg"06:11
nanotubenosferatu: to restore the ownership of the files back to you06:11
hanasakiwhere can I find a list of compatible usb video web cams?06:11
nanotubenosferatu: replace "yourusername" with your actual username, of course06:11
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:11
FFForeveranyone know why i have 2 hold a key to boot?06:12
binarymutantFFForever, what key?06:12
FFForeverany key06:12
binarymutantFFForever, its a bios problem if you ask me06:13
nosferatunot working still :(06:13
FFForeverbinarydigit, 8.04 and 9.04 work fine for me (9.04 has no sound though...............)06:13
RPShow do I check to see if things are working right?06:13
Ga_Boihey guys06:13
FFForeverso sounds like 8.10 problem....06:13
Ga_Boiis it possible to ddos an individual person?06:13
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allan_G day06:14
Titan8990Ga_Boi: why wouldn't it?06:14
binarymutantFFForever, your kernel has nothing to do with how your computer starts, that's the bios06:14
somethingcleverhey, my videos and google earth flash like a strobe whenevr i watch them, is there a way to fix this?06:14
Ga_Boii was just uncertain06:14
Ga_Boii know websites can be ddosed06:14
RPSdoes someone have a line for me to run in the terminal to check and see if I'm hooked up to the software server correctly?06:14
FFForeverbinarymutant, its ubuntu, windows has no problem and it happens when the ubuntu splash screen appears06:14
tyler_dGa_Boi: a website=ip addy06:14
Titan8990Ga_Boi: anything that provides a service.....06:14
somethingcleverRPS, sudo apt-get update06:15
tyler_dGa_Boi: trouble trouble...06:15
Ga_Boihey while i'm thinking about it06:15
Ga_Boiare there any patches for sdhc readers?06:15
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/06:15
allan_any one using ubuntu06:15
Ga_Boii recently got an 8 gig sdhc card06:15
Ga_Boiand it worked at first06:15
somethingcleverallan_, we are all using ubuntu06:15
somethingcleverhey, my videos and google earth flash like a strobe whenevr i watch them, is there a way to fix this?06:15
Ga_Boibut, after i copied a directory06:15
nanotubenosferatu: still getting the same error? and... whats ls -al showing on the .gnupg dir? who owns the files (and the dir), and what are the permissions?06:15
nanotubeallan_: haha06:16
binarymutantFFForever, stumped me maybe someone else knows06:16
Ga_Boiit is no longer read by my reader XD06:16
Titan8990I'm not using ubuntu....06:16
allan_i am on edge of reinstalling again06:16
somethingclever does anyone know how to fix a flashing video problem?06:16
Titan8990allan_: state your emergency06:17
allan_well just wine06:17
peterhdWireless Problem – Acer Aspire and Intrepid.  Left clicking on network icon shows local networks, but I cannot connect to mine.  Within network tools I try to ping my router, no ping.  Thoughts (or pointer to an article)?  Thanks.06:17
allan_i deleted all the menus out of wine06:17
nosferatuhere it is --   http://paste.ubuntu.com/113087/06:17
Titan8990allan_: you can replace them with the gnome menu editing tool06:18
binarymutantkavitha, where06:18
RPSI'm trying to get the results listed in a pastebin, but it keeps saying it is tripping their spam filter ....any ideas what I need to remove to get around their spam filter?06:18
binarymutantkavitha, where'd you find this example from again?06:18
allan_no i think i delete them there06:18
allan_its dumb i gess06:18
Titan8990allan_: you can make anything you want in the menu editor.....06:18
allan_i was trying get a fresh instaltion of wine06:19
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Guest28555when I try to play a dvd it say an error can not read from source06:19
kavithagecko plugins... mozilla dev....06:19
binarymutantkavitha, it's kind of reinventing the wheel by using XV to display everything instead of just passing a file to a video player06:19
Guest28555I have a blue ray dvd player06:19
allan_thats system, preferance, main menu06:20
Titan8990allan_: did you do:   sudo apt-get remove --purge wine && rm -rf ~/.wine     or something similar?06:20
RPSis it all the http: entries? It almost has to be06:20
allan_yes something simular to that06:20
allan_i want to put latest verision of wine on06:20
Titan8990allan_: and reinstallation did not recreate the menu?06:20
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RPSthere is the very end of my results06:21
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/06:21
allan_i realy stuffed it up06:21
allan_still working thow but just no menu06:22
Titan8990allan_: just remake the menu06:22
binarymutantkavitha, I can't answer your question about including sound but I think if your just wanting to serve videos from a website you should just let the clients handle which application streams it, but that's just an opinion06:22
ryanpriorIs there a way I can re-initialize my sound card? It stopped working and I don't want to have to reboot.06:22
Titan8990allan_: its something like right click on applications -> edit06:22
Titan8990allan_: create a wine folder, etc06:22
allan_well i dont    know the commands to the config wine or to directry  C06:22
Titan8990allan_: have any wine programs? make the launchers06:22
Titan8990allan_: c directory is:   ~/.wine/drive_c/06:23
kavithabinarymutant: i hav an application to stream video...06:23
Titan8990allan_: wine config command is:   winecfg06:23
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tyler_dallan_: see I would be doing `find / -name "*wine*" -print | more` and seeing where the configs were at06:24
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Titan8990tyler_d: that would take a while..... wine config is always in your home dir06:24
binarymutantkavitha, sorry I couldn't answer your question but maybe someone else might know06:24
allan_i have tryed so hard to get that cod4 working06:24
Titan8990allan_: I wouldn't even try06:24
allan_driving me made06:24
Titan8990allan_: I recommend dual booting for gaming06:25
allan_i am trying so hard to get games working06:25
allan_true true i think so too06:25
Titan8990allan_: you will never be happy with it, if you are like me06:25
Titan8990allan_: I have 4 computers and I have to keep windows around on one for gaming....06:26
allan_i wish they start makeing native games for linux06:26
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nosferatunanotube: other ideas??06:26
kavithabinarymutant: its a live video streaming... well no probs..06:27
Titan8990allan_: they make some, I won't be happy until valve does though06:27
nanotubenosferatu: pastebin the output of "ls -al ~/.gnupg"06:27
ryanpriorIs there a way I can re-initialize my sound card? It stopped working and I don't want to have to reboot.06:27
binarymutantkavitha, why not just <a href="yourvideo,flv"Play Video</a>? Also, I think icecast can do video now too06:27
allan_like halflife06:27
nosferatunanotube: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113087/06:27
binarymutantallan_, openarena06:28
Titan8990allan_: yes, team fortress 2 has been my main game for a while though06:28
allan_oh i dont think i heard of that one06:28
binarymutantallan_, it's a GPL quake 306:28
nanotubenosferatu: change permissions on the .gnupg directory itself. make it 700. "chmod 700 ~/.gnupg"06:28
Titan8990allan_: openarena is good for nastaliga(sp)06:29
allan_well i dont Gpl but i did geting working with wine06:29
nosferatuthanks nano...06:29
nanotubenosferatu: ta-da! :)06:30
binarymutantallan_, #ubuntu <3 GPL06:30
nanotubenosferatu: no prob. :) you're welcome.06:30
allan_ubuntu 64 bit06:30
Titan8990allan_: gpl means open source06:30
Tyler1when I play dvd in totem it says an error occurred could not read from resource06:30
nanotubebinarymutant: well, i think #ubuntu is quite a bit greater than 3 gpls, not less. :P06:30
allan_oh yes06:30
binarymutantnanotube, lol06:31
allan_i have seen lot of youtube videos on linux06:31
lstarnesTitan8990: there are non-gpl open source/free licenses06:31
Titan8990lstarnes: I know but there are not proprietary GPL applications....06:31
nanotubelstarnes: but note of them are "as good". </troll>06:31
binarymutantsorry for bringing in the off-topic :/06:32
PeddytI have a program that opens a shell ($recovery), and I'm writing a bash script that requires some input into that shell. Is this possible?06:32
R34L1TYHello ubuntu users, i have a quick question06:33
keyseranyone know why when i try to play a DVD i keep geting a error occured cant need read from resource06:33
nanotubePeddyt: not sure what exactly you are asking... but whatever it is, the "advanced bash scripting guide" has the answer. (google for it)06:33
R34L1TYsounds like a bad dvd keyser06:34
R34L1TYeither that or your drive is damage or not working correctly06:34
Titan8990keyser: or bad dvd drive06:34
binarymutantPeddyt, a bash shell that opens and inputs into another bash shell?06:34
Titan8990keyser: or lack of permission to use the cd drive06:34
keyserweird laptop is new and worked when i r an windows and it does it with all dvds06:34
R34L1TYAnyways, I have burnt the latest ubuntu iso to a cd following the directions, yet it doesnt boot, is it possible to just place the iso on my hard drive and update that way?06:35
hateballkeyser: If it's a protected DVD, you might need some !restricted codecs06:35
keyserhow do i auth the permission to use the dvd drive?06:35
R34L1TYinstead of downloading 8.04 then 8.`006:35
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keyseroh its not burnts its all real dvd not back ups06:35
Titan8990!codecs | keyser06:35
ubottukeyser: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:35
keyserok thanks ill research it06:36
Titan8990keyser: real dvds have often have DRM and require special codecs06:36
racecar-56boo drm06:36
Titan8990keyser: you can avoid having to mess with codecs by using vlc06:36
keyserok ill diffently check those out06:36
Peddytbinarydigit, basically it does that, but it's inputting into a different shell (not bash).06:36
Titan8990!vlc | keyser06:37
ubottukeyser: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs06:37
binarymutantPeddyt, what's the other shell?06:37
Peddytbinarymutant, it's a small custom shell called irecovery06:37
racecar-56how do i get ubuntu server 8.10 on a hp mediasmart ex475?06:37
keyserok gonna charge the laptop and get lc thanks a ton06:38
Titan8990racecar-56: the same way you install any other OS? maybe I don't understand your question06:38
Titan8990keyser: anytime06:38
kavithacan anyone tell whether opengl will give better performance in plugin implementation?06:39
binarymutantPeddyt, irecovery as in the iphone tool?06:39
R34L1TYCan anyone suggest some free anti virus software? what about avast?06:40
R34L1TYis their a compatible version?06:40
lstarnesR34L1TY: you don't need an antivirus in linux06:40
Peddytbinarymutant, yes. you can find it at google code here: http://code.google.com/p/chronicdev/source/browse/#svn/trunk/iRecovery06:40
R34L1TYAh, im so new :)06:41
arghh2d2R34L1TY: lstarnes what if you're downloading code to run on a windows box?06:41
binarymutantR34L1TY, clam06:41
kavithano need of antivirus in linux06:41
arghh2d2kavitha: what if you're downloading code to run on a windows box?06:41
racecar-56avast isnt opensource06:41
lstarnesR34L1TY: there are some available like clamav for scanning for windows viruses so that you don't accidentally spread them06:41
R34L1TYI used this amazing piece of software to revive a dead PC06:41
racecar-56clamav is ok06:41
binarymutantyou can use antivirus software on your linux machines to protect your other non-linux machines]06:41
R34L1TYalright, thanks06:41
nownotwhat does /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib: no such file: file format not recongnized mean?06:41
nanotuberacecar-56: you might have better luck if you phrase your question more generically. e.g., how to install ubuntu on a computer without a cd drive and without a monitor. :)06:41
R34L1TY^^^^^^^^^^ thats what i need to know06:42
binarymutantPeddyt, thats not a shell, I'm trying to figure out what -s defaults to though06:42
R34L1TYive got 7.10 installed, but 8.10 downloaded, just not on a cd06:42
kavithausing wine i hope we can install06:42
Peddytbinarymutant, is it a command prompt? I don't know the difference :/06:42
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binarymutantPeddyt, iRecovery is a tool to communicate with iBoot while your device is in recovery or DFU mode.06:43
Peddytbinarymutant, -s opens a prompt, but if you do 'irecovery -s 'foo', 'foo' is ignored.06:43
Peddytok binarymutant06:44
binarymutantPeddyt, right, what about ircovery -s --help   ?06:44
binarymutantPeddyt, -s probably starts a bash shell but I'm not sure06:45
Peddytbinarymutant, irecovery -s --help ignores 'help', it just opens as if it were '-s'.06:45
Peddytbinarymutant, is there a way to pipe commands through bash into the recovery shell?06:46
binarymutantPeddyt, oh I get it now, it's just like minicom06:47
binarymutantPeddyt, pastebin the help06:48
binarymutantPeddyt, like irecovery -s  , and then help06:49
binarymutantPeddyt, also try "(whatever_cmds) | irecovery -s"06:52
^Cheekyhi, i just purchased a core 2 duo processor and is it true you have to turn it on some how , before you can actually utilize 2 processors, if it is true, how would i be able to do this in ubunti 8.04 ?06:52
binarymutant^Cheeky, turn it on like plug in the power? or like turn on the extra processor through the bios?06:53
binarymutantn/m through the kernel right06:54
hateballThe 2 cores should be recognized by the Ubuntu kernel at once06:54
^Cheekybinarydigit, via bios ... so its true you have to turn this feature on ?06:54
hateballAs for applications being dualcore aware... you might have to recompile06:54
binarymutant^Cheeky, no clue, I've only ever had one processor :/06:54
^Cheekywell i so do it06:55
TeutonicCheeky, to answer it with the least amount of confusion the answer is no, you do not have to turn it on.06:55
hateball^Cheeky: The ubuntu gen kernel is smp aware... so it will just work06:56
b3z3rk3rim getting messed up textures in games and some graphical apps, is there any way to fix this other than turning off visual effects?06:56
Teutonicas long as you have a kernel that supports smp06:56
Teutonicby default I believe it does06:56
ashlessburnbeing new to ubuntu im trying to edit my splashy but i keep getting erros on boot that doesnt premit me to use my developed splashy is there any way or is this a know bug/issue06:56
Teutonictype uname -a06:56
R34L1TYb3z3rk: have you enabled/updated your video card/drivers?06:56
TeutonicCheeky, if you see SMP in there you will be fully supported06:57
mcnelliswhat's a good graphical svn to use?06:57
arghh2d2ashlessburn: errors, or regular boot messages?06:57
ashlessburnpost error then switch to the usplash06:57
binarymutantmcnellis, I like tortuous06:57
ashlessburnso regular boot msg06:58
^CheekyTeutonic, Linux MatriX 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux06:58
Titan8990mcnellis: graphical?? its svn.....06:58
mcnellisI suppose you're right :P06:58
TeutonicCheeky, perfect. You'll be just fine with that06:58
b3z3rk3rR34L1TY, the machine im having issues with is my work laptop and uses generic intel drivers. far as i know everything is up to date06:58
TeutonicCheeky, some of your applications might not take advantage of two cores but there are quite a few default applications that do06:59
binarymutantmcnellis, http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/06:59
Titan8990mcnellis: hehe, right click menus are nice like in tortis-svn but I have never looked for a GUI svn in linux06:59
Titan8990mcnellis: and whadaya know, tortoise is multi-platform06:59
arghh2d2ashlessburn: you probably missed something in your splashy endeavours and the systems just not showing any splash screen at all.  i dunno what kind of errors you're seeing tho.07:00
b3z3rk3rR34L1TY, my gaming rigs doesnt have any issues with this (Nvidia GTX280) which is why im assuming its the shitty on-board graphics???07:00
TeutonicCheeky, if you do a lot of compression search aptitude for pbzip2 which is a smp aware bzip2 utility07:00
^CheekyTeutonic, so .. is it turned on or do i have to turn it on .. so when ever i need it , it would just kick in ? s07:00
TeutonicCheeky, it will just kick in when ever its capable of doing so07:00
ashlessburngive me one sec ill run a virt on another machine07:01
^CheekyTeutonic, so i dont need to do anything then ?07:01
obama_linuxneed some help getting wireless too work in ubuntu 00:05.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2600 802.11 MIMO07:02
ashlessburnSplashy ERROR: Couldn't splashy_start_splashy(). Error -207:02
TeutonicCheeky, no just sit back and relax and it will take care of everything. If its possible then the application will tell the kernel and thats that. You really don't have to do anything.07:02
corey__how can I enable dns-masq caching on the localhost that has a wifi(wlan0) connection?07:02
R34L1TYCould someone help me with NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run07:03
kavithacan anyone tell whether opengl will give better performance in plugin implementation?07:03
arghh2d2ashlessburn: well there you have it.07:03
ashlessburncould this be the i86 package?07:03
R34L1TYI open it in the terminal then it says it must be ran as the root07:03
ashlessburnamd 64bit but i couldnt find any 64bit packgs07:03
Titan8990kavitha: what kind of plugins?07:03
mcnelliswait doesn't look like tortoise is multi-platform ... .msi binaries?07:03
arghh2d2ashlessburn: make sure you're using a compatible picture format with splashy07:03
corey__R34L1TY, sudo NVIDIA-Linux.....07:04
ashlessburnk im using the same pic as the wallpaper though.07:04
kavithatype of video player.. to display streaming video in browser07:04
ashlessburnthought it might have benn the software i used to create the spalshy07:04
obama_linux00:05.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2600 802.11 MIMO07:04
kavithaTitan8990: type of video player.. to display streaming video in browser07:04
obama_linuxanyone help please07:04
ubottu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash07:05
Titan8990kavitha: does your card support opengl?07:05
b3z3rk3rR34L1TY, just run it as super user (sudo)07:05
nellmathewhey guys, can someone help me with broadcom 4306 rev 3 on hardy?.. i've tried everything this whole day, reformatted 4 times already.. does anyone know exactly how to get this wireless card working?.. (actually done it themselves)07:06
Peddytbinarymutant, sorry, here's the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m3497f21107:06
TeutonicObama, have you checked out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58203307:06
kavithaya it supports.07:06
R34L1TYnow its telling me command not found07:06
kavithaTitan8990: ya it supports07:06
c10hi all. I have this strange problem with ubuntu: cups doesn't show in system -> administration services.07:06
b3z3rk3rnellmathew, have you tried the forums? you will generally ahve more luck when asking with specific hardware models in mind?07:07
binarymutantPeddyt, well that's not very helpful is it? can you pipe stuff to it like this "some_cmd | irecovery -s" ?07:07
c10I need it because cups only works after I restart the service07:07
Titan8990kavitha: I would go with the ole trial and error07:07
ashlessburnone more question to ask before i head off, is there a official fix for the anth wifi 5007 or am i stuck using the ndiswrapper07:07
Titan8990kavitha: give it a test, if it doesn't improve performance or give any benifits, get rid of it07:07
b3z3rk3rR34L1TY, check your text, linux is case-sensitive07:07
harleywhy is it when I sometimes click play on  a song in my rythmbox it doesn't play?07:07
R34L1TYits correct, as i copy and pasted the title name07:08
nellmathewb3z3rk3r, i guess i'll make my own post, i've read other posts on the matter, and tried their instructions, they just don't work.. or maybe they posters did something they weren't aware of after a clean install, who knows.. i'll try to post, thanks anyway.07:08
harleyRAWR, no songs are playing07:09
Peddytbinarymutant, hold on, I'll try something. It's hard to see if the command took affect, so just hold on.07:09
binarymutantharley, did you move the files?07:09
b3z3rk3rnellmathew, sorry i couldnt help, but good luck man!07:09
TiZHi. The logout sound isn't playing when I shut down my computer. I removed PulseAudio and am using ESounD instead. Ubuntu Intrepid, 32-bit. I'm not sure what other info I can give. Can anyone help me out?07:09
b3z3rk3rharley, have you tried using another player to make sure its just rythmbox?07:10
c10TiZ, try alsa instead of esound07:10
kavithaTitan8990: ok07:10
TiZc10, huh? What do you mean? Just remove a sound daemon altogether? But wouldn't that mean applications couldn't play multiple sounds simultaneously?07:10
harleyb3z3rk3r: Movie player isn't working either :|07:10
reddethHello all! I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 server and after sitting idle for a few minutes the screen goes blank, hit a key and it comes back. Is there a way to disable that? I want the screen to stay on until I turn it off.07:11
harleyb3z3rk3r: then it starts working again later07:11
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c10TiZ, alsa know to play multiple sounds simultaneously07:11
deadbatterynite all07:11
b3z3rk3rharley, try something like amarok or songbird07:11
Titan8990reddeth: that is like a screensaver for a TTY, unsure of how to turn it off07:11
Peddytbinarymutant, I did "arm7_stop | ./irecovery -s", which resulted in "bash: arm7_stop: command not found"07:11
b3z3rk3rharley, also, make sure you have all the drivers and plugins correctly installed07:11
b3z3rk3ryou can get them from the repos07:11
c10TiZ, I've had problems with pulse myself, and always choosing alsa works07:12
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reddethTitan: Yeah, exactly, it's just a screen saver. I just want to turn it off haha, but I have no idea how... I've searched around online, only found stuff dealing with GUI/Desktop screen savers, obviously not what I'm looking for >.<07:12
binarymutantPeddyt, create file, put all the commands you want to run in this file and "-rcfile <file> | irecovery -s"07:12
TiZc10, I didn't know that. I got esd set up just the way I want it, too. To be honest, I feel iffy about it. I don't know if I'd break any applications by removing esound.07:12
GNUtoohello, does someone knows well ubuntu's boot process? If I boot ubuntu's kernel,initd,userland and do a hdparm -tT /dev/md1 the performances are ok...if I boot ubuntu's kernel,initd,and gentoo userland(stop at mounting /proc and gives me a shell) I've horible hdparm -tT /dev/md1 results...so what could be the difference between the 2 setup(what /sys or parameters are passed from userland?)07:12
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Teutonicobama_linux, try this page. http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page Hope it helps07:13
c10TiZ, are you using gnome?07:13
Peddytbinarymutant, -rcfile? so localhost~$ -rcfile?07:14
harleyalright thanks I'm trying now07:14
c10TiZ, then go to system -> preferences -> sound and choose alsa in all the fields07:14
TiZThat's what I already have07:14
binarymutantPeddyt, wouldn't it be more like bash -rcfile ?07:14
TiZI went a step further than that and removed pulse entirely, replacing it with esound.07:14
binarymutantPeddyt, I think your right, n/m07:14
Peddytah, thanks binarymutant, works now.07:14
Titan8990GNUtoo: why use initd with gentoo??07:14
binarymutantPeddyt, wow really?07:15
nownotwhat does /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib no such file: file format not recognized mean?07:15
Peddytbinarymutant, the -rcfile part **07:15
GNUtooTitan8990, cause the system is encrypted on top of the raid...07:15
Titan8990GNUtoo: or why use a ubuntu kernel is what I should really be asking07:15
Peddytbinarymutant, I mean, it doesn't say command not found anymore :P07:15
Peddyti phrased that wrong07:15
binarymutantPeddyt, are you putting linux on your iphone or just jail breaking it?07:15
Peddytnothing is working07:15
Titan8990GNUtoo: i'm fairly certain ubuntu does quite a bit of patching to the kernel07:16
Peddytbinarymutant, I'm making a script that boots jailbroken ipod touch 2G, which currently is tethered to a computer, to boot.07:16
GNUtooTitan8990, cause with a gentoo kenrel,initrd the performances are also horibles...I'm trying to find out what makes it so bad...so better use a ubuntu kenrel in order to find out the performance issue07:16
Titan8990GNUtoo: and gentoo-sources is basically a vanilla kernel, not sure how much the difference there would effect performance07:16
GNUtooTitan8990, as gentoo kernel I meant vanilla07:16
Peddytbinarymutant, although, offtopic, I will install linux once an iBoot exploit is found.07:16
nownotanybody, been getting this for the past hour07:16
Titan8990GNUtoo: and initd is required for the encyption?07:17
GNUtooTitan8990, yes07:17
binarymutantPeddyt, what about "--initfile <file> | irecovery -s" and -rc-file should have been --rc-file07:17
GNUtooTitan8990, you need cryptsetup...07:17
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binarymutantPeddyt, or maybe even "bash --initfile <file> | irecovery -s"  iphone seems a lot harder to work with than the ipaq07:18
Titan8990GNUtoo: it can't be patched into the kernel so it doesn't have to be loaded as a module?07:18
GNUtooTitan8990, it's not a module but a userland uttility07:18
GNUtooTitan8990, anyway the problem is the raid device not the crypto one on top of it07:19
Peddytbinarymutant, the first -rcfile method isn't throwing any errors, I'll just check if it's working.07:19
Titan8990GNUtoo: softRAID?07:19
GNUtooTitan8990, yes raid007:19
GNUtooTitan8990, mdadm07:19
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RPSguys is there a way to get Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V types commands to work in the terminal window? It seems like I saw something on that a while back.07:20
PeddytRPS, edit>keyboard shortcuts07:20
Titan8990GNUtoo: are you aware that RAID0 usually performs worse than two standalone drives, especially without a discrete controller?07:20
PeddytRPS, be aware that making copy ctrl-c will prevent you from ctl-c'ing out of programs.07:20
GNUtooTitan8990, on ubuntu it's a little bit better07:20
GNUtooTitan8990, about 111/112MB/s07:21
RPSPeddyt, I'm a little confused on that ...07:21
ramontayaghey everyone. for a website i was gitting to, i had to add .ssh/config file. ever since then sshing to servers have been shoddy. this time i'm unable to connect at all to a server. I get a "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" error. I clearned my known_hosts to make sure. What can I do to find out how to fix this?07:21
Titan8990GNUtoo: that sounds extremely high, are they raptors or scsi?07:21
PeddytRPS, if you don't use ctrl-c, then you don't need to worry about being able to use it.07:21
[T]ank1anyone know how to make the terminal server client NOT auto reconnect if it gets disconnected?07:22
nownotwhat does /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib no such file: file format not recognized mean?07:22
dibblegodoes anyone successfully run 3 monitors on 2 nvidia cards?07:22
GNUtooTitan8990, 500GB 5400 laptop hdd x2 (in ubuntu the individual drives reports: 76 and 82MB/s)07:22
rlsnfxquestion.... I have a wired connection to a router acting as a bridge. I need that router to take in plain text connections from the router, and then tunnel it through an SSHclient connection... any hints?07:23
binarymutantnownot, it couldn't link because it didn't find the file your trying to link to it07:23
kavithacan anyone tell whether opengl will give better performance in plugin implementation?07:23
binarymutantnownot, seems like your trying to link a file to a folder instead of another file07:23
nownotbinarymutant: im running the make script for open vmwaretools07:23
GNUtooTitan8990, s/5400/5400rpm07:24
binarymutantnownot, I have no clue how to use vmware, I'm just trying to guess what that error meant07:24
Titan8990GNUtoo: I question the benchmarking utility07:25
Titan8990GNUtoo: those benchmarks are about the same a raptor/scsi/ssd performs07:25
GNUtooTitan8990, ok i've also bonie++ benchmarks: http://rafb.net/p/an6bag48.html07:26
tyler_drlsnfx: just set up the ssh forwarding.. if its acting as a switch then there is no forwarding (router side) needed07:26
abcdefhelp me... Can not boot after insert Windows CD.07:26
GNUtooabcdef, reinstall grub07:27
Peddytbinarymutant, that isn't working. It says 'bash:arm7_go command not found".07:29
GNUtooTitan8990, what do you think of bonie++ benchmarks?07:30
abcdefWhere is documents for Grub reinstall?07:30
hateball!grub | abcdef07:30
ubottuabcdef: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:30
toogreenHi there, anyone knows how to use VICE (the commodore 64 emulator)? I installed it (sudo apt-get install vice) but nothing happens when i type "vice"... Where is it??07:30
etechdoes anyone know if openoffice 3.0.1 will be in intrepid backports?07:30
GNUtooabcdef, how did you install gentoo?07:31
GNUtooabcdef,just follow the same doc than the grub install07:31
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abcdefNo windows installed... noting...07:31
tyler_dabcdef: http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=reinstall+grub07:31
GNUtooabcdef, sorry I thought I was in #gentoo07:31
binarymutantPeddyt, no clue, do you have better documentation than http://theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=IRecovery ? that's all I have07:31
Titan8990GNUtoo: I think the 2nd benchmarks are unreasonably high07:31
Titan8990GNUtoo: some of them atleast....07:32
GNUtooTitan8990, ok what should I use in order to get good benchmarks?07:32
letalisi have a few errors on my root filesystem which is xfs, any suggestions on how i could run xfs_repair on it? i cant right now because it wont let me unmount it. :/07:32
toogreennevermind... just RTFA... lol07:33
binarymutantPeddyt, is it connected through a serial port?07:33
Peddytbinarymutant, I can't find any more docos. This might work as well, is there a way to run irecovery inside bash (?), so I can type the commands manually, type /exit , and then return to my script (which irecovery is being run from), rather than returning to a regular bash prompt?07:33
toogreenI mean RTFM.. (i just did man vice)07:34
Titan8990GNUtoo: how bad is performance difference in regular use?07:34
Peddytbinarymutant, it's connected via usb using libusb07:34
GNUtooTitan8990, when I compile sometime wa is >90% in top,and startup is so slow compared to a normal computer07:34
KemionI have a question..   how do I isolate the front and rear volume controls in Ubuntu?  It's a dread having to unplug the monitor speakers when I use my headphones07:35
Titan8990GNUtoo: yeah, something definatly isn't right, my gentoo systems boot up in 30 secounds or less (prompt no gui)07:35
abcdef[Help] Can't boot to Ubuntu. after insert Windows CD... Windows not installed in computer. Help me.07:35
etechdoes anyone know if openoffice 3.0.1 will be in intrepid backports???07:36
GNUtooTitan8990, also prompt...should I measure the time it boots07:36
Titan8990GNUtoo: does it actually boot slower than ubuntu?07:37
paul68does anyone know how to get the fan status out of my system using lm sensors?07:37
GNUtooTitan8990, a lot slower...but ubuntu is on an usb key07:37
GNUtooTitan8990,gentoo's hdparm report 18.80Mb/s for the usb key(/dev/sdc)07:38
tyler_dpaul68: from term?07:38
R34L1TYalright, update time, be back in a bit, thanks for the help guys07:38
paul68tyler_d: well that would be a start07:38
tyler_dpaul68: acpi -t07:38
tyler_dpaul68: top -2 will tell you usage07:39
binarymutantPeddyt, wouldn't just running "./irecovery" do that? I'm not sure as i've never jailbreak an iphone or ipod. Can you use minicom instead of irecovery?07:39
GuyFawkesis it possible to have dual boot with windows and ubuntu and to use TrueCrypt with both07:39
paul68tyler_d: ok but what does thermal mean in acpi -t07:40
Cojageafter installing nvidia drivers i cant select any refresh rate07:40
tyler_dpaul68: the temp of your cpu -- current07:40
Cojageim new to linux07:41
etechis there  an IRC where ubuntu developers are, like fedora-dev?07:41
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:41
paul68tyler_d: ok is there a way to get the status of my fans? if they are running or not07:41
Brando753hey how can you fix the suspend error, When u turn the machine back on all you get is a blank screen and a cursor07:41
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binarymutantetech, #ubuntu-motu07:42
Peddytbinarymutant, I'm making a script that counts down for DFU mode, and that uploads multiple files required for it to boot (irecovery -f, which exits back to the script). I'm getting stuck at the irecovery -s part, which exits to bash, and not the script.07:42
Moodis there a way to check to see whether my video card has the correct driver? i can see my GeForce2 card in lspci07:42
tyler_dpaul68: hmm not sure on that one07:42
koshar2paul68 after installing lmsensors, just type sensors at prompt07:42
Brando753Help i cant suspend my laptop, whenever i turn it back on i will get a blank screen and have to restart07:43
paul68tyler_d: or a way that I can detect the fans cause it aint in lspci nor in hwlst07:43
paul68koshar2: I did that the only thing that is comming out is the temp of my 2 cores not able to get the status of my fans07:43
abcdef[Q]Can not booting ubuntu after insert MS WinCD(Install is not)... Help me.07:44
ZuckusFIllok, so what's the deal with creating ad-hoc networks in 8.10? if I use network manager applet, it just spins for a minute, and then connects to previous network, if I try the command line way detalied on the ubuntu wiki, the commands fail. Any advice?07:44
Peddytbinarymutant, I'm having a look at http://code.google.com/p/gojohnnyboi/source/browse/#svn/trunk/redj0hnny, which claims to be a more advanced irecovery.07:44
Brando753? anyone have a solution?07:44
tyler_dpaul68: I think lm_sensors is what you might be looking for07:45
tyler_dpaul68: install that and then from term run sudo sensors-detect07:45
koshar2paul68 then the rest depends on whether your hardware is suported07:45
Daft_Punkwhere can i go for random chat?07:45
marinaquesadaIs there a French channel ?07:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr07:45
Brando753Help i cant suspend my laptop, whenever i turn it back on i will get a blank screen and have to restart07:45
GNUtooTitan8990, 30s to init,3min52 to password prompt(no xdm)07:46
koshar2Daft_Punk #ubuntu-offtopic07:46
Daft_Punkkoshar2, can i meet chicks there07:46
ZuckusFIllstay on-topic please07:46
Titan8990GNUtoo: thats horrible, is a interface timing out on DHCP? any spots noticable where it is hanging?07:46
GNUtooTitan8990, no07:46
Brando753anyone know how to fix suspend command?07:47
binarymutantPeddyt, ... how about "irecovery -f scriptfile; sh scriptfile | irecovery -s" ... I'm running thin on ideas.07:47
Daft_PunkI Like Cheese07:47
GNUtooTitan8990, the thing is that evry step is slow...mabe there are some unnecessary ones but all the steps are slow07:47
tyler_dBrando753: don't turn off the laptop on close .... thats what I ended up doing07:47
Peddytbinarymutant, -f is for  binary files that are loaded into iBoot...07:47
tyler_dBrando753: set up your power settings so it doesn't turn the screen off07:48
Peddytbinarymutant, I'm having a look at xmacro.07:48
ZuckusFIllok, so what's the deal with creating ad-hoc networks in 8.10? if I use network manager applet, it just spins for a minute, and then connects to previous network, if I try the command line way detalied on the ubuntu wiki, the commands fail. Any advice?07:48
Brando753can i not suspend my laptop/07:48
Daft_Punkdoes anyone know if tint2 has an update, so that the windows title will update in tint, IE: if im playing a new song it wont just say "Amarok" it will give the title of the song in tint as well07:48
ZuckusFIllanyone succesfully created an adhoc network?07:48
KemionIt seems the matter was as simple as plugging my monitor speakers into the center channel for the motherboard surround output and isolating it from the front headphone port that way..07:49
Brando753I THERE no way to suspend? (srry caps)07:49
tyler_dBrando753: kde 4.207:49
Daft_Punkstop yelling at me :(07:49
tyler_d!kde | Brando75307:50
ubottuBrando753: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde407:50
Peddytbinarydigit, is there a macro-recorder program for terminal, where I just enter a stuff that I want to do again, and I just start the macro?07:50
Daft_PunkI like lipchap, it is soft07:50
ramontayagi don't know what to do now.. i've tried ssh -vv ip.address and it seems to be reading from the right identity file07:50
Brando753but i lie gnome07:50
Brando753but i lie gnome07:50
ramontayagi'm not sure why i'm still not allowed to connect07:50
FloodBot1Brando753: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:50
paul68koshar2: is there a way that I can configure the sensor.conf in order to get the fan status still trying to figure out which part is making it show the core temp07:50
Brando753it says im muted :(07:51
abcdefcan't booting ubuntu after insert windows cd. install is not, and error message noting... want documents for this problem. help me please...07:51
Daft_Punkwhat's that brando? i couldnt hear you over all the muting07:51
rip_quick question.  looking for a good audio player for gnome, like amarok to kde and winamp to windows.07:52
ZuckusFIllis great07:52
Daft_Punkrip_, you can use amarok, its wickedor jajuk07:52
ramontayagany reason i'd be getting "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"? ssh -vv [ip.address] seems to read from the right identity file.07:52
flashkiddrip_: For gnome u can try banshee07:52
ZuckusFIllor songbirg07:52
CiscoJonesrip_: FOR GNOM i STILL USE aMAROK07:53
Moodshould ubuntu automatically install the nVidia GeForce2 graphics driver? or do I need to install it manually?07:53
rip_lol 4 answers, guess i'll try each one out07:53
ramontayagMood: manually. you have to agree to it or something like that07:53
MethinXHello everyone07:53
Moodramontayag: ok. by "manually" i actually meant download the driver and do some sudo commands. it sounds like you mean there's an onscreen prompt upon ubuntu fresh installation07:54
MethinXCould anyone point me into a program that is an Mp3 player and is verry cool looking and cant live without07:54
rip_lol i just asked that same question07:54
zash_quodlibet ftw07:55
MethinXi have exile mp3 player and it just doesnt seem that cool07:55
flashkiddrip_: amarok is good too, but banshee is more integrated with the gnome desktop07:55
koshar2paul68 you have to run the script to poll all the hardware to see what hardware is compatible,07:55
rip_flashkidd: installing banshee now, i'll give that a shot, thx07:55
ikariushola, anyone here associated with canonical, or at least a community contributor?07:56
koshar2flashkidd banshee sucks, no dynamic playlist is what makes amarok.07:56
flashkiddrip: okay ur welcome07:56
rip_flashkidd: any that canonical backs? looks like banshee isn't07:56
ikariusI'm feeling inclined to update a Wiki page:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN?action=edit&editor=text07:56
koshar2rip_ amarok works just fine in gnome07:57
ramontayagMood: yes. for me, it always popped up on the top right bar.. talking about restricted drivers.07:57
ZuckusFIllI like rhythmbox alot actuall;y07:57
flashkiddkoshar2: I personally use amarok, but I use kde desktop07:57
binarymutantPeddyt, could iBooter do this as well?07:57
ikarius... the information there is subpar; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=752127 has much better instructions07:57
Moodramontayag: ok, thank you07:57
ikariusbut the forum post is much harder to find than the wiki07:57
zash_ikarius: go for it!07:57
flashkiddkoshar2: amarok is better integrated with kde07:57
koshar2ZuckusFIll: rhytmbox is of for a default player i guess, but it is miles behind amarok IMO07:58
rip_koshar2: on kde hands down amarok ftw07:58
ZuckusFIllbut I hate loading up billions of KDE libraries in gnome just to run a few amarok features07:58
asiniscalchihi all07:58
koshar2flashkidd it may be better integrated with KDE as it was built in QT. but its still fine in gnome just like most QT apps,07:58
=== asiniscalchi is now known as aLeSD_
aLeSD_how could I reconfigure the xserver ?07:58
ZuckusFIllsure but you have to load the libraries07:58
aLeSD_I just changed my graphic card07:58
ZuckusFIlland install them07:59
ZuckusFIllwastes space and ram07:59
Peddytbinarymutant, ibooter looks good, but I get this error when compiling: http://pastebin.com/m4f8df44b07:59
koshar2ZuckusFIll yeah and you have to load librarys to run VLC also07:59
prince_jammysaLeSD_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:59
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binarymutantPeddyt, wasnt an error07:59
ZuckusFIllsure, that's why I use totem most of the time07:59
koshar2btw amarok 2.* is a big backward step07:59
ZuckusFIllor mplayer for gnome08:00
Peddytbinarydigit, I downloaded the wrong source, brb08:00
flashkiddkoshar2: I use firefox in kde, but it is a gnome app too08:00
koshar2ZuckusFIll hard drives are cheap these days so i really dont care much about a few librarys,08:00
Peddytbinarydigit, I downloaded a precompiled binary, testing now.08:00
ZuckusFIllold habits die hard I guess08:00
ZuckusFIllI just like to at least try and stick with GTK apps in gnome and QT apps in KDE08:01
ZuckusFIllya know?08:01
ZuckusFIllalso they just FEEL more integrated08:01
koshar2ZuckusFIll thats like saying i like to stick with .net 1 apps or .net2 apps in windows08:01
rip_like how you have to think twice when you see that update takes up 100mb space, before realizing you dont have a 4gb hdd anymore lol08:01
Peddytbinarymutant, it says 'iphone in recovery mode not found :('. I went into DFU correctly, though :/08:02
ZuckusFIllexcept for that I have no use for windows, know nothing about it, and don't understand what you just said08:02
* rip_ cheers for ZuckusFIll08:02
ZuckusFIllmeans nothing to me08:02
koshar2ZuckusFIll: i can see yur point , but i wont be limited to lesser proggies because of the dev kit they were created in,08:02
ZuckusFIllbut I do know, I just have old habits of liking to be conservative with the libraries I install08:03
ZuckusFIllbut for some, who just want simplicity, speed, and a nice simple interface (like me) rhythmbox might just be perfect08:03
koshar2ZuckusFIll there just dependencys really, just like java1.6, OOcore ect...08:04
Peddytbinarymutant, looks like DFU is different to recovery mode. Testing stuff.08:04
ZuckusFIllplus it's already installed in ubuntu08:04
ZuckusFIllok, so what's the deal with creating ad-hoc networks in 8.10? if I use network manager applet, it just spins for a minute, and then connects to previous network, if I try the command line way detalied on the ubuntu wiki, the commands fail. Any advice?08:04
koshar2ZuckusFIll amarok isnt even default in kubuntu is it?08:04
binarymutantPeddyt, have you seen this http://kentbrewster.com/hack-your-ipod-touch/ ?08:05
rip_koshar2: i thought it was, i know it is in mepis08:05
abruskihi mates08:05
ZuckusFIllnot sure08:05
ZuckusFIlldon't use kubuntu much08:05
abruskiI tried to upgrade my 8.04 to 8.10 and the mouse and the keyboard stopped working08:05
Slartabruski: bluetooth?08:06
rip_abruski: 8.10 doesnt support keyboards or mice, they are depreciated08:06
koshar2i must admit it would be nice if it was compiled to be a little more less kde dependant though , calling kmail when it barfs is a pain08:06
mohadibso, xrandr wont work across multiple video cards right?08:06
Peddytbinarymutant, I haven't, but it's outdated anyway. iPod touch 2G uses a different bootloader and firmware.08:06
tyler_dkoshar2: can't get kmail to do tls for the life of me08:06
binarymutantPeddyt, what about this http://www.jailbreakme.com/08:07
Slartabruski: and you've tried the regular stuff.. reconnecting in another usb port, rebooting and so on?08:07
koshar2plus kde,s single click select drives me crazy when a kde dialog pops up08:07
abruskibut strangely enough ctrl+alt+del works08:07
ZuckusFIllhey do you think we could avoid discussing ipod jailbreaking in the UBUNTU chanel please?08:08
ZuckusFIllthere is an irc server for that08:08
jaek_how do i define an ethernet adapter alias with network-manager?08:08
ScixHow can i activate wireless settings on install of an ubuntu installation? I'm using preseed to install08:08
Peddytbinarymutant, that's outdated as well. I'm looking to boot it, not jailbreak it. Currently, iPod touch 2G only has a tethered boot, it has to connect to a computer and have its RAM patched every time it boots. I don't want to enter every command (these commands http://idiotsoftech.com/boot.txt) manually, I just want a script that does it. I've done a lot, except the script exits after 'irecovery.exe -s'.08:09
binarymutantPeddyt, ZuckusFIll has a point, they probably would be able to provide better support as I only know how to put linux onto stuff08:09
MeVsTheVoices.hu? as in hungary?08:09
abruskihu is hungary08:10
ZuckusFIllnot sure, but they all speak english08:10
ZuckusFIllI'm in there all the time08:10
binarymutantPeddyt, try minicom if you have a bootloader already on it08:10
ZuckusFIllright now even08:10
PeddytZuckusFIll, thanks, but I'm not discussing jailbreaking, I'm discussing how to return to a bash script after another shell exits. I don't even want to jailbreak, I've already done that, and I did use irc.osx86.hu #iphone for help.08:11
Peddytbinarydigit, how do I use minicom?08:11
Peddytfor USB08:11
GumbyDoes anyone here know if a partition table can be changed from GPT to something that windows can recognize ?  My windows boot disk only sees the HDD as one partition even though it is 4 partitions.08:11
rip_whats the gnome equivalent of task manager?  like when a fullscreen app freezes, how do i get out?08:12
MeVsTheVoicesGumby: Es u botes?08:12
ZuckusFIllyou can't change a partition table without repartitioning08:12
tyler_dGumby: dangerous stuff08:12
abruskirip_: system monitor08:12
tyler_dGumby: I recommend backing up first08:12
Gumbytyler_d: so is create a partition table that other OS's cant read.08:12
Gumbytyler_d: not that I like windows at all, but why would ubuntu do this?08:12
rip_abruski: and is there a keyboard shortcut for it, launching it into high priority?08:12
ZuckusFIllrip_: ctrl-alt-backspace will do something to get you out08:12
MeVsTheVoicesGumby: If your first partition is windows and you just want to boot from that sure, ms-sys, new bootloader08:13
tyler_dGumby: what is the fs?08:13
abruskictrl+alt+del restarts the xserver08:13
abruskisorry backspace08:13
Gumbytyler_d: I mean hell, even cfdisk cant read GTP.08:13
GumbyMeVsTheVoices: as I stated, the windows install disk does not see any partitions.  Only a 250GB HDD08:14
binarymutantPeddyt, you can use a kernel mod called usbserial08:14
rip_ZuckusFIll: lmao i cant believe i fell for that.  thats like falling for "the cheat menu is accessed by alt+f4".08:14
TiZHi. I'm trying to set a custom login sound, and it sounds REALLY screwed up. Kind of like it's being rushed through. Can anyone help me with this?08:14
TiZOf note is that it plays normally everywhere except for the sounds dialog and the actual login08:15
Gumbytyler_d: fs right now is irrelevant as the XP installer (as well as vista) dont even see a single partition.  Just an unformatted drive08:15
ZuckusFIllwell it got you out didn't it?08:15
tyler_dGumby: not familiar with that one.. like I said, back it up and format it accordingly08:15
Peddytbinarymutant, how do I install the kernel mod?08:15
ZuckusFIllnot that bad right?08:15
rip_ZuckusFIll: yes it did lol08:15
Gumbytyler_d: however I have ntfs, fat32, and ext3 partition08:15
tyler_dGumby: all those extentions are readable from within windows08:15
tyler_dGumby: ext3 requires a plugin though08:16
Gumbytyler_d: IF  the windows installer (or windows) can even see a GPT08:16
Gumbytyler_d: which it can not08:16
Peddytbinarymutant, got it, nevermind. Sorry for asking how to do every single thing, :P08:16
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abruskiSlart: any ideas?08:17
ripmillarhi there08:17
tyler_dGumby: what is GPT.. sorry ,don't recognize the accronym08:17
Gumbyie: I had windows installed, then installed intrepid. I can still choose windows via grub, but it fails to boot (kernel dump) because it can not read GPT.08:17
Gumbytyler_d: its the partition table format that intrepid uses08:17
GumbyGUID Partition Table08:17
tyler_dGumby: k sorry08:17
psypher246hey all. i am having an issue installing ubuntu to a usb stick. essentially using the usb stick as a hard drive. it installs fine but when i try boot from it the pc does not see an OS to boot from, despite setting the USb to boot in the bios. what could be the issue. note this is not a live persistent install, it's a normal install using the usb stick as a hard drive.  thanks08:17
sexcopterhi, i have a whole bunch of .tif files in greyscale, and want to convert them to b&w. i figure convert or mogrify is what i want, but not sure precisely how to use mogrify to do this. any ideas?08:17
Slartabruski: nope.. usb usually just works.. at least with keyboards and mice..google didn't find anything useful either..08:18
ripmillaranyone can suggest me about how to install serial modem external to ubuntu?08:18
tyler_dGumby: I stuck with ext3...08:18
Gumbytyler_d: ext is a filesystem type, not a partition table08:18
gavimobilefolks, i am using ubuntu 8.04, i have tried installing flash several times today with backports and/or the flash 10 .deb install file from the abobe website. i made sure one was removed before i installed the other.. any suggestions why this might be happening?08:18
sexcopterpsypher246: i'm not a whizz at it, but you may need to make it bootable, have you tried unetbootin?08:18
tyler_dGumby: yes with you so far08:18
psypher246unetbootin will kake apersistent setup, not what i want08:18
shearsexcopter, do you mean you want to go from greyscale to one bit B&W?08:18
Peddytbinarymutant, scratch that, I thought there was something called 'kernel-modules-usbserial', but I can't find it. Do you know where to find usbserial?08:19
psypher246and yes i did make it bootable08:19
sexcoptershear: yeah, exactly08:19
Gumbytyler_d: so sticking with ext3 doesnt mean anything in this case.  thats not the issue.  the issue is the partition table itself can not be read.08:19
tyler_dGumby: sounds like you know more then me sir...08:19
tyler_dGumby: which really doesn't say alot though ;)08:19
Gumbyhehe, ok.  I appreciate the effort08:19
sexcopterpsypher246: hmmm... another option might be usb-creator ..?08:20
SmokeyDhey people. I am running snort on my ubuntu hardy machine, and have configured multiple ip addresses using aliases08:20
=== tyler_d is now known as tyler_d|sleeping
SmokeyDshould I now also modify /etc/snort/snort.debian.conf to include both eth0 and eth0:1 in DEBIAN_SNORT_INTERFACE="eth0"?08:20
shearsexcopter, give this a shot. " convert image.jpg -monochrome image-bw.jpg "08:21
psypher246sexcopter: no, thats not it, you not understanding what I mean. i don't want a bootbale live cd on a usb stick. i want to use a sub stick as a hard drive, so boot up with cd, choose to install ubuntu to usb stick and boot off that08:21
PeddytCan someone please help me with the compile error? http://pastebin.com/m4f8df44b08:21
jtajiGumby: is this on a mac?08:21
ZuckusFIllgumby: I've never seen ubuntu use any partition table other than MBR by default08:21
ManixCan someone help me install my display drivers? I'm using this walkthrough (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5086971&postcount=) but when I get to the end it says I'm useing a Xen kernal and it does not support that. I'm new to Linux so I have no clue what this means and how to remedy it.08:21
ZuckusFIllI have seen PPC macs use it though08:21
Gumbyjtaji: no, its a PC08:21
NTAuthoritywould ext4 give me more free space than ext3 would... even when removing the 5% disk reserve? I suppose 'no'08:22
sexcoptershear: that looks like just the ticket, will try it, thanks08:22
GumbyI did have OSX86 installed on it like a year ago.  but I have installed many an OS since then08:22
sexcopterpsypher246: i'm sorry, i don't really follow you08:22
SmokeyDPeddyt: that is a very small paste. What are you trying to compile and please give a little more info on the compile error08:22
PeddytCan someone please help me with the compile error? http://pastebin.com/m1e854fbe  (wrong pastebin before)08:22
ZuckusFIllwhat vid card is it?08:22
binarymutantPeddyt, oh it's in the kernel source, you'll have to compile a new kernel for it08:22
PeddytSmokeyD, that was the wrong pastebin :P08:22
jtajiGumby: hmm, this is the first time I'm learning about GPTs and EFI08:22
ManixGTX 28008:22
SmokeyDPeddyt: :)08:22
psypher246sexcopter: just ignore the fact that i'm using a usb stick and think of me installing ubuntu to a hard drivbe and the system won't see the os08:23
jtajiGumby: I guess your pc must have an EFI bios though ?08:23
psypher246has nothing to do with live cd's/usb unetbootin or usb-creator08:23
Gumbyjtaji: and windows didnt stop booting until after I installed ubuntu this last time and all I did was format the root partition when installing08:23
Peddytbinarymutant, I'm not compiling a new kernel for something so trivial. I'm going to try to compile iBooter, instead, please have a look at my last pastebin.08:23
Gumbyjtaji: no idea08:23
sexcopterpsypher246: oh, hang on, i think i see the misunderstanding. i was thinking of a usb stick, you mean an external hdd..?08:23
Scixdump: How can i activate wireless settings on install of an ubuntu installation? I'm using preseed to install08:23
binarymutantPeddyt, this is why embedded devices should always have a serial port :P08:23
psypher246it is a usb stick08:23
psypher246but think of it as a hard drive as I am going to use it just like a hard drive08:24
psypher246like a SSD on a netbook08:24
Peddytyes :P I should just go and buy a microcontroller programmer.08:24
ZuckusFIllManix, Ubuntu didn't automatically find the restricted driver for you?08:24
binarymutantPeddyt, pastebin that make file08:24
sexcopterpsypher246: ok, so just to check, did you run a live session, choose to install and partition the usb stick as if it were a harddrive?08:24
psypher246sexcopter: YEs!08:25
Manixit did and it installed it but it didn't give me any screen resolutions08:25
Peddytbinarymutant, here's the make file: http://pastebin.com/m7e1f330908:25
neil_dI am using vmplayer to run an instance of ubuntu server, is there a way of changed consoles like <ctrl><alt><f1..f6> without using <ctrl><alt> ?08:25
sexcopterpsypher246: and you're sure your mobo/bios supports booting from usb?08:25
ManixI'm still stuck with this crap having half the screen off my screen08:25
binarymutantPeddyt, and libibooter.o08:25
ZuckusFIllI heard people were having problems with the GTX280 but I thought they were solved by now08:25
psypher246yup, tried 3 diff pc's as well as vmware08:25
todanderson12hey guys i have an issue i updated my kernel to the newest one. now my computer can't get DHCP i have an intel 8101E chipset ethernet card08:25
ZuckusFIlland EnvyNG didn't work?08:25
sexcopterpsypher246: sorry, unless i have a brainwave, i don't htink i'm going to be able to help. have you searched the forums/google?08:26
Manixhavn't tried that08:26
ZuckusFIllgive envy a try08:26
Manixokay doing 25 updates right now08:26
Manix235* updates08:26
psypher246sexcopter: yeah but everything talk about the live cd setup method, hard to find what i am referring to08:27
todanderson12the card works fine if i boot to the older kernel08:27
Peddytbinarymutant, libibooter.o actually looks like binary or something unreadable. did you mean libibooter.h?08:27
Baattihello, how can I set up Pidgin to point to Privoxy so I can mask my ip?08:27
ManixI just managed to install Vista and Ubuntu on an Nvidia FakeRaid RAID508:27
Manixtook me all day besides the 8 hrs spent at work08:27
binarymutantPeddyt, I probably won't need it, and ya that was an oops08:28
abcdeflook for  documents for grub reinstall08:28
matholumhello everyone... does anyone know how I can get my sound to sync up for flash movies in Firefox 3?08:28
ManixI was told this morning I was s.o.l.08:28
Peddytbinarymutant, what was an oops?08:28
rwwBaatti: I used http://wiki.noreply.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorifyHOWTO/InstantMessaging when I was connecting to Privoxy+Tor. Those instructions might work for you, too.08:28
Manixproved them wrong08:28
Peddytdid they package it wrong?08:28
binarymutantPeddyt, the .o because that's the compiled one, but here try this makefile instead http://pastebin.com/ma87b80908:28
ludditehi - i have backed up my laptop to a USB-HDD using clonezilla. Now i want to copy the image to a QEMU image to test it went well. Is this possible? (I have to send laptop in for repair...)08:29
Peddytoh, you made an oops. hehe08:29
Baattirww thank you08:29
sexcopterpsypher246: here's a thought: perhaps you need to install to the usb stick (done already, i assume), but install grub to the first partition of your internal hdd, then you will probably have to craft an entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst that points to your usb partition. you could probably copy an entry from a normal installation and change the root08:29
Peddytbinarymutant, cc1plus: error: unrecognised debug output level "fPIC"08:30
nellmathewis intrepid just as stable as hardy at this point? (meaning, if i can get my drivers working properly, it should be good to go right?)08:30
ZuckusFIllyeah it should08:30
Obama_Linuxrunning 8.04.2 need help getting wireless too work please someone help me    00:05.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2600 802.11 MIMO08:30
ZuckusFIllI'm loving intrepid08:30
binarymutantPeddyt, let me get the ibooter source and mess around with it brb08:30
gmathewsHi. my 2.26.7-11 kernel has disappeared...and i didn't do anything except look at the grub menu in grub editor. back to 2.26.7-7. How can I get it back?08:30
Peddytbinarymutant, for your convenience :P : http://www.iphonelinux.org/files/ibooter-1.0.tar.bz208:31
nellmathewi'm gonna upgrade then and see how it goes :] thanks ZuckusFIll08:31
neil_dgmathews: is it still installed ?08:31
ZuckusFIllwho's nellmathew?08:31
khmer42Does anyone know if there's a file where the preferences for GEdit are stored?08:31
gmathewsneil_d: it has to be  - how can i check?08:31
nellmathew- sockets, i've been here pretty often for the last month or so08:32
TiZIs there any way to change the commands executed when you click the shutdown button? I can't think of any other way to get logout sounds to play08:32
=== nellmathew is now known as sockets
neil_dgmathews: check appropriate files in /boot08:32
sexcopterkhmer42: try gconf-editor08:32
DevMonkeyX_hello all08:32
binarymutantPeddyt, what's the depends for it?08:32
gmathewsneil_d:  it is there..08:32
Peddytbinarymutant, I don't know.08:33
gmathewsneil_d: It just doesn't show up in my grub on boot08:33
khmer42sexcopter: I was looking for the actual file where they are stored so I can write a bash script to get things set up how I like it on a new install.08:33
NTAuthoritykhmer42: ~/.config, or ~/.gconf, depends on which data08:34
sexcopterkhmer42: oh, i see. not sure off hte top of my head08:34
jtajikhmer42: I believe you can use gconftool from the command-line08:34
psypher246sexcopter: yeah i could do that, but the point is i'm trying to setup a minimal firewall with just a usb stick for storage. no hard drive. i'm starting to think that my problem at the moment is vmware and not the usb or setup. gonnatry with virtualbox08:34
rwwgmathews: if /boot/grub/menu.lst is correct, and the package is installed correctly, try "sudo update-grub"08:34
NTAuthorityjtaji: that would be suggested08:34
DevMonkeyX_looking for a way to view the size of a folder on disk i tryed "ls -l" but it is saying the folder size is 640 ()08:34
DevMonkeyX_but its like 250meg08:34
Hugo_Sennasudo apt-get install shaper08:34
rwwDevMonkeyX_: you're looking for du. See "man du" for options.08:34
jtajiDevMonkeyX_: du -sh08:35
neil_dgmathews: you could hand edit /boot/grub/menu.lst file an put the entry back at the bottom,  I think there is also a control for update-grub that controls how many old kernels are listed.08:35
Hugo_Sennasudo apt-get install shaper no ubuntu server 8.10 com problems ?08:35
DevMonkeyX_thanks guys, can i sort by size using du, i looked in the man but doesnt seem to be an option08:35
sexcopterkhmer42: i see a few files at ~/.gconf/apps/gedit-2/08:36
AnonnYmousehaving issue with tab-completion @ the CLI08:36
rwwDevMonkeyX_: I usually do something like du | sort -n08:36
NTAuthorityHugo_Senna: there must be a reason why both Ubuntu and Debian removed it08:36
DevMonkeyX_thanks again rww :P08:36
DevMonkeyX_honest i am learning :P somthing just p*ss me off08:36
khmer42sexcopter: Thanks I'll take a look08:36
neil_dgmathews: set "# howmany=all"08:36
gmathewsit is no longer in /boot/grub/menu.lst neil_d. How can i redownload it, then it will sort it automatically? Not really keen to manually add the entry into menu.1st08:37
aLeSDhi all08:37
ZuckusFIllspeaker-test -Dplug:surround40 -c4 -l1 -twav08:37
aLeSDI just reconfigured my xserver ... but the 3d is not working anymore ... why ?08:37
Hugo_Senna[NTAuthority]: tanks08:37
binarymutantPeddyt, I built it without error...08:37
NTAuthorityHugo_Senna: see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=500594 too08:37
sexcopterpsypher246: ok... the only other thing i can think of is when you boot from usb, it gets the device names wrong. perhaps if you specified devices/partitions by uuid that would fix it?08:37
AnonnYmousetab-completion @ commandline doesn't work08:37
binarymutantPeddyt, sudo apt-get install libusb-dev08:37
Peddytbinarymutant, I already have that installed...08:38
psypher246sexcopter: yeah i thought bout that as well, but i figured i would at least see grub then, all i get is no operating system found08:38
Peddytbinarymutant, are you i386?08:38
binarymutantPeddyt, ya08:38
phixI force installed a package using dpkg -i --force-conflict, although now when I try and install any package I get the same conflict error, how can I tell apt to STFU about a particular conflict?08:39
sexcopterpsypher246: in which case, sorry to say i think i'm out of ideas... see what your experiment in vmware yields....08:39
neil_dgmathews: its no problem you can experiment just don't alter the first kernel listed (the default), check the "# howmany " line and regenerate the menu.lst with update-grub08:39
sexcopterAnonnYmouse: can you give an example that's not working?08:39
NTAuthorityphix: resolve the conflict, apt is trying to help :)08:39
gmathewsokay neil_d going to try that08:39
neil_dgmathews: got to go to dinner now.08:39
Peddytbinarymutant, gtg, thanks for all your help.08:39
gmathewslol wait! neil_d :P08:40
gmathewsthanks though neil_d..08:40
phixNTAuthority: is there a preference or apt.conf directive to allow a particular conflict?08:40
AnonnYmousesexcopter : thnx.08:40
AnonnYmousesudo apt-get inst<tab> does nothing08:40
NTAuthorityphix: may be, but usually the conflicts are there for a reason08:40
binarymutantAnonnYmouse, usually a bash-completion file doesn't include options08:40
NTAuthorityphix: like overwriting the same file08:40
sexcopterAnonnYmouse: yeah, that command there is "apt-get", and "install" is not a command in that sense08:41
jtajiAnonnYmouse: uncomment the three lines about bash_completion in /etc/bash.bashrc08:41
binarymutantAnonnYmouse, want mine, apparently mine does08:41
phixNTAuthority: no I want JDK1.4 installed, I don't care about this ->   xulrunner-1.9: Conflicts: j2re1.408:41
AnonnYmousethnx . i'll try quickly08:41
gmathewsneil_d: I think it worked - http://paste.ubuntu.com/113121/08:41
NTAuthorityphix: there may be something like pinning, never actually lived with a dpkg conflict08:42
psypher246sexcopter: yeah aparently the vm systems don't actually support this, mmmm08:42
phixNTAuthority: I have jdk6 set as /usr/bin/java so xulrunner shouldnt be complaining08:42
Peddybinarymutant: I got it working, thanks a lot.08:42
phixNTAuthority: it's a non-serious conflict08:42
phixNTAuthority: infact can I file a bug report against it? it is stupid08:42
NTAuthorityphix: near pinning in the docs, I mean :) you could recompile xulrunner, or replace stuff in the dpkg local pakcage lis08:42
binarymutantPeddy, np hopefully one day you'll be able to put linux on it :P08:43
phixNTAuthority: hmmm, yeah I could redo xulrunner08:43
rww!bug | phix08:43
ubottuphix: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:43
NTAuthorityphix: there's already a bug report for it, by the way08:43
AnonnYmousesweet guys. that worked08:43
Peddybinarymutant: Yep I sure will, when iboot is cracked. I already have a nice terminal setup though, with all my favourite *nix programs, and apt-get :)08:45
hossamhow can i run sudo dpkg -i and have dpkg automatically download dependencies?08:46
scizzo-hossam: just type apt-get -f install if there are deps08:46
binarymutantembedded devices are so cool08:46
Scixsome of topic, but how can i disable all these "flashkidd left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection)." in the window? Using pidguin08:46
NTAuthoritybinarymutant: I hate embedded devices... if they're too closed08:47
rwwScix: Open the Plugins window and enable the "Hide Joins/Parts" plugin.08:47
hossamscizzo-, well this is a .deb that i downloaded from a source other than a repository08:47
scizzo-hossam: yes08:47
scizzo-hossam: exactly08:47
hossamscizzo-, will try08:47
binarymutantNTAuthority, try iPAQ :)08:47
ChronosZAdoes anyone know if vmware-workstation uses more resources than vmware-server? everyime I resume the windows VM on ubuntu it takes so long to start up i can make coffee, bake a cake and eat it and still wait.08:48
scizzo-hossam: dpkg might give  you errors that it depends on something....what you do when that happens is to apt-get -f install08:48
ludditewhats the best way to backup ubuntu08:48
rww!backup | luddite08:48
ludditeand test it08:48
ubottuluddite: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:48
rip_luddite: reverse lights08:48
scizzo-hossam: and all the packages will be downloaded that is needed from the repos08:48
* luddite reverses over rip_08:48
Scixrww: tanks :)08:48
NTAuthorityhey, look, the bot has had an extra t08:49
ommyaI have problem in installing ubuntu 8.1 for dual boot08:50
ommyagrub does'nt show option for ubuntu08:50
Fuzzyuse Super Grub Disk08:50
ommyaFuzzy:and where do I get it?08:51
hossamscizzo-, yup its all good now, thanks. i didnt know dpkg and aptitude were so tight =]08:51
binarymutantNTAuthority, in the name? u-bot-tu instead of u-bot-u08:51
TrijntjeHi all, my login in gnome takes up to 30 seconds, i already disabled all startup programs in 'session' menu. How can i find out what is causing the slow login?08:51
sexcoptershear: the mogrify/convert hint you gave earlier is working, thanks!08:51
Fuzzyommya: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/08:51
ommyaFuzzy:are you sure this would solve my problem?08:52
NTAuthoritybinarymutant: yep08:52
=== sleepy_cat is now known as dragon_flam
scizzo-aptitude uses dpkg.....there might be a way to send the package to aptitude so that the program will then read from that...otherwise I would suggest you look at the apt-get or apt manual for more information08:52
Fuzzyommya: I had the same problem, that disc will add ubuntu to your grub menu08:53
ommyaFuzzy:Thanks a lot ..I was struggling for this for about a month with around 3-4 attempts08:53
Fuzzyommya: What is your other OS?08:53
jedi06how do you use ssh to copy files to your own system?08:54
denndajedi06: scp08:54
sexcopterommya: what Fuzzy is suggesting is very effective and will definitely work, but i'll just say it can be a bit confusing to use. go slow and read what it says08:54
hossamanyway to convert a deb (logitech squeezecenter) to install on a ppc machine (playstation3)?08:57
ommyaThanks! sexcopter08:57
znhHello folks. As soon I start Pidgin and login (MSN) I receive a few offline messages and it does not respond. Does anyone know this and/or has a solution to this?08:58
znhThe interface does not respond that is08:58
jtajihossam: no, the software needs to be compiled for that architecture08:58
hossamjtaji, yea was figuring as much, mebbe hoping for some crazy emulation, thanks08:58
Elecktrahossam: deb is just an archive... i'm scared program compiled inside for another architecture... for x86... it will not run on ppc08:58
hossamElecktra, ill have to petition to the squeezecenter devs, thanks =]08:59
NTAuthorityznh: bug in 2.5.3, try a 2.5.4 package08:59
sexcopterdoes anyone know of a nifty program that will take a bunch of pngs and make a pdf (one png per page)?09:00
znhNTAuthority, so it's a known bug. Could you give me directions how to install that package instead?09:00
NTAuthorityznh: getdeb.com provides recent pidgin packages, AFAIK :)09:00
znhI don't like installing foreign packages, it's a production server how strange that may sound09:01
znhare there any other decent MSN clients other than pidgin?09:01
DJones!msn | znh This should give you a few to pick from09:02
ubottuznh This should give you a few to pick from: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete09:02
Elecktraznh: well.. start pidgin from console... and connect only 1 service... msn09:02
NTAuthorityznh: you could compile a pidgin 2.5.4 package yourself :p btw, GUI apps on a server?09:02
Elecktrapeople, do msn support offline messages? last time i was using it.. it wasn't support that functions...09:03
znhNTAuthority, yes, NX terminal service09:03
Out_ColdElecktra, i get offline msgs09:03
NTAuthorityznh: oops, forgot, run one myself :p09:03
ChronosZAElecktra: yes it does. not sure if your client needs to, but the protocol now does.09:03
NTAuthorityElecktra: since the WLM 8.0 client protocol it's supported09:03
znhNTAuthority, o really09:03
ElecktraOut_Cold, ChronosZA: a year ago it wasn't :)09:04
Out_Coldwell i offline all the time now Elecktra09:04
ChronosZAElecktra: it is relatively new, i dont remember it working a long time ago.09:04
FuzzyMy taskbar just disappeared09:05
Fuzzythe bar with all the running programs ion it09:05
Fuzzyanyone know how i can get it back?09:05
NTAuthorityznh: and those packages can be trusted, though they don't provide .diff.gz files last time I checked09:05
FuzzyI'm using ultimate ubuntu 2.0 with ubuntu 8.1009:05
minickisthisMy wifi is detected but never connects09:05
abcdefAll left the room09:06
Out_Coldso i'm trying to figure out why i can't set up my wifi when starting without gui.... i can't seem to ifup eth1 due to "device not configured" or some similar garbage..09:06
znhNTAuthority, welll it's already hard to trust deb packages as they're often maintained by anonymous people09:06
zirodayOut_Cold: is this an ethernet connection?09:06
NTAuthorityznh: and you do trust 'Ubuntu MOTU Maintainers' :)09:06
Out_Coldziroday, no... but i don't seem to have a wlan connection09:07
ChronosZAubottu, what is ultimate ubuntu 2.0?09:07
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:07
BaattiI still am not getting Pidgin to run through Tor09:07
ChronosZAubottu bite me :)09:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bite me :)09:07
ChronosZAdoes anyone elswe know?09:07
Out_Coldziroday, yet i'm not connected with a ethernet..09:07
ChronosZAa link09:07
znhNTAuthority, MOTU?09:07
zirodayOut_Cold: sorry, what exactly are you trying to do?09:07
Fuzzygoogle for ultimate ubuntu09:07
Fuzzybut that doesnt matter cuz its just ubuntu 8.1009:08
Fuzzybut the taskbar is gone :)09:08
NTAuthorityznh: you don't even check the maintainer lines? team that manages the 'universe' repository09:08
ChronosZAFuzzy: as soon as firefox decides to respond i would love to...09:08
ikariusalright, updated the bridged OpenVPN instructions on the wiki.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN09:08
Fuzzyi still have the clock and stuff09:08
Fuzzyand the start menu09:08
ziroday!derivatives | ChronosZA Ultimate Edition is a derivative of ubuntu09:08
ubottuChronosZA Ultimate Edition is a derivative of ubuntu: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes,   please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in   #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate09:08
ubottucut off...09:08
Fuzzybut i dont see the running apps09:08
Out_Coldziroday, when i boot up without a gui, i can't seem to get my wifi going.... i try ifup wlan0, ifup eth0/1 but no avail09:08
ikoniaFuzzy: ubuntu ultimate is not supported here09:08
ikoniaFuzzy: it is not an ubuntu release09:08
ChronosZAziroday: to the rescue :) thx.09:08
znhNTAuthority, heh. I work with too many distrobutions to know the terminology.. all I know everything except base I wont trust09:09
zirodayOut_Cold: how come you're booting without a GUI?09:09
Out_Coldtrying to get going in shell??09:09
neil_dgmathews: I am back, how did you go.09:09
NTAuthorityznh: compile one yourself, and probably even look through the source code line by line :)09:09
NTAuthorityznh: pidgin is the only one in main09:09
zirodayOut_Cold: right, well wifi isn't the easiest thing to setup from the command line :). Ethernet is easier.09:09
gmathewsneil_d: It updated according to that paste..but it is not there in grub... I am confused09:10
Out_Coldziroday, yea i figured so... it's been a daunting task so far... i can switch to CLI after i have logged into a gui, but w/o is a huge pain.09:10
neil_dgmathews: did you look in /boot/grub/menu.lst to see if it was there?09:11
gmathewsneil_d: yep and it is not there. ;/09:11
Out_Coldi was hoping for something simple like the auto in network manager09:11
neil_dI am using vmplayer to run an instance of ubuntu server, is there a way of changed consoles like <ctrl><alt><f1..f6> without using <ctrl><alt> ?09:11
neil_dgmathews: copy another and change its number09:12
zirodayOut_Cold: nothing like that exists AFAIK09:12
gmathewsneil_d: what do u mean by that09:13
Out_Coldyea.... well i suppose i'll keep learning the wlan setup..09:13
zirodayOut_Cold: does the wifi network have encryption on it?09:13
Out_Cold10 digit hex09:13
zirodayOut_Cold: okay, well you will have to edit /etc/network/interfaces09:14
no-soundwhy would 00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Cirrus Logic CS 4614/22/24/30 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator] (rev 01) have no sound in 8.04?09:14
Out_Coldand add something along the lines of 'auto ifup wlan0' 'something else'09:14
CaesiHi there.. Anyone have any idea why the windows aren't shown in one of the panel bars anymore?09:15
neil_dgmathews: using gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst   open the file for editing, copy an section for a kernel that is there, and change the number to the kernel you want and save the file.09:15
zirodayOut_Cold: see http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/09:15
zirodayCaesi: is the window on a different workspace?09:15
Caesiziroday: it's on the same09:15
Out_Coldwill read into that, thanks ziroday09:16
gmathewswht bout the 'root=UUID=22c51a1a-122a-4f37-b761-1b65d3c90ffb ro quiet splash' part neil_d sure that is different for both the kernels09:16
StefanoHi, I cannot modify file in a peer-to-peer Samba sharing from a PC but I can from another. I have in every case 8.04 LTS09:16
Out_Coldi always find it hard to find the exact stuff i'm looking for09:16
zirodayCaesi: you're using gnome and gnome-panels I presume? Is there any specific apps?09:16
zirodayOut_Cold: I can tell you know, its not simple09:16
SlartCaesi: do you see any running apps at all? or are just some of them not visible?09:16
Out_Coldyea i know too lol09:16
Caesiyes I am.. nop, no specific app.. I can see the apps if I alt-tab them09:16
Caesijust not in the "task bar" so to speak09:17
neil_dgmathews: not unless the two kernels are on different drives that part should be identical.09:17
SlartCaesi: try right clicking on the panel and select "+Add to panel"09:17
SlartCaesi: try adding a "window list"09:17
CaesiSlart: got it, thanks :)09:17
gmathewsokay they are on the same drive - I will try that and reboot in a bit09:17
gmathewsthanks neil_d :)09:18
gmathewsneil_d: hey are on the same drive - I will try that and reboot in a bitsplash09:18
StefanoI can enter the shared directory in a peer-to-peer LAN with 8.04 but I cannot open documents09:18
StefanoOpen Office starts but doesn't show the document09:18
SlartStefano: sounds like a permissions problem09:19
StefanoSlart, yes. But with a PC I can connect09:19
StefanoSlart, one can the other no09:19
* Administrator jumps09:20
SlartStefano: try watching the server logs and see if the machines do something differently09:20
zirodayAdministrator: do you have a question we can help you with?09:20
StefanoSlart, i've tried lanching from terminal but I don't receive anyt error from command line09:21
StefanoSlart, I look in server now09:21
zirodayStefano: what permissions are the files?09:21
=== Administrator is now known as ChinaBoy
SlartStefano: there might be a "verbose" switch/setting you can try, to make it more chatty09:22
MarupaHi all....I'm trying to watch DVDs under Ubuntu and I've enabled DVD playback via the install-css script and required packages, but whenever I try to watch the movie in VLC it never loads, or acts as if i's trying to load and then quits, and if I load it in mplayer it does the same thing.  If I load a single .VOB in mplayer it skips around the movie as if in really fast fast forward....any ideas?09:22
GeffIsLegendhey everyone i just got done shrinking my vista partition to make a new one for ubuntu so i can do the full install now the new partition is "Unallocated" what does that mean? how do i make it to where i can use this partition able for use by ubuntu?09:23
zirodayMarupa: the dvds work everywhere else?09:23
Marupaziroday, under windows, yes.09:23
Stefanoziroday, read/write for everyone09:23
zirodayGeffIsLegend: unallocated means there is nothing on it. You can tell ubuntu (when installing) to install itself to the free space which is the unallocated space09:23
SlartGeffIsLegend: unallocated just means that it's empty space...the ubuntu installer will create a new partition in that empty space09:23
StefanoSlart, ok i've got something09:24
abcdefcenvert forced File system after insert windows cd .... help me...09:24
Wunderbarhey guys, whats yout fav audio playback app in ubuntu??09:24
ziroday!best > Wunderbar09:24
ubottuWunderbar, please see my private message09:24
Paddy_EIREabcdef: could you at least form a proper question09:24
ElecktraWunderbar: audacious09:24
zirodayMarupa: okay, you certain you have libdvdread3 installed and run the script?09:24
SlartWunderbar: I use quodlibet at the moment.. aplay is nice too .. or audacious09:24
Marupaziroday, yes.09:25
StefanoSlart, smbd/sec_ctx.c:set_ctx(241)09:25
Stefanosetting sec ctx (,0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 009:25
StefanoSlart, don't have idea....09:25
WunderbarIve been using audacios and quod libet too...09:25
GeffIsLegendbut there still is no options for me to choose in step 4 of 7 where i have to use a partition to use, its still blank, as before09:25
zirodayMarupa: okay, can you start totem in the terminal and look out for any errors?09:25
StefanoSlart, it returns when start with openoffice09:25
SlartStefano: huh? that's an error message? just looks like random weirdo pseudo code to me.. never seen that before09:25
Marupafailed to read next DVD block.  Error: Error reading from DVD.09:26
StefanoSlart, nor me....09:26
ElecktraWunderbar: what u didn't like in audacious so?09:26
zirodayMarupa: okay, you have gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly installed?09:26
Marupaziroday, yes09:26
WunderbarI wish there was a way to update my 'library' in audacious similar to the way that quod libet does automatically09:27
zirodayMarupa: tried setting/changing your region09:27
Marupaok...that was weird.09:27
Wunderbaralthough technically speaking audacious doesn't have a library09:27
MarupaI ejected/reinserted...and now it's working.09:27
zirodayMarupa: glad to hear it :)09:27
Marupavery weird though09:28
Marupathanks for the help!09:28
GeffIsLegendfor step 4 of 7 of my ubuntu installation, it says "no root file system defined" but it wont allow me to select ANY partitions, not even the unallocated one.09:28
ElecktraWunderbar: at least.. i can make images of my music cd collections with cdparania and use cue+flac with audacious.. but cue plugin sure have bug, it does not display time of each track correctly... but i don't matter09:28
SlartGeffIsLegend: are you using the automated partition thingy?09:28
GeffIsLegenddo i have to do something to the blank partition in gparted?09:29
zirodayGeffIsLegend: are you doing manual or automated installation?09:29
abcdeflost linux partitions after inserted MS windows install cd?09:29
zirodayGeffIsLegend: err partitioning09:29
GeffIsLegendi would guess manual sense i have to shrink the vista space on my own and stuff09:29
zirodayGeffIsLegend: well what does your hard drive partition table look like now? Do you have unallocated space?09:30
GeffIsLegendi shrunk 20gb of my hard drive to make a new partition for ubuntu its self09:30
khmer42I am trying to launch an Adobe Air application from the command line, in gnome I just double click it and it runs, but when I do $ ./airapp.air in bash nothing happens09:30
zirodayGeffIsLegend: right, and gparted marks that as unallocated?09:30
GeffIsLegendyes i have gparted open now, and one of them is UNALLOCATED, so is the Filesystem, can that be a problem?09:31
Stefanonetstat -lantp | grep -i smb returns something like this:09:31
Stefanotcp       16      0         ESTABLISHED 5308/gvfsd-smb-brow09:31
Stefanotcp        5      0         CLOSE_WAIT  5308/gvfsd-smb-brow09:31
zirodayGeffIsLegend: have you run the installer yet?09:31
abcdefHelp me!! lost linux partitions09:31
GeffIsLegendyes, i have that up as well09:31
zirodayabcdef: slow down and explain your problem please :)09:31
zirodayGeffIsLegend: right, close gparted and then go back in the installer to retrigger a hard drive scan09:31
GeffIsLegendokay ill try that now09:32
zirodayGeffIsLegend: you should then be see an option that says "Use the largest continuous free space" select that.09:33
GeffIsLegendnope, its still blank :(09:34
zirodayGeffIsLegend: you are on this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall#Select%20a%20Disk screen right?09:35
Stefanowhat is the log file I can check when I try to open a file to a Samba share?09:35
ikoniaStefano: samba logs in /var/log/samba09:35
Out_Coldziroday, after doing some more digging, i believe this is more along my lines... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1204509:35
Out_Coldbut thanks for the direction..09:36
jonaskoelkerHi all.  In pidgin, in the "Join chat" window, I want my IRC account (there's only one) to be the account that's selected by default.  How do I go about that?09:36
zirodayOut_Cold: that will work too, its just less in depth then the article I gave you before :)09:36
jonaskoelkerwhen I mount things with sshfs, I get "fusermount: mount failed: Cannot allocate memory"09:36
jonaskoelkerwhat's up with that?09:36
GeffIsLegendZiroday : Mine looks way different from that for some reason09:36
Stefanoikonia, I have a lot of files there and looking at the file log.MY-MACHINE I don't see anything09:36
Out_Coldyea... well less indepth is good for a scatter-brained individual such as myself09:37
jonaskoelkeror, rather, how do I make sshfs mounting work?09:37
ikoniaStefano: look at the ip address also and the overall samba log and syslog09:37
Stefanoikonia, from a PC I can open and modify all documents of the share but I cannot from another09:37
zirodayGeffIsLegend: what version of ubuntu are you installing? Also are you doing a manual partition or automatic partition?09:37
jonaskoelker... I'm a member of group fuse, it's been working since $FOREVER.  Could it be the new 2.6.27-11 kernel I just installed, I wonder09:37
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GeffIsLegendand im not sure about the partition09:38
zirodayGeffIsLegend: do you have internet access?09:38
zirodayGeffIsLegend: can you take a screenshot and put it up on imagebin so I can see where you are?09:38
GeffIsLegendyeah, 1min09:38
ikoniaStefano: thats user or network share permissions then09:38
khmer42When I double click on a file in nautilus is that the same as calling ./somefile from the command line?09:39
Stefanoikonia, but I don't have put any samba user, nor for the PC that works fine09:39
zirodaykhmer42: if you are in that directory, yes09:40
ikoniaStefano: the username you are connecting to the samba machine as must be "authorized" to use the share you want09:40
Out_Coldgoing for the CLI reboot... hope this works09:40
Stefanoikonia, I use the force user and force group options in the samba share09:41
zirodayOut_Cold: you can also do sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:41
Stefanoikonia, and it works for a new pc09:41
ikoniaStefano: then look at the logs09:41
Out_Coldyea ziroday but i still have the gui up....09:41
laudo you know the open source shop engine used to develop https://shop.canonical.com/ ?09:41
ikoniaStefano: as I said it sounds like user or network share permissions09:41
ikonialau: contact canonical09:41
Wunderbaris Lau Danish??09:42
GeffIsLegendZiroday : Mind if i put it on imageshack? imagebin is confusing me.09:42
lauikonia: is it for licencing purpose?09:42
Wunderbarapparently not09:42
lauWunderbar: no09:42
ikonialau: contact canonical09:42
zirodayGeffIsLegend: anywhere is fine09:42
RPSHi guys, how do I make gconf-editor appear in my gui ...I mean as a program in Ubuntu 8.10 versus it running in the terminal.09:43
Stefanoikonia, I really don't find anything in the log :-(09:43
ikoniaStefano: which log are you looking at09:43
ezerhodenRPS: gksudo gconf-editor launches it here09:44
Out_Coldwell that worked well..09:44
Out_Coldscrew gnome09:44
Wunderbarscrew gnome? what the eff...09:45
GeffIsLegendwell Ziroday, I uploaded it on imagebin, but its not showing up09:45
Out_Coldwho needs a GUI with fancy smansy irssi and lynx?09:45
zirodayGeffIsLegend: ?09:45
tomodachiOut_Cold:  I concurr09:45
bigbrova2ezerhoden: dude gconf-editor dont need to be run as root09:45
Out_Coldtomodachi: now all i gotta do is figure it all out lol09:46
GeffIsLegendlike i searched for it, but its not there :-/ is there a different website i can use for linux based uploads09:46
zirodayGeffIsLegend: err its the url of the image.09:46
zirodayGeffIsLegend: as in when you submitted it, it would take you to a new page with your picture.09:46
ezerhodenbigbrova2: your right09:46
CQhello, I want to restart inetd but there is no /etc/init.d/inetd file ... ??? any ideas? I'm runnign 8.1009:46
Out_Coldi am ultimitely looking to just carry a flash drive with a ssh client so i can just use a server to do my business...09:47
jonaskoelkerOut_Cold: soon, GNU screen will be your favorite window manager ;-)09:47
GeffIsLegendi know but after i uploaded it , it didnt take my to any new pages09:47
zirodayGeffIsLegend: no worries, just explain what you see currently09:47
zirodayGeffIsLegend: does it say manual anywhere?09:47
Out_ColdWM?? i'm trying to ditch the managers09:47
zirodayGeffIsLegend: did you hit "Manually edit partition table" option?09:47
jonaskoelkerOut_Cold: but then how are you going to switch between irssi and lynx? O_o09:48
zirodayGeffIsLegend: does it look like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=6.png ?09:48
Stefanoikonia, sorry. I'm looking at all files in /var/log/samba09:48
jonaskoelkerOut_Cold: ... and if you like those two, you're gonna' love mutt ;-)09:48
scizzo-CQ: I think you are looking for xinetd09:48
scizzo-CQ: not inetd09:48
GeffIsLegendno its in the gparted format09:48
ezerhodenjonaskoelker: control + alt + F#09:48
ikoniaStefano: look at the syslog09:48
CQscizzo-: isn't there either...09:48
jonaskoelkerezerhoden: but then you need to be root to have more than $N windows open09:48
Out_Coldjonaskoelker: i was using different sessions lol.... i suppose this WM may be of use yet lol09:48
Out_Coldand tried mutt too09:48
ezerhodenjonaskoelker: no09:49
jonaskoelkerOut_Cold: lol :D09:49
CQsomething is bound to the IMAP port even thout netstat -an doesn't list it...09:49
jonaskoelkerezerhoden: :-?09:49
jonaskoelkerezerhoden: do go on09:49
scizzo-CQ: not that I know what you have done with the system but xinetd is standard09:49
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scizzo-CQ: in either case you can use lsof or netstat -ntpa to list them a bit more09:50
CQscizzo- nothing, it's a clean isntall from a few days ago...09:50
zirodayGeffIsLegend: okay, you have hit manual partition. Can you go back?09:50
ezerhodenjonaskoelker: what are you saying, to be in a tty you have to be root?09:50
BlindSide_hey guys09:50
scizzo-CQ: then I do not believe that /etc/init.d/ does not contain xinetd or inetd09:50
jonaskoelkerezerhoden: no, I'm saying that C-M-F[1-6] only lets you have 6 open windows09:50
bogeyif I recompile xrandr from ubuntu sources, then the mode changing with ID does not work, with ubuntu binary xrandr it works09:50
jonaskoelkerezerhoden: or rather, terminal sessions09:50
GeffIsLegendno , it wont let me, ill just restart the installer09:50
jonaskoelkerezerhoden: what if I want to run 10 different apps?09:51
BlindSide_all of a sudden, my ubuntu started shutting down automatically when it boots09:51
bogeywhat could cause that?09:51
BlindSide_just before it gets to the login screen09:51
ezerhodenjonaskoelker: then you fire up screen09:51
CQscizzo-: I have a /usr/bin/update-inetd file...09:51
scizzo-CQ: its to me not logical if you have not installed another service handling it09:51
bogeyI checked with ldd, they are using same libs09:51
BlindSide_it starts shutdown procedure and reserve progress bar09:51
jonaskoelkerezerhoden: ^_^09:51
CQscizzo-: isn't logical to me either...09:51
Out_Coldwas nix always multi session?09:51
CQmaye the good old reboot will solve it...09:51
zirodayGeffIsLegend: okay. Make sure to not click Manual partitioning09:51
GeffIsLegendZiroday: the step before that is just asking about my keyboard layout.09:52
CQbut is there no /etc/init.d/xinetd script or the like??09:52
jonaskoelkerOut_Cold: since the first release: maybe.  Probably09:52
scizzo-CQ: have you checked09:52
jonaskoelkerOut_Cold: before that, when /vmunix could alternate between printing A's and B's... probably not :D09:52
Out_Coldoh the places you'll go with nix....09:52
CQsudo updatedb;locate inetd shows nothing09:52
scizzo-CQ: dpkg -l |grep xin09:52
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Out_Cold"Two of the greatest things to ever walk out of Berkley, LSD and UNIX"09:53
jonaskoelkerI'm not sure which caused which ;-)09:53
Out_Colddoesn't matter lol09:54
GeffIsLegendZiroday : here ya go http://imagebin.ca/view/ZvHdPe.html09:54
CQscizzo-: nope, nothing there ... I have only ii  update-inetd                               4.30                                        inetd configuration file updater09:54
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CQthis is a 8.10 clean install with vtiger and apache installed, that's it. amd6409:55
Out_Coldwell now that i fixed my wifi i should get to bed.... have a good night or morning or whatever it is..09:55
tyler_when I log in on my user I get a blank brown screen thats it any advise09:55
CQshould I just install xinetd?09:55
GeffIsLegendZiroday, You there? http://imagebin.ca/view/ZvHdPe.html is the image of my screenshot on what step i keep getting stuck on09:56
scizzo-CQ: hmmm09:56
phantomcircuitImportError: No module named cPython09:58
phantomcircuitwhich package has that module?09:59
CQphantomcircuit: packages.ubuntu.comis your friend...09:59
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CQor apt-cache search cpython09:59
scizzo-CQ: not really sure how the system was setup if there is no inetd or xinetd for the services10:00
phantomcircuitCQ, it isn't in any of them... wtf10:00
CQphantomcircuit: python-scientific - Python modules useful for scientific computing is what apt-cache gives me... try apt-get update first10:01
phantomcircuitsystem is upto date10:01
CQscizzo-: I'm not either. Like I said it's a default amd64 8.10 install10:01
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo10:01
Quack[stinkpad]would anyone know why my FAT32 ipod won't allow me to write to it? it's rockboxed, but it does the same thing with the default apple os10:03
ActionParsnip1Quack[stinkpad]: mounting options maybe10:03
Quack[stinkpad]i tried mounting it10:04
Quack[stinkpad]and specifying rw10:04
Quack[stinkpad]it shows up as a FAT32 in fdisk, but when i try to write it says it's a read only filesystem10:04
ActionParsnip1Quack[stinkpad]: then try some different ones, try with some uids10:04
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Gumbycheck dmesg for info10:05
Quack[stinkpad]i see. i know nothing about that. can you suggest what to google for?10:05
ActionParsnip1Quack[stinkpad]: http://www.hafenscher.net/wiki/index.php?page=Mount_USB_stick_read_and_writable_for_users10:05
ActionParsnip1Quack[stinkpad]: there are more search engines than google as well10:06
ActionParsnip1Quack[stinkpad]: you could also try man mount'10:06
znhActionParsnip1, that's not a search engine10:06
ActionParsnip1znh: never said it was ....10:06
Quack[stinkpad]i don't find the man pages as descriptive as i would like :/10:06
znhyou gave the intention though, lol, nevermind.10:06
ActionParsnip1Quack[stinkpad]: just read them thoroughly, they have server users since the dawn of unix10:07
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timahvo1hi everybody10:08
timahvo1trying to install canto-0.6.1 from source but keep getting this running install10:09
timahvo1running build10:09
timahvo1running build_py10:09
timahvo1running build_ext10:09
timahvo1building 'canto.widecurse' extension10:09
FloodBot1timahvo1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:09
timahvo1gcc -pthread -shared -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.5/canto/widecurse.o -L/usr/local/lib -L/opt/local/lib -lncursesw -o build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.5/canto/widecurse.so10:09
timahvo1/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lncursesw10:09
timahvo1collect2: ld returned 1 exit status10:09
timahvo1error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 110:09
timahvo1sorry about that10:09
SmokeyDhey everyone, very basic question: I use tab completion in the shell for a directory which is a symlink, the last / isn't added, any ideas how to solve this?10:09
ActionParsnip1timahvo1: use pastebin in future, imagine if we all stated pasting huge swathes of meesages like that, the room woul be useless10:09
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zirodayGeffIsLegend: sorry was away10:10
timahvo1ActionParsnip1: I mean to that was an accident sorry10:10
GeffIsLegendoh its ok10:10
Pirate_Hunteris there an app similar to MS OneNote for ubuntu?10:10
timahvo1lemmie paste the link10:10
ActionParsnip1timahvo1: its cool10:10
zirodayGeffIsLegend: right, you're selecting Manual Partition10:10
zirodayPirate_Hunter: BasKet, Tomboy10:10
ActionParsnip1timahvo1: have you installed whatever provides -lncursesw10:10
oCean_SmokeyD: intended behaviour, the symlink in itself has no trailing slash, only the actual directory has10:10
GeffIsLegenddid you see my screenshot?10:10
SmokeyDfor instance /home/me/somedir/ is a symlink to /media/somedir/ now when I type /home/me/somedi<TAB>, it get's completed to /home/me/somedir not /home/me/somedir/10:10
zirodayGeffIsLegend: yep, do you see this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall#Select%20a%20Disk step before that?10:11
abcdefhelp me10:11
SmokeyDoCean_: is there a way to solve this?10:11
Pirate_Hunterziroday, will check out basket10:11
ActionParsnip1SmokeyD: i think as its a file (the symlink is a file) it won't add the / for you10:11
timahvo1ActionParsnip1: am guessing libncurses5-dev ?10:11
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oCean_SmokeyD: I guess not10:11
ActionParsnip1timahvo1: apt-cache search curses | grep lib10:11
GeffIsLegendno, for some reason my installation layout is completely different from these screenshots you've been showing me10:11
ActionParsnip1timahvo1: or read the dependancies for what you need10:12
quibblerabcdef: with what?10:12
SmokeyDoCean_, ActionParsnip1: there would be no way to work around this somehow? It is very annoying if you use the shell a lot10:12
timahvo1ActionParsnip1: cheers. Lemmie try that then get back to you10:12
Pirate_Hunterziroday, basket loks good but isnt there a gnome version?10:12
zirodayGeffIsLegend: okay, and its odd that the buttons are all greyed out. Mind restarting the computer and therefore restarting the install?10:12
zirodayPirate_Hunter: nope10:12
ActionParsnip1SmokeyD: don't think so duder10:13
zirodayPirate_Hunter: gnome's answer is tomboy afaik10:13
O__ohello i have a windows xp that has remote desktop turn on, which program in ubuntu can connect to it?10:13
timahvo1ActionParsnip1: I've read the INSTALL file and I seem to have all the dependecies installed10:13
ActionParsnip1SmokeyD: you could maybe find out how the symlinking works and add a / to the end by default in tab completion10:13
GeffIsLegendyeah sure, ill be right back10:13
Pirate_Hunterziroday, ahhh tomboy is good but not good enough in this case oh well10:13
ActionParsnip1timahvo1: then your compile option is incorrect10:13
oCean_SmokeyD: nope. I use shell/tab completion all the time, it's something you have to work with, i guess10:13
fazluruse rdesktop10:13
ActionParsnip1timahvo1: its one or the other10:13
fazlurto connect to the windows xp10:13
Trijntjedoes anyone know what can cause a realy slow login in gnome?10:14
SmokeyDoCean_, ActionParsnip1: ok thanks10:14
SmokeyDActionParsnip1: you are always here helping people by the way. Do you actually get round to anything else :)10:14
timahvo1ActionParsnip1: am just running a python install script. no configure options or anything like that10:14
ActionParsnip1SmokeyD: sometimes, credit runch an all that :D10:14
SmokeyDActionParsnip1: :S10:14
ActionParsnip1timahvo1: they you are missing a dep, go search out a guide, you may have missed a dep10:15
SmokeyDActionParsnip1: credit crunch sucks. Doesn't affect me yet fortunately10:15
timahvo1ActionParsnip1: ty10:15
ActionParsnip1SmokeyD: im out a fair bit, maybe you catch me on10:15
timahvo1ActionParsnip1: let you know how I do :)10:15
zirodaytimahvo1: it might also be worthwhile making sure that you have build-essentials installed and asking the canto devs10:16
timahvo1ziroday: yes I have build-essentials and everything the INSTALL txt saysit depends on which isn't a whole lot10:17
zirodaytimahvo1: including the -dev packages?10:18
timahvo1ziroday: I have the python-dev headers as well as ncurses dev headers and afaik thats all I need10:19
zirodaytimahvo1: then if I were you I would ask the canto devs10:19
timahvo1ziroday: :p10:19
GeffIsLegendhey Ziroday, I'm restarted now10:20
timahvo1ziroday: best idea yet :)10:20
zirodayGeffIsLegend: right, go through the installation and make sure to avoid manual partition like the plauge10:20
zirodaytimahvo1: do I get I prize ;)10:20
timahvo1ziroday: only if you are as helpful in helping me install ubuntu on my cig lighter which I plan to do next ;)10:21
GeffIsLegendZiroday- There is no option for if i want it to be manual or automatic, It goes from Step-1:Language       Step-2:Timezone     Step-3:Keyboard Layout then Step-4:Partitioning10:22
majeruheh, the ubuntu server survey document was written using Adobe Distiller for Macintosh :)10:22
Akiv1How can I make a website address like such: 425.245.245.245/~user/ act like a top level domain, meaning rewrite it so that doing a $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] includes /~user?10:22
zirodayGeffIsLegend: and is the partitioning section buttons all greyed out10:22
robfquick question,    the update-grub script.    How can I make it NOT put in that annoying "recovery mode"  section?   I removed everything from altoptions= in menu.lst (leaving it blank) and this simply adds a second kernel entry exactly as the first10:23
GeffIsLegendYes, Partitioning is all greyed out10:23
robfI delete the alloptions= line and it readds it when running update-grub so obviously this too,  isn't the method10:23
Akiv1This is new ground for me, but there must be a way... Reason I ask is that I have to setup a test server right now and before I point the name servers over, I need to thoroughly test... But the code is not at all portable and I want to fix some of the global variables they use10:23
zirodayGeffIsLegend: well then I have no clue. Try the alternate CD perhaps10:23
phantomcircuitapport has a crash recovery but it is for a none official package10:23
phantomcircuithow can i get the information in the .crash file?10:23
zirodayphantomcircuit: right?10:23
ActionParsnipAkiv1: poor coding then10:23
savvasphantomcircuit: ls -l /var/crash/10:24
GeffIsLegendWell i created the new partition while in Windows Vista, Can that be the problem? I can make a new partition in Ubuntu and see if that works?10:24
Akiv1ActionParsnip: I couldn't agree more, but right now thatis not the point10:24
tylerafter logging in i get a brown blank screen10:24
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phantomcircuitsavvas, yeah but what is the format of a .crash file?10:24
robfGeffIsLegend: windows partitions are not linux partitions10:24
robfso that could be the issue yes10:24
robf(they're labeled differently)10:24
savvasphantomcircuit: text file I think, try: file /var/crash/yourfile.crash10:24
zirodayGeffIsLegend: you shouldn't need to make a new partition. The space can just be left as unallocated. In a terminal what does sudo fdisk -l output?10:24
GeffIsLegendurhhg so thats the problem then10:24
robfGeffIsLegend: you could try to just use fdisk10:25
robfand use the l option to change label I think10:25
GeffIsLegendwhats fdsik10:25
ActionParsnip!info fdisk10:25
ubottuPackage fdisk does not exist in intrepid10:25
zirodayrobf: the space is marked as unallocated.10:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk10:25
robfziroday: oh?10:25
zirodayGeffIsLegend: its a command. Just run sudo fdisk -l10:25
robfziroday: now that makes a load of nonsense =\s10:25
ActionParsnipGeffIsLegend: its a partitioning application10:25
robfActionParsnip: it's THE partitioning utility....10:25
savvasutil-linux: /sbin/fdisk10:26
robfanything else has too much superfluous crappo10:26
zirodayrobf: hmm? He said the space was marked as unallocated in gparted and such. There would be no label on it then10:26
ActionParsniprobf: its not, try cfdisk or gparted10:26
robfziroday: I missed that part when I came in10:26
GeffIsLegendshould i link you think i pastebin ziroday?10:26
robfActionParsnip: too much graphics10:26
=== fw1 is now known as incorrect
zirodayGeffIsLegend: please pastebin10:26
ActionParsniprobf: both are on your system, cfdisk is standard and used in gentoo at install time10:26
ActionParsniprobf: cant get much less gfx than that10:26
robfActionParsnip: no it isn't10:26
robffdisk is10:27
shally871which one to install Virtual machine or virtual server? I dc just no so i afraid i missed the answer10:27
robfI'm a gentoo user =s10:27
phantomcircuitsavvas, lol yeah a text file with a 30MB base64'd coredump in it10:27
robfI know the handbook inside and out,  unless they updated it to use cfdisk for some reason10:27
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ezerhodenin the fdisk man page, it recommends using cfdisk :)10:27
ActionParsnipused to be10:27
ActionParsnipezerhoden: haha ace10:27
savvasphantomcircuit: still, a text file. do: head -n 100 /var/crash/yourfile.crash10:27
robfActionParsnip: maybe on x86 I always use amd64 and the install docs differ10:27
savvasphantomcircuit: it will show you the first 100 lines of that line10:27
ezerhodenhere is a quote ' fdisk is a buggy program that does fuzzy things - usu‐10:28
ezerhoden       ally it happens to produce reasonable results.'10:28
ActionParsniprobf: true, i use varying archs10:28
GeffIsLegendZiroday - http://pastebin.com/m67a1edc710:28
robfActionParsnip: at least I didn't suggest he use sfdisk10:29
robfI'm not a complete anal retentive should chip.10:29
zirodayGeffIsLegend: okay so the disk is detected. However there is no unallocated space on it from what I can see10:29
robfziroday: it's id 710:29
robfhe needs it to be 8210:30
robfas i said me thinks.10:30
GeffIsLegend1min , theres a screeny comin at ya10:30
ActionParsniprobf: ive always used cfdisk / fdisk, i'll check sfdisk10:30
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robfActionParsnip: don't...and thats a stout warning ;)10:30
zirodayrobf: feel free to give out your advice to GeffIsLegend10:30
mikevankuikI've got a issue with sysklogd not restarting after logrotate has rotated the drupal log file... any idea's?10:31
robfziroday: well just saying if he as he stated already,  made the partition from vista,  it is going to be ID 7 as it is,   linuxy things don't like that when dealing with trying to format them10:31
robfActionParsnip: seriously sfdisk is a death trap10:31
zirodayrobf: well I have no idea how to change it, you can take the lead if you want10:31
GeffIsLegendhey guys, here ya go , look for yourself http://imagebin.ca/view/c3uHif.html10:32
ActionParsniprobf: i can do what i need with cfdisk etc. Its cool. Just fun to check alternatives and how they differ10:32
robfziroday: fdisk /dev/sda ,   t [2] ,  8310:32
robfActionParsnip: trust me when I say sfdisk is no alternative10:32
phantomcircuitGeffIsLegend, what are you trying to do?10:33
robfActionParsnip: think of it as manually partitioning your drive10:33
robfmanually.... not "manually" in the fdisk sense..10:33
GeffIsLegendDo a full install of Ubuntu, but when i get to step 4 of 7 there is no partitions for me to select to install on10:33
robfGeffIsLegend: do this10:33
robfGeffIsLegend: get you a terminal up10:33
robfsudo fdisk /dev/sda10:33
robfthen press  the l key10:34
robfsee 83?  thats linux partition,  currently its 7 (ntfs)10:34
srx2002need some help installing an intel graphics driver on this laptop10:34
robfso hit t,  then choose the partition you're gonna install linux on,  (2)   and type in 8310:34
ActionParsniprobf: well it is an alternative, just not an advised one :)10:34
srx2002! intel10:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel10:35
robfActionParsnip: heh true.   you only should use it if you want hot command line partitioning action10:35
ActionParsniprobf: oh i love cli10:35
robfActionParsnip: no10:35
GeffIsLegendrobf, whats that command? a l? as in L10:35
robfyou don't love it10:35
oCean_robf: if there is some space unallocated, he could delete the 2nd partition and re-create it, using all the space..10:35
robfGeffIsLegend: you needn't hit l,  just press t10:35
srx2002actionparsnip: you know anything about installling graphics drivers?10:35
robfl just lists labels10:35
ActionParsnipsrx2002: what video card10:35
srx2002intel 94510:35
robfyou need to ID partition 2 as 83 GeffIsLegend10:36
ActionParsniprobf: yeah its what i do all my file manipulation / extraction with. Mouse is for games and web browsing10:36
robfActionParsnip: me too ...10:36
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robfexcept for games10:36
robfadom <310:36
robfwho needs a mouse10:36
GeffIsLegendPartition number (1-8): 8310:36
GeffIsLegendValue out of range.10:36
danboidMy wifi is working but where is the device file for wlan0? I can't find eth0 device file either under 8.10?10:36
ActionParsnipsrx2002: http://zavizionov.blogspot.com/2007/09/howto-ubuntu-intel-945-widescreen.html10:36
robfGeffIsLegend: partition 210:36
robfGeffIsLegend: then id  is 8310:37
GeffIsLegendoh ok10:37
ActionParsniprobf: helps with warzone2100 ;)10:37
srx2002xf86-video-intel-2.6.0.tar.bz2   I just downloaded that driver from the intel web site,,,but I'm not that good with the command line stuff10:37
batataubuntu rockz10:37
robfActionParsnip: emerge adom  or apt-get install adom...if its in the sources10:37
ActionParsnip!info adom10:37
ubottuPackage adom does not exist in intrepid10:37
robfancient domains of mystery10:37
robfa rather in depth rogue like10:37
ActionParsniprobf: play penumbra too, its badass10:38
robfGeffIsLegend: once you've done that press "p"  to ensure the partition is now id 8310:38
AppiahI dont want my normal users (non-admin/non-suders) to get the update notification and not the "you need to restart your system" reminder either10:38
robfand then hit w to write the new table10:38
AppiahIs it possible to turn off?10:38
robfAppiah: yes just disable it :p10:38
robfI forget where that menu is10:38
Appiahso I have to disable it for all then10:38
robfbut its somewhere cos I just did it like 5 min ago when I installed this thing10:38
ActionParsnipsrx2002: you already have a decent enough driver in a package which is installed by default, just needs some xorg.conf confi10:38
robfI dunno10:38
robfI'm sure there is a default config10:39
robfI mean if you add a user it gets its user's config from somewhere10:39
robfGeffIsLegend: you ok there?10:39
GeffIsLegendhey robf it should give me a list up to like 88 or somethin right?10:39
srx2002Action: actually My screen resolution is fine...I'm just having some problems with rendering 3d images..like Globe or google earth programs10:39
danboidAnybody understand network device files in 8.10 and where they are? ie how to access with cli?10:39
robfGeffIsLegend: define it10:39
srx2002regular movies and things seem to run fine10:40
GeffIsLegenduhmm im confused, 1min10:40
ActionParsnipsrx2002: thats where you need the drivers for10:40
srx2002i figure it could be driver related10:40
ActionParsnipsrx2002: video isnt 3d so a fast enough pc can render the image10:40
GeffIsLegendso how do i give 83 the ID Geffislegend ? whats the command10:40
robfyou said it gives you some stuff10:40
ActionParsnipsrx2002: check the link and update your xorg.conf, then restart x10:40
robfand I dunno what it nor the stuff is10:40
robfGeffIsLegend: press t10:41
robfchoose 210:41
robftype 8310:41
robfpress p10:41
FloodBot1robf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:41
robfshut up foolbot.10:41
srx2002ok...will try it...should I uses the latest driver I downloaded instead of the one on that url?10:41
danboidYou tell it robbo!10:41
ActionParsniprobf, use a single line, it moans less10:41
robfActionParsnip: I wanted to be concise and distinct for geff...10:41
robfa single line seems confusing when using a buncha one key commands for em10:42
ActionParsniprobf: use commas or large spaces10:42
Pirate_HunterI cant seem to be able to install phpmyadmin as php5-mcrypt wont be installed, I tried installing it by its own but it depends on libltdl3 (>=1.5.2-2) which is not installable, so how can i get phpmyadmin on my system?10:42
robfya ya...               ya....                   I know...                                          in the future I shall10:42
robfGeffIsLegend: before you do anything after those steps,  paste the output of "p" for me k?10:42
ActionParsniprobf: just suggesting10:43
robfI know I'm just kidding anyhow10:43
robfhttp://sial.org/pbot/34857  GeffIsLegend  should look something like this...although no exactly10:43
danboidrobf has all your newline10:43
GeffIsLegendwell "P" isnt making anything show up :-/10:43
robfdon't use a big p10:43
robfuse a little one10:43
robfGeffIsLegend: look at my paste,  thats how to do it ;)10:44
GeffIsLegendi am10:44
robfdon't quit it yet though ,  I wanna see your output from p,   before you write it out don't want you blowing soemthing up10:44
GeffIsLegendoh ok i got it, 1min im going to pastebin now10:45
robfokie doke10:45
Caesihullo, anyone any idea why I have no sound? am using OSS and according to the Preferences --> Sound, everything's working fine: )10:45
robfI like you GeffIsLegend10:45
GeffIsLegendhaha i stoopid :D10:46
robfok yeah,  thats it10:46
robfnot that your stupid10:46
GeffIsLegenddun pay any attention to my misses lol10:46
robfpartition 2 is of course what you want to use yes?10:46
KemionLinux Magazine + Ubuntu 8.10 x64 DVD = all your base are belong to us  :D   -->   I spent so much time looking for a good 64 bit distro then I checked my local newsstand.  ;)10:46
robfmeh,  I'm outta hobnobs... woe is me10:46
GeffIsLegendyeah , my main partition , not my recovery lol10:46
robfwell I mean sda2 is gonna be the linuxy stuff10:46
robfif this is so,   now press "w"10:47
robfand then q10:47
robfand try again10:47
GeffIsLegendtry the install again?10:47
robfit shouldn't complain now10:47
robfjust dblclick the partition assign it a partition .10:47
GeffIsLegendhah cool , 1min lemme check it out10:47
robfer a thingy,  wtf they call it mountpoint10:47
robfI dunno ubuntu installer is semi insane to me.  it does weird things in guided... just use manual.   makes mom happy.10:48
GeffIsLegendstill blank:[10:48
GeffIsLegendoh nvm10:48
robfoh now it works?10:48
robfor no10:48
GeffIsLegendit says The kernel still uses the old table.10:48
GeffIsLegendThe new table will be used at the next reboot.10:48
GeffIsLegendSyncing disks.10:48
GeffIsLegendso i shall brb ^^10:49
robfyou on live?10:49
GeffIsLegendyeah haha10:49
FloodBot1GeffIsLegend: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:49
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:49
robfshould be able to resync10:49
robfjust umount the disks that are up10:49
timahvo1ziroday: hey sorted :D10:49
robfI spose you can do that then10:49
DevMonkeyX_what happend there10:49
danboidApocalypse! Armageddon! Teh internets is dying!10:49
T1T4N1UM_M4Nthat was weird10:50
robfgeff,  this one line from your paste does so amaze men though...what exactly were you doing10:50
robfPartition number (1-4): ID Partition 2 as Geffislegend10:50
mickeydi have an old laptop i need to recover some data off.. so i was planning on loading ubuntu up on a cd and copying the data that way. via a network..10:50
DevMonkeyX_mass internet cencership10:50
mickeydbut its too old for ubuntu10:50
robfmickeyd: lol10:50
mickeydis there an older version i can?10:50
robfmickeyd: use a slack boot disk10:50
robfon floppies10:50
robfI have 43 of them right here... in my "Archive" box of ancient things10:51
srx2002it looks like I have a later driver installed10:51
robfwell one is boot,  the rest just packages10:51
robfmickeyd: if you don't need a gui,  I suggest the gentoo minimal disc10:51
mickeydhmm.. i think i need a gui for the networking part of it.10:52
robfhardly... but it'd make things easier I spose10:52
mickeydso ubuntu is relativiely new isnt it?10:52
robfthe minimal cd from gentoo wouldn't have nfs and all that crap on it10:52
robfnor could you really install it10:52
robfmickeyd: its relative... its based on debian which is an old crochety punter...10:53
robfso yes and no.10:53
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mickeydwell this laptop is only 4-5 years old...10:53
mikeshollenGood morning folks, can anyone recommend a good video online for a new Ubuntu user with some how to stuff for the OS?  I can navigate the system and install/launch programs, but I'm looking for something to give me some of the finer tricks within the OS like how to initiate cube view.10:53
mickeydthe easiest way would be to take out the hdd but the dick who owns it wont let me.10:53
robfmikeshollen: video?10:53
wershow do I make aliases for code? like for example, making "install" work like "sudo apt-get install"? :D10:53
robfmikeshollen: just go read a tutorial10:53
robfwers: in .bashrc10:54
robfor whatever its called10:54
robfor maybe in .bash_aliases10:54
oCean_wers: don't alias commands to existing commands. 'install' is an existing command /usr/bin/install10:55
robfwers: alias apt-get='sudo apt-get' should do it10:55
robfstick that in .bashrc10:55
wersooh. thanks gust10:55
wersso i make a .bashrc file?10:55
GeffIsLegendproblem wasnt fixed :-/10:55
danboidmickeyd: I'd recommend crunchbang linux10:56
GeffIsLegendthis is really starting to tick me off, my computer is trash10:56
danboidWhicjh is based on ubuntub but will run in 64MB RAM10:56
robfwhat exactly is going on10:56
robfI'm confused here geff10:56
ActionParsnipwers: you'll need to run: source ~/.bashrc to instate the new changes10:56
robfhere click on the installer ok?10:56
robfI'll take this to priv and walk ya through the manual10:56
ActionParsnipwers: the file is in ~/.bashrc10:56
wersimma look at it. wait10:56
danboidmikeshollen: You want compiz control centre installed for that10:56
srx2002I'm lost10:57
danboidmikeshollen: but you're gfx card needs to support 3D (glx) under Linux10:57
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:57
werswhat is /usr/bin/install? i dont have it10:57
danboidmickeyd: As for the networking tool you want wicd, prob10:58
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srx2002I looked at the xorg.conf...doesnt seem to say anything about Intel driver being used really11:00
ActionParsnipsrx2002: thats why its not giving you full 3d, you need to edit the file (you'll need gksudo gedit or sudo nano) and add entrys similar to the site I gave you11:01
mikeshollenDoes anyone have any experience installing WoW on Ubuntu?11:01
oCean_wers:  /usr/bin/install is from coreutils, copying files and setting attribs11:01
TABASCOHi! I'm on Intrepid and my VLC can play everything but when I try to save a stream, he says he has no MPEG encoder... what do I have to install for that?11:01
ActionParsnipmikeshollen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft11:01
wersoCean_, oh. i guess, i'll never use that so install is okay for my alias :D11:02
ActionParsnipTABASCO: sudo apt-get install mencoder11:02
oCean_wers: choose an alias something like "aptinst"11:02
oCean_wers: I really don't think you want to do that.. you might end up in trouble later on11:02
TABASCOActionParsnip: Mencoder is already installed11:02
wersoh. okay will do :D thanks oCean_11:02
oCean_wers: add something like this in your .bashrc     alias aptinst='/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/apt-get install'11:03
srx2002dAction: what was that url agian11:03
ActionParsnipTABASCO: then get the medibuntu plugins and you should be ok11:03
mikeshollenI'm still very new to Ubuntu and Linux (just installed it a few hours ago), how can I run commands in the GUI11:03
ActionParsnipsrx2002: http://zavizionov.blogspot.com/2007/09/howto-ubuntu-intel-945-widescreen.html11:03
wersyep. i did alias aptupup='sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade'. is that fine?11:03
ActionParsnipmikeshollen: you click icon, or you can bring up a terminal and type there11:04
ezerhodenmikeshollen: open a terminal, or alt+f211:04
Name141Is it possible to get 8.04.2 on a DVD?  I can only find 8.04.111:04
ActionParsnipName141: torrents perhaps11:05
Name141I can't use torrents11:05
bigbrova2i love nafisa~11:06
ActionParsnipName141: why not?11:06
Name141It does something to my Sat modem11:06
Name141and so does eMule11:06
koshar2mikeshollen jsut type them in, and if the bin (linux equiv to exe) is in your path it will execute, , and most installed commands SHOULD be in your path already11:06
Name141I guess anything with high connections11:06
mikeshollenThe first thing being suggested is to make sure DRI is enabled, but when I type glxinfo | grep rendering into the field and run it in terminal, nothing happens11:07
Name141I guess they throttle it at the NOC or turn off our web acceleration11:07
ActionParsnipName141: http://cesium.di.uminho.pt/pub/ubuntu/hardy/ubuntu-8.04.2-desktop-i386.iso11:07
Name141ActionParsnip: I guess this would be the best option since I don't have CD-Rs?11:08
koshar2Name141 there is no 8.04.2, 8.04.1 came out to fix a security hole that 8.04 had, the next release after 8.04 is 8.10, and the next WILL be 9.04 which will be released in april 0911:08
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ActionParsnipName141: use the minimal cd and install via the web11:08
Name141I have no CD-Rs11:09
ActionParsnipName141: have you tried setting the max download speed on your torrents to be a trickle instead of as fast as possible?11:09
ActionParsnipcould be a solution11:09
Name141koshar2: "Download URL: http://ftp.stw-bonn.de/ubuntu-cd/hardy/ubuntu-8.04.2-desktop-i386.iso"11:10
koshar2Name141 use a vm and install from iso, then partimage the install to a removable hdd, save the backup and restore to another partition11:10
ActionParsnipName141: set a max download speed limit, your isp may like you more11:10
koshar2Name141 or make a usb installer from vm11:10
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Name141ActionParsnip: is this a ubuntu mirror that is offical11:11
madakkuHi all how can I set my ubuntu client machine to use ldap authentication?11:11
Name141that is11:11
dragon_flamany webkit-cURL person here11:12
srx2002Action: i untarred the new intel drivers....I'll paste the files in the package and can you tell me how to run them?11:12
ActionParsnipdragon_flam: its offtopic for here11:13
thinkgnuif i put e path on $PATH , should i logout-login to use that path files ?11:13
srx2002acinclude.m4  config.guess  configure     depcomp     Makefile.am  missing  uxa11:13
srx2002aclocal.m4    config.h.in   configure.ac  install-sh  Makefile.in  README11:13
srx2002compile       config.sub    COPYING       ltmain.sh   man          src11:13
dragon_flamohh ok11:13
ActionParsnipsrx2002: i already gave you the solution, you dont need the driver files11:13
Name141ActionParsnip: this appears to be the CD ISO11:13
srx2002Action: it didnt work11:13
Name141which, I don't have CD-R's for11:13
Name141(again, again)11:13
ActionParsnipName141: quit with the again annoyance11:13
madakkuHi all how can I set my ubuntu client machine to use ldap authentication?11:14
ActionParsnipsrx2002: then install build-essential and compile away11:14
Name141ActionParsnip: OK11:14
sladebuenos dias11:14
ActionParsnipName141: can't you just install .1 and then dist-upgrade to .211:14
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Guest70287good morning :P11:14
ActionParsnipwhats the difference between the 2 anyhoo?11:15
srx2002install build essential11:15
srx2002over my head11:15
Name141ActionParsnip: I reckon so.  But I'm on unlimited bandwidth only from 1-5 AM.  And just wanted to download one that was up to date so I wouldn't be installing (so many) updates11:15
bob123is it bad to get a refurb? http://stores.channeladvisor.com/LenovoOutlet/Items/645l3g6345?&caSKU=645l3g6345&caTitle=ThinkPad%20T61%20Refurbished%20with%20Free%20Bag --- are refurb lenovo okay?11:15
ActionParsnipsrx2002: its like any otehr program: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install build-essential11:15
koshar2ActionParsnip one would just be a differnt snapshot11:15
Name141ActionParsnip: I have a "Fair Access Policy" of only 425 MBs in a rolling 24 hour period after 1-5 AM11:15
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ActionParsnipkoshar2: I meant on the software, if its just later versions then an upgrade is ok11:16
lorenzoubob123: Hi.11:16
bob123is it bad to get a refurb? http://stores.channeladvisor.com/LenovoOutlet/Items/645l3g6345?&caSKU=645l3g6345&caTitle=ThinkPad%20T61%20Refurbished%20with%20Free%20Bag --- are refurb lenovo okay?11:16
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ActionParsnipName141: i'd grab a buddy who can get you the iso, or use aptoncd to transfer the data you need11:16
ActionParsnip!ot | bob12311:16
ubottubob123: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:16
Name141ActionParsnip: I installed 8.04 from CD and it had over 250 MBs of updates ready to blow and go11:16
srx2002Reading package lists... Done11:17
srx2002Building dependency tree11:17
srx2002Reading state information... Done11:17
srx2002build-essential is already the newest version.11:17
srx20020 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:17
FloodBot1srx2002: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:17
ActionParsnipsrx2002: then its installed, read the readme and compile away11:17
bob123sorry in there now11:17
koshar2Name141 thats not unusual for software 10 months old11:17
ActionParsnipName141: is intrepid no good for you?11:18
Name141koshar2: I thought the LTS was just about 3 months old11:18
MyrttiName141: no, the latest lts is 8.0411:18
ActionParsnipName141: no, LTS means long term support, Intrepid will die when Jaunty arrives11:18
MyrttiName141: which makes it published in April11:18
MyrttiActionParsnip: Intrepid has 18 months of support11:18
Name141ActionParsnip: that's correct.  It doesn't acquire an IP or something.  It makes my router light flash and twinkle like there's high data going, and I never can get online.11:19
koshar2ActionParsnip yes so it will die when kooky koala comes out11:19
Name141ActionParsnip: Never hard that issue with 8.04 LTS11:19
ActionParsnipName141: all I can suggest is aptoncd with someone with a better connection, or do the updates overnight11:20
ActionParsnipMyrtti: who thinks of these names....11:20
koshar2Name141 just do the updates a day later if you have a moving 24 hour window11:21
Name141koshar2: I wont get all hacked up like I would in windows if I waited 24 hours ?11:21
koshar2Name141 of course not,11:21
werssometimes, when i upgrade through the terminal, i get "The following packages have been kept back:" how do I upgrade those packages using the terminal?11:22
ActionParsnipwers: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:22
ActionParsnipwers: check what they are first, you may not need them11:22
koshar2wers you wait untill theyre dependencys are released to the repos11:22
wersnice. thanks11:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:24
Caesi`hullo.. can anyone help me with VPN under Ubuntu 8.10?11:25
=== Caesi` is now known as Caesi
tomodachiCaesi`: what do you want to do?11:25
Caesitomodachi: I want to connect to a VPN but somehow that option is locked11:26
damian_about the cube look, i'm interested too11:26
tomodachiCaesi: network manager is just a gui11:26
tomodachido you have any vpn client software installed?11:26
F-GTanyone know how to fix a broken locale ?11:26
tomodachiwhat kind of vpn technology are you using?11:26
mikeshollenwhy don't I get a yes or a no when I run the command glxinfo | grep rendering with the terminal box checked?11:26
Caesitomodachi: no11:27
tomodachiF-GT: dpkg --reconfigure locale maybe?11:27
Caesitomodachi: I have the address and login data though11:27
tomodachiCaesi: ok well11:27
tomodachithats wont help11:27
tomodachiyou need to know the tech man!11:27
tomodachithe technology11:27
Caesihmm how dyou mean?11:27
tomodachithere are several different vpn technologies out there11:27
ActionParsnipmikeshollen: does glxinfo output what it should?11:28
CaesiI'll try n find out11:28
F-GTget a permission denied on locale-gen11:28
volkswagnerf-gt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105576211:28
mikeshollenI don't know what it's supposed to output11:28
mikeshollenThe WoW installer guide just said make sure it's active11:28
mikeshollenIt doesn't seem to output anything11:28
mikeshollenthe terminal window disappears right away after executing the command11:29
ActionParsnipmikeshollen: its a tonne of stuff about your display and what your vga card can and cant do11:29
ActionParsnipmikeshollen: run it from a terminal11:29
Caesitomodachi: Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) with Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE)11:29
mikeshollenHow do I open a terminal window besides altF2 and checking the "run in terminal" box?11:29
Caesiuseful? :)11:29
tomodachiCaesi: yup11:29
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:30
mikeshollencould not find the file .../!terminal11:30
tomodachiCaesi: but more for you, google it :) but you need some packages for it i presume, dont think they're in ubuntu by default.11:30
ActionParsnipmikeshollen: read ubottus text11:30
Caesik thanks tomodachi11:31
ba2I hope same body help me to use ubuntu11:31
mikeshollenah sweet11:31
mikeshollengot it thanks guys11:31
F-GTthanks .. not sure if it's going to work tho11:32
ActionParsnip:-D np11:32
oCean_mikeshollen: this might be useful when just started using ubuntu: http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download.html --free pdf download11:32
F-GTi seem to be getting a permission denied trying toreinstall the locales package11:32
GnirxHi. What would be the best way to install OOo 3 on my intrepid? I really need a good presentation program, and OO Presentation 2.4 keeps crashing on me...11:32
F-GT/usr/lib/locale is empty11:32
mikeshollenthank you very much11:32
vigoWhat do I need to get to install/upgrade SeaMonkey? it is a GTK11:32
mandrakexxhi all11:34
erUSUL!info seamonkey11:34
ubottuseamonkey (source: seamonkey): The Seamonkey Internet Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.12+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 23 kB, installed size 88 kB11:34
anupamhi guys imm facing a problem with my laptop11:35
erUSULvigo: sudo apt-get install seamonkey ?11:35
anupamim new to ubuntu11:35
arvind_khadri!ask | anupam11:35
ubottuanupam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:35
anupamand im unable to use my audio devices11:35
anupamplz help11:35
arvind_khadri!help | anupam11:35
ubottuanupam: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:35
vigoThank you erUSUL: I have 1.1.2, I wanted to upgrade to 1.1.411:35
arvind_khadrianupam, elaborate about your issue11:35
anupami installed ubuntu yesterday11:36
anupamand im unable to ear any sound from the speaker11:36
anupami even tried headphones11:36
Synaptics1Hi there11:37
arvind_khadrianupam, open the terminal and type alsamixer11:38
rainmanp7Gdmorning Everybody :)11:38
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:38
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, he left i guess11:39
Synaptics1I'm install vmware from synaptic but don't know how to run it. Can you help please?11:39
anupamim here11:39
oCean_Synaptics1: have you installed v2.00 ?11:40
arvind_khadrianupam but the client says you aren;t11:40
vigoLet me try that,,,Thank you11:40
ActionParsnipanupam: room says you left11:40
Synaptics1oCean: v 0.2211:41
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: oh well11:41
iverson0881hello all, i'm having a problem with .htaccess file not "accepting" [NC], anyone know what the problem might be?11:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kooky11:41
ActionParsnipiverson0881: is .htaccess a file you are downloading or is it a file in ~/11:42
=== rob is now known as Guest79506
oCean_Synaptics1: vmware server is at level 2.0 atm see next link for detailed install instructions. In version v2.0 is a nice webinterface... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97372911:43
robfoops... not the right term methinks11:43
Guest79506can someone please help me...i want to set up a cron job to download a file from a server via ftp or preferably sftp11:43
F-GT en_AU.UTF-8... /usr/sbin/locale-gen: 258: localedef: Permission denied11:43
Synaptics1oCean: Ok11:43
F-GTseems to happen on all the locales trying to set them up11:43
_2iverson0881 umm maybe i'm wrong, but wouldn't that be a question for #http11:43
ActionParsnipGuest79506: make a script to download the file, then cron the script11:44
iverson0881ActionParsnip: the file is self created for a website I'm working on, I develop on Mac and use MAMP to test the site on my localhost, but when i push the site to my Ubuntu machine, it doesn't understand Sample vs sample11:44
ActionParsnipGuest79506: if you want to change the job, change the script and it will be complete11:44
anupamim facing a problem with my sound card11:44
ActionParsnipanupam: and your connection11:44
anupamyup thats true11:44
ActionParsnipanupam: run lspci, you can then use the line describing your soundcard to websearch11:45
Guest79506ActionParsnip: can i use php-cli?11:45
SmileDayhelp me!11:45
_2related command   update-pciids11:46
SmileDayubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt11:46
SmileDaymount: you must specify the filesystem type11:46
SmileDayubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt11:46
SmileDaymount: you must specify the filesystem type11:46
rattenoch vas tu je11:46
anupam00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc Device 5a31 (rev 01)11:46
anupam00:01.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge11:46
anupam00:04.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge11:46
anupam00:05.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 PCI Bridge11:46
anupam00:12.0 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 Serial ATA Controller (rev 80)11:46
FloodBot1anupam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:46
anupam00:13.0 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 USB Host Controller (rev 80)11:46
anupam00:13.1 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 USB Host Controller (rev 80)11:46
anupam00:13.2 USB Controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 USB2 Host Controller (rev 80)11:46
anupam00:14.0 SMBus: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 SMBus Controller (rev 83)11:46
anupam00:14.1 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 IDE Controller (rev 80)11:46
anupam00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)11:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:46
SmileDayubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt => mount: you must specify the filesystem type11:46
anupam00:14.3 ISA bridge: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 PCI-ISA Bridge (rev 80)11:46
anupam00:14.4 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 PCI-PCI Bridge (rev 80)11:46
anupam01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]11:46
anupam02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g (rev 01)11:46
anupam08:07.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Ricoh Co Ltd R5C832 IEEE 1394 Controller11:46
ActionParsnipanupam: dont flood, its a GREAT way to get banned11:46
anupam08:07.1 SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 19)11:46
anupam08:07.2 System peripheral: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C843 MMC Host Controller (rev 0a)11:47
anupam08:07.3 System peripheral: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C592 Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter (rev ff)11:47
anupam08:08.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)11:47
SmileDayhelp me! ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt => mount: you must specify the filesystem type11:47
rattentohle neni CZ unut ?11:47
anupamsorry guys im new to ubuntu11:47
anupamand not a pro11:47
anupami have no clue11:47
zaggynl!pastebin > anupam11:47
ActionParsnipanupam: and irc too, imagine if we ALL did that?11:47
ubottuanupam, please see my private message11:47
zirodaypfft bit late FloodBot111:47
=== mjf is now known as Mjfd
ActionParsnipanupam: dude, pastebin that text so we can read it easier using the link ubottu gave you11:48
anupamwhere can i find paste bin11:48
howtoois tracker not able to index gvfs mounted shares+11:48
ActionParsnip!paste | anupam11:48
ubottuanupam: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:48
F-GTno suggestions for local-gen failing ?11:49
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf11:49
ActionParsnipF-GT: that may help11:49
anupamcant find it11:50
F-GTdoesnt help unfortunately11:50
ActionParsnipanupam: go to http://paste.ubuntu.com11:50
ActionParsnipanupam: paste the text there, click paste, give us the web page address you go to11:50
ActionParsnipyou NEED to learn pastebin if you are going to use irc11:51
F-GT/usr/lib/locale is empty11:51
SmileDayubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/sda511:51
SmileDaymount: you must specify the filesystem type11:51
SmileDayHelp me11:51
F-GTlocale-gen provides a permission denied11:51
F-GTas sudo or root11:51
ActionParsnipanupam: good work, use that in future. See how you conveyed all that text without making the room scrool like crazy?11:51
ActionParsnipanupam: ok so you have a ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)11:52
Guest79506ActionParsnip: Don't worry i have found the answer, thanks11:52
anupami simply loved the layout and everything is so systematic here11:52
ActionParsnipanupam: ok so go websearch that up and see how it is installed11:53
anupamok will do that11:53
R34L1TYHey guys im back!11:54
R34L1TY.....with more questions11:54
filthpigHi all. Upgraded to Intrepid yesterday and it seems fine enough. However, when I try to use my webcam (Creative NX Pro) with Skype, the image is like a LSD trip, my face is green and the walls are purple.. In Hardy it was fine. With Cheese in intrepid it's also just fine, so I guess this bug is between the gspca driver and skype...11:54
HattoryHi all... under kubuntu I can't start a chat with Hamachi... The other host of the LAN use Windows... in my GUI there isn't any chat options, suggests?11:55
R34L1TYit seems that ive got almost everything working and in order, except my sound card. I can play music normally with the provided software, but i dont have any sound in firefox web browser11:55
=== geo is now known as geo05
Chocotoffand there´s noone to answer the question :x11:56
jaylc185what's the question?11:56
_2R34L1TY umm that would be a setting in ff itself   configure it to output to alsa maybe11:56
R34L1TYi tried that, but it always wanted me to select my onboard sound, i couldnt figure out how to change the chipset11:57
ActionParsnip!startup > harjot11:57
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot11:57
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:57
_2R34L1TY ok, on the ubuntu forums there is a post about making a secondary sound card the default primary card    that should help11:58
_2R34L1TY sorry i don't recall the command off the top of my head11:58
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:59
R34L1TYAlright, ill give that a look. Another problem i have, is when i boot up, the sound is outrageously loud, but after the initial logon noise, the audio is at a reasonable level11:59
stz184does someone has a Sweex KB100US illuminated keyboard?11:59
BerserkurHow do I revert shortcut keys back to default when using the Keyboard shortcuts applet?12:00
_2R34L1TY ok that one should be as simple as running "alsamixer" setting the controls to something reasonable, and then running  "sudo alsactl store"12:00
imaginativeonewhere do my web files go in apache2?12:00
Hattoryno ideas for the Hamachi problem?12:00
BerserkurI searched the bug database but could not find a bug about this. I would classify this as a bug as there is no obvious way of knowing how to revert shortcut keys back to default12:01
R34L1TYyeah thats also what i tried for that too, and same problem there. I couldnt change the alsamixer to read anything other than my onboard sound12:01
_2R34L1TY ah ok, address setting the default card and the other should take care of itself12:02
BerserkurAnyone know if this has been addressed before?12:03
_2R34L1TY simple solution, "not advised if you dualboot and want to use the onboard" is to disable the onboard sound in the bios12:03
R34L1TYoh, ive got ubuntu on a different computer. its the main OS, as windows restore CD's refuse to work any more12:04
magooohow to automatic share a disk on starting system?12:06
magooohow to automatic share a disk on system start??12:06
rakudave!samba | magoo12:07
ubottumagoo: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:07
Synaptics1oCean_: I follow all the instruction to install the vmware on my box like its describe here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=973729 and no succed to setup the vmware12:07
magoooi have samba running here12:07
magoooso, i just want to auto share when start..12:07
Synaptics1oCean_: my kernel is version is 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP12:08
rakudavemagoo: enter the shareoption into /etc/samba/smb.conf, that sould be active when you start12:08
R34L1TYAlright, one moment, switching over to the ubuntu beast ;)12:08
magooorakudave, samba is running ok, local ubuntu sistem is shared, but I have other disk, (slave ntsf) here..12:10
magoooit's not shared by default..12:10
bullgard4I am using Gajim. If I am using in addition Audacious and switch off Audacious, Gajim will no longer produce sounds. How to repair this?12:11
imaginativeonebullgard4: how would anyone know that?12:12
_2why do computers that have no isa interface still have an isa bridge ?12:13
bullgard4imaginativeone: By using experience and/or intelligence.12:13
ActionParsnip_2: its compiled into the kernel :)12:13
_2ActionParsnip ;/   it's hardware12:13
rakudavemagoo: then enter the path to the slave into smb.conf (something like /media/sdb1) manual: http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/smb.conf.5.html12:13
imaginativeonebullgard4: perhaps.  but you can wait for your answer while reading a copy of Waiting for Godot12:13
ActionParsnip_2: true but surely if the ISA stuff iss part of the kernel, it will be seen by the system?12:14
imaginativeoneguess which one you'll finish first?12:14
_2ActionParsnip  what i mean is, the hardware bridge is there, but there is no interface to it ?12:14
_2no hardware slot12:15
ActionParsnip_2: really, crazy stuff12:15
ActionParsnip_2: maybe its in the mobo chipset still12:15
_2yes  it has to be eating resources12:15
ActionParsnip_2: recycling old tech n all12:15
ActionParsnip_2: if you compile all ISA out will it cease to use resources?12:16
_2heh,   you saying that they just "forgot" to remove it from the blueprints for the new chips    :)))12:16
ActionParsnip_2: kinda yeah12:16
ActionParsnip!hi | haptiK12:16
ubottuhaptiK: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:16
_2ActionParsnip ummm yes.  the bridge itself uses an algarythm in the chip  so there are cycles that pass through it.   granted that the amount of resources used there would be   negledigable scant    but still exist.12:17
zaggynlpoor george12:18
edgyHi, what package do  I need to install to have java in my firefox?12:18
ActionParsnipedgy: are you 32bit or 64bit linux?12:18
=== bruno is now known as Guest30790
edgyActionParsnip: 64bit12:19
ActionParsnipedgy: i'd suggest icedtea12:19
_2i'm also wasting resources having 64bit hardware and running 32bit software on it.12:20
CaesiHi, can anyone help me with installing sunbird?12:20
ActionParsnipedgy: sudo apt-get install icedtea6-plugin12:20
_2Caesi sudo apt-get install sunbird12:21
edgyActionParsnip: this would install 100M of packages including openjdk!12:21
ActionParsnip_2: not if the software is only 32bit available12:21
Caesi_2: that's not the newest version :(12:21
ActionParsnip!java | edgy12:21
ubottuedgy: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:21
CaesiI have the .tar.gz here, but I'm too stupid to install it :)12:21
_2Caesi it's the newest version supported by ubuntu12:21
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html12:22
FelixonmarsCaesi: you should know what it is inside first12:22
edgyActionParsnip: I already installed sun-java6-jre but openjdk is an alternative, no?12:22
_2!b-e | Caesi this page might help12:22
ubottuCaesi this page might help: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:22
CaesiFelixonmars: well I unpacked it obviously12:22
edgyActionParsnip: I thought sun's java would be better12:22
Caesik thanks12:22
CaesiI tried to ./configure bla it, but not possible12:23
FelixonmarsCaesi: some errors occurred?12:23
ActionParsnipedgy: its only 32bit12:23
PhotoguyHow can I update or install Java?12:23
_2probably   bash: configure: command not found12:23
ikoniaPhotoguy: same as everyother package12:24
ActionParsnip!java | Photoguy12:24
ubottuPhotoguy: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:24
ikoniaPhotoguy: open the package manager, search for java and install it12:24
edgyActionParsnip: aha! so SUN itself has no 64bit support and the open source community managed to do it?!12:24
Guest79506is ssl configured by default in ubuntu12:24
Berserkur_2: About the ISA bridge. I think it's mainly for backwards compatibility for like PCCards and USB hardware12:24
ikoniaGuest79506: ssl in what respect12:24
haptiKcould someone help me to change a file to these perms please: -rw-r--r--12:24
edgyhaptiK: chmod 644 yourfile12:24
PhotoguyWhat do you think is the best version of Java?12:25
ikoniaPhotoguy: it depends on what is the right version for you12:25
_2Berserkur i understand that when touching software,  but not concerning hardware that has isa bridge but no interface to it at all.12:25
Guest79506ikonia: I want to use ftp via ssl to get a file from my web server...the script works using ftp but not sftp12:25
haptiKedgy: thanks alot for your help12:25
ikoniaGuest79506: then thats going to be ssl on your server not setup12:25
ActionParsnipedgy: pretty much, yes12:25
edgyActionParsnip: what about this: http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com12:26
BioNuc i have an issue when trying to mount my nokia N80 mobile as a device using obexfs - when i "ls" i see size equal to 0 what can i do?12:26
edgyActionParsnip: there is 64-bit there12:26
Guest79506ikonia: the php script returns that it couldn't connect to me...12:26
GNUtoo-desktophello, does someone knows well ubuntu's boot process? If I boot ubuntu's kernel,initd,userland and do a hdparm -tT /dev/md1 the performances are ok...if I boot ubuntu's kernel,initd,and gentoo userland(stop at mounting /proc and gives me a shell) I've horible hdparm -tT /dev/md1 results...so what could be the difference between the 2 setup(what /sys or parameters are passed from userland?)12:26
bullgard4I am using Gajim. If I am using in addition Audacious and switch off Audacious, Gajim will no longer produce sounds. How to repair this?12:26
ActionParsnipedgy: sure, get the bin file and execute it in terminal12:26
ikoniaGuest79506: yes, your sever does not have an ftp server running that is ssl enabled12:26
Guest79506ikonia: can i get around that..the server is a shared host12:27
edgyActionParsnip: so if there is a bin file why not a .deb in ubuntu?12:27
ikoniaGuest79506: you can install / configure ssh to use tls/ssl ?12:27
ikoniaGuest79506: sorry - ftp12:27
_2BioNuc first check with   df   to see if the thing is mounted and the spaces that df reports.12:27
BioNucany help regarding my bluetooth device mounted using obexfs showing a size of 0 while file sizes inside it is truely reflected12:27
jribedgy: the jvm is in the repositories.   There is no plugin from sun afaik12:28
Guest79506ikonia: how?12:28
ActionParsnipedgy: its a binary file, it hasnt been made into one. Just like the nvidia drivers from nvidia come in the same form12:28
ikoniaGuest79506: what ftp server are you running ?12:28
mrpurplehello .. sincce one hour the hard disk of my notebook is working continuously. so that  i cant moove the mouse or type something .. how can i escape that ?12:28
=== squiddy is now known as Guest33383
BioNucdf don't list my device12:28
Guest79506ikonia: not sure what the server is running.12:28
edgyActionParsnip: execuse me but nvidia driver is closed source and this is the reason it's  not packaged but java is open source12:28
jribmrpurple: figure out what is accessing your disk using iotop for example?12:29
ActionParsnipedgy: you will need to chmod +x the file to make it executable12:29
_2BioNuc using ls on the "mountpoint" will only return the size of the mountpoint,  ignore it.      see  ls -sh /  # for an example.12:29
ActionParsnipedgy: i neve said the java one was closed, i only said that its packaged similar, red what i type12:29
Berserkur_2: You see. If some hardware wants to use ISA communication then the ISA bridge converts the signal from a PCI signal to a ISA signal and delivers the data to the OS12:29
Berserkur_2: If I understand the concept correctly12:30
BioNuc8.0K BIONUC     0 cdrom  4.0K cdrom0     0 n80  4.0K sda3  4.0K sda4  4.0K sda6   28K windows  8.0K work12:30
Photoguymrpurlpe, restart?12:30
BioNucmy mobile is n80 device12:30
mrpurplejrib: there is a key combination to let start it ? because like that i cannot do anything ... mouse is mooving sloowly and is not taking clicks12:30
_2Berserkur ok,  that makes perfect sense.  they supply the bridge as a filter.    thanks.12:30
ikoniaGuest79506: contact your hosting provider then, they can help12:30
jribmrpurple: you can't use your keyboard to get to a tty or start a terminal?12:31
edgyActionParsnip: sorry I get a bit confused. would that bin install firefox plugin or is it just java?12:31
ajuonlineI am running the live CD of 8.04.2, i want to do a netinst, as the media is corrupt i suppose. can I netinstall using the cd? without needing to download the netinstall cd?12:31
BioNuc_2 it stated it is 0 and by the way my mobile is n8012:31
ActionParsnipedgy: it'd install java runtime, you can then symlink the .so file to your plugins directory to get java in firefox12:31
humbolthow can I get kdiff3 to work with intrepid?12:31
_2BioNuc see.   4.0K sda3  4.0K sda4  <<<<   only the size ot the mountpoint   has nothing to do with what is mounted there.12:31
zirodayajuonline: is the cd or the .iso corrupt?12:32
mrpurplejrib: no .. i can't ... since two weeks i have this problem .. and avery time happen  the only way i found is shutdown from the off button12:32
BioNuc_2 ok but i can't copy on the device12:32
mrpurplebut i'd lioke understand why is doing that ?12:32
jribmrpurple: have you tried using a different user?12:32
R34L1TY_2 I got it :D!12:32
Guest79506ikonia: they have sftp via port 22.  Is there a way to get php to connect?12:32
batcoder-7what irc client do you guys use?12:32
jrib!poll | batcoder-712:32
ubottubatcoder-7: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:32
R34L1TYSure enough all that was needed was to set the default sound card12:32
_2BioNuc that would be a permissions issue  assuming it is mounted rw12:32
mrpurplejrib: not yet12:32
_2R34L1TY good on ya mate12:33
batcoder-7jrib, what client do you use?12:33
jribmrpurple: that would be something to try12:33
BioNuc_2 drwxr-xr-x  1 root   root    0 2009-02-03 14:33 n80       i am a root12:33
jribbatcoder-7: ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots, he'll give you a  list and their popularity12:33
R34L1TYi think im starting to get a grasp on this whole ubuntu thing :)12:33
_2BioNuc so only root can write there12:33
mrpurplejrib: ok but then how can i solve it ? for that user12:33
jribmrpurple: well first we need to determine it's a user issue12:34
batcoder-7jrib, i was just goingto give irssi or w/e a try12:34
BioNuc_2 me as a root can't copy there12:34
BioNuc_2 i found a ticket on such an issue here http://dev.zuckschwerdt.org/openobex/ticket/31      but it is closed as invalid12:34
jribbatcoder-7: sure irssi is decent.   Try all of the ones BestBot tells you about and choose whichever you like the most12:35
_2R34L1TY the hardest step in learning linux, is forgetting everything you think you know about computers, so you can start without all the M$ interfearance.12:35
edgyActionParsnip: and why this .so file is not available in sun-java6-jre?12:35
BioNuc_2 they state that it is fixed in new versions, i got them and compiled them but useless still get same problem12:35
GNUtoo-desktopikonia, hi I am the one with the performance problem on gentoo but not on ubuntu, i've now booted ubuntu's kernel and initrd with gentoo's userland and it didn't change anything(it stopped at booting proc and gave me a shell so I did hdparm -tT /dev/md1) so I want  to look at the boot process from ubuntu userland12:35
mrpurplejrib:  ok so now i shutdown and i'll try with a new user12:35
R34L1TY_2 i see that. Im so used to being baby'd by the double click to install programs :D12:36
ActionParsnipedgy: no idea man, thats the plugin file you need though12:36
jribmrpurple: google "raising skinny elephants" and try that12:36
_2BioNuc beyond the scope of my support, make it a general question  (not prepending my nick)  and see if anyone else knows more about it.12:36
BioNuc_2 ok thanks12:36
_2R34L1TY yep,  been there, done that.   glad to have gotten away from it now.12:37
ikoniaGuest79506: tell your client to connect on 2212:37
_2BioNuc welcome.12:37
BioNucguys, i mounted my bluetooth device using obexfs but it shows a size of 0 right now, any help in such an issue12:37
bullgard4I am using Gajim. If I am using in addition Audacious and switch off Audacious, Gajim will no longer produce sounds. How to repair this?12:37
mrpurplejrib:  the problema is that weven now is something that arrive like that .. there is no a .... ok i 'll give a look12:38
R34L1TY_2 Where is a good place to learn all the Terminal commands, as in how to install things, remove things, and general stuff everyone should know?12:38
ikoniabullgard4: what version of ubuntu are you using ?12:38
_2!cli | R34L1TY this might be a good starting point.12:38
ubottuR34L1TY this might be a good starting point.: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:38
bullgard4ikonia: Ubuntu
ikoniabullgard4: ahhh, never mind, I'd read about a bug in 8.1012:39
R34L1TY_2 Thank you :)12:39
BioNuci have an issue with obexfs, any help, i have a nokia n80 mobile device12:39
kouya1hi i have a problem with firefox in ubuntu, when i save a bookmark (drag it to the bookmark toolbar) it sticks. but after i  restart the bookmark is gone :S12:39
_2R34L1TY i have said several times that the installer should open   "man man"   like M$ installers open the EULA dialog12:39
_2R34L1TY you can't install unless you can find your way around in a man page  :)))12:40
R34L1TY_2; Two more things for now; I started with 7.10 from a CD i had, Then updated to 8.04 via System>Administration>Update Manager, But it doesnt seem to want me to update to 8.10, Am i doing something wrong?12:40
R34L1TYYeah hehe :)12:40
mrpurplejrib: is a key combination to try if can stop hard disk running ?12:40
technicallyhesriOr "Stick it to the man"12:40
jribmrpurple: no12:41
R34L1TYAnd secondly; Ive seen some user videos where they have a 3d desktop going on, Is that an addon? or does it come with ubuntu12:41
_2R34L1TY ummm  well,  careful you don't get my openion in place of a logical answer....12:41
_2R34L1TY imo yes. you are doing something wrong when trying to upgrade from stable LTS version to a short term and more buggy verstion...12:42
rainmanp7Can someone look at my boot chart and tell me what is slowing it down ?12:42
R34L1TYOh, so 8.04 is good for the less than average user?12:43
_2R34L1TY but the "logical" answer would be, have you tried:  sudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?12:43
R34L1TY_2 I have not, ive just been relying on the Update Manager12:44
DaemonaxDoes anyone know of a fix for compiz, where say you have two maximized windows on top of each other, and you close the top one and it closes both?12:44
ikoniaDaemonax: join #compiz-fusion12:44
_2R34L1TY yes. in my openion, the six month release cycle is too short, it rushes the developers into releasing things that they know are still problematic, which they then have to work the bugs out of, while normal users suffer jet lag12:44
Daemonaxikonia: thanks, that is a better idea.12:45
rainmanp7I need to get more then 30 Megs a second transfer on hard drive any Ideas ?12:45
_2R34L1TY but that's my openion.12:45
_2!lts | R34L1TY12:45
ubottuR34L1TY: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.12:45
R34L1TY_2 I understand, I will continue to use 8.04 :D12:45
yassinewhile trying to compile a new kernel i get the following error msg http://rafb.net/p/LagAxo60.html  anyone here can tell me whats exactly wrong there please?12:46
ChocotoffHello... I lost my samba init.d script, where can i get it back?12:47
gordonjcpChocotoff: that was careless12:47
gordonjcpChocotoff: how did you manage that?12:48
Chocotoffwell, i deleted it hehe12:48
BerserkurChocotoff: You could reinstall samba. Config files should not be deleted but backup just to be sure12:48
_2Chocotoff the samba package ?12:48
gordonjcp<rude gaelic word deleted>12:48
gordonjcpChocotoff: sudo apt-get install --reinstall <name of package>"12:48
_2Chocotoff or just pull the script out of the package12:48
Chocotoffyes, i will try that12:49
BerserkurChocotoff: You could try sudo dpkg --configure samba12:49
rainmanp7I need to get more then 30 Megs a second transfer on my hard drive any Ideas ?12:49
f100dThe Wikimedia Foundation's 2009 steward election has started. Please vote.  [Hide]12:50
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SoyoI am getting a CDROM I/O error whenever I try to install or re-install packages. This only started occuring since the last update. Any ideas?12:50
FloodBot1f100d: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
abd88Does anyone know what the standard shortcuts are to split a terminal horizontally/vertically in Yakuake?12:50
PhotoguyDoes anybody know what the fastest (download speed) p2p client there is for Ubuntu?12:50
abd88Photoguy: torrent?12:51
Berserkurrainmanp7: Have you tried hdparm?12:51
R34L1TY_2 Thank you for the kind words and being supportive of my noobiness, Im going to read about the terminal, so if i dont respond, that is why :)12:51
_2R34L1TY good luck to your pinguin.12:51
Photoguyabd88 No, I mean that includes search, and all that...like Limewire.12:51
abd88ah, don't know about those, sry12:52
rainmanp7Berserkur can you look at my um bootchart thing and tell me what's up ? I have but it's running as scuzzi12:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cdrom12:52
Soyo!I/O error12:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about I/O error12:52
PhotoguyOk, then..Does anybody know what the best p2p client is?12:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about I/O12:52
Berserkurrainmanp7: Alright, use pastebin12:52
rainmanp7Berserkur thanx12:53
rainmanp7Berserkur whats the ubuntu pastebin thing link again ?12:53
BerserkurPhotoguy: I don't use p2p client but I hear emule or edonkey is poplular12:53
Soyodoes anyone know how to re-install packages without a cdrom drive?12:53
joaopintoSoyo, you just need to disable the cdrom repository, and enable the network ones12:54
Berserkurrainmanp7: Don't know if there is an ubuntu pastebin but: http://pastebin.com/12:54
Soyohow do you do that?12:54
PhotoguyBerserkur, I tried dreamule, but the download speed for a 4gb file never went above 30 kb/s, it was usually 3kb/s12:54
rainmanp7Berserkur I have a boot thing from the Bootchart thing in png format12:55
BerserkurPhotoguy: Are you sure it's the p2p clients fault and not the uploaders fault?12:55
Berserkurrainmanp7: You could dcc me the thing12:56
PhotoguyBerserkur, I'm not sure, but it only downloaded 1gb in about 5 days :P12:56
Berserkurrainmanp7: Or you could use an online gallery if you have such a thing12:57
ikoniaPhotoguy: the client isn't a factor - the network / other peoples are the issue12:57
ikoniaPhotoguy: there isn't a "faster" client - it's about the network you are on and the other users12:57
mibi have a problem in sound speaker12:58
mibin my ubuntu12:58
Photoguyikonia, ok.12:58
ChocotoffSamba is working again... purging samba AND samba-common did the trick12:58
rainmanp7Berserkur Trying to Dcc now if you tell me how to do the online gallery thing i can do it :)12:58
Guest79506is there a cron gui in ubuntu?12:59
mibany suggestion?12:59
CaesiI'm trying to set up a Microsoft Exchange e-mail account in Evolution.. I can't push the Authenticate button in the setup, any idea why?12:59
ikoniaGuest79506: not that I'm aware of, the shell interface is very easythough12:59
Photoguyikonia I'm trying to download an .iso file for a game (which I own), i'm thinking some sort of direct download might be faster.12:59
ikoniaeasy though12:59
jribGuest79506: gnome-schedule12:59
ikoniaPhotoguy: if you own the game - you don't need to download it12:59
PhotoguyI know..12:59
ikoniaPhotoguy: great, so we don't need to talk about it12:59
Chocotoffmaybe he lost the cd :)12:59
PhotoguyIkonia, I lost it it my house :P12:59
Guest79506jrib: thx12:59
ikoniaPhotoguy: well - it's not a client issue13:00
ikoniajrib: that's handy to know, ta13:00
Berserkurrainmanp7: Try again13:00
miblet me know if there is any suggestion13:00
Berserkurrainmanp7: About the gallery thing. I was just suggesting it if you had something like that. You know like flickr or something of that sort13:01
jerome_Photoguy: If it's a popular game the P2P sources are probably poisoned by the publishers13:01
boozerhi how would i do this? let's say when i type 'hello' in the terminal, firefox will run13:01
Guest79506ikonia: the problem with ssl was that i needed to enable passive mode because the server couldn't connect through my firewall.13:01
Photoguyjerome_ ok, then what's the best way to download?13:01
ikoniaGuest79506: thats not an ssl problem13:01
jribboozer: put an alias in your ~/.bashrc (there are examples there)13:01
_2boozer alias hello=firefox13:01
boozerthanks :)13:01
rainmanp7Berserkur ok let me check flicker thing13:01
Guest79506ikonia:  But it worked13:01
ikoniaGuest79506: yes - thats YOUR firewall problem, not an ssl problem13:02
BerserkurPhotoguy: I would suggest using Torrent rather that emule or any of the p2p clients13:02
ikoniaBerserkur: I would suggest we stop talking about it13:02
Photoguyikonia, don't worry, I'm all legal.13:02
Guest79506ikonia:  sure but it worked via ftp.  So I got stumped.13:02
Caesiikonia: could you help me with Evolution and setting up a Microsoft Exchange account? :)13:02
PhotoguyI only copy what I own.13:02
ikoniaCaesi: what's the issue ?13:03
mibanyone could help me with audio problem in my ubuntu13:03
Caesiikonia: in the setup, I can't press the "Authenticate" button to check my login name etc. and therefore can't press "Forward"13:03
ikoniaCaesi: oh, is all the details you need to fill in filled in ?13:04
Caesiikonia: yes13:04
Caesiikonia: screenie helpful?13:04
ikoniaCaesi: maybe13:04
rainmanp7Berserkur ok I got a flicker image uplaoded here http://www.flickr.com/photos/34993488@N05/3250582974/13:05
boozeris name of the terminal "konsole"? :-?13:06
Caesiikonia: can I just send it to you?13:06
ikoniaCaesi: stick it on a webhost somewhere13:07
CaesiI thought you'd say that ;)13:07
_2boozer one might find a good use for things like that, sudo apt-get install serfraw ; alias google="sr google" ;alias howto="sr slinuxdoc" ;alias wikipidia="sr wikipidia"13:07
Berserkurrainmanp7: And what seems to be the problem?13:07
dr_WillisKonsole = the kde 'terminal' application13:08
rainmanp7Berserkur nothing really just wondering if it could boot any faster ?13:08
SoyoI lost my GUI is there any way to stop things from listing past the end of the page? For example, I try dppkg -l and can only see from X down. I cannot scroll up because all I have is the command prompt. Excuse my french but in MS-DOS you can use /p on most commands to limit it to one page at a time. Is there any way to do this in Linux (Ubuntu).13:08
_2boozer then command   wikipidia search  # would be a keyword for the browser to look for.13:08
kenalexcan games like world of warcraft run in Ubuntu (4 bit) ?13:08
ikoniakewln00b: what ?13:08
Caesiikonia: http://www.yousendit.com/download/WnBSZGlpSWV3NUozZUE9PQ13:08
Berserkurrainmanp7: How long does it take to boot?13:08
ikoniakenalex: what ? 4 bit ? game looks like world of warcraft ?13:09
kewln00bcan someone tell me what gtk is and why that word is used so often in da desktop screenshotz threads on da forumz13:09
kenalexsorry i meant 64bit13:09
_2anyway i'm out.   gooday and good luck to your pinguin13:09
rainmanp7Berserkur on that link I just showed you the image in flicker the bootchart at the top says 25 seconds13:09
ikoniaCaesi: out of interest can you ping your exchange server13:09
BerserkurSoyo: Have you tried shift+page up or page down?13:09
Caesiikonia: maybe I should add that Evolution asks for my default key ring bla, which I don't really understand (didn't set up a PW for that?)13:10
kenalexand i meant warcraft and other windows games13:10
Guest79506if your computer is off when a cron job is scheduled will the job ever run?13:10
Soyobut I will13:10
ikoniakenalex: it's a graphic library13:10
ikoniakenalex: investigate wine13:10
gordonjcpGuest79506: no13:10
Soyoworks in irssi13:10
Caesiikonia: I'm actually in the VPN of that server, so everything's fine13:10
magoooanyone runs adobe in ubuntu??13:10
ikoniaCaesi: I'm wondering if because your canceling your keyring it can't authenticate, the only time I've seen the authentication button not available is when it can't "see" the server, so it doesn't enable authentication13:11
kewln00bi do13:11
kewln00bask me how13:11
ikoniaCaesi: you may have to end up logged a bug13:11
Guest79506gordonjcp: is there a way to get a cron to run at some point during the day when the computer is on?13:11
ikoniamagooo: adobe what ?13:11
scribawfUsing Grub trying to load 2.6.27-11 generic, I get a error 11 Unrecognized Device String  - what's the cure for this?  Please13:11
jribGuest79506: use anacron13:11
magooops, illustrator.. flash13:11
Berserkurrainmanp7: Right, you could remove bluetoothd and winbindd from startup but I don't think you would get many seconds out of that13:11
ikoniaGuest79506: yes, you set the time of the day you want the cronjob to run at - that's what crontab is13:11
Caesiikonia: hmm but why does it keep asking me for the default key ring? everytime I connect to the 3G network I'm in it asks me 2.. I just click "deny" and everything seems to work13:12
kewln00bi took a screen shot of the adobe apps running windows and i transferred them to ubuntu, where i just view them and pretend i am using the apps13:12
ikoniaCaesi: keyrings are normally just a way of storing passwords so you don't have to keep entering it13:12
Berserkurrainmanp7: And you could remove other things but that would cause more inconvenience and you would end up having to do things manually13:12
ikoniakenalex: stop messing around please13:12
ikoniakenalex: sorry - not you13:12
jagmanmaggoo: Use WIne.13:13
ikoniakewln00b: stop messing around please13:13
rainmanp7Berserkur ok let me try that :) thank you I will be back :)13:13
Berserkurrainmanp7: Which would probably take more time from you then the startup time will ever do :)13:13
Caesiikonia: can I disable that?13:13
Berserkurrainmanp7: Note, I am not recommending this13:13
Guest79506thanks jrib13:13
ikoniaCaesi: well hitting "cancel" will stop it as your doing13:13
mibikonia..any idea?13:13
rainmanp7Berserkur I know :)13:14
Caesiikonia: but it how can I prevent Ubuntu from asking all the time? :)13:14
ikoniamib: I have no idea what youre talking about, I've not seen a question from you13:14
Berserkurrainmanp7: If you connect to windows shares on a regular basis, winbindd is quite useful13:14
ikoniaCaesi: I'm sure there will be a setting somewhere to disable it, I don't know it though13:14
Caesiikonia: ok got it13:14
magooojagman, what version u ran?13:14
Caesiikonia: so I'm f*ed basically with Evolution?13:14
Berserkurrainmanp7: Also if you want other windows machines to see your machine on the SMB network13:15
ikoniaCaesi: well you can mind your language if you want to continue taling to me13:15
allsystemsaregoMTU question: I'm trying to lower my MTU from 1500 to 1492 with "/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 mtu 1492" and getting the error message "SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument" - any ideas?13:15
Caesiikonia: I didn't insult you13:15
Jack_SparrowCaesi Obfuscated swearing is still swearing. we dont accept it of our users.. Please keep the room family friendly.13:15
ikoniaCaesi: this channel does not appriciate swear words - or stared out swear words13:15
nickUK```Hello, I am currently having a few problems with Synaptic Package Manager it giving me errors about could not mark for Installtion or upgrade - PM if possible13:15
mibi have problemin my audio in ubuntu13:15
mibthere is no sound coming out from my speaker13:15
Berserkurrainmanp7: I think honestly that you would get 1/2 - 1 second out of this. 25 second boot time is pretty good13:15
Jack_Sparrow!aptfix > nickUK```13:15
ubottunickUK```, please see my private message13:15
mibbut there is sound when i plug in my headset13:16
CaesiJack_Sparrow & ikonia sorry didn't mean to.. just expressing my frustration; I meant: so there's nothing I can do?13:16
ikoniaCaesi: you can log a bug if your confident it's setup correclt13:16
jagmanmagooo, Check http://appdb.winehq.org13:16
ikoniaCaesi: which it does appear to be - but I strongly suggest you try to ping the exchange serves hostname to see what it resolves to13:16
magooothks jagman13:16
Jack_Sparrow!pm > nickUK```13:16
ubottunickUK```, please see my private message13:16
Caesiikonia: that works fine, just tried it13:16
nickUK```Jack i have13:16
nickUK```and i am PMING you13:16
Caesiikonia: constant pings of 100ms13:17
ikonianickUK```: the point is - don't pm people13:17
mibim using 7.10 ubuntu13:17
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:17
ikoniaCaesi: does it resolve to an internal or external ip address13:17
Caesiikonia: can I just paste two lines13:17
ikoniaCaesi: sure13:17
nickUK```OK i have done the command you have asked13:17
Caesi64 bytes from exchs3.lse.ac.uk ( icmp_seq=22 ttl=123 time=128 ms13:17
nickUK```it did nothing at al13:17
Caesi64 bytes from exchangeserver.lse.ac.uk ( icmp_seq=23 ttl=123 time=132 ms13:17
ikoniaCaesi: interesting external ip -13:18
ikoniaCaesi: I don't see that making a big difference just trying to put a picture together13:18
Berserkurmib: Are you pluging the headset and the speaker to the same plugin?13:18
Jack_SparrownickUK``` If it returned no error.. it worked.. now try your update again13:18
Caesiikonia: ok.. so where can I best log the bug?13:18
ikoniaCaesi: launchpad.net13:18
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:18
mibbErsekur, my headset and the speaker are the same13:19
Caesisorry about swearing before, didn't mean to disrupt the climate here :)13:19
ikoniaCaesi: don't worry13:19
nickUK```I will go furthur into this, When i try and install boxee it says, Dpends: libcdio7 but it is not installable13:19
magooojagman, "Adobe Indesign CS3, Illustrator CS3, and Flash CS3 fail to install"13:19
nickUK```Depends libglew1.5 but it is not installable13:19
Caesithanks for your help anyway13:19
nickUK```Depends : libfaad-dev but is not installable13:19
miband its plug into the same plugin13:19
Jack_SparrownickUK``` You are chasing dependencies because you are not using supported repos.. sorry cant help you13:20
nickUK```So if i upgrade to 8.0413:20
darkohey, does ubuntu 8.10 support tv tunners13:20
nickUK```then it will give me those?13:20
ikoniadarko: yes13:20
Jack_Sparrowmagooo ASk in #winehq13:20
ikonianickUK```: same problems yes13:20
Berserkurmib: Now I'm having trouble understanding. You say you get no sound from the speaker but you do get sound from the headset when that's plugged in. How can it be the same?13:20
nickUK```So why is it giving me those problems now13:20
darkoikonia: can you help set up my card13:20
Jack_SparrownickUK``` same problems.. yes.13:20
nickUK```it never gave me those problems befor13:20
ikoniadarko: what's the issue13:21
Guest79506is there gui for anacron?13:21
Jack_SparrownickUK``` sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list    (Provide Pastebin link in channel)13:21
nickUK```Already done those13:21
nickUK```We got those fixed13:21
darkoikonia: what software should i download to make it work13:21
nickUK```But i will do again13:21
ActionParsnip!info anacron13:21
ubottuanacron (source: anacron): cron-like program that doesn't go by time. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3-13.1ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 30 kB, installed size 252 kB13:21
ikoniadarko: any TV viewing software, search the package manager13:21
Jack_SparrownickUK``` If you already did those. as you say.. then please provide me the link it gave you13:22
mibits like this..i got sound from the headset when plugged in. When i plug out, no sound is heard13:22
=== tmi is now known as ChronosZA
ChronosZAhey all, im looking for a howto on setting up an ubuntu firewall/router for use with a dsl modem. google is mainly returning old stuff in 6.10. anyone know of a newer link?13:22
darkodarko: how can i make sure that it identified the card, or should i look for a compatible driver13:22
Jack_SparrownickUK``` just because you  change the repos after you installed something does not mean what you installed will not e a problem at some point13:22
imdeveloperim new in ubuntu13:23
Jack_Sparrowimdeveloper welcome13:23
SmokeyDdoes libpcap see eth0 and eth0:1 as separate interfaces or as the same?13:23
imdeveloperthank you Jack_Sparrow13:23
Berserkurmib: Ahh, right. So you're pluggin the headset into the amplifier or the speaker itself?13:23
mibspekaer itself13:23
imdeveloperi need some help on graphic drivers13:23
imdevelopermy mother board is biostar13:23
SmokeyDthe reason I ask is that snort uses libpcap to read packets, and I want to know if telling snort to listen on eth0 will make snort listen to both aliases13:24
Jack_SparrownickUK``` THat is not at all what I asked for..13:24
Berserkurmib: Alright. This is not an ubuntu issue. Either you need to turn up the volume, unmute or the speaker is faulty13:24
darkodarko: how can i make sure that it identified the card, or should i look for a compatible driver13:24
imdeveloperand it has nvidia chipset13:24
Jack_SparrownickUK``` shut off the other pavkage manager.  You can only have one open at a time13:24
jokkahanybody knows some app which will enhance your audio output? something to add more bass and stuff like that13:24
ikoniadarko: install TV viewing software13:24
nyaamib: if you right click the volume control icon in the panel, and then choose "open volume control", you should have a front option which is speakers, and a headphone option for headphones.13:24
SmokeyDimdeveloper: just ask what you want to know, don't ask to get help13:24
mibBerkerkur, i turned up already13:24
mibya nyaa13:24
mibi turned up but no sound13:24
eraggoerr.. why my friends cant connect to my computer via ssh? i tried connecting through another server and it worked fine13:25
Berserkurmib: You could try to open the mixer and increasing the volume13:25
mibonce i plug off the headset , the sound comes out13:25
SmokeyDimdeveloper: more important is what is your videocard13:25
Jack_Sparrow!enter > mib13:25
darkoikonia: thanks, i'll check it out13:25
ubottumib, please see my private message13:25
imdeveloperi like this community13:25
ikoniaeraggo: you need to run an ssh server on your machine13:25
J-_Where can I find the gnome autostart file? What's the name of it?13:25
imdeveloperi need help for drivers13:25
SmokeyDimdeveloper: is it also an nvidia videocard?13:25
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:25
eraggoikonia: i habe13:25
ikoniaeraggo: can you do ssh localhost13:25
ActionParsnipimdeveloper: for what device13:25
imdevelopercard is integrated on motherboard13:25
imdevelopergraphic card13:25
ikonianickUK```: start LISTENING to what is being asked of you13:25
juppaloeraggo: Was that other com a computer on your local network?13:25
eraggoand i can connect from another site own town too13:25
jokkahanybody knows some app which will "Enhance your Audio Output?" something to "Add more BASS and stuff" like that... ?13:25
ActionParsnipimdeveloper: if you run lspci it will identify and you can websearch the device13:26
Jack_SparrownickUK``` Im not going to be able to help you with pastes like that13:26
Berserkurmib: That's normal behaviour. If you plug the headset into the speaker, the sound should be redirected to the headset until you unplug it13:26
ikoniaeraggo: then in that case your public facing IP address is not being presented to the internet13:26
ActionParsnipjokkah: use the EQ in the app and cank the bottom end13:26
ikoniaeraggo: you may have to look at port forwarding13:26
SmokeyDimdeveloper: run lspci on the commandline and tell me what video card it is exactly13:26
jokkahActionParsnip: my player have no EQ13:26
SmokeyDimdeveloper: look for a line that contains VGA compatible controller13:26
ActionParsnipimdeveloper: you can copy / paste the single line to here if you want, dont paste the whole lot13:27
ActionParsnipjokkah: what app is it?13:27
eraggo-.- i can connect from another server to my computer outside our house13:27
jokkahActionParsnip: so i need the app that will enhance,  independant of the player13:27
Jack_Sparrowimdeveloper lspci | grep -i vga should show you the right pci port for setting up the video card in your xorg13:27
ikoniaeraggo: oh, I missed that13:27
ikoniaeraggo: so what's the issue then13:27
ActionParsnipjokkah: kde has kmix, maybe gnome has something similar13:27
eraggomy friends get timed out all time13:27
Jack_Sparrowimdeveloper lspci -v |grep NVIDIA13:28
darkoi also have a problem with Totem, every time i try to download the extra plugins i get this message "This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first." and synaptic says that gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly isnt installed13:28
ikoniaeraggo: the computer that works outside your house - where is that, a friends house or what ?13:28
ikoniaeraggo: eg: is it on the same network13:28
eraggoit is just server :D13:28
eraggoit is far from our lan13:28
jribdarko: try installing the package using apt-get and pastebin the output13:28
ActionParsnipjokkah: try: apt-cache search mixer | grep -i gnome13:28
nyaajokkah take a look at the dialog I sent you, it has a solution that is likely to work =)13:29
ikoniaeraggo: the only answer then is a firewall blocking your friends13:29
darkojrib: can u paste me the command to do that plz13:29
eraggomy or them? i dont havbe firewall btw13:29
ikoniaeraggo: if you can confirm a.) that sshd is listening b.) you can connect to it from another internet facing address - it must be a firewall13:29
jribdarko: sudo apt-get install PACKAGE13:29
jokkahActionParsnip, nyaa if you use this, you can get "Great Audio".. muist be some app that can make this to output... http://www.ultramixer.com/download.html13:29
ikoniaeraggo: or look at /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny13:29
eraggoikonia: ty... must say to friends13:29
ChronosZAhey all, im looking for a howto on setting up an ubuntu firewall/router for use with a dsl modem. google is mainly returning old stuff in 6.10. anyone know of a newer link?13:30
tomodachiChronosZA: if you're doing it youre gonna use iptables i guess13:30
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).13:30
tomodachiChronosZA: so google for iptables firewall howto doesent have to ubuntu specific13:31
jelly12genfirestarter is dead13:31
eraggohosts.allow just comments; hosts.deny also13:31
darkojrib: Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have13:31
darkorequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable13:31
darkodistribution that some required packages have not yet been created13:31
darkoor been moved out of Incoming.13:31
FloodBot1darko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
nyaajokkah for many people with a particular intel component, just adding <  options snd-hda-intel model=3stack > to <  /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base  > fixes the problem13:31
ikoniaeraggo: ok, so firewall is all that's left13:31
jelly12genUbuntu hasn't got a default firewall lol the bot is talking shit13:31
eraggoi must tell friends...13:31
zirodayjelly12gen: do you have a question we can help you with?13:31
Jack_SparrowChronosZA You can also get this free book..  which has a decent tutorial  http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download.html13:31
juppaloOk, seriosly... Do anyone know how to disable that "lock" that restart the gnome-panel 3 sec after you "sudo killall gnome-panel" it?13:32
ChronosZAJack_Sparrow, tomodachi : thanks.13:32
Jack_Sparrowjelly12gen Behave.. you are wrong13:32
jelly12genziroday: i just mean that the bot says ./.. aah it doesnt matter:P13:32
jokkahnyaa: and must reboot?13:33
Berserkureraggo: Sorry, but what are you trying to do'13:33
nyaajokkah yes13:33
jokkahnyaa: ok, ill have to reboot later then13:34
nyaajokkah I'm sure there's a way to just reset one thing instead but I find rebooting safer since I don't know the command for it13:34
jokkahbut i think it wil fix it13:34
ActionParsnip!firestarter | jelly12gen13:35
ubottujelly12gen: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).13:35
darkojrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113187/13:35
jelly12geni like firestarter, but i isnt developed for about 1 year13:35
boozer!gcalctool | boozer13:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gcalctool13:36
OdyXHi. I would like to understand the upsides of the lpia architecture. Is it possible to recompile and use "lpia-optimized" packages on i386  ? What is the gain in terms of speed ?13:36
jagmanThere's also Ufw, if not Firestarter.13:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kfirewall13:36
jagmanBroadly the same functionality.13:36
jokkahnyaa: nice13:36
vigoFirestarter is basically eye candy for iptables, I think,,ufw is great13:36
zirodayjagman: ufw is not a gui. jelly12gen you can look into gufw13:37
jokkahnyaa: after the alsareset it reallyu sounds louder13:37
dusty_Hey guys if I setup a load of aliases using alias command="blag blah blah" do they stick on reboot or do i need a way to keep them from being lost on reboo ?13:37
nyaajokkah the power of a thousand suns!13:37
jagmanziroday, Indeed. I just didn't have the gui packageon the tip of my tongue :)13:37
jelly12gennaah , i just going to learn iptables zeroday:P13:37
ActionParsnipvigo: its just a gui app, like samba gui app, you can manually edit /etc/samba/smb.conf instead13:37
vigoThank you13:38
oCean_dusty_: use .bashrc to make the aliases persistent... or create .bash_aliases13:38
oCean_dusty_: In your homedir that is13:38
dr_WillisBash FUNdamentals!13:39
dr_WillisCheck out that Advanced Bash scripting guide and the "Bash Prompt Howto" For more neat Bash Tricks13:39
dr_WillisAmaze and Astound your friends.. Impress Women!  Cure your dog of fleas.. Use Bash!   (yes its my bed time, and im goofy)13:40
dusty_oCean_, And just add the various alias lines as I would type them into the cmd line ?13:40
Jack_Sparrow!info abs-guide13:40
ubottuabs-guide (source: abs-guide): The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1-1 (intrepid), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4332 kB13:40
nyaais there any downfall to using /dev/shm to basically force stuff into ram?13:40
dr_WillisThat Bash Prompt Howto does have some neat tricks13:40
oCean_dusty_: yes. As you open your ~/.bashrc, you can see some aliases13:41
dusty_oCean_, will it cause issues putting them into .bashrc ?13:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kmyfirewall13:41
oCean_dusty_: issues?13:41
dusty_can I Just append them to the .bashrc file rather than make anew file13:42
vigoCan I get that bash guide in Hardy?13:42
oCean_dusty_: .bashrc is one option to add them, no problem. To have a nice overview, you could create a specific file ~/.bash_aliases13:42
Jack_Sparrow!info kmyfirewall13:42
zackhello all13:42
ubottukmyfirewall (source: kmyfirewall): iptables based firewall configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1-1 (intrepid), package size 1261 kB, installed size 4364 kB13:42
eraggoBerserkur: i've opened port 22 from modem already >.< and i think that the error must be somewhere else :S13:42
oCean_dusty_: your choice, both work13:42
zacki am new13:42
dusty_ok thanks13:42
zirodayvigo: the package abs-guide exists in hardy, so yes13:42
vigoThank you13:43
zackhow can i make bash beatuiful?13:44
darkoi also have a problem with Totem, every time i try to download the extra plugins i get this message "This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first." and synaptic says that gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly isnt installed13:44
ikoniazack: in what way ?13:44
zackprint a cow13:44
oCean_zack: ?13:45
dusty_dr_Willis, What can you do with the bash guide as a package ?13:45
Berserkureraggo: Did you open the port or did you forward it?13:45
eraggoopen? :D13:45
zackpicture with "( ) _....."13:45
Jack_Sparrowdusty_ It is html   you read it from a browser13:45
nyaazack a lot of options are in edit > profile preferences13:45
eraggoport mapping it says as title13:45
dusty_Jack_Sparrow, why is it a package though, what are the benefits of just going to the site?13:45
nyaazack but no cows are there. you'd have to make a script for that I guess13:46
zacknyaa did you have a msn?13:46
Jack_Sparrowdusty_ It is on your drive..  /usr/share/docs13:46
zacko ,i see13:46
zackjust a script13:46
nyaazack nope13:46
darkoi have a problem with Totem, every time i try to download the extra plugins i get this message "This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first." and synaptic says that gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly isnt installed13:46
washegonHello, need a little advise13:47
ubottuMost of us don't speak American Sign Language, please try english instead. ✌13:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:47
eraggoBerserkur: so you opening = mapping?13:47
zirodaydarko: do you have any ppa's installed?13:47
mikeshollenHow can I enable automatic login with Ubuntu 10.4 instead of having to manually type my name and password in every time I boot?13:48
zirodaydarko: err sorry any ppa's or externel repo's in your sources.list?13:48
Jack_Sparrowmikeshollen login manager under securiity13:48
Berserkureraggo: Did you have to provide an IP to map it to?13:48
Chocotoffmikeshollen can you pass me a copy of Ubuntu 10.4?13:48
eraggomy ip on lan13:48
washegonCool,  got a dual core e2200, should I install a 64bit or 32bit ubuntu os?13:48
Berserkureraggo: Alright, so did you specify the IP of the computer you are trying to connect to?13:49
Caesiikonia: can you help me with https://launchpad.net/%7Ehyperair/+archive/ppa/+files/evolution-data-server_2.24.3-0ubuntu2~hyper1_source.changes ?13:49
Jack_Sparrowwashegon 3213:49
Caesiikonia: it does seem to be a bug13:49
Berserkureraggo: Just to be sure. You're trying to connect from a computer outside your LAN to a computer inside your LAN?13:49
Level_5can someone share with me the easiest way to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file? it seems I have to be root in order to edit this file13:49
eraggowhat you mean? i want to connect this computer via ssh. i specify this computer ip there13:49
ikoniaCaesi: good find !13:49
zirodayLevel_5: well you can do it graphically with gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:50
Jack_SparrowLevel_5 gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:50
Caesiikonia: but I don't really know what to do with that to be honest13:50
carreraGreetings!  :)13:50
ikoniaCaesi: give it a little while for the developer to pick up the bug13:50
Level_5Jack_Sparrow, cool. thanks man13:50
Caesiikonia: ah ok, this is just informative, nothing I can "do" with?13:50
carreracan anyone tell me how I can set up two interfaces, i.e. eth0 and eth1, on one nic?13:50
Berserkureraggo: Ok, are you sure that opensshd is running on your computer?13:50
eraggowait a min :D13:51
ikoniaCaesi: not really at this exact moment13:51
Jack_Sparrow!enter > eraggo13:51
ubottueraggo, please see my private message13:51
eraggoi installed openssh-server time ago.. that's right?13:51
Caesiikonia: cheers m8..13:51
ikoniaCaesi: contact the guy the bug is assigned to - and work with him, it's good if you work with them13:51
ikoniaCaesi: helps get it moving13:51
Caesiikonia: ok, but I don't think I can be of any help, I just don't know enough about Linux13:52
ikoniaCaesi: just talking through the problem / testing a fix is help13:52
Jack_SparrowCaesi Just do what they ask and provide information is all you need to do13:52
Caesiok, will do13:52
minchehow do i install new gnomenu theme?13:52
Jack_Sparrowminche PLease clarify what you want to do13:53
allsystemsaregoMTU question: I'm trying to lower my MTU from 1500 to 1492 with "/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 mtu 1492" and getting the error message "SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument" - any ideas?13:53
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:53
carreracan anyone tell me how I can set up two ip / devices, i.e. eth0 and eth1, on one nic?13:53
Jack_Sparrowcarrera No13:53
carrerawhy not Jack_Sparrow ?13:54
Berserkureraggo: Yes but just to be sure, type this in a terminal: /etc/init.d/ssh status13:54
Jack_Sparrowcarrera BEst to explain what you are trying to accomplish than what you are asking13:55
allsystemsaregocarrera, you can have eth0 and eth0:113:55
JuJuBeeI have a serious problem.  I had to do a hard restart of my computer and after restart, when I enter my passwd it starts the login but returns me to the login screen.  I can log in via ctrl-alt-F113:55
Jack_SparrowJuJuBee Was this a real install or wubi or some other vm13:55
JuJuBeereal install13:55
carreraallsystemsarego, either that or bond both eth0 and eth1 devices to one card13:56
Jack_SparrowJuJuBee Log in to recovery mode then back into your user and see if that clears it13:56
nyaaJuJuBee did you make an account that is not the root account?13:56
carreraI want to have 2 ip addresses so I can play with iptables13:56
JuJuBeeI have only my account if that is what you mean?  I do not log in as root.13:56
JuJuBeeJack_Sparrow: I will try that.  Thanks.  brb13:57
ndlovuwhich repo has acroread?13:57
nyaayeah I mean that you have to have a username other than root13:57
allsystemsaregocarrera, "bond both eth0 and eth1 devices to one card" - if you know how to do that, I'd like to hear13:57
suixuehi all13:57
RootyHi , I tried to install Sun Java through Synaptic and it's broken the packages, and I don't have java running, can someone advise?13:57
carreraI have one card but I need 2 ips13:58
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:58
PETERPORKERscusate c'è nussuno di italiano13:58
tomodachicarrera: its simple13:58
Jack_Sparrow!it > PETERPORKER13:58
ubottuPETERPORKER, please see my private message13:58
tomodachicarrera:  ifconfig eth0:1 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to set up a virtual card13:58
Jack_SparrowPETERPORKER /join #ubuntu-it13:58
eraggoBerserkur: outcomed message: * Usage: /etc/init.d/ssh {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart|try-restart}13:58
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:59
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
Nhorninghey, can someone help me with tomboy please?14:00
Berserkureraggo: You forgot "status" at the end of the command14:00
Berserkureraggo: /etc/init.d/ssh status14:00
=== Chaldean_ is now known as Chaldean[sleep]
scizzo-!ask | Nhorning14:00
ubottuNhorning: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:00
bonkahow to turn off xchat logging?14:01
eraggoBerserkur: same all time..  {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart|try-restart} no status to my eyes. yours?14:01
JuJuBeeJack_Sparrow: no luck.  Still brings me back to login screen after entering password.14:01
Jack_Sparrowbonka sessions..pref..logging14:01
NhorningI'm using tomboy notes for everything.  I accidently made a note titled "a" and deleted it.  Now I have a bunch of broken links titled "a" and I can't seem to get rid of them.  How do I do that?14:02
Jack_SparrowJuJuBee Um.. what were you installing .. java did you say14:02
JuJuBeeNothing.  I was using my computer and it locked up.  I held power button till it shut off.14:02
Jack_Sparrowbonka settings..pref..logging14:02
poetofzwanDoes anyone know if it is possible to install ubuntu after Windows 714:02
L_Ypoetofzwan of course okay14:03
poetofzwanI heard the bootloader has been changed, does grub recognise win7?14:03
bonkaJack_Sparrow,  thanks! :)14:03
Jack_Sparrowpoetofzwan I have no reason to try 7 so I have no personal knowledge14:03
Jack_Sparrowbonka np14:04
ArunwilsFUCK U ALL U ARE ALL COCK SUCKERS!!!!!!!!14:04
whisperedechoi would imagine you should be able to14:04
Berserkureraggo: Ahh, fair enough. Obviously different on your system. Then issue a start command instead14:04
Nhorningi take it that guy didn't get very good help14:04
=== eric is now known as Guest7042
_VIM_Nhorning: those kind of people are hired by Microsoft to stir up trouble in here, pay them no mind :)14:05
SmileDayplaese view... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105872814:05
eraggoBerserkur: started.... now must wait friends to be online.14:05
SmileDayCan't booting ubuntu after inserted Windows CD. Windows not install. work is noting.14:05
SmileDaySo, Check partitions after booting Ubuntu CD.14:05
SmileDay Linux partitions is losted... Forced convert to FAT1614:05
SmileDay Help me.14:06
eraggoor can some1 try to connect my computer? :>14:06
Berserkureraggo: No problem14:06
JuJuBeeJack_Sparrow: Any other ideas?  Booting into recovery did not help.14:06
eraggoBerserkur: you can connect to here?14:06
Jack_Sparrowbusy brb14:06
gbrethenwhy is my .face image not showing up on login?14:07
gbrethenubuntu 8.1014:07
NhorningI need help with tomboy notes.   I need to erase all the broken links that were created when I named a note "a" and deleted it.  I think it is severely slowing down the program.14:08
Berserkureraggo: Is this the correct host: dsl-kjnbrasgw1-ff33fb00-235.dhcp.inet.fi?14:08
eraggoi think yes14:08
=== Chris-P_ is now known as Chris-P
=== Chris-P is now known as Guest48248
eraggobut can you try it via dynamic address?14:08
vigohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1035999&highlight=windows7<<<<windows 7 thread14:09
=== Guest48248 is now known as Chris-P
gbrethendoes the image need to be named .face, or just put in the faces folder?14:09
Jack_SparrowSmileDay boot a livecd and lets see what damage has been done14:10
Berserkureraggo: That might be the problem. Some ISPs have a few clients on the same External IP. If that's the case you need to ask your ISP for a private IP14:10
eraggo:S how it is possible to connect from that another computer to my computer here using dynamic address14:11
htpcfreak|work1416 users14:12
_VIM_htpcfreak|work: 1400 of them are sleeping :)14:13
htpcfreak|workAnd 99% of messages are ChanServ messages :D14:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:15
jedi06where are the kernal logs?14:15
carpii_which log specifically?14:15
=== sim_ is now known as simplexio
carpii_try /var/log/messages  and /var/log/dmesg14:16
KenBW22having a bit of a problem with Infra Recorder - i've got as far as selecting the image but the OK button is greyed out14:16
BrokenClockworkHey fellows, I have troubles with my gnome-terminal, it complains about just running in 8 bit modus, is there a way to change it to 256?14:17
JuJuBeeJack_Sparrow: I just noticed my kdm.log file is 22G OMG.  Can I delete it without a problem?14:17
akinahi! i'm recording video and audio using vcl from a webcam and microphone, i can record the video but in a very large size and in avi format. can help me how to record the video in any format but smallest file size ? here's the command i used: vlc v4l:// :v4l-vdev="/dev/video0" :v4l-adev="/dev/dsp" :v4l-norm=3 :v4l-frequency=-1 --sout file/avi:movie.avi14:18
carpii_JuJuBee, probably better to   cat > filename then press CTRL-C rather than delete it14:18
JuJuBeecarpii_: I think my login problem may be related to a full HD due to this file.14:19
carpii_open terminal and type df14:20
JuJuBee100% used14:20
carpii_ouch :/14:20
PhotoguyWhat's the command to open a location?14:20
EruditeHermithey, how do you make timidity not block all other audio?14:20
carpii_do tail logfile -n10 5014:20
carpii_see what all the entries are14:20
JuJuBeeYea.  Also have kdm.log.1 7G14:20
carpii_tail logfile -n5014:20
carpii_last nights kdm.log is 2k on my machine14:21
carpii_somethings probably spitting out endless warnings14:21
JuJuBeeMy others kdm.log.#.tar.gz are in order of K not G.14:23
carpii_tail the log, see whats in it14:23
JuJuBeeWhat am I looking for in the tail?  there are some TV items but noting glaring out at me.14:23
carpii_is there a date/time next to each one?14:24
carpii_see which is occurring most frequently14:24
carpii_a log doesnt get to 22G without something going mental :D14:24
Edicohow can I remove the device icons from my desktop?14:24
JuJuBeeI would agree.14:25
zaggynl22gb D:14:25
zaggynlspurious IRQ interrupt14:25
blackjackhello is there anyone can help me ?14:26
=== eric is now known as Guest27998
Myrttiblackjack: if we'd know how to help you14:26
shay26mikonia: hi what's up ? :)14:26
blackjacki cant install ubuntu with wubi14:26
JuJuBeecarpii_: So now what do I do?14:26
Myrttisorry 'bout that folks14:28
Myrttias you were14:28
carpii_JuJu, well you can just truncate the log, but its only going to fill back up in 2 weeks or whatever14:28
blackjackafter loading on boot screen it is saying it cant find file14:28
carpii_youre better off finding out whats causing it and fixing it14:28
shay26mHello , I need help please , i installed on my laptop 2 operating system (Ubuntu/Vista), does it possible to load the Vista OS from inside the Ubuntu ? (in window) ?14:28
ubottuFor Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko14:29
blackjackplease does anyone have the solution for me?14:29
JackWintersudo mount -t vfat -o loop DOS6.22_bootdisk.iso iso   results in the following output : http://pastebin.ca/1326234  , but i can mount it with acetone or burn it to a cd and boot from it.  I need to add some bios files so i can flash my bios.14:29
slashzulhow can I set my boot config to default to an older kernel image?14:29
JackWinterslashzul: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:30
shay26mHello , I need help please , i installed on my laptop 2 operating system (Ubuntu/Vista), does it possible to load the Vista OS from inside the Ubuntu ? (in window) ?14:31
AinulphI'm a little loss. I want to add a new user and when ever I go to User Settings it doesn't request a password and I don't have the privilege to add a new user.14:31
slashzulJackWinter: thanks! thats it14:31
carpii_Ainulph, is there an Administrator button?14:31
BrokenClockworkHow can I set up my gnome terminal to run in xterm-256 or another 256 bit mode?14:32
JackWintershay26m: how do you mean.  like in a virtual machine ?  take a look at virtualbox and vmware14:32
AinulphWell, there's adminstration settings... I'm not sure if thats the same thing14:32
carpii_click that, it should ask you to enter your pwd14:32
carpii_then the dialog should unlock14:32
blackjackis there anyone please?14:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:33
magicrobotmonkeyis there a channel for ubuntu on macbookpro support?14:33
davmor2blackjack: How are you trying to run wubi is it from cd?14:34
shay26mJackWinter: i already have vista installed (its came with the laptop) , i did fresh installation of Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid , when i turn on the laptop , i get menu to choose OS , if i choose Ubuntu , does its possible from inside the Ubuntu to load into windows the installed vista os ?14:34
blackjackwhen i start to install ubuntu 8.10 with wubi after booting for installing it cant find file. can u please help me?14:34
blackjackfor iso14:35
carpii_no shay, its not14:35
blackjackfomr iso14:35
carpii_you can create a virtual machine in virtualbox, and then install vista into that if you want14:35
nyaashay26m I know at least that you can use programs like virtualbox to run a virtual machine of windows, but you have to do a separate install of windows within virtualbox to do that. It will allow you to run one os inside of another though14:36
mikeshollenHow do I use the "cube" feature I've seen for Ubuntu?14:36
carpii_mikeshollen, instal compiz14:36
LukaszJI've compiled myself an update version of the uvcvideo driver, which I tried to load in the kernel hoping to get my webcam to work with it. I've used svn to fetch & build from the scratch. The module won't load giving me an error. I'm pasting for you the steps taken and the output -->  http://pastebin.com/m17fdada514:36
blackjackdavmor do i have to write it on cd to install ubuntu?14:36
davmor2blackjack: you need to install from cd.  What you can do if you wish to use the iso is copy wubi from the iso and place it in the same directory as the iso then it should use it correctly14:37
Fruitzhow can i use my pinnacle pci tv to watch tv?14:37
mikeshollenIs there a keyboard command to move back and forth between screens?14:37
Berserkurmikeshollen: Compliz should be installed by default. Have you enabled the extra visual effects?14:37
mikeshollenYes I have14:37
puneeth1how do i get adobe flash player??14:37
mikeshollenI just don't know how to use it14:37
carpii_mike, you can config the keyb shortcuts14:37
Berserkurmikeshollen: Try ctrl+alt+right arrow or left arrow14:37
erUSUL!flash | puneeth114:37
ubottupuneeth1: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:37
MarkJonesadobe flash player is right on there website.14:38
kippiI have just switched my machine on since last night and it is coming up with Kernel Panic - Not syncing: No init found. How can I fix this?14:38
mikeshollenThank you, that gets me between screens14:38
JackWintershay26m: i think so.  i have ran xp and osx "inside" a linux os, but i did that with a "virtual disk", not with what was installed on the harddisk.  but try asking in #vbox or #vmware14:38
mikeshollenNow I just have to figure out how to bring up the cube14:38
blackjacki have tried it but it si not working thats why i am here14:39
dr_Willisusing virtualbox and vmware to install an OS thats allready installed to a HD.  can be tricky. :)14:39
dr_Willisoops to run an os.. i mean.14:39
cousteaupuneeth1: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/14:39
linux_guywhat command do i need to run to format my usb drive using mkfs?14:39
blackjacki have copied in the same folder but it ask that thing14:40
mikeshollenWhat is they keyboard command to bring up the cube?14:40
Jack_Sparrowmikeshollen ctrl-alt right or left arrow14:40
carpii_try holding ALT and dragging mouse on desktop mike. I dont know if thats default tho14:40
blackjackdavmor i  have copied in the same folder but it ask that thing14:40
mikeshollenThat changes from one screen to the next, but not in the 3D cube environment14:40
dr_Willislinux_guy,  what filesystem do you want to use?14:40
Berserkurmikeshollen: or ctrl+alt and left mouse click on the screen14:41
mikeshollenWhat do I need to change?14:41
JackWintershay26m: i think it might be a bit dangerous for your data though, and probablematic regarding drivers etc, since the os will see virtual hardware so a different gfx, sound, etc...14:41
cousteaumikeshollen: Ctrl+Alt+drag14:41
mikeshollenNot working14:41
carpii_have you even installed compiz ?14:41
mikeshollenSomeone said it was installed by default14:41
mikeshollenLet me check14:41
carpii_i dont know about that14:42
linux_guydr_Willis, i dont care fat 16, fat i guess14:42
Berserkurmikeshollen: type alt+F3 and type in the little box compizconfig and select CompizConfig Setting Manager14:42
Jack_Sparrowmikeshollen ctrl-alt left mouse drag mouse14:42
tarelerulzI am running Ubuntu 8.10 and I can't seem to see my usb external hard drive .  When I do lsusb I get this Bus 001 Device 006: ID 067b:3507 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL3507 ATAPI6 Bridge and I see this for modules usbcore  usb_storage,libusual,usbhid,ohci_hcd,ehci_hcd. My system monitor say runing at 100% .  File type is ext314:42
mikeshollenIf the check box is green that means it is installed correct?14:42
cousteaumikeshollen: maybe you need to install compizconfig-settings-manager14:42
fabio703can i ask for help with xubuntu? i have just installed it..14:42
linux_guysudo mkfs.vfat -F /dev/sdb1 or something like that14:42
Jack_Sparrowmikeshollen Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse14:42
Berserkurmikeshollen: Yes, that means it's installed14:42
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dr_Willislinux_guy,  we dont care either.. what task do you intend to do with it? :)   the command would be similer to 'sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/WHATEVERTHEDEVICENAMEIS_BE_CAREFULL_DONT_JUST_GUESS'14:44
cousteauUbuntu Brainstorm is so slow today...14:44
fabio703can you help me to remove the password to xubuntu?14:45
linux_guydr_Willis, i need to use my usb stick to install a new os in vmware14:45
kippiI have just switched my machine on since last night and it is coming up with Kernel Panic - Not syncing: No init found. How can I fix this?14:45
linux_guydr_Willis, im out of dvd-r's14:45
dr_Willislinux_guy,  err.. You DO realize that vmware and virtualbox both can 'mount and boot and thus install from' a dvd .iso file ?14:46
dr_Willislinux_guy,  what are you trying to install?14:46
linux_guyhmm i haven't had much luck with that in the past14:46
linux_guyi was planning on installing windows 7 into vmware14:47
mikeshollendid I what you suggested jack and it still doesn't seem to have worked14:47
JuJuBeecarpii_: I removed one of the very large log files and can log in now.  I am running tail -f kdm.log and see this error every minute or so...14:47
JuJuBeeError opening /dev/input/wacom : Success(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/wacom        No such file or directory.14:47
dr_Willislinux_guy,  it works all the time for me here.  You can use the W7 ISO file   others have done it14:47
dr_Willislinux_guy,  given the complex direction ive seen for making a bootable w7 thumb drive... I wouldent een try it14:47
mikeshollenAha I figured it out14:47
linux_guyno thats not what i want14:47
linux_guyi want w7 in vmware14:47
ushhello there, i'm trying to a find a filesystem that exists across, say, 80 nodes in a network, with redundancy14:48
linux_guyand im out of dvds14:48
ushany suggestions14:48
linux_guynonetheless i need a filesystem14:48
ushlinux_guy: reiserfs14:48
magicrobotmonkeyi just installed ubuntu on a mpb, and my down arrow doesnt work14:48
magicrobotmonkeyit seems to be merged with the apple key14:48
linux_guysudo mkfs.vfat ???14:48
Foorhas anyone heard anything more about that new notification system on shuttleworths blog?14:50
linux_guyok i got it thanks14:50
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fabio703how can i remove the password in xubuntu? please help me is gettin me nervous!14:50
Jack_Sparrowfabio703 Remove a password.. no.. but automatic login yes14:51
emafabiociao a tutti14:52
mcdonaldsjack sparrow! like the pirate ARGH!! did you here about the pirate movie they are making? it's rated ARGH!!!14:52
fabio703why is it not possible? i mean it's always asking me for password14:52
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emafabioqualcuso sa qualche guida per istallare i temi14:52
Jack_Sparrowmcdonalds :)  Behave.. and try to stay on topic.. thanks14:52
fabio703also to install flash's plug-ins14:53
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Jack_Sparrow!it > emafabio14:53
ubottuemafabio, please see my private message14:53
mcdonaldsmy bad and don't worry, i'm not trolling :)14:53
CrocoJethi for all14:53
mcdonaldshi for CrocoJet14:53
CrocoJethow to fix one type connection in NetworkManager Applet ?14:54
Jack_Sparrow!sudo > fabio70314:54
ubottufabio703, please see my private message14:54
CrocoJetalways whern I start my computer desktop, NetworkManager Applet always create one new connection auto eth0 (dhcp)14:54
CrocoJetI did not use dhcp here14:54
CrocoJetalso what is the meaning checkbox "system setting" of NetworkManager Applet ?14:55
mikeshollenThat's one of the pieces I was looking for, thanks again Jack14:55
Jack_Sparrowmikeshollen For Animations like Burning windows..Open CCSM  Under Effects.. Enable Animations and Animations add-ons... Close CCSM, Reopen CCSM, Double click Animations.. You will see tabs for Open, Close, Minimize etc... On the tab marked Open Select.. New.. Where it says open Effect Select... Burn.. Set Duration to 150.. For Window Match.. Type (type=Normal | Menu | PopupMenu | DropdownMenu | Dialog | ModalDialog)14:56
mikeshollenNext question, who here is familiar with installing WoW into Wine?  I'm having an interesting glitch that I can't seem to find any information on.14:56
fabio703the strange thing is that i followed the procedure, but i can't install it14:56
Jack_Sparrowmikeshollen /join #winehq14:56
mikeshollenwill do14:56
CrocoJetwine is so .. slow14:56
mikeshollenWhat would you recommend then?14:57
CrocoJetnative sys op14:57
dr_Willisive had some games in wine run faster then under windows. :)14:57
CrocoJetbad idea run soft windows in linux14:57
fabio703it asks me a pw, and it says it's not correct, but i'm sure it is14:57
Jack_Sparrowmikeshollen I dual boot for games.. and I dont let windows access the internet..14:57
dr_WillisGrandtheft auto ran at 4x normal speed in wine for me.. (making it unplayable) :)14:57
dusty0 7 * * * /usr/local/sbin/postfix_report.sh &> /dev/null <-- would that be run at 7pm or 7am ?14:57
GneaCrocoJet: haven't had a problem with wine being slow here14:58
CrocoJetGnea, what do you use (software) in wine?14:58
mikeshollenThat's cool.  I mean, I've still got windows running on 2 other computers.  This is an experiment to get familiar with Linux, and to really compare the 2.  I'd like to see for myself how Linux holds up against Windows because frankly I really don't feel like buying legit copies of XP, Vista sucks and Windows 7 is still well over a year away from being distributed in a refined fashion14:59
Droopsta915Can someone help me on setting up Evolution Mail? I don't know what type I use, what should I check?14:59
GneaCrocoJet: various apps14:59
Droopsta915type of server14:59
CrocoJetGnea, this is not possible14:59
mikeshollenHow does the paint fire on screen function work?14:59
ushanybody? a distributed filesystem?14:59
JackWinterok, when i do "sudo mount -t iso9660 -w -o loop DOS6.22_bootdisk.iso iso" it works to mount, but i still only have ro access to it.  how do i mount this image so that i can remove some programs and put my new bios file there>15:00
CrocoJetwindows appl always will run more fast ... than under wine (linux)15:00
sipiorush: have you tried putting "distributed filesystem" in google? you'll get plenty of hits...15:00
tomodachimikeshollen: your questions is so trivially simple i cant even waste time answering it15:00
robsoni want to add to my path. is it ok to just put PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib/beta/bin at the bottom of /etc/profile?15:01
tomodachimikeshollen: unless you dont know about compiz15:01
tomodachimikeshollen: if you dont install compiz and check its settings15:01
CrocoJetalso wine is vert limited .. yet15:01
mikeshollenIt's installed15:01
mikeshollenIt's active15:01
mikeshollenI just don't know how to make the effect appear15:01
mikeshollenI enabled it and nothing apparent has happened to my gui15:01
ushi tried, i'm lookimng for one that fits a few specific specifications15:01
fabio703please help m with the flash plug-ins!15:01
tomodachimikeshollen: try some more15:02
ushnamely, redundancy, permissions, and data verification through hashing15:02
LukaszJI've installed a svn version of the uvcvideo module, to get my webcam to work. It's already compiled but fail to load with http://pastebin.com/m17fdada5 . I didn't use "checkinstall" but "make install", I'd be happy to get a complete rid of it and get back to the previous module, or, at least remove it along with the stuff it has installed.15:02
GneaCrocoJet: your statements are extremely unfounded.15:02
Jack_Sparrowmikeshollen there is a hotkey for painting fire. make sure you know the key to kill it15:02
anteayaI re-installed my hardy kernel and I seem to be missing a library. I can't get sound when watching vimeo online. What lib or codec am I missing?15:02
sipiorush: why not add those to your google query, and see what comes out?15:02
ushabout the same things15:02
GneaCrocoJet: what apps have you had problems with?15:02
ushi really don't trust google15:02
CrocoJetGnea, is my opinion after some tests ..15:02
albertohi all15:03
=== alberto is now known as Guest73140
LukaszJanteaya: One of the "flash" family probably...15:03
Droopsta915Can someone help me on setting up Evolution Mail? I don't know what type of e-mail server I use. How can I find this info out?15:03
usheverybody has problems with flash, but it's officially 'not everybody's problem'15:03
LukaszJ!flash | anteaya15:03
sipiorush: but you trust random people on #ubuntu? you've got some reading to do, i think, before you can make an informed decision for your setup.15:03
ubottuanteaya: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:03
ushwell you think wrong ;)15:04
darkoi'm getting a "Cannot install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly'" from totem, what should i do to install the extra plugins??15:04
anteayaLukaszJ, thanks, looking15:04
fabio703ok i know i'm off-topic15:04
fabio703the problem is that i can't find help in the guides15:04
sipiorush: so you don't want to do any reading, and are just hoping one of us can come up with the answer for you? i'm a little confused about what you hope to acheive...15:04
ushno, that's not what i'm saying15:04
ushi'm looking for somebody to point me towards a few of these fs's15:05
LukaszJanteaya: No problem. There's a lot on the topic on google too, as long as it's the typical one manu UBuntu users encounter.15:05
KLKLOCO718where can i get help for an ubuntu install15:05
fabio703ok, excuse me for asking i'll do it on my own...15:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:05
fabio703bye bye linux snobs15:05
darkoi'm getting a "Cannot install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly'" from totem, what should i do to install the extra plugins??15:05
KLKLOCO718is the nvdia mcp78 chipset ubuntu compatible?15:06
sipiorush: you're going to have to look at each of these filesystems, their documentation and their specifications, and see which one matches up with what you need. that's how it is, i'm afraid.15:06
kryptois it possible to stop a fan manually?15:06
Jack_SparrowKLKLOCO718 it should have a driver15:06
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troythetechguywhen using apt-get install, some suggested packages are listed for the package I'm installing.  How can I see the suggested packages again after I install the main package?15:06
Jack_Sparrowkrypto yes, but why15:07
sipiorkrypto: well, you can stick your finger in, but i don't recommend it... :-)15:07
KLKLOCO718ive been trying to get it installed ide ahci and raid all dont work15:07
geniisipior: I was thinking the exact same reply15:07
Jack_Sparrowtroythetechguy use synaptic15:07
kryptoJack_Sparrow: the fan is only for a harddisk which isnt always on15:07
darkodoes anybody know the support channel for totem movie player???15:07
Jack_Sparrowkrypto Manual switch would seem logical15:08
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Jack_SparrowKLKLOCO718 HAve you read up on raid?15:08
Trijntjemy login is terribly slow, does anyone know some log or something i could check to see what causes this?15:08
kryptoa software solution would be much nicer15:08
austin_Hey can someone help me install a program im new to linux15:08
Jack_SparrowKLKLOCO718 No trying to go sli or anything right15:08
Jack_Sparrowaustin_ sudo apt-get install package15:08
troythetechguyJack_Sparrow: Thanks, however, I don't have a gui to use synaptic.15:08
keppiaustin_:  use synaptic15:09
LukaszJ!IRC| KLKLOCO71815:09
ubottuKLKLOCO718: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:09
Level_5austin_, what are you trying to install?15:09
keppislow me15:09
austin_jack what do i put for package the name of the file i downloaded15:09
Jack_Sparrowaustin_ much safer to stay inside official repos15:09
darkowill somebody acknowledge my existence for crying out loud15:09
austin_offical repos?15:09
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Wikkedfinis Ubuntu Ultimate Edition any good?15:09
Jack_Sparrow!ask > darko15:10
ubottudarko, please see my private message15:10
keppiconky is showing hda2 5.60GiB/19.19Gib15:10
Jack_SparrowWikkedfin Unsupported in here15:10
Wikkedfinah ok sorry15:10
keppibut hda2 is empty execpt for two empty shares15:10
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes,   please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in   #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate15:10
KLKLOCO718installer detects usb hdd but doesnt see sata drive15:10
darkodoes anybody know the support channel for totem movie player???15:10
kellymahanhas anyone every tried partitioning a 4 terabyte drive? we have a hardware based esata raid enclosure. fdisk sees it but refuses to do anymore than 2 terabytes15:10
keppiany idea what's taking up the space or how to reclaim it?15:10
darkoi'm getting a "Cannot install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly'" error from totem, what should i do to install the extra plugins??15:10
Jack_SparrowKLKLOCO718 Command line modifier               all_generic_ide15:11
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austin_Hey jack could you look at private chat if you don't mind15:11
coventryI took a bunch of updates to my ubuntu desktop, yesterday, and (perhaps coincidentally) today my screens are darker/have lower contrast.  Any ideas as to what could have caused this, and how I could fix it?  I already tried maxing out the hardware brightness/contrast settings on the monitors themselves.15:11
sipiordarko: you can have a look at #totem on irc.gnome.org, although if it's an ubuntu-related problem, they may well send you back here...15:12
anteayaLukaszJ, thanks, that was it. Gratitude15:12
mikeshollenI have a rather nit-picky question.  Even though I've set my system's theme, there are still some screens where that original light orange color still exists, for example after the loading screen during boot up just before the desktop loads, or on the top and bottom of the cube.  Is there any way to adjust that?15:13
LukaszJanteaya: Glad I coul give a hand, check always the docs, there's a lot of info in them ;)15:13
imaginativeonehow do I change permissions on a folder?15:13
darkosipior: i'm getting this from totem every time i try to install the extra plugins to play mp3:15:13
darkoThis application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first.15:13
JackWinterok, let me rephrase my question.  how do i mount an iso image so that it's writable?  need to keep the image bootable, but replace some files on it to flash my bios.15:13
gafir777Hi, does anybody know how to set up ubuntu and make the /var/www/ accessible to public internet, like a website?15:14
imaginativeoneI don't know how to run around doing things as root in ubuntu...15:14
gafir777if you know a good tutorial for this, it would be very helpful15:14
sipiordarko: are you installing these plugins via apt-get/synaptic?15:14
bullgard4imaginativeone: man chmod15:14
hpk_german ubuntu please15:14
JackWintergafir777: google apache15:14
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:14
DragonLord-how do I check active processes and how the RAM is spent with command line (Ubuntu Server)?15:14
darkosipior: synaptic says 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' is not installed15:14
sipiordarko: and if you try to install it using synaptic?15:15
nickyhey guys15:15
gafir777JackWinter: i get on the apache page, but how can it set it up though? My server is working properly, local, but i'd like to open my router somehow15:15
darkosipior: unresolved dependencies and the dependencies say the same15:15
imaginativeonethat's one of the ways that Ubuntu fucking sucks...can't do things as root15:16
sipiorimaginativeone: uhh...sudo -s?15:16
JackWintergafir777: you proably have to open some ports up in your router to allow incoming connections to your server...15:16
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* Gnea looks oddly at imaginativeone 15:16
darkosipior: i tried to to install the packages when i first installed ubuntu but we had a black out and the download stopped and thats what u got when i retried15:16
DragonLord-gafir777 open port 80 (standard HTTP port) in your router15:16
nDuffDo Ubuntu's kernel packages include a vmlinux suitable for use with oprofile?15:16
LukaszJDragonLord-: Well, I'd start by typing "top" for the procesess, and "free -m " for memory, "top" will show it up too but in another, less readable form.15:16
mshooshtarigood morning15:16
gafir777DragonLord: that's it? then it directly goes to the /var/www?15:16
LukaszJmshooshtari: Hello there15:17
darkosipior: what i got when i retried*15:17
kryptohm it should be possible to write directly in hwmon/hwmon1/device/pwmX to stop a fan right?15:17
kryptohow can I do that?15:17
mshooshtariI have a question about DNS, I'm able to resolve my active directory domain controllers with nslookup, but unable to ping.  When trying to use likewise-open it cannot find them.15:17
DragonLord-gafir777 yes, standard port for apache is 80 so it will work, you usuly login to your router on or
DragonLord-LukaszJ okey, thanks15:18
mshooshtariI'm not sure how DNS in linux is different.15:18
mshooshtariI know windows can figure out that it can choose either domain controller, but I believe linux is getting confused because there are two DNS enteries for the domain name.15:18
sipiordarko: from the terminal, can you try installing using apt-get? something like "sudo apt-get -f install <package name>"15:18
gafir777DragonLord:I'm in my router interface, it's a linksys cable modem, I'm trying to find the tab where I can set up the port 8015:18
coventryWell, a reboot fixed the screen contrast problem, whatever it was.  Kind of a worry, but I won't worry too much unless it comes up again.15:19
LukaszJDragonLord-: Check "man top" and "man free", they provide some really useful options, like "free -ms 2", will show you memory usage with 2 sec interval, and so on.15:19
JackWintergafir777: it might be called NAT, or firewall15:19
Gneamshooshtari: sounds more like a networking issue - firewall or something15:19
gafir777JackWinter: Can't seem to find it, I have tabs: setup | wireless | Access Restrictions | Applications and Gaming | Administration | Status15:20
coventry(If anyone sent me a reply in the last five minutes, my apologies for missing it during the reboot, and I'd appreciate a resend.)15:20
gafir777JackWinter: APplications and Gaming seems like it, there is an "Application" field, and port rage, protocol Ip address and enable15:20
JackWintergafir777: can you browse your pages with  if so probably the remaining hurdle is the blocking of ports in your router.15:20
mshooshtariGnea: I can ping each IP individually15:20
DragonLord-gafir777 check if your router are on http://portforward.com/routers.htm15:21
gafir777JackWinter: I can browse with 127.0.0115:21
JackWintergafir777: try access restrictions15:21
KLKLOCO718ubuntu not detecting sata drive even in "enhanced" mode15:21
nDuffmshooshtari, the resolver shouldn't have a problem with that. Does dig lookup the name correctly?15:21
Gneamshooshtari: what did you mean by "but unable to ping." then?15:21
JackWintergafir777: or possibly administration15:21
gafir777jackwinter: What I see is this: http://www.no-ip.com/routers/linksys4.jpg15:21
gafir777for application and gaming15:21
gafir777I think this is what it is, no?15:21
FloodBot1gafir777: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
=== Berserku1 is now known as Berserkur
betterhandshey guys...recently installed ubuntu and love it (windows hard drive dies and decided to be done with MS).  Installed ubuntu.  came here to get Banshee recommended to me as an app to work with my ipod (5th gen 30gb).  Banshee discovered my ipod and i was able to create my local library from it.  no problems.  then, added some albums to the library, attempt to sync.  Banshee shows while syncing that it's deleting all songs from the ipod. wtf?  15:21
JackWintergafir777: that's it..!15:22
DragonLord-gafir777 write 80, 80 check TCP and add your last digit in the number box and check Enable15:22
robsonshould /etc/profile be sourced for all users using bash whenever a terminal is opened? it doesn't seem to be. i'm trying to set my path15:22
gafir777JackWinter: Cool, that was the "Gaming" tab, not very helpful title :)15:22
BrokenClockworkhey people, how can I say my gnome-terminal to run him in 256 color mode and not 8 colors!!15:22
Gnearobson: check /etc/bash.bashrc15:23
gafir777so I set port range from 80 to 80, right?15:23
gordonjcpBrokenClockwork: What exactly are you trying to do?15:23
JackWintergafir777: gaming, hehe15:23
LukaszJbetterhands: Maybe #banshee would help you out?15:23
DragonLord-gafir777 yes, you only need port 80 to be forwarded15:23
KLKLOCO718wats the problem?, sata drive not being detected during ubuntu install even in ahci mode15:23
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:23
gafir777DragonLord: and what about the Protocol, both? UDP TCP? and IP Address?15:23
synackaircrack-ng on a 64bit ubuntu install???15:24
synackhas it been done15:24
BrokenClockworkgordonjcp: Running Vim with a color scheme, that was designed for 256 (GVim), I have also a plugin which realizes this, the only thing that stops me, is that gnome-terminal tells me, it runs in 8 color mode15:24
DragonLord-gafir777 only TCP, and the IP adress should point to your server15:24
mshooshtariI can ping host1.domain and host2.domain15:25
mshooshtariI can't ping domain15:25
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gafir777DragonLord: What do you mean poiting to my server?15:25
LukaszJbetterhands: Every user has different preferences in using media players, thus, not everyone will use just banshee, but someone who can help does, going to the official Banshee channel will increase your chance :)15:25
mshooshtaribut for active directory to work, you can ping domain15:25
betterhandsLukaszJ  i'll give it a try now that i know it exists--thanks15:25
robsoni'm using a binary that uses older glibc and refers to __ctype_b which is now undefined. can i fix this somehow or maybe use two versions of glibc?15:25
gafir777DragonLord: I can only change the last digits15:25
gafir777DragonLord: I can't change 192.168.0.xxx : only xxx i can change15:25
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DragonLord-gafir777 it should point to the computer where you have Apache running with your site15:26
KenBW22what happened to Screens and Graphics in Intrepid?15:26
frantzson11i am boby and i need some one to discuss about data computer15:26
gafir777DragonLord: this is the one I'm using right now, how do I know this? :)15:26
robsonis it possible to modify a glibc installation?15:26
sky_hi everyone15:27
Gneafrantzson11: boby?15:27
scuniziKenBW22, that's not a question and makes no sense15:27
frantzson11could u accept15:27
Gneafrantzson11: I don't understand the term...15:27
scunizi!ask | frantzson1115:27
ubottufrantzson11: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:27
KenBW22scunizi: well i remember it was in System > Administration in Gutsy, then hidden in Applications > Other in Hardy and in Intrepid i cant find it15:28
frantzson11please could discuss about computer networking15:28
scuniziKenBW22, find what?15:28
sipiorrobson: modify in what way, exactly?15:28
KenBW22scunizi: the Screens and Graphics utility15:28
Gneafrantzson11: that's not a problem, but you will need to tell us what problem you are having15:28
DragonLord-gafir777 okey, either check with ifconfig in a terminal or with some graphical tool15:28
E3bhello... someone can tell me please how can I delete save passwords ?15:29
E3bPlaces -- > Connect to Server --> windows share --> when I put the password I set "Remember forever", and now it's connection without asking for password, how can I disable it?15:29
robsonsipior: i have a binary that tries to compile something that refers to __ctype_b, and that no longer exists in glibc, and i dont have the source to fix their problem15:29
gafir777DragonLord: is it the inet addr?15:29
frantzson11to  configure a router on linux15:29
gafir777DragonLord: inet addr for eth0, should be that15:29
DragonLord-gafir777 yes15:29
scuniziKenBW22, resolution is changed in System>Preferences>screen resolution. If you're thinking of customizing the desktop try System>Preferences>appearance15:29
CaesiIs anyone familiar with irssi ?15:29
gafir777DragonLord: WOOOOW, I see my website :D15:30
scizzo-!ask | Caesi15:30
scuniziCaesi, I'm sure a bunch of us are.. what's the question15:30
ubottuCaesi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:30
DragonLord-gafir777 nice :)15:30
robsonCaesi: try #irssi15:30
KenBW22scunizi: Screen Resolution doesnt have as many options15:30
sipiorrobson: heh heh, lovely. best would probably be to build a parallel (older) glibc in your home directory, and link against that.15:30
gafir777DragonLord: so now if I want to access it from outside, I use the IP of the router right?15:30
Caesithanks; very simple (I think?): how can I set my default nick?15:30
scuniziKenBW22, what are you trying to change?15:30
betterhandsLikaszJ - thanks for the tip, but there's no one in #banshee.  i'll just keep tabs on my forum posts.  thanks.15:30
PiciCaesi: irssi.org has documentation.15:30
CaesiPici: ta15:30
KenBW22scunizi: my resolution to 1152x864, SR is only giving me 1024x76815:30
scizzo-Caesi: /help set15:31
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robsonsipior: can i even tell it what to link against? i'm dealing with a binary15:31
scizzo-Caesi: opps I mean its a config file that you can use15:31
scuniziCaesi, you can /help nick.. and if that doesn't work and nobody here knows how then maybe #irssi15:31
E3bhello... someone can tell me please how can I delete save passwords? Places -- > Connect to Server --> windows share --> when I put the password I set "Remember forever", and now it's connection without asking for password, how can I disable it?15:31
DragonLord-gafir777 yes, you can use a service like http://www.dyndns.org if you want a free static domain15:31
darkosipiro: u there15:31
scuniziKenBW22, what kind of video card do you have?15:31
gafir777DragonLord: Thank you so much for your help DragonLord-, you made it very easy.15:32
KenBW22scunizi: nvidia, not installed drivers yet though15:32
sky_anyone know more informations about gfxboot and manipulating with grub ?15:32
gafir777DragonLord-: is there anything I should do in terms of security, or should it be ok?15:32
Caesithanks guys, just done it15:32
ubottusky_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:32
darkoapparantly i have some broken packages how can i fix that15:32
sky_and about gfxboot ? is not dangerouse ?15:33
mshooshtariI think I figured out what the solution might be15:33
sipiorrobson: hmm...either a creative use of symlinks, or possibly an older install inside a virtual machine.15:33
mshooshtariI need to dissable IPV615:33
LukaszJdarko: When did they brake ?15:33
sipiorrobson: or stick the binary and the older libc in a chroot jail, so that it only sees the older library.15:33
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv415:33
scuniziKenBW22, that's the reason.. system>admin>hardware drivers and enablel one.. then restart15:33
robsonsipior: is it possible to modify the library code itself and compile that myself? i think the fix is easy15:34
mshooshtariso nslookup is resolving using IPV4, but ping is aparently trying to use ipv615:34
KenBW22scunizi: so is Screens and Graphics completely obselete now?15:34
darkoLukasz: i was downloading the extra plugins for totem and the power went out15:34
sipiorrobson: sure, as long as it doesn't break anything else. worth a try.15:34
scuniziKenBW22, yes15:34
mshooshtarimaybe that URL has instructions for dissabling.15:34
KenBW22scunizi: what about the options it had that SR doesnt?15:34
robsonsipior: but where is the code for the library? i can only find the compiled version (.so or .a)15:34
scuniziKenBW22, which options are you referring to ?15:35
trippssso firefox has completely lost all window decorations and is permanently maximized on my copy of intrepid ibex. Just started a couple days ago. Applied latest updates, restarted several times to no avail. anyone have any ideas? It appears to be the only app affected15:35
KenBW22scunizi: iit used to have loads of things like selecting drivers, manufacturer, screen type etc15:35
jalsanyone here familiar with Grip? i can't find an irc channel for it so i figured i'd ask in here15:35
sipiorrobson: you'll need to grab glibc-source15:35
robsonsipior: ok, thanks15:36
sky_trippss: you use compiz and emerald ?15:36
jalswhen i put a cd in the drive, grip sees it briefly but then all the tracks disappear, it's really odd15:36
trippsssky_, compiz - don't think emerald. however I switched to metacity to see if that fixed it and it didn't15:36
darkoi was downloading the extra plugins for totem and the power went out, now apy-get says that the packages are broken, what should i do15:36
trippssoh wait - seems to be working now15:37
scuniziKenBW22, the graphic system is handled by xrandr now.. you won't see much in xorg.conf.. so after installing the nvidia drivers you can install nvidia-settings .. that will give you lots of options.15:37
KenBW22darko: sudo dpkg --configure -a i think15:37
wilsonncktrippss: are you sure you're not in full-screen mode (F11)??15:37
trippssn/m :)15:37
trippsswilsonnck, I wasn't but switching to full screen and back seems to have worked15:37
imaginativeoneI would like to make the /opt folder temporarily available so that I can install xampp in there.  how do I do that?15:37
KenBW22scunizi: so S&G was basically duplicating existing tools?15:37
sky_trippss: metacity - - replace didnt work ?15:37
scuniziKenBW22, sort of.. they've just changed access to them..15:38
trippsssky_, no worries it seems to be working now15:38
trippsssky_, unrelated issue15:38
Piciimaginativeone: Why are you using xampp instead of the proper Ubuntu supported lamp install?15:38
Pici!lamp > imaginativeone15:38
ubottuimaginativeone, please see my private message15:38
KenBW22scunizi: oh, well thanks for the info15:39
imaginativeonebecause I don't know how (yet)15:39
Piciimaginativeone: See the message from ubottu for instructions15:39
darkowhat does  libtar but it is not installable mean? how can it install it15:39
sky_trippss: mhmhm :-X15:39
imaginativeonethanks for that link15:39
trippssin a related discussion it would be nice to have a maximize mode where window decorations didn't display like firefox was, but you still had task bar, menu bar, etc., and it overlaid the entire desktop to get maximal screen real estate15:39
trippsss/task bar/status bar15:40
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E3bsomeone can help me please? where ubuntu save the passwords for sessions when I mark the "remember forever" button?15:40
scuniziKenBW22, np.. things are a little different but the same if you know what I mean15:40
KenBW22i cant connect to my wired ethernet connection, whereas i could in Hardy. any ideas?15:41
prahal_hi the alternatives in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins do not work15:42
imaginativeoneI'm stopped at 0%.  Is this going to take a while?  If so, I might go to the Department  of Motor Vehicles...gotta register my car15:42
mshooshtariAnybody have a better suggestion to dissable IPV6  than editing the  /etc/modprobe.d/aliases ?15:42
prahal_is there a trick (or has the folder changed in FF3.0.1 without us noticing15:42
arvind_khadri!doesntwork | prahal_15:42
ubottuprahal_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.15:42
Pici(@2 %015:43
mshooshtariI'm assuming IPV6 is still being used as eth0 is maintaining an IPV6 address even after reboot.15:43
jonescan anyone with an update manager error? i get the following error when i try to update, "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60D11217247D1CFF" anyone know how to fix this? thanks15:43
scunizi!ipv6 | mshooshtari15:43
ubottumshooshtari: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv415:43
prahal_arvind_khadri, I mean if you add/remove a plugin inside this folder it has no effect on the about:plugins15:43
arvind_khadrijones, ya ...15:43
kfyitKenBW22 -> what have you done to troubleshoot?15:43
sueHow do I switch between KDM and Gnome? I had to install kdm to get past my login screen (faulty login screen theme), so what is the terminal command to switch?15:43
CaesiDoes anyone know how to set up an Microsoft exchange account in Thunderbird?15:44
KenBW22kfyit: nothing as yet, tried reconnecting15:44
darko hey, installing the extra plugins in tottem gives me this error: This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first. that package aint installed in synaptec15:44
scunizisue, on the password screen change your session15:44
kfyitKenBW22 -> a new install?15:44
KenBW22kfyit: yea15:44
ubottuThunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042715:44
prahal_on the other side the /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree or java plugin removal from /usr/lib/jvm affect the browser15:44
kfyitKenBW22 -> what nic card?  sudo lshw -C network     and see if driver is loaded for it15:45
LukaszJHow to get rid of a module compiled by hand and installed with "make install"?15:45
jonesarvind_khadri:  any recommendations?15:45
adaptrLukaszJ: wait for it.. .make uninstall15:45
erUSULLukaszJ: delete the file(s) by hand15:45
arvind_khadrijones, gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys $KEY where $key is the value15:45
E3bI was connecting to a windows share and accidentally selected the radio button to remember the password forever. Where can I undo this? And in what form are the passwords stored in the first place (is it secure?)15:45
suescunizi, is there a command though?15:45
kfyitLukaszJ -> go back to the dir where you compile that module, and see if the Makefile has a uninstall target15:46
arvind_khadrijones, then this gpg --export --armor $KEY | sudo apt-key add -15:46
darko hey, installing the extra plugins in tottem gives me this error: This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first. that package aint installed in synaptec, someone plz help me15:46
AnynomousHi, I am trying to help a n00b.  Is there any easy programs to write homepages in.15:46
=== therealnanotube is now known as nanotube
frantzson11j'ai besoin de quelqu'un pour discuter15:46
LukaszJadaptr: Will it delete the compiled part or just the sources?15:46
darkowhere does all the downloaded packages go15:46
KenBW22kfyit: 88E8001 Gigabit Ethernet Controller15:46
frantzson11sur l'informatique15:46
arvind_khadriprahal_, you should try installing/unistalling  them..which ubuntu?15:46
kfyitKenBW22 ->  sudo lshw -C network     and see if driver is loaded for it15:46
LukaszJdarko: /var/apt/archives, somewhere there.15:46
scunizisue there are 2 links there.. the second one describes how to do it.. there is no single command15:46
darkocan i restore ubuntu to when i first installed it15:46
jonesarvind_khadri:  so i would replace $key with the # from the error? 60D11217247D1CFF?15:46
prahal_arvind_khadri, there are no deb package of the debug versions15:46
adaptrLukaszJ: what a weird question... it undoes what make install did15:47
mshooshtariscunizi: Thank you for the link, even though it's 8.04 it's still better documentation than what I had found looking up intrepid fixes.15:47
prahal_of the plugins15:47
arvind_khadrijones, ya... :)15:47
AnynomousWhat program can you use to create webpages / homepages .. when you don't know HTML?15:47
LukaszJadaptr: Well, I'm going to find out ;)15:47
KenBW22kfyit: "driverversion=2.3"15:47
suescunizi: sorry, where are the links?15:47
prahal_I found a trick . Replacing the old file with the new one (same name same dir)15:47
arvind_khadriprahal_, which plugins??15:47
slacker_nlhello, aptitude via the TUI can remove obsolete packages, how can I remove these packages in a one-liner15:47
kfyitKenBW22 -> post it in pastebin15:47
erUSUL!html | Anynomous15:47
ubottuAnynomous: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/15:47
nanotubeAnynomous: try komposer, or quanta, or bluefish...15:48
prahal_arvind_khadri, java and flash15:48
darkoLukazJ, there's no apt in var15:48
LukaszJslacker_nl: "sudo apt-get autoremove" maybe?15:48
scunizisue above. in ubottu's post15:48
teamregishi everybody15:48
slacker_nlLukaszJ: lemme have a look at that15:48
prahal_if one enable the full path view in about:config and check in about:plugins we see the path does nto points to the allternatives15:48
nanotubedarko: /var/cache/apt/archives15:48
dustwhat was the command to install 9.04 ?15:49
arvind_khadriprahal_, do you want to install them?? and the .deb wont be there... there will be only binaries in the plugin dir15:49
Anynomousnanotube, erUSUL :  Thank you!   I will try KompoZer, Iceape and Amaya! :)15:49
darkoLukazJ, found it its /var/cache/apt/archives15:49
darkonanotube: thanks15:49
LukaszJnanotube: thanks15:49
suescunizi: sorry, your not making sense, I don't see any messages from ubottu.15:49
nanotubeAnynomous: darko: LukaszJ: :)15:49
dustupdate-manager ?15:49
arvind_khadridust, install as in?? upgrade??15:49
darkocan i restore ubuntu to when i first installed it15:49
scunizi!ipv6 | sue15:49
slacker_nlLukaszJ: thnx, need to test if it works, but looks like I want that15:49
ubottusue: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv415:49
arvind_khadridarko, no15:49
scunizisue .. now do you see it?15:49
trippsswhere in ubuntu do you change your network/system name?15:50
mshooshtariscunizi: you must do that a lot :)15:50
dustarvind_khadri: no the command to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.0415:50
mshooshtariMaybe I can put on the launchpad a menu option for unchecking IPV6 :)15:50
NTAuthoritytrippss: /etc/hostname, AFAIK15:50
LukaszJslacker_nl: What exactly you're up to?15:50
arvind_khadridust, 9.04 isnt out yet15:50
darkoarvind_khadri: installing the extra plugins in tottem gives me this error: This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first. that package aint installed in synaptec, can u help15:50
KenBW22kfyit: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2398515:50
slacker_nldust: sudo do-release-upgrade perhaps?15:50
suescunizi: yes, but what does that have to do with KDM and Gnome?15:50
danbhfivedust: ask in #ubuntu+115:50
trippssNTAuthority, yeah that's what I thought no such file15:51
slacker_nldust: http://www.blogsdna.com/1509/ubuntu-jaunty-jackalope-904-alpha-1-released.htm15:51
arvind_khadridarko, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly15:51
prahal_arvind_khadri, I want to be able to switch between my local debug version of the plugin and the system one (via the alternatives that already exists . I used update-alternatives --install to add the path to the debug version). I though if there was alternatives in the /usr/lib/firefox/plugins directory (in fact there are only alternatives inside this dir) that it means it would be a bug if they would not get used15:51
NTAuthoritytrippss: it should be there, strange15:51
trippssNTAuthority, wait n/m wrong terminal window ;)15:51
prahal_sorry for the lenghty talk15:51
danbhfivedarko: you should pastebin the error15:51
scunizisue, please read the link.. it has to do with ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, linux etc.. gnome & kde don't have anything to do with it.15:51
LukaszJslacker_nl: Checked ?15:52
mikevankuikI've got a strange issue with logrotate and the drupal watchdog.log file... maybe I don't understand but can someone please tell me what logrotate and sysklogd have to do with each other!? I'v broken my head over this issue a few times now and the quater doesn't seem to be dropping...15:52
KenBW22kfyit: make any sense?15:52
arvind_khadridrako, run sudo apt-get install -f15:53
arvind_khadriprahal_, sorry no idea :)15:53
arvind_khadrijones, did it work??15:53
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.15:53
darkoarvind_khadr: yeah15:54
arvind_khadridarko, now try installing the ugly plugin15:54
kfyitKenBW22 -> just got back, hang a se15:54
kfyitKenBW22 -> do you get an ip address at all? confirm with  ifconfig eth0   command15:55
darkoarvind_khadri: slow connection, pasting the result...15:55
dustslacker_nl: tnzx15:55
arvind_khadri!paste | Darknezz15:55
ubottuDarknezz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:55
KenBW22kfyit: nope15:56
arvind_khadridarko, are you using a vanilla kernel? i mean did you compile the kernel??15:56
darkoarvind_khadri, danbhfive: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113247/15:56
kfyitKenBW22 -> you are using dchp right?  are you sure your cat 5 cable is good?15:56
suescunizi: so, If I want to switch between KDM and gnome, then why do I have to look at something about  "IPv4 and IPV6" connections??     I'm sorry, I guess I'll just ask someone else.15:56
arvind_khadridarko, first run sudo apt-get install -f15:57
Herttalshw -C network shows that the NIC is disabled(?). How to enable it?15:57
darkoarvind_khadri: no, i dont even know what that means15:57
KenBW22kfyit: it just worked on Windows 15 mins ago15:57
Hertta*-Generic DISABLED to be exact15:57
arvind_khadridarko, :) ok15:57
darkoarvind_khadri: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 216 not upgraded.15:57
AnynomousKompoZer doesn't look very wysiwyg to me?15:57
jonesarvind_khadri:  yes it did... thanks alot!15:58
arvind_khadrijones, np :)15:58
kfyitKenBW22 -> you possibly moved the cable? check and verify if it is snugged..  also what is the results of  sudo dhclient eth0 ?15:58
arvind_khadridarko, ok now run sudo apt-get update15:58
darkoarvind_khadri: thats gona take ages15:58
arvind_khadridarko, which ubuntu are you running?15:58
darkoarvind_khadri: 8.1015:59
jalsso no one familiar with grip?15:59
KenBW22kfyit: which part of the output are you after15:59
danbhfivedarko: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:59
zash_jals: grip? or grep?15:59
erUSULjals: what's the problem with grip ?15:59
arvind_khadridarko, ok, try installing the package now... the ugly one15:59
jelly12genhas anyone got a windows mobile phone working with ubuntu like using it to control rhythmbox15:59
jalswhen i put a cd in the drive, grip sees it briefly but then all the tracks disappear, it's really odd15:59
scunizisue, My appologies.. I went back and saw where I got confused.. I was responding to the wrong nick with the wrong info.. sorry for the frustration.. on the login screen where you put your password there should be an Options button where you can change from gnome to kde15:59
kfyitKenBW22 -> just post it15:59
kitchescunizi: yes which is called Sessions16:00
DragonLord-does Ubuntu Server usually use up all memory? I got 2Gb of RAM and it only runs rTorrent, Apache and acts like a router/gateway for my network (with eBox).16:00
suescunizi: That's fine, I was beginning to think you where crazy!16:00
KenBW22kfyit: it results in "No DHCPOFFERS received No working leases in persistent databases - sleeping.", then exits16:00
scunizisue.. :)16:00
mjgreensoHas anyone noticed their gettys are disappearing (8.10 server edition)? We're kind of worried as we've somehow lost gettys 1 and 2.16:00
zash_DragonLord-: run htop16:00
erUSULjals: never failed for me... any error msgs ??16:00
scunizisue, kitche has the name right.. it's called sessions. in options16:01
kitcheDragonLord-: it can depends on how much traffic your getting to apache among other things16:01
kfyitKenBW22 -> again, check if the cable is really good, and also check if your dhcp is really doling out an ip address.. reset your dhcp server if possible16:01
mjgreensotty[3-6] remain, but [1,2] have gone16:01
danbhfiveDragonLord-: you can check overall memory usage with: free16:01
jalsi ran it from command line, no error messages it just says Drive status is 416:01
mshooshtariI pasted my problem onto pastebin16:01
zash_DragonLord-: all my computers uses all their memory for caching16:01
mjgreensonothing in /var/log/ indicating a crash16:01
mshooshtaridissabling IPV6 did not work to fix my problem.16:01
jalserUSUL, it's like it can see the tracks, but something triggers it to lose them16:02
KenBW22kfyit: reset dhcp server?16:02
kfyitKenBW22 -> yeah, which device is doing that for your pc ?16:02
KenBW22kfyit: do you mean the router?16:02
erUSULjals: maybe some kernel error ? can you check "tailf /var/log/messages " when you put a cdaudio on your cdrom drive ?16:03
kfyitKenBW22 -> whatever it is, reset the device that provides dhcp services to your pc16:03
mshooshtariI have another idea, I have multiple DNS suffixes16:03
jalserUSUL, i will now, but other apps are seeing the drive fine16:03
mshooshtariI think it could be attaching the other domain suffix.16:03
KenBW22kfyit: i take it thats my router then16:03
suescunizi: Ok, the only problem is, my Gnome login window theme is faulty...So I need someway to change it without logging out.16:03
mshooshtariso when I ping server.domain1 it's actually trying to ping server.domain1.domain2 which does not exist, is that something that's possible?16:03
KenBW22kfyit: will turn it off, brb when i restart it16:04
arvind_khadrisorry wrong window16:04
adam__can anyone explain to me why a umask of 0022 translates to rwxr-xr-x?16:04
scunizisue, I'm afraid I'm going to defer that question to someone that knows the answer.. sorry I don't16:04
DragonLord-zash_, danbhfive okey, I have checked a couple of times with free -m -s 2 and there are ~70Mb left, I don't care I just wondered, it is probably used for cache like you say :)16:04
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kfyitadam ->  777 - 02216:05
danbhfiveadam__: a umask hides permissions.  ie, the permission come out the opposite16:05
suescunizi: No problem, thank you very much for your help!16:05
jalserUSUL, no nothing there, i think the drive is fine but Grip is being weird16:05
adam__right, but shouldn't a default of rwxr-xrx come out as 022? whats that extra zero?16:06
kfyitadam ->  777 - 022     understand this concept16:06
imaginativeoneis there an ubuntu LAMP channel?16:06
geniiimaginativeone: #ubuntu-server16:07
arvind_khadriimaginativeone, #ubuntu-server may help16:07
KenBW22kfyit: no luck16:07
zash_DragonLord-: htop does a nice job of showing what memory is used for16:07
sipioradam__:  the extra zero involves the setuid-exec, setgid-exec and sticky bit. see "man chmod" for more information.16:07
joejcwhat should i do to get use to gimp?16:07
SlimeyPetejoejc: use synaptic to install it16:08
danbhfiveadam__: hmmm, I dunno.  Maybe its for the directory permissions.  How are you receiving a umask?  I usually set it on fat32 drive mounts16:08
kfyitKenBW22 -> you have any other pc to test with?  dont know if your router also supports that gigabit interface, or maybe not even 100meg16:08
zash_DragonLord-: http://pix.zash.se/i/hg.png green = used, blue = buffer, yellow = cache16:08
DragonLord-zash_ okey, will install and test it then16:08
KenBW22kfyit: this PC worked fine with Hardy16:08
erUSULjals: without seing some error msg or any clue of what's happening i can not help much...16:08
KenBW22kfyit: same setup16:09
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kfyitKenBW22 -> can you get back to hardy and check if it uses same driver for your nic?16:09
jalserUSUL, ok thanks for trying anyway, i'll google some more16:09
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KenBW22kfyit: would a liveCD suffice?16:09
kfyitKenBW22 -> and you have determined cable is okay eh? not loose connections?16:09
betterhandstried this once in the banshee room, but no one's in there, so i'll give it one more shot here.  if you have advice, please post here so it can help others out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=875705&page=2             hey guys...recently installed ubuntu and love it (windows hard drive dies and decided to be done with MS).  Installed ubuntu.  came here to get Banshee recommended to me as an app to work with my ipod (5th gen 30gb).  B16:09
sipioradam__: actually, "man 2 chmod" for a better description under linux16:10
kfyitKenBW22 -> yeah a livecd should suffice16:10
=== hexbase is now known as zz_hexbase
MattyblogI heard about 9.04 and i am going to try this out, however I am have issues getting flash to work on 64bit ubuntu?16:10
imaginativeoneBanshee has no video16:10
imaginativeonejust so you know...16:10
kfyitMattyblog -> try #ubuntu+1  for jaunty16:10
kitcheMattyblog: did you try the 64bit flash?16:10
scunizi!ipod | betterhands16:10
ubottubetterhands: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:10
betterhandsscunizi--that's how i got to find out about Banshee in the first place.  didn't find out anything pertaining to my issue16:11
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!16:11
DragonLord-zash_ really nice application, I see most of the RAM are used for cache like you said :)16:11
Mattyblogkitche, 64bit flash ?, ive looked at some sites, but it doesnt help when some links or url are broken16:11
KenBW22kfyit: cant find my hardy CD - would hardy alternate be ok?16:11
betterhandsi'll check into Rockbox==thanks16:11
kitcheMattyblog: umm adobe.com download the 64bit flash16:11
kfyitKenBW22 -> yeah a livecd should suffice16:12
kitcheMattyblog: since Ubuntu does not provide the flash in a package for 64bit since it came out to late16:12
Mattyblogadobe.com only has 32bit?16:12
KenBW22kfyit: well its not a liveCD as such16:12
kfyitKenBW22 -> should still work16:12
kitcheMattyblog: no adobe.com has 64bit and 32bit flash Ubuntu only provides a 32bit flash package16:12
mjgreensoIs there a script to restart the tty interfaces?16:12
KenBW22kfyit: right its asking to Install Ubuntu, Check CD for defects etc16:13
kfyitmjgreenso -> why do you believe tty needs a restart ?16:13
KenBW22kfyit: Rescue a broken system?16:13
mjgreensokfyit: Because one of our 8.10 servers has lost the first two ttys16:14
adam__sipior: appreciate it, i get it now16:14
mjgreensowe have no idea why16:14
kfyitmjgreenso -> you still have the other four?16:14
_msk_hi.. i installed KDE from Synaptic(in ubuntu 8.02)...the version is 4.0.3....how do i upgrade to 4.2 ?16:14
mjgreensokfyit: yes16:14
lllamaHello all. Has anyone configured the ircu irc server on Ubuntu? it's config file seems to be in a different format to usual...16:14
Mattyblogok, found it16:15
kfyitmjgreenso -> so use those?16:15
Pici!kde4 | _msk_16:15
ubottu_msk_: kde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 | 4.2 packages http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 | Support in #kubuntu16:15
zash_mjgreenso: good question.. maybe /etc/init.d/console-setup ...16:15
zash_mjgreenso: hm ,o16:15
mjgreensokfyit: We had to - but in case we lose another one or two it may be prudent to force restart to restore the rest...16:15
mjgreensowe don't particularly want to be without console access "just in case"16:15
imaginativeonecan I reverse the LAMP tasksel method?16:16
mjgreensoin fact the question I've been asked is "just how worried should I be that we're losing ttys"16:16
kfyitmjgreenso -> if you look in /etc/event.d/  all your tty/console is defined there16:16
mjgreensoYes I saw those but I presume there's a script to read them and actually perform the restart16:17
jakei was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a good live linux cd that allows me to change windows password and recovery/repair16:17
kfyitimaginativeone -> reversing taskel seems problematic, it may de-install things you dont want,  google for such info16:17
imaginativeonehow do I find the package manager?16:17
kfyitmjgreenso -> udev+dbus+hald  believe work in tandems to get up an running16:18
lianimator1need help setting up a web server behind a router. if I forward port 80 to my server, how will I get to the router config page?16:18
wilsonnckmjgreenso: I would personally be quite worried about disappearing ttys16:18
papulhi every. is there any way to install ubuntu through a pen drive.16:18
mjgreensokfyit: So we're looking at something non-trivial16:18
kfyitmjgreenso -> curious as to how are you killing your tty's ?16:18
jelly12genanyone tried to let a windows mobiel device control rhythmbox?16:19
quibblermelinux: /join #ubuntu-it16:19
papulhi every. is there any way to install ubuntu through a pen drive.16:19
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mjgreensokfyit: We are curious but we've not spotted any log entries.16:19
=== batman is now known as bizkit
imaginativeonepapul: definitely16:19
papulimaginativeone, how?16:19
mjgreensowilsonnck: without knowing what is causing it we can't easily fix it16:20
kfyitmjgreenso -> how do you even know these ttys are dead and unreachable?16:20
gardarI'm having some problems with kde apps and pulse, when I have kde apps running I get no sound from gnome apps16:20
dkveeraMy network dies within 15 minutes if i have any downloads. How do i fix it?16:20
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imaginativeonepapul: I'm looking it up...16:20
jelly12genpapul: just google  usb pen drive ubuntu install16:20
mjgreensokfyit: #1 The console just echos back what we type in #2 ps ax | grep getty shows tty[3-6] only16:20
gardarAnyone that knows about that?16:20
imaginativeonepapul: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-x-ubuntu-610/16:20
imaginativeonenothing on gutsy...16:21
mjgreensokfyit: clearly tty3 got us a prompt but 1-3 have nothing on the screens other than what we type16:21
mjgreensosorry 1-2 have nothing on screens16:21
mick02Folks, I'm looking for a way to find out what users are logged on to what terminals in the domain. Is there a way for nmap to find this information for me?16:22
WardjeHey I just booted from 8.10 Live CD and pressed enter on "install ubuntu" (so without actually starting ubuntu). However the screen doesnt seem to feel like changing, is it "normal" to take a while before the installation process starts?16:22
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kfyitmjgreenso -> are all the dates of the files same in /etc/event.d/  ?16:22
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mjgreensokfyit: bar 'last-good-boot' yes, 2008-09-30 00:5216:23
_msk_hi.. i installed KDE from Synaptic(in ubuntu 8.02)...the version is 4.0.3....how do i upgrade to 4.2 from synaptic?16:24
Pirate_HunterIve just installed phpmyadmin, set it up to work with apache but when i try http://localhost/phpmyadmin it gives me a 404 error, why is that?16:24
kfyitMjfd -> huh?16:24
kfyitmjgreenso -> huh?16:24
mjgreensokfyit: they all have the same timestamp16:24
kfyitmjgreenso -> okay16:24
kitche_msk_: you don't but I do believe there is a 3rd party repo that has it16:25
KenBW22kfyit: ii found a gutsy LiveCD and i've run sudo lshw -C ntework. What would tell you nything from there16:25
mick02Pirate_Hunter have you got PHP installed and enabled?16:25
dkveeraI am having issues with my netgear , the network dies after 15 mins if i start a download. Anyone can help me with it???16:25
kfyitKenBW22 -> post it in pastebin for comparison of earlier16:25
_msk_Kitche ; what should i do ?16:26
mick02dkveera can you do a ping on it for 15 minutes WITHOUT a download and see if it drops any packets?16:26
Mattybloggot it working, and made an installer for it16:26
_msk_Kitche : heard that 4.0 is buggy...16:26
Pirate_Huntermick02, i have installed php and all that as an AMP package and it works now i need phpmyadmin to work as well16:26
dkveeraMick02 The messenger ran fine through out the night16:26
dkveeraonly when i try to download a file or using a torrent i am facing this issue16:27
mick02Pirate_Hunter is there a folder called phpmyadmin under the /var/www/apache2-default/16:27
dkveeraI have to unplug the Netgear adaptor and replug it after some time for it to work16:27
kfyitmjgreenso -> if you change to init level 1 and back to 5  does that tty reappears?16:27
mick02dkveera you may not realise that the connection is dropping if you're just using messenger16:27
Pirate_Huntermick02,  one sec let me check16:27
Pirate_Huntermick02,  nope there isn't16:28
dkveeraNo Mick02 i woke up in the morning and the messenger was still online and my browsing continued16:28
mick02dkveera, try searching the web for a firmware update for your router16:28
=== MTecknology is now known as mtbot
Pirate_Huntermick02,  should I reinstall again?16:28
mjgreensokfyit: Is that actually safe to do (it's a production server and I've not done it before myself)?16:29
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KenBW22kfyit: Intrepid: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=23985 Gutsy: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2398616:29
dkveeraMick i also have the keyring password prompt coming up whenever i coem online16:29
dkveerahow do i fix it?16:29
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aadilheh, production server screwed16:29
papul__i have a ubuntu 1o live cd. my desktop has a dvd rom but my laptop doesn't. is there any way to install ubuntu through a pen drive16:29
kfyitmjgreenso -> it is safe, however, the impact may not be something your management would like.. ie production interruption16:29
=== papul__ is now known as papul
mick02Pirate_Hunter you will need to make sure that all the files for phpmyadmin are installed under your web folder as it is a web utility16:29
mjgreensokfyit: Which is why I'm looking for something slightly less risky :-)16:30
papuli have a ubuntu 1o live cd. my desktop has a dvd rom but my laptop doesn't. is there any way to install ubuntu through a pen drive16:30
Mattyblogthanks all, just one question where can i upload the 64bit version with installer?16:30
Pirate_Huntermick02,  im installing it from rep how do i make it install there by default?16:30
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate16:30
kfyitKenBW22 -> and the gutsy is working okay?16:30
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:30
KenBW22kfyit: yep16:30
dkveeraHow do i stop the default keyring pasword request , anyone?16:31
kfyitKenBW22 -> now post the results of ifconfig ; iwconfig   for same comparisons16:31
Herttalshw -C network shows that the NIC is disabled(?). How to enable it?16:31
Jack_Sparrow!packaging > Mattyblog16:32
ubottuMattyblog, please see my private message16:32
Pirate_Huntermick02,  i think i figured out what was the problem reinstalling again one sec16:32
mick02Pirate_Hunter cool, let me know if you've got anymore problems16:32
wilsonnckmjgreenso: getty is the program you're looking for16:32
wilsonnckmjgreenso: it's what spawns ttys16:32
dkveeramick02, default keyring password16:33
dkveerahow do i remove it?16:33
KenBW22kfyit: rar, just had a second-long powercut16:33
mjgreensowilsonnck: Yes but there doesn't seem to be an init script to create those that do not exist16:33
mick02dkveera enter your password16:33
KenBW22kfyit: ifconfig gave me an IP address, iwconfig said "no wireless extensions"16:33
edinakaCan you help me please? My cpu is always on 100% . I run Xubuntu 8.10. When i use top command to view running process  CPU(s): 42.3 % us, 57.7% sy ...16:33
kfyitKenBW22 -> post it please16:33
dkveeramick02, i am doing it everytime16:34
KenBW22kfyit: im restarting after powercut16:34
mick02Pirate_Hunter do the following ... sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin libapache2-mod-auth-mysql16:34
dkveerais there anyway to remove it?16:34
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mick02Pirate_Hunter then gksudo gedit  /etc/apache2/apache2.conf16:34
mick02Pirate_Hunter .... include the following line .... Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf16:34
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mick02Pirate_Hunter then restart Apache sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart16:35
Pirate_Huntermick02,  it works, i didnt choose the option to set it up with apache, hmmm, but now it asks for user I didnt setup anyuser just the password, what would user be?16:35
edinakafirst hi :)16:35
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edinakaCan you help me? Please.16:35
mick02Pirate_Hunter the user is the username for your MySql database16:35
mick02!help > edinaka16:36
ubottuedinaka, please see my private message16:36
Guest97182if I want do do like "ssh short" instead of "ssh longaddress.com", how can I make such "variable"?16:36
edinakathanks :)16:36
KenBW22kfyit: www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2398716:36
mick02Guest97182 you need to add an alias16:36
Pirate_Huntermick02, i dont have a mysql database at least i dont remember createing one, can we speak in pm please?16:36
mick02!alias > Guest9718216:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alias16:36
mick02!aliases > Guest9718216:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aliases16:37
mick02Pirate_Hunter sure thing16:37
papul__ubottu, i am not getting any help from the site.16:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:37
kfyitKenBW22 -> thats for? gutsy? now the one from your new install?16:37
KenBW22kfyit: do you need the one from intrepid? it means restarting16:38
Stefanohi, can anyone tell me why dpkg -l apache2 doesn't return me some files like httpd.conf?16:38
koskozi've got a problem with ubuntu 8.04 since the last update16:38
koskozmy Alt Gr key doesn't work anymore16:38
kfyitKenBW22 -> for comparisons yeah16:38
koskozI think it's because of xorg, but i don't know why16:38
KenBW22kfyit: ok16:38
wilsonnckmjgreenso: I'm not intimately fammiliar with the ubuntu init process, however I believe the scripts are /etc/event.d/tty[1-6]. If you are missing /etc/event.d/tty[1&2] then I believe you should be able to copy the script from one of the other ttys16:39
mick02Stefano, try using dpkg -l | grep apache216:39
mjgreensowilsonnck: they are not missing. In fact they are all identical except the tty index16:39
=== papul__ is now known as papul
edinaka!"cpu 100%"16:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpu 100%"16:40
abonillaHi, I have an atheros card ar2425, it was working on 8.04 but is not in 8.1016:40
Stefanomick02, thank u but i should return all files installed by a package16:40
G_Is_Geniusmy pc complains on some modules on boot. something about depts . whay to do?16:40
Stefanodpkg -l | grep apache216:40
Stefanoreturns me only16:40
Stefanoii  apache2                                    2.2.9-7ubuntu3                          Apache HTTP Server metapackage16:40
Stefanoii  apache2-mpm-prefork                        2.2.9-7ubuntu3                          Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threade16:40
Stefanoii  apache2-utils                              2.2.9-7ubuntu3                          utility programs for webservers16:40
Stefanoii  apache2.2-common                           2.2.9-7ubuntu3                          Apache HTTP Server common files16:40
abonillaG_Is_Genius: what is the complain?16:40
FloodBot1Stefano: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:40
Herttaabonilla: does it show up with "lspci -C network"?16:41
plazialol careful with your pastes :)16:41
smaw0351anybody running Hardy on a Latitude E6400?16:41
HerttaWhat does your /etc/network/interfaces look like?16:41
G_Is_Geniusabonilla: i installed new kernel with update and it have to build some depts16:41
abonillaHertta: your command does not work. It does show with iwconfig.16:42
abonillaG_Is_Genius: why would you have to build anything? obviously, something was wrong.16:42
mick02Stefano please put all outputs through the pastebinit utility as pasting output floods the channel. Install it but typing sudo apt-get install pastebinit then output your results by piping your commands through pastebinit i.e. ls -la | pastebinit16:42
abonillaHertta: dmesg complains that ar2425 is under development.16:42
Jakalcan anyone help me? i just did a text install of ubuntu without problems. but now when it gets to the point of loading gnome the screen goes black and it seems to stop responding to input. and i can not ssh in.16:43
G_Is_Geniusabonilla: i've done this before. it refreshes some dependencies in kernel modules16:43
abonillaG_Is_Genius: what are the errors?16:43
sdakeI installed flash on 8.04 and now firefox kind of goes full screen with no way to change the window size.  Is there any way to fix that?16:43
koskozno one for the "Alt Gr" issue ? :(16:43
KenBW22kfyit: Gutsy: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=23987 Intrepid: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2398816:44
mick02Jakal have you tried sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart16:44
smaw0351sdake F11 should toggle full screen.16:44
G_Is_Geniusabonilla: Fatal: could not load module .... module.dep16:44
abonillaG_Is_Genius: boot with the cd/dvd and do a rescue16:44
Jakalmick02 no i havent. i havent gotten to a command prompt yet. can i ctrl alt F1 while it boots to get to it?16:44
sdakeubuntu 8.0416:44
abonillaG_Is_Genius: or chroot in the box and do a mkinitrd16:44
mick02Jakal, what exactly is happening? Is there anything on your screen?16:45
ferretontheluscan anyone help me with getting my wireless realtek 8185 working?16:45
Jakalmick02, nope. screen goes into standby. so its not recieving a signal16:45
kfyitKenBW22 -> does your intrepid interfaces file have   iface eth0 inet dhcp; auto eth0   entry? if not insert it in, and then sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth016:45
nikuJakal - have you tried doing a text install?16:45
Jakalyea, thats how i got it installed in the first place.16:46
mick02Jakal Reboot and try again, does it give any info on the screen at any point during the booting process?16:46
KenBW22kfyit: where would i find my interfaces file?16:46
kfyitKenBW22 -> /etc/network/interfaces16:46
Jakalmick02 i have reboot dozens of times. and nope. no info. just the splash. then nothing.16:46
ferretontheluswindows works just fin with wireless but hardy doesn't even turn it on it looks like.16:46
KenBW22kfyit: no it doesnt, ill do as suggested16:47
sdakesma0351 hmm its not full screen but it has no windows controls16:47
sdakelike minimize and maximize and close16:48
mick02What specs of your machine Jakal?16:48
tsrkI'm getting a completely different amount of memory in use when I type "free" from what the system monitor says16:48
smaw0351sdake, so F11 does nothing?16:48
Jakaluh. amd 3600+ 1 gig ram. 256mb ati card.16:48
ferretonthelushow do i turn on my wireless card?16:48
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
KenBW22kfyit: it says "auto lo" whatever that might mean16:48
smaw0351ferret does it show up when you do 'lspci -v'16:49
ferretonthelusyes, it shows it...16:50
smaw0351ferret, have you seen this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19177616:51
fdrHi!. I need to change the EXIF date/time of a batch of photos (they were taken in a different timezone...). Is there any command-line application you could suggest me please? Thanks!16:51
kfyitKenBW22 -> just add another entry as i suggested16:51
kfyitKenBW22 -> man interfaces16:51
RPSHello Guys, I opened gconf-editor and went to /apps/nautilus/desktop and turned on the Trash Can where it should make the trash can show up on the desktop. Well it will not show up and I'm wondering if it might have something to do with compiz fusion?16:52
Acediphow can i breakup a pdf file into different files16:52
nikuJakal - can you get to single user mode?16:52
smaw0351fdr try this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47251016:52
nikuyou might want to try startx & xrandr16:53
Acediphow can i breakup a pdf file into different files..?????16:53
mjgreensokfyit: in case you are interested further - once we log out of a tty it does not respawn16:53
nikuthe command, I'm not telling you to leave. :)16:54
KenBW22kfyit: new interfaces file reads: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2398816:54
Acedipniku, what ?16:54
mjgreensohave filed a question at the ubuntu website16:54
smaw0351acedip http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-compress-and-split-files-in-ubuntu/2008/10/0616:54
kfyitmjgreenso -> all those files are same sizes yes?16:54
nikuthe "split" command16:54
JuJuBeecarpii_: Since this am, my kdm.log file is up to 6M.  Getting same errors now every 5-10 seconds.16:54
nikuit breaks files into smaller peices16:54
ferretonthelusno, i will check it....thx16:54
kfyitKenBW22 ->post your    /etc/network/interfaces16:55
mjgreensokfyit: 2-6 are, 1 is six bytes larger16:55
Acedipniku, so what is that ?16:55
KenBW22kfyit: i just did16:55
KenBW22kfyit: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2398816:55
kfyitKenBW22 -> you did not16:55
smaw0351anybody using intel 4500MDH video card?16:55
nikuyou asked "how do I split a file into smaller pieces?" the command do to that is "split"16:55
kfyitmjgreenso -> do a diff16:55
KenBW22kfyit: sorry, wrong one16:55
KenBW22kfyit: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2398916:56
JuJuBeeCan someone help me with an error in kdm.log?  Getting thesee  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m60c1f3a0  every 5-10 seconds.16:56
mick02Lads, anyone know how to use nmap to find out what users are logged on to what terminals in my domain?16:56
kfyitKenBW22 -> then sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth016:56
mjgreensokfyit: tty1 is different to the rest16:56
KenBW22kfyit: yea i did that, still not connecting16:56
kfyitKenBW22 -> and tell me if your intrepid is not gettting an ip address?16:56
Acedipniku, its like, i want to only 6 pages out of the 16 page pdf file, how shall i do that ?16:57
RPSGuys about my Trash Can not showing on the desktop in spite of me turning it on? Any theories?16:57
geniimick02: nmap is probably not the tool for something like like16:57
genii*like that16:57
Grim76__KenBW22, That last "auto etho"  should be a 0 and not an o.16:57
yownanymousRPS: Did you delete the .desktop file?16:58
BrokenClockworkHey guys, how can I setup up my gnome-terminal or terminator to use more then 8 colors, for instance 256?16:58
mick02genii, any idea of a tool that will accomplish what I'm trying to do?16:58
KenBW22Grim76: 0 or O?16:58
Grim76__KenBW22, Should be the numeral 016:58
mjgreensokfyit: http://pastebin.com/m58a92e38 and http://pastebin.com/m5acf5aec for tty1 and tty2 respectively16:58
KenBW22Grim76: yea it is16:58
geniimick02:  "w" "who" "ps aux | grep pty"16:59
Grim76__KenBW22, ok the paste makes it look like a lower case letter O16:59
geniimick02: Along those lines16:59
mjgreensokfyit: they are identical to another machine16:59
KenBW22kfyit: eth0 hasn't got an IP address, but lo has
RPSyownanymous, not that I'm aware, but it even if I did it still will not show my Home icon also, so this has to be another issue.16:59
JuJuBeeHelp.... in the last 10 minutes my kdm.log file went from 5.9M to 44M.17:00
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mick02genii, I need to scan remote machine on the domain, this command will only just scan the local machine won't it?17:00
RPSyownanymous, I'm wondering if it might have to do with Compiz Fusion17:00
armornickJuJuBee: what did you do in these 10 minutes? maybe something big happened?17:00
armornickJuJuBee: also, have you opened the file?17:00
kfyitmjgreenso -> you want them to be running in  2,3,4,5   and stop 0,1,6   your settings is weird17:00
JuJuBeearmornick: I am only using kopete here.17:01
RPSyownanymous, I'm using multiple desktops17:01
yownanymousRPS: Compiz is a bit glitchy, which DE are you using?17:01
KenBW22kfyit: any other ideas?17:01
mjgreensokfyit: it's the same on another 8.10 server box17:01
geniimick02: Yes, local. So you need to ssh in or so to the box you want to see who is logged into17:01
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yownanymousRPS: I had that problem with xubuntu17:01
yownanymousRPS: Can you get into /home?17:01
armornickJuJuBee: try checking what the log file says, maybe it's logging the irc17:01
JuJuBeearmornick: getting errors ... http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m60c1f3a017:01
kfyitKenBW22 -> maybe that autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=skge driverversion=1.11 duplex=full    is not supported by 8.1017:02
mick02genii, I'm a domain admin so I was hoping that I could use a tool like nmap that will find an IP address and then tell me the user that is logged in without the use of ssh. I'll have another go at Uncle Google!17:02
KenBW22kfyit: do you know of a solution?17:02
kfyitmjgreenso -> do you know what init level you are on?17:02
Droopsta915I cant recieve e-mail using evolution. POP password? What is that?17:02
armornickJuJuBee: sorry, can't help you with that, it's above my league17:02
kfyitKenBW22 -> nope, not yet, i dont do gig ethernet17:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:03
RPSyownanymous, everything is working fine ...I was just working from a book Ubuntu Kung Fu and it has an exercise where you put things back on the desktop. I'll PM you the little info if thats ok.17:03
armornickDroopsta915: I think that's the password of your mail address17:03
yownanymousRPS: Sure17:03
KenBW22kfyit: would i hae the problem if i install Hardy and upgrade through Update Manager?17:03
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kfyitKenBW22 -> i dont know, i dislike 8.10 -- i suggest stay where it is more stable17:04
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Guest609What's the portuguese channel ?17:04
Droopsta915armornick: I type in the password and it doesn't go. I'll remake the account, no biggie17:05
DJones!pt | Guest60917:05
ubottuGuest609: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:05
marge2I've tried to install kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 8.04 and followed instructions at http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-KDE-4-1-On-Ubuntu-8-04-91034.shtml but have no login screen, does not boot into X.17:05
mjgreensokfyit: runlevel says 'N 2'17:05
marge2I now  have to login to terminal sessin and do startx17:05
marge2What is missing?17:05
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marge2Or what config file needs to be changed?17:05
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KenBW22kfyit: meh, worth a try17:07
KenBW22kfyit: thanks a lott though anyway17:07
alexplayWhen i add: Option "omit xfree86-dga" to my modules subsection in xorg.conf and start a OpenGL game (Enemy Territory) that annoying lag input after i scroll the mouse wheel is gone, BUT the small movements doesn't get registered and the sensitivity is messed up. When i use  de "evdev" driver for my mouse without omit xfree86-dga this bug gets reduced to the point that is barely noticeable, but not always, like sometimes i have the bug and sometimes not.17:07
alexplayI'd also like to know if diabling these options in xorg.conf would give me extra performance because i'm not using compiz:17:07
FloodBot1alexplay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
mib_zoscgphi all, how can i hide the title bar of all windows in gnome?17:07
geniimick02: If login is authenticated against some system like radius or so, just check the one box which has the radius authentication database.17:08
dusthi, i got this error message when trying to install vlc : vlc: Depends: libx264-59 (>= 1:0.svn20080408) but it is not installable17:08
mick02genii, thanks. THe problem I'm having is that I'm authenticated against Active Directory17:09
AidenLdust, using cli or synaptic?17:09
dustAidenL: cli17:09
kfyitmjgreenso -> whats the result of this   sudo initctl list17:09
dustAidenL: hmm17:10
mshooshtariUnder what conditions was likewise-open tested to work out of the box?17:11
Commie_Cary were can I get the unstable deb for compiz and compiz plugins17:11
naratyseems a bit of a pain in the ass to get my blackberry to work on linux.17:11
naratyanyone can help me please?17:11
dust Depends: libx264-59 (>=1:0.svn20080408) but it is not installable17:11
dustin synaptics!17:11
AidenLnaraty, what are you trying to get to "work"17:12
dr_Willis!find libx26417:12
ubottuFound: libx264-59, libx264-dev17:12
dr_Willis! info libx26417:12
dustubottu: yea installed them but didnt work still!17:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:12
dr_Willis!info libx26417:12
ubottuPackage libx264 does not exist in intrepid17:12
dr_Willis!info libx264-5917:12
ubottulibx264-59 (source: x264): x264 video coding library. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.svn20080408-0.0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 274 kB, installed size 648 kB17:12
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.17:12
dr_WillisYou do have 'multiverse' enabled?17:12
kfyitmjgreenso -> whats the result of this   sudo initctl list17:12
dr_Willis!info vlc17:12
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1628 kB, installed size 3616 kB17:13
dustdr_Willis: hmm17:13
dustdr_Willis: so what works?17:13
Commie_Carywere can I get the unstable deb for compiz and compiz plugins17:13
dr_WillisHmm...   dust  i would try an apt-get update, and sudp apt-get upgrade and try it again17:13
mjgreensokfyit: tty1 (stop) waiting (same for 2-6)17:13
dustdr_Willis: i've doen that.17:13
dustdr_Willis: nothing in upgrade!17:14
dr_Willisdust,  err.. the package name is   libx264-59    did you try to install that? by itself?17:14
dr_Willissudo apt-get install  libx264-5917:14
dustdr_Willis: yea i installed it manually17:14
smaw0351playing videos causes Hardy to freeze. any suggestions?17:14
dr_Willisthat is very very weird then17:14
koskozno one for the "alt gr" issue ? it's pretty hard to dev without the "alt gr" key :/17:14
mib_zoscgphi all, how can i hide the title bar of all windows in gnome?17:14
Imaginativeonehey all17:15
mjgreensokfyit: Odd that, my two other 8.10 servers have each tty as 'start, running' with a  process id17:15
dr_Willismib_zoscgp,  the 'netbook' addons have a tool called 'maximus' i think that can do that. :)17:15
ImaginativeoneI was just now unwittingly destroying my sustem...17:15
dust^ dr_Willis17:15
Commie_Carywere can I get the unstable deb for compiz and compiz plugins17:15
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:15
dr_WillisCommie_Cary,  check the compiz-fusion channel perhaps?17:16
dustdr_Willis: sis you see the url ?17:16
jdr1looking 4 help configuring Linksys WUSB 100 (usb wireless device) on Intrepid.17:16
kfyitmjgreenso -> to restart it, use  initctl command, i dont know all the details,  man initctl17:16
Imaginativeonecan I reinstall ubuntu without destroying all my files?17:16
abonillawhy was atheros 2425 working before and not on the latest version of ubuntu?17:16
AidenLImaginativeone, backup your /home/$user$17:16
vishHi Guys!17:17
tomsboyy s pass qwa17:17
mchelen!ask | jdr117:18
ubottujdr1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:18
ImaginativeoneI don't think I can get to that folder17:19
Imaginativeonewill it be gone?17:19
marge2I was unsucessful at installing kubuntu-desktop and now can only boot to terminal.17:19
Imaginativeoneis there any way I can save it?17:19
Caesihi; can anyone help me with the irssi startup script?17:19
AidenLImaginativeone, you can always get to that folder...use the livedisk and mount it (if it doesnt automount) and copy that folder to somewhere safe.17:19
dustsame as installin mplayer17:19
marge2anyone know how to fix a problem like this?17:20
joey__can I help anyone?17:20
joey__I got 5 minutes17:20
AidenLjoey__, yes, do my ap chem homework :)17:20
mchelenCaesi, in terminal try to install kubuntu again with apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:20
marge2joey__: They can not help if you don't ask questions.17:20
dr_WillisGo shovel my drive.. :)17:20
sampbarhello all17:20
joey__sorry got my oen17:20
Caesimchelen: ? :)17:21
Caesijoey__: irssi startup scripts, can u help? :)17:21
sampbarhas anybody got any suggestions for a server control panel other than webmin?17:21
mchelenCaesi, you can get to a terminal right? type: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:21
dr_Willis!info ebox17:21
ubottuebox (source: ebox): the eBox platform - Base framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.99-0ubuntu11 (intrepid), package size 293 kB, installed size 2324 kB17:21
* pppoec Hello all.17:21
jdr1!ask | Has anyone had success using a Linksys WUSB100 wireless device with Intrepid NOT using ndiswrapper?  If so, which RALINK driver was used?17:21
ubottuHas anyone had success using a Linksys WUSB100 wireless device with Intrepid NOT using ndiswrapper?  If so, which RALINK driver was used?: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:21
joey__yes but not whithin 5 minutes17:21
James296can anyone here tell me why I get this error when trying to add the openoffice.org repo from launchpad.net?17:22
dr_Willissampbar,  ebox.. but las ti checked - it had issues in 8.10 - those may be fixed by now17:22
joey__sorry dude17:22
mchelenCaesi, oh woops nm, that was meant for someone else17:22
James296W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 60D11217247D1CFF17:22
mchelenmarge2, in terminal try to install kubuntu again with apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:22
joey__i suggest you try google on it17:22
Caesimchelen: yeah heheh17:22
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sampbardr_Willis, okey dokey i will have a look :) thanks17:22
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Caesijoey__: @ me or the other one? ;)17:22
AidenLJames296, the source doesn't provide the public key or you chose not to install it, ignore and install anyway or grab the gpg key and add it to your trusted sources.17:22
James296well I used to do that before and that wasnt necessary...17:23
hena2hallo i'm new @ ubuntu17:23
James296how do I get the key?17:23
AidenLJames296, when was the last  time you apt-get updated?17:23
geniiJames296: ppa keys are usually listed on the users ppa homepage17:23
Caesik thanks joey__17:23
joey__well 5 minutes are over17:23
joey__Caesi I suggest you email me you're problem if you can't figure it out17:24
James296dont know17:24
mulchmy install does not see my CF disk when i plug it into the reader, any tips?17:25
hena2broadcam doesn't seem to work hardware installation window says it's activated but network doen't show. bcm4311(rev 02)17:25
joey__take care17:25
erUSULhena2: did you installled b43-fwcutter17:25
hena2no bcm431117:25
osfameronfor virtualbox, is there any disadvantage to using --disable-hardening?17:26
zmanninghey guys i cant find where i can install docky.  anyone know how?17:26
=== nick is now known as prometheus77
prometheus77my firefox has inverted colors.... everything is negative........ wtf strangest thing i have ever seen17:27
osfameroneeeeek, compiling VirtualBox takes my CPU up to 95 degrees...17:27
sampbarstill looking for a server control panel, ebox and webmin = nono17:27
AidenLprometheus77, superkey + M or N17:27
prometheus77what a superkey is17:28
hena2nvidia doesn't work either stuck at 800*600 resolution. its activated17:28
AidenLprometheus77, "Windows" key17:28
prometheus77wow thats fucking impossible!!!!!!!!!! dude wtf17:28
prometheus77when did they add that lol17:28
AidenL!language > prometheus7717:29
ubottuprometheus77, please see my private message17:29
prometheus77that is banannas17:29
prometheus77that is some bannas17:29
never2fari have usb flash ext3 ...how can i format to fat ?17:29
Slartnever2far: mkfs should be able to do in a terminal.. or use gparted17:29
prometheus77ubottu: , sorry gnome xchat does not support private messages............... too bad loser17:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:30
hena2how do i get wbroadcam to work?17:30
AidenLSure it does prometheus7717:30
Slartprometheus77: gnome-xchat does support pms17:30
never2farSlart, i tried ...it's ok but from 2 GB it shows me only 300 MB17:30
prometheus77i don't see any pms17:30
AidenLprometheus77, 7 PM's I have open say otherwise17:30
Slartprometheus77: you can't blame the client for that, I think =)17:30
prometheus77when did they add the windowskey + m == invert mode17:30
arvind_khadriprometheus77, are you a registered user?17:31
prometheus77i am17:31
prometheus77but i fogot my password17:31
Slartprometheus77: it's a compiz shortcut.. don't know when that was included17:31
Slartprometheus77: if you're not registerd, and identified, you cant use pm's17:31
Slarthena2: what is the problem?17:31
arvind_khadriprometheus77, ask the staff to help you out... only registered user's get pms17:31
=== Heroin is now known as Guest56317
hena2broadcam doesn't work17:32
graingerthey I cannot reach medibuntu.org17:32
Guest56317Hey, i seem to have some driver issues i didnt have before. Firefox has laggy frames when scrolling.. any ideas on how i can fix that?17:32
arvind_khadri!ask | hena217:32
ubottuhena2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:32
graingertis it down?17:32
prometheus77has i fix it17:32
Slarthena2: can't help with that, sorry17:32
prometheus77i decided to switch to gnome/ubuntu from kde/xp for like a month17:32
hena2alright here's my problem17:32
=== Kyle is now known as eedge
prometheus77so far gnome has some quirks, but it works after a week or so of figuring new stuff out17:32
Slartnever2far: can you pastebin the output from "du -h" ?17:33
arvind_khadriGuest56317, maybe compiz... not drivers... and please do you mind getting a name for yourself17:34
Slartnever2far: and tell me, if you use gparted and look at the usb drive does the partition use all the space available?17:34
arvind_khadri!hi | zoudi17:34
hena2broadcam wireless wont work hardware installation  says its activated, but network doesn't show. bcm4311(rev 02)17:34
ubottuzoudi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:34
never2farSlart,  i don't use gparted17:34
arvind_khadri!broadcam | hena217:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about broadcam17:34
hajhouse!printing photos17:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about printing photos17:34
arvind_khadri!wi-fi | hena217:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wi-fi17:34
hajhouse!printing pictures17:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:34
Slartnever2far: any particular reason why?17:34
hena2yeah broadcam17:34
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=== daffy is now known as zoudi
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arvind_khadri!bcm | hena217:36
ubottuhena2: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:36
hena2nvidia too doesnt work stuck at 800*600 resolution its activated17:36
arvind_khadrihajhouse, what do you need exactly?17:36
Guest56317Hey, i seem to have some driver issues i didnt have before. Firefox has laggy frames when scrolling.. any ideas on how i can fix that?17:36
Xmanhi all, cananyone help me in port forwarding????????17:36
TheGhosThi all17:36
TheGhosTi have a problem with dpkg --configure -a17:37
hena2so wifi docs works?17:37
arvind_khadrihena2, do you have nvidia-settings17:37
mchelenXman, what do you want to do?17:37
arvind_khadrihena2, read the documentation17:37
hena2i think i do it's already activated17:37
arvind_khadriGuest56317, i replied you... get a name first17:37
Xmanmchelen: i wanna do port forwarding for my cs1.6 server17:38
Guest56317Xman: wrong irc channel17:38
arvind_khadriTheGhosT, elaborate17:38
Guest56317Xman: you need to forward the ports on your router17:38
SlartXman: are you using some kind of router? what is your network setup?17:38
XmanGuest56317: nopes i m not new to the channel17:38
ShdwSoldierHello all17:38
arvind_khadri!hi  | ShdwSoldier17:39
ubottuShdwSoldier: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:39
XmanSlart: yes17:39
ShdwSoldierhow is everyone?17:39
XmanSlart: i m behind a router17:39
NicKKhow i past in console ?17:39
TheGhosTBus error17:39
TheGhosTdpkg: il sottoprocesso post-installation script ha restituito un codice di errore 13517:39
Guest56317Xman: if you mean you want to open the port in the iptables then i dont know but you can just google opening ports + iptables17:39
SlartXman: what kind of router?17:39
arvind_khadriNicKK, shift+insert17:39
Guest56317Xman: if you are behind a router check out http://portforward.com <-- u just need the model of your router17:39
XmanSlart: do u have teamviewer?17:39
SlartXman: nope17:40
XmanGuest56317: already seen that site but modem model not found17:40
badcatgreetings all, i am planning to resize my main hd using the gpart bootable cd. will it affect my currently installed ubuntu OS?17:40
XmanSlart: u know how to do port forwarding17:40
C_KodeQuestion: I have Ubuntu 8.04.  I had added KDE to it when 4.0 came out but it stunk so I disabled it.    The login page was KDE, but after logging it, it was Gnome.   Now, I upgraded to 8.10 last night and it removed KDE from my system.  Now, when I boot, it boots to command line and it appears the Gnome Login is missing.  How do I add that back via apt-get?  Anyone know?17:40
hena2ok so the help.ubuntu/ community is going to help me with broadcam wireless?17:40
SlartXman: yes.. I know all kinds of neat stuff.. including how to spell "you"..17:41
C_Kodebadcat: does it use lvm?17:41
XmanSlart: u r on a ubuntu machine now?17:41
C_Kodelvm makes life simple17:41
arvind_khadriC_Kode, how did you remove KDE?17:41
badcatC_Kode, not sure what that is?17:41
SlartXman: yes17:41
Guest56317Xman: its freakin simple :)17:41
hena2how do i get unix to work on ubuntu17:42
TheGhosTBus error17:42
TheGhosT dpkg: The subprocess post-installation script returned an error code 13517:42
Guest56317Xman: open up a new terminal type ipconfig /all check the IPmask17:42
Guest56317i mean ifconfig :)17:42
XmanSlart: i will give u remote access can u setup port forwarding for me17:42
Stefanohi, I cannot open documents from a Samba share from a PC but I can from another in the same LAN. For example Open Office starts but it immediately stops withput any message17:42
arvind_khadriTheGhosT, why are you using dpkg?17:42
C_Kodearvind_khadri: I just reenabled Gnome when I didnt' like KDE 4.0.  When I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 last night, the upgrade removed it as old software that doesn't work on the new version17:42
hena2trying to get unix to work on ubuntu17:42
Guest56317Stefano: did you check the error log of OO?17:43
SlartXman: no, you still haven't answered my questions..17:43
Imaginativeonewhat will I end up saving?17:43
TheGhosTupdate system and syn packets17:43
C_Kodebadcat: lvm is Logical Volume Manager17:43
StefanoGuest56317, sorry, where I find the log of OO?17:43
XmanSlart: which ques dude?17:43
SlartXman: and just for your information.. if you use "u" or "r" instead of the proper words again I'm putting you on ignore17:43
arvind_khadriTheGhosT, for that you need to use apt... sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:43
Guest56317Stefano: /var/log/someplacehereibet17:43
XmanSlart: oh sorry dude..17:44
StefanoGuest56317, I've started OO from shell but don't receive any message17:44
SlartXman: you are using mIRC.. scroll up.. read what I wrote to you17:44
hena2khadri: how do i get unix to work on ubuntu?17:44
Guest56317Stefano: urm thats odd17:44
arvind_khadriC_Kode, hmm.. did you try googling??17:44
C_Kodebadcat: try running "vgscan" at the command line17:44
StefanoGuest56317, very odd... :-)17:44
StefanoGuest56317, samba log doen't say anything...17:44
Guest56317Guest56317: so its just crashes and there is not echo in the terminal?17:44
C_Kodearvind_khadri: initally at midnight last night while my wife was screaming GO TO BED!17:45
Guest56317Stefano: can you open it with gedit/kate?17:45
StefanoGuest56317, exactly17:45
StefanoGuest56317, no17:45
StefanoGuest56317, same problem17:45
Guest56317Stefano: so its a samba problem :)17:45
StefanoGuest56317, I can browse all directories but I cannot open files17:45
hena2khadri: you haven't answered ma question?17:45
Imaginativeonewill "rescue a broken system" save my files?17:45
StefanoGuest56317, you mean samba problem from the PC where OO crashes?17:45
Guest56317Stefano: urm.. so its a permission problem.. its been a while since i touched samba configs17:45
=== luxus is now known as anglxs
arvind_khadriC_Kode, lol ... i have apparently no idea.. maybe a issue with gdm...17:45
XmanSlart: you are asking for my modem model and my network setup?17:46
SlartXman: yes, correct17:46
anglxsany ideas why i cant play streaming video?17:46
Guest56317and samba isnt giving any errors because you probally dont have rights so it just blocks you from opening as it is supposed too17:46
StefanoGuest56317, but from a PC of the same LAN I can open and modify all I want, problem is on another PC of the same LAN17:46
hena2i need some help using unix on ubuntu17:46
scunizihena2, linux is based in unix.. I don't think you can run unix inside of linux unless you're running a VM.. unix is it's own O17:46
XmanSlart: my modem is T.KD 318-EUI17:46
StefanoGuest56317, but I don't use any permission17:46
scunizi!bash | hena217:47
ubottuhena2: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:47
anglxsI would like to know if you can tell me the best codecs or something for streaming video on Ubuntu 8.1017:47
XmanSlart: and i m using a pppoe connection17:47
StefanoGuest56317, I only use a public directory share17:47
hena2s and O?17:47
XmanSlart: Any ideas?17:47
Guest56317Stefano: you might want to look at the config file @ /etc/samba17:47
SlartXman: then you need to do the port forwarding on your router17:47
arvind_khadriC_Kode, try running gdm...force start x...17:47
scunizihena2, OS  as in Operating system.. unix is one and linux is one17:47
SlartXman: it's not something you do on the computer end..17:47
XmanSlart: thats what i m asking for17:47
hena2i have linux installed17:48
StefanoGuest56317, I've written it as "Cookbook" said17:48
C_KodeI can start X (startx)  It just doesn't have the login screen.  I will check out gdm17:48
anglxsI would like to know if you can tell me the best codecs or something for streaming video on Ubuntu 8.10. I cant play streaming video or Audio and in Youtube i don't have sound :S17:48
SlartXman: I've never used your router and it is different on almost all models.. there usually is some kind of web configuration setup you can use17:48
StefanoGuest56317, do u think that reinstall Samba where OO crashes could be usefull?17:48
scunizihena2, great.. use that.. the commands at the terminal are essentially the same17:48
XmanSlart: thats why i was thinking of giving u remote access so that u can do thing in my router17:48
hajhousewhat is a good gui application for printing photos? i want (1) to print multiple jpeg files at once (or make a bunch of photos into one multipage pdf) and (2) *easily* add annotations such as file name along side of each picture17:48
Guest56317Stefano: no samba is working fine17:49
sky_i am convert audio from flv video and it works ok in my PC but when i put it to my Creative ZEN it doesnt work :X17:49
Imaginativeonehow do I get back to the Ubuntu windowing environment?17:49
SlartXman: I still wouldn't know what to do with your router17:49
Guest56317Stefano: its just that samba isnt configured propperly17:49
StefanoGuest56317, I agree17:49
scunizihajhouse, I use mapivi for doing contact sheets... I think that fspot will also.. but there are others...17:49
Guest56317Stefano: try "nano /etc/samba/smb.conf"17:49
hajhousescunizi: thanks, will investigate.17:49
anglxssky_ download gnomad217:49
XmanSlart: have u ever heard the name of my router17:49
SlartXman: check that site that someone mentioned http://portforward.com17:49
Imaginativeonecan anyone see me?17:49
SlartXman: nope17:49
sky_angixs: what is gnomad2 ?17:50
anglxsI would like to know if you can tell me the best codecs or something for streaming video on Ubuntu 8.10. I cant play streaming video or Audio and in Youtube i don't have sound :S17:50
scunizihajhouse, mapivi is one of my favorites for resizing, rotating, contact sheets etc.. it's lossless and in the repos17:50
sky_angixs: i used ffmpeg17:50
adam__I'm having trouble understanding the chsh command, once I've authenticated, it asks for the new value, does it want something akin to /bin/csh  ?17:50
XmanSlart: already checked there dude. I can't find my router in the list17:50
Imaginativeonehow I run the Ubuntu windowing environment?17:50
StefanoGuest56317, I can send you testparms result17:50
anglxssky_ its a program for the mp3 player, I use it to put mp3 and stuff in17:50
scunizihajhouse, although the interface is not overly pretty the menus work well as does right mouse click17:50
SlartXman: then you need to read the manual.. or find someone who uses the same router that you have17:50
pLrImaginativeone: /etc/init.d/gdm restart17:50
StefanoGuest56317, so u think problem could be only that file?17:50
hajhousescunizi: installing it now :)17:51
hena2skunizi: so is there a reason broadcam wireless wont  work the network doesnt show but hardware installation says its activated17:51
SlartXman: perhaps ask in #networking or some similar channel but not here.. this channel if for ubuntu support only17:51
XmanSlart: even they are in truble17:51
sky_its a linux virus !!!!!17:51
vigoImaginativeone: do you mean the Workspaces?17:51
Guest56317Stefano: yes i think it just a file problem17:51
Imaginativeoneyes - I only can see the command line17:51
Guest56317Stefano: see samba is DOING what it is being told.. you just need to tell it what to do17:51
ImaginativeoneI think I accidentally deleted a bunch of important stuff17:51
Guest56317Imaginativeone: so reinstall?17:52
vigoOh,,you are in text mode..17:52
anglxsI would like to know if you can tell me the best codecs or something for streaming video on Ubuntu 8.10. I cant play streaming video or Audio and in Youtube i don't have sound :S17:52
Imaginativeonevigo: yes17:52
hena2skunizi: still havent answered my question?17:52
Guest56317Imaginativeone: if you are on IRC it should not be a problem :)17:52
scunizihena2, that's a whole different question.. broadcom wireless isn't the best at providing access to information so it can be used in linux..  I'll have ubottu send you a link on wireless17:52
vigoLet me look,,17:52
scunizi!wireless | hena217:52
ubottuhena2: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:52
Guest56317anglxs: you need to install ubuntu restricted thingies17:52
ImaginativeoneGuest: this is a different computer17:52
pLrImaginativeone: did the command i gave you work?17:52
Imaginativeonethe Ubuntu is/was the good one17:52
Imaginativeoneit is down17:52
Imaginativeoneso I'm using this one17:52
anglxsGuest56317 the problem is that I have them, I dunno whats colliding with them17:53
Guest56317Imaginativeone: ah ok, well how broken is it? can you still boot up and select your kernel?17:53
StefanoGuest56317, I think the problem is not on the PC that shares the directory because from another PC I can use every file and I don't use autentication. I think the problem is on the PC from where I cannot open file but I'll follow your indications17:53
StefanoGuest56317, thanks a lot! Have a nice day!17:53
pLrImaginativeone: did the command i gave you work?17:53
Imaginativeonefortunately I had the foresight to run two computers for times like this17:53
Guest56317anglxs: ah ok .. sry cant help u much then17:53
ImaginativeoneGuest: I can log onto my account17:53
Imaginativeonein text mode17:53
Guest56317Stefano: yah just check the config file :)17:53
ImaginativeonepLr: what command?17:54
hena2skunizi:ok so i can find all the info at help.ubuntu17:54
pLrImaginativeone: /etc/init.d/gdm restart17:54
Guest56317pLr: i dont think his GDM is broken.. probally xserver :)17:54
* Guest56317 brb reboot17:54
akahige1is there a way to make gnome's audio preview on hover function work with nautilus' list view?17:54
ImaginativeonepLr: nothing happened17:54
pLrGuest56317: this is correct but we need his error msg17:54
sky_anglxs: doesnt work with my creative :X17:54
anglxswhich one you have? It works for my Zen V plus17:55
ImaginativeoneGuest: you might be right17:55
=== zz_hexbase is now known as hexbase
pLrImaginativeone: you did not see any text appear after entering that line?17:55
Imaginativeonehow do I fix my xserver?17:55
ImaginativeonepLr: nope17:55
sky_anglxs: ZEN stone17:55
anglxsit should :S17:55
pLrImaginativeone: you can reboot and go to recoverymode theres an option (fix xserver)17:55
sky_but i think the problem is in encoding17:55
pLrImaginativeone: from your grub menu17:55
Imaginativeoneunfortunately I don't have my ubuntu disk17:56
pLrImaginativeone: you do not need it to do this17:56
ImaginativeoneI have Ubuntu Alternate 6/2/0717:56
hexbasehey, my ubuntu installation broke my windows ntfs disk. How do i fix it?17:56
synacki have a really annoying problem with ubuntu not mouting my cdrom after an unmount17:56
ImaginativeonepLr: sorry...I lost you17:56
arvind_khadrihexbase, broke as in what?17:57
koskozno one for the "alt gr" issue ? it's pretty hard to dev without the "alt gr" key :/17:57
ImaginativeonepLr: Grub menu?17:57
judgenNån som har erfarenhet av ndiswrapepr?17:57
Imaginativeoneok...here's what I plan to do17:57
pLrImaginativeone: this is the program that starts ubuntu,17:57
Imaginativeonethen what?17:57
hexbasearvind_khadri, windows cannot boot now. it says i must run chkdsk /r on it17:57
pLrImaginativeone: it shows you a list, there should be one w/ recovery mode17:57
Joker_-_Anyone here got a radeon 8500le to work in 8.10?17:58
ImaginativeonepLr: cool...17:58
Imaginativeonetrying now17:58
Joker_-_I've been googling on that for about an hour, tryed envy aswell as rep. drivers17:58
Joker_-_nothing seems to be working17:58
ImaginativeonepLr: I'm in recovery mode!!17:58
arvind_khadrihexbase, what had you done?17:58
pregierwhere can I get pulseaudio packages for hardy and intrepid which are newer than the distros' builds?17:58
Imaginativeonedo you rock or what???17:59
vigoImageinativeone: fixed? or Ctrl-Alt-F1,,,17:59
Imaginativeoneit's scrolling massive text17:59
arvind_khadriJoker_-_, the restricted drivers?17:59
pLrImaginativeone: cool choose fix/repair xserver17:59
vigoOh, good call pLr!17:59
Joker_-_arvind_khadri: restricted drivers doesnt work apparently... (thats what envy uses --> flgx or something)17:59
ImaginativeoneThe X Server reconfiguration is now running17:59
pLrvigo: thx18:00
Imaginativeonenow back at the recovery menu18:00
Xman_Slart: can you just tell me what is a private IP??18:00
arvind_khadriJoker_-_, envy as in envyng?18:00
pLrImaginativeone: continue to boot normally or wtv..18:00
Imaginativeoneshould I try to repair broken packages?18:00
Joker_-_avidvivid: apparently ATI doesnt support this card anymore. It's in an old box I wanna use as a media server for my living room's TV (mythbuntu)18:00
Joker_-_arvind_khadri: yes18:00
pLrImaginativeone: no the only thing is fix xserver once,, then continue to boot normally18:01
arvind_khadriJoker_-_, ok...18:01
hexbasearvind_khadri, nothing, just mounted the ntfs disk to view it's content.18:01
Joker_-_avidvivid: wrong person ;)18:01
avidvividthought so, np18:01
Marfijoin #kubuntu18:01
synack i have a really annoying problem with ubuntu not mouting my cdrom after an unmount18:01
pLrImaginativeone: status? o.O18:01
ImaginativeonesynjacK: what's your hardware?18:01
Marfigood thing that wasn't msg nickserv identify. ;)18:01
arvind_khadrihexbase, how did you mount it?18:02
Xman_Can anyone tell me what is a private IP?????18:02
Imaginativeoneresuming normal boot18:02
RPSGuys I'm having some issues with getting things to show up on my desktop. I went over to compiz-fusion to make sure it didn't have anything to do with it, but after I was given a command "nautilus &" to run it came back with an error. Could someone take a look at this and see what it looks like? http://pastebin.com/d7c6dda6618:02
Imaginativeonetext again18:02
Joker_-_Xman_: a local IP, a IP you get in your private network18:02
biouserpavucontrol Connection failed: Connection terminated18:02
synackcant tell18:02
hexbasearvind_khadri, i dont remember, that was long ago. But sometimes didnt work so i forced it a few times.18:02
Joker_-_Xman_: usually something like 192.168.1.xxx or 192.168.2.xxx or 10.10.10.xxx18:02
synackits not in lspci18:02
Imaginativeonepowered off18:03
Imaginativeonepowered on...hoping for the best18:03
Xman_Joker_-_: u mean the IP which we put into the LAN CARD?18:03
biouserI can no longer voodoo firefox to have sound though ardour->jack works properly as ardour effectively disables PA and starts jack.  No luck with firefox sound now though...18:03
vish 18:03
Joker_-_Xman_: yes, thats your private IP18:03
arvind_khadrihexbase, the forcing seems to have broken it... was it the C: ? i mean the installation directory of win?18:03
Xman_Joker_-_: thanx18:03
Joker_-_Xman_: your public IP being the IP your modem assing to your router18:03
pLrImaginativeone: if that doesnt work, get an ubuntu cd, it will save you lots of time/effor18:04
ImaginativeoneI just don't want to nuke my system18:04
hexbasearvind_khadri, i mounted the entire hddisk, so yes18:04
Imaginativeonelots of valuables...18:04
Joker_-_arvind_khadri: apparently ATI doesnt support this card anymore. It's in an old box I wanna use as a media server for my living room's TV (mythbuntu)18:04
arvind_khadrihexbase, try to recover the data...18:05
Imaginativeonecan I get a disk in text mode?18:05
pLrImaginativeone: your desktop worked before??18:05
arvind_khadriJoker_-_, no idea...18:05
ImaginativeoneI had trouble with Apache18:05
hexbasearvind_khadri, and then format? i'll try the chkdsk first18:05
Imaginativeoneso I was trying to reverse testsel18:05
Joker_-_Anyone here has an ATI 8500?18:05
arvind_khadrihexbase, ya ok :)18:05
Imaginativeonebad move18:05
lantjiehey guys what's up18:05
lantjiei have a question18:05
Imaginativeonecan I burn a cd in text mode?18:06
biouserpavucontrol Connection failed: Connection terminated18:06
pLrImaginativeone: try cd /etc/X11/  and check if you have a xorg.conf.backupXXXX18:06
biouserI can no longer voodoo firefox to have sound though ardour->jack works properly as ardour effectively disables PA and starts jack.  No luck with firefox sound now though...18:06
geniiJoker_-_: Not currently. But I had previously an AIW 8500DV which used the Radeon drivers18:06
hexbasearvind_khadri, do you know any program that can help me? something like chkdsk for ntfs?18:06
biouserafter the update ... I have 2 volume icons on my panel now18:06
pregierdoes ubuntu have bleeding-edge/development package repos like r*d h*t's rawhide repos?18:06
biouserI have input and output which when I mouse-over say 100% and HDA VIA VT82xx = ALC861 Analog18:06
Joker_-_genii: what driver should I use?18:06
pLrImaginativeone: the reason your desktop is not starting is because xorg.conf is incorrect or your video card is broken18:06
biouserand another PCM: 100%18:06
adam__'chsh -s /bin/csh' is telling me it's an invalid shell, what am I doing wrong?18:06
penelaI tried to install the ATI drivers from ATI and hosed my settings.  They don't work for me.  How can I remove the ATI drivers and revert back to ubuntu drivers?18:06
sky_can i download torrents via Console ?18:06
geniipregier: -proposed and -experimental18:06
arvind_khadrihexbase, fsck18:06
Joker_-_genii: it takes ages to load and always complain about being in low res mode18:06
sky_eh i mean console app for torrents18:06
pregiergenii:  awesome, thanks a million!18:07
^Cheekyhi, has anyone installed the latest verision of eclipse in ubuntu. i read that the repos in 8.10 only have the older version, how can i install the lastest version of eclipse in ubuntu 8.10 ?18:07
arvind_khadri!fsck > hexbase18:07
ubottuhexbase, please see my private message18:07
biouserwhen I click on "volume control" it thinks about "starting sound"18:07
biouserbut does not18:07
hexbasearvind_khadri, does it work for ntfs?18:07
nikuJoker can you change the mode with xrandr?18:07
geniiJoker_-_: The "radeon" driver18:07
lantjiei want to copy a folder from my usb stick to my desktop and it doesn't  from the terminal what can i do?18:07
ImaginativeonepLr: may I msg you?18:07
famioi'm about to go insane, please help me to do one simple port forwarding with iptables, i swear i've looked at least 100 articles and still can't get it to work18:07
ashishsonyhello everyone....18:07
Joker_-_genii: radeon rather than fxglr or something or "ati" ?18:07
RPSanyone got a second to look at my error I got when I ran "nautilus &"? http://pastebin.com/d7c6dda6618:07
geniiJoker_-_: Yes.18:07
ImaginativeoneI have xorf.conf.2009020313000218:08
KlasRudiansky_, rtorrent is a text based torrent client18:08
AidenLfamio, use webmin?18:08
vishlantjie, try sudo cp18:08
arvind_khadrihexbase, ya... fsck.ntfs i guess18:08
lantjievish that is what i did, but maybe the file is to big18:08
Joker_-_IRSSI closed for some reasons18:08
Jack_Sparrowfamio You usually port forward a port in your router... But I am sure you knew that18:09
xiaoranis there any terminal comand to show the cpu speed?18:09
lantjievish:that is what i did, but maybe the file is to big18:09
adam__'chsh -s /bin/csh' is telling me it's an invalid shell, what am I doing wrong? /bin/csh is listed in /etc/shells18:09
Joker_-_so I should use "radeon" rathe than "ati" or "fxglr"?18:09
vishlantjie, if u dont have space on ur harddrive then thats self explanatory18:09
AidenLxiaoran, cat /proc/cpuinfo18:09
nikuxiaaoran- cat /proc/cpuinfo18:09
vishlantjie, what error do you get?18:09
famioJack_Sparrow, you assume correctly, the firewall machine is directly connected to internet18:09
lantjievish: i have space on my hardrive18:10
lantjievish: otitting18:10
vishlantjie, come again?!18:10
Jack_SparrowRPS Are you running as root user  when you give that command?18:10
famioif i open services directly on it i can connect with no problems, but forwarding is impossible, it "kinda works" but nmapping shows the forwarded ports as "filtered"18:10
lantjievish: it is otmitting18:11
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate18:11
nat2610no bot  anymore ?18:11
RPSJack_Sparrow, I'm not positive ...I an the only user on this pc18:11
penelaAny help on removing ATI display drivers?18:11
vishlantjie, U mean it is OMITTING?18:11
RainbowDemonhi guy's, maybe someone can help me with this... I'm trying to figure out how to set the default skin back after uninstalling custom plone skin with generic set-up18:11
Jack_Sparrownat2610 Yes the bot answered you18:11
lantjievish: yes sorry18:11
vishlantjie, are you copying a directory?18:11
lantjievish yes18:12
Jack_Sparrownat2610 What are you trying to do with nautilus18:12
RPSJack_Sparrow, should I have ran something in front of the "nautilus &"18:12
vishlantjie, if yes then use sudo cp -r <whatever>18:12
lantjievish: oke thanx i will18:12
famioif some net guru shows up i could really use some help18:13
Jack_SparrowRPS I made a launcher and have nautilus as the command.. works fine18:13
mlinoanyone can help me?18:13
Jack_Sparrow!fishing > nat261018:13
ubottunat2610, please see my private message18:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:13
lantjievish: yes that is the one18:13
TheGhosTI've a General Error : http://pastebin.com/m6ebc8e7018:13
vishlantjie, u done?18:13
=== hexbase is now known as zz_hexbase
Jack_SparrowTheGhosT Please ask your general question in the channel and not just post a link18:14
mlinook sorry18:14
mlinoi'm trying to install kde 4.2 to ubuntu18:14
lantjievish: no how can i mount a iso file ?18:14
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:14
TheGhosTjack, the error it's more than1 strings18:14
mlinobut when i try to valideit pass18:14
TheGhosTpost too?18:14
mlinoi cant18:14
mlinowith gpg18:14
TheGhosTGeneral Error:18:15
TheGhosTgpg: WARNING: the permissions of the configuration file "/ home / theghost / .gnupg / gpg.conf" Unsafe18:15
TheGhosTgpg: WARNING: the permissions of the directory related to the configuration file '/ home / theghost / .gnupg / gpg.conf' are not safe18:15
TheGhosTgpg: calls to external programs are disabled because of not allowed18:15
TheGhosTsure of the file options18:15
FloodBot1TheGhosT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
TheGhosTgpg: keyserver communications error: general error18:15
AidenLPoor guy18:15
Jack_SparrowTheGhosT Ask a brief  question and link the location  with the details needed18:15
BerserkurHow can I reset key bindings? The gnome-keybinding-properties does not give the option to reset to default18:15
BerserkurWhich I find rediculous18:15
RPSJack_Sparrow, does that error make any sense to you? I can't right click on my desktop or get any icons to show up on the desk top in spite of going into gconf-editor and putting check marks beside the Trashcan & home folder.18:15
vishlantjie, if ur using ubuntu 8.10, then right click on iso, open with> archive mounter. You will find an icon on the desktop that is your stuff.18:15
ugliefroghow do i make install ?18:16
Jack_SparrowRPS No idea what you did to cause that.. gconfig can get tricky18:16
mlinokeyserver error18:16
actionshrimphey guys, how can i run multiple X server sessions? I want to keep my normal desktop running, but try out a different window manager at the same time18:16
mlinowith the tutorila18:16
mlinoin kde18:16
lantjievish: thanx and do you know the command, becuase i love the commands18:16
Jack_Sparrow!compile > ugliefrog18:16
ubottuugliefrog, please see my private message18:16
oliver__coucou il y a quelq'un qui pourait m'aidé pour instalé linux mandriva18:16
actionshrimpi found some old guides on the ubuntu forums, but they dont seem to work, is this handled by gnome-session now?18:16
Jack_Sparrowmlino Please stop breaking up what you are saying by using the enter key18:16
mlinook sorry18:17
RPSJack_Sparrow, I'm using Compiz-F, but its not giving any problems18:17
mlinoi try to follow the tutorial in kde website, but when i use de gpg comand i can't verify the key18:17
vishlantjie, no idea, research it yourself, looking for archive mounter command!!18:17
vishlantjie, That is actually more fun.18:18
RPSJack_Sparrow, it's not like I'm not having problems ...I just thought I would put those icons on the desktop ...experiment a little18:18
penelaCan anybody help me remove ATI drivers?18:18
arvind_khadrimlino, you need to add the keys i suppose18:19
mlinojacksparrw you know my error?18:19
Jack_Sparrowlantjie Did you miss where I gave you the command earlier18:19
arvind_khadrimlino, gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys $KEY where $key is the value18:19
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:20
arvind_khadrimlino, then this gpg --export --armor $KEY | sudo apt-key add -18:20
cpachhey all! i have played around with my /etc/pam.d/* files on a test machine and would like to restore these to some good defaults. can anyone give me a clue?18:20
asranielhi. little emergency. on my girlfriends computer, HAL decided not to start anymore, or networkmanager. her knetworkmanager does not see any devices (no recent upgrades etc). how can i debut the problem?18:20
Jack_Sparrowmlino I understand what you ar saying but there should be info on that site on setting up the gpg key..  We use   gnome for the most part.. there is #kubuntu and #kubuntu-kde4  I think18:20
ugliefrogIt says to do this--------> There is no configure file, use make install to build and install in your local gimp plugins directory18:20
ugliefrogi dont know how to do that18:20
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:21
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:21
Jack_Sparrowshull we dont serve files18:21
ugliefroganyone? can u help me18:23
Berserkuractionshrimp: Have you tried the switch user function?18:24
Stroganoffugliefrog: make && sudo make install18:24
ugliefrogjust type it in the terminal18:24
Jack_Sparrowugliefrog Did you read the links on compiling software18:24
ugliefrogdoesnt make sense to me18:24
ugliefrogill try the make thing again18:24
Jack_Sparrowugliefrog You will need to know it if you intend to compile programs..18:25
actionshrimpBerserkur: basically I want to run a window manager on a seperate SCREEN, because when i run the windowmanager it freezes X. But apaprently if i run it from a different screen i can see the errors that make it freeze18:25
mlinojoin #kubuntu18:25
Berserkuractionshrimp: Well the problem is that you are trying to run a window manager on an X server which is already managed by Gnome or KDE, am I right?18:26
rakudavemlino: you'll need a slash in front of that "join"18:26
mlinowhy i can't go to kubuntu chanel? >.<18:26
s0101how can i read a msn conversation with wireshark? i see all the network trafic and the protocols?18:26
Jack_Sparrowmlino /join #kubuntu18:27
UnknownUser57s0101:set filter 'msnms'18:27
rakudavemlino: on the off-chance of repeating myself: you'll need a slash in front of that "join"18:27
s0101but can i accually read the messages?18:27
ugliefrogcan i get link again..im getting errors18:27
mlino470:  | [0] mlino, [1] #kubuntu, [2] #ubuntu-proxy-users, [3] Forwarding to another channel :S18:27
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:28
Berserkuractionshrimp: To answer your question. You can run another xserver with another window manager18:28
UnknownUser57Try it and see18:28
Jack_Sparrow!info build-essential18:28
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB18:28
s0101what is protocol mdns?18:28
actionshrimpBerserkur: how do i do this?18:28
actionshrimpi tried xserver -- :118:28
actionshrimpi mean xstart -- :1 sorry18:28
Berserkuractionshrimp: It is very long since I did it. Give me a few minutes18:29
actionshrimpBerserkur:  thanks a lot - I managed to get one vaguely running using sudo startx -- :1, but I couldnt pass commands to it by doing SCREEN=:1.0 command, it gave errors18:30
actionshrimpand then when i killed it i couldnt get it back again18:30
ugliefrogIm getting this message when ------ Package gimpui-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.18:31
ugliefrogPerhaps you should add the directory containing `gimpui-2.0.pc'18:31
ugliefrogto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable18:31
ugliefrogNo package 'gimpui-2.0' found18:31
ugliefrogg++ -o dbp -Wall -O2 -I. *.cc  -DGTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED18:31
FloodBot1ugliefrog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:31
ugliefrog/bin/sh: g++: not found18:31
Berserkuractionshrimp: Well, it's actually DISPLAY=:1 :)18:31
arvind_khadriugliefrog, install gimpui-2.018:32
actionshrimpBerserkur: aha! that could have been part of the problem18:32
sridevisomeone tell me wat is a bot ????18:32
Blackidoes anyone knows what the error Qt FATAL: Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries means ?18:32
Blackirunning any virtual box under ibex ?18:32
arvind_khadrisridevi, this is a support channel...18:32
ofix-compI need help18:33
arvind_khadrisridevi, you should try #ubuntu-bots18:33
srideviarvind, so wat i should do????18:33
gayleofix-comp: With ___________ ?18:33
ofix-compcan anyone tell me how to accelerate the video frame speed on flash videos18:33
_polto_hello all18:33
arvind_khadrisridevi, /join #ubuntu-bots18:34
gayleofix-comp: I don't think so18:34
srideviarvind, i'm askin somebody who can tell me about it as i ahven understood it properly18:34
crunchbanghi there18:34
crunchbangcan anyone tell me, if a partition sda4 gets renumbered when removing sda3 and moving sda4 behind sda2?18:34
[coda] excuse me guys, does anybody know how to configure intel 82865G's tvout?18:34
ofix-compgayle huh?18:34
[coda] I've tried to connect it, but it doesn't work properly :(18:34
arvind_khadrisridevi, the topic is offtopic here...18:34
ikoniacrunchbang: it should keep the number18:34
gayleofix-comp: I don't know of any way to...18:34
ofix-compeverytime I see videos online I see them like pictures18:34
gayleofix-comp: Firefox?18:35
ofix-compyes I am using firefox18:35
ofix-compand flash player18:35
srideviarvind,so wat is the topic goin on here ????18:35
ikoniasridevi: #ubuntu support18:35
MaarekSteleofix-comp, how much memory do you have installed?18:35
gayleofix-comp: Run if from terminal and see if you see some sort of errors.18:35
ikoniasridevi: support for the OS18:35
arvind_khadri!topic | sridevi18:35
ubottusridevi: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic18:35
ugliefrogcant find it E: Couldn't find package gimpui-2.018:35
ofix-comp1Gb ram18:35
ikoniaugliefrog: is that the right name of the package ?18:35
=== u is now known as Guest65216
ofix-compgayle how do I do that18:36
ugliefrogikonia: thats what it says it cant find18:36
arvind_khadriugliefrog, aptitude search for it18:36
ikoniaugliefrog: what command are you using ?18:36
arvind_khadriikonia, mind if i handle it?18:36
Berserkuractionshrimp: Try xinit .xinit-secondary -- :118:36
ikoniaarvind_khadri: why ?18:36
ikoniaarvind_khadri: no problem18:36
arvind_khadriikonia, as i had been following it :)18:37
X3SHi i want to virtualise my installed Windows Vista in Ubuntu with VirtualBox ... is it possible ?18:37
ofix-compand when I right clic on the video to move the settings from flash the window freezes18:37
arvind_khadriugliefrog, aptitude search <package name>18:37
s0101hi i have some problems with wireshark, i have 2 computers connected to a dlink 604 but wireshark dosent read everything18:37
s01011405742.282241127.0.0.1127.0.0.1UDPSource port: 54615  Destination port: 54615 [UDP CHECKSUM INCORRECT]18:37
ofix-compI have to force quit on firefox18:37
=== less is now known as more
ofix-compor close the tab..18:37
s0101what does udp checksum incorreect meen?18:37
Guest65216hi all, i am trying to install ubuntu 8.04.1 from an usb stick, so i have the ubuntu iso on the stick, syslinux installed (it boots ok) and initrd.gz and vmlinuz from here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/    What happends is after finding the iso the installer complains about some kernel version mismatch and prompts if i really want to continue, any ideas?18:38
_polto_I am trying to make a bootable DVD (ubuntu bases) what is 4.6 GB (not possible to compress more or to delete something). I discovered that mkisofs have problems with files > then 4 GB (and my squashfs is bigger), so I used mkhybrid with "-iso-level 4" and it make the ISO, but both grub and isolinux are not capable of booting. Grub say error 13. : This error is returned if the kernel image being loaded is not recognized as Multiboot or one of t18:38
_polto_he supported native formats. I have double checked, the kernel is the same as the one running on my system. Any ideas ?18:38
arvind_khadriugliefrog, you should be installing libgimp2.018:38
srideviubottu,ok :)18:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok :)18:38
ikonia_polto_: most CD booting will be done with lilo - not grub18:38
ikonia_polto_: it's much easier for use on a cd18:38
X3SHi i want to virtualise my installed Windows Vista in Ubuntu with VirtualBox ... is it possible ?18:38
X3Shelp :-(18:38
ikoniaX3S: join #vbox18:39
_polto_ikonia: any experience with mkhybrid and lilo ?18:39
actionshrimpBerserkur: It seems to start, but in the terminal i ran it from I get a whole load of "client 1 rejected from local host" errors. and if i run the WM command with DISPLAY=:1.0 i get E: awesome: main:396: cannot open display18:39
ikonia_polto_: no, squashFS is the norm for liveCD's due to kernel support18:39
lantjiehey duys i have nother question. how can i remave a directory with files in it18:40
_polto_ikonia:  I am basically using remastersys, just switched to mkhybrid instead of mkisofs18:40
erUSULlantjie: rm -r dir/18:40
erUSUL!cli > lantjie18:40
ubottulantjie, please see my private message18:40
Besogonlantjie: man mv18:40
ugliefroghow do i paste w/o getting floodbot18:41
ikoniaugliefrog: use a pastebin18:41
ofix-compdoes anybody know a compatible easy plug and play kinda video card in linux?18:41
ikonia!pastebin > ugliefrog18:41
ubottuugliefrog, please see my private message18:41
arvind_khadri!paste | ugliefrog18:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:41
ubottuugliefrog: please see above18:41
lantjieerusul: THANX18:41
ikoniaofix-comp: intel cards have excellent support18:41
[coda]does anybody know how to configure Intel's (82865G) drivers in order to activate the svideo connector?18:41
ofix-comphow do I uninstall flash player18:42
[coda]I've plugged it into my TV, but it's not being displaying properly :(18:42
ikonia[coda]: you just need to setup xorg to have an output "screen" defined18:42
ikoniaofix-comp: remove the flashplugin-nonfree package18:42
erUSUL!software | ofix-comp18:42
ubottuofix-comp: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:42
_polto_ikonia: I am using squashfs, but mkisofs is not capable of making iso with files > 4GB. That's why I switched to mkhybrid18:42
erUSUL[coda]: xrandr or grandr does not work ?18:43
_polto_but now grub and isolinux say my vmlinuz is in unknown format..18:43
ofix-comperUSUL pardon me?18:43
arvind_khadriugliefrog, sudo apt-get install libgimp2.018:43
ofix-compI didnt get that..18:43
ikonia_polto_: a good thing to do would be to look at how the ubuntu DVD release is done18:43
ofix-compis there an alternative to flashplayer?18:43
[coda]ikonia: thanks! but where could I find a 'standard' TV config for xorg.conf? I've tried running 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', but it seems it doesn't work as it should18:43
=== luX`sof2 is now known as fossy
[coda](btw, I'm using ubuntu 8.10)18:44
erUSULofix-comp: you asked how to remove a program i just pointed out to you how this is done in ubuntu18:44
=== JustMe is now known as Guest25875
_polto_ikonia: good idea, but is the squashfs is bigger then 4 GB ?18:44
ugliefroglibgimp2.0 is already the newest version18:44
ugliefrogis what it says18:44
=== fossy is now known as Guest0815-4711
ofix-comperUSUL you just said !software does that mean I should open the terminal and type that?18:44
^Cheekyhi, installed java 6, and installed eclipse java 3.2 apt-get in ubuntu 8.10, but when i was trying to make a new project it does not let me choose(or does not show) java 6.18:44
arvind_khadriugliefrog, sudo apt-get install libgimp2.0-dev18:44
ikonia[coda]: I suspect it will have to be manually done, but you could system->preference->screen resolution with the TV plugged in18:44
[coda]erUSUL: I'll try it18:44
xiaoranhow to check if the video card driver has been installed?18:44
lantjiehey guys and how do i lock my screen with a command18:44
ikonia_polto_: check and see18:44
Besogonofix-comp: go to Adobe site, download flashplayer, and install18:44
[coda]erUSUL: I meant: I'll give it a try :)18:44
ofix-compBesogon I already did.. I have flash player 10.18:45
erUSULofix-comp: i called ubottu on you see the pages the bot said to you18:45
zimboneHi, I have a problem with my firefox and bookmarks. When left clicking the Bookmarks menu the add bookmark dialogue pops up.. See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/31525318:45
ofix-comperUSUL okay thank you18:45
zimbonecan anyone help me with that?18:45
ofix-comperUSUL my actual problem is that the video frame in flash is showing slowly18:45
Besogonofix-comp: Whay do you ask about alternative?18:45
[coda]ikonia: If my memory doesn't fail me, I think I've already tried that, and I see two screens that seems to be mirrored18:46
ofix-compBesogon cause I cant see videos correctly on the web18:46
ikonia[coda]: yes, but that would be a good start to get your display on your TV18:46
lantjiehey guys please18:46
ofix-compI have flash player 10 installed and I haved googled if anybody has same problem but havent found any answers..18:46
lantjiehow can i lock my screen with a command18:47
arvind_khadriugliefrog, after that run the thing which you were using to compile18:47
ikonialantjie: xlock18:47
_polto_ikonia: the squashfs is smaller.18:47
_polto_ikonia: they did not have the same problem ...18:47
lantjieikonia: thanx you are the best18:47
swidmercan any one help me wit a stuck package install/removal?18:47
ugliefrog!paste | ugliefrog Reading package lists... Done18:47
ugliefrogBuilding dependency tree18:47
ugliefrogReading state information... Done18:47
ugliefroglibgimp2.0 is already the newest version.18:47
ugliefrog0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:47
FloodBot1ugliefrog: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:47
ikonia_polto_: from what I'm reading the problem isn't with squashfs, it's actually with mkisofs18:47
ubottuugliefrog Reading package lists... Done: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:47
ugliefrogugliefrog@FrogHQ:~$ sudo apt-get install libgimp2.0-dev18:47
ikoniaubottu: you where told how to use the pastebin18:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:47
Besogonofix-comp: Have You installed video drivers correctly? May be that wrong...18:47
ikoniaugliefrog: you where told how to use the pastebin18:47
s0101I have a bit of a problem with wireshark is anybody a experienced user?18:47
ikoniaugliefrog: please stop pasting18:47
ofix-compBesogon how can I check if I did?18:47
=== Guest25875 is now known as JustMe
penelaCan anybody see my post?18:48
arvind_khadriugliefrog, you must install libgimp2.0-dev18:48
ofix-compI go to system Administration hardware drivers and then?18:48
ikoniapenela: yes18:48
_polto_ikonia: yes, I know, that's why I use -iso-level 4 that is compatible with files bigger then 4GB. but grub and isolinux does not work with this option. :(18:48
=== JustMe is now known as Guest87467
Berserkuractionshrimp: You need to create the file .xinit-secondary and put the window manager executable in it18:48
ugliefroglook Im new to all this..Im just following the directions as folks typ it18:48
ikonia_polto_: I suspect not - also look at the fedora live DVD - that could be also worth a look18:48
adam__is there a bash shell channel?18:48
s0101I want to see a computer on my router and it is online but i cant see it and i capture all devices18:48
Besogonofix-comp: type " glxgears", And see fps18:48
penelaCan you help me removet ATI drivers?  I tried installing and it did not work now I am screwed.  Only in low graphics mode.18:49
lantjieikonia: what is it again18:49
ikonia_polto_: see how / if they can get around the limitations18:49
ikonialantjie: xlock ?18:49
kriss3dAnyone here tried running wow under ubuntu ?18:49
kriss3ddid it work ?18:49
KlasRudiankriss3d, yeah works18:49
lantjieikonia: but i must install packets18:49
biousercan I just get rid of pulse-audio, and run everything with jacklaunch?18:50
lantjieikonia: but it is good18:50
ugliefrog!paste | ugliefrog18:50
ubottuugliefrog, please see my private message18:50
kriss3dHmm when i click the launch button to start the game it crashes my Kde and i need to log in again.. any idea why ?18:50
ofix-compBesogon Thanks I see the terminal showing fps increasing18:50
s0101i have a lot of Destination port: 54615 [UDP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] and MDNSStandard query PTR _rfb._tcp.local, "QM" question. Thats the ip i want to trace18:50
biouserI want everything to think that it is dealing with OSS and then just manage with jack... how did PA beat out jack as default sound-server?18:50
ofix-compBesogon now what??18:50
Besogonofix-comp: http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KWin/HW#GeForce_7600_GS18:50
biouserjack is the best, just need to make every program comply18:51
[coda]ikonia: that's correct, but there's still something strange.. I mean, if I turn on the computer with only the TV connected, I see the bootup process trough the TV without problems.. but when the intel driver takes the control the image gets distorted (like when it's not properly configured)18:51
KlasRudiankriss3d, i never use the launcher, i run "wine Wow.exe -opengl"18:51
biouseranyone found a good sound solution for jaunty?18:51
jonalvokey, I need to install the latest versoin of java. I found this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198 But I don't wanna break my firefox installation... How come this must be so complicated and what exactly is it I must do?18:52
kriss3dhmm i might try that.. ill launch my linux and get back here..18:52
ofix-comphow do I know what video card is integrated in the motherboard18:52
KlasRudianpenela, apt-get remove or what are you asking about?18:52
[coda]ikonia: but if I power on the computer with the monitor and tv both plugged, I only see the monitor and the TV has no output (sorry for my pooooor poor pooor english..)18:52
BaattiAnyone know of an in depth, beginner-advanced bash tutorial?18:52
ikonia[coda]: configure it using the gui I told you18:52
biouserBaatti linux documentation project18:52
ikoniaBaatti: ask in #bash and look at tldp.org18:52
Baattithank you18:52
sysdocAnyone know what the name of the file is to install Mozilla's Mplayer plug-in for MMS?18:52
penelaKlasRudian: I installed ATI drivers from site.  Want to remove and restore Kubuntu defaults.18:52
biouserikonia jinx18:53
s0101anybody who can help  me or give me a guide for wireshark18:53
ScuniziBaatti: check on www.scribd.com  they have pdf books for viewing online and a lot that you can download for free..18:53
penelaI am aproaching the need to format and re-install, but want to avoid it if possible.18:53
skyboundBaatti: try http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html and http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/18:54
biouserwhat should I do about my erratic sound behavior?18:54
Scunizibiouser: don't listen  .. :)18:54
KlasRudianpenela, well if you compailed it and installed the source, tryed "make unistall" ?18:54
biouserScunizi is it unrealistic to want to run everyting through jack?18:54
penelaKlasRudian: not from source.18:54
penelaATI driver is a binary.18:55
KlasRudianpenela, and changed the driver in xorg.conf to "radeon" or w/e is default?18:55
Woofsiesorry, my irc got all weird18:55
penelaKlasRudian: I tried to dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg and still cannot boot properly.18:55
Scunizibiouser: not if you can figure it out.. I've never put much time in jack but I understand that it works well.  Of course jaunty may just fix most pulseaudio issues that we currently have.. Hardy was horrible for me and Intrepid is much better.. Jaunty should be even better18:55
Besogonofix-comp: You should compare FPS with that fps. And if they is like your fps your driver work fine.18:56
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: It wont install18:56
penelaKlasRudian: if I saved my xorg.conf from initial install and restored that file, shouldn't it work fine?18:56
actionshrimpBerserkur: I think I've done it now, thanks for your help18:56
biouserScunizi I agree but I am on jaunty right now... everything that runs through jack is way more stable than all the orphan programs ...18:56
kennethr1I am running 8.10 via wubi on Windows Vista...and I think I'm getting panics...how can I get a backtrace/coredump to troubleshoot?18:57
Besogonofix-comp: Sorry if you cant undestand18:57
arvind_khadriugliefrog, what happens?? libgimp2.0-dev??18:57
RTGHello, I am just looking fo advise here, but how would you partition a 10 Gb HDD for xununtu 8.10?18:57
Berserkuractionshrimp: What did you end up with?18:57
KlasRudianpenela, sure it should work18:57
Scunizibiouser: sorry I don't have an answer for that.. remember, of course, Jaunty is Alpha18:57
RTGNot method, but sizes of partition18:57
penelaKlasRudian: crap, it doesn't though.18:57
ofix-compBesogon but is there a way of identifying my video card in terminal?18:57
arvind_khadri!hi | niere18:57
ubottuniere: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:58
KlasRudianpenela, or you could edit the xorg.conf file and change device from fglrx (if its called that this days) to radeon18:58
ugliefrogis the error18:58
actionshrimpI used sudo startx -- :1 and then passed the commands DISPLAY=:1.0 sudo blah blah .... was a problem with bloody permissions! x wouldnt let things connect that werent running as root18:58
KlasRudianpenela, the driver section in device that is18:58
s0101I have a problem with wireshark can somebody help  me?18:58
penelaKlasRudian: I tried that and still no luck.18:58
Besogonofix-comp: Yes. dmesg have all18:58
Chousukeactionshrimp: don't run startx with sudo18:58
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113305/18:59
arvind_khadriugliefrog, sudo apt-get install -f18:59
asranielwhat are the easiest ways to find out if hal and networkmanager are running?18:59
KlasRudianpenela, but what happens right now? doesnt the driver work or?18:59
actionshrimpChousuke: it wont let me run it unless I sudo it - says i dont have permission18:59
Besogonofix-comp: or you can type lspci18:59
skyboundofix-comp: run 'lspci' and look for 'vga compatible' or such18:59
arvind_khadriugliefrog, i saw it :)18:59
niereany idea why my Release index file of a local ("complex") repository is being ignored? it's downloaded, apt-get update says "hit", but there's no corresponding /var/lib/apt/lists/...-Release, and apt-cache policy doesn't show the release info (only an origin line)18:59
lectalol my neighbor has unsecured wireless network18:59
ofix-compbut I dont have a pci video card18:59
arvind_khadriugliefrog, sudo apt-get install -f run this18:59
Chousukeactionshrimp: I think you need to be in a specific group... anyway, running it with sudo is wrong.18:59
skyboundofix-comp: ok, then that wouldn't work18:59
timahvo1anyone have trouble connecting to yahoo on centerim v4.22.2 on hardy?19:00
ofix-compI have the integrated video card19:00
Chousukeactionshrimp: that makes it root's session, so of course only root-owned processes can connect to the server.19:00
Besogonofix-comp: Its all right. No metter19:00
penelaThe ATI driver doesn;t seem to work.  My screen gets scrambled on boot and I get an X warning telling me it is running in low graphics mode.  I try to continue, but it doesn't boot to login screen.19:00
J-_When I log into Ubuntu, I get a orangish blank screen(hardy heron background colour) for a few seconds, then my panel(pypanel) and regular background appear in openbox. Is there anyway to get rid of that orange screen in the beginning? And, is that orange screen there because of the login screen?19:00
actionshrimpyeah makes sense, I was just testing something simply though19:00
gayleofix-comp: It is still PCI19:00
ofix-compI just want to be able to play flash at the normal speed!!19:00
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: same error19:00
ofix-compwhen I open any webpage that contains flash19:01
KlasRudianpenela, what does the Xorg.0.log say?19:01
arvind_khadriugliefrog, run apt-get update and then install -f19:01
ofix-compit is slow!19:01
gayleofix-comp: You need to upbrade hardware.19:01
s0101wireshark problem anybody?19:01
ofix-compgayle okay but I first need to know what hardware..19:01
KlasRudianpenela, and the dmesg?19:01
s0101i need some help19:01
snakewhere is the users file and how can i change to another user from terminal ? thank you19:01
gayleofix-comp: video19:01
timahvo1anybody have trouble connecting centerim to yahoo?19:01
Berserkuractionshrimp: Can you start the server as a user?19:02
Besogonofix-comp: In my computer flash with Windows and flash with Ubuntu the same19:02
vishofix-comp, in synaptic, remove anything called 'swfdec'19:02
sjahello, all! please tell me, where i can find libGL.so ? in other words what a packet i need to install ?19:02
ofix-compgayle I am using a PCCHIPS M925G motherboard19:02
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: lol not my day says permission denied19:02
gayleofix-comp: 32M+ Video card19:02
arvind_khadriugliefrog, with sudo :) sudo apt-get update19:02
kriss3dhmm it didnt work.. it still throws me back to login screen19:02
penelaKlasRudian: let me check19:02
vishofix-comp, make sure your other flash plugin is installed.19:03
skyboundsja: libgl1-mesa-dev:19:03
ofix-compvish let me try that19:03
timahvo1sja: apt-file search libgl.so ?19:03
user_sja: or libgl1-mesa-glx in intrepid19:03
ofix-compvish I dont have it installed19:04
user_timahvo1: there is no apt-file?19:04
ofix-compneither swfdec mozile thor Gnome19:04
user_timahvo1: usually its dpkg -S file19:04
ofix-compvish neither swfdec mozila thor Gnome19:04
vishofix-comp, u dont have anything remotely called swfdec in synaptic?19:04
actionshrimpBerserkur: nope, i get xauth:  error in locking authority file /tmp/.gdmP4TTOU; X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.19:04
ofix-compvish yes but is unchecked19:04
vishofix-comp, just a sec19:05
timahvo1user_: huh?19:05
s0101the source ip i want to trace with wireshark says time:00000000 and it is marked with red and i can only see my computer19:06
timahvo1user_: maybe not in the default install but its in the repos afaik19:06
vishofix-comp, have you got gnash installed?19:06
user_timahvo1: yes19:06
sjauser_, thanks, i checking...19:06
ofix-compvish no19:06
BerserkurSecond kernel panic today. Just great19:06
ofix-compvish the only soft I installed was flash player from its webpage..19:06
timahvo1anybody have trouble connecting centerim to yahoo?19:07
penelaKlasRudian: Fatal server error:Requested Entity already in use!is last 2 lines19:07
kennethr1Berserkur: do you know how to enable dumps on kernel panics?19:07
ofix-compand mozilla firefox asked me to install three plugins to play flash..19:07
penelaof Xorg.0.log19:07
TelQuelhey, my firefox is not working well at all and I am trying to uninstall it and reinstall but I can't get it to uninstall... I also tried to download/use konqueror but couldn't get it to work. FireFox won't play youtube videos and the bkac/forward button is broken.19:07
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: same error...i appreciate the help its just a linux thing..ill have to run another program yet again under window19:07
vishofix-comp, have you got gnash installed?19:07
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: same error...i appreciate the help its just a linux thing..ill have to run another program yet again under windows19:07
s0101i have a lot of Destination port: 54615 [UDP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] and i can only see my traffic but the other computer is connected through my dlink router19:07
ofix-compvish no I dont19:07
linux_guysystem monitor has a network monitor built in for this computer, but what about another computer on my LAN?19:07
Berserkurkennethr1: No19:07
KlasRudianpenela, that said nothing, it's probly some lines up19:07
ofix-compvish should I install ir?19:07
linux_guycan i check network traffic rather easily?19:07
warcaptainwhy does the flash plugin for Linux suck soooooooooooo much?19:08
TelQuelI would search google but since my only internet browser doesn't work...19:08
vishofix-comp, have you tried a different browser? No, dont install gnash.19:08
arvind_khadriugliefrog, which program btw?19:08
erUSULwarcaptain: ask adobe19:08
ofix-compvish no, only tried firefox.19:08
timahvo1linux_guy: wireshark?19:08
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: Gimp19:08
ofix-compwhat do you recomend ?19:08
vishofix-comp, Recommendation, epiphany or seamonkey.19:08
TelQuelI tried to use another browser but it didn't work, neither konq nor opera would probably install19:08
ofix-compvish wich is more supported?19:09
s0101I have problems to see  my other computer from wireshark19:09
linux_guyi guess what i am asking is if there is a tool for monitoring this built into ubuntu or if it is more software to dl19:09
vishofix-comp, try and tell me what you get. I Like epiphany-browser more.19:09
arvind_khadriugliefrog, gimp comes by default in Ubuntu why do you want to compile it?19:09
vishofix-comp, dont forget to install epiphany-gecko.19:09
TelQuelCan someone please help me either uninstall firefox or get another browser running so I can actually use the internet? heh.19:09
timahvo1linux_guy: I can't think of any built in by default19:10
deadbatteryi am havin issues with aapche in ubuntu desktop./.19:10
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: its a plugin19:10
ofix-compvish thank you let me try that19:10
gayleTelQuel: Maybe just fix firefox?19:10
gayleTelQuel: What is wrong with it?19:10
Berserkurkennethr1: Do you know how?19:10
ofix-compvish is there a way around using firefox ?19:10
arvind_khadriugliefrog, isnt the plugin in the repo?19:11
b3z3rk3rnice nick Berserkur :p19:11
user_deadbattery: whats the error message in apache's log?19:11
TelQuelgayle, well it seems to have a lot of problems. Back/forward buttons don't work. And it won't play youtube videos and load stuff properly (it did a few days ago and no major changes)19:11
gayleofix-comp: Just use another browser.19:11
quibblerTelQuel: try opera. http://www.opera.com/browser/download/19:11
vishofix-comp, yeah if you use any other browser!19:11
Besogonofix-comp: O my got. Now you will trying reinstall new browser... Epiphany work faster. But if you dont insall official video drivers your flash will be slow (in my opinion)19:11
penelaKlasRudian: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5356e871 <- Xorg.0.log19:11
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: no ill show u..leme get site19:11
TelQuelquibbler, I tried to install opera and it didn't install properly for some reason.19:11
gayleTelQuel: Just undo the changes you made?19:11
arvind_khadriugliefrog, whats the name of the plugin19:11
s0101Can somebody plz help19:12
TelQuelgayle, I didn't make any changes. This stuff just randomly stopped working.19:12
TelQuelgayle, I mean there were no major changes to the system at large.19:12
gayleTelQuel: May be something other than the browser that has gone wrong.19:12
dealI've just installed Ubuntu on my mashine, but had some problems with partitioning, I now have a (starting at start of hdd) '/' ext3 10 gb -> Extended -> /home ext2 20gb -> /swap 4 gb -> ntfs 100 gb -> nothing for the rest of the hdd. I'm wondering, if I install windows on the last part off the hdd, how can I then make the lilo boot work again, after windows install? cos then it will run directly in to windows without me getting to choose. Any e19:12
dealasy solutions to this problem ?19:12
ofix-compBesogo vga compatible controller: S3 inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]19:12
ofix-compthat is what it shows in the terminal..19:13
TelQuelgayle, maybe so because I couldn't install either konqueror nor opera properly either. And when I did sudo apt-get remove firefox it didn't even remove the program successfully.19:13
Besogonofix-comp: I must go out. Reinstall flash playr (delete deb and install flash player from Adobe.com all will fine). By19:13
ikoniadeal: windows like to be on the first partition - at least for install swap data19:13
timahvo1TelQuel: can give kazehakase a try19:13
timahvo1TelQuel: pretty good19:13
sjauser_, thank you! it's work :)19:13
dealI couldnt do that, I to remove some off the partitions cos I could not have more then 4 partitions on one hdd19:14
ikoniadeal: you can have 15 partition is you use extended partitions19:14
skybounds0101: maybe if you describe a little better what exactly you are trying to do19:14
TelQuelhrm where can I see how much hard drive space I have?19:14
Berserkurkennethr1: Nevermind. I know now19:14
timahvo1TelQuel: df19:14
kennethr1Berserkur: mind sharing?19:15
s0101the computer i want to see on w shark  is marked with red (On the same router)  at the first line in the trace file and after that only my laptop appears19:15
TelQueltimahvo1, sorry df? I need a bit more information as I am a newb.19:15
dealThats what I've done with the linux partitions now. But will it be a problem to make the lilo boot start again? or should I install windows, then go for a fresh install of Ubuntu again ?19:15
dmi3onhi all, i need to find how to setup xstartup in goole i can find anything usefull how to do it can anyone help me pls19:15
s0101i choosed to capture all interfaces19:15
xxCodyIm trying to get my internet connection to work. I have installed ubuntu on another machine and it will not search for any wireless networks. I know there are some around. Can anybody help me out on this one.19:15
ikoniadeal: windows is better to install first, and on the first parttiion19:15
timahvo1TelQuel: type df in a terminal19:15
penelaKlasRudian: sry , I got bumped off... my dmesg is http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m3ced77c519:15
vishofix-comp, best of luck, gotta go, nightime here.19:15
s0101i also have a lot of Destination port: 54615 [UDP CHECKSUM INCORRECT]19:15
KlasRudianpenela, and your xorg.conf would help19:16
gayleTelQuel: Bring up a terminal window and issue command      df19:16
ofix-compvish thanks19:16
^Cheekyhi, i upgraded to 2 gig of ram but when i used this command : if !right almost all my memory is been used up ? link: http://pastebin.ca/132647219:16
timahvo1TelQuel: Applications-->Accessories---terminal19:16
gayleTelQuel: sudo apt-get install -f19:16
Matir`can anyone recommend a very lightweight CMS that requires no database backend?  mainly just a template engine, really19:16
skybounds0101: you have a router and two computers, call them A and B; you want wireshark on A to show traffic going from B to where? the internet?19:16
TelQuelok and dev/sda7 percentage represents overall space used right?19:16
penelaKlasRudian: K, let me get it.19:16
dealIkonia, If I install windows on the first partition, it makes a extended windows partition, and then I have problem making the 3 partitons for ubuntu19:16
nellmathewanyone here got a broadcom 4306 rev 3 wireless card?19:16
TelQuelgayle, what will that uninstall?19:16
dealor atleast so it tells me19:16
s0101yes my children are using the other one i want to see all msn traffic etc19:17
s0101D link 60419:17
ugliefrogarvind_khadri: did u see site19:17
skybounds0101: the computers are connected with a cable? not wireless?19:17
=== jmworx_ is now known as jmworx
xxCody Im trying to get my internet connection to work. I have installed ubuntu on another machine and it will not search for any wireless networks. I know there are some around. Can anybody help me out on this one.19:17
Imaginativeonewhew! this channel is awesome!19:17
TelQueltimahvo1, what does sudo apt-get remove -f do?19:18
s0101When i started the capture of all interfaces the other pc ip appeared on the first line marked with red19:18
skybounds0101: then most likely this is not going to work; B sends packets (via the router) to the internet. computer A will generally *not* see those packets19:18
seeksCody.... the only solution I was ever able to find was by hooking up an ethernet cord to it19:18
KlasRudianpenela, you got the fglrx module loaded? "lsmod | grep fglrx"19:18
seeksAnd then installing the Windows Wireless Drivers packet19:18
seekser, package19:19
step21deal: you will have a problem because it overwrites the mbr ... windows does not create "extended partitions" and doesn't need them19:19
timahvo1TelQuel: I suggest you take a few minutes ,open a terminal and type "man apt-get"19:19
penelaKlasRudian: no19:19
s0101is it easier to install a keylogger?19:19
skybounds0101: A can only see the packets that B sends either directly to it, or to any computer on the network (broadcast)19:19
dealI have one NTFS partition I cant delete, cos I got alot of backup on it, and thats why windows create an extended partition19:19
TelQueltimahvo1, alright, probably wise as I believe I need to declutter things quite a lot.19:19
mac_너네는 누구냐?19:19
ikonia^Cheeky: don't worry about it - it's just the kernel running ram19:20
nellmathewanyone here got intrepid and a broadcom wireless card/19:20
ikonia^Cheeky: managing your ram I should say19:20
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:20
KlasRudianpenela, well load it, "sudo modprobe fglrx" and change the driver to "fglrx" in the xorg.conf19:20
ikoniamac_: stop19:20
FloodBot1mac_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
seeksSo.  Anyone else ever have a problem where the appearance properties keep crashing because of a segfault?19:20
TelQueltimahvo1, only thing is: how do I determine what the exact package name is for things?19:20
step21nellmathew: yes. you will need windows drivers for ndiswrapper maybe19:20
s0101that not good somebody told me that i could19:20
ikoniamac_: STOP19:20
user_!broadcom | nellmathew19:20
ubottunellmathew: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:20
penelaKlasRudian: FATAL: Error running install command for fglrx19:20
skybounds0101: sure you can, but it ain't easy19:21
bitmonsterhi, i run constantly into trouble when i try to boot kubuntu, i.e. my external esata hdd is not detected immediately. i get weird exceptions such as "ata4: COMRESET failed (errno=-19)", "ata4: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x50000 actcom 0xe frozen" and "sata_sil: cache line size not set. driver may not function"19:21
etix1zombies ahead19:21
timahvo1TelQuel: you can type aptitude show (first few letters of the package name then press the tab key)19:21
s0101teel me more19:21
Rodolfo«geñ Añropsñep repgñ ñsperfsaogño añ gpfsos, geñ Añropsñe repgñ apfsaogño, geñ Añropsñe repgñ prfsñaogño añ gpfsos gñan pñfsaogño regñag gño srpfñaps regñag preñsf gñorf Mordor regñag apsfar gño apfñpes»19:21
user_bitmonster: also ask in #kubuntu19:21
Rodolfo«geñ Añropsñep repgñ ñsperfsaogño añ gpfsos, geñ Añropsñe repgñ apfsaogño, geñ Añropsñe repgñ prfsñaogño añ gpfsos gñan pñfsaogño regñag gño srpfñaps regñag preñsf gñorf Mordor regñag apsfar gño apfñpes»19:21
Rodolfo«geñ Añropsñep repgñ ñsperfsaogño añ gpfsos, geñ Añropsñe repgñ apfsaogño, geñ Añropsñe repgñ prfsñaogño añ gpfsos gñan pñfsaogño regñag gño srpfñaps regñag preñsf gñorf Mordor regñag apsfar gño apfñpes»19:21
Rodolfo«geñ Añropsñep repgñ ñsperfsaogño añ gpfsos, geñ Añropsñe repgñ apfsaogño, geñ Añropsñe repgñ prfsñaogño añ gpfsos gñan pñfsaogño regñag gño srpfñaps regñag preñsf gñorf Mordor regñag apsfar gño apfñpes»19:21
FloodBot1Rodolfo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:21
Bensawsomedoes ubuntu have a firewal that could be restriciting my connections >_> and can i access the config from the terminal19:21
TelQueltimahvo1, thanks a lot... that is going to prove exceedingly useful.19:21
bitmonsteruser_: i did19:22
timahvo1TelQuel: in a terminal of course ;)19:22
penelaKlasRudian: hang on, let me restore my AIT xorg file and reboot first.19:22
timahvo1TelQuel: no problem19:22
user_bitmonster: oh, sorry about that19:22
crudsonHi all. I have 8.10 desktop install with very good performance but when using xdmcp with gnome or xfce it's terribly slow. Not seeing this with same hardware on another box with 7.10. Any pointers as to how I may get better remote performance?19:22
Bensawsomedoes ubuntu have a firewal that could be restriciting my connections >_> and can i access the config from the terminal19:22
KlasRudianpenela, it wount work as long as the kernel module cant be loaded19:22
s0101I can try anything to make it work19:22
ikoniaBensawsome: iptables is part of the distro19:23
SlartBensawsome: the firewall is accessed using the iptables command19:23
Bensawsomethanks :)19:23
ikoniaBensawsome: you can use ufw as a front end to it19:23
penelaKlasRudian: so what do I do?19:23
TelQueltimahvo1, right about now I am wishing I had partitioned more of my drive for linux as my windows just got hit with a nasty virus. The worst I've seen in years. I've gotta make some space on my nix partition I think that's part of the problem.19:23
user_bitmonster: please pastebin your dmesg19:23
synackmy cdrom is unusable after an unmount and its really annoying19:23
synackany ideas?19:23
SlartBensawsome: sudo iptables -L would list some rules I think, there's also ufw19:23
Slart!ufw | Bensawsome19:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw19:23
Slart!firewall | Bensawsome19:23
ubottuBensawsome: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:23
Bensawsomeperfect! :D19:23
KlasRudianpenela, something went wrong when you installed the fglrx/ati drivers....19:23
jinxyanyone wanna play some wormux?19:23
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seeksWhat do you mean by "unuseable"?19:24
synacklike i cant mount anythign anymiore19:24
penelaKlasRudian: I figured that and would like to try to get back to where I was prior to that.19:24
KlasRudianpenela, what happens you say if you change the driver to radeon in xorg.conf19:24
Slartjinxy: I heard they were discussing it passionately in #ubuntu-offtopic.. perhaps you should join that channel and ask... hint hint19:24
synackk3b will also say no dvdrw detected19:24
penelaSame thing.19:24
skybounds0101: i can think of two options: either install a "socks proxy" on your computer and configure the other one to use (all traffic goes through your box) or try to force something similiar through your router (if it supports that)19:24
synacki can only get it working again after a reboot19:24
seeksWell, that's above my head.  Haha.19:25
s0101i have dlink 60419:25
seeksI guess you've already checked out the FSTAB and everything?19:25
penelaKlasRudian: Can I go back to the ubuntu drivers?19:25
seeksOr whichever has the hardware stuff on it.19:25
dmi3onany one can help me to setup vnc so i can see desktop not just terminal window19:26
timahvo1synack: tried restarting hal ?19:26
penelaKlasRudian: what if I sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati  ?19:26
Slartdmi3on: what kind of system are you running?19:26
damoochrIn need of nfs sharing help19:27
Slart!nfs | damoochr19:27
ubottudamoochr: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.19:27
dmi3onSlart, vista is viewer19:27
user_dmi3on: ah, i remember you, could you just repost your vnc server command?19:27
skybounds0101: sorry, can't help you there; i only know ways to do it that require quite a bit of knowledge with computers. maybe someone else can think of an easier way19:27
Slartdmi3on: I mean the server.. 32bit, 64 bit? server? desktop? ubuntu? something else?19:27
KlasRudianpenela, i belive that the standard driver is "radeon" in X and some vesa witch you allready have got, so change xorg.conf Section "Device" driver to "radeon" from fglrx or vesa or w/e it is right now and it should work19:28
encaputxathi, i have a question i wait my turn...19:28
dmi3onSlart, desktop is debian now, but at home i get same problem with ubuntu19:28
naratyHello everybody. When i installed ubuntu on this machine all i had to to was activate the network device and restart and it stated picking up internet connections. Well on my other computer i installed ubuntu and the only thing to activate was "wl". I don't know what that is and ubuntu is not searching for wirelesss networks.19:28
s0101is there anywa i can slow traffic down on the other computer?19:28
dmi3onSlart, 32 bit19:28
Slartencaputxat: very noble of you.. but I think you had better just ask your question19:28
bitmonsteruser_: http://pastebin.com/d1c4dff0019:29
Slart!wifi | naraty19:29
ubottunaraty: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:29
nellmathewwith ndiswrapper, should i use the drivers that worked with windows?..19:29
user_bitmonster: thanks, reading19:29
TelQuelHrm when I tried to run fd in terminal it just said "Bash: the program fd is currently not installed"19:29
naratySlart: i read19:29
TelQuelwhat happened?19:29
Blackino one any idea what to do at error Qt FATAL: Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries ?19:29
naratywhat do you think the problem is?19:29
dmi3onSlart, can you help pls ?19:30
seeksSo... does anyone have any theories on why my appearances properties always crash?  Or helpful websites?19:30
Slartdmi3on: perhaps.. but you'll have to work with me.. answering my questions might be a good start19:30
penelaKlasRudian: do I need to reboot or try to restart X?19:30
dmi3onSlart, 32 bits19:30
Slartseeks: no error messages in syslog?19:30
Slartdmi3on: take a look at what I asked you19:30
dmi3onSlart, 32 bits, desktop, debian19:31
seeksEr, honestly I don't know where the syslog is.  But when I run it through the terminal, it tells me it's a segmentation fault.19:31
KlasRudianpenela, just edit the xorg.conf and fire gdm/kdm if your using a dm else just startx19:31
tavii have a hp laserjet 101819:31
Slartdmi3on: much better.. unfortunately you're running debian which we do not support here.. try #debian for debian support19:31
penelaKlasRudian: I have to device section (dual head setup).  So I changed them both.19:31
naratyDo i have to install drivers? Or what.19:32
Slartseeks: the syslog is in /var/log/syslog19:32
taviand i have turned off from the switch before get out the complete page19:32
tavinow is stuck half oput half in19:32
Slartseeks: tail -f /var/log/syslog will give you a "live" display of what gets written there19:32
KlasRudianpenela, hu?19:32
lecta./j ubuntu-de19:32
seeksRighto, I'll check that out really quick here...19:32
penelaKlasRudian: Don't know what happened, but I did this before and it did not work.  It is working now.  Thanks.19:33
pegihey guys19:33
naratyDo i have to install drivers? Or what.19:33
Slartseeks: unfortunately segmentation faults are really hard to fix without starting to patch source code..you could try reinstalling whatever package has the app that is failing19:33
KlasRudianpenela, np19:33
tavisomeone help me?19:33
penelaKlasRudian: I have a dual head setup (second monitor).  Shouldn't I have a second device section? for the second display?19:33
racecar56i need to install ubuntu server on a server with no CD drive19:33
ponqHello! I probably have a pretty simple question, but I can't figure it out yet. I have two ubuntu machines on a LAN. How can I access/share foldres. DOes this require smb?19:33
tavisomeone help me?19:33
racecar56what do i do?19:33
racecar56it has USB19:33
fiftyonehello, can someone help  me please. yesterday i got the stupid idea in my head to play with beryl and i somehow screwed up my nvida driver. Now i don't have proper graphics on my computer.19:33
crateldoes pulseaudio emulate alsa and oss? how does an alsa app grab the sound card if pulseaudio has it?19:33
puddle- MM            Welcome to MoarIRC Network.                   MM19:33
puddle- MM            We offer a fun and friendly chat network.     MM19:33
puddle- MM            This network is family oriented.              MM19:33
puddle- MM            We do not tolerate any abuse or harassment.   MM19:33
puddle- MM                                                         MM19:33
FloodBot1puddle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
KlasRudianpenela, you just using one card with a dual monitor right?19:34
ikoniaponq: what are you flooding us with that for ?19:34
naratyHello everybody. When i installed ubuntu on this machine all i had to to was activate the network device and restart and it stated picking up internet connections. Well on my other computer i installed ubuntu and the only thing to activate was "wl". I don't know what that is and ubuntu is not searching for wirelesss networks.19:34
ikoniaponq: sorry - not you19:34
seeksThe appearance properties?  Sure, I guess I could look around for that in synaptic19:34
Slarttavi: ask your questions on one line.. and stop adding stuff like "please help me", "anyone?" etc.. just repeat your question every 20 minutes or so19:34
naratyDo i have to install drivers? Or what.19:34
penelaKlasRudian: I have a laptop with an external monitor connection.19:34
ponqk, np ;)19:34
pegii unwillingly deleted /home/user/Desktop (the whole directory). now my files on the desktop are gone and i want my directory back. how do i manage this?19:34
tavii said once19:34
Slartseeks: try apt-file19:34
seeksOh well, not a biggie either way.  It works when I sudo it, if push comes to shove19:34
s0101can i slow traffic down on the second computer on a router?19:34
platipiiit says tork supports kon and other browsers, does anyone know if firefox is supported?19:34
seeksExcept it gives me crap about the deamon, but eh.19:34
racecar56i need to install ubuntu server on a server with no CD drive, what do i do? it has USB though19:34
Slartseeks: it's not a really good solution but it's all I can think of19:34
KlasRudianpenela, well one card one driver.... doesnt matter how many montiors u got hocked on it19:35
naratyikonia: any idea man?19:35
ponqpegi: checked the recycle bin?19:35
ikonianaraty: about what ?19:35
fiftyonehello, can someone help  me please. yesterday i got the stupid idea in my head to play with beryl and i somehow screwed up my nvida driver. Now i don't have proper graphics on my computer.19:35
racecar56i need to install ubuntu server on a server with no CD drive, what do i do? it has USB though19:35
seeksRighto.  Thanks19:35
user_bitmonster: are you running the latest stable kubuntu?19:35
pegii did it via console19:35
Slart!usb | racecar5619:35
ubotturacecar56: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:35
tavii have a hp laserjet 1018 and i turend off when was half out ...the page ..now is stuck19:35
naratyikonia: my question19:35
ikoniafiftyone: if you've installed beryl - you've messed up your system19:35
timahvo1seeks: checked your daemon logs ?19:35
ikonianaraty: I didn't see one19:35
bitmonsteruser_: i hope so ... it's kubuntu 8.10 desktop19:35
naratyDo i have to install drivers?19:35
ikoniafiftyone: beryl is dead as you where told the other day19:35
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions19:35
KlasRudiannaraty, ifconfig how many cards does it find?19:35
Slartracecar56: you might be able to do it over a network too.. don't ask me how though as I've only heard of people doing it19:35
penelaKlasRudian: thanks for the help.  Have a great one...19:35
ikonianaraty: drivers for what ?19:35
ikonianaraty: what is your question19:35
user_bitmonster: yes, just wanted to crosscheck19:35
fiftyoneikonia noone told me about beryl yesterday19:36
TelQuelwhere can I find out the package names for things I want to install online such as konqueror?19:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about share19:36
seeksNope.  Are they in usr/var too?19:36
naratyikonia: When i installed ubuntu on this machine all i had to to was activate the network device and restart and it stated picking up internet connections. Well on my other computer i installed ubuntu and the only thing to activate was "wl". I don't know what that is and ubuntu is not searching for wirelesss networks.19:36
fiftyonei have since removed it19:36
Slart!beryl > fiftyone19:36
ubottufiftyone, please see my private message19:36
bitmonsteruser_: the problem seems to be resolved after this hard resetting link19:36
user_bitmonster: ?19:36
bitmonsteruser_: that's in line 54719:36
ikonianaraty: what wirless card is it ?19:36
fiftyoneslart i wish someone told me that before! i knew it was stupid to play with it19:37
timahvo1naraty: you mean wl.ko the kernel module for broadcom cards?19:37
GorlistUbuntu server question, im about to image a webserver with a minimal LTS install, however the image im having to use may have been modifed by the company19:37
bitmonsteruser_: the thing is that i have already set a rootdelay=1019:37
Slartfiftyone: hehe.. that cube is alluring.. but you can play with compiz now.. it's even shinier19:37
fiftyoneslart, you have any idea how tto get my proper nvida driver back?? everything seems to look fine, i cant use advanced graphics lol19:37
Gorlistis their a way to remove these, refresh the installed packages?19:37
ikoniaGorlist: so what is the question ?19:37
fiftyoneSlart that damn cube!19:37
ponqfiftyone: try envy2419:37
Slartfiftyone: you've tried using the restricted drivers thingy?19:37
rbd_hey guys, looking for a way to modify a file in an RPM (either by modifying it in place or extracting it, modifying the file, then regenerating it...I'd prefer the first method)19:37
ikoniaGorlist: use the package manager to remove the packages you don't want19:37
user_bitmonster: can you read and write to the disk?19:38
ognircI'm looking for suggestions on which distro to use on an old machine running a Pentium 200MMx, 256MB ram, not sure what the graphics are like.  They're an older couple that own the machine, and there is currently win98 on it and it doesn't run for crap.  Suggestions?19:38
naratyikonia: broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (ref 01)19:38
snakewhere is the users file and how can i change to another user from terminal ? thank you19:38
bitmonsteruser_: sure19:38
Slartrbd_: not sure if alien can do it.. it's the only app working with rpm's that I know of19:38
ikonianaraty: ahh so a closed source driver19:38
bitmonsteruser_: after this hard reset i can actually use my external hdd19:38
naratyikonia: what should I do please?19:38
fiftyoneSlart, well basically. i think it just deleted my default settings. i have a nice gui now everything looks fine just cant use the effects19:38
snakei mean the file where the users are registered19:38
bitmonsteruser_: the question is why it needs the hard reset and how it is triggered19:39
Slartfiftyone: and you're using the binary nvidia drivers?19:39
fiftyoneslart when i booted yesterday i get two errors ( two fails)19:39
ikonianaraty: will, I'd try an "iwscan"19:39
rsa_md5no gcc 4.3 in the hardy repos?19:39
Slartfiftyone: run "glxgears -info" in a terminal and check the top of the output19:39
ikoniarsa_md5: 8.10 only at the moment19:39
naratyikonia: b43 should work for that?19:39
ikonianaraty: I'd hope so19:39
timahvo1anyone using salutis-connect with the huawei e220 3G usb modem ?19:40
KlasRudianognirc, some lightwieght dist and if theres a X involved i woul go for blackbox or any of thous **box19:40
ikoniatimahvo1: I use the huwei E180 (I think) on 319:40
Slartognirc: DSL or perhaps puppylinux19:40
user_bitmonster: thats a good question indeed, i dont know for sure, maybe th guys over in #linux know (dont tell them its kubuntu firsthand, they can react a bit allergic to *buntu)19:40
cratelwhy does ubuntu use pulseaudio? What does pulseaudio offer that alsa doesn't? I'm tempted to remove it as flash and audacity are screwing up.19:40
naratyikonia: I know on this machine the hardware driver came up Broadcom STA wireless driver on the other machine it came up wl which is the name for the broadcom driver..19:40
Slartognirc: there are several distros that focus on being lightweight19:40
rsa_md5ikonia, thanks...so there is no way to get it other than build from source?19:40
ikonianaraty: are they the same type of mahine19:40
timahvo1ikonia: do you have trouble reconnecting when resuming from hibernate ?19:40
ponqfluxbunto is a nice lightweight19:40
Slartcratel: pulseaudio is great when one has more than one soundcard.. I have 319:40
timahvo1ikonia: I sure am19:40
ikoniarsa_md5: look in the backports19:40
ponqfluxbuntu ofcourse19:40
bitmonsteruser_: i know ..the real people who never attended computer science courses ...19:41
ikoniatimahvo1: what makes you think that is anything to do with the modem19:41
Slartcratel: also I can change volume of flash movies separately from other sound sources19:41
fwaokdawhat #include do i use for istream_iterator?19:41
cratelSlart: is it supposed to emulate alsa or just leave alsa still available for other apps?19:41
naratyikonia: no19:41
ognircyeah, I was wondering if xfce would work on it, but I guess it may not run X well if it doesn't have at least 2MB video memory or something19:41
naratyikonia: Acer and a dell.19:41
cratelSlart: one of my issues is that flash seems to hang other audio apps.19:41
pegii unwillingly deleted /home/user/Desktop (the whole directory) via rm -rf. now my files on the desktop are gone and i want my directory back. how do i manage this?19:41
ponqany with a clue for me on how to share a folder between two ubuntu pcś on a LAN?19:41
Slartcratel: it runs on top of alsa.. alsa is still used for the actual "down to hardware" stuff19:42
timahvo1ikonia: I don't know what is could be. was hoping someone who's experienced the same could shed some light on the issue19:42
cratelSlart: and what about oss?19:42
bitmonsteruser_: let's make them feel superior ;-)19:42
naratyfwcutter command not found19:42
tavianyone know a channel that help whit hp19:42
naratyndiswrapper command not found. ndisgtk command not found.19:42
ikoniatimahvo1: hibernation has a lot of problems with ati drivers normally19:42
damoochrpong ;http://czarism.com/easy-peasy-ubuntu-linux-nfs-file-sharing19:42
ikoniatimahvo1: that's a common issue19:42
ikoniatimahvo1: check the common stuff before making random comments about hardware19:43
demontagerHow to add Upload Slots in linuxDC?19:43
Slartcratel: oss is still back there.. .. alsa and oss does the same thing basically.. pulseaudio is another level above19:43
naratyikonia: any ideas for me?19:43
ja2Hi, any wine gurus who can tell how to get around "winevdm: unable to exec 'prgname.exe' DOS memory range unavailable" ?19:43
ikonianaraty: are they the same type of machine ?19:43
naratyikonia: no19:43
Slartcratel: but I'm no linux sound guru.. this is just how I understand things..19:43
demontagerprovider ask to add 3 upload slots19:43
ikonianaraty: so then the fact that they use different drivers is of no relevance19:43
naratyikonia: Acer and Dell19:43
ikoniaja2: try #winehq19:44
timahvo1ikonia: wasn't commenting on jack. just wondering if anyone has had similar issues is all. but thanks for thr 41119:44
ja2ikonia: Thanks, I tried wine, but that was private channel.19:44
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:44
cratelSlart: I find stuff like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=866965 and I'm not sure if I should try19:44
nellmathewhow do i remove ssb, b43, bcm43xx in intrepid?.. anyone know?19:44
ikoniaja2: #winehq19:44
ikoniatimahvo1: you where asking about a specific modem where you not ?19:44
MrHeavyI'm having trouble getting MP3s to play in 64-bit KDE apps on Intrepid. ubuntu-restricted-extras is installed. Any ideas/19:44
KDeskIs true that jaunty will include kernel 2.6.29?19:44
ikoniaKDesk: join #ubuntu+119:44
ActionParsnip!mp3 | MrHeavy19:44
ubottuMrHeavy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:44
PiciMrHeavy: Install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:45
racecar56im back19:45
KDeskikonia: thanks.19:45
MrHeavyPici: D'oh, should have thought of that one :)19:45
sergeit is possible to replace in ubuntu, gnome with E17 ? :>19:45
racecar56i need to install ubuntu server on a server with no CD drive, what do i do? it has USB though19:45
rsa_md5ikonia, umm..no gcc-4.3 in backports too19:45
SubflowWhen I try to mount a removable flash disk, I get "org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable no <-- (action, result)." I started my session using startx and not through GDM, if that helps. I also added the following text in hal.conf (of dbus):     <policy group="plugdev">19:45
ActionParsnipserge: absolutely19:45
ikoniarsa_md5: request it19:45
=== DreamThief is now known as BillyIdle
Subflow            <allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume"/>19:45
Subflow            <allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.Crypto"/>19:45
Subflowhelp will be appreciated19:45
user_!uninstall | nellmathew19:45
Subflow     </policy>19:45
FloodBot1Subflow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:45
ubottunellmathew: To learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/19:45
timahvo1ikonia: ok ok. let it go already. won't happen again.19:46
Slartcratel: lots of good info in there.. anything special you were wondering about?19:46
deadbatterythis is weird, i start apache2 and then it starts decreasing in performance.. getting slower and slower19:46
=== kennethr1 is now known as help
_polto_ikonia: ok, nobody does bootable DVD with > 4GB squashfs. Grub is capable to see files on the the ISO (can open it's configfile and does autocomplete) but is not able to load the kernel.: 13 : Invalid or unsupported executable format19:46
_polto_    This error is returned if the kernel image being loaded is not recognized as Multiboot or one of the supported native formats (Linux zImage or bzImage, FreeBSD, or NetBSD).19:46
=== help is now known as kennethr1
ikoniatimahvo1: no, I was just trying to understand if I'd understood why you where asking correclty19:46
_polto_any idea ?19:46
FloodBot1_polto_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
MrHeavyPici: That got it. I guess Kubuntu has Phonon using a Xine backend, rather than GStreamer, by default?19:46
ikonia_polto_: why are do you keep asking in here - this is not an ubuntu issue19:46
PiciMrHeavy: indeed19:46
ActionParsnipserge: http://www.enlightenment.org/p.php?p=download&l=en19:46
user_deadbattery: any info in the apache logs?19:46
cratelSlart: I can't use Audacity or Pd after I have played a flash movie unless I close firefox and restart alsa.19:46
MrHeavyAhh, thanks muchly19:46
ikonia_polto_: it's a limitation of mkisofs19:46
ActionParsnipserge: you can use any window manager made for linux19:47
deadbatterycan anyone help me?19:47
user_deadbattery: any info in the apache logs?19:47
vtechow i can print faster in my officejet j368019:47
Slartcratel: that sounds like an alsa problem.. are you using pulseaudio or alsa in system, preferences, sound?19:47
=== Guest97182 is now known as Guest666
ikoniauser_: you can only print as fast as the printer can print19:47
damoochrIn need of nfs sharing help, I have NFS sharing between 2 desktops and want to share a whole 1TB external USB drive19:47
=== kennethr1 is now known as kennethr
_polto_ikonia: sorry, I am trying to do my best to solve the problem. You was replying trying to help, that's why I am still asking..19:47
cratelSlart: autodetect.19:47
Subflownevermind, solved it, using PolicyKit.19:48
ikonia_polto_: well - it's not an ubuntu issue, it's a limitation of mkisofs - speak to the developers of that, or look at how other distros do livedvd's19:48
kennethrHow do I enable kernel panic dumps?19:48
Slartcratel: do you have the pulseaudio tools installed? paman, padevchooser, pavucontrol?19:48
ikoniakennethr: you need to use sysrq - can you read the panic dumps ?19:48
ActionParsnipserge: http://www.pascal.gr/articles/ubuntu_e17.php19:48
kansanwhat does the capital A mean when i do sudo aptitdue search apache and see:            i A apache2-mpm-prefork                                                                             - Traditional model for Apache HTTPD19:48
dixonionthedemonhow do i get a logitech quickcam connect to work on ubuntu 8.10?19:48
kennethrikonia: I can use crash.  How do I enable them?19:48
ikoniakennethr: look up sysrq19:48
user_!apache | deadbattery19:48
kennethrikonia: do they work when using wubi?19:49
ubottudeadbattery: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:49
_polto_ikonia: it's not mkisofs issue. mkisofs is capable to create .iso with files bigger then 4GB. Grub and isolinux are not capable to boot from iso-level 4 (as I understand)19:49
ikoniakennethr: do what work better ?19:49
snorungenis it possible to exclude the filepath with the find command? so that you only list hits and not there path?19:49
vteci dont think so, cause in windows is cleary more than ubuntu19:49
ikonia_polto_: sorry - I meant isolinux limitation,19:49
deadbatteryubottu, i am using apache2 no lampp19:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:49
ikonia_polto_: get the terms confused19:49
kennethrikonia: do kernel panic dumps work when using wubi?19:49
_pattonI have a dual boot with vista and ubuntu 8.04, I used to access some of the windows partitions from Ubuntu but after logging into vista and then back into ubuntu those links are gone and I cannot seem to recreate them - any tips please?19:49
ikoniakennethr: I assume sysrq still works, don't know though19:49
cratelSlart: installing now.19:50
Xae8kooHow to change the resolution in terminal?19:50
_polto_ikonia: ok I supposed this limitation, but was not able to read anything about. Do you know any other bootloader for CD/DVD I may try ? (not isolinux or grub)19:50
yellabshi there19:50
ActionParsnipserge: those are debian repos, i'd suggest getting the source and compile it19:50
snorungenis it possible to exclude the filepath with the find command? so that you only list hits and not there path?19:50
mandragora22hi there, has anyone ever install global panel on xubuntu?19:50
yellabsis ubuntu brainstorm offline?19:50
ikonia_polto_: lilo19:50
_polto_ikonia: I'll try it.19:50
yellabstrying to see if they are working on an solution to easy installing fonts19:51
user_snorungen: man find, line 923 could help you19:51
vtecwhy my printer is more slower in ubuntu ?19:51
mandragora22don't you just drag and drop ur new font on ur .fonts folder?19:51
yellabsdoes any one know if its on ubuntu brainstorm? easy acces and install fonts19:51
_polto_sound crazy that nobody needed bootable DVD with >4GB squashfs before me.19:51
mphill_yellabs: i have seen that19:51
alc0lyteciao a tutti19:51
yellabsokey thanks19:52
Slartvtec: probably because the windows drivers do some neat things the printer manufacturers haven't told anyone how to do19:52
yellabsreally needs to be worked on19:52
ActionParsnip!fonts | mandragora2219:52
ubottumandragora22: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:52
_VIM_I think theres a font update command that youll need19:52
alc0lytequalcuno può aiutarmi?19:53
italoUnuntu!!!!!! BRASIL LOVES U!!19:53
mandragora22now, can anyone help me installing global panel?19:53
synackim about to trash ubuntu and go back to slackware19:53
racecar56i like ubuntu19:53
ActionParsnipsynack: its not for everybody19:53
yellabsslackware in linux too19:53
synackbecause i have the dumbest issue i think ive ever seen in a *nix distro19:53
racecar56ive never tried it19:53
vtecitalo de seara - SC?19:54
racecar56what u got:?19:54
synackunmount the cdrom and the device becomes completly unusable until a reboot occurs19:54
mphill_synack: what's the issue19:54
ActionParsnipsynack: well if you tell us wassup maybe we can advise19:54
gordonjcpsynack: that's a bit odd19:54
racecar56thats wierd19:54
Slartsynack: huh? that doesn't sound right19:54
synackindeed it is19:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:54
synackgoogle is no help19:54
skyboundsnorungen: find / -name "*something*" -exec basename {} \;19:54
gordonjcpsynack: you're probably the only person with that problem then19:54
vtecah ta19:54
gordonjcpsynack: maybe your CDROM is knackered19:54
racecar56report it!19:54
sekyourboxsynack, If you are a slacker, why would you install ubuntu in the firt place19:54
synackits a brand new machine19:54
synacklaptop support19:54
ActionParsnipsynack: can be DOA19:54
racecar56its laptop?19:54
_VIM_sekyourbox:  has  a point19:54
synackthis is teh 2nd laptop its done it on19:55
ActionParsnipsynack: same model / make?19:55
synack2 different models too19:55
racecar56what ubuntu your using19:55
synacksame model but different revisions19:55
ActionParsnipsynack: tried a bios update?19:55
synack8.10 amd6419:55
synackthe bios is up to date19:55
ActionParsnipsynack: have you tried 32bit just to test?19:55
racecar56get 8.04.2 maybe (its more stable)19:55
gordonjcpsynack: what actually happens?19:55
synacki had an asus x83vb-x1 but went and exchanged it for an x83vb-x219:55
yellabssynack , set the master slave right on the drive, no cable select19:55
racecar56i need to install ubuntu server on a server with no CD drive, what do i do? it has USB though19:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:55
synacki pop in a cd/dvd it will auto mount w/ no problem, as soon as i unmount or eject the device is unsuable19:56
ActionParsnip!usb | racecar5619:56
ubotturacecar56: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:56
synackdoesnt matter if its thru xterm or gui19:56
synackand it doesnt mount again until i reboot19:56
Slartracecar56: didn't you read the factoid ubottu sent you?19:56
yellabscheck master slave settings on drove19:56
Seveassynack, any clues from dmesg during eject or insert?19:56
ActionParsnipsynack: yu could try rmmod / modprobe to get the cd to refresh config19:56
Seveas(as in: does the kernel detect the cd-rom, but is udev knackered?)19:56
mp3guyhi, I've got a fresh install of 8.10 on a HP a740.uk desktop and whenever I try shutdown I just get a blank screen after log out and I have to hold down the power button to turn it off19:56
gordonjcpsynack: is a new disc detected in the drive?19:57
ActionParsnipmp3guy: does: sudo ahutdown -h now make it turn off?19:57
synackjust says no medium detected19:57
yellabslots of friendly help , thats for sure.. hehe19:57
Seveassynack, does it spin up?19:57
ofix-compI need help with my flash player.. I see videos like pictures.. I think the video frames are too slow19:57
gordonjcpsynack: that's a knackered drive19:57
synackworks fine in slackware :-\19:57
deadbatteryomg why is apache2 SOOO GAY19:57
mp3guyno, neither does disabling networkmanager or adding acpi=force to the kernel grub line19:57
dixonionthedemonhow o i get my logitech quick cam connect to work with ubuntu?19:57
ActionParsnipsynack: does 32bit make a difference?19:57
user_deadbattery: ?19:57
ofix-compI already tried using another browser and it does not work19:58
racecar56what FS should my usb have19:58
Slartdeadbattery: sounds like a user problem.. don't blame apache19:58
mp3guyis there a shutdown log file I can inspect?19:58
synackmmm i havent treid 32bit on this model19:58
racecar56its a 4.0 GB19:58
synacki just went straight for 6419:58
Seveasracecar56, fat32 unless you're really sure you won't use it on windows19:58
timahvo1synack: getting an error message saying something about d-bus ?19:58
deadbatteryslart.. apache starts but then it starts to decrease in performance.. decrease to the point int blows19:58
synacki had 32bit installed on  the other model yesterday but dont recall testing cds19:58
racecar56i dont EVEN use windows19:58
synacktimahvo1: yes19:58
ActionParsnipracecar56: the guide will tell you, you need to partition it different19:58
racecar56but the server runs windows19:58
ofix-compcan anyone help me?19:58
racecar56and idk how to use t19:58
synacklet me see if i cant get an output19:58
_VIM_deadbattery: please do not use hate speech on freenode19:58
Slartdeadbattery: no error messages?19:58
ActionParsnipsynack: have you updated the cdrom drive firmware?19:58
timahvo1synack: hhhhmmmm I think its a known issue. sure google doesn't know ?19:59
racecar56how do i format my usb19:59
synackyea i havent found anything on google unless im searching for the wrong thing19:59
Seveasdeadbattery, then you're probably running a broken cgi/php/whatever application on it. Find out which app is causing it to crawl and give it a kick in the cojones :)19:59
ActionParsnipracecar56: sure19:59
racecar56ok ill go compile it19:59
synackto make matters even more weird is that i cant even eject the drive...i have to use a paperclip19:59
racecar56the latest isnt in my repo19:59
yellabssynack : and if all fails, see the master slave settings, and no cable select on the jumpers of the drive , who knows it might help..19:59
NickUKHello, I am currently having problems with my wireless, It has gone from my Network settings.19:59
synackits a laptop yellabs19:59
ofix-comphow do I update my video driver?19:59
ActionParsnipracecar56: as long as it formats it, it doesnt matter19:59
kennethrHow do I enable dump on kernel panic/crash and does it work when using wubi?19:59
synackjumpers wouldnt make a difference anyhow20:00
ActionParsnipofix-comp: how did you install?20:00
ofix-compI didnt I just made a fresh install of ubuntu 8.1020:00
racecar56getting libparted20:00
ActionParsnipofix-comp: what does: lspci | grep -i vga20:00
timahvo1synack: can't even eject the cd? paper clips? wow. thats a first I think.20:00
sekyourboxFrom the "file system" when i right click on properties to view the folder contents, the used space takes forever to show up.. Is this because the indexing service is disabled?20:01
synackpaperclip i can20:01
nightrid3rracecar56: if you need ext3 fs on windows http://www.fs-driver.org/20:01
ActionParsniptimahvo1: its the hard eject for stuck drives20:01
synackits liek the device complelty powers down20:01
racecar56i knoq20:01
racecar56ive seen that before20:01
NickUKHello, I am currently having problems with my wireless, It has gone from my Network settings.20:01
_pattonAfter logging into vista and going back to ubuntu I have: Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary. Any tips please?20:01
ActionParsnipsynack: can you modprobe stuff to get the drive up?20:01
racecar56but thanks nightrid3r20:01
nightrid3rracecar56: np20:01
racecar56but i need help with that drive20:02
synacki dont know what module to probe20:02
racecar56for some reason on other PC it wants to format the partiton20:02
ofix-compActionParsnip it says: VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]20:02
ActionParsnipsynack: lsmod may help20:02
ActionParsnipofix-comp: then now you have something to websearch with20:02
NickUKI am currently having problems with my wireless, It has gone from my Network settings.20:02
ActionParsnipNickUK: is it pci or usb?20:03
yellabssynack what brand of laptop and model?20:03
racecar56im compiling gparted now20:03
racecar56its version 0.4.120:04
_VIM_compiling? O.o20:04
ActionParsnipNickUK: run lspci and you will get a line detailing the adapter, you can then websearch how to set it up20:04
robfok for some reason I decided hey,  why not clikc "upgrade"  to Idiot Ibis or whatever20:04
robfnow X doesn't run =\20:04
ActionParsnip!compile | _VIM_20:04
ubottu_VIM_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:04
robfwhy do upgrades always break crap =\  fail.20:04
_VIM_OMG i know what compiling is20:04
robf_VIM_: TOTALLY!?20:04
NickUKActionParsnip - It was running until a minute ago20:04
racecar56but it gives me out of date stuff on 'sudo apt-get install'20:04
ActionParsnipNickUK: well its not now and thats what counts20:04
robfracecar56: apt-get update20:04
robfanyhow why does upgrade fail so hard20:05
ActionParsnipNickUK: you could always run: dmesg | less20:05
timahvo1synack: I had issue with my cd/dvd drive on a new laptop/8.04 (dbus error msg) but it went away on its own after a couple of updates20:05
_VIM_!latest | racecar56 (this is why)20:05
ubotturacecar56 (this is why): Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.20:05
ActionParsnipNickUK: then read to see whats what20:05
TMLWhat's the magic incantation to make RightAlt-F1 open tty13?20:05
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:05
Droopsta915Anyone have yahoo working with evolution? I can't sign in, I read I might need to pay?20:05
robfDroopsta915: wha,  use pidgin20:05
robfor you mean mail20:05
NickUKActionParsnip - Addrconf netdev_up : eth0: Link is not ready20:06
robfyahoo mail may have payfor pop320:06
rdw200169Droopsta915, yah, that's true; yahoo makes you pay for pop/imap access20:06
robfhow lame20:06
ActionParsnipNickUK: now you can go see what that means20:06
racecar56omg HELP!20:06
rdw200169Droopsta915, for a while they tried pop or imap (i think) for free, but took it down20:06
robfActionParsnip: why does upgrade fail so much?20:06
racecar56why isnt my PC detecting my flash drive?20:06
ActionParsniprobf: can you expand please20:06
racecar56it was a minute ago20:06
dixonionthedemoni cant get my logitech quickcam connect to work with ubuntu? anyone know how to get it to work??20:06
_VIM_only reason i dont use Yahoo! email,20:06
robfActionParsnip: haha  I upgraded to idiot ibis or whatever crap synaptic was yammering about (I was bored)20:06
TMLracecar56: Does dmesg say anything?20:07
robfand now nothing works20:07
dixonionthedemonjust kep getting a fuzzy picture with nothing20:07
=== JustMe is now known as Guest86200
robfeg,  no X20:07
racecar56ok ill do now20:07
Droopsta915robf:can I use pidgin for e-mail?20:07
robfDroopsta915: no20:07
robfDroopsta915: yahoo msg I didn't see your whole question cos this bloody terminal is like huge.. =d20:07
rdw200169Droopsta915, the yahoo/hotmail problem is why so many people went to google mail; they provide imap/pop3 for free20:07
crazygirwhy would ubuntu map a single NIC --> eth2?20:07
_VIM_lol robf you stuck in console or something?20:08
Droopsta915rdw200169: I heard you also need ypop or something20:08
racecar56my dmesg | tail has some errors20:08
rdw200169crazygir, did you swap motherboards?20:08
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »20:08
zelaktcan someone recommend a simple, lightweight directory-based mp3 player that looks native on gnome?20:08
robf_VIM_: yeah I upgrade to Idiot Ibis... its conosole only20:08
robf_VIM_: or so it appears =\20:08
racecar56will ubuntu floodbot pwn me if i post my dmesg20:08
rdw200169Droopsta915, ypop? i dunno about that... i just know that yahoo is very hostile towards e-mail clients20:08
yellabsfor yahoo question you could try to read this, maybe it helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingYahooWithEvolution20:08
racecar56will ubuntu floodbot pwn me if i post my dmesg\20:08
drzinHey i am looking for a good system Monitor.  I use KDE20:08
Droopsta915robf:It's cool. LoL.20:08
rdw200169racecar56, yes, use the pastebin20:08
TMLracecar56: Don't paste it here, put it on a pastebin20:08
zelaktracecar56: , use pastebin20:08
rdw200169!pastebin | racecar5620:08
ubotturacecar56: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:08
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:09
nDuffcrazygir, have there been other NICs installed on this host in the past? I've seen modern Linux distros track NICs they've seen by MAC address and assign non-conflicting names through udev, though I don't know to what extent Ubuntu does so.20:09
crazygirrdw200169 / nDuff  I believe ubuntu may have been confused by being run on another system for testing20:09
rdw200169nDuff, crazygir yes, ubuntu does the same thing, it increments ea. new mac address to a new interface20:09
crazygirhow do I reset it?20:09
racecar56===== HERE IS ERROR: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:09
Slartracecar56: don't paste here20:09
timahvo1drzin: conky ?20:09
crazygirchrist, 1500 people is too much20:10
TMLcrazygir: I've seen the same thing as nDuff - it thinks the old NICs might come back at some point so leaves eth0 and eth1 available20:10
crazygiris there a ubuntu-server?20:10
Slartracecar56: oh.. phew.. thought you were going to paste it all to the channel.. nevermind =)20:10
dalekleaderhello, looking for assistance to use an Option usb modem.20:10
robfwhy the hell have "hey guys upgrade to a newer version" button when it jsut breaks shit20:10
kwk1Hi, I formatted my windows partition with ext3 from ubuntu using gparted. Now I want to mount it so that my normal user can read/write to it. How can I do this? The volume is automatically recognized in nautilus but when mounted, my normal user cannot write to it.20:10
robfnice goin20:10
robfreinstall time20:10
Slartcrazygir: yes.. it's like the desktop but with a different kernel and no gui20:10
FloodBot1robf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:10
crazygirSlart: typo.. I meant #ubuntu-server20:10
Slart!language | robf20:10
ubotturobf: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:10
drzintimahvol, can i get via adept20:10
Slartcrazygir: I think there is20:11
robf!stfu | slart20:11
ubottuslart: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.20:11
rdw200169!server | crazygir20:11
ubottucrazygir: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support20:11
crazygirthanks rdw20016920:11
racecar56sooooooo what do i do?20:11
drzintimahvol, guess not20:12
racecar56what i do about this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:12
drzinHey i am looking for a good system Monitor.  I use KDE20:12
drzinI miss Gentoo20:12
racecar56what i do about this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:13
mac_i use ubuntu8.1020:13
rdw200169drzin, heh, monit is an *excellent* system monitor... but its more for servers...20:13
mac_i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.1020:13
mac_i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.1020:13
mac_i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.1020:13
mac_i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.1020:13
mac_i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.10i use ubuntu8.1020:14
FloodBot1mac_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:14
drzinWell I need how my system is doing cause i going to be running VM's20:14
gp5stwhat's the default version of gcc in ubuntu?20:14
Slartfloodbots are a bit slow?20:14
demontagerhow to add upload slots in linuxdc++, my provider ask to add minimum 3?20:14
Slart!info gcc20:14
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.74ubuntu2)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.1-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB20:14
racecar56GET HIM FLOODBOT20:14
_VIM_FloodBot1: is fired20:14
timahvo1drzin: whats wrong with conky?20:14
adam__wait, which version does he use?20:14
Piciracecar56: stop20:14
jhamzahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/113334/ hi i have a problem while trying to launch an app on wine ; could someone help me ?20:14
Slartgp5st: did that answer your question?.. I'm not sure if that's the gcc version of just some package version20:14
adam__cd /20:14
racecar56what i do about this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:14
racecar56my usb stick isnt being detected20:15
rdw200169jhamza, you're gonna have more luck with that in #winehq20:15
zaapiel-mobileanyways to tell if a laptop is open source friendly?20:15
gp5stthat works20:15
Nookie^^hi... im learning python/pygtk and coding a terminal.. anyone interested who knows/want to learn to help me out20:15
Nookie^^here are some screenshots of how far i have come:20:15
racecar56my usb stick isnt being detected, pastebin here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:15
dalekleaderCould someone point me to an article on how to setup a USB Modem on 8.10?20:15
=== bloodflake is now known as kalakouentin
drzintimahvol, Well nothing i just looking for a little more i candy it all good20:15
nickrud_!laptop | zaapiel-mobile a lot of info here20:16
ubottuzaapiel-mobile a lot of info here: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org20:16
_VIM_zaapiel-mobile: as long as it dont have Apple or Microsoft software, its more than likely open source friendly20:16
SlartNookie^^: try #python .. lots of smart people there20:16
PiciNookie^^: Please don't do that here, this is a support channel.  Use #ubuntu-offtopic or #python please.20:16
Nookie^^Slart: i'll try20:16
ofix-compis there like a list of motherboards TOTALLY compatible with Ubuntu?20:16
drzintimahvol,  I will give it a try20:16
Slart!hardware | ofix-comp20:16
Nookie^^Pici: sorry, moving on20:16
ubottuofix-comp: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:16
TMLracecar56: Unplug the device, try to rmmod both sd_mod and usb_storage, then modprobe them back, plug it back in20:16
altus-dominuswhen i run firefox i get ethis rror any ideas how to fix it : (firefox:17458): GdkPixbuf-CRITICAL **: gdk_pixbuf_get_height: assertion `GDK_IS_PIXBUF (pixbuf)' failed20:16
_VIM_dang ubottu is just stepping all over everyone, slow down on that bot commands guys20:16
=== Nookie^^ is now known as Noq^
racecar56ERROR: Module sd_mod is in use20:17
mornebuzzhowdy everyone.  I'm new to linux and cant begin to figure out the lingo and commands.  Nonetheless, just loaded 8.1 a second time. It works well as long as i dont mess with any settings. I realised tonight though, that when i connect to the net via my E220 modem, and connect to my windows pc which has the printer connected to it, the internet wont work, until i unplug the lan cable.  can i set a priority or something?20:17
user_zaapiel-mobile: check the hardware, especially the graphics card (onboard). google for the model and linux and "trouble"-words ;-)20:17
TMLracecar56: Yes, you'll need to find out what's using those modules and stop the processes20:17
=== Jaws is now known as Jaws2
_VIM_mornebuzz: you mean 8.10?20:18
Slartmornebuzz: so you've got a modem you use for internet connectivity and a local network you use to access printers and stuff.. is that right?20:18
mornebuzzyes, the laser printer is connected via lan to another windows pc20:19
Slartmornebuzz: you can do lots of stuff with the "route" command.. I'm not sure how to solve your particular problem though..I'm a bit surprised that it doesn't work by default though20:19
xnmrphHi. Partitiontragic corrupted my MBR so I had to reinstall but 8.10 hasn't mounted my private folder - says I need to run "mount.ecryptfs_private" etc. Can I recover what was in there from before ?20:19
greenmanspiriti am using ibex and when i try to connect to a wpa enterprise setup with mschapv2 with a broadcom card my kernel panics, any idea how i can fix this?20:19
_VIM_I couldnt get my network printer working, but i was able to get the non-network printer going just fine, it instantly picked up my HP 960c20:20
jhamzardw200169: i've tried but with no luck :(20:20
racecar56my usb stick isnt being detected, pastebin here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:20
marcelhow can i print a file with lp command ?20:20
zaapiel-mobilei cant find anything20:20
mornebuzzyeah, its like firefox or the system wants to access the net via the lan rather than the modem and completely ignores the modem20:20
zaapiel-mobilewill that run ubuntu?20:21
racecar56my usb stick isnt being detected, pastebin here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:21
rdw200169jhamza, well, that was a pretty obscure stack trace; only people who *really* know wine will have any luck decifering it!20:21
racecar56my usb stick isnt being detected, pastebin here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:21
_VIM_racecar56: slow down a bit20:21
ofix-compSlart that list is old! :O20:21
ianm_it seems fullscreen SDL apps set the brightness low when starting, any ideas?20:21
Slartmarcel: doesn't "lp MyAwesomeTextFile" work? try running "man lp" for help20:21
user_zaapiel-mobile: you will need propietary drivers for being able to fully use the nvidia card (games, CAD, etc..)20:22
ofix-compSlart is there an actual list?20:22
zaapiel-mobilebut do you think it would work with ubuntu?20:22
zaapiel-mobilethat laptop?20:22
Slartofix-comp: hmm.. that's the only one I know of..20:22
zaapiel-mobilelike wi-fi and what not20:22
kennethrHow can I set up kernel panic/crashes to dump to disk on my laptop?20:22
xnmrphHi. Partitiontragic corrupted my MBR so I had to reinstall but 8.10 hasn't mounted my private folder - says I need to run "mount.ecryptfs_private" etc. Can I recover what was in there from before ?20:22
ofix-compSlart OMG how many years does Ubuntu have been existing?20:22
marcelSlart: lp <filenanme> don't work ...20:22
drzinHey i am looking for a good system Monitor.  I use KDE20:22
filthpighey, can somebody help me set up the gspca driver from hardy in intrepid? I'm experiencing some regression with my webcam when I'm using skype, because the colours are all wrong, but I know it worked on hardy20:22
racecar56ubuntu has been around scince 200420:23
step21xnmrph: well did you run it?20:23
Slartofix-comp: well.. at least 3 or more20:23
Laeborghttp://pastebin.com/m38adfc5 - how can i cancel this "pending" install ?20:23
xnmrphstep21, no. In case it screws up what was there before20:23
ofix-compoh wow.. not much.. so, its like starting..20:23
nickrud_ofix-comp, first release oct 200420:23
racecar56my usb stick isnt being detected, pastebin here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:23
_VIM_sinc3 4.10= october 2004..am i correct?20:23
ofix-compnickrud and do you know of any list with compatible hardware?20:23
Slartmarcel: well.. that's the way that command works afaik.. I've never used it myself20:24
racecar56VIRTUALBOX 1.3?20:24
racecar56talk about out of date repos!20:24
nickrud_!hardware | ofix-comp (incomplete, as all lists will be)20:24
ubottuofix-comp (incomplete, as all lists will be): For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:24
Slartracecar56: please.. keep the enter spam to a minimum20:24
TMLracecar56: Did you kill whatever is using sd_mod so you could rmmod it?20:24
step21xnmrph: well, I'm neither familiar with your setup or encrypted home partitions, but mount shouldn't destroy anything, unless you formatted your private folder partition20:24
xnmrphstep21, and if I do "sudo mount.ecryptfs....." says "command not found"20:24
racecar56how do i?20:24
ozzloyhow do i find the libqt4-ruby1.8-examples i just installed?20:25
Slartozzloy: look at the package in synaptic.. there should be a list of files included20:25
racecar56how do i find out what's using the sd_mod20:25
step21xnmrph: you might have to install some support package to enable support for encrypted partition20:25
ozzloySlart: k thx20:25
user_Laeborg: you seem to install vbox 1.3.2?20:25
Pici!latest > racecar5620:25
ubotturacecar56, please see my private message20:25
nickrud_ozzloy, /usr/share/doc/libqt4-ruby1.8-examples20:25
Laeborgcan i cancel that user_20:25
step21or do "locate mount.ecryptfs_private20:26
Slart!info virtualbox20:26
ubottuPackage virtualbox does not exist in intrepid20:26
goukiHi. Can I use locale-gen with a wildcard to generate all locales?20:26
user_Laeborg: in console just do control+c20:26
Pici!info virtualbox-ose | Slart20:26
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-dfsg-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 6137 kB, installed size 20720 kB20:26
Slartthanks pici =)20:26
xnmrphstep21, that just reports the private directory20:26
ofix-compso if it is compatible with debian it is with ubuntu20:26
_VIM_truecrypt does a good job of encrypting partitions in Linux...(and entire disks in Windows)20:27
racecar56how do i find out what's using the sd_mod? i got to find out so i can fix my error, heres pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:27
graingertofix-comp-> no20:27
slasherye baby20:27
graingert_VIM_-> entire disks in windows?20:27
nickrud_ofix-comp, generally true20:27
Slartofix-comp: I would say "probably".. but you can never be sure20:27
synackok i fixed my issue20:27
_VIM_yes graingert it only works in windows for entire disk20:27
graingert_VIM_-> the entire disk could contain any data, any os20:28
ofix-compbecause ubuntu came out of debian didnt it?20:28
synackhda to change my SATA mode from native to compatible20:28
slasherUBUNTU ROCKS20:28
Slartsynack: in the BIOS?20:28
_VIM_well i mean bootable OS graingert20:28
synackoddly enough i had to change it to compatible to even install ubunut and changed it back to enhanced after installation20:28
synackyes Slart20:28
graingert_VIM_-> ohh ok20:28
synackubuntu install would fail with it in Enhanced mode20:28
b3z3rk3rslasher, agreed :)20:28
step21xnmrph: is it an encrypted folder or a whole partition?20:28
Slartsynack: hmm..good to know.. another thing to try if things do not work..20:28
ozzloynickrud_: thanks20:28
slasherb3z3rk3r: hehe20:29
racecar56how do i find out what's using the sd_mod? i got to find out so i can fix my error, heres pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/20:29
user_racecar56: do you already have a device node for the stick? (trick 1: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-10sysadtips/?S_TACT=105AGX54&S_CMP=C0115&ca=dnw-1002&open&cm_mmc=4633-_-n-_-vrm_newsletter-_-10731_101108&cmibm_em=dm:0:6992641)20:29
xnmrphIt's an encrypted folder20:29
lucio12345hello i would like to mount a shared folder how to do?20:29
italoI need help with my keybord20:29
Slart!samba | lucio1234520:29
ubottulucio12345: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:29
lucio12345i go in Places connect server and i see the folder shared20:29
graingertlucio12345-> what type of shared folder20:29
italoI need help with my keybord20:29
lucio12345windows shares on ...20:30
graingertlucio12345-> ok20:30
Slart!details | italo20:30
ubottuitalo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:30
lucio12345i see the folders but i cannot access it with a program browse20:30
graingertlucio12345-> just click it, it auto mounts20:30
graingertlucio12345-> use gvfs20:30
lucio12345ok but what's the path?20:30
lucio12345now i can see it in the file browser but when i open a program and i do Open File ?20:31
graingertlucio12345-> /home/userdir/.gvfs/this on that/c/blah/blah/20:31
marcelhow can i print a file to the printer from shell : bash ??20:31
lucio12345.gvfs ok i try+20:31
_VIM_Slart: you getting carried away with ubottu again, i had to put it on ignore please use !command > nick  or something. :)20:31
nickrud_lucio12345, the file manager mangles the path to make it appear nicer ---- see graingert20:31
xnmrphHi. Partitiontragic corrupted my MBR so I had to reinstall but 8.10 hasn't mounted my private folder - says I need to run "mount.ecryptfs_private" etc. Can I recover what was in there from before ?20:31
step21xnmrph: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption http://maketecheasier.com/create-a-private-encrypted-folder-on-ubuntu-hardy-with-ecryptfs/2008/09/25 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-a-private-encrypted-folder-on-ubuntu-810-intrepid.html20:32
lucio12345oki thanks20:32
graingertlucio12345-> .gvfs is a hidden directory20:32
Slart_VIM_: I will try to restrain myself =)20:32
TMLracecar56: Well, a brute force solution is rebooting20:32
lucio12345ah i see it20:32
graingertlucio12345-> all working, coolie?20:32
alien_how do I make full disk encryption on installed system?20:32
_VIM_Slart: ty :)20:32
xnmrphI did. It hasn't helped20:32
lucio12345another problem i have a pdf printer as default printer20:32
step21xnmrph: not sure which applies to you the most. next time do your googling yourself maybe?20:32
TMLI can't recall off-hand how to figure out what processes are using a particular kernel mod20:32
user_marcel: man lp20:32
lucio12345but a program doesn't see it20:32
graingertlucio12345-> which one?20:32
xnmrphLike I said, I already read that page. It didn't help20:32
xnmrphThat's why I'm here20:32
robson_what's a really good WM? i don't want any taskbar or icons or folder support. i just want good alt tabbing and a right click menu20:33
lucio12345ise webpack from xilinx20:33
_VIM_lucio12345: if you go to http://localhost:631 you can set default printer i think20:33
_VIM_if you haven already20:33
racecar56ok but where does sd_mod go?20:33
TMLracecar56: What do you mean "where does it go"? It's a kernel module.20:33
racecar56where do i find it20:34
racecar56i have to kill whats using it20:34
_VIM_robson_: openbox, ratpoison, stumpwm, the list goes on20:34
italomy keybord is not working so good, in some aplycations like in this one i can't put acent under the letters ´a  (á) like shoud be20:34
linda_i've got a problem with a printer20:34
mincheamarok not working :(20:34
nn_skype_techhi all20:34
lucio12345ok for localhost:631 but the cups-pdf is already the default printer20:34
Slartracecar56: lsmod might give you some info20:34
TMLracecar56: Like I said, "reboot" is one way20:34
linda_anyone got time20:34
lucio12345lot of  programs see it20:34
Slartlinda_: just ask your question20:34
_VIM_robson_: wikipedia has a really good window manager comparison chart. google it :)20:34
lucio12345but only that i need to use ignores the pdf-cups20:34
Slartlinda_: if someone knows the answer they will probably answer.. if not just repeat the whole question ever 20 minutes or so20:35
minche"audio output unavailable; the device is busy"20:35
mincheplease :(20:35
racecar56going to restart20:35
linda_well the computer claims the printer is not connected, but it is by a USB cable. why I try lsusb it doesn't show up.20:35
italomy keybord is not working so good, in some aplycations like in this one i can't put acent under the letters ´a  (á) like shoud be20:36
nn_skype_techIf anyone here want's live voice tech support and have a working mike contact my skype account .. linuxtech12820:36
step21xnmrph: did you check if you have all the package installed?20:36
Slartminche: you're trying to play several sounds at the same time without a hardware mixer I think.. try using pulseaudio20:36
alien_how do I make full disk encryption on installed system?20:36
nightrid3rlinda_: is it switched on ?20:36
Newfie_richHey all, I am just looking for a simple graphics program similar to MS Paint that makes cutting and pasting pictures together easy.20:36
TMLminche: You have something else using the audio, probably some sort of audio demon like esd or kartsd20:36
TMLNewfie_rich: Try mtpaint20:36
durtlinda_:pastebin the output of lsusb20:36
robson_i think Ion is the WM i wanted. is it decent?20:36
alien_Newfie_rich, GIMP does not do?20:37
durt!pastebin | linda_20:37
ubottulinda_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:37
minchecan i find out whats using the audio?20:37
Slartlinda_: it should show up in lsusb when it's connected.. regardless if you have drivers installed or whatnot.. might the cable be broken in some way? does it work in windows?20:37
xnmrphstep21, I have the ecryptfs package installed. . I've retried what is on the ubuntu page and it either gives some obscure "fopen" error or says that there is already a passphrase for the private folder which I doubt I want to overwrite20:37
Newfie_richTML: thanks20:37
italomy keybord is not working so good, in some aplycations like in this one i can't put acent under the letters ´a  (á) like shoud be20:37
Newfie_richalien: its a little bit to complex for quick modifications...20:37
GNUtoohello, what optimisations were done for raid device in ubuntu's userland(such as changing values in /sys) and where can I find that(hdparm -tT /dev/md1 shows 4MB on my gentoo sytstem but 112 on ubuntu)20:37
TMLitalo: Are you using GNOME, KDE, or console?20:37
O__ohi, a minute ago when i click update manager, it gives me the xserver-xorg-video-ati and xserver-xorg-video-intel20:38
italoGnome ubuntu20:38
step21xnmrph: mmmh, fopen error does not sound good. sorry but as I don't use these myself I don't think I can help you ..20:38
linda_Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 it's like that on all four buses20:38
O__oi dont have ati or intel video card20:38
O__odo i need to update them?20:38
TMLitalo: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard20:38
xnmrphstep21. Yes, well, as with most things in Ubuntu, it's fine until it goes wrong. I'll stick with truecrypt from now on I think.20:38
Myxbhi. i noticed that during login and shutdown many messages appear 2 times is a row. what can it be?20:39
durtlinda_: what laptop or motherboard?20:39
TMLitalo: Layouts -> Other options20:39
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lucio12345hello what's a free good gui for php on ubuntu?20:39
TMLA GUI for PHP?20:39
O__ocoding php?20:39
nn_skype_techlucio12345, a good editer for html is bluefish20:39
TMLitalo: You're probably looking for either the "Compose key" or "Third Level Chooser" seetings20:39
linda_dell tower20:39
lucio12345than ks20:39
linda_can't find a model number20:39
user_linda_: can you pastebin your dmesg also?20:39
PiciO__o: Thats normal, they aer included by default.  If you have limited bandwidth you don't need to upgrade them.20:40
linda_sorry dimension 455020:40
TMLEclipse + PDT is popular these days20:40
O__oi dont have limited bandwidth20:40
sparcio_how can i enable internet connection sharing in ubuntu ?20:40
O__othey are only about 400KB i guess i can live with that20:40
Slart!ics > sparcio_20:40
ubottusparcio_, please see my private message20:40
durtlinda_:So nothing's coming up in usb, tried any other devices?20:40
robson_is there a package in ubuntu for the Ion WM? I can't find it20:41
Besogonitalo: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" may be it help too20:41
ZyrcHaving some issues with installing, got a new motherboard so I needed to reinstall, took a while, but I wrote and installed from a CD(more or less default settings, with a 10 GB Partition on the Primary Slave Drive), but the computer hangs when I tries to boot, I'm using Gigabyte_GA-MA69G-S3H motherboard(has some errors mentioned in the wiki), suggestions?(mainly want to be able to boot my computer into an OS is all)20:41
O__ohow come there are always update from awn??20:41
O__oit is like almost everyday20:41
O__ois it normal?20:41
SlartZyrc: have you tried the standard stuff? noapic nolapic noacpi?20:41
PiciO__o: Are you sure you aren't using a third party repository for that?20:41
Myxbhi. i noticed that during login and shutdown many messages appear 2 times is a row. what can it be? like "shutting down samba..." x2 ??20:42
O__oi am using third party repos for that20:42
kennethrHow can I enable kernel panic dumps?20:42
Zyrckinda new to linux, not really sure what you mean.20:42
zaapiel-mobilentel® Centrino® 2 processor technology20:42
zaapiel-mobiledoes ubuntu support that?20:42
zaapiel-mobile<----buying a lappy20:42
user_zaapiel-mobile: y20:42
racecar56the reboot worked20:42
nn_skype_techrobson_, not all packages come with ubuntu ... you can manually grab that package from a debian distro or if you feel really adventurious compile the program your self from source20:42
linda_here's the pastebin20:42
user_linda_: thanks!20:42
zaapiel-mobileuser_ kewl20:42
SlartZyrc: you can tell the kernel to do things in a certain way or not to use a certain feature on the computer if it's buggy20:42
PiciO__o: Then you'd have to ask whomever is providing that repo then.20:42
racecar56now my 4G flash is formatted with fat16, what do i do to make it an ubuntu server bootdisk?20:43
xnmrphHi. Anyone help me in remounting an 8.10 private folder after a reinstall ?20:43
O__oPici, i have http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu main20:43
s0u][ight!info libasoun220:43
ubottuPackage libasoun2 does not exist in intrepid20:43
s0u][ight!info libasound220:43
ubottulibasound2 (source: alsa-lib): ALSA library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.17a-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 347 kB, installed size 1228 kB20:43
O__ohttp://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu main (source code)20:43
nn_skype_techzaapiel-mobile, Ubuntu supports Huge amounts of hard where and you dont have to deal with drivers EVER again !20:43
meoblast001how do you end a download in Qtorrent?20:43
sparcio_how can i create a virtual access point from my wireless card ?20:43
SlartZyrc: you do that by adding stuff to the kernel line in grub when you boot.. it's very common to have to use one of those keywords I mentioned before20:43
O__othey are in third party software20:43
racecar56now my 4G flash is formatted with fat16, what do i do to make it an ubuntu server bootdisk?20:43
SlartZyrc: let me see if I can find a tutorial somewhere20:43
zaapiel-mobileit has a webcam though too20:43
zaapiel-mobilebuilt in20:44
robson_nn_skype_tech: if i compile it how do i make sure aptitude is managing it?20:44
zaapiel-mobilei want that to work with ubuntu also20:44
linda_haven't tried any other usb devices one sec20:44
SlartZyrc: here's a nice one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions20:44
PiciO__o: Indeed. see #awn and https://edge.launchpad.net/~awn-testing20:45
linda_other devices show up fine20:45
linda_must be a bad chord20:46
* O__o thx Pici 20:46
adam___Question: regarding the command 'file', I have only 3 entries in my /etc/magic file, yet it somehow can identify much more than that, where is it pulling that data fom?20:46
bloofaadam, run a "strace file | grep open"20:47
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meoblast001is it possible to cancel downloads in qtorrent?20:47
xnmrphstep21, still here?20:48
Piciadam___: The manpage explains where it pulls stuff from when dealing with stuff that is not matched from the system magic file.20:48
tonyyarussosparcio_: Click the network manager applet, select "Create new wireless network"20:48
platipiican someone explain why dc++ hangs on connecting, can it be a firewall blacking the port?20:48
Slartadam___: check the man page for file.. I think the files are listed there20:48
sparcio_how can i create a virtual access point from my wireless card ?20:48
adam___oh i see, usr/share/file/magic.mgc sorry about that20:49
ianm_why does firefox ignore /etc/hosts ?20:49
filthpigI have some trouble with my Creative NX Pro webcam in 8.10. Camorama crashes, skype gives me a green face and purple walls, while Cheese seems to work just fine.. any ideas what might be causing this?20:50
Slartianm_: I would be surprised if it did.. you've restarted firefox?20:50
sparcio_tonyyarusso: but , this creates only peer - to - peer network , i want to run a virtual access point. it just creates p2p but i want a client server model { access point }20:50
dixoni have a question, trying to get my cam to wrok, i did a dmesg and heres the link http://pastebin.com/d16f7b73620:50
racecar56now my 4G flash is formatted with fat16, what do i do to make it an ubuntu server bootdisk?20:51
tonyyarussosparcio_: you'll need to set up the proper "routes"20:51
user_dixon: just curious, are you using a selfcompiled kernel?20:52
dixontrying to get it to work20:52
dixonbeen on forums looking fer help20:52
sparcio_tonyyarusso: i am not talking about layer 4 problem,  its layer 1 ,. ok if it is not available to create a acces point but can we create a mesh network. i am considering serious ubuntu based deployments here for educational purposes. so this would be a breakthrough moment20:53
ianm_Slart: yeah, restarting doesn't seem to help20:53
racecar56ubuntu finally decided to work, it displayed my server, then i got into it and moved everything into ~/Documents/Backup. WOOOOOOOOO!20:54
racecar56now i wont lose anything when i get ubuntu server on it! yay!20:54
crudsonWould anyone have ideas as to why XDMCP session is really slow (gnome or xfce) with 8.10. I have identical hardware running 7.10 that is lightning fast with XDMCP. A number of things work fine (window resizing, dragging) but things like navigating menus is terribly slow.20:54
ImaginativeonepLr: still around?20:54
racecar56maybe ubuntu 6.x would be even faster20:55
Imaginativeonehow do I switch from the KDE desktop to the Ubuntu desktop?20:55
Slartianm_: can you describe what tests you've done so far?20:55
tonyyarussosparcio_: What?  You've already accomplished layer 1 connectivity, according to what you said.20:55
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ianm_Slart: add a line to /etc/hosts, try a ping of that domain (shows correct new IP), try the domain in firefox, it adds a "www." and fails to find the site20:55
user_dixon: hmm, what if try to remove usbdev2.5_ep81 and 82 before pluggin in the cam, does that make sense?20:56
Slartianm_: hmm.. let me try that on my machine20:56
danopiahi, can anyone help me with a broken apt?20:57
nDuffianm_, entering a full URL (http://foo/) results in less guessing than just the name (foo)20:57
sparcio_tonyyarusso: do you know something about wireless networks ?20:57
user_dixon: also you seem to have a tainted kernel (at least the regexp shows up in the log)20:57
ianm_nDuff: still adds www. then fail20:58
ianm_nDuff: "Firefox can't find the server at www. ..."20:58
Slartianm_: worked right away here.. didn't restart firefox or anything..20:58
kriss3dsweet.. finally made wow run in ubuntu.. had to install the propritary drivers from ati20:58
ianm_hmm adding a line for www.domain in /etc/hosts seems to fix it20:59
Slartianm_: no proxies or anything else?20:59
user_!pastebin > danopia hi, please pastebin the output of your apt command20:59
ubottudanopia, please see my private message20:59
tonyyarussosparcio_: something, sure.  everything, no.20:59
faryshtakriss3d, you think is possible to install AoE?20:59
ianm_Slart: nope, firefox is set to "gnome proxy settings" and gnome is set to "direct internet connection"20:59
bronsonRunning Intrepid...  1280x800 and a whole bunch of bogus resolutions show up in the Screen Resolutions control panel.20:59
danopiauser_, http://danopia.pastebin.com/mc0df40e20:59
bronsonBut 2560x1600 doesn't show up.20:59
bronsonAnyone know how I get it to show up?20:59
sparcio_bronson: get drivers21:00
bronsonsparcio_, I'm running the propriertary ATI.21:00
mar77ihow do I have my clients on eth1 get their dhcp from the router on eth0?21:00
bronsonThe non-proprietary just crashes / blank screen / something.21:00
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user_danopia: i have to give the question back to the group, sorry21:00
kouyado i need to install sun java to get the java-5-plugin to work in browser? or is just the pluging "enough"21:00
danopiauser_, kthen21:01
coz_hey guys could someone upload a copy of their default intrepid bashrc file? I deleted mine by stupidity :)21:01
danopiacan anyone help me with a broken apt? full output at http://danopia.pastebin.com/mc0df40e21:01
faryshtakouya, install the plugin, synaptic will install anything else needed. Then restart FF.21:01
Picicoz_: check /etc/skel/.bashrc21:01
racecar56now my 4G flash is formatted with fat16, what do i do to make it an ubuntu server bootdisk?21:01
coz_Pici,  will do21:02
kouyafaryshta: thank you21:02
ianm_Slart, nDuff: so adding a line to /etc/hosts for the subdomain www. seemed to do it.  *shrug*  thanks for the help21:02
nexosis there a mode for screen to automatically detach the session after starting?21:02
Imaginativeonedanopia: I have a similar problem21:02
sparcio_bronson: look if there' a update available , if it isn't mail ATI about this21:02
kouyaanyone else here having problems with firefox not saving bookmark changes?21:03
ImaginativeoneI'm having trouble with the Ubuntu desktop packages21:03
bronsonAnyone know how I change the bit depth?21:03
raboofWhen viewing the ps at http://arnout.engelen.eu/files/dev/simplelines.ps (using either gv or evince), the lines are note evenly spaced and not of equal thickness.21:03
bronsonDo I have to create an xorg.conf file?21:03
raboofi think that's rather odd - might that be a problem in my system configuration somewhere, or is this really the application's normal behaviour?21:03
redvamp128danopia:  you could possibly try this http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/rubygems21:03
snorungenPLZZ Help! Am supose to do the following to lab in school but I have no idea how!     Write a command (using find, egrep, and a pipe) to list all files in the /usr directory (and its sub-21:04
snorungendirectories) that has man in their name.21:04
kouyawhen i restart firefox, the new bookmarks added is gone.21:04
danopiaredvamp128, what do you want me to do with that?21:04
Slartraboof: they are if you zoom in.. it's probably just an problem with aliasing21:04
user_snorungen: is that homework? ;-)21:04
redvamp128danopia:  that according to your packagmanger is whats missing21:04
snorungenkind of21:04
danopiaredvamp128, it's what i'm triyng to install21:04
user_snorungen: how far have you got? please pastebin your code21:05
danopiaredvamp128, root@danopia:~# sudo apt-get install rubygems21:05
redvamp128Daniel this is a deb file21:05
raboofSlart: for me, even zoomed to 400% (in evince), they're certainly not the same thickness - not quite sure about even spacing21:05
Slarthmm.. don't know what the egrep would be used for.21:05
snorungenfind /usr | egrep 'man'21:05
redvamp128danopia:  this is the link to an actual deb file21:05
Slartah.. nevermind21:05
raboofSlart: upper/middle/lower lines are clearly thicker/fuzzier21:05
Slartsnorungen: that doesn't work?21:05
Slartraboof: I think it's the pdf viewer.. have you tried printing the page?21:06
mar77ihow do I have my clients on eth1 get their dhcp from the router on eth0? what's the correct term for this? bridge?21:06
racecar56ok ill be rebooting alot so i wont be back in a while21:06
redvamp128danopia:  it is possible that by downloading and installing from deb will actually install instead of using apt21:06
racecar56goodbye everyine21:06
nexosredvamp128, try aptitude21:07
raboofSlart: moment, i'll print it21:07
raboofSlart: but still, i'd like it to look good on screen, too :)21:07
snorungenwell kind of....but it list all files in a sub that contains the string man even if the file dosent21:07
redvamp128nexos:  her apt-get didn't grab the file -- danopia: not me21:07
redvamp128nexos:  danopia private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool <http://danopia.pastebin.com/mc0df40e>21:07
Slartraboof: mm.. I'm not sure if it can be fixed by generating a better ps file or getting a better reader..21:07
raboofSlart: the ps file is as trivial as they get, not sure what could be improved... (view it, i just wrote it by hand)21:08
Slartsnorungen: find has lots and lots of options.. find /usr -iname man is one way of doing it21:08
Slartraboof: then we blame the reader =)21:08
sparcio_tonyyarusso: thanks man for help i found how to setup ubuntu as a access point here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/MasterMode  :)21:08
Trijntje.xsession-errors shows an error from nautilus, something about not being able to open /var/lib/samba/usershares. I dont have samba on my pc, how do i prevent nautilus from trying?21:08
NotSurehow do I see what minimized windows are still open?21:09
sparcio_thanks everyone21:09
user_snorungen: can you give me the line in the find manpage i gave you? ;-)21:09
gnuskoolwots the anme of the installer used to install linux from within xp?21:09
tonyyarussosparcio_: excellent21:09
redvamp128nexos:  so if apt didn't get it odds are that aptitude may not be able to grab it--- but this is a link to the actual deb file .. Ubuntu -- Package Download Selection -- rubygems_1.3.0~RC1really1.2.0-2ubuntu3_all.deb <http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/all/rubygems/download>21:09
Slartgnuskool: wubi21:09
raboofSlart: or my configuration :)21:09
gnuskoolSlart: cheers21:09
Slartraboof: nah.. its' the same thing here21:09
nexosredvamp128, iirc aptitude has a mode to install a file from harddrive21:10
NotSurei minimize a window and it disappears... it doesn't go to the taskbar as it should... How do I see what windows are still open?21:10
fwaokdahow can i open another new window of the text editor? not a new tab but a new window???21:10
Slartraboof: I just use small doses of valium when I watch it.. that way I can still stand it =)21:10
raboofSlart: hrm :/ - i can't quite imagine that both evince and the venerable ghostview are both so bad at displaying trivial postscript files...21:10
raboofSlart: :)21:10
redvamp128nexos:  it is for danopia not me-- and this is a link to the pastebin from earlier -- danopia private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool <http://danopia.pastebin.com/mc0df40e>21:11
gnuskoolSlart: you wouldnt know off the top of your head if its possible to install vista to an xp and linux wubi install, would ya?21:11
redvamp128gnuskool:  you would have to install Vista then restore grub21:11
user_snorungen: so, please man find and find the part about the -printf option21:11
bove2hi. I have a SD card where one partition always refuses to umount, even after reformatting. any explanations for that?21:11
pLrredvamp128: apt-get build-dep rubygens21:12
snorungenif you are refering to the -printf $h it doesent work fore me21:12
pLrredvamp128: sudo apt-get build-dep rubygems21:12
nexosredvamp128, ok, my fault... i'll keep on playing with the compiz cube...21:12
Slartgnuskool: no idea, sorry21:12
redvamp128pLr:  that is for danopia I don't have that issue21:12
bingis there an easy way to sync the packages between two instances of ubuntu 8.10?21:12
danopiapLr, E: Build-dependencies for rubygems could not be satisfied.21:13
gnuskoolSlart: no prob, i wanna test drive vista 7, ill tinker with it, cheers21:13
redvamp128danopia:  just try my deb file21:13
sjovanhey, does some one know of a free program to draw eletronic circuts?21:13
user_snorungen: are you sure about "$h", its more about "%something"21:13
redvamp128Ubuntu -- Package Download Selection -- rubygems_1.3.0~RC1really1.2.0-2ubuntu3_all.deb <http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/all/rubygems/download>  danopia:21:13
NotSure i minimize a window and it disappears... it doesn't go to the taskbar as it should... How do I see what windows are still open?21:13
WastePotatoHi. I'm trying to change some options on my touchpad and get this error when starting gsynaptics. http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3606/screenshotac0.png The question is, which options do I enter/change in Xorg.conf?21:14
=== rj_x is now known as rj_x|away
redvamp128NotSure:  have you tried-- system -- administration -- system monitor21:14
pLrdanopia: sudo apt-get install rubygems1.821:14
danopiapLr, can't find package21:14
sammmmy1357hi ppl...how to get an image to display in my conky???21:14
redvamp128pLr:  the pastebin from earlier -- I still have it open -- danopia private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool <http://danopia.pastebin.com/mc0df40e>21:14
danopiaredvamp128, i forget how to isntall .deb files21:15
danopiawhat command is it?21:15
redvamp128danopia:  just double click it21:15
danopiait's my server21:15
danopiai dont' have X21:15
redvamp128ahh ok21:15
lstarnesdanopia: dpkg -i21:15
lavenderHow could I remove the damn password prompt at restart/shutdown?21:16
Trijntjein my .xsession-errors file nautilus complains that it cannot add monitor because it is not supported. What is going on here?21:16
danopia rubygems depends on libgems-ruby1.8 (= 0.9.4-4); however:21:16
danopia  Package libgems-ruby1.8 is not installed.21:16
nexosdpkg was what i searched ...21:16
redvamp128sudo dpkg -i package.deb21:16
kriss3dTo run a Fw script id just have to run it from rc.3 right ?21:16
HailandKillHow can you see what versions of software you can install with apt and hence.. how do you then install older versions?21:16
redvamp128danopia:  you have to cd to the directory where you downloaded it21:16
danopiaredvamp128, i did21:16
danopiai used my homedir21:16
lstarnesdanopia: you need to install all its dependencies manually when using dpkg directly instead of apt21:16
sammmmy1357anyone know how to get an image to display in my conky???21:16
danopiai think that it wants me to download the deps too21:16
pLrk redvamp128 finish what u were doing.. say my name if it doesnt work out21:17
redvamp128then just sudo dpkg -i package.deb21:17
Trijntjelavender: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/315/how-to-shutdown-and-reboot-without-sudo-password/21:17
bronsonHow do I change my monitor's bit depth?21:17
wcchandlerWhen a system boots what is it called when there's a picture in the background?21:17
redvamp128danopia they had to pick a long file name21:17
danopiaredvamp128, hmm?21:18
redvamp128I would dir first -- then use that command21:18
lstarneswcchandler: I think that's a splash screen21:18
Electrohello world :D21:18
danopiaredvamp128, i'm working out of my homedir and the only file is the .deb21:18
wcchandlerJust the generic term "splash screen"?21:18
danopiaand it wants me to get another package21:18
danopiabut that one errors out on dependancies when i try getting it via apt, too21:18
b3z3rk3rElectro, lol. well done, you just wrote your first program!21:19
ScuniziHow do I get my dns servers 're-recognized' ?? I've just opened an openDNS account and have setup the router. now my system needs to see them as well..21:19
Electro<b3z3rk3r>, yep)21:19
redvamp128danopia:  sudo dpkg -i package.deb (where package.deb is the actual file name)21:20
wcchandlerTHANK YOU lstarness :)21:20
graingertScunizi-> re connect and DHCP will re issue them21:20
danopiaredvamp128, i did that21:20
danopiaredvamp128, it failed21:20
Scunizigraingert: thanks.21:20
lstarnesdanopia: did you install all the dependencies?21:20
sammmmy1357conky anyone???21:20
redvamp128okay only other thing to try is possibly the 1.921:20
danopialstarnes, they wont' install via apt either21:20
danopiasame issue as the main one21:20
redvamp128lstames this is what is missing21:20
pLrredvamp128: they will both fail .. need deps21:20
danopialstarnes, i followed it down to one saying i need ruby21:20
danopialstarnes, which IS installed21:20
pLrredvamp128: fix the deps w/ danopia21:20
=== Ta4uKoMa is now known as TaKcucT
redvamp128pLr:  Ubuntu -- Details of package rubygems in intrepid <http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/rubygems>21:20
lstarnesdanopia: it might require a specific version of ruby21:21
HailandKillHow can I see what versions of a particular package there are I can install?21:21
bronsonIs it possible to change my screen's bit depth in Intrepid?21:21
HailandKillwith apt... that is.21:21
redvamp128This version says NO depedncies needed21:21
bronsonFound all sorts of ways to do it for Dapper, etc.21:21
mheathI'm trying to get dual monitors (monitor + TV) on my nvidia (with restricted drivers) card setup. nvidia-settings allowed me to confiugre it fine; I generated the new config file, rebooted to it, and there was no change - now nvidia-settings doesn't even see a TV out option, and "Detect Displays" does nothing. Reverting to the old x config does nothing.21:21
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pLrredvamp128: well the label isnt always right.. o.O21:21
Guest60016when fsck runs i get the error message: boot sector and its backup are different.  What is the significance of this?21:22
pLrredvamp128: but apt doesnt lie21:22
=== BastaMammaMettim is now known as TeNeRendiConto
redvamp128only thing it reccomends it build essentials-- and ruby1.8-dev21:22
danopialstarnes, redvamp128     http://danopia.pastebin.com/m3bfe186021:22
redvamp128danopia:  the only other thing I found is this -- Ubuntu -- Details of package rubygems1.8 in intrepid <http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/rubygems1.8>21:23
fars0у кого-нибудь пиджин работает ?)21:23
redvamp128That is supposed to have been installed with intrepid though21:23
fars0ацкий протокол*21:23
lstarnesdanopia: you need the version of ruby1.8 in order for that version of irb1.8 to work21:23
redvamp128!ru | fars021:23
ubottufars0: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:23
danopialstarnes, so what shuold i do?21:24
sparcio_how much space is consumed in a default installation of 8.10 on a 4 GB flash21:24
user_snorungen: have to go soon, where are you now in your project?21:24
WastePotatoHi. I'm trying to change some options on my touchpad and get this error when starting gsynaptics. http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3606/screenshotac0.png The question is, which options do I enter/change in Xorg.conf?21:24
cam__hey I need help with a raid0 problem please21:24
redvamp128danopia:  is it possible that you didn't get the default ruby installed with your intrepid21:24
guntbertsparcio_: it fits onto a 1GB stick :)21:25
cam__does anyone knows things about that?21:25
guntbert!ask | cam21:25
ubottucam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:25
Es|Shotgunhey anyone here mind helpin me?21:25
danopiaredvamp128, no idea, i set it up after i got the server with apt21:25
cam__I installed ubuntu-studio21:25
b3z3rk3rcam__, was that a 1337 "radio" problem or a RAID 0 problem ? :P21:25
Imaginativeonehow do I run php in apache?21:25
cam__from an ubuntu 32 bits21:26
redvamp128danopia:  try this first then the other one you downloaded Ubuntu -- Details of package rubygems1.8 in intrepid <http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/rubygems1.8>21:26
cam__raid 021:26
danopiaredvamp128, i just purged it and added it back, still too old or w/e21:26
guntbert!ask | Es|Shotgun21:26
ubottuEs|Shotgun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:26
cam__it did it many times21:26
user_!lamp | Imaginativeone21:26
ubottuImaginativeone: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:26
cam__and i never had a problem21:26
wcchandlerAnybody familiar with vesa framebuffering?21:26
guntbert!enter | cam__21:26
ubottucam__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:26
cam__until yesterday21:26
redvamp128danopia:  that one above first- then the one we downloaded there is a link to a 1.9 but your dependencies called for 1.821:26
sparcio_guntbert: how can we install it in only 1 Gb ?21:26
Es|ShotgunI woud like to use a CRON Job to automatically download an entire directory from an FTP Server at regular intervals, if anyone knows how to do this, please help21:26
Y-TownI have a directory I created as a different user on this system called /Share.  When I look at it as this user I see locks on the folders inside.  I want to make /Share so that everyone can access add delete and do whatever sionce its a total share for everyone.  I am not worried about security this is a home network basically sharing music, videos documents etc..  So How would I properly change the permissions so everyone can add and21:27
cam__So, I reinstalled ubuntu 64 bits in an already partionned disk with seperate /home21:27
danopiaredvamp128, actually i think i have hardy21:27
cam__I only format /21:27
cam__and did all as i always do but my md0 is not mounting now21:28
nightrid3rY-Town: chmod -R 777 dir/21:28
user_Es|Shotgun: you know the tools? just plug them together! then post errormessages here ;-)21:28
cam__I have troubles when trying mounting it by hand too21:28
Es|Shotgunthe problem is i have no clue where to start (sorta new to linux... sorry)21:28
redvamp128danopia:  you said earlier intrepid21:28
guntbertsparcio_: are you not talking about intrepid's "create a usb startup"?21:29
user_Es|Shotgun: ok, read wikipedia about cron, then just do a test cron entry on your system21:29
Es|Shotguni know how to setup a cron job21:29
Es|Shotguni don't know how to ftp21:29
cam__here is what I get when I want to mount md021:29
Es|Shotgunusing cron21:29
bronsonIs it simply impossible to set the screen's bit depth in Intrepid?21:29
bronsonCan't find anything on the web for post-Hardy.21:30
cam__wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md021:30
nate1is there a way to get all the programs installed on backtrack on ubuntu21:30
sparcio_guntbert: so wouldn't it ask for the live cd again after installing21:30
Y-Townnightrid3r: Thanks that did it I believe21:30
nate1or a list of all the programs so that i can install them21:30
user_Es|Shotgun: you can use wget for ftp-downloads21:30
cam__my /proc/mdstat is empty21:30
widget54hello, just getting my new installation of Ubuntu set up21:30
Es|Shotgunoh you can?21:30
piasdomanyone know where the driver are for a gforce 6200 video card ?21:31
cam__Is there any way to get this raid partition mounted again without format it?21:31
user_Es|Shotgun: wget --user=xyz --password=xyz ftp://ftp.server.com/pub/file.txt21:31
guntbertsparcio_: that is *like* a live CD, but on a stick to boot from *and* you still can store "things" in the live system21:31
SmokeyDhey people. I have a problem with a package upgrade. Some local file was overwritten over a file contained in an ubuntu package and now dpkg complains that it won't overwrite local files21:31
HailandKillY-Town: Changing the folder your folder with chmod 777 will help for a while, but as users add their own files and folders you'll find permissions might become a nightmare. I'd suggest reading a little bit more into linux groups and then permissions, in particular "sticky bits" will help http://www.zzee.com/solutions/unix-permissions.shtml21:31
SmokeyDdpkg --configure --force-all doesn't help21:31
SmokeyDany clues?21:31
Es|Shotguni need an entire directory tho, not just one file (and i'd like it to ignor old files if possible)21:31
Cpudan80cam__: sure ... was it mounted automatically before?21:32
cam__yep many times21:32
Cpudan80cam__: if so you can probably just do sudo mount -a21:32
user_Es|Shotgun: so you need a mirroring tool. try man rsync21:32
Cpudan80!raid | cam__21:32
ubottucam__: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:32
Y-TownHailandKill: thanks I will do some research on that21:32
cam__Cpudan80: It can't be mounted because I have21:33
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Es|Shotgunk thanks i'll look at that21:33
cam__mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md0,21:33
bmk789how can i test if an app is actually 64bit?21:33
piasdomhello all21:33
Slartbmk789: file `which <applicationnamehere>`21:33
piasdomanyone know where the driver are for a gforce 6200 video card ?21:33
Es|Shotgunuser__ does this require the remote server to have SSH?21:34
Es|Shotgunand for me to have access to is?21:34
Slartbmk789: so file `which firefox` to see what kind of firefox you're running21:34
Scunizipiasdom: you should be able to go to System>Administration>Hardware drivers and enable them there.21:34
cam__seems to have issues with my superblock, I read things about saved superblock but I don't know where it can be and how I have to restore it21:34
piasdomScunizi: thanks21:34
bmk789Slart, that just told me where the executable is21:34
Slartbmk789: of course, it sometimes just points to a script or something21:34
user_Es|Shotgun: no, but its highly recommended to tunnel it depending on your network setup21:35
Wolv3some software like ares?21:35
Scunizipiasdom: if you haven't done your initial updates yet. you might want to do that first.21:35
Slartbmk789: you didn't forget the "file" part, right?21:35
piasdomScunizi: thanks  k21:35
bmk789Slart, ah21:36
Slartbmk789: which tells you what a certain command run..things between ` ` gets run and replaced with the output..21:36
piasdomScunizi: no prop. drivers...haven't installed drivers yet...new card21:36
GeffIsLegendHEY GUYS i think i broked my computer...21:36
bmk789Slart, thanks21:36
PSiL0damn, banshee is such a cpu hog21:37
SmokeyDis there any other way to make dpkg overwrite local files then --force-overwrite and --force-all?21:37
Slartbmk789: you're welcome21:37
SmokeyDor is there a way to find out which files dpkg is refusing to overwrite?21:37
cam__I tried mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd121:38
cam__but all i got is mdadm: cannot get array info for /dev/md021:38
GeffIsLegendhey guys, i need to burn another copy of Ubuntu 8.10 because this disk seems to have errors what program can i use in ubuntu that im using now to burn a disk image?21:38
Roh-easy cd creator workedf or me21:38
Scunizipiasdom: none listed in the location I gave?21:38
Slart!burniso > GeffIsLegend21:38
ubottuGeffIsLegend, please see my private message21:38
pLrdanopia: u fixed ur rubygems?21:38
Roh-just make sure you burn at 8x21:38
danopiapLr, no21:38
guntbert!who | cam__21:38
ubottucam__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:38
piasdomScunizi: no prop. drivers21:38
pLrdanopia: link me the latest pastebin ill help21:39
Scunizipiasdom: what kind of card?21:39
danopiapLr, apparantly my server is also redhat according to /proc/version and using hardy's apt :P21:39
MaT-dgmy whole system slows down at frequent times and I noticed this in syslog when it happens http://pastebin.com/d79c38d4321:39
piasdomScunizi: gforce 6200 512mb ddr221:39
=== kuba is now known as Guest96086
danopiapLr, it's the same, nothing now21:40
cam__Can anyone help me in private with that raid issue?21:40
Roh-I have have a bit of a problem loading up ubuntu on my desktop. I got it fully installed witht he alternate insall cd and when i boot up after it gets paste the ubuntu loading screen. It turns into this pixelated screen and does nothing. I'm assumeing it has something to do with my Gfx card, which is a nVidia 6800. Any one have an idea how to fix this?21:40
Imaginativeonehow do I stop apache2?21:40
Imaginativeoneit isn't stopapache21:40
Es|Shotgunetc/inti.d/apache2 stop21:41
Scuniziemma: STOP21:41
Chocotoffsudo in front...21:41
lstarnesImaginativeone: sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 stop21:41
SlartImaginativeone: sudo /etc/init.d/apache stop ?21:41
emmaScunizi: You stop.21:41
pLrdanopia: try yum search gems21:41
emmaScunizi: Stop highlighting me in this channel when I did not even know you were in this channel.21:41
danopiapLr, yum doens't exist21:41
Slartemma, Scunizi, go to your rooms.. no dessert for either of you if you keep this up21:41
pLrdanopia: cat /etc/*release21:41
emmaScunizi: Highlighting me in a channel that I did not even know you are in is rude. Please don't speak to me.21:42
=== rj_x|away is now known as rj_x
Roh-I have have a bit of a problem loading up ubuntu on my desktop. I got it fully installed witht he alternate insall cd and when i boot up after it gets paste the ubuntu loading screen. It turns into this pixelated screen and does nothing. I'm assumeing it has something to do with my Gfx card, which is a nVidia 6800. Any one have an idea how to fix this?21:42
=== chack-1 is now known as bayar
guntbert!repeat | Roh-21:42
ubottuRoh-: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:42
pLrdanopia: cat /etc/*-release ..... ?? output?21:42
Scuniziemma: funny you should say that since you've been pm-ing me for that last 3 minutes..21:43
danopiapLr, it says it's ubuntu hardy 8.0421:43
Rafiki'm with an LG F1 Express Dual with "GRUB loading stage 1.5 GRUB loading, please wait... ". I freezes there. I can't chroot the "grub-install /dev/sda" : not found or not a block device21:43
Rafikany help please ?21:43
SlartScunizi, emma: seriously.. either you two talk in pm's or the offtopic channel.. we don't need it here21:43
emmaScunizi: What does that have to do with the veracity of my comment?21:43
pLrdanopia: so its not red hat.. its ubuntu hardy 8.0421:43
emmaSlart: I tend to agree. I would like him to leave me alone.21:43
=== ewan_ is now known as Moses
Jack_Sparrowemma may I have a minute please21:43
danopiapLr, well, i jsut looked in /proc/version which reoprted redhat21:44
pLrdanopia: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo apt-get upgrade -y; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y21:44
pLrdanopia: when that is all done we will continue21:44
guntbertMoses: do you have a question?21:45
* danopia waits21:45
danopiapLr, it didn't do anything21:45
danopiaboth upgrades at the end got '0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.'21:45
pLrdanopia: perfect21:45
Cpudan80Whats the command to redo your path ?21:46
Cpudan80like if you edit .bashrc21:46
GaryDarkoHello everyone, im getting a very bad nvidia problem with ubuntu 8.10, everytime i insstall ubuntu 8.10 and try enabling the hardware drivers for nvidia like 173 etc..etc.. ive tried all 3 of them and then i reboot it drops to a shell and ask me to login.. and i cant do anything... lol and i have to reformat and re install 8.10.. ive been searching google for a while now and i now have 8.10 installed without nvidia graphics so no 3d accele21:46
GaryDarkoration, any ideas ?21:46
pLrdanopia: sudo apt-get install rubygems (sorry if you've been through this)21:46
tsrkHow do the permissions of a drive that i mount get decided?21:46
oCean_Cpudan80: to modify your PATH you mean?21:46
kadukWhe DVD players will work on Ubuntu ??21:46
danopiapLr, E: Broken packages21:46
GNUtoohello,I'm tired of asking...does someone knows ubuntu boot process21:46
Cpudan80oCean_: after you modify $PATH, you have to do some little command to make it take affect ....21:46
ChrisSTDSo, so21:46
GNUtooI have a problem with raid: on ubuntu is't ok on gentoo it's slow21:47
pLrdanopia: sudo apt-get check rubygems21:47
danopiapLr, btw i'm working as root, no need to type sudo21:47
oCean_Cpudan80: nope. If you modify like .bashrc, then you have to "source" that file. Modifying your path: "export PATH=$PATH:/new/dir/to/add"21:47
SlartGaryDarko: sounds like installing the driver doesn't work.. what graphics card are you using?21:47
pLrdanopia: good 2 know thx21:47
user_tsrk: /etc/fstab and umask21:47
root_____is there something wrnog with message queues in ubuntu?21:47
oCean_Cpudan80: effective immediately21:47
danopiapLr, reading stat info... done, then it closed21:47
danopiapLr, 3 lines of output21:48
Cpudan80oCean_: so source ~/.bashrc ?21:48
GaryDarkoim using nvidia 6600 GT, and i have 2 of them but just getting one to work would be nice :D21:48
SlartGaryDarko: have you tried using envyng ?21:48
pLrdanopia: see if install gives same output21:48
oCean_Cpudan80: yes, that would "re-read" the .bashrc file21:48
Cpudan80oh ok21:48
GaryDarkowell im a complete noob so i have no idea how to use it :(21:48
GNUtooanyone...where should I look for documentation on ubuntu's boot process and on obtimisations it does for md devices?21:48
Cpudan80Yeah I needed the source command ;-)21:48
root_____is there something wrnog with message queues in ubuntu?21:48
Cpudan80Thanks oCean_21:48
ortsvorsteherGNUtoo: so, if it is okay on ubuntu, why not ask in gentoo forum?21:48
GNUtooortsvorsteher, i've done it21:48
danopiapLr, same thing if itry installing rubygems now21:48
GaryDarkoi saw something on google about EnvyNG but like i said i do not know how to use it or how to start.21:49
GNUtooortsvorsteher, but with an ubuntu kernel,and initrd and a gentoo rootfs it's not okay21:49
SlartGaryDarko: ok.. no worries.. we start by removing all the drivers that might have been installed before.. "sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia.*" ought to do it21:49
pLrdanopia: add --fix-broken21:49
GaryDarkook 1 sec21:49
ortsvorsteherGNUtoo: i dont use gentoo, so sorry, i couldnt help you ...21:49
GaryDarkowith the period ?21:49
GNUtooortsvorsteher, so ubuntu does something during its boot process that I'd like to know...and that render the array fast21:49
danopiapLr, same thing21:49
SlartGaryDarko: yes21:49
GaryDarkoand star ?21:49
tsrkWhat permissions change if I have a drive mounted on /media/disk and change the permissions of /media/disk?21:49
SlartGaryDarko: yes21:49
GNUtooortsvorsteher, i'm not asking help on gentoo but on ubuntu boot process21:49
GaryDarkook 1 sec21:49
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav
GNUtooortsvorsteher, because I suspect that ubuntu do things such as setting things in /sys that render the system fast21:50
ortsvorsteherGNUtoo: the boot process. but you mean boot process with two different os...21:50
SlartGaryDarko: ok, now install envyng, "sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk"21:50
piasdomScunizi: thanks anyway...appreciate your time21:50
pLrdanopia: try synaptic's repair broken packages function21:50
GNUtooortsvorsteher, no I mean after the rootfs is mounted21:50
GaryDarkook 1 sec21:50
GNUtooortsvorsteher, so it's ubuntu's part21:50
root_____is there something wrnog with message queues in ubuntu?21:50
GaryDarkook done.21:50
SlartGaryDarko: now run envyng from a terminal.. try typing "envy" then press tab and see what it suggests21:51
danopiapLr, how?21:51
GaryDarkook 1 sec21:51
ortsvorsteherGNUtoo: i understand, but i didnt ever figured out the boot process in ubuntu cause it runs here without problems21:51
ortsvorsteher!boot | GNUtoo21:51
pLrdanopia: you have a desktop now? or just cli?21:51
ubottuGNUtoo: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:51
danopiapLr, cli only, X isn't even installed21:51
GNUtooortsvorsteher, thanks a lot21:51
ortsvorsteherGNUtoo: you are welcome :)21:52
spawni cant fingure out why im getting this error when installing aircrack http://pastebin.com/m7c6f152621:52
GaryDarkoi typed envy and pressed tab and it put envyng and said "ERROR: you need to provide a parameter"21:52
=== root_____ is now known as asdfg_
SlartGaryDarko: you might have to run "engyng -g"21:52
GaryDarkook 1 sec21:52
SlartGaryDarko: sorry.. "envyng -g"21:52
GaryDarkoERROR: Make sure that envyng-qt is installed21:52
SlartGaryDarko: huh.. silly program.. try "envyng -t" then21:53
GaryDarkook 1 sec lol21:53
asdfg_im not really sure where to ask this, so why not here -- what is the main benefit behind using multiple ports for different proccesses?21:53
danhelloU! trying to put (k)ubuntu on the box, the installer offers (50biggest_free), i was choosing it, then step 7 of 7 (last chance to exit) wants to install on SCSI(0,0,0), Partitions 5(ext3) and 6. Previously i had a win* table out of (WinRecovery ~ /dev/sda1 ,) C:  = * /dev/sda2 and some D: /dev/sda3 which is now removed and "free space". If i pless OK, do i install in the free space?! (The installer shows NO SIZE, no /dev/...)21:53
pLrdanopia: apt-get -m -f install21:53
cam__Does anyone knows why after a fresh install I have a corrupt superblock on a raid0 whch was working for around 4 years? How can I get this back working without formating it?21:53
Wunderbarok, been looking at some screenshots21:53
danopiapLr, now what21:53
GaryDarkook it gave me a message but i cant paste it here21:53
SlartGaryDarko: it should write out a small menu, right?21:54
pLrdanopia: install rubygems21:54
Wunderbarcan't tell the difference between xubuntu and ubuntu gnome edition21:54
GaryDarkowell im pretty sure this looks like errors to me21:54
=== burkmat is now known as burkzzz
SlartGaryDarko: hmm. copy to pastebin21:54
danopiapLr, nope21:54
GaryDarkoon the last line it says "TypeError: list indices must be integers"21:54
Slart!pastebin | GaryDarko21:54
ubottuGaryDarko: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:54
GaryDarkook one second.21:54
cam__Does anyone knows why after a fresh install I have a corrupt superblock on a raid0 whch was working for around 4 years? How can I get this back working without formating it?21:54
pLrdanopia: apt-get -f -m install rubygems   === ?21:55
cam__I have an empty /proc/mdstat but I can't mount md021:55
kurratahi, is there some file or something i can edit so my ubuntu don't load pulse audio at start up.?21:56
ortsvorsteher!boot | kurrata21:56
ubottukurrata: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:56
SlartGaryDarko: hmm.. try this then "sudo apt-get install python3.0"21:56
redvamp128kurrata:  you could try going into sound options -- and make sure all are set to also (or OSS) -- system-- preferences-- sound21:57
SlartGaryDarko: try engyng -t again21:57
GaryDarkosame exact thing21:57
SlartGaryDarko: envyng -t     sorry for my sleepy fingers21:57
GaryDarko:p its no problem.21:57
GaryDarkobut i did get the same message.21:58
redvamp128kurrata:  instead of autodetect -- though I would run test beside them to make sure the sound works..21:58
kurrataortsvorsteher:  redvamp128 thx21:58
SlartGaryDarko: hmm.. let me think a second21:58
cam__Does anyone knows why after a fresh install I have a corrupt superblock on a raid0 whch was working for around 4 years? How can I get this back working without formating it? I have an empty /proc/mdstat but I can't mount md0, it says mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md0,21:58
cam__       missing codepage or helper program, or other error21:58
pLrdanopia: apt-get -f -m install rubygems   === ?21:58
GaryDarkoOk, thanks for your help, ive been going out of my mind trying to figure this out :)21:58
markus_hi is there any partition manager or sth in ubuntu ?21:58
pLrmarkus_: gparted21:59
guntbertasdfg_: you might get better answers in ##networking :)21:59
WastePotatoHi. I'm trying to change some options on my touchpad and get this error when starting gsynaptics. http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3606/screenshotac0.png The question is, which options do I enter/change in Xorg.conf?21:59
SlartGaryDarko: you are running intrepid aren't you?22:00
slacker_nlhello, aptitude via the TUI can remove obsolete packages, how can I remove these packages in a one-liner22:00
GaryDarkolol should i type version just to be sure ?22:00
ortsvorsteherslacker_nl: sudo apt-get autoremove i think22:00
clouder`grrnetworkmanager keeps generating an empty resolv.conf on reboot breaking my internet.  What can I do to fix this?22:01
SlartGaryDarko: yes please... "lsb_release -a"22:01
Slartslacker_nl: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge" also works22:01
GaryDarkoi am :D22:01
guntbertslacker_nl: whats a TUI?22:01
SlartGaryDarko: hmm..22:01
slacker_nlortsvorsteher: that is not available with all ubuntu's (older versions for example)22:01
GaryDarkoCodename:intrepid     fancy :D22:01
danopiapLr, i haz rubygems22:01
slacker_nlguntbert: text user interface22:01
ortsvorsteherslacker_nl: which version you use?22:01
ChocotoffHello, i have a problem with XBMC + Ubuntu 8.10... It keeps crashing while I try to open a samba share > http://pastebin.com/m4c85e9e522:01
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
danopiapLr, i basically had to download every single ruby-related .deb from the web site22:02
guntbertslacker_nl: oh ... :/22:02
slacker_nlortsvorsteher: hahaha, you are going to laugh..22:02
slacker_nlortsvorsteher: i'm upgrading from 4.10 to 5.04 :P22:02
ortsvorsteherslacker_nl: i love laughing :D22:02
markus_where can I find gparted ?22:02
ortsvorsteher!eol | slacker_nl22:02
ubottuslacker_nl: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases22:02
SlartGaryDarko: try this "sudo apt-get purge envy.*; sudo apt-get install envyng.*"22:03
slacker_nlortsvorsteher: i know22:03
slacker_nlits a science project ;)22:03
ortsvorsteherslacker_nl: you live like: never touch a running system? :)22:03
GaryDarkowith the star and the ;22:03
SlartGaryDarko: with all the extra weird characters =)22:03
GaryDarkook :)22:03
slacker_nlortsvorsteher: no, actually, i'm documenting EOL to EOL upgrade to supported system, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:03
SlartGaryDarko: no sleepy fingers this time22:03
GaryDarkohaha, alright done.22:04
ortsvorsteherslacker_nl: so have fun with this work :)22:04
slacker_nlortsvorsteher: i've upgraded to 5.10 already22:04
slacker_nlits not that hard I just need that aptitude one-liner :)22:04
ortsvorsteherslacker_nl: i remember as i started with ubuntu 5.04... but, this is off topic here ;)22:04
GaryDarkoit removed envyNG22:05
slacker_nlortsvorsteher: I'll create #ubuntu-eol :P22:05
slacker_nljoin it pls, lol22:05
ortsvorsteherslacker_nl: i will visit it :D22:05
kansani want to edit the crontab file for the root user..... is there a way i can just place/replace a file on the system that cron uses?  (im scripting stuff and would prefer not to have to do: crontab -e)22:05
mentarMy ubuntu 8.10 does not automount my external drive anymore? I tried to search online but without any success. Could anybody give me some links or perhaps help me out? Thanks!22:05
ToThello, is there anyone who wants to help me bring up a wireless network interface?22:06
SlartGaryDarko: and reinstalled it, I hope22:06
ortsvorsteher!details | ToT22:06
ubottuToT: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:06
SlartGaryDarko: give it another try22:06
GaryDarkowell i tried envy and again and tab but it did not do anything.22:06
GaryDarkobash: /usr/bin/envyng: No such file or directory22:06
ChocotoffHello, i have a problem with XBMC + Ubuntu 8.10... It keeps crashing while I try to open a samba share > http://pastebin.com/m4c85e9e522:06
ToTI am running Kubuntu 8.10 and I have a wireless card with acx111 driver22:07
pLrgj danopia22:07
SlartGaryDarko: hmm.. "sudo apt-get install envy.*"22:07
ToTthis driver doesn't support network manager22:07
ToTso i have to bring up the interface in the old fashioned way22:07
ToTwith /etc/network/interfaces22:07
ortsvorsteher!enter | ToT22:07
ubottuToT: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:07
slacker_nlToT, imo that's the way yo configure your network22:07
danopiapLr, now to get gem working :P22:07
SlartGaryDarko: then "envyng -t" again22:08
GaryDarkotaking longer this time :)22:08
ToTyes the issue is, that I can get it to work manually with iwconfig commands, but can't seem to do it with /etc/network/interfaces22:08
SlartGaryDarko: no worries.. let it work it's magic22:08
GaryDarkoalright :)22:08
eraditeis there a program like foldershare that would allow access to the (ubuntu) hard disk through the internet? (I am not looking for: vnc, rdp, ssh, ftp )22:08
markus_I installed ubuntu normally on other partition then XP's and the whole ubuntu partition is now root and the question is how can I add swap partition now; where is the partition manager or like in ubuntu ?22:08
slacker_nlToT: can you pastebin what you are doing with the iwconfig commands?22:09
GaryDarkook now its done22:09
GaryDarkodo the envyng -t ?22:09
slacker_nlToT: i myself use wpa_supplicant, ifplugd and guessnet to configure my wireless and wired netwerok22:09
SlartGaryDarko: yes22:10
GaryDarkoi got the exact same error22:10
guntbertmarkus_: gparted is the partition editor, find it in system/administration, you will want to use it from the live CD in your case22:10
SlartGaryDarko: aaaaarghghhh...22:10
GaryDarkothe message i mean, lol :(22:10
ToTthe acx111 also doesn't support WPA (sadly)22:10
=== Jorge_arbusto is now known as Aldo
tantoi have 2 ubuntu servers i'm ssh'ing to. in one, my irssi term settings are messed and the other it's perfect22:10
=== Aldo is now known as Joe_namath
tantoi have no idea where to begin looking to fix this22:11
puffBesides firefox and knoqueror, what other browsers are there?22:11
GaryDarkoam i supposed to add the " "  infromt and back of the sudo apt-get install envy.*  ??22:11
SlartGaryDarko: I don't understand this..ok.. back to google.. see if anyone else has this problem22:11
SlartGaryDarko: I'll be right back22:11
tsrkin a script how do i reference the directory in which the script is in?22:11
puffI like t have more than one so when I call, say, my bank about problems with their site, I can tell them I've checked it out in several browsers.22:11
Baattiok, I've just screwed up my computer :'(22:11
GaryDarkook, lol but ive already searched google for about 3 hours now.22:11
puffOtherwise they tell me to try it in Internet Exploder.  Fah.22:11
slacker_nlToT: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-326554.html22:11
BaattiI was trying to follow instructions for setting up 'flashcam'..22:11
ortsvorstehertsrk: $PWD i would try22:11
puffGaryDarko: What's the problem you're having?22:12
guntberttsrk: . references the current directory22:12
tsrkortsvorsteher, ok, thanks, i'll try that22:12
tsrkguntbert, not the working directory but the directory in which the script is22:12
SlartGaryDarko: ah.. it seems it's a bug when you have more than one graphics card.. look here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/envyng-core/+bug/29217322:12
ortsvorstehertsrk: have fun :)22:12
Baattinow firefox has no bookmarks, no history, won't load even google, has no visual loading bar....22:12
slacker_nltanto: maybe your $TERM env is different?22:12
GaryDarkowell im not able to enable my nvidia hardware without dropping to a shell in ubuntu 8.10 :)  and Slart is helping me install envyNG but for some odd reason when i do the envyNG command it gives me a message and did not do anything really :p22:13
markus_<guntbert> thanks man!22:13
puffLessee, firefx, konqueror, epiphany, ah, opera.22:13
sergehi, if there is a new realise of linux kernel, it is possible to build it on ubuntu?22:13
ToTyes he has the same problem, but didn't fix it either, thx for pointing it out though22:13
GaryDarkothe envyng -t command i mean, sorry **22:13
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages22:13
tantoboth are set to xterm22:13
guntbertmarkus_: glad to help - be careful though :)22:14
slacker_nlToT: you could also use a post-up script22:14
serge<Jack_Sparrow>, thanks22:14
puffserge: Probably, but I wouldn't mess with it unless you know what you're doing, until the ubuntu distro folks bring the new kernel in.22:14
ToTslacker_nl: I'm just wondering why it doesn't work anymore, because it used to work with my /etc/network/interface file22:14
slacker_nljust put the commands you pastebinned into a file, make it executable and call that file as a post-up command22:14
slacker_nlToT: aha22:14
CaesiHullo, how can I install/use desklets?22:14
slacker_nlthat I don't know22:14
ToTslacker_nl: how do post-up scripts work?22:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about desklet22:15
SlartGaryDarko: and you didn't have an "Hardware drivers" option in system, administration?22:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about desklets22:15
jimisrvroxdoes VLC on linux read Xvid format clean bc I dont have an internet connection @ home ATM and trying the wmv format tells me that is cant read wmap format or whatever..22:15
adam___don't use desklets, use screenlets22:15
ortsvorsteher!bot | Caesi22:15
ubottuCaesi: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:15
adam___they are better22:15
slacker_nlToT: I see you are german, maybe you are interessted in this page: http://www.aaron-spettl.de/ubuntu/dynamische-netzwerkkonfiguration.php22:16
Slartjimisrvrox: I've never had any problems with vlc reading all kinds of formats22:16
Gorlistjust installed a minimal install of Server LTS - is their an apt command to install missing packages to bring it inline to a normal server install?22:16
GaryDarkoi do have a option to click Hardware, and it shows the nvidia drivers to enable but like i said befour ive enabled them all and every one of them drop me to a shell after rebooting and i have to reformat.22:16
Caesidanke ortsvorsteher :)22:16
ortsvorsteherCaesi: bitte, have fun ;)22:16
rdw200169Gorlist, there really isn't one.  you can use tasksel to add stuff like the LAMP server stuff, etc...22:16
Crazy_Loucohave a Brazilian?22:16
SlartGaryDarko: hmm.. perhaps it's because of the dual cards.. but that seems a bit odd.. you're not the only one running a dual gpu setup22:16
jimisrvroxalright slart I'll give the xvid a shot because the wmv doesnt play audio on vlc but it will play the vid with some choppiness22:16
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:16
rdw200169Gorlist, there's the linux-server package, but that's just the kernel... you *should* already have that :)22:17
slacker_nlToT: http://pb.opperschaap.net/101 something like this22:17
GaryDarkowell i would be fine with only one, as long as i could just get it enabled haha.22:17
Crazy_Louco[Jack_Sparrow]: thank you :)22:17
BaattiPlease Help, Ubuntu Emergency. I was following instructions for installing and testing 'Flashcam'... I did: tar xvf flashcam.tar.bz2... then moved to the directory...did: make, then did: sudo make install.  Then I had to do a few commands that I didn't understand the purpose really, things for configuring the cam. It looked like everything was going well, the light on my cam even cam on. Then I moved onto the 'testing' portion of the in22:17
Gorlistrdw200169: well not sure what came with the image :)22:17
slacker_nlToT: the example is with pre-up and post-down, but the idea is the same22:17
rdw200169Gorlist, otherwise, without any of the tasksel option, like a LAMP server etc..., the ubuntu server install is about as minimal as you can get22:17
kaz1nskyI just installed 8.10 from 8.04 and now I have no sound--I have an audigy 2 sb0350b and the volume controls are all correct...22:18
Gorlistrdw200169: rgr, just doing a Lamp now22:18
rdw200169Gorlist, but if you want to easily install the most suggested server tasks, just run tasksel on the command line; it'll all make sense from there ;)22:18
ToTslacker_nl : thank you22:18
Gorlistrdw200169: or if I just run the plesk 8.6 installer, will that install the nessecary packages?22:18
slacker_nlToT: np22:18
dtchenkaz1nsky: run the http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh script on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems, and tell me the url22:18
rdw200169Gorlist, the menu it gives you will remind you of what you had, as far as options, during the installation22:19
slacker_nlToT: I really like the german page, my setup is the same22:19
aLeSDhi all22:19
slacker_nlreally sweet on laptops22:19
aLeSDis it possible to download the youtube video on my computer ?22:19
kisiel99no sweet greaat22:19
rdw200169Gorlist, are you aware of APT packaging?22:19
slacker_nlaLeSD: yes22:19
Gorlistrdw200169: yes kind off22:19
ortsvorsteheraLeSD: yes it is. google, there will be a webpage22:19
Jack_Sparrow!info youtube-dl22:20
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB22:20
BaattiPlease Help, Ubuntu Emergency. I was following instructions for installing and testing 'Flashcam'... I did: tar xvf flashcam.tar.bz2... then moved to the directory...did: make, then did: sudo make install.  Then I had to do a few commands that I didn't understand the purpose really, things for configuring the cam. It looked like everything was going well, the light on my cam even cam on. Then I moved onto the 'testing' portion of the in22:20
slacker_nlaLeSD: search for dl-tube or something similar wit aptitude search22:20
rdw200169Gorlist, something like that should be in the repos.  try this: apt-cache search plesk22:20
SlartGaryDarko: well.. I'm running out of ideas then.. I doubt that installing the drivers directly from nvidia will work better than the hardware drivers thingy..22:20
slacker_nlaLeSD: youtube-dl22:20
kurrata!boot | kurrata22:20
ubottukurrata, please see my private message22:20
redvamp128!pastebin | Baatti22:20
ubottuBaatti: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:20
GaryDarkolol i did mention that im using 6600's right ?22:20
Baattiyeah well...22:20
nellmathewcan someone help me out with : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1059223 , broadcom wifi on intrepid, a lot of info is there on my problem..22:21
GaryDarkobut i just think that 8.10 will not accept old hardware :(22:21
MarcoPauhello, I have a problem typing some symbols in ubuntu. I did dpkg-reconfigure locales but I still can't type @ (which is done with an alt gr combination in the Italian keyboard) for example, in the terminal or firefox...22:21
SlartGaryDarko: yup.. but the 6600 isn't that old22:21
rdw200169Gorlist, ah, it's not in the repos, sorry... but a google search did come up with this:22:21
Jack_SparrowGaryDarko the 6600 wasnt a prob here.. only once I tried the one from nvidia did I have terrible issues22:21
Gorlistrdw200169: plesk is not in the repo,22:21
BaattiUbottu, I'd love to go there, but I can't access anything on the web :(22:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:21
z-eWhat it means ??? >>> UNKNOWNv4 <-> UNKNOWNv4  45b/s    0b/s    45b/s - ARP ..........  Thanks.22:21
Gorlistrdw200169: worth a try :)22:21
ortsvorsteherMarcoPau: did you set your default language to italien?22:21
rdw200169Gorlist, http://wiki.koshatul.com/Ubuntu_Plesk_Install22:21
GaryDarkowell, lol then im not too far off from where i was 3 hours ago :p22:21
MarcoPauortsvorsteher: where?22:22
Gorlistrdw200169: thanks, much appreicated.22:22
rdw200169Gorlist, gimme a sec, i'm gonna check the PPA's22:22
ortsvorsteherMarcoPau: i look, have here an german ubuntu22:22
redvamp128Baatti:  I told ubottu to tell you that because your lines were getting cut off -- ending with "in"22:22
MarcoPauortsvorsteher: hatte ich gedacht22:22
redvamp128Baatti:  and I didn't want you to get the flood warning22:22
GaryDarkoBut it would be nice to have a graphic card working lol.22:22
Baattiwell, I need help restoring my firefox22:22
rdw200169Gorlist, dang, nope.  you're gonna have to go with either that link i gave you, or whatever the plesk guys recommend22:22
Baattithank you redvamp12822:23
ScuniziGaryDarko: is this an agp card?22:23
oCean_Baatti: Is there just one user account on your system?22:23
MarcoPauortsvorsteher: anyway everything is pretty much in italian here22:23
ortsvorsteherMarcoPau: schau doch mal unter system, einstellungen sprachunterstützungen22:23
z-eI need a help, please22:23
BaattioCean_:  yes22:23
rdw200169Gorlist, regardless, remember that apt-cache is your friend22:23
Gorlistrdw200169: Great link, I know in theory what todo, just matter of giving it shot22:23
GaryDarkolol sorry im still new with all of this, agp ??22:23
SlartGaryDarko: unfortunately not.. I can't really think of anything else to try22:23
Perretehi everyone22:23
Gorlistrdw200169: will keep that in mind22:23
ortsvorsteherMarcoPau: did you set your keyboard to italian?22:23
redvamp128!ask | z-e:22:23
ubottuz-e:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:23
GaryDarkolol, its already Slart.22:23
MarcoPauortsvorsteher: yes of course22:23
ScuniziGaryDarko: agp is the type of slot the card fits into on the motherboard..22:23
z-ethank you, redvamp12822:23
oCean_Baatti: ok. A lot of settings regarding firefox is in your homedirectory /home/user/.mozilla22:23
ScuniziGaryDarko: or is the card built in? laptop or desktop?22:23
SlartGaryDarko: hopefully someone else in the channel can help you22:24
GaryDarkoSorry lol, no idea Scunizi :D22:24
z-ei have installed jnettop22:24
MarcoPauortsvorsteher: actually on some programs I don't have any problems with the keyboard. some, instead, don't recognize the combinations22:24
GaryDarkoyah the card is built in and its a desktp.22:24
BaattioCean_: ok, what should I be looking for specifically? any ideas?22:24
rdw200169Gorlist, you can also check packages.ubuntu.com for packages, or ask ubottu using !info, just don't do that here, /msg ubottu for help w/packages...22:24
z-eand i can see all tcp and udp protocol... you know...22:24
GaryDarkowell i kina doubt it slart, but that you for trying :D22:24
oCean_Baatti: If you were to rename that directory (like mv .mozilla .saved_mozilla) from a firefox point of view, you would start that browser for the very first time22:24
z-eWhat it means ??? >>> UNKNOWNv4 <-> UNKNOWNv4  45b/s    0b/s    45b/s - ARP ..........  Thanks.22:24
ortsvorsteherMarcoPau: hm. sry, so i have no idea... i run on my desktop an cherry keyboard, there i had to figure out some keys with xev22:24
ScuniziGaryDarko: I've missed much of your previous conversation so bear with me if I duplicate questions.. Have you enabled the restricted drivers?22:24
Jack_SparrowGaryDarko have you run nvidia-settings22:24
oCean_Baatti: no bookmarks, no settings, no plugins or whatsoever22:25
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion22:25
BaattioCean_: ok, I'll try starting there, thank you22:25
PerreteI'm using a Namtai EyeToy as a webcam. After a couple of days trying to install it, I finally got it, but everything I see is pink and green. Any suggestions?22:25
z-eand it show up when i'm not using internet22:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xev22:25
Gorlistrdw200169: will book mark the site, I normally use Desktop edition of ubuntu in the office, but just imaged my old remote FC4 server22:25
ortsvorsteher!info xev22:25
ubottuPackage xev does not exist in intrepid22:25
GaryDarkoi cant run nvidia settings because i have no driver enabled :D22:25
GaryDarkoand i have ubuntu restricted areas installed.22:25
Slart!find xev22:25
ubottuFound: libxcb-xevie0, libxcb-xevie0-dbg, libxcb-xevie0-dev, libxevie-dev, libxevie1 (and 2 others)22:25
kurratai have some rc .d file in /etc/ witch one has scripts witch load on normal startup?22:25
oCean_Baatti: I'm not saying that's *the* solution, because your flashcam install might have done 'something' to the firefox installation, I really don't know. Renaming your .mozilla is a way to start22:25
ScuniziGaryDarko: does anything show up in System>Admin>Hardware Drivers?22:25
MarcoPauortsvorsteher: ich bedanke mich22:26
BaattioCean_: yeah, it'll surely relieve some of the stress of having no access to the web22:26
ortsvorsteherMarcoPau: have fun :)22:26
redvamp128z-e:  go ahead and ask22:26
DieterThomasHeckhi guys! does anyone know how to transfer a vm onto a real machine?22:26
GaryDarkoyes, 3 options that i have enabled 1 by 1 and everytime i enabled one of them and reboot it drops me to a shell and i have to reformat.22:26
MarcoPauortsvorsteher: not really22:26
ScuniziGaryDarko: if responding to me use my nick in the line so I can see you amongst all the other people here.22:26
ortsvorstehermay in some time ;)22:26
z-eWhat does means ??? >>> UNKNOWNv4 <-> UNKNOWNv4  45b/s    0b/s    45b/s - ARP ??????22:26
kaz1nskydtchen: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=f287b1c28e60358d5d2800c114adaa88ebbbfa3722:27
Jack_Sparrow!who > GaryDarko22:27
ubottuGaryDarko, please see my private message22:27
ScuniziGaryDarko: no need to reformat when it drops you to a shell..22:27
Slartz-e: what program prints that? where did you find it?22:27
z-eare you there22:27
GaryDarkoScunizi, well i dont know what to do when it does drop to the shell and ask me to login lol.22:27
z-edo you know what i'm talking22:27
redvamp128z-e:  I am reading about jnettop22:27
rdw200169Gorlist, also, for future reference, ubuntu server specific questions are supposed to be placed in #ubuntu-server22:28
redvamp128z-e it appears as though once you have set it up-- you can use the Java based GUI22:28
ScuniziGaryDarko: first thing is to know you can get back here in this channel without a gui.. irssi is your answer there.. try this now.. open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install irssi22:28
BaattioCean_: Ok, I've moved the .mozilla directory, and can now start fresh, but any thoughts on how I can restore my previous mozilla status?22:28
Gorlistrdw200169: do applogise, hadn't relised their was a second channel!22:29
GaryDarkoScunizi, what does it do ??22:29
redvamp128z-e:  I have never used that program so I don't know where to start to help you22:29
ScuniziGaryDarko: it installs an irc client called irssi so you can talk here if you're stuck at a terminal prompt22:29
z-eforget about this program22:29
z-etell me what means22:29
z-eUNKNOWNv4 <-> UNKNOWNv4  45b/s    0b/s    45b/s - ARP ??????22:30
ortsvorsteher!who | z-e22:30
ubottuz-e: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:30
oCean_Baatti: well, not completely sure, but you might want to check the directories in your .mozilla_olddir (or whatever you named it) and move them one by one into the newly created .mozilla directory. Fire up the firefox and see if when it breaks.22:30
GaryDarkoScunizi, ahh its alright lol im done trying to figure this out and im just getting myself mroe confused so im going to give up  :D  but thanks for trying to help me. :D22:30
Ddordahey, when ubuntu 8.10 was out there was a problem to use DNS with the nm-applet. is that fixed?22:31
BaattioCean_: alright, I'll try that out. Thank you very much22:31
_VIM_!patience | z-e22:31
ubottuz-e: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:31
ScuniziGaryDarko: sure you don't want to stick with this for a few.. ?  it'll teach you something that will make it easier..22:31
kaz1nskydtchen: did you get the link?22:31
redvamp128z-e:  don't get upset-- I am actually reading about the program now-- it appears as though you need a .rpm to deb conversion  or compile from source22:31
z-e_VIM, i haven't brain for patience22:31
oCean_Baatti: sure, no prob. You may want to be careful with your 'extensions' directory. I know I'd like my bookmarks back, for the rest of it... no worries :)22:32
GaryDarkoScunizi, my only problem is that ubuntu 8.10 is not letting me use my graphics card lol, and thats all i want to use, but if there is something wrong with my computer or the OS itself then theres not much i can do about it since im not very knowlegable in this.22:32
fiftyonehowdy, i was wondering if anyone knew how to activate the cube in ccsm? i enable "desktop cube" but i get a page flipping effect22:32
ott0i upgraded something and suddenly i can't adjust my laptop's screen brightness anymore--the little brightness indicator appears but the brghtness doesn't change. would it be an acpi problem?22:32
Slartfiftyone: try setting 4 horizontal desktops22:32
fiftyoneah ok22:33
Slartfiftyone: in the first section in the settings manager22:33
dtchenkaz1nsky: sec22:33
z-eredvam128, i represented just example how i can see all inbound and outbound connections22:33
DavedanI'm trying to create a script that runs after apt-get install is installing or updating a new package. Is it possible?22:33
Ddordahey, when ubuntu 8.10 was out there was a problem to use DNS with the nm-applet. is that fixed?22:33
redvamp128fiftyone:  try this page about 1/2 way down Forlong's Blog - I'm trying to comprehend the things I write <http://forlong.blogage.de/en>22:33
zyzoHello, can any one help me with a problem regarding the Radeon 4870 card? my screen flash when i try to play any movies.22:33
z-eredvam128, i can use another program for view... but i have the same "problem"22:33
zacktui took my laptop away from home and now that i've returned my wireless can't access addresses outside my local network22:34
z-eredvam128, do you know what i'm mean22:34
ScuniziGaryDarko: that's why you're here.. for assistance.. I was where you're at about 3 years ago.. things are different and you have to do things differently.. the 6600 card is a very good card.. I"m just trying to get you to a point that we can try and fix the resolution without having to refomat22:34
redvamp128z-e:  I don't use the program-- but it appears as though they have a Java front end to change the settings22:34
GaryDarkoScunizi, fix the resolution ??? sooo when i enable it its messing up the size ????22:34
redvamp128z-e:  jnettop wiki FrontPage <http://jnettop.kubs.info/wiki/>22:35
fiftyonebaby I be Cubin! wooot wooot!22:35
ScuniziGaryDarko: or something like that.. most likely you have a "box" monitor and not an LCD .. am I right?22:35
knoppixHello everybody, is the bug that the wiki talks about still requires anything "special" to do with 8.10? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent#Method 3: Copying the ISO CD image to the USB drive22:35
z-eredvam128, can you find some solutions for ARP and UNKNOWNv4 <-> UNKNOWNv4 ?22:35
GaryDarkoScunizi, no im using a 17 inch LCD lol.22:35
z-eredvam128, thanks.22:35
ScuniziGaryDarko: and is it hooked up with the smaller vga connector or the larger DVI connector?22:36
cam__when i do ~$ sudo mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sd[cd]1, i get ~$ mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sdc1: Device or resource busy22:36
cam__mdadm: /dev/sdc1 has no superblock - assembly aborted22:36
cam__what do you think I can do?22:36
GaryDarkoScunizi, you lost me lol.  :D22:36
fiftyoneits sick how much i love this cube22:36
KenBW2what harm can it do to edit a file within .purple while Pidgin is running?22:36
zyzoCan any here help me with a problem regarding the Radeon 4870 Graphic card? i have tried to solve it for 3 months now and nothing seems to work.22:36
Davedan I'm trying to create a script that runs after apt-get install is installing or updating a new package. Is it possible?22:36
redvamp128z-e:  all I could find is some people chatting about network traffic issues --  http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/06mar/minutes/16ng.txt22:38
angelixdi have a conundrum regarding bash on ubuntu.  I set GIT_EDITOR="emacs -nw" in ~/.bash_aliases, did source ~/.bashrc, then tried to a commit, but it's still using nano.  echo $GIT_EDITOR still spits back 'emacs -nw', but printenv | grep GIT turns up nothing.  does anyone have any clue?22:38
fiftyoneSlart how do you change the cap and dome?22:38
z-eredvamp128, i appreciate for your help,...22:38
Slartfiftyone: ask in #compiz-fusion, that's where the bling bling people hang out22:38
redvamp128z-e:  seems as if too many people try to view cams-- the connection is overrun22:38
Slartfiftyone: I have no idea myself... I don't even have the cube enabled any more22:39
fiftyoneSlart lol i'm not a bling bling guy im just a cuber :D22:39
oCean_KenBW2: well, if pidgin has the file open (e.g. in use) then your changes *might* be lost as soon as pidgin updates that file22:39
prince_jammysangelixd: export GIT_EDITOR="foo bar"22:39
Slartfiftyone: I'm pretty sure you'll find some cuber-friends in that channel too =)22:39
z-eredvamp128, i don't understand you22:39
ScuniziGaryDarko: the plug that goes from the monitor to the computer.. there's one that is pretty much shaped like a rectangle and about 2x the size of the other which looks like an old RS-232 connector of sorts.22:39
redvamp128fiftyone:  Forlong's Blog - How to set up Compiz Fusion 0.7.4 (included in Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron) <http://forlong.blogage.de/en/entries/2008/4/26/-How-to-set-up-Compiz-Fusion-074-included-in-Ubuntu-804-Hardy-Heron>22:39
fiftyonehaha lol22:39
angelixdprince_jammys: thanks!22:40
=== mike is now known as Guest60029
kansanE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?22:40
kansanhow do i recover?22:40
GaryDarkoScunizi, well its not too big but its while and rectagalish lol.22:40
redvamp128z-e:  I don't know where to start-- but that page with the chat log works for you or not but does reference the two issues you described above22:40
prince_jammyskansan: do you have any package managers (apt-get, aptitude, adept, synaptic, etc..) open?22:40
GaryDarkoScunizi, White, sorry *22:41
ddrjhi everyone, i'm using VI to edit a txt file, what's the command to delete an entire line ? (instead of having to backspace the entire thing?)22:41
prince_jammysddrj: dd22:41
ddrjthanks prince_jammys :D22:41
z-eredvamp128, are you talking about UNKNOWNv4 <-> UNKNOWNv4  - ARP - ??????22:41
prince_jammysddrj: colon first, of course22:41
redvamp128z-e:  yes22:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about desklet/bye22:41
prince_jammysddrj: err, scrap that22:41
ScuniziGaryDarko: well.. I'll say that the problem is most likely that your monitor isn't telling the card its native resolution and frequency .. I can have ubottu give you a link that might help you out.. something else to try.. if you want.22:42
Guest60029hi i'am new my name is mike22:42
pietro_ciaoa  tutti22:42
Scunizi!resolution > GaryDarko22:42
ubottuGaryDarko, please see my private message22:42
ddrjhehehe the dd worked fine prince_jammys, also one more question to save the file?22:42
ortsvorsteher!it | pietro_22:42
ubottupietro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:42
prince_jammysddrj:  :w filename22:42
ddrjthanks :D22:42
z-eredvamp128, they are talking about something different...22:42
kansanis there a way i can configure mysql server from the command line?  i am scripting its installation so i cant be there to use dpkg ui22:43
GaryDarkoScunizi, but if that were the problem after i enable the graphics driver wouldnt i just resize the resolution myself ? and the nreboot ??22:43
ScuniziGaryDarko: no.. it wouldn't know how22:43
Guest60029ddr how do you like linux22:43
corey__I'm sure most are familiar with the dnsmasq technique to cache dns requests locally. I have not been successful in configuring this to work with a wireless device. Can someone offer some insight on what could be the issue? Seems it doesn't respond to wlan0 (but works great with eth0)22:43
ortsvorsteherpietro_: have fun22:43
marceli have a HP DEskjet F4180 printer, how can i print a text file with lpr command ?22:44
z-eredvamp128, they are used similar words about different things... so, thanks again...22:44
GaryDarkoScunizi, well im tierd and ive been online trying to figure out my problem for about 4 or 5 hours now lol so im tierd and im just giving up :D thanks though, goodbye.22:44
corey__My AP is a little far away and I'm connected at 1Mb/s. This is causing dns resolving to be painfully slow. What are my options?22:44
BCampbellScunizi, GaryDarko  sorry for coming in to the middle of the conversation is the problem with a 6600GT card?22:44
ScuniziGaryDarko: with the driver installed and a reboot done.. if the monitor reports what it can do then all is well and works.. otherwise you get a black screen or a terminal prompt..  .good luck22:44
gordonjcpcorey__: fix your network22:44
KenBW2anyone here use Dropbox?22:45
ScuniziBCampbell: yes.. not sure if it's agp or pci ,, ad in or built in22:45
ortsvorsteher!anyone | KenBW222:45
ubottuKenBW2: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:45
rdw200169corey__, you could do something crazy and set up a repeater bridge w/ a second wireless router using dd-wrt firmware...22:45
KenBW2ortsvorsteher: good point22:45
Slartcorey__: it sounds weird that wireless wouldn't use the dns cache22:45
ScuniziBCampbell: it's GaryDarko's but looks like he's left the room.22:45
Sylphidcorey__, move the ap... add a wireless repeater, stronger wireless adapter22:45
BCampbellScunizi, ok, i've got the same card, thought I might be able to help..but see he's gone22:45
corey__gordonjcp, my network works great. what are you referring towards?22:45
EagleScreen how can I save a picture in two colours format (black and white, not gray scale)?22:45
ScuniziBCampbell: yea.. I have one on the shelf too.. agp.. like it but new motherboard doesn't take agp22:46
racecar56my usb flash drive isnt working22:46
gordonjcpcorey__: well, if your network is that slow that it's causing DNS problems, you should concentrate on that22:46
racecar56whats the problem?22:46
Slartcorey__: have you tried any other dns caching system? I think there are a couple of them22:46
racecar56sometimes it works sometimes it dosent22:46
corey__Sylphid, sure money is the answer to all problems, but there should be a fix applied to dnsmasq to work with wireless devices.22:46
Slartgordonjcp: 1 Mb/s is slow? so linux can't be used on dial up?22:46
racecar56my usb flash drive isnt working, it works sometimes but it isnt working now, what do i do?22:46
Sylphidcorey__, its not a matter of bandwidth its a matter of latency22:47
gordonjcpSlart: no, but if his wifi connection has dropped down to that speed that's symptomatic of other problems22:47
corey__gordonjcp, active downloads are over 300Kb/s on the wireless connection, but most of the time is spent resolving the address. So I'd like to think my network is NOT br0ken.22:47
racecar56my usb flash drive isnt working, it works sometimes but it isnt working now, what do i do?22:47
gordonjcpcorey__: hmm, okay, so it's taking forever to resolve IP addresses?22:47
Seldaekheya, what's the common way of installing missing modules for php5 through aptitude on ubuntu server?22:47
z-eDo any know how protect Ubuntu 8.10 from ARP poison?22:48
rdw200169corey__, yeah, but do you know if there are any packet errors over the wireless link?22:48
Sylphidcorey__, is your dns server set to your routers ip?22:48
gordonjcpcorey__: you could try using "dig @<DNS SERVER> <hostname>" to test your local DNS server22:48
corey__Sylphid, yes.. it's the wireless latency that is causing the dns requests to drop and fail.22:48
racecar56my usb flash drive isnt working, it works sometimes but it isnt working now, what do i do?22:48
marceli have a HP DEskjet F4180 printer, how can i print a text file with lpr command ?22:48
gordonjcpcorey__: it's possible that your ISPs DNS is knackered and isn't responding properly22:48
Slartcorey__: how long does a simple "host www.google.com" take?22:48
KenBW2how would i go about syncing the .purple folder between folders using Dropbox?22:49
Slartcorey__: have you tried using opendns servers?22:49
corey__Sylphid, I've configured my dns to that of OpenDNS. all tests work fine except for the > ~200ms resolve time each request.22:49
Sylphidcorey__, you could try a home made reflector to put on your ap's antenna although its likely the signal issue is on the adapters end22:49
prince_jammysmarcel: i assume you tried 'lpr filename' and it didn't print22:49
marceldidn't print22:49
Sylphidcorey__, 200ms isnt great but its not horrible22:50
marceli must to specify something, but i don't know what22:50
corey__Sylphid, unfortunately I could not try that idea since I'm out of foil right now.22:50
ortsvorsteher!who | marcel22:50
ubottumarcel: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:50
skyboundDavedan: good question, "apt-config dump" contains a dpkg post-invoke hook (see: man apt.conf); you still would have to figure out if packages were installed, upgraded or removed though... so, maybe. with a little bash magic?22:50
marcelubottu: Ok22:51
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:51
fiftyonehowdy, i was wondering if anyone knew how to do a backup of all my files and settings? So that if something should ever happen and i destroy my machine i can install fresh and import my settings and files?22:51
KenBW2fiftyone: copy your home folder22:51
ortsvorsteher!backup | fiftyone22:51
ubottufiftyone: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning22:51
Sylphidcorey__, your sure that its dns that slowing things down correct?22:52
prince_jammysmarcel: try following directions at : http://localhost:631/help22:52
nellmathewhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1059223 - anyone? broadcom wifi issue, tried all the howtos/methods i could find, more details in the post..22:52
corey__Sylphid, positive. media is very responsive once it gets kicked into gear.22:52
marcelprince_james: thank you22:52
Schuenemannhey, I need help here. I accidentaly ran sudo chmod -R 664 $HOME and now I can't do anything. I can't even cd to my $HOME22:52
ortsvorsteherSchuenemann: you forgot to set execute rights on your home22:53
prince_jammysSchuenemann: make your home dir 755 for starters (non-recursive)22:53
Imaginativeonehow do I get php scripts to run in apache?22:53
Schuenemannortsvorsteher, Do I need execute to cd?22:54
ortsvorsteherSchuenemann: try to boot in recovery mode and set execute rights on your home22:54
Schuenemannok, I did it22:54
SchuenemannI can access it now22:54
Schuenemannshould I do it -R?22:54
oCean_Imaginativeone: enable php module22:55
ortsvorsteherSchuenemann: yes, for cd is execute rights needed22:55
prince_jammysSchuenemann: after what you've already done, i'd say yes22:55
Sylphidcorey__, whats in /etc/resolv.conf22:55
prince_jammysSchuenemann: at least the directories22:55
ortsvorsteherSchuenemann: if you would like to set recursively your home to execute rights, you can use -R22:55
ScuniziIs there a program to put photo's together into a slide show.. maybe incorporate sound and possibly video clips??22:55
fiftyoneI compiled a really great newbie linux guide in tomboy notes its realy cool because whatever you need it's right there on your desktop ( command line and stuff) i made it for myself but i think alot of people coud benifet from it, is there a way to export it from tomboy i see here only export as html22:56
corey__Sylphid, a list of my name servers. starting with localhost followed by the two opendns address and lastly my router's22:56
nOStahlhey all anyone know of a linux face recognition login project?22:56
SlartScunizi: a simple slideshow can be created in a pdf.. with video it gets harder.. perhaps something in flash?22:56
prince_jammysSchuenemann: this will change only the directories: find "$HOME" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;22:56
z-eDo any know how be able to protect Ubuntu 8.10 from ARP poison?22:56
Schuenemannprince_jammys, I already did to everything. Seems ok now22:56
prince_jammysSchuenemann: now all your files are executable22:57
ScuniziSlart: yea.. I"ve thought of that.. but ultimately I'd like to burn to a dvd for relatives22:57
Schuenemannis it undoable?22:57
IIN_Bhi everyone ~ good morning22:57
SlartScunizi: picasa makes that pretty painless.. don't think you'll get videos though22:57
prince_jammysSchuenemann: no. you can go through the files you don't want to be executable and make them 64422:57
zleapthat reminds me i need to check out picassa22:57
nOStahlhey all anyone know of a linux face recognition login project?22:58
Sylphidcorey__, if you do an nslookup which server responds to the request... more specifically is the first server in /etc/resolve.conf the one that responds22:58
Schuenemannprince_jammys, maybe I should set everything back to 664 and then 755 to directories?22:58
ScuniziSlart: true.. so does imagemagick.. it's the video part that's tricky.. Windows Movie maker does it and will output to mpeg or avi but I don't want to go there.22:58
prince_jammysSchuenemann: that would have the same effect, yes22:58
racecar56my usb flash drive isnt working, it works sometimes but it isnt working now, what do i do?22:58
=== osxdude|laptop is now known as osxdude|l
ortsvorsteher!details | racecar5622:58
ubotturacecar56: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:58
cafreeDoes anyone know of any packages in Ubuntu that serve as a sort of "web proxy?"22:58
racecar56this is what i get:22:59
zleapthats a proxy package thats pretty standard on GNU/Linux22:59
corey__Sylphid, good hint. I see that opendns responds first.22:59
Schuenemannprince_jammys, that command you told me will do it for directories?22:59
Scuniziracecar56: if it's a lot use pastebin22:59
skyboundScunizi: "mencoder" can create videos from images and/or other videos; and you can add audio as well, takes a bit of reading and experimenting22:59
prince_jammysSchuenemann: yes22:59
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
Scuniziskybound: is there a gui front end for it?23:00
cafreezleap: thanks but I'm not looking for a true proxy, but something I can go to through my proxy to access sites I couldn't normally access.  Something to "mirror" the site on a request basis23:00
racecar56my flash drive... when i plug it in it just dosen't do anything. i'm on ubuntu 8.10 and i get this on dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/ but i expected it to work as in be mount-able.23:00
zleapah so a cache proxy thingy23:00
racecar56thats good?23:00
Sylphidcorey__, if you move the computer closer to the AP does it work better?23:00
cafreezleap: I guess, I'm really not sure what you call that sorta thing23:00
Slartcafree: ah.. something like a.. local mirror creator thingy23:00
zleapnor me23:00
ortsvorsteherreally better racecar56 :)23:00
cafreeSlart: haha, yes, exactly23:00
CrshmanHey all, I just updated my kernel to the latest stable and my nvidia graphics don't work anymore...23:01
ZmAYi just installed dc++, but there are some font problems, instead of letters there are rectangles, (linuxdcpp:1351): Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_engine_shape_covers: assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)' failed, any suggestions what to do?23:01
genii<nOStahl> hey all anyone know of a linux face recognition login project?23:01
Slartcafree: wget and crontab might work for a simple setup.. don't know if there is anything ready and packaged23:01
corey__Sylphid, I am unable to try that, since what is between my router and my desktop is terrain23:01
Crshmanthe xserver says that it failed to load the kernel module, I've tried to reinstall nvidia-glx-180 with no avail23:01
Crshmanany ideas?23:01
geniinOStahl: Perhaps check out  http://groups.google.com/group/linux-biometrics/browse_thread/thread/55dd4428f1ddf80b23:01
cafreeSlart: ok.  I could probably write my own, but I'm sure I'm not the first guy to want this23:01
skyboundScunizi: seems so, but i never used any of them: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/projects.html23:02
kerm|tthe output of crontab's dont go anywhere and my logs arefull of: My unqualified host name (localhost) unknown;23:02
Schuenemannprince_jammys, things are messed. I see a lot of ??? instead of information if I do a ls -la $HOME23:02
Sylphidcorey__, try bypassing dns and open a site by ip to see if you have the same problem23:02
Scuniziskybound: thanks I'll look at them23:02
Davedanwhat is the root mail in ubuntu?23:03
ortsvorsteher!pm | racecar5623:03
ubotturacecar56: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:03
Schuenemannprince_jammys, chmod only lasts for the terminal session?23:03
ortsvorsteherracecar56: no, i dont use flash drive, so i have no idea yet.23:03
prince_jammysSchuenemann: hmm23:03
SudoKinghi guys it appears my resolution got knocked out of place after rebooting my computer.  How can I reset it back to default 1024x678?23:04
dxdtIf I want a package to reinstall AND put back its original .conf files, how can I do that with aptitude or apt-get?23:04
bouncingSomehow I installed ubuntu to think I want the uk-english dictionary. How can I change it to us-english?23:04
bouncingor maybe it's just firefox23:04
racecar56my flash drive... when i plug it in it just dosen't do anything. i'm on ubuntu 8.10 and i get this on dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/113333/ but i expected it to work as in be mount-able.23:04
dxdtIf I want to reinstall a package, AND have it actually reput its default conf files, how can I tell apt to do this?23:05
prince_jammysSchuenemann: no, chmod is permanent23:05
dxdtor aptitude23:05
EmperorVeloHey guys. I was wondering, which torrent client would you recommend for hardy heron?23:06
racecar56i like transmission23:06
erUSULEmperorVelo: deluge23:06
Slartandeluge ftw23:06
racecar56getdeb.net has debs23:06
marcelprince_jammys: i found the answer with lpr filename ...23:06
racecar56i dont usually fool with torrents23:06
mrwesdxdt, you can completely remove the package from synaptic manager, which will remove config files, then reinstall23:06
Rencxhow i can mount HDD if i dont have windows?23:06
mrwes+1 Deluge23:06
prince_jammysmarcel: cool. i hope the help file was useful23:06
racecar56but if i do i have a hardy heron virtual machine23:06
dxdtmrwes: not an option, Xorg isn't installd23:06
prince_jammysSchuenemann: so what's going on?23:06
Schuenemannprince_jammys, I'm at $HOME. I do chmod 644 -R .  -- I get "cannot access '.' : permission denied23:07
marcelprince_jammys: i must to conect the second printer printer on serial port...23:07
oCean_racecar56: It may be mountable, however the output in dmesg is not very hopeful. Does "fdisk -l /dev/sdg" list the partition(s) on the drive?23:07
marcelprince_jammys: and now lpr filename .... works fine23:07
EmperorVeloDoes deluge support RSS?23:07
marcelprince_jammys: the printer must to be connected on serial port / parallel port don't work23:08
Rencxwhen i want mount my ntfs external hard disk it drops error and say that i need connect it to windows23:08
Slartoh man.. now I have to find out how to make irssi highligh Slart but not Slartan..go go gadget man page23:08
racecar56the /dev thing never even exists23:08
prince_jammysSchuenemann: get out of your home, and 'ls -ld /home/youruser'23:08
racecar56it kills it23:08
Scuniziskybound: http://lives.sourceforge.net/index.php?do=features23:08
IIN_Bhaha get out your home..23:08
prince_jammysSchuenemann: wjat23:08
prince_jammysSchuenemann: what's the output of that?23:08
oCean_racecar56: this "sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't" ... same behaviour on other OS ?23:09
Schuenemannprince_jammys, let me join IRC with that computer so I can paste it here. breb23:09
Cpudan80Dont paste here!23:09
prince_jammysit's only one line23:10
Schuenemann? it's just a line23:10
=== rj_x is now known as rj_x|away
Cpudan80ok then ;-)23:10
oCean_racecar56: it could be hardware problem.. with the flashdrive23:10
Rencxhow i can mount HDD if i dont have windows?23:10
Schuenemannargh... how can I copy from xterm?23:10
mrwesdxdt: sudo dpkg -P package_name23:10
prince_jammysSchuenemann: who owns it, and what are the permissions?23:10
EmperorVeloDoes deluge support RSS feeds?23:11
SlartanSlart: sorry :) regex maybe?23:11
prince_jammysSchuenemann: select it and middle click in the irc client23:11
Rencxwhen i want mount my ntfs external hard disk it drops error and say that i need connect it to windows23:11
SlartSlartan: yup.. I'm sure there is a way =)23:11
Schuprince_jammys,   drwxr-xr-x 50 otto otto 4096 2009-02-03 19:58 /home/otto23:12
oCean_Schuenemann: "xsel" can do that... it's sweet23:12
skyboundScunizi: looks impressive, probably meant mostly for video editing; i used mencoder really just to make a movie of a lot of png images and add a bit of music. that worked fine on the command line; thanks for pointing anyway23:12
=== Schuenemann is now known as anything
mrwesEmperorVelo, yes..there is an RSS plugin23:12
prince_jammysSchu: ok, that's good23:12
Gorlistwhats the command to list partitions and sizes? df -h ?23:12
marcelhHi! Does anyone know, when sun's java 1.6.0_12 will be integrated for ubuntu 64bit?23:12
=== Schu is now known as Schuenemann
racecar56@oCean_, it dosen't work on other OS23:12
=== anything is now known as Schuenemann-
racecar56i even tried plugging it in a windows (not that i knew how to use it) and it didnt do anything23:13
kaz1nskycan someone help me out with pulseaudio? can't get the sound server to run23:13
oCean_racecar56: but you expect it to work in good ol' linux?23:13
prince_jammysSchuenemann: now do what you were going to do (supercareful) from OUTSIDE the directory23:13
BsimsI am looking for a semi-translucent weather plasmoid for kde 4.2 any ideas?23:13
oCean_racecar56: I think the device is kaputt :/23:13
Gorlistignore, I was still in lftp :)23:13
Schuenemann-prince_jammys, you mean chmod -R 664 /home/otto23:13
corey__Sylphid, I gave up hope with dnsmasq and configured dnscache. works great!!23:14
prince_jammysSchuenemann-: what's the current status of things in your dir?23:14
robfis anyone familiar with the mildly retarded and unintuitive "update-grub" utility?23:14
Schuenemann-prince_jammys, what exacly?23:14
Rencxwhen i want mount my ntfs external hard disk it drops error and say that i need connect it to windows. how can i mount it in Ubuntu?23:14
prince_jammysSchuenemann: the permissions23:14
nickrud_robf, moderately23:15
Joker_-_Can anyone help me out configuring my Xorg.conf... I seriously read everything I could find on google, tryed everything, every damn drivers I could find, I just can't set this thing up correctly. (ATI 8500LE, tv-out ONLY - No vga or DVI)23:15
robfRencx: whats the exact error ,  paraphrasing sometimes make thing seem odd23:15
robfnickrud_: ok,  I want NO altoptions.   if I remove it,  it just adds it back,  if i leave it with the altoptions=  blank  I just have two kernel entries23:15
racecar56oh noes23:15
robfI want just 1 entry,  nothing else,  a single solitary entry23:15
racecar56too bad its dead23:15
Rencxrobf: of wrong disconected hdd23:15
racecar56if it is then thats bad cause its 4G23:15
racecar56at least i dont have data on it23:16
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  http://pastebin.com/m6f5bdeb3 there23:16
binarymutantanyone know if ISOs are built daily, weekly, monthly, or just once?23:16
robfRencx: hrm...23:16
robfso any idea nickrud_ ?23:16
nickrud_Robf you're trying to not have alternative (recovery) versions?23:16
zacktuit looks as if /etc/network/interfaces lost entries for wireless -- network manager still shows all the right stuff -- how can i get NM to write everything back to the interfaces file?23:16
robfif I want sinle user mode23:16
robfI'll boot vby hand from grub with single23:17
marcelhDoes anyone know, when sun's java 1.6.0_12 will be integrated for ubuntu 64bit?23:17
gbear14275I have been getting hangups in my gui for a few days now and I think i may have just found the problem... has anyone seen this before?:23:17
gbear14275[mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.23:17
gbear14275[mi] mieqenequeue: out-of-order valuator event; dropping.23:17
robfother people who are mildly retarded use this box23:17
nickrud_robf, that's the #alternative=true/false option iirc23:17
robfso I don't want things that they can select that needn't23:17
Rencxrobf: Unable to mount the volume23:17
robfnickrud_: oh heh... still how unintutive...23:17
Joker_-_Can anyone help me out configuring my Xorg.conf... I seriously read everything I could find on google, tryed everything, every damn drivers I could find, I just can't set this thing up correctly. (ATI 8500LE, tv-out ONLY - No vga or DVI) : http://pastebin.com/f1e4aca9b23:17
robfRencx:  do me this23:17
prince_jammysSchuenemann: ok, so everything is 75523:17
nickrud_robf, you can also lock the alternatives, or password protect23:17
prince_jammysSchuenemann: this is probably going to be fine.23:17
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  ok, I'll try23:18
robfRencx:  run all the commands you're doing and copy paste both what you typed and the output so I can get ag rasp of the issue here23:18
Schuenemannchmod 644 -R /home/otto23:18
prince_jammysSchuenemann: don't run any commands23:18
robfnickrud_: yeah I know,  i just don't like clutter...23:18
prince_jammysSchuenemann: no23:18
prince_jammysSchuenemann: don't do that23:18
robfnickrud_: got enough IRL clutter,  don't need it on my box23:18
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  but everything is executable23:18
nickrud_robf, I have to scroll though all my options :)23:18
prince_jammysSchuenemann: all it means is that your common text files, etc. are all marked executable23:18
robfnickrud_: sort of a minimalist gentoo user here... so trying to at least keep some sanity in the world of ubuntul ;)23:18
Rencxrobf: i dont use any commands i just plug in USB23:18
robfRencx: eh.23:19
robfRencx: try mounting it by hand23:19
robfif its usb its prolly fat16 / fat32 one or the othr23:19
prince_jammysSchuenemann: this will make all regular files non-executable: find "$HOME" -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;23:19
Rencxrobf: it is NTFS but removed without safely remove23:19
robfmouth Rencx oh ok23:19
prince_jammysSchuenemann: you need directories to be executable in order to access their contents23:19
robfRencx: its flagged bad23:20
robfRencx: needs a windows disk check or whatever23:20
robflike you powered down without unkmounting in windows23:20
robftry forcing it?23:20
Bsimsrobf: fsck will do windows checking23:20
oCean_Rencx: robf a forced mount "mount -f" will do23:20
nickrud_Joker_-_, you should probably add a link to the log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log on a pastebin somewhere, of the failed startup. Usually some useful info there23:20
robfBsims: oh it will huh... nice23:20
Bsimsrobf: so long as its not ntfs yeah23:20
robfBsims: its ntfs he said23:20
harleyHow do I configure Amarok to be like rythmbox and just have one big list of songs instead of a tree?23:20
Joker_-_nickrud_: it startups fine, It just doesnt shoot the damn screen on the TV23:21
robfBsims: though ntfs on a usb key is odd imho23:21
Joker_-_nickrud_: If I had an error, I could troubleshoot...23:21
robfBsims: its safe to force a mount anyhow23:21
Bsimsrobf: depends on the size of the drive...23:21
robfBsims: ah23:21
Bsimsrobf: yeah its safe23:21
nickrud_heh Joker_-_ a point there ;)23:21
oCean_Rencx: robf .. mount -f will do, really.23:21
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  it's over23:21
dixonionthedemonso is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing23:21
robfoCean_: I know.23:21
prince_jammysSchuenemann: as in ... ok?23:21
Joker_-_nickrud_: I hate ATI.23:21
robfoCean_: thats what I told him to do?23:21
oCean_Rencx: do you know the devicename? See "dmesg" output23:21
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  no, as in the command finished heh. No output. How to check if it's ok?23:22
oCean_robf: i see (now)..23:22
binarymutantanyone know if the official Ubuntu ISOs are built daily, weekly, monthly, or just once?23:22
prince_jammysSchuenemann: see if you can access files and directories normally23:22
nightrid3rbinarymutant: once23:22
robfoCean_: :p23:22
nickrud_binarydigit, each time there's a release (8.04, 8.04.1, etc)23:22
binarymutantnightrid3r, thanks :)23:22
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  I think it's ok. I can access dirs and regular files aren't executable23:22
robfis 8.10 even safe to use23:22
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  thank you very much23:22
robfIrritating Ibis or whatever23:22
prince_jammysSchuenemann: now you know: 'chmod -R' can be VERY destructive23:22
_moro_bana_is there any menu for screenn brightness, the hotkeys dont work, guesss they work for windows only?23:23
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  yeah, anything -R can, I guess23:23
_VIM_'irriating ibis' lolz23:23
nickrud_too many binary's in this channel23:23
prince_jammysSchuenemann: true23:23
_VIM_8.04 ftw~!23:23
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview23:23
robfnickrud_: too many binaries?23:23
nickrud_robf, nick in this case23:23
kc8pxyi've been fighting to get apporx to work on a non-debian-based distro, and vaulted every hurdle, so far, but I'm stuck on the following error message..23:23
robfhave you mastered chmod?23:23
kc8pxyCan't exec "dpkg-parsechangelog": No such file or directory at /home/gecko/Desktop/approx-3.3.0/mkversion line 10.23:23
RencxoCean_: [18555.224872] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through23:23
Rencx[18555.225694]  sdb: sdb123:23
nickrud_erm, nicks23:23
kc8pxyhow do i fix/fake my way past that?23:24
robfrelevant and on topic23:24
robfhe knows CHMOD23:24
oCean_Rencx: pls do "fdisk -l /dev/sdb" to list partitions on that drive23:24
binarymutantrobf, lol nice pic but offtopic23:24
dixonionthedemonso is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing23:24
robfbinarymutant: is not off topic look...  < _moro_bana_> !chmod23:25
robfI was saying (on topic)  one could hire this man who's resume(cv)  this is23:25
oCean_robf: ghehe.. chmod23:25
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  now I'm back at the original problem: not being able to start gnome normally :D23:25
RencxoCean_: cant open /dev/sdb23:25
prince_jammysSchuenemann: what's the problem?23:25
robfoCean_: shouldn't he fsck  /dev/sdb123:25
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  I described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=665377023:25
oCean_Rencx: sudo23:25
RencxoCean_: fdisk -l /dev/sd23:25
oCean_Rencx: start command with sudo23:26
gaelfxI'm using an MSI Wind U120 and the wireless never connects faster than 1 mbps, it's using ath9k driver. How do I get a faster connection? (I know it's not the router that's at fault)23:26
MarkusTCan someone shed some light on this: Why is there a 0.3.6 packagekit source package and a 0.3.13 binary package in Jaunty? It seems source was build successfully, why isn't it in the repositories?23:26
binarymutantrobf, I don't think resume skills == ubuntu support, but I guess I'm wrong23:26
MarkusTSee: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/0.3.6-0ubuntu523:26
RencxoCean_: sory... i see now    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System23:26
Rencx/dev/sdb1               1      121601   976760001    7  HPFS/NTFS23:26
prince_jammysSchuenemann: this normally has to do with the .ICEauthority file in your homedir23:26
gaelfx!pastebin | Rencx23:27
ubottuRencx: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:27
oCean_Rencx: great. Now try this: "mount -f -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt"23:27
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  it was, once. I deleted and it went fine, but then it started again and didn't solve anymore. This idea of sharing /home partition was really bad23:27
dixonionthedemonso is anyone sure how to get a logitech quickcam messenger to work with ubuntu? i can get a video feed but its just static, which means that ubuntu is reading the camera, but not ... sumthing23:27
oCean_robf: trying the forced mount.. not fsck23:27
prince_jammysSchuenemann: make sure it's owned by you, and chmod 600 ~/.ICEauthority23:27
robfbinarymutant: yeah i know.  but I often stray from topic as to not go insane from countless hours of helping mugs in ##linux and #gentoo :p23:27
robfoCean_: either way,  needs to be /sdb1 not sdb,  can mount a whole drive =s23:27
binarymutantrobf, I know the feeling23:27
oCean_robf: arg, yes23:27
prince_jammysSchuenemann: you may even move it to somewhere else (as backup) and i think it will be recreated23:28
gaelfxdixonionthedemon: how are you getting a video feed? I mean what software are you using?23:28
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  -rw------- 1 otto otto 7963 2009-02-03 19:58 .ICEauthority   it's like this now23:28
prince_jammysSchuenemann: that's good23:28
Joker_-_xorg detects DVI and VGA but not TV-OUT (S-Video) despite whatever I write in my config file... Please for god's sake someone save a guy from suicide.23:28
oCean_robf: ow, but I used the /dev/sdb1 in the mount example :) .. in the fdisk -l the partion number is not necessary23:28
BassKozzin a bash script, what's the difference between using ">" or ">>" to output ?23:29
RencxoCean_: ntfs-3g: Unknown option '-f'.23:29
robfoCean_: fdisk or fsck23:29
Droopsta915Anyone get the ypop repository gpg key. I cant find it anywhere.?.23:29
robfbig diff ;)23:29
robfI dunno what he's doing now23:29
Sylphidgaelfx, http://wiki.msiwind.net/index.php/Ubuntu_8.04_Hardy_Heron#Option_2:_Compiling_Drivers_for_the_Supplied_Wireless_Card23:29
robfif he wants to repart that drive... ignore me23:29
gaelfxdixonionthedemon: well, how do you know that ubuntu is actually recognizing the camera?23:29
dixonionthedemonusing skype23:29
dixonionthedemonthe camera lights up23:29
dixonionthedemoni get a green screen23:29
fixnumhello. I can't find apache's htdocs folder. where does ubuntu install that folder23:29
dixonionthedemonand static23:29
fixnumoh, it's /var/www23:29
gaelfx!enter | dixonionthedemon23:30
ubottudixonionthedemon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:30
fixnumi meant, I can't find the configuration files23:30
geniifixnum: /etc/apache2   dir23:30
robfhow can I upgrade to 8.10 without causing complete fail23:30
oCean_Rencx: ok.. maybe the -f flag should be at end of command23:30
slacker_nlBassKozz: > is create/overwrite the file, >> is append to file23:30
gaelfxSylphid: thanks man23:31
fixnumthanks genii23:31
BassKozzslacker_nl: Thanks :-D23:31
robfoCean_: are you trying to fsck or fdisk23:31
oCean_robf: atm mount23:31
robfoCean_: oh ok...23:31
robfoCean_: ya said fdisk and scared me23:31
Wunderbarhey guys, just install kubuntu23:31
oCean_robf: we did the fdisk -l before23:31
Wunderbarenjoying the experience so far23:31
oCean_robf: fdisk -l is nothing to be scared of23:31
slacker_nlBassKozz: although >> will also create the file if it doesn't exists23:31
Droopsta915I'm trying to get my yahoo account working with Evolution, what can I do to get it to work?23:31
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  the idea of sharing home dir was suggested by slackware installation. It seems it sucks, though23:31
robfoCean_: i didn't see the -l23:31
RencxoCean_:  still dont work23:31
Wunderbarbut how would I get the sound working?23:31
Wunderbarsounds simple I knwi23:32
Wunderbarknow, even23:32
Wunderbarbut I'm not too bright23:32
oCean_Rencx: moment.. i have to scrollback :)23:32
robfoCean_: I thought you confused fdisk with fsck for some reason and was like woah23:32
prince_jammysSchuenemann: you should be able to get it to work. i see you changed your UID and GID23:32
prince_jammysSchuenemann: are you able to sudo normally now?23:33
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  yeah, it made it work at that time. But then it happened again23:33
brianwillis1984hey everyone could i get some help with ubuntu server...i have no desktop enviroment23:33
robfWunderbar: its ok not being bright,  many special needs students use kubuntu23:33
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  yes. Everything looks fine, except that first login option does not work23:33
BassKozzslacker_nl: Roger that, I've been using ">>" solely but now I know the difference... Thanks again for helping out ;-)23:33
nightrid3rWunderbar: tell use what your soundcard is an what it does/doesn't and maybe we can help you23:33
robfWunderbar: but sound usually works out of the box....  what kinda sound device ya got?23:33
slacker_nlBassKozz: np23:33
Wunderbarwhatever sound card is usually provided with a thinkpad t6123:34
robfhas anyone upgraded from hardy heron to ignorant ibis and not failed completely?23:34
robfWunderbar: laptop?   hrm  no clue23:34
* brianwillis1984 wants to know if anyone knows much about ubuntu server23:34
Wunderbarok, this is odd23:34
=== dixonionthedemon is now known as dixon
ZmAYhello, can somebody help me with pango error.. :  Pango-CRITICAL **: _pango_engine_shape_covers: assertion `PANGO_IS_FONT (font)' failed23:34
Wunderbarsound with amarok works fine23:34
nightrid3rWunderbar: lspci in a terminal will list your card23:34
Wunderbarbut when I try and use audacious thats when I have problems23:34
robfbrianwillis1984: what about it?23:35
Wunderbarsame with smplayer23:35
=== dixon is now known as dixon2008
robfWunderbar: hrm.   you telling them to use the right mixer?23:35
gaelfxdixon2008: why don't you pastebin lsusb23:35
MarkusTrobf: Warty->Jaunty, minor problems....23:35
lockbrian: install gnome23:35
oCean_Rencx: first, run the command without the -f I think it should come up with the error about not cleanly unmounted, but not sure23:35
dixon2008oiy... if anyone knows how to get the logitech quickcam messenger to work plz pm me23:35
brianwillis1984lock: how and where new to ubuntu and servers all together23:35
robfMarkusT: eh?   no clue those namen...   I'm using 8 something and hit the lil upgrade to 8.10  ii  and it shat itself23:36
robfbroke X all over23:36
prince_jammysSchuenemann: i see you have fluxbox. does fluxbox work properly for both distros?23:36
robfprolly a driver issue23:36
oordezmy network tools has disappoint from admin options can any one help23:36
RencxoCean_: now it says: "System policy prevents mounting internal media" when i write password it again show me error.23:36
MarkusTrobf: 4.10 -> 9.0423:36
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  only slackware has it. It's working fine23:36
locklet me see here, i did that 4 days ago newb myself23:36
robfMarkusT: 9.04?23:36
robfI thought it was at 8.1023:36
oCean_Rencx: Internal media?23:36
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  ubuntu and fedora have gnome, slackware has fluxbox and debian has none yet23:36
oordezdisappeared  i ment23:37
RencxoCean_: can you write comand?23:37
brianwillis1984robf: i dont have any desktop enviroment on my ubuntu server think u could help?23:37
robfbrianwillis1984: uhm..  why would you want one?23:37
MarkusTrobf: 9.04 is the development version and will be finished in April 09 (hence 9.04)23:37
RencxoCean_: it started to show this code page23:37
robfMarkusT: ah ha...  well when I hit upgrade... it breaks everything23:37
vltDoes anyone know which kernel package I need to run Ubuntu 8.10 in a XEN domU? There's no one ending in -xen but there's a linux-image-2.6.27-7-virtual pkg. Is that xen aware?23:38
brianwillis1984robf: im still a noob and a noob to server all together?23:38
robfis there soemthing i need to be aware of in the 8.0whatever HH to 8.1023:38
oCean_Rencx: I think I got the right option to force..23:38
oCean_Rencx: "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt -o force"  <-- that's the forced mount23:38
robfbrianwillis1984: newb to english as well?     anyhow,  yeh,  uhm.   I'm sure they have a meta package for gnome just apt-get it?23:38
oCean_Rencx: start with sudo23:38
robflemme see23:38
lockwrite something like "sudo apt-get -i gnome-desktop-environment"23:38
MarkusTrobf: No. Just use the update-manager23:38
locki think thats what i did23:39
dixon2008i am using uuntu 8.1023:39
locktotal newb here so ....23:39
MarkusTCan someone shed some light on this: Why is there a 0.3.6 packagekit source package and a 0.3.13 binary package in Jaunty? It seems source was build successfully, why isn't it in the repositories?23:39
oordezdoes any one know how to get network options back in admin options its disappeared23:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:40
RencxoCean_: here is result... http://paste.ubuntu.com/113385/23:40
lockdid that help brian?23:40
fiftyonehi whats the difference between GDM GTK 1.x 2.x ??23:40
prince_jammysSchuenemann: i'd look around the web. there's others who have had your problem. Eg: google sharing /home directory many distros .ICEauthority23:41
oCean_Rencx: seems even a forced mount command does not like the filesystem on the disk23:41
prince_jammysSchuenemann: there's a few threads with people with your problem. careful with all the random crap code that's out there.23:42
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  I found a lot of entries for that error message, but none about having many distros23:42
RencxoCean_: only way is put this hard drive to windows and then safely remove?23:42
oordezany one how do i get network tools option back in admin tab23:42
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  haha yeah. After this last one I ran, I'll be a lot more careful from now23:42
prince_jammysSchuenemann: that google search i pasted will show you some people with your problem23:42
oCean_Rencx: yes so it seems... Sometimes the forced mount option works, though23:42
zacktucan anyone help with wireless dns23:43
lockhey what do you guys use for a torrent client, deluge?23:43
RencxoCean_: ok ty for trying to help me..23:43
oCean_Rencx: no problem.23:43
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fiftyoneanyone know what the difference (when themeing ) is between gdm gtk 1.x and gtk 2.x?23:44
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  it's weird only ubuntu has problems with that23:44
oordezany one hear me23:44
prince_jammysSchuenemann: accessing data files should be easy across distros. it's the stupid dotfiles for applications/desktop environments that's a pain23:44
vltHello. Which kernel package do I need to run Ubuntu 8.10 in a XEN domU? linux-image-virtual?23:45
oordeztake it no one knows the answer to my question23:46
fiftyoneanyone know what the difference (when themeing ) is between gdm gtk 1.x and gtk 2.x?23:46
oordezseems like no one knows fiftyone23:46
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  what is the difference between choosing GNOME or that first option (Xclient something)? Perhaps it's not even worth looking so much for a solution if GNOME still logs in23:48
prince_jammysSchuenemann: first option of what23:48
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  session type23:48
prince_jammysSchuenemann: different desktop environments23:48
zacktuoordez: right click on System in your toolbar -- then click on Administration and see wether Network Tools is checked23:48
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  what changes? I don't remember anything different23:49
prince_jammysSchuenemann: nothing all that important. mostly cosmetic stuff, some keyboard shortcuts...23:49
Schuenemann"Execute script Xclient" is the name23:49
prince_jammysSchuenemann: it's important to some people, but you don't seem to care. try installing fluxbox in ubuntu and see if it works23:50
prince_jammyssudo apt-get install fluxbox23:50
prince_jammysyou already have it in your other distro23:50
_moro_bana_whats inside usenet?23:50
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  why? just to test?23:51
prince_jammysSchuenemann: well, if you don't care about running gnome, and gnome is the one causing a problem ...23:51
prince_jammysSchuenemann: a lazy "fix" would be just not to run gnome, unless you feel like troubleshooting it23:51
skeeboThat's not too helpful23:51
prince_jammysskeebo: ok, you take over.23:52
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  maybe I should install ubuntu again23:52
prince_jammysSchuenemann: i wouldn't23:52
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  it would reinstall ubuntu...23:53
prince_jammysSchuenemann: what would?23:53
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  sorry, I mean it would reinstall gnome23:54
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prince_jammysSchuenemann: but why? there's probably nothing wrong with gnome. you just have to figure out how to get gnome to load properly across distros ... or use something else23:54
gmaphow do I force kill an application?23:55
prince_jammysgmap: first try killing it normally23:55
prince_jammyspkill nameofapp23:55
gmaphow can I see a list of running apps23:55
gmapi dont know the name of the app exactly23:55
flositgmap: ps -ef23:56
redvamp128gmap:  or if the app is on the desktop-- add to panel the force-quit and click it then the window.23:56
prince_jammysi don't remember how gnome does it, but 'ps aux' will show you all processes23:56
Schuenemannprince_jammys,  well, I guess I'll stick with the session type I'm using. If things get worse (like when I install a desktop environment for debian), I'll give up this idea of sharing /home23:56
=== psychaos is now known as alicantimur
gmapredvamp128 how do I add to panel the force-quite?23:57
redvamp128gmap:  find a blank space on your taskbar-- right click choose add to panel -- then find force quit23:58
prince_jammysgmap: you should already have an entry in the menus to view all processes23:58
gmapok thanks23:59

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